View Full Version : Secret Vampire [Pathfinder]

2013-03-30, 05:56 PM
Hey everyone. After not having played for a while, some friends of mine were thinking about starting up a Pathfinder game. My initial idea that I had that is love to do is play a character secretly afflicted with vampirism. However, I'm not too familiar with vampires at all, so my questions that I'm posing to anyone who has the knowledge and time to help me are as follows (I'm just collecting ideas for now, so go ahead and just say anything relevant even if getting DM approval would be unlikely)

1) What's the lowest-ECL a true vampire can be, assuming we start at low level?
2) If that's too high, is there some kind of template or race I could play that could basically mimic what I'm going for?
3) What would be the best way to hide it in a way that isn't obvious that I'm hiding from the sun? If the only option is to be high-level, then I assume there are spells that could help me. If I'm low-level it would be more of a problem. My character would be completely willing to lie to the party, by claiming to be cursed or something if that would work better. Could really use ideas here.

Basically I know vampires are powerful, however I was hoping to play it in a way where it would really be more of a curse that the character is trying to rid themself of, even while being forced to succumb to the hunger every once in a while to sneak away from the party and bite someone. You don't even need to tell me if it actually CAN be cured or not. If I'm higher-level than the party, I would need to hide that as well.

2013-03-30, 06:12 PM
1: Vampire template is +2 CR, under the pathfinder rules (what little there are on the subject) you will effectively be 2 levels lower than everyone else assuming a standard race.

2: Dhampir is the racial option of choice for closest approximation and is a sort of half vampire option

3: Protective Penumbra protects you from the effects of the sun, but you will need a ring of continuation to keep it up and RAW you'd be otherwise prevented from using any other self only buffs because of it (any new selfbuff spell would take on the 24 hour duration)