View Full Version : Across Azeroth 3.5 IC

2013-03-27, 11:12 AM

Tarren Mill is in something of a...reformation period. While the surrounding areas of Hillsbrad remain bright, green, verdant and lively, Tarren Mill is a dead area. The grass beneath your feet is brown or non-existent, the stench is distinctly rotten and you're more likely to stumble upon a misplaced bodypart than a misplaced farming tool.

The buildings too are being rebuilt. While once this was a town of the Alliance built with human hands, it is now safely in the hands of the Forsaken and they are rebuilding it in their own image. A few buildings are already complete, most notably the apothecary's main building from which you can hear the bubbling, hissing and groaning of potions and the apparatus that contains them.

The Forsaken here still have a wary acceptance of you. While you serve the Horde, you are not "one of them". They see your usefulness and do not fear any betrayal, and such tolerate your presence for the moment, though it still seems there are rumblings beneath Tarren Mill that are closed off to you.

Chances are that if you're looking for work, the Head Apothecary will likely have something that needs doing. If nothing else, the Forsaken are always looking for a few bodies to send to Andorhal to push out the Scourge.



Wrapped in winter clothing and being bombarded by the cold, icy winds of Northrend, you stand before the great tower temple of Wyrmrest. A sacred meeting place and "neutral ground" for dragons, it is here that you have come to seek out the Black Dragonflight. A young Elf (or so he appears) greets you warily. "Hail traveler. You stand upon sacred ground. What is it that you seek?" Upon explaining your cause to him, he hesitates for a moment, before finally nodding and beckoning to a nearby red drake. "Ariastrasza will take you to the top of Wyrmrest. There you can meet with Nalice, the Black Dragonflight Ambassador, and plead your case to her."

Mounting the red drake, it is impossible to not feel the power radiating beneath you. A power both physical and mystical, of muscles strong enough to rend bodies in two and magics to rend reality apart. She murmurs an instruction to hold on to you before taking flight. The flight up to the top of Wyrmrest is slow. Ariastrasza circles the tower multiple times. In the distance you can see each Dragonshrine, sacred places to the flights. Perhaps most obvious is the Blue dragonshrine, a place where magic pours into the sky in enormous white-blue-purple light.

Ariastrasza lands and you dismount, with the young red drake pointing to Nalice before taking flight and leaving once more. As you approach, the dark-haired female human that is Nalice's humanoid disguise turns to you. "Another supplicant? Let's hope you're more useful than the last. What is it, mortal? Be quick." Her voice is harsh and impatient, and her body language indicates extreme boredom or annoyance - possibly both.



The Barrens are a harsh land, but one which the Tauren mastered centuries ago. Moving between oases, the nomadic bullpeople carved out a peaceful living venerating the Earthmother for longer than anyone can remember. Only recently did the chieftain of the Bloodhoof Tauren, Cairne, lead their people to settle in the verdant lands of Mulgore. It was not an easy transition, but one which the Tauren people seem to have embraced.

Now you stand at the Crossroads, a joint established town of Tauren, Orc and Troll. Here you find roads to Durotar - where the Orcs now reside, north to Ashenvale - home of the savage and beautiful Night Elves, west to the Stonetalon Mountains, east to the Goblin town of Ratchet, or south, to Mulgore...or beyond.

There are many paths before you, and though each one may be traveled in time, you can only take them each in turn.



When you told the Alliance "I want to fight Undead," they were all too eager to ship you off to Northrend. Fresh bodies of volunteers - especially ones as skilled as you - were in short supply. Nobody would admit it, but the war was going poorly. The Scourge seemed endless and even with the renewed attacks by the Lich King, the Alliance and Horde still insisted on nipping at each other's heels whenever they had a chance to.

They had you shipped off to the front lines on the next ship out of there. It took a few weeks trapped on one of the Alliance's new Icebreaker ships but finally you reached Northrend. Specifically, Valiance Keep in the Borean Tundra. You arrive to the sound of stone, explosions and the hammering of steel. Blood, death and metal fills your nose and beyond the walls you can see seemingly endless waves of horrific undead spider creatures throwing themselves at the keep walls and its defenders.

Almost immediately upon disembarking, a young teenage messenger dashes up to you. "Daelus Arcturus? Message for you, sir." He thrusts the missive into your hand and dashes away before even waiting for a response. Evidently, you were expected. Unfurling the missive it reads as follows:

Daelus Arcturus,
Word has gotten to me of your skills and your intentions. While the Commander of this keep would waste you defending these walls, I have wider vision that he does not possess. If you wish to do your part for the Alliance and defeat the Scourge menace, then seek me out first.
Counselor Talbot

2013-03-27, 11:42 AM
Tarren Mill

It is like school. Only not as gloomy. And Zalsar'jin is used to the waryness. The solution would be kind of easy, sure, but if he is going to go undead, he will shoot for the big leagues. Not gonna go for it until he can complete the ritual of lichdom.

Zalsar'jin parks his cart and mules with the stable master and lumbers on towards the Apothecary main building. Tarren Mill needed a tinker, he heard, and here he is.

"Greetings, me smelly friends. Faranell send me here because he says ya be needin' a tinker 'round these parts."

Holocron Coder
2013-03-27, 01:38 PM
Daelus Arcturus

Arcturus frowned as he read over the message. He doubted that anyone fighting on the lines against the undead could really be considered a waste, but he understood the man's point. He rolled up the missive and stowed it in his belt. He would talk to this councilor, at the very least. It was indeed possible that there was something so important that the man had need of him in preference over the front lines.

He had the vague notion that the councilor would be in the keep where the commander had been mentioned, so he headed in that direction. Along the way, he stopped near a guard and asks, "Good sir, could you direct me towards a Councilor Talbot?"

2013-03-27, 01:38 PM

"Hmm, I stand once again at the crossroads..which way shall my hoofs take me.."

Thrumm moves to the side of the road and takes a seat. Leaving his Eidolon in charge of making sure his kodo doesn't stray to far in search of tastier greens.

He takes a seat and meditates, waiting to see if the earthmother has any suggestions on where life will take him to.

2013-03-27, 05:15 PM

The Forsaken you speak to regards you with its dead glowing orbs that have replaced its eyes. It seems to hesitate as to whether it should be offended by the 'smelly' comment, but simply shrugs. "Inside." The Deathguard gestures over his shoulder into what appears to be (at least currently) the central building of the town.

Entering inside you find yourself surrounded by walls upon walls of flasked potions and concoctions. There are huge cauldrons bubbling away with green liquid and numerous Forsaken jotting down notes as they perform various experiments. At the end of the room is a small statuette of Sylvanas Windrunner, the Banshee Queen, below which is carved "Dark Lady watch over us."

The Head Apothecary, judging by his more elaborate robes and the deferential way people are treating him, is stood beside this statue berating what appears to be a messenger. "Putress doesn't know what he's doing. Will have none of it. Leave now, before I make you leave." The messenger sprints out past you, his bones clacking clattering together as his rotten skin drops off a little.

As you approach, he turns to you. "Hm? What's this? Troll. Smell of death. Smell of undeath. Smell of metal. Tinker we were told of? Have use for you. Nearby Durnholde Keep, old Human castle. Odd plant cultivated in burned out ruins, possible use in alchemy. Also word of Syndicate using mechanical engineering devices. Possibly Gnomish. Two birds, one stone." Not that Forsaken tend to breathe very much, but the delivery of this is fastpaced with very little in the way of pauses. You can't get a word in edgeways. "Plant has large red-green leaves, green stalk. Possible relation to Gromsblood herb, but different. Go now. Many more experiments to run."

And with that he turns away. A Forsaken female approaches you from behind as the Head Apothecary wanders off muttering to himself in the same fast paced tone. "My...apologies for our master's behaviour. He is erratic, but brilliant. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them."



The guard salutes you and opens the door. "Counselor Talbot is upstairs, sir. Please go ahe-"
"Ah! No need, no need!. A call from inside comes out. Coming down the stairs is an elderly moustached human sporting a monacle. "Don't worry my boy, I'll take it from here. Daelus Arcturus? Yes, yes I was expecting you. Come in." He beckons you into a side room. On the opposite end of the room you spy a bald man with an eyepatch in gleaming gold armour poring over a map, who Talbot is glancing at every now and again.

"Now, Sir Arcturus. Or would you prefer Daelus? Whichever. I was sent a message ahead of your arrival and I think I have just the mission for you." He unfurls a map of what looks like the Borean Tundra. "Here's us, at Valiance Keep. Further up the coast is a number of mines infested by the undead. They don't seem to stop coming! We've got no idea what's going on in there and there's too many to send in any of our usual forces. General Arlos would waste you on the walls, but I think you're made for better things. I want you to go to those mines, clear out any undead and find out what's causing them."

"Can you do that?"



Sitting down, you feel more in touch with the earth around you. You can feel the rumblings of the earth, feel the smell of the wind, feel your senses expanding, feel the process of time passing you by.

Finally, your mind is filled by images of great caverns filled with water and plantlife and you feel a great rushing wind flowing to the south-west. The Wailing Caverns. A few years ago, they were home to the corrupted Druids of the Fang. They were cleaned out by a group of adventurers though, and in recent times the Caverns have been apparently empty and quiet. The Cenarion Circle has not revisited the place for fear of losing another druid to the corruption that took the Fang druids, but Crossroads does occasionally send a scout to have a look around. Sergra Darkthorn would know more, if you're curious.

2013-03-27, 07:04 PM
Tarren Mill

Zalsar'jin chuckles and pats the forsaken woman on the back as they walk back towards the stable master.

"No worries, mon. I've seen his type before. The speech is due to rot in specific portions of the brain before reanimation, reduces inhibitions, increases rational thinkin'. It can be useful and even desireable, but difficult to artificially induce, I reckon."

"Must say I didn't expect a to be dispatched to fetch things, however. But no worries! Just tell me how many of them humans I can expect and if I could get a few deathguards as support, two be good, three if you can spare 'em."

Holocron Coder
2013-03-27, 11:17 PM
Daelus Arcturus

Daelus followed the elderly man into the side room and listened to his words. Once the man finished, he pondered for a moment, before asking, "I imagine that these mines are useful for more than just the undead. We are mining something there ourselves?" Not waiting for an answer, Daelus continues, "Regardless, I shall do it. The undead spawn will be ended."

He looks thoughtful a moment before asking, "Will I be alone in this venture?"

2013-03-28, 10:24 AM
Del sighed, almost happily when he laid eyes on the human form of what he assumed to be the Black Dragon Ambassador, Nalice. He walked towards her, planning on asking her for more information about Deathwing, for any information at all that could lead him further on his quest.

"Another supplicant? Let's hope you're more useful than the last. What is it, mortal? Be quick."

Del shivered slightly. He could hear the malice and cruelty the Black Flight was so famous for in every word she spoke. If he was a normal man, the warm feelings they evoked in him would have him worriedly seeking out a mind-healer.

"Oh Great Nalice, who spreads the desires of her brethren in the courts of the Dragonshrine. I come to entreat with you about a matter that is likely not welcome within earshot of your peers." Delkuru's words were honeyed, yet to a careful listener they held a similiar malice to Nalice's own words. "I am Delkuru Ashblood, my lady, and I've been sent here upon the whims of my master, who's name only you deserve to hear."

2013-03-28, 01:52 PM

"We don't always understand his methods, but he seems to know what he's doing. If he's sent you there, he has good reason to send you, and not someone else." She replies in a kind tone, though who the kindness is direct to is unclear. "As for numbers, the Syndicate humans come and go, so we don't have a good estimate on their numbers."

Upon hearing your request for assistance, she hesitates. "A moment please." She leaves briefly, and returns about five minutes later.

"We've arranged two Deathguard to assist you for the duration of your task - Zibol and Vendri." Two armoured Forsaken (one male, one female) approach and give long bows, but say nothing. Both have helmets covering everything but their eyes, so the only distinguishing features you can note are their gender. "Please ensure they return safely. Losing a Deathguard is an enormous loss to the Forsaken people."



"Well of course," The Counselor replies to the mine inquiry. "Northrend is rich in mostly untapped mineral deposites and with the war effort going the way it is, we need every advantage we can get. This metal they have here, cobalt, it's strong and makes excellent, lightweight armour. Our smiths are already perfecting the smelting process to help outfit the Alliance."

"Sadly, we have no men we can spare. There might still be one or two left alive in the mines themselves, but beyond that you'll be dealing with this problem alone - fear not, I have faith in your ability."



Nalice gave an outright snort at Delkuru. "Great and powerful? As tedious as it is sycophantic." She moves to the open sides of the great pinnacle, the high winds buffeting around her as she stands unmoving. "Very well. Speak your cause and your master in whisper. If I find it displeasing though, I shall throw you off Wyrmrest myself."

2013-03-28, 02:54 PM
Del hesitated slightly at the threat, before smiling as he remembered of a flying creature he could summon to his aid if Nalice proved true on her threat.

"I came here on the behest of my, our, master, Deathwing the Destroyer. I was but a simple mage, nay, not even a full mage when I stumbled across documents detailing his awesome might and terrible power. I began to study him, attempting to think like him, and one day," Delkuru held up his left hand, a soft glow coming from it, "I found that I could hear his words in my head, and I could channel my devotion toward him in ways similar to a Priest and the Light. In my meditations, I have felt our Lord direct me here, whether to learn more of his teachings or to simply do the bidding of the Black Flight. In life or death, until he directs me otherwise, Lady Nalice, I am at your command." Del finished with a deep bow, not sure whether the dragon would believe him or simply kill him.

Holocron Coder
2013-03-28, 03:55 PM
Daelus Arcturus

Daelus nodded in ascent and asked, "Would it be possible for me to requisition a mount, in order to get to that mines that much quicker?"

If the man concedes, Daelus will leave for the stables to get said mount. If the man declines for any reason, Daelus will accede and head out to the coast on foot, planning to reach it and then travel in the direction that was described to him.

2013-03-28, 06:38 PM
Tarren Mill

Zalsar'jin gave a hearty laugh to his hostess, while he climbed aboard his cart.

"Worry not, mon. I merely be wanting some bodyguards to pick up any straglers who manage to get too close. Minimal risks involved."

He pulls his rifle from the back of the vehicle, slinging it across his shoulder.

"Me friend here will be doing most of the work. It just pays to be prepared. Now ya two, hop on in. We got some humans to kill, plants to pick up."

2013-03-29, 02:06 PM

Nalice looks at you for a moment as you explain yourself, before bursting out laughing. She hysterics continue for a good twenty seconds before she finally calms down. "Ah, you mortals...Seen visions of Neltharion have you? Of course you have." Her tone is mocking, and she clearly doesn't believe a word you said. "You may have your uses regardless though. To the north of here are the bones of the great primal Protodrake Galakrond. They're currently infested with Scourge and Cult of the Damned Necromancers. The main force is being dealt with by Ysera's brood and their agents, but I've received word that there's a fossilized clutch of protodrake eggs in the area. We would like them retrieved for...safe keeping."

Nalice moves closer, despite being physically shorter she still seems to dwarf you with her presence. "I need not say that this mission is of the utmost importance and secrecy. Do this, and perhaps you will earn the gratitude of the Black Dragonflight. Once you've retrieved the eggs from the excavation site, take them west to the Obsidian Dragonshrine. Serinar will take them off your hands."



"Yes, I think we can spare a horse." Talbot moves to a nearby table and tugs out a quill and a scrap of paper, scribbles a few things and hands it to you. "Hand that to the stablemaster and he shall provide you with proper transport."

The stablemaster outside is a gruff overweight man with an enormous face and head full of thick shaggy black hair, arms like tree trunks and a booming voice. In one hand is an enormous frothy mug of what appears to be ale. As you hand him Talbot's paper, he gestures towards the keg besides him and asks if you'd like a mug. Regardless of your answer, he yells for a stableboy who comes out leading a horse by the reins. The horse is a grey with fine fur, sharp eyes and a black mane not dissimilar to the stablemaster (who assures you that it is a fine horse, named Granite).

The mine is not far up the coast at all, but what you do see is...horrifying. They called it a war effort and they weren't joking. Piles of corpses being burned to prevent reanimation, numerous ruined buildings, the occasional looter and of course, in the distance, what seems like an endless swarm of the undead.

As you approach the mine you can hear the distinct sound of combat. As you make your way round one of the buildings, you spy the entrance and the distinct gleam of Alliance steel in the Northrend sun. There's a small squad of five soldiers beating back the undead, the last one falling just as you get close.

One, who judging by his more elaborate helmet is the leader, turns to you. "I hope you've got a legion coming up behind you as reinforcements, son!" He calls, as the rest of the soldiers move to a more relaxed position, with the danger now passed.



The Deathguard nod silently and climb onto the cart, their black armour and weapons matching the black town that is growing up around them.

The journey towards Durnholde is fairly slow. You pass by an abandoned watchtower, once home to Alliance, then Horde, now no one and cross the river. Towards the south-east are a few farms and the Dwarven fortress of Dun Garok. Rumour has it that the Forskaen are massing a force to finally remove the Dwarven threat from Hillsbrad once and for all, though at this point it is still just rumour.

North-east is the ruined keep of Durnholde. Once the central focal point of the Alliance's Orc Internment Camp project, now it is a shell of its former self. The castle ruined, the walls in disrepair and the ground soaked with the blood of the guilty and innocent alike. The Syndicate use this place often - even with ruined walls and a broken castle, it still offers more protection than the outside wall. Occasionally they will be cleared off by the rogues of Ravenholdt, the Horde, or Alliance, but not recently.

The main entrance into the keep is on the southside, though the walls are wide and stretch a long way - it's doubtful the entirety is guarded. Should you ask the Deathguard their opinion, they will merely shrug and say nothing.

2013-03-29, 05:13 PM

Zalsar'jin hops into the back of his cart, where he leaves his armor when it is not in use.

It is time to use it.

"There ain't a whole lotta strategy at work here me friends. I will take me steam armor and me gun and I will be shooting dead the defias. You two will attack any one of them who gets close, but won't stray far, and we will be picking the head apothecary's herbs as we find 'em."

Use Technological Device - Activate Steam Armor.

The DC is 15, so largely a technical matter. Steam Armor itself apparently doesn't have a malfunction rating, only the equipment has, which is a plus, I suppose.

The noise of the activated armor fill the cart, as Zalsar'jin walks out of the vehicle on his marble-hued, steel-hulled power suit.

"Now, lets go kill some bandits."

Holocron Coder
2013-03-29, 10:29 PM
Daelus Arcturus

As Daelus approaches the defensive line, he looks out over the death and destruction. So many have died... And all on that fiend Arthas's head.

Shaking his head slightly, he spurs his horse closer as the skirmish ends, dismounting as the man calls out to him. "I bring only myself, sadly. The Councilor hopes that will be enough to stem this tide."

He stands up next to the remaining men and looks out across the battlefield. "What can you tell me about the field? And the mines from which the undead come?"

2013-03-30, 03:08 AM
Del's eyes widen marginally as Nalice moves closer to him, but grins when she evidently decided he was of more use alive than dead. When she spoke of his task, a small frown covered his face. He wasn't a particularly strong man, and he was sure fossilized eggs, which were almost assured to be large themselves, would be heavy.

Oh well, if nothing else I can just suck it up and carry them. Then again, if I conserve my higher level spells I could fly part of the way. He mused. "As you command, Lady Nalice. I suppose I would be correct in assuming I am working alone in this task? And if it would be possible, could you provide a map to the Obsidium Dragonshrine, or mark it's location upon my own map?" He asked carefully.

Whether or not she does so, Del will leave and try to get a lift back to the bottom of the Dragonshrine.

EDIT: I had forgotten a piece of my coloring code, lol

2013-03-30, 04:19 PM

"Huh. Hear that boys? The Counselor is makin' strategy!" The leader calls with a mocking voice, causing laughter from his troops - though it's strained. Not because of the joke, but likely more because of fatigue.

Finally, the leader sighs. "Mines are an endless swell of undead. We were on our way back from scouting the Oil Fields to the north when we got pulled into one and had to fight our way out. Lost three guys just trying to escape. They seemed to be directed by an Elf of some sort. Same big ears and stupid eyebrows."

"Would help you if we could, but we're barely standing as is, we'd just slow you down or get you killed."



Nalice sighs and rolls her eyes, before pointing over your shoulder. In the distance, you see a star-black valley. Occasionally a huge spurt of what appears to be molten lava bursts from the valley before receding. "The Obsidian Dragonshrine. A place of earth and fire. I doubt even your mortal eyes could miss that. And yes, you'll be doing this alone. This is as much a test to prove your worth as an actual task."



The Deathguard hop off the cart and draw their weapons - longsword and shield both.

As you approach the keep, you can see two Syndicate members standing by the gates chatting casually. Both wear the notable orange facemask, are dressed in what appear to be leathers, and have a selection of bladed weapons at their waist. Above them, you can see what appears to be a third Syndicate member on the ruined walls, though it's tough to tell if it is one or just a shadow in the sun. Through the gates area you see two watchtowers and a bridge over a gap.

2013-03-30, 08:00 PM

Ah, defias guards, notorious for their cruelty, ruthlessness, and for being exceedingly innatentive and short-sighted.

And Zalsar'jin has a gun.

A gun with a very long range, in fact.

They are also notoriously short-lived, some would guess.

The troll takes aim at one of the conversing guards, and fires.


The weapon clicks and the bullet is ejected from the weapon to the side, falling pointlessly at Zalsar'jin's feet.

Well, that is akward.

I am guessing I get a surprise turn! So here goes an attack roll (with theoretical crit confirmation and damage), followed by an initiative roll.

In the event of a malfunction, I will roll the needed rolls in the OOC. Zalsar'jin's gun malfunctions on a roll of 1 or 2 on the attack roll.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Crit confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (crit x3)

Initiative: [roll3]

2013-04-01, 09:53 AM

Thuum Looks around for a nearby person, spotting an orc nearby he staunters over to ask, "Do you know where I might find Sergra Darkthorn?"

Holocron Coder
2013-04-01, 12:34 PM
Daelus Arcturus

Daelus smiled in appreciation of the joke, strained though it may have been. He listened to the man's description of the elf, acknowledging that it must be an elf of some sort, given the description, however vague it was.

"It is alright. I would not expect you to join me in such conditions," he states, looking out over the field. "You said there was an entrance to the mines just north of here?"

He looks in that direction with some hope that a relatively clear path to the mines might be had.


He turns back to the man. "Can you make it back to a safe position and prepare the town for whatever comes from here? If I fail to stem this tide..." he asks, gesturing and providing some healing to each of the remaining soldiers, muttering words of guidance and prayer to the Light.

Using a few uses of Holy Light to heal each of the men. I assume that means 5 uses, so 50 mana. It's in-character for him, but let's hope it doesn't hurt me too much to go in to the mines at half-mana :smallbiggrin:

Healing, if it matters:

I also feel rather silly that I forgot that WC paladins can summon their own charger, so...

Deciding that the man can get more use out of his borrowed horse than he, especially since he could summon his own, albeit more flashy and noticeable, mount, Daelus offers the man his horse and summons his own. Mounting back up, he whispers a prayer to the Light and nods at the men. "Good luck."

With that, unless something stops him, he heads towards the nearest known cave entrance.

Activating Crusader Aura (+10ft movement for allies) until resistance is spotted or the cave is reached, then switching to Devotion Aura (DR 2/-).

Current Mana: 60

2013-04-02, 12:54 PM

Due to your gun malfunction not making any significant noise, the Syndicate members still haven't spotted you. The two Deathguards beside you merely stare at you, waiting. They are either exceptionally well trained, or...functionally impaired due to their undead state.



The Orc looks at you for a moment before gesturing towards the centre of the Crossroads. Here you find Sergra Darkthorn, a strong Orc Female well known around the parts for her outspoken views on gender equality among the Orcs. Currently she is hacking away at a training dummy with her enormous axe. Upon seeing you approach, she halts her rigorous activity and lowers her weapon, looking towards you.



The men thank you for the healing, most of them becoming noticeably more able to stand because of it. Before you go, the leader holds you for a moment and digs out two potions from his bag. "Here." He says, handing them over. "Was saving 'em for us, but between the healing and the horse, I think you've got more need."

One is a Potion of Heroism, the other is a Potion of Cure Medium Wounds.

Your light-blessed Charger makes the journey swiftly and before long you come to the mine entrance that the leader spoke of. Though there are no undead currently spilling out of it, you can hear a low moaning and shuffling coming from deeper inside the mine. You can see a little distance in, but there are no torches burning or lanterns lit - the mine is in utter darkness.

2013-04-02, 01:55 PM
Thumm Spiritwalker:

Holds Sergra's Gaze for a moment before giving a slight bow"Good Day to you Madam, the winds remind me of a place once corrupted that druids fear to tread". Thuum gives a bit of a smile; once again holding Sergra's gaze as well as one can such a piercing gaze.

"They also remind me that an certain orc mistress might know more about what might ail this place in more recent times." Thuum says and raises an eyebrow.

2013-04-02, 02:33 PM

No harm, no foul, no need to rush. Is what they say. Zalsar'jin takes his sweet time reloading the gun instead of switching to another barrel, and then takes another shot.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Crit confirm: [roll1]
Damage roll: [roll2]

Initiative remains the same.

2013-04-02, 03:06 PM
After finding a drake to bring him back to the base of Wyrmrest, Delkuru nods in thanks to the elf -who he was sure was a Red Dragon- and began to head off to the north, where Nalice had directed him Northrend was still dangerous, he kept an eye on the horizon to get his bearings and to make sure he wasn't surprised by a predator.

Spot check: [roll0]

Holocron Coder
2013-04-03, 04:54 PM
Daelus Arcturus

The paladin thanks the man and watches them a moment as they head out. Turning, he heads to the cave.

Upon reaching it, he dismounts from his mount and lights a torch from his bag. Pulling his weapon from its place on his back and holding it with one hand, torch in the other, he steps into the mine, making his way carefully inside. If possible, his mount will follow.


2013-04-03, 07:35 PM

Sergra looks at you, a little confused and a little skeptical. "Hrmm. The Wailing Caverns? We did send a scout to have a look around a week or two back but they reported nothing was wrong. Animals were acting a bit strange but given the season and the area we didn't consider it anything worth any further investigation. If the spirits tell you otherwise then...best of luck. We can't really spare anyone to assist, what with dealing with wildlife and keeping an eye on the Alliance strongholds nearby, though I can provide a scout to show you the way."

She shrugs, as if she doesn't necessarily believe you."If you do find something though, be sure to inform Crossroads. The Horde and the Cenarion Circle needs to know if there's a problem."



The path north is long and arduous. Time passes slowly alone amongst nothing but snow and howling winds. A few landmarks signify your progress and direction though. The beaming light above Wyrmrest almost guarantees that one will not lose their way while it remains in sight.

After what feels like days but was in fact a few hours, the hulking bones of Galakrond begin coming into view. Beneath the gigantic broken white skeleton you can see dozens - if not hundreds - of undead scrabbling around. Most are ghouls, digging into the hard frozen earth with their rotten claws. Patrolling around are a few necromancers, abominations and enormous plague giants. Whirling around the sky overhead is an entire flight of the skeletal frostwyrms, once dead dragons now risen in service of the terrifying Lich King.

While the main excavation appears to be going on around Galakrond bones, off to the side there appears to be a secondary excavation - less populated by undead, not guarded as strongly; the Frostwyrms never seem to patrol overhead and there's not a single plague giant nearby. There are still a sizeable number (at least in double digits) of ghouls and a few Necromancers, however.



The bullet streaks through the air and cuts into the Syndicate member who stumbles back, bleeding, but remains on his feet. The boom from the gun sends the birds in the surrounding forestry off into the sky and it's all too obvious to the Syndicate that they're now under attack. The wounded member and his companion dash away out of sight round the corner while the one in the tower takes a shot at Zal with his bow, though the arrow goes wide.

The Deathguard move up in front of you silently, ensuring that you have have a living (well, undead) wall between you and any opposition who might try to get into melee with you.



Tower is about 40' tall, the crenelations on it giving him some measure of extra cover.



Your way down the dank mine is slow, and the sounds of the undead only grow louder as you proceed down the roughly hewn tunnel. Before too long, you cast your first glimpse of the undead - a mindless ghoul digging against the walls with its claws. Despite the light from both you and your glowing Charger in the otherwise pitch-black mine, the ghoul does not pay any attention to you and continues on with its task.

Past it you can see the silhouettes of more ghouls lining the walls, and the scraping noise echoing from below indicates that there must be quite a few of them. Your horse whinies softly at the sight of the undead, but they don't pay any attention to that either. Along the floor of the mines you can see the tracks used for minecarts, at least one of which you can hear squeaking along on rusted wheels further down.

2013-04-03, 08:35 PM

The troll chuckles when the enemies run and one of them shoots a bow. A bow, the thing probably can't even scratch the paint on his armor.

With a trained movement he turns the barrels of his rifle, aiming it up at the guard at the tower and firing... At one of the crenelations.

Not quite a great shot, that one.

"Bah. Lets go in, me friends."

Zalsar'jin walks towards the door, caring little for the archer.

Move to D8!

2013-04-04, 10:02 AM

"Worry not Mistress, Point me in it's direction and I will wander that way myself. No sense taking up a scouts precious time on crazy talk, the wind could of stopped for a pint of orcish ale first.." Thruum smiles and starts to turn to wander back to where she left her eidolion keeping an eye on her riding kodo.

Holocron Coder
2013-04-04, 02:27 PM
Daelus Arcturus

Daelus's eyes narrow as he surveys the cavern. Despite the undead seeming to ignore his presence, he feels the need to destroy them, if only to cover his own back as he continues further down the cavern.

Preparing for could be a rather harrowing fight, himself against so many if they all respond, he murmurs a prayer to the light. Taking a moment before engaging the ghouls, he looks to see if there is some sort of lamp or wall-torch to light to provide better light for the area.

Activate Devotion Aura (DR 2/- for paladin and allies)
Activate Seal of Insight (5% chance of healing 5hp, judging provides 17mana)

[roll0] to find the normal means of lighting the mine.

Keeping an eye on the ghouls. If one reacts aggressively, using Judgement as a standard action on it. So, if necessary:
[roll1] (ranged touch)

2013-04-10, 04:29 AM

Sergra gives you the directions ("Southeast until you come across a tall hill with an oasis on the south face - a cave by the oasis leads to the caverns.") and wishes you the best of luck.

Should you wish to leave immediately, your Kodo can carry you there in about an hour or two. The oasis, once held by the cruel and malicious centaur, has since been reclaimed by the nature with animals and plants growing in abundance. The majority ignore you entirely, though some look upon the "newcomer" with both wonder and trepidation.

The entrance to the Wailing Caverns is in the shape of an enormous skull, the opening being framed above and below by enormous sharp rock-teeth. The inside is dimly lit by the naturally glowing flora that live within. You can see pools of water further in and hear the scrabbling of what sounds like animals inside.

There are no torches remaining, however the sconces which once held torches still remain, and are thus viable places to put your own light source. The ghouls continue to not react to your presence.


The archer dodges your shot and retaliates with one of his own, accompanied by a further arrow from his compatriot on a nearby, more rickety-looking tower just inside the main gate. Neither shot finds its mark however. The Deathguard continue to flank you, however their heavy armour causes them to fall behind you as you charge forwards.



The rickety tower is about 15' tall, grants no cover. The pit that the bridge passes over is about 50' deep and has sheer walls. The path over the bridge curves off to the right, as to the left and straight ahead are yet more cliff-faces.

General OOC:
Once again, apologies for delay. Been an odd week brain-wise so not been on top of my PbP as much I should've been. I'll endeavour to do better.

2013-04-10, 09:08 AM
Thruum walks inside; leaving the kodo to roam and eat near the entrance, hoping it won't wander off. He commands his eidolon to walk a little ahead and then casts light (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/light.htm) on the end of his longspear.

"That should do, Shall we see what this is to see my friend?"

with that; they walk inside.

Holocron Coder
2013-04-10, 02:25 PM
Daelus Arcturus

Daelus takes a few moments to find several sconces and place several lit torches in them, lighting up the area as best he can.

At that, he takes a few moments to survey the terrain and the number of ghouls in the area.

Looking for holes, difficult terrain, etc. Don't want to be surprised mid-combat :smallbiggrin: Also, how many ghouls?

Assuming that there isn't anything that will completely throw off his plans, and in the interest of posting more than just "what is there?", I'll start combat


Though I'll assume a surprise round, at least :smallwink:

Adopting a stance that will provide some small measure of protection, Daelus unsheathes his hammer and swings a crushing blow at the ghoul next to him, channeling divine power into the strike.

If my initiative is high (>=13), then I'll use Mountain Hammer and get a bonus +2d6 on the attack. If it's low, then I'll use Stone Bones and get DR 5/adamantine until my next turn.

Either way, using Crusader strike as part of the attack.
[roll2] + 20% + 30% = 12

-10 Mana ->
+1 Holy Power

Current Mana: 50
1 - Crusader's Strike
2 - Charging Minotaur
3 - Leading the Attack
4 - Forehammer


2013-04-10, 03:54 PM
Del grimaced at the sight of all the undead, there was no way he was going to pull off an assault against the area. It was with a grim smile Del chanted the words to a disguise spell.

His black hair turned white and long, while his amber eyes paled to a sickly yellow. He shortened by a few inches, and even though he didn't have a mirror, he knew his teeth had turned yellow. His robes began to turn different colors, forming into a replica of the necramancers that he could see. Pulling his hood up over his face, as his facial features shifted to look like a priest he had known back in Stormwind, Del began to walk to the smaller camp.

Reaching it, Del held up a hand to any Necromancer nearby and rasped " 'Lo, brother, it has been a long journey from Icecrown. I was told to report to a digsite where there have been eggs found of the beast, Galakrond. Where are the eggs to be found?"

Realizing that he night look suspicious without a ghoul or two, Del made a show of glancing about. "I suppose my last ghoul finally gave out, blasted wolves!" He spat. "I've been hounded since I first entered Dragonblight, and all my retinue has been killed and probably eaten!"


Disguise check: [roll0]
First bluff: [roll1]
Second Bluff: [roll2]

Also, if the necro is a female he called her sister instead of brother.

2013-04-10, 07:58 PM

An easier target, looks good to Zalsar'jin.

He raises his rifle towards the bandit on the rickety tower and fires, rushing towards the base of the tower where the other archer is.

"I gotta reload, me friends. This be when ya services become most critical."

Attack roll: [roll0]
Crit roll: roll: [roll1]

Damage roll: [roll2]

Move to G-11. I believe this position gives cover against both enemies?