View Full Version : Uugh! Hopeless!

2013-03-24, 12:45 AM
OK, I'll admit, I'm not the best of DM's. I know that firsthand from my friend Doc and his game I'm currently in. However, I know I'm not the worst. I know my strengths and weaknesses, mainly the naming of things, and countries. I really need some believable countries for my world and I've got nothing. I need some interesting countries for a world such as this: I'm using an amalgamation of Steampunk, Biopunk, Arcanopunk, and Trans-dimentionpunk. (Yea, I know about that last one, but bear with me for a sec) The idea is that within a certain time frame, whether or not the players are ready, the world get assaulted by an unknown source only identified by portals that tear into certain areas of the world. I wanted to throw in the idea of bio, steam, and arcane to exemplify the three main aspects of how "traditional" magic systems work, but with a twist. Now here's the catch, I want to make them these things (bio, etc) but without going overboard on it. For steam I don't want the floating blimps and the semi-mecha with guns, for bio, I don't want to see crazy combinations that would make Pokemon cry. I want it to be a medieval times themed Steampunk, Biopunk, and Arcanopunk. So Steampunk will be more along the lines of "use pressure generated by water to fling stones (catapults), and 'powered armor' where it's very basic, with a tank of water on the back and the main material being either metal or stone, and they're slow. I think what I'm saying is this, more fluff and not delving too too deep into the genre. Yet. As for what I need help with is the Governments. Everyone is either Steam, Bio, Arcano, or Traditional and still in the developing stages of their respective fields. That being said, I need ideas for what governments will run these countries, a few themes and some names.

I'll list the remainder of the countries that I need to get the ball rolling.

What I need: Type of government and their shtick. (can be either Steam, Bio, or Traditional)
What I have: A country covered in extremely tall mountains, isolationist, long border on the "Pacific" ocean (in terms of this world) next to (South) Traditional, (North) Unknown, and (West) Unknown.

2)What I need: A government and their shtick (should be preferably Traditional, or if not, with good reason in association with the "What I have bit"
What I have: Sizable long country bordering on a major lake (think Mediterranean/Black sea) with a cursed island in the center of it. They border on #1 (West of #1) and their southern tip almost reaches the desert, "normal" terrain(sparse forest with small lakes and streams, etc. and a broad northern portion that connects to the major plains.

3)What I need: Britain, but with a different take on it. Can be any of the four types.
What I have: A gov that is damn near close to being the Britain of this world. It's continent bound, but still small, and has access to major shipping routs for water, as well as land. is on the upper left hand side of the "Eastern continent". Think France, but with no England to the left of it, geographically speaking. (I'm relating this world to ours as much as possible to help give a frame of reference, just as an fyi)

4)What I need: Barbarianistic tribal, etc. These guys are going to be a throwaway group, really.
What I have: "Canada" Think the mid-west plains of America, meets the cold of mid-north Canada.

5) Democracy of the very bottom of the planet. These guys are where Australia would be, but bellow South America. Think, "Never ****ed with before in the history of ever" for two reasons: They're way out of the way, and standard resources. Not worth the effort, but still able to "pack a wollup, mate" Can be any of the four types.

6)What I need: Some kind of structure to this country that hasn't been beat to death in any genre over the years.
What I have: Desert merchant (Kingdom?) One of the more pompous places, I really want this place to be a kind of hell for the PC's to travel through, both politically and in the typical hack and slash tradition.

I have the other places done to the specs I need them to be, but now the rest is up to you fine people. Please, any help, even the most basic suggestions, even pointing out how bad some of my logic is, is appreciated.

Sincerely yours,