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2013-03-25, 04:39 PM
Hello and Welcome players and lurkers all! This game will be starting as soon as I get all the links hammered out and we give credit to the games and their authors/designers.

Act 1: The Haunting of Harrowstone by Micheal Kortes
Act 2: Trail of the Beast by Richard Pett
Act 3: Broken Moon by Tim Hitchcock
Act 4: Wake of the Watcher by Greg A. Vaughan
Act 5: Ashes of Dawn by Neil Spicer
Act 6: Shadows of Gallowspire By Brandon Hodge and Jason Bulmahn


Out of Character Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=277585)
Campagin Wiki (http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/40317)
Pathfinder SRD (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/)

2013-03-25, 04:47 PM
Act 1: The Haunting of Harrowstone

Part 1: The Last Will and Testament of Petros Lorrimor

Spring may be in it's first week but the cold bitter hand of winter tries to hang on as you follow the trail pointed out to you by the locals. The storm from earlier has pasted but the thick gray clouds remain, and everything is still covered in a small thin layer of fresh snow. The dreary day reflects each of your dreary moods as you have not come to Ravengro to celebrate but to mourn.

The weather had almost made you miss the funeral of your late friend Professor Petros Lorrimor, but as it is you are not the only one to reach the cemetery (called The Restlands (http://www.pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Restlands) by the locals) just in time. A few others seem to have just arrived and from their look they are neither locals, common workmen, or soldiers, but like you they are a bit... more than they seem.

Almost as one you approach the gates of the cemetery and the people waiting there with the same caution.

Standing near the gateway is a cart with an ornate and finely crafted black coffin inside. A group of obvious locals stands across the path huddled in a circle talking quietly, and a young woman in her twenties stands near the cart alone.

She appears to have been crying by the redness of the eyes she turns in your direction. Straightening her dress and patting the bun atop her head, she stands before the coffin and cart as you approach and when she sees each of you more clearly through the puffiness of her eyes she almost nods to herself as if she expected you.

"Good day to you," she says in a dry voice that has probably done nothing but cry for some time, it's dryness plain. Swallowing she continues, "My name is Kendra Lorrimor, daughter of Professor Lorrimor. You must be the friends of my late father that I have been expecting. I am glad you received my letters. Now if I could have your names good sirs?"

Descriptions of yourselves is a must but you can also describe your trip or anything else you want. Have fun with your Opening post.

2013-03-25, 07:15 PM
Sig stops and straightens his back as the cemetery comes in sight. Watching, taking in the scene, he removes his cap to comb his hair back with his fingers. His attempt at grooming, made that morning before leaving the inn, had been spoiled by rushed pace he had needed to arrive on time. Pulling his hands through his long and greying hair, he tugs out a few matted areas before wiping the sweat and oil on his travelling cloak. Were it not for the sorrow on his face, Sig would hardly look the part of respectful mourner; mud-splattered boots and shirt soiled by sweat at the armpits. Ailson always said he looked like a tramp; she used to like it though.

Arriving at the gate, he lets his eyes rest on the coffin. Petros was in there. Too young. Taken too soon. His daughter still needed him. The frown he carries deepens as he turns to the orphaned young woman.

"Not a good day at all, my dear girl, but thank you for saying. Sig Kindler, a friend of your father's. I haven't seen you since you were this tall..."

His words produce small clouds of steam in the chill air; the moisture condensing onto his long and poorly kept beard. Tasting of last night's liquor, his breath is quickly absorbed by the cold. He has removed his hat, which he holds in one of his large hands. Large hands which seems inconsistent at first. Upon closer inspection, tattoos can be seen running up Sig's hands and forearms into the sleeves of his jacket. The symbols and holy worlds of several righteous deities crisscross his skin beneath knots of scar tissue, leaving very little flesh unmarked.

As he talks, his brow remains furrowed. Time's wrinkles bear testament to the life he has lived, and his eyes are sunken beneath bushy brows and heavy bags. Through his conversation with Kendra, he keeps his eyes on hers, never wavering. Once his condolences have been offered, he moves next to the coffin and spends two minutes in silence before his friend. "You will be missed Petros."

Finally, he offers greetings to the other mourners, seemingly all of whom are strangers to him.

2013-03-25, 08:57 PM
Spells Prepared
- Enhanced Diplomacy
- Spark
- Stabilize

1st Level
- Domain: Cure Light Wounds
- Cultural Adapatation
Wearing his woolen cloak, flanel shirt and thick boots, Guttgrim walked up to the gates of the restlands. Seeing the fine coffin and the procession, he recognized the crowd as the ceremony for Professor Lorrimor. The poor weather and dirt roads had frustrated his journey to the funeral. He had hoped to appear in his clerical vestments, that he may be dressed appropriately for the occasion. The rain and bad weather had prevented this, as he did not want to ruin his good boots or clothes in the mud. Now he walked with the clothing appropriate for the weather, but not the ceremony, a morningstar and scimitar affixed in his belt, and backpack heavy with equipment slung over his shoulders.

He knew he was underdressed, but he figured that many of the people would probably be upset with his presence anyway. He was a half-orc, so he doubted the varisians here would be particularly pleased with anything he did. He had prepared as well as he could, though. His goddess had given him the spells that could bring him some aid if he faced difficulty. Besides, he could always change before the reception.

Walking towards the young lady, he saw the tears in her eyes. Fearful as he was of task that might be laid before him, he did his best to hide his feelings. With a modest smile he extends his hand and removes his hood, revealing his face. His raised nose, and tusks, and red eyes revealed him to be a half-orc. I'm am Priest Guttgrim Grigore, servant of the Everlight, Sarenrae.

As she meekly extended her hand to greet him, he surprised her, bringing her into a warm hug. It is an honor to meet the family of the man who saved my life and showed me to the faith. I hope that today we can properly celebrate his accomplishments and mourn his passing. Letting her go with a toothy grin and earnest eyes, Guttgrim nodded towards the others approaching, and headed to the group of mourners.

He had little to say to the 'umies, but introduced himself with a smile. Quite a few spoke Varisian around him, but he did his best to engage those that would speak to him in common. He had trouble offering more than trite responses to any who asked something of him, his mind was focused on different tasks. What is the professor going to ask of me? No matter what it is I cannot refuse. Could the man who saved my life ask me to lose it for him now in exchange?

His thoughts were interrupted when he bumped into the man who introduced himself as Sig. He seems troubled beyond simple mourning. Apologizing for the accident, Guttgrim stood next to him and placed his a hand on the mans right shoulder. It is a good man we bury here today. Let us lift our spirits with the joys he gave us in our lives, as he is judged by Pharasma in Purgatory.

2013-03-25, 09:20 PM
Striding gracefully up towards the restlands the dashing and friendly young nobleman from brevoy seems somewhat subdued, pausing briefly to re-colour the white feather in his wide brimmed hat black to better reflect the somber mood and clean the mud off his practical, though also fashionable, clothes before reaching the cemetery threshold.

Once there he follows the local tradition of drawing a spiral over one's heart in honour of Pharasma before turning to face the young lady who spoke a moment ago and giving her a deep bow.

"Aramon D'Peridot, at your service milady" he says to her, his words clear and distinct dispite the small tusks protruding from either side of his mouth. Straightening he gives her a sad smile his grey eyes slightly damp with unshed tears "Your father spoke highly of you, i only wish we were meeting under better circumstances"

2013-03-25, 09:54 PM
Standing with crossed arms, eyes lost in the distance, Sig barely notices as the half-orc arrives next to him.

"True, a very good man." Sig turns to face the stranger, straightening up his back but not yet looking Guttgrim in the eyes, he gently slides his shoulder out from under the youth's hand. "I thought I would meet the Lady of Graves before him, that he would be happy here in retirement while I would inevitably return to work. I suppose he was though; happy I mean. I always meant to come. See him and Kendra. Never did though; too caught up in a world of fiction."

Guttgrim is right to suspect Sig's attention is elsewhere; the way his eyes drift back into the distance as he talks makes that perfectly clear. Sig seems to catch himself however, and turns his gaze to the cleric before him. "Sig Kindler. Well met. A friend of Petros' then?"

Sig offers the cleric a hand, which Guttgrim may notice bears a tattoo of a sunburst and dove. And now a second half-orc in attendance. Unusual to see such willingness for conversation from half-orcs, seeing as most men carry some grudge against the sons of Belkzen. As much as any friend of Petros is a friend of his, Sig still keeps an eye on the pair of half-orcs. Being the victims of prejudice can do things to people and it was the least he could do to make sure nothing untoward happens as a result of past wrongs.

2013-03-25, 10:57 PM
Guttgrim is annoyed by the man shaking off his hand without returning the gesture, but he has grown accustomed to people's treatment of him. The memories of the professor bring a smile to Guttgrim's face and a tear to his eye. Not a friend, no. I didn't know him long enough. Only for a few weeks, but I owe him everything. 7 years ago, I was a still a young boy, and I made a grave mistake. Guttgrim slows down, making sure not to say too much. The professor was able to save my life and introduced me to the Healing Light. He put his faith in me, and charged me with somehow returning this favor one day.

Although the smile stays on, his face pales somewhat. Now I am here, and I expect I must pay this debt in some way that I do not yet know. Guttgrim pushes back his fears into the recesses of his mind as he brings his hands to meet the one offered to him by Sig.

But what kind of orc would I be if I let such petty fears stop me from holding true to my word? I am Guttgrim Grigore of Vieland, cleric of Sarenrae. Noticing the symbol on his wrist, Guttgrim shakes Sig's hand and then unceremoniously turns his wrist to get a better look at it. A sunburst? Mr. Kindler, would you happen to also be a servant of the Everlight?

2013-03-25, 11:18 PM
"Seven years. Then you saw him more recently than I. Its good to hear he was still helping people after we split ways. He never mentioned you in his letters, but I could be right to assume that was out of respect for you."

Sig smiles beneath his beard at the half-orc's curiosity, allowing his marking to be inspected before taking back his hand. "That could be said. The Dawnflower has been gracious to me as well. Petros brought Her light to you eh? I'm glad to see my amateur missionary work made an actual difference, though I'm curious: did he mention the Others to you as well? "

2013-03-26, 01:20 AM
Vearl waits quietly for the rest to finish talking before he speaks. His eyes are focused on Kendra, quickly darting to the ground whenever she looks at him. Eventually there is an awkward silence as the others wait for him to introduce himself.

"Hello, Kendra. Its good to see you again." He can barely look her in the eyes as he speaks. He was never any good at talking to girls, and always felt out of his element around her. To make matters worse, he holds her in the highest regard for her intelligence and for the fact that she is now all that is left of the man he idolized. "Im so sorry to hear about your father. You know how much I respected him." He begins to hold out his hand but quickly withdraws it and begins to scratch the back of his neck.

He is so focused on trying to hide his nervousness that he cant even begin to decide how to address the group of strangers before him.

2013-03-26, 01:35 AM
"Vearl?" Kendra asks with the slightest of smiles. "Vearl Ingsleigh is that you? Oh I'm so happy you came."

She looks to Aramon and introduces the young man to the half-orc since it looks like he is still the shy boy she knew.

"Aramon D'Peridot this is Veral Insleigh one of my father's favorite students. Or so he said always and often."

2013-03-26, 01:54 AM
"A pleasure to me you sir" Aramon holds out his hand for Vearl to shake while continuing "I'm afraid i only met the late Professor briefly though i do recall him mentioning you favouribly once or twice" he gives Vearl a charming smile that seems ever so slightly odd because of his tusks.

2013-03-26, 06:40 AM
Tellen wanders into the cemetery. He is covered in mud of the road and some blood from a fight that hasn't quite washed off. Most of his gear was lost in his last fight. Someone among the people he protected from the zombies was a thief, but it is no matter. He does not do what he does for appreciation or gain.

He ignores everyone else and walks up to Kendra, his piecing eyes looking into her soul. With a small nod of his head he says simply, "I am Tellen."

2013-03-26, 12:07 PM
Guttgrim shakes his head at Sig. No, Professor Lorrimor did not introduce me to those deities. Professor Lorrimor's connection with my faith is more complex than proselytizing. It is a long story, best told in a warmer situation than this.

The short version is that he introduced me to two people. Priestess Celria and the Orc Shaman Xurek. Through her I was able to achieve atonement for my past sins in the Healing Light. Through his teachings I learned more of people and strengthened myself for the road ahead of me. Guttgrim's expression warms as he remembers his foolishness in his first meeting with the Professor. He had been one of the few humans besides his mother who had ever shown him any true kindness.

Guttgrim looks over the crowd, and quickly notices that another one of his kind is here. Taller than he, and wearing little more than garish clothing to go along with a fancy sword. 'e look like a damn 'umie lover, that one.

Knowledge Religion check to identify Tellen as a member of Gorum's Clergy.

(1d20+4)[9]Yeah, I'm just going to assume a good ol' fail on this one. Next to him was a human carrying a greatsword. Guttgrim thought he recognized him as some member of a clergy, but he must have been mistaken.

Guttgrim looks back down and refocuses on his discussion with, Sig.It seems like I've been doing all the talking here, Mr. Kindler. Why don't you tell me more about yourself, or the deities you serve. I must also admit I'm a stranger here, and anything you could tell me about the other guests would be appreciated.

2013-03-26, 12:22 PM
After a moment or two Tellen looks towards Kendra and says, "If there is anything I can do you have but to ask. He was a good man."

"May I ask how he passed?"

2013-03-26, 05:11 PM
Vearl shakes Aramon's hand. "Its a pleasure to meet you. You might say the professor was the reason I entered into my field of study. Its an honor to consider myself a student of his. Over the course of my four years at Leipsdat University he was very generous with his time and knowledge. We became friends, and I became a better person for it."

Vearl looks around seeing many sad faces that reflect his own feelings. As he gets talking he begins to gain a bit of a stride and sheds his nervousness. "Petros was a good man, and his passing was truly unexpected and before his time. He must have touched all of your lives in a profound way, that is the kind of man he was... So how are you holding up Kendra?"

2013-03-26, 09:51 PM
Tellen notices the slight fear in Kendra's red eyes when he addresses her. The girl was probably just surprised by the size of the man and his sword.

Before she can answer Tellen or Veral's question one of the men from the group of locals moves over and clears his throat.

"Ahrmp, hrmp. Miss Lorrimor, are these the men mentioned in your father's will?" a large dough faced man with three chins asks.

"Yes, yes they are Councilman Hearthmount," she says with certainty.

The councilman gives each of you a quick glance before turning back to the professor's daughter.

"Then perhaps they would consent to be the pallbearers we seem desperately in need of." he says with a look to the small group of mourners. "They seem better suited than the rest of us."

The group can see that the councilman is correct in his assumption. As they scan the group of mourns they see an older stooped man, a short old woman only an inch taller than the thirteen year old boy beside her. The last man is perhaps strong enough (though not by himself), although most of his muscle has gone to fat over the years.

Kendra looks at the mourns along with the group then turns back to them with a little hope on her face. "Please could you help? We cannot take the cart into the cemetery." she says looking to the coffin forlorn.

If everyone (or at least four of you) consents then the progression into the Restlands will start. Kendra will go first -escorted by a party member if you want only four carrying the coffin. The pallbearers will come next, followed by the group of mourners.

This is a little heads up you can use in your upcoming posts.

2013-03-26, 09:56 PM
Tellen winces at the fear in Kendra's eyes, but when spoken to by Heartmount nods and moves to a position to the left rear of the coffin in preparation to lift the coffin.

2013-03-26, 10:51 PM
Looking over to Kendra, Guttgrim raises a hand to Sig. Looks like you'll have to tell me more about the others over some drinks another day. Patting Sig on the back, Guttgrim raises his arm and volunteers them. Why of course, Kendra! Mr. Kindler and I would be honored to be the man's pallbearers. Guttgrim heads over to the cart, walking up to the old man. Guttgrim extends his hand to the coffin with a stoic face. Please sir, would you do me this service, that I may bring the dear professor to his final resting place.

2013-03-26, 11:50 PM
Sig nods at Guttgrim's eagerness to learn. Least thing he could do for Petros would be to pick up where he left off. "That I will lad."

The youth's quick reaction catches him off guard, but he steps forward without hesitation. Tracing a spiral on his chest, he steps up to the coffin. Sig takes his place and waits for Kendra to begin, smiling through his beard to offer encouragement. The girl was doing so well, being strong for her father.

2013-03-27, 12:32 AM
"It would be my honor to help. I must say though, the mention of his will is a bit jarring. Professor Lorrimor does not owe me a thing, in fact I feel that it is quite the other way around." Vearl takes his place at the side of the coffin.

2013-03-27, 01:42 AM
Turning to face the coffin after a brief observation of the other mourners Aramon notices the others have already taken postions around the coffin "Since the others have already volunteered to serve as pallbearers perhaps the lady would like an escort?" he asks Kendra with a slight bow.

2013-03-27, 09:44 PM
Gladly Kendra takes Aramon's arm and moves towards the gates leading into the Restlands. She pauses to draw a spiral before her chest and then with her head held low and sadness on her face, she leads everyone into the old cemetery.


As the procession moves along the Dreamwake, they round a corner onto a path called the Eversleep. Ahead they find that the way ahead is blocked by a dozen surly looking locals. The tallest of these toughs is an elderly but wiry man with his beard shaved to the local fashion. He speaks out as soon as the group is noticed—

“That’s far enough. We been talking, and we don’t want Lorrimor buried in the Restlands. You can take him upriver and bury him there if you want, but he ain’t goin’ in the ground here!”

Kendra is swift to respond, her sadness swiftly transforming into anger.

“What are you talking about?” she cries out. “I arranged it with Father Grimburrow. He’s waiting for us! The grave’s already been...”

“You don’t get it, woman. We won’t have a necromancer buried in the same place as our kin. I suggest you move out while you still can. Folks are pretty upset about this right now.”

group skill check time: Diplomacy DC 20

I need one person to be the main checker and everyone else who wishes may attempt an aid another(diplomacy) roll. If you wish to try something else "thinking outside the module" you may, but please note that this is time sensitive and there is only a small window (say 1 minute tops) to try anything.

2013-03-27, 10:50 PM
Sig's sunken eyes erupt into fire as the man insults his friend. Ignorance is a common vice in Ustalav, but bringing such allegations against Petros here and now will not stand.

"Folks are upset. Petros Lorrimor was a good man and his only daughter is here to mourn his passing. You can and you will respect her grief. Any questions can be taken to Father Grimburrow."

I think Sig and Aramon have the same diplomacy modifier.

[roll0] Too bad. Gonna need a lot of Aid Anothers to pass this.

2013-03-27, 11:06 PM
Guttgrim has no time for this foolishness, and does not mince words when trying to help Sig.

A funeral and a burial is not for the dead, it is for us, the grieving. Let the people here have their piece, and the deceased be judged by Pharasma. Please leave us be, little 'umie.

Aid Another Diplomacy Check

[roll0] That's one aid another

2013-03-27, 11:48 PM
Tellen shakes his head. "Step aside. This is not the time nor place."

2013-03-28, 12:09 AM
Vearl seethes with anger at the mans disrespect. He would like nothing more than to put down the coffin and attack the villager, but such would do nothing to honor Petros.

"Sir, calling this man a necromancer is the farthest thing from the truth. His research has made leaps and bounds toward the cause of destroying the foul evils that reanimate the fallen. For all you know he may have been the only thing protecting you from hordes of undead."
aid another (diplomacy): [roll0]

2013-03-28, 12:15 AM
"You live in a land beset by evil and you seek to battle with a dead man and his daughter? A man who was one who sought to protect you. I have sworn my life to fight the fiends of these lands, do you thing I would carry the coffin of a man who consorts with the legions of undead?"

2013-03-28, 03:35 AM
"Do you fine people not trust your own priest? He has allowed this, do you think you know better than he the will of the Pharasma?" Aramon asks them in a careful, reasonable tone.

Aid another diplomacy check:

2013-03-28, 05:54 AM
I think with this being pbp I will add in my first small house rule.

Posts based off of roll bonus.

This will be a small bonus given to a player when his post and roll coincide. I think players should be reward for creative posting.

Not sure how it all will work out for everything (will learn as we go), but for this I see a post that should bring the DC down by 1 as the locals begin to have a few doubts.

Those men behind the speaker look unsure for a moment, and even the speaker has a look of doubt in his eyes.

Looking past Kendra the obvious farmer notices the men carrying the coffin and more so the weapons they carry and he waves off the others.

Grumbling to himself before leaving he to slips off between the headstones and soon the progression is free to move once more.

+1 trust

Gathering her composer Kendra turns to the group and says "Thank you. All of you I don't know what any of that was about."

Sighing she touches her bun before retaking Aramon's arm and starting forward once more.

Without further interruption the progression is able to make it's way to the grave plot and lower the coffin into Professor Lorrimor's final resting place.

Father Grimburrow gives a short sermon in time with the two gravediggers, so by the time he is done so are they. Kendra keeps her sobs quiet as the sermon and burial take place and is asked by the cleric if she wishes to speak. She does try but the pain of her loss (and perhaps what the locals said about her father is still to fresh) chokes out the words.

Time for a few PC's to save the day...

Eulogies: Each PC may give an accounting of some time in the past he spent with the professor. Along with the post please make a DC 15 Diplomacy or Perform check - each successful check will add +1 Trust to the groups Trust Score (http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/40317/wikis/trust-in-ravengro)

Good Luck

2013-03-28, 10:45 AM
Guttgrim pondered on whether or not he should speak. A half-orc may be able to use his strengths to influence a Varisian 'umie, but they wouldn't want no one wit orky blood speakin' bout their professor. His lips curled into a thin smile. To hell with em, then.

Guttgrim walked up to the pulpit to say his eulogy. When he was infront of the crowd, he held up his holy symbol of Sarenrae for the people to see. Dear Sarenrae, please aid me in helping these people forget the slanderous remarks made earlier. His symbol glowed as he cast enhanced diplomacy. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/e/enhanced-diplomacy)

Professor Lorrimor was not just a good man, he was a savior to me. As a young boy, I made a mistake and was destined for the gallows. The professor not only saved my life, but made sure I would not return to path of meaningless violence I was headed down then. He showed me to the Everlight and dear Celria, that I may forgive myself and learn to forgive others.

His job not done, he showed me to an Orc Shaman. There I learned what it meant to be an orc, and what it meant to be a half-orc in this country. Do not put any faith into those mens' wild claims about our Professor Lorrimor, put your faith in the truth that he saved a young boy's life. He was more than just a teacher.

Guttgrim suddenly broke into orcish. Li waz a gooj nam, amj li wehh bi nezzij. Rari ivejimqi tlat mot ahh nim ari qruih to tlier lahf-orq brotlirz. {He was a good man, and he will be missed. Rare evidence that not all men are cruel to their half-orc brothers.}

Thank you. Bowing and with tears running down his cheek, Guttgrim stepped down from his podium. He took his place in the crowd next to Sig. Thank you, Petros The crowd had accepted some of his speech, but the random aside into orcish seemed to have alienated many of them as well.

Diplomacy Check
[roll0] (+2 Charisma +2 competence from spell)

Nope, oh well. At least I didn't waste a spell doing this.

2013-03-28, 03:14 PM
After Guttgrim steps back to the group, Tellen nodded and moved forward, pulling his greatsword free as he moved. The men who had stood in the way of the procession earlier shifted back a little not sure what he intended to do.

Turning to face the group Tellen put the sword point first on the ground and held the blade before him.

I am not a man of many words, but Petros Lorrimor was a good man. Tellen's eyes flash towards the men who had stood in their way earlier. A man who while not a warrior fought his battle in his way against the evils of this land. I did but have the honor of fighting with him once and aiding him in my own small way. I am proud to have called here to carry his body to it's final resting place.

Tellen tips his head to touch his sword and then looks up to Kendra with a softening of his features. Kendra, if ever you have a need for a strong arm or my blade ask and it shall be your.

His face hardens as he turns back towards the interlopers. And woe to any who should disturb my friend and brother in this war. If any should dishonor him they shall have me to account to.
Suddenly he swings the blade up and places it back in its scabbard. The men nervously again shift as Tellen returns to his place in the small group.

Diplomacy: 9. Intimidate:20 from OOC

2013-03-28, 04:11 PM
Sig nods with appreciation at Guttgrim when the youth retakes his seat. Tellen's words bring a smile beneath his beard. Rising when his turns comes, he walks to the grave site and turns to face the congregation.

"Petros Lorrimor has men who he had met but once standing by him years later; if there is proof of a man's heart then you have just heard it. Petros' courage inspired those around him. In Ustalav, courage of the sort Petros possessed is rare, for his was the courage to look. Those with the courage to fight when they meet evil are to be praised, but men like Petros are the rarer sort. Petros' investigations showed us a type of courage we can't find in ourselves, the courage to seek out evil. To not turn away from the darkness in the distance. To find the nightmares before they strike. My friend, the world becomes a darker place with your passing, but will remain a brighter one because of your life. We will miss you."

Diplomacy: (1d20+7)[24] (from OOC)

2013-03-28, 11:52 PM
After Sig is done speaking his piece Vearl steps up.

"When I began studying at Leipsdat University, Professor Lorrimor's tenure had long since come to an end. Everyone knew his name, and we all idolized him. They say 'never meet your idol' but in this case it was far from accurate. His guest lectures drew quite a crowd, but he always found time for one on one conversation. I don't know how I was so lucky, but I was granted an audience with him on many occasions.

We became friends, and he even invited me to his home in this lovely town. As our conversations became more personal, he seemed slightly troubled. We often spoke of religion and undead, a topic of which he spoke with great passion and conviction.

I remember the day he opened his most precious tome to me. He directed me to a spell which can allow one to detect the presence of defiled reanimated creatures. I always wondered what the Professor was preparing for. It seemed that more than anything else he wanted to prepare Kendra and myself for something, though he was unclear as to what... or possibly unsure.

I will never forget all that Petros has done for me. He is truly a selfless soul, and one who's wisdom will live on through the actions of the many he influenced. We should all pray that his fears never come to light, but if and when they do, and when they are dealt with, it is the Professor you should thank."

2013-03-29, 05:21 AM
After the others have finished Aramon stands and approaches the pulpit "Like Tellen i only met the late professor briefly, when I saved him from an angry nobleman he had inadvertently offended on a research trip in Brevoy."

Aramon smiles for a moment as he thinks back to happier memories of Professor Lorrimor "We did engage in several long and lively discussions while he was recovering in my families estate where i learned of his stunning intellect and noble resolve to make the world a better place for future generations."

Aramon has tears rolling down his cheeks as he finishes "It is a sad day for us all when a man such as he passes into Pharasma's halls"

Diplomacy check:

2013-03-29, 06:17 PM
Kendra smiles up in gratitude at the group as Aramon finishes and returns to stand near her.

Father Grimburrow asks if anyone else would like to speak but no one steps forward and he closes the ceremony and then move to give Kendra's hand a squeeze before moving off down the path.

+1 trust

Of the mourners only Councilman Hearthmount moves to speak to Kendra and others.

"Umm hrmph," he clears his throat before speaking. "I'll meet you at your home in one hour Miss Lorrimor. Since all parties look to be here we should have the reading of your father's will straight away."

Kendra doesn't answer she only tightens her mouth as she bites back tears, and nods quickly in assent. Councilman Hearthmount starts off then, walking briskly to join the others.

Kendra stands in silence a few moments staring at the fresh turned dirt that covers the finally resting place of her father. Then realizing those of you still about she whispers a good-bye and then turns to all of you.

"Oh, I'm sorry please I'll show you to my home. Follow me." she says with only one last look at the grave site.

She leads the group south back down the rutted road they followed to get to the Restlands. At the first "Y" juncture she takes them left leading them down towards the sleepy hamlet of Ravengro (http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/40317/wikis/ravengro)

As you walk she tries to tell you a little about each building and those you may find within.

Use the map to get a feel for the small town. And use the key on the map to see any places you wished described.

2013-03-29, 09:16 PM
Guttgrim didn't say much on the walk towards the Lorrimor house. It's not that he was uninterested in the store; he took a mental note of the Apothecary, Forge, and Unfurling Scroll as places to visit later. He doesn't say anything because he is more focused on what will be said during the will reading.

It's a bit odd dat people who all seem to know Professor Lorrimor in such diverse ways to be invited to dis will reading, but not 'ny of the other mournahs. The man with the greatsword, da former student, da rich half-orc, and mistah Kindler? Dose claims of necromancy waz false, but where did deyz come from?

If Guttgrim was smarter, he may have been able to piece together the kind of journey that was ahead of him, but his answers would not come until the will reading.

2013-03-30, 01:11 AM
Vearl follows along to the Lorrimor residence. He has to resist the temptation to stop off at the Apothecary; there will be plenty of time for that later. For now he is curious as to the nature of the Professor's will. It seems odd and unexpected that he and these other folk would be the only ones mentioned in the will, other than Kendra of course.

2013-03-30, 04:50 AM
Aramon strides gracefully along in Kendra's wake taking carefully note of her descriptions of the rest of Ravengro, particularly that of the Laughing Demon and its jovial proprietor Zokar.

I shall have to raise a glass there in the professors name once we are done with the reading of his will, i still wonder why he named me in it but i suppose i shall soon find out

He gives a brief shake of his head before focussing on Kendra's words once more.

2013-03-30, 08:32 AM
Tellen follows Kendra wishing there was something to do to comfort her, but he is wary due to her reaction to him and his current state and he knows grief is a very personal battle that not all walk away from whole. He barely notices the town or the others as they pass it. These things for now are not important. He simply focuses on Kendra.

Makes a Sense Motive roll to try to get a better feel for her and her grief.


2013-03-30, 04:25 PM
As Sig plods along after the others, he takes a moment to drain the last of his travel flask. That should be enough to stave off today's headache but he'd have to grab more at one of the local taverns or general store before returning to Ardis. His eulogy had stirred up some old guilt in him. His words about Petros, had doubled as a scathing criticism of himself.

Ravengro reminds him of his youth, travelling the countryside with Ailson collecting stories and pursuing evil. Back when his back was straight and his gut nonexistence. A hundred Ravengros could fit behind the walls of Ardis, but Petros has chosen here, where the scholastic resources are few and the luxuries even fewer. At least there is a school and scriptorium for here, putting most Ustalavi backwaters to shame.

2013-03-30, 09:03 PM
The Lorrimor home is a little large than most of the homes found in Ravengro but it is still no manse. At the porch Kendra's face turns stern as she looks across some of the fields to a small farmer's shack.

"That's where Gibs lives. The man who called my father a necromancer," she says with a touch of anger to her voice."They truly don't know who he protected them... all of them, this entire town. They don't know how he died protecting them." she says fresh tears filling her eyes.

<GM assumption here that someone asks (or Tellen asks again) how the professor died.>

Choking back a sob Kendra wipes her eyes and tries to put on a happier face. "Please come let's go inside and I'll tell you all I know." she says opening the front door and walking inside.

The home is modestly decorated (possibly due to the fact that every other wall has a bookcase built into it and overflowing with books) and Kendra leads you into the parlor. After a few chairs are added and Kendra has run to the kitchen for a wheel of cheese, plums, biscuits, and apple brandy (the Professor's favorite) she sits to tell the sad tale.

"It was," she stops to count in her head and starts again. "It was seventeen days ago that my father went on one of his many forays outside of town. Since we came to Ravengro over ten years ago father, would collect every story and ghost sighting he came across. And he used the information to protect the town. He fought of a couple ghast who had turned up feeding in the Restlands. And stopped a butcher who was fond of chopping up people rather than pigs."

She pauses and a faint smile comes to her lips as if remembering some happier time. The smile fades and she resumes her story.

"After father didn't come home for more than three nights I knew something must be wrong. I asked Sheriff Caelier to help me search for him that he always told me if he planned on being gone more than three or four nights."

She downs the brandy she had been holding and then finishes her story. "Many groups went searching and the group that decided to check out Harrowstone, they were the ones who found him. It was an accident you see he was killed by a piece of statuary that fell from the roof of the prison. No great battle, no dramatic end. Just an old man out exploring a crumbling building that decided to fall on him."

Kendra is silent after that. She sits and stares at the floor looking lost and alone.

Sense Motive - she seems somewhat lost like she doesn't know what to do next.

2013-03-30, 10:39 PM
"A man is not measured by his death, but by his life Kendra."

Sig is late arriving in the parlour. He'd spent almost a minute at the door scraping mud off of his boots so as to not soil his friend's home. Satisfied that he would be tracking in no disrespect he follows the sounds of conversation through the house to the parlour. He takes his time as he goes, enjoying how much the home reminds him of Petros.

Sitting after Kendra takes a chair, he raises the tumbler of brandy to his nose and takes a long sniff. "Always the good stuff" he mutters mostly to himself as he raises his drink to his friend. "To Petros."

Sense Motive: [roll0] ...this penalty will be removed with skill ranks just as soon as he has them.

2013-03-31, 06:42 AM
Smoothly Aramon pulls out a fine silk handkerchief and holds it out for Kendra to wipe away her tears "Do not worry milady, we will find away to clear your fathers name of these ridiculous accusations of Necromancy" Aramons face twists into a look of distain at the mention of the professor being called a Necromancer.

"Perhaps it would help us if we knew what the good professor was really doing here in Ravengro"

2013-03-31, 07:26 AM
After listening to her speak, Tellen cautiously walks towards her and hugs her comfortingly.
He was a good man.

Sense Motive [roll0]

2013-03-31, 10:01 AM
Guttgrim nods in agreement with Aramon. Not around what he would consider proper society at large, and still annoyed at the idea that others could think the professor could be a necromancer, Guttgrim drops the human affect from how he speaks.

Yes, Kendra. Did da proffessor tell ya what 'e waz doin' out at Harristone? What did 'e thinks that he was gonna find out der?

Growing a little impatient about knowing his own fate.

I must admit, ah still don't quite getz why I'm in hiz will.

2013-03-31, 07:50 PM
"I'm not entirely sure what he was looking..."

knock, knock

"...for." Kendra says in way of answer, as someone comes to the door.

Kendra rises slowly and brushes crumbs off the front of her dress. "Councilman Heartmount," she says quietly. "With my father's will."

Kendra excuses herself and returns but a moment later with the large councilman in tow. Causally looking over those gathered Councilman Heartmount clearly doesn't approve of strangers being involved in local matters. He notes everyone's name as Kendra makes introductions and then produces a small letter from his coat pocket.

"Yes, everyone is present as proscribed by Petros's wishes. Shall we begin then?" he asks showing the unbroken seal of the letter to Kendra.

She gives a nod before sitting once more her hands clasped in her lap.

After breaking the seal and opening the parchment a slim brass key slips from the folds and clatters to the floor.

"Ah, hrmp." the councilman grunts as he clears his throat, ignoring the key and beginning to read.

Last Will and Testament

I, Petros Lorrimor, being of sound mind, do hereby commit to this parchment my last will and testament. Let it be known that, with the exception of the specific details below, I leave my home and personal belongings entire to my daughter Kendra. Use them or sell them as you see fit, my child.

Yet beyond the bequeathing of my personal effects, this document must serve other needs. I have arranged for the reading of this document to be delayed until all principals can be in attendance, for I have more than mere inheritance to apportion.

I have two final favors to ask.

To my old friends, I hate to impose upon you all, but there are few others who are capable of appreciating the true significance of what it is I have to ask. As some of you know, I have devoted many of my studies to all manner of evil, that I might know the enemy and inform those better positioned to stand against it. For knowledge of one’s enemy is the surest path to victory over its plans.

And so, over the course of my lifetime, I have seen fit to acquire a significant collection of valuable but dangerous tomes, any one of which in the wrong circumstances could have led to an awkward legal situation. While the majority of these tomes remain safe under lock and key at the Lepidstadt University, I fear that a few I have borrowed remain in a trunk in my Ravengro home. While invaluable for my work in life, in death, I would prefer not to burden my daughter with the darker side of my profession, or worse still, the danger of possessing these tomes herself. As such, I am entrusting my chest of tomes to you, posthumously. I ask that you please deliver the collection to my colleagues at the University of Lepidstadt, who will put them to good use for the betterment of the cause.

Yet before you leave for Lepidstadt, there is the matter of another favor—please delay your journey one month and spend that period of time here in Ravengro to ensure that my daughter is safe and sound. She has no one to count on now that I am gone, and if you would aid her in setting things in order for whatever she desires over the course of this month, you would have my eternal gratitude. From my savings, I have also willed to each of you a sum of one hundred platinum coins. For safekeeping, I have left these funds with Embreth Daramid, one of my most trusted friends in Lepidstadt—she has been instructed to issue this payment upon the safe delivery of the borrowed tomes no sooner than one month after the date of the reading of this will.

I, Petros Lorrimor, hereby sign this will in Ravengro on this first day of Calistril, in the year 4713.

Folding the parchment Councilman Hearthmount adds, "I have been instructed to send a letter to Embreth Daramid detailing the date of this reading. And a copy of both that letter and this will will be made and stored in the Town Hall. Although I will need to keep the will till the copy is completed."

Kendra nods, "Thank you for your service sir. I will see you out."

Kendra leaves with the councilman - the key still on the floor all but forgotten.

2013-03-31, 08:34 PM
Tellen leans over and carefully picks up the key.
For the trunk I assume. I assume this will also need to be delivered to the University.
He places it in a pocket.

Tellen turns to the group. Are you all planing to stay?

2013-03-31, 11:32 PM
"I have no ties to any places or persons that would necessarily prevent me from carrying out Petros' wishes. Before receiving news of his passing I was preparing myself for a bit of a spelunking journey; to follow in his footsteps you could say. I suppose his request isn't too far from my initial plans."

Vearl takes a sip of his drink.

"After all Petros' has done for me, I wouldn't dream of denying his final wishes."

2013-04-01, 09:10 AM
"I have no problem with remaining, it was the professors last wish for us after all" Aramon looks around at the others "Still something is bothering me about this, i fear the professor is expecting something terrible to happen in Ravengro."

A troubled frown darkens Aramons face as he continues "Why else would he asks us to keep books of dangerous knowledge here where the risk of them falling into the wrong hands is greatest unless he expects there to be a need for them?"

2013-04-01, 09:13 AM
Tessen shrugs.
You may be reading far too much into this. He wants the books delivered and he wants Kendra safe and settled.
It trouble comes, it will and we will deal with it.

2013-04-01, 11:24 AM
Guttgrim sighs and nods at Tellen's question.I gotz no choice but to stay. If had not sworn to 'im that he could call on me for a favah one day, Sarenrae would demand that I protect dese books so that dey did not fall into the wrong hands. If I was not a priesty of the Everlight, I would be bound by mah word.

Well, if wez working togethah, we may as well better introduce ahselves. I have speked with Mr. Kindler, but not the ress of ya.

Bowing like an opera singer at the end of a performance, Guttgrim Grigore, cleric of da Dawnflower, Sarenrae. If ya can'tz already tellz, I'm a half-orc.

2013-04-01, 12:56 PM
Sig spends a long while sitting in his chair, staring into the bottom of his glass. Within his pensive reverie his mind stirs murkily. Did Petros know he would have no place to return to? How could he? A place to stay and sort things out. Where would he go from here? Did Petros know?

"I am staying."

He refills his brandy and retakes his seat, content to observe Petros' eclectic selection.

2013-04-01, 03:07 PM
I am Tellen Kavinah.
A solider in the war against evil in this land. The evil here took my family and brought this war on themselves, so they have to right to complain.
Tellen Grins.

2013-04-01, 06:26 PM
"Aramon D'Peridot of the noble D'Peridot family" Aramon says to the group with a deep bow "Like the good Guttgrim i am part orc, unlike him i was raised as part of human society not among the orc tribes"

2013-04-01, 10:36 PM
Vearl stands, and refills his glass while the others give their official introductions.

"Of course, where are my manners. I am Vearl Ingsleigh. I hail from the great city of Caliphas, graduated first in my class from Leipsdat University's alchemy program. Alchemy is my life, and I owe everything to the Professor, gods rest his soul."

"If we work together, we will not fail Petros. We simply cant. I have lived in Leipsdat for the last four years, and know the place well, especially the University. Iv also crossed paths with many of the important figures there. I have heard of Embreth Daramid, the one mentioned in the will, though I doubt she would have heard of me."

"...And Tellen, perhaps we should try that key. I believe you are correct, and I should like to take a mental inventory of the chest's contents. It might be nice to know exactly what we are dealing with."

2013-04-01, 11:12 PM
"Aramon D'Peridot of the noble D'Peridot family" Aramon says to the group with a deep bow "Like the good Guttgrim i am part orc, unlike him i was raised as part of human society not among the orc tribes"Guttgrim stood and laughed laughed hartily at these comments. Oh makez no mistake, 'umie boy. I waz raised among dah 'umies. I just realized that they gotz notin I want, and if'n dey did, it wouldn't be wort da price a becomin like mosts of 'em. Perhaps Aramon was imaging it, but he could have sworn that Guttgrim's eyes had turned a slightly deeper shade of red.

2013-04-02, 01:06 AM
"Sig Kindler, as the cleric said, of the old capitol, Ardis. If Petros took an interest in you, I have no doubt you are quite the promising alchemist, Vearl. If there was one quality that defined Petros it was his judgment. Always able to see potential; for both good and evil. I'll miss him for that."

Sig downs his brandy again and moves to refill it once more, nodding to the key Tellen carries. "Kendra will know what that opens, and why it was left sealed with the will."

2013-04-02, 08:27 AM
Tellen nods and pulls out the key and tosses it to Yearl.

Sounds like a reasonable idea.

2013-04-02, 08:38 AM
Aramon simply raises an eyebrow at Guttgrim's last words and focuses on Sig "Kindler, that names sounds familar" a look of deep thought flashes across his face "Are you related to Ailson Kindler in some way?"

2013-04-02, 10:41 AM
"You'll have to excuse me for a minute, I've grown tired of being so under-dressed." Guttgrim excused himself from the room, and went to the nearest bathroom to change clothes. He returned wearing his standard priestly garb. "Much better."

2013-04-02, 12:13 PM
Sig eyes Aramon across the room. Hard to avoid recognition when your wife is the most celebrated Ustalavi author of her generation, especially in the company of those fancy noblefolk that love her work so much.

"My wife."

2013-04-02, 01:26 PM
"I see.." Aramon replies before going to pour himself a drink, judging that Sig doesn't want to talk about this topic anymore.

2013-04-02, 01:43 PM
I am not overly one to ponder meaningless questions. but it has certainly crossed my mind that the death of Petros may not have been a simple accident as it seems.
All I have heard is that it was an accident and that part of some crumbled structure fell on him. While I am neither old nor a learned man, I have been around many old structures in my time and have yet to see them fall before my eyes. Certainly such a think can happen that way, but I wonder ... did it?

2013-04-02, 02:58 PM
Sig nods to Aramon. The last thing he needs is to be forced to sing Ailson's praises to another of her fans.

"I don't see much point in that Tellen. If you are not able to let it rest however, I don't want you to upset Kendra with such things. Keep it private if possible."

2013-04-02, 03:00 PM
"I think... perhaps not" Aramon replies slowly "The late professor did not retire while he lived here, he continued to battle evil until his end or so it seems" Aramon turns to face the others "That means it likely wasn't just a casual visit to those ruins, the professor had a purpose in going there when he died though what exactly it would have been..." Aramon gives an elegent shrug of his shoulders with a look that says, only the gods know now.

2013-04-02, 03:08 PM
I have no intention of speaking of it with her, unless she raises it. Only that if it was not an accident it would change everything. It could suggest there is a threat against the contents of the box, Kendra, the town or something more.

2013-04-02, 03:16 PM
Based on what I know of the professor the trip would not have been absent of some reason beyond a pleasant stroll. I can not see the professor would ever completely retire.
That being said, it may have been something relatively innocent.

2013-04-02, 03:24 PM
Guttgrim nods in agreement. Yes, when Kendra returns, we should investigate the trunk to investigate the books. Not only that they are there, but what kind of information may be inside them. That may help us know what he was protecting them from.

As for investigating Professor's death. What does anyone here know about Harrowstone? I know it was once a prison, but not the reasons why it was closed down or anything that would make it interesting to the professor.

Guttgrim looks over Tellen and his equipment and chuckles softly. His blade is impressive, but the armor is slightly less so. Though if it is dangerous as you suggest, you may need slightly better protection than that thin leather, my friend. We'll have to see if we can get you something better before you head out.

2013-04-02, 08:26 PM
Kendra returns as the group converses but before returning to her seat she asks Tellen to help her with the chest mentioned in the will. The two leave and head upstairs the stairs creaking as the climb and then as they return.

Kendra moves to the high backed chair as Tellen lays the chest on the floor of the home's parlor.

"I'm truly sorry to have to make you carry that yourself, but as you might have noticed we have no servants here. After mother died my father threw himself into his work and hardly ate at all." She indicates the cheese and bread before everyone. "So engrossed in his research he only nibbled when his stomach called to him."

She smiles as a fond memory fills her. "One day I found him reading a large book, a wedge of cheese and a bowl of grapes on the table beside him. And eating the cheese was a small brown mouse."

Her smile widens. "I told him I hope he ate more of that cheese than the mouse did. And he rebuked me saying..."

"My dear I have to leave the food untouched for the mice or instead of cheese they would gnaw at my books."

"So taking care of him fell to me and I didn't mind." She dabs at an eye and then smiles at everyone. "But you surely don't need to see me cry. Let's see these evil books my father spoke of."

<GM assumes Vearl unlocks said chest. After checking for traps of course. ;)>

Opening the chest reveals a crisp piece of parchment that is folded but unsealed written upon it are the words "Read First"

letter from professor
"Vearl, Tellen, Aramon, Guttgrim, and Sig I am so hoping to return and burn this letter and write to each of you personally. I have so much to tell and no time or space on this one page, but I must warn you first that Ravengro is in danger of this much I am sure, although I don't know how as yet.

I have been researching a cult called the Whispering Way and keeping a record of what I can of them in my journal and having gathered books and scrolls on them written by others -although this information is to scattered to collect in time for you. In my journal I have circled a few passages to help you and I hope you can stop this evil cult where I could not.

Ravnegro is in danger please I know you will do what you can to help save it."

As the letter is read Kendra pulls out an old scarf that was folded atop the books that the note sat on. "This was my mothers," she says as she holds the wool lovingly.

Under the scarf is a red leather journal showing a lot of wear. Stamped in the bottom corner is a stylized P and L.

The Professor's Journal (circled passages)


And there are only four other books in the chest (along with other odds and ends and keepsakes)

Petro's Tomes*

- The first book (http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/40317/items/strange-book) is in a purple velvet cover and is locked up tight it's contents unknown.

- The Umbral Leaves: This book is a translation into Common of the unholy book of Zon-Kuthon. This lexicon first came to prominence in 4694 during the trial of Montegue Brante in the city of Ardis. Charged and subsequently found guilty of heresy Brante was burned alive with his blasphemous library serving as kindling for the purification pyre. This particular copy is especially notorious as it is bound in human skin and is rumored to be cursed or haunted in someway. How this book escaped the flames is unknown but it is thought that the notorious necromancer Joseph von Neus magiked it from the pyre. This is the assumption as the book was sold on to a collector of the esoteric in Caliphas, Dr Herman Bloch by a group of adventurers who moved von Neus to the Boneyard and found the tome in his collection. Bloch was found skinned in his manse in 4707 and the book has not surfaced until now.

The book, as stated is covered in human skin, It is assumed that the skin was used because of the particularly ornate tattoo of Tien design. It covers the basic believes and prayers of Zon-Kuthon and can be used as a reference tool to give a +2 Competency bonus to Profession: Torturer. Inside the disgusting covers can also be found some arcane spells.

Fleshcurdle (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/fleshcurdle)
Ray of Sickening (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/r/ray-of-sickening)
Boneshatter (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/boneshatter)

- Serving Your Hunger: This text is a copy of one of several unholy books sacred to the goddess Urgathoa. Lorrimor’s notations liberally sprinkle the margins. This is a poor quality copy of the original text with many mistakes and several portions of text missing (as noted by Professor Lorrimor). The copyist is unknown, whether these errors are deliberate to mislead is his guess. This particular tome measures three hand spans in height and two in width. The cover composes of two thin rusted plates (who’s edges are razor sharp) and the vellum sheets which comprise the bulk of the works is bound in place with tarnished silver wire.

The text details the basic tenants of Urgathoa’s faith and worship. There are copious notes in the Professor's hand and additions in this particular copy drawing comparisons of interests between Urgathoa and a group called the Whispering Way. Both groups seem to have undead as followers and it seems that they may share certain goals.

The notes on allow a +2 competence bonus to a persons research roll (Know-religion) when looking into the Whispering Way. (Note: dangerous to read need DC 15 Reflex save or take 1 pt dmg)

- On Verified Madness: This jet-black book is a treatise on aberrations and other entities found on Golarion that possess remote ties to the Dark Tapestry, the name given to the dark places between the stars in the night sky. All that is known of the author of this single surviving tome, Theophilus Wenn, comes from the introduction of the book itself.. If this section is to be believed Wenn was a high ranking member of the Pathfinder Society and contributed much in the way of written works and lectures. However despite this and the fact that the book was printed in Absalom , by Smails & Smails printers according to the title page, neither the Society or the printworks have any recollection of a man of that name. Or indeed printing such a book.. It is as if he had never existed and has been expunged from the minds of all who have ever seen or heard of him. It states in the forward that he intended to retire to Bedrin’s Bluff which puts his existence prior to the disaster which befell that quarter. Needless to say proving that Wenn actually existed or not is difficult at best.

The book itself details several creatures thought to have links with The Dark Tapestry and focuses on ten of these aberrations. Each chapter has a woodcut print of the beast discussed with the exception of the chapter regarding the Hound (or Hounds as it is sometimes referenced) of Tindalos is torn from its bindings. The following creatures are described in order.

Gibbering Mouther
Hound of Tindalos
Hunting Horror

Along with the following spells: Magic Missile, Summon Monster VIII (Elder Fire Elemental only!), Black Tentacles, Animate Dead, Fire Breath, Deeper Slumber, Contact Other Plane (but only Azathoth will answer), Nightmare, Finger of Death, Clenched Fist

NOTE: Three of the books have notes tucked into them indicating that they should be delivered to one Montagnie Crowl, a professor of antiquities at Lepidstadt University. The fourth, the locked one, has a note indicating it should be delivered to Embreth Daramid, a judge at the Lepidstadt Courthouse (although the note asks for this delivery in particular to be handled discreetly, and includes the address of Embreth’s home so that the PCs can deliver it there).

* Assuming you spend rest of the day reading/identifying tomes (if you don't wish to do this let me know)
Special thanks to Spacelard (http://paizo.com/people/Spacelard) over at the paizo boards (most of the above is his work)

2013-04-02, 08:34 PM
Guttgrim nods in agreement.

As for investigating Professor's death. What does anyone here know about Harrowstone?

Which leads to...

PART 2: Crimes Not Forgotten

As the group spends the rest of the evening reading through the tomes (as well as those books found in the late professor's room.) they talk about what they know of Harrowstone and The Whispering Way.

Each PC can make a free "what they know off the top of their head" check on both Harrowstone (either Know-local or Know-history) and The Whispering Way (either Know-religion or Know-arcana). These checks get know bonus save those you get naturally (no guidance, no aid another, or help from the new book, etc.)

This is kind of what you know without researching.

2013-04-02, 08:37 PM
Tellen nods to Kendra when she apologizes to him for carry the chest.
I am happy to help.

2013-04-02, 08:42 PM
As the note and passages Tellen nods the group grimly.

Whispering Way (religion)[roll0]

2013-04-02, 09:47 PM
Guttgrim pauses after reading the note before beginning to look through the Tomes. "Looks like we're gonaa to need to get you dat armor sooner than ah thought, Tellen."

When Guttgrim sees the fourth book with the lock on it, he asks the others a question. "Should we try an see what's inside dis one?"

Knowledge Check about Ravengro/Harrowstone:
Knowledge Local: [roll0]

Knowledge Check about The Whispering Way
Knowledge Religion: [roll1]

2013-04-03, 02:44 AM
"I would take great care in opening that book. These tomes clearly contain strong necromantic magic."

to see what I know about the special tome:
knowledge arcana: [roll0]
knowledge religion: [roll1]

2013-04-03, 02:47 AM
Vearl looks the tome over, but doesn't commit to doing anything quite yet.

search for traps
perception: [roll0]

2013-04-03, 06:02 AM
Tellen casts detect magic on the books.
I agree all care should be taken.
Perception to check for traps1d20+6

2013-04-03, 06:04 AM
Checking for traps [roll0]

2013-04-03, 07:24 PM
Veral knows he has seen the symbol of the unknown book before but just can't quite place it. (failed by one)

The real question he has is why it seems like the symbol... and the purple cover seem to amuse him? Why does it remind him of something or someone funny?

knowledge checks

have most of this listed on the wiki read and post the information anyway you wish. HERE (http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/40317/wikis/research)

See OOC for how I wish to finish the few DC's needed to complete this part.

+500 XP

2013-04-03, 09:52 PM
Vearl chuckles as he stares at the strange purple book. He ponders for a moment then breaks out in laughter. Once he realizes that he is getting strange looks, he regains his composure. "I'v seen this book before. Well, not this actual book, but... well... as an alchemy student you see some pretty strange things, heh heh... heh heh heh... bwaaaa ha ha ha."

As he continues to laugh he turns his attention to another book: Serving Your Hunger. Still preoccupied he flips open the lid, slicing himself across all four fingers. "Sweet salamander stew, that thing is sharp enough to shave with!" He pulls out a handkerchief and wipes the blood off of Kendra's table. After blotting the blood off his hand and looking at his fresh cut, he is no longer in the mood to laugh.

2013-04-03, 09:54 PM
"He never quit did he."

Sig puts down the professor's journal and stands up. Walking solemnly out of the room, he grabs his cloak from next to the door. Giving Kendra his farewells, he promises her he will return tomorrow in the morning to check on her.

Needing time to think, he walks out into the night. The town is too small to become lost in, and he quickly finds himself exiting it on his way to the Restlands. Evening prayers are said by Petros' grave before he begins walking once more. Remembering what had been written in his friend's journal, Sig spends a while idly inspecting the mausoleums from a respectful distance to identify the one Petros wrote about before leaving for town as the night falls.

He makes his way to the Outward Inn, where local drinking companions provide welcome distraction from his dark thoughts. Tired, but with Harrowstone on the mind, he makes some effort to learn more about the prison Petros seemed so interested in. Drinking his friend's memory, Sig puts himself to sleep, stumbling up the stairs to his room.

I guess Perception [roll0]
and Diplomacy to gather information: [roll1]

2013-04-04, 08:57 AM
Tellen approached the group. From what I can see I think the temple of Pharasma would be best suited to digging up information on the Harrowstone, but I am sure they would open their doors to one such as me and while I fight often against undead I am wondering if anyone has any sway with them?

2013-04-04, 10:23 AM
Guttgrim shakes his head at Tellen's comments. "I only gotz as much sway as some oder clergy might havez. I could uze some of my divine magics to help ya, or ta help any git who would wish to speak with 'em. I could try helpin by speakin on yer behalf. Can' do much else doe."

2013-04-04, 01:10 PM
Maybe between the two of us, we could get somewhere. I am a sworn enemy of the evil in this land, which is more often than not the scourge of Pharasma. That could buy of something.

2013-04-04, 06:13 PM
Guttgrim thinks for a moment. We may not be enough. If you 'aden't noticed he gotz many scars and tatoos in da shape of a bunch a gotz's iconography. Perhaps Pharasma is one a dem gotz, and perhaps hez affiliated with 'er as well. Guttgrim looks over at Vearl and Sig for a moment and then speaks again. Vearl is excited about going through the books, but Sig seems either uncomfortable or uninterested. Perhaps it is best to give him space.

Tell you what. How boutz we look through da bookz here for info on the Whisperin Way tomorrow and den go to the temple of Pharasma da next day?

2013-04-04, 06:26 PM
Yawning politely into her hand Kendra rises and puts down her father's journal. "Well it is late and you should probably wait to go to the Temple tomorrow."

She looks over the group and sighs, "I do wish Mister Kindler would have stayed I wanted to offer you all the hospitality of my father's home for the duration of your stay. We have an extra large guest room, almost a barracks, for visiting groups much like yourselves."

She walks to the doorway and before leaving gives her father's room another long look. As she leads everyone to the "barracks" she tells of the strange men, dwarves, and elves that would come to visit her father.

The barracks is a long thin room of six bunks, various chest of drawers, and two tables with a variety of chairs around them (some sized for halflings and gnomes, but on long legs to reach the tabletop.). A single wardrobe stands at the far end and Kendra moves to open it. She shows the group a secret exit that leads to the side of the house that is protected by a large hedge.

"Please use this as your own. It may be a few days before I know if I'm staying or not." she says resigned. "But you all will be the first to know." she adds with a smile.


-1 trust (end of each day the group losses 1 point of trust)

2013-04-04, 06:35 PM
Meanwhile Sig gets a feel for the small town and it's denizens. Suspicious to a fault the kindly paladin spends some time talking and worming out a story here and a rumor there.

But by the end of the night he is satisfied he has gotten all he truly could of the good people of Ravengro. (Note; gather info only allows DC 20 and below to be gathered -good roll.)

As the window rattles outside the narrow window of his room he wonders where in Ulstalav his estranged wife is, before drifting off to sleep.


Forgot to add in XP for research DC's 20(Harrowstone) and 25(Whispering Way)

Was waiting for someone to divulge it In Game then. add in. But here it is up to date.


2013-04-04, 06:49 PM
Thank you my dear, don't worry about us, we will be fine.

Tellen then grabs a bed strips off his armor and placing his sword carefully beside the bed, climbs into be and sleeps.

2013-04-04, 09:40 PM
Once the group is all together in Petros' house, Vearl decides to go over what he knows.

"So here's what Iv figured out...

The Whispering Way is an organization of necromancers that has been around for thousands of years. They seek alliances with the undead and some of them are even undead themselves. Seems a member known as Tar-Baphon, who calls himself 'The Whispering Tyrant' is somewhat of a heavy hitter for them, though the society itself has been around long before he was born.

The Whispering Way itself is a series of philosophies that can only be transferred via whispers, hence the name. Their philosophies are never written or spoken of loudly, making them quite the secretive lot. Because of this, its extremely difficult to discern exactly how they operate or what they do, but one thing I do know is that they are particularly interested in formulae for creating liches and engineering the release of the Whispering Tyrant. Agents often travel to remote sites or areas plagued by notorious haunts or undead menaces to perform field research or even to capture unique monsters... Likely the abberrations described in the book 'On Verified Madness.'

The symbol of their gruop is a gagged skull. Anyone who learns too many of the Way’s secrets are often murdered, and their mouths mutilated to prevent their bodies from divulging secrets via speak with dead... Makes me wonder if something like this happened to the professor..."

2013-04-04, 10:38 PM
Sig sits in a chair at the table taking swigs from a flask to fight off his hangover. Breakfast had been a quiet affair at the inn, how he liked it, though he finds himself eating again when Kendra offers him breakfast. Though the days of travel had worn away at the gut he'd accumulated in retirement, he eats enough to get it back on its way out.

His face sours at talk of the Whispering Tyrant. The land still suffers from the mad lich's machinations, and a cult seeking his resuscitation is a threat to all Avistan. When Vearl shares what he knows, Sig nods with appreciation of his suspicions.

"Against my preference, I find myself wondering the same thing kid. The Way has an interest in the haunted places of great tragedy, and Harrowstone sounds like a candidate. The locals were talking last night, said the warden and twenty-three of his men died in a fire to prevent a mass escape. Saved this town from great evil. They've got a memorial to the dead on the outskirts of town. Either way, if Petros is, was, interested in Harrowstone, then so am I."

"You seem like a keen bunch; come with me."

Can't help but think that despite how getting the research out of the way immediately makes sense, I can't help but think Sig, and perhaps Tellen as well, would just head to Harrowstone immediately to collect information.

All it takes if for him to get turned away by the Pharasmins and the Town Hall and he'll donate his money to the others' research in order to take a walk down to Harrowstone. He's not stupid and will come back if confronted by any inhabitants of the prison. I just think the research could use some additional motivation. Don't mean to split the party or anything.

2013-04-04, 11:10 PM
Guttgrim grabbed Sig by the shoulder, and trying to sound stern says, "Ya gits ain't goin today. Tellen ain't got da armor, and if dat place gotz any tenants then you ain't got the sluggas or arrers yer gonna need. Let's get some more info, and den head out as a group. "

Guttgrim tossed Tellen a bag with 15 gold coins in it. Take it. Get yerself some new duds. I got a feelin yer gonna need it. Anyone else willin ta finance our boy while we look through da books?"

Guttgrim looked back at Sig. "Wait a day, and tomorrow you go out wit all da boyz. Keep watch over da books and Kendra today."

-15 gp. I now have 2.77 gold.

2013-04-05, 12:43 AM
Sig gives the half-orc youth a long look. "No need to try and dupe me guardianship lad, I understand where you're coming from. If you'd rather I get some practice with my old tools before heading to Harrowstone tomorrow I won't push you. I can tell you though, I've lived in Ustalav all my life lad, and this wouldn't be my first reanimate rodeo."

Travelling with the others into town his hangover, unkept appearance, and gloomy mood earn him no love at the temple of Pharasma and Town Hall and he finds himself in the Unfurled Scroll reading over the town's history.

After contributing what little he has patience for, the stale air overwhelms him and he makes his way back to Petros' house. Finding a hay bale to set up in a private area behind the house, he gives target practice a go before switching to his old hammer and going through his paces. If the others return while he is drilling, he does not refuse invitations to spar.

Old but not broken. His joints seem a little less fond of bending, but his eyes, no longer cloudy with the previous night's drink, are quick. Locking on a rat scurrying through the brush next to the house, he fires on impulse, impaling the vermin on his arrowshaft. "Never liked rats" he mutters as he reclaims his arrow and leaves the carcass for the crows.

2013-04-05, 01:15 AM
"I'v got some traveling money on me. By the looks of things I'd say I could use a weapon, not that I'd be very handy with it. I could also use some tools, if you know what I mean. Iv gotten plenty of practice picking locks with hairpins and such, but I'm no thief. For the greater good I think it would behoove me to start doing things like a professional. Any money I have left I would be glad to hand over to anyone who plans to stand between me and the horrors we're going to encounter."

Vearl spends most of the rest of the day at the Unfurling scroll researching Harrowstone. When he finds time he heads to the forge and general store to peruse their inventory.

2013-04-06, 12:12 AM
End of Day 3

As the party gathers back at the Lorrimor residence Vearl recaps what they have researched.

"First I'd like to thank you all for the help. Gathering all of this information has been a team effort and together we have cracked one tough nut of a puzzle, though this is only the beginning. You all already know most of what I have in my notes, but Ill lay it all out so that we're all on the same page. I also plan to burn these notes for safety's sake.

Harrowstone is a ruined prison, greatly damaged by a fire and left vacant since 4661. The locals rightfully suspect that it’s haunted. The place was built in 4594 and Ravengro was founded as a place where guards and their families could live. They would produce food and other supplies used by the prison. The fire that killed all of the prisoners and most of the guards destroyed a large portion of the prison’s underground eastern wing, but left most of the stone structure above relatively intact. The prison’s warden perished in the fire, along with his wife... Odd that she was even there at the time if you ask me. A statue commemorating the warden and the guards who lost their lives was built in the months after the tragedy, the on the riverbank just outside of town.

Most of the hardened criminals sent to Harrowstone spent only a few months imprisoned, merely awaiting their execution. The fire that caused the tragedy was, in fact, a blessing in disguise, for the prisoners had rioted and gained control of the prison’s dungeons immediately prior to the conflagration. It was only through the self-sacrifice of Warden Hawkran and 23 of his guards that the prisoners were prevented from escaping. The guards gave their lives to save the town of Ravengro. Among the prisoners were five particularly notorious ones who had just recently arrived. While the commonly held belief is that the tragic fire began accidentally after the riot began, in fact the prisoners had already seized control of the dungeon and had been in command of the lower level for several hours before the fire. Warden Hawkran triggered a deadfall to seal the rioting prisoners in the lower level, but in so doing trapped himself and nearly two dozen guards. The prisoners were in the process of escaping when the panicked guards accidentally started the fire in a desperate attempt to end the riot.

Now, all of this begs the question: Who were these five notorious prisoners? Did they incite the riot themselves? They must have been quite the lot. Perhaps it would behoove us to learn more about them."

2013-04-06, 06:34 AM
Certainly finding out more could be beneficial, but I am not one for book research as much. If you choose to do that I will offer what help I can, but I am not certain we find much about their lives that will help us fight whatever they have become.

2013-04-06, 02:12 PM
"I agree with Tellen, though I doubt you can assume they 'became' anything. The way I see it, Harrowstone is a candidate for the Whispering Way's attention. If Petros was there trying to stop them, then we should get there as urgently as possible. The trail grows colder by the day."

Assuming undead just from rumours of a haunting is a bit of a stretch for Sig. As for metagaming on the subject of further research, I can't help but think that since certain undead possess energy draining abilities, we may have a few recuperation days in Ravengro in which to pursue those topics.

2013-04-07, 09:18 PM
Day 2: (recap)

The day dawns bright but cold, and a northern wind adds some bite to the tempature, keeping most people inside. The group gets a chilly reception form both the Temple of Pharasma and the clerks at the Town Hall. Most of the morning is gone by the time they walk over to the Unfurling Scroll to see about using the "town library" for their research.

The building is a normal two story building with only a wooden sign hanging above the door to tell it apart from someone's home. The bottom half of the building is unmortared stone, while the upper store is made of wood. Entering everyone finds the lower area to be one large area with small tables scattered around the center and rows of bookcases along all four walls. The owner - Alendru Ghoroven, is in the middle of a lesson with four of Ravengro's children and when he has them writing by themselves a moment he approaches the group of strangers.

He is thrilled to have men seeking knowledge (and willing to pay the 10gp price for the use of his library) telling everyone that they may make use of his facility. It about an hour before dinner when Veral is through researching and returning al the books to their shelves.

Upon leaving the Unfurling Scroll, the group finds a group of five Varisian girls skipping rope outside the building. Dressed in shawls and dresses each girls takes turns jumping in the rope while singing two lines of a rather disturbing song, then skips out to let the next girl take up the next two lines. The way in which the girls switch from skipping to passing the ends of the rope to each other to keep the whole thing going is strikingly well timed and well choreographed -

Skipping Song: Event 2

"-Put her body on the bed.
Take a knife and lop off her head.
-Watch the blood come out the pipe.
Feeds the stirge, so nice and ripe.
-Drops of red so sparkly bright.
Splatters spell her name just right.
-With a hammer killed his wife.
Now he wants to claim your life.
-Tricksy father tells a lie.
Listen close or you will die.


<interlude for PC reactions>

Before returning to the Lorrimor home Vearl does a little shopping at the general store and Tellen looks for armor at the forge. With the day drawing on the proprietors don't haggle as much as normal and both men get the normal deal on the items they sought.

At dinner everyone gathers and confers offering what new news or strange tidbit they have discovered for the day.

If anyone wants to we can back track the interaction with the girls should a PC wish to talk to them - a DC 15 Diplomacy check. Kind of like talking about it in the past tense or some such.

-1 trust (end of day)

2013-04-07, 10:15 PM

The girls singing the song reminds Guttgrim of the songs the children would sing when he was on the playground. Subconsciously, he began to angrily mumble the song he remembered along with their tune.

"...Splatters spell her name just right.
With a falchion killed your wife.
Now he wants to claim your life.
-Tricksy halforc tells a lie.
Listen close or you will die"

As angry as the memories made him, he knew better than to engage the children. They had done him no wrong, other than bring up his won inability to let the past go. Besides, he needed to get to get back to the Lorrimor house for dinner. It had been a busy day, and between Sig, Tellen, and Vearl, there would certainly be more stories to tell.

After hearing the arguments for going to Horrowstone tomorrow, Guttgrim weighed in. "I says we find out more about the 5 gits who started the fire. It seems odd ta me that da lot of em would start a fire as soon as dey got into there, and dat the good Warden would be so desperate as ta keep 'em in there.

"I agrees wit Sig, in dat I don't think those gits haz necessy become nuthin. However, anythin' is possible wit the involvement of dis Whisperin' Way."

Looking at Tellen's equipment, Guttgrim turns his head, and looks a little disappointed. "Ah guess you boyz couldn't find any real armor. No matter, we'll just 'ave to trade, den. After dinner, ya give me your leather bitz, and I'll let you wear my Kikko armor. It shou' be flashy enuf for ya.

"And seein as ya didn't find a use for da shiniez I gaves ya, could ya give 'em back?"

2013-04-08, 02:15 AM
Vearl stops and thinks, was I that oblivious when i was a kid? He carries on trying not giving it too much tought. After all kids will be kids. The words dont sit well with him though.

2013-04-08, 08:15 AM
Speaking to the singing girls Aramons asks them politely about their song "Excuse me but where did you learn an interesting song like that?" he says in a gentlemanly fashion.

Diplomacy check [roll0]

2013-04-08, 10:30 AM
Tellen watches the girls as Aramons talks to them to get a feel for them and if they answer truthfully.

Sense Motive [roll0]

2013-04-08, 11:33 AM
The girls stop their game and stand side by side in front of the group, their eyes downcast.

Speaking to the singing girls Aramons asks them politely about their song "Excuse me but where did you learn an interesting song like that?" he says in a gentlemanly fashion.

The youngest girl giggles at the way the feather in Aramon's hat sways as he moves and she puts her small hands in front of her face to hide her smile.

As Tellen watches the girls to get a feel for them and if they answer truthfully. The older one answers the half-orc. "I don't know good sirs. The warning song been sung forever, and by everyone." she answers truthfully.

Not wanting to disturb or scare the children any further everyone moves on and hear the girls resume their game after a few minutes.

+1 trust

2013-04-08, 02:07 PM
Sig eyes the children from across the road. Was that the way to raise children? Murder isn't a game to be sung about. Kids that play games like that grow up to be part of the problem in Ustalav, not the solution.

At dinner with Kendra, Sig sits and listens to the others share what they've learned, voicing his belief that investigations should be commenced immediately. His body tired from his exercises in the yard, he slumps in an armchair to brood. Ailson had never wanted children, always using examples such as he'd seen today as reasons why Ustalav is no place to raise a child. She was probably right.

2013-04-09, 05:30 PM

Tellen strips off hive leather armor, puts on the Kikko armor and tests moving in it.

Tellen smiles. Thank you Guttgrim for the loan of your armor, this will help.

He grips his sword. We have some time. I think we should go check the Cemetery. Besides I am bored of all this hunting for information.

2013-04-09, 08:19 PM
Day 3:

The morning dawns cold and wet as rains from the previous night have moved on to the east but left behind puddles and mud and a cold air that hints at winter trying to hang on a few more days.

After breaking their fast everyone as a group heads to the Temple of Pharasma to discover what they can of the famous five prisoners held in Harrowstone at the time of the historic fire. The Professor said the Whispering Way was searching for someone, and an evil man dying a horrific death in the cold depths of a prison makes for a recipe this cult probably was drawn to like flies to honey.

The walk is a short but muddy one and the wind blows a bit keeping everyone huddled in their cloaks and not in a talkative mood. Once they arrive the group is in luck as Father Grimburrow himself receives them, and remembering them from the funeral of the late professor allows them access to the records and library of the temple.

It is a long, dull, and dusty search but not without merit. The group discovers the notorious names of the five prisoners (http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/40317/wikis/research), but not their actual names or crimes save for one. A partial transcript quote of a judge during one of the sentencing is found...

"Vance Saetressle, also known as The Lopper. You are hereby sentenced to live the remainder of your short life in Harrowstone, which, I hasten to add, is a blessing compared to the extent of your crimes and the suffering of your victims. There you will reside in the misery of your thoughts until such a time as you are drawn, hanged, and quartered. May the gods have no mercy on your blighted soul.

Judge - Jurisdeclaris Axenris III"

The temple provides the group with a bit of fruit and bread with some wine to wash it down around midday. And you all continue to read, shuffle, and search.

When there is still a couple hours left of daylight you find yourselves outside the temple talking over your next course of action.

+300 XP

2013-04-09, 09:08 PM
Aramon leans back and gives a great big stretch after leaving the temple "Its a pleasure to feel the wind again after all that time spent pouring over dusty old books" he turns to Vearl with a bemused smile "I can't understand why you enjoy it so Vearl"

2013-04-09, 09:42 PM
"There we are then. Petros must have know about this. He never gave up. Never looked away."

Sig pulls breadcrumbs from lunch from his beard as he looks back at the temple. Tracing the spiral tattoo on his wrist once before he turns back to the others.

"Yes, Petros must have known. Even the children seem to know. Their rhyme included parts about a 'father', a 'splatter', a 'piper', and a 'lopper'. Four for five names, and I wager the fifth refers to the 'Mosswater Marauder' in a way we don't yet know."

2013-04-09, 09:57 PM
Guttgrim paused for a moment when he got outside, something weighing on his mind. He scratched the growing his chin and then spoke up. "If all them soul died in da fire, includin those 5 gits, dere should be graves. Markins or records of their death and burial should be somewhere in the Restlands. They might not be covered in shiny bitz, but dey'll be there."

Guttgrim paused, putting a fist to his mouth as he thought. "Unless somethin got to 'em first. Somethin that was already interested in those nasty gits." Suddenly Guttgrim's eyes went wide. "We should should go check out the Restlands. Now."

2013-04-09, 10:57 PM
"Yes, the professor's journal said something about the intersection between Eversleep and the Black Path. Certainly something we should follow up on. One should never attempt a job without the proper tools if it can be avoided."

Vearl continues to quietly ponder, going over various aspects of their situation. He thinks about the children's song, the purple tome, and the potential fate of the prisoners.

2013-04-09, 10:59 PM

The simple solution is simply to to the cemetery and look.

2013-04-10, 01:02 AM
"We have time so we can go there now, we should stop by the Professors grave to pay our respects while we are there though" Aramon says to the others as he sets of at a brisk walk, his hand slipping into his pocket and touches a bottle of whiskey he'd been saving One final drink for you in the world beyond Aramon thinks to himself with a faint smile as he remembers the man who's life he saved.

After moving a short distance away from the others Aramon suddenly stops and turns back to the other's "Friends i've just remembered something important, i'll met you in the restlands shortly" after saying that Aramon turns and hurries off to the Lorrimor house to fetch the professors journal.

2013-04-10, 07:25 PM
The group walks north to the Restlands and await Aramon by the professor's grave. The fresh dirt is muddy and dark and the new headstone stands bright and washed clean by the early morning rain.

The mausoleum is not far from the grave and after paying their respects the group heads to the supposed false crypt.

Rolls: Perception checks from every please.

2013-04-10, 07:34 PM

Tellen looks around for signs of recent activity as well

Survival(tracking) [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2013-04-10, 07:43 PM
as always Vearl stays sharp and alert.

perception: [roll0]

2013-04-10, 07:46 PM
As the group is gathered around professor Lorrimor's grave Aramon pulls out a flask of whiskey and takes a sip before offering it to the others silently, once everyone else has either declined or taken a sip themselves he pours the rest over the grave with a small flourish and a slight smile " One last drink for your health" he says before turning to the others.

"I know we came here for the cache mentioned in this" Aramon holds up the professors journal "but i think we should speak with father Grimburrow first, whatever is in the cache is the property of his church after all and taking it without permission would only anger someone who's help we will likely soon need" he takes a deep breath before continuing "I also think we should share with him everything we have discovered in the last few days"

Perception check [roll0]

2013-04-10, 08:21 PM
Guttgrim placed a hand on his scimitar's pommel as he began to look around, nodding at Aramon's comments. "Yeah, Fathah Grimburrah would probly know sumthin."

Perception check


2013-04-10, 09:28 PM
Rising from his knees when his prayers are finished, Sig turns to the others. "Yes, I would be surprised if he didn't expect such a conversation. The Father may be able to help us conclude this search before nightfall."

Perception: [roll0]

2013-04-10, 09:49 PM
Vearl accepts the flask of whiskey. "Here's to you Petros. I owe it all to you, and soon so will Ustalov." He hands the flask back to Aramon.


"I think you're right. The folks around here don't seem to trust us much. If we talk to Father Grimburrow and continue to keep him abreast of the situation it could help ease their tension. Plus, if he learns a bit about who we are he might even like us a bit. If we're all in agreement perhaps we should check the Temple of Pharasma."

2013-04-11, 10:33 AM

no armor so +2 [roll0]

The group stands outside the mausoleum and decides to go back to the temple before venturing in. As they turn back down the path they are shocked to see a group of rag tag skeletons moving up the path towards them. The three fleshless undead still have grave dirt caked to them from their recent "resurrection".

OOC: Surprise round for everyone but Sig. three skeletons 30 feet away from group.

2013-04-11, 10:59 AM
"Cayden perserve us" Aramon exclaims with a look of shock upon his face before he raises a trembling hand and a ball of acid shots out towards the closest skeleton.

Acid Ray ranged touch attack against the closest skeleton

Attack [roll0]
Acid Damage [roll1]

2013-04-11, 11:02 AM

Tellen charges forward drawing his Greatsword as he goes he shifts to the left of the skeletons before attacking hoping to tactically flanking in the future.

Lets test my iron.

Initiative roll [roll0]
Attack roll [roll1]
Damage roll [roll2]

2013-04-11, 07:11 PM
Tellen's greatsword smashes through the weak spine of the skeleton before him snapping the undead in half. It falls onto the path at the feet of the brave warrior.

OOG: great hit

Veral and Guttgrim to go yet. Two skeletons left still 30' away.

2013-04-11, 07:55 PM
Guttgrim's face turned to a deep scowl when he saw the undead. He would not allow these creatures to defile this resting place. He brought his holy symbol from around his neck and held it aloft while chanting, "Burn like all ur measly kind before the glory of the Everlight, ya measly gits!"

As he said this, the holy symbol glowed and waves of energy flowed out and struck the undead.

Channels positive energy: [roll0]Will DC 12 for half.
Sun's blessing: +cleric level to damage, enemies do not get channel resistance.
Energy targets undead. 4 uses left.

Initiative: [roll1]

2013-04-11, 08:16 PM

[roll]1d20+2 messed up rolled real die: roll 6 +2 = 8

Note: These skeletons have more HP than the norm due to lack of weapons and armor.

Both skeletons are bathe in Guttgrim's divine light. When the glow dies down both creatures still stand but one is missing half it's skull and is blackened from the collar bone down. The other skeleton has turned black and smoke rises from it like some log than has smoldered after being set alight.

2013-04-11, 10:56 PM
"Sweet merciful lords! Walking dead. Here. Now..."

Vearl scrambles to retrieve an alkehest bomb from his satchel.

2013-04-12, 05:11 PM
Veral readies and tosses a ceramic vial towards the remaining to skeletons. With an underhanded lob, the force of the throw is not enough to break the vial so it rolls in the soft dirt for a moment before stopping.

[roll0] INIT

2013-04-12, 05:36 PM

Tellen grimly moves towards the next skeleton, shifting again away from the group to take advantage of flanking should any close.

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2013-04-12, 05:43 PM
Tellen's massive blade slides between two ribs of the skeleton and the snap as he twists out the blade. Although such an action would have felled a normal man the undead seem oblivious to fact half it's chest is now missing.

OOG: Still two on their feet.

2013-04-12, 07:08 PM
Guttgrim glowered at the skeletons as he drew his shield to better defend himself, and took a five foot step forward.

Once again Guttgrim held up his holy symbol. "One burnin' weren't enough, eh? Burn! Burn in the Healing Light of Sarenrae!" Once again waves of positive energy flowed from his glowing symbol and into the undead.

Equipping his shield: Move action
- +2 shield bonus to AC
- AC at 14 with leather armor

Five foot step forward: Free action

Channeling positive energy: Standard Action
- (1d6)[2] (see OOC) DC 12 Will save for half.
- Sun's Blessing: +cleric level to damage, enemies don't get channel resistance
- Energy targets undead. 3 uses left today.


Spells Prepared:
0 - Guidance
0 - Enhanced Diplomacy
0 - ________

1 - Cure Light Wounds
1 - Tap Inner Beauty
1 - ________

2013-04-13, 12:20 AM
Vearl retrieves another bomb and wings it at the sturdier looking of the two skeletons.attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
direction if miss: [roll2]

2013-04-13, 06:45 AM
Aramon takes a deep breath and draws his blade with a few mutter words and gestures.

Move action to draw hte sword and standard action to cast mage armour

2013-04-13, 09:51 AM


The near blinding light of Guttgrim's ability combined with the Vearl's bomb cause the last two skeletons to disappear for a brief second.

When the light fades and the acid seeps into the ground the skeletons lie burnt and broken on the ground at Tellen's feet.

Combat Over: +400 xp

2013-04-13, 09:59 AM

That seemed more than a coincidence.

2013-04-13, 10:02 AM

Tellen looks around for anyone or anything skulking about.

Perception [roll0]

2013-04-13, 10:24 AM
Guttgrim unsheathed his morningstar and held it out for Sig to take. "It ud probly be good if we all hatz a slugga of some kind from now on. Ya can give it back ta me when ya got yer gear."

2013-04-13, 12:48 PM
Aramon takes a few gulping breaths and sheathes his sword carefully "Agreed Tellan, we should hurry to the temple, father Grimburrow needs to be told of this"

2013-04-13, 12:51 PM

Tellen, sword still in hand, begins to head towards the temple, keeping his eyes open.


2013-04-13, 04:19 PM
Walking at the back of the group, Sig is looking back at Petros' grave when the others burst into a flurry of action before him. By the time he reaches for an absent weapon the skeletons have erupting in holy fire and alchemical acid.

Now Sig understands why Petros assembled this group. Smart man. "Well done," Sig says, taking the offered weapon. "To the Temple then. The Father needs to know."

As they hurry out of the Restlands, Sig offers Guttgrim an approving smile, "The Dawnflower suits you well lad, perhaps there are even some things you could teach me."

2013-04-13, 04:35 PM

I would offer a weapon, but some ... miscreants took the rest of my gear a few days ago. All I really need is this though.

Tellen hefts his greatsword.

There are likely things that would serve as a club around as well.

He pauses, I do have a dagger if anyone needs it.

2013-04-13, 11:10 PM
The sun is down below the horizon when the group returns to the Temple of Pharasma. The sky is a jumble of colors and the first stars of the evening twinkle into view.

The urgency of your news gets you an appointment to see Father Grimburrow himself. As you try and sit as comfortable as possible in the hard wooden ladder backed chairs, Father Grimburrow clears his throat.

"Welcome," he says as he looks over each of you with a peculiar eye. "I had hoped to get a chance to speak with all of you on the morrow. But since you are here now please tell me what news you have for me."

2013-04-14, 12:05 AM
As the group enters Aramon doff's his wide brimmed hat and bows in greeting to Grimburrow, when the father gives permission to sit Aramon takes a seat with something close to a duelists grace before he starts to speak, a troubled frown upon his youthful face "Greetings Father i'm afraid we have troubling news, whilst visiting the late professor's grave we were set upon by a trio of recently arisen skeletons, though they were swiftly dispatched by the combined might of Tellen, Guttgrim and Vearl" Aramon gestures to each in turn when he mentions their names with a hint of pride showing through his frown "The fact that they rose at all is deeply disturbing"

2013-04-14, 12:15 AM
"Well, sir, we had originally hoped to speak to you about some matters concerning the late Professor Lorrimor. I am Vearl Ingsleigh, a graduate of Leipsdat University and friend of Petros. However we have a much more urgent reason to require your audience. While we were visiting Petros' grave to pay our respects we were attacked by reanimated skeletons. We were able to dispatch them easily, but this is quite an alarming situation. Regardless of what you may think of the professor, this is precisely what he strove to prevent. I fear that these undead are merely the proverbial smoke that precedes a fire yet to come."

2013-04-14, 09:00 PM
"I hear you all have not been idle your short time here in Ravengro,"the priest says with a stern frown. "And you say the undead walk in The Restlands."

He shakes his head and suddenly looks tired. "You have told no one else I hope. Already the town seems to think your presence here has stirred up trouble. Did you see anyone? Or find evidence of necromancy?"

OOG: The group saw no one else in the Restlands.

2013-04-14, 11:39 PM
"We saw no one save for ourself in the restlands this night father and we came straight here to speak with you after dispatching the skeletons" Aramon pauses to reach into one of his pockets and pull out professor Lorrimor.

"As for evidence of necromancy there is this journel belonging to professor Lorrimor that he left for us to find" Aramon hands the book to father Grimburrow.

"With some highlight passages that he wanted us to read, we've spent the last few days finding out more about Harrowstone prison and the group called the Whisphering Way that he mentions within"

Unless interupted by the father Aramon lays out everything we've discovered from our research so far.

2013-04-14, 11:57 PM
"We sighted no one else, though the unquiet dead still lie broken in the Restlands. I will assist your apprentices in ensuring the event is not discovered."

"I would ask you make a note, Father Grimburrow, of the section in the journal from three weeks ago."

2013-04-15, 04:50 PM
After reading the journal Father Grimburrow's face turns sour. "Thank you for bring all this to my attention. And for your offer of assistance, but it would be best if only the clerics here went back to the Restlands for now."

He hands the journal back to you as he rises. "You have all had a long day and I now have a lot to do tonight. But I will be calling on you tomorrow to discuss all this further."

He sees you out the door and walks with you to the chapel were he excuses himself to talk to a couple acolytes.

It is just about an hour after dark. Just need to know what the group wishes to do next.

2013-04-15, 05:01 PM

Tellen shoots a brief look of concern to the others as they are escorted out. After they are alone he speaks. Something is wrong here. Why push us out? What could they need to do that they could not use our help.

I really don't like this.

2013-04-15, 07:04 PM
"It is troubling but we can find out more tomorrow" Aramon replies to Tellen's worries "I don't know about the rest of you but i could use a drink and i've been meaning to get better acquainted with the people of Ravengro so i think i'll stop by the Laughing Demon before retiring for the night"

2013-04-15, 07:21 PM
Guttgrim nodded at Tellen's comments. "Their actin' weird alright, but dey might jus' nah want a panic or somethin."

2013-04-15, 07:36 PM

I should have paid more attention to Father Grimburrow when he was speaking.
I assumed he was on our side ... on the side of good. I am not certain of that now. What if he is part of this? Then getting rid of us for now makes sense.

If it can be done after the fact
Sense Motive [roll0]

2013-04-15, 10:39 PM
"If there is one thing you can trust a Pharasmin to do, its hate undead. Shadow them if you must, but I will be joining Aramon."

2013-04-15, 10:58 PM
Guttgrim follows Sig. "I believe ya promised me a few tales over some ale. Howzabout we start up on em' tonight?"

2013-04-15, 11:38 PM
Aramon looks to Vearl and Tellen "Do you feel like joining us for a drink? I'll buy the first round" he says with a friendly grin.

2013-04-15, 11:57 PM
"Quite right lad. I saw the way you handles them bones at the Restlands, fine work. Reminds me of fortune-teller that helped me track a pack of ghouls outside of Caliphas twenty years back. She said the Song of the Sphere's had shown her the location of the old winery they were lairing in, but she wouldn't wait outside. Good thing too, she saved my life twice that night..."

And with that Sig is off. As the night goes on he retells stories of adventure across all of Ustalav. How he got scars, how he hunted evil. He shares stories of his time with Petros, and inevitably with Ailson as well. As the tales begin to involve his wife, he begins to drink more heavily. Not speaking of her character to his companions, he opts to drown his regret at an alarming rate.

2013-04-16, 05:58 AM
"A drink sound like just the thing I need." Vearl joins the others at the tavern and listens attentively to Sig's tales of adventure.

2013-04-16, 06:32 AM

Tellen grimly nods and follows.

2013-04-16, 08:41 PM
Vearl decides to mingle a bit with the folks in the tavern. He looks around for someone who might be a bit down on their luck to buy a drink for.perception: [roll0] Whatever that individual is drinking, he bellies up to the bar and orders one for himself. "Can I offer you one as well, chum? I'v recently lucked my way into a bit of silver, and my folks always raised me to carve the ham equally."

If the person accepts his generosity, he sits down and lends a sympathetic ear.


With a few drinks in him Vearl speaks to the party in private. "So here's what I think. The priest sent us on our way rather abruptly, but we may be reading into it a bit too much. Folks don't trust us around here and he just got quite the bombshell dropped on him. That said, we should still do what we need to do. Now that its dark I think we should head back to the graveyard. We can collect the bones and bury them to prevent an incident. While were there we can grab whatever tools Petros spoke of. On the off chance we don't have an ally in Father Grimburrow we should procure these items as soon and as stealthily as possible."

Let me know what I owe after a round of drinks plus the two for me and the random parton.

2013-04-16, 09:25 PM
At the Laughing Demon the group is slightly surprised to see one of the mourners from Professor Lorrimor's funeral. The large man with the thick mustaches and small grin that seems to never go away.

"Ha! Ha! Welcome! Welcome, friends of my friend." he says coming from around the bar. "Zokar Elkarid at your service." he says with a smile and a nod.

"Sit, sit. I must bring you a round and we will toast to our passing friend and then a story or two out of you we get so few visitors out here."

As Zokar ushers you to a table and then goes to tap a new keg, the group notices the sullen stares and odd looks they get from the other patrons. Compared to Zokar they seem downright unfriendly.

Coming back with pewter mugs beaded with condensation, and an amber foam dripping over the rim the tavern keep serves you himself before sitting. For the next hour he listens to Sig tell his tells and watches as Veral mixes a couple vials together, and never utters a question or interrupts a story.

Soon though he gets up and says, "Let me bring you a couple plates of the house special. Something to warm your bellies and chill your souls. Ha! Ha!"

While Zokar is in the kitchen Vearl approaches an old farm and shares a drink with him. The man barely says three words together but is thankful for the drink all the same.

When the large man comes back from the kitchen he has a tray full of platters and a loaf of bread. "Corpse Chowder!" he declares setting a bowl before each of you. The thick stew is meaty (with a little carrot and potato) and the broth is a deep red like blood. "A good vintage as the last merchant through town had very little fat on him."

He stands there trying not to grin as you all eye the stew.

"HA! HA! I'm joking of course! Eat up!"

2013-04-16, 10:06 PM
"Of course yer jokin! Erreryone knows dat you got to use da fatty meat ta make a goot stew, not da lean junk," Guttgrim says before taking a bite.


Guttgrim nods at Vearl's suggestions. "Gimme 25 minutez to git ready, I wanna ready som spelzs in case ah trouble."

2013-04-17, 09:06 PM
"Wait a moment gentlemen" Aramon replies puzzzled "We need to build trust with the local church and you are talking of going behind the fathers back when he specifically told us not to?" he looks to Sig & Tellen "Does this not seems strange to you?"

2013-04-17, 09:45 PM
"The father would not have anything but the best interests of this town at heart. I will not risk accidentally defacing the final rest of strangers when we could get farther simply by asking the father when we see him tomorrow morning. Also, I'm feelin' a bit too wobbly at the moment."

Sig is clearly too intoxicated to be doing anything this evening. Not stopping you from doing anything, but stopping him from violating the paladin code.

2013-04-18, 12:46 AM

I don't think we should take any action other than maybe see if there is any foul play.
The cover of a priest would be a perfect one for an evil cult. I certainly do not want to make allies into enemies.

2013-04-18, 02:34 AM
"I suppose you gentlemen are right. I see father Grimburrow as an ally. If any of his clergy are corrupted on the other hand, we should give them an opportunity to tip their hand before instigating anything. One thing is for sure though: we must speak to him again as soon as possible and inform him of our intentions. If he still forbids us from entering the restlands, I vote that we do so anyway and retrieve whatever it is that the professor stashed away."

2013-04-18, 06:21 AM

Tellen looks at Vearl in disbelief. Inform him of our intentions?
He smirks.
Excuse me father. We feel you have been behaving oddly and as such think there is a possibility that you are an evil cultist in disguise.
He raises a single brow.
What say you?

2013-04-18, 09:36 AM

Tellen looks into the eyes of each person of the group. Do you any of you know the father well? So well that you would wear on the professor's grave there is no possibility he is something other than what he says?

If not I am returning to see what I can see. You can come or you can stay here.

2013-04-18, 12:49 PM
Aramon just sighs "You already know that we don't Tellen" he tells him before turning to Guttgrim and quietly asking him "Do you have a spell that might help him get away with this foolishness?"

2013-04-18, 01:44 PM

Tellen looks sternly at Aramon .

I don't know about you, but I am at war with evil. The group you strive to build trust with maybe our enemy. Evil often does not follow the rules you may and it often does not scream evil. The worst evil is that which everyone accepts as good and as such acts with relative impunity. I can live with busing the
pride of a few priests, but it would be far harder accepting I allowed my enemy to act because I was too naive.

If you wish to trust where it begs to be questioned and call it wise, then that is your concern.

I am off. If the rest of you wish to drink the evening away and hope for the best, have at it. If wish to accompany me I will welcome it.

2013-04-18, 05:05 PM
"*hic* For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth *hic* "

Sig smiles at Tellen from his spot next to Zokar Elkarid. Despite the liquor in his system Sig identifies the possible problems that may arise from the tavernkeeper having overheard the recent discussion. "Y'know lad, *hic* I will drink and be thankful for all that is yet right and *hic* true in this world. The Eternal Rose would tell you all, "the works we do mean nothing when we ignore their impact". My *hic* meaning *hic* is that you need to appreciate that you spared this village an evil earlier this night."

2013-04-18, 05:18 PM

There is no reason for him to tell the truth if he is evil. None.

You think I am not thankful for that which is right and true in the world? if so why do I fight to protect it?

You think I am ignoring the possible impact? I spoke of the impact if I am wrong. On the other hand you have not considered the impact if you are wrong.

When you are at war you do not kill one enemy and then pat yourself on the back and waddle off to get drunk for the evening. Evil does not rest because you choose to is smell the roses.

With that Tellen turns and leaves.

2013-04-18, 07:40 PM
Guttgrim sighs and then stands and pats Aramon's shoulder. "Get Sig back ta ta Lorrimor house, 'e's been drunk nough to pazz out fer an hour now. Vearl, come wit me. Let's stopz Tellen 'fore he getz uz in so much trouble it 'ould take all da boyz ta get him out of i'."

With that, Guttgrim gets up and follows Tellen out of the tavern, yelling for his attention before he gets too far away. "Tellen! Stomp dis' plan flat! You got squig for proof!"

2013-04-18, 07:58 PM

Tellen keeps walking

I never said I had proof and I am not planning on doing anything other than looking around the cemetery very quietly.

2013-04-18, 08:09 PM
Guttgrim laughts, "Oh really? Yer jus gonna to sneak around in my metal bits. Git us all in trouble if ya get caught, for no reason other than nothing?"

2013-04-18, 08:17 PM

No. I am gonna take them off and I already explained my reason.

Tellen turns to face Guttgrim .

If you have an issue with my reasons then address them, don't pretend I didn't utter them. I am not the only one who agreed his request was odd. More than odd.

He begins to remove the armor.

Have your armor back.

2013-04-18, 08:33 PM
Guttgrim's eyes narrowed as he approached Tellen. "Wan me ta prove it to ya? Fine. Itz eazy."

Guttgrim leans up into Tellen as he begins to speak. "Prove you ain't evil, ya squig. Ya come up here wit that giant slugga, like a thuggen. Yer always suspicious of people, like all other nasty squigs. Ya got nuthin' on you, when ya got here, like someone jus' ou' of prison. Now ya wan' ta sneak around in da restlands like a grave-digga.

"Yer jus a regular old evil squig."

Guttgrim clears his throat and leans away with Tellen. "And dats why being odd ain't 'nough proof fer doin somethin crazy."

2013-04-18, 08:40 PM

Tellen stars back into Guttgrim's eyes.

Trying dealing with what I said rather than making **** up. Who have I been suspicious of? How many? How many have I judged? What have I done to act like a thug? How many names have I called you?

2013-04-18, 08:55 PM
Guttgrim stares at Tellen for a moment. His tries to keep a serious face, but does can't hold it for long. A few seconds later he bursts into laughter. His mouth, large to fit his tusks, forming into a large smile. His sentences are interrupted with bursts of laughter. "Oh, Tellen, mah friend, did ya honest think I was callin you a Squig? Do ya really think that we ain't suspicious to these folks? A man like you, openly carryin' a great slugga and intensely starin at everyone we talk ta, while 'anging out wit two half-orcs."

Guttgrim pulls himself together, and then again questions Tellen with a raised eyebrow. An now ya wanna go sneaks around a graveyard like a gablin when a respected membah of the community said not to? You can't even wait a few hours? Long enough for me ta pray and be given da spell ta simply detect evil, or fah Sig to git up an' do it?"

2013-04-18, 09:20 PM

Tellen maintains a straight face. There is no humor there at all, but there is anger.

He places his hand on his sword. First this is the symbol of the Lord in Iron and I would prefer you gave it some respect.

I like people who talk straight. Why don't you figure out what it is you are trying to say and then say it?

I never said I have proof and yet you keep yakking on about it. I am not going to kill someone. I simply want to see what I can.

You suggest I don't know how to look around. You call me a thug, a squig, and then retract it. I am not so reliant as you on magic to see evil. You seem to assume I going to do something crazy. I just want to see of they are going to do something I can see that will give us some indication of what is going on.

Now you suggest I wait a few hours, I can only assume you mean until morning which if they are not who they seem gives them all night to do something.

If you want me to wait for some useful reason just say it and don't try make up one argument after another that has nothing to do with your real reason.

He drops the armor on the ground.

2013-04-18, 09:22 PM
Heeding Guttgrims words Aramon stands and walks over to Sig "Come along friend lets get back to Kendra's house and sleep off tonights wine" Aramon then reaches down to pull Sig up and lead him on a swaying drunken walk back to their beds.

2013-04-18, 09:49 PM
Guttgrim gives up on his cause of stopping him, openly laughing at Tellen now. "The man warshipz da got of destruction and war, and sez he works fer a better future. He warshipz da got born of da fighten between humies and orcs, and sez he wants tah fight evil.

"Jus another fool who thinks always ta solve problems with his blade. Tell me, what exactly are you gonna do if you see something that proves ya right? Run away? Get help? Nah! Yer jus' gonna slag em.'

"Go on den! Slag a man fer actin funny. Jus like any other violent 'umie."

Guttgrim waves as Tellen storms offs. "There will be a pot a coffee waitin' for you when you get back. Canna wait ta hear yer stories 'bout da creepy acolits."

OOC sidenotes
- My raw bonus to sense motive is actually higher than yours :smalltongue:
- The point of the "squig paragraph" was to show that if you simply judged someone for their suspicious behavior, many false impressions could be given.

2013-04-18, 10:01 PM

It seems you are incapable of hearing. I said I have no intention of harming anyone and you you say I solve everything with my sword. And you assume what I am going to do and yet still ask, and then don't listen.

I said my intent is to look. If I see something my intent is to inform those the professor brought together.

Tellen begins to walk away.

Just remember the professor brought us all together for a reason. Maybe he knew me a little better than you think you do with all your insults and jibes. And with all that I have not threatened you, insulted you or even disrespected you or the Dawnflower.

2013-04-18, 11:12 PM
Vearl looks back at Tellen. "If you want to misinterpret what I say and put words in my mouth, that's fine. I guess I'll just keep my mouth shut from now on. If you folks are in need of the services of an elite alchemist, you know where to find me. If not, then when you encounter something that doesn't crumple from one swing of a sword, u might be sorry you affronted the one person who has spent the last for years of his life researching the holy terrors you seek to fight, and is willing to help you."


"Im with you all the way Guttgrim. I have no reason to question your heart."

2013-04-19, 05:32 AM

Tellen heads to the rest lands sans armor.

He intends to stealth the whole time and fine the best place he can to observe most of the area. Possibly laying on the roof of a building if it seems doable. He takes his time and takes 20 on stealth and climb unless he is unable to do so.

Climb if needed[roll1] take 20 if he can
Perception[roll2] take 20 if he can

He will stay until about have the night is done and then stealthily return to sleep, unless he spotted something.

2013-04-21, 09:48 PM
Everyone (save Tellen0 heads back to the Lorrimor home as the sky turns a deep black. Hundreds of stars shine in the night sky and a sliver of a moon can be seen above the trees. The night cries of an owl are the only sounds that break the eerie silence of the dark.

The air is chilled but it helps to sober up most of you if just a little. Upon reaching the home everyone makes their way to the small barracks and readies for a good nights sleep.

The familiar trip to the Restlands (your third in as many days) is odd only because you travel now at night and with a certain required stealth.

It is not hard to find Father Grimburrow and his gravediggers after you spot their lanterns off in the distance. Given that the lanterns will make them night-blind to anything outside the circle of light you easily get close and watch as they bury the bones of the skeletons back in their graves, near the edge of the Restlands.

As the men dig, Father Grimburrow walks around the area and lingers near the iron wrought fence. Laying an hand on the metal he bows his head as if in prayer, but he is to far to make out the words.

After they are done the three men move onto the mausoleum. You watch from behind a tree as they enter and then wait for their return.

A short ten minutes later the two men come out first, one with a sack over his shoulder. Father Grimburrow appears next and closes the door on his way out. Curiously the large lock he had discarded to the ground before entering the crypt is left on the ground.

Following the priest and his men Tellen watches as they all return to the Temple of Pharasma. They actions defiantly not nefarious, but it is best to be sure.

-1 trust end of day
+800xp Roleplaying

2013-04-21, 09:53 PM
It is the morning of your fourth day in Ravengro and everyone is surprised when they enter the dining room of the Lorrimor home to see the table laden with food.

The smells of crisp bacon, roasted apples, and flap jacks covered in honey fill the room. A small wrinkly serving woman is dishing warm scrambled eggs onto Kendra's plate as she looks up and smiles at the group.

"Good Morning," she says (normally but to some it seems a bit louder than needed) in greeting.

2013-04-21, 09:55 PM
Going to sleep in his armor, as he has done for years now, Guttgrim comments, "Hopefully Desna will look over us tonight until Sarenrae can look over us in the morning."

2013-04-21, 11:04 PM

Tellen returns to the Lorrimor home after watching the events there and seeing nothing of great significance does not wake anyone and goes to sleep.

2013-04-22, 01:55 AM
Vearl wakes easily the next morning, full of youthful energy. He sits quietly at the table and waits for everyone else to make themselves ready to eat.

2013-04-22, 09:14 AM
Guttgrim was the next person downstairs. He put on a pot of coffee, telling Vearl to watch it, while he went outside for morning meditation. "Make sure to leave enough for Tellen to have a cup or two. Even after he gets up, he'll probably be tired from his night on the town."

Don't have time to memorize spells, or at least not time to write down what they are. Just wanted to make sure to roleplay picking up my new spells.

I'll also list the resources I used to make the coffee later.

2013-04-22, 03:26 PM
Muffled cursing can be heard through the walls indicating that Sig is ready to greet the new day. When he finally enters the kitchen he is scowling and reddish welt has formed where his forehead collided with a rafter. Pulling clumps of last night's dinner from his beard, he sits down next to Vearl and lets his eyes close again.

2013-04-29, 05:28 AM

A grim Tellen rises and grabs some food.
I saw nothing fishy last night, observing from a distance. They went into the mausoleum and left the lock off, but against my better judgement I didn't go in to look due to the groups concerns.

2013-04-29, 08:30 AM
Vearl gathers cups for coffee and pours a cup once its ready. When everyone is ready to eat he makes himself a plate of breakfast.

"So they're interested in the mausoleum too? I wonder what they know. We should head over to see Father Grimburrow as soon as possible."

2013-04-29, 09:17 PM
Guttgrim returned from preparing spells, and grabbed himself a cup of coffee, and walks over to Tellen. "Datz a pretty borin story, Tellen. I would 'ave hoped dat ya would ov 'ad somethin' good aftah ignorin our advice." Guttgrim smiles when saying this, and then pats Tellen on the back, and then hands him the kikko armor. "Itz good tah 'ave ya back. Ah got a feeling yer still gonna need some armor.

"An someone get Sig some coffee."

I used .25 pounds of ground coffee beans.

Spells memorized:
0th Level
- Guidance
- Stabilize
- _____

1st Level
Domain: Cure Light Wounds
- Bless
- _____

2013-04-30, 01:33 PM
Sig nods when handed the coffee and takes it out into the misty morning air. By the time he has returned he's looking alert and ready.

"To the chapel then."

Nothing to do in the morning so might as well skip right to the church.

2013-04-30, 04:51 PM

Tellen picks up the armor and begins to don it and says "I ignored nothing"
Tellen then nods at Sig's suggestion .

2013-04-30, 07:17 PM
After breakfast teh group doesn't have long to wait before Father Grimburrow shows up at the Lorrimor house. He is accompanied by the town sheriff, Benjan Caeller.

Kendra escorts them to the dining table, where the dishes have been cleared, and then excuses herself so that the group can talk to priest and sheriff alone.

"First I want to thank you all for your service to Ravengro," Father Grimburrow says as he takes a chair. "Dispatching those skeletons and not bringing it to the towns attention saved everyone from worry. Although from what I could tell it may just be the beginning of troubles. But that is not why we are here." He says with a gesture to the sheriff.

"The padre said you all were looking into Harrowstone as was Professor Lorrimor. I came to give you a little insight into the five prisoners (http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/40317/wikis/the-five-prisoners) you all had questions about."

Sheriff Caeller then goes into some lengthy tales about each of the five men. He calmly answers question and before long you are all satisfied with your new found knowledge.

"So do you believe that one of these five men's spirit, all evil, vile, and beyond redemption is the 'someone' the Whispering Way came looking for?" Father Grimburrow asks quietly.

OOC: Research Complete +2,400xp

2013-05-01, 06:52 AM
"Honestly father? We don't know, though if we assume that the professor died because he caught the whispering way poking around in the prison ruins we can assume they are responsible for the unquiet souls last night, directly or indirectly." Aramon thinks for a moment "Have the souls of the prison always been disturbed or is this the first sign of trouble from the ruins?"

2013-05-01, 03:47 PM
Vearl's eyes widen as the sheriff enters accompanying father Grimburrow. He is at ease once he realizes that he is not there to arrest or threaten anyone. As the sheriff talks, he writes hastily in his notebook trying to keep up.

"In deed, we have not been too hasty to make a hypothesis at this point. We are still gathering information and attempting to process it all. To that end, I can't thank you enough, sheriff. This information is going to help us a great deal. Our plan is to finish carrying out our friend's wishes, and to then investigate this situation more... within the confines of the law that is, of course."

2013-05-01, 03:56 PM

Tellen nods grimly as the information is conveyed.

2013-05-01, 08:18 PM
Guttgrim nods at the father's question, "It's a possibility that we consider a dangerous enough that Harrowstone should be properly investigated. The appearance of the skeletons only makes us feel stronger about this."

2013-05-01, 11:42 PM
"Investigated, hmmm yes maybe it should." Father Grimburrow says rubbing his chin. "But the townfolk they should be kept out of this as much as possible. There's already been gossip and talk spreading concerning all of you." (i.e Trust)

He then turns to Aramon and answers his question. "Well there has always been talk that on certain nights one can hear the wailing of the Warden's Wife. She died during the fire same as all the others, including her husband. But many folk, like yourselves, and the Professor just a couple years back said there was nothing to the stories of Harrowstone and it was now just a haunted nest of vermin, no more."

The sheriff doesn't add anything to this, he just nods his head in confirmation to priests words.

2013-05-02, 04:31 AM
"The wardens wife, i see" Aramon seems saddened by the knowledge that someone other than prisoners and guards died in the fire "What was her name?"

2013-05-02, 05:30 AM
"One more thing, father. We would like to check out the false crypt in the restlands as well. According to Petros' journal there is something there that can help defend us against the spirits."

2013-05-02, 06:16 AM

Tellen listens and watches carefully.

Sense motive Father Grimburrow[roll0]
Sense motive Sheriff [roll1]

2013-05-02, 06:20 AM
Guttgrim leans back and allows for Aramon and Vearl to speak. He joins Tellen in watching the responses of the sheriff and Father Grimburrow carefully.

Sense Motive Grimburrow: [roll0]
Sense Motive Sherrif [roll1]

2013-05-02, 04:04 PM
"Regardless of what has actually occurred, we are bound to respect our friend's last request. With your blessing, we will search Harrowstone for signs of the occult. Sheriff, if you wish to come with us we would be glad to have you, but your duty is to the people of the townsfolk and ensuring their safety against further threats should be your first priority."

Sig doesn't look like someone who should be telling a lawman what to do. He still smells of the previous night's drink and his hunched back and pronounced gut make him seem hardly suited for talk of combatting the occult.

2013-05-02, 04:13 PM

Just as we dispatched the risen dead yesterday, it is our desire to protect this land from evil. It is something I am personally devoted to.

2013-05-02, 06:37 PM
Sheriff Caeller and Father Grimburrow are both truthful in their wanting to get to the bottom of the professor's death and why the Whispering Way were in Ravengro. Tellen also gets a hunch that the skeleton's haven't been the only strangeness to plague the town lately.

"Should I be needed I will help you explore the old prison," The sheriff says with certainty. "But to keep suspicious off that their might be trouble I will wait. No one will think much of a bunch of outsiders exploring the ruins. And if you find more than rats and spiders than you can count on my help."

Father Grimburrow answers Aramon first before turning a frown on Vearl. "The warden's wife was named Vesorianna Hawkran, her husband's name was Lyvar."

"Those items are property of the church and we have collected them for identification and study. I'm not sure how Petros knew about them when no one in the temple new anything about them is a true mystery. Most are minor and a few are strange, but if the town is under siege by the Whispering Way we will need all the help we can get."

The group spends another hour discussing Harrowstone with the two men before they bid them farewell and good luck in their adventure to come.

Since Tellen doesn't talk much will save his hunch for another time. It effects little on your trip to Harrowstone.

The "discussion of Harrowstone" will allow for me to put up a grounds map for you to use to decide where you wish to explore and what not. They sort of gave you an idea of the layout of the place.

Ok check over equipment, prepare spells and extracts, and sharpen those blades. If you wish to purchase anything before heading out let me know. But I think we are ready for the meat of this little module.

2013-05-02, 09:59 PM
Once the sheriff and father Grimburrow leave Vearl begins preparing his daily allotment of alchemical mixtures.extracts: comprehend languages, keen senses, detect secret doors.
bombs: 9 alkehest bombs
cryptbreaker drought.

2013-05-03, 05:50 PM
While the others pray or prepare, Sig digs down to the bottom of his pack and pulls out a set of crude leather bracers and a vest. Not much protection, but trustworthy should further dangers be waiting for them at Harrowstone.

Stringing his bow and shouldering his hammer, Sig sits and waits for the others to make themselves ready.

2013-05-03, 06:20 PM

Tellen draws his great sword and mumbles a prayer and the blade begins to glow. He then patently awaits the others to get ready. He knows allies are good and that he will likely need them.

2013-05-03, 07:44 PM
Guttgrim gathers his equipment, and simply looks over it to make sure everything is there. He's already prepared his spells, at least the ones he wants to for now. He equips his shield, and looks over his armor, and makes sure his canteen is full.

"I'm ready ta go boyz."

2013-05-04, 07:36 AM
Before they leave Aramon discreetly pulls Sig aside for a private chat

"Sig before we go delving into the prison ruins i wanted to speak with you about your drinking habits, in the short time i've known you you've got blind drunk and passed out several times which is just not good for anyone." he takes a deep breath before continuing "You may not know this but i follow Cayden Cailean The Lucky Drunk, so i enjoy a fine ale as much as the next man but you've been taking things too far and that could easily put everyone living here in danger with what we are about to face"

2013-05-04, 10:32 AM
Harrowstone is located on a barren hill south of the city of Ravengro, the stark, sagging roof of its central structure visible through a large gap in the surrounding wall. A partially overgrown track leads from the southern edge of town, winding around the base of the hill and then back up along its southern slope to the prison itself.

A sagging wood and metal gate set between a pair of stone guard towers once barred entrance into Harrowstone, but the gates now hang negligently open, creaking softly in what wind touches the ruined bars.

The stone wall that surrounds most of the prison grounds is covered with creeping ivy, and the blocks beneath that growth are eroded. The walls themselves are 20 feet high.

The group stands before the gates(1) and notice the areas that they were told about. The warden's home(2) that sits off to the left of the footpath. The front doors(3) that lead into the prison itself, as well as the brackish pond(4) that has formed over the years off to the right.


2013-05-04, 07:34 PM
Sig eyes Aramon from beneath his bushy eyebrows before patting the young half-orc on the back and smiling. "You had me going for a second there Caydenite."

"Your humour isn't always clear to an old soul like myself; but trust me lad, you'd prefer to avoid getting me sober."

Sig's dismissiveness is meant to represent Stage1: Denial.

Once sufficient tragedy has occurred in the adventure Sig will move on to Stage2: Anger; then Bargaining and so forth. He's not explicit about his issues and I want to make it clear what he is doing so as to avoid confrontations among players.

2013-05-04, 09:33 PM
Guttgrim moved up to Aramon and whispered, "I see da zame thing you da. But 'member, alcolism is only a symptom of a deepah problem. We'll 'ave tah work on dat before we treat da drinkin."

Guttgrim shifted back away from Aramon and then started stepping towards the prison. " 'ere we go boyz."

2013-05-05, 01:38 AM
"So this is the infamous Harrowstone Prison. Anyone got any ideas on where we should start?" Vearl stands with his still shiny and pristine set of adventuring gear perfectly packed. The nervous look on his face as they draw closer to the prison shows how green he really is.

2013-05-05, 06:49 AM

I suggest we start with the wardens home. There could be notes or information there that could help guide us.

2013-05-06, 08:56 AM
"Unlikely after all this time but still worth checking" Aramon replies while he enters the prison yard and moves towards the wardens home, gazing curiously at everything around him.

Perception check to spot any sign of movement, either from something living or shifting stonework or crumbling walls etc. [roll0]

2013-05-06, 09:40 AM
As the group steps through the open gate a sudden rush of claustrophobia and the split-second sensation that your skin is on fire assails everyone. It is an ominous warning that you should be on guard on these haunted grounds.

Following the path that leads to the warden's house...

This small brick manor house is overgrown with thick sheets of gray-green ivy. The roof sags ominously, and the front door hangs askew.

OOC: Need Know(engineering) or if you don't have ranks in that a Perception check please.

2013-05-06, 12:05 PM
Vearl shudders as they enter the prison gates. He stays on his guard almost to a paranoid extent.perception: [roll0]

2013-05-06, 12:19 PM
The home is completely unstable any attempt to explore it fully will defiantly cause it to collapse.

2013-05-06, 02:57 PM
Sig's neck hair bristles as the familiar sensation of evil washes over him. Chuckling to himself, he knocks and arrow and searches for tracks, his eyes darting back and forth.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-05-06, 07:06 PM

Tellen becomes even more alert at that sensation and ponders what might cause such a sensation.

Perception [roll0]
Knowledge(Religion) [roll1]

2013-05-06, 08:57 PM
Guttgrim puts on a brave face. He's faced fear like this his whole life. It won't be enough to scare him away from keeping his promise to the Professor.

"Mmmm, dats a nice warm feelin'," he said with a toothy grin.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-05-06, 10:35 PM
"You felt that too? I have no doubt that this place is surely haunted. This is the kind of thing Iv been preparing for since my childhood, but now that I'm here... well lets just say that I'm glad to be in the company of capable warriors."

As the group nears the cottage Vearl stops. "Wait! Look at the walls and the foundation of this place. This is an accident waiting to happen. Considering this building's state of disrepair, its amazing it's still standing... And that haunting presence I felt... This house is a deathtrap."

2013-05-07, 08:06 AM
Aramon shudders when the feeling of heat passes through him and pulls up short when Vearl warns him about the building "So then where should we look next?" he asks the others as he turns to face them, looking slightly uncomfortable.

2013-05-07, 10:10 AM
Inside da Wardenz house, course. Don't let a little creep buildin' scare ya humie-boy. Guttgrim approaches the door and then backs away. "All dat said, it 'oils probly be best if someone made sure dere ain't traps. I don't wanna get blowned to giblets at da first door."

2013-05-07, 04:17 PM
"This house is going to collapse soon. I guarantee it. Its not the heeby-jeebys, its the laws of physics. Iv already found the trap. This whole cottage is one big one."

2013-05-07, 09:09 PM

What about the other structure?

2013-05-07, 10:19 PM
"This house is going to collapse soon. I guarantee it. Its not the heeby-jeebys, its the laws of physics. Iv already found the trap. This whole cottage is one big one.""Yer sure itz gonna to fall over, right?," Guttgrim said with a toothy grin. I wanna find out if der's anythin' in there. How about we jus' knock 'er down and den search. It'll be fun an' safer den just walkin' in wit it about ta fall on our headz."

2013-05-08, 12:23 PM
"Now that sounds like a good idea Guttgrim. Let me take another quick look." Vearl moves to within a few feet of the cottage and scans it for weak spots.

perception: [roll0]
"Perhaps if someone hit that support there with a big enough rock." Vearl points to a damaged beam inside the house.

2013-05-08, 03:21 PM
Demolishing a building - Strength check DC based on building. Various items,skills, spells and such will allow for bonuses to the roll. If you fail the check by 5 or more you run the risk of taking damage and/or becoming trapped. This is also based on the building.

DC to Demolish the warden's home - DC 16

2013-05-08, 04:25 PM

Tellen moves to the building and begins to rock it back and forth.

Strength Check[roll0]

2013-05-08, 05:44 PM
Sig stands back and watches as the group's first act is to knock down a building. "I guess that doesn't count as vandalism. You're removing a risk to any children that may try and play here, though I'm not sure why any would."

2013-05-09, 04:30 PM
Tellen gets the side of the building rocking and loose bricks and timbers start to break ad fall. Part of the roof sags against the wall next to him and a section collapses falling down towards him.

partial collapse: Need a DC 15 Reflex save or take [roll0] dmg

Most of the building is still standing (umm leaning).

2013-05-09, 06:39 PM

Tellen tries to dodge the debris, but is hit by some of the debris.

Reflex save [roll0]

2013-05-09, 07:16 PM
Guttgrim was on his tip-toes, hoping to see the building fall. He pawed at this morningstar and considered trying to break down the building himself. He knew, for all his orc heritage, that such a feat was probably out of his doing.

Instead he handed it to Aramon, and said in Orcish "Jo uz prouj, kmoqk lir jowm (Do us proud, knock her down)."

2013-05-10, 10:52 AM
Aramon hefts the unfamilar weight of Guttgrims morningstar and nods in responce before stepping forward and useing it as a makeshift battering ram against the crumbling house.

strength check [roll0]

2013-05-10, 12:57 PM
Guttgrim watched gleefully as the building collapsed. Walking into the rubble, he took the morningstar from Aramon's hands and patted him on the back. "Kmiw you qouhj jo et, lunei boy (Knew you could do it, humie boy).

"Now let's have a look through our spoils of fun" Guttgrim walked over the building and began searching.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-05-11, 11:17 AM
The group spends the better part of a half hour searching the rubble but comes up empty handed. Whatever once was here has long since been taken away.

OOC: Off to work just a short post and now you all need to RP your next move.

2013-05-13, 08:17 AM
"Hmm well that wasn't helpful, shall we move on?"

2013-05-13, 08:36 AM

Yes. Lets check out the main building. How solid is it?

2013-05-13, 09:47 AM
Except for some holes in the roof and half the east wall missing the stone structure is very sturdy.

A two story stone building looms in the center of the prison grounds. Ivy and moss cling tenaciously to the walls while above the wooden shingles of the roof are often missing entirely, exposing the wooden rafters of the upper structure to the sky. Here and there, leering stone gargoyles perch on the eaves, once functioning as drainspouts and decorations but now seeming almost to serve a more ominous role of sentinels. Many of these stone decorations have tumbled away and lie in ruined piles on the soggy ground below. Windows in the building's facade are narrow and blocked by grills of rusty iron bars. Stone columns support a slumping wooden balcony over the building's wooden front doors, both of which hang askew and reveal dark glimpses of the chamber within.

Two perception checks as (or if) you move to the front area of the building please.

2013-05-13, 09:52 AM

Tellen moves silently around to the front of the stone building.

Stealth [roll0]
perception 1 [roll1]
perception 2 [roll2]

2013-05-13, 11:47 AM
Vearl approaches the building with caution
perception: [roll0]
perception: [roll1]

2013-05-13, 12:36 PM
Guttgrim struts towards the building, giving it a twice over.

Perceptipn Check 1:[roll0]
Perceptipn Check 2:[roll1]

2013-05-14, 06:02 PM
Aramon follows the others, his gaze still roaming around all over the place.

perception [roll0]
perception [roll1]

2013-05-14, 06:49 PM
Sig stretches his worn out back after sifting through the house, but follows the others without complaining.


2013-05-14, 08:08 PM

As you near the building you notice strange ruins etched into the base of the building. They seem to go off in both directions following the contour of the building.

Everyone notices the ruined doorway and leaning roof above the entrance way. The roof should hold but if anyone where to try standing atop it then it would almost surely fall in.

2013-05-14, 10:03 PM
I'm assuming you actually meant runes when you said ruins
Guttgrim whistles to the others while squating near the runes that run along the base of the building. "Hey boyz, can anyone here read dese symbolz. I don' think ah knaw what dey mean."

Just in Case:
Knowledge Religion Check: [roll0]

2013-05-15, 01:15 AM
"Whazzat lad?" Sig is startled that the discovery didn't come from within the Asylum, but from the walls without.
