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2013-03-27, 06:26 PM
New York ... New York.

Always awake. Always moving. From space, alien travelers can see the city from thousands of miles distant. They can feel the city's pulse over the hum of extraterrestrial electro-mechanics. The defiant spires of the city stand as monument to human achievement. Skyscrapers designed and constructed by a past generation of visionaries sired from street-level aspirations. If you could fly over New York City, streets eclipsed in half-shadow shout a protesting sort of welcome that's never been for the casual tourist.

Light. Sound. Action. New York speaks to the world with the full force of its 400+ years of history - each of the five Burroughs communicating in its own distinct fashion.

Sidewalks boast a constant company of footfall from civilian occupation. The streets bark the loud cries of every automotive concern, with taxicabs, trucks, bikers and privately-owned-vehicles grappling for the way to right. The Way of the City. Never take to this city with apprehension or concern for safety. Anything happens here. Just stay prepared.

Rooftops sport their own traffic, citizens watching the towers and helicopters rise and fall amidst the sound of the endless stream of mecha. There's a real song to the city - the resonant ballad of Metropolis that forces you to reflect on the greater purpose of activity.

Overwhelmed by the scent of exhaust, fine restaurants, trash and technology, New York City has its own unique fragrance. Not like Paris, or England, or Moscow, or Hong Kong. New York was an invitation to engaging imagination - American-style.

Downtown, 9:54 p.m.

City Hall's wide, rounded steel-reinforced shoulders sagged at the end of a long day. Sunlight cut across the stone eagle atop the building's zenith, maybe to signal something. The rest of the structure below the shine was mild shadow, downtown preparing for night. Lights illuminated windows inside the building at the highest level, someone busy. A plan. Always a plan. At street-level, Gen. Nicholas Fury watched the foot traffic. Habit. Two blocks down the guy in the green hoodie was selling drugs to a prostitute. A cabbie across from him was discussing how the U.S. overspends on defense, sacrificing the school systems. Two very attractive women pass debating the veracity of man one of them met on the internet.

Fury drew a cigar infused with Louis XIII cognac to his lips and fired his Zippo at it. While he leaned against the nearby doorway, the man he was waiting for stepped out. Eldain Owlheart. When the President and Congress came to the rebuilding S.H.I.E.L.D. for a plan to revamp NYC's emergency-management protocols, Fury dropped 1,000 names in a hat. The computer spit out the very-best of the best.

Owlheart was Number One.

In terms of statistical logistics, no one had come close to what the young tactician had produced. Uncanny. Revised the Army's Pacific readiness program. Restructured the UN's Middle East response from "hack & slash" to something 21 Century. And, advised Fury's reboot of S.H.I.E.L.D. All very quiet. "Under the radar". That was Owlheart's trick: he never showed his face or stood in conference rooms. He told you how to do it, from across the world. But now, "under the radar" was over.

Fury found, cajoled, coerced and brought him in. This project, AEGIS, needed a face. A face that demanded respect. That was Eldain Owlheart. What a name. Fury turned his head to gaze at the man exiting City Hall alone,

"Doctor Owlheart, I presume. Have you eaten today? Or are we just having coffee?"

Astrid had met the X-men by pure accident, on a city street. Now, they were all gathered for an outing at Central Park. Wolverine insisted. The blaze from the (illegal) BBQ grill illuminated the area for yards as Nightcrawler, Rogue, Colossus, Storm, Shadowcat and Logan talked about their travels. They laughed and comforted Astrid with soft contact to make her feel wanted. They all knew what it was to be a mutant. To be alone and unwanted and feared. They knew what it was to be ALONE. And they meant to make sure Astrid didn't have to experience it.

Kurt (Nightcrawler) splashed ice-cold water from a cooler at Astrid, smiled and teleported away. Teleporters. Everyone smiled and chatted wildly, except Logan, who took a cold beer from a cooler and cracked it open with a wet splash. He eyed Astrid and winked before downing his brew. It was wonderful. Finding her lost family across dimensions. Finding a home.

Better still, Astrid had found Franklin Richards. Her erstwhile savior from across the realm, Franklin, a young teen, had become her good friend. He shared his experiences as the child of Earth's greatest adventurers and in exchange, Astrid shared herself. He was so unbelievably powerful - a power that ignored dimensional barriers. And yet. Franklin was so approachable. Almost ..... human. He always had a smile for Astrid and there was a strong connection between them. She just wasn't sure of the exact point.

Then, the grill fire whipped out, attacked by an unusual breeze. The area went dark and the wind picked-up around the group. Viciously. Storm fell to the ground, trying to gather herself, along with the others. Quickly, all the mutants were overwhelmed by the sudden, wretched typhoon that left them defenseless as babes. Astrid blinked at the forceful wind as it lashed into her face. The entire park had become nothing but darkness. Vile, unholy dark.

From the center of Central Park, a hundred feet in front of Astrid, a light flashed. Flashed and grew. The light became flame that lashed and crawled at lightning-speed across the area. In an eyeblink, everything was on fire. Even the darkness burned. Astrid was hot. Her skin - no - her psyche sweat against this wild heat. It wasn't ----

--- from the center of the blazing light source, "he" walked. Both slo-motion and at the speed of thought. Beyond movement. Beyond action. Beyond reality, a humanoid form composed of pure mental energy paced towards Astrid. She couldn't move. Couldn't speak.

The incandescent form walked up to her and stopped, two yards distant. Astrid could feel him watching her. She could now feel his mind running over her soul - tracing her consciousness. And she couldn't stop him. Whoever he was, his power nearly rivaled Franklin's. It was ....... mind-bending.

Then, a soft hand touched her shoulder. Franklin leaned in and whispered,

"Don't be afraid of him. He can't hurt you. Just remember, to remember."

The energy-being was suddenly upon Astrid, in her face, the force of his psyche melting away her own essence with its intensity! He reached for her face and spoke, directly into her mind,

" ..... Ariel .... Astrid ....... sister ....."

Brooklyn, St. Jude's Womens and Childrens Shelter:

Astrid awoke with a snap, her heart pounding loud against her skin. Her room at the shelter was cold. 10'x10'x10', the plain, cracked-white paint room offered the young mutant a warm bed in replace of luxury. It was night and Astrid was still struggling with sleeping. She could hear the city outside her small window, relentless.

Astrid had many gifts. And they showered her with long nights of terrifying images. She had never met the X-men of this dimension. She hadn't met any of the mutants she knew, to include Franklin. What was this new dream? The future? Just a dream?

Astrid felt the worried thoughts of Emelie Hansford. Emelie was the shelter matron and served as defacto mother for the the 20+ females living there. Caucasian, 60+, gray-haired and possessing a gentle charisma, Hansford had left a promising psychiatric practice to help troubled women get their lives back. Astrid was her "special project". Emelie felt she was, well ... special.

So, the matron stood over Astrid, pensive,

"I heard your voice - it sounded ..... are you okay?"

Okay, so. went heavy on the intros. Post any notes or roll request in a spoiler text.

2013-03-27, 07:16 PM
As Eldain walked out of the City Hall, he headed over to Fury. "General," he greeted with a handshake, polite but informal. He'd never paid too much attention to military protocols. As extensively as he worked with them, he was a civilian and independent contractor. In his experience, it helped to make sure the officers he worked with remained aware of that.

He was out of costume at the moment - or more to the point, wearing civilian clothes over his costume. Just a casual business suit, his visor up over his head. He was also carrying a briefcase that held his laptop.

"Not since breakfast," he responded to Fury's question. "You?" Discussing matters over a meal or not suited him either way; he'd let Fury make that call, and basically take the lead on setting the parameters of the meeting. Far as he figured, he had a simple role to play - answer whatever questions the general had for him.

2013-03-27, 07:40 PM

She huddled herself under the bed. It was a trick she had learned being in the resistance. While uncomfortable it made it feel more like home. It was day three in this world. She had been living on the kindness of strangers here and she still had no plan. Her armored suit was still malfunctioning. If she had Forge here he'd know how to fix this... he'd know how to deal with being alone... and in a place so strange but dangerously familiar.

"I'm okay Mrs Hansford," she called out, trying to sound normal.

Normal... what a thought. She had a hard time grasping the idea of what normal was here in this world. She could look normal but she didn't know anything of what normal here meant.

She removed her top and it shimmered. The image inducer was not completely working but it was enough. She grabbed the magazine she had saved from the trash and began to flip though the pages, that top... that skirt... those shoes... She had to re program the outfit again. It was buggy that way, but it worked. She could look normal.

Once the illusion stabilized she headed out the door and greet the other women with a smile.

2013-03-28, 04:09 AM
"Not since breakfast," he responded to Fury's question. "You?" Discussing matters over a meal or not suited him either way; he'd let Fury make that call, and basically take the lead on setting the parameters of the meeting. Far as he figured, he had a simple role to play - answer whatever questions the general had for him.

"Starving, and I know this place that makes the best Reubens." Fury turns and walks down the street, looking around while addressing Owlheart,

"We meet with officials in the morning. Gyrich, all the D.C. bigwigs and the mayor's people. What I've seen from your team thus far exceeds expectations. But, I know where these kinds of things can go. The wrong question at the wrong time .... So, can New York City be protected? Do we need to replace the Avengers with a new team?"

Fury and Owlheart walk a few blocks as night falls on Manhattan. There's crowds of people everywhere. Taxicabs and limos line the streets. and it's getting colder - no wind, but the temperature is dropping around 20°.

Around them and almost-perfectly blended into the environment are several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, shadowing Fury's position. A security detail no doubt. Most people wouldn't have spotted them, since they were spies after all.

DC22 Perception check

2013-03-28, 04:37 AM
Once the illusion stabilized she headed out the door and greet the other women with a smile.

Astrid was met at the doorway by Hansford and Marisol, the three-year-old daughter of one of the other women, Rosie. Marisol liked Astrid. The little girl thought she was an angel.

"Hola, San Astrid. How are you doing?" Marisol reached for Astrid's hand, as usual, so they could walk together.

Hansford stood next to Marisol, watching Astrid. More like analyzing. She could be smothering at times, but never intentionally.

This is just Astrid's launch pad. You can create/RP anything you want here.

2013-03-28, 05:14 AM
"Sounds good. Where's it at? I can-" he began, reaching out as he said so, though halting as he noticed the suits, giving just a twitch of a smile and murmuring, "Suppose they wouldn't like that."

When Fury mentioned Gyrich, Eldain let out an annoyed breath. He would be the big problem tomorrow, he was sure. Eldain was happy with the work he and his team had been doing so far. The logistics were solid. The tech, though some of the better pieces were still in development, was even better.

But at the end of the day, replacing the Avengers properly was going to require an equivalent level of rapidly-deployable, precisely-targeted, and strategically versatile raw power, and you didn't get that from soldiers or police, however well-armed and well-trained. "Can it be done? Yes. But like I said when you first came to me, if you want it done properly, you need to have the metahuman community on your side. The mutants, the aliens, and above all, the heroes. The systems we've developed and the assets at our immediate disposal can handle the vast majority of problems, yes. But if you want Avengers-level protection where it counts...another team would be good, but even that's a small step. Our big challenge isn't going to be logistical. It's going to be political."

His voice brightened some with excited confidence as he continued, "But if we get over that hurdle? Get everyone on the same page, and then get them using the systems and tech we're working on? Game. Changed. Have you seen the app yet?" He finished with a big grin.

2013-03-28, 10:08 AM

She forced a smile and walked with the child, "I'm okay. How are you this morning."

They made small talk as the three made their way to the kitchen for breakfast. She swallowed her last bit of oatmeal and said, "I think I'm going to head to the library today. You said that I needed to figure out what I should do with my life and I think that's a good place to start."

2013-03-28, 06:32 PM
"But if we get over that hurdle? Get everyone on the same page, and then get them using the systems and tech we're working on? Game. Changed. Have you seen the app yet?" He finished with a big grin.

Fury stopped at a food stand on a street corner & dug in his pocket. The small metallic stand was attended by an older man with long salt & pepper hair, shades, and a "Fu-Manchu"-style goatee that curled down to his chest. He was heavy-set and the long white apron he wore bulged with his belly.

"Two of your bests, Sal."

Fury produced a $20 bill and tucked it in Sal's apron chest pocket, then looked at his "watch",

"Yeah. You know, I get 20 calls a day from Wall Street asking if your services are available? Everything looks clean. Too clean even for my 'first blush'. I'll trust your noggin on it."

The General drops his watch-arm and looks at Eldain quizzically with his good eye,

"I don't get it, Owlheart. Yeah, you have the background for the work. The 'know-how'. What I can never figure is exactly why: Why support non-profit government projects when you can easily get enough dough to buy your own planet from working for corporations? What's your real angle? You building a resume?"

Fury gazes at Eldain intently .............

St. Jude's Shelter:

Standing nearby Astrid with the determined little Hispanic girl, Dr. Emelie Hansford connected dots,

"Right ..... your rare form of Amnesia would only be helped with that kind of discovery. Revisiting the past can jar awareness, but I wish you would check-out a book or two and read them here, so I can help with any sudden recollection. Finding yourself can be traumatic, Astrid, especially in a strange place. I want to help - just remember that, okay? Goodness, the oatmeal must be good today. I'll check it out."

Hansford walks away, leaving the little Marisol staring at Astrid. The little girl smiles warmly and watches Astrid's every movement, as if the mutant woman is a goddess. Astrid thinks to respond, but is distracted --- the dining room slows, ever so perfectly, until it stops! All the room's 15+ women & childen stop moving completely, except for one scene:

Astrid Rosie, Marisol's mother, standing in line for food, suddenly engaged in a very angry debate with Devanita, a black crack-fiend prostitute, over a supposed stolen item! They point fingers and swing their heads and shout and get in each others faces, which causes nearby women to move away.
Dr. Hansford moves towards the engaged women telling them to keep their distance, but before she reaches them, Devanita throws a blow, striking Rosie square on the cheek! Rosie stumbles back and nearly falls, while her young daughter, Marisol, rushes to hug Astrid's leg, her face a frantic bawl,

"...... I wish you were my mommy!"

The room returns to normal motion, from stop to slow-motion to actual pace. Astrid sees Rosie standing in line, looking at her daughter and Astrid with a soft smile. Behind Rosie, Devanita holds a very hard gaze on Rosie ......

Both women seem sincere: Rosie looks innocent & Devanita is truly angered
Astrid can let it go down, or, try to prevent the fight ......

2013-03-28, 10:05 PM

Her head throbbed in a way it never has. It was similar to the time she started hearing voices in her head, the voice of other people's thoughts, but this was something else. She felt like she was swimming in slow motion backwards.

She got up and left in a hurry. If asked all she could say was she needed air. Her breathing was quick and heavy as she paused outside the door to collect her thoughts...

I'm playing her as if she doesn't know what'd going on yet.

2013-03-28, 10:26 PM
Eldain chuckled at the question, "Money's never been a primary concern, been that way all my life. I mean, there aren't many superpowers in general that you can't use to earn a comfortable living. But augmented intelligence and teleportation? My hobbies bring in more money than I need," he said with a shrug.

"No, it's not about that. It's the projects themselves. What happened to the Avengers was a joke, but even if they were released today, I'd still be going home to work on AEGIS, because it's a system worth having. And once we get it perfect, we can roll it out further. Protect more people. That's a goal I can get behind. Boosting up some giant corporation's bottom line? Just doesn't hold my interest."

2013-03-29, 02:44 PM
Phase Knight:

The normally unpleasant odors of the streets is replaced with the delicious fragrance of roasting corn beef. Even the sound of the sizzling meat made passing pedestrians pause. Quick and as easy as pie, the cook prepared the sandwiches, smoking in the cold night air, then reached them over to Fury,

"Dere ya go, Nick, and good seein' ya still in one piece. Come back anytime."

"Thanks, Sal, and who else makes real Reubens but you?"

Fury hands Eldain a hot sandwich wrapped in light foil,

"Fair enough, Owlheart. You know I'm in your corner, whether AEGIS sinks or sails. One word of advice though ..... save the 'We need the heroes on-board' for your grand finale. Amazingly, I've almost got Gyrich ready to sign-off on the project. But that last part - the part that I agree is paramount - will have him seeing red. I worked with Captain America and the Avengers for what seemed like forever, and in that time, Gyrich has always expressed his reservations about those he considers 'vigilantes'.

We get him, we get our green-light. I say 'we', but I may have to miss the morning conference. S.H.I.E.L.D. has reached the point in the re-building effort where several investigations that were shelved are back on the table. A strange 'missing persons' case, in particular. I'm flying back to D.C. tonight for intel analysis and agent briefings. So, I'm not sure I make it back in time."

A sleek, black limo pulls up to the corner, blocking traffic in three directions and the rear suicide-doors open, revealing a plush leather interior that resembles something only the super-rich could afford. While his team of "invisible agents" hold a small perimeter and horns honk around the intersection, Fury ducks into the rear seat,

"If something comes up - End of the world, zombie apocalypse, Gyrich walks out - you know how to reach me."

The S.H.I.E.L.D. spymaster sits back as the automated doors slam shut, then the limo raises from the ground as crowds of bystanders look-on, and Fury's flying car zips around the corner, out of sight. The intersection returns to normal, for New York at night. The disguised agents fade into the darkening streets and Eldain Owlheart is left with to his thoughts. And sandwich.


Searching for fresh air, Astrid finds herself outside St. Jude's on a chilling evening. Steam rises from the two manhole covers on Massey Boulevard, which the shelter faces. The 81-year-old stone structure was once a proud cathedral serving North Brooklyn. But over the last twenty years, it fell into disrepair and was sold by the local diocese. Brooklyn purchased the 50' building and converted it into a home for women and children in trouble.

St.Jude. The patron saint of desperate causes and crisis. According to the Bible, at the Last Supper, Jude asked Jesus why he wouldn't reveal himself to the whole world after his resurrection. Obviously, Jude was an advocate for sending a message. Even in its withered state, the former cathedral-turned-shelter sent a strong message to those with nowhere to go. Pitted and graffiti-scarred, its stone walls were gray from age. The domed-gold roof had long since faded to yellowish, but still held its cross high over Brooklyn.

As Astrid took frozen breaths trying to clear her mind, the sound of argument escaped from inside the building - Rosie and Devanita. The vision was happening. The shouting echoed across the dark city block and a stray cat the color of copper padded past Astrid, leaving paw-prints in the leftover patches of snow. A few people were out, walking the sidewalks in a hurry to get out of the cold, warm breaths fogging from their mouths with each step. Brooklyn's street-lights illuminated the gray clouds overhead and painted the area faint orange.

And Astrid suddenly felt as if she was being watched ......

Players can post whatever & I'll keep moving forward.

2013-03-29, 03:26 PM
"I have a few ideas for dealing with Gyrich," Eldain said. Granted, most of them involve teleporting him to increasingly improbable locations, he thought, the corner of his lip twitching up.

When Fury said he might not be able to make it to the meeting, Eldain gave him a canny look. "Noted," he said with a hint of amusement. DC to NYC was a quick hop to the teleporter, and Fury knew that. The message, by Eldain's mind, was clear; Fury wanted to make sure he could handle this himself.

Very well.

"Understood. Have a good trip, General," Eldain replied as the limo drove off, before taking a bite of his sandwich. "Hm." he said, before walking back to the sandwich stand, and spending about ten minutes studying the place while he ate, fixing the location in his mind for future reference.

2013-03-29, 04:19 PM
Sal eyes Owlheart while stirring a fresh batch of corn beef that smells like the sweetest song,

"You here to help with our problems? Seems like we can't keep heroes in New York anymore. They keep vanishing. Almost as if ...... well, as if there was an agenda."

Sal's left hand reaches for his collar and pulls it down, revealing a S.H.I.E.L.D. emblem tattoo,

"Rank-6. Took a HYDRA round to my calf and had to call it quits. But, my blood still runs red, white and blue. Fury got my unit out of there ....... I'll always owe the man that I idolized as a young agent ....

.... so you looking for the missing superhumans?"

2013-03-29, 10:40 PM

She was confused. Even more that before. She couldn't help think that most of what she was feeling was an after effect of the reality shift. The vivid day dreams... the nightmares... and now this feeling of being watched... She felt she could trust her own feelings.

Taking a deep breath she goes back into the shelter. She watched the two women argue. Astrid was frozen and their actions are slow motion...

2013-03-30, 12:06 AM
Eldain frowned slightly at Sal's words. He knew there was some...tension in the metahuman circles since the Avengers had been arrested, but he hadn't heard about the disappearances. "I wasn't aware," he replied, somewhat absently. That bore looking into.

But not tonight. Finishing his sandwich, he simply vanished, teleporting back home.

About four seconds later, he realized that was rude, and teleported back. "I'm uh, heading home. Thanks for the info...Sal, right? And the sandwich!" he said with a grin, and then vanished again.

Which...was just silly, he then thought. Eh, better silly than rude, he supposed. Right? Maybe he should go back and explain to Sal that-

Stop. Focus. Better? Okay.

He made his way to his desk, taking out his laptop and going over his planned presentation. The information was good, but it needed some bells and whistles, he figured, if he wasn't going to have Fury there to handle the talky bits.

Pulling up his design software, he rapidly sketched out the basics, and set to work. Images, animations, sound, music. He wasn't really a big fan of the spotlight, but he could put a solid presentation together when called upon.

Activating Mind at Rest and then using Inventor Advantage to invent a really cool and effective presentation for a one-scene Enhanced Trait (Persuasion) 10. DC 15, takes -10 on the check to lower time required by two ranks; 75 minutes to develop, five hours to build, assuming no interruptions. Routine Check with +15 Technology auto-succeeds.

2013-03-30, 02:00 PM

Her mind cleared a little. Enough for her to focus her thoughts on that other mind... It was different... there and not there. It was almost like looking through someone... like that mind was not anchored completely in his world... Could it be?... Someone else that Frankie sent here.

Astrid's heart raced. It was the first news in her time here that made her happy. She focused her mind to hold on to that presence, maybe she can get a location or a direction.

2013-03-30, 06:04 PM
Phase Knight:

In his home workshop/lab, Eldain constructed his "fail-safe" device, to hopefully prevent the ship from sinking (as Fury had so eloquently put it). Just as Owlheart was getting into a rhythm around 10:45 p.m., the sound of his doorbell echoed through the home's warm interior. A second ring followed the first after only two heartbeats.

Just as the brilliant technician moved for the door, Eldain's cellphone's "text message" tone chimed ....


Who, or what, the presence was evaded Astrid's psionic awareness, like a half-remembered dream. It seemed to drift just beyond her superhuman perceptions. As she was trying to focus deeper, a figure walked from across the street, pacing casually for St. Jude's.

It was an Asian woman in her 20's, her long black hair flowed from a white knit hat. She was about 5'7", slender, somewhat attractive, with heavy make-up, wearing a heavy white winter-coat lined with tan fur, sporting dark blue jeans and brown boots. She reached the sidewalk and stopped, looking at the tall structure, then turned to address Astrid with a smile,

"What's the name of this building?" the woman asked curiously while looking around the area ....

... Astrid was now more uneasy than moments before: not only was this woman different from the presence the psychic mutant had sensed, but Astrid received zero thought impressions from the stranger!

I can make Perception or Insight checks for either hero, if players want.

2013-03-30, 06:15 PM
Eldain raised an eyebrow, about to blink to the door, when his phone chimed. Instead, he walked over while he checked the text message. Assuming the text wasn't something like "They're at your house GET OUT NOW!" or the like, he'd toss the door casually open when he reached it.

2013-03-30, 06:35 PM
Phase Knight:

The text was from dad. "HELLO". A simple code they had worked out, since you never know when HYDRA is monitoring. It meant something was wrong and the elder Owlheart needed to speak with Eldain as soon as possible ....

I'll hold to see if Quellian wants to edit the previous and post for contacting his father. Please don't assume outcomes. When faced with multiple choices, & I'll throw them at you often, choice one so I can maintain an even flow. Thanks & players can still post - I just need to see if Eldain keeps the same choice.

2013-03-30, 06:44 PM
"Give me a minute!" Eldain called to whoever was at his door, then grabbing his laptop and teleporting to his parents' house, appearing in the living room and looking around to see if anyone was present.

2013-03-30, 06:59 PM
Phase Knight:

The living room was empty. No signs of disturbance and everything looked as it would normally be. If Eldain walks the home, he finds his father in his study, seated at his desk and looking at his cellphone. He turns when his son enters and stands,

"Thanks, for coming. I know you're busy right now, but .... have you heard from Sophia? She was supposed to meet me for lunch today and didn't show. I called and have yet to reach her. I called her friend, Zoe, and she said she hasn't been able to reach her all day either. It's not like her. I don't know, maybe I'm just a paranoid old man. But, it doesn't feel right."

Sophia was one of Eldain's talented sisters. The telekinetic. She taught at the famed-Los Angeles school for the blind, The Hightower Institute. While something of a prankster, Sophia's never been known for sudden disappearances. Like her siblings, she's responsible and would let others know where she was.

2013-03-30, 07:25 PM
"Not today, no," he said, quickly texting his younger sister, Lily. Me/Dad -> Sophie. Thanks.

It was another of their codes - the family had a fair few of them; going back through his texts, for example, one could find several score pairs of GPS coordinates, referencing a pickup and dropoff point. The one he sent was a request for Lily for a telepathic connection.

"Got Lily on it. Hey, I'll be back in a minute, someone was at my door when you texted." Not waiting for a reply, he vanished, reappearing back in his house.

And pausing just in case whoever it was was rude/stupid enough to break in. :smallwink:

Regarding the telepathy, not sure if M&M telepathy allows a telepath to link people together to talk to each other, so if not, it'd just be asking Lily to link everyone and then play "operator" for them.

Seriously, Lily and Eldain get so many of these messages each day...

2013-03-30, 07:44 PM

It was an Asian woman in her 20's, her long black hair flowed from a white knit hat. She was about 5'7", slender, somewhat attractive, with heavy make-up, wearing a heavy white winter-coat lined with tan fur, sporting dark blue jeans and brown boots. She reached the sidewalk and stopped, looking at the tall structure, then turned to address Astrid with a smile,

"What's the name of this building?" the woman asked curiously while looking around the area ....

... Astrid was now more uneasy than moments before: not only was this woman different from the presence the psychic mutant had sensed, but Astrid received zero thought impressions from the stranger!

Caught somewhat off guard she answers, "Ahh... St. Judes... Ummm Who are you?"

2013-03-30, 07:55 PM
Phase Knight:

Arriving at home, Eldain receives Lily's text. "HELLO". Meaning, she couldn't reach Sophia. Problem. Lily could "reach" family as easy as turning her head, so to not find her sister was troubling. The text message required response .......


The Asian woman took a step back from Astrid (they were roughly 20' apart),

"I'm just looking for my cat, um ..... have you seen one around here? Man it's cold, right?"

The woman continued to look around and walked towards the stairs to the shelter .....

2013-03-30, 08:04 PM
That was worrying. Eldain quickly began devising a plan. Step 1: Get rid of whoever was here. He teleported his laptop to his desk and opened the door, texting back with one hand, On it.

2013-03-30, 09:06 PM
Phase Knight:

Eldain hears a loud explosion as his front door is rendered to timber! He can see someone walking through his home, a woman - dust & soot clouds the air! The figure is getting closer to his position, by the sound of footsteps ......

wont roll Initiative here - rolling on the "Dice Roll" thread

2013-03-30, 09:26 PM
Eldain leaped back in surprise as the door exploded. "Oh skippy...did you ever pick the wrong night," he growled, vanishing...and returning instants later, holding in his hands a dire weapon, a technological device as versatile and powerful as it was ancient. He had always believed - indeed, dared hope - that he would never have the need to unleash the overwhelming power of this marvelous invention. But it was the bane of invisibles, and this fool had decided to attack him in his own home. There was nothing left to do, but unleash its fury, and may God have mercy on both their souls.

Move action: Teleport into kitchen cabinet.
Standard action: Retrieve bag of flour.
Free action: Turnabout back to previous position.

Phase Dodge is on, and as a reminder, I have Uncanny Dodge. Current Psionic Focus: Mind at Rest.

2013-03-30, 09:33 PM
14 Initiative for the "female figure". She's dressed in a beige skirt-suit. Short blonde hair & blue eyes. Attractive. White shirt & she's definitely more powerful than she looks ...........

2013-03-30, 09:45 PM
The "woman's" eyes glow radiant red & unleash beams of violent force that send a loud "ZZZHHHAAANNNT!" across the house!

vs. DC25

wont roll here for some reason. Hold.

2013-03-30, 09:55 PM
Eldain needs to make a Fort check vs. DC20. The Forum roller is broken. I'll use Invisible Caste from here on & post the results.

2013-03-30, 10:13 PM
With his opponent wisely revealing herself, no doubt to avoid a full-force flour assault (seriously it's a pain to get out of your hair...), Eldain focused on the battle. The familiar calm of a psionic focus came upon him. His nervousness about the upcoming meeting, worries for his sister, even the fear for his own life, all simply faded as he dedicated his conscious mind purely to his advanced psionic powers.

His visor expanded to form a helmet, sealing in his costume. As that blast of energy lashed out at him, he vanished, his civilian suit remaining in the air to take the hit in his stead. It gave its life in glorious battle. Always remember.

The man who reappeared behind the woman was not Eldain Owlheart, the brilliant, cautious, responsible logistician. It was Phase Knight.

"Seriously, though, this is how you react if someone doesn't answer the door fast enough for you? I'd hate to see how you treat the pizza guy if he takes more than thirty minutes," Phase Knight quipped as he blinked rapidly in and out, hammering his opponent with a blade conjured of pure psionic energy.

Free Action: Change Psionic Focus Array to Phase Strike.
Move Action: Teleport adjacent to the woman.
Standard Action: Attack with Phase Strike at [roll0]. If attack hits, target must roll Toughness (DC 25) vs. Damage and Will (DC 20) vs. an Impaired/Disabled/Incapacitated Affliction. The Damage is Penetrating and both effects receive a Multiattack bonus for a high attack roll. This attack crits on a natural 17-20.

2013-03-30, 11:08 PM

The Asian woman took a step back from Astrid (they were roughly 20' apart),

"I'm just looking for my cat, um ..... have you seen one around here? Man it's cold, right?"

The woman continued to look around and walked towards the stairs to the shelter .....

"What's your cat's name and what does it look like?" she asks stepping towards her.

2013-03-31, 09:29 AM

The woman continues to look around, while standing on the sidewalk, then she responds,

"That's okay. I'll find her," and she walks away, to Astrid's left, headed for the next corner.

Phase Knight:

Phase Knight misjudges the woman's speed and positioning, just missing her as she spins away at the last split-second!

The woman spins quickly again and catches Phase Knight with a powerful Roundhouse Kick that actually connects with his head!

Her Kick (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4000844/)
It was a Crit (Natural 20), but she needs a Crit to even hit you. So no added consequences.
PK needs to make a DC20 Toughness check.

2013-03-31, 10:34 AM

The women's actions seemed strange, that was for sure, thought Astrid; but did that warrant mind reading? It was a power she was taught to restrain but survival in the world my call for more lax views on it...

As the woman walked away Astrid opened her mind to do a surface scan of the woman. The young mutant followed the woman as to not break the psychic contact.

Telepathy: 9 ranks.

2013-03-31, 02:19 PM
Eldain just smirked. The toughened polymers of his helmet absorbed the kick like a champ; he didn't even feel it. And the next instant, he was gone again, and back once more, striking from behind, from the side, from above, from behind again, in an instant.

"So what do they call you exactly?", he asked, continuing his inane banter as he fought. "The Fightin' Carousel? Miss Spinsalot? Ooh! I know! Twirl Girl!"

Move Action: Teleport adjacent to Twirl Girl (yes, that's now what I'm calling her. No, she can't stop it by any means short of my death).
Standard Action: Phase Strike at [roll0]. Penetrating, Multiattack, Crit 17-20, DC 25 Toughness vs. Damage, DC 20 Will vs. Affliction.

2013-03-31, 03:53 PM

Following the woman down the street, Astrid extends her mind to investigate as only a telepath can ....... and gets nothing! It's as if the woman wasn't even there, except for a physical appearance ...

Astrid's Stealth check: 1d20+7 = 11 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4001166/)
Asian woman's Perception check: 1d20+8 (-2, for distance) = 20 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4001178/)

...... at the intersection, a car passes at high speed and the woman looks around, sees Astrid, then turns to face her while placing her hands in her coat pockets,

"..... is there a problem, miss .....?"

Phase Knight:

Note: Teleportation has a Subtle effect that we didn't get into, so here I'm granting a +2 Circumstance Bonus due to the power & the Multiattack tactic. A hit, but no added effect.
DC32 (DC15+10+5+2) Toughness check: 1d20+8 = 23 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4001185/)
She's now Dazed & -1 Toughness checks

The poor woman is overwhelmed by Phase Knight's onslaught, her now-bloodied clothing ripped to near shreds! She drops to a knee, her hands on the floor, her back still to the hero,

"Please don't kill me! Please don't kill me!"

Way better!

2013-03-31, 04:14 PM
Phase Knight blinked in front of her, mind blade pointed her way. "Do you surrender?" he demanded.

Move Action: Teleport adjacent.
Standard Action: Ready action to Phase Strike if she does anything other than surrender.

At GM discretion, this revised action could still use original roll result of (let's see if this works) [roll1]. Nope. Previous result was natural 8, total 18.

2013-03-31, 07:10 PM
Phase Knight:

The kneeling woman raises and turns to Phase Knight,

"Your victim requires medical assistance, yet you demand surrender. You will make a fine servant of The Dark, Dr. Owlheart."

Her eyes glow red and bolts of brilliant force erupt towards Phase Knight! The blasts miss wildly as Owlheart, readied for the attack, easily side-steps the assault!

Beam attack: 1d20+8=9 (crit fail) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4001462/)

2013-03-31, 10:51 PM

"Aaa... no problem... it just that you don't act like someone looking for a cat. What do you want here?"

2013-03-31, 11:54 PM
"Yeah, that'll happen," Phase Knight replied with a smirk, filing the name away for future consideration.

As he returned the attack, he added, "And seriously, arrogant much? You get medical attention when you're a prisoner of war. Ya know, after you surrender? Until then you're an enemy combatant, and that means you Keep." Slash. "Getting." Thrust. "Shot at!" Chop!

Readied Action: Phase Strike at [roll0]. Also, am I aware that she appears to be immune to the Affliction portion of the attack?

2013-04-01, 11:14 AM

Calm and still friendly, the woman responds as the intersection lights alternate "red" to "yellow" to "green",

"To find what what I'm looking for and I'll check further down this side street. But, thank you for offering assistance."

She smiles and turns to walk across the street ....

Chilly outside. Astrid can pursue the woman or return to the shelter or whatever comes to mind .....

Phase Knight:

"Twirl-Girl", while sporting several bleeding-wounds, is as agile as ever, avoiding Phase Knight's renewed saber-barrage by dropping prone to the floor!

What's obvious to Phase Knight;

Her body coordination is nearly triple-jointed
She seem resistant to the Psychic-effect of PK's attack
She seems resistant to pain
She displays an unsettling level of calm
Phase Knight can detect a unique odor around her, but he can't place it right now (Requires Expertise)
PK's DC15 Perception check: 1d20+5=17 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4002269/)

She's in the Prone position (facing up) & Phase Knight has the next action .....

2013-04-01, 02:29 PM
Phase Knight had an odd idea about this one. Being prone to running his mouth in combat, he saw no problem with asking, "Hey, you wouldn't happen to be a robot would you?"

As he asked, he blinked around for a few quick thrusts and slashes, just getting a measure of her agility while prone, before teleporting above her and dropping with a full-fledged Link-style downward thrust attack!

Move Action: Teleport adjacent.
Standard Action: Phase Strike (adding +5 for a prone target, and Power Attacking for 5) at [roll0]. (DC 30 Toughness with Power Attack, Will goes up to DC 25 if this happens to be Impervious rather than Immunity).

2013-04-01, 02:39 PM

An uneasy feeling tingled in the back of Astrid's mind. That woman was strange. Astrid had heard of psychic voids before, but thought that someone psychically invisible was myth. Astrid didn't believe that woman but she wasn't really in any position to do anything.

Heading back to the shelter she opens the front door...

2013-04-01, 06:51 PM
Phase Knight:

The psionic-sword nearly impales the woman, as she was caught unprepared for Phase Knight's overhead counter-attack! A splatter of crimson fluid erupted from the "woman's" torso - but Phase Knight could easily tell it wasn't blood! The gruesome wound reveals a small flashing of lights, escaping around the edges of the hero's blade.

This woman was definitely not human. Laying limp under Phase Knight, the automaton smiled faintly as "her" eyes flared bright-red, powerful bolts of scarlet energy fire at - and miss - Phase Knight, who's getting used to this tactic!

The woman's eyes seemed to glaze somewhat as she sputtered, her voice cracking with inhuman-coarseness,

"...... fight as you like, Dr. Owlheart ..... we have already claimed you ..... all of you ...."

Twirl-Girl's DC30 Toughness check (-1): 1d20+7=15 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4002813/)
She's now Staggered (Dazed & Hindered & -2 Toughness checks)
Twirl-Bot's Optic-Blasts: 1d20+6 (-5, Prone)=16 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4002864/)
Almost pinned, "she's" still defiant! Phase Knight's next ......


Before her hand gets a firm grasp on the door handle, Astrid senses intense fear bordering on panic coming from inside the shelter! Several of the women housed in the large area just inside the entrance that used to be for pews (but now contained rows of small beds and metal lockers) are terrified of something .....!

You can attempt a mind-scan of the area before entering, go in, or whatever comes to mind ....

Alana, Upper East Side, Manhattan:

On the other end of the city, standing proud at the corner of 69th & 2nd in one of the world's most-expensive neighborhood's, was an "alternate" estate of the greater Shepard family holdings. At sixty feet tall, designed with over thirty luxurious bedrooms, more than ten private restrooms, several great rooms, libraries, a palatial dining room, and a state-of-the-art kitchen that stretched wider than most homes - the Shepard building was a bastion of elegance.

And this was just what the public knew about. There was much, much more. Most of the "hidden amenities" were constructed to match the Daedalian vision of Jonathan Shepard Smith, himself. A small company of servants; butlers, maids, servers, ect. scurried about the warm, pristine rooms and hallways and kitchen maintaining the Shepard standard of perfection. Warm lighting washed over rooms and hallways giving the spaces the feeling of Life. Falling from 20' ceilings to richly-carpeted flooring, the home's palatial atmosphere danced with the fragrance of fine food and rare spices.

In one of her favorite "hidden amenities", the patron's "grand-daughter", Alana Shepard Smith passed the near-glacial Manhattan night enjoy immersed with a private passion .....

About as far as I wanted to go. You can write in servants or William or whoever you like .....

2013-04-01, 07:43 PM
"Okay quiet time now, grownups are thinking," Phase Knight said, briefly ceasing his Psionic Focus. He grimaced as all the stray thoughts and concerns came back to mind, not the least being an insistent voice telling him that he should finish this.

And he planned to, but he needed to make sure he did so the right way. He stood ready to evade further attack as he analyzed the robot.

"So look, we both know you can neither win nor escape. If you surrender and tell me everything you know about this Dark, the recent disappearances of superhumans in the city, where my sister is, and/or Gyrich's true evil plan," Hey, if you're going to be randomly speculating, may as well cast a wide net, "then I won't have to chop you into scrap and download it from your CPU. Your call though."

Free Action: Switch Psionic Focus Array to Mind at Rest.

Free Action (?): Analyze what I can see of the robot, and using what I know of similar constructs, attempt to determine where main hard drive or other "memory" is located, so I can avoid those places when I attack. Use whichever rolls are needed:
Expertise (Science): [roll0].
Expertise (Robotics via Jack of All Trades): [roll1].
Technology: [roll2].

Standard Action: Ready an action to teleport behind it if it attacks. I figure this would function like a Counter rather than just being an auto-dodge; if so Power Rank Check is: [roll3]. Defensive Teleport is of course still on if that fails.

2013-04-02, 10:45 AM

Hearing the ruckus inside she quickly scans the room with her telepathy.

2013-04-02, 11:27 AM
Phase Knight:

PM sent w/ info.


The space is 150' wide, 150' long, with 50' ceilings and white recently-painted walls. The stained-glass windows, broken out by kids, had been replaced with dark-tinted, one-way plexiglass years ago. The space was lit by a strung-together series of overhead lighting. Easy fire-hazard, but it had to do. The shelter had minimal funding, despite the rising number of occupants. Creaky, hard-wood floors were covered near sleeping areas with large, multicolored area-rugs.

Looking inside the minds of the fifteen horrified women in the room, to include Hansford's, Astrid learns of a "ghost-like" creature is standing in the corner of the room, just inside the door! They women are huddled against the far wall and hiding behind beds, riveted with fear!

Apparently, the "ghost" hadn't harmed anyone, yet ......

2013-04-02, 11:41 AM

She opens the door quickly and scans the apparition. She had never seen a ghost before and wondered what kind of psychic impression it would have.

2013-04-02, 12:01 PM

It was a boy, in his early teens, at best.

Standing just over 5' and looking startled himself at the women, then whirling to see Astrid, his form was translucent-white. Astrid could see through him, but occasionally he would "flicker" and you could see his faded blue jeans, worn blue sneakers, black T-shirt with a large "HIM" logo on the chest.

But, even in what appeared to be his "tangible" form, the boy had chalk-white skin and matching curly hair. Albino. His unnatural, red eyes scanned the room like a cornered animal.

Every few heartbeats, Astrid could pick-up his thought patterns: he was afraid. Nearly as panicked as the women gasping across from him! He was trying to decide what to do and he was tired of running ........

2013-04-02, 04:21 PM
With his offer not accepted, Phase Knight simply shrugged and went back at it, an aggressive assault aimed at cutting off the android's power source.

Free Action: Change Psionic Focus Array to Phase Strike.
Move Action: Teleport adjacent.
Standard Action: Phase Strike, All Out Attack for 5, Power Attack for 5, (I believe target is still prone, so adding +5 to attack from that): [roll0]. Damage DC 30. My Dodge and Parry go down to +10 (DC 20 to hit). Crit on total result of 32+.

EDIT: Yes! Make that Damage DC 35, plus whatever from Multiattack.

2013-04-02, 04:44 PM
Phase Knight:

The android shrieks a short meta-electronic "yelp" and falls still, it's eyes going dim.

Sure seemed "dead".

Eldain should have plenty to work with, but whatever you need, just PM. Phase Knight gets 1 Power Point for the victory!

2013-04-02, 05:16 PM
Posters of different mecha and tv shows littered the walls of the room. Several comic books, reference guides, and novels in different languages were strewed about. Several shelves contained multiple action figures, toys and props. On the side several game consoles lay inactive, next to several recently-released games.

On the desk, Alana was scouring the net. Today the first episode of the series she had been looking forward to, was being released. With an almost predatory drive, she ploughed through link after link until finally she found the site, where the raw version of the episode could be found. After setting it to load, Alana went back to reading novel about a time traveling blue police box and its alien pilot. She was already getting so many ideas.

2013-04-02, 05:20 PM

"Hi," she says as she slowly approaches him. "I'm Astrid. Do you understand me? What is your name?"

2013-04-02, 05:44 PM

The boy backed away from her, nearly falling halfway through the wall ----

"Connor." His red eyes watered and flashes around the room again.

Astrid would need to be cautious with this one.

He was prone to vanishing. She sensed that much. His parents had recently divorced and he was lost in his own hurtful emotions. Astrid drew as much as she could from an intermittent Telepathic connection that severed each time the boy faded across what seemed like dimensions .....


A maidservant knocked and walked into the room with a silver palate holding Alana's favorite drink ....

"Ma'am?" she said well-under her breath .....

2013-04-02, 06:32 PM

From across the room, Dr. Hansford's voice echoes,

"Astrid! Be careful! It isn't normal! I've heard rumors of ghosts here - that has to be ........"

2013-04-02, 06:57 PM
"Huh?! oh, thanks!", said Alana as she stood up from the desk to pick up the chocolate shake.

Noting the expresion on the maid, Alana asked "Is something wrong, Nicole?"

2013-04-02, 07:07 PM
Phase Knight eyed the robot a moment, and then his helmet contracted back into the visor. He allowed his mind to once more relax.

Well, maybe "relax" wasn't the right word.

With much to do, there was one stone that could potentially hit several birds. His proficiency with robotics was cursory at best, he didn't have the tech on hand to get past the encryption this thing would come standard with. But his father likely would.

He summoned his laptop to hand, grabbed a sheet to wrap around the android so it wouldn't leak fluid all over the carpet, wrapped the thing, and teleported with it back to his father's study.

2013-04-02, 08:10 PM

Taking the advice she stops using her telepathy and raises her defenses. "So... Connor... what do you want?"

Going from Telepathy to Tower of Iron Will

2013-04-03, 05:57 PM

The housemaid hesitated a moment, then,

".... it's just seeing you here, crouched over that computer ..... I'd think ..... well, a woman like you .... why not be out 'doing the town' with Daniel Craig or Anne Hathaway! You can do anything."

Alana senses the envy pouring from this woman ....


Becoming what appears to be his "normal" or tangible form, Connor looks at Ariel, peers at the door, then gazes at her again,

".... I'm sorry, I ....... I was being followed. That woman she ......... I just needed somewhere to go ....... I'm no ghost!"

He shifts his gaze to Hansford almost angrily, then looks away. The women in the room seem less frightened, but remain where they are. The room seems charged with static electricity, as everyone is on-edge .......

The Telepathy check was bad, so Astrid received more "emotional" sensation than a complete assessment of Connor's psyche.
1d20+4=5 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4006278/)


Arriving at the study, he catches his father in mid-conversation via cell, his back to Eldain,

"-completely. AEGIS is in-play and we all wanted this. We've wanted it for decades. But, you should have kept better provision for those close to the program. I'm tired of being the voice of caution and dismissible calculation ..." (pause) "... again, I understand, Nicholas, but this is my daughter. I remain committed to our shared vision. Unequivocally. But ..."

He turns from his desk and sees Eldain,

" .... I'll wait for your call."

He closes his cell,

" What .... is that ....?"

His face shifts from frustration to grief .....

2013-04-03, 06:14 PM
"Nanomechanical android. It attacked me, so I can only assume there was a glitch in its AI," he said lightly. "Mentioned something called the Dark. You have the tech to download its memory? I'm figuring it might know something about...something. Maybe Sophie, but maybe stuff that might be important to AEGIS. If you can download that, I'll see about tracing her cell before it went out."

As he opened up his laptop, he added, "And while we're at it, you can bring me up to speed on whatever...I'm guessing Fury? told you on the phone."

While we talk, Eldain's going to try and trace where Sophia's cell has been over the past few days. I figure that'd be a Technology check? If so, gonna Routine check it for total result of 25.

2013-04-03, 06:20 PM

She was convinced that he wasn't a threat so her defense. She turned up the gain on her psi amplifier and resumed a light telepathic intrusion.

"You mean that asian woman... she left. Can you become tangible?"

2013-04-03, 06:58 PM
Alana flashed a knowing smile. Nicole hadn't been the first staff member to ask that question. Alana knew she would not be the last.

"Tell me, what do you see in this room?"

2013-04-04, 12:19 PM

Mind-Reading: 1d20+9=18 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4007098/)
Connor's check: 1d20+2=21 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4007100/)

Connor appears to be corporeal, but Astrid still finds scanning him difficult. To be so young, his psyche is impressive,

"Okay. Those people kept showing up and following me. 'Couldn't go home, so I was trying to find where Kitty stayed. She and her friends came to my house a few weeks ago.

I guess they wanted me to go to their school. She said I was special - that the things I can do were a gift. Doesn't feel that way, though ...... except when people are chasing you."

Connor looked down, then across at the women again. The group of them was dispersing, some walking out of the room quickly, while a few women stayed, staring at Connor and Astrid. There was a low murmur of conversation.

Dr. Hansford stood next to Astrid, whispering,

"What is he? Are we safe around him?"


Turning as she looked around the room, the maid took quick inventory of Alana's collectibles, and shrugged,

"Toys. Pictures. Books ...."

Phase Knight:

Walking to Eldain, Mr. Owlheart kneels to examine the droid,

You were attacked? Just now? This unit bears technology that's familiar enough for possible data recovery ...... even in - did you do this? I never meant this lifestyle for you, Eldain. This violence. I wanted more for my children, for the world. AEGIS was supposed to be a fulfillment of a shared dream ....... a final solution for the human condition. New York was just the Alpha Phase. But, this ......

.... I did possess the equipment to analyze the droid, but it was lent to an old accomplice some time ago. You'll need to contact him. It's been so long, but it might still be operational. Do you recall the name Jonathan Shepard Smith ....?"

His cell rings and Dr. Owlheart walks back to his desk, just as Eldain's trace of his sister's phone scores a hit! The computer program has isolated the signal to Manhattan's Upper East side - and it's being used!

Dr. Owlheart looks at his cell,

"It's Sophia! Thank Goodness!"

He speaks into the cell,

"Hello?! Sophia?! You had me -" (pauses) " - who is this?" (longer pause) " .... Vessler?" ( long pause) "Where's my daughter, you psychopath!?!"

Eldain can't get a street, as the signal seems to "bounce" across the target area ...

2013-04-04, 02:19 PM
"Well I see the future of our world. In each book, each show, each toy lie world of ideas that can transform our civilization. All of them calling out to be made real. The solution to resource shortages, new cutting edge medical technology, new alloys that could revolutionize any industry. All of them lie there, dream up by some who was unable to make them real.

As you said, Nicole, I could do anything if I put my mind to it. While I have great admiration for the actors, I know that I should be preparing for the day I have to step up. There will come a time in which greater things will take precedent, so for now I will enjoy my passions, learn from them and prepare.

2013-04-04, 02:57 PM

"He's safe; just scared," she answers Dr. Hansford. "Do you know what the school is called?" she asks Connor.

2013-04-04, 03:09 PM
"Yeah, just now. Fight basically took from when I left to when I got back," he said, grinning proudly. When his father expressed his distaste for it, Eldain just shrugged, "The world needs heroes. Besides, I was pretty awesome about it."

"Smith, yeah, I recall him. I'll pop over and- hey I got some-"

And then the phone rang. When his father said it was Sophia, Eldain gave a bright, relieved grin, that quickly faded when it turned out his sister was not on the other line. He scowled at the imprecise location, but it would have to do. "I'm on it!" he said, gathering his psionic focus. His visor extended back into a helmet, and he was gone, impulsively teleporting straight to the target location.

He appeared in the rough center of the area the signal was coming from, two hundred feet in the air. Briefly abandoning his focus - he needed his mind alert to the area around him - he scanned around, his visor zooming in on anything that caught his notice, its night vision properties stripping away the darkness.

Routine Perception check for a total result of 25. I have both Dark Vision and Extended Vision 2, so I can see a hundred times as far as normal.

2013-04-04, 08:47 PM

Connor looks down again, trying to remember then shakes his head,

"Uh .... something with an 'X', I think ...."


Nicole nods meekly,

"Understood, ma'am. I have other duties to perform, pardon me."

She backs away and exits, closing the door softly to leave Alana to her tasks ....

Phase Knight:

Owlheart finds himself above a busy city street, crowds passing on either side, the freezing night air frosts across the landscape. Taxicabs and limos line the streets, the presence of fine shops and residences alerts the hero to a location on 1st, somewhere near 68th or 69th. Street lights here are more than adequate, giving Eldain a good view.

Three slim figures dressed in jeans and black hooded-sweater shirts walk through the crowds holding up signs,

"Rude Ignorant Careless Heartless"

Several of New York's Finest huddle around a black limousine, two of the officers bending to stare at the dark-tinted windows. A group of possible party-goers scamper through traffic to cross the street, with a young, well-dressed and attractive woman falling mid-street - right in the path of an oncoming taxi!

With his altitude, none of the many pedestrians or police seem to notice Phase Knight .....

2013-04-04, 09:03 PM
What a night, is all Eldain has time to think. Quick as a wink, he teleports to where the girl fell, sets a hand on her shoulder, and teleports with her to the far side of the street.

2013-04-04, 09:10 PM

"X..." it was a wild guess but it did make sense. "Xavier???"

Astrid's heart was beating quickly, the X-Men. She wanted to find them but didn't know how. Was Xavier in this world alive? Would he help her? Were there others? There was so many questions she wanted to ask but knew that the answers would have to come later.

2013-04-05, 10:42 AM

Connor looks down, then gives Astrid a surprised look,

"Yeah! That's it! Do you know where it is? Can you take me there?"

Dr. Hansford crosses her arms,

"We need to contact Child and Family Services. This child needs help and St. Jude's isn't the place for him. I have an associate who can help us ....

.... Astrid, he seems to be under duress. You can't be thinking of traipsing through the city with a runaway child, can you?"

Phase Knight:

The woman, very wobbly and smelling of alcohol, mutters something and bending away from the hero, vomits on the sidewalk! Phase Knight hears the click of heels as two of her female companions rush across the street in your direction,

"Hey! Jasmine! What are you doing to her! Leave her alone! Police! Help! Police!"

The two women stand a few yards from Phase Knight and the woman, while the group of police officers roughly 50' away look in your direction .....

2013-04-05, 10:54 AM

She looks at Dr Hansford with pleading eyes. "You didn't call Child and Family Services when I came here," she starts. "He's like me, lost, but he knows where he's supposed to be. Plus there was that woman out there that was looking for him, I saw her and I don't trust her. What is the harm in checking out his story. We can look up the Xavier school on the internet right, maybe call them and ask for Kitty, right?"

She turns back to Connor and says, "I'll help you."

2013-04-05, 02:15 PM
Eldain eyed the two, one brow raised. Lousy personal awareness, this lot, he thought. "Uh-huh," is all he said, before teleporting over to the limo, appearing in front of it, but off slightly to the side. That had potential.

"Anything I can help with, officers?" he asked the police casually as he appeared, trying to peer into the limo and see if he could spot his sister. Or her cell phone.

2013-04-05, 05:37 PM
Alana sat there, meditating on what she had just said to Nicole. It felt like she had come off too strong. Sighing, Alana stood up, and headed after Nicole.

"Nicole, wait a moment. I have to apologize. I came off too strong. I didn't mean to make sound so high and mighty. Sorry."

2013-04-05, 07:38 PM

Dr. Hansford starts in,

"I don't like this. Not at all. Women arrive here all the time looking for sanctuary. Troubles of all sorts. But, you, you are ..... special in some way I can't fully explain. Organization depends on its cogs: Brooklyn depends on St. Jude, St. Jude depends on me, and I .... I've grown to depend on your unique character, Astrid. If you go, please, don't forget us here ...."

Before Astrid could respond, she heard the sound of sirens echoing from "the Island" ......

Phase Knight:

As Phase Knight appears, the four officers crowd him quickly,

"Whoa, pal. Where you going? Let's see some I.D. What're you doing out here this late? Why're you watching the Mayor's limo? Let's talk about it."

While the officers question Phase Knight, the limo pulls out into traffic as the sound of sirens started to sound across the area ....


The maid had left and Alana was alone. The sounds of sirens filled the cold night air, echoing across the "Silk District" ....

2013-04-05, 07:55 PM
"Right, don't have time for this," Eldain said, teleporting back up into the air, casing about to see where those sirens were coming from, hoping against hope that they had something to do with his sister's disappearance. While he was generally more than happy to spend the night playing hero...this was just not the evening for it.

While he looked around, he texted his father, Status?

2013-04-05, 09:13 PM
The elder Owlheart texted back,

"Find Shepard-Smith. Avoid anything else. Confusion."

The police officers around Phase Knight turn and walk away from the area, moving up the street .....

..... the sounds of sirens intensifies as emergency vehicles speed from blocks away ....

2013-04-05, 09:53 PM
"Right then," Eldain murmured, Googling Shepard-Smith on his phone, running the address through a geocoding site, and teleporting to the listed coordinates, albeit a few hundred feet in the air to ensure he didn't appear in the middle of the guy's living room or something.

2013-04-06, 10:42 AM

"I promise, I'll be back," she says to the good doctor. "But we need to figure where we're going. Does someone have connection to the internet?"

2013-04-06, 07:26 PM
Phase Knight:

You appear over the large Shepard House, on 69th Street. There's lighting at all four corners of the rooftop, which reveals a man in a dark suit standing at the ledge overlooking the busy street below. He's over 6', well-built, short dark hair and he's smoking a cigarette while watching the street. He doesn't seem to have noticed Phase Knight .......


Hansford nods and leads Astrid to her office, which has a desktop computer and it's currently on ....


The sound of police sirens intensifies rapidly, then the city issues an Emergency Alert, via television, radio, cellphones, and internet ....!

2013-04-06, 07:56 PM
Eldain forces himself to ignore the sirens and chiming of his phone. One thing at a time. He floats down to the front of the house and rings the doorbell.

2013-04-06, 08:21 PM

The computer had a quaint nostalgic feel to it. She focuses her mind and starts typing, using search terms like: 'Xavier School'.

[roll0] tech

2013-04-07, 11:55 AM

Even with the slow internet connection, the name and address are found in less than a minute;

"Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, 1407 Graymalkin Lane, Westchester County, New York"

The web map shows it's location is 50 miles north of Manhattan ....

Phase Knight:

As he rings the doorbell, Phase Knight looks around and sees the group of police he "met" earlier walking in his direction from the end of the block .....


After the initial Emergency Alert, a detailed report transmitted across all mediums;

"State and city law-enforcement officials have issued an evacuation order for Grand Central Terminal and surrounding vicinity of Park Avenue. Two dangerous felons have escaped from Ryker's Island Correctional Facility and are reported to be in the area near Grand Central. Authorities are currently responding to the scene in force. All civilians are instructed to avoid the area around Grand Central Terminal until authorities can conduct a thorough manhunt.

Again, the escaped felons are considered armed and very dangerous! Avoid the Grand Central area at all costs. Any civilians found in the area will be subject to immediate arrest."

Phase Knight & Inspiring are on 69th, 14 blocks NE of Grand Central. Astrid's in Brooklyn Heights, roughly 4 miles away from Grand Central.

2013-04-07, 01:26 PM
For the moment, Eldain elected to assume the police were simply moving in this direction and it had nothing to do with him. They didn't even have a spot on his priority list for the night.

2013-04-07, 04:52 PM

She heard the sirens and looked at her wrist. The armor's power reserves wouldn't make it that far... but perhaps they could use the chaos as a cover.

Astrid looked at Connor and said, "We can take the train out of manhattan, I have a little money left. Then we can maybe call them."

She writes down the address and phone number and then gets ups. Kissing Dr. Hansford on the cheek, "I'll be back."

Looking at the lost boy she says, "Let's go."

I took some liberties with the armor. As written she might be able to make it but I figure taking the train would be more fun.

She is heading to the train/subway station.

2013-04-08, 06:23 PM
Alana sat down again. As she did, her tv began to blare the emergency announcement.

"Someone escaped from Ryker's again? Does that prison have a revolving door or something?"

Personally, she would have already left to bring the criminals in, but she still had the oath she swore to her grandfather. However that didn't mean she couldn't assist law enforcement via the network.

First things first, She would need to identify who the escapee were. Cracking her knuckles, she unleashed her net-fu in order to find visual Id on the perps.

Invetigation Roll: Inteligence (10) + Investigation(2)


2013-04-08, 06:34 PM

As Alana scans the web, she hears the doorbell ring .... gifted with lightning-fast intellect and infallible memory, Inspired works a combination of the internet and computer programs to learn who - or what - has fled from the local Super-prison. The various flashing screens yield pictures and names of the escapees - in seconds!

Tyrelle " Hammer" Hammond and Anthony "Anvil" Piazetti, two powerhouses who served as prison wards. They usually were model prison citizens, but fled when a guard left them unattended while performing routine maintenance. They took their nicknames from the original super-villain duo, but these two were new. Kinda. They have a history of armored-car hold-ups. Literally stealing entire armored cars!


Walking several blocks to the nearby Atlantic Avenue Terminal, Astrid travels with an anxious Connor through the freezing streets of Brooklyn. There isn't much street traffic - a few people here and there pass you - as the cold combined with the sounds of police sirens may be keeping many indoors.

Arriving at Atlantic & Flatbush, the train terminal busy, sitting on a very well-lit intersection where people walked by and into the station. The structure stood over 60' tall and was rounded at it face, so it could be seen easily from either Atlantic or Flatbush. The front was a wall of 50' windows that glowed gold due to the interior illumination.

A young couple rushed past Astrid as she and Conner moved through the doorway into the building. Inside, there were at least fifty people walking around, most looking like civilain-types, some with baggage and/or children. The low roar of conversation echoed all around the walls. There were custodial staff pushing cleaning machines around the corners of the station, taking care to avoid inattentive citizens on cellphones. Every few seconds, the PA system made another announcement about train schedules, passengers, and upcoming local events.

Astrid saw the ticket counter a few yards ahead - with no waiting!

Phase Knight:

The wide, wooden door opened and a tall man dressed in a formal gray houseman's suit met Phase Knight. He was probably around his late 50's, salt & pepper hair combed back neatly, grey eyes, just over six feet, just under 200 lbs., tanned-complexion and spoke in a very deep, polite voice,

"Good evening, sir. How may I help you?"

The the small group of four officers continued to walk towards Phase Knight and were less than a few seconds away. But, they were just looking at him without speaking anything .....

Nova Leo:

"Island of the Hills". An ancient name for a city of millions that sprung from the ground. Now the hills were thousand-foot spires of steel and stone and radiant light. High above the streets, one could easily see Lady Liberty, torch in hand, standing watch from Ellis. Coney Island's many world-famous amusements weren't so distant, if one soared as an eagle. The entire 13.4-mile length of Manhattan and all of its hyper-active streets could be seen from above. An array of helicopters buzzed across the night sky, flanked miles distant by airplanes pacing towards their landing at LaGuardia or JFK. It was all a remarkable scene to see, if one were something of an angel ...... an indomitable sentinel, such as Nova Leo!

Not sure if Alana can see who's at the door w/out going downstairs & it's too far to hear (for most people anyway). Edited the post to get Inspired the info she wanted (didn't see it until after I posted).
Regalus, it's all yours & pick it up after the emergency alert on your cell. Sorry for the campy open - I'm listening to this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9vrfEoc8_g) :P

2013-04-08, 06:40 PM

She holds Connor close while the head to the subway. "So what can you do besides the intangible thing?"

Astrid continues to question him until they get to the subway:
"Where are you from?"
"How did the Xavier school contact you?"
"How long did you have this power?"

Once they were at the station she did a quick area scan to make sure things were safe. If it is she will approach the turn style and plop a pair of tolkens in and head to the appropriate platform.

2013-04-08, 06:42 PM
Eldain lifted his visor from his face, "Hey, I'm Eldain Owlheard...uh...Ben's son. I'm looking for Mr. Smith...it's rather urgent. Is he available?" He spoke somewhat awkwardly, but directly.

2013-04-08, 08:28 PM

Connor occasionally grips Astrid's hand tightly when he looks in certain directions,

" ...... I can see them ...... we live in on the East Side. Yancy Street. I hate it there. We were supposed to be moving somewhere nicer, but ....... everything was getting better, I thought. When Kitty and her friends and the Professor guy showed-up, I don't know. I thought I'd get into a way better school, away from the East Side. Then, we could move and my folks could stay together ..... instead of fighting all the time. They argue about everything, but me especially. Kitty said I'm a mutant. That I was born with special abilities, like turning invisible and walking through walls. Can I tell you a secret ....?"

Connor looks up at Astrid ....

Phase Knight:

The doorman looks Eldain over and responds quickly,

"He does not take guests this late without appointment, I'm afraid. Please call his office tomorrow and schedule a meeting. Thank you and good n-"

He goes to close the door as the cops arrive and interrupt his send-off, focusing on Phase Knight,

"You again. What's your business here, sir? What's your name again ....? Who do you represent in that get-up? S.H.I.E.L.D.? Star Trek? You need to leave right now, sir, or we'll be forced to cite you for loitering. This is a private residence and you don't seem welcome. Beat it."

Two of the four officers, wearing traditional NYPD uniforms, badges, heavy coats and caps, stare at Phase Knight. The other two turn to the doorman,

"New York Police Department, sir. We're here to see Ms. Alana Shepard-Smith. It's a police matter of extreme urgency."

One of the officers pushes the door open as the doorman steps back surprised, then he looks at a maid at the end of the long golden hall,

"Inform Madame Smith she has guests - immediately!"

The maid dashes off around a corner as the two officers enter the home proper, looking around the hallway, which has elegant brass or gold tables lining the walls. Beautiful floral arrangements of exotic plants sit on each table. Eldain can see that much, but the two officers around him glare at him intently ....


Alana's going over the data on the escaped felons when she hears hurried footsteps approaching her door. There's a soft knock and another maid, Mya, looks in again,

"Ma'am, there are policemen downstairs requesting your presence for an urgent matter ..... what should I tell them ....?"

2013-04-08, 08:45 PM

"Of course you can tell me," she said. Then it came to her, "Uh... who do you see?"

2013-04-08, 08:54 PM

Connor looks slowly behind Astrid and his grip tightens,

"..... there's a man following you ....."

2013-04-08, 09:14 PM
Nya's mention that the police were hear asking for her confused Alana a bit. She hadn't done anything illegal, and since her network wasn't up yet, she hadn't called them yet. Still, she was curious as to why they were here.

"Nya, have they given the reason for their visit?", said Alana as she scoured through her closet for something better than the t-shirt and shorts she had on.

Having selected a better shirt, blues jeans and sneakers, Alana headed to her bathroom.

"Well, might as well make sure they are straight forward with me.", she said as she changed. Code was created and executed instantly. The familiar magenta lines dashed from her core towards her neck, ending on her head. Neural pathways were rejiggered as she finished prepping up.

-Falsehood Detection Protocol
Power: Detect(Lies), Acute, Analytical, Accurate- 4 Ranks- 4TP

-Neural Firewall
Power: Enhanced Trait(Will)- 1 Rank- 1TP

25/ 30 TP

Tech Roll

2013-04-08, 10:05 PM
Eldain was about to respond to the doorman, when the police intervened. Biting back his annoyance, he gave a polite smile and answered their questions briskly. "My name is Eldain Owlheart, also called Phase Knight. I'm a registered superhero working for SHIELD." He called his wallet to hand, and withdrew his Security Clearance Badge for their perusal. "My sister was kidnapped earlier today, as best as my current information can tell me, by someone named Vessler. Mr. Shepard is an old associate of my father's, to whom my father previously lent a device that I need to help me discover her whereabouts."

He glanced at the doorman, meeting his gaze for about a second, before turning back to the police and saying, "As I'm sure you understand, time is of the essence here. I would appreciate whatever assistance you can give me in my investigation. I understand, however, that you have your own problems to attend to tonight, though, so I assume the best way we can all help each other currently is to let one another conduct our respective business unimpeded. Agreed?"

And just in case, routine checks (total 20) on Expertise: Law and Expertise: Government to see what I know about whether or not they actually can legally cite me for loitering, and to see where SHIELD ranks compared to local law enforcement in terms of jurisdictional hierarchy.

2013-04-08, 10:45 PM

"Okay, lets go." she says in an almost panicked voice. She moves through the station, hoping to loose him. Homing in on where there is large groups of people.

Not to sure what to roll here but I'll let the GM take care of that.

2013-04-08, 11:01 PM
It feels...weird, Noah began as he felt his breath fog up around him. He didn't think he'd ever truly get accustomed to it. The coolness of the air, and the freedom of it all. There looking down whilst soaring high above the sky, like a star in the night, his war torn city looked so peaceful; so beautiful. It was moments like these, starring down at his city; that he truly felt it was worth it. All the secrets, the arguments, all the pain, and the fighting, and the sleepless nights, the unkind words, hard work and fears. All of it just seemed so worth it when he witnessed things like this; lay of the land around him, as beautiful as an artisans beloved painting, but one of his many rewards of his unsung task.

What troubles you Noah? he felt the spark with him him inquire, almost seeing the majestic creature raising it's head from its rest and staring at him curiously within himself.

The young champion viewed the twinkling lights below, artificial and spiritual nearly indistinguishable from those height; blending into one another like a swirling color pallet, yet each shone with a brilliance all its own. Alas that aura he'd spotted earlier still ominously hung over the island city; staining the picturesque view with it's darkening haze. Being out and about like this I suppose, he breathed out, it amused him how the night air seemed to duel with his heated breath at times, as he looked for it whatever it might be, for so many specters to have begun to gather...he was certain something was going to act out tonight.

A year ago we'd still be scurrying around the alleys trying to keep warm while looking for the ghoul of the week, without getting cops on my case, he mused softly, turning his head westward as he felt something in the air stir.

Yet now we soar openly beneath Luna's soft embrace within her starry night. Certainly a more befitting arrangement than hiding like mice, he humored good naturedly as the ill wind started to blow around them, Though I must ask once more, are you certain of this choice? The old man may have only approved due to dreams of yester year and his flights of fancy; however, know that this is not our duty. This is something you need-not do, reminded Leo, Noah sensing something odd within the beast's timbre.

I know...but It's something I ne, no, something I want to do, he corrected himself, having learned that lesson quite well from Leo. He could feel him quietly waiting for him to continue, fierce eyes locked on him. We've done a lot of good and we've helped a lot of people, we could probably keep doing what we've always done; but unless we can truly help things out there in the Light, we're just going to keep fighting the symptoms. With the Avenger's gone, and so many other heroes recovering from the registration fiasco or busy with bigger issues... the world needs all the help it can get, he awkwardly explained as the symphony of sirens began to sing their tender melodies of panic and mayhem, slowly weaving their songs into the fading dreams of those who lived below.

This is not a door that will close once opened. The world today has changed greatly from the past even in so short a time. The last time you acted was in the heat of the moment, Emily was endangered yes; but few saw you. Rumors have spread yes; but they may fade as well. Act now and you accept a burden not your own; once you cross into the Light, you will never be truly forgotten. Your peace will be theirs, and your life forfeit to them; but their joy shall be your own, and your victories theirs. This is your last chance fade back in to the mist and continue our duties in peace. elaborated Leo in a grave tone, he could feel his hairs standing on end and his pulse quickening in response even as he watched the dozens of glimmering red and blue lights funnel the down the veins of Manhattan slowly gathering towards the grand central area. "So I ask one final time; is this truly the path you wish to walk young Noah?"

The young man stayed silent for a moment as he turned his gaze heavenwards and took in the chilling night air in a slow breath, holding it for a few heartbeats before releasing it back out in a long scalding breath. "Yeah; I am," he declared, as he clenched his fists and readied himself for the next big step in his life. So be it young Noah, rumbled Leo as he stood at attention, We have much work ahead of us; go forth, and never look back! with that final roar Noah darted towards Grand Central, giving chase to the police cruise from high above, and hopefully the source of the ill-will spreading in the area. With any luck he might be able to track down the source of the commotion unseen

2013-04-09, 04:46 PM

Nya responds,

No, just that it's an emergency, ma'am? I'll let them know you'll be with them directly."

Alana hears the maid's footsteps scamper down the hallway ....

Phase Knight:

One of the cops eyes Phase Knight suspiciously and keys the radio mic on his jacket collar,

"Dispatch, this is Level One, 10-84. Possible 10-50 claiming S.H.I.E.L.D. credentials, first: echo-lima-delta-alpha-indigo-november, last, oscar-whiskey-lima-hotel-echo-alpha-romeo-tango - copy?"

A female voice confirms transmission and there's a pause - the cop keeps his eyes on Phase Knight, while the other officer places his hand on his holstered handgun .....

The female voice clicks back across the mics,

"Level One, 10-77."

The cop releases his mic,

"I apologize, Mister Owlheart. Anything we can do to help your investigation, we've been ordered to do. But, right now, we have our own matter to resolve with the Smiths. Please, accompany us inside ...."

The two cops go inside the home, which is very regal and inviting. Everything seems golden and new. Walking to the end of the short foyer, they enter a wide lobby area, where the other two officers are waiting.


Moving into a crowd of about twenty strangers, who are huddled near a ticket station, Astrid finds some limited concealment, although most of the people seem preoccupied with smart-phones. If she looks around, Astrid will see 30 or so people walking around the station, talking, reading or taking calls. She also notices an older African-American man in catholic priest attire staring at her from about 40' feet behind her.

As her hand begins to nearly go numb, Astrid realizes Connor has a death-grip on it - the boy is physically-shaking as he stares down at his shoes .....

Nova Leo:

Closing on Penn station, the shining champion sees an amazing display of flashing police lights. Red, white, and blue lights flash and circle the night time streets of Park Avenue as an army of cops dash around the area, clearing pedestrians! There must be at least 50 police cruisers parked around the terminal and well over 100 officers scouting the streets!

Two police helicopters with search-lights buzz the area, panning the surrounding streets and alleyways for signs of the escaped felons. Several news media helos try to get over the police zone, but the police helicopters make sweeps in their path, blocking access, so most of the media aircraft settle for hovering a few blocks distance.

Other than police cruisers and S.W.A.T. vehicles, Park Avenue and surrounding areas look free of pedestrian traffic. NYPD is doing their job, as usual - all except for a large transfer trailer truck bearing the "USMart" logo. The big eighteen-wheeler rig is trying to move south on Park Avenue and is blocked occasionally by police vehicles. A verbal dispute between the driver and police officers is in progress as cops try to wave the rig into the next lane - the driver's clearly frustrated!

Atlantic Ave. Terminal pics (https://www.google.com/search?q=atlantic+avenue+terminal+brooklyn&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=lih&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=I4tkUceMPI2c8gTHoYHQAw&ved=0CAoQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=639#imgrc=_), The Shepard House, Upper East Side (https://www.google.com/search?q=upper+east+side+new+york+neighborhoods&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=W5M&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=o4tkUfzVL5Ls9ASs0IHwBA&ved=0CAoQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=639#imgrc=XsilFiJKrf91aM%3A%3BTLqvwVZNaRfdIM%3 Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fimages.nymag.com%252Fimages%25 2F2%252Frealestate%252Fneighborhoods%252F2010%252F uppereastside100412_lede.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252F nymag.com%252Frealestate%252Farticles%252Fneighbor hoods%252Fuppereast.htm%3B470%3B315),
Grand Central pics (https://www.google.com/search?q=grand+central+terminal&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=Xah&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1366&bih=639&tbm=isch&source=lnt&tbs=isz:ex,iszw:300,iszh:300&sa=X&ei=JYlkUaz8GoOg8QSj4YGYDA&ved=0CCwQpwUoBQ#q=grand+central+station+outside&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=fch&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbm=isch&tbas=0&source=lnt&sa=X&ei=qYlkUcXzMIn29gSNm4G4AQ&ved=0CBgQpwUoAA&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44990110,d.eWU&fp=d00d9fb299bb3231&biw=1366&bih=639)

2013-04-09, 06:10 PM

"What's wrong? Connor talk to me."

2013-04-09, 06:24 PM
"Much appreciated officer," Eldain said as he followed them in. If there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to let me know. I'm hoping to have my sister home and safe in somewhere under fifteen minutes," he added with a confident grin, privately hoping that such optimism was warranted. "And if my phone's constant beeping is anything to go by, something serious seems to be going down tonight, so as soon as her safety is assured, I will be at your disposal."

Yeah, it might mean cutting his prep time out of the evening's schedule, but he'd deal with that if it became an issue. Some things were more important than meetings.

2013-04-09, 06:27 PM

Connor's entire body shakes violently as he stares downward and a small line of drool falls from his lips,

"...... he's coming ....."

with that, he vanishes and Astrid is left clenching air!

Her head explodes and Astrid sees a flaming figure of a man stalking towards her! The figure screams her name over and over as it stumbles forward, then the flames turn to blood, washing across the floor of the train terminal!

The Burning Man is a mental image.

2013-04-09, 06:33 PM
Once finished her preparations, Alana headed towards the Lobby. Upon arrival she noticed the 4 police officers and the young super. This certainly aroused her curiosity.

"Well, this is an interesting group. I am Alana Shepard. What can i do for you gentlemen?"

2013-04-09, 07:02 PM
Astrid & Inspired:

The cops step somewhat back a bit and all of them speak in unison (!),

"You can come with us."

The officers' eyes glow red with crackling energy ......

PK acts first, then Inspired, and finally, your "cop" foes;
Cops Initiative: 1d20+5=8 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4018852/)
PK Initiative: 1d20+8=23 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4018856/)
Inspired Initiative: 1d20+4=15 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4018858/)

2013-04-09, 07:18 PM
Leo quietly scans the area; hopping to find some sign of the apparent escapees, if only by the mix of paranoia, aggression and the thrill of the escape in their aura. If these people were causing that much of a commotion, their emotions should be shinning like a beacon in the night; thankfully the lack of property damage was a good sign. If they could get to them before they started wrecking things, this might go smoother.

2013-04-09, 07:48 PM
Eldain's reaction was instantaneous. He pulled his visor down, extending it into a helmet, and vanished from his position, blinking back and forth between the two androids furthest to the left to hammer them with his mind blade.

In between attacks, basically appearing, striking, saying a word, and vanishing again, he called to Alana, "Evil. Androids. Attacked. Before. You fight?"

Free Action: Change Psionic Focus Array to Phase Strike.
Move Action: Teleport adjacent to the two droids furthest left.
Standard Action: Phase Strike, taking a -2 penalty to the attack roll to attack both with Multiattack. This attack does not receive the normal Multiattack damage bonus, and crits on a total result of 25+. Toughness DC 25.
Droid 1: [roll0]
Droid 2: [roll1]

2013-04-09, 07:59 PM

It was confusing at first. Was it one of her dreams again? No, it was much more familiar, psychic intrusion. Something she knew how to handle. Her mental defenses went up and she focused her mind, then looked around for the stalker.

"Connor," she whispered, "Keep yourself safe and follow me if you can. Don't be afraid, they won't hurt us."

Focused Mind
[roll0] perception
tower of iron will
Will = 15

2013-04-09, 08:39 PM
Nova Leo:

From above GST, Nova Leo spies two figures that crawl out onto the roof of the great train terminal, both in red jumpsuits: a Caucasian male, just under 6', medium build, brown hair, and a female, just shorter than the male, Caucasian, well-built, short-cut red hair ..... a police helicopter scans across them then fixes on the two scrambling figures high above Park Avenue ....

the helicopter PA rings out,

"Surrender yourselves! Lie face-down and await New York police forces! Any other actions will be met with deadly force! You are surrounded - submit to this order!"

While they stand, staring at the helo, the two escapees look at each other and back at the helo, seemingly unsure of their next action .....

Phase Knight:

Phase Knight's twin attacks strike home! The first blow draws dark-red fluid from the target and the cop falls to the ground, laying still!

The second attack slashes across the cop's chest and face, driving him back as sparks fly from his physique! The cop shudders and falls to one knee, then collapses to its face, inert!


Astrid moves forward, her best action, as the terminal crowd shifts around her at random .......

2013-04-09, 09:23 PM
After hearing the young super say that they were androids, Alana jumped with glee internally. This was one time she was glad she hadn't gone public with her abilities. If these people thought that they could use technology to get at her, well they had another thing coming.

"Keep'em busy but don't wreck them! BRB!", said the girl as she headed out of sight.

2013-04-09, 09:58 PM

She continues cautiously through the crowd toward the correct platform. Who ever was following her must be psychicly hidden like that woman, she thought. "Connor, if you can help me, it would be good. Tell me where he is and what he looks like..."

2013-04-09, 10:48 PM
Nova Leo watches the events unfold quietly; readying himself to strike the two down if they tried anything funny. Though it seemed as if all might go well, maybe they would see the light and he would not be needed tonight.

So yeah, readying and action to blast'em if they try anything funny. For now, he's just observing.

2013-04-10, 05:31 PM
Phase Knight:

The two "cops" still standing watch Alana flee the area, then turn to Phase Knight! One turns and runs after the woman, while the other's eyes glow red with crackling energy .....

Feint [roll0]
PK's Insight [roll1]


Connor responds,

"He looks like ....... fire ....."

The priest walks towards Astrid from across the station as the Public Announcement system calls out the train to Manhattan .......

Nova Leo:

The male felon on the roof of GST moves very quickly - grabbing the female and dashing out of the spotlights! When they find them again, they're on the rooftop across the street, running for the far edge!

Nova Leo hears a loud, vibrating explosion! Down below, where the USMart truck is, the back doors have been smashed from their closed position and two tall, well-built men dressed in red prison outfits emerge from the long cab! Police gunfire erupts on the street as officers look to take-down the assailants, but the duo walks through the hail of bullets!

2013-04-10, 05:32 PM
Phase Knight is up.

2013-04-10, 06:45 PM
Phase Knight could admit it, he was curious. Kinda went against his instincts to fight for containment rather than victory, but he was up to it.

"Stick around, man!" he called to the robot chasing his new ally, attempting to teleport him back onto this side of the battle - in fact, aiming for five feet above the other cop's head. Teleporting an unwilling and moving target wasn't the easiest thing in the world, but he'd concentrate his efforts on it.

If necessary, Move action to teleport so I can see the chasing robot.
Free Action: Change Psionic Focus Array to Targeted Teleportation.
Standard Action: Targeted Teleport on the chasing robot. Attack check: [roll0]. Will DC 16 to resist (not mind-affecting). This attack has Multiattack, and crits on a natural 20 (total result of 34).

If I do not have to take a Move action to target, I'll spend the extra Move action to make this an Extended teleport. No change to where I send him, but it results in the target being Dazed and Vulnerable for one round if the teleport succeeds.

Effects of him appearing five feet above the other robot's head are left entirely to GM discretion.

2013-04-11, 06:28 PM

As the priest gets within 10' of Astrid, she gets a strong psychic impression from him - he wants the boy. He also seems to be a powerful psi - more powerful than Astrid. The priest looks around, then at Astrid,

"Give me the boy and you just might make your train ...."

Phase Knight:

Teleport attack target's check

While focused on the other droid, Phase Knight is attacked by his first droid he thought was downed & the third! Streaks of scarlet force cut through the air at the hero!

Droid beam attacks
DC20 Will check for hits

Nova Leo:

The police helicopters veer away from the rooftop felons and come to hover over the USMart truck, where two more large felons emerged from! The felons, dressed in Ryker's trademark red jumpsuits, each grab a side of the large truck, then toss it in the air at the police officers! One of the escapees is a Caucasian male, blonde hair, massive build, and the other looks African-American, male, same kind of over-developed musculature!

The two felons seem to be laughing ....! Both men seem connected right wrist-to-right wrist by a 5' metallic cord ....

If it misses, the huge rig slides into a nearby series of stores, causing a massive explosion that sends the police scattering for cover!
If it hits, several police officers are seriously wounded as the rig smashes into them!
Nova Leo can act as the rig sails through the air ......

2013-04-11, 06:39 PM
PK misses the droid pursuing Alana. The two attackers miss as well.


As she makes it to her destination, Inspired hears footsteps approaching at a very-fast pace ......

2013-04-12, 12:59 AM

Her mind was racing. This was the man chasing her. It didn't seem right. It didn't make sense.

There were too many by standers but she didn't have much of a choice. "Conner, don't be scared..." she whispered to no one. Then in her mind "Combat mode zero" Her clothes shimmered away revealing a silver mesh armor.

"HELP!" she screamed then pushed the priest away with all her might.

armor goes to close combat. Tower of Iron Will up.
[roll0] to hit (mostly pushing away) DC 27

So far I really like what's going on. The more I don't know the more fun when I find out.

2013-04-12, 12:25 PM
Noah has his attention wrenched away from the fleeing duo just as he was about to give chase, by the serenade of gun fire that rang out from the street below him. He studied the pair for a moment, their boons quite apparent after their display of force; though once he spotted them lifting the truck he flew to action, a short curse escaping his lips as he flew into position.

With Leo guiding him he raised his arm angled from above and called his inner flames to surge forth, releasing a mighty cry as a mighty pillar of golden flames light up the streets for the briefest of moments with the suns radiance. The tower of flames knocking the truck away a safe distance from the civilians and buildings, before engulfing a large portion of the street before him where the pair of escaped convicts stood. When the flames vanished not a blade of grass was singed, yet the pair which dared to threaten the lives of those around them were not as fortunate.

Noah flew in place confidently, his form a glow like dim star as he waft from him in the cool night air in the wake of his attack; the young champion keeping his arm in place aimed towards the offending pair, his presence now revealed to all but the blind. Noah glance at the gathered officers and civilians to see how they were fairing, "Is everyone alright?" he inquired to the officers, Leo's voice rumbling from his frame, before turning his focus back to the escapees.

"You who would dare to harm this city and the good people who live within it; surrender now, and submit yourselfs peacefully to the authorities. Otherwise be subdued by force, the choice is yours to make," he proclaimed confidently, his posture ready to battle.

Solar Flare: Selective 60ft cone
Damage rank 10, DC25 Dodge check for half damage.

I'm guessing I should roll for Initiative just in case these two decide not to take his offer. [roll0]

2013-04-12, 05:30 PM

Catching the priest off-guard with her sudden maneuver, Astrid pushes the creep back! this draws the attention of everyone inside the terminal, but most the people just stare ..... except Transit Security. An officer was standing next to the metal detector checkpoint talking with a citizen, but now the uniformed and armed agent begins walking briskly towards Astrid.

The priest appears surprised by Astrid's sudden transformation and the push, stumbling back a step,

"Who are you!?!"

http://rolz.org/embed?3530054 (http://rolz.org/info?3530054)

Nova Leo:

An incandescent blast of light catches the truck trailer in mid-flight, blowing it in half with a loud explosion! The two sections, rather than crashing into the line of squad cars and officers down the block, instead hit the ground and spin to stop - just yards away from the gauntlet!

Nearly lighting-up the entire block next to GST, Nova Leo is met by a mix of stares and guns pointed in his direction! The police are on edge at first, but lower their weapons when the hero expresses concern for public safety. An officer walks to Nova Leo, squints his eyes against the sudden brilliance radiating from the hero's form, then points at the escapees,

"Not sure who you are, pal, but your timing is outstanding! Hammer and Anvil must 'a been hiding in the truck - trying to slip away! Our heavy artillery is 30 seconds out ...... you think you can handle those guys 'til then?"

Seeing the blast and the severed trailer, the two muscle-bound thugs stop laughing and turn to look at Nova Leo,

"Is that Captain Marvel, or, the Torch?"

"Dat 'aint either one of 'dem smucks. That, my friend, is a dead man!"

Hammer and Anvil, still connected by the 5' metallic cord, begin walking towards Nova Leo ......


Phase Knight:

The droid attacks just miss Phase Knight as the hero evades piercing bolts of energy at the last moment! His target for "relocation" avoided the attack, moving faster than Phase Knight had anticipated! Now, he faced two "cops", while the third, which had been felled, now starts to get up,

"You cannot evade us forever, mutant. Submit or be neutralized!"



The door is kicked-open! One of the "cops" stands in the door frame glaring in the room,

"The Dark is upon you, Alana. Do not fight what cannot be overcome."

Inspired has the 1st action.

2013-04-12, 08:16 PM
"I'll do what I can to keep'em busy until the cavalry arrives," he replied, sighing a little when the pair seemed to have decided to be difficult. Though their taunt was a bit too on-the-nose for his tastes.

"Close but not quite. I'm just a guy trying to do the right thing; you boys should try it sometime," he quipped as he flew up 15ft into the air before releasing another torrent of brilliant flames after moving 20ft forward. He had to play this safe, if he could keep the pair put for a bit all would be well.

Moved to a more tactical position

Solar Flare: Damage 10
Hammer and Anvil must make a DC25 dodge check to resist.

2013-04-12, 09:49 PM
Phase Knight only smirked, standing ready before the three androids. "You think so eh? Well, let's see you hit me then!" He challenged, prepared to meet their assault. Any attacks upon him he would respond to by teleporting projectiles back at them, or opening short-lived portals that melee blows would pass through to strike them back.

Free Action: Change Psionic Focus Array to Phase Block.
Standard Action: Defend using Phase Block. Total DC required to hit Phase Knight becomes [roll0] until next turn. Any attacks that miss Phase Knight are Reflected back at the attacker with a +10 attack bonus for their normal damage (suggesting GM roll reflected attacks for speed of play).

2013-04-13, 10:51 AM
Nova Leo:

Both hoods drop to the ground as Nova Leo unleashes another blast! The wide-angle flame burst engulfs the area around Hammer and Anvil ......

Both made the check, which is DC20, since it's an Area attack.
The damage is cut from 10 to 5 and both are Impervious to that rank.

..... as smoke and the smell of burning asphalt rises upward from the blast zone, the two crooks stand, the tops of their jumpsuits burnt away! The villains themselves seem uninjured and look up at Nova Leo,

"Now you done gone too far. You burnt our favorite suits!"

They make an amazing leap, in tandem, up towards Nova Leo, attempting to catch him mid-air ....!

Two misses! NL is up ...

Nova Leo, far more maneuverable than the twin ogres, flies out of the way as the thugs grasp at thin air and drop back down to the ground,

"Blast it! Why is it the superheroes can always fly!?!"

Phase Knight:

The droids, all three of them, discharge a flurry of energy bolts at Phase Knight,

"As you wish, Dr. Owlheart!"

PK's being attacked from three directions, so the multiple attacks constitute one Area attack. Deflect doesn't work on Area-based attacks, so PK would need to make a DC18 Dodge check. Success requires a DC14 Fortitude check, failure bumps the DC to 18;
success! now the DC14 Fortitude check;
Success! PK feels woozy, but it passes quickly & he's up ...

2013-04-13, 12:36 PM
Those suits were surprisingly fragile,
Indeed, though I believe they were designed to withstand tearring; not incineration by divine flame,
Point! Though this does upon up new options for us,

"Had you surrendered neither of you would have been subjected to the loss; I remind you you yet have time to do so, before you suffer anymore," he commented as he avoided his nude assailants, " The heavens grant wings to those who shepherd their flock," he quipped before launching a bolt of wild flames at hammer.

Purging Pyre:Damage 10
On a successful hit thr golden flames cling to their target, who must resist the damage of the attack again on the next round.

2013-04-13, 12:53 PM

She turns to the train and makes a dash for it, hoping that she might get away.

2013-04-13, 01:22 PM
Phase Knight raised an eyebrow as, for some strange reason, the attacks coming from different angles meant he couldn't teleport them. Without the advanced knowledge of physics and geometry that he could command with his mind at rest, he couldn't figure out how that worked. Maybe it was some ability of the robots? No matter! He blinked away regardless.

Seeing as how attempting to play things strategically was running into odd physics anomalies that he couldn't define, he fell back on his standard tactics - blink in and out and beat things into submission!

Free Action: Change Psionic Focus array to Phase Strike.
Move Action: Teleport adjacent to two robots.
Standard Action: Phase Strike on both.


DC 25, crit on total of 25+. Not sure if these guys were faking it or if they're regenerating minions or something, but may as well note I have Takedown 2 on this attack. Also for future reference, I do have Evasion 2 (nerfed though it was in 3e).

2013-04-13, 05:55 PM
Nova Leo:

When the burst of energy falls wide of the crooks, they banter,

"Whoa! Is that a first?"

"Yeah. Nobody misses. This dupe is a rank amateur!"

"Shameful. The Avengers end up in Ryker's, we escape to avoid their violent mentality, and run into this stooge who can't even hit us."

"I'm offended. I feel like I need more. Ya know?"

"Okay. We surrender to your awesomeness. Come 'cuff us, firefly."

The thugs extend their hands, suggesting their willingness to be handcuffed .....


Hammer and Anvil are BSing Nova Leo, trying to draw him closer ......

Phase Knight:

After their failed mass attack, the "cops" shift position,
and a cop runs at Phase Knight and dives for a hurtling grab,


The droid misses, falling into the wall behind Phase Knight!


As ticketholders start to form a line, Astrid pushes past them headed for her train! The Transit Security cop is right behind her,

"Hey! Hey!! Stop!! What's the problem?!?"

2013-04-13, 06:49 PM
PK kept up his assault, blinking in and out to strike as many of them as he could.

Move action: Teleport adjacent.
Standard action: Phase Strike...I don't know how many I can get adjacent to (Turnabout doesn't work the way I originally figured, need to add Reach to this attack to represent its ability to attack multiple scattered foes better). Ignore any attack rolls that I can't make, but add +1 to remaining attack rolls for each robot that I cannot attack, if any.


Toughness DC 25, Crit on 24+, Takedown 2 if they're minions.

2013-04-13, 07:31 PM
...A-are, are they for real?
Curious...I believe they are,

"Most glorious indeed! I knew there yet layed hope for the two of you; it is good to know that both of you have seen the error of your ways, and may now return the most glorious path of righteousness" he began exuberantly, his glow dimming slightly as the air around him began to cool. "I am certain than that one day the two you will look back on this blessed night and," he suddenly ended as he released another bolt of fire at Hammer.

Noah knew Leo was not too fond of this, but the big cat would not fault him for it. They were both hunters after all; and they were practically begging for this, and the big cat would be lying if he said he wasn't getting a chuckle out of this one.

Move Action: Feint
To my understanding, they want to believe I've fallen for their trap; so the -5 for doing this as a move action should be offset by the -5 they get to the resistance check against my bluff...hopefully

Standard Action: Purging Pyre; take 2
Damage 10, DC25; target must resist Damage on next turn as well on a hit.

2013-04-14, 03:14 PM

The teleporting hero manages to strike one of the terminators which he had damaged seconds before! The other two narrowly avoid Phase Knight's offensive ....


The droid lets out a short, inhuman shout and drops face-first to the floor!
Red fluid flows from the felled construct's wounds and it doesn't move. The other two "cops" circle Phase Knight, trying to get position, one in front and one behind the hero,

"Why do you fight? Each one of us you strike down, two more shall rise! Embrace the Dark, Dr. Owlheart. The Dark will make you whole."

Nova Leo:

Sensing the villains' trickery, Nova Leo blasts Hammer!


The blinding flash of energy causes Hammer to sail backwards, dragging Anvil along their "chain", thirty feet! Both miscreants now lay prone, but still conscious,

"Hammer!?!? You okay, man?!"

"Owwch! Ugh, my chest feels charred!"

As they struggled to get up, the mass of police in the area have stopped shooting and cheers erupt from their ranks when Nova Leo drops the deadly duo! Helicopters circle overhead and their searchlights track Hammer and Anvil, illuminating them against the dark city street ....

2013-04-14, 04:45 PM
"Though in pain, I assure you; your comrade is not seriously injured. For now let him rest, and all will be well soon. There is no more need for battle," he explained reassuringly as he flies forward to maintain their original distance. " Do this for hammer if nothing else, otherwise my hand will be forced once more," he continued as he studied the pair, trying to remain focused amid the roar of the crowd around him. Noah wasn't used to using Leo's flames on living beings; he tried not to think of what mundane fire would've done to the man. Still, even if they were wounded; this was not over until the pair were captured once more.

Readying an action for Solar Flare to use on the pair if they try anything funny.

2013-04-14, 05:38 PM
"Why do you keep fighting when you are clearly, utterly outmatched?" Phase Knight returned as he maintained his assault - and this time, he didn't buy into his opponent being down, hammering on the fallen android just as hard.

Move: Teleport adjacent.
Standard: Phase Strike on as many as I can (third roll is on the "down" enemy).


DC 25, Crit on 24+.

2013-04-14, 05:48 PM

As ticketholders start to form a line, Astrid pushes past them headed for her train! The Transit Security cop is right behind her,

"Hey! Hey!! Stop!! What's the problem?!?"

"That man was hurting me!" she exclaims and points at the man in the black robes. For a moment she focuses her mind on him.

She is extending her psychic defenses to him as well.

2013-04-14, 10:05 PM

She gets no thought-scan from her target. He simply doesn't register to her Telepathy, much like the woman from earlier! The transit officer raises his hands suggesting calm,

"It's okay. Relax. We'll get to the bottom of this. You said 'black robes' - the priest?"

The Manhattan train slowly pulls into the station next to the building, its loud mechanical motion nearly drowning out the concerned officer's response. The PA system again alerts travelers that their transport has arrived and will begin boarding, starting with the handicapped and elderly, momentarily .....

Phase Knight:

wow! 3 hits & a crit;

The clearly-wounded droid shudders as Phase Knight administers a finishing blow, the second target stumbles somewhat as the hero slices into it with the Psi-Blade, and the third attacker suffers only a mild wound!

droids are next, so hold ....

Nova Leo:

DC15 Persuasion for NL

Seeing his teammate is slowed, Anvil spits a response,

"Surrender? Us? You must be crazy if you think we're not walking away from here, buster! Better you give up before we crush you to pieces!"

The two crooks stand and seem poised for another attack .....

Nova Leo is up again.

2013-04-15, 12:17 PM
Phase Knight:

The robo-cops dive at Phase Knight trying to catch the lightning-fast hero,


As Phase Knight warps space around himself, the droids crash into each other and fall to the floor a few yards from the hero!


The cop walks back to the terminal entrance and is met by another officer. They talk briefly and walk into the station. Astrid gets no thought sensation from the priest this time - zero. She can sense Connor nearby, but the boy can't be seen .....

Nova Leo:

Hammer shouts in pain as a secondary blast of fiery energy erupts from his skin,



"This guy's some kind of sadist!"

"Yeah! He don't mess around! Can you move?"

"..... give me a minute ...."

The two crooks pause, with Anvil watching Nova Leo ....

2013-04-15, 02:09 PM
"Very Stooges," Phase Knight "congratulated" as he appeared above them, striking hard with his blade. While he was at it, Eldain eyed the other one to see if he could confirm it was down for good.

Move Action: Teleport adjacent.
Standard Action: Phase Strike.
Free Action: Change Psionic Focus Array to Mind at Rest.
If possible as a Free action: Analyze the fallen robot.

Attack 1: [roll0].
Attack 2: [roll1].

Technology (?): [roll2]
Insight, Perception, and Expertise (Science) all have a +15 bonus as well, so whichever works.

2013-04-15, 02:16 PM
Noah sighed, "I am no sadist, and I did warn you to let him rest," he explained calmly, trying ignore Leo's urge to try and end it while the two were still down, as he matched gazes with Anvil. "Are you not the ones who continue this affair? Twice I have offered you two a chance to end this peacefully, and twice you have vehemently rejected my offer. Going so far as to continue even after your friend was wounded in battle against me, a conflict you do not hesitate to continue even now; yet you blame me for the repercussions that your decisions have wrought?" he inquired with a raised brow.

"Your time has all but run out as it is, and those that come after myself may not be as merciful. I give you this final chance to do the right thing: Surrender now and submit yourselves to the authorities for your crimes, and suffer this hardship no longer. Come peacefully and your friend shall have his wounds tended to before they fester; we may yet all greet the coming dawn at peace, and soon find rest. Deny me this final and gamble with both your fates; for the price of your decision may be steeper than what you hope. The choice is yours restoration, or castigation. Choose wisely," he ends gravely his form crowned by his radiance, his stare unwavering upon the fugitives. He could feel Leo taut within him, predator crouched waiting for his prey to make a fatal mistake and ounce; the ultimatum having appeased the Hunter of Darkness for now.

Still readying that action to Solar Flare them if they try anything funny.

2013-04-15, 02:31 PM
"And what would 'The Dark' have to do with me? I'm just your ordinary girl otaku. Sure i'm the granddaughter of a rich philanthropist, but if it's money, there are better ways to get it. By the way, is the Dark an acronym or something? Is it Directory of Anarchy, Revenge and Khaos, like in that one Robocop cartoon?"

Alana was stalling for the most part. She figured she could easily handle the bot, after all technology loved her and was her. However the problem lied in this "The Dark". Despite the rather pretentious name, they had serious clout, and with serious clout, comes serious equipment. This meant that they could have top-of-the line sensor systems as well as a live feed to the droid's controller. Then, there was the fact that they were targeting her directly. This could mean either an attempt to pressure her grandfather into something, or that they were after her.

Most of her exposure in the real world was limited to conventions, gaming events, movie premiers, and the occasional event held by her grandfather. On the net side, she had the forum discussions of how tv show tech would work in real life, but she avoided any specifics since last thing she wanted was someone like Doom or A.I.M. to decide that they should try making the portal gun, a henshin device, or any tech related to super robots from the anime she had seen.

The other possibility would be that they know what she is. Despite how unlikely the event is, someone could have picked up something unusual from her during her outings or worse, they could have discovered some remanent of her father's research. If they could even begin to understand it, it could point to her existence and the unique energy that lies at her core. However, this seems unlikely since they actually sent machines to capture her.

So the next step would be to capture and examine the droid. Hopefully that super wasn't causing too much property damage. She needed to disable the droid quickly and effectively. Magnetics would be out, because they would be to easily detected. However Scifi had once again given her the tool. She had borrowed the idea from the a ship disabling secondary weapon from a Star Wars game. With the Conical Ionic Field Generator, she could disable all of the devices in the droid, while keeping it's hard drive and other components intact. With still considerable distance between her and the droid, Alana began to shift the internal components in her right leg into the right tool for the task at hand. It wouldn't be at it's full power and would require calibration, but she could afford to tip her hand by deactivating her already active setup. On the other hand, the CIFG would be undetectable. Hopefully her jeans would conceal the changes.

Transform right leg into C.I.F.G

Conical Ionic Field Generator
- Power: Nullify, Broad (Technology), Simultaneous, Area(30 feet cone), Subtle(2 ranks)- 4 TP/Rank +2 TP - 9 Ranks - 38 TP
-Flaws: Check Required(+13 to dc) - 13 TP
Total 25 TP

2013-04-15, 02:48 PM

"Conner get to the train I'll catch up soon," she whispers. "Spatial Displacement, max speed, X + 100 at my mark..."

Waiting this the door are about to close she says the command,"Mark," and her armor catapults her into the train.

She s setting commands to her armor to fly her into the train.

2013-04-15, 07:03 PM

Swooping onto the train through the small doorway, miraculously, no one sees Astrid enter. She's in a short passageway with a door to her left that, when opened, leads to a passenger area. There appears to be a handful of people seated in this area, some sleeping, others toying with phones or reading.

Through the door's small window, Astrid sees Connor waving from a seat at the far end of the coach ....


The "cop" steps into the room slowly,

"Oh, you've been watched ever so carefully for some time, Alana. You are indeed extraordinary and, in due time, will make an excellent servant of the Dark. What is the Dark? Soon you will embrace the perfect truth of it and all your questions will fade away."

Inspired's Sleight or Hand;

Droid's Perception

"Your resistance will prove mistaken ..."

... the droid's eyes crackle with red energy!

Inspired has Initiative ....

Nova Leo:

Anvil eyes the shining hero as the army of cops aim-in and the helicopters hover overhead .....

Nova Leo's DC15 Persuasion check (+5 Circumstance bonus)

Anvil looks around at the scene and,

"(Bleep)! Man, there weren't supposed to be any blasted do-gooders with the Avengers and Spider-Man locked-down! Figures ..... we surrender, man - 'aint worth dying over."

The cops slowly close on the villains, watching to see Nova Leo's reaction as well ....

Phase Knight:

Glancing at the downed droid, it certainly appears disabled, then the following attacks miss one droid, while connecting with the other combatant!

Droid's Toughness check

The struck android tries to twist away, but takes a nasty slash and stumbles backwards a step!

They both unleash eye-blasts at Phase Knight in retaliation,


2013-04-15, 07:16 PM
Droids' attack vs. PK;


Both attacks miss Phase Knight wildly!

2013-04-15, 07:25 PM
"Keep at it guys, you're doing great!" Phase Knight encouraged tauntingly, deciding to focus his efforts on the more heavily damaged robot and see if he could bring it down. In and out he went, vanishing and appearing from angle after angle, his mind blade striking blow after blow.

Free Action: Change Psionic Focus Array to Phase Strike.
Move Action: Teleport adjacent.
Standard Action: Phase Strike. Power Attack for 2. This attack has full Multiattack; +2 Damage with two degrees of success, +5 damage with three degrees.


2013-04-15, 07:47 PM
Noah smiles as he watches the man's aura lighten, the vestiges of hostility being washed away from both their auras. It's over, he thought to himself happily, allowing himself a small smile.

"A wise decision, though remember this; there are always those willing to do their part for the good of all. Just because you might not see, or hear of them does not mean they are not there awaiting the call of those in need," he replies contently as he signals the officers to pass, remaining afloat so that the cops may approach unimpeded while he continued to observe the pair. He'd wait until the two were ready to be transported before approaching the pair once more; he still had one last matter to attend to with the pair after all.

2013-04-15, 10:12 PM
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hold a minute, big guy. Seriously, is this your recruitment plan? Abduction, followed by Brain washing or mind control? I've seen enough shows to know that those techniques rarely, if ever engineer the loyalty any organization need. Then there's the often high risk of actually destroying the mind of the person you're trying to convert. I mean there is no such thing as a perfect mind control. Those things can and often do fail at the most inappropriate moment. Threats or blackmail can eventually end up actually chaining the blackmailer since the blackmail itself become the only thing protecting him from retribution. If you actually want to recruit me and not damage what ever it is you want from me, then sell it to me. Why should i join the Dark? What can it offer me than no on else can? "

With that, Alana sits on a nearby table, her legs facing the droid with the now crackling energy eyes.

Readies the CIFG to fire, if the droid does something of hostile intents

2013-04-16, 12:05 AM

She smiles at Connor and heads over to him. Sitting next to him she says, "I guess you know my secret now... so what's yours?"

2013-04-16, 08:44 AM
Phase Knight:

Dazed droid's DC29 Toughness check;

The "cop" suffers a terrible blow which would certainly be fatal to a human victim! It falls to the floor, crackling light and red fluid seeping from its large wound! The remaining droid bolts across the room, headed for what looks like the dining area or kitchen just beyond it ....

Nova Leo:

As the police form a small perimeter around Hammer and Anvil, who remain seated on the street, a short, middle-aged man wearing a black overcoat and brown suit underneath walks from the terminal towards Nova Leo.

His short brown hair fades at the hairline and a gold badge hangs around his neck from a slim metal chain,

"Nice work! This would've gotten ugly without your help. I'm Detective Daniels, Special Crimes Unit. Mind if we talk a moment?"


He's attacking, so get him ...


Connor looks at Astrid eyes-wide with wonder,

"That was cool! You have armor?! How did you do that?! Then you knocked the guy back - who was he anyway? Was he following us too? Are you a mutant like me? A superhero? Can you-"

The young man's ramble is interrupted by a flash of light from the terminal, and a figure, consumed in flames and arms flailing, comes stalking out of the building entrance - towards the train! Screams and shouts can be heard from the building, while the passengers on the train move to stare out the windows, gasping in horror!

Astrid senses a powerful psychic presence again, coming from inside the terminal - an evil presence ....

2013-04-16, 09:45 AM

She holds Connor tightly and watches the flaming man. She hopes the train is faster. Closing her eyes she scans the flaming man.

Just to clarify:
Train left terminal
Burning man outside of terminal chasing training (is he faster than the train? how long before he catches up)
evi presence inside terminal (and is not burning man)

man I feel like I'm in Terminator... is that why the boy's name is Connor?

2013-04-16, 09:57 AM
Well done Noah. It was, perhaps, not how I would have come to settle the matter; but you did well with your first encounter none-the-less. However do not believe that all foes will submit as peacefully as these two; blood may yet be spilled if one refuses to do what is truly needed to be done appreciatively lectured Leo.

Noah cracked a smile and chuckled, knowing full well the Lion would've been far more amused had the encounter devolved into an all-out brawl; still the young man would happily accept the praise for what it was. Perhaps. But tonight, everyone goes home to their loved ones safe; and really, that's what matters in the end, he replied trying to mimic Leo's own tone, eliciting an amused chuckle from the beast. 'That it is comrade, that it is...'

Noah contented himself scanning the scene before being approached by the older officer; Noah studied the man for moment,. "Of course officer; what do you wish to discuss?" he inquired courtly while keeping an eye on Hammer and Anvil.

Using Seeing the Unseen to observe Hammer's aura; how wounded is he by the battle? Just a flesh wound? Hopefully nothing permanent...

2013-04-16, 01:46 PM
And Phase Knight, not willing to pass up that opportunity, just appeared in front of him. "Come on, running? You had to know how that would turn out," he teased as he attacked with a flurry of blows.

Move Action: Teleport adjacent.
Standard Action: Phase Strike at [roll0].

And apparently the robot did know it was coming, 'cause he missed bad!

2013-04-16, 02:28 PM
Alana sighs to herself as she made the final calibrations to the CIFG. It seemed that the bot was hell bent on getting her. So much for gathering intel. Still, the CIFG would provided her with the opportunity to dig up more information of the Dark. Its imperceptible field would neutralize all power distribution, shutting down the droid. Its owner would be unable to send any signals or initiate a reboot or self-destruct sequence. With that, she activated the device.

Tech Roll for CIFG activation
DC 23

2013-04-16, 05:24 PM

Nothing. Astrid was experiencing a string of "closed" minds her Telepathy could not affect. The train began moving as passengers huddled against the windows to watch the spectacle, then they suddenly gasped and jumped back as the burning figure exploded into a cloud of jet-black smoke!

Connor seem entranced by the sight, his eyes glazed-over once again as the train moved away from the terminal, the pitch-black mist swirling and expanding, as if it meant to engulf the entire building!

Just as the train windows moved beyond sight of the terminal, a young blonde male emerged from the billowing darkness, dressed in what appeared to be the night itself, watching the train streak away .....

.... everyone, except Astrid, is startled by the sound of the train PA system,

" Uh ... we request all passengers return to their seats and if anyone needs medical assistance, attendants will be passing through the cars shortly. Brooklyn EMS is responding to the Atlantic Avenue terminal to render emergency medical services there, so rest assured that everything is under control. Enjoy your trip, and don't forget to 'like' MTA on Facebook."

y'know, I was thinking Ed Furlong from T2 with Connor, so maybe that was the link - you missed your line: "Come with me if you want to live!" :) You have space for whatever Astrid wants to do before I push forward (the train goes to Westchester)

Nova Leo:

Nova Leo scans the scorched felon and senses his wounds are largely superficial - nothing serious, although there are clear signs of mental instability .... both he and his cohort sit almost peacefully under police supervision.

Detective Daniels appears to be the picture of health as he fishes a notepad from his coat pocket,

"So .... what do I call you, then? With the exception of a few, most of the superheroes I know of operate under aliases. Even the Fantastic Four use them, although I never understood why since their identities are public knowledge."

"What I do know is, I've never seen you before. You'd be hard to forget ...."

Daniels grins and begins scribbling into his small notepad ...

Phase Knight:

The droid avoids Phase Knight's attack as several members of the estate's staff look on in shock from the kitchen! The humanoid gives the hero a taunting look,

"Tiring perhaps, Dr. Owlheart? Can you feel the cries of your own weakness? Your heart pounding? Sweat pooling in your pores? Fatigue poisons numbing your body and mind ......."

"....... you will fall into The Dark - or you will perish."


With surprising speed, the droid springs forward, taking advantage of Phase Knight's miss and delivers a solid punch to the hero's chest!

Will check vs. 'port (?) & DC20 Toughness check



The automaton tries to evade the weapon and nearly does, but enough of the beam catches its head - regardless, it marches forward another step, then it pauses, its glowing eyes fade to normal, its face and body frozen in mid-step! The droid now stares blankly at the window behind Inspired, seemingly incapacitated!

2013-04-16, 07:17 PM
Noah furrowed his brow beneath the mask filling the familiar tug, before turning his focus back to the officer; he made a note to approach Hammer once he was ready for transport, best not risk a relapse while so many were still at risk.

Noah pondered about it for a moment; he hadn't really given it much thought after all, usually by this point his client would be aware of him or the point would be moot. Though he supposed his old standby would due, Leo certainly didn't mind much one way or another it seemed. "I have been called Nova Leo before, you may do so as well if you wish," he offered amiably, glancing occasionally towards the crooks. "I am not too surprised by that; before now I did not wish to be seen,"

2013-04-16, 07:33 PM

It looked like they were going to get away... at least for now. She turned Connor around and looked him in the eye. "We're safe for now. You said you had a secret. What is it? It might be important."

Heading off for vacation soon. My posting will be spotty.

2013-04-16, 07:45 PM
Nova Leo:

The detective looks up,

"Of course. Doing what you do is dangerous work. Not only do you have the crooks to deal with, but it's the authorities that pose a challenge as well. Even when we know we need your help, it isn't always welcomed."

"So ..... how did you happen to arrive here? How do you know the Hammer & Anvil? Previous experience? I was told by an officer on the street that you called them by name ...."

2013-04-16, 07:59 PM

Connor hesitates, looking down,

"That burning man. He wasn't the one following you. It was the other ....... that ...... thing. Yeah, I had a secret. I needed your help, so, I made your secret mine. You're being followed by s---something. I don't know what. It's ...... I can't ...."

he turns towards the window and looks there, nearly ignoring Astrid ....

Shug, enjoy your vaca & bring back spirits! Can I NPC Astrid? I wont kill her - maim, but not kill - promise :D

2013-04-16, 08:22 PM
"Such hesitance is not without just cause; many a would-be hero has shied away from the authorities, and many a villain has masqueraded as a heroes in order to deceive the public before. The fact that many of these battles tend to be quite destructive even when both parties have mastery over their power, certainly did not aid relations between the authorities and would-be heroes either," Leo elaborated calmly,"Though the warm welcome is appreciated," he added wamiably with a smile.

"I was patrolling the area when I spotted the police force mobilizing; given the numbers I thought it prudent to see if my aid was needed. I'm just glad I made it in time before anyone was seriously injured," he replied before checking on the pair once more, "As for Hammer and Anvil I have never met the pair before tonight; though I did call them by their sobriquets. During our encounter I was fortunate enough to have overheard the pair speaking with one another, and caught the names they were going by; I thought it'd best to call them by name while speaking to them,"

2013-04-16, 09:07 PM
The blow knocked the wind out of him, despite the toughened fabric of his costume. "Nice one," he gritted out as he tried to catch his breath. Nonetheless, if he had learned anything from his army buddies, it was not to let up; a wave of his hand teleported a kitchen chair at his foe, the furniture launched as if from a cannon.

Free Action: Change Psionic Focus Array to Phase Shot.
Move Action: Nothin', 'cuz I'm Dazed.
Standard Action: Phase Shot at [roll0]. DC 25 Toughness vs. Damage, and...it's probably immune to the DC 20 Fort vs. Dazed+Vulnerable/Stunned+Prone Affliction.

Current Status: -1 Resistance Penalty.

2013-04-16, 09:42 PM
"Yosh!", said Alana as she watched the droid shut down, without firing a single shot. It had go very well.

"Now to ensure that your owner can't reactivate or self-destruct you."

The familiar tron lines raced down to her legs, up to her head and down to her arms. The CIFG would return to being a normal leg, while her hands and arms would be come nanoplants. They would be set to produce disassemblers, would separate the droid into its component parts. That should prevent reactivation and self-destruction. If they work on the downed droid, it would work on the activated counterparts. Additionally she undid the neural firewall and the lie detector, using those resource to create the stealth mode. It would have the full spectrum optic camo and sound cancellers, but she would need to make it a passive setup. That way she could focus all of the remaining power to the nano plant or the CIFG if she felt like it.

Stealth mode (Motoko Kusanagi Special)
- Power: Concealment (Full visual, Full sound)
- Flaw: Limited (Urban Enviorment), Passive
- cost: 2 Ranks/ TP- 6 ranks = 3TP

Disassembler (Nanoplant)
-Power: Transform (Disassembled parts)
-Flaw: Permanent
- cost: 1 rank/ 3T p - 9 ranks = 27 TP

2013-04-16, 11:17 PM

She follows her gaze out the window.

I'm at the airport right now. NPC Astrid as you see fit.

2013-04-17, 08:06 PM
Nova Leo:

The roar of jet engines drowns-out Daniels response and looking up Nova Leo sees the S.H.I.E.L.D. FT-11 descending from the night sky. The armored aircraft carried agents and transported prisoners as well. When it landed seconds later, the hatch slid open and several agents in golden-colored armor suits marched out of the craft and towards Hammer and Anvil ....


okay, no idea what she's doing :/

Phase Knight:

Ducking from the flying chair, the droid again attacks Phase Knight, this time with a kick ...


The kick connects, catching Phase Knight in the face!

Will & DC20 Toughness check (-1)


The train's passengers, seem to have settled down and many sleep or settle into a few minutes of wild texting. Connor watches the world speed past as the train churns across the river and into Manhattan. Long Island's night lights nearly pass for daytime as the many colors of nightlife flicker on the face of Astrid's window ....

Giving you space her for chat before moving on

2013-04-17, 10:17 PM
Noah whistled as the S.H.I.E.L.D carrier made it's grand entrance, "And so the cavalry arrives," he muttered stating the obvious; it irked him though. With the shield operatives present he doubted he'd be able to get Hammer to discuss what troubled him now...yet he couldn't stop himself from trying; unsure if the urge was coming from him, or Leo's subtle proddings. The champion sighed.

"A moment officer Daniel, I'll be right back," he stated before stepping forward slowly and as non-threatening as he could as he attempted to approach the golden-armored shield agents. "Excuse me Agents, may I have a moment?" he asked respectfully, trying all within his ability not to set the agents off.

2013-04-17, 10:25 PM
With her arms now gauntlets twice their original size, Alana set to work disassembling the droid. Injector needles sprouted from her fingertips, which she then inserted into the droid. As the nanites flew into the droid, she waited for the task to be complete.

2013-04-18, 01:30 PM
Phase Knight's helmet took the kick like a champ, but the thudding blow to his visor, so soon after his previous injury, surprised him. When he vanished, an instant too late, he put more into it than he meant to, vanishing from the field.

"Blast it!" he growled, and as long as he hadn't appeared somewhere making a return prohibitive, he gathered his focus and teleported back.

Free Action: Change Psionic Focus Array to Extended Teleport.
Full Round Action: Teleport back to the fight.

Side effect teleport is basically random, GM's free to have him end up somewhere where immediately teleporting back might not be ideal, in which case I'll repost.

2013-04-18, 07:42 PM
Nova Leo:

There are six armored agents, one of them acknowledges Nova Leo,

"Your assistance is appreciated, and we can take a full statement once we've secured these dangerous felons. Stand back, please."

Hammer and Anvil are ordered to stand and the agents begin escorting them to the transport craft ....


Alana quickly disables the droid's self-destruct mechanism, but her attempt at disassembling the construct will take some time, as nanotech doesn't break apart like conventional technology ....

Phase Knight:

where'd he go?

2013-04-18, 08:30 PM
Noah comes to a halt as requested before speaking up once more, " Of course, I merely come barring a...request," he began struggling to word the statement right. "While we awaited for your arrival I sensed that there was something deeply troubling and weighing heavily on the mind of the one who goes by the title of Hammer beneath his otherwise peaceful veneer. I have reason to believe it was not birthed by the results of our battle or his impending reincarceration; fore it is rooted deeply in his spirit. It may be something personal, perhaps the reason why they decided to escape on this night, or it may be something of greater import that troubles him greatly." he elaborated carefully.

"I wish to request that I be allowed a moment with him so that I may attempt to have him reveal what troubles him before he is taken away, as this may be of import to you and your men depending on its nature. I have no reservations at this time if you wish to supervise the exchange," Noah said as he attempted to get a better idea of what troubled Hammer now that he was closer to the man, " So, would this be possible? "

Seeing the Unseen has the Acute trait, so can I tell what is the form of mental instability he's suffering? Is it personal/intimate, derived from fear, frustration, worry, anger, indignation, forlorn hope , vanilla crazy, ect?

2013-04-19, 02:04 PM

As the train moves along she asks Connor, "How do you know who is chasing me? And what do you know of him? What do you know about the burning man."

Sorry for the rapid questions. I just don't want things to slow down while I'm away.

2013-04-19, 05:08 PM
Nova Leo:

The armor-clad agent pauses, looking at Nova Leo ....
DC15 Persuasion
1d20+5=23 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4020665/)

... the agent steps back and looks at his teammates,

"All units, give this guy a minute. A-1 & 2, secure the perimeter, A-3, you & I are overwatch ...."

The armor-clad agent turns to Nova Leo,

".... you got 60 seconds, friend - then we're off."

Nova Leo can tell Hammer is suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder ....

GM note: Great job using Interactive Skills!


Connor looks away from the window at Astrid,

" I can see people who do what I do. "Hides". No one can see them, but they're everywhere. Wandering around. Ghosts, I guess. Not sure. The guy following you was ..... scary. He's .... powerful, you know? You don't know him? All I know is he looks real interested in you and I don't want to see him again!"

"The burning man was one of those people following me - if they are people. They never seem normal. They're cold and ......

Connor struggles to find the word to describe them ....

2013-04-19, 10:49 PM
"Thank you,"Noah uttered with a respectful nod, before slowly walking towards Hammer; Leo's quiet urging adding greater confidence to the young man in spite of his situation. This is just like any other case, 'cept my client has super powers, and I'm being watched by the men in black; no biggie, he commented to himself to steel his nerves, earning an amused chuckle from Leo.

The young man approached slowly, studying the man's aura and trying to form some sort of game plan even as he bemoaned how little he actually knew of the man; yet he marched on, he had one chance and there was no turning back now. "Hello...Hammer," he began, the pseudonym leaving a bad taste in his mouth unable to shake the feeling that he should be speaking His name now. "What troubles you so on this night?" he asked humbly, hoping it and his eyes were enough to let his compassion shine clearly.

Thank you, though I mainly thank the dice for being so kind thus far.

2013-04-22, 09:14 AM
Kuso! Nanotech! Damn it all. No wonder the droid isn't spare parts already. One more time, If it isn't done, I'll let it run by itself. I need to get back to the super. At least the self-destruct is down for now.

With that, Alana injected an additional dose of Disassemblers, hoping that i would be enough.

2013-04-22, 12:16 PM
Nova Leo:

Hammer gives the hero a cynical look,

"Troubles? Man, we got troubles in aces. Ryker's wasn't a bad place - the crooks ran the joint. We got what we wanted and the guards fell in line, ya know? Nice and easy."

Anvil chimes in,

"But ever since them (BLEEP) Avengers dropped ..... they shut everything down. Put good friends of mine in the infirmary and the guards? They just let 'em run crazy on us in there! Mister Hyde might not walk again, thanks to that (Bleep) Cage!"

Hammer cuts in,

"They're planning something too. Something. Probably a break-out, I hope. Used to be you knew what was going on in there - now, everything's hush-hush. It's like they took over Ryker's, and nobody cares about our rights!"

Anvil looks at the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and leans closer to Nova Leo,

"It's a big conspiracy goin' on ..... something called 'The Dark'. You know any lawyers? We can't go back in there again, man ...."

The armored agent shifts position, watching the felons closer ....


DC30 Tech check

The droid begins to break-down under Inspired's skilled electro-mechanical capabilities, revealing a technological level that's both antiquated and cutting-edge at the same time ....

Is Inspired trying to learn anything? That will take another round or you can use a Hero Point.


The train rumbles through the night, stopping at its designated stations to service passengers. After roughly 30 minutes, you pull into the Westchester station nearest the Institute. Once the terminal is announced on the PA, just one young couple gets up to disembark. It's just after midnight, around 20°, but no snow falling. The station is small, but well-lit with no crowds of people in sight.

Connor's asleep, leaning his head on Astrid's shoulder ....

2013-04-22, 12:35 PM
Phase Knight:

When the hero blinks back from the unexpected teleport, you see the droid moving around a corner, possibly going after Alana ....!

PK's Stealth
Droid's Perception

.... when Phase Knight moves, a startled maid yelps, and the droid turns to face the hero,

"Fleeing was your better option. Now, you will be neutralized."

PK has the next action, as the droid seems to pause momentarily ....

2013-04-22, 01:43 PM
Phase Knight just scoffed. "Seriously, I bring down two of your buddies, and you think that just 'cause you got a couple shots in you're winning? I thought robots were supposed to be all logical and stuff!" he taunted as he blinked in for another barrage of rapid strikes. His teleports did seem to be coming somewhat slower though, as if he were taking a moment to analyze the situation between each one.

Free Action: Change Psionic Focus Array to Phase Strike.
Free Action: Defensive Attack for 3. Attack reduced to +7, Active Defensive increased to +18.
Move Action: Teleport adjacent.
Standard Action: Phase Strike at [roll0]. DC 25, Crit on 24+, Multiattack.

2013-04-22, 02:44 PM
Alana recorded everything for later analysis. She thanked her perfect memory. With the n-tech droid now completely disabled, Alan headed out the door towards the lobby. As she exited the room, Alana engaged her stealth mode. Once she was out of sight, she converted her nanoplants into the CIFG. Assuming that the super hadn't destroyed them all, She would have another sample to evaluate, and the Dark would lose more hardware. Still, she wondered just how much did the Dark really know about her.

Tech Roll for reshaping the CIFG

Conical Ionic Field Generator
- Power: Nullify, Broad (Technology), Simultaneous, Area(30 feet cone), Subtle(2 ranks)- 4 TP/Rank +2 TP - 9 Ranks - 38 TP
-Flaws: Check Required(+11 to dc) - 11 TP
Total 27 TP

Stealth mode (Motoko Kusanagi Special)
- Power: Concealment (Full visual, Full sound)
- Flaw: Limited (Urban Enviorment), Passive
- cost: 2 Ranks/ TP- 6 ranks = 3TP

2013-04-22, 02:45 PM
Noah listened intently; surprised by how forth coming the pair were, catching him some what off guard. He had already been mauling over how to earn enough of their trust in under a minute to find out what had happened to them, only to be received by this earnest and panicked out burs; their auras were just brimming with panic and terror...he doubted the pair had the foreknowledge to fake a change in their spirits to this degree.

At the mention of 'The Dark' he instinctual flashed his teeth for a moment, managing to hold himself back before he growled in response. He took a moment to take in a calming breath; unsure how to respond to the villains plea, even if they were being honest he couldn't just take their word on it. Though this conspiracy's name didn't seem to match the image he had of the Avengers. Moreover, if things were how they said, he could not blame the guards too much for allowing the Avenger's too keep the peace; though the manner in which they seemed to do so worried him. He simply knew too little about all involved.

"I, am sorry," he said with a heavy heart, "I have neither the power nor the authority to do so; and I can not recommend a legal representative either. All I can suggest for the time being would be for both of you to lay low an avoid incurring their wrath for now; if you do so perhaps you might avoid such altercations with them," he confessed as he watched their auras for any notable changes. "However, if they are the cause for your attempted escape, I'd suggest airing your grievances to S.H.I.E.L.D; if you request to be transferred to another facility away they might be able to arrange such a thing for the two of you. Surely they would be far more amenable to this request," he offered up, it was the only suggestion he could truly make to the pair.

2013-04-22, 03:19 PM

"Wake up Connor," she says to the sleeping boy. "Okay, so you are going to have to warn me about that thing that is after me, since you can see him."

When the doors open, she says, "let's go."

2013-04-22, 04:31 PM
Phase Knight:

Android's Disarm attempt

... attempting to grasp Phase Knight's attacking hand, the droid fails, suffering the full extent of the assault!


The heroine races downstairs and finds two downed androids in her lobby, both laying in a pool of blood-red carpeting! She also sees an armored man fighting another "cop" at the entrance to the dining room ....! Concealed from normal vision, the droid doesn't seem to notice Inspired's approach from behind ....

Nova Leo:

Anvil gives Nova Leo a dismissive gesture,

"Yeah, yeah. You hero-types are all the same! Always talkin' 'bout 'well maybe'. Man. I'm hoping for the Vault this time. Anything but Ryker's."

Hammer starts to talk, but the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents close in,

"We need to take them. Please stand-by and we'll be back for your statement in a moment. Alpha units, secure prisoners!"

The armored agents move in and escort the duo towards the transport, but Hammer turns his head towards Nova Leo and shouts,

"The Avengers have gone rotten - and we can prove it! We got sprung to find an old score - some dude hooked into everything - find him and you get the truth! All we had was an address and a name ..... Owlheart!"

The agents push the felons forward into the transport hatch and while three of them enter the craft, the lead agent walks back to Nova Leo. This agent has a heavy amount of intrigue on him and will be engaging,

"I trust what you just heard will be taken with a grain of salt. Those two aren't known for their honesty. For my report, I'll need a name ....?


You exit the train and feel the chilling depth of northern nighttime as the cold crushes against you. Connor begins to flicker again, half substance, half intangible,

"Cold! Wow! Should've remembered my coat. So, where are we going now?"

You find a taxicab outside the front of the terminal and giving the gray-haired driver an address, speed off to the Institute. Connor seems to fiddle his hands a lot during the ride,

"You think I'm okay? I mean - I'll get in, right? It's so country out here - just trees and grass and stuff."

He peers out the window, his hands on the glass, then turns back to Astrid,

"You'll know when that man appears again, because you wont see me! He's evil! Run from him! Okay?"

Connor's expression is a mix of fear and concern ....

2013-04-22, 04:34 PM
Phase Knight & Inspired:

Droid's DC25 Toughness check

The "cop" takes the multiple attacks and while forced back a step, several new wounds revealing its mechanical nature, it resumes its taunt at Phase Knight,

"Is that the very best you can muster, Dr. Owlheart? Your resistance is futile against the Dark."

PK can speak, but the droid has the next action, after Inspired .....

2013-04-22, 05:10 PM
Noah breathes a heavy sigh as he felt Leo's gaze heavily upon all gathered, though not nearly as much as his own heart did. He watches silently as the two are boarding the air ship; betraying nothing as the agent walks up to him. "Of course," he turns to face the agent,"They went so far as to fling a truck at officers and civilians; attempting to falsely earn sympathies should not be believed to be beneath them," he calmly stated. "I go by the name the name of Nova Leo; may I know what your name is?" he replied, awaiting his answer or denial before inquiring. "Is it known how these two escaped from their prison, or if others may have followed them out?"

2013-04-29, 10:37 AM

You exit the train and feel the chilling depth of northern nighttime as the cold crushes against you. Connor begins to flicker again, half substance, half intangible,

"Cold! Wow! Should've remembered my coat. So, where are we going now?"

You find a taxicab outside the front of the terminal and giving the gray-haired driver an address, speed off to the Institute. Connor seems to fiddle his hands a lot during the ride,

"You think I'm okay? I mean - I'll get in, right? It's so country out here - just trees and grass and stuff."

"Where I come from trees and grass and stuff is a luxury... I'm sure you're going to like it out here," she answered trying to be upbeat about everything.

He peers out the window, his hands on the glass, then turns back to Astrid,

"You'll know when that man appears again, because you wont see me! He's evil! Run from him! Okay?"

Connor's expression is a mix of fear and concern ....

She looked at Connor with concern, You mean the man in the black robe or the burning man? Aren't they the same person?

2013-04-29, 12:35 PM
Nova Leo:

The tall armored figure responds,

"Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement & Logistics Division Special Agent Holmes. We're currently working with Ryker's Island officials during the ongoing investigation. Initially, there were reports of four escapees, but the number has been corrected, to only two.

Can you confirm that, Nova Leo?"

Detective Daniels, talking with NYPD officers in the background, glances at Nova Leo ....


Connor shakes his head,

"No. The other man .... I could feel him watching you. He's the one who burnt the priest. I think he likes .... burning things.

The cabbie chimes in, while watching the dark winding road ahead,

"I don't get that many fares this time of night. You two new students at the school?"

2013-04-29, 05:00 PM
Calculating the best point for full coverage, Alana readies the CIFG. As the stealth mode deactivates from power distribution, CIFG fires its neutralization field.

2013-04-29, 05:14 PM
Corrected? Noah thought to himself, an odd knot forming in his gut as he spied the Detective anxiously awaiting his return. Noah sighed internally,When I arrived I spotted what I believed to be two figures nearby; though I was not able to get a good look before my assistance was required here in order to safely subdue Hammer and Anvil.

2013-04-29, 05:52 PM
Inspired & Phase Knight:

Droid's DC19 Dodge check;

Droid's Nullify check

Inspired's Nullify check

.... the droid moves for Inspired, then pauses - seemingly frozen in place! Even its terse expression remains, but the automaton now looks like a statue suspended in place ....

Nova Leo:

Agent Holmes eyes the hero,

".... two figures? Other than the apprehended men? Where exactly did you see them? How were they dressed?"

2013-04-29, 06:05 PM

Connor shakes his head,

"No. The other man .... I could feel him watching you. He's the one who burnt the priest. I think he likes .... burning things.

"Ohhh..." she whispers worriedly.

The cabbie chimes in, while watching the dark winding road ahead,

"I don't get that many fares this time of night. You two new students at the school?"

"Huh..." Before she answer she raise a conceal field around them. "Yeah, he was invited to see their school."

2013-04-29, 06:16 PM

The cabbie goes on,

"Yeap. Wanted to get my niece in the school, but that tuition's something else! Rich kid kinda place, I guess, but I never had a problem with any of the kids or staff ....... 'cept for maybe that French fella. Got a temper on him."

After some small talk and several minutes of riding through dark, winding roads shrouded by large trees, the cab arrives at a tall gated area. The cab slows to a stop, then the driver just sits, watching the closed gateway .....

2013-04-29, 06:20 PM
Phase Knight gritted his teeth in annoyance. This one was putting up quite the fight. No matter, though! "Skippy, you're a bunch of nano-bots with laser eyes. You're only slightly less intimidating than- hello?" he halted as the robot shut down, eyeing it a moment, before turning and noticing Inspired. "Oh hey! Nice shot!"

2013-04-29, 06:22 PM
Noah nods, "On a nearby rooftop while on route. I believe they were wearing orange jump suits; though as I said, I was unable to get a good luck at the pair,"

2013-04-29, 08:15 PM
Nova Leo:

The agent looks back at the transport and waves, then turns to Nova Leo,

"Are you perfectly-sure of what you saw? It was dark, wasn't it? Could've been some local idiots playing Halloween, even. Not unusual for the city, right? If NYPD air-support didn't spy them, chances are you could be mistaken ....

... I wont include that part in my report. It would be appreciated if you assisted our investigation by not discussing what you thought you saw with anyone else. Your mistaken testimony could create unnecessary panic for no reason and complicate our efforts at providing a remedy ....

....Nova Leo, can you help us with that?"

The agent eyes Nova Leo, while his fellow agents stare from their position next to the transport .....

Noah definitely senses a raised level of tension from the agents ...

2013-04-29, 08:33 PM
Noah stayed silent for a moment as he calmed Leo within its resting place; the mighty hunter barring its fangs slightly. "It is as I said, I know not what I say for certain; in the dead of night with the crisis brought forth by Hammer and Anvil it is very likely that I am mistaken," Noah began upon soothing the beast, "Much harm has been done in the past due to lesser misunderstandings or half-believed things such as this, and I do not intend to let such a thing pass. In this delicate time we all most work towards the greater good, as such in this way you shall have my aid,"

2013-04-29, 08:40 PM

The cabbie goes on,

"Yeap. Wanted to get my niece in the school, but that tuition's something else! Rich kid kinda place, I guess, but I never had a problem with any of the kids or staff ....... 'cept for maybe that French fella. Got a temper on him."

After some small talk and several minutes of riding through dark, winding roads shrouded by large trees, the cab arrives at a tall gated area. The cab slows to a stop, then the driver just sits, watching the closed gateway .....

Her heart jumped. They were so close, but the distance in her mind was immense. "Stay here," she said to Connor then changed her mind and then said to the cabbie, "Is there a intercom or something that you can let them know that we are here... Tell them Connor from New York is here."

2013-04-29, 09:09 PM

The cabbie turns his head slightly towards Astrid,

"Look little lady, I just follow orders here. The old cabbie told me to wait here - the gate usually opens. Usually. Who am I? I'm not gettin' out - all kinds a crazy things go on up here! Giant robots and (bleep)! Nope. I wait. If it don't open, you're on your own."

Nova Leo:

The armored agent blinks at Nova Leo,

"Thank you for your cooperation. I think."

He raises his right arm and a small panel opens at the wrist of the golden armor. He draws out a small, coiled earpiece and hands it to the hero,

"You get any further information on this investigation, S.H.I.E.L.D. would like to know. ASAP. Take this. You can contact us whenever you need to. We need people like you on the streets."

Taking it grants the Contact Advantage.

2013-04-29, 09:51 PM
Noah grinned internally, "Very well, may the duties of you and your ilk on this night end in good fortune for all," he stated formally as he accepted the ear piece, keeping it in his hand for the time being; it was times like this Noah wished this form had pockets.

2013-04-29, 10:12 PM
Nova Leo:

The Armored agents stalk inside the transport and mere seconds later it lifts off, jet engines wailing and blowing any nearby street debris into clouds of dirt as the craft lifts skyward above nearby skyscrapers - many of the cops in the area watching - then rockets southeast!

Detective Daniels paces towards Nova Leo, leaving a gaggle of officers ....

"They put on quite a show. And, of course, we're all thankful for S.H.I.E.L.D.'s involvement. I know I am .... but what did they ask you, Nova?"

The detective hasn't drawn his pad or pen - his hands are buried inside his coat pockets as he gazes at the hero ......

Daniels is hopeful - for a NYC cop ....

2013-04-29, 11:04 PM

The cabbie turns his head slightly towards Astrid,

"Look little lady, I just follow orders here. The old cabbie told me to wait here - the gate usually opens. Usually. Who am I? I'm not gettin' out - all kinds a crazy things go on up here! Giant robots and (bleep)! Nope. I wait. If it don't open, you're on your own."

"Okay," she says meekly. Closing her eyes she focuses and telepathically calls out, Hello... I have Connor from New York. We are outside in a cab.

2013-04-29, 11:24 PM
Noah released a held breath before backing away a safe distance, as per Leo's suggestion, before the ship blasted off. At this point, the young man more than welcomed the Detectives company.

"Aye though my sympathies go to whom ever is charged with restoring this place," he joked to lighten the mood, though he feared his current voice and accent might have made it fall flat, "They wished for me to confirm details that they received from your department regarding tonight's events, and to attempt to establish a plausible foundation for future communication between myself and them should it become necessary in the future," he admitted humbly as he eyed the good detective, the spark of hope catching his eye, "I must confess; when I first made my decision to let myself be known, I did not expect this night would be as...eventful as it was; I'm just glad all present will be able to return to their loved ones safely tonight," he commented cheerfully.

2013-04-30, 08:58 AM
"OK, people. Let's go. I want full inventory and Staff headcount. Check everything carefully. You, Olwheart, what kind of sensory rig do you have in that thing?" said Alana as she cloaked once more. While cloaked, she reshaped the CIFG back into the nanoplant gauntlets. Moving towards the recently downed droid, She stabs it and send the nanites to disassemble the explosive hidden inside.

Tech Roll for Rehsaping

Disassembler (Nanoplant)
-Power: Transform (Disassembled parts)
-Flaw: Permanent
- cost: 1 rank/ 3T p - 9 ranks = 27 TP

Stealth mode (Motoko Kusanagi Special)
- Power: Concealment (Full visual, Full sound)
- Flaw: Limited (Urban Enviorment), Passive
- cost: 2 Ranks/ TP- 6 ranks = 3TP

2013-04-30, 12:02 PM

Almost immediately after Astrid's telepathic salutation, she senses her own mind being scanned ...!

Astrid's Will check;

rival Mind-Read;

Whoever was scanning Astrid failed to penetrated her enhanced psyche. The large gate then begins to open and the cabbie pulls through the gate slowly. Driving into the estate, even at night the scenery is lovely, with beautifully-maintained greenery lining the road leading to the mansion.

Just ahead, Astrid sees the huge building - The Xavier Institute for Higher Learning - drawing closer. The immense mansion is very well-lit from the inside with light and shadows washing from the many windows. It appears to be three buildings - a large central structure connected by two smaller sections on either side of the main building. The exterior is an older, red-brick construction giving the mansion a look of historical elegance.

As the taxi arrives at the front walkway, Astrid can see small LED path and spread lighting giving the area just outside the mansion a soft illumination. The cabbie parks, but leaves his car running, and turns to Astrid,

"Welp, here ya go, kids. Hope everything works out for you two and stay outta trouble. And, don't worry 'bout the fair - the school runs a tab with us. That's what I like about this place: they really gotta classy way of looking out for people. Take care."

Nova Leo:

Daniels nods, drawing his pad and pen from his pockets,

"Amen. Not sure if you're local, but luckily, the city has a company that 'cleans-up' after nasty brawls like this. This'll be a quickie for them, compared to what I've seen in the past .... so, do you mind sharing what you got from Hammer and Anvil? They seemed pretty animated just before S.H.I.E.L.D. tucked them in ..."

Inspired & Phase Knight:

DC30 Tech check vs. explosive, +2 for familiarity;

With greater ease than the previous attempt, Inspired deactivates the droid's detonation mechanism. At the same time, her staff enters the area, hestitant to a degree, and her security head, Carter Jordan, walks to meet her,

"Ma'am, all staff is accounted for and unharmed. Interior damage seems minimal, despite .... what we saw. I have the other guards checking the entire estate for anything unusual. Should I alert the authorities, or ....?"

The maids and kitchen staff all look around, shocked at the somewhat 'butchered' robo-cops bleeding onto the lush carpeting. One woman, the newest member of housekeeping, faints into the arms of Phase Knight!

2013-04-30, 02:20 PM

"Thank you," she says stepping out of the car. She waits till Connor get out and grabs his hand. Closing the door she watches the cab leave before turning to Connor. "We're here. I'd thought they would have someone one waiting for us."

Astrid begins down the walkway with Connor in tow. Her shoulder relax for the first time in days. Eager she look around hoping that she has found a new home.

2013-04-30, 02:23 PM
With the battle over, it appeared it was time to focus on answers. Eldain allowed his psionic focus to fade, and his helmet shifted back into a visor. "Visual enhancement, mainly," he answered Alana. "Woah!" he added as the staff member fainted, catching her, and then teleporting her into a chair. "What can I do to help out here? We need to talk."

Truly, Eldain wanted to jump right in to requesting the device. Time was of the essence. In his experience, though, it was generally faster and easier to help solve a person's problems than to convince them to ignore them and focus on yours.

That these robots were attacking other supers was a concern. While Alana dealt with her staff, he sent a mass text to his family. "How was your day?"

Innocuous enough, but as a mass text, another code. Good meant they were fine; bad meant, there was a problem. No response and Lily would link them.

2013-04-30, 02:39 PM
Noah nods, "Alas not much that should be taken at face value," he began, "As one would expect, mounting tensions seem to have arisen in Ryker's with the Avenger's arrival. Old rivalries and enemies and such. Though it appears that their presence has added some much needed stability, and support to the prison and its guards. Our intrepid pair seemed to have found the atmosphere too stifling for their tastes, and were none too eager to return there,"

2013-04-30, 03:08 PM
"Carter, Let the old man know first. Depending on what he says, then we notify the authorities. Make sure that the guys do a full bug sweep. This 'The Dark' was targeting me directly. Also tell them to be careful, the droids have nano tech in them. So we could be dealing with some high end listening devices.", said Alana as she moved to the first of the two droid the Owlheart boy had hacked to pieces.

"What kind of enhancement? and what exactly is it that you can do?", said the girl as she injected the fallen droid with the disassembler nanites.

2013-04-30, 03:34 PM
"Night vision, magnification, and threat detection," he replied. "Also has a compass and range finder, if you want completeness. And my power is targeted teleportation and augmented mental acuity." He tilted his head slightly as she began disassembling the droids. "You're some kind of gadgeteer or technopath, I suppose?"

2013-04-30, 05:07 PM
"Something to that effect. Since you're a porter, could you port the droid that chased after me here? I'll have one of the guys guide you to the room. By the way, why are you here?"

2013-04-30, 05:14 PM
"Sure thing. And I was attacked earlier myself. My father lent Mr. Smith a device that should allow us to download the data from the droid that attacked me." His voice became grave as he added, "My sister went missing today. There's a chance that these things are involved. I need to learn whatever I can from them as soon as possible."

2013-04-30, 05:36 PM
"I see. My condolences. Though you probably won't need the device. Just give me the droid. Technology is my thing. Hardware, software, wetware, bioware or any other kind of ware, I can handle it. Besides I've got a vested interest in this affair, given that The Dark seems to be interested in me. Though what kind of interest is unknown."

2013-04-30, 06:01 PM
"Excellent, thank you! I'll be back bef- he vanished. And a moment later, reappeared with the previously neutralized droid. -ish this sentence."

2013-04-30, 07:04 PM

As you approached the large, wooden double doors, they open slowly and the inner lighting floods onto the entryway. A slender-built woman with Asian-American features and long dark hair stands in the doorway, looking at Astrid, then Connor .... you see another figure - a young female maybe Connor's age with hot-pink hair and a face not unlike an elf from a fantasy novel - comes prancing down the stairs, moving towards the door as well.

The first woman's gaze is somewhat stern as she speaks,

"Welcome to the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. I'm Elizabeth. Hello, Connor ...... are you okay? Please, come inside both of you ..."

Would Astrid recognize Psylocke and Pixie?

Phase Knight:

In less than a minute, Eldain gets responses from his other siblings - both positive, but wondering about Sophie. The elder Owlheart wants answers regarding the ongoing situation: had he met with Shepard-Smith? Was the tech still operational? More?

It all came across coded, with Mr. Owlheart coding his requests as questions about a book Eldain read. Coded, but meaningful to Eldain as it applied to the now early-morning investigation ......

Nova Leo:

The detective notes the hero's response with a snort, and looks up - EMS vehicles were arriving to treat the few injured, followed by large trucks bearing the "Damage Control" logo ....

"Pretty much everyone figured the Avengers placed in Ryker's would have that kind of effect. Guess we figured right. You ever work with them - the Avengers? Also, just an aside maybe, did you hear anything about more than two prisoners escaping the island?"


As the guard makes his call, the metamorphic heroine connects with the incapacitated cyborg and tries again at unraveling the coding matrix ....

DC30 Tech check;

.... and again, the tech's unique construction frustrates Inspired's nanite-based investigation ....

Hero Point retry?

2013-04-30, 07:35 PM

As you approached the large, wooden double doors, they open slowly and the inner lighting floods onto the entryway. A slender-built woman with Asian-American features and long dark hair stands in the doorway, looking at Astrid, then Connor .... you see another figure - a young female maybe Connor's age with hot-pink hair and a face not unlike an elf from a fantasy novel - comes prancing down the stairs, moving towards the door as well.

The first woman's gaze is somewhat stern as she speaks,

"Welcome to the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. I'm Elizabeth. Hello, Connor ...... are you okay? Please, come inside both of you ..."

"Connor behind me!" she shouts. "Kwannon, I don't know how you got here but this is for Roberto!"

"Power Boost" she commands and her armor shimmers into view as all its power is channeled into the young girl's mind.

Would Astrid recognize Psylocke and Pixie?

Yes but not as she is. To her she is an assassin Kwannon who is not a psychic.

She is doing a Psionic Blast (range perception) DC 23 vs will

2013-04-30, 08:46 PM

Astrid's Initiative;

Psylocke's Initiative;

The woman appears on-guard, then shocked at Astrid's exclamation,

"Kwa-? You mistake me for someone else, girl - someone I was forced into being!"

... a brilliant aura of pinkish-energy radiates from the woman's head, as if her hair explodes into psychic flames ...!

results in next post - wait, please ....

2013-04-30, 08:56 PM

Psychlocke's Will check vs. DC23

The woman's stunning psionic power seems to almost casually repel Astrid's mental assault!

"Your powers are no match for mine, girl! I am not Kwannon - I was forced into that form by Mats'uo Tsurayaba some time ago - but, regained my true self after Kwannon was slain by Tsurayaba himself! Stop this nonsense, or you may find yourself in the very fight of your life ....."

Astrid is up next, but she realizes Psylocke is a much more powerful Psi ....

2013-05-01, 10:48 AM
Noah looked at Daniel curiously for a moment before responding; Didn't the Agent say that he'd been told that by the cops? Noah inquired, his question meeting with only Leo's tense silence.

"I cannot say that I have heard anything worth while about the matter. As far as I have been told Hammer and Anvil were the only ones sought out this night," Noah replied truthfully, quite thankful for the wording of Daniel's question. It was amazing what dealing with spirits so often could do for a person's speech.

2013-05-01, 02:02 PM
Eldain followed one of the staff members to the room where Alana had disabled the last droid, teleporting it back down. While he went, he texted back to his father, "Another attack. Won. Be back soon. Talk then."

Once back in the living room, he looked to Alana, "Alright, we should have all of them. Myself, I'm most interested in anything they know about my sister - Sophia Owlheart. Then why they went after us. Then if they have buddies attacking anyone else, particularly tonight. Then who sent them. Then what this 'Dark' is." He stopped for a moment, smirked, and added, "But if there's anything connecting them to Henry Gyrich, that'd be fun too."

2013-05-01, 03:35 PM
Nova Leo:

Detective Daniels stopped writing and just looked at the superhero ...... a long look that covered a few seconds, then,

"Look. Something stinks to high heaven about all this. You know anything about criminal investigations? Street cops interview witnesses, Forensics collects evidence, and ***** like me try and put all the pieces together. Right now, the pieces look like they fit, even when my superiors tell me they don't ...."

A light, cold rain begins to fall as police officers run across the area trying to direct EMS and Damage Control .... Daniels looks around, then focuses on Nova Leo, tucking his pen & pad back in his coat pockets,

"... if I told you that you might be able to help crack one of the biggest cases in recent history, would you be interested? One answer: yes or no ....?"


DC30 Expertise check

She missed it - maybe Phase Knight will pick it up later ....

2013-05-01, 04:18 PM
Phase Knight:

As Dr. Owlheart mentions Gyrich, his text message signal chimes - Evangeline Owlheart. The youngest of his sisters. The Telepath. Evangeline had risen from mediocre prep school grades to attending college at UC-Berkeley (at daddy's expense, of course), where she learned about the "never-ending party". Despite the higher morals of the Owlheart clan, Evangeline seemed to be her own Free Spirit, determined to just live, as opposed to living towards something.

Amazingly, she took to Political Science and ended up graduating top of her class. She then went on to a "proud career" as a data analyst for a small D.C.-based think-tank that advocated Pro-Liberal agendas. Then, she vanished for a year, re-appearing to the family during a annual gathering as nothing less than the quintessential "flower-child". All high-minded philosophy of a Utopian society and possessing little regard for the Owlheart legacy of stern public service.

The elder Owlheart all but "excommunicated" her. They hadn't talked since that event and no one had heard from her until the last few months when she took to reconnecting with her siblings. Like Eldain ....

"Hey, bro. What's going on? Noticed you were working with S.H.I.E.L.D. (congrats! ;D) Is everyone okay? We need to meet soon. Already bought your ticket to Lyons (that's France, not U.S.). I want to see you, El ..... something strange is going on. 'Gimme Me'....."

'Gimme Me' was what the young Owlhearts would say to each other when one took another's toy. It became something of a household mantra. It meant, now, that Evangeline honestly wanted to have her brother near ...

2013-05-01, 04:37 PM

The woman's stunning psionic power seems to almost casually repel Astrid's mental assault!

"Your powers are no match for mine, girl! I am not Kwannon - I was forced into that form by Mats'uo Tsurayaba some time ago - but, regained my true self after Kwannon was slain by Tsurayaba himself! Stop this nonsense, or you may find yourself in the very fight of your life ....."

At first it didn't register with Astrid, the Kwannon she knew would have dropped at the first psi blast, but this one stood her ground which only made her mad.

"Is that your lie? I was there when you stabbed Roberto in the back. His death was painful as yours will be!" With tears in her eyes she throws another blast from her mind.

Yeah I know, the reasonable thing would be to give up or talk it out... but really... how often does that happen in the comics :smallbiggrin:

Another Psionic Blast DC 23 range Perception vs Will

Hurry up and knock Astrid out.

2013-05-01, 04:46 PM

Hurry up and knock Astrid out.


Not the scene intention. It needs her.

Xavier's Deflection check;

A massive wave of psionic energy washes across the room and deflects Astrid's attack, but only just! A familiar voice sounds in Astrid's mind as Professor Xavier makes his presence known,

"Please, stop! This isn't as it seems! Psylocke is only acting as my benevolent emissary here. This school is for mutants like all of us - those mutants who chose to right challenging wrongs. Cease your attack and talk with us. We mean you no harm, child. Please ....."

More mutants appear along the stairwell, hesitating to come down to the lobby area - except one. Logan jots down the stairs quickly and finding the landing, extends his Adamantium claws from the backs of his hands with a deadly "SNIKT!"

"Not sure who you're with, girl, but it's gonna be a short lived union if you can't play nice ...!"

The woman and the clawed man stand at the ready against Astrid ....

They will have Initiative ....

2013-05-01, 04:56 PM
Eldain eyed his phone with a raised brow, texting back, "Link me."

2013-05-01, 05:04 PM
Phase Knight:

Eldain receives ticket confirmation info and further data. Evangeline is a "special agent". For who, the info doesn't reveal. He would meet her at a coffee house less than a block from the train station that connects from the airport. Eldain is made aware, by "Evie's" text, that her messages are encrypted by the most advanced technology.

An 8 hour flight, 11 minute train ride, and 3 minute walk ....

2013-05-01, 05:07 PM

I still don't think you can deflect perception attacks. However, if you can tell me what modifiers I need to add to deflect, because it is turning out to be very useful..

The voice in her head filled her mind leaving very little room for her own thoughts. She was confused, the presence was familiar but unknown to her. She hobbled to the left and saw Wolverine.

"Logan! You're alive!!" she exclaims as she goes to hug the imposing man. "I knew they couldn't kill you old man. Where did you go after Prelate Holocaust blew up the building?"

2013-05-01, 05:19 PM
Eldain just eyed the phone. This was...strange. Why was she texting him instead of contacting him telepathically? Why was she sending him tickets to anywhere when she knew full well he could teleport?

Something was wrong. It had to be a warning of some kind. He looked to Alana. "Something's up. I'll be back in a minute," he said, then executing a series of teleports to his younger sister's address, ringing the doorbell when he arrived.

2013-05-01, 05:22 PM

Age of Apocalypse events haven't happened here.

Wolverine stands stunned but also prepared to act,

"Not sure what you're talkin' 'bout, fair. Prelates ...? Maybe Chuck can tell you. All I'm looking for is peace of mind. If I wanna brawl, I can drop by the local pub."

Astrid Will check;

Xavier Mind Reading check;

Xavier explores Astrid's consciousness and deeper, then responds telepathically,

"You aren't from here. Amazing! Speak with us, Astrid, and let us know the details of your journey.This isn't the first time someone crossed the extra-dimensional rift, but it could be the impetus for true change on our Earth ...."

Nightcrawler appears roughly ten feet from Astrid, watching her closely. Rogue descends from the upper level using her flight ability, all the while watching Astrid. She seems extremely apprehensive. A few other mutants, like Colossus and Shadowcat, descend the stairs - with Shadowcat moving close to Connor,

"Heeey! Welcome Connor! Are you okay? Can I get you a water or soda?"

Storm wheeles Professor Xavier down the tramp, eventually facing Astrid and she speaks,

"We mean you no harm, Astrid. What has happened, that you bring Connor here without his parents?"

The mutants gaze at Astrid and Connor .... the kid looks at Astrid ....

"Mountain Dew. I like that ...."

2013-05-01, 05:52 PM
Phase Knight:

The door, far across the world in France, opens, and Evangeline stands there in a tank-top & jeans,

"(BLEEP)-hole. The flight would've done you good."

She opens the door to him to enter. Evangeline has an exquisite villa just off the main street in Lyons. Instead of normal lighting, candles illuminate the spaces. After the short lobby, there's a dining room with a circular table, adorned with several candles, and a space to the right that shows a wall-wide window to Lyons. You can see all the buildings and streets of the city easily from this spot.

Evangeline appears from the left corner of the dining area, holding a bag of popcorn. She's still as cute as always, but her normally dirty-blonde hair has turned gray unexpectantly .... her once-gold, but now gray-ice eyes follow Eldain,

"Didn't take your time, did you? El - always in a hurry. Always eager to fulfill dad's legacy. Always the good soldier, non? Who am I meeting here - my brother ..... or his dutiful avatar? Which would dictate my greeting. Who are you, El?"

Evangeline stood in front of Eldain wearing jeans, an "Anarchy First" T-shirt, and a pensive expression ....

2013-05-01, 06:11 PM
Eldain breathed a sigh of relief as his sister came to the door, and greeted him in a manner that made it clear that she wasn't under duress. He responded to her question with a quick hug, before launching into saying, "Sorry, sweetie, but you've got the overprotective and far too busy big brother here today. Sophie's missing, there's something bad happening in New York, and I'm blinking every which way trying to solve it all. So, I don't mean to be short, but it's been kinda a hectic fifteen minutes, ya know? I got a bit paranoid when you were acting like we didn't have powers," he said with a teasing smirk, "which is why I'm here now."

"Anyway, I'd love to catch up tomorrow, and see how you've been, and ask what in the world happened to your hair and eyes, but it's going to have to be afternoon my time. Huge meeting in the morning. Or I can stop back once I've found Sophie and things have calmed down. But I have to get back. Got an interrogation to get to. You're okay and safe here, right?"

2013-05-01, 06:28 PM
Phase Knight:

Evangeline eyes Eldian and shows the face of sorrow,

" .... don't know what you came looking for. I'm not the special agent you want. I just wanted to see you. How stupid of me. Go ahead, back to the U.S."

She mumbles somethings & turns, walking to a hallway to the right .....

2013-05-01, 06:47 PM
"I didn't come looking for a special agent. I came to make sure my little sister wasn't in danger. Social calls will resume when I'm assured of our family's safety. So, ya know, probably in an hour or two," he said wryly. "And don't mope!" he added, voice teasing.

2013-05-01, 07:22 PM

It was both cathartic and euphoric as she explained herself. "I was not born on any earth of any reality. I was a clone-hybrid made in Mojo's body banks. I was told that my genetic material comes from the bodies of Charles Xavier and Moria McTaggart..." she began and continued to describe the world ruled by Apocalypse, where the America's were the undying ones absolute stronghold and the rest of world was in ruins, She told them how, through coordinated efforts of both the human and mutant resistance they had pushed back much of his forces. She chronicled the night of their assault on his palace and the secret weapon room that held his final weapon, the Molecule Man. She elucidated Franklin Richard's strength as she save her and others from the end of her universe.
"It's been three... no four days now and this morning Connor came to the woman's shelter where I was staying. I was being chased by people who were psychically invisible... He also told me that an evil presence is after me. I felt it and it was so powerful. Connor said that he wanted to find Kitty at the Xavier Institute so we came here." She was breathing heavy and tears were streaking down her face as she ended her tale.

2013-05-01, 10:05 PM
Curiouser and curiouser, Noah mumbled to himself as the pair's interest peaked amid the falling rain. The young man studied the older detective for a moment before giving a single decisive nod. "I'd have to ask if this is the right time and place for such musings,"

2013-05-02, 03:11 PM
Phase Knight:

Eva stands by the window overlooking the city and seems unwilling to talk, then,

"I've lost my powers, El. I ...... I can't feel people around me anymore, can't whisper to them, can't ..... know them. I'm naked and I don't know why and I'm so ..... alone."

She remains facing away from Phase Knight, so he can't see her expression, but there's obvious distress in her voice ....


Rogue walks to Astrid and gives her a hug,

"I was lost and alone when they found me too. Felt like the whole world was against me, with nowhere to hide and nowhere near the strength to fight. I learned the meaning of family here - how you look out for your own. The Professor and everyone else made me feel at home. They showed me I wasn't alone ....

... you aren't alone. We're here and you came to us. You can stay here, I'm sure, since we have the room. No more running. No more living like your the only different person in the world. We're all different here and we embrace that. You aren't among enemies. You aren't among friends, even. We're a family of mutants dedicated to protection and world defense ....

..... welcome."

Kitty cuts in,

" .... and Connor gets his Dew. Case closed."

Logan cuts in,

"she has Charlie's DNA? Maybe not enough space here for two control-freaks on that level?"

Colossus counters,

"Logan, please. This girl has been through much. We should help her, rather than antagonize, no?"

Connor speaks unexpectedly,

"I'm okay with it. I've been looking for mutants and i've found people like me."

Nova Leo:

Daniels rubs his forehead and gazes at the hero,

"Okay. Well, if you need my help anywhere, just call."

He reaches into an inner coat pocket and draws out a business card bearing his name and number ....

2013-05-02, 03:27 PM
Some inane part of Eldain's brain couldn't help but find the irony amusing. Get a cool new secret agent gig, just in time to lose telepathy? Possibly the most useful power you could have at a job like that? Ugh!

That was serious, though, and something that needed to be addressed sooner rather than later. He mentally moved Eva up several slots on his rapidly-growing list of priorities. He walked over and set a consoling hand on her shoulder. "I will find a way to fix this. Promise. We'll all be back to yelling at you to get our of our heads in no time! But I have to get back, make sure Sophie's safe, okay? You going to be alright here? Are you safe here? I can drop you at mom and dad's, or Danielle's." Eldain was not used to having to worry much about his family's safety. But with Sophie missing and Eva powerless, he was getting seriously concerned. Someone was making things personal, and they were going to pay for it.

2013-05-02, 07:31 PM
"Sure, Owlheart. Don't take too long.It's critical that we compare notes.", said Alana as she work on disassembling the explosive on the last of the downed droids.

"Carter, any word from gramps yet?"

2013-05-03, 10:36 AM

Carter pockets his cell,

"Mister Smith suggested you check your email shortly. I told him you were unharmed and he was very relieved. The security detail will establish a priority perimeter around the estate - should I call in reserves?"

Part of the staff attends to the fallen maid, who's now regaining consciousness, while the others stand looking anxiously at Alana, awaiting her instructions ....

Phase Knight:

Eva turns to Eldain, uncertainty painted across her attractive face,

"I'm sorry, bro. I panicked. The world seems so different now - so distant."

She walks up and hugs you,

"Thanks again for coming. I'll be okay, now. You coming so soon and giving me some gravity helped. Go do what you need to."

Eva rubs her neck and looks down,

".... I think I know someone else who can help me as well. A contact I made years ago. I'd forgotten about her until recently, just before my telepathy went on the fritz. She's a specialist in Psychology and 'alternative healing' techniques. I'll give her a call. Just promise me you'll stay in touch, El - since I can't reach out to you like before ...."

2013-05-03, 01:17 PM
"Hmm, it would seem we have a slight misunderstanding," he began as he studied the business card before looking back up and meeting th detective's gaze. "I was not being dismissive. I am quite interested in aiding you in this endeavor. My question was if you are certain you wished to discuss this now where we stand, or if you'd rather we discuss this further sometime or place else," clarified Noah as his glow intensified slightly, heating the area around him and the detective to counteract the rainy night's cold.

2013-05-03, 01:48 PM
"No worries," Eldain replied, returning her hug. "And I've got an idea or two myself. I'll be back soon," he said, and was about to blink out, but thought the better of it and walked out instead, teleporting when he left the house.

A few direction-and-distance jumps to get in range, and he reappeared in Alana's living room. He had a pensive frown on his face, but his visor concealed the simmering anger in his eyes. He had no evidence to suggest that these robots had anything to do with Sophie's disappearance, or that either thing had anything to do with Eva's power loss. It didn't seem like the thing to chalk up to coincidence, though.

No, as far as he could guess, someone was targeting his family. He needed to take back the initiative. First, a defensive play; he sent another group text to his parents and older sister. "Eva's powerless, otherwise safe. Think we're being targeted. Take defensive measures. Working on getting info. Going to find a way to undo this. Meet at the place we spent my eighteenth birthday in 30."

The last part was a tricksy bit. The words undo this were a code; ignore anything following after. If anyone was intercepting their texts, finding where the family had spent his eighteenth birthday (a pizza place on the other side of the city) might be possible in the time allotted, if they were as resourceful as he expected. However, it should be difficult enough that they wouldn't have cause to suspect that it was a false lead.

That done, he looked to Alana. Taking a long breath, he forced his worries and plans aside. Time to get professional. "What do you want to know?"

2013-05-03, 05:50 PM

She didn't know what to say. She wanted her mothers, but she didn't dare to ask. Instead she just remained silent and watched the others.

2013-05-03, 07:42 PM
Nova Leo:

Daniels eyed the hero, then watched cops run through the wet streets shouting orders to each other,

"My case is a missing persons. Might seem BS, but the missing people are like you - superhumans. I responded here out of duty, then you showed up."

Daniels looks at Nova Leo, looking over the radiant champion, maybe for faults or weakness,

"I worked with the Avengers and other vigilantes like Spider-Man and Punisher. They get a lot done that we can't. With most of them down, I'm wondering if you can fit the bill. What I have is information - leads - but the question is, you willing to work with me, or just report what we do to S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Phase Knight:

The elder Owlheart texts Eldain,

"Bought a new game. How's your game? Silly stuff."

The text meant Dr. Owlheart had secured Eldain's sister, probably with S.H.I.E.L.D. assistance. He also was asking how the hunt was going .... 'Silly Stuff' meant Eldain was being stupid broadcasting information via text without being coded ....


Rogue took up an obviously defensive position around Astrid, watching the room, as if the X-Men were enemies. She wanted to make sure her new sister felt safe ....

Pixie drifted next to Astrid on wings of psychic energy and sniffed the space around Astrid, then mimicked Wolverine's rough voice,

"Charlie, we need back-up - McDonald's is attacking!"

Many of the mutants in the room burst into laughter, holding their mouths or stomachs in response to Pixie's missive. Psylocke rested her hand on Astrid's shoulder, trying to break the tension, as she laughed ....

... in the corner, Professor Charles Xavier mused, mouth open slightly at what Astrid had just revealed. He & Moira? Across dimensions? Was Astrid - his daughter from a transdimensional place?

2013-05-03, 09:57 PM
Noah stood confidently beneath Daniel's gaze, "My allegiance lays first and foremost to those in need; what organizations may claim to act on their behalf come after that though even then I am no man's hound. As you have said people are missing, loved ones hoping for some good omen on their behalf as the perpetrator continues on the loose; free to commit these sins yet again. Therefore I stay true to my word Detective Daniel; in this endeavor you shall have my aid,"he explained, a certain gravity to his words.

2013-05-03, 10:07 PM
"Thanks, Carter. Proceed at your discretion. What's important right now is to ensure that we are all safe. ", said Alana as she pulled out her phone to check her email for Jonathan's reposnse. If the old man knew who this 'the dark' is, the she could get started on planning a retaliatory strike.

As she waited for her email to load, Alana noted the return of the Owlheart boy.
"We can start with how you were attacked, possible reasons why someone would send a bot after you, and your name. Not in that order."

2013-05-03, 10:27 PM
Eldain gave a slender grin. "Eldain Owlheart, codename Phase Knight. Bot came after me at home. Oddly polite, like these ones, knocked and waited for an answer before letting loose with the eye beams and such. Current intentions are unknown. They keep rambling about getting me to join this 'Dark' thing, though, so what we may be seeing is the tragic result of someone attempting to reprogram battle droids as a public relations team," the joke helped keep him calm and on-task.

"Like I said, they may also have something to do with my sister's disappearance. If you can download data from them, that'd be a strong next step. Whatever their aim is, we've obviously both got targets on our heads; combining resources might be a good move. You involved in the heroing gig by any chance?"

2013-05-05, 05:16 PM
Nova Leo:

Daniels nods his head,

"Okay. I have two leads: a hide-out and a possible target. An informant gave us an address, a cargo ship docked at Pier 23 - the Cabana Seaport-area. It's called the Mörkret, she's owned by an unknown company with possible diplomatic connections, based on her Swedish flag. The ship's been in dry-dock for awhile, but I couldn't get complete records on much else. My people tried to snoop around the Pier, but there's an unusual amount of security who don't speak much English.

An informant gave us to the leads, claiming he was kidnapped and taken there. He doesn't remember much else, except that he escaped. That was almost a week ago and while it seemed crazy, we checked it out. Normally, I'd just pass it on to Customs or the Coast Guard, but something stinks here and I want to find out what.

Maybe you could have more success looking into the matter than my people have had? Just information-gathering kind of stuff - no direct confrontations, please. I don't want my department responsible for an incident with the Swedish Government. Get my meaning?"


The encrypted email decodes to reveal Mr. Shepard-Smith's message,

"Are you well? Have Carter double the detail and send the staff home. No sense in civilians being endangered. Androids disguised as policemen? What is going on and is that truly Owlheart's son? Are you certain?"

2013-05-05, 05:43 PM

The young woman laughed at the joke, it was forced but a laugh none the less. She felt at home and displaced all at the same time. These people were her family and not. Fatigue began to set in as the adrenaline faded away.

not sure what to do now. I know there are questions to ask and things to say but I don't feel like it is the right time for Astrid to start asking a whole bunch of questions.

2013-05-05, 05:57 PM
"I am well. Droids have been shutdown and self-destructs have been neutralized. They faked being police officer to attempt kidnapping me. Couldn't get the reason out, but it seems they've been watching me somehow. Don't know how much they know. Will dissect the droids' hard drive and see what i find. The lad claims to be Eldain Owlheart. Seems he was also attacked by a similar droid and one of his sisters has gone missing, possibly related. What's your ETA?", wrote Alana. One special encryption later, the message was sent.

"Carter, Gramps wants double detail. Also tell the civis in the staff to head on home, just in case the Dark want a rematch."

Turning to Olwheart, she replied "OK. Joining forces sound like a good idea. Though it puzzles me why I'm targeted. I haven't done anything really noteworthy on an field save the occasion costume or model kit contest. Also I'm not in the spandex wearing crowd, though the Dark just may have given me the excuse i need to become active."

2013-05-05, 07:05 PM

Kitty returns with Connor's drink and between gulps, the youth tells the tale of the last few days. The X-men begin to pay serious attention to the young mutants being followed and when Connor mentions the other mysterious man, Professor Xavier asks for more details. Connor notes the 'scary man's' hair and eye color, along with approximate build. He also notes how Astrid took on the priest and his horrific end ...

Professor Xavier expresses concern,

"These events may be part of some larger initiative, I fear. Certain highly-positioned and trustworthy contacts have alerted me to a disturbing rise in mutant-related kidnappings. We should be more vigilant than normal until I can gather more information and determine what's going on."

Wolverine frowns,

"Somebody's always after mutants, Chuck, and you should expect us to react with the same level of determination as we always do. Any word from Frost or Magnus?"

Psylocke responds,

"Both. They and the others who went up north have encountered an unusual alien threat. Needless to say, they have their work cut out for them, but at least for now, our assistance is unnecessary. Next contact is 0600 hours."

Shadowcat sighs,

"Well, Astrid and Connor must be beat. I'll show them their rooms. C'mon you two - let's get you settled in ...."

Kitty leads you up a long staircase to the second-floor rooms. The mansion has hardwood walls, warm interior lighting and warm carpeting. Very 'homey'. Most of the other students are in their rooms, it seems, as the hallways are empty except for your small group. She stops at a a closed door on the right,

"Here you are, Astrid. You'll bunk with Pixie and 2 other girls. The open bed and nearby dresser is all yours. You can rest now - this mansion is impenetrable due to recent security modifications. I know, because I handle most of the computer systems linked to the estate. Get some rest .... and whatever you do, don't let Pixie keep you up all night with her questions."

Kitty winks with a smile, then wanders down the hall with Connor, who looks back at Astrid as he walks away ....

2013-05-05, 07:24 PM
"Talked to someone earlier tonight who mentioned other superhuman disappearances. My sister isn't involved in heroics either. For that matter, I'm a pretty new hand at the gig. I'm guessing they're targeting powered people." He gave a confident grin and added, "For a passive, you handled your share like a champ. That last bot was giving me a tough match before you took it down."

Looking over the deactivated robots, he asked, "So, what's the plan? How long should it take to get information from these things?"

2013-05-05, 09:22 PM

.... another email decodes,

"... five minutes out. Be smart careful, Alana, and do not notify the authorities."

2013-05-05, 10:27 PM

The bed looked warm and safe. When the door closes she sighs and says, "Code alpha one zero zero . Disrobe full." Slowly the protective sheath she had been encased in falls off her. Creeping into bed it is the first time she has felt safe in a long time.

2013-05-06, 11:11 AM
"Understood. While stealth is not my forte, I do have other methods which may be of use in this scenario." he explains as he files away the new information, things were getting far more complex by the minute. "I do have one question for you however. Does the name, Dr. Owlheart mean anything to you?"

2013-05-07, 11:21 AM
Phase Knight & Inspired:

The heroic duo await "The Gentleman", while the housekeeping and kitchen staff exit the living room to collect their things and leave ....

Is Inspired trying another 'disassemble'?


Ariel gets some well-deserved rest, having finally found herself among her own ....

Nova Leo:

The detective raises an eyebrow and looks at a hi-tech mobile crane exit one of the huge "Damage Control" trailers,

"AEGIS. The city wants to revamp emergency protocols, forming a plan working with S.H.I.E.L.D. and other agencies. Owlheart, from what I've heard, is running the program. Hot-shot military contractor-type, or something. Very well-connected and he's supposed to be the "best-of-the-best". Never met him myself ..... why - what have you heard?"

2013-05-07, 12:08 PM
Noah curiously observed the crew begin their work, he'd never actually stayed in these areas to see these brave men and women due their job before that night,"I heard that a plot was being set into motion by one's calling themselves The Dark. I know not if it's true, or what it's goal may be for certain; but I heard that one by the name of Owlheart held the answers to these questions. That we should seek him out to find the Truth. I know not if this is true or not, but it may be worth looking into if only to confirm if it is fact or fiction,"

2013-05-07, 12:38 PM
"Well, Olwheart. First i will need to find and remove the hard drive or similar tech. Then come interface with it, scan it for countermeasures, neutralize those and then dive in. After that we can see what we can find."

Alan head over to the droid that had attacked her. Since it was already partially disassembled, it would be easier to search for its memory core.

2013-05-07, 01:35 PM
"Sounds good. I'll be back in a few minutes. Ah...sorry to keep popping in and out like this, busy night," he said somewhat sheepishly, before teleporting back to his father's house.

Eldain was not the most patient sort of fellow...

2013-05-07, 07:37 PM
Nova Leo:

Daniels pinched his nose casually and smirked,

"If Owlheart is on the other side, we're in trouble. He's planning everything. Maybe you should check him out first and foremost, right? Make sure he isn't dirty. No matter what you find, let me know before you act. I've got a few detectives and 10-20 officers behind me, if you need back-up. You aren't alone. we cover a lot of ground when we need to.

This is how those 'criminal mastermind'-types act: they hide behind the scenery. Owlheart could be our guy - the big boss behind these people disappearing. See what you can find out - and keep me in the loop, Leo."

Daniels looks around as two officers run by you towards the GST. The detective turns somewhat and before he walks away say,

"Don't trust anyone, Leo. This could go deeper than you think."

Detective Daniels walks away towards the GST, making contact with police officers ....

Phase Knight & Inspired:

DC30 Tech check

Inspired's nano-probes finally crack the cybernetic coding on the droid and it begins to literally fall apart in her hands ....

What do you want to know about the tech?


Sound asleep, Astrid dreams the same 'Central Park' dream - her amidst the X-Men, then the park turning into an immense blaze and one man walking out of the flames, pursuing Astrid .... she wakes with a start, trying to catch her breath!

Across from her is Pixie, lying across her bed, leg and arm nearly touching the floor. Pixie mumbles something unintelligible and giggles and huffs .... occasionally, magical wasp-like wings appearing on her back and fluttering briefly only to vanish seconds later. Astrid makes out words like "french fries" and "candy apples" from Pixie's unconscious murmers ...

the other two girls, one sleeping to Astrid's left, the other next to Pixie who's across from Astrid, sleep soundly ....

The room is dark, only slimly-lit by the half-opened door to the illuminated hallway ....

2013-05-07, 11:04 PM

After the dream she curls up in the blanket trying to hide herself. The lingering images, however, haunt her and safety never returns to her. Instead she get up and leaves the room, noticeable without her armor.

She follows the hallway light hoping the it leads her to some comfort.

2013-05-08, 10:56 AM
"I shall do what I can Detective. Might you know how or where I might find the good doctor?" he inquired after the Daniel's explanation. Upon receiving his answer,Noah silently watched the man go; well aware of the gravity of the situation he now found himself in. "Take care Daniel; may fortune favor you 'till next we meet," he stated before taking his leave, soaring up into the drizzling clouds.

Once he'd passed the cloud cover Noah dimmed his light and breathed a heavy sigh, before starring at the SHIELD communicator. He'd have to deal with this before signing out for the night. Not knowing for sure what to think of SHIELD after the night's events, he thought it best to play it safe; after all, he wouldn't put it passed the Nation's Finest from putting a tracker on the darn thing or having it work as a bug.

Noah flew for a time until finding one of the small groups of Sylphs he'd come to know during his tenure frolicking in the cool night sky and requesting that they'd keep the earbud safe for him; pointing out to keep it away from water and to contact him if it made any strange noises or someone spoke through it. It took longer than he would've liked to get the playful wind spirits to agree, and settle the arrangement between them.

With the potential leak dealt with Noah parted ways with the sprites, and took to one of his safe routes back to the city through its outskirts; he made sure to check with the local spirits to make sure he was not being followed or watched before finding a quiet and secure nook to change back into himself and starting the arduous walk back home. Only pausing momentarily to greet a few familiar faces, human or otherwise, on his way there.

He could feel that Leo wished to discuss the nights events, but was thankful for the spirits understanding. The Radiant Hunter having already learned well the limits of his human host; beyond a few comments, the pair walked in silence knowing that a long discourse awaited them the next day.

All in all, it had taken him a little over and hour for the weary shaman to return to his abode with his body feeling like led. He changed into some dry clothes, and messaging Emily and Cartwright Sr. to let him know he'd gotten him safe and the he'd likely be coming in for the Afternoon shift. The young man spared Detective Daniel's card one final glance before promptly collapsing on his bed and eagerly welcoming the tender caress of the land of dreams and its caretakers.

Sylph's represented via the Contact advantage, going to be requesting a simple minor and non-dangerous favor from them.

2013-05-08, 06:35 PM
Now that the droid was completely disassembled, Alana could begin. It nagged her that the nano tech felt both cutting edge and obsolete at the same time. So her first focus would be identifying the origin of the tech and possibly its maker. After that she would move toward the materials they were constructed from. That would hint at what kind of facilities and processes would be need in order to make the droids. Once that was done, she would examine the control system. That would give her the operational range of the droids' controller Lastly she would separate the memory core and interface with it. It could be a bit risky, but if she upped her mental speed, avoiding any software traps should be easy.

With her priorities set, Alana started her forensic study of her attackers.