View Full Version : 4e Adventures Worth Converting

2013-03-20, 08:28 PM
Some of my groups have dabbled in 4e, but none liked it well enough to stick with it. So, we continue to play 3.Xe with homebrew adjustments.

Are there any 4e adventures that are worth converting to 3.Xe. I'm looking for well put together ideas that will make for great gaming because of the story, ideas, concept, feel, etc. Obviously I'd have to make a lot adjustments, but a good idea is a good idea and a good story is a good story. What adventures do you know that are worth the time an energy of conversion from 4e to 3.Xe?

2013-03-20, 09:38 PM
Scales of War is a 4e adventure which is, as I understand it, a sequel to Red Hand of Doom. I can see that being worth porting into 3.x, though I've never seen any of it myself.

2013-03-21, 07:28 AM
I'll definitely look into that. We've been big fans of Red Hand of Doom. Thanks.

2013-03-21, 07:38 AM
I'm playing through Thunderspire Labyrinth, and it's been a blast. Haven't finished it though, so I can't tell you about how it ends, but it's been pretty awesome.

2013-03-21, 08:16 AM
Thanks. What makes it a great adventure?

2013-03-21, 10:43 AM
Scales of War is a 4e adventure which is, as I understand it, a sequel to Red Hand of Doom. I can see that being worth porting into 3.x, though I've never seen any of it myself.

I'll second this... I was planning on running Scales for my 4e group but would like to see it as a 3.5 campaign. It looks to be a pretty good Adventure Path.

It does, however, run into epic 4e levels, which are really different from 3.5 epic levels. 4e epic is far less of a power jump than it is here so you will either have to make it a 1-20 adventure or try to deal with the sillines that is epic 3.5. Making it a 1-20 adventure would be hard, however, since the final boss fight is against Tiamat and 20th level characters should probably be smashed by a lesser diety barring high optimization.

2013-03-21, 11:17 PM
Thanks. What makes it a great adventure?

NOTE: This perception could be due to my awesome DM and not to the adventure itself, as I haven't read the adventure myself (haven't even finished it yet).

It's an open-world (open-region I guess) scenario with many plot hooks and lots of things going on at the same time, and many interesting NPCs. It's definitely not good vs evil: no one in there would be classified as good, the "goodest" ones are shady at best. There's lots of misinformation too: at some point, halfway through, we decided to go rumor-hunting, to see if someone knew the way to a particular gang, and found lots of info that contradicted what we had from earlier, and as such had to reconsider every possibility.