View Full Version : Crossfire Squadron 1: Surprise, Bucketheads!

2013-03-22, 10:32 PM
The wheezing, sputtering sound of the struggling air recycler is the only sound aboard the Rebel transport Civility; an awkward near-silence has fallen over its twenty passengers several times in the hours since they boarded the vessel. Most of those aboard are young and wide-eyed, support personnel who were much more enthusiastic about fighting the Empire back in their university dorms than they are now, deployed to their first (and, given the risks, quite possibly their last) assignment. They are support personnel fervently hoping to never see battle.

Each of the other four has caused a stir in his or her own way. The two or three older Alliance troopers aboard, members of Special Ops by their gear and bearing, each stop for a solemn handshake with Griffin, clasping him firmly on the shoulder with the other hand as if to say I understand. Several of the recruits sit close around him, as though they can soak up some of his rugged, bleak-eyed determination by mere proximity. Everyone knows the story of a world erased by the Empire, but no one seems to know what to say.

No one is quite sure what to make of Daphrodel. The little alien gets more than a few stares from the green recruits, curious but not unfriendly, along with hesitant smiles. Norrin and Duxlan are less warmly received; the others give them a wide berth, sitting well away, and suspicious stares are directed at them. Their reputations precede them, and as a Rebel-killer and a Mandalorian that's not a good thing. Eventually, though, the Spec Ops types get fed up with the whispering and sit between the two shunned figures, seemingly unbothered.

Soon the transport has made the requisite three random jumps and plunged into the Kanlev Nebula, replacing the stars that filled the viewports moments earlier with flashing colors. The cloud of gas and dust envelops the Civility in moments, and soon the little ship is twisting and weaving as asteroids loom out of the purple-red gloom and electrical discharges flash intermittently. The pilots are good, though, and they know the way. After an hour's careful transit through the cloud, a much larger structure looms out of the distance.

Agitator Base is ugly. A half jagged, half smooth asteroid with craters covered in metal domes and towers, it resembles nothing so much as a mangled cybernetic potato. Several larger ships stand sentinel around it, only half-visible through the thick cloud. A few snub fighters of various types fly past, checking transponder codes, before the Civility makes for one of the small hangars. It touches down smoothly in the moderately-sized bay, and everyone stands to finally stretch their legs; between twenty people and a hundred supply crates, it's been cramped.

The boarding ramp lowers, and the air recycler finally shuts off, allowing for audible conversation again. Everyone begins to shuffle down the ramp, ducking past the battered binary load lifter that is reaching inside to move the crates, and toward the uniformed Zabrak woman standing at the bottom. She checks each one in on her datapad, then offers a smile and handshake, directing them in a calm, clear voice to one of the three doors at the edge of the hangar while simultaneously trying to get the binary load lifter to organize the crates.

"Welcome, Ensign Cedrax! Looks like you'll be with Lieutenant Berlo in the medical wing; take the first door on the right and follow the hall until - not over there, you big lummox! Sorry, Ensign, not you. Just follow the blue line on the floor. No, keep the red ones together! Red on the right, grey on the left! No, my left! Good to have you, Cadet Laerm. You'll be bunking in Section C, though that door. If you need help, just let me - stop! Be gentle with that!"

Deep, rich laughter echoes through the hangar as a human woman, her face tattooed and her clothing far from regulation, watches the Zabrak struggle. The strained officer's face lights up for a moment at the sight of her. "Kyien, could you please manage this thing while I - welcome, Ensign, you'll be through that door and on the left - while I get everyone checked in?"

The other woman just laughs again. "And lose the entertainment? Tell you what, Lieutenant, I'll recommend you for promotion for your heroic struggle against the crushing tyranny of multitasking. We'll all remember your noble sacrifice." Still chuckling, she pulls her goggles back down and carries on welding an X-Wing's landing strut. The Zabrak sighs deeply and tiredly.

Finally the four pilots, crammed toward the back of the transport, make their way down the ramp. The young Zabrak is sweating and looking very tired by now, but still manages a salute and a genuine smile. "Welcome! You must be the new pilots. I'm Lieutenant Sadue, the supply officer here."

2013-03-23, 09:40 AM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann

The young human suffered the whispers and the suspicious looks with as much stoicism as he could muster, preferring to just keep his eyes on the datapad in front of him and ignore the outside world. He'd get a chance to prove himself soon enough, and it wasn't like he'd joined the Rebellion to make any friends. Still, he was grateful to the specops vets that had sat down, forming a buffer between himself and the other passengers. In his studious desire to keep his attention focused inward, he didn't even notice that not all of the suspicious looks and comments were directed at him.

When they finally landed and were able to disembark, the young man shouldered his small bag of spare possessions -- pretty much everything he owned in the universe -- and made his way patiently outside. He dropped the bag on the ground when Lieutenant Sadue introduced herself and snapped to a well-practiced attention. "Flight Officer Norrin Rann, reporting for duty, Lieutenant." he announced. The Rebellion might have typically been more lax than the Imperial Navy, but old habits died hard. It was Rann's first instinct to click his bootheels together when presented with a superior officer. Back in the academy, the drill instructors would have you lashed for not doing it fast enough for their liking, if you weren't completely straight, if your hands were uneven...or if they just didn't like you.

2013-03-23, 09:50 AM
as whispering about him moves through the crowds, Duxlan thinks in his head when they realize that I am fighting for my own freedom and others as well, the whipers will change their thoughts of mando'ade as he approaches the supply officer talk to him, he says with a salute "Su'cuy, Lt. Sadue, I'm Lt. Duxlan Bralor" he lowers his arm "Don't let the past of the mando'ade scare you, we finally know what honor truly is"

2013-03-23, 11:11 AM
Lieutenant Sadue offers Norrin a salute of her own, though without the military precision of his. She glances down at her datapad, no doubt displaying his personnel file, and looks back up a moment later with interest and intensity shining in her eyes. "We're glad to have you, Officer Rann," she says, extending a well-calloused hand for a firm shake, "and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." She turns and salutes Duxlan as well, but another gale of laughter breaks out from across the hangar as he speaks.

"Kid, if we scared easy, we wouldn't be here! He's kinda cute, though, don't ya think, Nirael? Next to this bunch, anyway." The supply officer sighs again. "You're a real professional, Ensign." The human woman throws up a mock salute before moving on to the next landing strut. "In any case," Nirael finishes, "we're glad to have anyone who'll fight the Empire, wherever they come from. Welcome aboard." With the binary load lifter finally stomping away, its task complete, she turns to the other two pilots, still smiling.

2013-03-23, 12:11 PM
Staring into the gaseous field of color, Daphrodel is taken aback by the beauty of the nebula. Nebulae had always fascinated her, and this was no exception. The base took her breathe again, as its makeshift appearance reminded her of the junker freighter her mother and father put together and most likely still flew. She ignored the stares she got, as it was a common thing from the big-folk, and gathered her few supplies she brought as soon as they landed. As she walks off the ship, she hears Sadue addressing her and three others. When she has a turn, she steps up, throws off her hood and squeaks, 'Daphrodel Ingbelle Fenlyle, most humble-happy to present myself. The Rebelling ones have assisted Squibbish recent wise and I will repay in full grateful hard work.' With that, she sticks out a foot balanced on the heel, and bows till her face nearly touches the ground (which isn't far).

2013-03-23, 01:59 PM
Griffin, steps off the landing gantry and walks up, to the awaiting zarbak cargo officer.
“Lieutenant Griffin Starblazer”, is all he says as he scratches at the week old stubble on his face.

2013-03-23, 03:04 PM
Duxlan was about to scold the Ensign about her lack of discipline, but he realized this is not Mandalore, the is the Rebellion. Duxlan felt uncomfortable in his flight suit. you would think after a few years I would be comfortable in this, but I'm not. I would go back to Flight Cadet to get back into some beskar. Strapped to his belt was an old, Mandalorian vibroblade, a beskad, in its sheath; strapped to his other side of the belt is a hold out blaster, something Duxlan used often in his off hand when fighting on the dirt.

2013-03-23, 05:31 PM
After checking in with the Ensign, Griffin heads over to the X-wings docked in the hangar and starts checking over the ships. He goes over every important part of the closest snubfighter, the engines, weapons systems, navigation, shields even the astromech port. Afterwards, he drops his bag and climbs up into a seat and gives the cockpit a good once over.

Once he's satisfied with his survey, he says, “These’ll do.” more to himself to than to anyone nearby.

i'm assuming that these ships are have been kept up to a satisfactory level.

2013-03-23, 06:56 PM
Lieutenant Sadue smiles at Daphrodel, though clearly a little confused by her greeting. "Erm... Wonderful. Welcome aboard." She salutes Griffin as well, then looks surprisedly at his retreating back as he wanders off among the starfighters without even waiting for a response. "Well," she continues after a moment's hesitation, "I'm not sure how much time you'll need to get settled, but I'm afraid you won't have much; the Commander is worried about losing the element of surprise."

"Your first briefing will be in conference room three in an hour; I have your living space assignments here, if you want to drop anything off before you head out again. It was a real pleasure to meet you all, and I'm sure I'll see you around. Don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything!" She indicates the doors leading to the living areas and to the conference room, offers a final smile, and turns to walk after the binary load lifter. "No, you're not done yet, you blasted machine!"

Meanwhile, the Ensign watches Griffin impassively, leaning against one of the X-Wings. "You're lucky you're not in the Imperial Navy," she says, raising an eyebrow. "They'd probably have you neuro-lashed for wandering off into a restricted area during a briefing." She shrugs, the movement balling up her too-large jumpsuit around her shoulders. "They're more laid back here. Whaddaya think of the ships?" she asks, abruptly changing topics. "Chance Squadron here got a little roughed up on their last deployment. Some place in the Outer Rim, I think. I should have 'em runnin' smooth again soon, though."

2013-03-23, 07:29 PM
"Don't have anything to drop off. Had to get smuggled off Mandalore." He looks down with a sad look "Just imagine what the empire is making with that beskar, and what my people are suffering mining it, especially the non-humans"

2013-03-23, 08:24 PM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann

"Actually, they'd probably assume you were a saboteur and summarily execute you on the spot." After getting his room assignment from the upbeat Lieutenant, Norrin joined the conversation near the X-Wing as an excuse to get close to it and look it over. The crude engineer seemed to know her stuff, and the snubfighters seemed lovingly cared for despite the recent battle damage. "And people wonder why I defected..." he added, mostly to himself.

Norrin didn't stay long. So enthusiastic about getting back in a fighter cockpit was he that he didn't waste any time dropping off his meager belongings and getting to the briefing room. He got there a half hour early, datapad in hand.

2013-03-23, 08:36 PM
Heading into the briefing room, Lt. Bralor found his new squad-mate is early as well. "Guess I'm not the only one arriving early." Duxlan walks up to him and says with a smile "We didn't have time to properly introduce, the name is Duxlan of the clan Bralor." Duxlan extends his hand.

2013-03-23, 08:53 PM
Climbing down from the cockpit, Griffin addresses the mechanic.
“Lucky?, lady you have no clue what sort of luck I’ve got”. Griffin says, pain momentarily flashing in his eyes.

“But I’ve seen worse, spent a month with a squadron that hadn’t had their ships serviced in a year.”
Extending his hand, Griffin says,
“Griffin Starblazer, just got assigned here”

2013-03-24, 10:36 AM
The Ensign just grins. "Well, you ain't lucky and I'm no lady, so I guess we've both got each other wrong." She takes Griffin's hand and gives it a firm shake. "Kyien Kearna, or 'that damn Ensign' to most of these humorless folks." She looks into his pained eyes, sizing him up with a stare. "You look like you could use a drink, Starblazer. Hell, you look like you need to get smashed. I'll buy you one if you make it back."

2013-03-24, 11:50 AM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann

"We didn't have time to properly introduce, the name is Duxlan of the clan Bralor." Duxlan extends his hand.

"I'm Norrin..." the other pilot said awkwardly, "...of the clan Rann." he shrugged, copying the man's strange form of address. He wondered where outside of Imperial space Duxlan had picked up that strange accent and naming convention. "Just so you know, talking to me isn't going to make you many friends. I'm persona non grata around most Alliance supporters. Better walk away before anyone notices." he chuckled, shaking his head.

2013-03-24, 12:11 PM
Daphrodel walks about the hangar bay checking out every piece of equipment she can find. All of the spare parts and modified bits of the starfighters were better company than most the Big Folk. Whenever she finds a new piece, it's like meeting a long lost friend. Nearby people can hear her speaking aloud to the equipment as she figures out where everything belongs. When nearly an hour passes by, she walks into the meeting chamber and waits.

2013-03-24, 03:44 PM
“I just got finished getting smashed, it’s what landed me here in the first place. But I’ll take your offer up sometime. Right now it looks like I’m expected elsewhere; it’s nice meeting you, Kyien.”

With that, the pilot is off to find the briefing room he’s supposed to be at.
Once there, Griffin takes a seat and simply waits.

2013-03-24, 09:31 PM
As the time before the briefing ticks down, several others trickle into the conference room. A thin, skull-faced Givin, a squid-headed Quarren, a young, long-haired human not much out of her teens, and a russet-scaled Trandoshan offer those already seated a nod before taking their own seats. Time ticks by until, five minutes late, the doors slide open once again to admit a tattooed Twi'lek woman in a Commander's uniform, closely followed by a well-armored Duros.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," the Twi'lek begins, taking in the room's occupants with a single sweep of her intense gaze. "It looks like everyone's here, so we won't waste any more time. I'm Commander Ulaniel, commanding officer for this operation. This is Major Losyn, who heads the Spec Ops detachment here. Look around and remember these faces; if all goes well, you'll be flying with them for a while. You eight make up our third fighter group, Crossfire Squadron."

"You'll get a chance to know each other in the field; we're deploying you right away, before the Imps know we're here. I'll let the Major brief you; this is his Op. May the Force be with you." Turning quickly on her heel, she heads back out of the room at a brisk pace. The Duros steps forward and fires up the old holoprojector in the middle of the central table; the machine coughs to life, whirring obnoxiously, and finally displays a grainy image of a Cruiser-sized ship, angular and clearly Imperial in design.

"This is the Desiderius," the Major begins, his voice soft but commanding. "It is an Imperial prison ship currently bound for the high security prison colony on Ord Vaug. The Empire sends two types of people to Ord Vaug: high level hostages who are kept under heavy guard on the sublevels and low-level Rebel sympathizers who are tortured to death for information within hours of arriving. Either way, we stand no chance of recovering anyone who reaches the planet with our current forces."

"The Desiderius, however, affords us an opportunity. While it will travel to Ord Vaug under heavy escort, our spies have assured us that those escorts will depart at the edge of the system. The Desiderius is unarmed, so its only defense between leaving hyperspace and reaching Ord Vaug will be the planet's fighter squadrons, of which only a few are capable of spaceflight. With much of the Sector Fleet providing assistance in neighboring sectors, their response time should be very long. Thus we have a window in which we can disable and board the Desiderius."

"Crossfire Squadron will deploy alongside one of our corvettes, the Can't Catch Me, and drop into the system the moment the escorts are gone. Our spies will jam the escorts' communications, and we will disable the Desiderius. I will lead two SpecOps teams in a boarding action to rescue as many of the prisoners as possible, extracting them to the Can't Catch Me. We will sweep the ship level by level, rescuing priority targets first, then combatants, then noncombatants, as time permits."

"Crossfire Squadron's objective is to protect the Can't Catch Me from planetary fighter squadrons, the escorts if the jamming fails, and the Sector Fleet vanguard if they respond more quickly than expected, for as long as possible. The longer you buy us, the more prisoners we'll be able to extract. The survival of the Can't Catch Me is critical, however; if the operation goes badly south, ensuring that it escapes is your only objective, even if the SpecOps teams and all prisoners must be left behind."

"Are there any questions?"

2013-03-24, 09:51 PM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann

"Sir," Norrin raised his hand, "does the planet garrison sport any squints or are we expecting strictly eyeballs?" He ignored the looks that he was starting to get from the other pilots that might have recognized him or heard something about him before this briefing. He hoped that he'd get the chance to at least prove himself to the squadron during this and hopefully more missions.

"Also, have number designations and wingpairs been decided or should we just see who we work best with when we're out there? Ah, and are we expecting four more pilots to round us out to a full twelve-man squadron eventually?" he asked before forcing himself to sit down and shut up so that other people could speak. Three questions was probably enough.

2013-03-25, 06:51 AM
While waiting for this question to be answered, Duxlan tries to look back to his previous knowledge of tactics too see how big the possibilities are of a trap

Knowledge tactics

2013-03-25, 12:57 PM
“Are we to assist in disabling the Desiderius? or does that job fall to the “can’t catch me?”

Griffin asks from the back of the room.

2013-03-25, 12:59 PM
"Just eyeballs, according to our intel," the Major replies to the first question. "Atmospheric defenses on Ord Vaug are very powerful, but it seems they don't expect to have to chase anyone. I'll let our flight coordinator, Captain Droiv, brief you on designations and wingpairs. As for another four pilots, we don't expect so any time soon. High Command is already concerned we've overcommitted to this sector. Prove them wrong and we'll see about full squadrons."

"As for disabling the Desiderius," he continues, "any help the squadron can provide would be appreciated."

2013-03-26, 01:11 AM
“Sounds like we’re going to have easy pickings until the sector fleet returns. Lets enjoy it while we can, because once they get back, things are going to get a lot more interesting."

Griffin says, while he leans back in his chair and laces his fingers behind his head.

2013-03-26, 11:45 AM
"Sir, how many Tie fighters are we talking about." Duxlan asks

2013-03-26, 01:45 PM
"It's difficult to say for certain," the Major tells Duxlan. "We have only a few agents on Ord Vaug, and they must tread very carefully. We estimate two squadrons, so it would be wise to disable the Desigerius quickly and then prepare for their arrival. The Can't Catch Me will provide what fire support it can, but it must stay docked with the Desiderius, so unless you remain close to it you'll be mostly on your own." He looks around and, seeing no further questions, nods.

"I will keep you updated as to our progress through the Desiderius. The longer you can hold them the more we can do, but we retreat at the first sign of an eight chicken alarm. May the Force be with you." With that he salutes and walks out of the room. Across from the first four pilots, the Quarren gets to his feet, stretching his back. "You must be our other pilots," he says, his words thickly accented by his facial tentacles. "I am Nriv Thwyll, and I look forward to working with you. These are my friends Serena," he indicates the young woman, who responds with an intense nod, "Slinissk," the Trandoshan calmly waves, "and Valoos." The Givin's skull-like head seems to smile.

2013-03-26, 01:57 PM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann

"I'm Norrin, this is Duxlan of the Clan Bralor, that's Griffin, and the little one is Daphrodel, assuming I heard everyone's names right." he replied, getting introductions out of the way. "How long have you all been here? Have you had a chance to look over our starfighters yet?" he asked, somewhat eagerly. He very much wanted to go down and look over every inch of his assigned craft. It was a pilot's duty to personally inspect his fighter before every engagement. He was sure the techs and mechanics knew what they were doing, but it was important that they didn't get big heads and leave the minor and sometimes tedious details to the support staff. It also lessened the likelihood that one would suffer major equipment failure and spend a very cold time waiting for pickup after punching out.

He rose from his seat, figuring they were going to talk as they walked. They needed to see this Captain Droiv about numbers and wingpairs as well.

2013-03-26, 02:15 PM
Griffin stands, and puts his bag on the empty seat in front of him, he opens it and pulls out his flight helmet, the one with the crest of Alderaan freshly painted on the front left side and the rebel alliance crest painted on the front right hand side. He tucks the helmet under his arm and nods at his new squadron mates.

“Let’s find the captain and get this party going.” He says as he picks up his bag.

2013-03-26, 02:20 PM
Duxlan grins and says "A Quarren, Trandoshan, Givin, Squib, and a few humans with one being a Mandalorian, the alliance sure has diversity. By the way, I was just being a bit more formal with the phrase 'of the clan Bralor' Flight officer Rann." Duxlan says. The mandalorian cracks his knuckles "Lets see if the Imps can handle a Mando."

Duxlan puts on his helmet. The helmet was like other rebel helmets, except it had the Mandalorian symbol on the side.

"we should find this captain and get a move on." Duxlan starts to turn away, but stops "Oh and I'm looking forward to flying with you"

2013-03-27, 12:05 AM
The squib went on trying to memorize the squad mates' names in a low voice, 'Nriv, Serena, Slinnisk, Valoosh, Duxly, Norrin, Griffin? Niv, Selena, Slinnsk, Valoos, Duxlan, Norris, Griflin? Or was it Norflin and Griffis?' She shakes her head; that could wait. She stands up quickly, barely rising higher than she sat. 'Let's turn the Imperials to scrap!' she yelps as she picks up her oddly shaped helmet.

2013-03-27, 06:44 AM
"Right behind you"

2013-03-27, 10:53 PM
"Assuming standard time," Valoos begins in response to Norrin's query, "we have been here roughly twenty-nine seven hundred and twentieths of a rotational cycle." Serena rolls her eyes at the Givin. "He means we've been here about an hour..." "Fifty-eight minutes!" "Fine, fifty-eight minutes. Not much longer than you, anyway, and we haven't seen our ships yet. Here's hoping they're in better shape than the rest of this place." The others nod in agreement; Agitator Base hasn't impressed anyone.

With greetings exchanged and names (somewhat) clarified, the squadron moves toward a different hangar than the one in which the Civility arrived. Just outside the door, a Rodian in an immaculate Captain's uniform crosses their path. "Captain Droiv," he says with a crisp salute, his basic surprisingly unaccented. "I am the flight coordinator for Agitator Base. You must leave soon, so I'll make this quick. First Lieutenant Thwyll, you are Crossfire Leader. Your performance in that role will be evaluated." The Quarren nods respectfully.

Wasting no time, the Captain divides the group into wingpairs and grants each a designation. Serena is Crossfire One, Griffin is Two, Duxlan is Three, Norrin is Four, Daphrodel is Five, Valoos is Six, and Slinissk is Seven. Leader and One and paired, then Two and Three, Four and Five, and Six and Seven. His task complete, Captain Droiv departs at a near sprint, no doubt off to divvy up the other squadrons in time to get them all deployed at once. Beyond where he stood, the hangar doors slide open.

Six X-Wings sit in a rough circle around two Y-Wings, one a Longprobe devoid of the gunner's hatch. Though the hangar itself is cluttered and dirty, with a haze of heat rising from exposed pipes along the floor, the ships have clearly been well-maintained and even modified to their pilots' specifications. A few technicians move around them, ensuring that a small crowd of astromechs is properly placed into each fighter. "It is my honor to lead you on this mission," Nriv says with a solemn nod. "Shall we?"

2013-03-28, 12:04 AM
Yeah, sounds good. Looks like we’re pressed for time so let’s not keep the Imps waiting

The Alderaanian pilot heads over to the X-wings to find his designated ship. Once there, he stows his bag in the ship’s small cargo compartment and then gives the ship a once over just as he had done before. He had an idea of what to expect and he wasn’t disappointed. These fighters are as good as any other fighter in the fleet. When he’s satisfied he hands over his helmet to a technician while he climbs the ladder, taking it back he dons the helmet and slides the amber eye shield down over his eyes. He then begins the start up sequence, punching in the activation code the flight coordinator gave them.

Watching the lights in the cockpit light up brings a slight smile to his face.
Then a greetings appears on his tactical screen,
[Greetings, I am known as Screech, I am your astromech droid, It is an honor to fly with you.]

Glancing over his shoulder at the mech, Griffin responds,
“Great, a droid named Screech, well beggars can’t be choosers.
Ok, Screech. He shakes his head at the name, We are designated Crossfire two, I’m Lieutenant Griffin Starblazer. Don’t call me Lieutenant.”

2013-03-28, 03:34 AM
'Let's go, doublefast! Fly to meet the bad danger.' Daph yells as she bounds off toward the x-wings. She finds the one with a modified cockpit to fit her height, and the shield generator she brought with her already installed. In the droid socket was an excitable little astromech who went by the handle 'Peaches'. Daph could hardly contain her excitement as she put on her helmet and began pre-flight safety and diagnostics checks.

2013-03-28, 06:45 AM
"Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur." Duxlan said in mando'a. Duxlan walked up to his Y-wing. His last ship was a Syck starfighter made by MandalMotors; he no longer has it because he crashed landed on a planet on his last mission. Duxlan preferred Mandalorian made equipment because he believed that his peoples equipment were better than what he was issued. "It is no Mandalorian ship, but it will have to do."

2013-03-28, 08:04 AM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann

Norrin nodded to his new wingman, Daphrodel, as they went to find their X-Wings. "See you out there, Five." he said, throwing her a little salute before climbing the ladder up to his starfighter's cockpit. His helmet, a black thing that his former squadmates had painted for him as a cruel prank, looked reminiscent of a TIE Fighter pilot's helmet, only with large, matching red Alliance logos just above the visor. Norrin had decided to keep it, despite their pranks, and had since started adding TIE symbols to the back to mark his kills.

Hello, sir. I am fully functional and ready to serve you. read out a message on his front screen from the astromech plugged into the socket behind him.

"Good to hear. Do you have a name, little buddy?"

I am designated R2-G4, but the technicians refer to me as 'Hopper'.

"Why is that?" Norrin asked, a little smile cracking his features.

When I am agitated I tend to move in a recurring vertical motion -- I hop up and down. The mechanics do not know why. Perhaps it is a flaw in my programming. the R2 unit texted back. Though emotion wasn't conveyed through the message, Norrin could almost feel that Hopper was embarrassed about the name. Norrin, and the technicians who could have definitely fixed the glitch if they wanted, thought it was endearing.

"Good to have you on board, Hopper. I'm Norrin. I know we'll work great together. Running startup sequence now. Did you run a preflight check?" Norrin asked as he flicked a few switches overhead.

Yes, Norrin. All systems go.

"That's what I want to hear." Norrin grinned as he ran the rest of his startup routine. He keyed into the squadron's comm channel as his engines began to cycle up. He watched the indicators on his panel go from red to yellow and finally to green as systems were brought up, but he kept the starfighter on the ground until otherwise ordered. "This is Crossfire Four, I've got four lit and in the green. Standing by."

2013-03-28, 01:36 PM
Everything is in order, and one by one the pilots check in. But just as Nriv is about to give the order to head out, a blonde-haired young woman in a flight suit much too big for her pelts across the hangar toward the ships, waving her arms over her head. "Wait for me!" Her yells are barely audible over the roar of repulsorlifts warming up. "Oh, hell no," Serena says, her voice echoing over the channel. Her cockpit pops open, and her shouts are added to the noise. "Hell no! Go back, Marin! They haven't cleared you to fly, and we're full up anyway!"

Marin sticks her tongue out at Serena; looking between them, there's a striking resemblance. "Not cleared to fly, but I'm cleared to gun! Told you I could help!" Frustration flows out of Serena's face, replaced with a paleness, as Marin climbs into the turret of Duxlan's Y-Wing. The younger woman smiles and waves at the Mandalorian. "Ready! Sorry for the wait!" Serena closes her cockpit and fires up the comms again. "If anything happens to her..." "I can take care of myself!" "... anything at all, I'm coming for you, Mandalorian."

"That's enough," Nriv says, his voice quiet but commanding. "We're all here to watch out for each other. Now, we have a mission. Let's get to the rendezvous point." As one, Crossfire Squadron lifts off and slips out into the nebula, moving from sterile white lights and the clatter of droids and technicians to swirling, thousand-colored dust and utter silence. "We should have a clear path, but stay alert. There are some big asteroids out there. Call them out as you see them, and follow me closely."

The hour-long flight is nerve-wracking, but beautiful. Visibility is limited to the span of a few ships, meaning that the starfighters furthest away in the tight formation are only barely visible. Lightning dances through the drifting clouds of color, and the shadows of rocks the size of cruisers lurk just beyond the line of sight. But the passage is completed without incident, and the starry void opens up before Crossfire Squadron. Waiting just beyond is the squat but mighty Can't Catch Me, its ion cannons tracking the new arrivals.

"S'about time y'all showed," the captain drawls over the comms. "Good ta see ya, though. We ready to do this?" Nriv activates the squadron's private channel. "Remember, we'll hit the Desiderius with whatever we can first, then intercept the TIEs. Does anyone have anything else that needs to be said?"

2013-03-28, 03:09 PM
"Nothing, sir," Duxlan stated.

2013-03-28, 04:08 PM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann

"If any of you outscore my wingman and I on eyeballs, I'll buy first round back at base." Norrin said, offering up a little friendly competition. He doubted it would give anyone more incentive than they already had to do well, but he wanted to show what he was made of. He pulled his gloves on a little tighter and settled his hands on the controls.

2013-03-28, 04:22 PM
Duxlan turns his head around. "Hear that, get as many kills as you can, vod." Duxlan turns on his coms "You're on. I might give you a head start, but that might not help you against a Mando'ade." Duxlan boasts

2013-03-28, 08:29 PM
“Children, I’m flying with a bunch of children” Griffin Laments to himself.

Keying his comm. to the squadron channel the elder pilot chimes in,

“Deuce here, a little competition is fine, but hot doggin’ will get you killed. Remember we have a mission to complete. Just stay frosty, and do your job and everyone will come home to enjoy those drinks. "

2013-03-28, 09:26 PM
Just don't get drunk while flying, I know what happened to your Syck. appeared on the screen. Duxlan was baffled for a bit but realized it was his astromech droid.
"Oh that's right, a bucket of bolts in a larger bucket of bolts." Duxlan rolls his eyes."I guess I have to make do. I probably wont like it though"
You sure, mate this text wasn't in Basic, it was in Mando'a. duxlan was shoked.
"An R2 unit with Mando'a programmed in, what is your name"
R2-M7, or Beskar'ad
"Mando'a for droid, easy enough. So, since the alliance can't get a MandalMotors ship, they give me a droid that knows Mando'a."

About a few seconds later a thought had crossed his mind
"No astromech droid would be programmed with Basic and Mando'a. Why do you have both?"
Long story.

2013-03-28, 09:51 PM
'It's you and me, Four. We'll do supergrand,making fields of imperial junk.

'I'll do what I can as well, furry one' says a chattering voice in binary from her droid socket.

'Crossfire Five standing by.' Daphrodel confirms, looking out over the bow of her x-wing. She adjusts her grip on the controls before peering out into the blackness of space. Her heart beating quickly as she waits for the okay to fly into battle.

2013-03-29, 02:41 PM
"Crossfire Three standing by."

2013-03-30, 08:43 AM
"All right, chatterboxes, lock it down," Nriv says with a wet thwomping sound that must pass for a chuckle coming from the Quarren. "Can't Catch Me, this is Crossfire Leader. We are ready to jump." "Then let's get this done," the captain replies. As one, the Alliance ships stretch, then launch forward, stars blurring past the viewscreens until the blue tunnel of hyperspace opens before them. The journey is not long; the nebula is well placed to launch an attack on any of the key systems in the sector.

"Coming out of hyperspace... now!" Nriv sounds tense, his earlier amusement vanished; this is the real thing. As the squadron emerges into realspace once more, Ord Vaug looms up in the distance, a menacing yellow-purple ball covered in drifting crimson storms. On the other side of the rebel group sits the Desiderius, making its slow way toward that strange world. The prison ship is far more menacing in person, like a thick spearpoint with engines. Sure enough, it's alone; the escorts are gone.

"Unidentified craft," a hesitant transmission crackles across the comms, "you have entered a restricted area. Turn back at once, or be fired upon." "They don't recognize us? Rough for them," Marin mutters. "Very true," Nriv says, a bit of humor returning to his tone and then vanishing again as he gets down to business. "Lock S-Foils in attack position. Hit them hard and fast, and try to disable their guns first. Engage!" With that, the squadron goes in, the Can't Catch Me charging its guns on their left flank...

2013-03-30, 11:07 AM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann

As the tunnel of light resolved itself back into a star field and the squadron came out of hyperspace, there started a flurry of controlled activity. Norrin flicked another switch above and slightly behind his head, deploying the cross-shaped wings for which his fighter was named. "S-Foils in attack position. This is Four, I thought Desiderius was supposed to be unarmed!" he exclaimed incredulously. "Better watch those deflector shields, Hopper. Switching over to torpedoes and calculating firing solution. Five, Four, ready to hit it?" he asked his wingman as his X-Wing started in on a run at the prison ship. (Presumably along with the rest of the squadron.)

As the rangefinder rapidly counted down the distance between the star fighter and the Desiderius, Norrin linked his torpedo launchers to fire two at a time and framed the bulky cruiser perfectly in his sights. One, or even a pair of torpedoes wouldn't be enough to destroy the ship outright, but a volley from the entire squadron might be enough to batter down its shields and make it easy pickings for Catch Me. "I'm locked on, Lead. Firing!"

Two missiles darted out of the launchers on either side and slightly below Norrin's cockpit as he neared the enormous target that was the prison ship. They screamed out in utter silence in the void, but Norrin detected the launch as a simultaneous pair of thumps. Leaving blue contrails behind them, the proton torpedoes slammed into Desiderius' shields in a blossom of fire.

2013-03-30, 01:07 PM
'Four, this is five. S-foils locked and ready for run-attack. Leader said engage! Daph speeds forward, making sure not to lose her wingman. Right behind me, Four? Let's take 'em! When she's in range, she drops a proton torpedo on it's hull.

Attack run + proton torpedo launch.
Engage Enemy (initiative): [roll0]
Proton Torpedoes: [roll1]
Using 'disabling fire' of 'deep space raider' in unknown regions. If I deal damage, their SR is 0 till the start of my next turn.

2013-03-30, 01:42 PM
Griffin automatically reaches up over his right shoulder and flips the switch activating the Xwing’s S foil servo motors and waits as the ship’s wings split apart forming the famous X shape that’s made the X-wing famous.

“Deuce here, preparing for attack run,” switching over to the private channel he shared with his flight,

“Three, let’s see how tough this ship is before we hit it with torpedoes. We may make this quicker than anticipated. And you may get to use those ion cannons.”

He switches his targeting computer over to scan mode and watches the enemy ship’s shields reduce as his allies open fire.

Delaying action, going to go last after I learn how much damage we’re putting out

2013-03-30, 06:54 PM
As Duxlan approaches the ship, he makes his attack run with his lasers. "This is 3, I'm making my attack run," he says.
[roll0] attack run
[roll1]*2 lasers

2013-04-01, 08:32 PM
"It's unarmed, Four. They're just blustering to get us to turn back," Crossfire One transmits. And then the squadron converges on the prison ship, their torpedoes leaving bright streaks behind them as they across the open void. Explosions erupt along the bow of the Desiderius, punching through the shields to leave behind twisted and mangled hull plating. Duxlan's orange blaster fire mingles with the bright blue ion beams from the Can't Catch Me, slamming into the target's starboard side.

Imperial distress signals blare across all channels, but with the communications of the escorts jammed only the distant TIEs on Ord Vaug are there to listen. "Nice try, vapebait," Marin taunts from Crossfire Three's turret, adding her own ion cannon to the barrage. "You're all alone out here." Perhaps she tempted fate, or perhaps it was always bound to happen, but at that very moment readings appear on each fighter's monitor: another ship is coming in from hyperspace!

"You had to open your big mouth," Serena remarks drily as an Imperial Guardian-class Light Cruiser appears out of hyperspace, dropping in near the Can't Catch Me and moving to sandwich it between the two Imperial ships. "Aww sithspit," the captain swears. "Abort! The comm jam must've failed!" "Negative," Nriv commands. "It's just one light cruiser, probably a random patrol. We'll handle it. Crossfire, engage the newcomer and take it out before those TIEs get here! Protect the Can't Catch Me!"

2013-04-01, 08:53 PM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann

"Don't go anywhere, Desiderius. We'll get back to you in two shakes of a nerf's tail." Norrin said before he switched his comm channel back open. "Affirmative lead, switching targets. This one is armed, guys, so stay sharp." he warned as he punched his fighter up to full throttle.

"We're going in hot on this one, Five. Let's show them we're a threat and keep them shooting at us. Hopper, angle the deflector shields and maybe a single good hit won't turn us into space dust." he advised his wingman and R2 unit. Norrin had to fight with his control stick a bit as his X-Wing opened up to a full throttle, pushing it five or ten percent past his safety limits. He waited until the Guardian-class light cruiser nearly filled his cockpit viewport before letting two more linked torpedoes fly from his launch tubes, then pulled up flying so close that their shields scraped together on the way out.

DC20 Pilot Check for Extra Move: [roll0]
Torpedo Attack: [roll1] (+6 = 21)
Force Point: 1d6=6, 1d6=1 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4003242/)
Damage: 9d10+4=64 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4003244/) (x2) = 128
Angle Deflector Shields Maneuver DC15: [roll2]

2013-04-02, 12:29 AM
Duxlan smiles at this "Haatyc or'arue jate'shya ori'sol aru'ike nuhaatyc. Better one large enemy you can see than many small ones you can't." says without opening coms. "Lets see if I can't draw their fire." Duxlan tries to draw the ship's fire as he makes an attack run. If he is attacked, he will preform a snap roll.

[roll0] laser
[roll1] Draw Fire talent (if excels enemy's will (in this case, gunners), they must attack me (or the Can't Catch Me (PG 16 Starships))
[roll2] if attacked, replaces reflex unless it is below standard reflex

2013-04-02, 02:56 AM
Griffin Starblazer,
“Something we can blow up eh screech,” the veteran pilot says as he pulls “up” into a loop, that he holds until his targeting reticule is facing the newly arrived cruiser.

Switching his weapons over to twin torpedoes he targets the ship; he waits till his reticule goes red. As soon as it does, the R2 unit behind him lets out a shrill shriek.

Move action: face target
Standard action: attack
Torpedo attack
Critical hit
Torpedo damage
[roll1] x2 =114 x2=228 (critical hit deals double damage)
If I hit it’s damage threshold is treated as if it is 5 points lower, and it’s DR is also treated as if it was 5 lower.

2013-04-02, 09:51 AM
'This is Five, targeting newship.' responds Daph over the com. She spins around, reorienting her ship for an attack run at the guardian. As she closes the distance, she shoots her twin lasers into the fray.

Attack run + laser cannons

2013-04-02, 07:31 PM
The Imperial light cruiser is immediately swarmed as Crossfire Squadron drops ordnance on it with tremendous speed and fervor; its shields flicker and buckle under hit after hit. Crossfire Two's well-placed torpedo rips right through the hull, depressurizing an entire deck, and the still bodies of several storm troopers are sucked out of the gaping wound. "An excellent shot, Crossfire Two," Crossfire Six transmits. "The probability of striking that airlock dead on was very low, approximately..." "Valoos," Serena cuts in, "please shut up."

Yet the ship is determined to give as good as it gets, and point defense blasters studded across the hull release a withering barrage of fire through which the squadron struggles to maneuver. Crossfire Three, making a strafing run across the port side that gets every point defense gun on the vessel pointed right at him, takes a pounding. His Y-Wing rocks under several hits that chip the paint and start his starboard engine smoking, but the tough little starfighter manages to hold together. Returning fire, he and his gunner blow away two of the miniature turrets.

"Wahoooo!" Marin shouts as the Y-Wing flies through the little explosions. The remaining pont defense guns swivel toward the Can't Catch Me, but the ship has moved out of range; the Desiderius is shunting power into its engines and making a run for it, with the Rebel corvette in hot pursuit! The Imperial light cruiser opens fire on the Can't Catch Me with its larger, longer-range guns, shaking the vessel's shields. "Don't let the Desiderius escape!" Crossfire Leader commands. "But don't let that cruiser pound us into dust, either!"

"Surrender immediately, Rebel scum," the Light Cruiser instructs.

Duxlan's Y-Wing takes 30 damage, and its SR is reduced to 10, as the Light Cruiser sends out a full anti-fighter barrage at him.

2013-04-02, 07:48 PM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann

"Concentrate fire on the patrol cruiser first! We're not going to get anything done while she's still around." Norrin advised the squadron when, by his reckoning at least, Crossfire Leader started issuing confusing and conflicting orders. "Three, break off and let us draw her fire, then dump some more torpedoes into her when she forgets about you."

"Five, I'm going in again. Got my wing?" Norrin asked his wingman as he snapped his fighter up onto its starboard S-foil and looped the cruiser, trying to dump his last two torpedoes onto the same spot he'd hit before. He hauled his control yoke back against his chest as the G-forces pushed him into his ejection seat, the compensator mechanism fighting to adjust to the maneuver until he leveled out.

Attack: [roll0] (+5=22)
Dumping another Force Point into that: 1d6=5, 1d6=4 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4004373/)
Damage: [roll1] (x2=154)

2013-04-03, 12:52 AM
Lieutenant Griffin Starblazer.

“Lead, this is Deuce, I advise that three, six and seven, should peel off and cut off that prison ship. Three can use his Ion cannons to disable it. The rest of us can handle this cruiser; she doesn’t have much fight left in her any way.” He says into his comm.

The veteran pilot flies over the top of the enemy capital ship, and then circles around for another pass.
He dumps twin linked lasers into starboard side.

another crit?! yeah!
[roll1] x2=60 x2 again for critical hit (again!) 120

2013-04-03, 02:28 AM
'I've got ya' double covered Four.' responds the squib.

Daphrodel glides across the side of the light cruiser and blasts it with twin laser fire as she joins her wing in between it and the Desiderius.

Attack Action + Move Action (Force Point to Attack Roll)
Laser Cannons:[roll0]+[roll1]=17

2013-04-03, 09:54 AM
As much as he would hate to back down, he did what he hoped to do, soak up some damage from the ship. "Rodger that, 3 is disengaging to pursue priority target." He says as he pulls off one last attack before breaking off to pursue the prison ship.

using it's a trap talent to grant myself a move action
[roll0] attack
[roll1] damage

2013-04-04, 08:53 AM
Once again the fighters converge on the light cruiser like a swarm of piranha beetles over a wounded kliknik. Fire rakes its sides, already bleeding oxygen. Escape pods begin to launch, streaming out of the intact decks in perfect military order; though the vessel only has a crew of seventeen or so, it probably has a few stormtrooper squads aboard as well. Crossfire Two, making a second devastating attack run, cleaves the bridge in half with his cannons. From there, the fight is done.

The attacks of the rest of the squadron open the ship, peeling back its metal guts. It hangs in the void a moment, a mass of twisted and mangled durasteel. Then, as the hyperdrive and power plant are struck by the raging internal fires of the lowest decks, it bursts in a brilliant explosion, scattering bits of debris in every direction and taking two of the escape pods with it."Gotcha, Bucketheads!" Marin cheers. But the celebration is cut short. "Incoming fighters," Slinissk says, the first time anyone has heard her raspy, reptillian voice.

"And the Desiderius is getting away," Serena notes grimly. "Take out the engines," Lead orders. "Hurry!" He and Serena advance, ready to take the newcomers head-on, while Crossfires 6 and 7 move in behind Duxlan to provide support against the engines, their first shots beginning to rip through the shields and strike at the protected structures. Meanwhile, Crossfires 2, 4, and 5 have troubles of their own. They find themselves in the midst of a cloud of sharp, deadly, and fast-moving debris from the destroyed ship!

"Mayday, mayday," comes a panicked general transmission. "This is Vigilant Arm escape pod four! Our thrusters have fired improperly, and we cannot maneuver. We're headed right for the bridge debris, and cannot change course! We'll be pulverized! Anyone, please respond!" Sure enough, the furthest back of the four surviving escape pods is on a collision course with a huge slab of broken and pitted durasteel...

Crossfires 4 and 5 will each have to make a DC 25 pilot check to escape the cloud undamaged. Crossfire 2, if he wishes to cross the cloud, will have to make 2 DC 25 pilot checks. However, this will allow him to cross the cloud 6 squares diagonally and end up at position S10 if he so desires.

If any of these three wishes to save the troubled escape pod at Q13, he/she must make one DC 25 pilot check to reach it; the solution is then up to his/her creativity.

The engines of the Desiderius can be hit from any square behind it (IE, from the side the Can't Catch Me is on.)

No PCs will reach the TIEs this round, but the flat DC to lock one in a dogfight is 25. You do not take the -5 penalty on this check.

2013-04-04, 09:14 AM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 8
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

IGNORE ME! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGbPs5y3oz8) [roll0]

"This is Four...I've got to help out that escape pod. Five, keep those eyeballs off me, would you?" Norrin said, despite the desire to just make his way out of the debris field and engage those TIE's head-on, he couldn't just leave the people in the escape pod to die. He weaved his starfighter through the wreckage of the light cruiser, little touches of his thrusters sideslipping him past the big pieces while his shields kept the smaller bits at bay.

When he got to the escape pod, Norrin brought the X-Wing up parallel to it, the starfighter's belly facing the small craft while he flew by scopes alone. Kicking in his repulsor drives, normally used for landings and planetary gravity, Norrin used them to bump the pod onto a different heading. As a reaction, the X-Wing started to drift in the other direction until Norrin rolled the craft over and brought his fusial thrust engines back to full power. "That should do it..." he thought aloud as he plotted the escape pod's new trajectory, which seemed to be taking it clear of the debris.

Making three pilot checks, taking 10 for all making them each a result of 29.

2013-04-04, 12:42 PM
Griffin Starblazer
Images of Alderaan flash through Griffin's mind’s eye, but only for a moment, He shakes the images clear and makes for the escaping imperial prison ship.
“I say let them drift, they’re imperials after all. “ Griffin says over the comm., hatred in his voice.

Pilot check DC 25

2013-04-04, 12:59 PM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 8
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

"Just reminding them of the difference between Imps and Rebels, Deuce." Norrin replied. He didn't like the thought that saving some of these Imperials might lead to Rebel deaths down the line, but if he could save a life he was going to. Norrin had left his home, his family, his planet, and his career because the Empire by and large was so callous when it came to the sanctity of life, human or otherwise. That made it all the more important that he do what he could to save it when he could, even when the lives he was saving were the enemy's. Maybe they'd be inspired to join the Alliance themselves by his actions.

Besides, Crossfire Squadron had already killed enough of their crewmates when they reduced their ship to slag...and there was only more death to come when those TIEs came within range and the furball started. That was enough to satisfy Norrin without adding the Imperials in the escape pods to the pyre.

2013-04-04, 11:16 PM
Daph speeds her xwing out of the debris and gazes at the Desiderius. She knew the distance between the boat and it's shield would allow her room enough to get between them. The question was whether she could lob a couple proton torpedoes into the dorsal sublight vents before she exited the shields portside. If she was successful, it could slow it down long enough to weather the eyeball waves. It was worth the risk.
'Four, I'm taking a gamble. I can slow the bigboat, but I'll end up on it's far side, and wide open for attack. Wish me luck.'
She doesn't wait for a response before she picks up speed and flies directly over the Desiderius for the attack.

Maneuver 'Skim the Surface'+Force Point to Pilot check
Pilot to avoid debris:[roll0]+[roll1]=
Pilot check for 'Skim the Surface':[roll2]=(-10 to attack roll)
Attack Roll for 'Skim the Surface':[roll3]
Damage(Ignoring SR):[roll4]x2=

She pulls out exactly where she plotted, feeling vulnerable and unsure of whether she had even done damage.

2013-04-05, 12:07 AM
Duxlan opens his coms to crossfire 2 "They are Warriors that have fought honorably and have lost, but if they want to live, we will capture them and hopefully make them see their wrong ways." Duxlan fires his lasers.

[roll0] attack
[roll1]*2 damage

2013-04-05, 02:25 PM
Griffin Starblazer
Why don’t they understand? Griffin wonders to himself.

“They’re Imperials, they’d do it to us, I’ve seen it!” He comms in, anger and pain mixing into his voice.

2013-04-05, 03:14 PM
"Kill them and you are just like the imperials." Duxlan says
"We have been talking to much, once we head back we can argue about this."

2013-04-06, 09:59 AM
There is a brief, tense silence on the comm channels as Crossfire Four approaches the struggling escape pod, his intention uncertain to those within. But as he shunts it out of the way of the debris, leaving only clear void ahead, the general channel crackles briefly to life again. "Vigilant Arm pod four to Rebel fighter craft: thank you." The man on the other end doesn't seem to know what else to say, and the channel falls silent as the escape pod hurtles toward the safety of Ord Vaug. "That was very honorable of you," Slinissk rasps. It might be respect in her voice; it's hard to tell.

"Enough," Nriv orders, cutting the squadron's debate short. "We've got incoming fighters and an escaping target, so there's no time to argue and no more time to waste with the pods. Engage immediately!" Crossfires Six and Seven surge forward at his order, combining their fire with Duxlan's and Marin's as Daphrodel flies over the ship, guns blazing. The shields of the Desiderius, already badly weakened by a terrible pounding from the Can't Catch Me and the squadron's proton torpedoes, collapse altogether, and fire engulfs the prison ship's engines.

"Damn good work," the Can't Catch Me transmits. "Moving into boarding position; keep 'em off us. Long range scans are showing a TIE bomber squadron en route; you've got a little time 'fore they get here, but not a whole lot. If you can vape 'em along with these fighters, that'll be all Ord Vaug can throw at us. Good luck!" Crossfire Leader and One, meanwhile, surge forward to engage the front wing of TIEs. One wingpair engages them, while another breaks off to engage Crossfire Five, though Daphrodel's craft is nimble enough to avoid damage for now.

One of the other wings forms up behind them, preparing to go after Crossfires Three, Six, and Seven, while another comes straight at Crossfire Four. The debris, propelled by the explosion, no longer protects the Rebel fighter, but Crossfire Two is close enough to help...

2013-04-06, 11:58 AM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 8
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

"Five, I can't get to you. Four eyeballs are staring at me over here. I'm going to mix it up. Two, can you help me out?" Norrin said as he exited the debris field and punched it up to full throttle. A flight group of TIE/ln's was almost on top of him and he was staring down the barrels of their collective eight laser cannons. This was going to involve some fancy flying.

"Four against one odds? No fair. Maybe if you guys come back with four more of your friends we'll call it an even fight..." Norrin said more to himself than to the TIE pilots, who couldn't hear him anyway. He then did what any crazy, seat of your pants flying snubjock would do and flew right into and through the enemy formation. Knowing that to turn his rear toward them would just be inviting a laser colonoscopy anyway, it was really the only thing he could do. Hopper tagged the closest TIE on Norrin's heads-up display and the X-Wing pulled in tight after him, locking him into a series of dogfighting maneuvers.

Taking 10 for a 29 on my Pilot check to Dogfight TIE 10, versus a DC25 if I remember correctly. I'm also Fighting Defensively, and since I made no attacks this round I think that makes my Reflex Defense a 29.

2013-04-06, 01:45 PM
Griffin Starblaser

"Roger four, Inbound."
Griffin responds to Four’s plea for help, his voice going deadpan, suddenly all business again.

He flips his X-wing up on its starboard S-foils and pulls “up” on the stick, pitching his ship into a loop until he faces his new enemy, engaging the tie in a dogfight. glancing up through his canopy, he catches sight of crossfire 4 engaging a flight of ties.

move action to get there,

standard action to attempt to dogfight tie 9
[roll0] (why does a fighter pilot suffer penalties for starting a dogfight?)
Have to wait until next turn to attack.

2013-04-06, 08:28 PM
As Daphrodel careens over the edge of the disabled ship, she spots two Tie fighters heading toward her position. She adjusted her heading to intercept one of the tie fighters. 'Four, this is five. Engaging bad guys to hold em back!' she squeaked over the comm.

Engage in dogfight with Tie 1

2013-04-06, 09:29 PM
Crossfire 3 moves in closer, but not too close as to draw attention.

2013-04-06, 10:50 PM
Of all the tactics the TIE wing might have expected from a lone Rebel fighter, flying directly at them with silent guns was not one of them. Norrin can almost see the pilots' necks craning (and, no doubt, their eyes widening) as he zooms directly through their formation, locking onto one of the craft in the middle. A moment later he's joined by Crossfire Two, and the two of them maneuver nimbly around two foes. But the rest of the wing moves to engage them as well, opening fire on the Rebel craft and trying to box them in.

Nearer the Desiderius, Daphrodel engages a TIE pair of her own, while Crossfires Six and Seven take on two directly above the ship. Though Duxlan holds back, two TIEs come for him right next to the embattled Leader and One, their guns blazing and rocking his Y-Wing. "Hey, um, sir," Marin hesitantly begins, "I'm not sure if it's because you're the strong silent type or Mandalorians just don't talk to women, but I haven't heard anything from you yet. If you've got orders on where you want the turret pointed, I'm all ears."

Meanwhile, the Can't Catch Me draws up next to the Desiderius at last, throwing out boarding harpoons that pull the two ships together to allow the marines within to cut through the hull. "This is Major Losyn," a voice crackles across the comms after a moment's pause. In the background of the transmission, blaster bolts fly fast and frequent. "We're in, and working our way to the first prison deck. Hold them off as long as you can; I'll keep you updated on our progress. Losyn out."

Meanwhile, Crossfire Leader and Crossfire One blow apart their enemy TIEs in bright scarlet hails of blaster fire. "Moving to assist you, Three," Nriv transmits. "Serena, get those flankers off of Two and Four." "Copy, Lead," Serena replies, pulling away from her wingman to join the larger skirmish at what was once the edge of the now-dispersed debris field. "Scanners are picking up those bombers moving in; they'll be here soon!" "Copy. Get ready, Crossfires. Five, Six, and Seven, try and finish yours quickly and move to block the newcomers. Everyone else, mop up the fighters and join us when you can. But no matter what, don't let them reach our corvette!"

Crossfire Two takes 9 damage, and its shield rating is reduced to 10.

Crossfire Three takes 21 damage, and its shield rating is reduced to 20. Duxlan must make a DC 26 pilot check or be locked in a dogfight.

Crossfire Four avoids damage.

Crossfire Five avoids damage.

2013-04-06, 11:58 PM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 8
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

"Roger that, Lead. Blinding eyeball." Norrin said as he took a purposefully wide turn to keep him on the more maneuverable TIE Fighter's aft quarter, then rolled and presented his guns to the target. Having used up all of his torpedoes, he switched back over to lasers and let the ball-shaped center of the Imperial fighter drift into his sights. When his HUD turned green he tightened his finger on the trigger and sent a pair of crimson darts into the twin ion engines that gave the craft it's acronym.

Taking 10 on the Dogfighting check for a 29. Assuming this beats him and I get to attack with my lasers. Still fighting defensively, so my Reflex is 24.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (x2)

2013-04-07, 04:27 PM
Lieutenant Griffin Starblazer

Screech, start recharging shields, we’re in the thick of it now. Griffin says as he swiftly maneuvers his ship with the skill of seasoned expert, dropping in behind his prey and opening up on it with his twin linked lasers. Meanwhile his astromech lets out a cheery series of bleeps and bloops as it acknowledges his order.

DC 20 mechanics check to increase my shields by 5, 3 swift actions

Pilot roll to lock onto target tie 9
Attack roll
[roll2] plus whatever my lock on target roll grants me
[roll]6d10 x2
+2 opposed pilot checks and +1 attack roll against tie 9

2013-04-07, 07:50 PM
Locked in an intimate battle with a tie fighter, Daphrodel sweeps her crosshair over its position and fires her laser cannons.

Pilot check to attack Tie 1 + Attack
Pilot check to attack opponent in Dogfight:[roll0]
Attack roll if successful:[roll1]x2=56

2013-04-07, 08:12 PM
"Hit them with a few shots. I'll try to get them off us," Duxlan says. He tries to break off

[roll0] pilot check

2013-04-08, 09:33 AM
Crossfire Four and his chosen TIE twist around and around in a frantic dance. Finally Norrin manages to line up a shot, but though he bloodies the enemy craft he doesn't quite blow it apart; sparking and twitching, the craft continues to try and outmaneuver its Rebel opponent. Crossfire Two, though he can't manage to get a lock on his opponent, is ultimately luckier, managing to blow the enemy craft to bits in a hail of blaster fire. Coming in from above, Serena finishes off the craft on his six with two quick pulls of the trigger.

The fighter that was on Norrin's six, seeing him still in a dogfight, moves up to take on Griffin, cannons blazing.

Meanwhile, Crossfire Three remains locked in combat with his TIE; the Y-Wing's sluggishness makes it difficult to get into a good position to take a shot, while the TIE has no such trouble. Blaster fire pours over the Rebel ship, but Marin, twisting her turret around, manages to open up with the ion cannon. She's not as much of a rookie as her sister would've had the squadron believe, switching the weapon to autofire and letting off several tight bursts that catch the TIE full on. The enemy craft, disabled, spins limply off into space as electricity plays over its hull.

"That what you were hoping for, Three?" she asks, grinning fiercely.

Nearby, Leader picks off his own opponent, and he and One move to link up with Three. Above the Desiderius, Valoos destroys his TIE, then moves to assist Slinissk, who had no such luck, but is soon attacked by one of the TIEs that was coming after Daphrodel. The Squib, meanwhile, remains locked in a dogfight with her rival pilot, who manages to come at her from behind and unleash a barrage into her shields, leaving smoke streaming from her engines. "I will arrive to assist as soon as I have dealt with this foe," Valoos promises her.

Things seem to be going well. But then the TIE Bomber squadron appears on the horizon. "Dammit, they're here too soon! Okay, One, Three, with me," Nriv orders. "Slow them down at all costs!" "Losyn to Crossfires," the comm crackles. "We have reached deck one, and are evacuating the prisoners there. Keep up the good work. Losyn out."

Crossfire Two takes no damage from TIE 12, which has terrible, terrible aim. He must make a DC 29 pilot check or be locked in a dogfight with TIE 12.

Crossfire Three takes 6 damage and drops to SR 15.

Crossfire Four takes no damage; Norrin won the dogfight roll this round, but did not quite destroy his opponent.

Crossfire Five takes 23 damage and drops to SR 20.

2013-04-08, 11:01 AM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 8
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

Norrin admired the TIE pilot's tenacity, but this little shooting match of theirs was over. The enemy starfighter was barely holding itself together, trailing gases and debris from its ruined engine compartment and wobbling like a drunken Gamorrean. Norrin settled his crosshairs over the TIE and depressed the trigger with a quick sense of finality. The double-linked laser blasts lanced out from diagonally opposite wingtips and converged on the fighter's bulbous cockpit, briefly filling it with light. The eyeball started to spiral off before detonating in a brief explosion of superheated gases.

Taking 10 on the Dogfighting check for a 29. Assuming this beats him and I get to attack with my lasers. Still fighting defensively, so my Reflex is 24.
Attack: [roll0] (With condition damage I think this still hits. If not, I can toss in a force point.)
Damage: [roll1] (x2)

2013-04-08, 01:19 PM
Griffin Starblazer
“This is duce, scratch one eyeball!”

Griffin calls over the comm as he watches his lasers blast the enemy ship apart. His rejoicing is cut short as he spots another tie through his canopy. It’s circling around, trying to get behind him. Griffin instinctively goes evasive, years of combat experience honing his instincts to razor sharpness.

Pilot check to avoid dogfight, fighting defensively gives me +10 dodge bonus to my reflex defense this turn.


2013-04-08, 03:01 PM
Daphrodel is grazed with a laser shot from the enemy tie, and she drifts upward to get a better angle on her enemy. With any luck, she'll get the better of this yet. 'Peaches! Power our shield fullwise!' she yells at her astromech, 'One more hit ought to do it.' she says to no one in particular.
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 97/120, DR 10, SR 20(25), Condition -0 (Normal)
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 18, Vehicular Combat, Vehicular Evasion
Force Points 8
Feats/Skills/Maneuvers: Gunnery Specialist, Deep Space Raider, Attack Pattern Zeta Nine, Skim the Surface, Engine Hit, Devastating Hit, Corellian Slip, Segnor's Loop
Pilot to attack enemy in dogfight + Attack
Pilot check to attack: [roll0]
Attack roll if successful:[roll1]
Damage if Hit:[roll2]x2=96

2013-04-09, 03:26 PM
"Cut the chatter and focus on the others." Duxlan says while he finds a new target.

[roll0] attack
[roll1]*2 damage

2013-04-09, 08:21 PM
"Buzzkill," Marin mutters as Duxlan tells her to shut up.

Crossfire Four makes short work of the damaged TIE still coming after him, while Crossfire Two maneuvers his way out of the crosshairs of his own foe. There's little left of Ord Vaug's only fighter squadron, and less by the second as Daphrodel blows her damaged pursuer apart as well, but the TIE bombers are moving in fast. "Dammit, Three, where are you going?" Nriv asks as Duxlan pulls away to attack one of the remaining fighters. "Never mind. One, stay close." "I'm with you, Lead," Serena grimly replies.

As the two of them speed forward to tangle with the oncoming bombers, desperately attempting to slow them from reaching the Can't Catch Me, Duxlan opens fire on the TIE menacing Crossfire Seven. His own shots nearly destroy it, and Marin's fire finishes it off, sending it spinning down to crash into the hull of the Desiderius in a bright pillar of flame. Nearby, Six takes down his own opponent, and the two wingmen join up to charge the second bomber wing. "Thank you for the assist, Three," Slinissk hisses.

Reorganizing their formation, the bombers begin to close. The frontmost wing, already tangling with One and Leader, unleash volleys of deadly-accurate fire against the Rebel craft; it seems these pilots are much better trained...

2013-04-09, 09:01 PM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 7
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

"Scratch one!" Norrin reported as he angled up and into a tight loop. "Deuce, break right and I'll put that mynock in your wake out of its misery." he added as he fell in on the sole remaining TIE's tail. The Imp was obviously out of his league, but he was so indoctrinated that he was still going after a target lock on Deuce...it was almost sad seeing how easily Griffin was keeping out of reach.

Using the TIE pilot's single-minded determination against him, Norrin waited until the Imp drifted into his sights and the HUD went green. Still toggled so that his lasers would fire two at a time, he let off a quick burst that perforated the eyeball's wide solar wing as it drifted to port. The blast continued through the craft from one side and out the other, hitting something in between that ignited the entire craft into a brief fireball.

"Scratch two!" Norrin couldn't help but grin.

Rolls in OOC.

2013-04-09, 10:28 PM
Griffin Starblazer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537121)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 111/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 24, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 8

“Nice shooting Four”. Griffin says, as he glances over his left shoulder and watches the Tie explode in a tie fighter sized fireball.
“Let’s engage those bombers before they open up on the Can’t Catch Me”. He says as he pulls out of his defensive flying and points the nose of his fighter at the unengaged bomber fight.

Not sure if I need to roll to escape the dogfight, but here’s a roll anyway.
If not, then moving four squares and firing on tie bomber six.
[roll2] x2=56

2013-04-09, 11:14 PM
'That's another badguy supergone. Engaging bomby types.' Daphrodel squeals as she avoids the tie's debris and flies just over Crossfire Six and Seven before intercepting the incoming bomber fleet.
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 97/120, DR 10, SR 25(25), Condition -0 (Normal)
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 18, Vehicular Combat, Vehicular Evasion
Force Points 8
Feats/Skills/Maneuvers: Gunnery Specialist, Deep Space Raider, Attack Pattern Zeta Nine, Skim the Surface, Engine Hit, Devastating Hit, Corellian Slip, Segnor's Loop
Engage in Dogfight with TB2 + Force Point to Pilot Check
Pilot check to engage in a Dogfight+Force Point:[roll0]+[roll1]=20
Attack roll if Pilot check>30:[roll2]

2013-04-10, 02:43 PM
SR 0 HP 69

"See those bombers, make their eyes water." Duxlan commanded as he got within range. He then realized that she might not knew what he meant. "Which means kill them."

[roll0] attack
[roll1]*2 damage to TB9

2013-04-11, 12:43 PM
The fighters may be gone, but the TIE bombers moving in are much tougher craft, and their pilots are moving more carefully. They also carry a large number of concussion missiles, each of which is more than capable of blowing a fully-shielded X-Wing apart in a single shot - or blowing holes in a Corvette's hull. Nevertheless, Crossfire Squadron moves valiantly forward to engage them as Norrin picks off the last of the enemy fighters, flying directly over it and tearing it apart with a single squeeze of the trigger.

Every other Crossfire takes shots at the bombers, but in spite of their lack of shielding the power and survivability of their armored frames soon becomes apparent. Lead and One have been locked in dogfights with the Dupes for a little while already, and despite some good shots by both neither has managed to destroy an opponent. Griffin, though his aim is true, manages only to bloody his target, and is only narrowly missed by a return-fire concussion missile that streaks between his X-Wing's S-foils. One of the bombers manages to get on Daphrodel's six, staying behind and above her no matter how she twists her ship, but its laser cannons miss her in the scuffle.

Duxlan flies in, hoping to break the stalemate by taking out the bomber that Leader is engaged with; Leader and One are now both forced to deal with two of the larger starfighters at once, and their ships are starting to show the strain of constant pounding of their shields. Yet when he pulls the trigger, nothing happens; his computer firing mechanism has failed! R2-M7 squeals in alarm, trying desperately to reroute power. And so it's Marin, with another burst from her turret, who finishes off the bomber Lead had wounded and scores the first bomber kill.

"Yeah, I think I get it," she replies, smirking smugly.

"Thanks for the assist, Three," Nriv transmits. "I've got this one; see what you can do for One." "I'm fine, just keep them off the corvette," Serena says, but fear underlies her tone, and she chokes on smoke that is beginning to fill her cockpit; she's taken a glancing missile hit, and her astromech is fried. Nearby, Crossfires Six and Seven split up again to intercept the bomber pairs headed after the corvette. "The numerical odds are not in my favor," Valoos transmits. "I could use assistance." Slinissk grunts, and the implication is the same.

The Can't Catch Me is thus far undamaged, but the squadron is getting worn down...

Duxlan or his astromech must make a DC 27 computer use check to get his weapons online for next round. If this check is failed, he may not fire his laser cannons next round, but may fire them the round after that. The natural one strikes again!

2013-04-11, 01:06 PM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 7
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

"Roger that, Deuce. I've got your wing." Norrin said as he punched up his throttle to get to the dogfight from where he'd had to hang back to finish off the last eyeball. The dupes were taking quite a pounding, but they were heavily armored for such slow-moving craft and their pilots seemed to be the veterans of the planetary fighter wing. They were giving as good as they got. Fortunately, so far all of the Crossfires were still mobile.

Seeing Griffin engaged with two dupes, Norrin once again found himself appreciating his squadron mates' flying ability. There were a few hot hands in the Crossfires, Deuce definitely among them. Norrin knew that he wasn't leading the pack in starfighter kills despite his friendly wager. Maybe by the end of this furball he would be able to fix that!

Dropping in on the tail of one of the bombers (TB5), Norrin kept his cannons pointed at the enemy's twin engines despite the advanced set of rolling, diving maneuvers the Imp put his snubfighter through. From the way Hopper was hooting behind him, Norrin could almost think that the droid was getting nauseous from all the spinning, but by the time he snapped off a shot, Norrin was grinning widely from all the rollercoaster flying. Life or death situation or not, he loved pushing the envelope and flying just barely in control.

Taking 10 on Pilot check for a 29 to add 2 to my movement speed.
Pilot DC30 to Dogfight: [roll0]
Fighting defensively. Reflex is 24. -5 to my Attack.
Attack DC15(?): [roll1]
Laser Damage: [roll2] (x2)

2013-04-11, 05:15 PM
Griffin Starblazer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537121)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 111/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 24, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 8

“Tougher than I remember,” The vetran pilot says to nobody.
Griffin drops in behind the enemy bomber and opens up with his twin linked lasers.

Pilot check to engage in dogfight (dogfighting TB 6)
Need DC 30 to get an attack off the same round
[roll0] +7 from force point=30


[roll2] x2 = 60

2013-04-11, 11:39 PM
'I'm flanked thrice over. Using Zeta Nine formation.' says Daph as she flips her ship around, not giving the enemy a chance to get through her shields. She then aims at the same bomber and gives it another twin laser barrage.
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP: 97/120, DR: 10, SR: 45(25), Condition: -0 (Normal)
Damage Threshold: 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 18, Vehicular Combat, Vehicular Evasion
Force Points 8
Feats/Skills/Maneuvers: Gunnery Specialist, Deep Space Raider, Attack Pattern Zeta Nine, Skim the Surface, Engine Hit, Devastating Hit, Corellian Slip, Segnor's Loop
Activate Attack Formation Zeta Nine + Attack + Force Point to attack roll
Pilot check to activate maneuver:[roll0]-DC20:+20 SR, -1 die of damage.
Attack Roll:[roll1]+[roll2]=31

2013-04-12, 02:41 PM
SR 0 HP 69

"Beskar'ad, see if you can fix the lasers." Duxlan said while hastily trying to fix them and fly at the same time. "Try to keep them off me, well, us!"

Duxlan assist's [roll0]
R2-M7 (the main roll) [roll1] +2 is Duxlan successfully aids

2013-04-13, 08:59 AM
Crossfire Four flies in, lasers blazing as he loops round and round his chosen target. Fire scores its wings and bloodies one of its engines, but the bomber is meant to take a pounding, and merely begins trying to maneuver around this new target. Beside him Griffin continues to blast away at his own opponent, adding new dents and scars to the chassis but not ripping it apart. Meanwhile, no help comes for Crossfire One. Outflanked, damaged, and alone, she does her best to outfly her pursuers, but it's not enough. Laser blasts rip through her shields and tear off the nose of her fighter.

"Serena!" Marin screams, and for a long moment there is silence. Then a guttering transmission fills the channel. "... cockpit is intact... fire's getting bad... Marin... love you..." And then it fades out. Marin sits in her turret, paralyzed by shock, and doesn't open fire at Duxlan's order. "Hold on, One, if you can hear me," Nriv says, grunting with exertion as he tries to outmaneuver several bombers, including one of those that blew up his wingmate. "We'll try to have the Can't Catch Me tractor you in as soon as we can. Just hold on." There's no response.

One of the bombers that destroyed One streaks down to menace Two, firing fearlessly into the dogfight in an effort to save its wounded comrade. The shot is good, lancing out toward the Alderaanian pilot's flank. Meanwhile Duxlan and Beskar'ad manage to rework the firing link, taking the time to not only restore them but to overcharge them! Crossfire Five, surrounded, feels her shields rock under the impact of enemy laser cannons; a good thing she chose to fight defensively. This time her concentrated barrage rips cleanly through her opponent, sending the two "eyes" whirling off in different directions before exploding.

"Assistance badly needed," Valoos says again. "Is there anything you can do, Five?" "Not doing so well here, either," Leader says, flanked by three of the bombers.

Crossfire Two is hit for 27 damage and reduced to SR 10 (vehicular combat can still apply).

Crossfire Three's weapons are unjammed, and since he sacrificed a round to have both pilot and astromech work on it, his weapons will do double damage next round only.

Crossfire Four is undamaged.

Crossfire Five is hit, but her bolstered shields take all of it. She also scores the first bomber kill with damage from only one Rebel fighter!

2013-04-13, 10:26 AM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 6
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

"One, punch out! Eject!" Norrin shouted over the squadron channel, his feelings of exhiliration over the joy of flying dying as quickly as Serena's X-Wing was going up in flames. Worse, he couldn't move to help her since that meant leaving Two. All he could do was finish off his bomber as quickly as possible and move on to the next threat.

Sticking with the workhorse of a bomber, Norrin tightened his finger on the trigger and kept pouring lasers into the dupe's engines. Hopefully one of them would touch off an explosion that would remove the Imp from the fight.

Taking 10 on Pilot to keep dogfighting for a 29.
Fighting defensively. Reflex is 24. -5 to my Attack.
Attack DC15(?): [roll0] +5 for a 17
Laser Damage: [roll1] (x2)

2013-04-13, 10:29 AM
Force Point on Last Attack Roll: [roll0]

2013-04-13, 05:39 PM
Griffin Starblazer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537121)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 84/120, DR 10, SR 10, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 24, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 6

Eject, blast it! Griffin thinks to himself, echoing what Norrin says out loud. It’s not the first time he’s lost squadron mates. Nevertheless, it never gets easier, even for people you barely know.

"Screech, Keep recharging our shields. We've gotta hold these bombers off."

Turning his attention back to his own problems, the veteran pilot turns his nose back towards his enemy and opens fire.

Droid’s Mechanics Check to recharge shields. Need DC 20 to increase shields SR by 5.
Dogfight pilot check
Attack roll (attacking TB 6)
[roll2] +6=31
Burning yet another force point to make a hit
botched die roll. rerolled in OOC chat +6 to attack.
Total attack roll
[roll3] x2=38

2013-04-14, 12:39 AM
'This is Five, I've got your back. Withdraw if you can!' Daphrodel tilts up, corkscrewing backward to bring the bomber that was behind her briefly into her cross hairs. She drops her last two proton torpedoes onto it before pulling a large loop and rushing back on it for a second attack with her lasers.
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP: 97/120, DR: 10, SR: 45(25), Condition: -0 (Normal)
Damage Threshold: 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 17, Vehicular Combat, Vehicular Evasion
Force Points 6
Feats/Skills/Maneuvers: Gunnery Specialist, Deep Space Raider, Attack Pattern Zeta Nine, Skim the Surface, Engine Hit, Devastating Hit, Corellian Slip, Segnor's Loop
Attack Roll + Move 3 Squares + Pilot Check to activate Segnor's Loop + Force Point to Pilot check + Attack Roll (All attacks are vs TB 9)
Attack Roll (Proton Torpedo):[roll0]
Damage Roll:[roll1]x2=84
Pilot Check:[roll2]+[roll3]=37; DC35: -1 to Reflex Defense for Attack Run
Attack Roll (Laser Cannons):[roll4]
Damage Roll:[roll5]x2=74

2013-04-14, 06:43 PM
SR 0 HP 69

Duxlan tightly grips his joystick. He had seen allies die and permanently wounded, but he never got over it. "Kill that demagolka, hit him with a torpedo." he said angrily as he aimed at a tie bomber.

[roll0] at TB 1
[roll1]*4 damage

2013-04-15, 08:34 AM
Only silence greets Norrin's entreaty to Serena.

Fighting hard, Two and Four each finally take down their own bombers, punching through their armor and sending them down in flaming spirals toward Ord Vaug. The remaining bomber opens up on Griffin with another concussion missile, perhaps vengeful for the loss of its wingmen. The shot is poor, however, and the missile streaks past into the empty void. Whether panicking or regrouping, the bomber falls back toward its allies, leaving the rebel fighters free of interference for the moment.

"Negative," Nriv orders in response to Daphrodel's suggestion, "Six, do not withdraw, you'll let them hit the..." "The same will occur if I am eliminated," Valoos replies. "Disengaging. I am en route to assist Seven." That assistance proves invaluable as the wingpair eliminates one of the bombers Slinissk was blocking, but it comes at a price; two bombers engage the Can't Catch Me at point-blank range. "Takin' damage," the corvette reports. "Shields took most of that run, but they're comin' around for another pass!"

Meanwhile, Daphrodel moves up in a tight loop, leaving a trail of ordnance behind her. This time, her dogged pursuer cannot escape; the two torpedoes leave nothing of his vessel but debris so tiny it doesn't register on her sensors. Near her, Duxlan fires his cannons, temporarily overcharged. The weapons rip easily through his damaged target, shattering the cockpit and leaving the craft drifting jerkily away from the battle. Leader, nearby, is still under fairly heavy attack, but is managing to hold both his opponents for the moment.

"Losyn to Crossfires. We've secured the first deck and evacuated the priority prisoners. We're moving to the second deck now. Keep up the good work. As a warning, Ord Vaug will have called for fleet support by now, so we can expect more company fairly soon. Losyn out."

2013-04-15, 08:54 AM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 6
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

"Hang on, One..." Norrin said as he oriented himself back toward the Desiderius. The prison ship was between Norrin and Griffin and those two bombers attacking the Catch Me. Someone else, probably Daphrodel and Duxlan, were going to have to take care of them. In the meantime, Norrin was in a better spot to relieve Lead and One...if she was still alive in there. He punched up his long-suffering engines again, checking his fuel level to see how much dogfighting time he had remaining. The Crossfires weren't going to be able to handle another capital ship if the Imperials called in more fleet support. Norrin was completely empty on proton torpedoes and he suspected the rest of the squadron was pretty low as well.

Dropping in on the tail of the dupe that his astromech had tagged "TB11", Norrin briefly wondered if this had been the pilot that had gotten Serena. He couldn't know for sure, considering how hairy the dogfighting had been, but nonetheless he went after the bomber as if it were. Trapping the double-hulled TIE in his crosshairs, Norrin prosecuted it mercilessly with blasts of crimson death from his laser cannons.

Enter Dogfight DC30: [roll0]
Fighting defensively. Reflex is 24. -5 to my Attack.
Attack DC15(?): [roll1]
Laser Damage: [roll2] (x2)

2013-04-16, 02:18 AM
Griffin Starblazer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537121)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 84/120, DR 10, SR 10, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 24, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 6

“Splash two”, Griffin says, grimly as the tie bomber explodes. He looks up through his canopy as he spins his ship to view the expanding dogfight.
“Lead, i've got your six”, the veteran pilot says, as he pulls his ship around and begins to engage one of the bombers.

Moving to square and engaging enemy.
Attack TB12:

2013-04-16, 04:21 AM
'This is Five, a third eyeball poked out. Moving to protect the Can't Catch Me.'Daphrodel flies up and behind the pair of bombers, letting her lasers pummel the hull of one.
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP: 97/120, DR: 10, SR: 45(25), Condition: -0 (Normal)
Damage Threshold: 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 18, Vehicular Combat, Vehicular Evasion
Force Points: 5
Feats/Skills/Maneuvers: Gunnery Specialist, Deep Space Raider, Attack Pattern Zeta Nine, Skim the Surface, Engine Hit, Devastating Hit, Corellian Slip, Segnor's Loop
Move 4 squares + Activate 'Devastating Hit' maneuver with Attack (vs TB 3) + Force Point to attack roll.
Attack Roll:[roll0]+[roll1]=32;exceed reflex by 0-4, +1 die;5-9, +2 die, 10+,+3

2013-04-16, 06:25 AM
"Alright lets wrap this up. Time to close the deal." Duxlan says. The Mandalorian, still not wanting to get tied up in a dogfight, aimed a Tie bomber, ready to fire before he could make an attack run.

[roll0] attack TB10
[roll1] damage

2013-04-16, 01:37 PM
Despite one loss and severe damage to several other craft, Crossfire Squadron seems to be getting things under control. Crossfire Five, moving to defend the corvette, utterly annihilates one of the two bombers, putting precise lasers directly through its powerplant to destroy it in a single volley. The other wheels around toward her, furious and vengeful, and opens fire with its own laser cannons. The shots go wide, however, and neither Five nor the Can't Catch Me sustains any further damage for the moment.

Nearby, Crossfire Two pursues the bomber that fled him, pouring fire into it, while Four attacks one on the other side of Lead. The two each annihilate their damaged targets even as Three and Lead converge on the last bomber in the area and blow it apart. Six and and Seven unleash proton torpedoes, Seven destroying the second member of the wingpair she'd blocked while Six takes out Daphrodel's remaining target. Just like that, in a flurry of action, it's all over; only the Rebel fighters remain, scarred but triumphant.

"Good work, y'all," the corvette's captain transmits. "Stay frosty, though; fleet reinforcements will be here soon, and the Major's still only got to the second deck." "Crossfire Leader to Can't Catch Me. We've got a wounded fighter out here, can you tractor her in?" There's a pause as the captain considers. "We'd have to undock and move to the other side of the Desiderius; that means losing time to get the prisoners off the ship. If those're your orders, though..." Deep in thought, Nriv closes the channel for a moment.

"If we rescue Serena now, we might lose a lot of other people," he says, his voice low and solemn. "I'm open to suggestions."

2013-04-16, 01:57 PM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 6
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

"Lead, I can go EV and bring her to my fighter until Catch Me finishes and can pick us both up. It'll be a tight fit, but as long as her suit's seals and emergency forcefield aren't compromised she'll do a lot better in here than in that wreck. I've got a medpac and air in here she might not have." Norrin replied, outlining a short plan of action as he used his maneuvering thrusters to sidle up close to One's ruined X-Wing.

Norrin hadn't taken any damage, but he double-checked his own emergency systems as well. If he popped the canopy and his vacuum field didn't activate he'd have a painful death to look forward to. He waited for the go-ahead, but got everything prepped and ready to go anyway so that he'd be able to hop right out as soon as possible. He grabbed his pilot's toolkit and secured it to his suit so he could access One's fighter when he got to it.

"Hopper, you're going to need to take control here for a minute. Just keep us on station and get ready to move off if Serena's X-Wing...you know...explodes." he swallowed past the lump of fear that suddenly rose in his throat. The droid beeped an affirmative reply, along with a concerned, low whistle.

Taking 10 on Pilot if I need to for a 29.

2013-04-17, 07:48 AM
"Confirmed, Four," Nriv says. "Be careful." Norrin draws up alongside One's battered, noseless X-Wing; he can see flickering light inside the cockpit, and an orange glow. If Serena hasn't burned already, she's running out of oxygen fast. Marin's held breath is almost audible. "Do it quickly, Four, we don't know when more Imps will get here." Hopper holds Norrin's X-Wing steady as the two ships draw together like an awkward suitor leaning in for a kiss. It'd be comical if it weren't deadly serious.

2013-04-17, 08:10 AM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 6
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

"Here goes nothing..." Norrin said, then took an unneeded breath. He knew that his emergency systems would provide him with enough oxygen within his survival forcefield to get there and back, but with no mask covering his face it was still terrifying. For some reason he kept thinking about it like dunking himself into a tank of water. He checked his equipment one more time, then confirmed that he wanted to open the canopy. It popped open with a sucking sound as all the air in the cockpit snapped out, drawn inexorably into the void in an instant and leaving Norrin but with one thin energy barrier between himself and death. He made sure his lifeline was securely connected to his X-Wing before allowing himself to float up and climb out.

Norrin had never felt so small and vulnerable than he did gazing at the vastness of space and the endless starfield that surrounded him on all sides. He fought through the surge of terror that caught his breath and fogged his mind, forcing himself to do the job he'd perhaps foolishly given himself. He pushed himself off of the surface of his starfighter, closing the short gap to Serena's cockpit. It took him a moment flailing around in a panic, but eventually he caught a handhold and was able to draw himself up to the X-Wing's canopy. He touched his helmet to it, putting his mouth as close to the frozen metal as possible, and shouted, "Serena! Can you hear me?!" knowing that the sound would vibrate through the metal and into her cockpit as a muffled but understandable message. He waited a moment, trying to get a glimpse of her through the smoke, before pulling himself along the hull to the emergency controls.

After forcing open the panel, Norrin checked to see if the X-Wing's interior was still sealed against the vacuum. Then he checked to see how much breathable air the pilot still had. Hooking up his datapad to the access port, he tried to get in touch with Serena's astromech droid for an update on its pilot's condition. If Norrin could ascertain if her emergency equipment still functioned, he could open it up and get Serena out of there.

If I can take 10, I'll do so on a Mecanics or Use Computer check for a 21. If not, I'll roll.
[roll0] (I'll take it!)
Force Point if Needed: [roll1]

2013-04-17, 10:46 AM
Daph swings the nose of her X-wing around to face Ord Vaug. 'Much luck, Four. I'll keep eyes toward Ord Vaug. Peaches, keep sensors on the Can't Catch Me, and tell me double quick if anything seems offish.'
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP: 97/120, DR: 10, SR: 45(25), Condition: -0 (Normal)
Damage Threshold: 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 28(18), Vehicular Combat, Vehicular Evasion
Force Points: 5
Feats/Skills/Maneuvers: Gunnery Specialist, Deep Space Raider, Attack Pattern Zeta Nine, Skim the Surface, Engine Hit, Devastating Hit, Corellian Slip, Segnor's Loop
Move + Full Defensive Action (+10 to reflex)

2013-04-17, 01:02 PM
With a snap and hiss, Norrin's cockpit opens. His body, tiny and fragile against the infinite vastness of space, drifts over to Serena's vessel as the rest of the squadron stands watch. The comm channel buzzes with a half-heard sound: Marin is praying quietly, haltingly, in a language none of the other pilots knows. Norrin's raps on the cockpit go unanswered, and Crossfire One's astromech is done for, its chrome dome missing entirely and its tube-like body spitting angry sparks. The readout on his datapad beeps, ominous in the near-perfect silence.

The atmospheric seals on Serena's cockpit are covered in microscopic cracks, seeping air into the void. Though cold on the outside thanks to the frigid void, internal fires rage. There are life signs inside, though faint, but Norrin can't see his fellow pilot; smoke obscures everything. Warnings play over his datapad: Crossfire One's emergency equipment is badly damaged and malfunctioning. The readouts come together to form a picture of a terrible choice: if he makes any attempt to rescue Serena, he does so at great risk to his own life.

If Norrin opens One's cockpit, it will be unshielded. There will be several seconds of depressurization; though his own fighter will retain enough recycled atmosphere to keep him alive for any further battles, he and Serena will both risk being sucked away from the starfighter and lost to the void, or else pulped by the pressure of escaping air. But if he leaves her and waits for the Can't Catch Me to arrive and tractor her in, she will surely either burn or suffocate. Whatever his choice, he will have to make it quickly; the fires burn closer and hotter every moment.

Daphrodel's astromech whistles; Imperial reinforcements are inbound. "Get ready," Nriv orders. "If you've got any preparations to make, or shields to recharge, do it now. Four, hurry, they're coming."

If Norrin wants to try to rescue Serena, he must come up with some way of fighting the depressurization of her cockpit. He can try merely holding on, but risks severe injury, and will have a hard time holding someone else as well. He has full access to Crossfire One's onboard systems, however.

2013-04-17, 02:48 PM
Griffin Starblazer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537121)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 84/120, DR 10, SR 10, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 24, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 6

Screech; get our shields up to normal if you can. It looks like we may have to pull off more bad guys. He says to his little astromech. His mind searching for a way to eject his downed squadron mate safely and quickly, despite his years of experience he was just a pilot and has always had support personnel to deal with fixing up busted fighters.

I dunno how many turns we have before reinforcements arrive. So I’m going to make three checks, assuming I’ve got three turns worth of time to recharge shields.
DC 20 mechanics check to recharge shields.


2013-04-17, 02:48 PM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 6
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

Just to clarify, is Serena's personal emergency equipment damaged? Like if I open the canopy and find a way to keep her from getting sucked out/hurt will she immediately die from exposure to vacuum?

Alright...that was unfortunate. Norrin wracked his brain for a solution to the problem at hand, but he wasn't a mechanic. Anything he came up with was bound to be inelegant. Firstly, he supposed that the most obvious way to go about this was to try to get the X-Wing's shields back up. Even at a bare 1-2% of their maximum they should be enough to keep the escaping atmosphere bottled up for long enough to get Serena out. He had to assume that her flight suit's emergency field still functioned because he couldn't just leave her there to burn and/or suffocate. Even if it wasn't, he might be able to extend his own field for just a minute at the expense of total operating time...but he'd tackle that problem in a minute.

Norrin clambered over to the top of the X-Wing's fuselage to get access to its deflector shield generator. With some tinkering, he might be able to get it operational again just for long enough to save Serena.

Taking 10 for a 21 or Rolling Mechanics Check: [roll0]
Force Point if Needed: [roll1]

2013-04-17, 03:27 PM
"Get to recharging those shield." Duxlan said to R2-M7. He turned to his gunner "There is no word for hero in Mando'a, because we expect every Mandalorian to be ready to sacrifice his life, but he is no Mando'ade. For that he has my respect and my hopes for getting her out alive."

2013-04-17, 06:57 PM
Taking 10 plus the Force Point would be a success while your roll (even plus the Force Point) would not, so we'll go with that. It's impossible to know for sure if Serena's personal emergency equipment is damaged, but she would probably be dead if she'd been hit that hard and that close, so it's probably still working.

While the rest of the Crossfires recharge their shields, preparing for the next assault, Norrin clambers over Crossfire One's carbon-scored hull. He rips aside mangled plating, ties together fistfuls of shredded wires, and tightens impact-jarred bolts. Slowly, tenuously, the fighter's shields flicker to hesitant life. Marin doesn't respond to Duxlan's words; she couldn't care less about heroes or sacrifices or honor. She only watches, transfixed, as her sister's fate is decided. Norrin is ready to open the cockpit and see if his solution holds.

At that moment, sensors pick up ships emerging from hyperspace; the Imperials, as always, have inconvenient timing. A second Guardian-class Light Cruiser materializes in the system, and a full TIE Fighter squadron detaches from its hull to support it. "Rebel vessels," the Light Cruiser transmits, "we are the sector fleet vanguard. Very shortly the full wrath of the Empire will descend on you. Surrender immediately and your lives will be spared. Fight, and you have no hope of escape or survival."

The transmission pauses for a moment as the Ord Vaug garrison updates the newcomers. "In light of your honorable conduct in saving an Imperial escape pod," the Imperial captain resumes, "we will permit you to rescue your disabled pilot so long as you do not open fire. After that, we will be forced to subdue or eliminate you by any means necessary. I would urge you to listen to reason and disable your vessels once your friend is safe; you have fought valiantly, but are outmatched. End transmission." True to their word, the Imperial vessels remain at a respectful distance in defensive formation.

"That was... unexpected," Nriv says.

2013-04-17, 07:13 PM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 6
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

After quickly readying his own emergency forcefield for the possibility of being used for two, Norrin was ready. Sweating in his flightsuit, he prayed to whatever gods might exist as he climbed back over to the cockpit and triggered the release on Serena's canopy. If there was still a fire inside, venting the remaining air would both clear the smoke and put out any fires, so he made to grab his squadronmate from her seat and reel both of them back to his own X-Wing as quickly as he could.

Assuming everything went off without something going horribly wrong, he sat down, pulled Serena into his lap, and shut the cockpit hatch to get the heat and air back. He also pulled the medpac from his utility belt for some quick, possibly lifesaving application.

Mechanics if Needed: [roll0]

Taking 10 on a Treat Injury check, or rolling if I have to.
Treat Injury: [roll1] (+4 = 12...Really hope I can take 10 here...)

I hate the dice roller...

2013-04-17, 07:16 PM
Duxlan sighed in relief. "I would expect honor like that from Mando'ade, not Imperials."

2013-04-17, 09:04 PM
Crossfire One's cockpit opens with a hiss, and smoke floods out in a great column as the fires are finally and suddenly quenched. Inside is a scene of carnage; the navcomputer, pilot's seat, storage compartment, and controls have run like liquid in the intense heat, becoming twisted and unrecognizable. In the center lies Serena, still belted to her seat. Her flight suit seems to have taken some of the strain, but far from all; in places it has burned away, showing angry brown-red skin, and in others it has melted onto her flesh.

The burns are horrific, but her chest still rises and falls, if feebly. The shields hold, for now, and Norrin reaches around her, unbuckling her restraints. Her helmet, its straps burned through, tumbles from her head as he touches her, and the lustrous black hair that lay undamaged beneath drifts around her face in the zero-gravity conditions. Managing to pull her from her seat, Norrin kicks off toward his own X-Wing, drifting a moment in the open void with her clutched in his arms. And then he contacts familiar durasteel; he's made it.

Dragging himself into the cockpit and closing it, he does his best to apply his medpack to his fellow pilot. It's difficult to use it properly in such a tight space, and there's only so much the limited kit can do; Serena is in dire need of a bacta tank if she's to avoid terrible scarring, and a medical droid at the very least in order to survive. Gone is her strong, brooding voice and dark, piercing gaze; she seems very fragile, as if she might crumble to ash if Norrin squeezes her too hard. He does his best, but she doesn't wake. There's no telling if she'll pull through.

"Our ceasefire is concluded," the Imperial captain transmits. "Surrender or be destroyed." "While I appreciate that courtesy, not likely," Nriv replies, reopening his S-Foils to attack position. "Very well," the Imperial replies. The TIE squadron surges forward, preparing to open fire, as the wreckage of Crossfire One drifts serenely away. "Break's over, Crossfires," Nriv says in turn. "Engage." Meanwhile, another transmission emerges from the prison ship. "Losyn to Crossfires. We've secured the second deck, and are moving further down. Keep us appraised of when we need to withdraw. Losyn out."

2013-04-17, 09:18 PM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 6
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

"Crossfires, I'm going to need an escort if I'm going to dock with Catch Me and drop off One. She needs a bacta tank now but she's still alive. Who's got my wing?" Norrin asked as he cycled his engines back up to combat power and took off toward the Alliance ship. He was fairly confident he could still outfly any of those TIE Fighters but he didn't want to subject an injured Serena to the G-forces involved in dogfighting. He also didn't know how much longer she was going to last if he took his time.

"Can't Catch Me, this is Crossfire Four. I've got an injured pilot and I'm coming in to drop her off right now. If we could do this quickly so I'm not a sitting duck for too long I'd appreciate it." he called to the Corvette to warn them of his intentions.

Taking 10 to bump movement speed to 6 squares.

2013-04-17, 09:22 PM
Griffin Starblazer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537121)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 84/120, DR 10, SR 10, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 24, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 6

“Four, this is deuce, I’ve got your wing. Lets make this quick, the party’s still on.”

Grififn says as he wheels his x-wing around and maneuvers close to crossfire fire four.

2013-04-18, 02:30 AM
'This is Five, heading to protect our Can't Catch Me! I hope the wing's at my back.' Daphrodel was staring out of her cockpit, toward the enemy fleet, gripping her controls tightly. So far she's been untouched, so she felt lucky. She flew toward the enemy risking everything with an all out barrage at the first TIE she saw.
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP: 97/120, DR: 10, SR: 45(25), Condition: -0 (Normal)
Damage Threshold: 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 18, Vehicular Combat, Vehicular Evasion
Force Points: 4
Feats/Skills/Maneuvers: Gunnery Specialist, Deep Space Raider, Attack Pattern Zeta Nine, Skim the Surface, Engine Hit, Devastating Hit, Corellian Slip, Segnor's Loop
Full Round Maneuver 'Corellian Slip' + Force Point to Pilot check + Attack aimed at TIE 2
Pilot check to activate maneuver:[roll0]+[roll1],[roll2]:DC35:+2atk, +2die
Attack Roll:[roll3]+2=23

2013-04-18, 07:43 PM
"I'm pretty sure you would hate me if I didn't move to assist Duxlan says as he continues charging his shields
[roll0] R2-M7's main roll
[roll1] Duxlan's assist.

2013-04-18, 08:32 PM
Marin doesn't respond to Duxlan's less than altruistic statement.

Duxlan, Thanas, and Richter pull away from the fight together, headed for the Can't Catch Me. "Confirmed, Four," the corvette transmits. "Extendin' our dockin' hooks; med team is on its way." Though much larger than the Crossfires, the corvette isn't big enough for a docking bay. Instead it extends a small tunnel from its side, magnetic clamps reaching out to tenderly grasp Norrin's ship and draw it close. The cockpit, to ensure that it's protected from the vacuum, comes up through a slot in the tunnel's floor.

The moment the cockpit hisses open, Serena is gingerly lifted out. Still unconscious, she is moved with practiced efficiency to a repulsorsled and carted off down the tunnel at a run. Bright lights and blaring alarms blind and deafen Norrin, and he has only a vague impression of tan and white-uniformed support personnel speaking in hushed, urgent tones. They press a breath mask over his fellow pilot's face as they hurry her away, their faces grim. "Crossfires Two through Four, we need help! We can't have all three of you on that!"

It serves as a reminder that, beyond the corvette, the battle is at hand. Crossfire Leader, backed by Six and Seven now that his own wingman is out of the fight, engages one wing point blank; Seven destroys one TIE in a flurry of cannon fire while the others do their best to outmaneuver the remainder. Daphrodel, taking on a wing alone, blows apart one of the central TIEs. The others move to close the gap, opening fire on her, but her agression pays off; two miss her entirely, while the other's blast only ricochets off of her shields.

The light cruiser is not idle. As the Can't Catch Me releases Crossfire Four, it is shaken by a missile barrage that nearly tears the whole boarding tunnel loose. The explosions rip through the shields to scar the corvette's hull, while the rebel craft is unable to bring its own guns to bear effectively while still docked. "Whenever y'all get the time," the captain drawls, "we could use a hand here." "Confirmed," Lead transmits. "The TIEs are to screen us away from the light cruiser. Who has torpedoes left? We need to hit it now, before more reinforcements arrive."

2013-04-18, 09:59 PM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 6
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

Looking so fragile, Serena was taken away on a stretcher; her ultimate fate unknown to Norrin. He could only hope that he'd gotten her back on time and that a bacta tank and a medical droid were ready and waiting for her. In order to give her the best chance at survival now he'd need to make sure that Can't Catch Me successfully completed her mission and got away clean. That meant blowing a few more Imps to space dust and Norrin was fine with that.

"Alright, guys, let's give 'em one for One!" Norrin shouted to the others near him as soon as his canopy closed and he was shaken back off of the larger corvette into open space. Hopper whooped out a digital echo. Free to maneuver, he went to full throttle to support his wingman, who had been playing chicken with entire flight groups the entire mission without any support and giving better than she got.

Norrin let out an ululating battle cry and dove in toward the fighter that his astromech had tagged as TIE 1, lasers leading. He held down the trigger on his flightstick, filling the space between them with killing light, then barrel rolled into another furball.

Flying Defensively. Reflex 24.
Attack TIE 1 (DC15?): [roll0] (+6 = 18)
Damage: [roll1] (x2)
Dogfight: 1d20+19=35 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4020000/)
Force Point to Attack Roll: 1d6=6, 1d6=3 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4020002/)

2013-04-19, 03:19 AM
Griffin Starblazer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537121)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 84/120, DR 10, SR 10, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 24, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 5
Torpedo magazine: 2/6
"Break time’s over, time to go back to work". Griffin says to Screech as he pulls his ship up over the dorsal side of the Desid erius, and switches his weapons over to torpedos. He still has 4 left, he might as well make use of them.

The veteran pilot targets the cruiser and opens fire.

Moving to square T4, and opening up with my torpedoes into the Guardian light cruiser.

Proton torpedo attack = 22 with use of force point
[roll0] x2 =80

2013-04-19, 09:53 AM
'Crossfires, this is Five. Moving in to attack the bigship. Let's see if I can't make it back off.' Daph says as she flies toward the light cruiser, opening fire with her last torpedo.
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP: 97/120, DR: 10, SR: 45(25), Condition: -0 (Normal)
Damage Threshold: 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 18, Vehicular Combat, Vehicular Evasion
Force Points: 3
Feats/Skills/Maneuvers: Gunnery Specialist, Deep Space Raider, Attack Pattern Zeta Nine, Skim the Surface, Engine Hit, Devastating Hit, Corellian Slip, Segnor's Loop
Move + Attack + Force Point to attack + if damaged, use 'Deep Space Raider'
Attack Roll:[roll0]+([roll1],[roll2])=17
*if damaged, activate 'Clear A Path' from 'Deep Space Raider' causing the ship to move to a spot not adjacent to me.

2013-04-19, 02:59 PM
"Three is re-engaging." Duxlan said as he increased his speed. He had a grin on his face. Another challenge for the Mandalorian. He was already an ace, but only with a MandalMotors Syck, which he prefered over, at the time, a Z-95.

2013-04-20, 08:52 AM
Norrin and Duxlan move to help Daphrodel, guns blazing; Norrin destroys one in a hail of crimson, while Duxlan's fire mingles with Marin's ion blasts to smash apart another. The young woman has rejoined the battle, though her earlier grinning confidence is as gone as the first squadron of TIEs; she has no witticisms or cheers to offer, only hard-eyed silence. The little Squib the Crossfire duo came to aid, however, has already moved on to attack the light cruiser point blank, her last proton torpedo streaking into its starboard side.

Her strike, combined with Griffin's, smashes through the shields and leaves a jagged scar in the hull. And the enemy sits up and takes notice. Even as Crossfires Lead and Seven blow apart their own opponents and a new wingpair moves up to menace them, almost everything else comes after the closest target that dared attack the cruiser: Daphrodel. Though she forces the cruiser back a pace, it opens up on her with its flak turrets while three TIEs converge on her. The TIE fire is little more than a nuisance, barely scratching her through those shields.

The flak, though much of it goes wide, hits harder, tearing through her shields to draw angry red lines across her hull. And practically the moment the cruiser begins to fire, a second arrives from hyperspace, the first of a long stream of promised reinforcements...

Crossfire Five takes 32 damage and drops to SR 30. A successful Vehicular Combat roll against DC 27 will negate the first hit and cause the second to fail to bypass her shields, putting her SR back up to 40 and reducing the damage to 15.

2013-04-20, 10:08 AM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 6
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

Flying through the least dense section of burning gas and debris left over from his fifth kill as a Rebel pilot, Norrin was an ace just like that. He didn't have time to celebrate, however, with fighters surrounding his wingman and two more of those patrol cruisers coming in.

"Lead, this is Four. We're not going to last much longer out here if Can't Catch Me doesn't hurry up!" he warned as he angled in on TIE 9. He maneuvered around, trying to find the Imperial fighter's six as it tried to get a killing shot on Daphrodel.

Flying Defensively. Reflex 24.
Dogfight DC30: [roll0] (Going to have to wait until next turn.)
Attack TIE 9 (DC15?): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (x2)

2013-04-22, 09:24 AM
'We need someone else damaging these cruisers. I'm given' 'em all I got! Peaches, I need all the shield I can get!' Daph says as she squeezes of a few laser shots at the same cruiser and backs away.
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP: 82/120, DR: 10, SR: 45(25), Condition: -0 (Normal)
Damage Threshold: 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 18, Vehicular Combat, Vehicular Evasion
Force Points: 3
Feats/Skills/Maneuvers: Gunnery Specialist, Deep Space Raider, Attack Pattern Zeta Nine, Skim the Surface, Engine Hit, Devastating Hit, Corellian Slip, Segnor's Loop
Initiate 'Covering Fire' of 'Deep Space Raider' (Attack + Move)
Attack Roll:[roll0]
*if damage is dealt, cruiser takes -2 to attacking me next turn.
Peaches takes 3 swift actions to recharge shields.

2013-04-22, 02:34 PM
"Copy that, 3 is engaging the cruisers." Duxlan replied. He moved his Y-wing into firing range. "I'm ok with you not talking, just need you to listen. Hit 'em with a torpedo." His hands gripped hard on the flightstick, firing on the cruiser in front of him

[roll0] attack
[roll1] damage

2013-04-29, 06:15 PM
"Confirmed, Four," Nriv says, "we're definitely seeing some trouble. But if we pull out now, we're leaving half the prisoners behind." Lead, Six, and Seven, staying close together, annihilate their opposing TIEs and move to engage the newly-arrived cruiser, launching proton torpedoes that slam into its shields and tear gashes in the hull plating beyond. Yet the Imperial flak cannons are accurate and deadly in their return fire, and Valoos's fighter takes a nasty hit along the nose as he comes in for an attack run. His high squeal of worry echoes on the comms.

While Norrin grapples with one of the remaining fighters, Daphrodel and Duxlan close on the other cruiser. Streaks of scarlet lance through the void, but the toughened shields take the brunt of the Squib's attack and negate the Mandalorian's altogether. It seems for a moment that Marin will remain out of the fight, but just as Duxlan starts to adjust course a proton torpedo streaks out of his Y-Wing and hits the cruiser's prow, leaving behind a blackened dent. But the Empire is swift to take retribution for the damage.

The two TIEs not engaged by Norrin break away, gaining a little distance, before turning back to fire at Daphrodel. Fire from one goes wide, but the other is accurate, coming straight for the X-Wing's port side as if to further enflame the jagged scar the flak tore there. Crossfire Two moves to support Five, damaging one of the TIEs menacing her but not quite destroying it. Then the cruiser's flak cannons open up again, this time focused on Duxlan. The anti-fighter weapons mostly miss, but one manages to score a hit on the already-damaged Liberator Three.

"In your professional opinions," Nriv says as calmly as he can while he takes stock of the continued damage to his squadron, "how much longer can we hold them? Our marines will be almost done with Deck Three by now, but that leaves all of Deck Four behind if we withdraw." "The odds are not in our favor," Valoos states, "even more so than usual. I recommend withdrawal." "We owe it to the Deck Four prisoners to stay as long as we can," Slinissk shoots back, contradicting her wingman.

Without a successful Vehicular Combat roll, Daph takes 19 damage and her shields drop to SR 40.

I'm not sure what Duxlan's current SR is, but without a successful Vehicular Combat roll he has taken 54 pre-shield damage and lost 5 SR.

2013-04-29, 06:35 PM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 5
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

Norrin gritted his teeth as he encountered an unusually good TIE pilot, requiring him to keep his comments to himself until he dealt with it. The targeting computer beeped until Norrin's maneuvers brought the TIE in line with the crosshairs and Hopper squealed out a target lock tone. Norrin flexed his trigger finger and more ruby darts lanced out at the enemy with killing intent.

"They need more time. We give them more time, Lead." Norrin grunted. That was the mission...but it was going to cost them lives. "They better hurry the frak up or the corvette's not going to survive to bring the prisoners home, though."

Flying Defensively. Reflex 24.
Target Lock Check: [roll0] (Should have taken 10...got greedy.)
Attack TIE 9 (DC15?): [roll1] (+6 = 17)
Force Point: 1d6=1, 1d6=6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4030602/)
Damage: [roll2] (x2)

2013-04-29, 06:51 PM
Griffin Starblazer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537121)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 84/120, DR 10, SR 10, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 24, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 5
Torpedo magazine: 0/6

Griffin maneuvers his X-wing for another shot at the cruiser, ignoring the expanding dogfight happening around him. Once his targeting reticule glows red and his astromech lets out a loud screech, he lets loose with his last two torpedoes.

“Hit and fade my ass, we're pitching a tent here. ” The veteran pilot says to nobody, as his torpedoes streak on towards their mark.

Attacking the first light cruiser.
[roll1]x2= 92 damage

2013-04-29, 10:31 PM
Narrowly avoiding more laser damage, Daph half-barrel rolls over the nearby Tie fighter and her squad mates to fire at the Cruiser again. 'Crossfire Five, re-engaging Cruiser!' she cries as she lunges toward it.
Incom T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP: 82/120, DR: 10, SR: 45(25), Condition: -0 (Normal)
Damage Threshold: 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 18, Vehicular Combat, Vehicular Evasion
Force Points: 3
Feats/Skills/Maneuvers: Gunnery Specialist, Deep Space Raider, Attack Pattern Zeta Nine, Skim the Surface, Engine Hit, Devastating Hit, Corellian Slip, Segnor's Loop
Laser Cannons:(6d10+4)x2; Atk: +9
Proton Torpedoes:(9d10+4)x2; Atk: +9; Torpedoes:0/6
Move + Attack (Laser Cannons)
Attack Roll:[roll0]
Damage Roll:[roll1]x2=76

2013-04-30, 02:56 PM
Lt. Duxlan Bralor (Crossfire 3) (in Y-wing) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537471)
Male Human Soldier 7/Officer1
HP 69, SR 25 Condition Normal
Force Points 9
Special Actions: Starship Manuvers:, Evasive Action, Snap Roll

Duxlan attempted to dodge the fire coming his way. "Mandalorians don't retreat. I'm going to fight here, and if I die here, I die with honor. Mhi bralir ra mhi ash'amur. We win or we die." he said over the squad's coms. He aimed at the ship again to fire. he then said to his gunner. "That was good, do it again."

[roll0] attack
[roll1] damage
[roll2] vehicular combat

2013-04-30, 08:18 PM
Though the battle is only intensifying, the general consensus among those who speak up is to stay. As if in answer, another transmission comes up from the depths of the Desiderius, blaster fire echoing in the background. "Losyn to Crossfires: we're cleared deck three and are proceeding to deck four. The sector fleet will be answering the distress call by now; if we need to pull out, let us know immediately. We can't afford to risk losing everything we've worked for here by overextending. Losyn out."

Between the corvette and the first light cruiser, Norrin grapples with his chosen opponent. His shots are good, ripping through one of the TIE's solar panels, but the craft somehow manages to keep flying, trying to circle around behind him. Meanwhile Duxlan, Daphrodel, and Griffin close to engage the wounded cruiser, striking it will all the ordnance they can muster. Bit by bit the shields fail, allowing more and more of their fire to rake across the scarred armor. For now, however, the craft holds together and fires back.

The cruisers do their best to take revenge on their attackers. Flak fills the void, leaping out at both clusters of starfighters. One cruiser fires right into the dogfight between Norrin and his foe, managing to clip the Rebel starfighter while leaving the TIE unscathed. Meanwhile the two TIEs pull away from the group they'd previously fired at and turn to pick at the wounded Valoos, trailing smoke from where the flak grazed one of his engines. Lead and Seven quickly cut them off, but not before another volley strikes the beleaguered Givin.

And then another hyperspace signature shows up on the scanners. A vessel coalesces back into realspace, dwarfing all of the combatants at some five hundred meters in length and two thirds that broad: an Escort Carrier, carrying six TIE squadrons on average and mounting two heavy guns. But before any further orders can be issued, a flak burst from one of the light cruisers clips Lead's vessel, and he suddenly drops from the channel; his communications have been damaged and left nonfunctional!

Without a successful vehicular combat roll, Crossfire Two takes 26 damage and drops to SR 5.

Without a successful vehicular combat roll, Crossfire Four takes 35 damage and drops to SR 10.

2013-05-01, 01:44 AM
Griffin Starblazer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537121)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 84/120, DR 10, SR 10, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 24, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 5
Torpedo magazine: 0/6

Two-handing the sick, Griffin dives into an intricate defensive pattern, an amazing display of aerospace piloting. The enemy gunners track the ace pilot’s X-wing through space but are unable to get a lead, their shots falling just behind the nimble snub fighter.

Griffin rolls out of his aerobatics display just long enough to unleash a volley of lasers into the wounded cruiser.

“Lead this is deuce… Lead?”
Cursing, the veteran pilot switches his comm..
“Crossfire two to commando team, we’ve got a big party crasher that looks to cause some trouble, how many more decks do you have left to clear? And how long do you estimate it'll take. We’re trying to buy you enough time to finish collection those party favors.”

Vehicular combat roll
Attack against
[roll2]x2 =74

2013-05-04, 09:19 PM
'Crossfire Leader this is Cross-Five, do you read me?...Leader?!' She switches the comm to hail the Can't Catch Me, 'Can't Catch Me, this is Crossfire Five! Crossfire Leader isn't responding. A tertiary vessel is carrying more ties. We've got to get out of here! Peaches! Get those shields back up!' Daphrodel spins around and glides over the nearby cruiser, spraying it with laser fire. She flies just over to crossfire leader, watching eagerly for movement.
Incom T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP: 63/120, DR: 10, SR: 40(25), Condition: -0 (Normal)
Damage Threshold: 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 18, Vehicular Combat, Vehicular Evasion
Force Points: 3
Feats/Skills/Maneuvers: Gunnery Specialist, Deep Space Raider, Attack Pattern Zeta Nine, Skim the Surface, Engine Hit, Devastating Hit, Corellian Slip, Segnor's Loop
Laser Cannons:(6d10+4)x2; Atk: +9
Proton Torpedoes:(9d10+4)x2; Atk: +9; Torpedoes:0/6
Attack the damaged Light Cruiser+Move
Attack Roll:[roll0]

2013-05-04, 09:43 PM
Lt. Duxlan Bralor (Crossfire 3) (in Y-wing) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537471)
Male Human Soldier 7/Officer1
HP 69, SR 25 Condition Normal
Force Points 9
Special Actions: Starship Manuvers:, Evasive Action, Snap Roll

"I am not leaving until our job is fully done. I die honorably here or we secure every prisoner." Duxlan says. He aims his guns strait on the cruiser and fires

[roll0] attack
[roll1] damage

2013-05-04, 10:11 PM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 5
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

Norrin was too busy dodging flak while somehow also managing to stay on the wounded TIE's tail to waste much time with talking, but he noticed that Lead had been hit. Not another one..." he thought, gritting his teeth. He centered the eyeball in his crosshairs again and lanced it through with laser blasts, hopefully reducing it to so much scrap. He didn't know what they were supposed to do about those cruisers now that there were three of them and potentially another wing of TIEs on the way.

Despite what the Mando was ranting about, Norrin was rapidly coming to the conclusion that it was about time to leave.

Flying Defensively. Reflex 24. Vehicular Evasion negates damage from last turn.
Attack TIE 9 (DC15?): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (x2)

2013-05-05, 07:56 PM
"Can't Catch Me to Crossfires. Major Losyn says there's another full deck to clear, but it's a last objective; if y'all think we need to clear out, we can pull the commandos back. Meantime, we'll reposition and bring our guns around." Using its maneuvering thrusters full force, the Rebel corvette pushes itself and the Desiderius inch by inch until it's angled a few degrees. It seems ponderous, unthreatening; then it opens fire with its concussion missiles, adding to the confused melee against the two light cruisers with a blaze of light.

Fire steaks out from the squadron as well, targeting the already wounded cruiser, and under the constant and thunderous barrage the Imperial craft finally gives way. The bridge explodes as the hull splits down the middle, vivisected by Rebel fire. Meanwhile the other cruiser, targeted by the Corvette and the prior efforts of the other half of Crossfire Squadron, explodes into a thousand fragments as the barrage strikes it. Meanwhile Norrin finally picks off his stubborn opponent in a blaze of scarlet, and Crossfire Six scores another kill as well.

Despite the damage, Lead seems to be holding together. He himself takes down the last fighter of the latest squadron, and flashes Daphrodel a thumbs up as she makes a concerned flyby. For a moment, it seems that all the concern was deeply unwarranted. And then the carrier begins to disgorge its fighter complement. The TIEs swarm through the wreckage of the cruisers like piranha beetles over exposed flesh, opening fire with laser cannons and concussion missiles of their own in what is only the beginning of the Imperial tide.

Then the cruiser turns, slowly and purposefully, bringing its main guns to bear on the Can't Catch Me. Sensing danger, the corvette manages to turn so that the prison ship is between it and those heavy cannons. "That's all the support we can give ya without being vaped! Now, do we need ta recall the commandos, or can ya hold 'em?" Slinnisk and Valoos speak at the same time. "We can hold them." "We need to withdraw!" Awkward silence reigns for a moment on the channel. "Come again?" The captain says.

The deadly Imperial barrage continues...

Crossfire Two may make a Vehicular Combat roll against DC 24. If he succeeds, he takes 28 damage and his SR falls to 5. If he fails, he takes 71 damage and his shields are depleted.

Crossfire Three may make a Vehicular Combat roll against DC 23. If he succeeds, he takes no damage. If he fails, he takes 23 damage and his SR drops to 20.

Crossfire Four's defensive flying has caused him to escape harm. His luck is as pristine as his ship.

Crossfire Five escapes damage thanks to exceptionally poor enemy shooting.

2013-05-05, 08:51 PM
'We can take 'em! Can't Catch Me, drift toward Ord Vaug and give us breathing room. Crossfires-If you're behind me, strap yourselves in. This'll be doublehard.'

2013-05-05, 09:29 PM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 5
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

"Deuce, with Lead's comm out, it's your decision. What do we do?" Norrin asked as he found Daphrodel's wing again. He turned so that he was presenting the smallest possible profile to the incoming TIE fighters and started juking and dodging around.

Flying Defensively. Not attacking. Reflex is 29 this round.

2013-05-05, 11:03 PM
Daph faces the oncoming tie fighters and prepares for the onslaught from the behind the wreckage of the first light cruiser.
Incom T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
asHP: 63/120, DR: 10, SR: 45(25), Condition: -0 (Normal)
Damage Threshold: 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 28(18), Vehicular Combat, Vehicular Evasion
Force Points: 3
Feats/Skills/Maneuvers: Gunnery Specialist, Deep Space Raider, Attack Pattern Zeta Nine, Skim the Surface, Engine Hit, Devastating Hit, Corellian Slip, Segnor's Loop
Laser Cannons:(6d10+4)x2; Atk: +9
Proton Torpedoes:(9d10+4)x2; Atk: +9; Torpedoes:0/6
Defensive Action without attacking +10 to reflex defense.

2013-05-06, 06:50 PM
Griffin Starblazer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537121)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 56/120, DR 10, SR 10, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 24, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 5
Torpedo magazine: 0/6

Wiping sweat from his face, Griffin surveys the situation.

“Four, take five, six and seven and engage those bombers. If they kill the Can’t Catch Me, this whole party will be for nothing. Lead, three and I will try to keep those fighters off of you. Try to stay away from that carrier, but if you have any missiles, feel free to use ‘em on it. We’re almost done here, and I hate to leave a job unfinished.”

“Screech, recharge my shields, I’m going to need them.”

"Can't Catch Me, this is crossfire two. I think we can hold them off of you long enough to finish the job. Just make it fast.

Pilot check to dodge debris

R2 unit’s mechanic’s check:

2013-05-06, 07:25 PM
Lt. Duxlan Bralor (Crossfire 3) (in Y-wing) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537471)
Male Human Soldier 7/Officer1
HP 69, SR 25 Condition Normal
Force Points 9
Special Actions: Starship Manuvers:, Evasive Action, Snap Roll

Duxlan's heart was racing. The were pulling all the prisoners out or her was going to die honorably here, like a Mandalorian. "I am too damaged to get past to fighters to drop of the rest of my payload." he said. The Mando was bold, but not stupid and he wouldn't disobey orders. He moved his ship closer to the center of his squadron to avoid getting shot.


2013-05-08, 08:31 AM
"I would leave the carrier alone," Slinissk says as she moves to follow Two's orders. "Its shields could take a proton torpedo without much trouble." Meanwhile, the rest of the squadron prepares to get into position, bloodied but unbroken. Lead, without his comms or his wingman, never hears Two, and moves to intercept the bombers along with most of the squadron; Two and Three are left alone against the incoming fighter squadron. The Can't Catch Me, meanwhile, tries to slowly drift toward Ord Vaug as suggested.

The Imperials approach relentlessly, casually expending fire to vaporize the debris in their way in addition to opening up on the Rebel craft. Slinissk takes a glancing hit from a concussion missile that spins her craft wildly for a moment, but she manages to come out of it intact. Meanwhile, a second pair of squadrons is no doubt preparing to launch from the carrier. "Got it, Crossfires. We'll tell the Major to hurry it up."

Crossfire Two may make a Vehicular Combat roll versus DC 24. If he fails, he takes 32 damage and his SR falls to 5.

Crossfire Three may make a Vehicular Combat roll versus DC 24. If he fails, he takes 25 damage and his SR drops to 15. If he succeeds, he takes 5 damage and his SR drops to 20.

Crossfire Four, flying defensively, is not hit.

Crossfire Five, flying defensively, is not hit.

2013-05-08, 08:56 AM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 5
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

"Roger, Deuce. Going dupe-hunting." Norrin said, his X-Wing snapping up onto one wing and then diving down at the mass of approaching bombers making their way through the debris field. He used the wreckage to disguise his approach until he could jump on their formation, hoping the surprise might spook them into hitting some of it. He wondered vaguely as he depressed the trigger on the flightstick, filling space with lightfire, if there were still survivors hanging on aboard the pieces of wreckage that the Imperials were so casually blowing away.

Flying Defensively. Reflex 24. 29 on any Pilot check needed to fly through debris.
Dogfight TB2: [roll0]
Attack (DC15?): [roll1] (+FP = 15)
Damage: [roll2] (x2)
Potential Force Point: [roll3]
EDIT: Actually I probably don't make the Dogfight check to attack this round...

2013-05-10, 12:21 AM
Griffin Starblazer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537121)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 56/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 24, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 5
Torpedo magazine: 0/6

Blast it, all of Lead’s comms are out. Ok, Screech, keep working on those shields.
Griffin says as he dodges through enemy fire and lines up a shot on a tie fighter.

Pilot check

Droid’s mechanics check
DC 20 to increase shields by 5

Attacking tie 2
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]x2=56

2013-05-10, 01:34 AM
'This is Five, comin' to bash the bombers with ya' Four!' buzzes the squib across the comms as she breaks her defensive position to stem the tide of bombers heading towards Crossfire Leader. Her HUD tags her enemies as she picks her next craft to fight. Tie Bomber 3, it's you and me. She maneuvers over a carbon scored segment of hull, and targets the bomber.
Incom T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
asHP: 63/120, DR: 10, SR: 45(25), Condition: -0 (Normal)
Damage Threshold: 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 18, Vehicular Combat, Vehicular Evasion
Force Points: 3
Feats/Skills/Maneuvers: Gunnery Specialist, Deep Space Raider, Attack Pattern Zeta Nine, Skim the Surface, Engine Hit, Devastating Hit, Corellian Slip, Segnor's Loop
Laser Cannons:(6d10+4)x2; Atk: +9
Proton Torpedoes:(9d10+4)x2; Atk: +9; Torpedoes:0/6
Move + Engage in Dogfight with TB 3
Pilot check to engage in dogfight:[roll0]

2013-05-10, 04:56 PM
Lt. Duxlan Bralor (Crossfire 3) (in Y-wing) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537471)
Male Human Soldier 7/Officer1
HP 44, SR 15 Condition Normal
Force Points 9
Special Actions: Starship Manuvers:, Evasive Action, Snap Roll

"Sith spit!" he yells as he takes damage. His then tells his gunner. "Put your back into it. Unless you want to die." His droid starts to recharge their shields as Duxlan moves into position to help fight off the bombers.

using talent to give me a move action.
can't roll again in post, doing it OOC

2013-05-12, 01:09 PM
Four and Five move in close, flying into the thick of the bomber formation to engage the enemy. That shields them from the retribution of the rest of the squadron, who don't seem willing to risk firing into the melee, but in the confusion neither side is able to open fire on the other. Meanwhile smoke rises from Duxlan's Y-Wing; a hole has been blown clean through the back end, narrowly missing both the engines and the gun turret. Marin opens fire with the ion cannon, but it's not enough to cripple one of the dupes.

Fortunately Lead adds his fire, and between them they manage to pop the first bomber. Meanwhile Six and Seven, seeing Two standing alone against the fighter squadron, move to assist. Griffin nearly destroys one, mangling its port solar panel beyond recognition, and Six finishes the craft with a burst of laser fire. Seven destroys another on her own, blowing out the cockpit. Yet the Imperial advance is inexorable; the casualties barely seem to slow them. And then a second pair of squadrons launches from the carrier.

"Losyn to Crossfires, we've cleared the last deck and are withdrawing."

No damage to PCs this round. Crossfires Six, Seven, and Lead are all in as bad of shape as Two or Three, however, and are in trouble if not assisted.

2013-05-12, 01:30 PM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 4
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

"Awww...but I was just starting to enjoy myself..." Norrin piped up with a wry tone. "Look, at least they brought enough friends to make it fun this time." he added, trying to cover how pants-wettingly afraid he was right now with some casual bravado. "Seriously though, Five, we look like we're in the best shape right now, so what do you say we cover the retreat?" he added with the attitude of someone about to jump off a really tall building. He wasn't joking. It had to be them. Almost everyone else was flying wounded.

Norrin came around on a TIE Bomber, unloading crimson fire into its back end with relentless determination.

Flying Defensively. Reflex 24. 29 on any Pilot check needed to fly through debris or dogfight.
Attack (DC15?): [roll0] (+6=17)
Damage: [roll1] (x2)
Potential Force Point: [roll2]

2013-05-13, 09:27 PM
Griffin Starblazer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537121)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 56/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 24, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 5
Torpedo magazine: 0/6

“Good to hear, we’ve overstayed our welcome as it is.” Griffin responds to Losyn. Switching comms, Griffin starts issuing orders.
“Deuce to Crossfires, the commandos are done and are withdrawing. Prepare to withdraw, three, get Lead’s attention, don’t want to leave him behind.”

"Keep recharging those shields screech. We’re going to need them if we’re getting outta here alive."
The veteran pilot says as he turns onto the tail of another tie fighter.

Astromech mechanics roll DC20
Attack tie 1

2013-05-13, 10:38 PM
'Crossfires, move doublefast to cover Can't Catch Me's retreat! Four and me will hold back this mega bad swarm of baddies! Peaches, see if you can't comm leader's droid, tell Leader to get out of here, fast!' Daphrodel looks about as her field of vision is engulfed in Tie fighters and bombers. She gulps audibly over the comms and then focuses on the tie in front of her. I know what got to do she mumbles to herself as she holds her position, locked with this bomber.
Incom T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
asHP: 63/120, DR: 10, SR: 45(25), Condition: -0 (Normal)
Damage Threshold: 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 28(18), Vehicular Combat, Vehicular Evasion
Force Points: 3
Feats/Skills/Maneuvers: Gunnery Specialist, Deep Space Raider, Attack Pattern Zeta Nine, Skim the Surface, Engine Hit, Devastating Hit, Corellian Slip, Segnor's Loop
Laser Cannons:(6d10+4)x2; Atk: +9
Proton Torpedoes:(9d10+4)x2; Atk: +9; Torpedoes:0/6
Fight Defensively + Maintain Dogfight + Force Point to Pilot Check
Hold defensive position in dogfight without attacking, +10 reflex
+5 reflex to anyone outside of the dogfight
Pilot check to sustain dogfight, if needed:[roll0]+Force Point[roll1],[roll2]=30

2013-05-14, 03:13 PM
Lt. Duxlan Bralor (Crossfire 3) (in Y-wing) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537471)
Male Human Soldier 7/Officer1
HP 69, SR 25 Condition Normal
Force Points 9
Special Actions: Starship Manuvers:, Evasive Action, Snap Roll

Duxlan starts to move his Y-wing close to a time bomber. He aims his guns ahead of one and fires.

[roll0] attack
[roll1] damage

2013-05-15, 10:08 AM
An Empire spanning thousands of populated systems has practically infinite resources, and the point is driven home as the TIEs converge on the remaining Rebel pilots in a vicious swarm, filling the void with green laser fire. Crossfires Two, Four, and Five are surrounded as the Imperial craft alter formation, and the others suffer no small amount of fire. Despite the hail of fire and their own damage, Crossfires Six and Seven come to Two's rescue. Six combines fire with him to finish his target, while Seven annihilates one on her own.

But the remaining TIE in close proximity sights on the wounded Six and fires right into his engines. Valoos lets out a brief bark of surprise as his fighter spirals out of control. "Very bad problem, very bad odds," he shouts, trying to regain control. His X-Wing is only barely holding together. Meanwhile, Four and Five remain entrapped in the TIE Bomber formation. Both manage to fly circles around their opponents, however, and the rest of the TIEs don't dare engage when they might hit a friendly. Duxlan and Lead, not so closely engaged, come under heavy fire.

Meanwhile, another pair of squadrons prepares to launch from the carrier...

Crossfire Two may make a Vehicular Combat roll against DC 26. If he succeeds, he takes 9 damage and his SR drops to 10. If he fails, he takes 37 damage and his SR drops to 5.

Crossfire Three was completely missed, as was Lead.

Crossfires Four and Five are pretty safe within their dogfights, but the other bombers will bypass them next round.

Crossfire Six is badly damaged, and may not be able to make the jump to hyperspace.

2013-05-15, 04:38 PM
Griffin Starblazer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537121)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 47/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 24, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 5
Torpedo magazine: 0/6

“Screech, my shields!” Griffin yells at his little astromech as he’s surrounded by green laser fire. The Veteran pilot begins dodging and weaving his way through the huge dogfight. Trying to force down the rising sense panic he was feeling.
“Come on Losyn, hurry up already, we’re getting pounded.” He says under his breath as he concentrates on fighting.

Piloting check:

Mechanics check to recharge shields

Attack against Tie 9

[roll3] x2 =64

2013-05-16, 01:01 PM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 4
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

"Watch yourselves, Crossfires!" Norrin said, perhaps unnecessarily. It was a hornets' nest out there, with laser blasts and concussion missiles reaching up to try and tag Norrin and Daphrodel from every which direction. He pulled his stick all the way to the right, trusting his wingman to stay right on his port S-Foil. He snapped up onto his starboard foil and dove, bringing about half the squadron of TIE Bombers along for the ride as he dropped his crosshairs on the same one he'd shot at a few seconds ago. His targeting computer marked and locked it and he depressed the trigger, trying to even the odds just a little bit.

Flying Defensively. Reflex 24. 29 on any Pilot check needed to fly through debris or dogfight.
Attack (DC15?): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (x2)
Potential Force Point: [roll2]

2013-05-16, 04:09 PM
Tie fighters and bombers surrounded Daphrodel, and more than ever she felt very small. She needed to convince the others to get out while her and four kept the tide back, 'Crossfire four to Can't Catch Me, grab crossfire six! His engines are damaged and he's doomed if you don't. Crossfires one, two, three and seven, you need to get out of here! Four and I will keep the ties from pursuing, and catch up with you after the parties over. The squib adjusts her seat and fires at the adjacent 'TB 3'.
Incom T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
asHP: 63/120, DR: 10, SR: 45(25), Condition: -0 (Normal)
Damage Threshold: 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 18, Vehicular Combat, Vehicular Evasion
Force Points: 3
Feats/Skills/Maneuvers: Gunnery Specialist, Deep Space Raider, Attack Pattern Zeta Nine, Skim the Surface, Engine Hit, Devastating Hit, Corellian Slip, Segnor's Loop
Laser Cannons:(6d10+4)x2; Atk: +9
Proton Torpedoes:(9d10+4)x2; Atk: +9; Torpedoes:0/6
Pilot check to attack dogfight opponent + Attack
Pilot check:[roll0]
Attack Roll:[roll1]

2013-05-16, 05:03 PM
Lt. Duxlan Bralor (Crossfire 3) (in Y-wing) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537471)
Male Human Soldier 7/Officer1
HP 69, SR 25 Condition Normal
Force Points 9
Special Actions: Starship Manuvers:, Evasive Action, Snap Roll

"This is three I am not disengaging." He said. He was a Mandalorian. He had to back down from fights every so often, else he wouldn't made it far in the rebellion, but he still stands his ground when he can. He aims at the bomber he shot at last and fires.

[roll0] attack
[roll1] damage

2013-05-17, 11:59 PM
The Rebels fight hard. Griffin blows apart yet another TIE, finishing one corner of the Imperial formation and covering the retreat of Seven as she tries desperately to stabilize Six's erratic flight. Meanwhile Norrin blows apart the TIE that had resisted him before, and Duxlan and Daphrodel combine fire to destroy another. Lead, though smoking badly under continued battery, destroys one of the fighters rising to take the bombers' place, and Marin shoots down another from her turret. But the advance is hardly slowed.

While the remains of one squadron surround Griffin, boxing him in, another full squadron chases Valoos and Slinissk, firing at their badly damaged craft. Then the remaining TIE Bombers slip past the Rebel fighters, heading straight for the Corvette; they'll clear the Desiderius in moments. A TIE squadron envelops Norrin and Daphrodel, now denied the protection of their dogfights. Beyond them, at the carrier, two more full TIE squadrons emerge and prepare to engage the hopelessly outnumbered Crossfires.

"Can't Catch Me here, the Major's commandos are all aboard. We're disengagin' our dockin' clamps and preparin' to align for the jump; give us just a bit more and we'll be in hyperspace."

The Can't Catch Me will escape next round unless heavily damaged by the bombers.

Crossfire Two may make a Vehicular Combat roll against DC 25. If he succeeds, he takes no damage. If he fails, he takes 17 damage and his SR drops to 10.

Crossfire Three is not fired upon. He is close enough to Lead that he can indicate whether they should go after the bombers or try to help Four and Five.

Crossfire Four may make a Vehicular Combat roll against DC 24. If he succeeds, he takes no damage. If he fails, he takes 27 damage and his SR drops to 10.

Crossfire Five is missed completely.

2013-05-18, 11:20 AM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 120/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 4
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

"Catch Me, get the hells out of here, you lumbering nerf!" Norrin shouted, his temper getting the better of him for a moment. Though he couldn't hardly be blamed with about a squadron of eyeballs trying to crawl up his tailpipe. He turned and blasted the first TIE fighter that came into his crosshairs, becoming aggressive and forcing them to break formation and robbing them of a straight flight to the Rebel Corvette.

Flying Defensively. Reflex 24. 29 on Pilot check for Vehicular Combat.
Dogfight (DC30): [roll0]
Attack TIE1C (DC15?): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (x2)
Potential Force Point: [roll3]

2013-05-18, 04:57 PM
Griffin Starblazer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537121)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 47/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 24, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 5
Torpedo magazine: 0/6

“Good to hear, Can’t catch me, don’t wait for us.”
Griffin says, relief in his voice. His X-wing jukes it’s its way through the hornet’s nest of enemy tie fighters.
“Screech, Shut up, and keep recharging those shields.” The veteran pilot says to his little astromech as a green bolt of energy passes dangerously close.

He takes an instinctive shot as a tie passes into his crosshairs for split second.

Pilot check DC 25
Mechanics check to recharge shields DC20
Attack tie 6

2013-05-19, 06:48 PM
'Bantha balls! They're still chasing the Can't Catch Me! Crossfire Four, this is Cross Five, I'm flying to tackle one of the bombers. I'll be back when the Can't Catch me is safe. Daphrodel turns away from the wreckage of the former tie fighter and zooms past Leader to engage 'TB 1'.
Incom T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
asHP: 63/120, DR: 10, SR: 45(25), Condition: -0 (Normal)
Damage Threshold: 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 18, Vehicular Combat, Vehicular Evasion
Force Points: 3
Feats/Skills/Maneuvers: Gunnery Specialist, Deep Space Raider, Attack Pattern Zeta Nine, Skim the Surface, Engine Hit, Devastating Hit, Corellian Slip, Segnor's Loop
Laser Cannons:(6d10+4)x2; Atk: +9
Proton Torpedoes:(9d10+4)x2; Atk: +9; Torpedoes:0/6
Move + Engage in Dogfight + Force Point to Pilot check + Attack
Pilot check to engage in dogfight + Force Point:[roll0]+[roll1],[roll2]=27
Attack Roll:[roll3]

2013-05-19, 09:06 PM
As much as he wanted to help his squadmates, Duxlan knew the mission comes first. He signaled to Lead that he was going after the bombers. Duxlan does a split-S and fires on a Tie bomber

[roll0] attack TB 12
[roll1] damage

2013-05-24, 09:19 AM
It's the moment of truth. TIEs close in on Crossfire Squadron from every side, blasters blazing and concussion missiles flying, as the Can't Catch Me, laden with newly-freed prisoners, pushes sluggishly away from the Desiderius. The bombers scream in toward it, soaring over the bulk of the prison ship as they configure their targeting computers. The little clicks the missiles make as they're primed seem to echo in the heads of the pursuing Rebels. All it'll take is one lucky shot and the mission is a failure. And there'll be a dozen shots.

Crossfires Two and Four, isolated from the bombers, fight hard against their own troubles. Each secures a little breathing room, blowing away one of the fighters attacking them, but more TIES always move to fill the gap. The tide seems endless. Valoos and Slinissk, hotly pursued by yet another TIE squadron, manage to reach the corvette, the former's fighter still wildly gyrating. But the Can't Catch Me manages to catch the craft in a tractor beam, pulling it in close against the vessel's hull. If it survives, so will he, but all is in question.

Finally, moving like a single black blade of death, the bombers cross the Desiderius. Thumbs move to triggers, ready to end the Rebel mission and condemn the prisoners aboard to a quick death... perhaps a mercy compared to the death by torture they would have received on the planet below. Missiles twitch, ready to leap, hungry for blood. Three Rebel fighters streak in behind them, cannons blazing, hopes flaring. Crossfires Three and Five open fire on a bomber each, bruising them, but it's not enough. The craft keep on.

At the last possible moment, as the missiles have already begun to fly, Lead adds his fire to that of his squadronmates, targeting the craft they damaged. The two Dupes explode in a shower of sparks, but there's no time to celebrate; half a dozen missiles are away. They streak through the void, lancing out at the Can't Catch Me, and find their marks just as the corvette aligns for hyperspace. Explosions ripple along the upper decks, blowing through the shields and tearing chunks out of the hull. And then the ship is gone... but there's no debris. It has jumped to hyperspace!

Time to withdraw. Everyone must disengage from any dogfights, have a clear path to any edge of the map (along a straight line, no diagonals), and use a standard action to engage the hyperdrive. Good luck.

Crossfire Two may make a Vehicular Combat roll against DC 25. If he succeeds, he takes no damage. If he fails, he takes 21 damage and his SR drops to 10.

Crossfire Four may make a Vehicular Combat roll against DC 27. If he succeeds, he takes 19 damage and his SR drops to 10. If he fails, he takes 31 damage and his SR drops to 5.

2013-05-24, 10:11 AM
Flight Officer Norrin Rann (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=536927)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 101/120, DR 10, SR 10, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 19, Vehicular Combat
Force Points 4
Special Actions: Angle Deflector Shields, Skim the Surface, Snap Roll, Target Lock

"That's our cue, Crossfires." Norrin said as he pulled out of a particularly hairy situation, causing two eyeballs to nearly smash into each other head on. His X-Wing was starting to take a bit of a beating despite Norrin's superlative flying this far. He wasn't in as bad a shape as some of his squadron mates, but even Norrin had to get tired at some point. "I'm bingo on fuel and it's past time we got ourselves home, wouldn't you say, guys?"

Adjusting his shields to face his pursuers, Norrin angled his snubfighter for a hasty exit. His nerve-wracked, little astromech had already plotted his escape vector some time ago. He tried to keep things straight and level for the few moments it took for the stars to start stretching outside the canopy for the first of his many jumps back to the rendezvous point and then back home.

Flying Defensively. Reflex 24. 29 on Pilot check for Vehicular Combat and Dogfighting checks. I'm on my phone so I'll adjust map later but I can get to the bottom edge of the map no problem. Standard action to jump to hyperspace.

2013-05-24, 01:31 PM
Daphrodel lets out a huge sigh of relief as the bombers fail to take down their target. She speeds out of the battlefield inputting several random hyperspace jumps before heading back to base.
Incom T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
asHP: 63/120, DR: 10, SR: 45(25), Condition: -0 (Normal)
Damage Threshold: 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 18, Vehicular Combat, Vehicular Evasion
Force Points: 1
Feats/Skills/Maneuvers: Gunnery Specialist, Deep Space Raider, Attack Pattern Zeta Nine, Skim the Surface, Engine Hit, Devastating Hit, Corellian Slip, Segnor's Loop
Laser Cannons:(6d10+4)x2; Atk: +9
Proton Torpedoes:(9d10+4)x2; Atk: +9; Torpedoes:0/6
All-out movement + Pilot check to increase speed
Pilot check:[roll0]
Able to move 20 squares in a straight line out.

2013-05-25, 02:18 AM
Griffin Starblazer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537121)
T-65B X-Wing Starfighter
HP 47/120, DR 10, SR 15, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 46
Defenses: Fort 26, Ref 24 +10 (fighting defensively), Vehicular Combat
Force Points 5
Torpedo magazine: 0/6

“Nicely done Crossfires, now lets get outta here.” Griffin says as he goes defensive and tries to break free from the hornet's nest of ties surrounding him.

“Screech, start calculating the jump to lightspeed”

Vehicular combat Pilot check

Use computer check for astrogation DC 10

Fighting defensively, and moving.
yeah, didn't notice i needed to disengage, so i rolled in OOC thread. here's the results:

Pilot check to disengage

2013-05-25, 09:30 AM
Lt. Duxlan Bralor (Crossfire 3) (in Y-wing) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537471)
Male Human Soldier 7/Officer1
HP 69, SR 25 Condition Normal
Force Points 9
Special Actions: Starship Manuvers:, Evasive Action, Snap Roll

Duxlan smiled as he started to to make his jump. "This is 3, I am jumping to lightspeed. See you all at home. Oya!" he said. Beskar'ad started to make his calculations for lightspeed.