View Full Version : 3.P Arcane Archer Build

2013-03-21, 10:02 AM
We have been informed that out 14th level party is going to be adventuring through a very dangerous dungeon and we should have backup characters ready. Being both arrogant in my ability to survive and generally lazy I have not done this yet, and now it is time to go to work.

I've never played an archer before but it's a general prerequisite of my characters that they have some utility casting. So Arcane Archer seems like a thing. But I remember in 3.5 it was terrible. Is it better in 3.P, what are some things to look out for and what's the best entry method?

Thanks in advance!

2013-03-21, 10:33 AM
There are two styles to go for. One is pure martial classes with a 1-2 level wizard/sorcerer dip before you enter. This is the focused archery style, with a little bit of casting to buff yourself. The other is to go straight wizard until you enter the class. This is the focused magic style, where you mainly use imbue arrow on personal area spells like antimagic fields and obscuring mist, but you can't do much damage. I'm guessing from your post that you want the first style though, so don't take more than 1-2 levels of wizard/sorcerer.

The general method for building an archer is point blank shot, precise shot, rapid shot, improved precise shot, boots of speed, lesser bracers of archery, arrows of various metal types for DR, bane arrows matching common foes (at least undead, usually). And a nice bow of course, such as +1 holy corrosive shocking. For an arcane archer you get buffs like greater magic weapon, flame arrow, heroism, gravity bow, false life and mage armor if you're armorless. A lesser rod of extend spell is handy for buffs.

From there Pathfinder adds a number of options. For example there is a zen archer monk variant to flurry and ki out extra attacks. Or a straight fighter works well too for more attack bonus and damage per hit, but fewer attacks than the monk. Sometimes it works even better than the archer fighter variant, which is also an option of course. Or there's ranger if you like skills. Etc. Plus PF added a bunch of new archery feats to browse through. Take a look at it all and figure out what direction you want to go in before your prestige.

As for how good it is, you're lucky the campaign starts at high level. That's where archery damage can do a pretty good job of keeping up with melee. You get to full attack every round at a safe distance without worrying about cramped spaces. Most of your damage comes from your magic weapon plus from having so many attacks, so MAD issues are minor. The drawbacks at high level are DR and invisible foes, so don't forget the varied arrows I mentioned, and see invisibility is a good spell to take. Flight is less of a problem for you but you might at least want spider climb to get around dungeon obstacles. If not prepared then it works great on scrolls to keep for emergencies. Dimension door is likewise nice. At level 14 your casting is so good that you might even take more wizardy spells like web and black tentacles to soften up groups of foes while improved precise shot negates any drawbacks.

2013-03-21, 11:47 AM
Arcane Archer is MUCH better in 3.P, advancing casting was something the class sorely needed. That said, the "3." part of the equation is very important, as it opens up a lot of options for the build. A tentative one, if you may:

Fighter 2/ Wizard 4/ Spellsword 1/ Abjurant Champion 1/ Arcane Archer 4/ Abjurant Champion +4/ Sacred Exorcist 4

You get the basics for an effective gish: 9th level spells and BAB +17. Furthermore, you get the signature Imbue Arrow at AA 2 and the useful Seeker Arrow at AA 4. It just works.

You can probably do better than this, too. Knight Phantom (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20050706a&page=4)'s phantom steed would be specially juicy on a mounted combat focused AA, for example.

2013-03-21, 12:25 PM
You could also try a little more P in there, with a Magus 8/Arcane Archer 6, or throw in some Parmesan with a Magus 7/Abjurant Champion 1/Arcane Archer 4/Abjurant Champion 2/Magus 8

You get magus casting, can cast comfortably in medium armor and lots of the Abjurant champion goodness to go along with delivering hell via arrows.

2013-03-22, 07:57 PM
We're strictly P at this point. So the more complex 3. builds won't fly. My DM and I mused on the Half-Orc Witch that uses con based casting to go in to arcane archer. We both liked the idea but I don't know anything about Witches. So how doable would be this?

2013-03-22, 09:14 PM
For the archer's stats, just fine. For spells, the witch's spell list doesn't buff archers well (heroism & named bullet are about all) and doesn't benefit much from Imbue Arrow (you're looking for area effect spells with short range; waves of ecstasy & waves of exhaustion benefit but not much else does.).

2013-03-22, 10:34 PM
Gotcha. Ok, thanks. I think I can make something work.