View Full Version : Cohorts, Level Adjustment, and E6

2013-03-21, 11:28 AM
Ok, so one of my players is considering picking up leadership in one of my E6 games, partly for hoping to gather some followers to possibly help out with some ritualistic casting stuff and partially for a cohort (its a 3 player group, so it wouldn't be too bad if they all take leadership really) and I was looking around at some of the potentially cool cohorts I could grant them in the monster manual. A bunch of them actually have 4HD which fits perfectly at level 6, but then I noticed that they have 2 LA for being cohorts. But E6 handles LA differently to normal DnD in that it simply reduces your point buy. Since I would probably give normal cohorts a 32 point buy to keep up with the players, would it be acceptable to do the same and just reduce the point buy of the cohorts? I'm actually mostly considering intelligent mount type cohorts like giant eagles, giant owls and pegasi (those are the first few that pop into my head) so it shouldn't really affect what happens during a dungeon crawl, but gives the players some nice mode of transport and a loyal mount (as opposed to horses which so far the party has lost one to a mountain lion and 3 of which were stolen by bandits).

Also any other suggestions on cool cohorts that fit into something like this would be pretty cool. The world is very low magic so I do want to reward them by giving them something cool, as opposed to just.. a guy who follows them.

So basically anything with up to 4 racial hit dice, and up to 4LA (cohort or not) that could be cool as a cohort