View Full Version : Broken people, empty cells (IC)

2013-03-23, 04:58 PM
Somewhere along the line you slipped up. It is purely a matter of opinion as to whether you know at what point you trailed off of the path, the only thing can be entirely certain about is that you did. There are consequences to not following the "laws" as they call them. The only true laws are those of the universe, those that cannot be broken rather than the ones that most are simply too afraid or squeamish to consider defying. Accident or not, you are here now. You are not whole anymore, if you ever were in the first place, part of your humanity is lost now and for your infractions you have been caged. The guard caught you and now you are here. You committed a crime and now you are here. You broke a law and now you are here.

Only you can decide how long that will last.

Open the spoiler and get reading.

You are currently awake and inside your cell, as you have been for the past ten minutes. You are acutely aware that it is rather late mostly because a guard somewhere outside your cell has been complaining about it very loudly, either to themselves or someone who has been refusing to reply so far. There is a roughly human-sized figure slumped in the corner of your cell that has so far not moved at all. Not even to breathe, its probably a corpse they forgot to clean away. You bet these guys leave corpses in cells all the time. Regardless of that, you are still being held captive.
What do you do now?
Ferul Martik
Up until now you were unconscious, most likely having a dream about something related to your childhood or some other nocturnal stereotype. Well that might be the case if you were capable of dreaming, undead generally don't have a great chance of doing that. You are slowly awakening and your eyes are focusing to the level of light in this room. You initially know nothing about where you are but you quickly ascertain that you are in a prison along with some kind of suspiciously pixie-like creature which seemingly has not yet caught on to your awakening. You are currently detained.
What do you do now?
This room is boring. It has a barred iron door and a terrible wooden bed, and it is boring. Aside from the mind-numbing tediousness of being in prison you are feeling pretty OK. You are here because you killed some people, a family to be precise. A fact which you may or may not regret greatly. The cell door is locked and your room has no windows, other than that you have not inspected the room any further so far. There is no denying the fact that you are imprisoned.
What do you do now?
You are currently in a prison cell, that much is painfully obvious to anyone in possession of a pair of functioning eyes. You have already taken time to regain your magic for the day and as such have not yet inspected the exact details of your location. So far nothing has happened aside from a guard passing by the door of your cell earlier, unfortunately you were engrossed in the previously mentioned act of regaining your magic and therefore could not speak with them. You are still wide awake and incarcerated.
What do you do now?
Kilian Bohl

You are in a cell at the prison which you used to interrogate people within. There is a faint scratching sound coming from one of the adjacent cells and you can hear a guard complaining about something just down the hall but otherwise all is quiet. The cell you have been put in is standard issue apart from a few things; the condition of your bed is remarkably poor and the barred door seems more sturdy than the usual ones, this indicates that you are on one of the higher floors although luckily, and perhaps stupidly on the guards part, you are not contained within one of the anti-magic cells. Unfortunately there is a very good chance you are being confined.
What do you do now?

Ursus the Grim
2013-03-23, 05:33 PM
Bearblood rises from the shoddy wooden bed that was buckled under his mass. Glancing around the room, he sees nothing that catches his interest. There is only one thing for him to entertain himself with. The door. Wandering over to it, he gives it a solid thump with a large balled fist, testing its strength. If only they hadn't taken away his sledge when they had swarmed him. His claws were great for carving people, not quite as good for thick wood.

2013-03-23, 07:28 PM
Ferul decides to remain motionless, a pixie would be harder to overpower and snack on if he began to hunger and there was no point in doing anything drastic before a proper chance to break out occurred. At any rate he could afford to wait and assess his options for now, at least if he had to resort to eating a fellow prisoner it wouldn't be as bad as with the last person he fed on.


2013-03-23, 11:32 PM
Kilian Bohl

With a scowl on his face Kilian rattles his cage, shaking the bars and kicking at the steel ineffectually. With a disgusted grunt he throws a fist at the bars, and it comes away aching with pain. He slumps to the floor beside the bed, figuring it to likely be a sight more comfortable and sanitary than the shoddy pile. He growls, voice hoarse, "You're a son of a whore, Carter. Could have at least put me in the nicer cell."

2013-03-24, 07:25 AM
As each of you go about your respective business, be it grumbling, thumping or playing dead, you can hear the sound of heavy boots falling as someone walks, although marches might be more appropriate, down the hall past each of your cells. Rather than an ordinary guards uniform this man seems to be wearing something akin to reinforced leather, at his belt and back respectively are a sharpened sickle made from a black metal you do not recognize and a mundane war-hammer. As this man passes by your cells he leaves a single tray laden with a small glass of water and a moderately sized loaf of stale bread just outside of each of your cells. At this distance you could easily pull the rations into your cell through the bars.

Ferul Martik

From what you can tell while staying stationary on the floor, the cell is made of solid and sturdy stone with no openings inside it apart from the barred iron door itself which you would assume is locked. The bed set against the wall of your cell is in relatively good condition but appears to have been soiled at some point and not cleared properly, you can tell it carries the lingering smell of dead flesh, the same smell trails off into the corridor outside your cell and goes left. It is likely someone died in the bed recently. Before the food was brought to your cell you could hear a guard complaining rather loudly about him still working at such a late hour, indicating it is currently night time. That guard is mysteriously silent now, although you can still hear him breathing when the sound of footsteps dies down.

2013-03-24, 07:36 PM

He blinks as the man leaves a tray and moves on, and for a moment is slightly puzzled. He didn't recognize the man, but at second thought he figures he probably wouldn't. He's never been around prisoners after they've committed to their crimes, so not recognizing him isn't all that out of place. His musings take just long enough for the man to pass on to the next cell, and only after he's probably round the corner and gone does Kilian register the rations. He groans as he thumps his head against the wall of his cell, "Dammit guys, I though ya'll were against torture. This ain't food."

Unless the guard takes the food away he'll eventually take it, but before he partakes he'll take a moment to pray over the meager bounty which he has been presented, purifying it.

ooc: For reference, previously I just came up with the name Carter for one of the guards because he probably knows their names. Or thinks he does, if there isn't actually a guard by that name here. XD

And yes, Purify Food and Drink, even though he mostly trusts it to be safe. A cleanliness/religious thing.

Ursus the Grim
2013-03-24, 07:56 PM
Bearblood scowls as they shove a tray of 'food' through his door. He can hear one of the other prisoners grumbling, but pays them no mind. He quickly scarfs down the loaf in a few greedy bites and then proceeds to wash it down with the glass of water before considering his situation. The door is solid, yes, but not unbreachable. He considers how long it would take him to break it down. Would he have enough time to get out and take the fight to the guards before they overwhelmed him? They wouldn't make the mistake of putting him behind such a flimsy door again.

He shouts out at the guard, more to entertain himself than to enact any sort of plan.

"You there, little one! Why is there only one of you? Haven't you heard how they caught me?"

2013-03-24, 08:41 PM
Kilian Bohl

The bread noticeably softens once purified and appears slightly more palatable afterwards, even if only by a fraction, the water in the glass becomes less murky but this only serves to reveal flecks of something floating lazily in the liquid. As it turns out after eating the meal, there was a small rolled up piece of paper underneath the bread. Unraveling the paper reveals both that it is a note as well as the fact that it concealed a small silver pin-on badge which you recognize as a form of permission. Namely that it is keyed into some of the more arcane doors and allows passage through them. The note reads Not allowed to assist breakouts so no key for you. Take the walking corpse with you when you leave. should lead somewhere interesting if I'm right about where it was animated, If I'm not then the mines east of town should be a safe second bet. Don't worry about what to do when you arrive, it'd be obvious to anyone, especially you. Try not to screw this up, play your cards right and you'll never see the inside of a cell again.


Hearing Bearblood's taunting the guard, a rather wiry man in a uniform that might have fit him at one point but now hangs limply off of his body, walks over slowly and deliberately to his cell. The guard is not visibly perturbed by Bearblood's stature, mainly due to the feeling of safety he derives from the bars, and proceeds to look him up and down for a moment before spitting through the bars, the sticky globule falling a little short and landing on the stone floor at Bearblood's feet. The guard coughs in what he probably thinks is an authoritative manner and then speaks "There are plenty others posted round 'ere, 'sides if they didn't need to wake Graham up you aren't even a threat. If it's company you're worried about I'm sure the flees in that hair of yours are conversation aplenty."
He smiles, visibly pleased at his own 'wittiness'.

The doors break DC is in the OOC thread, its one of the metal barred ones. I can't say which floor of the prison tower you are on save that it isn't the first. Guards will definitely hear if you just break the door but beating the hinges or lock off would be slower and quieter.

2013-03-24, 10:40 PM
Deciding to take action, Ferul gets up and and begins to examine the door for weak points to break out, paying no mind to the pixie.

Search: [roll0]

2013-03-25, 12:20 AM

This place stinks...it smells and it stinks and it....ugh...is that a dead body?

The pixie reflexively fades into invisibility and flutters up onto the top bunk to sulk when the guard brings his meal by. Meal's a meal at least...so I eat, THEN find a way out of here.

Alvin mutters under his breath "Was stupid of me to get caught in the first place..." as he prepares to hop down and snag the plate outside the door.

Then it moved. Not a body? Alvin watches the not-body begin probing the door and decides to offer a little help from afar. Drawing on his in-born powers, he commands the mechanism in the lock on the door to burst!

Activating Greater Invisibility and using Baleful Utterance on the lock of the cell we're in. If it gets any kind of save it should be a DC 19

2013-03-25, 12:37 AM
Ferul and Alvin

Ferul, via his relatively thorough inspection, found that the door was, in fact, not locked at all and was simply too heavy for Alvin to move with his meager amount of strength and muscle-mass. Opening the door quietly would have been an option that allowed for possible limited scouting, however that option was eliminated when Alvin simply broke the lock off of the door with but a single foreboding word. Unfortunately the clattering of metal on stone also drew the attention of the nearest guard and caused him to notice the partially opened door and prisoners whom he, quite rightly, suspected were escaping. The guard draws his weapon and begins moving closer.

Roll initiative :D
Guard: [roll0]

2013-03-25, 12:48 AM

Getting the roll done, then editing this post
Alvin silently congratulates himself when the lock bursts. THEN he hears the guard...his eyes open wide as his mind chants over and over Please don't see me please don't see me please don't see me pleasedon'tseemepleasedon'tseemepleasedontseeme... .Pleased on sea-weed? What?

HA! I had my suspicions, but totally worth it :smallamused: [roll0]

2013-03-25, 01:10 AM
"You moron!" Ferul growls at the pixie. Reacting quickly, he steps into the doorway and produces some butter which instantly vanishes after an incantation. Suddenly a patch of grease appears between the guard and the cell door.

Move to P-26 and cast Grease a 10-foot square in M-24/25 and N-24/25. DC 17 reflex save or the guard falls, and must succeed on DC 10 Balance checks to stay upright, failure by less than five meaning no movement that round, and failure by five or more causing him to fall. The grease persists for 3 turns.

2013-03-25, 01:20 AM

He grumbles to himself as he gets to his feet, "Goddamit, can't even wait until anyone else is ready." He slips the paper into a pocket and pins on the badge as he approaches the door, "Lets see if we can't help this along." He glances down the hall away from the commotion and focuses his power into a field of subtle energy. A zone of absolute silence springs into being, ensuring the commotion will have a harder time making it to the guard to the north.

Silence as far north as I can get it, preferably so I can still hear to the south.

2013-03-25, 01:30 AM
The guard reacts fast but unfortunately too slowly to avoid the very ground beneath his feet becoming slick with an oily substance causing him to fall flat on his ass in a mildly comedic, and more importantly, loud, manner. This, unfortunately, draws the attention of the robed fellow down the eastern end of the hallway. Although happy accidents have a habit of happening at convenient times and as such the northern guard heard not a peep, mainly due to a field of absolute silence that sprang up just around the corner.

Rather fortunately, for the guard not Ferul, the Guard did indeed manage to claim back his balance and begin making his way across the slick surface of the floor towards Ferul. Eventually getting within range to strike at him but finding himself unable to do so.

Attack rolls in OOC didn't happen, I don't know what you're talking about.
Guard balance check: [roll0] SUCCESS!
Robed Guard initiative: [roll1] He'll be inserted into the initiative next round after Alvin does something.

2013-03-25, 01:43 AM

"Moron hm? HMPH!"

The invisible pixie swoops past the not-corpse and the guard, being sure to keep ready to juke should the guard accidentally get his sword in the way of Alvin's flight path.

He zips down the hallway away from the robed guard and the fighting pair and comes to a sudden stop when he spots another prison at their cell-door.

With another bark of the Dark Speech, he attempts to free this prisoner as well.

Maybe I should just let everyone out....and make a run for it! Masterfully smart, Alvin, masterfully smart!

Set the guard as Alvin's Dodge target, and fly past at the top of the room to H22, then Baleful Utterance the lock on Kilian's door.

2013-03-25, 01:57 AM
As the guard still recovers from his swing at the pixie, Ferul dives on him, digging his claws and teeth in as he feels the urge to consume the guard on the spot.

Full-attack on guard with natural weapons. Any attack that hits requires a DC 23 fort save or the guard becomes paralyzed for [roll0] rounds.

Bite: Should the bite hit then DC 17 fort save against Ghoul Fever (1 day incubation period so probably doesn't matter).
[roll1] Attack
[roll2] Confirm
[roll3] Damage
[roll4] Crit Damage

Claw 1:
[roll5] Attack
[roll6] Confirm
[roll7] Damage
[roll8] Crit Damage

Claw 2:
[roll9] Attack
[roll10] Confirm
[roll11] Damage
[roll12] Crit Damage

2013-03-25, 02:31 AM
The robed guard takes the opportunity to move during the chaos and edge closer to his fellow guardsman and ally. Unfortunately that ally had now begun bleeding quite badly from a nasty cut straight through his chest-plate, although admittedly he was still alive and kicking. The robed guard begins mumbling strange arcane phrases and throws his hand forward causing a sluggish beam of grey-brown energy to leap forward towards Ferul.

Meanwhile, the guard who just took a rather vicious claw wound to the chest is still marginally alive and ready to fight. Or he would be were it not for the numbness that had suddenly overtaken his body, rendering him unable to move.

Guard fort save vs paralysis: [roll0]
Guard fort save vs ghoul fever:[roll1]
Guard attack roll [roll2]
Guard Confirm [roll3]
Guard damage roll [roll4]
Guard Crit damage [roll5]
Guess what doesn't matter. The answer is all of that, he's paralyzed.

Robed guard is now in R24
Robed Guard touch attack roll vs Ferul [roll6]
Strength penalty if it hits [roll7] for 3 minutes.

Ursus the Grim
2013-03-25, 08:09 AM
Bearblood is about to threaten the little whelp of a guard when he hears a momentary outburst, suddenly squelched into silence. He begins to hurl himself against the door, hollering to the guard in the hallway.

"Sounds like someone's loose. Sounds like he killed your buddy over there. You should let me out so I can help you."

Strength check. I am well aware that it would take a pretty high roll.

And if there's the slightest chance that the guard might believe him,


2013-03-25, 09:17 AM

While he doesn't recognize the strange dark word, he certainly notices the effect of the lock on his cell shattering. He throws the door open and steps out, ready to yell at his liberator... to see no one in the hall. Without being aware of an invisible inmate he instead grumbles to himself and heads down the hall towards the commotion to peak around the corner and get an idea of how the combat is going.

2013-03-25, 12:27 PM
Ferul pays no mind to the other guard as he sinks his teeth into the throat of the paralyzed one and moves to rip it out.

Coup de Grace on the paralyzed guard. Takes [roll0] damage and if that doesn't kill him, he must succeed on a DC 10+Damage Fort save or instantly die.

2013-03-25, 02:21 PM

Alvin watches as the inmate he just freed moves towards the fray, Me? A moron? Look how well this is going! And fun to boot...a few more wouldn't hurt!

He zips down the hallway, passing an empty cell and shatters the lock on the next cell with glee!

Move action to fly the 60ft to G:10, and standard action to shatter the lock on L:6.

2013-03-26, 01:10 PM
The first guard, a man none of you would ever want to be, falls to the floor as his throat mysteriously detaches itself from the rest of his body, bringing a sizable chunk of his neck along with it. The newly-made corpse fell to the ground and became spontaneously quite a bit worse at blocking the doorway. Evidently this all came as a rather shocking revelation to the Robed Guard who, with a squeal not entirely unlike that of a five-year-old girl, took the chance the sprint down the corridor towards the two wooden doors at the corner although he didn't quite have the chance to open one.

Hehe, no fort save required that guard was dead anyway.

Next up is Bearblood, and yes I am aware that the initiative-order thing is a pain in the ass. Vote as to whether we should continue with it in the OOC.

Ursus the Grim
2013-03-26, 01:50 PM
Bearblood chuckles darkly as the door is finally knocked off of its frame. He stares at the guard who had taunted him in much the same way that a wolf might consider the cat who had clawed it. With a roar of bloodlust, he hurls himself at the guard in front of him, furiously lashing out with his claws.

[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]

Lady Serpentine
2013-03-26, 04:08 PM
Lynette jumped slightly at the sudden crash on the door of the cell next to hers, not having expected anything of the sort, a thing heightened by the fact that she had just returned her attention to the world around her when it occurred.

Still the momentary surprise passed quickly enough, and she appeared to have gone back to her meditation less than a minute afterwards, though her eyes were slitted open just enough for her to see if anything... interesting... took place as a result.

Said interesting thing proved to be a man with a very strange sickle - one made of Thinaun. Those killed by such weapons were nigh-impossible to return, from all she'd heard, and it was rare enough to be quite expensive, especially given that few wanted to deal with it due to its connection to demons and devils... An odd thing for a prison guard to carry, to say the least.

Whatever he was doing with it, though, she had more pressing matters on her mind, namely, escaping - unfortunately, though, her plan, such as it was, was ruined by the fact that just as she finished loading one of the two magical bolts she carried into her hand crossbow, and, that on her belt, furtively picking the lock, a commotion, hastily silenced, sprang up, causing her to jump back from the door, slipping the crossbow off her hip as she did.

Everything prior to this happened before current events,

When Bearblood slammed free and charged the guard, however, she moved into the doorway, eyes flaring black, though the odd, rough-sounding, words she was speaking died on her lips as the man in front of the hulking killer simply dissolved...

"Well then. Impressive. You look like a man to have on one's side, unless said one wishes to end up as a paste. Any chance you'd like a partnership, at least until we get out of here?", she asks quietly, leaning against the doorway of her cell, looking surprisingly at home, given the circumstances.

If Bearblood is particularly observant, he may notice that despite the fact that she's currently talking normally, her eyes are still solid black...

Move to L6, ready Burning Hands, to use in the case that Bearblood comes at me.

2013-03-27, 02:53 AM
Ferul, guard's throat still clenched between his teeth, runs into the hallway after the robed guard. Seeing the distance, he spits out the hunk of flesh and casts another spell, causing a large web to spring up near the guard and partially engulf him.

Move to U-25, and cast Web (20-ft radius area centered on Y-21 so that it catches the guard in it while leaving Ferul a straight path to him). The guard becomes entangled and must make a DC 18 Reflex save or be unable to move until he frees himself (spending 1 round making a DC 20 Strength check or DC 25 Escape Artist check). The web lasts for thirty minutes.

2013-03-27, 05:24 PM

He steps around the corner into full view of the hallway and frowns at the slain guard on the ground. The frown quickly twists into an expression of rage, "Thrice damned abomination! You want out, stop killing good men. If you must use violence, leave these men alive on our way out."

Ready Action to Hold Person the mage if he looks to be escaping the web.

2013-03-28, 04:27 AM
The robed man struggles in vain against the thick strands of greyish-white web that suddenly sprang up to ensnare him against his will. Finding no salvation in his random flailing he moves to eliminate the one who put him in this situation to begin with. He creases his face and begins chanting and mumbling unfortunately finding it rather hard to perform the physical gestures for his spell due to the substance he is unwillingly attached to. The restrictions imposed upon his movement by the webs unfortunately prevent him from accurately completing his spell and the power that he might have unleashed fizzled slowly in his grasp.

Concentration check (DC17): [roll0] FAILURE

That spell WAS command undead but unfortunately he didn't even finish the casting so don't worry about any saves or suchlike. This specialized necromancer turned out to be a waste of time.

Ursus the Grim
2013-03-28, 08:59 AM
As the guard's entrails spill onto the floor in a revolting, bloody heap, Bearblood laughs cruelly, leaning his great head close to the dead man's face.

"I lied."

Hearing Lynette's voice behind him, he turns. A human woman, of average height, presumably blind due to the way her eyes are blackened. The blind are the weak. The weak are culled. He steps forward, then stops. She escaped her cell, and she is enough of a threat to be imprisoned. She can catch some arrows for me.

"A good idea. Which way do you think is out?"

Straightening up, he shakes his hands to fling shredded bits of human off of his claws. The big doors to his left catch his attention, but they look thick and sturdy. . . even stronger than the cell door he nearly hurt himself bashing down. Instead, he steps through the bloody mess on the floor and puts his ear to the door across from his cell. Though he fears nothing, he has enough sense to scope out a situation when he has a chance.

Move to P8, Listening.

He is, of course, entirely unaware of the jailbreak elsewhere on the level due to the Zone of Silence, I assume.

Lady Serpentine
2013-03-29, 06:21 PM
Were Bearblood thinking more clearly, he might realize the crossbow at Lynette's side is hardly the weapon of a blind woman... But, then again, this is Bearblood. Thinking is not precisely his strong point.

"I'd think the door hardest to get through," she replies, shrugging, and indicating the one he just abandoned in favor of the one he's currently listening at, then walking towards it, pausing just past him. "I can probably get it open, though... Of course, you're rather talented in that area as well, to judge by what's left of the one they tried to use to keep you in, but that will take a toll eventually, and I'd rather prefer that you save your strength for those trying to keep us here, if you don't mind."

Oddly, should he look at her, Bearblood may notice that her eyes are no longer solid black, instead looking far more normal, merely rather dark purple, with whites, though the yellow flecks that seem to move through them are still rather unusual.

Move to Q7.

2013-03-30, 11:49 PM
Ferul becomes more . . . feral as he sees the guard remain helpless in the web. With a savage glee he jumps at the trapped mage and tries to bite him.

Move to X-25 and bite the robed guard.

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage
[roll2] Paralysis after DC 23 fort save against it. Also DC 17 fort for ghoul fever, so that if he has contingent teleport then I still win.

2013-04-03, 04:00 PM

Not wanting to inflict permanent harm on the mage, and apparently unable to stop the ghoul without destroying it he goes to the nearest guard and begins searching for any keys top doors that might have a mundane lock. Shattering open doors works just fine, but it won't be quiet.

2013-04-03, 04:28 PM
Bearblood and the door.

You cannot hear much in the way of movement or people on the other side of the door although you can detect a faint buzz coming from the edges of the door frame. As far as you can tell there are no gaps in or around the door through which you could see, this includes keyholes of which there is a mysterious lack considering that a subtle pull/push on the handle indicates that it is not easily open-able. The door itself is made of iron like the rest of the doors you have seen so far, although it is solid metal rather than barred, it would appear that the hinges are on the other side.

The robed guard is understandably panicky when Ferul, and his rather intimidating jaws, come perhaps a little too close for comfort to one of his legs. Luckily he avoids the attack by virtue of his flailing, restricted by the web though he may be, and manages not to acquire any bite wounds for the moment. He begins visibly struggling against the webs with all of his, admittedly limited might, you can even see him starting to sweat although whether this is from fear or effort is not entirely clear. Despite his attempts to the contrary he seems to be unable to break away from his sticky prison.

STRENGTH CHECK GO! (DC20): [roll0]

Ursus the Grim
2013-04-04, 11:10 AM
Bearblood notices the change in eye color in the human woman. No mundane sheep then. He shakes his arm in a circle as he considers her helpful offer. The cell door had not been frail, and his shoulder was sore. Realistically, he knew he would be able to simply smash the larger door down.

"Yes, let's do that. I'll keep them from interrupting you."

Casting a suspicious glance at the smaller of the doors, he turns towards the far end of the hall and tenses his leg muscles as he prepares himself to pounce on whatever unfortunate guard is first around the corner.

Lady Serpentine
2013-04-12, 04:18 PM
Lynette flashed a wicked grin to Bearblood, and nodded, before darting off to the door in question, and crouching down in front of it, examining the lock curiously, taking her time about it, though, despite the reasonably good workmanship, not doing so to a greater extent than necessary, seeing as they did need to get out fast, if they could...

After looking it over, she started to carefully test the boundaries of the lock, finally hearing a satisfying 'click' a few minutes later as it sprang open, before standing, and stowing her picks away again as she did.

"Done," she called softly, a satisfied smile on her face, and a hint of pride in her voice. "Shall we get going?"

2013-04-16, 02:14 PM
Upon opening the door, Lynette comes almost face-to-face with a heavily armed and armoured guard sporting a two-handed axe and a wolfish grin. He moves closer to her but doesn't quite get the opportunity to swing as he has been caught partially off-guard.

Initiative: [roll0]

Bearblood and lynette are in a seperate battle from the other and need to reroll initiative.


So I'm sure you're all very dissapointed with me for not posting on time or really making a big one but quite simply I don't have an excuse. My laptop has been dead but I've been too lazy to drag myself over to my phone and write-up something decent. But I digress, the blame is mine and I deserve any bad words you might want to fling in my general direction.

Anyway, the main point of this is that you don't need to follow the initiative ladder anymore. From now on its just going to be stand PBP combat with you all posting in any order and me posting the results afterwords. Hopefully this'll fix the waiting time that I put on the game :smallredface:

Ursus the Grim
2013-04-16, 08:10 PM
Upon hearing Lynette persuade the door open, Bearblood turns, just in time to see the guard awaiting her take a cheap shot. There's an arrogance to the man that calls out to Bearblood, an unspoken challenge. This one will not die so easy.

Regardless, he is not cowed, instead lowering his head and charging past Lynette at the man attacking her.

So, I know you first told C'Nor and I to reroll initiative, but then you said it didn't matter. So I'll reroll anyway.

Initiative: [roll0]
Charge to V8 (AC is 18 until next turn)
First Claw: [roll1] to deal [roll2] damage.
Second Claw: [roll3] to deal [roll4] damage.

2013-04-18, 02:44 AM
Ferul continues to attack, the hunger and rage almost blurring his perception of the world around the guard as he lunges.

Full-attack on guard-who-doesn't-live-long-enough-to-have-a-name. DC 23 Fort save against paralysis for [roll0] rounds against attacks that hit. First bite has ghoul fever (DC 16 fort) but it doesn't really matter.

[roll1] Attack
[roll2] Confirm
[roll3] Damage
[roll4] Crit

[roll5] Attack
[roll6] Confirm
[roll7] Damage
[roll8] Crit

[roll9] Attack
[roll10] Confirm
[roll11] Damage
[roll12] Crit