View Full Version : Intelligent items - related questions

2013-03-29, 01:24 PM
I have a couple of questions about intelligent items.
You see, by RAW an intelligent item is not just an item, but also a creature - construct.
In that case -

1) Is it possible to use summoning spell (say, Gate) to get some instant equipment?

2) Creatures can have templates. Is it possible to apply regular templates to items? How it will affect the item's cost? Which templates will fit better?
What's with some weird situations - undead item and Undeath to Death spell, lycanthropic item under the full moon and so on?

2013-03-29, 01:32 PM
Anybody remember the quote about the vampiric, half-celestial chair? Yeah. I think that might be this.

2013-03-29, 06:24 PM
Constructs do not, in general, have souls, so they can't be reanimated as undead. Nor are they humanoids or giants, so no lycanthrope.

Gate might work, but in practice it's highly likely that all intelligent items are unique creatures. So backfire is probable.

Inherited templates would be difficult* or impossible to apply; only acquired templates would really be workable, and only those that allow the construct type (no Mineral Warrior, for example). There's no defined impact on cost.

*You'd have to make up some wild story about a creature that got turned into a magic item but somehow still retained their templates. Not plausible.