View Full Version : Low magic item E6 campaign

2013-03-25, 12:45 AM
Is e6 low enough level to run a low magic item campaign without having to adjust monsters?

If not would an increased point buy from the standard rules make it more balanced?

I'm not talking about completely devoid of magic items but more like extremely rare, say a level 6 character getting a +1 sword would be awesome, and a +2 sword would be one step down from god like.

In addition, in regards to creating magic items I wouldn't care as long as they could meet all the prereqs but from a roleplaying stand point how would you theme them actually knowing how to make an item? Besides them being level 5 one day get to level 6 another take a feat and then are like bam I can make this!

2013-03-25, 12:57 AM
Define "Low magic". E6 Spellcasters don't get anything above 3rd level spells. The highest enhancement bonus they can give a weapon if they craft it themselves is a +2. It's pretty low-scale, and I think it works if that's what you're looking for.

I can't imagine anything short of them just pouring magic into their craft. Perhaps you could make it all random, but otherwise the only real way I can think of is to just let them take the feats and "draft the ideas" themselves.

2013-03-25, 01:02 AM
By low magic I mean the group doesn't find a magic item every time they go somewhere and kill something. I have an idea for a certain organization of religious monks that actively seek out and destroy magic items especially arcane ones(going to be a very large distenction between divine and arcane magic) in addition to essentially no wizards at all in the world and very very few sorcerers because in some places they are heavily persecuted. Arcane magic is going to be a bad thing (not evil just incredibly frowned upon by the populace) because of events that happened in the past, that basically screwed up the whole world because a group of arcane casters got power hungry.

And I invision something like a +1 silver longsword to be a sort of holy relic from a church given to an adventurer after a GREAT commitement to the church.

2013-03-25, 01:25 AM
E6 is generally more tolerant of that sort've thing than the usual, but realize that when you hit the flattening off point that collecting, shuffling, and optimizing item loadouts using the limited power items available is one of the primary advancement methods available. If they can't get items, you're going to need to put more work into the other mundane ways they can advance like feats, money, real estate, contacts, military force, etc.
E6 isn't actually all about "Low Magic" like some people think it is, it just caps things out at a much lower power level and lets characters build up power laterally instead of having to keep up with the Joneses.

2013-03-25, 01:52 AM
E6 is generally more tolerant of that sort've thing than the usual, but realize that when you hit the flattening off point that collecting, shuffling, and optimizing item loadouts using the limited power items available is one of the primary advancement methods available. If they can't get items, you're going to need to put more work into the other mundane ways they can advance like feats, money, real estate, contacts, military force, etc.
E6 isn't actually all about "Low Magic" like some people think it is, it just caps things out at a much lower power level and lets characters build up power laterally instead of having to keep up with the Joneses.

Its not that they can't get the items its that their going to be alot harder than normal to get. And its less about e6 being low magic and more about the campaing setting being lower magic.