View Full Version : [4E] Winds of War

2013-03-21, 06:48 PM
Pt I: Rescuing the Brother
You have, for your various reasons, come to answer the Brotherhood's call for able adventurers, and you now find yourself in the courtyard of Whitebridge Priory.

The priory is one of the Brotherhood's outposts on the fringes of the Vale. The humble stone priory is little more than a small chapel, a dormitory, kitchen, and the surrounding garden plots which sustain the small community. The buildings all look to have been built quite some time ago, in a simple hardy style common to many of the older buildings across the vale. Here and there the occasional wall is covered with moss, hiding the slowly crumbling stonework.

The open air courtyard is dotted with trees bearing various fruits, and Brothers scurry about, attending to their daily chores. As you wait to meet with the prior you pick out several other out-of-place individuals scattered across the courtyard, no doubt answering the same call as yourself.

2013-03-21, 07:25 PM
The walk toward the Whitebridge Priory had been long, and it was with unmitigated pleasure that Arland finally sat down to take a welcome rest. Waiting quietly for the Prior, the wandering mercenary watched his surroundings, more specifically the ones who looked like adventurers themselves. The presence of kobolds here was an umpleasant surprise; even in the Vale, you never knew with those little buggers if they were working for the Empire or not. Well, he reasoned, even if they were, he doubted his humble self would warrant such attention. Didn't mean he could relax in such company.

Great. This job has not even started, and already I'm thinking of calling quits.

He probably would have, too, if he wasn't running low on coins already. And one advantage when working for a temple was that they tended to honor their deals. The only thing to do was exercising caution, and hope for the best.

2013-03-21, 08:50 PM
Looking around the courtyard of the Brotherhood, Kurtec felt a few eyes of suspicion. It was a risk coming here, his kind has never been fully welcome in the Vale. It is understandable, as a great lineage of dragonkind, or at least its lackeys now, one can't be too careful.

Kurtec needed the coin, and reputation of the Vale would help with his plans. Never one to run from future insurmountable odds, he would at least wait until his team is completely outmatched.

Scanning the courtyard for other adventurers, he notices a human, clearly worn from travel, and likely here for the for the job.

Walking up to the man, he introduces himself in his raspy, reptilian tone.
"Well, I take it you are here for the work? My name is Kurtec, and you are?"

2013-03-21, 08:54 PM
The heat of the day beat down on Veldryn as he crested the small rise giving him a better veiw of the area. Before him stood the brotherhood outpost of Whitebridge Priory. His eyes scanned the set-up looking over each part carefully, trying to commit any posible exits to memory in case he finds his quarry inside and the man should attempt escape.

He decided to continue on, after looking behind him to see a small band of kobolds coming towards the priory by the road he was on. A smile forms under his scarf as he knows that there is a good chance one of them is also on the same mission as him. To retrieve a renegade arcane user. With a light skip to his step, the half drow makes his way passed the outer walls.

Once inside, he pauses to look around locating a well, he walks over and takes his wide brimmed hat off. Uncaring of the looks he gets for his dusky grey skin and whitish hair, he slaps the road dust from it and takes out a small peice of scrap cloth. After drawing up the bucket from the well, he wets the rag and wipes his face and hands to remove the sweat and grime from travel. When finished, he replaces all the items to thier proper place.

He then walks over to an acolyte who is standing in front of the temples doors and asks with a twinkle of magic in his voice, Excuse me, young Pelorite. I am looking for work and have been hearing about one of your order that has gone missing. Is there anything I can do to help?

2013-03-21, 09:27 PM
The young monk, clad in the traditional simple brown robes of lower ranking members of the Brotherhood, looks a bit nervous as the dark-skinned elf approaches, but upon hearing his intentions here he practically beams.

Pelor be praised! More help has arrived! Prior Magnus will be with you shortly, he's finishing up some priory business, but he will certainly be glad to see you soon. Please make yourself comfortable in the courtyard in the meantime, a few others have answered the call so far as well and can be found there.

2013-03-22, 02:45 AM

Arland nearly jumped when he suddenly heard one of the kobolds, talking directly to him. Well, that was unexpected, and did nothing to ease his mind. Still, there was no need to be rude. after all, it was likely that this kobold was what he seemed to be : a pennyless adventurer looking for coin and fame, just like himself. After all, not every kobold was too fond of the Empire. Bowing slightly to the newcomer, he answered.

"Arland, pleased to meet you. And I am indeed here for the work. Did you heard anything about it ?"

2013-03-22, 07:32 AM
Scratching his head, he responds with the only information possible.

"I believe someone is coming to talk about the job when more people get here. Likely to keep from telling the specifics multiple times."

Looking around again, he sees an elf of some kind, also looks like a traveler.

"There's another adventurer, I wonder if that one would know anything."

2013-03-22, 08:08 AM
Sophia strolled up at a swift pace, long black cloak flowing behind her, parting to reveal the shining steel of her well-polished armor. Her bladestaff rested lazily over her shoulder, the weighted butt-spike pointing forward. She wore a wide-brimmed hat that hid most of her lupine features, save for a pair of glowing yellow eyes that shone beneath them. The spurs on her boots rattled as she slowed to a saunter, approaching a kobold and human that have started talking.

She addresses Arland, and acts like Kertuc doesn't exist. "How goes it, stranger? Has the brotherhood said anything about why they've called for us here?" Her voice is coarse, almost on the edge of a growl, and she draws out every word slowly and deliberately. "The name is Sophia, but you can call me Sheriff, everyone else does, damned fools."

2013-03-22, 09:16 AM
Well, the newcomer certainly was impressive, and one could guess her trade on the first glance. Arland raised an eyebrow at the last part of her introduction, though.

"Sheriff ? I'm sure there is an interesting story behind this, but I think I'll stick with Sophia, if you don't mind. I'm Arland, and this is..." He hesitated. How was he called, again ? Kurtok ? Kortek ? Damn, he didn't remember. "This is... a new friend. As for the mission, all I know is that one of their own went missing. The Prior should be able to tell us more about it. When he shows up, that is"

2013-03-22, 11:12 AM
Trying to give the acolyte a pleasant smile, althought inside Veldryn disliked staying in one place for to long, he nods and walks over to the small group already talking between themselves. His finely crafted leathers were oiled to allow him to approach with hardly a sound, other than the clacking of his boots as he walked.

Sweeping off his hat and using it to fan himself, he glances at each of them in turn. Greetings, I can see that there are many takers for the job offered here. It's not everyday that a preist goes missing, is it? Oh my, did you call yourself sheriff? What an odd name to be called by, if I may say, but either way if you would allow it, I will just stick with Sophia? Taking a second to hear a response, he chuckles slightly, Oh my, where are my manners. My name is Veldryn.

2013-03-22, 12:19 PM
"They call me Sheriff because i returned law and order to the town I came from. Not much of a story there. Bandits and rapists needed killing and I obliged. The townsfolk made me their sheriff as a means to assist in cleaning up the town."

Sophia plants the butt-spike of her bladestaff into the ground. The long, curved blade of the weapon is engraved with a crescent moon and stars.

2013-03-24, 01:52 PM
A sullen bald, gray bearded dwarf in the brown robes of the Brotherhood finally emerges from the chapel. As he sees you all gathered in the courtyard his countenance picks up somewhat, and he briskly walks across the courtyard toward your little group.

Welcome to Whitebridge Priory my friends. Pelor bless you for your aid in our time of need. I am Prior Magnus. Thank you for arriving so quickly. As you likely know, one of our own, dear Brother Cyril, has been out making the rounds to check on those who live out in the forest and foothills west of here, and was due back several days ago. It's unlike him to dally, and as he is a very experienced traveler quite capable of taking care of himself, I fear something foul has befallen him. Unfortunately our numbers here are too limited to mount a respectable search party, and so I humbly ask for your aid. Please find Brother Cyril and bring him back to us. I promise your help to the Brotherhood will not be forgotten, the safety of our Brother is worth more than any coin or resource our simple priory has to offer, but I will pay you what I can. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have as best I can.

2013-03-24, 02:16 PM
Arland considered the situation. To someone who, like him, was unfamilar with the area, that disappearance could have been caused by many things.

"Has anyone got word from the locals themselves ? And is there anything about them we should know ?"

He figured their first task would be to interrogate them anyway, but it always payed to be prepared.

2013-03-24, 02:53 PM
"Do you have any enemies? Does brother Cyril have any enemies or anyone that would wish him harm? Have you noticed anything strange lately or do you have any other information that could help us?"

2013-03-24, 02:54 PM
The Prior considers the question for a moment, trying to recall what Brother Cyril has told him about the area in the past.
No, we have not heard anything from the people there. They rarely venture away from their farms and hunting camps except to bring goods to our market here, and even that is sporadic at best. The houses on that edge of the Vale are sparse and isolated, hence Brother Cyril's rounds. The area is still quite wild, it's quite possible an animal is to blame, or perhaps bandits. Brother Cyril is well liked, both here and around the area. I can't imagine anyone in the area bearing him ill will, but I know not what nefarious individuals pass through the region.

2013-03-24, 04:33 PM
Kurtec ponders the situation. A town in the foothills. Warm bloods have open towns, less protection, and likely a lack of proper trap-pings.

"Sounds to me like a lack of proper protection. Too much open space with too many paths in and out... Likely won't find much answers round here."

2013-03-24, 08:07 PM
Do you have a map of this ara? I am not from around here and I admit that I may get lost once I am away from the main road. Have you heard from anyone who could have been the last person to speak with Brother Magnus?

Veldryn waits for an answer, before he continues, Has this region experienced any troubles from bandits in prior years? What about animals or creatures then?

2013-03-24, 10:26 PM
Addressing Kurtec, with only minimal visible discomfort, the Prior answers:
Indeed, the families here have little means to protect themselves, which is precisely why Brother Cyril's trips are so important, and finding out what happened is so pressing. We don't have the resources to combat any real threat, and finding out if something serious has happened is vital so we can call for reinforcements from the Brotherhood.

Turning to Veldryn, he adds:
Unfortunately I do not have a map at hand. This region is very much still untamed and maps of it are scarce. I can, however, tell you that Brother Cyrill tended to follow the old post road on his travels. It's not well maintained, but it should be easy to follow. If you follow the road you came in on a couple hours west from here you'll come to the crossing with the Old Post Road and you can follow it from there. I don't know how far Brother Cyril made it on his round, but there are a few houses along the road which he usually stops at, you could inquire there.
Prior Magnus considers the last question, a small degree of sadness apparent in his eyes before he answers:
Yes, unfortunately this corner of the Vale is not as peaceful as we would hope. We have had bandits in the past, mostly along the roads, robbing travelers, but occasional bands are more violent. We've had trouble with the local wildlife as well, not to mention goblins and their ilk now and then. The graveyard behind the Priory attests to the dangers we face.

For Veldryn and Arland only
Prior Magnus seems visibly concerned when he mentions goblins, more so than one would be simply remembering painful past events. With particular emphasis in the way he says "and their ilk" rather than the word "goblins"

2013-03-24, 10:56 PM
Taktak shuffled hastily into the courtyard. Spotting a group of what looked like adventurers clustered around a dwarf that seemed to be a priest of some sort, he realized that he was late. He calmed himself, dusted off his clothing, and strode purposefully towards the group, ignoring the suspicious looks cast in his direction and trying like all the world to seem in control. He noticed another kobold in the group before him. Things here might be more interesting than he had previously thought.

He nodded to the rest, and opened his mouth to speak. Good afternoon. My name is Taktak. I take it that this is the group who has assembled to go after Brother... Cyrus, was it? Cymil? Something of that sort.

2013-03-24, 11:00 PM
"So it could be an injury, being waylaid by bandits, animals, or monsters, or the brother could simply have stayed later someplace without sending word." Sophia leans against her bladestaff. "We will do what we can, padre, but it is precious little information to go on. If the locals are as sparse as you say we will probably be backtracking many miles after finding the first house he failed to reach. With any luck, we will find a scene of battle or a body before then."

2013-03-25, 01:43 AM
Veldryn raises an eyebrow at the preist's words. He casts a glance to Arland to see if he noticed it as well, before asking, Please Brother, tell me more about the goblins and thier 'ilk'. What have you heard that could be of use to us since we are more than likely going to be putting our lives on the line here.

After a few minutes, the half-drow asks in a voice that seems to be appealing to all who hear it, Sir is there anything you can spare that would aid us in our mission?

Insight to see if anything else can be gained and/or to see if he lies:[roll0]
Arcana, using Suggestion power to replace Diplomacy check to make request: [roll1]

2013-03-26, 12:31 PM
The prior gives the newly arrived Kobold a polite nod before answering Veldryn:
Small bands of goblins sometimes take up residence in ruins and caves around the area. They usually cause no small amount of trouble, sometimes raiding the more isolated farms. They never number more than a dozen or so though, it shouldn't be a problem for a well armed group such as yourselves.

He pauses, with a concerned look on his face, but Veldryn's insistence, and the influence of his magic, finally seems to convince the Prior to go on:
There is a rumor among the farmers here, and while I put little trust in the rumors of those out here on the fringes of the Vale who are often given to superstition and the like, I suppose I ought to pass it along to you anyway. The rumor goes that some farmer's children playing in the woods spied a small group of Kobolds, clad in Imperial armor. But I urge you not to take this rumor too seriously. Out here parents often use tales of Imperial spies to scare their children into good behavior, and this leads to overactive imaginations. No one else has substantiated these rumors, and certainly the Empire has no interest in this remote place.

2013-03-26, 12:47 PM
"The Empire may not have interest in this land, but they certainly have interests outside their border....and if its kept secret, then all the better." Sophia seems amused by the report of imperial troops....almost eager to see them in battle.

2013-03-26, 02:12 PM
Obviously, Arland did not share Sophia's amusement. The Prior's words brought the mercenary to slightly glance toward their two reptilian team members, before straightening his face. Whispers of imperial involvment ? Things were just getting better and better...

"Let us hope this is nothing more than a rumor. Things are already complicated as it is."

With his luck, he wouldn't be surprised if those rumors were true. Hell, he wouldn't be surprised if imperial agents were already in this company.

"Anyway, if you can give us a direction, we'll try to track down your missing coreligionist."

2013-03-27, 02:30 AM
Thank you for letting us know that, your holiness. Any information on the area would greatly help our chances and your efforts have inproved the likeliness of the return of Brother Cyril.

Veldryn remains polite to him while casting a wary eye towards all in the group trying to gauge thier reactions to the news of imperial troops roaring the woodlands beyond. When Arland proclaims the chance of there being an operative in the ranks, the half-drow smiles and turns to him.

Hmm, Imperial troops in the woodlands around us. Makes me wonder what they could be looking for. Any ideas, Arland?

The half drow turns to the gathered kobolds and greets each one with a cheery smile and a firm handshake. I happen to believe your race has had a bad lash against them from the begining of time. As you can see from my heritage, I fall under the same dark shadow as many of your fellows. It seems we fellow outcasts should have an understanding of each other's suffering in the world, aye?

2013-03-27, 10:58 AM
Kurtec looks at the half-drow with a cocked head and crooked grin.

"Never trust a kobold you just met. Most kobolds follow dragons, whether they treat us well or not. It is a matter of knowing ones place, we suffer yet we prevail. If you find yourself an enemy of the Empire, don't trust a kobold until you are sure of their allegiance."

Looking at all the people here. He sees the capabilities of most should suffice.

"As soon as you all are ready to move, the longer a man is missing, the less likely we will find him."

2013-03-27, 12:03 PM
"Agreed. We should head out while we still have daylight and get as far as we can. Every minute we dawdle here is a chance for the brother to be killed."

Sophia returns her bladestaff to its position on her shoulder, and patiently waits for the others to be ready to head out.

2013-03-27, 12:42 PM
Arland casted Veldryn a curious glance. He seemed... amused by potential imperial presence ? Strange. On the other hand, the kobold was surprisingly upfront. Perhaps it was a ruse - you never could tell - but he felt a little more at ease nevertheless.

"Agreed. Let's not waste time anymore. Oh, and concerning your earlier question... Veldryn ? Those imperial troops are probably what the Prior just said : a fantasy. I wouldn't worry too much about it."

His tone of certainty contrasted with the doubts he felt. The again, you never knew : there was always a chance of being right.

2013-03-28, 02:14 AM
Veldryn's light laughter fills the air at Arland's comment. He bows deeply, with a sweeping gesture of his hat. Once he is standing again, the half drow speaks with a hint of laughter still in his voice.

My friend, all I can say is that we live in a world where there are dragons. Magic is almost as commonplace as the water we drink and the air we breathe, so why could not a fantasy be real?

Veldryn winks at Kurtec, before continuing his speach, yet this time using the draconic tongue, Well done and said, little one. But remember, one can never trust a drow unless they are dead. Even then a drow can be dangerous.

Returning to the common language, Aye, I agree. I do hope that we find the missing preist alive. He may know where a freind of mine is....shall we go?

2013-03-28, 09:43 PM
Kurtec smiles, entertained by the thought that the half-drow truly understands the world we live in today. In draconic, he responds to Veldryn.

"So long as we understand each other, half-blood."

2013-03-29, 01:23 AM
Arland listened to the exchange without making any comment. If they thought he wouldn't understand the language, he was happy to comfort them in that thinking. But if both of them were so intent on not being trusted... well, it would be rude to go against their wishes, now, wouldn't it ?

"You're looking for a friend ?" he asked offhandedly. "If that's so, let's not waste anymore time. Thank you for your informations, Father Magnus. We'll take our leave now."

2013-03-31, 03:35 PM
The prior shakes all your hand emphatically:
Bless you, Pelor guide you in this task! I hope your return soon with poor Brother Cyril!

Your, somewhat motley, party makes their way to the Old Post Road. The poorly maintained dirt path leads up into the heavily wooded foothills, but proves somewhat difficult to follow. To make matters worse, a storm has rolled in, turning the road to mud and making navigation difficult at best. As the rain begins to turn to hail it becomes apparent you need to find shelter or otherwise escape from the elements.

2013-03-31, 05:04 PM
Kurtec begins to slow, the cold rain was getting to him, but now, hail begins to fall.

"We need to find cover, its getting colder."

Taking a brief look around for any kind of cover, he hopes to find somewhere at least small enough to cover the party.

2013-03-31, 06:42 PM
"Agreed, we need to find shelter and quickly. I will scout ahead." The rain dripped down off her hat as Sophia moved ahead of the party to scout a useful location for them to settle in. She plowed through the undergrowth and tried to shrug off the cold water as best she could, but it matter and froze to her long hair, chilling her to the bone.


2013-03-31, 09:15 PM
Kurtec You notice the woods on either side of the path seem to provide at least some protection from the hail, but aside from that you don't spot anything promising nearby

SophiaThe harsh weather slows you down considerably, and you find yourself falling into the mud now and then, but you power through, your strength and determination pushing you on. Eventually, after quite some distance, you spot what looks like a cave further up into the hills

2013-03-31, 09:37 PM
Sophia smiles, spotting potential shelter. Not a prim woman at all, the mud and wet don't bother her sensibilities. She makes her way back to the group, hoping everyone would be able to make it up to that cave.

"I have found a cave a little further on. I didn't want to investigate it too closely without support. Its not very far ahead, and it should keep us out of the worst of it."

2013-04-01, 01:42 AM
"Hm. Those are often occupied. You were right to be cautious."

Arland followed to the entrance of the cave, before trying to see if anything could be learned about it.

Perception check :
Nature check : [roll]1d20+2

2013-04-01, 02:15 AM
The half-drow returned the smile he was given with one of feinted pure innocence. A nod was his only answer to when the preist bestowed his blessings on the group and he fell in line beside the chatty kobold as the left the safety of the priory.

Once the weather began to turn nasty, Veldryn complained about the hail and rain ruining his clothes. He was beginning to search around for a respectable place to get out of the storm, when Sophia states that she had found a cave nearby.

Good, I hink it would be best if we made it out of this weather before things could get worse. As for anything inside, maybe my silver tongue could ease any troubles that might arise, eh? Though I do suggest we approach it carefully.

Even though he tries to remain flippant, the half-drow knows that to not be aware of your surroundings could mean that death would sneak upon you and steal your life.

Arcana:[roll2] See if there is anything magical about this storm.

2013-04-01, 06:24 PM
Kurtec goes up to the cave entrance. Following suit, he also takes precaution whilst entering the cave.

Stealth [roll0]

2013-04-01, 09:13 PM
Taktak mumbled under his breath. I hate the rain. he was still attempting to get a solid read on his new companions, and they had not bothered him, so he didn't mind talking much. He did not particularly like the other kobold, he decided. He took everything far too lightly. As the group approached the cave, he paused to inspect it. Couldn't be overly careful about random caves in the wild, as he had learned from time in the old mines.
Dungeoneering: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2013-04-01, 09:20 PM
"I suppose you can see in the dark there, elf-boy, as good as the lizards at least." Sophia says, waiting just outside the cave while the others investigate it. Her black cloak was caked with mud, and her hat soaked with water streaming off the brim. She keeps an eye out for trouble in the horrible weather, but with such low visibility she doubts she can see much. "Hurry up and find anything lurking inside, I'm already as wet and cold as I wish to be." Water drips off the sharp edge of her bladestaff. A good fight would warm her blood and help stave off the cold, but part of her hoped there wouldn't be one. She had done enough killing to get a reputation in her town, enough to earn the respect of even the worst bandits there. She didn't relish it, but it was something that had to be done from time to time, and she was good at killing.

She took a small blue stone out of her pocket, looked at it, and returned it to her pocket.

2013-04-01, 09:47 PM
Veldryn casts a quick glance to Sophia, in the darkness his brow rises slightly, as he adds a steep bow to his movements. Ah, my eyes are fairly good in dim light, but in total darkness not so well. But I do have this.

The half-drow gives a crazed grin as he casts a light spell into the cave as far as he can see. He then turns to Sophia and adds, Does that help any? He notes any looks of surprise by the others and only offers a phrase to answer thier unspoken questions on his actions, Chaos is such a wonderful thing, is it not?

2013-04-01, 10:24 PM
"Well, that will do nicely." Sohpia moves into the cave, out of the wet, keeping her bladestaff ready to kill anything that might threaten the rest of the party. She uses her sharp eyes and ears to search for threats.

well my perception sucks but:

2013-04-12, 04:36 PM
The cave is deep enough to shelter you fairly comfortably from the storm. And clearly has served this purpose before! In the center of the cave is a small hearth filled with ash, but whoever camped here before you is nowhere to be seen.

2013-04-13, 03:01 AM
The presence of an old firecamp was a clear indication that the place was safe enough. Rincing his travel cloak, Arland started to search for a confortable place to sit.

"It seems we'll stop here for today. Wouldn't it be funny if the one who came before us was the one we're looking for ?"

Inwardly, he took note of Veldryn's display. That was undoubtebly arcane magic, and his cavalier attitude toward it was strange, especially coupled with his carefree comments toward possible imperial presence. Was he brave, foolish... or was it something else ? Time will tell.

"What a suitable way to start an epic quest, eh ? Not a day in, and we're already look like old wet dogs."

2013-04-13, 08:19 PM
Veldryn cast a veiled glance to everyone as he used his magic, trying to gauge eaches reaction. With a carefree smile, he entered the cave and began searching around. Knowing that this placed was used before, he hoped that some trinkets of value could have been dropped.


Once finished, the half-drow causually used another spell, in his usage he hoped that he was giving the impression that he trusted the others, to clean and dry his clothes. When he felt that his appearance was sufficiently better, he offered to do the same for everyone else.

2013-04-14, 12:04 AM
Veldryn You find nothing of real value or interest. A few bones, those of fish and some sort of small mammal, perhaps rabbits, strewn around the hearth. The dirt around the back of the cave seems to have been disturbed, but you can't discern anything useful from it.

2013-04-15, 05:06 PM
As you all settle into your temporary home the storm shows no sign of weakening. It gradually becomes apparent you'll be stuck here for the night unless you want to brave the worsening storm, which would be a harrowing prospect. The sun begins to set and you prepare to settle in for the night.

OOC: At this point you guys ought to discuss watches, any preparations for the night, etc. I'll be moving time forward in-game tomorrow afternoon (PST).

2013-04-20, 12:24 AM
Veldryn walks around the cave with a depressed look on his face. He was hoping that he could find a few coins to add to his slowly shrinking purse, but sometimes lady luck can be a bit fickle. After a few minutes, he glances to the others and says, If there are no objections, then I will take the first watch. I am not feeling tired enough for rest right now and I could use some time alone for my thoughts.

2013-04-21, 09:22 PM
Everyone settles in for the night, the sound of the rain and hail outside lulling them to sleep. However the night does not pass entirely peacefully. In the middle of the night, during TakTak's watch, he spots a few small figures moving around down by the road. He can't quite make out what they are, but they seem to be trying to move about quietly, only his natural adaptation to the dark has allowed him to notice them. The figures start slowly moving up the hill toward the cave, seemingly unaware that TakTak has noticed them.

OOC:Here's the cave:
Everyone post in the OOC thread roughly where within the cave they've chosen to sleep. If you don't post between now and Tuesday evening (PST) I'll assume my prior absence drove you away and we'll move on without you.

2013-05-14, 06:33 PM
TakTak quickly wakes all of you, warning you of the approaching figures. Fortunately they seem to be doing enough bickering among themselves to slow their approach considerably, giving you time to arm yourselves before they reach the cave. As they near you can tell it's a small group of kobolds, 5 smaller ones carrying small javelins being pushed along by two larger kobolds bearing shields and swords, and a seventh quickly moving spear-wielding kobold.


Initiative Order (So Far):
1) Small Kobolds (M)
2) Heavily Armed Kobolds (D)
3) Arland
4) Sophia
5) Spear-wielding Kobold (S)