View Full Version : Just looking for some tips and advice.

2013-03-31, 09:25 AM
I'm starting up a campaign for a few friends (largish party; 6 players) at level 1 in a desert setting. Now, the basics of the characters are good, and everyone has solid ideas behind their actual flavour.

Dream dwarf druid (playing like a natural diviner type)
Human ranger (bounty hunter)
Human swashbuckler (daring/slightly reckless river barge pirate)
Scab-orc warmage (flexible artillery mage)
Elf paladin of freedom (devout warrior of liberty/the fae courts)
Human marshal (battle tactician)

The main thing I'm having trouble with is the feat selection for the warmage. I'd originally given them Spell Focus, but looking at his spell list, this seems redundant.
Lesser problem is advancement for the marshal, as the player has stated an interest in becoming 'more giant-like'. Aside from curses/magical alteration or the UA bloodlines, I can't really think of anything suitable. I'm also at a loss as for anything to suggest class-wise should he wish to PRC or multiclass that would fit his character flavour.

Any suggestions guys?

2013-03-31, 09:31 AM
He could choose a giant race. Like a goliath, or a halfgiant.

2013-03-31, 09:42 AM
We're at 1st level, so neither of those is usable.

2013-03-31, 09:59 AM
We're at 1st level, so neither of those is usable.

Take a look at Savage Species. There are progressions in there to start at first level.

2013-03-31, 10:13 AM
I dunno if that really fits his character fluff, as he wanted to be a human marshal, venerating Annam, the giant creator figure.

2013-03-31, 11:17 AM
Let him take the jotunbrud feat. He can still be a human he'll just be descended from giants.

2013-03-31, 03:45 PM
Where's jotunbred from? Not one I'm familiar with.

2013-03-31, 04:11 PM
Well, he could get a mage to cast a Permanent Enlarge Person on him. It's not an optimal solution. Would require a lot of coin to get an NPC to do it, it has it's own drawbacks like being dispelable. Alternatively, this could be something that is a dream of that character, and he can go on a quest to get a mage ingratiated enough to do it free for him. Which leads to plot hooks. It gives him something to do when he gets to town, "Oh, are there any powerful mages around here? Do you know if they need a favor?"

2013-03-31, 05:03 PM
You could rework the War Hulk, maybe. Make some of its +STR increases actual size increases. Lose the mindlessness of it.

It needs some serious tweaking, but I think maybe it wouldn't be an awful place to start- maybe even go Dragon Disciple on it- slowly give them Giant-traits instead of dragon ones.
Taking some cues from hulking hurler might similarly be useful.

2013-04-01, 05:14 AM
That's certainly a very good idea. Cheers, Hyde!

Still need some help with a decent feat selection for a warmage really. I'm questioning the use of Combat Casting as I imagine he'll be staying at range. Would Weapon Focus for his ranged spells be an idea?

2013-04-01, 05:22 AM
Well, Combat Casting is pretty much never needed. The Con check to cast defensively is pretty much an auto pass by the time you hit 2nd level on any spell you'd ever cast. Similarly it's usually fairly laughably easy to prevent loss of spells to damage. You should be more worried about the damage killing you dead, than if it is going to make you lose the spell, because the Former tends to happen first.

Metamagic feats would be something to look at, if you're desperate for something to pick up.

Depending on how your warmage likes to roll, Ancestral Relic is always a good feat. If he wants to stand off at range and possibly wants a good reliable back up weapon, that's the Go To choice for me. And I always like Nymph's Kiss if you can pull it off. Otherwise I'd look for feats that give non-combat use and synergy with whatever sort of skills you take.

2013-04-01, 05:38 AM
I think Metamagic may be advisable. Don't want it to be too complex for the guy though, as it's his first game (as it is for a couple of the other players).

2013-04-02, 05:22 AM
Sorry to double post, but I'd like someone's opinion.

For the warmage still, how useful would a feat like Arcane Preparation be, taking metamagic usage into consideration?