View Full Version : Help Making a Diety/Quasidiety

2013-03-20, 02:48 PM
So knowing my players in my RL game, I want to have this diety stated up for when they meet him. Odds are they will try to kill him.

I am looking to try and build Fenrir from Norse Mythology. He is the son of the Half-Azier/Half Jotunn god Loki. He is also a massive wolf with immense strength, pride, and cunning if a bit brash. He is massive enough that if he opens his jaws fully, one will cleave the sky while the other rends the earth.

Currently in the game Fenrir is bound by the chain of the dwarves. Its links made of things that don't exist. The only way to break it is to prove they do, this will weaken the links allowing Fenrir to break them. He is kept from biting right now due to an artifact sword being wedged in his jaws so that if they close it will pierce his skull killing him.

Hopefully, they will do as I suspect and free him to speak, then take his quests to find the materials of his chains. However, a few players have been complaining of not enough violence and might try to kill him instead.

I have never stated up something of this nature before, and Dieties and Demigods was no help. Please playground, help me bring this god to life.

I would also like to stat his two son's but they are not as important right now.

2013-03-20, 02:52 PM
Abomination rules maybe?


The Brachyurus might be a good starting point:


since the Epic Handbook actually says "The Fenris wolf springs from brachyurus stock".

Shining Wrath
2013-03-20, 03:04 PM
In Ragnorok, Fenris kills Odin. As in "Thor's daddy, King of the Pantheon" Odin.

So I would recommend going big. Size gargantuan, STR and CON around 50, bite does a handful of D12's, claw/claw/bite routine, SR 25, move 80, pounce, improved trip, teeth count as magic and adamantine for overcoming DR, fur gives DR 10/-, Frightful Presence. Move Silently, Track, Listen, Spot all high.

2013-03-20, 03:06 PM
Might the dicefreaks deity rules:


be an improvement on the Deities & Demigods ones?

2013-03-20, 03:18 PM
Given that his story is already 'fated' and writ out, it'd make sense to give him Fearless Destiny or better yet Pawn of the Great Game. That'd also explain why, despite the fact that he's chained up and unable to attack, the gods haven't just killed him yet (until his time comes, he can just crush the Fort save on Pawn and can't fail on a 1 due to deity).

Thus if someone wants to bypass his fate they have to figure out a way to get past his ability to just not die from things that should kill him. This is doubly tricky because of divine rank giving him immunity to most of the ways you'd normally use (like Con drain). Its still probably doable, but it provides an interesting puzzle. He can't really be a combat, because he's chained up and unable to attack, so his 'challenge' has to be in the form of a really strong inability to be killed given the whole salvo of actions that can be used against him. Without that kind of thing he really should be dead already.

That said, even chained up he's likely to have defenders who would come to his aid. These defenders could easily be within the killable/challenging range for the PCs, and would provide the actual combat encounter while Fenrir is sort of a set-piece goal sitting in the back - the longer the PCs hold out against the mooks, the more stuff they can try to do to end him.