View Full Version : Diseases and Curses and Poisons, Oh My!

Realms of Chaos
2013-03-21, 12:05 AM
Hey there, people of the forum

I am thinking of starting to assemble a campaign in the not-too-distant future and one recurrent theme that I'm thinking of adding (if only because the BBEG is kind of obsessed over them) are diseases, curses, poisons, and other creatures. Stuff like Vargouilles, Chaos Beasts, and mummies are the name of the game here (focusing less on poisons than on other forms of ailment).

I am aware of the poisoner's handbook but I don't think I've heard of any about curses or diseases so any help I could get in either finding a good link or assembling a small stable of creatures would be much appreciated.

2013-03-21, 03:30 AM
There are many variant uses of the (Greater) Bestow curse spell in the Book of vile darkness, including a curse that treats your natural 20'es as natural 1's (great for those vorpal sword abusers) and a variant that the BBEG can't be resurrected but curses his killer (curse strength depends on BBEG's HD)

AFAIK it is the only 3.5 official supplement that touches the subject of curses.

2013-03-21, 04:58 AM
great for those vorpal sword abusers

I didn't know there were any of those left. :smalltongue: