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2013-03-21, 04:18 PM
Kleif is a small town beside the river Vinir, is is self-sustaining, seeing little foot traffic or boat traffic, being next to a smaller section of the river Vinir. Because of how small it is, outsiders are easy to spot, even to other outsiders, they are treated a little differently, do not get the usual courtesy and smiles.

2013-03-21, 04:48 PM
Ah, finally, Drax thought to himself, civilization. Perhaps they won't be as hostile as the previous town. the last town Drax had been in drove him out, not trusting his heritage Ben though he saved them from a goblin raid. Weary from travel, the sight of the town renewed his vigor, letting him walk faster in a brisk manner towards the town.

Admiral Squish
2013-03-21, 05:13 PM
In such a small town, the scene of the Gibberling's wagon pulling in to the town square draws stares. A pair of mules pull a wagon that looks like a small boat raised up on wheels, painted a brilliant blue from top to bottom. One gibberling sits on the wooden driver's bench. Just more than two and a half feet, his beard and mustache are parted into two long cones, obscuring his mouth completely. His hair is swept back into two wing-like frills. He's clad in a leather blacksmith's apron, and thick gloves. He tugs on the reigns, bringing the mules to a stop once they have a nice spot in the middle of the square.

Once a suitable crowd of gawkers has arrived, he leans back and knocks on the rest of the wagon. A long brass shaft suddenly juts out of the side of the wagon. Shimmering lights gather on the rod, then fall, forming a curtain of light, like an aurora. With a flash, two words of bright red light form in the middle of the curtain, proclaiming the store to be 'Keecha's Cache'. The side of the wagon folds down, revealing another gibberling, standing at the new window, grinning broadly, wearing a purple turban with silver stars. His beard is close-trimmed and smooth, and looking past him you can see many shelves stocked with items, bottles of alchemical substances, potions, wands, schemas, and knick-nacks of all sorts.

"Welcome, welcome! Welcome to Keecha's Cache, where all manner of marvelous materials can be found! Come, come, see my wonderful wares! We have potions to cure what ails you, magical mysteries from distant lands that will astound and amaze!" He extolls, scanning the crowd for a reaction. Suddenly he points a clawed finger forward, gesturing at a nearby man. "You sir! You look like you have the eye of a connoisseur, come closer and let me show you what wonders we have to show you!" He smiled, beckoning him closer.

2013-03-22, 02:06 AM
Prospero had been trying to familiarise himself with the inn's common room. The Black Boar was little more than benches and a row of barrels jealously guarded by a stereotypical fat barkeep but it looked a reasonable place to set in his mind in case of emergencies. There were two grizzled old locals in the corner who stood and started grumbling at the approach of a wagon and this drew the wizard's attention. Interesting he thought to himself, his studies forgotten, perhaps I could refill some components for my spells.

Leaving the bar, wooden tankard still in hand, he hopped over the worst of the mud then turned at the inn owner's shout, "What? Your cup? Yes, yes, I'll bring it right back, no need to worry. Oh very well." Muttering a brief incantation he sent the cup hovering back to the rude fellow and then used the same enchantment to clear the mud from his robes. He was still in his travelling shirt but had put a red cloak over the brown leathers when he'd arrived, better to impress the locals.

"Mr Keecha? Sir?" Prospero called as the wet mud formed a puddle around him, "I'm looking for scrolls and spell components. Genuine ones mind, not the flim flam that some unscrupulous merchants peddle in. May I inspect your goods? What are your prices?"

Prestidigitation for the minor magical tricks

Feint's End
2013-03-22, 06:52 AM
2 months Mulong thinks by himself 2 months since I arrived in this nation. He was travelling around the countryside and only visited bigger cities once or twice ... never staying at one place longer than it needed his attention. He was thinking about his next steps and about rumors worth considering to investigate when a small village appeared in front of him. Hmmm it's to early to rest but a small meal would be indeed enjoyable comes to his mind and he take the first step to this new location ... maybe conflict even found it's way into a peaceful place like this

As he arrives at the corners there seems to be some rumor a little further inside the town. He wonders that he doesn't draw as much attention as he would have expected since in most small villages he visited people were fascinated by his alien facial features and clothes.

Arriving at the place the people seems to gather he spots several things ... He stands there and takes a moment to fully understand the situation.It seems like a group of small hairy monkeys are standing on a wagon built like a ship and trying to sell something to the wondering crowd.
Pulling up his eyebrow he notices an important looking human in a red cloak walking towards the group. A Wu Jen in a town like this? he thinks by himself hmmm ... must be another traveller.
Not interested in their wares Mulong takes his steps to the "Black Boar" ... the local tavern. The barman seems obviously confused ... by Mulong's guess because of the many travellers today. What can you offer a hungry traveller my good man speaks Shi in his slightly strange accent while taking a seat.

2013-03-22, 09:11 AM
The jackal headed man stood, letting the horse's hoof come to rest on the ground. You definitely threw a shoe somewhere along the way, but I don't see it nearby. How long since you first noticed the strangeness in her gait?"

The young fair skinned woman bit her index finger, lost in thought. "Since this morning... I think?" She winced slightly as the archon put his palm to his face. I thought she was just getting tired, we've been travelling all week.

"It's alright, we're downwind of a fishing village, I'm sure they have a farrier there. It shouldn't be too far". The archon's humanoid form melted away as he shrunk down to the form of a well groomed jackal, his conversation continuing. "You'll have to walk though."

"I can walk!", Meryl protested. She then grabbed the silk of her formal gown, lifting it as she began daintily but slowly making her way further up the road, trying her best to sidestep each and every briar and twig that might otherwise try to tear at her dress and each puddle of mud that might soil her shoes. The jackal barked a canine laugh as he and the horse followed along behind her.

Admiral Squish
2013-03-22, 11:20 AM
Chico grinned as the red-robed stranger approached. Aha, a big fish! He listened attentively as the man listed off what he wanted. He looked shocked at the comment about flim-flam, holding a small paw to his chest."Good sir, you wound me! I would never dream of selling you anything less than the finest products! All of my wares are guaranteed to work, or your money back! And you won't find a more reasonable price on scrolls anywhere! Now, due to the specific nature of scrolls, we don't usually keep them in stock. However, if you have a little patience, and the right amount of coin, we can quite easily scribe whatever spells you happen to need!" The little cat-raccoon replied. "Now, spell components, those we have. What sort are you in the market for, my friend?" He asked.

2013-03-22, 11:42 AM
The barman, obviously more comfortable now that the stranger moved to his territory of skills pulled a plate and some paper wrapped good from under the counter. Unspoiled food fresh and better than you've probably tasted in a while. What'll you have, meat, lettuce, carrots, perhaps some potatoes? I've even some fish, Shamus caught more than his share yesterday and the cold-box has been full since.

Keecha Trio/Prospero
For the most part, the towns folk are asking about tools of either masterwork of magical quality in order to influence their trades.

The Archon is definately correct, not a half-hour passes before you begin to see buildings in the distance, maybe another hours walk or so. Luckily the road turns from an old path to the packed dirt only formed from being traveled often.

The town seems to be around the river that has been on the outskirts of your vision since morning, but that is a good sign, meaning that it will have enough trade for a decent meal.

2013-03-22, 12:01 PM
Prospero gives a list of items that he requires to the strange little man, most are mundane but quite odd, some expensive and esoteric. He's happy to wait for the locals to pick out their never breaking saucepans and unbluntable scythes first while he lingers on the outskirts looking in. He adds quills, paper and ink to the mental list having used up his last in the previous town. He's curious as to these scrolls though. It was difficult to find a reliable source for them. Perhaps he'd invite the merchant to dinner at the inn to discuss things further.

According to errata, artificer scrolls are neither Arcane or Divine, meaning everybody has to UMD them and nobody can just scribe them into their books. A great pity from my point of view and if our kindly DM chooses to skip this then I'll have ALL THE SCROLLS please. :smallbiggrin:

Admiral Squish
2013-03-22, 05:31 PM
As Prospero places an order for spell components of various sorts, he smiles, scrawling each item onto a scroll of parchment. Ahh, business. When he backs away he continues his presentation, demonstrating his variety of mundane goods, before moving onto the magical wonders of his shop. Magical geegaws of all sorts. An enchanted needle that magically mends a garment a day with just a single word. A jug that fills itself with clean, fresh drinking water. A magic jar, that, when a rhyme is said, conjures a floating, dancing sprite for children to chase and catch. A wooden spoon that purifies a whole pot of food. He soon explains the items on hand are all display items, but that he will gladly take orders and have the items ready in just a few days, for a small down-payment. Each order placed, he writes down on his little scroll. When the crowd thins out a bit, he takes the scroll and passes it off below-decks, with a quick chittered explanation. Kiki went to work enchanting the big-ticket magic items, while Koto fetched the things they had in stock. When Koto came back up, Chico grinned, taking the items and gesturing Prospero over again. "Sorry for the delay. Here's the spell components we have on hand." He said, laying them out on the sill. Most of the mundane components he asked for were there, and one or two of the expensive peices. "Now, I'm sure you know just how hard it can be to find appropriate spell components, so you can understand the hardship we've gone through trying to find such rare, exotic materials..." He begins, launching into a sales speech.

I'm just gonna 'sell' these spell components for fake money, since I never paid for them in the first place.
Also, can you give me a complete list of the orders placed? I doubt I'll have the time to craft them now, but if we end up spending a length of time in this town, it would work nicely.

2013-03-22, 08:31 PM
Approaching the town, Drax hears the rabble of the the strange wagon-man.

Hmph, just another peddler trying to make his worth. Each creature to their own.

His weariness and stomach combined drive him toward the tavern, looking for some decent boarding and food.

Feint's End
2013-03-24, 02:35 AM
I could get excited for some fish and potatoes .... and could I get fresh water to drink? says Mulong as he drops his backpack next to his seat. Mulong takes a deep breath and analyzes the different smells in the air.
Master ... the man in the red cloak ... starts Kuaile as Mulong interrupts I know ... I think another traveller. What about the other people her? Seems like a normal village so far Normal peasants Master
Mulong nods slightly and waits for his meal.

After the meal arrives and midway through an enormous figure enters the inn .... An orc? thinks Mulong. What do you think about him? he asks Kuaile in his thoughts ... He is smart Master ... especially for orc
Mulong has met Orcs when he first arrived in this country and most of them are evil and not very bright. He already killed a few dozen of them himself but the idea of an intelligent orc makes him curious (also this one seems to not be out for conflict). He watches the steps of the newcomer while eating his fish ... trying to grasp some of the orcs smell.

2013-03-24, 08:34 AM

After chatting with the gibberings about what could possible be built, the townsfolk gather around each other and write up a list of items they wish to eventually purchase. Each item has a reason they need it and who it is for.

New butchers cleaver, reasonable quality. Marv chipped his cleaver on some frozen venison last winter, been too stubborn to ask for it to be fixed until an inch came off.

Paisley's coming of age after the next moon and his father wants an enchanted bow made. Reksar made a fine bow, but if it were enchanted it would be a perfect gift for a hunter with Paisley's skill.

Flenn broke his left arm and cannot work as a woodcutter with the tools he has, He needs an enchanted hand-axe so he isn't slowed too much.

Nothing else is currently required, copy will be made for town records. Meeting will be held to decide anything else.

Admiral Squish
2013-03-24, 12:32 PM
Chico takes the list the townsfolk provide and looks it over, stroking his beard. With a chitter, he calls downstairs, Kiki and Koto coming up through the stock rooms to look over the list. There's a few minutes of pointing, chittering, and squeaking between them, before the other two return downstairs. Chico turns back to the townsfolk. "We'll be able to get started right away. However, the materials for enchanting such items are expensive. We'll need 2500 gold for materials before we can get started. That's 500 for making the weapons themselves, and 1000 for each enchantment. When they're finished, it's another 1500 for services." He explains, rattling off his prices. "Now, I know it sounds like a pretty steep price, but any merchant you run across is going to charge a lot more than me for the same product, and you don't get the detail and customization I can offer you. I can have the bow enchanted in a few days, but forging the handaxe and the cleaver will take a bit longer. Fine metalworking takes an artisan's touch, after all, and you can't rush art."

The townspeople are getting a pretty good deal, saving about 600 g.
To come up with those figures, I'm treating the fancy cleaver as a masterwork handaxe.

2013-03-24, 09:30 PM
Walking up near the barkeep, Drax sees only one outsider: the strange human that is slightly... different from others. Seeing as he was an outsider himself, he decides to grab a seat next to the stranger.
Drax grunts in greetings to the mystery man, and says to the barkeep,
"Give me your best grub, bub."

2013-03-25, 05:21 AM
"You're clearly going to be around for a few days, " Prospero calls over the hubub, "Join me in the inn later and we can discuss the arcane scrolls I require." With a wave he heads back to the inn and resumes his efforts to familiarize himself with the common room.

2013-03-25, 08:47 AM
The barkeep drops a plate with a similar arrangement of food as Mulong's in front of Drax and walks off to see to other things.

The townfolk again create that circle and talk amougst themselves. Before long, one breaks off and runs a piece of parchment down to what appears to be a kind of town hall. It is connected to a few houses and one of the only buildings with a second floor.

There are four others in the common room, two men wear aprons and stay behind a desk, while a pair of dwarfs ramble on in their tongue while making very large sweeping motions with their hands and laughing in intervals.

2013-03-26, 05:20 PM
After what feels like days of walking, Meryl and crew finally reach the outskirts of the small village.

Noticing the small gathering of villagers towards the square, she heads in that direction and approaches one of the townsfolk. "Good day to thee, sir. I don't mean to trouble you, but our horse threw a shoe several miles ago and I was wondering if your kind village had... a... ffffff...."

The young noblewoman trails off mid sentence, her jaw dropping as her gaze falls upon the colorful wagon full of pokemon-looking creatures parked in the center of the village green.

"Oh... my... god! They're so fluffy I'm gonna die!!!" Letting her dress finally fall to the dustry ground, she runs over to join the crowd of gawking villagers (with whom she does not blend in the least) and joins them in their gawking.

Bakenranf tilts his head to one side in confusion, sighs, grabs the horses reins in his mouth, and follows along behind her.

Admiral Squish
2013-03-29, 12:23 AM
Chico looks up at the squealed shout of joy from the noble girl. A smile spread on his face. Ahh. Now, if that's not a prime mark, he'd eat his shoes.

"Well, hello there, milady! I am truly honored to have such a beautiful noblewoman at my humble shop!" He exclaimed, giving her a bow. "Tell me, miss, will you do me the honor of favoring my shop with your patronage? I'm sure I can find something to catch your interest. Perhaps a toy of some sort, or maybe a wand to season those tasteless trail rations?"

2013-03-31, 06:39 PM
Drax, noticing the strange crystal near the strange man next to him, decides to confront him about it. With a mouthful of food, he says,

"Another outsider, eh? What's the story with you and your... thing?"

Feint's End
2013-04-01, 07:50 AM
as the stranger grunts to Mulong he nods slightly ... kinda confused about him taking a seat next to him he takes some more time to watch the tall orc.

A few minutes later as the food arrives and they both start eating and the red cloaked men returns to the inn the orc asks Mulong about his story.
Mulong waits a few seconds before he answeres and says My name is Shi Mulong and that is my companion Kuaile ... while asking another inner conversation takes place should I show myself Master? not before we know more about him ... I met your kind before and they never seemed to be very fond of showing manners ... or talking for that matter. What brings you to a place like this? You are obviously a man of war.

I'd like to know if there are any smells in the room
and @TheAmazingOP: Do I realize any fresh smell on your character? blood? ...
Mulong has scent active that's why I want to ask -> might chance the way my character interacts with the other characters

2013-04-01, 10:03 AM
Having committed the room to memory Prospero joins the other diners at their meal. He'll keep an ear open for topics of interest to him, history, nobility and, of course, magic or current affairs. He's looking for the people he saw years ago in that strange magic event and anything that he can pick up to connect them is certainly of interest.

"Bar man, I say, bar man. Do you have a local bard or story teller who frequents your establishment with any regularity?" Always interested in hearing news he's found that travelling singers often carry more news even than the gossip of fishwives and with much greater reliability. Tinkers are almost as good come to think of it. "Actually, my good man, could you have a jug of ale taken out to the tinker wagon please. On my tab." The strange merchants will surely visit an inn later in the day and the debt of some beer will encourage them to seek him out.

2013-04-01, 10:25 AM
"Shamus likes to hear stories from travelers, he might have a few that would prove interesting-" A loud explosion sounded somewhere outside and the barkeep stopped talking.

One of the houses down the street explodes, pieces of wood flying everywhere.

Admiral Squish
2013-04-01, 10:52 AM
Chico immediately looks down the street to the exploding building. There's a long moment of shock. Then he turns on his paw, running for the ladder to the lower level of the cart. He swiftly slides down, chittering something urgently. There's a few seconds of rucus before a hatch on the bottom opens, and the three Keechas rush out, wearing chain shirts and each one carrying a small crossbow. Behind them comes what looks like an iron dog, but it has a pair of wings made of shimmering aluminum. The dog takes the lead as they trot toward the building, weapons at the ready.

2013-04-01, 11:35 AM
"Remain here, good citizens. I shall investigate." Prospero steps out onto the street and conjures defensive magics to protect himself.

In order as he walks down the street:

Mage armour
Extended Fly
Alter Self
Extended Expeditious Retreat
Extended Invisibility

2013-04-01, 12:52 PM
"Sorry I can't stay for small talk," Drax says to the barkeep and Shi Mulong while wiping his mouth of food, "I think there are some more important manners at hand."

Tossing a gold piece at the barkeep, he draws his greatsword and sets his shield in front of him, and then dashes out the door towards the explosion.

Feint's End
2013-04-02, 12:22 AM
The first rush ignoring Mulong takes a deep breath as he hears the explosion. Remember ... as the words of Haowei run through his head. The world around him seems to slow down for a second as he breaths out.

All this happing in less than 1 second he graps Kuaile and stands up. Immediately afterwards he steps outside the inn and towards the sound, moving with exceptional speed as he does so.

Mulong tells Kuaile to watch out for any strange anomalies in 9 m (Mindsight)
I change my stance to Leaping Dragon Stance
pulling my sword
using 5 PP to buff myself and Kuaile Vigor so +25 temp Hp (Display avoided with Concentration check of 21 (dc 16))
otherwise I try to get there as fast as possible (I have 60ft movement)

2013-04-09, 06:56 AM
Debree covers the street and smoke rises from the building. As of yet, there is no fire, making the explosion look magical.

As head for half of a house with smoke rising from it, your spells take hold one at a time. No one notices you go invisible as no eyes are on you. When you get within range, there are two intelligent minds at the house, one is old and above average (13) the other is a child's mind (8). The keechas are ahead of you with an iron dog.

Which building exploded becomes immediately obvious, shrapnel on the street before it and smoke rising. The small furry merchants from before are closest, rushing towards it with some kind of Iron dog.

2013-04-09, 07:59 AM
Prospero takes to the air and shifts his form into that of a harpy. He looks down at the fire for sign of what could have caused it.

Spot check [roll0]

Hopefully it's something obvious.

2013-04-09, 09:14 AM
All prospero sees is smoke, which is starting to thicken, soon he won't be able to see the house at all.

Admiral Squish
2013-04-09, 03:03 PM
A short bark from the Keecha and their iron dog hops into the air, unfurling aluminum wings to fly up and toward the smoking building while the keecha advance cautiously but quickly, weapons ready.

Iron Defender flies up and toward the burning building at full speed, while the keecha advance at a double-move toward the site.

Iron Defender makes Spot: [roll0]

2013-04-09, 03:18 PM
Judging from the shrapnel, it can tell that the explosion came from the back of the building, on the second floor. There is too much smoke to see anything else.

Feint's End
2013-04-09, 09:51 PM
As Mulong comes closer to the building he keeps an eye out for what could have caused the explosion and tells Kuaile to do so too. At the same time he watches the other strangers looking for the explosion around him.

Mulong: [roll0]
Kuaile: [roll1]

2013-04-10, 01:43 AM
Prospero flies round the back of the building, avoiding the smoke as much as possible. If there are survivors he hopes to see them but he is more concerned with possibility that the arsonists are still here and would hamper any rescue attempts.

2013-04-10, 07:57 AM
Mulong cannot seem to figure out where the explosion was situated or what caused it.

2013-04-10, 02:50 PM
Doing what he does best, Drax charges into the fire and smoke looking for survivors or any trouble within.
Search for anything out of the ordinary

2013-04-10, 02:55 PM
There seem to be two forms in the smoke, huddled close together.

2013-04-10, 03:54 PM
"Get out! Get out!" Drax cries as he runs toward the figures, "Do you want to be burned alive? Let's go!"

2013-04-10, 06:06 PM
They both ran outside, an old man and a child. The odd thing, Drax noted, was that there was no fire in the building.

2013-04-11, 07:35 PM
Seeing as he can not find anything else, he leaves to go question the man and boy.

Feint's End
2013-04-12, 09:08 AM
Seeing the other strangers gathering around the house including the Wu Jen and the Merchants Mulong sees the tall Orc making his way to the man and the young boy. Are those the one you sensed? he thinks ... yes Master
His Sword still in his hands he makes his way to the man and the boy.
Can you tell me what caused this commotion? he says with a kind but definite voice.

2013-04-12, 09:16 AM
The boy began to cry and buried himself in the old man, sobs muffled by the shirt. The old man looked up and spoke quietly, coughing in between breaths. "We were getting lunch ready -cough- heard something in the basement. Next thing I know -cough- the floor explodes and -cough- my daughter is gone, just me and -cough- my grandson." He stops talking and begins to cough more, trying to clear some of the smoke from his lungs.

Screams sound from the opposite side of the village, from where the party had come been before the explosion.

Feint's End
2013-04-12, 09:51 AM
Take your boy to the inn ... I'll try to find you daughter says Mulong as he takes a few steps towards the house. Are you sure there is no more human inside? he asks Kuaile.

Mulong steps close enough to get the mainpart into 30ft of Kuaile to use his mindsight ... if he doesn't find anybody he then rushes to where the screams come from

2013-04-12, 11:20 AM
Prospero flies down to the other side of the building and tries to assess if there is any risk that the fire will spread to other buildings. He remains about eight feet above the ground, invisible and in the form of a harpy.

2013-04-12, 04:54 PM
Hearing the other man say that he would find the girl, Drax grunts in approval.
"Take your boy and find shelter, he directs at the grandfather, "the other guy will find your daughter."
With that, Drax sprinted to where the second explosion was sounded.

Admiral Squish
2013-04-12, 05:40 PM
The keechas order Ferrus to examine the source of the explosion on the second floor while they start toward the new explosion. The iron dog flaps through the choking smoke unaffected, landing lightly to examine the scene. Meanwhile the trio of keechas jog their way toward the new explosion.

2013-04-18, 02:08 PM
Back towards the Keecha's wagon is a green dragon. The townsfolk are now noticing them because of the woman's scream and are running in every direction away from the beasts. It isn't too large, but large enough to be quite threatening. Next to it is a human wearing green robes and carrying a wand.

Feint's End
2013-04-21, 01:09 AM
Mulong rushes into the direction of the man and the dragon slowing down while coming closer and tells Kuaile to watch for the Mind of both while readying himself to attack at the blink of an eye.

Trying to get up to 30ft for mindsight
If not possible ready to attack.

2013-04-21, 08:32 AM
A dragon? Unbelievable.

Prospero keeps his distance. Green dragons don't breathe fire, something is definitely wrong here.

2013-04-21, 10:27 PM
Going with his first instinct when he sees the dragon and man, Drax prepares to charge at the enemy.

"No evil shall go unpunished!"

Assuming initiative here,

2013-04-22, 09:32 AM
With three people coming towards it, the dragon leapt into the air, beating its powerful wings to stay dozens of feet above ground. The human beside it began floating upwards while chanting.
I certainly would not mind initiative at this point.

2013-04-22, 11:25 AM
Prospero ir'Roath

It looks as if the warriors could do with a boost

Prospero flies down to the others and casts a spell, targeting as many of his allies as he can. He then moves away from them, still invisible and altered, and tries to get a better look at this caster.

Initiative [roll0]
Cast Haste (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/haste.htm) on as many of the party as I can catch in a 30ft area.
Spellcraft (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/spellcraft.htm) to see what he's casting [roll1]

Admiral Squish
2013-04-29, 12:20 PM
The keechas pause and give a whistle, their winged iron dog immediately soaring top-speed toward them to aid in the fight. They ready their crossbows, their bolts ready to fire.

Rolling initiative here. [roll0]

Feint's End
2013-04-30, 08:59 AM
As the caster starts chanting Mulong speeds up and charges towards him.

Initiative: [roll0]

If I have good Initiative I'd make a Psionic Lion's Charge using my Swift Action (3pp) and making a Jumpcheck for Battlejump and Leap attack (10 ft high 10 ft far ... dc 50) during the charge (far comes first so I definitely reach the enemy ... if lower than 50 not high enough for battlejump)
Jump: [roll1]

Afterwards 2 attacks with full pa

2013-05-01, 09:06 PM
"Foes be crushed!" Drax yells, as he heedlessly charges at the green pair. He opens himself up in order to deal as much damage as possible, caring more about the safety of the people than himself.
With a mighty leap, he jumps at the ascending pair, using his momentum to both propel him further and create devastating results for the two.
Drax (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=532036)
Male CG Water Orc Barbarian2/Fighter2/Warblade5, Level 9, Init +7, HP 84/84, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 13, Flat-footed 17, Fort +14, Ref +5, Will +2, Base Attack Bonus 9/5
Dislocate teleport 3/day, Bull Rush swift after attack 4/day, do not move w/ enemy Brutal Surge Dislocator Greatsword +1 MW 16/11 (2d6+9(STR)+1, x2)
MW Composite Longbow (30 arrows) 13/9 (1d8 + 7, x3)
Half weight, Treated as light armor, increased max Dex bonus (+2), reduced armor check penalty (3; min 0), reduced arcane spell failure chance (10%) Mithral Breastplate, Animated Large Steel Shield (+4 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 22, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 9
Condition None
As expected, Drax charges the enemy. Gains +2 to hit, -2 AC.
Leap Attack creates triple the damage done from the power attack.
Headlong Rush causes damage to be doubled.
Power Attack is maxed, for -9 on both attacks which then applies to armor because of Shock Trooper. 18 damage is added to each attack from this, and when tripled is 27 damage added to each attack.
Pounce is used, allowing for two attacks.
Feel free to correct me anywhere, and I will fix it
Attacking the Green Dragon
[roll0] Jump Check
[roll1] First Attack
[roll2] Second Attack
[roll3] x2 First hit damage
[roll4] x2 Second hit damage
If any of the hits connect, Drax will activate a charge of his Brutal Surge which allows him to bull rush the dragon as part of the attack. Shock Trooper's Directed Bull Rush will allow Drax to push the dragon left and right. In this case Drax will push the dragon towards the wizard if enough squares are met, and if the dragon is pushed into the wizard's square Drax can activate Domino Rush (also from ST) and tries to trip them both.
+2 on the bull rush check from the enchantment, +2 from charging, and +4 from the Improved Bull Rush feat.
[roll5] STR check against the dragon
[roll6] Trip attempt against the dragon
[roll7] Trip attempt against the wizard

2013-05-01, 09:11 PM
Damn this rolling system and how it times out! Re-rolling in order.
[roll0] Jump Check
[roll1] First Attack
[roll2] Second Attack
[roll3] x2 First Hit
[roll4] x2 Second Hit
[roll5] Bull Rush against dragon
[roll6] Trip against dragon
[roll7] Trip against wizard
Do I get any bonuses since they are in the air?

2013-05-02, 12:21 PM
Drax jumps not only high enough to attack the dragon, but high enough to attack it from head on and not just swipe at the legs. Both attacks scrape against the creatures scales, not enough to do any real damage.

Will saves would be wonderful at this point. Spellcraft reveals his casting to be for a summoning spell.

2013-05-02, 03:53 PM
Prospero Will Save [roll0]

2013-05-02, 04:44 PM
Will save countered with moment of perfect mind

Admiral Squish
2013-05-02, 10:16 PM
Will Save:
Roll: [roll0]

Feint's End
2013-05-03, 01:02 PM
Mulong sharpens his mind against the challenges there to come.

Wil [roll0] (adding +4 from Elan)

Also I'm rolling hit and damage now if I could attack the mage while he was casting (that's what the jump check was for ... I just thought it would be better to wait for these rolls):
hit: [roll1]
damage [roll2]x2 (valorous)

edit: damage is 56 then if I can hit the mage with 20 / save should be sufficient

Feint's End
2013-05-03, 08:02 PM
sorry miscalculated hit (got two attacks from haste) gonna roll the second one here and just increase the hit of my first one by 1 (forgot haste)

1.hit: 21 (20+1 from haste) // dmg: 56
2.hit [roll0] // dmg: [roll1]x2

so I got one hit with 21 and 56 dmg and one hit with 23 and 52 dmg. Did I hit something?

2013-05-14, 12:46 PM
Second attack from Mulong hits the mage, dealing considerable damage. The dragon Breathes acid down on everyone below it. It engulfs all of you and a few townsfolk.

DC 20 reflex for half, [roll0] Acid damage.

Admiral Squish
2013-05-14, 01:26 PM
The Keechas squeal as the acid washes over them, but they're not out of the fight just yet. As one they **** their crossbows and let fly, softly-glowing bolts streaking across the town square toward the mage as he floats there, weaving his terrible magic.
From behind them, their iron pet comes streaking across the sky, glittering wings of aluminum flashing in the sun as it dives headlong into the fray, lashing out with iron fangs at the dragon.

I don't think the keecha would be close enough to the combat to be caught in a breath attack, honestly, seeing as they're certainly not melee combatants and crossbows have a pretty good range. A map would be very helpful, I think.
Reflex: [roll0]

Crossbow Attacks:
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Attack: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

The homunculus is charging the dragon.
Damage: [roll8]

2013-05-14, 03:22 PM
One crossbow bolt pierces the magical barriers around the mage, the other two harmlessly bouncing off. The homunculus is unable to get a clean hit on the dragon.

Dragon and mage both 20ft in air
K=keechas, M=Mulong, D=Drax,G=Dragon, C=Caster
H=Winged dog, P=Prospero

--------|G |-----------C



2013-05-14, 06:33 PM
A humanoid appears next to the keechas, it appears to be some strange red mixture of reptile and insect, four arms wielding short-swords and large fanged mandibles. Its swing three short-swords at the keechas, tries to claw and bite them. The caster turns and gestures towards Drax, still levitating upwards. Ice begins to form around Drax, threatening to encase him completely.

Drax, reflex DC 23 or become helpless, if save is successful, entangled instead, take 10 dmg either way. I cannot seem to find my link to the keechas character sheet so I'll lay out the rolls here.
26 - 5dmg
30 - 7dmg - If it hits, automatically begins grapple. 34 grapple check.
18 - 4dmg - If it hits, make a DC 16 fortitude save.

2013-05-14, 07:50 PM
Reflex Saves
You could roll reflex saves for us to speed stuff up as well as trivial things. Also, you sure the cold save isn't fortitude? *wink wink* :smallbiggrin:

2013-05-14, 08:04 PM
Reflex Saves
You could roll reflex saves for us to speed stuff up as well as trivial things. Also, you sure the cold save isn't fortitude? *wink wink*guy :smallbiggrin:

I dislike rolling saves for you when it does not affect what immediately happens, i am superstitious and prefer not to make your rolls when not necessary. It is reflex to get out of the ice before you are frozen solid. So now you've got several inches of ice covering your body which will be difficult to break from.

Prospero, Drax and Mulong may all act.

Feint's End
2013-05-15, 02:10 AM
Mulong shakes of the acid and vanishes the blink of an eye afterwards to just appear over the mage flying down on him ready to strike the life out of his foe

Reflex save for half: [roll0]

Swift action to use Dimension Hop (I assume he is pretty much over me so I need 30 ft to get 10ft over him ... meaning 5 pp (tell me if more are needed))

Initiating Charge with full pa (sadly this time just 1 attack because no pounce :/ )
hit: [roll1] damage: [roll2]x3 (valorous+battlejump)

edit: so sadly full damage from the Acid but I suppose I hit the mage with a 28? Damage is 26x3=78

edit2 : overread that he is still levitating upwards ... so add +20 ft to the distance I teleport (costing 9 pp then) ... also sorry but I need another post to roll for falling damage

Feint's End
2013-05-15, 02:20 AM
Assuming I fall controlled

Jump check to reduce the fall by 10 ft and count the second 10 ft as non leathal [roll0] (pretty much autosuccess ... dc is 15)

so I'm up 50 ft - 10 ft = 40ft whereas the first 10 count as non leathal
meaning 3d6 leathal 1d6 non leathal
[roll1] leathal
[roll2] non

2013-05-15, 03:45 AM
Prospero ir'Roath

This is very strange. Let's see if we can ground this mage and get to the bottom of why he has attacked this town.

Prospero flies back to a safe distance and begins to chant. In a few seconds he has completed his spell and releases it at the caster in mid flight. He shifts into view as the invisibility that hid him dissipates revealing the form of a harpy in flight.

Move 90 feet back (Fly + Haste) so I'm at least 100 feet away.
Dispel checks (I don't know how many spell effects are on the caster so I'm rolling 10 times. That should be enough). DC is 11 + the spell’s caster level

I do hope that his levitate or fly isn't dispelled. :smallbiggrin:

2013-05-15, 08:03 AM
Prospero manages to dispel most of the effects on the caster, namely: Stone skin, Mage armor, Shield, and Protection from Good. Mulong's acid kills the caster, burning through a spell he placed over himself and them most of his body.

He was literally at his last HPs.

2013-05-17, 04:51 PM
Nothing but a minor setback.
Steeling himself for something he has never tried before, Drax uses the technique usually reserved for mental attacks and uses it to sharpen his mind for the physical feat ahead of him. Using this in combination, Drax statins to break out of the enchantment the posthumous wizard set upon him.

2013-05-18, 12:38 PM
Drax breaks himself free of his prison of ice, chilled, but nothing too severe.

Dragon is up, I'll post later, just about to leave.

2013-05-28, 09:34 AM
The dragon beats its powerful wings at the winged dog propelling itself away while attacking.

24 and 28 to hit against the dog, 5 and 10 dmg respectively. I bloody well hate not being able to get online, sorry about that, but my computer is shot right now, until I get it properly replaced the internet on my current one is horrendous.

Admiral Squish
2013-05-28, 04:35 PM
The iron dog goes flipping end over end for a moment as the dragon wings away, but it soon rights itself. With unthinking loyalty, the construct once more lunges into the fray.
Meanwhile the keechas wrestle with their otherworldly attacker, struggling to break free of his clawed grasp.

Homonculus attacks. If the dragon moved back far enough to charge again, add +2 to the attack roll.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

And rolling the grapple checks in OOC, because I'm a dummy.

2013-05-30, 01:36 AM
Prospero flies ahead to meet the dragon and unleashes a cone of scintillating colours in an effort to stun it.

Enlarged Colour Spray DC16. 30 foot range.

Feint's End
2013-06-13, 05:13 AM
Mulong turns around taking a look at the other adventurers on the square. As he sees that the tall Orc breaks free of his prison in ice he nods slightly while moving towards the Keecha Sprout grappling with the otherworldly attacker. He takes a giant leap swinging his sword over his had.

Swift Action for Psionic Lions Charge 3pp
Jumpcheck to see if both LEap attack and battle jump apply
[roll0] (dc 50)
damage (x2 without battlejump / x3 with battlejump)

edit: sorry it's not +29 damage; it's +23 so reduce both by 6
damage (31-6)x3=75 and (38-6)x3=96
forgot to roll hit too-> next post

Feint's End
2013-06-13, 05:17 AM
1.hit (dealing 75 damage): [roll0]
2.hit (dealing 96 damage): [roll1]