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2013-03-28, 02:31 AM
The Deck of All Too Many Things

Try your luck vs the 54.

The Deck of All Too Many Things
A deck of all too many things is usually found in a box or leather pouch. Each deck contains a number of cards or plaques made of any concievable material. Each is engraved with glyphs, characters, and sigils. As soon as one of these cards is drawn from the pack, its magic is bestowed upon the person who drew it, for better or worse.

The character with a deck of all too many things who wishes to draw a card must announce how many cards they will draw before they begin. Cards must be drawn within rapid succession, and a character may only choose to draw any amount of cards from the deck 1/week. If the character does not willingly draw their allotted number (or if they are somehow prevented from doing so), the cards flip out of the deck on their own, and take effect as best as possible. Any attempts to draw specific cards will result in random cards being draw, even deific will cannot alter the random drawing of a card from the Deck of All Too Many things. Likewise, no effect of any sort can provide insight as to which precise cards will be drawn at any given time.

Each time a card is taken from the deck, it is replaced (making it possible to draw the same card twice). A deck of all too many things contains 54 cards. To simulate the magic cards, you may want to use tarot cards, as indicated in the second column of the accompanying table. If no tarot deck is available, substitute ordinary playing cards instead, as indicated in the third column. The effects of each card, summarized on the table, are fully described below.

A Deck of All Too Many Things can be identified as easily as any other magic item, but it's precise effects are not revealed in it's identification.
Instead all that is revealed is that it is the Deck of All Too Many Things, a powerful artifact with random life changing effects.

A character may attempt a Knowledge (Arcana), (History), or (Religion) check in order to gain more information about the Deck itself. A DC 19 check reveals that this deck contains 54 or so cards, each with a different life-altering effect. For every individual point that the character beats the DC by, the learn the effect of 1 single card.

Table 1: Brief Summery
{table=head]Plaque|Playing Card|Tarot Card|Summery of effect
Goblin|2 of Spades|2 of Swords|Fumble next 1d3+1 important rolls|
Troll|3 of Spades|3 of Swords|Lose 25% of Wealth|
Golem|4 of Spades|4 of Swords|Lose a sense or capability|
Mummy|5 of Spades|5 of Swords|Gain supernatural disease despite immunity|
Aberration|6 of Spades|6 of Swords|Lose a random limb or body part|
Lady Luck's 1st Beast|7 of Spades|7 of Swords|Suffer & Choose|
Dragon|8 of Spades|8 of Swords|Lose 1 spell per day or BAB|
Wraith|9 of Spades|9 of Swords|Become inconveniently incorporeal|
Djinn|10 of Spades|10 of Swords|Gain 1d3 corrupt wishes|
Ruin|Jack of Spades|ⅩⅤⅠ. Tower|Lose 1d4+1 expensive items|
Euryale|Queen of Spades|ⅠⅠ. High Priestess|-2 to all Saves|
Donjon|King of Spades|ⅩⅠⅤ. Temperance |Imprisonment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/imprisonment.htm) as per spell|
Void|Ace of Spades|ⅩⅠⅠⅠ. Death|Character annihilated from history|
Luxuria|2 of Hearts|2 of Cups|An Unfortunate Vow & +2 to Will Saves|
Gula|3 of Hearts|3 of Cups|Become transformed by hunger|
Avarita|4 of Hearts|4 of Cups|Gain an ally's possession for 1 week|
Acedia|5 of Hearts|5 of Cups|Sleep for 1d4+1 days, gain full heal|
Ira|6 of Hearts|6 of Cups|Gain a Berserking Weapon|
Lady Luck's 2nd Exchange|7 of Hearts|7 of Cups|Exchange & Choose|
Invidia|8 of Hearts|8 of Cups|Give ally a power for 1 week|
Superbia|9 of Hearts|9 of Cups|+3 to one Ability Score, -1 to the others|
Gloria|10 of Hearts|10 of Cups|Automatically make one save, fail the next|
Merchant|Jack of Hearts|ⅠⅤ. Emperor |Exchange 1 item for a similar one|
Barrister|Queen of Hearts|ⅩⅩ. Judgement |Gain services of an outsider at a price|
Magician|King of Hearts|Ⅰ. Magician|Base Race is altered randomly|
Fates|Ace of Hearts|ⅤⅠ. Lovers|Make a sacrifice, escape a predicament|
2 of Coins|2 of Diamonds|2 of Pentacles|Gain 1d6 × 1,000 GP in riches|
3 of Cups|3 of Diamonds|3 of Pentacles|Gain 1d4+1 random Consumables|
4 of Arrows|4 of Diamonds|4 of Pentacles|Gain 50 rounds of Magical Ammunition|
5 of Pentacles|5 of Diamonds|5 of Pentacles|Gain 1d4 random Scrolls|
6 of Rods|6 of Diamonds|6 of Pentacles|Gain 1d3 random Wands|
Lady Luck's 3rd Gift|7 of Diamonds|7 of Pentacles|Boon & Choose|
8 of Shields|8 of Diamonds|8 of Pentacles|Gain 1 random Magical Shield or Armor|
9 of Swords|9 of Diamonds|9 of Pentacles|Gain 1 random Magical Weapon|
Artisan|10 of Diamonds|10 of Pentacles|+4 to a chosen trade-skill|
Templar|Jack of Diamonds|ⅠⅠⅠ. Empress|Gain writ of nobility and sign of rank|
Hierophant|Queen of Diamonds|Ⅴ. Hierophant|Gain a Scroll of Truth|
Sun|King of Diamonds|ⅩⅠⅩ. Sun|Gain 1 random Wondrous Item|
Moon|Ace of Diamonds|ⅩⅤⅠⅠⅠ. Moon|1d3 Wishes|
Blackbirds|2 of Clubs|2 of Staves|Gamble for gold or debt|
Pumpkin Eater|3 of Clubs|3 of Staves|3 nearest targets are served from the deck|
Frog Prince|4 of Clubs|4 of Staves|Skill Contest vs an Outsider for trophy|
Sprat Family |5 of Clubs|5 of Staves|Gain Vulnerability or Resistance to random Element|
Jack's Candle|6 of Clubs|6 of Staves|Gamble for a skill bonus or penalty|
Lady Luck's 4th Challenge|7 of Clubs|7 of Staves|Gamble & Choose|
Crooked Man|8 of Clubs|8 of Staves|Blessing or Curse of Stones|
Turnip Clock|9 of Clubs|9 of Staves|Gain 1 random Magic Weapon, may be Cursed|
Hand Basket|10 of Clubs|10 of Staves|Transported to a Random Plane|
Wheel|Jack of Clubs|Ⅹ. Wheel|Draw from the deck twice|
Ritual|Queen of Clubs|ⅩⅤⅠⅠ. Star|Random spell effect lasts for 1 week|
Flames|King of Clubs|ⅩⅤ. Devil|Gamble with 1d4 random powerful outsiders|
Chariot |Ace of Clubs|ⅤⅠⅠ. Chariot|Fight powerful monster to gain a level or die horribly|
Jester|Big Joker|ⅩⅠⅠ. Hanged Man|+2 to an Ability Score, Draw Again.|
Jester|Little Joker|ⅩⅩⅠ. World|-2 to an Ability Score, Draw Again.|

Effects in Detail
♠ Spades ♠

2♠ Goblin
Character is vexed by fate. The next 1d3+1 rolls of importance are treated as a natural 1. For some checks, such as most skill checks, this is not automatic failure. A roll of importance is at the DM's discretion, but generally should be anything that isn't an obvious attempt to circumvent this penalty. (A DM may choose to roll this number secretly.)

3♠ Troll
Character is robbed for 25% of their material wealth. This is any amount of trade goods, coins, gems, jewels, artwork, or mundane financial gear. Functional gear is left unaffected. There is no prevention of this loss.

4♠ Golem
Character losses on of their senses or capabilities. Roll 1d6.
1- Character is Blind.
2- Character is Deaf.
3- Character loses Scent, suffers -4 to Survival checks.
4- Character is completely numb, -4 to Dexterity.
5- Character is Mute.
6- Roll twice. (This can stack with itself.)

Note: The Golem, unlike other Cards, is not a true alteration of Fate. It imparts a powerful hex on the character who draws it, but it can be removed. A Break Enchantment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/breakEnchantment.htm), or similar, effect may be used in attempt to negate the effect of the Golem Card. The caster using this effect must make a Caster check against a DC 30, or the hex remains. Spells like Remove Blindness/Deafness cannot overcome this hex.

5♠ Mummy
Character contracts a horrific supernatural disease despite any immunities they might have.

6♠ Aberration
Character loses a random limb or body part. Roll 1d6.
1- Head
2- Left Arm
3- Left Leg
4- Right Leg
5- Right Arm
6- Roll twice. (This can stack with itself.)

7♠ Lady Luck's 1st Beast
Not only does the character suffer a specific penalty, they may choose what this card does to the next unfortunate soul to draw it. This chosen effect must be a penalty of some sort.
(Current Effect: Lose all concept of Gender.)

8♠ Dragon
Lose a single Spell-per-day-Slot (or similar) of the Highest currently available to the character. If this is not possible, character loses 2 Base Attack Bonus. This can leave a character with a negative BAB.

9♠ Wraith
Character becomes inconveniently incorporeal, they cannot directly interact with the world around them.

Note: The Wraith, unlike other Cards, is not a true alteration of Fate. It imparts a powerful hex on the character who draws it, but it can be removed. A Break Enchantment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/breakEnchantment.htm), or similar, effect may be used in attempt to negate the effect of the Wraith Card. The caster using this effect must make a Caster check against a DC 30, or the hex remains. Spells like Plane Shift cannot overcome this hex.

10♠ Djinn
Character is under the impression they have drawn the Moon Card, and are granted 1d3 wishes, which they must take on the spot. These wishes are horribly corrupted yet granted. Once the character makes their final wish they are made aware that they drew the Djinn card.

J♠ Ruin
Character loses 1d4+1 Magical or Expensive possessions. If the character has insufficient possessions, they are branded as ruined, and find that others will not trust them financially.

K♠ Euryale
Character suffers a -2 penalty to all Saves.

Q♠ Donjon
Character is targeted immediately by an Imprisonment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/imprisonment.htm) effect, without the luxury of a saving throw or spell resistance.

A♠ Void
Character never existed before this moment, and is otherwise utterly obliviated from all history and memory. They simply never were. Nothing short of direct divine intervention can save such a character. (The Fate Card may be used in this instance.)

♡ Hearts ♡

2♡ Luxuria
Character must choose a very difficult vow to uphold, and is marked with an effect similar to Mark of Justice (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/markOfJustice.htm) to maintain this vow. If they fail they suffer a -6 to all Ability Scores. As long as this character maintains their vow, they gain a +2 to Will Saves.

Note: Luxuria, unlike other Cards, is not a true alteration of Fate. It imparts a powerful hex on the character who draws it, but it can be removed. A Break Enchantment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/breakEnchantment.htm), or similar, effect may be used in attempt to negate the effect of the Luxuria Card. The caster using this effect must make a Caster check against a DC 30, or the hex remains. This hex removal also removes the +2 bonus to Will Saves.

3♡ Gula
Character is struck down by a supernatural hunger. Roll 1d4.
1- Character gains the Vampire Template.
2- Character gains the Ghoul Template.
3- Character gains the Therianthrope (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/lycanthrope.htm) Template.
4- Character gains the Gigantic Template.
Alternative Rules for Template progression may be advisable here, such as those found here (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20030824a)may be advisable.

4♡ Avarita
Character gains possession of an ally's personal belonging of their choice. The ally is supernaturally unaware of this theft for the duration of 1 week, after which they are made aware of the effect. Whether or not the item is returned is not part of this effect.

5♡ Acedia
Character sleeps deeply for 1d4+2 days. Once they awaken, their HP is fully restored, and all status conditions are removed as if Heal was cast on them by a L.30 Caster. This cannot return a dead character to life, but it functions as a Harm (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/harm.htm) effect on Undead. (That is, it still functions as a Heal effect; as in it removes status conditions.)

This unnatural deep sleep can be disturbed with a Break Enchantment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/breakEnchantment.htm), or similar, effect. The caster using this effect must make a Caster check against a DC 30, or the sleep remains. If the sleeper is awoken, they do not benefit from the healing effects of this card.

6♡ Ira
Character is now holding a random cursed weapon of berserking.
Roll for base weapon on "Table 7-10 Weapon Type Determenation" on page 222 in the DMG. Or come up with something interesting on the spot. Either way, roll 1d4. The weapon has an enhancement bonus equal to the amount rolled. It also has the Berserking curse effect, as the Berserking Sword (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/cursedItems.htm#swordBerserking).

7♡ Lady Luck's 2nd Exchange
Not only does the character find themselves making a curious exchange, they may choose what this card does to the next star-crossed soul to draw it. This chosen effect must be an exchange of some sort.
(Current Effect: Pay 5 gold for a mystery item.)

8♡ Invidia
Character loses on of their powers, either a spell, spell-like ability, extraordinary ability, or if need be, a feat or proficiency. This power is picked up by one of their allies at random (best if someone in their party). This exchange of power lasts for 1 week.

9♡ Superbia
Character's highest ability score increases by 3, as all their other ability scores are reduced by 1. This change is not an bonus or penalty of any kind, it's a pure and simple increase and decrease.

10♡ Gloria
Character gains a single token of fortune. This token can be activated as an immediate action, providing the character with an immediate success on their current saving throw. However, their next saving throw of importance will be a perfect failure. This token cannot be sold or traded away by any means.

J♡ Merchant
Character may exchange an item they have for an random equivalent variation of a similar item.
E.g. Minor Wondrous item for a different Minor Wondrous Item, Major Magical Weapon of a Major Magical Weapon, Alchemical Good for Alchemical good, mundane garbage for mundane garbage, and so on.

Q♡ Barrister
Characte gains the services of a random powerful outsider, but at a price, for which the outsider may be negotiated with over.

K♡ Magician
Character's base race is permanently altered. If need for a table, roll on reincarnation (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/reincarnate.htm)table.

A♡ Fates
Character is marked by fate. At any 1 point they may offer a sacrifice to the Fates in order to avoid any 1 situation they find themselves in. The Fates do not negotiate, they either accept or do not the offer. If the offer is not accepted, this mark is not wasted on this attempt.

♢ Diamonds ♢

2♢ Two of Coins
Character gains 1d6 × 1,000 GP in coins, jewels, and gems at their feet.

3♢ Three of Cups
Character gains a fitted bandoleer, complete with 1d4+1 consumables, either Potions, Oils, or various Alchemical goods.

4♢ Four of Arrows
Character gains a well crafted quiver, or similar device, fashioned with 50 rounds of an ammunition of their choosing with a random magical enhancement.

5♢ Five of Pentacles
Character gains a fine scroll-case, complete with 1d4 scrolls.

6♢ Six of Rods
Character gains a quality holster equipped with 1d3 random wands.

7♢ Lady Luck's 3rd Gift.
Not only does the character find themselves receiving a fortuitous gift, they may choose what this card does to the next lucky soul to draw it. This chosen effect must be a gift or boon of some sort.
(Current Effect: Gains an Ares Thunderstruck Gauss Rifle.)

8♢ Eight of Shields
Character gains 1 random magical shield or armor.

9♢ Nine of Swords
Character gains 1 random magical weapon.

10♢ Artisan
Character gains a +4 miscellaneous bonus any one Craft, Perform, or Profession skill of their choosing.

J♢ Templar
Character gains an official writ of nobility, and a sign of their rank (e.g. a masterwork weapon, a steed, a masterwork shield with coat of arms, an amulet of worth, and so on). This writ and sign are awarded from a random nearby society, and may be anything as simple as a small guild of cheese-makers, or as grandiose as the Pantheon of the Gods.

Q♢ Hierophant
Character gains a powerful artifact known as a Scroll of Truth. This artifact may be read as an immediate action, granting the character a true answer to any question that may be posed to it. This insight is unquestionably valid, and is usually not terribly cryptic. Once it is read, the Scroll of Truth is consumed.

K♢ Sun
Character gains 1 random Wondrous Item.

A♢ Moon
Character gains 1d3 wishes (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/wish.htm). However they must make these wishes upon receiving this card. They cannot save them for later.

♣ Clubs ♣

Player and DM both roll 5d6. If the player's result is higher, the character gains the difference between the two rolls as gems worth 100 GP each. If the DM's result is higher, the player owes a powerful figure a debt equal to the difference × 100 GP.

3♣ Pumpkin Eater
A card from the deck is given at random to the three nearest characters to the character who drew the Pumpkin Eater. Each character draws their own card, in effect. There is no other effect to the character who drew the Pumpkin Eater.

4♣ Frog Prince
Character must choose a performance skill test, after which a random outsider is summoned to compete against the character. If the character succeeds, they gain a golden masterwork instrument, tool, or trinket for their efforts. If outsider succeeds, the character is irrevocably struck mute and suffers a -3 penalty to the skill they tested for.

5♣ Sprat Family
Character may gain a vulnerability or a resistance to a random element.

Roll 1d6.
1- Fire
2- Cold
3- Electricity
4- Acid
5- Sonic
6- Force

Roll D%.
01-50- Vulnerability (Suffer 1.5× Damage from Element Source).
51-00- Resistance (Character ignores 2×Their HD from Element Source).

6♣ Jack's Candle
Character chooses any of their skills. Player and DM both roll 1d8. If the Player's result is higher, the character gains a miscellaneous bonus on their skill of choice equal to the difference. If the DM's result is higher, the character suffers a miscellaneous penalty on their skill of choice equal to the difference.

7♣ Lady Luck's 4th Challenge
Not only does the character find themselves making a perilous gamble, they may choose what this card does to the next promising soul to draw it. This chosen effect must be a win/lose gamble of some sort.
(Current Effect: Pick a number between 1-10, ((DM rolls 1d10 secretly)). If correct gain a Phoenix Down; A consumable worth 30,000 GP that functions as a True Resurrection. If wrong character is cursed to never wear clothing, ever. A Break Enchantment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/breakEnchantment.htm), or similar, effect may be used in attempt to negate the effect of this Lady Luck's 4th Challenge Card. The caster using this effect must make a Caster check against a DC 30, or the hex remains.)

8♣ Crooked Man
Character gains the blessing of Stone.

Roll 1d4.
1- Character is Petrified (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#petrified) despite immunities.
2- Character is partially petrified. They suffer 1d6 Dexterity Burn, but gain an 1d8 Slam Natural weapon. Anything that resores petrification negates this Dexterity Burn but removes the Slam attack.
3- Character's skin pushes out semi-precious stones. Character suffers 2d6 Constitution Damage, but gains 1d8+1 random semi-precious stones.
4- Character gains a pile of gems. The character gains 3d6+3 random gemstones.

9♣ Turnip Clock
Character gains an odd magical weapon. Which may or may not be cursed. If the weapon is cursed, it is cursed in such a fashion that no identification process short of a Scroll of Truth can reveal that it is so until it is used, and even so, it carries the Delusion effect, convincing it's wielder that it is not cursed.

Roll d%.
01-50- Magical Weapon
51-00- Cursed Weapon.

10♣ Hand-Basket
Character is sent immediately to a random location on a random plane.

J♣ Wheel
Shuffle this card and any others back into the deck. Character draws again twice.

Q♣ Ritual
Character is the target of a random spell. If this spell has any duration longer than instant, it's duration is 1 week. It the duration is instant, but not damage, the spell randomly targets the character throughout the next week. If the spell is instant, and is purely damage, this damage cannot be removed for 1 week. Caster level is 30. There is no saving throw.
Regardless of the effect, the character cannot recover from it until 1 week passes, after which if they are still effected by the spell for any reason, it can be negated as per normal. (I.e. Stone to Flesh after a petrification spell, Restore Blindness after a Blinding spell, and so on).

K♣ Flames
Character is seated at a table with 1d4 random powerful outsiders or gods. The game of chance is decided by the table, by majority vote. Tie broken by single-shot rock-paper-scissors. Character initiates what is being gambled on. After the game, short of any curious winnings (life, service, etc.) all participants are returned to where they were when this card was drawn.

A♣ Chariot
Character must fight a difficult monster (CR +1) alone. If they defeat this monster, they gain a level or powerful artifact. If they are defeated, they suffer True Death, an effect that overcomes immunity to Death Effects and can only be overcome by a True Resurrection (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/trueResurrection.htm) effect.

⋆ Jokers⋆

J⋆ Jester
Character gains +2 to a random ability score; shuffle and redraw a new card.

J Idiot
Character loses -2 to a random ability score; shuffle and redraw a new card.

While I realize the Deck of Many Things is not exactly a popular artifact, largely for its ability to derail a campaign, it has always been a favorite among my players for various reasons. It's popularity has lead me to attempt to create a larger more varied deck. In this version of the deck, I've attempted to capture some of the more popular effects from the original artifact, while maintaining a certain level of balance. A lot of the rewards are set up to be less invasive than what the original artifact provided. For example, random magical items can be manipulated a little easier than previous.
While (P.)E.A.C.H. is always appreciated, I understand that "balance" in the realm of artifacts... well, artifacts are artifacts. Comments welcome.

2013-03-28, 02:48 AM
I really, REALLY love this! Love it, Love it, absolutely love it.

2013-03-28, 02:57 AM
seems pretty cool overall.

2013-03-28, 03:01 AM
I think it is cool that you expanded it to a full deck. At the same time, I don't think there are enough positive effects to make it a reasonable choice at all. An average of 3.5k gold is way to little to be worth the risk, for example. I miss things like gain a 4th level fighter or gain a keep. Also, what motivation is there to ever draw more than once?

2013-03-28, 02:20 PM
The assistance of a 4th level fighter never really seemed terribly useful to my players, and was difficult for me to justify in most cases. However, if you would like to use this expanded deck with that option, I would recommend substituting the "Artisan" Plaque (10 of Diamonds / 10 of Pentacles) for the former "Knight" effect.

As for the gaining possession of a keep, one could either include a keep as the "sign" of rank from the "Templar" Plaque (Jack of Diamonds / ⅠⅠⅠ. Empress), or one could change the "Templar" Plaque's effect to the former "Throne" effect.

I admit, currently the bad does seem to outweigh the good, but I do think it's a fair bit better of a balance than the former deck was. Currently there are 3 horrible ways to be removed from game, specifically Void, Donjon, or Chariot. Chariot is it's own foil; as that it is one-on-one combat for a free level or powerful death. (A mixture of the former Comet & Skull, more balanced than before because there is no telling how much stronger or weaker a dread wraith is than the character that drew from the deck.)

Donjon may actually be a problem. It's best foil is currently the Moon. But the Moon is already a foil to Djinn. Perhaps an alteration of one of the Diamonds cards to function as a free casting of the Freedom (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/freedom.htm) spell. I would recommend the Heirophant, as that the Scroll of Truth may not prove as valuable than any other boon, or if a DM would like to keep the foil to "Turnip Clock", change the "Sun" Plaque to the one that offers "Freedom."

For the most part, the Spades are balanced by the Diamonds.
The Hearts and the Clubs are meant to be balanced by themselves.
That is Hearts are meant to be an exchange.
The Clubs are meant to be a gamble.

Motivation to draw from the deck more than once? Motivation is a tricky thing. That's inspired by the character, not the challenge. I suppose a few conceivable reasons that a character may ever want to draw from the deck more than once, the player enjoys it, the last party member who drew from the deck died horribly and need to be brought back somehow, gambling addiction, in hopes of a beneficial power to strike revenge upon the dread necromancer who just kicked this character's puppy, and some sort of initiation rite for the cult of a trickster god.

2013-03-28, 03:23 PM
The assistance of a 4th level fighter never really seemed terribly useful to my players, and was difficult for me to justify in most cases. However, if you would like to use this expanded deck with that option, I would recommend substituting the "Artisan" Plaque (10 of Diamonds / 10 of Pentacles) for the former "Knight" effect.

As for the gaining possession of a keep, one could either include a keep as the "sign" of rank from the "Templar" Plaque (Jack of Diamonds / ⅠⅠⅠ. Empress), or one could change the "Templar" Plaque's effect to the former "Throne" effect.

I admit, currently the bad does seem to outweigh the good, but I do think it's a fair bit better of a balance than the former deck was. Currently there are 3 horrible ways to be removed from game, specifically Void, Donjon, or Chariot. Chariot is it's own foil; as that it is one-on-one combat for a free level or powerful death. (A mixture of the former Comet & Skull, more balanced than before because there is no telling how much stronger or weaker a dread wraith is than the character that drew from the deck.)

Donjon may actually be a problem. It's best foil is currently the Moon. But the Moon is already a foil to Djinn. Perhaps an alteration of one of the Diamonds cards to function as a free casting of the Freedom (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/freedom.htm) spell. I would recommend the Heirophant, as that the Scroll of Truth may not prove as valuable than any other boon, or if a DM would like to keep the foil to "Turnip Clock", change the "Sun" Plaque to the one that offers "Freedom."

For the most part, the Spades are balanced by the Diamonds.
The Hearts and the Clubs are meant to be balanced by themselves.
That is Hearts are meant to be an exchange.
The Clubs are meant to be a gamble.

Motivation to draw from the deck more than once? Motivation is a tricky thing. That's inspired by the character, not the challenge. I suppose a few conceivable reasons that a character may ever want to draw from the deck more than once, the player enjoys it, the last party member who drew from the deck died horribly and need to be brought back somehow, gambling addiction, in hopes of a beneficial power to strike revenge upon the dread necromancer who just kicked this character's puppy, and some sort of initiation rite for the cult of a trickster god.

No no, I mean, since you can always draw later, why would you ever declare to draw more than once?

2013-03-28, 03:46 PM
the knight was always a wierd card. my table just treated it as a cohort, using normal cohort rules, that was magically bound to the PC until either of them died (they may continue to serve afterwards, but only if they chose to do so.)

2013-03-29, 05:41 PM
I can't really think of a good motivation to draw more than one card in a sitting. The best reason off the top of my head is to do so in hopes of negating a bad card if a bad card is drawn first. Not the safest or wisest of plans, but characters do odd things.

Interesting alternative rule for the Knight card. A cohort would work nicely, especially if it were not built by the player whose character won the card.

2013-03-29, 08:12 PM
I can't really think of a good motivation to draw more than one card in a sitting. The best reason off the top of my head is to do so in hopes of negating a bad card if a bad card is drawn first. Not the safest or wisest of plans, but characters do odd things.

Interesting alternative rule for the Knight card. A cohort would work nicely, especially if it were not built by the player whose character won the card.

Yeah, but you could always just declare to draw another card right after the first one. Always. It is kind of a pointless option to offer, so you may as well remove that verbage or make a limitation like oncer per day or week.

2013-03-30, 02:32 AM
I rather like the idea of limiting drawings to once per week, I think I will do so. Thank you for the suggestion.

2013-03-30, 02:38 AM
I think 1/week might be a bit too much. You don't want to just keep drawing cards, because there is always around a 2% chance of total annihilation. 1/day seems like it would be enough.

Also, what happens if someone draws pumpkin eater while alone on a desert island or in there own personal demiplane with no one else in it?

2013-03-30, 01:03 PM
In the situation where a Pumpkin Eater Plaque is drawn by a character specifically alone in a demi-plane or pocket dimension, it would be up to the DM what the "nearest available targets" are.
I would recommend either having the Pumpkin Eater effect creatures in "nearby" planes, according to plane cosmology (or nearest available portal into the astral plane, and nearest portal to nearest creature for shortest seeming distance traveled), or having the character who drew the cards be chosen as "nearest possible target," despite that setting up bad president for future drawings of the same card. (If the drawer is a valid target, then then they will always be one of the nearest valid targets to them-self...)

2013-03-30, 07:35 PM
You could put a clause in that if there are not enough valid targets on the plane they are currently on, then and only then does the original drawer qualify as a valid target.

Humble Master
2013-03-30, 08:24 PM
Very interesting. Lots of humorous, lethal and rewarding effects. Like what the cards of Fate should be! I will say though that if I got this magic item I probably would just sell it. Too many things can go horribly wrong and the rewards seem to little for getting lucky.

2013-03-30, 11:42 PM
I think 1/week might be a bit too much. You don't want to just keep drawing cards, because there is always around a 2% chance of total annihilation. 1/day seems like it would be enough.

Also, what happens if someone draws pumpkin eater while alone on a desert island or in there own personal demiplane with no one else in it?

1 week is fine, the original deck is once in a lifetime.

Anyway, while there are an equal number of counter death cards as death cards, the benefits don't outweigh the bad stuff. It is a risk reward thing. If there is an even number of good and bad things, but the bad things are significantly worse than the good, it is a raw deal, (not a RAW deal, mind you.)

Either the benefits should seem to counter the costs or there should be a decent amount more positive things. I think the positives are a little too weak.

2013-04-10, 03:51 PM
Wikipedia-like cross indexing (My post is #21 and has many): Many Decks of Many, Many Things (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/printthread.php?t=130774)

2013-04-10, 08:29 PM
Nice cross index.
Now to thieve a few ideas for myself...

2013-04-10, 08:52 PM
Now to thieve a few ideas for myself...
Making that possible is part of the reason I do that sort of linking, yes.

2016-03-02, 08:38 PM
It sounds like you gentlemen would love the Gemhammer Deck of Many Things and it's Expansion the Gemhammer Deck of Many More Things. You should really check it out.

2016-04-09, 11:53 PM
Back in 2nd edition D&D, a four-volume set of books called "Encyclopedia Magica" was produced. It was an extensive alphabetic collection of magic items for 2nd edition. In the first volume, there was something called the "Tarot Deck of Many Things". The deck had effects for EVERY card in the Tarot Deck. According the book, the Deck was first found in Dragon Magazine issue 77.

2016-04-10, 12:10 AM
Amazing. See you didn't add an edition. Is it for a specific edition or no ?

2016-04-10, 01:48 AM
pretty nice but wouldn't it make more sense for stuff like: shields, coins, pentacles to be in one, and in another suit stuff like wands, rods; and in yet another swords and arrows. I get the practical use: same sorts of effects are grouped together but, dunno: card names that resemble the cards drawn has its own sort of use.