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2013-03-26, 04:59 PM
White Sand in Sunlight, Burning Opal:
It started three days ago, right at dawn kept on going ever since. The toll of a warning bell; every day at Dawn, Midday, Sunset & Midnight, with a low murmur of indistinguishable voices calling for help constantly in between. They don't ring in your ears or even your mind, but stir in your very soul, beseeching you to follow their calls.

So you did, either out of curiosity, compassion, or annoyance. And they have led you to a village shielded by a rocky outcropping on the eastern edge of the South, a few hundred miles from the Summer Mountains.

It's a small village, but the rocks create a wide area of shade and relative coolness, so it's more spread out than most desert settlements. The village itself is heavily damaged; dwelling wrecked, land torn up, many recently dug graves out in the sun-baked land beyond the rocks. The one thing that looks brand new is a carving on a large ground level part of the outcropping, a carving of the five Solar Caste Marks, each one filled with pebbles of sand heated to glass by the desert sun, which makes the symbols give off a dramatic glare as they reflect the light in your eyes.

Once you approach the sounds stop, and you are greeted by tired looking villagers who seem both overjoyed at your arrival and terrified at the mere sight of you. They grovel and lead you to the centre of the village where you are met by a man on his knees, wearing white silk and a large gold collar bearing a sunburst symbol. He greets you as Enduring Stone, the village elder and immediately begs your forgiveness for calling on you, but he assures you that his people's situation is dire.

He then asks you to enter a relatively large canvas-covered area, arranged with comfortable furnishings, water and food.

Today the Dragon Dies in Flames:
It started three days ago, right at dawn kept on going ever since. The screams of unknown voices; every day at Dawn, Midday, Sunset & Midnight, with the sounds of crying children and crackling fire in between. They don't ring in your ears or even your mind, but stir in your very soul, compelling you to follow the sounds of suffering.

So you did, either out of curiosity, compassion, or annoyance. And they have led you to a village shielded by a rocky outcropping on the eastern edge of the South, a few hundred miles from the Summer Mountains.

It's a small village, but the rocks create a wide area of shade and relative coolness, so it's more spread out than most desert settlements. The village itself is heavily damaged; dwelling wrecked, land torn up, many recently dug graves out in the sun-baked land beyond the rocks. The one thing that looks brand new is a carving on a large ground level part of the outcropping, a carving of the five Abyssal Caste Marks, each one filled with pebbles of sand heated to glass by the desert sun, which makes the symbols give off a dramatic glare as they reflect the light in your eyes.

Once you approach the sounds stop, and you are greeted by tired looking villagers who seem both overjoyed at your arrival and terrified at the mere sight of you. They grovel and lead you to the centre of the village where you are met by a man on his knees, wearing white silk and a large gold collar bearing a sunburst symbol. He greets you as Enduring Stone, the village elder and immediately begs your forgiveness for calling on you, but he assures you that his people's situation is dire.

He then asks you to enter a relatively large canvas-covered area, arranged with comfortable furnishings, water and food.

Kashen Four Stripes:
Three days past, at the moment the moon disappeared to signal the end of the night, you looked eastward and saw not one, but two suns rise. Even more bizarre, you could have sworn you saw a third, dark sun descent below the horizon. It only lasted a second, but in that moment you felt your Moonsilver tattoos tingle and you could not take you eyes from the spot where the three suns had met. Sure that following this was the will of Luna, you set off towards that point.

The end point of your journey was a village shielded by a rocky outcropping on the eastern edge of the South, a few hundred miles from the Summer Mountains.

It's a small village, but the rocks create a wide area of shade and relative coolness, so it's more spread out than most desert settlements. The village itself is heavily damaged; dwelling wrecked, land torn up, many recently dug graves out in the sun-baked land beyond the rocks. The one thing that looks brand new is a carving on a large ground level part of the outcropping, a carving of the five phases of the sun, each one filled with pebbles of sand heated to glass by the desert sun, which makes the symbols give off a dramatic glare as they reflect the light in your eyes.

Once you approach the sounds stop, and you are greeted by tired looking villagers who seem both overjoyed at your arrival and terrified at the mere sight of you. They grovel and lead you to the centre of the village where you are met by a man on his knees, wearing white silk and a large gold collar bearing a sunburst symbol. He greets you as Enduring Stone, the village elder and immediately begs your forgiveness for calling on you, but he assures you that his people's situation is dire.

He then asks you to enter a relatively large canvas-covered area, arranged with comfortable furnishings, water and food.

Unfurling Curtain of Sand and Saffron:
Three days ago and quite out of the blue, you received an Infallible Messenger from Nazri, stating that your current assignment was suspended. A mortal named Enduring Stone had invoked A Canticle For Hope; a thaumaturgical ritual designed to call on the aid of the Solar Exalted. This concerned him because that ritual was rarely used even in the First Age, so the only beings that could possibly know it must be supernatural. He didn't know who/what was the cause or how a mortal learned to use it, but he felt that the fact that it WAS used was something that merited investigation.

As it turns out the end point of your journey was a village shielded by a rocky outcropping on the eastern edge of the South, a few hundred miles from the Summer Mountains.

It's a small village, but the rocks create a wide area of shade and relative coolness, so it's more spread out than most desert settlements. The village itself is heavily damaged; dwelling wrecked, land torn up, many recently dug graves out in the sun-baked land beyond the rocks. The one thing that looks brand new is a carving on a large ground level part of the outcropping, a carving of the five Solar Caste Marks, each one filled with pebbles of sand heated to glass by the desert sun, which makes the symbols give off a dramatic glare as they reflect the light in your eyes.

Once you approach the sounds stop, and you are greeted by tired looking villagers who seem both overjoyed at your arrival and terrified at the mere sight of you. They grovel and lead you to the centre of the village where you are met by a man on his knees, wearing white silk and a large gold collar bearing a sunburst symbol. He greets you as Enduring Stone, the village elder and immediately begs your forgiveness for calling on you, but he assures you that his people's situation is dire.

He then asks you to enter a relatively large canvas-covered area, arranged with comfortable furnishings, water and food.

The area is quite dim, but the open sides let in sufficient light to see well. It is scented with jasmine and around the edges there are small vases containing blood red Desert Lilies in full bloom. Within are four others being attended to by another four (residents you assume given that they share the look of elation and terror that the others had). A fifth comes to attend to you offering you water and food as Enduring Stoneturns to face you, kneels and bows low.

"My Exalted Lords and Ladies, I am deeply honoured and humbled by your Divine presence. I pray you will forgive the means by which I sought your aid, but my people suffer greatly and only the strength of the Sun's Chosen might save them.

When I undertook the ritual I could not have dreamt that five of your almighty highnesses would have come; the hope I feel burns hotter than the desert itself. I beseech you, now that you have come to aid us in this time of need."

No, you didn't all turn up at once, you arrived at different points over maybe a day, day and a half.

Yes, you were all the last one to arrive. Don't ask me how, a Pattern Spider must have spilled it's coffee on the Loom. It was definitely not a cheap ploy by me to get you all in the same place...

Yes, he thinks Day, Curtain & Kashen are Solars since they turned up too.

2013-03-26, 05:57 PM
Burning Opal

She'd been roasting a brace of desert rats over her fire when the calling began. Pleading, soft and not forceful, but insistent.

She'd finished her meal and turned to look eastward.

It was a new direction, in any case; she hadn't been that way before. Reason enough to answer, even without the quiet desperation in that calling tugging at her heart.

So she'd gathered up her throwing-sticks and knives and waterskins, taken her walking-stick in one hand, checked that her sword was secure at her waist, kicked sand over her fire to quench it -

And then there had been a shooting star above the desert, a point of swift scintillating brilliance in the paling sky.


She'd circled the village, studying it from a distance. No obvious troops. All those graves. The broken earth. The calling was back, silently yearning. And the glittering sun-marks... hmm.

After a little while she'd shrugged against her wings of light and Essence, and landed behind an outcropping of rock. A moment later she'd emerged on foot, wiping the dust from her brow with her headscarf and making sure her weapons weren't too obvious. (Well, except for her sword. A little hard to hide that one.)

In the absence of her burning wings and anima, dressed in a plain and rather worn cotton robe and loose trousers, sword sheathed, shield slung across her back, her long sleeves largely covering the opal scars on her hands and forearms - she could have been any traveling blade-for-hire, if mercenaries came to such a distant and desolate place as this. Her gems were simple semi-precious stones, adornments such as any Southern tribeswoman might wear.

She'd grumbled at the villagers when they knelt to her.

"Hey, stand up. Whatever life throws at you, you should face it on your feet. Anyway, I guess you know what I am - you called for help?"


Ushered into the tent, Burning Opal's gaze is drawn to the food like a lodestone. She accepts the offering with a broad smile and enthusiastic thanks, and begins eating immediately. She didn't stop to hunt along the way, and she's hungry.

She feels briefly guilty about consuming the village's resources when they're clearly not in good shape; she can guess how much work went into this repast. But she can hunt something down for them in recompense, later, and if the customs here are anything like the ones she's familiar with, refusing would insult their hospitality.

... also she is hungry.

She waves with one hand to the others present (her other hand being occupied with peeling a dark brown fruit), and nods polite thanks to Enduring Stone for the food and water.

At his speech, she pauses, half-peeled fruit in hand, and looks curiously and more closely at the others in the tent.

I might leave actual talking until everyone's had a chance to say what they're doing. But yeah, Opal would see what she could see from the outside, and then walk right in; she's Valor 5 and confident she can get away if it turns out to be a trap.

2013-03-26, 06:36 PM
White Sand in Sunlight
Alone in his manse, Sand heard the call. He pondered, he researched, he puzzled, but before long, followed. Maybe he could help. It had to be better then living in a sand dune.

He gathered the last of his supplies and left. He was going to need some more food soon anyway.


The village intrigued him, as he approached, he saw a bright reflection from within, and his curiosity overcame his judgement. He did remember to double check the wrappings on his weapons, but that was about it.

Sand visibly cringes at their deference, and moves forward to raise some to their feet


Once inside the tent, Sand removed the cloth from his face and glanced around. He a small portion of food, but otherwise remained fixed in his attention on the elder "Please, no need for that, last time I heard, I was neither almighty, or a highness. Ummm. Who are you?" This last part was clearly directed at the five other travelers.

2013-03-26, 07:08 PM
Today the Dragon Dies in Flames

Day had been doing a favor for Zhiris the first time the message came. Bandits preying on travelers; the sort of thing she should have taken care of before it ever started, back when she was a Solar. The sort of problem that might require a divine intervention or a favor or two...

Except that she was in the area.

She hadn't expected to hear the screams of children while she was washing the blood off of her blade. For a moment she wondered if it was the the 'whispers' her fellow deathknights had reported...



- - -

Day listens and nods and invites them to get up and stop grovelling and does it all with half an ear.

She was summoned. Fascinating. She opened her visor, but retained her veil to cover her face. Ate in little bites that brought food from the table to the mouth without showing skin, drank through a straw.

"You are forgiven," she said, in a voice gentle, and quiet, and smoother than mortal flesh could manage. "What do you require? I am always joyous to be able to help another."

- - -

She looks at Sand calmly. "Once I was named Truth Unspoken. After then I was Anathema. Now I am called Day. Who are you?"

2013-03-26, 10:03 PM
Unfurling Curtain

"Look, I understand that you believe this is your road. I know that society breaks down without adequate taxation. But I am telling you that demanding travel fare across this particular stretch of road armed and dressed as you do just isn't the right way to collect them. People might mistake you for bandits or something!"

The leader blinks at the Sidereals words, trying to figure out whether his little monologue meant "yes" or not. The upbeat, positive tone didn't help matters, either. People usually tended to bluster or beg, not...whatever he was talking about.

"Now see here," the man drawls. "I don't care about your fancy words. This is our road, see, and"

"Hold onto that thought. I'm getting a message."

The sight of the cherub, and the sound of Nazri's booming voice, transfixes the bandits; they stand, shocked as Unfurling Curtain nods and hums at the message's contents.

"Well, gentlemen. It appears our discussion of involuntary tax collection is at an end. I invite you to report to your superiors in the government with my recommendations."

The group of well-armed and armored men appears in no mood to do so, despite the clearly unnatural phenomenon that had just occurred.

The debate renewed itself shortly, and was resolved shortly in the physical, rather than the verbal, arena.

"A shame," Unfurling Curtain remarks a mile down the road, addressing his horse. "They started out so polite, too. And it's very bad karma to try to rob a priest."


"It's very kind of you to grovel, but I'm not a god or anyone you should be groveling to. I'm just a priest..."

At the words of the mortal, and the other four (oh Maidens one of them was wearing soulsteel), Unfurling Curtain bows in turn.

"While I am honored by your words, I am afraid there has been a case of mistaken identity. I am not a Solar; merely a humble priest of the Lady Mercury, a traveler as all her disciples are. But if there is trouble here, then I will help as best as I can able."

Unfurling Curtain is a tall, stocky man, with skin heavily bronzed by the Southern sun. His face looks almost baby-like, however, with soft-looking skin untouched by whirling sand or scarred by weapon, and soft yellow eyes surrounded by the suggestion of laugh lines. He dresses in faded yellow nomad's robes, while a turban keeps his hair from view.

"Unfurling Curtain. It's always a pleasure to meet new people!"

2013-03-27, 02:37 AM
Burning Opal

"Please stand up, Enduring Stone. Or, er, sit down, I suppose. You are our host, we've accepted water and shade from you. From me, at least, you have nothing to fear." Hospitality customs may be different here, but surely not that different. "And there's nothing to forgive: you called, I chose to answer."

Opal studies the robed and veiled woman thoughtfully, noting the careful way she eats and drinks. Taboos she keeps, or some injury to her face, or something else? Her voice is smooth, almost unnaturally so - magic?

A slight movement of the woman's arm reveals, for a moment, a dark opacity beneath the veils, whispering silent pain. Someone not watching for it might not have seen it, but a hunter learns to be alert for small clues.

Ah. Hmm.

And the tall youth who hasn't spoken yet - she notes the silver whorls on his hands. She supposes a Sun-Chosen could have tribal tattoos, or be devoted to the Moon as a priest or singing-man, but still she wonders.

The Dawn smiles cheerfully at the first man to speak up, and the self-declared priest of Mercury. Those two, she could have passed without a second glance, in the streets of many villages - but their presence here suggests not to underestimate them.

"I am called Burning Opal. Neither almighty nor a highness, either. But I try to help people as I can." She half-bows to the priest. "It is a pleasure to meet you, also, Unfurling Curtain. I had not encountered a priest of Lady Mercury herself before."

She leans back in her seat, finishes off the last of the fruit in her hand, and licks her fingers, before moving on to a skewer of meat. A quick glance at the roof of the tent might go unnoticed, but she's not very good at being subtle. "Lady Day, I mean no offense, but I am curious: who is your armor made of?"

Firing Sagacious Reading of Intent out of Peripheral on Day's statement about being joyous to help others, trying to figure out if she's genuine or has an ulterior motive. Her caste mark is glittering, but her headscarf should be covering it, for now.

Also, the title she's using for Day would be a respectful honorific for a warrior, if such exists in Flametongue.

2013-03-27, 03:09 AM
Day's voice does not shift significantly in tone as she replies to the Solar, remaining smooth and sweet and a touch inhuman. Under her veil, though, her eyes scan Opal for every last drop of information.

"Ninety-seven ghosts of soldiers who betrayed the First and Forsaken Lion in a mass mutiny, including Aldarin Ash-Hand and Niera Eth, ninety-five names lost. Fifty-three ghostly slaves who fell beneath quota, all names lost. Twenty-four priests who worshiped gods forbidden to him, including Mowa the Lion, twenty-three names lost. Thirteen petty thieves, all names lost. Nine tradesmen who attempted to sell at prices above those he fixed and two who attempted to sell below, all names lost. The four spectres responsible for crafting the armor, names are Tatterspite, Copperslug, Kettlescar and Mukrith. One moneychanger who passed the coins of the Lover Clad in Raiment of Tears and one who passed the coins of the Silver Prince, both names lost. One deathknight named Murder of Hawks, former holder of this Exaltation."

She looked calmly around the room, expression inscrutable.

"They preferred that this armor no longer belong to the First and Forsaken Lion. I honored their wishes."

She sips again.

2013-03-27, 03:11 AM
Enduring Stone's eyes widen for a second as Day speaks; a mortal wouldn't have noticed this crack in the man's humble & excited face, but before the eyes of the Exalted it was plain as day, though he says nothing about it and continues.

"You do my people a great privilege with your willingness to aid us."

He stands, apparently not quite convinced that sitting won't offend one of you. His head is turned by Curtain's statement.

"I must apologise then sir; I cannot imagine how the ritual called to you. However an intercesor of the Maidens may be fortuitous given the nature of our sorrow.

For you see, the God of this village is Bathes in Shadow and since the time of my grandfather's father he has shielded us from harm and allowed us to survive here. For there is no natural water here, yet by his benevolence we always had enough. And all he asked in return was that we tended the lilies, for their vibrance brought him joy.

But now he has changed. He demanded that we offer him greater piety, to forsake Ahlat and the Sun and worship only him. And though we feared the penalty for such betrayal, I led my people down that road in order to sustain his generosity. But his terms have become ever greater over the last four years; he demands wealth and blood as tribute, that all citizens pray 25 hours a day without rest, that we bring idols of other Gods and profane them or burn them while cursing all but him. If we fail to meet his expectation, and there are none who could not fail, he sends desert monsters to punish us for our 'lack of faith'.

This is why I sought your aid so desperately. My people are suffering and dying but we cannot leave for we have nowhere else to go, and Bathes In Shadow knows this. You are Blessed by the highest of the Gods, I ask you to lend us your great strength and save my people from this tyrant."

Opal: Your charm shows that the man is sincere in his concerns and request.

2013-03-27, 07:26 AM
Unfolding Curtain

Oh, Maidens.

He tries very, very hard not to show any emotion at Day's revelation. Very hard. But all he can think about is the phrase rogue deathknight bouncing around in his head; he nods and greets Opal in return, but it is an unconcious thing, lost in thought as he is. Rogue deathknight...the idea is simultaneously terrifying...and strangely hopeful. If it were possible to ...

"My child," he says, addressing the village elder. "The Lady Mercury may never need sit, but we mortals do. The Chosen here, as well as myself, have agreed to aid you; you may rest easy, and trust in their wisdom, their power, and their judgement."

2013-03-27, 10:57 AM
Returning from the western edge of the Ten Tribes land after scaring off a supply train headed for Farhold with only one death necessary among the caravan guards, Kashen lay in a mighty broadleaf tree in his spirit form, enjoying his solitude for the night.

Draped over a broad limb, Kashen blinks to shake away what must surely be a dream. Two suns, and a shadow of a third? His eyes must be paying tricks. And yet...

Clambering to the top of the jungle canopy, he became again a man, thick fingers wrapped around the tree's dwindling girth as he stared in confusion.

And then she was there. With him, and within him at once. This was no trick, Luna whispers wordlessly. Her essence flowed briefly though his caste marks, as they had when he was bound by Growls at Lightning, and as she had before his Becoming.

This, though, was definable. That point of convergence...there was something there. Whatever that something was, Luna thought it was important enough to compel him to go.

And so he went.

Moving with preternatural speed back to the Nine Ravens and Sky Runners lands, he checked with Clever Moon Child. Had she seen two suns and the shadow of a third a few sunrises ago? As she had not, the child whined a bit about being left out as children are wont to do. Kashen offered a platitude from the Silver Compact about Luna's path being different for each of her Chosen, but that didn't seem to mollify her much.

She did brighten up at the fact that she would be solely responsible for the safety of Kashen's ward tribes during his absence, however. Someone had to keep the slaving tribes to the north in check, and make sure the loggers from Farhold didn't get too bold.

* * *

The trip was much shorter than if a mortal or even some of the god-blooded may have made, but this was unusual territory. Not knowing who or what was at that place his caste marks lead him towards, he hid his nature in desert garb, long sleeved robes covering armor his forearm tattoos but not the hands themselves.

Wary of the symbolism of the Unconquered Sun on display in this remote place, Kashen's bulk fits just barely under the hem of the tent. Frowning at the villagers arrayed on their knees before him, he wordlessly allows himself to be lead to the village's headman.

"Up. I have done nothing worthy of your worship, and will not have meaningless prayers offered to me."

Easily yanking the priest to his feet, Kashen listens silently to his plea, wolfing down a piece of meat and a cup of wine in the time it takes him to speak. Tossing the near-meatless bone aside, he refills his own wine and wipes the corner of his mouth with a tattooed hand.

"I am not a Sunchild, priest. But Luna has seen fit to honor your plea through me, however misguided it may be. And so here I am."

Joining the priest in the larger tent, Kashen inhales sharply at the presence of a number of other powerfully unique beings already in attendance therein. Eyeing each of them warily, he steps just inside and to the left of the entrance, pushing back the hood that has fended of the Unconquered Sun's stifling hot rays, crossing his arms and listening to the exchange between the others and the priests more detail supplication.

Utterly confused by Opal and Day's remarks, he turns his attention somewhat sullenly on the priest.

"I have left my ward-tribes largely unprotected to answer your call. Let us be on with this. Where does this mad spirit live, that he may be put in his place?"

2013-03-27, 01:45 PM
"Y-yes of course my Lord, I beg forgiveness for claiming your time so greedily. Bathes in Shadow resides in his Godly Realm for the most part since he has changed, sending monsters and minions in his place to enforce his will. The entrance is located roughly half a mile south of here, a rock marked with a desert lily. You may have magic to open such doors, but our key to is the lilies, when Essence is laid within them they emit a sound that causes the stone to fade and a pathway to appear within it.

To demonstrate he takes a lily from one of the vases and commits a mote to one, causing it to emit a sound reminiscent of an indeterminate voice singing a simple scale.

"While I have no doubts of your power, be warned that the door is well guarded these days. And I do not know if the lily's song will open the same door on the other side."

2013-03-27, 06:32 PM
Opal watches Day steadily, dark eyes calm as she listens. She'd heard rumors of terrible half-dead warriors out of the Underworld, bearing soulsteel blades - Death himself was at the battle of Ka'ir!, one of the other unaffiliated mercenaries had declaimed over an evening cook-fire the last time she visited Gem, Riding a pale horse, and wielding baleful magics... - but she'd regarded them with a certain degree of skepticism until now.

Deathknight? So they are Exalted, if she's to be believed, and she is... one herself? Or is deathknight a description of actions rather than nature? And the 'Lion' must be a lord of the Underworld, and she... thieved the armor from him, in revenge for his murder of her past-self? Or rebelled and ran?

Good questions for later, perhaps. For now it's enough that she is dangerous, but not obviously malign.

Opal raises her glass to the veiled woman and drinks. The sleeve of her robe slips back a little, revealing a knife-sheath strapped there, and odd irregular patches of a glittering iridescent blue-black substance marring her dark skin. "To your commemoration, then, Lady Day."

She listens carefully to the elder's request, and then nods. "I would be glad to help your people, Enduring Stone. What can you tell us of Bathes In Shadow, his aspect and his powers? What form of desert monsters has he dispatched against you? And... have your people actually seen him, since his change in character?" An impersonator could also be a shapeshifter, of course, but still worth asking.

She glances at the man with the silver-whorled hands, and nods to him. "Chosen, may we have a name to call you by? And... you, sir?" She raises an eyebrow at the first man to speak, and then grins. "I must say I am curious, did the summoning find any actual Sun-Chosen except myself? If we are to work together it would be well to know each others' capabilities." She draws back her headscarf a little in demonstration, revealing the glittering sunburst mark on her forehead.

2013-03-27, 09:40 PM
Sand's eye's widen at Day's speech. Deathkinght? A deathknight. I still haven't been able to find out much about them... And who is this First and Forsaken Lion? Another time maybe.

Well more immediate concerns "Opal has a point. Unless we know some of this gods capabilities, we will be hard pressed to resolve this issue. I assume you would prefer this issue resolved nonviolently, but if it comes to that, it would be better to have some warning."

"Enduring Earth, if you don't mind my asking, why did your people settle in so desolate a place?"

He turns to Opal and removes his hood reveling his own mark, a half full circle "Yes I was Chosen by the Unconquered Sun as well, although, it would appear we have been gifted differently."

2013-03-28, 12:12 AM
This is why I sought your aid so desperately. My people are suffering and dying but we cannot leave for we have nowhere else to go, and Bathes In Shadow knows this. You are Blessed by the highest of the Gods, I ask you to lend us your great strength and save my people from this tyrant."[/B]

Day nods once, swiftly.

"I shall speak with him. If he has no justification and if he says the same as you, his actions will end."

Opal raises her glass to the veiled woman and drinks. The sleeve of her robe slips back a little, revealing a knife-sheath strapped there, and odd irregular patches of a glittering iridescent blue-black substance marring her dark skin. "To your commemoration, then, Lady Day."

She raises her own glass. "And to your justice, Lady Opal."

2013-03-28, 12:17 AM
Unfurling Curtain

"I would think, that with two Chosen of the Unconquered Sun, one of the Ever-Changing Moon, and a deathknight, that nearly any god would be quite willing to stop whatever activities he is doing."

He shrugs, comfortable without a caste mark.

"I am a humble servant of a power greater than myself. If Destiny brought me to this place, then I would travel with you, if you will have me. While I do not have the strength or knowledge of Ignis Divine, I have enough skill with a blade to be useful."

2013-03-28, 01:49 PM
Opal smiles at Day and sets down her glass, turning to nod gravely to Unfurling Curtain. "I won't turn away anyone who wants to help."

She smiles widely at Sand, and leans forward to clasp his hand. "It's good to meet another Sun-Chosen. But I think you still didn't say your name? If it must stay secret, how should we call you?"

2013-03-28, 03:38 PM
Sand smiles and accepts Opals hand "I was once Edru Hinyn, now I am White Sand in Sunlight. There is no secret to it, just the past. For now though, we have a rogue god in need of some chastening, there is time to talk later."

2013-03-29, 10:18 AM
Kashen looks vaguely uncomfortable with all this very formal speech, cannonball shoulders hunching forward slightly as he crosses his arms, looking thoughtfully at nothing for a long moment, lips pursed momentarily in thought before a hand is offered.

"I am Kashen. That is all. Well met." He gives the group a polite smile without offering his hands, but lingers on Sand and Opal. "It is good to see your return, Sun-Chosen. It has been too long."

Turning to the priest, he narrows his eyes slightly and cants his head, curiosity on his face before his question is even spoken. "As well, Enduring Earth: what manner of ritual is it that summons three Chosen, a knight, and a priest? I saw the patterns of pebbles outside, but I am no scholar or mystic."

2013-03-29, 11:02 AM
"Bathes In Shadow's power is that of creation. It is how he sustains our village with water when none can exist here. He conjured guardians to aid us in defending ourselves from bandits and such. Now he conjures feral monsters that are strong as a Tyrant Lizard, and can wreak flame and rend the earth to punish us for failing him. And it is a punishment, he does not want us destroyed; he even still provides us with water, though always just less than enough for all.

He glances towards the graves and then turns to Sand.

We settled because Bathes In Shadow came to us and offered us his assistance in exchange for our loyalty. Our forebears were Delzahn nomads, but they grew to seek a settlement. So a deal was made and was upheld until Bathes In Shadow became a despot.

Finally he turns to Kashen.

"I am a Thaumaturgist by vocation. It's a procedure that was called A Canticle For Hope, and it's purpose was to call on the aid of those Chosen by the Sun; though it did not hold any compulsion, a mere thought would have silenced the call. That is why I was and am so overwhelmed that five would have come, especially if you are not all under the Sun's leadership."

2013-03-29, 11:25 AM
"It is good to know you, Kashen Moon-Chosen, and thank you for your words," Opal says promptly.

She grins at Enduring Stone. "Heh. Like summoning ghosts in a shadowland, ne? You sometimes get more than you bargained for." She pauses. "When this is done, if you would be willing to teach the rite, I might like to learn it, so that I could pass it on to others."

"But for now, if those are all our questions, shall we go find this lily-marked stone?" She stands up and reaches for the lilies, taking a bunch of three.

2013-03-29, 02:30 PM
"I would never compare the sovereigns of the Sun to mere ghosts, even in jest.

And it would be my honour to pass on what meagre knowledge I possess to one such as yourself my lady."

2013-03-30, 06:27 AM
Day moves suddenly and takes one of the lilies in an armored gauntlet, careful not to crush it. Her other hand loosely clutches her sword.

She stands, looking about the room. "Thank you for the food," she says, as if remembering a distant ritual. "I am prepared to move."

2013-03-30, 06:18 PM
Scooping up a lily with exaggerated care in an oversized palm, he carefully tucks the flower into his robes and nods in agreement with Day, stepping outside the tent and drawing his hood up against the heat and glare of the desert surrounding the village.

As the others pass, he takes stride with Burning Opal, conversing in a low voice so that only the two of them can here.

"What is a 'deathknight?' You seem knowledgeable of these things."

2013-03-30, 09:04 PM
Opal answers Kashen matter-of-factly, matching his quiet tone: "Little enough, and that mostly rumor. Powers out of the Underworld, terrible warriors bringing death and death's shadow. Exalts, if Day is to be believed."

As they clear the village boundaries, she turns her head to the white-robed woman, and asks conversationally (while still loping easily across the sand and stones), "Will you tell us what a deathknight is, Day? I know little, and others here perhaps even less."

Opal prefers direct approaches :smallwink:

2013-03-30, 10:11 PM
Day looks around the small group and says, with level tone, "A Deathknight is one who has received a Solar exaltation which has undergone a process similar to the transformation into an Akuma, except that it draws strength from the Underworld, not Malfeas. Unlike Akuma Exalts, they possess free will. The majority are loyal to one or more powerful ghosts known as Deathlords, who distribute the modified Solar exaltations."

"This is, however, irrelevant to the matter at hand," she says calmly over whatever shocked or startled reactions may arise, "We are about to engage a dangerous opponent. We need a leader. I nominate the seniormost Solar, whoever that may be, to take command."

She falls silent and waits for a response.

2013-03-31, 01:53 PM
Ah. That is... very interesting.

Of course they only have Day's word that she has free will, or is renegade, or indeed that any of this information is correct. And unless you have a way to test it, go with the evidence you have, ne? You said you wouldn't turn away anyone who wanted to help. She'll want to be on her guard, in case the deathknight followed the summoning seeking new Solars to transform into beings like herself - but why would she tell them, then? In any case, it doesn't change anything on a practical level.

"Thank you," Opal says to the deathknight, with a quick respectful nod. "Not so irrelevant, if you have the capabilities of one of us. As to your second point -"

The girl shrugs. "I have some experience in both personal combat and leading troops. I cannot see or strike the immaterial without aid, though, nor slay the gods. Nor am I skilled in negotiation and bargaining, although I can advise on the etiquette for dealing with spirits. Seniority... time since Exaltation, do you mean, or something else? It has been a little more than two full turnings of the seasons, for me."

She frowns a little. "Why must it be a Solar?"

2013-03-31, 06:56 PM
Unfurling Curtain

Curtain pauses politely before answering. His tone is slightly hesitant, nervous.

"I have spoken with gods before. A Solar Exalt commands great respect from the Celestial Bureaucracy."

2013-04-01, 01:09 PM
So, those stories were true. Sand shows no reaction to Days revelation, responding instead to Unfurling Curtain "I can fight a bit, and can craft well, but I have no experience with leadership. I suspect I would be unsuitable for such a position."

Turning back to his own thoughts, Sand falls silent and pulls his hood and facecloth back up. Day still didn't explain what a deathknight is per say. What are these Deathlords? Why did they create deathknights? What makes a renegade a renegade? Later. There was time to talk about these things later.

2013-04-01, 01:56 PM
"The Solar Exalted possess the Creation-Ruling Mandate," she says in her quiet, pleasant voice. "They have a duty to lead. If Sand declines the offer, the position is Opal's. Do you have any assignments you wish to give?"

2013-04-01, 03:03 PM
"... really?" Opal shrugs, still a little bemused. "But yes, I can do this, if you all wish -" She glances at Kashen, raising an eyebrow. "What do you think, Moon-Chosen?"

"As for tasks - what are your skills, Day?"

"If Bathes in Shadow is really what they believe him to be, and something has changed him, then perhaps you might speak on our behalf, Unfurling Curtain, since you are a priest and have experience dealing with the gods." She studies the yellow-eyed man. "Should it come to a fight, stay close to me, please. I imagine it's probably bad luck to get a priest killed on your watch." The Dawn grins at Curtain, and reaches absently for her shield, strapping it carefully to her arm as she speaks. "But I should be able to defend you as well as myself, if it comes to that."

She grasps her daiklave's hilt and pulls it a little way clear of its sheath, testing the draw, and nods in satisfaction. For a moment, the visible length of orichalcum blade glitters eye-burningly bright in the desert sun.

"It is possible he is not a god. There was a... raksha, I encountered; a monster out of the Wyld, wearing the shape of a man. He shaped water from the desert and let us draw it freely for a year before he came to name his price." She frowns, in remembered anger. "He had a hidden place, in the ruins of an old statue - he would take his victims there and vanish. We never found the entrance. And he brought monsters from the desert, as well."

"That one... he is dead, to my knowledge." Her frown becomes a sharp-edged smile, for a moment, before it fades. "And in any case it was far away. But others of his kindred might have had the same idea."

2013-04-01, 06:54 PM
"My only skills are murder, intimidation, and massacre," she says simply. "Your Raksha theory is possible. I do not know if it is true. Many gods are decadent in the modern age."

2013-04-02, 10:37 AM
Kashen listens in stunned silence as his question is reiterated and then answered with horrifying detail. Blinking as much in disbelief as from the reflected heat of the desert floor, he draws in a deep breath, keeping his answer concise when replying directly to Day.

"I...appreciate your honesty, Day."

Not quite sure what else to say on the matter of the Lords of the Underworld having the power to steal Solar exaltations, let alone pervert them to their own uses, not to mention what possible purpose the 'deathknight' could have beyond being drawn...compelled?... by the priest's ceremony.

And so he lapses back into silence for a time. Falling somewhat behind the rest of the group, he stares at the ground directly in front of his feet in quiet contemplation for a long while, plodding forward almost mechanically as his mind races.

Returning after a time to the rest of the group, he draws Sand and Opal aside if possible, speaking in low tones.


"I do not know enough about Yu-Shan and the Underworld to know what to think about this...deathknight. All I know for certain is that Luna has called me here, and by her guidance I have found two of those that were lost. I will honor her wishes, and yours, if you will have it. Day was right about one thing: yours is the Creation-Ruling Mandate. I will honor that as I honor Luna.

2013-04-02, 11:33 AM
Unfurling Curtain

...He had just, in all probability, discovered the greatest source of information on the deathknights since the conquest of Thorns gave the Bureau a single place to target their infiltrators.

"...Could be a raksha," he agrees tentatively, thinking over his encounters with gods and knowledge of the Southern spirit courts. "The idea that one would impersonate a god is more than a tad blasphemous. Violence need not be the answer, but if such a creature was in fact doing so..."

He rests his hands on the khopeshes on either side of his frame. Curtain then bows to Opal, who had been placed in charge as is her right and duty.

"...And yes, thank you, Opal. I would like to meet Mercury before Saturn if possible."

2013-04-02, 02:10 PM
After a moment in quiet conference with Kashen, Opal turns to the rest of the group.

@Kashen, Sand
Opal clasps Kashen's hand for a moment, and replies quietly, "I think we should give her a chance to prove herself. As to the rest - thank you, Kashen. I am honored, and will try to be worthy." She grins, then, and her tone grows less formal, her eyes dancing. "You're the first Moon-Chosen I've ever met, although of course I've heard the legends; I'd like to learn more about your people, when we've dealt with Bathes in Shadow."

She waits for Sand to say anything he needs to say, before raising her voice again to speak with the others.

"Well enough then. If he's inclined to be polite, Unfurling Curtain, I would be glad if you were to speak for us, since you are trained as intercessor with the gods, and have experience. If he's not inclined to be polite - Day, feel free to exercise those intimidation skills."

"Let us try to avoid violence against Bathes in Shadow himself - unless any of us have a way to summon water in the desert for these people, it would not necessarily be a service to them to kill their once-protector or drive him away. But if he forces us to it -" She studies the others. "I will protect Curtain, as I said. All the rest of you are trained to fight? I imagine basic small-group tactics are probably fairly similar between our different traditions. If I'm incapacitated -" She pauses for a moment, considering - the deathknight is wearing armor, and clearly accustomed to military hierarchy, and from her stated skills - "Day, in that case, you will take over command, until the battle is done."

"From what Enduring Stone told us, we do not have a sure way to leave, once we enter. We may need to leave someone outside to open the path, but we can test that when we get there. He mentioned guards, as well, so - let us see what there is to see. Unless anyone has further input, or suggestions, or information?"

Opal draws her daiklave as she lopes along, barely sweating despite the blazing heat of the desert sun overhead. The long golden blade seems to glow faintly from within, limned with a blue-white radiance, except for the chunk of black iron set into the hilt.

"Are any of you skilled in archery, or thrown-spears, or other such weapons? If his beasts are guarding the entrance, we may find ourselves in combat before reaching the god - or god-impersonator - himself."

Also, guys, let me know OOC if I am steamrollering people, even slightly. Opal is inclined to be very straightforward, and also to take other people at their word; if they tell her they want her to lead, she'll do her best to lead. OOC, though, do not ever want the game to turn into "Opal and sidekicks", and the fact that I can generally post pretty fast makes it easier for that to happen. Please kick me if necessary, I won't be offended.

2013-04-02, 09:02 PM
Day nods quietly. "As you wish."

Then: "I have no skill with ranged weapons." The words are quiet and certain.

I agree with the 'not wanting it to turn into Opal and her sidekicks', and I'm sorry if Day's comment might lead to that. It's just that she's very much into Solar hero-worship and military discipline both, and so she tries to reestablish a chain of command for herself with a Solar at the top.

2013-04-03, 12:20 AM
@ Kashen and Opal
"I agree with Opal. So far, the Lady Day has conducted herself with honor and compassion. We should give her a chance to rise above whatever dark purpose she was created for." Sand shakes his head at the rest "[COLOR="Orange"]Kashen, from what I know about the Children of Luna, they are every bit as qualified to rule as the Sun Chosen. I appreciate your trust and will do my best to live up to it, but don't let that get in the way."

"I can fight well enough, although not from range. I see no reason that the immediate response will be to attack us though." Sand is carefully unwrapping his sleeves as he says this, allowing them to trail at impressive length behind him. "Still, I suppose it can't hurt to be prepared."

2013-04-03, 12:53 PM
The civilians all stand a respectful distance away, heads bowed (since you all told them off for kneeling) as you leave to confront Bathes In Shadow.

As you stride through the desert a light wind is blowing hot and dry, occasionally spraying sand or dust up and around.

Opal, Day, Kashen:
Between the gaps in a dust cloud, you see a creature pass between rocks; dull red hide, quadruped and about the size of a dire wolf.

You notice them again, sensing their movements as you come closer to the sanctum.

After a short journey you reach what appears to be the place; a tall but thin piece of earth rises up like the spire of a sundial. It is not jagged and natural as the other rocks have been, it is worked smooth with a gentle spiral pattern scaling it; each groove inlaid with coloured stone. At it's base is a pile of rocks a little taller than a man; the centre most of which is engraved with an ornate flower.

2013-04-03, 02:09 PM
Unfurling Curtain

"Well," Curtain hesitates at the entrance to the sanctum. "...I don't suppose one of the Chosen would mind attuning to the flower? I am capable of wielding Essence myself, but not to the degree of the legendary Solar host."

2013-04-03, 02:25 PM
"I must say, you grow into more and more of a mystery Unfurling Curtain. A mortal that has spoken to the gods, can wield essence, as was not only directed towards a Canticle for Hope by Destiny itself, but is aware of that fact? Extraordinary to say the least." Sand shakes his head less surprised then bemused "You really must tell some stories of your life. Those are rare accomplishments n their own."

2013-04-03, 04:09 PM
Unfurling Curtain

Unfurling Curtain merely shrugs at Sand's statements.

"There are martial sects of the priesthood of Mercury just as there are martial sects of nearly any religion; some who train there find enlightenment in their pursuit. My own style is taken from the roads I have traveled, the places I have been, the soaring landscapes and harsh seasons; my induction not nearly so ritualized. While I believe Destiny brought me to this land and to this august assembly...I am a priest of the Maiden of Journeys. She guides all creatures along her paths, and I go where my feet lead me. A cynic might say that it was mere chance that brought me here."

Enough half-truths and truth-in-context to maintain his illusion. Enough to ensure that the chosen of the Sun (and the Lunar and the deathknight, who could change the way the Convention on Deathknights worked entirely if she was guided appropriately) would think him merely a priest.

"But I don't see why a tale or two later would be a terrible thing."

2013-04-03, 10:48 PM
Opal murmurs to the others as she walks, "See the sand-creatures? Red, lion-sized..." She nods in the direction of the beasts. "But they seem to be guarding only, for the moment."

Approaching the stone, she tucks two of the lilies through her belt and holds the third lightly in her shield-hand. "I will open the path and go through first. Kashen, with me? The rest of you wait a moment. Should the path close behind us, one of us will try to come back through immediately. If the path closes and we have not returned after... say a count of fifty, then Day, please lay Essence within the lily to try to re-open the way. Makes sense?"

"If we cannot get out from inside, we may need to leave someone out here. But hopefully that can be avoided. If everyone is ready -" she waits for their confirmations, "- let us see what lies within."

She infuses the lily in her hand with a drop of red-gold Essence, watching the stone curiously.

2013-04-04, 11:08 AM
From the moment the hint of red hide flashes inbetween the dull gray of the rocks, Kashen's eyes widen and he instantly takes on a more feral look, head straightening up and eyes flitting over every detail of this barren landscape with a never-ceasing pattern of movement.

Head sweeping back and forth in an attempt to find the source of movement again, Curtain's response is lost all the more on him due to his distraction by the desert-lion, or whatever it is. Blinking as the priest's half-meaningless jumble of words spill forth, he finally sees it again, and moves close to the two Solars.

Pointing wordlessly to the rocks as he catches Opal's eye, knowing that she's seen it too by the look of cation. As Opal speaks up to confirm his sighting, he nods grimly, speakng in low tones lest the thing be sharp of hearing. "One of his servants, surely. We must be cautious."

Listening attentively to the battle-plan, as he perceives it, Kashen nods at Opal's bidding that he part of the vanguard. Pulling his hood back, he looks around the desert's blandness to make sure there are none else present before commenting, "A moment, please. There is small chance of calling the Wyld Hunt here, and I must prepare for what may be on the other side of this door. Please do not be alarmed."

Taking a step back from the group, his caste mark flares to life, a solid silver circle glinting on his forehead even through the hood he wears over it. An aura of red haze on black pulses out from the silver disc to surround him, growing several feet in height and expanding to cover the silhouette of his war form. Stopping after several feet of growth, the aura recedes to show that the robes Kashen had been wearing are now gone, and moonsilver lamellar armor which may or may not have been there before is now the only decoration he wears.

The wiry bulk of the man-leopard that now towers over the rest of the group is covered now by a much more subdued aura, shifting motes of red and black, though his caste mark continues to burn brightly. Drawing in a deep breath and letting it out with a half-growl, half-grunt, the thing opens its gold-green eyes, vertical irises thin black lines in the harsh desert sunlight.

As he locks eyes with Opal, it's hard to tell if the thin parting of lips to show sharp rows of teeth is a smile or not. With a voice only half-recognizable as Kashen's own, it rumbles, "Now. Let us confront this mad god."

The what-could-be-a-smile fades as the seriousness of battle settles onto the beast-man's expression, nodding to the rest of the group and then finally to Day, waiting for her to open the way with the singing lily.

Spending 5 motes for Deadly Beastman Transformation, committing 4 mote total for Gift effects of Claws of the Silver Moon and Halt the Scarlet Flow. 9 motes total, now using 18 / 38 peripheral.

2013-04-04, 12:34 PM
As Opal transfers the mote to the lily it begins to sing as the one Enduring Stone demonstrated on did. Unlike that one however the voice is very clearly Opal's, singing more emphatically and with backing vocals (befitting her Exalted nature), but not quite as well (befitting her lack of Performance).

The song permeates the area and the lily on the stone begins to glow a gentle red, the same as the actual flower, before the stone turns entirely to sand which drops to the floor, leaving a corridor visible. Those in front of the opening see it well lit with ambient light, ornate mosaics appear to cover the walls and ceiling, and a white marble floor.

Those who knew where to look notice that this didn't stir a reaction from their stalkers. Kashen's transformation however, did. As his shapeshift is complete and he speaks, two heavily muscular quadruped creatures the size of a dire wolf, with deep red scaled hides and vicious, bestial, tooth-filled faces leap from behind two large rocks.

One lands on the spire right above the entrance and roars like a dragon. The other lunges straight at the now warformed Kashen; claws so sharp they cut through the air itself. It lands on him and immediately starts slashing like a peasant digging for a bar of Jade. Fortunately for the Lunar, his healing charm seals the wounds before they can harm him.

Battle Time (RC - 6):
S: Enemies
>0: Kashen
1: Sand
2: Curtain
3: Opal, Enemy 1 (on rock)
5: Day, Enemy 2 (on Kashen)

Obviously if you'd rather not fight them, don't feel obliged.

Kashen gets a 1 die stunt for his shapeshift. And it hit you but didn't beat your Soak.

2013-04-05, 10:03 AM
One corner of Kashen's muzzle lifts up in a snarl as the weight of the thing's claws drives him back a step, leaving a few minor scratches on his armor. As the space he takes gives him a moment to react, he quickly decides nonlethal measures against these beasts would be inappropriate.

To that end, he focuses his Essence further, channeling a nimbus of pale silver light into his hands and feet, sheathing his claws in a moonsilver glow. His anima flares wildly, a swirling black and red coalescence consuming his entire massive form as he sinks into a ready stance, claws flexed.

Dropping 1 mote commitment for Gift effect of Claws of the Silver Moon, Spending 1 temporary WP (from Cult) and 4 motes for full effect of CotSM, bringing total spent to 12.

Speed 4 action, next action tick 4.

2013-04-05, 11:00 PM
Sand whirls towards the beast that attacked Kashen, running his hands through a complex series of Essence focusing movements, than snapping into a relaxed standing position. No visible essence discharges occur, but those looking closely will notice he is balanced on a minute ridge of sand, leaving no indentation.

Sand spends 6 motes of personal essence, activating Crane Form. Sand will act next on tick 7

2013-04-07, 08:47 PM
Unfurling Curtain

As the strange creatures attack the party, Curtain remains calm, serene, almost distant. It is instinct that drives him next, but it is planned and methodical instinct, honed by training, and textbook in execution.

His two khopeshes slip from their sheaths in an elegant curl of motion, a flourish designed to distract. He borrows his form from the Northern winds, his footwork swaying and blowing to and fro, never in any easily recognizable pattern, almost careless if it weren't for how practiced he was.

He descends upon the one who had clawed at the Lunar first. His blades hook and slash and slice through flesh and nerve and sinew easily. Effortlessly.

He was very practiced at his art.

Flurrying 2 Attacks:

Attack 1: [roll0] 10 sux
Attack 2: [roll1] 11 sux, -1 DV

Base Damage is 9L/2

DV is now 6.

2013-04-08, 01:55 PM
Kashen's obvious expenditure of Essence; as the claws shift from being part of his hands to huge glowing scythes brings a renewed snarl from the beast clawing at his chest.

Sand's practised motions go unimpeded by any enemy, Sand's essence pathways re-aligning themselves within him to better match those of the Sidereal who long ago wrote the Style into the stars (not that Sand necessarily knows that story).

Curtain's attacks easily slice through the hulking beast's leathery hide. Almost too easily. The moment his first blade broke skin his second was already on it's way far to quickly to stop as Curtain's keen eye saw the edge of the wound disintegrate. With a roar of agony from the creature, red powder sprayed up into the priest's face instead of blood, and he knew it's pain all too well as it surrendered it's foothold on Kashen and slumps to the floor on hits clawed paws.

The first beast seems satisfied with it's preparations, and as Curtain rips through the second, it unleashes a gout of red flame from it's maw which expands like wildfire to engulf you all. So hot is the flame that the sand beneath your feet is instantly melted to glass and you feel the pressure the blast exerts before it ever hits you.

Kashen: 1 die stunt.

Sand: 1 die stunt.

Curtain: 2 die stunt, enemy succumbs to knockdown.

Curtain: Both attacks hit, it counterattacks to both by dousing you with an effect equivalent to 8 Devil Scream Powder (WotLA p.74), meaning you are in at a -4 phantom wound penalty unless you deflect the dust with a perfect effect. A speed 7 misc. action scouring yourself with sand (or vinegar/lemon juice) will relieve the effect.

Beast: Inflicts bashing damage -
Opal - no damage
Curtain - 2hl, dropped to 1hl by OPS
Sand - 2hl
Day - no damage
Kashen - I have no idea since it appears you've deleted half of your character sheet. I recall your Warform soak being high enough based on the previous attack, so for now I'll say no damage, but I may be wrong.

Battle Time (RC - 6):
>3: Opal, Enemy 1 (on rock)
4: Kashen
5: Day
7: Sand
10: Enemy 1 (on rock)
11: Enemy 2 (on ground)

If you can track your Essence & Willpower expenditure and your health track in your posts, I'd appreciate it.

2013-04-08, 11:41 PM
Opal is a little slow to get her shield up; she winces as the red powder splashes over Curtain. But the priest of Mercury seems all right, and...

She blinks as the beast slumps to the ground, its eyes glassy.

"Nice work, Curtain! You'll have to tell me how you did that later..."

Her blade moves absently to deflect the gout of flame, shearing it along the orichalcum edge, as she eyes the remaining creature.

"I'll try to force it down -" A quick scan of her allies, "Kashen, Day, if it stays up on the rock, try to pin it from this side. Sand, Curtain, you're hurt; if you need to, fall back. Otherwise, harry it as you can."

On Opal's brow, a second sun sparks to life. Shimmering sheets of radiance in all the colors of flame erupt from her shoulders, coalescing into great wings.

The Dawn takes off in a gust of swirling sand, rising as effortlessly as a spark on the wind, before banking around the spire of stone. She folds her wings for a moment and accelerates into a dive, the sun directly behind her outlining her in an aura of blinding light.

Out of that eye-searing blaze, the long orichalcum blade slashes down in a trinity of perfect motion, a threefold bolt of divine fire from the sky.

All right, let's work this out...

Spending 3m reflexively to activate Transcendent Phoenix Pinions for two actions, from Peripheral.

Flurry of Coordinate Attack + three attacks + Defend Other on Curtain. Speed 5 due to the Coordinate + Defend Other.

My usual coordinate pool is 11 (5 War + 4 Charisma + 2 specialty). The multi-action penalty drops it to 6. Attack drops from 19 to 13/12/11 (however, see below re DV penalties).

If attacked (or counter-attacked) I will activate Bulwark Stance combo'ed with all my Combo-OK reflexives, which will negate all penalties to my parry DV and keep it at 11 (9 base, +2 from flying with wings), before any height advantage.

I would like to also claim a DV bonus/penalty from height advantage, since I'm flying; see the table on p.147 of the Core. (I think it should be at least -1 DV for them +1 DV for me, unless they have weapons with the R tag - that's the baseline for being mounted or fighting on a gentle slope. If the ST thinks flying above someone is more equivalent to a steeper slope, even better.)

Coordination attempt (will go off on tick 8): [roll0]
First attack: [roll1]
EDIT: 7 sux
Second attack: [roll2], -1 onslaught penalty to DV (in addition to any penalty for height difference)
EDIT: 8 sux
Third attack: [roll3], -2 onslaught penalty to DV (in addition to any penalty for height difference)
EDIT: 4 sux

Possible stunt dice: [roll4]

(let me know if you want me to roll separate stunt dice for different actions in the flurry)

Base damage is 7L/2.

Personal Essence: 16/16
Peripheral Essence: 22/35 + 7 attuned (+ any regained during the walk over here?)
Willpower: 10/10

Anima: 3

EDIT: Heh heh. Well, if I was going to botch one of them, the coordinate roll is probably about the best... I'm not sure what that should do. Do I confuse people? Use a tribal dialect word that means something completely different in normal Flametongue? Give penalties if we attack on the same tick?

2013-04-15, 11:19 AM
The fiery Solar lunging for it like a comet overcomes it's defences, landing three inch perfect blows that shear great wounds into it's body. Sadly for Opal, like the other, this one has a violent reaction to pain, and while it roars as her blade slashes it, a great whorl of red dust envelops Opal, causing her to share Curtain's fate.

The beast falls from it's perch as the dust blins her. It's wounded, but still vicious.

The beast lives, but it's hurt.
Opal is affected in the same way as Curtain.

Opal: 2 die stunt. Everyone's essence pools were full prior to the battle except for committed motes.

Battle Time (RC - 6):
>4: Kashen
5: Day
7: Sand, Curtain
8: Opal
11: Enemy 2 (on ground)
14: Enemy 1 (on rock)

2013-04-15, 10:13 PM
"Look out, Day, Kashen, Sand! That dust stings a little!" The Dawn's tone is oddly jaunty, despite the burning-red dust streaking her face and the edge of pain in her voice. Her caste mark is a blazing sunburst on her forehead, and a halo of golden radiance surrounds her, flaring up to merge into the fiery-white wings that erupt from her shoulders. She descends swiftly after the falling beast, tracing a brilliant arc down from the sky before she backwings to hover just above the sand, golden blade raised to protect Curtain.

Current health: uninjured
-4 virtual wound penalty due to dust attack

Willpower: 10/10
Personal Essence: 16/16
Peripheral Essence: 20/35 + 7 attuned + 5 committed to Bulwark Stance
(3m spent activating wings for two actions)

Anima banner: 8

I intend to claim motes for the 2-die stunt when my DV refreshes.

Current notes:
-DVs increased by 2 due to wings
-Bulwark Stance negates all penalties to my parry DV for one action (assuming that the dust attack was potentially parry-able, and thus I activated Bulwark Stance reflexively as indicated in my last post)
-I have a Defend Other action active on Curtain

2013-04-17, 11:10 PM
Fairly confident that his attack will finish it off, Kashen is not overly careful with his assault on the lizard-thing, eerily quiet except for a small grunt of effort as he closes the distance with a few quickened strides before swiping his Essence-sharpened claws upwards into the underside of the thing's muzzle in an attempt to rend whatever soft tissue and life-giving arteries may lay there.


Please correct me if any of this is out of order or if I should be rolling more or less stuff in advance. Been a while since I've done Exalted combat, doing this based on the core book's combat resolution section, page 145.


Claws of the Silver Moon enhanced Punch:

Speed 5, Accuracy +3, 10L/2, Defense +4 , Rate 3, (Natural, Overwhelming)

Adding 1 stunt die to attack from transformation stunt.

Dex 5 + MA 4 + Acc 3 + Stunt Die 1 = 13 die pool


Base damage 10L/2.

Next action tick 9.

Personal Essence: 20/20
Peripheral Essence:21/38 (9 committed +12 actively spent)
Willpower: 9/10
Anima: 12

2013-04-21, 03:07 AM
Lunging with incredible speed even to those present to witness it, Kashen moves in one fluid motion in a blinding flash of silver essence his claws cut through the beast like a scalpel; it's habit of turning to dust once wounded turning against it as it leaves nothing but a cloud behind.

Yet by coincidence or the grace of Luna, the dust does not burn Kashen as it did Opal or Curtain.

The end of it's partner does not seem to phase the other beast which simple remains slumped on the floor, growling so weakly it seems to be gurgling.

You don't save stunts, the transformation was an unrolled action but you did spend essence essence to do it; the description was valued as a 1-die stunt, meaning you got 2 motes back.

Kashen - 2 die stunt, beast is dead.

Everyone gets a turn before the other beast acts again, but it will take the inactive action every turn for at least the remainder of the scene (which continues following this battle, we are in a different scene to the meeting though so Opal doesn't have SRoI up for example).

2013-04-22, 10:57 AM
"Well struck, Kashen." Opal lands easily, wings furling close against her back and then vanishing, and reaches down to pick up a handful of hot sand, cleaning the blood and dust from her daiklave before re-sheathing it. She looks at the remaining beast with a little pity. "No need to kill it, by the looks of things, unless it's for mercy - what did you do to it, Curtain?"

"... hmm." She studies her hand, previously reddened by the stinging dust; plunging it into the hot sand seems to have helped, oddly enough. "Curtain, if the dust is paining you as well, cleaning with the sand seems to help." She bends down again to scoop up a double handful of sand and scour her exposed skin clean with it.

Taking that Speed-7 miscellaneous action to fix the virtual wound penalty.

2013-04-22, 11:24 AM

"Ah! Ah! Get it off!"


It might not have been that painful. The Sidereal has experienced comparable pain in combat before. The mortal priest Unfolding Curtain, however, would not have such hardship. And while he has no wish to lie to a Lawgiver, he has his own obligations to deal with.

Curtain thoroughly sullies his vestments with sand before he answers fully.

"...Maybe we hit some sort of artery or vein with that fluid in it? Or maybe I hit a nerve cluster?"

It wasn't a direct lie, after all. Just a suggestion.

2013-04-22, 02:52 PM
Sand relaxes slightly from his stance and goes over to examine the comatose beast, wincing from his burns.

"Interesting. That dust seemed to be a reflexive defense maneuver, would there be pockets of it under the skin? Or is it magically generated..."

He examines the body for only a moment before turning to his companions. "Still, now is not the time for that examination. We should keep moving. At least once you get ride of that powder."

2013-04-29, 02:45 AM
Opal glances at the fallen beast as she continues scrubbing off the powder. "Day, can you knock it out without killing it? I'd rather not have it following us, but there seems no need to destroy it."

Her gaze lingers on Curtain for a moment, a little doubtful, but then she shrugs. "Then yes, we should move on. In." The Dawn nods at the stone spire. "Are any of you injured?"

2013-04-29, 02:23 PM
Day shrugs. "That should be simple."

The flat of the enormous sword descends on the remaining beast in a single, powerful stroke.

Not using any charms, suffering a -1 external penalty to do Bashing damage. Day wants to knock it out, instead of killing it.

Base: [roll0]
Stunt: [roll1]
Damage is 14L/4.

2013-04-29, 02:35 PM

The priest chuckles nervously, fidgeting under Opal's gaze. It was, after all, his natural reaction, but given the context, it could easily be seen as something other than the truth.

"Does being very embarrassed about my...ah...outburst count?"

2013-04-29, 04:20 PM
"Thank you, Day. And Curtain, heh, no need to be embarrassed - you did well. Better than well." The young Dawn pauses and adds gently, "You are very good with those swords, for someone not accustomed to pain."

Drawing her daiklave again, Opal walks forward to the entrance to the corridor. "I'll go in first, and see if I can just walk back out. If it closes, I'll try to re-open it from within; if that happens, give me a count of ten after it closes before you try. I imagine we'll all end up going in anyway - I don't want to leave someone out here, more of those creatures might turn up - but we may as well check the exits first. If we're separated - Day, you obviously have training in warfare, you will take command."

She takes a breath of the hot air, and steps into the marble corridor.

2013-05-02, 10:52 AM
Blinking away the small amount of burning dust that gets in his eyes, Kashen stands poised for a moment even after the thing has burst into a cloud of literal red mist, as though it might re-form and attack once again.
Satisfied in its final death once the desert winds begin to swirl the blood-sand to mix in with the golden waves of the dunes deeper into the desert, the man-beast finally lets his guard drop, shoulders relaxing a bit though his claws remain sheathed in a silver nimbus.

Watching silently as the fate of the remaining lizard-lion is discussed and then settled with the flat of Day's blade, he moves forward to stand at Opal's side as she discusses testing the portal's entrance, following her suggestion, or as he views it, command from earlier.

Silently save for a brief grunt of acknowledgment to the rest of the group on he and Opal's departure, Kashen allows the Sun-Chose to lead the way into this unknown realm as befits her station. A stride behind, his step bears the deliberate quickness of caution, ears tilting of their own accord towards unfamiliar sounds in the diminishing light of the hallway.

2013-05-07, 01:51 AM
The beast doesnt respond to Day slamming it, just slips some more. It doesn't disintegrate like the other.

Entering the corridor, Opal finds that it remains open to the others.

Day: 1 die stunt.

Scene long Charms remain active.

2013-05-07, 02:05 AM
Opal steps back out, and nods to herself. "All right - there may be a time limit, but not much we can do about that. Of course, any of you are free to stay outside if you wish -" She glances around the group, inquiringly. If no one speaks up, she continues, "Let's see what there is to see, then. Kashen and I will lead; Curtain, you stay behind us; Day, Sand, if you will take rear guard? Unless any of you are expert at exploring gods' sanctums or rakshas' lairs, in which case, feel free to take the lead."

Once everyone has sorted themselves out, Opal again moves quietly down the marble corridor, listening for any sounds up ahead.

Current health: uninjured

Willpower: 10/10
Personal Essence: 16/16
Peripheral Essence: 24/35 + 7 attuned

Anima banner: 8

2013-05-07, 02:17 AM

"I have experience with Gods, at least. Raksha...I know...well, not enough, exactly, but a working knowledge. And my status as priest might give me some measure of immunity."

Curtain steps forward, taking the front, his movements flowing and natural, the man seemingly perfectly at ease.

Activating Life Without Compunction. Everything Curtain does, provided individuals have an MDV of less than 9 believes his behavior is acceptable, even charming.

Personal Essence: 10/16

2013-05-07, 02:19 PM
"I have not personally encountered many raksha or gods, but I do have some expertise in more general terms." Sand moves behind the groups as they enter, scanning the hallway both ahead and behind for any surprises.

Current Health: -1 health penalty

Willpower: 10/10
Personal Essence: 10/16
Peripheral EssenceL: 29/35 +6 commited

2013-05-09, 08:39 PM
Day looks carefully at the beast to make sure it's going to stay down before nodding, once, quietly, and joining Sand at the rear guard.

2013-05-10, 06:45 AM
The pristine corridor continues for well over a mile, with nothing of any interest happening. Beautiful, fluid mosaics of faintly luminous essence adorn the walls as you progress; they tell stories of te settlement you just left and of the South more generally (the image of a full & whole Chiascuro suggest these tales go back a long way indeed).

However towards the end the mosaics become less fluid. Jagged scene changes, chipped or missing tiles, places where the tale of horror and despair have clearly been painted over the existing story; it's still a masterpiece by mortal standards, but it even uses literal paint in places rather than the coloured essence that makes up the rest.

At the end of the corridor the group come to a grand chamber. The vast room bears a domed roof, and red fire is the only source of light here, casting villainous shadows on all sides. Several of the beasts you fought before prowl the edges of the room. At the centre is a throne that shifts from sand to molten glass and back as you watch it. On the throne is what seems to be a tyrant lizard without a tail, scales replaced with what seem to be plates of red jade. At its side kneels a small man, thin and weak. His body is jet black and frays like cloud at the edges. His head is bowed but you see two pale blue spheres, eyes laid low. He is bound by chains and shackles of red essence to the throne-bound one.

Neither of them say a word, but you feel the large one examining you without a movement or a sound.

Anyone with an MDV 5 or lower (he's Appearance 4 so +1 to your MDV if you're App 5, -1, -2 or -3 if you have App 3, 2 or 1 respectively) gains an Intimacy of Fearful Awe for the big one, unless they spend 2 Willpower to resist. This is Unnatural Mental Influence so spending Wp to resist will accrue Limit.

2013-05-10, 10:16 AM

"Excuse me," the Sidereal says, stepping forward.

"Unfurling Curtain. Priest of Mercury. I believe you're overstepping your bounds with this village. I'd advise you to stop. Please."

On the surface, such remarks seem polite, deferential-perhaps even overly so. But it is a daiklave made of starmetal held loosely in the Sidereal's hand; most gods are smart enough to know what such a thing means. And to keep quiet about it.

Just a reminder that Life Without Compunction is still up.

2013-05-10, 11:17 AM
Opal moves forward beside Curtain, surrounded by a burning nimbus of red-gold light, the sunburst of the Dawn caste brilliant on her brow. She glances at the chained man - Bathes in Shadows, surely, by his aspect - and her jaw sets grimly: it seems fairly clear what's going on here.

"Unfurling Curtain speaks for all of us," she says, with a small nod toward the priest of Mercury, before falling silent and watching the red-scaled creature coldly. Her grip on the hilt of her daiklave tightens a little, and her eyes flick quickly around the room, gauging the distance to the various creatures. (It's easier than looking directly at the main threat; dear gods but that's a big lizard, and those jade scales look like they'll be tough to penetrate.)

If/when we get close enough (5 yards), Defend Other on the chained man. While we're still further away, Defend Other on Unfurling Curtain.

2013-05-10, 11:50 AM
Opal: It's about 5 yards to the throne and up 1 yard of steps to reach it.

The beasts are 8-15 yards from you, there are three that you can see.

industrious: Life Without Compunction is an instant duration charm. You activate it whenever you make a social faux pas and want to undo the damage or want to use it's special dodge option, it doesn't apply as a blanket reaction to all interactions.

2013-05-14, 12:08 PM
The voice that echoes from the monstrous spirit is deep, fierce and filled with contempt.

"You think that I fear your corpse-wrought blade, human? By any rational definition of my kind I have been dead for a long time now."

Then the blazing Solar steps forward and as she glances at the smaller spirit, he rattles the chains lightly with his stubby tyrant lizard-ish arm.

"Oh does he now, my QUEEN" (the hate that saturates this final word is palpable). So many Lords of Creation united against one such as I. Truly I am ... honoured, this day. You come here to save meagre humans; tell me, why?"

2013-05-14, 10:54 PM
"No queen I, dead one," Opal says quietly, gliding closer, muscles tensed to leap between the lizard-creature and the chained man should it seem necessary. "No kingdom, no lands, no army at my back. As there were none to help, when my own people were the ones preyed on. Until my friends and I chose to act, meagre mortal children all, and by that choice I received this gift of power."

Her mouth is a little dry as she looks up at the towering lizard, but she shrugs the shoulder of her shield-arm, and goes on. "The light was given to me, to protect. To say Nay when it must be said, to those who would abuse their strength. The people here - you call them meagre, but they were not too weak or fearful to call for aid. If they spoke truth, they lived here peaceably for long years before you came, and chained their god -" She nods to the dark man, "- and demanded sacrifices of them."

"Tell me. Why?"

She feels briefly guilty about speaking up when she had asked Unfurling Curtain to represent them, but... it's a simple enough question. The priest can handle the details of any resulting negotiation, although she's still not expecting a peaceful outcome here.

(The priest with a star-metal sword. The god's words triggered an old memory, of a story an old shaman had told her one night, watching a shooting star cross the sky. The death of gods, he'd said. It has a wicked edge.)

I'm going to assume with Occult 5 I am aware of the existence and basic properties of starmetal, albeit of course not that it's associated with Sidereals. I can edit this if I'm wrong.

2013-05-14, 11:39 PM
Day stand quietly towards the back end of the group, waiting, sword in both hands.

She speaks quietly, smoothly, softly, but a voice edged with steel.

"It is our place to protect them, and it is not your place to oppress them. Those who defy their place in the world face heaven's wrath."

Question: What's the chained guy's Appearance?

2013-05-15, 02:04 AM
Unfurling Curtain

"Oh, indeed," Curtain says-muses, really, with his eyes sparkling like the stars. "Heaven's wrath is said to be quite a power indeed."

Oh, that was a bit dramatic, wasn't it? Still, it worked beautifully on two different layers; it perfectly reinforced his misdirection and revealed the truth behind it to the one who needed to know it.

2013-05-17, 03:09 AM
Your words rile the great creatures something fierce, it unleashes a mighty roar that shakes you to your bones and the once red flames flare blinding white-hot.


Noticing Bathes In Shadows' fearful reaction to it's chains being pulled and your step to intervene the creature seems to acknowledge the danger before it and concedes, the light receding to it's previous menacing red and his voice returns to it's previous quieter, but no less threatening tone.

"You asked me why? Because my star fell from the sky with innumerable others and Heaven did nothing but dole out meagre charity and hope that we would allow ourselves to fade, so some enforcer of theirs could make trinkets and from our remains. I called them meagre because that is what they are; they live but one life and vanish forever in body and spirit. Your fickle loyalty to a handful of prayers given form over those who served you so loyally when you called them is abhorrent.

You abandoned your duties, why should I obey you now? Why should this child-god of the Dark Age have what was taken from me?"

To clarify, the roar has no mechanical effect, it's just really loud.

Sand, Day, Kashen:
As the flames flare white, the creatures around the edge of the room seem to taken on new form just for a second; that of a hulking, rugged & scaled humanoid. When the lights return to normal though, there is no sign of anything but the snarling monsters you fought earlier.

Opal: yes, you'd know of Starmetal & what it's made from. There's a Thaumaturgical ritual that allows you to synthesise it after all. As for it's connection to Sidereals, that would depend on if you know anything about Sidereals; which Arcane Fate makes notably more difficult.

2013-05-17, 11:43 AM
"I do not know where Heaven was," Opal retorts, her voice hot with answering anger. "But unless it happened within the last two years, I was one of those meagre mortals you speak of, or not born at all."

"What call to service did you answer? What duties have we abandoned? These are things I do not know. But if you have a quarrel with us, you should pursue it with us. Not with Bathes In Shadows, or these people. I do not respect a man who is angry at his chief and so goes home and beats his children, not because they've done any wrong but just because he can."

Opal is good at Occult but bad at Lore; I don't think she knows enough history to make the right connections here.

She's also bad at self-control and not very socially polished. She speaks her mind.

2013-05-17, 09:05 PM
Unfurling Curtain

"...And now" the priest says quietly. "You abandon your duties. Worse, you ensnare a loyal god, take his followers for your own worship."

He raises his daiklave; its point rests between the rogue god's eyes.

"It does not matter what injustices you say have been committed by Heaven. Injustices that took place centuries ago. What matters in this place, in this time, are the ones you have committed now."

Curtain steps forward, stopping only when he is near the throne or the creature objects.

"Surrender. Release Bathes in Shadows. Leave peaceably. Or your corpse will be made into trinkets; this I do promise you."

2013-05-17, 10:18 PM
Opal frowns slightly at Curtain's words. Although her daiklave remains raised and her stance wary, ready to dart between Bathes In Shadows and the red-scaled god, she does not nod this time, not at first. Instead, she mutters under her breath, "Injustices always matter, until they are redressed. Even if they are past."

But she does nod firmly at the priest's demand to release Bathes In Shadows.

2013-05-17, 11:43 PM
"I am not a protector," Day says quietly. "I am an avenger. When I have avenged the wrongs you have done, I will avenge the wrongs done to you."

She carefully calculates the tactical situation and moves slightly so that her back is to Opal's. Better that neither of them should be easily ambushed.

2013-05-18, 12:59 AM
Sand carefully unsheathes his own diaklaves, and shifts closer to the rest of the group "I can not answer for any crimes commited against you in the past, nor is it your place to condemn those who did not commit them. I cannot say whether your rage is justified, but you cannot be forgiven for your own crimes, simply because you were wronged."

As Sand moves towards the rest of the group, he tries to get a good count of the creatures around the edge of the room.

2013-05-18, 03:31 PM
Kashen has nothing constructive to offer to the discourse that hasn't already been said. Standing a few steps behind Opal, his arms fold across his broad chest. Where his Essence-sharpened claws rest along the edge of each opposing arm, the contrast of silver-white on black fur provides stark contrast that emphasizes those unnaturally sharp curves of bone.

Smirking as the little priest speaks up with a stiffer tone and more chutzpa than he might have imagined, his amusement seems short-lived as the flare of the mad spirit's flames draws his attention not to that red-scaled form but rather to the edges of the chamber, something about the roaming beasts catching his attention momentarily.

As the group draws together in anticipation of what appears to be inevitable violence, he forms an outward-facing guard with the three other Chosen and the wily priest. Keeping himself to Opal's side, his attention remains on the meandering lizard-lions, as Unfurling Curtain seems to be dealing with the spirt and chained god. Or whatever they are. All Kashen knows is that one of them is a tyrant, and he's had his fill of tyranny.

2013-05-22, 03:12 AM
"So this is how it ends. Not with the justice and righteous vengeance of the Princes of the Earth, but with my motes scattered to the wind like ashes by shortsighted children."

The spirit's gaze hardens.

"So be it, I hope my star makes a fine blade to add to your collection. I warn you though, these chains are more than physical. Choose your course wisely.

This last line is spoken with real malice and cruelty, rather than the rage and contempt he has expressed thus far.

Then it unleashes another bone-quaking roar and rises to meet you if you advance.

2013-05-22, 03:42 PM
Day brings her sword into a guard position, smiling a hidden, twisted smile on her hidden, twisted face, and speaking, simply and softly.

"So be it."

She can smell the pulse of the lizard's heartbeat, hear the chains of the god sizzle in the summer heat. She can see the valor in the hearts of her allies, touch the victory she knows will come...

Or possibly, she considers, it's simply Abyssal madness.

Either way.

Blood will flow.

Rolling Join Battle. [roll0]

Oh, whoops, plus the stunt that I forgot to roll. However many dice I got.

2013-05-22, 04:01 PM
Sand's face falls visibly at the creature's response. "If it is any consolation, fallen one, I am truly sorry. While you do yourself no credit by choosing violence so easily, I will promise this. If I have anything to say on the subject, you shall truly answer for your crimes, and the crimes committed against you. Not with death. With whatever judgement you truly deserve."

Sand steps to his companions side, facing squarely towards the seated spirit. raising his arms in a gentle crescent, face frozen in deadly concentration.

In the last moments before fighting begins, Sand smiles quietly "It has been educational meeting you, my companions. I hope none of us lose the opportunity to learn more."

Join Battle: [roll0]

2013-05-22, 04:14 PM
Unfurling Curtain

The young priest keeps his gaze level, his voice without tremor.

"For your crimes against Heaven, you are sentenced to death."

His body tenses into familiar patterns, ready to take down another rogue god.

Join Battle: [roll0]
Stunt: [roll1]

2013-05-22, 06:06 PM
As the creature speaks, regret wars with indignation on Opal's face - but then her gaze hardens, growing cold and iron, at the cruelty in its last words.

"Your course, too, will be what you have chosen," the girl says, in a surprisingly mild tone, as she glides closer to the chained god. She almost seems to float, with grace belying the speed of her movements.

Red-gold flames run like water from her anima, to bathe the shield and long orichalcum blade that she bears. Both weapon and shield seem to ignite from within, burning with their own blue-edged white-gold fire, brilliant as the heart of a star.

But they are faint compared to the Dawn herself.

Her wings are many-colored flame, burning gold and carnelian, burning silver and indigo. The blazing white-gold silhouettes of many swords flash evanescent about her, searing the eye for a moment before lingering only as after-images. And a keening song twists in the air like a knife, music of requiem and triumph, of fear and the end of fear, imprinting itself on the mind like a brand.

The light on her brow is like staring into the sun.

"As it may be, Sand." Her voice is still mild and quiet, as she smiles at the other Solar in the last calm moment before the storm.

Join Battle: [roll0]
Possible stunt: [roll1]
EDIT: 6 sux, although I'd still like to know any stunt rating for mote regain.

And for the rest of it...

Scenelong reflexives goooo. Protection of Celestial Bliss on weapon and shield, and Heroism-Encouraging Presence to affect all my allies. Declaring combo of all reflexives. Valor checks are now irrelevant to us, and Valor channeling is improved: you add successes not dice, and are refunded the WP cost if the action succeeds.

Also, anima kicks up to totemic, because why not. Thus: DVs go up by 2, difficulty to arrange coordinated attacks against me goes up by 2, all opponents suffer a -1 external penalty on all attack rolls against me unless they spend 5 WP to ignore it for the scene.

If perchance those monsters count as a mass combat unit then they also get a -2 external penalty on rout checks.

Current health: uninjured
Willpower: 10/10
Personal Essence: 16/16
Peripheral Essence: 13/35 + 7 attuned + 11 committed (Protection of Celestial Bliss x2, Heroism-Encouraging Presence)

Parry DV: 12 + (-1 external penalty on attacks if they do not spend 5 WP or negate the Emotion UMI)
Dodge DV: 6 + (-1 external penalty on attacks if they do not spend 5 WP or negate the Emotion UMI)

Anima banner: 19

2013-05-22, 06:11 PM
Kashen's mind churns furiously for a moment, taking in the battlefield, small and confined as it is. Without much room to maneuver and no unit drills to call the group to follow, this could be a messy fight.

In a guttural half-growl that takes a moment longer than normal to comprehend as speech, Kashen warns, " 'Ware the lizards, they are something more. Take them first, then strike the chain free if possible."

It is a concise enough strategy. In the back of his mind, Kashen fears the unknown outcome of this battle, but pushes it aside to focus on his decided course of action. Steeling himself, his feet spread into a nimble stance that allows him to move quickly with Opal and the rest of the group.

Rolling Join Battle:

Personal Essence: 20/20
Peripheral Essence:23/38 (9 committed +12 actively spent - 2 stunt die)
(Plus any motes regenerated one the walk here?)
Willpower: 9/10
Anima: 12

Active Charms:
Deadly Beastman Transformation
Claws of the Silver Moon

2013-05-25, 05:22 AM
Combat Time (RC 8):
0: Day
2: Opal
5: Kashen, Lizard God
6: Curtain, Sand, Beasts

Day: 1 die
Sand: 1 die
Curtain: 1 die
Opal: 2 die
Kashen: 1 die

2013-05-26, 06:56 PM
"As you wish."

The physics were impossible, of course; so much momentum, so quickly, so efficiently channeled - so sudden a reverse. Day moved like a whisper, whatever movements her feet made hidden under her robes; only a silent clink of armored feet on stone to mark her progress. She struck first, hard, quickly, a single blow against one of the beasts to sever head from body. The blow struck, she falls back to her place as Opal's shield.

Moving, making one attack, not supplemented by charms, against one of the henchbeasts, and then moving back.

Base: [roll0] = 11
Stunt: [roll1] = 0/1/2
Damage is 14L/4, DV is 8, soak is 20B/17L/15A, Hardness is 11, Day's unwounded.

2013-05-28, 03:10 AM
The beast kicks up a cloud of red sand into Day's face, but the Abyssals strike is true and it is bisected, disintegrating into a clound of red mist which spirals instantly to the Lizard Spirit, which inhales the mist with a flash of gold across it's spiteful eyes.

2013-05-28, 11:34 PM
"... hmm. It may take power for it to maintain the beasts," Opal mutters to the others. "Let's experiment a little."

She runs forward, and her feet and hands and sword leave dazzling trails in the air. A leap takes her up onto the arm of the throne itself, enveloping the chains and the lizard-god in the brilliance of her anima. She plants a foot on the chains, wondering for a moment if they are linked to the throne or the god or both.

Does it matter?

The Dawn doesn't need to speak to convey Strike him from behind if he turns, as she grins at her allies and sways backward like a reed in the wind, shield-hand resting for a moment on the high back of the throne. Her sword swoops down and around at the hopefully-weak spot under the jade-armored figure's fragile arms, as he turns to bring his own weapons into play.

But her daiklave spins in the air, mirrored in that flashing moment by an eye-searing white mandala of six brilliant blades of light. And through that burning tempest of swords it is the flat that strikes at the red god - the cutting edge of blazing orichalcum is turned into the backswing, down and through the Essence-chains where they meet the throne, with a hiss of superheated air.

Another flurry, mostly just trying a few things to see what happens. Coordinate attack on the lizard-god (aiming to coordinate all 5 of us, so diff 2), pulled blow (bashing damage) on the lizard-god to test his defenses, fierce blow (-1 external penalty, +2L raw damage) on the point where the Essence-chains join the throne, defend other on Bathes In Shadow. Paying 4m to the First Melee Excellency on the attack on the god (which kicks anima back up to totemic).

Coordinate attack:[roll0] (11 base, -4 multi-action penalty)
EDIT: success, max penalty is -4 or -5 with a 1-die stunt. Clearly Opal is better at coordinating people when she doesn't open her mouth and confuse the issue :smallwink:

Attack on god: [roll1] -1 external penalty for 7B/2 base damage. (19 base accuracy, -4 multi-action penalty, -1 for second action, +4 Excellency)
EDIT: 11/12/12/13 sux after the penalty with a 0/1/2/3-die stunt.

Attack on chains: [roll2] -1 external penalty for 9L/2 base damage.
EDIT: 11/12/12/13 sux after the penalty with a 0/1/2/3-die stunt.

Stunt dice: [roll3]

Speed of action is 5, so Opal next acts (and Coordinate goes off) on Tick 7.

Current health: uninjured
Willpower: 10/10
Personal Essence: 16/16
Peripheral Essence: 13/35 + 7 attuned + 11 committed (Protection of Celestial Bliss x2, Heroism-Encouraging Presence)

Parry DV: 12 + (-1 external penalty on attacks if they do not spend 5 WP or negate the Emotion UMI) -2 from actions = 10 + ext penalty before Charms
Dodge DV: 6 + (-1 external penalty on attacks if they do not spend 5 WP or negate the Emotion UMI) -2 from actions = 4 + ext penalty before Charms

Anima banner: 23

2013-05-31, 11:50 AM
The beast barely seem to register your blow against it, but Opal feels the minor damage her Solar spark ensures against any foe.

The attack on the chains provokes a much more dramatic response, but it is not from the Lizard God. As the orichalcum blade slams into the chains cracks appear but they do not break, and the shackled spirit lets out an unearthly scream of pain; perfect sky-blue eyes look up as he throws back his head and a mouth emerges from his shadowy mass.

Opal: 2 die stunt.

Combat Time (RC 8):
5: Kashen, Lizard God
6: Curtain, Sand, Day, Beasts
8: Opal

Kashen, you're up.

2013-06-04, 12:32 PM

The Lizard's words shake the sanctum itself, the vibrations coalescing in a whorl of flaming Old Realm glyphs around Curtain.

As it bellows towards the priest, it whips the chains up around Opal's daiklaive and yanks the Solar towards her with strength immense even by the warrior caste's standards. As she is heaved off balance the great spirit's draconic maw envelopes her with lightning speed, blade-like teeth scraping on her orichalcum armour and sinking into her essence-bolstered limbs.

Fortunately, the Solar essence surging through her rebukes the spirit's attempt to overwhelm her.

Words of Power vs. Curtain
Acc: [roll0] = 14 successes
Raw Dmg: 11

Possession vs. Opal:
Acc: [roll1] - 3 = 0 successes (diff. 1)

Ifni: how do you have Protection of Celestial Bliss x2? According to the errata that requires E5, Melee 5.

2013-06-04, 12:35 PM
Damage vs. Curtain: [roll0] = 1B

That's assuming a Parry DV of 8 and a Bashing soak of 8, if it's been altered then that may change. Since the last three dice were all misses, even a 3 die stunt won't change the result.

Combat Time (RC 8):
5: Day, Kashen, Lizard God
6: Curtain, Sand, Beasts
7: Opal

2013-06-04, 01:45 PM

As the glyphs surround the priest, he raises his khopesh defensively, guarding against the deity's wrath. His eyes turn skyward, beseeching his Lady for aid and protection against such a blow.

Such prayers rarely go answered, of course. But his power ultimately from Her, and that which would have wounded him leaves him merely rattled and shaken.

2013-06-15, 04:46 PM
Sand grimaces as realizes Opals blow injured Bathes in Shadow Perhaps we should simply trike for the head this time. But he lunges through the opening her attack created, swords still raised in a half crescent.

His swords flash through a lightning quick, sinuous flurry, attempting to weave around any defense, striking from impossible range. The first a flat extension of his lunge, parallel to the stairs he just charged up, then dodging carefully around and over the chains attached to the throne, the second and third blows arrive, heralded not by the bright gold of revealed orichalcum, but the brilliant white of his extended sleeves, both concealing the sword, and confusing the eye. Just focus, just focus, just focus, just focus...

As he strikes, his caste mark flashes into visibility, painting a brilliant gold spotlight over his target, even as his attacks are wreathed in nearly invisible golden luster.

Launching a flurry at the god, just 3 normal hook sword attacks, the first supplemented by 4 bonus dice from the 1st MA excellency, the second by 1, and the third by 2.

Activating a combo of all reflexive charms, as well as the First Martial Arts Excellency. All essence is spent from peripheral pool.

Attack 1: [roll0] -2 external penalty (1 from wound, -1 from UMA), -3 multiaction penalty, +4 Excellency
7/9/11/12 for 0/1/2/3 die stunt

Attack 2: [roll1] -2 external penalty (1 from wound, -1 from UMA), -4 multiaction penalty, +1 excellency
4/6/8/9 for 0/1/2/3 die stunt

Attack 3: [roll2] -2 external penalty (1 from wound, -1 from UMA), -5 multiaction penalty +2 excellency
4/6/8/9 for 0/1/2/3 die stunt

stunt: [roll3]

The speed of action is 5, so Sand next acts on tick 11

Current health: 2 hits (-1)
Willpower: 10/10
Personal Essence: 10/16 - 6 spent on Crane Form
Peripheral Essence: 22/35 - 6 commited - 7 spent during attack action

Parry DV: 9 + (-1 external penalty on attacks if they do not spend 5 WP or negate the Emotion UMI) -0 from actions, -1 from wound penalties = 7 + ext penalty before Charms
Dodge DV: 7 + (-1 external penalty on attacks if they do not spend 5 WP or negate the Emotion UMI) -0 from actions -1 wound penalites = 5 + ext penalty before Charms

2013-06-15, 04:58 PM

He catches Opal's intent, and holds, khopesh readied, until the proper moment to strike.

Aiming for 1 tick.

2013-06-17, 04:27 AM
Day doesn't bother talking as she continues fighting. The tactics worked before; she will continue to use them again. Step forwards, strike, fall back to position, felling foes like a woodcutter trees - calm, professional, and without any particular concern for the target's feelings.

Base: [roll0]
Stunt: [roll1]
Damage is 14L/4.

2013-06-19, 10:41 AM
Kashen watches out of his peripheral vision as the mad reptile-ruler of this place pull one of the few Sun-chosen in existence towards its ravenous jaws. Growling as he watches Sand and Opal face the tyrant head-on, a moment's thought is required to focus his rage towards his own duty in this fight.

Moving to one side of Opal, he positions himself between her and one of corrupt deity's servants. Ducking under its muzzle full of teeth like jagged rocks, the hulking leopard-thing's jaws snap open as if to bite, but the memory of the things burning sand-blood holds him back. Instead roaring in exertion, he buries his Essence-sharpened claws into its soft throat facing opposite directions, a point of attack driven by primal instinct.

Even under the matte black fur of his war-form, Kashen's wiry shoulders and forearm visibly stand out as he tears the lizard's throat open. The primeval sound in his throat mutes noticeably as he shuts his mouth and holds his breath in anticipation of the thing's 'blood' causing him annoyance.


Using charm Twin Fang Technique with CotSM-enhanced Punch (x2).

Both are Overwhelming, 10L/2.

Second attack incurs -1 Onslaught penalty to opponent's DV.

Punch 1: [roll0]
Punch 2: [roll1]

Personal Essence: 20/20
Peripheral Essence:19/38 (9 committed +17 actively spent - 3 stunt die)
Willpower: 9/10
Anima: 17

Active Charms:
Deadly Beastman Transformation
Claws of the Silver Moon

2013-07-11, 06:27 AM
The circle's strikes rain down upon the God and it's beasts, until Opal gives the command. The combined force of the Exalted power unites into a single, perfectly annihilative attack, their animas (or lack thereof for Curtain) combine into a single seamless corona of transcendent power.

The chains binding Bathes In Shadows disintegrate and fall to to the floor as red sand. The beast minions follow the same pattern, leaving patches of red aound the sanctum chamber.

The Lizard God falls backwards, shattering his molten glass throne. From where you stuck your great wound, his begins to vanish, motes dispersing in all directions.

"I hope you all live long enough for Darkness to swallow this world. Traitors..."

And with that he is gone. The red flames go out and plunge the sanctum into darkness, or it would except for the great roaring fires of celestial anima lighting the entire chamber with silver, gold and deep glowing black. Bathes In Shadows stands, sighs deeply, and then bows low to you.

"from the deepest recesses of my heart, thank you."

2013-07-11, 11:57 PM
"You are very welcome, Divine Sir," Opal replies politely, bowing in return. She picks up a handful of sand to scrub her daiklave clean of the red dust that seemed to serve the creatures for blood, before sheathing it. She looks to her allies, and grins. "That was well struck. Curtain, are you harmed? I saw the glyphs surround you."

For a girl who just nearly literally had her head bitten off by a giant lizard, Opal seems remarkably unfazed. She looks back at the dark god. "You are Bathes In Shadows, I assume? Your people spoke well of you. I am called Burning Opal. Can you tell us what happened here?"

She pauses and then adds apologetically, "I am sorry if I injured you when I struck the chain. I hoped to free you."

2013-07-16, 11:49 AM
The Burning Sandstorm sent an envoy requesting respite. I feel great sympathy for those of my kind who have lost their purpose, so I agreed to offer him and those spirits that lingered with him respite and a tithe of the villagers prayers to ease his weariness."

He sighs again as he looks around the sanctum.

"Obviously not my smartest of decisions. And fear not about my wounds, I am grateful for your intent.

He closes his eyes for a moment, and when they open he appears worried and appeals to you all.

"I barely hear the whispers of my villagers. Tell me of their fate under that bastard."

2013-07-17, 02:24 AM
"Many of them have died, and some of their dwellings have been ruined. The Burning Sandstorm demanded sacrifice of them, and endless prayer, and the defilement of other gods' icons, and sent his beasts to attack their village when they displeased him. All this he did pretending to be you."

The young Dawn walks over to touch the god's shoulder gently, in an attempt at comfort. "I am sorry to have to tell you this, Bathes In Shadow. But we will explain the truth to them. They will need your help to rebuild. Enduring Stone lives still, he was the one who performed the ritual to summon us."

2013-07-27, 12:51 AM
Day steps back and looks around, leaning on her sword. She has no duties here, it seems; Opal has the situation under control.

She waits.

2013-07-30, 05:15 AM
Kashen scuffs at one the marks left behind by the last lizard-beast with an annoyed frown. Turning to watch the pretender god's essence vaporize and drift upwards, the frown only deepens.

No bodies...no trophies. Damn.

The expression doesn't last long, though. Making his way slowly to the shattered throne of volcanic glass, he picks up a piece and hefts it, shrugging to himself.

Better than nothing.

On his way back to the group, he sheds his war form in a blur of light and essence. Clad in desert traveling robes over armor once more, he tucks the trophy into his robes and returns to Opal's side, adding his voice.

"They are a strong people. They will recover, with your help."