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2013-03-27, 02:42 PM
It has been some time since you've arrived, and honestly, it's getting boring. You were all ushered into a waiting room at different times, but you've all been waiting since you arrived, waiting on the current Pokemon Professor, Lionette Ebony, to see you and register for taking on the pokemon league.

It was getting close to noon when the door opens and a gardevoir sends a mental message, "Professor Ebony will be with you in ten to fifteen minutes, thank you for your patience. I have also been asked to bring refreshments to hold you over until you leave," the gardevoir waves a hand and a machop brings in a cart with an assortment of drinks and snacks, "sorry for the wait," the machop leaves as the gardevoir bows slightly and glides backwards out of the room, leaving you alone amongst yourselves again.

2013-03-27, 02:55 PM
No worries, replied the boy directly to the Gaurdevoir as he lazily rocked his legs back and fourth on his seat to pass the time, "I'll just have a soda," he happily replied, seemingly untouched by the boredom brought on by the long wait; if anything the boy was hardly containing his anxiousness it wouldn't be too long now until he could finally beginhis journey. Granted the gaurdevoir's presence did serve to take the edge of; it reminded him of his mother's on partner back home, he found the small slice of home a pleasant surprise.

2013-03-27, 03:57 PM
The Fantasitc Miss Flash had been off in the corner of the room, doing some strange hand exercises by leaning against the wall at strange angles. When the pokemon come in, she decides she's warmed up enough, and puts her hat on the ground. The puts her hand inside it, and starts to practice airchair spins (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOZEboimcCQ), oblivious to the fact there were others in the room. If she was waiting, she might as well do something with the time.

She messes up a couple of times, but continues on until she manages to get up to eight spins without touching the ground.

2013-03-27, 05:07 PM
Bandi was loosing her mind waiting here. She had already ridden around the room on Whiski until the psychic pokemon told her to stop, played 10 different card games against herself, and others, and lost them all (including solitaire), got in staring contests with both her pokemon, done more sit ups and other repetitive exercises than she can stand, and it STILL wasn't over. She has finally resorted to her last trick in her bag which is pranks.

After passing on the snacks cause sugary salty junk food is bad for performance she starts picking her target. One girl(Gina)had some funny knot things on the side of her shirt that looked very tempting. So she whispered a plan to Whiski and Bud who quickly made with a distraction of Whiski pretending to teach Bud how to play cards on the ground in front of the target(of course doing that for reals is beyond both of them, but they just have to look like their trying to do that to make a scene that is hopefully distracting and adorable). With the Distraction hopefully in full swing Bandi will reach over and try to tie one of the strips that make up the girls shirt knots to the back of her waiting room chair hopefully without being noticed.

Stealth of secret knot tying [roll0]

2013-03-27, 05:32 PM
Cord plays with his unloaded gun, trying to get it fixed. It'd been a while since he was trained on how to fix those. In reality, he had never learned, as the king pretty much thought of having his child soldiers fix their own guns would cause some liability issues. But not like he remembers. That kind of thing is a distant me- OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT MACHOP DOI- oh, snacks. "P-pretzels and soda." he almost stammered, taking himself a bag of those small pretzels and a lemon-lime soda. He looks around, trying not to be embarrassed, before looking down at his food and muching at high speeds.

2013-03-27, 05:59 PM
This was plain and simple torture. Did they not know that it was unhealthy staying in one spot too long? Gina needed to get going and get out, seek new peaks and forests, seek new Pokemon and challenges! What point waiting here for some Professor. But she promised that she would register, and she would be a nice girl and do as they said, for Grandpa Jack's sake. After the accident he couldn't cope with too much stress, and he was bound to be stressed if Gina ditched the Official Registration again. She let's out a deep, long sigh as she looks outside the window, wistfully longing to walk the roads and paths.

Then the Gardevoir entered, and her mind became alert. You could say that she was a sort of collector, and just as the Pokemon had entered she immediately had day dreams of having one in her collection as well. Then the Machop brings refreshments, the little fighting type piques Gina's interest as well, tho not quite as much as the Gardevoir. She grabs a bottle of spring water, and some cereal bars, imitating the bow of the Gardevoir saying:"Thank you... "\
She doesn't get further, tumbling to the floor with her chair. Somehow her shirt was tied to her chair. She couldn't remember having redone those knots. There she laid now, like a strange turtle on it's side, her face a uniform bright red. She quickly undid the knots and tied them back to where they did belong, at her waist, quitely getting seated again eating her Cereal bar. The Skorupi Piiki had been dozing underneath the chair, and was not wide awake, it angrily snipped with it's pincers.

2013-03-27, 06:11 PM
Bandi tried to suppress laughter as the girl tumbled over, but snickers, and giggles escaped regardless. Whiski on the other hand couldn't hold it in and both heads bust out laughing as he victoriously dances around the victim and lands in Bandi's lap unable to breath from his laughter. "oof! your getting a bit big for that you naughty bird" responds Bandi under the mass of feathers as she begins to lift all 80lbs of him over her head with ease. All of this goes over Buds head who doesn't know the fine art of pranks yet, and actually looks concerned as to whether the girl who fell over is alright.

2013-03-27, 06:23 PM
The silence was deafening. And when there's silence, there's BOUND to be something about to go down. So, quickly, Cord decided to speak up himself. "What led you guys here?" he asked, in an attempt to try to strike up some conversation. "Pokemon training is such a common thing, after all..."

2013-03-27, 06:42 PM
Bandi tosses Whiski into the seat next to her(he lands on his feet its not the first time Bandi tossed him) and answers the big guy as she collects Bud in her arms "My family has this ole traditional right of passage thing. I basically gotta go on a journey and raise this little guy to be big and strong to be recognized as an adult, and there are few better motives to get big and strong while on a journey than taking on the pokemon league. Isn't that right my wittle Bud!" The Togepi responds with a happy laugh. To which Bandi responds by giving the mon a raspberry. Which prompts even more laughter from the happy little egg with feet.

2013-03-27, 06:48 PM
Cord nods. A noble cause. At least, more noble than his. He shakes his head quickly, trying to get his thoughts out about the whole mess. "I immigrated here. Not a league where I lived, so thinking about trying this one." He nodded, before looking at Bandi. "My name's Cord. Yours?"

2013-03-27, 07:04 PM
"I'm Bandi. That feathered trouble maker over there is Whiski and of course the Togepi again is named Bud... So whats with the mask hanging from your belt? You one of those grave yard hex shamans or someth'n?" while Bandi is distracted with conversation Whiski will try to pull a prank of his own on Bandi by trying to undo her overalls straps with one of his beaks while the other head keeps a look out.

self perception check [roll0]

She swats the beak away and whispers a "nice try" without skipping a beat.

2013-03-27, 07:51 PM
"Huh? This?" He checks the mask on his waistband, shaking his head. "No, it's a gift I got from my years of service back in the war." Cord muttered the last bit, before taking it off and putting it on. "I got it custom made, you see?" He put it on for a second before taking it off. "It reminds me of home, so I like to keep it with me."

2013-03-27, 09:14 PM
Dartanian had been the last one to arrive, and for that he was most grateful. While the wait was not much of an inconvenience, waiting in the room was, uncomfortable, Dartanian felt very much out of place.

To keep his mind occupied and to keep the heeby jeebies under control he managed to find a corner of the room away from everyone and sat on the floor and focused in on Zeno's presence. Normally he would have sought out Doogen as well but the Drilbur had decided now was an excellent opportunity to take a nap in his normal spot.

For the most part Dartanian was oblivious to the world around him, letting Zeno communicate anything of note. The psychic message he heard, but did not bother to look up to see who had sent it, all he cared about was that soon he would find out why the professor had called him here.

2013-03-27, 11:58 PM
"Heh I guess that's a pretty similar reason to why I keep Whiski around" jokes Bandi "That and we have a hard time imagining a world where we are not pushing each others buttons" As she says this Whiski tries again but she is on to him and swats away his beak again... but being over confident she failed to notice that he was also reaching behind her with his second head, and with that unclipped one of her overall straps. "So if your thing isn't ghosties what is it? What I mean is what are you good at? for example if its not obvious by Whiski's saddle, the way I'm dressed, and my antics earlier. I have a thing for riding pokemon."

2013-03-28, 02:37 AM
Cord nodded. "I'm an assault member myself. My Pokemon are specialized in attacking hard and fast." He says it in such a serious tone that it was almost as if he was talking to his boss or something. But he caught himself right there. "That's pretty much what I do." He turned to the others, including the bearded newcomer. "What is everyone else's specialties?"

2013-03-28, 05:46 AM
"Eh, I like going outside and catching Pokemon. I also started making my own Pokeballs recently, it's kind of nice turning an apricot into a Pokeball. Other than that I love hiking and stuff like that."

Gina tried to diffuse her own emberassing situation by joining the conversation. She was still flustered and shot the laughing girl with her Doudou a piercingly evil glare. Guessing by the behavior of her Pokemon it was probable that she did tie her shirts strings to her chair.

"Wow, you were a soldier? That such things still exist in todays time..."

2013-03-28, 09:53 AM
Bandi see's the glare, and just shoots a big grin back :smallbiggrin: after all it was just a prank, and she didn't mean anything personal by it. When she noticed her strap was unclipped she shot Whiski an evil smile as she balanced the togepi on her lap and reclipped the strap not knowing that the doduo had threaded it through two openings in the back of her chair.

2013-03-28, 11:35 AM
The door opens again and a woman walks in, some of you would recognize her as Professor Oak, or as she prefered, Dr. Lionette, "Sorry to keep you waiting, had to help with some eggs of a rare breed of pokemon that were hatching prematurely," she says walking in, "come along, I'll be taking you to the registry now," she says, "Anna, would you bring the updated pokedexes to the registry please, and the holodisplay we discussed earlier," you can't see who she's talking to, or hear a reply, except for Noah
Noah hears the gardevoir's voice ring back, "The display is already in the room and the dexes are on their way. I will also be bringing one of the little bugs with me, they're very friendly so it might help them relax."
With that, you are led to a small office room, or what would have been one if not for the large number of plants, berries, and windows making it look like part of the outdoors, and that several of the windows were swung wide open to let a nice airflow into the room as well as allowing several playing pokemon to run around, you all spot a few pidgey, a pair of rattata playing, a skitty, and several other normal type pokemon running in or just out of the office space. The only clear area is the desk and the area immediately around it, enough for the entire group to stand clear of the woodsy area, "don't mind the plants, none of them are poisonous, and the pokemon here are ones I bred so you don't have to worry about them trying anything. Now, for one reason or another you've chosen to enter the pokemon league, except for yourself Dartanian," she says the last part directly to the wild man, "you were recommended by a few of the locals, hence why the message was sent to you, though I don't like that they used my name to get you down here. The recommendation will make sense in a moment."

The gardevoir from earlier glides into the room with a package floating before her and a small caterpillar-like pokemon on her arm, it's small even for a bug type, only about as big as a joltik, and is black, yellow, and grey in color. It's currently asleep if the bubble coming from its nose was anything to go by. Behind the gardevoir, an odd alakazam walks in with a small crate hanging in midair before it, "ah, Anna, Anthony, thank you for the help. Please set them down for now and help the others in the Lab, we still have a ways to go for those eggs."

Anna, the gardevoir, sets the small bug on the desk while the box is laid down gently on the floor in front of the desk. The alakazam sets down the crate a little less gently, but still carefully. You notice he has a pair of knives instead of spoons to focus his psychic abilities.

"Well then, let us continue shall we? As some of you may know, I am Lionette Oak, the current Kanto Branch Pokemon Professor, and I act as the register for the Pokemon League," she opens the box and pulls out six blue cards with your pictures and specs on them, that would explain a lot about why you were rushed around so much in the morning, "these are your IDs, they will let you access into the League," she then opens the crate and pulls out another six items, these ones black with a pokeball design on the front, "and these are your pokedexes, they will record your battle and pokemon data."

She then smiles and picks up the sleeping caterpillar, "and this little one is a recently discovered pokemon, we don't even know its name yet, but they are exceptionally friendly, esspecially if you feed them. This little guy is the reason you're here Dartanian, as a new breed, we do not know any of its abilities or how it advances. As the only channeler in the area, you were recommended as one of the first to recieve one since you'd be able to more easily understand it and be able to identify its abilities. The rest of you will be recieving your own as well, for now, we simply call them geopillars because they can live in almost any environment. I will say to be careful with them, they will eat just about anything they can, whether it's edible or not."

Anyone that decides to hold or pet the geopillar finds that its body is actually covered in a fine layer of patterned fur and seems to be much firmer than most caterpillar pokemon despite its small size. Eventually it wakes up, and yawns gently, and immediately fires a thread at a nearby tree to swing over to one of the berry trees and starts eating a pecha berry, "Oi, don't eat the berries!" she tries to pull the mon from the berry, but it's stuck to the berry by its mouth and Lionette doesn't want to hurt it, "Oh fine," she says after a minute, simply picking the berry and bringing the berry (which is already half eaten!) and hands it to Dartanian, "Like i said, they'll eat anything..."

She shakes her head then turns to the whole party, "any questions?"

For those interested, Lionette looks like Kurisu Makise from Stein's;Gate with shorter hair and a grey labcoat instead of a white one.

Geopillar's stats are currently unknown
The following is what is known
Geopillar can survive in conditions most pokemon wouldn't be able to survive and are capable of eating and digesting anything, showing just how resilient they really are. They grow quickly and eat a lot, much like a miniature munchlax or snorlax, except they don't sleep nearly as much as the latter. They are capable of a variety of movements, and have been found to dig large nests underground, lined with silk to keep it regulated. Beyond this, little is known about the small pokemon except that they can grow to be about as long as a human forearm if fed properly and that they somehow remain exceptionally lightweight and durable as they grow.

The BSR is as follows Def = SpDef > HP > Spd > Atk = SpAtk

And yes, that means you do not know the specific stats of this pokemon.

2013-03-28, 12:05 PM
When its time to get up Whiski offers to carry Bud cause he doesn't want the little guy to fall victim to a prank meant for Bandi. Bandi accepts oblivious to the doduo's prank, and when she gets up tumbles over with the chair on top of her the same as Gina. Bandi takes it in stride with a laugh as she free's herself and stands up "you win this round you naughty bird" she says as she interrupts the Doduo's victory dance to give him a noogie.

In the office Bandi picks up and examines one of the Geopillars and asks "So if they eat anything does that mean they would try to take a bite out of me or my mons if given the chance?"

2013-03-28, 01:18 PM
"Not really, they're very friendly, they might nip at first, but they generally don't view poeple or pokemon as food, from what we can tell," she points to the geopillar in Dartanian's hand, which is sniffing around in search of more food after finishing the pecha berry, but hasn't touched Dartanian at all, she sighs, "we need to find something that will keep them full for a while, we tried the same feed we give to munchlax, but it only keeps them full for about an hour or two before they're looking for more again," she says shaking her head, "but, they'll eat things like paper, wood, charcoal, grass, just about anything you can find on the road, so you don't really need to worry about a lack of food as long as you keep track of them."

2013-03-28, 01:43 PM
Flash spins on the ball of her foot, and points dramatically to the little bug.

'Don't want to argue, I don't want to debate
Don't want to hear about what kind of food you hate
You won't get no dessert 'till you clean off your plate
So eat it!'

Then she starts to moonwalk in circles, wondering how well these things could dance. Teach it 'the Worm'?

2013-03-28, 02:07 PM
Raising an eyebrow at the girl dancing, Dartanian prods his backpack with his free hand.

"Hey Doogen, grab me something to eat out of there will you." and after a brief pause, "My boots don't count."

The Drilbur drops the boot he was about to hand to Zeno and ducks back into the backpack to later dig out a half eaten apple. Zeno happily placed the fruit which had clearly been snacked upon by the Drilbur in Dartanian's hand next to the Geopillar.

Dartanian in the meantime was concentrating on connecting his mind to the Geopillar's. Once he finally connected his mind was bombarded with an overpowering sense of hunger.

Zeno who was telepathically monitoring Dartanian also received the same feeling and immediately went back to the bag and instructed Doogen to grab Dartanian's lunch.

2013-03-28, 02:15 PM
Noah quietly drinks his soda, trying ignore the mental itch when he overhears Cord's conversation; though before he's able to join in shenanigans abound in the waiting room, and soon the group is herded towards the inner sanctum of the building. The mention of the bug mon catches his attention; though is swiftly shuffled away in liu of his soon to be compleated registration.

When offered the strange insect he graciously accepts the unexpected gift, recalling some of his mother's teaching as he studied the humble little mon in his hands; he'd never been particularly interested in bug types, but wasn't completely oblivious to their needs either. The knowledge it wouldn't eat him out of house and home was welcome. "WHere were these little guys found, and is there a momma bug we should be keeping an eye out for?" he inquired, doing his best not to ignore the girl who had sudden burst into dance in the room, rather sure she'd quoted a song from somewhere but unable to figure which one in his distracted state.

2013-03-28, 02:46 PM
Cord stares at the caterpillar, a investigate glare. He studies the mon for a few seconds before shrugging. "Not the typical mon I train." He then recieves the Pokedex and card and looks at the Pokedex. "I heard they record Pokemon data... you mean they also record our battles?"

2013-03-28, 02:48 PM
Wow a bearded wild man, a dude who's into masks, an easy victim, and now a living muscial? and I though I was the weirdest person in the room. XD she thinks to herself

While Bandi initially gets an idea of a fun prank by letting one of these loose in some ones sleeping bag she dismisses it believing that unless the bug could be trained to be selective in what it eats it would make more trouble than laughs. "Well I've never turned down a job before so where do I sign and where is his, or her's pokeball?... these things do have gender right?" she holds her's above her head and looks underneath for reproductive organs

2013-03-28, 03:30 PM
The geopillar quickly chows down on the apple, reducing it to seeds in about thirty seconds, considering the apple, even half eaten, was about a quarter the size of the thing, it was a pretty impressive thing. Through his link, Dartanian can tell it has calmed down on the hunger, but was now curiously looking around at the people nearby, before wiggling and hopping onto Dartanian's shoulder and looking into the pack at Doogen, then promptly hops onto the drilburs face.

Lionette laughs, "they're surprisingly adventurous for a caterpillar pokemon," she looks up and Noah can hear her contact Anna. A minute later, Anthony returns with five more of the little pokemon, all looking around curiously and not displaying the hunger of the others, they were obviously fed when they woke up.

"They were found on a breeder's ranch, the breeder kept an eye out for a parent, but none ever showed up, but we've heard of them in all the regions in various environs. The desert in Hoenn, the arctic in Unova, the sewers in Castellia, even the Ruins of Alph in Johto."

She then turns to Cord, "These ones are updated to do so, they're the updated model. With these, you can carry as many pokemon with you as you want, and send them out as you want, but can only have six registered for league battles, if you use an unregistered pokemon, you automatically forfeit the match and get a black mark on your record. Too many black marks and you're barred from taking the challenge for a time or indefinitely depending on how often it's done."

Next is Bandi, "they have a gender, the males have three yellow stripes, females only have two," she says, pointing out the stripe on two of the heads of the five that were brought in in addition to the two on the sides of their necks that all of them had and these ones actually have not been caught, they're technically wild pokemon, we're going to let the breeder that found them keep the rest.

Doogen had the geopillar on the end of its claw and was having a staring contest with it. Seems he didn't realize that it didn't have eyelids.

There are four females and two are male, the one with Dartanian is female and is a little bigger than the others.

"If you want to take one with you just tap them with one of these," she holds up a few modified nest balls, "these work exceptionally well on younger bug types."

When you take one roll the following
1d4+1 for the Level
2d6 rollv to determine its Nature
1d4 for its Ability
and a 2d100 mystery roll. Low is good, high is not bad.

2013-03-28, 03:43 PM
Bandi takes a ball and taps the female she has been looking at with it.
level [roll0]
nature [roll1]
ability [roll2]
mystery [roll3]
She then takes her ID card and tests at her pokedex "so we can change who is registered for a league match at anytime before a battle right? or do we gotta go some where for that still?"

2013-03-28, 03:45 PM
Flash asks the question she had been wanting to ask.

'Can they dance if they want to?
Can I leave your 'mon behind?
'Cause if your 'mon don't dance and if they don't dance
Well they're no 'mon of mine.'

2013-03-28, 03:55 PM
Noah takes his license in hand reverently; happily memorizing every groove of the key to his destiny, before stopping short. The babes had been brought in, and it would not do to leave them waiting. He'd leave the happy dance for another moment.

The boy listened carefully to Lionette's explanation as he studied the small worm in his hands, checking its body based on what he'd picked up about bug tyes back home. It was nice to know the little fellas weren't craven cowards by nature. As he tried to check the geopillar's gender, he felt it begin to stir in his hands; deciding this was as good a time as any, Noah tested the newest addition to his family.

Good morning lil'fella, he chimed telepathically with a smile, trying to transmit to it what feelings of safety and comfort he could, inorder to measure it's mental response.

Aww, crappy mystery roll is crappy

2013-03-28, 04:01 PM
Taking a ball and handing it to Zeno, Dartanian goes to receive his ID card and the new pokedex. Do you mind Zeno?

The Abra goes about tapping the Geopillar with the ball and then promptly releasing it back to its former position on Doogen's claw. She then goes about putting the pokeball in the bottom pocket of Dartanian's pack, where he keeps the used balls.

Doogen on the other hand had been concentrating so hard on beating the Geopillar in the staring contest that he was oblivious to all the proceedings, including the temporary absence of his opponent.

Level: [roll0]
Nature: [roll1]
Ability: [roll2]
Mystery: [roll3]

2013-03-28, 04:06 PM
Cord takes one of the Pokemon in hand. "Well, if you're offering..." He also takes one of the nest balls and bops the little guy on the head with it.

[roll0] for the Level
[roll1] rollv to determine its Nature
[roll2] for its Ability
and a [roll3] mystery roll. Low is good, high is not bad.

2013-03-28, 04:29 PM
"You can change them at any time, if you read the manual, you'll find how on the first page," Lionette replies to Bandi.

"Well, I'm not sure about dancing, at least not in their current stage of evolution, like most caterpillar mon, they'll likely have two more evolutions before we can determine that in full. Until they're fully evolved, you won't know if they can or not," she says to Elaine, "besides," the last one jumps onto Elaine's chest, "he seems to like you," she says as the male one crawls down between her cleavage and lets out a shot of thread to circle her neck, making him look like a necklace.

Noah's yawns loud enough to be heard by everyone in the room, then looks at him, it gave off a slightly confused vibe, then it sneezes, "you smell funny."

Going to wait on Singin now.

2013-03-28, 05:17 PM
chose stubborn natureBandi calls her bug back out and snuggles with it "Hey there my little sweetie my name is Bandi, and this is Whiski, and Bud. How does the name Sake sound to you?" Bandi grinned as she imagined how big this thing must get when it evolves Maybe it sprouts wings like a butterfree!? or a lot of powerful legs like a scolipede!? I can't wait to find out! Bandi is effectively bouncing with excitement at this thought.

2013-03-28, 07:06 PM
Hanging there, didn't it look a little like she was wearing bling? Time to bust it old school!

'It takes two to make a thing go right
It takes two to make it outta sight
Hit it!'

She spins round and pulls a pose before freezing. If the little thing could stay on while she was dancing, it could stay.


2013-03-29, 04:06 AM
The geopillar remains rooted in place easily enough, even with the sudden stop, it only barely moves. Though its eyes do swirl a bit before it blinks them back to normal.

NoahNoah can hear the geopillar saying, "let's do that again!"

2013-03-29, 05:40 AM
Gina sees the "Geopillar" and is immediately in love. It was her kind of Pokemon, adorable enough for the girl in her and bug enough for her Tom Boy Nature.

"Do...do we also get one of the Geopillars? I really want one, it looks so cute."

And then she was given the choice to get one, and a world was brigtened.
She Immediately grabbed a Nest Ball, noting it's webbed surface and the lack of gloss that many other balls had. She put the ball to one of the Females to capture it.

"Hah...thank you very much Professor, I'll make sure it grows big and strong."

[roll0] Level
[roll1] Nature
[roll2] Ability
[roll3] Mystery

2013-03-29, 01:06 PM
Once everyone is acquainted with their respective Geopillars, Lionette smiles and speaks up, "Well, what you do next is up to you, but I suggest heading to Viridian and trying out the new battle hall, it's a great way to test yourself before challenging a gym. The prizes are pretty nice too."

BandiBandi notices that the fur on hers is actually a dark shade of blue and the yellow stripes are actually more gold in color than the rest of the geopillar. It also seems more inquisitive to its surroundings.
SinginYou use [Rollv], not [Roll] for the 2d6.

2013-03-29, 01:59 PM
Bandi's grin grows impossibly wider as she realises she got a shiny one "well here is my phone number if any one feels inclined to send me theirs for whatever reason" she scribes it down on a piece of paper from her bag and just lets the note float to the floor "And with that I'm out then see ya all down the road." she'll mount Whiski right there, and with Bud between her legs, and Sake on her shoulder she'll duck under the door frame and ride right out.

Bandi's priority right now is to prepare for her trip to Viridian so she quickly compiles a mental list in order of importance, and follows it.

Find out how long it would take to get from Pallet to Viridian riding Whiski vs. Walking to figure out how much time I can spend here, and still get to Viridian before or at the same time as the other people.(does the dex have a map function, or am I hitting the library?)

Find out the weather forecast, if its gonna take a day or so to get there and it rains I should invest in a cheap poncho and a tent.

Find out if there are any non-gambling ways to make money in town(public job boards? does the dex have a craigslist?)

Find out what sort of mons the locals have been seeing to figure out if there is anything worth catching.

2013-03-29, 06:31 PM
Cord looks at his pack. "I have... two weeks worth of rations for myself. I'm not sure if everyone else packed up for the trip... yeah, a good day in town would be good to make sure everyone has enough supplies." He then looks around at everyone. "So, are we heading there as a group?"

2013-03-29, 08:58 PM
"Well I see no reason, why we can't go as a group. I kinda know my way around the immediate area and I have been meaning to head out anyway. I hear there are some interesting places up north."

Dartanian then makes a mental list of what supplies he has in his pack, after all he was running a little low when he headed back this way in the first place and he imagined that traveling with a group might not allow for quite as many side trips for food things as he was used to. Let's see I had a couple of days left, Doogen has probably eaten half of most of that, and now we have ........

Dartanian then realizes that he didn't know what to call the new addition to his group. Retrieving the Geopillar from Doogen's claw, much to the chagrin of the Drilbur, Dartanian focused his thoughts to attempt to convey a name from the Geopillar. An image of a field came into his mind and then two suns appeared on the horizon, one of which was much higher than the other whilst still being in the same plane. That picture stayed in his mind for a while static and unchanging. It took a few moments and then it clicked.

"Solstice." He noticed a couple of people in the group looking at him. "Oh sorry, my Geopillar here was just telling me her name. I will be ready to leave whenever whoever wishes to travel together is ready to go, if we want the rest of the day to get affairs in order I will most gladly be waiting near the road out of town when the sun rises tomorrow."

2013-03-30, 11:29 PM
"Whoa, you can do that?" Cord turns to Dartanian and presses his beetle up to him. "I'm not good at naming things. I was going to name him Tri, from the freedom force back in my hometown. What do you think he should be named instead?"

2013-03-30, 11:50 PM
"It works sometimes other times Zeno has to help me interpret."

Dropping his channel with Doogen for a moment so he could focus on the other Geopillar, Dartanian began posing similar feelings toward the Geopillar. It took a moment to connect and get the Geopillar communicating back, but after that time had passed it was a fairly similar picture entered his mind. This time however there was only one celestial body, after a brief moment another object came into the picture and mostly covered the first.

"Eclipse. He says his name is Eclipse." Dropping his channel with Eclipse he re-established his normal connection with Doogen.

"It is a little odd, how similar their chosen names are. I haven't seen much precedence for that kind of behavior before.

2013-03-30, 11:52 PM
Cord thought about that for a moment, taking Eclipse back. "Probably because they're part of the same family or something." He then nodded to himself, sure that he was right.

2013-03-31, 06:01 PM
"Imma put you on my head."

She puts the Geopillar on her head as said, and reaches for the cereal bar she had grabbed from the cart, she had forgotten to eat it from her tumble, presenting it for the small pokemon to eat. It Gladly accepts, quickly devouring it.

"I'll call you Marble. I don't know what you'll look like later, but it will work."

"Traveling together would be nice, a bit of company never harms on the road. I'll be in."
This was directed at Cord.

2013-04-01, 05:17 AM
Cord turns to... huh, he doesn't actually know her name. "My name's Cord. What's yours?" he said, directing it at both Dartanian and Gina.

2013-04-01, 09:01 AM
Elaine runs up the wall, performing a back flip into a head slide. She then front flips onto her feet then starts busting out lyrics for her plans.

'We're on the road to Viridian City
Meet new friends along the way
We're on the road to Viridian City
I want a badge an the power to play'

She moonwalks out the lab. Let all these guys sit and talk. Time was a'wastin. Her dancing skills would get much more recognition in a city than in some little town on the edge of the region.

2013-04-01, 02:02 PM
"Gina, and I don't know your name either, Mr. Soldier. He"

2013-04-01, 05:28 PM
Cord looked at Gina funny, wondering who she didn't hear his name after both times he said it. He then figured out why. "My name's Cord Loaka. Nice to meet you, Gina." Yeah, it was probably because she thought that was his title or something.

2013-04-01, 07:28 PM

As you all leave, you are stopped by a stereotypical scientist, complete with the thick glasses that seem impossible to see through, he hands each of you a package, "these should keep your geopillar fed for a good few days before you need to rely on gathering. I suggest using them sparingly, they're hard to find and just as hard to make unless you're a good chef."

Actions after leaving please.

2013-04-01, 07:36 PM
After receiving the package from the scientist, Dartanian begins to make his way to the road out of town to do a little gathering of supplies for himself.

Zeno, stays behind long enough to telepathically communicate to Cord, His name is Dartanian, do please excuse his ignorance of your request for his name. With that the Abra teleports away to catch up to the rest of her friends.

2013-04-01, 07:41 PM
Cord takes the package, nodding to both the scientist and the Abra wordlessly. Well, if they're so special, he'll have to ration it, especially since he didn't know when the next shipment will come. "When will we get more?" he asks, worried that the food would expire soon. "And will we need to give it to them before they go bad?"

2013-04-01, 08:19 PM
Oh really? How so? Do I smell like something familiar? he inquired as he sniffed himself a bit, Oh would ya happen to have a name of your own too little buddy?
Having been caught up in getting to know his new buddy, he hadn't noticed that their groups dwindling numbers until the Aid interrupted them. Noah graciously accepted the gift; though the offer made him wonder how accurate the good proffessor's assumption regarding their ability to feed the little guys. Knowing that if he did not do something soon, the remaining two would likely leave with nary a word shared with them; given their unfamiliarity with the area, and their new wards, this seemed quite unwise.

So the young telepath awkwardly approached Cord and Gina, meandering for a bit as he wrestled with how to approach them given he'd missed the customary greetings. The boy eventually shrugged and settled on the blunt approach, "Hi there! Name's Noah; and if the offers still open could I join you folks? Seeing how we all need to keep an eye on these little guys, it seems like a good idea to stick together; 'secially if you don't know the area that well," he suddenly greeted with a friendly smile, hopping he wasn't shoehorning himself in to roughly.

2013-04-01, 08:22 PM
Cord turned to Noah. "Oh, good. I was just about to write you off as a space cadet. Name's Cord." He extended his hand to Noah, still listening for the aide's answers.

2013-04-01, 08:23 PM
When given the package Bandi tucks it away in her pack "thanks four eyes" mental note befriend a chef Bandi then continues on with what she was already doing.

2013-04-01, 09:19 PM
"Unfortunately this is our only supply, we don't know when we'll next be able to send you more. However, they can last for months before going bad. Like trail rations, they're preserved and dried to allow them to last a long time. Not much flavor to them, though I don't think they'll mind, they don't care much for flavor as long as it's edible."

2013-04-01, 09:24 PM
Cord nodded. "So is there anything special to this feed or can we feed them normal food as well?"

2013-04-01, 09:34 PM
Noah chuckled abashedly as he shook the larger man's hand, "Hehe, yeah did sorta space out there; sorry about that, been looking forward to this for a long time now, and with the Geopillars coming into the picture...I guess I got a bit too involved with the little fellas," he humbly admitted, with a friendly smile; relieved that the greeting had gone over well enough.

"Well, Mrs. Lynnette did say these little guys'll eat just about anything. These a probably those special meals she was talking about earlier; the one's based off the stuff given to munchlaxes," he chimed helpfully.

2013-04-01, 09:40 PM
"That is correct, this substance expands when eaten, to keep the pokemon fuller for longer, it is useful when dealing with them, however, these guys digest it quickly, we need to find hardier materials that break down more slowly for them."

2013-04-02, 09:39 AM
"Alright then. Thank you." He then turns to the group. "Do any of you have any last minute business to take care of? It looks like everyone else already left the town." He pauses for a moment, checking his bag. Ah, right, he needed to get his gun fixed. "...arms stores, arms stores..." he muttered intensely, half waiting for some directions from the aide and half looking around for one.

2013-04-02, 10:11 AM
Bandi Starts by hitting up the local restaurants in the markets for jobs like deliveries, supply runs, and hauling boxes in the back. She would want to get on the good side of some one who can cook so she can have a more stable supply of geopillar chow. during this whole time she will "keep an ear to the ground" as to who else might be hiring day labor or what sort of mons are around.

She'll make sure Sake and Bud are recalled since she is in work mode now and can't keep an eye on two babies at the same time.

Rolls are already in the OOC

2013-04-02, 10:21 AM
Gina takes her package and thanks the aide. These would be needed. She then wanders to the door, waiting for Cord to come and join her, the Geopillar still on her head, chewing on a piece of grilled cheese sandwich, her Skorupi on her shoulder. It was also nibbling on a piece of toast, but that one was topped with salami.

2013-04-02, 10:24 AM
The fabulous Miss Flash grabs the package as she moonwalks out, then backflips, before making a run straight out of town. Wasted too much time already. Want to get to Viridian as fast as possible. The others could catch up ... if they could keep up.

2013-04-02, 10:49 AM

"Nearest one is in Vermilion, quite a ways from here. The map is on your Pokedex, the functions and how to work them are described in the manual each of you were given."

For those that read the manual
Map Function
Battle Recorder
Status Monitor for Registered Pokemon
Passive/Active Pokemon Scanning (May be upgraded)
Video Phone
Camera & Camcorder
Internet Access (Tablet)
News Updates
Epsilon Trading Corp. (Details on the Application)

Epsilon Trading Corp. is a company based around offering global trading services for pokemon, items, and even services amongst trainers. Echelon offers several services, including monitoring trade offers and requests that may interest the trainer based on their commonly registered pokemon. Epsilon has members around the world and they may send a representative to match an offered pokemon to a particular buyer. If you have a question, consult the Help Section under Options.

You find a few job offers, a restaurant offering cash and some of the leftovers for your pokemon for delivery services around town, a flower shop offering poffins, aprijuice, apricorns, and/or berries for picking up some berries and nuts for them, and a job acting as a runner for a member of Epsilon who's running extremely late and needs to get somewhere quick, he's offering a pokemon egg and some money for the service. (Athletics + Speed + Overland determine the amount recieved)


You make it to the fields leading to Viridian quickly enough, there are a few paths with signs, but it's a pretty straight shot besides the patches of forest and tall grass around. There's some rustling from the forest, and a flock of pidgey flies overhead. It's rather picturesque, actually. (Roll 1d100, Perception, & Athletics)

2013-04-02, 10:52 AM
Cord opens up the manual... oh, so it was in the Pokedex itself! That's why he didn't remember getting a 100-page book or something. He quickly skims through the functions, learning how to turn the battle recorder on, and checks the contacts already filled in for the video phone before walking out. "Come on, Noah, Gina's waiting."

2013-04-02, 11:04 AM
Bandi takes the Epsilon job first since he is in the most hurry and therefore over the fastest meaning the quickest buck. if the offer is still good when she is done she will take the restaurant job and then the flower shop job. she picks Whiski to help her since he is the most physically capable of her mons

2013-04-02, 11:14 AM
Elaine continues on through the grass, gazing up at the pidgeys.

D100: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Athletics: [roll2]

Think that's right ...

2013-04-02, 11:43 AM
On his way out to the forest to go hunting for some tubers, Dartanian and company was passed rather quickly by the strange dancing girl.

Should we follow her..... As he asks this to his friends he notices that she was heading toward the forest anyway. Well.....I guess she's going that way. Well Doogen, ready to go hunting for food??

Doogen play, fun!!!

Zeno goes about taking Solstice from Doogen's claw before starting the 'game'.

On your mark, GO!

On the start Doogen scrambles out of the backpack and dives rather gracefully into the dirt and starts his hunt for various tubers and any other source of nutrition he can find. Dartanian breaks into a light jog until he reaches the forest proper, when he drops back into a leisurely walk and begins his own hunt for various things keeping a watchful eye out for any herbs or bark that could be used to make any teas.

I assume I'm going to need a Survival check.
Survival: [roll0]

The lighter brown is Doogen and the Plum is Zeno, just in case.

2013-04-02, 02:36 PM
"Nothing comes to mind, I came ready for the long haul," he mentioned as we walked besides Cord, geopillar on his shoulder; trying to ignore Gina's cold recpetion, though it wasn't her fault he supposed. Seemed like she honestly hadn't heard him. "We could try earning some poke, or doing some training before we head out. Be ashame not to take advantage of a perfectly good pokemon center; assuming you two wouldn't rather head towards Viridian now,"

2013-04-02, 02:42 PM
Cord thinks to himself. "I should be getting to Vermilion. I have to get my gun fixed there. But... yeah, I could train my Pokemon up a bit. I gotta coach them on their technique a bit, though, so if you guys want to tango with some wilds, go on ahead."

2013-04-02, 08:36 PM
"What say you then Gina? Wanna go wild or trainer huntin', or would you rather tango with your's truely?" he challenged with a wry smile.

2013-04-02, 08:40 PM
Cord was... surprised. What did this kid just say? But he stopped himself. The minimum age for Pokemon trainership was fifteen. Right, so this kid must at least be fifteen. Okay. Still surprising, but... not AS surprising, right?

2013-04-03, 10:12 AM
"Wild ones of Course! Why would one want to be confined by roads and people. Let's cut straight to Vermillion city through the growth!"

The girl seems very enthusiastic to just head straight into the undgrowth, head first.

2013-04-03, 11:10 AM
"Guess we're heading out now then. Do hope you two mean, Viridian..." he trailed off hopping the pair didn't intent to swim accross the gulf of Kanto, they certainly seemed lively enough to try.

Noah was unable to resist to eye Cord with a confused look. Had he come off like that? He manage to stop himself from scrunching his face. "We really should stick to the path; it's safer and we won't have to worry about getting lost, or do you WANT to get lost in the wilds after dark?" he added as he rushed over to stop the girl from headding off, this was a point he would not easily compromise.

Wild and perception checks for wilds

2013-04-03, 11:27 AM
"Right. See you two in an hour. Contact me via the video phone, yeah?" He looks up and quickly rattles off the number before heading to the park or something near the Pokemon center, taking out all three of his Pokemon and training them on the essence of attacking. He even pulls out logs from the nearby route!

Training Results:
Each Pokemon loses 1/4th HP (which should be healed by the Pokecenter before he goes anywhere else).
Training Kush, Vat, and Eclipse.
Kush gains 8 EXP. The others gain 6 EXP.
Kush gets Trained Attack! (+1 ATK CS for the rest of the day)
Vat gets Trained Special Attack! (+1 SPATK CS for the rest of the day)
Eclipse gets Trained Attack! (+1 ATK CS for the rest of the day)

2013-04-03, 01:02 PM

The man you decided to help obviously had hurried to get dressed this morning, probably slept in late if you had to guess, he had already rented a cart, which you can hook Whiski up to. Once you are, you take off at full speed, you pass by some of the people that were in the lab with you, Cord, Noah, and Gina to be specific. You arrive at a ranch at the edge of town just as a tall woman with an impressive figure in ranch gear walks out of the gate.

"Just in time!" the man says, "thank god," he hands you a wad of cash and a carrier for a pokemon egg, "you can keep the carrier," he says, undoing the straps on Whiski before letting out a pokemon of his own, a rhyhorn, and having it pull the cart onto the ranch. It's much slower than whiski was, but didn't look burdened by the load at all.

The egg in the carrier can only be seen from the top, giving view of an off white egg with tips of red, you'd need to take it out of the carrier to get a full view of it. It is warm to the touch.

(10 + 12 + 16/2) x 25 = 750 PY
Pokemon Egg
You can go back to help either the restaraunt or the shop, but not both (Roll another Athletics check for whichever you decide to do.)


You run a good ways from town before realizing you have no idea where the void you are. On top of that is a pair of garbage bags with eyes are blocking your way. Both of them are eating litter off the ground and aren't even looking at you.


You walk out of town after Elaine, Zeno teleporting shortly after you're out of town. Walking into the forest to look for foodstuffs, you miss the rustling grass and quietness of the area, though Zeno does, and manages to grab your attention before a series of low growls grabs your attention, three pokemon are before you, two a light blue and another a deep violet. You recognize them as Nidoran, two female and one male.


You go off for an hour and train your pokemon, including your new, geopillar, then stop by the pokemon center.

"Woah, I've never seen a bug like that before!" a voice says when you get Eclipse back, "what do you want for it?" you turn to see a kid in a bug catcher's outfit, behind him is a butterfree, a kakuna, and two wurmple, a larvesta clings to his hat and stares at Cord.

Noah & Gina

Going out in search of wild pokemon, you hear what sounds like bells ringing. Following the noise, you come to a clearing with gold bells hanging from the branches. However, on closer examination, you see that they're actually pokemon. (6 chingling. Roll another Perception.)

2013-04-03, 01:26 PM
Flanked by Vincent, he signals Gina to wait for a moment. They had to plan this out, though open realizing they're chingling he visibly perks up. He'd always been fond of the small musical pokemon; it had been a shame that he never ran into native ones back on the island, perhaps one might be interested in joining him. He knew they were smart, and it would be nice to have a fellow psychic around beyond his mother's gaurdevoir.

"Gina" he whispered, "I've heard these little guys are friendly; if you're interested I think we might be able to convince one to join us," he suggested, himself clearly interested in the option. As he awaits Gina's response, Noah scans their surroundings visually and telepathically; it would not do them well to be attacked in the midst of this ordeal.


2013-04-03, 01:41 PM
"thanks I'm glad I could get you here in time" says Bandi accepting her payment and then asking generally to anyone in earshot "so can someone tell me what kind pokemon is gonna hatch from this egg?" if someone answers her she will thank them before heading back to the restaurant to do some delivery runs.

athletics [roll0]

2013-04-03, 01:42 PM
A little startled Dartanian sends out a quick message for Doogen to return before dropping the connection with the Drilbur. With that he slowly moved into channeling range holding his hands out in a non-threatening manner before attempting to channel what appeared to be the lead pokemon of the trio.

While the channel took a little longer and mas a bit more difficult to those completely willing he made the connection and immediately began sending out images of peace, showing the pokemon what he was doing in the forest and he and his companions meant no harm. Meanwhile he had dropped the connection to Solstice and began trying to channel a second pokemon. All the while trying to be receptive to what the lead pokemon was sending him.

Intuition for disposition improvement: [roll0]

2013-04-03, 03:26 PM
Elaine bends down and claps the two garbage bags. Seems they were helping clean up the planet. She puts down her Geopillar and lets it munch on the trash with the little guys.

Oh, wait! These are pokemon, right? She pulls out her dex and tries scanning them.

2013-04-03, 05:45 PM
Cord looks at the little boy, before shaking his head. "Sorry, I got this from the lab. You should go ask if they have any left. Ask for Geopillars." Cord recalls all his Pokemon and turns to the boy. "Here, I'll take you to the professor."

2013-04-04, 10:02 AM
Gina eyed the Pokemon. They seemed odd to her, hanging in the branches just like that. Perhaps it was time to quitely pull out the Pokedex, muting it's volume and setting it to Text Information, and record them.

"Sure. Would be a nice addition to the team right? The more the merrier."

Perception [roll0]
Stealth [roll1]

2013-04-04, 04:25 PM

"Sorry for my appearance, miss," the man says to the breeder, but she shushes him for a moment and goes over to Bandi to look at the egg.

"Fire type, field egg group, not purebred, electric type father most likely... you've been holding out on me Damien, when did you get a ponyta egg?" she asks the man walking over to him.

"Yesterday, we recieved three, yours actually possesses a natural electric shift from the father," he replies, handing over an electric blue version of the egg with red flames across the bottom, "I believe you had offered a ghost deerling for this trade?"

"Yes, yes, here," she hands over an egg of her own to the man, "Anima's own egg, thoroughbred, thank you for your time."

The man nods and hops on his rhyhorn and has it haul the cart at a more sedate pace, meandering past Bandi, "Thanks for the help, I owe ya," he seems to think for a moment than digs into a pocket and pulls out a card, "here, ask for me if you ever use Epsilon, I'll hook ya up," he grins then moves along and you head back to town to help the restaurant. They've already gotten started, but the offer was still on the table. With Whiski's help, you help them make some delieveries rather easily.

10 + 12 + 13/2 = 29.5 x 10 = 295 PY
2 Leftovers & a Super Soda Pop


The mon are identified as Trubbish, poison-types that eat garbage. And clapping them on the back seems like a bad idea since Elaine's hands are now coated in a layer of slime and the two have taken notice of her. One looks like it's mad and the other's hiding behind it.


You fail to channel the pokemon, seems they're anger at having their home invaded was enough to block you out, trying the others, you manage to get one of the females, which seems more curious than angry, once you get your point across, it tries to talk to the other two and calm them down. However, the male charges before the female can actually convince it, only to have Doogen burst from the ground in front of it and startle it off the attack.


You lead the kid to the lab, but they say that they're not being handed out to anyone that asks, there are only a few of them and the ones they have are already in possession of the researchers in the building.

The kid seems stubborn though, so he turns to Cord and simply says, "How about a battle, you win I get your geopillar, you win you get one of mine!"

Gina & Noah

At least one of the apparent chingling, as the dex identifies them, is an egg, and the ground below is completely bare of grass, with a number of holes in the dirt, "cad... nin... da..." can be heard from some of them, seemingly singing in tune with the chingling's bell-like cries.

2013-04-04, 04:29 PM
Cord nods. "Alright, a three-on-three battle. That sound good?" He already in his mind picked who he wanted to use. Now, let's see what the kid uses...

2013-04-04, 04:30 PM
Elaine just shrugs, then picks up the 2 Trubbish bags and walks with them to Viridian City. Better not litter in the middle of Route 1.

2013-04-04, 05:33 PM
The male pokemon's charge startled Dartanian and made him jump back a few steps. Doogen's appearance was perfectly timed as it always seemed. Figuring that now wasn't the time to make new friends Dartanian decides it's time to leave.

Sending apologetic images to the pokemon he had manage to make a connection with Dartanian backed away from the pokemon with a bit of haste in his step, he then dropped the channel and reconnected with Doogen.

As is their usual escape route Dartanian and Abra took their leave while Doogen kept the other pokemon from attacking and after a short bit would dive back into the earth and catch up with the rest of them.

Once they have regrouped, Dartanian picks a different direction and once again goes about trying to gather some supplies.

Survival: [roll0]
Perception: [roll2]
Athletics: [roll3]

Just in case I rolled the same stuff.

2013-04-05, 10:07 AM
Finding out it was a ponyta egg made Bandi's day nothing could stop her from smiling even being shorted on tips from those delivery runs. It didn't matter she had a ponyta egg!

With that done Bandi will spend 3 hours physically training her pokemon one on one near the pokemon center focusing primarily on all three's strength speed and agility which basically meant running around and jumping off stuff.
I'm assuming my three pokemon lose 1/4 of their HP and gain 6XP each

what I do next will depend on what time it is

2013-04-05, 02:01 PM
"You good at singing? Maybe they like a good tune?"

2013-04-05, 05:21 PM

After training it's close to five in the afternoon, you and your pokemon are hungry from lack of a proper lunch, though Sake was hungry most of training, even with breaks to feed her here and there and with her constantly snacking on grasses, leaves, bark, nuts, fruits, etc from the surroundings. She's asleep now, having had her fill with the special feed after all her snacking.


The two trubbish make indignant noises and one hits Elaine's arm while another releases a cloud of purple gas. (Elaine takes 9 Normal Damage and is Poisoned : Geopillar is Poisoned).


Going in the other direction isn't much better, but, when Zeno warns you this time, the pokemon isn't hostile, in fact it looks rather playful as it jumps onto said abra's head. The small bunny-like pokemon falls when Zeno teleports, but catches itself midfall, landing on its feet. The buneary, as your dex identifies it, claps and laughs. In the clearing, you spot a makeshift shovel and some twine made from bark, as well as several pits covered in sticks, leaves, and dirt, just big enough to trip humans.


The kid whoops and brings you to a field where he takes out a net ball and tosses it onto the field, letting a bug pokemon, a centipede-like pokemon covered in spines. Your pokedex identifies it as a venipede. Fast, strong attacker, and highly poisonous. They're relatively slow to evolve for bug pokemon.

"Let's do this Thorn!" the kid calls out to his pokemon.

2013-04-05, 05:51 PM
Cord sends out Kush. "Right then. Just like we trained."

2013-04-05, 06:10 PM
"Alright Thorn, Defense Curl!" the venipede responds by curling into a spiny ball of poisonous barbs.

2013-04-05, 06:12 PM
"Alright! Hard and fast!" Kush rushes the bug, tackling it and pushing it back a bit.

AC3: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] P-Norm

2013-04-05, 06:20 PM
Trying to ignore Zeno images of indignation and trying not to laugh a little himself Dartanian drops Zeno's link and attempts to connect to the little bunny, but just as he can complete the connection Doogen bursts out of the ground and tackles the buneary before beginning to tickle it into submission.

It didn't take long for Solstice to join in the fun either shooting a thread over to the Drilbur and going about crawling on the buneary making her own attempt to tickle the poor bunny.

Dartanian, sends out mass images of "ok that's enough now you two" to everyone he is channeled to.

2013-04-05, 06:24 PM
The venipede takes the hit, but Kush hits one of the spines and is poisoned. Thorn fires a barrage of poison needles at Kush, finding a weak point in its defenses and hitting hard. (24 Phys Poison Damage after Defense, Poisoned)

2013-04-05, 06:28 PM
"As I thought... one more hit!" Kush tackles the mon again!

AC3: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] P-Norm

2013-04-05, 06:31 PM
Seeing the things wouldn't tidy up without a fight, Elaine bounces on the balls of her feet, speeding up, while she releases Nega as Bling goes into the ball. She wanted to get Pos and Bling to train up before fighting anything.

Let's get ready to rumble
Let's get ready to rumble
Get ready get steady and rumble
Everybody rumble

Elaine uses Agility. Bling returns himself, and Nega is sent out

Elaine now has Speed 15, Nega has speed 14

2013-04-05, 06:41 PM

The venipede goes down, but Kush suffers from the poison, your opponent frowns, then pulls another Net Ball, letting out a small blue bug your dex identifies as surskit.

"Alright Aqua, hit his with Bubble!" the surskit gets in close incredibly fast and unleashes a wave of bubbles, taking Kush down (13 Spec Water Damage after Special Defense).

(Choose Next Pokemon)

2013-04-05, 06:46 PM
Good thing I asked for a three-on-three. Cord thought, as he recalled Kush. "Alright, Eclipse, you're up!" The hungry hungry Pokemon came out!

2013-04-05, 06:52 PM
"Alright, let's see this thing in action," the kid says, water comes from the surskit's legs and it rushes forward before firing more bubbles (13 Special Water Damage after Special Defense)

2013-04-05, 06:55 PM
"Ugh. Should have trained it more beforehand." Cord said, as it flopped over. But he gets back up! "Alright! Hit it hard and fast, just like I taught you!"

AC3: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] P-Norm

2013-04-05, 07:00 PM
Eclipse hits hard and fast, and the surskit goes flying, knocked out by the one attack.

Next is a red and yellow pokemon that your dex identifies as Kricketot (it's slower)

2013-04-05, 07:04 PM
"...alright! One more!" Eclipse steels himself and makes for a tackle!

AC3: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] P-Norm

2013-04-05, 07:12 PM
"Bide!" The kid shouts to the kricketot, just before the attack connects, the mon absorbing the hit.

2013-04-05, 07:14 PM
"...it's already too late. Nothing we can do now to avoid this if it goes through. One more, Eclipse, like your life depends on it!"

AC3: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-04-05, 07:28 PM
The kricketot goes down, and the kid deflates, "Aw that sucks..." he says, then walks over, "that's one tough bug, if you ever get another give me a call, I'll trade for it," he says, then takes out a few more net balls.

"The butterfree's my sister's, but these ones are mine, you can take your pick," he says.

16 xp to spread between your used mon.

Thorn - Venipede: Male, Hasty, Poison Point, Level 6

Aquamarine - Surskit: Female, Naive, Unaware, Level 4

Cadence - Kricketot: Female, Proud, Shed Skin, Level 6

Sting - Kakuna: Male, Lax, Venom, Level 6

Belladona - Kakuna: Female, Patient, Shield Dust, Level 5

Vulcan - Larvesta: Male, Hardy, Overcoat, Level 3

2013-04-05, 07:55 PM

(You & Nega are Faster)


The bunny is rather good natured, but its thought patterns are... different than you're used to. The bunny has a non-linear way of thinking as, instead of attacking, it rolls with Doogen until they both land in one of the dug holes, Doogen being stuck back down while it flips back in an acrobatic display, even giving a "tada" flourish when it does so, where it got the top hat in its hand you have no idea. You do notice a white gem in the front of the hat.

2013-04-05, 08:09 PM
Dartanian gave a little chuckle and applauded the buneary, meanwhile Doogen having being beaten in his own little game have a little molish harumph until he realized he didn't know where Solstice had gone. Doogen went a little frantic as he both tried to get up out of the hole and do it in a way as to not crush the little worm. As he was attempting to get up, Solstice stuck her head out of the dirt just at the edge of the little ditch. Doogen was relieved and promptly dug himself out of the hole.

Dartanian sent images of being impressed with the bunny, then went about telling the buneary what they were doing in the area and asked if there were any good spots to find any food around and if it would like to join them.

2013-04-05, 08:12 PM
Cord looks at the two Kakuna and crouches down, studying both of their behaviors carefully before picking the female one. "Alright. I'll take this one. I'll let you know if I get another one." He swaps numbers and gets his team healed up as he teaches Belladonna on the essence... of attack!

Training Results:
Training Belladona...
Belladona loses 1/4th HP.
Belladona gains 8 EXP.
Belladona gets Trained Attack! (+1 ATK CS for the rest of the day)

2013-04-05, 08:57 PM
The bunny thinks for a moment, donning the hat, which is slightly too big and flops over her eyes. She pushes the hat back up then makes a follow me gesture. She leads you to a small orchard with a couple berry trees, and instantly Solstice's eyes turn into stars and it attaches to one of the fruits, a pecha berry, and eating away at it.

3 each of Pecha, Oran, Bluk, Pinap, & Pamtre Berries
2 Sitrus Berries

2013-04-05, 09:17 PM
Dartanian thanks the buneary and sets down his backpack and shifts through the random odds and ends in his pack to eventually pull out a smaller sack with a drawstring top. Zeno and Dartanian go about gathering the berries and putting them in the sack.

Doogen still a little upset, stomped around for a bit before deciding to sit on a nearby rock and pout.

After picking the berries and removing Solstice from the tree and making sure she had access to the Geopillar food is she was still hungry, so she wouldn't completely devour the remaining berries, Dartanian sat down next to the buneary.

"Well thank you for the berries, I was wondering if you would like to join us on our journey. We are supposed to meet up with the rest of the group sometime tomorrow morning, and I was thinking about playing a few games after gathering up some supplies, if you are interested."

Dartanian pulls out one of the unused pokeballs he has and puts it on the ground between him and the buneary, should she decided to join the group.

Zeno reminds Dartanian about the girl and her doduo. "Oh yes, I almost forgot there is a girl that may or may not be joining us on the road that seems to like a good prank now and again, as well as her doduo. I think you could teach them a trick or two."

2013-04-05, 10:04 PM
The buneary tilts its head curiously, then nods and taps the pokeball, being drawn into it and dinging shut almost immediately, then it opens on its own and the buneary hops on Dartanian's back, seems she knew the inner workings of a pokeball. Literally.

Female, Quirky, Last Chance, Level 5

Has Encore and Switcheroo as an Inheritance List.

2013-04-05, 10:58 PM
Surprised a little as the buneary hopped onto his back, it took Zeno several weeks to get the pokeball figured out.

Glad you decided to join us. What should I call you, and for that matter how do you know a pokeball so well?

Dartanian picks up the pokeball and puts it back into his backpack.

2013-04-05, 11:25 PM
"It's not the first time I've been in one," the buneary says with a hint of amusement, "last owner was a magician, went by Mumbo, he was really bad," she snickers, "Broke my pokeball once I figured it out and left to do my own show, usually didn't end well so I came out here. Been pulling pranks on travellers ever since," she says, "I don't care about my old name, you have one for me?"

2013-04-06, 12:02 AM
Oh, well, I normally don't choose names, I've always asked for them. Are you sure you want me to give you one? You are free to choose whatever you wish to be called.

That's nice, but I would rather you choose a name for me.

Very well. Let's see here........ Dartanians thoughts were interrupted by Solstice crawling over to the buneary and climbing up her to eventually end up on top of her top hat.

Amami, Amami, Amami, Amami, Amami, Amami, Amami, Amami, Amami, Amami, Amami, Amami.......

Ok, Solstice. Seems Solstice has taken it upon herself to give you a proper name. Amami, she tells me, is that acceptable?

Amami......I like it.

Very well, how about we get to some of those games I promised.

At the sounds of games Doogen immediately perked up and was ready to go.

The Games - i.e. Training
So, everyone is minus 1/4 health.
lvl 5's - 8
less than 5's - 6

2013-04-06, 03:17 AM
Bandi puts her mons in the pokecenter for an hour to freshen up from training while she fetches dinner for everyone. After dinner she will look for a pokemon battle.

2013-04-06, 11:09 AM
Bandi heads around town in search of an opponent, and quickly finds herself near a group of kids, probably a few years younger but around the same size as herself, that are having pokemon battles amongst themselves and being monitored by a Nurse from the Center.

One is off to the side, blindfolded and 'playing' with a set of cards. A ralts and an eevee play nearby. He suddenly looks over at Bandi, eyes still blidfolded, and waves her over.

2013-04-06, 01:11 PM
Elaine drops low and spins round, making a low sweep with her right leg before stoping at the last second and changing direction, bringing her right foot on-top of the Trubbish. At the same time, Nega sounds out a beat and sends electricity to the other one.

'Min Min Num Minum Min!'

Struggle: [roll0], base 4
[roll1], typeless!

Thunder Wave auto-hits the other, paralysing it.

2013-04-06, 01:21 PM
Your attack misses the much smaller garbage mon while the wave of electricity hits the other. Neither stops them from attacking you. The smaller of the two attacks Elaine herself while the larger attacks Nega, the one aimed at Nega barely missing and the one hitting Elaine doesn't do any damage, though it does leave another patch of slime.

2013-04-06, 01:41 PM
Starting to feel woozy, Elaine moves to get away from the fight. Couldn't do this much longer. Nega returns himself to his ball.

Elaine shifts 8 meters away, then activates Agility again, giving her 20 speed and 10 overland. Nega returns to his ball.

Heading back to Pallet or onward to Viridian, whichever is closer.

2013-04-06, 01:55 PM
Elaine manages to get out of the battle easily enough, the pair of trubbush didn't even bother trying to follow as they wandered off.

You manage to get back to Pallet fairly quickly, you were only on the move for about 40 minutes, and end up stumbling into the Pokemon Center not long after. One of the nurses gets you into a chair, gets the situation, and injects and antidote before taking your injured pokemon. A few minutes later, the same nurse comes back and leads you to a side room where she gives you a proper examination, and patches you up quickly. You'll still need to rest a bit, but you'd be as good as new by the following day.

"Please be careful on the roads next time, it's recommended to travel with others if you can help it," the nurse says, then smiles as you're released, "have a nice day."

2013-04-06, 02:28 PM
Bandi heads around town in search of an opponent, and quickly finds herself near a group of kids, probably a few years younger but around the same size as herself, that are having pokemon battles amongst themselves and being monitored by a Nurse from the Center.

One is off to the side, blindfolded and 'playing' with a set of cards. A ralts and an eevee play nearby. He suddenly looks over at Bandi, eyes still blidfolded, and waves her over.

"Yeah you waving at me for something? a battle?" says Bandi as she approaches not sure what to make of the kid.

2013-04-06, 02:39 PM
"Yes" the kid says, "I may not be good at readings yet, but you're definitely the one the cards mentioned. The Chariot fits you well," he says with a laugh, "I'm Asherati, these are Topaz and Emerald. How do you feel about a two on two battle?"

2013-04-06, 02:46 PM
"Yeah I don't know a thing about supernatural suff but I'm up for a 2 vs. 2 Sure" says Bandi as she looks at the dex entry on ralts and calls out Bud "I think your ralts vs. my togepi would make a fair fight to start. what were you thinking of for a wager?"

2013-04-06, 02:54 PM
"Hm, a wager," the child says, smiling, "how about I wager a few gems or a type booster," he says, pulling a case from his pack, filled to the brim with colored gems, shards, evolution stones, and the like, "for a chance to breed the pokemon you got from the lab today?" this was starting to get kind of creepy.

2013-04-06, 03:09 PM
"Yeah no dice, first off she's just a baby and I don't want to force her into something he isn't mature enough for yet, and also I don't want to have to stay up to feed her cause she got hungry halfway though and started eating the bed. so lets just do a simple ^100 or equivalent item for the sake of having a wager and call this a friendly sparing match" Says Bandi not pleased with the kids creepiness "and I'm not exactly he kind of girl that goes crazy for gems and bling by the way"

2013-04-06, 03:13 PM
The kid grins, "these gems are actually for pokemon, they augment the power of their attacks so long as they're aligned, all of my pokemon have one each," his Ralts comes foward, "I think a demonstration would do well here," he says.

2013-04-06, 04:01 PM
Bandi just rolls her eyes and picks up Bud "No thanks if you want to "Demonstrate" you can take it out on the shrubbery. I came looking for a fair, fun, and friendly training match not to get one of my friends stomped by some pokeperv that's willing to dump a warchest to win ^100 poke and feed his ego" she starts looking for someone who is just out here for fun or at least is more normal than that kid maybe one of the other nuts from the lab if they are still around.

2013-04-06, 04:23 PM
"Not my ego, my pokemon's" the kid replies, "and I never said now, I said a chance to breed it, I didn't say when," he grins, "but if you don't want to battle, I won't stop you from leaving. Have a nice day." the creepy feeling mounts as he says that while your back's turned. When you turn back to remark, he's gone, as are his pokemon, and no one else seems to notice at all.

2013-04-06, 04:34 PM
"Pfft Creep" mutters Bandi at the now empty space before shouting generally "Oi! who wants a wagerless struggle only baby match with a hot girl's togepi?" As a joke if no one takes the challenge she will shout "Ok who wants Strip struggle only baby match with a hot girls togepi?" before turning to look for wild pokemon instead

2013-04-06, 10:10 PM

Another kid comes up, offering a battle between his Azurill or Magikarp and your Togepi, wagering 200PY for the match.


The Buneary shows some exceptional skill, despite being rather lacking in traditional training. She's very good at games, and has a lot of flair, a magician's style to her tricks, and she doesn't seem to care about winning, just putting on a good show.


The kakuna isn't what would typically be considered an offensive pokemon, but you manage to increase the power of its attacks some with your training.

2013-04-07, 01:39 PM
Gina & Noah

Noah shakes his head no, and the fact the vocalizations from the holes stops the moment Gina speaks. A single bug pokemon emerges to look at you, "cada," its head tilts, then it seems to shout "NINCADA!" two more come out of the holes and move to get the intruders, Gina and Noah, out of the clearing.

2013-04-07, 01:43 PM
Bandi will choose to the fight the Azurill "Ok Bud lets have a clean and fun slapping match"

hp: 30/30 def:12 sdef: 10 spd: 2

2013-04-07, 02:30 PM
Bud with speed unusual for his species thanks to Bandi's training runs up and playfully bumps into the blue mon

ac [roll0] vs. 6
damage [roll1]

2013-04-07, 02:34 PM
The togepi misses and the azurill swings its tail to hit the temporarily overextended pokemon's side, missing as well.

2013-04-07, 02:41 PM
Bandi suppressed a giggle at how cute the two pokemon looked failing to hit each other "remember Bud this is just fun so keep trying and don't fuss so much about winning"

ac [roll0] vs. 6
damage [roll1]

2013-04-07, 02:43 PM
The azurill bounces back onto its tail after being hit, then bounces off to make another attack (2 damage).

2013-04-07, 02:45 PM
Bud rocks back and then forward in response

hp: 28/30

ac [roll0] vs. 6
damage [roll1]

2013-04-07, 02:47 PM
The azurill tries the same maneuver as before, but Bud was prepared for it, so he was able to sidestep it.

2013-04-07, 02:53 PM
As he side steps he spins on one foot to swipe with his stubby arm

hp: 28/30

ac [roll0] vs. 6
damage [roll1]

2013-04-07, 02:55 PM
The azurill makes an attack again, dealing some damage (5 damage)

2013-04-07, 02:57 PM
Bud attacks back

hp: 23/30

ac [roll0]] vs. 6
damage [roll1]

2013-04-07, 03:00 PM
Its next attack makes a more solid hit (7 damage).

2013-04-07, 03:06 PM
Bud throws a kick cause kicking is fun

hp: 16/30

ac [roll0] vs. 6
damage [roll1]

2013-04-07, 03:22 PM
The mon lets out a yelp with the hit, and the Nurse watching ends the battle, "a fairly even match," she says, patching up both pokemon (back to full health) and offering a lollipop to each pokemon (functions as a Candybar).

"Thanks Serenity," the kid says to the Nurse before running off to train his magikarp.

The nurse waves before turning her attention to Bandi, "I don't believe I've seen you around before, I'm Nurse Serenity, and you are...?" she asks curiously.

4xp + the Candybar as a held item for Bud

2013-04-07, 05:56 PM
Cord walks around the town, looking up places on his Pokedex on cheap eateries that serve Pokemon too. He'd probably be time right now for his Geopillar to get some food, as well as himself and his other Pokemon.

2013-04-07, 08:59 PM
"Gina, walk back slowly; gonna see if I can calm them down a bit with a small trick," he muttered with an open palm towards the Nincada. EASY does it fellas; we're sorry about walking in on you all, but you guys were singing a pretty neat tune over there! he commented as amiably as he could, trying to diffuse the situation. Didn't mean to make ya'll worry about us; we were actually hopping we might be able to make friends with some of you and the chinglings! You all wouldn't mind us listening in to some more of you're beautiful singing would you? he asked with a friendly smile and a rapidly beating heart.

Vinny, if they make a move to attack us; gonna need ya to givem a peck. Hopping it won't come to that but... he commented to the young Rufflet, even as he readied himself in case he had to retaliate as well.

2013-04-08, 11:49 AM
The mon lets out a yelp with the hit, and the Nurse watching ends the battle, "a fairly even match," she says, patching up both pokemon (back to full health) and offering a lollipop to each pokemon (functions as a Candybar).

"Thanks Serenity," the kid says to the Nurse before running off to train his magikarp.

The nurse waves before turning her attention to Bandi, "I don't believe I've seen you around before, I'm Nurse Serenity, and you are...?" she asks curiously.

4xp + the Candybar as a held item for Bud"My name is Bandi I'm from a pokemon ranch closer to jotoh I'm just passing through town cause the professor asked me to, and I wanted to get registered for the pokemon league anyway." she says with a smile "do you know if there is a place in town that rents rooms I would want to get that sorted before it gets to late"

2013-04-08, 02:22 PM
Elaine goes outside and looks for any trash cans in the street. She wanted revenge on those things.

2013-04-09, 07:38 PM

"The center always has a few rooms, and the lower market area has a few motels that have decent prices if you want to stay there," Serenity says to Bandi, "there are also a few smaller places around town that are nice enough too."


Most trashcans in Pallet are either the public ones that are bolted into the concrete or personal ones in people's homes that you wouldn't be able to take anyway, not without getting an officer on your tail. However, in the market, you see a store that sells furniture, including trash bins.


You head into town towards the market, there are a few restaurants, most also offering food for pokemon, but, something catches your attention, a shop selling incense, one of them being labeled Full Incense, which keeps pokemon feeling full, but makes them less responsive during a fight. Might be useful for Eclipse. He also has other incense, including a green one you've never heard of, held in a censer. It's labeled "Dark Incense"

Gina & Noah

The nincada pause and tilt their heads, "cada," they all say in sync before looking at each other, doing the bug equivalent of a shrug, and go back into the holes before the song resumes. Seems the holes themselves cause the musical aspect to the nincada's vocalizations.

2013-04-09, 08:07 PM
Cord checks the prices on the Full Incense, also asking about the Dark Incense.

2013-04-10, 11:45 AM
"I think the center will do just fine for me thanks" Says bandi as she goes to rent a room as she rides her thoughts drift to the ponyta egg man I'm so exited for that thing hatching I'm probably not gonna be able to sleep... come to think of it I don't know how old the egg is exactly it might hatch any day for all I know... crap what if it hatched while I'm travelling alone in the wilds! while I was sleeping! the baby could wonder off and get hurt! I might lose it!... ok calm down I just need to someone to travel to viridian with... but they probably won't have a mount I'm gonna have to travel so slow! wait... duh aprijuice! that should let whiski lift acouple people at a decent speed... now I just need to find someone... shouldn't be to hard all those people from the lab were headed that way one some are probably still around.

Bandi meanders for a bit and looks for anyone else from the lab

2013-04-10, 11:52 PM

Going towards the Lab, you actually pass by a stand that sells aprijuice smoothies, which combine the traits of pokeblock and aprijuice. The prices are actually pretty good for the added benefits.


"I see you have an eye for incense," the merchant says, his voice is accented, though barely, "the full incense are 1,800, or 1,500 each if you buy at least three incense," he says, then he pulls down the censer, "a rare incent from the mountains of Orre, distilled from a black pool of essence from a fallen star that absorbed all light around it. It has... mysterious properties. I have found that it causes some, interesting side effects on pokemon, my own pokemon has benefited from this incense," he let's out a sableye, except it is far more regal in appearance, almost as if it was refined, "It has a high price, however, 3,000 for every censer full," he gives a wide grin.

You can roll Perception and Intuition checks to determine if he's telling the truth.

You can haggle with Guile, Charm, or Intimidate, though Intimidate, may cause some problems.

2013-04-10, 11:55 PM
Here's your Perception: [roll0]
And your Intuition: [roll1]

Cord thinks about the offers for a little while, but then he remembered what he came here for. "How long are you going to be up? I need to make some more money before doing buying anything else."

2013-04-11, 12:29 PM
"And what now? Try singing or do you want to leave them be? or shall we just go stereotypical Trainer and catch them by force? "

2013-04-11, 12:57 PM
After a thoroughly exhausting couple of hours, Dartanian and company sat down underneath a nearby tree. Spotting a patch of mint, Dartanian sent Zeno to pick a bundle of the leaf while he set about making a small fire.

2013-04-11, 02:29 PM
"Hey how much is a power aprijuice and how big of a boost would it give my doduo?" Asks bandi still keeping an eye out for others from the lab

2013-04-11, 04:17 PM
Elaine, spotting the person from the lab standing near an aprijuice stand, goes over and taps them on the shoulder. If she couldn't make it on her own, maybe a little help was in order?

'Umm ... you heading over to Viridian soon? Maybe I join you? Team up?' she asks in a thick Unovan accent. Damn, she got so awkward speaking. This is why she had trouble talking normally, she got so damn nervous.

2013-04-11, 04:35 PM
Bandi upon hearing the dancing girl speak over sing blurts out surprised in her johto country accent "She talks!" and nearly falls off Whiski, but she quickly stops her self and says a little embarrassed "err sorry bout that you startled me... travel together? Sure I was gonna need somebody to help me look after this afterall..." she shows the ponyta egg "I just got it today for playing taxi. I don't know when it will hatch and it would be a shame if it hatched in the middle of the night while I was sleeping and wandered off into the wild. Its a little late to leave today, but If I could get some aprijuice for Whiski we can leave first thing tomorrow, and both ride, and still get there faster than someone leaving today walking."

2013-04-11, 04:44 PM
'Aww, tomorrow? Okay ....' Still, she couldn't have everything her way. Not everyone else wanted to rush off like Elaine did.

'Hmm, I'll help.' She takes a look about the little town, looking for a crowd or something. She had no money, but maybe she could busk some up with her dancing to help chip in with Bandi.

2013-04-12, 12:53 PM
Bandi & Elaine

"Well, our strongest one would let a Joltik lift an Onyx, but that one's expensive," the girl at the service counter says, "Our standard ones give a decent boost though. And they give more than just a standard power boost because of the mix of berries, apricorns, and nutrients used to make them, which is a family secret so you won't find these smoothies anywhere else."

300 for +1. Also Adds to Tough or Cool Stat. Atk or Def Combat Stage is set to +1 for one hour.
600 for +2. Also Adds to Tough or Cool Stat. Atk or Def Combat Stage is set to +1 for two hours.
1200 for +3. Also Adds to Tough or Cool Stat. Atk or Def Combat Stage is set to +1 for four hours.
2400 for +4. Also Adds to Tough or Cool Stat. Atk or Def Combat Stage is set to +1 for eight hours.
4800 for +5. Also Adds to Tough or Cool Stat. Atk or Def Combat Stage is set to +2 for four hours or +1 for eight hours.
9600 for +6. Also Adds to Tough or Cool Stat. Atk or Def Combat Stage is set to +2 for six hours or +1 for twelve hours.


You go to do some performances in town to earn some cash, though it's a little late, there are quite a few people browsing the market and restaurants still. (Roll Athletics & Acrobatics multiply the results. I'll give a modifier from there and that'll determine how much you earn.)


"I will be open for another two hours, then I will be open early tomorrow and closing the same time," the merchant says, you can tell he's a fairly straightforward individual for a merchant, and he's telling the truth about the Dark Incense. He doesn't know the full effects, but he has used it before. You do, however, get the feeling he's hiding something from you, not something that makes him nervous, just something that he doesn't want to bring up.


(You can just RP this out if you want, not really much I can do based on that little bit of RP)

Gina & Noah

(Waiting on Reg still, sorry Singin, but this is something I'm not comfortable taking control for, not until I get a feel for the character anyway.)

2013-04-12, 12:59 PM
Cord nods, thanking the merchant before heading over to the restaurant. Poor little bugger must be starving by now.

2013-04-12, 01:26 PM
Bandi buys a bottled +1 power(-300) and asks "hey I also got this one odd pokemon that likes to eat even more than a snorlax do you guy have anything that can keep him full for a while? or know someone who does?"

2013-04-13, 01:46 PM
After several failed attempts and a mental note to get a more reliable method of starting a fire, Dartanian finally got a little cooking fire started up and put some water on to boil.

While waiting for the water to do it's thing Dartanian pulled out a geopillar snack for Solstice to much on, Zeno and Amami seemed to be having quite the conversation just on the outside edge of the fire light, and Doogen seemed to have disappeared, most likely taking a nap or off hunting for some mushrooms.

Having had such a busy day Dartanian for one was glad to be able to enjoy a nice cup of mint tea and head off to bed, assuming nothing cropped up of course.

2013-04-13, 05:51 PM
Cord & Dylan

You walk into the restaurant, which seems to be a slightly more classy version of a pub than anything else. The place has a few people sitting in booths or at tables, but the bar is almost completely open, only a blonde girl present... with a Geopillar snacking on the bowled nuts next to her. (Zircon can post from this point on)


You get the fire going and get some good tea from the mint, it's rather late now, zubat and rattata would be coming out around now, searching for food. The zubat would avoid the fire, and the smell of mint would cover anything for the rattata to follow, so you're set for the night.

Before long, however, you hear something amiss, where the night should have been filled with the song of ninjask and hoothoot, it was silent, like a predator was stalking the night and had scared off all the wild-life. Even Amami looks uneasy.


"Really? I've never heard of a pokemon that can eat more than a snorlax without being esspecially large, I may have something in the back though," she says before heading into the back, coming back a few minutes later with some kind of nut, "these have something in them that makes them good for pokemon, the shell is a pain to get off, but it's benefits are pretty good. Kept my munchlax full for close to a week," she says, setting the nut down, "You can have five for 150 if you'd like, that's all the extra ones I have, they're not really useful for anything besides feeding to munchlax anyway."

2013-04-13, 05:58 PM
"Huh." Well that was curious. Cord took a seat next to the girl, taking out his own Geopillar. "You got one from the lab too?" he asked, trying to strike up conversation. Boy this was awkward.

2013-04-13, 05:59 PM
"Its worth a shot" she says as she buys the nuts
as she heads off after elaine she says "and thanks hope fully next time I pass through I'll have some looser purse strings"

2013-04-13, 06:09 PM
Dylan tapped the bar in front of her with her index finger. "Another raspberry juice, if you please," she said, then glanced over at Jet. "And another bowl of nuts might not be a bad idea." The Geopillar didn't even stop eating to look at her.

A young man happened to slide into the seat she was looking toward. That was interesting. This place had been practically deserted for the majority of the morning. "You got one from the lab too?" he asked, showing her his own Geopillar. She nodded and petted her own.

"Yes, his name is Jet. He's a quiet little thing, but very well behaved other than the eating." She sighed. She had no idea how she was going to pay to keep this thing fed. "Anyway, my name is Dylan McIntyre. What's yours?" she asked, giving Cord a smile.

(Charm Check: [roll0])

2013-04-13, 06:18 PM
"Wha-" Did she just flash a smile? Is she flirting with him? Goddamn, this was much easier back in the military. "U-uh, yeah. His name's Eclipse." he stammered, holding out his own. "My name's Cord. Cord Loaka, miss."

2013-04-13, 06:24 PM
"Cord Loaka... that's an unusual name. You must be an immigrant." She smiled again and pushed some hair back over her ear. Well, now, this was interesting. Despite traveling around as she did, she hadn't had the luck to meet too many foreigners.

"What brings you out this way?" she asked, crossing her left leg over her right and motioning for the bartender to bring Cord some juice as well.

2013-04-13, 06:31 PM
"I'm just trying out the league here. It's the best thing I can think of with my set of skills." Cord thanks her and the barkeep for the juice before taking a sip. "What about you? Are you going to try out the league?"

2013-04-13, 06:38 PM
Elaine tries her thing, busting out some sick moves with Nega at her side, while Pos beatboxed and Bling got dizzy hanging from her neck.

Athletics: [roll0]
Acrobatics: [roll1]

2013-04-13, 06:47 PM
"Yes, I am. I was thinking of going for my first badge soon, but I'm not sure if my pokemon are up for such a challenge yet." She took out her pokeballs and released Sheriff and Talus. "Say hi to Cord."

Sheriff merely blinked its eyes at Cord and rotated a few times, while Talus adjusted her coat with her non-clubwielding hand. "...Cubone," she said after a moment. Then she looked back up at Dylan and held her arms out by her side.

Dylan chuckled and picked up Talus, setting her in her lap. "I think she's feeling friendly today. She usually only talks to me," she said, noting the Cubone's aura was a paler orange than it normally was... which gave her the idea to look over Cord's aura while she was thinking about.

"So, want to travel together for awhile? I do get so bored traveling on my own. No offense, you three," she said to her pokemon. Sheriff spun around slowly in the air, Talus shrugged, and Jet didn't even pay attention to her; all of his focus was on the fresh bowl of nuts that he was now devouring.

2013-04-13, 07:01 PM
"Yeah, sure." Cord looking at the two other Pokemon Dylan had. He takes out Kush and Vat, a Poochyena and a Houndour, showing them to Dylan. They both sniff at her and then make a quick, low howl, voicing their approval. "Looks like mine like you too." He turns to the bartender, getting something for appetizers. Now that he thinks about it, he's getting hungry.

2013-04-13, 07:10 PM
"'Woof' to you too, my canine friends," Dylan said warmly. She set Talus back down so the Cubone could interact with Cord's pokemon and noted her new traveling companion was getting something to eat. I should probably put Jet back before we try to eat anything. Just in case.

Once the Geopillar had finished the bowl of nuts, she put him back in his pokeball and tucked it away into her coat pocket. "So what do you have in the way of food to go?" she asked the bartender. She was itching to get back into the wild soon and get her pokemon some more training. Maybe even catch a few more, who knows?

2013-04-13, 08:15 PM
"Oh, you wanna get going now?" Cord quickly packed up the food he got for himself, grabbing multiple to-go containers for his stuff before paying. "Alright. Wanna head out to Route 1 and see if we get anything?"

2013-04-13, 08:33 PM
"Sure. I've been sitting around here for a few hours now. I think it's about time I got moving again." She stood up, stretched, and returned the spinning Sheriff and Talus to their pokeballs. "So that comes up to about 250, right?" she said to the bartender as she paid for the food to go and the drinks.

Cord suggested heading to Route 1. "Sure. I believe Pidgey and Hoothoots live in that area; maybe I could catch one. What about you? Any pokemon you might be interested in along that route?"

2013-04-13, 08:46 PM
"Uh..." Cord actually had no idea what kind of Pokemon he would find there. "I specialize in hard attacks myself, so hopefully there's a few good Pokemon out there." Cord stood up, ready to go, just waiting for Dylan now.

2013-04-13, 09:35 PM
Dylan thought as they walked. "Mostly common pokemon live in this area. Nothing particularly strong, I think. We'll just have to see if something catches your fancy." She smiled at him.

After a few minutes, they were on the path... and a few seconds after that, Dylan was prowling through the tall grass nearby, looking for some pokemon to scare out for a battle!


2013-04-14, 10:36 PM

You get the nuts and notice that they're much heavier than their size would suggest, even knowing nuts are supposed to be a little heavier than they appear.


You manage to attract a small crowd and earn a bit over 500 PY. Many clap and others inquire about your pokemon and where you learned to dance. Only one or two even notice Bling because of his location and people avoiding looking there.

Earned 509 PY

Cord & Dylan

You head out into the wilds at a little past 5PM, the sky is tinted a light shade of orange as the sun starts to dip in the sky. As you walk, you notice it's quiet, but not unnaturally so.

You manage to spot a few zubat flying about early, chasing small flying bug pokemon, with some pidgey flitting to their nests for the night. However, that's not what draws your attention, what does is the tamped down path in the grass, with odd footprints in the dirt below. Squeaks come from down the path, as well as what sound like a baby pokemon trying to roar, often accompanied by sparks of electricity.

2013-04-14, 10:42 PM
Cord scouts ahead, taking out Vat to ready himself. This better be good...

2013-04-14, 10:47 PM
Dylan tilted her head to the side. Electricity? Sounds like a job for Talus. She released the Cubone from her pokeball and continued on ahead quietly, to see what was causing the noise.

2013-04-14, 11:10 PM
Cord & Dylan

You get closer to the roaring and find an odd sight, a cat-like pokemon with incredibly smooth grey fur and a pair of wings that are covered in the same fur, only stiff, instead of feathers as it sparks to keep away some zubat that are attacking it, and for some reason, the zubat don't seem to feel the electricity.

Three zubat, one mystery mon

2013-04-14, 11:14 PM
Dylan frowned. "Cord, we have to help that little baby pokemon!" she said, looking at her traveling companion. Stupid bullying zubats! Why, I'll show them...!

2013-04-14, 11:16 PM
Cord stays back from the fray. He had to command his Pokemon, after all. Vat, however, stays a shorter distance and sends a plume of fire at one of the Zubats! Right after, Cord follows with a Pokeball!

AC2: [roll0] Burns on 18+
Damage: [roll1] S-Fire

Pokeball: 11 (in OOC)

2013-04-14, 11:21 PM
Dylan stayed next to Cord and sent out Sheriff while Talus ran forward to attack Zubat 2, swinging her bone club with wild abandon.

Struggle Attack
AC=4: [roll0]
Damage: (b0rk3d the roll, it's in the OOC)

2013-04-15, 12:02 AM
The fight starts off with Vat firing a ball of flame at the first zubat, shooting it out of the sky and right into Cord's pokeball, which dinged almost instantly as it dropped. One of the zubat turns to try and get a bead on what hit them, only to get a bone club to the face, which breaks one of its fangs. The cat dashes forward and tries to claw into the zubat that was just hit, only to just barely miss. The remaining zubat fires a screech at the cat, confusing it. The zubat with the chipped tooth flies away.

2013-04-15, 12:05 AM
Dylan immediately threw a pokeball at the Zubat that Talus bashed. While she was doing that, Sheriff launched a Confusion Attack at Zubat 3!

2013-04-15, 12:23 AM
The zubat is hit by the psychic attack, and shrugs it off, before the pokeball hits it. The pokeball absorbs the zubat and drops to the ground, shaking, once, twice, three times before clicking shut.

The cat is still disoriented from the supersonic from earlier.

2013-04-15, 12:25 AM
"So, uh, you take care of it." Cord gestures to the little cat, backing off to check on the new Zubat he got.

2013-04-15, 12:34 AM
Dylan approached the cat slowly, picking up the pokeball as she went. "Shh... shh... it's OK now. We chased away the mean old zubats," she murmured soothingly, hoping to get close to the cat without it running away. "I want to help you."

Charm: [roll0]

2013-04-15, 12:39 AM
Cord & Dylan

The cat shakes its head and looks at Dylan, snapping out of its confusion. It looks ready to bolt at the first sign of danger, but isn't running yet. Dylan can make out that it has sand in its eyes, likely from the Zubat, it can barely tell what the grass is, let alone Dylan.

2013-04-15, 12:50 AM
Dylan laid down on her stomach facing it, so as to seem smaller and less threatening... and also get a better look at it. "You're a very cute kitty. Won't you talk to me?" Dylan asked, not reaching a hand out toward it yet. She wanted to gain its trust first.

Instead, she reached into her purse and slowly withdrew a ration, placing it on the ground between her and the pokemon. "Go on, take it. You must be hungry. Where's your mother?" She reached out with her aura, attempting to link it to the unusual pokemon's and read its thoughts - as well as project her good intentions to it.

Intuition: [roll0]
Charm: [roll1]
(Use higher of the two)

2013-04-15, 01:03 AM
Cord & Dylan

Oddly enough, the pokemon is much younger than you'd expect, it's only just hatched, it doesn't even understand what's going on. What is odder though, is how strong its aura is, it's stronger than any of your pokemon. It only barely understands what Dylan's trying to say, and that's only because she conveyed her emotions through the link.

It's scared, confused, and lonely. But Dylan can sense it warming up a little, esspecially as it rubs the sand out of its eyes and gets a better look at her.

"Purr~" it starts purring as it rubs againts Dylan, causing her hair to stick to it from static. Seems its actually rather friendly if you're not tormenting it.

2013-04-15, 01:09 AM
Dylan giggled and scratched it behind the ears. "Well, you're just a sweet little thing, aren't you? Do you want to come with me? I promise I'll take care of you, and you won't be lonely. Sheriff, Talus, and Jet are good company, and Cord seems like a nice guy too."

She smiled at the cat. "I promise there will be adventure, excitement, making friends. You'll see all kinds of new places. So, how about it? Want to give Miss McIntyre a shot?" she asked, holding out a pokeball toward it.

2013-04-15, 01:24 AM
Cord & Dylan

The cat tilts its head, then licks Dylan's hand and placing a paw on the pokeball, it doesn't even take a second before it clicks shut.

Level 8 Female Purrloin, Poised, Limber, Electric / Flying Shifted
+1 to All Stats
Knows Thundershock
Charm & Fake Tears on Inheritance List

2013-04-15, 01:58 AM
Dylan sat up, looking at the pokeball with a dopey smile. "Cord! Hey, Cord!" she said, getting up and rushing over to the younger man. "That Purrloin kitten agreed to come with me! She's so cute and sweet and adorable and I love her!" She bounced in place for a few seconds, unable to believe it, before hugging Cord. "You're like some kind of good luck charm!"

Talus and Sheriff shrugged at each other. Or at least, Talus did. Sheriff had no shoulders to shrug and therefore merely blinked at the Cubone. "Bron." "Cu?" They were used to this sort of thing out of their master. Talus rested her club on her shoulder and marched back over to the two humans, Sheriff lazily floating behind and rotating clockwise.

"Oh! I should let you all meet each other." Dylan took out her newest acquisitions and Jet. "Talus, Jet, Sheriff, these two are Vlad" - she pointed to the Zubat - "and Nimbus," she said, pointing to the Purrloin. "You guys play nice now."

Nimbus looked at Vlad and turned her nose up, electing instead to go over and rub against Talus. The Cubone petted her in a rough imitation of what she had seen her master do. Jet started eating the grass. Vlad hung from the bottom of Sheriff and seemed to take no notice of the other three pokemon.

2013-04-15, 03:21 AM

You get the nuts and notice that they're much heavier than their size would suggest, even knowing nuts are supposed to be a little heavier than they appear.


You manage to attract a small crowd and earn a bit over 500 PY. Many clap and others inquire about your pokemon and where you learned to dance. Only one or two even notice Bling because of his location and people avoiding looking there.

Earned 509 PY
Bandi catches the tail end of the performance and claps with the rest of the crowd. She intended to keep track of dancy pants for the rest of the evening just to make sure she doesn't have to find a new travel buddy in the morning

2013-04-15, 03:51 AM
"Uh... alright, I guess." Cord just stood through the unexpected hug and waiting until she was done. "So, what do you want to do? Keep on exploring, or head back for the day?"

2013-04-15, 10:31 AM
Dylan thought about it for a few seconds. "Well... I probably shouldn't push my luck too far. Something great happened to me today and I should probably scoot off before karma comes around to knock me down," she noted, returning all of her pokemon to their pokeballs except for Nimbus. She picked the Purrloin kitten up instead and stroked her behind her ears, causing her to purr quietly.

"So, what are you going to call your Zubat? And nice catch by the way. That Houndour of yours looks like a strong little fellow."

2013-04-15, 10:57 AM
Elaine bows to her audience who had watched her. She takes out the money counts out 150, giving it to Bandi. 'That cover my share?'

2013-04-15, 11:09 AM
Bandi chuckles and turns down the money "You being willing to stay up and help me keep an eye on the egg while we travel is payment enough. Also the effects of the juice will last for a few days and will pay for itself doing hauling jobs. Do you already have a place to stay for the night? cause your free to crash on the floor, couch, cot, and I suppose as long as you keep your limbs to yourself even bed of whatever place I rent for the night. I just intend to enjoy a roof over my head while I can, and I don't want to start looking for someone to travel with all over again cause you decided to sleep in a box in an ally, and got hospitalized by a resident voltorb or something."

2013-04-15, 12:12 PM
Elaine gives Bandi a hug so strong, she lifts the other girl off her feet.

'Okay, but what to do till tomorrow? Too early for bed.'

Also, she was a little offended her new buddy thought she was going to sleep in a box or something that stupid. Her plan was to walk to Viridian all night until she got so tired she fell asleep. Then get up the next day and keep walking.

2013-04-15, 12:47 PM
Bandi was surprised when she was pulled off Whiski in a big hug, and Whiski was extra surprised cause Bandi was still in the stirrups and holding the reins when this happened causing the bird to scramble to attempt and fail to keep his balance. Needless to say there was some untangling to do after Elaine let go. "Dunno..." says Bandi with a smile as she pulls a boot off to free one of her legs from the tangled mass of leather straps and bird "test run/find something to catch? if we can't handle some wilds a mile out of town we are gonna have trouble camping out there overnight... lets try over by the coast that's a spot we are not gonna see travelling tomorrow" It takes a bit to finally get the boot free, and the saddle back in order mostly cause the situation devolved into a playful game of keep away with the boot, and then a tickle fight between the short girl and her bird, but assuming Elaine agrees Bandi will head out along the coast to look for wilds on foot cause Whiski was in a bucking mood at the moment.

2013-04-15, 01:07 PM
Even Elaine was smart enough to know that her Nega and Pos were good against pokemon from the beach. The coast sounds like a good idea. Elaine follows after Bandi.

2013-04-15, 01:20 PM
"I think I'm going to name him Tri, after a group my friends joined back home." Cord nodded to himself. Though he ran away as soon as he could, he still paid some homage to the old regime. "I trained Vat earlier in the day, so he should have been able to take them on pretty easily. But it looks like these guys have an unusual typing for their species." He shows her his Pokedex, which says the same thing.

2013-04-15, 01:51 PM
"Yeah, I thought so. Nimbus is unusual too." She kissed the kitten's head. "Hear that, pretty girl? You're practically unique." Nimbus continued purring quietly, her front paws making kneading motions on Dylan's shoulder and her wings closed tight to her body.

"So... you already have a place to stay in town, or should I make arrangements?"

2013-04-15, 04:47 PM

You get the fire going and get some good tea from the mint, it's rather late now, zubat and rattata would be coming out around now, searching for food. The zubat would avoid the fire, and the smell of mint would cover anything for the rattata to follow, so you're set for the night.

Before long, however, you hear something amiss, where the night should have been filled with the song of ninjask and hoothoot, it was silent, like a predator was stalking the night and had scared off all the wild-life. Even Amami looks uneasy.

His pokemon were not the only ones disturbed by the awkward silence eminating around them. While he hadn't had this happen to often, he knew well enough that sticking around wasn't the best of ideas.

Reaching out to Doogen he told the mole to head toward the road, he got a weak reply of "Rodger." Communicating through the link and via Zeno's telepathy, Dartanian told his friends that they were leaving and they would be free to get in their balls if they wish.

Dartanian knew Zeno would not be doing that, but he figured he would allow his two newest companions the choice. Solstice shot his way up to Dartanian's shoulder and plopped himself there, and Amami just moved in closer but made no move to go for the backpack.

"Very well, let's get this fire put out and meet Doogen over by the road, and be careful."

2013-04-15, 04:58 PM
"Uh, I was going to go see if I can get a room in the Pokecenter, so... no, I don't think I have any plans." Cord scratched his head. He really didn't make any plans at all, now that he thinks about it.

2013-04-15, 05:00 PM
Bandi & Elaine

You approach the beach and see a commotion in the water. A large number of fish are swimming about and ramming into each other while encircled by an even larger number of fish. The ones fighting are a mix of brown and blue fish and orange and yellow fish while the encircling ones are all pink and heart-shaped. (Magikarp, Feebas, and Luvdisc)

2013-04-15, 05:23 PM
"Good enough for me. I'm going to take a look around town and see if there's any odd jobs I can do. Wanna come with?" she offered, finally putting Nimbus back in her pokeball. She loved having the little kitten out and on her, but at the same time she didn't really want anyone other than Cord to know she had it until she had to.

(Rolls to find work and maybe scout some trainers in the area willing to battle or train pokemon:
Charm: [roll0]
Intuition: [roll1]
Perception: [roll2]
Guile: [roll3]
Intimidation: [roll4]
Athletics: [roll5])

2013-04-15, 05:51 PM
Bandi sees the violent scene and kicks into wrangler mode. She quickly strips down to her undies and hands off everything she doesn't want to get wet to Whiski and wades in brandishing a pair of poke balls in one hand. She then (possibly foolishly) does just what she would do back home when she sees two groups of mons fighting and a third just watching the show.

"PHEEEEWWT! Ok break it up! Break it up! Shows over! Whats this here? why you lot just smacking into each other in mass? Ocean not big enough for ya?" as she reaches the furball she will start trying to pull mons out and toss them a distance to thin it out before even thinking to punch her way into the middle to separate the two sides.

intimidate of "break it up" [roll0]
athletics luvdiscus throwing [roll1]

2013-04-15, 06:40 PM
Elaine joins in with Bandi, trying to convince them to break it up.

'War, huh, yeah
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing
War, huh, yeah
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing
Say it again, y'all'

Athletics for fish throwing: [roll0]
Charm to stop the fishy fighting: [roll1]

2013-04-15, 07:34 PM
"Sure." Cord follows Dylan, helping her with finding a job while finding a job for himself... or what were they doing again? Eh, whatever, she probably knows what she's doing.

Charm: [roll0]
Intuition: [roll1]
Perception: [roll2]
Guile: [roll3]
Intimidation: [roll5]
Athletics: [roll4]

2013-04-15, 10:02 PM
Bandi & Elaine

You wade through the fish with absolutely no difficulty whatsoever, tossing luvdisc aside like they're toys, many just swimming away after that. Before long, only the feebas and magikarp remain, and they back off from you cowed by Bandi's shouting. In the middle of all of them is an odd sight, between where all the fish were fighting is a floating blue stone that seems to be the thing they were fighting over.

Cord & Dylan

Most places are closed this time of day, or have already finished what they would needed help with. However, there are some late night trainers looking for pokemon that only come out at night. Some may be willing to put up a bet or two should you decide to try for a battle.


While heading towards the road, you find the reason for the silence, a group of gastly are flitting through the trees, most pokemon that would be out are hiding from the poisonous balls of gas. You spot three close to you, none have spotted you yet (they aren't even trying to hide at this point).

2013-04-15, 11:00 PM
Bandi takes a good look at the stone and her surroundings before approaching and says "ok so this is what you have been fighting over I take it? You lot really want to risk life and limb over a shiny floating bobble like this? Well first thought before we get to deep into this is did you guys think of sharing it as if you lot was one big school of fish instead of two separate ones?"

perception [roll0]

2013-04-15, 11:09 PM
"I'm going to go fight one of these guys, we can meet up at the Pokecenter here in a few hours if you want to do something else. Oh, and here's my number if there's an emergency: 555-1903." After waving to Cord, she approached one of the trainers. "Heya! My name's Dylan. Feeling up for a friendly spar?" she asked, holding up a pokeball to show what she meant. "I was thinking we could bet some money, if you want. Something like two fifty for the winner? Unless you have some more interesting terms..."

2013-04-16, 03:47 AM
Cord decides to split ways here. After getting Dylan's phone number, he takes one of the night catching jobs, buying a few more Basic Balls just in case.

+3 Basic Balls

2013-04-16, 08:43 AM
Wait, didn't Elaine get some pokeballs from the professor?

She releases Nega out, then picks up one of the many blue and yellow fish, preferably the biggest one. They looked like they might have better rhythm than the orange ones. She then throws it onto the coast so it can't swim away.

'Nega, Thunderwave!'

athletics for fish tossing: [roll0]

if that works, Nega uses TWave. Unless it's immune to electricity (:smalltongue:) it's auto-hit and paralysed.

2013-04-16, 10:51 AM
Bandi thinks and tries to sort this out, and just as she has an idea where everyone can go home happy she sees the dancing girl pick up a fish throw it on the beach and order her pokemon to attack it. Bandi was shocked the girl was either acting like a brute or was being really stupid. Either way Bandi goes ballistic. :smallfurious: "WHAT THE MUK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOIN'!?!! I'M TALKIN' HERE!!! AREN'T YOU THE ONE WHO SANG WHAT'S WAR GOOD FOR!?!!" she had other choice words, but since she still needed the girl she held her tounge, and instead just shoved her :smallmad: "I'm trying to end this in a way where everyone goes home happy, and you're just acting like a thug. NOW HEAL IT, SAY YOU'RE SORRY, AND THROW IT BACK!!!" trying to maintain control of the situation Bandi then snatches up the stone, and says to the fish "Here is how we are going to decide who gets it without everyone getting bruised and battered! we will have a surface race from that rock over there!" she points at an outcropping down the beach "To over there!" she points at another boulder in the opposite direction "Who ever I decide got there first without beating, bashing, cheating, or shoving gets to decide what is done with the rock. Now come on everyone line up next to the rock and no one start until I say so!"

2013-04-16, 11:07 AM
'But Mr Fishy is cute. I wanna have him, so I need to beat him up and cram him in my balls, yeah? Fish Dance!!!'

It sounds much stranger coming from her thick Unovan accent.

2013-04-16, 11:13 AM
Bandi face palms "You don't have to beat it up to catch it! you could have just talked it into coming with you!" shouts Bandi now further down the beach setting up a race.

2013-04-16, 11:16 AM
'Oh, okie dokie!' She holds out the ball to the fish. 'Get in the ball Fishy or I'll beat you up, please! I wanna be friends!'

2013-04-16, 11:25 AM
Double facepalm "Not like that!" Bandi can't defuse two bombs at once so she decides to cut losses "Ahhh just sing to it already." she turns her attention to the other fish and just lets the dancer do what she wants.

2013-04-16, 05:13 PM
Stopping sharply at noticing the ghosts, Dartanian took a quick moment to make not of the immediate surroundings. There is no way we will be getting past them without being noticed, I guess we have to fight...better keep Zeno out of this one, don't want a repeat of what happened with the Duskulls.

Knowing Doogen was still not quite close enough to be of use, and Solstice still might be a little weak to take on three pokemon by herself, even if she is immune to most of their attacks, Dartanian mentally speaks to Solstice and Amami to get them ready for the attack.

Zeno, I think it might be safer if you go into the pokeball until we are through this.

Sorry, but no. I will stay back but I will not go into one of those infernal contraptions.

Very well. Ok, Amami use your foresight on the closest one, Solstice lets get ready.


2013-04-16, 07:00 PM
Bandi & Elaine

When Elaine starts to wade into the mon again, the fanged magikarp swims to her faster than the others can react and slams into her head, pushing her underwater before swimming back to the rest of the group. Bandi would swear she could hear a "humph" come from the fish if it weren't for the fact it was underwater. Elaine, in fact, does here a "humph" from the fish as it swims away. The others back up from it as it swims around Bandi. It's not threatening, more like... Examining... then it jumps and tries to snatch the stone out of Bandi's hand

Instantly, the rest try to mob Bandi to keep the stone away from the fanged magikarp.

No damage, just humiliation

Bandi roll Athletics or Acrobatics. DC is 7.


You find a couple people looking for various pokemon, one wants a poochyena (and even tries to offer a lillipup for Kush), another's looking for a grass type, any grass type, and another is the kid you fought earlier in the day who's looking for a new bug type to fill in for Belladona.

The one that wants the poochyena is offering cash based on the power of the mon (150 x PL) and even more if it has a good nature (200 x PL if it has a Atk or Spd boosting nature that doesn't lower the other). You have to provide your own pokeballs but he'll tag along to heal your pokemon if they're injured.

The one that wants a grass type is a botanist that doesn't travel much and has no pokemon at this time. She doesn't want to bother the labs since they only get starters in rarely and she doesn't intend to take on the league. She'll provide a flat 400 for any grass type you catch as well as an energy powder mixed with berry juice to make it more palatable.

The kid, who you find out is named Kade, is actually really good at tracking down stronger than average pokemon and knows a couple places that may have some strong bug types. He offers to provide the net balls for the captures and will give you some good money if you can catch a bug he doesn't have. He also says you can keep the net balls you don't use.


(Roll 1d3 to determine what trainer you fight)


Amami zips over to the ghosts and takes one down before they even notice her. The ghosts are taken off guard and can't attack before Amami can get off a second attack. (Damn, didn't think these guys would be this easy)

2013-04-16, 07:19 PM
"Ok Amami, hit the next one while they are still disoriented and head back this way. Solstice get ready, you are up next."

Dartanian grabs the other empty pokeball from his pack and on the off chance Amami doesn't completely knock this next one out he will throw the ball at it.

AC: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Pokeball if needed
AC: [roll2]
Cap: [roll3]

2013-04-16, 07:27 PM
Bandi tries to keep a hold of the stone "Oh no you do-"*swarmed by fish* Bandi now finding herself waistdeep+ in slimy fish regrets not wading in in her protective leather chaps. As she kicks pushes and stuggles with the mass of fish she'll on reflex shove her pokeballs into her tight sports bra to give her a free hand to help toss fish. Her objective now is to get to shore with the rock she'll sort things out there.

check athl or acro: 9 rolled ooc

2013-04-16, 07:33 PM

Amami smacks another ghost and knocks it into the ground before the Gastly gets a hypnosis off on the bunny, only to be caught by pokeball.

Level 5, Male, Naive, Levitate
15 Exp

2013-04-16, 07:40 PM
YOU CAUGHT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

The telepathic scream was all but enough to knock Dartanian to his feet.

Yes, I did. I'm going to leave him in the ball until morning. But until then let us get out of here and somewhere a bit more safe and deal with this in the morning, we are all tired.

2013-04-16, 08:16 PM
Cord takes the offer for finding the Poochyenas, hitting the Pokemart for some bait. He lets Kush choose it, as he'd probably be the best at knowing which one would be more attractive to others like him, and sets off to Route 1, bait in hand. Once he gets there, he takes out the bait, using Kush's guidance again for where to put it, and leaves it out.

Bait Rolls: (Success on 15+)


2013-04-16, 08:55 PM

The bait stakes a while to bring in any pokemon, though the smell carries well if Kush's whining is anything to go by. It's roughly twelve minutes before it draws in a pack of poochyena with a growlithe in their midst. There are at least five poochyena in addition to the growlithe. The apparent leader stands on its hind legs to grab the bait.


You find yourself talking to a guy with sharpened teeth that resemble a pirahna or shark's, "A battle, eh? I could go for one, not many people around here accept challenges these days," he grins widely, showing off far too many sharpened teeth for your comfort, "Two on two, $250 bet," his aura dances and is a rather interesting shade of bluegreen, "and trainers fight too," he adds as his grin widens even more, "how about it?" he doesn't have the build to be a martial artist, and his aura is to unfocused to be an elementalist or psychic.

You got a crit success secret roll on Intuition, hence why you got so much from him.

2013-04-16, 09:00 PM
"Whoa. That's a lot." Cord walks out, making a shushing noise to calm the Poochyenas down as he inspects them, looking for the best of the batch.

Charm: [roll0]
Intuition: [roll1]

+1 each from Elemental Connection

2013-04-16, 09:11 PM
Dylan raised an eyebrow. "So, by two on two you mean me and one of my pokemon, or two pokemon and me versus you and two of yours?" She wasn't all that sure if she should take him up on the offer; he seemed kind of dangerous and maybe a little crazy.

2013-04-16, 09:45 PM

The poochyena jump back and start growling at Cord as he emerges from cover, the one that went for the bait is larger than the rest, and is currently standing between you and the rest of the pack, the growlithe standing just behind the lead poochyena.


"Two pokemon each," he replies, "why would I limit myself to one pokemon when fighting?" he asks, "I want a challenge, one wrong pick from either of us and we'll lose, so a second would let either of us fix any mistakes we make on making a poor choice."

His Aura doesn't read Crazy, it reads Overconfident. You also know he's not any better a fighter than Dylan so... he's likely weaker. Actually, you can tell he's trying to Intimidate you.

2013-04-16, 10:05 PM
Figuring out the leader was the one who was the strongest, he let them eat first before shouting for attention. "Alright! No sudden moves!" he yells out, trying to get them to snap for attention. "You!" he points at the leader, before taking out a Pokeball. "Come with me, or else!" And then he turns to the Growlithe. "And you too!" he shouts, taking out another Pokeball.

Intimidate: [roll0]

2013-04-16, 10:25 PM

The four poochyena in back whimper while the growlithe lowers its body closer to the ground. The leader, however, seems to be accepting a challenge. Looks like you'll still need to battle the leader. After a moment the growlithe comes forward too, you'll need to fight both to catch them while the other poochyena wait for the outcome of the fight.

2013-04-16, 11:02 PM
So a fight it is. Cord rolls up his sleeves and gets ready for a fight! He switches out Kush for Tri, since Kush was a bit injured, and backs off a bit as Tri gives the leader a bite and suck.

Leech Life:
AC2: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + 9 (from crit) = 25 P-Bug

2013-04-17, 12:58 AM
"All right then. In the interest of fairness, I'm going to flip a coin. Whoever loses the coin toss sends out a pokemon first, and the winner can counter with whatever they have." She put a coin on her thumb and flipped it into the air. "Calling heads now."

The coin glimmered in the light of a street lamp at the apex of its flight, then smoothly came down into Dylan's outstretched palm. ...Heads it is. Your go."

2013-04-17, 09:06 PM

The poochyena goes down from a pinpoint hit to its neck. The four poochyena run while the growlithe whimpers as it licks the downed poochyena before roaring at Tri, sending it back to its pokeball, it glares angrily at you.


The guy grins, "Alright then," he says sending out a carvahna, which is holding a berry in its fins, "Meet Monsoon."

2013-04-17, 11:45 PM
Hmm.... That's a bad match for me. Dylan thought for a moment, her fingers running over her pokeballs before settling on one and pulling it out of her purse. "All right Sheriff, time for you to show your stuff!"

The Bronzor emerged, spinning clockwise at a fast rate. "All right. Your second choice now."

2013-04-18, 01:26 PM
Cord replaced Tri with Vat before going nailing the Growlithe with a punch!

AC4: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-04-19, 11:33 AM
Elaine swims after the bitey fish, trying to kick it while underwater. Too bad she'd never done synchronised swimming.

Low Sweep
[roll0], base 2
[roll1], lowers speed by 1 stage

dunno if I can or can't attack underwater, so if not tell me

2013-04-19, 07:27 PM
Bandi & Elaine

Bandi manages to both keep the stone away from the fanged magikarp and keep from falling into the water before making her way to the shore. Elaine can't get to the Magikarp, it swam away before she could get the kick off.


The growlithe yelps as it protects the downed poochyena, sending an ember right into Cord's face (27 - Cord's SpDef Fire Damage, Cord is now Burnt)


"Next is Current," he says, releasing a chinchou.

2013-04-19, 07:45 PM
Stumbling on to the shore and hopefully out of reach of the fish Bandi collects her things from Whiski, mounts him, and then turns to the mob to say as she towels herself off "Ok if you lot don't want me to just ride off right now with your precious rock for myself then I recommend everyone, but the toothy one get to the starting position for the race like I said!" she doesn't sound happy in the slightest "Toothy has to stay behind because I believe my friend would want to settle a score with him first. The race will start once that has been resolved. Well don't just float there starring at me MOVE!"

Intimidate [roll0]

2013-04-19, 07:45 PM
Dylan nodded and pulled out her second pokeball. "Nimbus, this is your time to shine!" she said as she released the purrloin. The kitten hissed and raised a paw threateningly as he saw the water types.

"Let's do this! Yaah!" Dylan shouted as she ran forward to punch the trainer. Nimbus followed her lead and shot some electricity at the carvahna.

Dylan: Struggle Attack -> Trainer
AC 4: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Normal Physical

Sheriff: No Command Given

Nimbus: Thundershock -> Monsoon
AC 2, Paralyzes on 17+: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] Electric Special

2013-04-19, 09:41 PM
Cord backs the hell off. It was a horrible idea to try and fight the Pokemon one on one like that. He grabbed a Pokeball and threw it at the Growlithe, hoping that would help.


2013-04-19, 09:49 PM
Vat delivers a puff of ember to the Growlithe, ready to protect his master!

AC2: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] S-Fire

2013-04-21, 04:35 PM
Bandi & Elaine

The magikarp and feebas swim to the designated start point promptly, the fanged one still in place, though it seemed more confused than anything else. The others understood your meaning, if not what you said, this one, however, doesn't.

You can roll perception to determine anything about the Magikarp now that it's in shallower water and you're not at an odd angle


The fireball goes wide and the growlithe lets off its own burst of fire at the darker hound, however, it seems to go wide as well, except for the fact it ignites the tree right behind Cord.


"Interesting pokemon," he says, glancing at Nimbus, almost ignoring Dylan's punch as it hits, "Might want to let the labs have a look at it, I hear type shifts are rather rare in the area," he's still grinning, he then stomps down on her instep (only 6 damage) and has Monsoon bite Nimbus just before being shocked into unconsciousness (24 Dark Damage), "and a strong one too by the look of it, surprising that you'd use one when you don't need to."


You got to the lab late today, but you got registered and received a Geopillar. The professor references you to the others registered to have a Geopillar and references you to the Center for lodging.


You get to sleep fairly quickly this time around, the returning sound of the wilds lulling you to sleep.

2013-04-21, 04:57 PM
"Nimbus? I thought I'd give her a chance to see what fighting alongside my other pokemon is like. Also, ow! Who steps on a girl's feet on purpose!?" Dylan asked, hopping on one foot the entire time before hopping slightly higher and throwing a foot toward the trainer's stomach. "Sheriff, you show that chinchou who's boss!"

Dylan: Struggle Attack -> Trainer
AC 4: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Normal Physical

Sheriff: Confusion -> Current
AC 2: [roll2] Confuses on 19-20
Damage: [roll3]

Nimbus: No Command Given

2013-04-21, 05:14 PM
Bandi has gone side saddle and is half way thought putting her pants back on when she see's the fanged pokemon's confused expression. At first she thought it was just stuck up and trying to assert itself as an alpha by taking what ever it wants but now she wasn't so sure. With a sigh he takes the pants back off and hands Whiski her stuff +the stone again, and then wades back into the water to the fanged fish. "Hold on elaine there is something I want to check out first." she stoops down next to the fish and really looks as she says "There is more to you than meets the eye isn't there? You're not a bully you're a victim is that it? For whatever reason the other fish shun you and your desperate to prove yourself. Your desperate for respect. thats why you tried to snatch the rock and everyone tried to stop you isn't it? Cause if you got it everyone would have to respect you? Well personally I don't think a rock is gonna solve anything there would not be much stopping them from trying to steal the rock and always being on guard isn't much of a life, but I can offer you something better. You're in many ways like me. You're driven to work hard and prove yourself and I respect that more than anything. So how about instead of hanging with a bunch of shallow bottom feeders you come with me? I'll train you to be better than these losers will ever be, and you'll never have to look back. Of course with the respect you'll get from me and that you'll earn from other thanks to my training there is a side effect of being passionately and deeply loved and cared for that you'll have to put up with. So what do ya say?" she holds out a pokeball to the fish.

charm if and only if needed
seriously only if needed

2013-04-21, 07:39 PM
"Again!" Cord yelled, and his Houndour puffed another flame over to the Growlithe, Cord backing up and following it with a Pokeball!

AC2: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

AC4: [roll2]
Capture: [roll3]