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View Full Version : PF, adding elements of the tomb of battle?

2013-03-30, 09:24 PM
Hey Playground

i'm running a pathfinder campaign and a few players have expressed interest into gaining access to not the actual 3.5 tomb of battle classes, but at least some of the manouvers.

i'm inclined to let them but i'm not exactly sure how i should do it.

the easiest way i can think is to disallow the classes themselves but allow them to pick up a manouver or a stance through using a feat.

would this be a reasonable way to do it?

just looking for opinions or advice,


2013-03-30, 09:27 PM
Have your players bargin, what are they willing to lose from their class of choice to gain that?

2013-03-30, 09:27 PM
Not really. What maneuvers would be available to them? I don't think many low level ones are really worth a feat, and the high level ones would be too powerful (like spells).

Maybe allow access to the prestige classes, which would be weird, if possible at all.

2013-03-30, 09:36 PM
Ur priest it!

I hate the sword, the sword is wrong, therefore I shall steal the power of the sword, and hit others with it!

2013-03-30, 09:41 PM
thats somewhat how i'm concidering handling it. allowing martial study and martial stance for non TOB characters to grab a manuver or 2 and making the swordsage the warblade and the crusader themselves prestigue classes requiring Martial Stance, and 7 ranks in some skill that i'm still undecided on.

2013-03-30, 11:19 PM
Make them by whatever skill is the focuse of the school?

And say the more knowledge of that skill you have, is a magical empowerment of your fighting style.

8 points for entry

and a caster for manuvers is 8 + whatever

so 10 in jump gets you access to level 2 tiger claw