View Full Version : Level 6 Character Ideas [Pathfinder]

2013-03-24, 05:13 AM
My friend is starting a level 6 game, which I'm not particularly optimistic about. He's been playing nearly as long as I have, but it just never seemed to have "clicked" with him. He runs into the middle of combat at the top of initiative as a bard, and invariably has to be saved via fiat (albeit subtle ones)

I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I'm really having trouble coming up with something to play- I was looking into a dwarf druid- the idea of a mountain dweller taking up with trees seemed like an interesting idea, but something doesn't sit right.

I guess it's because I usually play such off the wall bull**** that the idea of straight classing something out of core is unfamiliar ground.

Anyway, (TL;DR) I'm looking for some of the more interesting character ideas out there- Pathfinder rules where pathfinder rules exist, but otherwise we can freely loot 3.5... probably no TOB, though.

2013-03-24, 06:58 AM
As far as the bad tactics are concerned, have you ever considered, you know.. not saving him?

2013-03-24, 07:44 AM
oh my yes. He's all but the trope namer for the Pile of Dead Bards.

2013-03-24, 08:32 AM
If you can raid 3.5 rules I had a lot of fun with a Monk 1/Pally everything else Ascetic knight. For mine I also picked up VOP cheese but for once it was done for character reasons. I wanted to turn the sterotypical paladin on it's ear. My Holly warrior wasn't some knight in shining armor. Nope he was a bare fisted, Gaelic priest out to convert the heathen, shepard the lost lambs, and pummel the crap out of the unholy.

With pathfinder it could end up a lot better. What with the sacred bond being able to be applied you your "weapon", in this case your fists. 6th level is right about where all the crap you did to get here will start to pay off.

2013-03-24, 08:57 AM
Expanding on what Grasharm said, there's a feat from Dragon Magazine, that I think is also in Dragon Compendium, called Serenity that lets you use Wisdom instead of Charisma for your Paladin abilities; technically, it doesn't apply to spellcasting, but that's only because that was already Wisdom based in 3.5. It may be third-party 3.5, but that third party happens to be Paizo, so I don't see why it shouldn't be allowed.

There's also a Pathfinder PrC called the Champion of Irori (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/c-d/champion-of-irori) specifically designed for Monk/Paladins. It advances some of the main class features of both, while giving you full BAB and all good saves, as well as some cool abilities, like letting you smite multiple people at once without taking up any extra uses. I've thought about using it a lot, but I might have trouble fitting a Paladin into my normal Chaotic Not-Really-Good parties. :smallfrown:

2013-03-24, 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Grasharm
Nope he was a bare fisted, Gaelic priest out to convert the heathen, shepherd the lost lambs, and pummel the crap out of the unholy.

This is hilarious. Wish I could've seen him in action. :smalltongue:

Originally Posted by Drelua
...there's a feat from Dragon Magazine, that I think is also in Dragon Compendium, called Serenity that lets you use Wisdom instead of Charisma for your Paladin abilities....

Dragon Compendium, p. 106. Originally from Dragon 306.

2013-03-24, 12:51 PM
Keep him alive whilst still being awesome yourself?
Oracle 2, Paladin 4 would be a good start.

2013-03-24, 01:03 PM
Paladin Monk looks interesting. I might go Diplomancer for full cheese.

2013-03-24, 02:23 PM
If 3E material is allowed, you might want to try combining the Enforcer feat with sneak attack and the 3E Imperious Command feat for some cool melee power. Or use Cornugon Smash instead of Enforcer. Also pepper in the Never Outnumbered skill trick.

2013-03-24, 02:54 PM
This sounds like the kinda DM who is going to be stumped if you use anything but 'charge straight up the middle' tactics.

How many other players are going to be in the game? Do they skew mostly martial or magical?

A druid would definitely be fun, but I like some of the other ideas - this is a chance to try out some fun melee builds, because the DM is probably going to be designing encounters around head-to-head melee combat.

2013-03-24, 03:11 PM
We're probably going to have seven players. Calling it a "cluster" would be generous.