View Full Version : [PF/3.5] Poison Flinger BBEG

2013-03-23, 05:33 AM
Ok, so we play pathfinder, but allow any 3.5 material to be included. (ergo, neither Q&A thread will work)
I'm going to be DMing soon, and have this idea for a BBEG:
Vishkanya ninja flinging as many poisoned shurikens as possible in one round.
Roughly level 12, and I want to avoid DM fiat (mostly because one of the other DM's uses it all the time for OP enemies he can taunt us with. :smallfurious:)
This is what I'm thinking: Vishkanya (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/uncommon-races/arg-vishkanyas) Ninja (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/alternate-classes/ninja) 5, Fighter (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/fighter) 2, Master thrower (http://therafimrpg.wikidot.com/master-thrower) 5
Something like a 22 dex, not unreasonable without gear. My main question is about feat choice.
1 Point blank shot
2 [ninja trick - Vanishing trick]
3 Precise shot
4 [ninja trick - Flurry of stars]
5 Weapon focus (shuriken)
6 [Fighter bonus - Rapid shot]
7 Extra Ki; [Fighter bonus - Two weapon fighting]
8 [MT bonus - Quick draw]; [TWT - Palm throw]
9 Improved TWF
10 [TWT - Doubletoss]
11 Sleep venom (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/arg-feats/sleep-venom-vishkanya) (Vishkanya racial feat)
12 [TWT - Weak spot]

I've got Extra Ki in there to make sure he can keep up the extra attacks and invisibility at this level of play, but I'd be more than willing to swap it out for anything else that gives an extra attack. I'll probably give him something to cast haste, just for the excessiveness of it.
I debated giving him Deadly aim, but I'm not sure he could use it with the Weak spot trick. Anybody know?

BAB +10, Dex +7, Masterwork +1, Weapon focus +1, Flurry of stars -2, Rapid shot -2, TWF -2...
(+1 Haste, +1 Point blank)
So my full attack sequence will be:
(normal/haste/off hand/rapid shot/FoS/FoS/normal -5/off hand -5)
+15/+15/+15/+15/+15/+15/+10/+10 touch
Each attack is two shurikens. Granted, they're shurikens without strength bonus, but my racial poison is DC 16+con, so even the barbarian might fail a check. The build should deal lots of Dex damage through the racial poison, with a really high DC from all the extra doses.
By my calculations that's up to 16 doses delivered in one full-round action.
If I'm throwing two shuriken, and one has sleep poison and the other has dex damage, but they're both my racial poison, would the DC's still increase with each dose?

1: Any ideas for ways to throw extra shuriken in a round? Haste, Palm throw, TWF, Rapid shot, Flurry of stars have all been covered.
2: Can I use Deadly aim with the Master thrower's "Weak spot" trick?
3: If every attack is two shuriken, and each has a different variant of the Vishkanya poison, would the DC's go up with each dose? (example: would failing a save vs the sleep poison increase the dex poison's DC?)

Edit: Added in a TL;DNR at the bottom, and threw in the vishkanya racial feat for extra nasty. It will let me stagger the barbarian the first time he fails a check, preventing him from his dreaded boulder of death full-round action attack (6d6+30something)

2013-05-19, 10:13 AM
This scenario is coming up soon. Any feedback would be appreciated