View Full Version : Dump all your ideas here!

2013-03-20, 03:53 PM
So, I'm gonna start a 3.5 campaign as a DM soon, and the main events and fights are gonna be regarding an ancient artifact activating once every [insert random number] years, which gives a powerful and worthy mortal the chance to become a demigod. The PGs, after the usual 10 levels spent killing orcs and kobolds, and helping the old lady to rescue her kitten, will have the choice of siding with one (or 3) out of 9 NPGs, each one representing an alignment. So they could help the legal good one, the neutral evil, or just the whole good/evil faction. Or they could betray their faction and start a fight for who gets the divine power.
Anyway, I needed some builds for the PNGs. Two of them are already done, but the other seven are just ideas.
The fixed ones are the CE (a hyper-optimized kobold wizard, which is the reincarnation of a white dragon who was banned for trying to get the divine powah the last time) and the LE (a cloistered cleric/Bone Knight human melee build).

The other ones should be
LG (a mounted charger knight)
NG (a healing-focused dwarven cleric)
CG (a bear warrior/fist of the forest or another unarmed fighter)
LN (no ideas)
Neutral (oracle-like diviner)
CN (feral elf druid)
LE (a tiefling rogue/swashbuckler/assassin)

Do you think you'd enjoy playing this as a PG?
Feel free to contribute in every way, suggesting a build, a totally different NPG from the suggested ones, a plot twist, or also saying "your idea is awful".

Little edit: The only books banned are MoI, ToB and all the psyonic material. Also, some spells will be banned due to their excessive OP-ness (polymorph and the likes, celerity, wraithstrike, shivering touch and gate, along with Leadership and Craft Contingent Spell)

Gwazi Magnum
2013-03-20, 04:03 PM
Sounds promising, but flesh them all out beyond alignment.

Give each of the characters a personality and the group as a whole a name, cause and purpose beyond "We're Chaotic Good!".

For example, Lawful Evil could a dark order of very powerful death knights, assassins, wizards etc who all have come under an uneasy but orderly alliance for the sake of gaining more power and recognizing that they are more effective when working together than when at war.

The Chaotic Evil side could of an assortment of wild tribes, slavers, freed criminals etc who are held under the rule on one person. They main reason for staying being they either die if they leave or they simply enjoy the mass killing, pain, suffering and destruction they cause.

As for your Lawful Neutral, I suggest some kind of Monk or Wizard. Someone whose only purpose is to keep order and neutrality. They can be seen as the biggest illogical **** in the world, even more of a **** than the Lawful evil people because the Lawful Neutral person may have no clear understandable goal in mind. He just keeps things in order or the same as they used to be, may it be through good or evil means.

Motivations could be that he simply dislikes change and doesn't want to see things change, or he believes that the lack of rules, laws or regulations may it be for the purpose of good or evil will lead to chaos and destruction.

2013-03-20, 04:13 PM
Well, I actually had some background history for each one of them (except for the lawful neutral one). For example, the Lawful Good would've been the Count of a kingdom who took the vow of bahamut (aka became a dragonborn) for him and his most faithful men to create an elite order whose only goal is defending the kingdom; the dwarf priest was one of the heads of the church of moradin, and so on. What i was looking for is completely different ideas, or maybe just the builds for the NPCs since i'm really bad at optimizing.

The idea for the lawful neutral monk is pretty cool, some kind of "the balance must be preserved, no matter what" guy. Maybe he could just jump in and stop the PCs the first time they try to kill one of the chosens...

Gwazi Magnum
2013-03-20, 04:46 PM
Sounds good as a basis.

Glad I could help.

For the Monk though, remember to actually make him likeable and a bit reasonable a bit beyond "Neutrality! Bla bla bla!"

In my first d&d campaign the DM made a wizard like that, essentially used as his reserve for when players did something huge that he didn't like.

But the character who was supposed to be the most powerful wizard of all time just came off as "I don't like this! It actually changes things! Bla bla, change is bad! Bla bla!".

Try to avoid making the Monk come off this way of he'll just be an annoying pain for your players.