View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other (Creature) (Spell) Organ Undead, Nightmares of Anatomy (P.E.A.C.H.)

2013-03-31, 10:05 PM
Wikipedia-like Cross-Indexing (More are listed at the top of the entries of this series that they are most closely related to.)
Smaller threads:
Two Oozes Made of Blood (Not undead, but one has the Tomb-Tainted Soul Feat): Gratuitous Gore (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3129551&postcount=1) and Blood Ooze (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3278900&postcount=3)
Cruor Skeleton (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3294755&postcount=6) - Mobile circulatory system, minus the heart.

Istoq (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/undead/isitoq/) - Pathfinder "Deluxe" relative of the Rolling Eyeball.

Wombstrangler (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10647) - By The Demented One. Made from the umbilical cords of 10,000 stillborn babies. Turns living creatures into zombies.
And the Epic version of the above, the Queen of the Blighted Womb (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=698248&postcount=12) - Also by The Demented One
Peritoneal Brute (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=93503) - By Icewalker
Synovial Freak (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/archive/index.php?t-92052.html) - By Icewalker

An alternate animation for lungs (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?609816-(Pathfinder-also-given-a-nod)-Let-us-laugh-at-our-fears!-Monster-(P-E-A-C-H-)) I created to raise morale during the COVID-19 crisis (5e version (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?610507-Let-us-laugh-together-at-our-fears!-Monster-(P-E-A-C-H-))).

A Mega-Thread:
Elemental Plane of Flesh (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/printthread.php?t=53869&pp=40) - By Zeta Kai

Development History
A long time back, subconsciously inspired by a children's novel about an oriental-style dragon princess, and her human sidekick. I decided that skeletons were all very well and good, but what about skins?

Of course, having done that, I later ended up doing intestines that fight like constrictor snakes for one of the old creature creation contests. And, having done that I thought I would see how many other organs I could turn into useful minor undead.

These help make Animate Dead more than the same old zombies and skeletons, reward skill-point investment and diversified spell lists including giving incentive for having both arcane and divine necromancers involved (or being a mystic theurge).

Many people see these as humorous, and I guess that is in the eye of the beholder. Personally I only ever designed the Zooming Brains to be funny, and I now intend to eventually add a less intentionally problematic (although by no means unusable) version of them.

Years later, here we are, and I have pulled everything I have that is usable (and maybe some stuff that isn't), into one thread. The formatting may be a bit rough of some of these things until I can get back around to give them another coat of polish (I had to get the older threads unlocked from a mass locking that happened to make the database more efficient, and I was in a hurry so I could let Roland re-lock them). Stuff that should be centered in tables isn't, and I want to make the Empty Skins less costly in terms of how many hitdie they take up, and it turns out that I need to add a subtype to everything and... well, there are two several brand new monsters, and some things many people may have never taken a look at, and I could use PEACH on all of it, especially the new stuff.

Game Impact and Themes

GMs should use the Diminutive and Fine versions of these things with great care, since they can easily wreck a party at low levels. They don't do much, but their ACs are very high, and the most mundane solution is running away(something many PCs are loathe to do), followed by burning oil (or more commonly for PCs alchemist's fire). Past that they fall easily to turning (1/2 HD or less means if they either are unaffected on a bad roll, or are destroyed on a decent one), magic missile, Burning Hands, etc. They are very dangerous as ambushers, for instance attacking a rogue who is looking for traps.

One aspect of these that actually reduces the horror factor in some ways, while increasing the amount of rational paranoia that can exist in a setting regarding undead-raising necromancers, is that most of these can be combat effective when made from farm animals, rather than humanoids. The reduced horror factor is that it isn't someone's grandmother or son being bound to unholy service but a beef steer that the necromancer paid a fair price for in order to keep a low profile. The paranoia part comes from the fact that anyone who butchers their own livestock (in other words a majority of the population in a medieval setting, at least from time to time) could be secretly reserving a few of the organs to turn into undead minions if they have even sorcererous talent, a patient mind, and the onyx material component.

Index (Will turn the rest of these into links when I eventually create actual content for them to link to).

Development History, Game Impact and Themes, Index, and Definition of [Organ Undead] Type (You are looking at this.)

Anatomical Juggernaut Template(BARELY BEGUN CONSTRUCTION) and the thematically, but not mechanically related "Mr. Sanguine" story drabble. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003578&postcount=2)
Reserved for Anatomical Juggernaut specific examples 1 A-E (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003594&postcount=3)
Reserved for Anatomical Juggernaut specific examples 2 F-M (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003600&postcount=4)
Reserved for Anatomical Juggernaut specific examples 3 N-Z (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003607&postcount=5)

Reserved for Mystery Organ I am not personally competent to make. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003621&postcount=6)

Dark Heart (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003631&postcount=7)

Empty Skin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003641&postcount=8)
Reserved for Empty Skin Examples 1
Reserved for Empty Skin Examples 2

Fat Glob (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003674&postcount=11)

Floating Lungs (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003697&postcount=12)

Gut Snake (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003712&postcount=13)

Hopping Stomach (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003720&postcount=14)

Laughing Uvula (Complete for GM use) and Muscle Mass (Complete) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003739&postcount=15)

Plague Tonsils (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003743&postcount=16) (WORK IN PROGRESS)

Rolling Eyeball (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=15003762&postcount=17)

Sinister Spinal Cord and Link to Skeleton (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=15003778&postcount=18)


Slithering Liver (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003823&postcount=20)

Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003833&postcount=21)

Zooming Brain (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003845&postcount=22)
Zooming Brain Specific Examples 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003858&postcount=23)

Corpse Ripper, Slaughter Ripper, and Corpse Peeler spells. Tables of additions to Summon Undead I to IX*, Dread Necromancer and Warlock Adaptation (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003872&postcount=24)
*Yes, I know the published versions of those spells don't go that high.
Reserved for Corpse Ripper and Corpse Peeler Specific Examples 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003887&postcount=25)
Reserved for Corpse Ripper and Corpse Peeler Specific Examples 2

Farm Animal Stats and Links (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003903&postcount=27)

Room for expansion
Beginnings of 5th Edition versions

New Creature Subtype
Organ Undead: For purposes of controlling or creation add the basic racial turn resistance of an undead with this subtype to its hitdice in all cases rather than only for turning/rebuking/commanding/destroying. Note especially that this applies to how many hitdice worth of the Animate Dead control pool it takes up.

Undead with this subtype often require additional spells to create in the simplest way, in addition to skill (or luck) with cutting up inanimate corpses to remove the organ.
((Lanthsor had a suggestion for re-phrasing this.))

2013-03-31, 10:07 PM
A FEW Anatomical Juggernaut Notes

All of the above organs seperated out, and then reassembled, often in the 'wrong' places. The top of the skull is removed to expose the brain to allow the mental-function-impairing aura to function. The intestines emerge like a snake from the navel. Similarly the spinal cord hangs out of one nostril like a booger. As I you may or may not remember from the last time we met, the stomach is stitched to one shoulder like the ranged weapon used by The Predator. Fat is collected on one limb, and slam/claw attacks with that limb cause the fatigue of the fat-glob of there is at least 40 pounds. The liver is attached to a limb as well, granting the poison effect. Ditto for the disease from the Plague Tonsils. It can use the sonic attack of the Screaming Lungs. I will probably give it the poisonous urine of the Skulking Bladder. The Skin and/or bladder grants it intelligence. It has perfect memory of everything it sees, and can play them back as a 3-D 'hologram' from its eyes. hole the full width of the sterum drilled through said sterum allows the Dark Heart's damaging aura to spread out in a full sphere. All attack forms may be used at once with perfect fluidity, unlike say a person fighting with a dagger and a sword ("Spanish Style") who must split his attention between his hands (meaning the dagger in that style is almost entirely used for parrying). Worst of all may be that the total amount of trauma necessary to destroy it is equal to the SUM of the resiliences of the individual components, and it has the rapid recovery of the liver to repair itself.

Requires ALL crafting procedures for subparts to be successful on SAME corpse.
Perfect visual memory and can replay due to eyes.
(Don't give fast healing, it is redundant with the Dark Heart?? Nah, best to make this worth the trouble by giving BOTH. Specify which happens first though, so it clear if damaging it reduces the number of other targets the heart can effect by 1.)
Taxidermized skin
Final DC 25 heal check to assemble failure ruins one randomly selected organ, and prevents assembly. Can still animate everything else as individual undead if you succeed on a DC 20 heal check. Each additional failure ruins one more organ.

SLOW Flight (a lot of the organs can fly).

Multi-AttackB, Improved Multi-AttackB, ?Spring AttackB?
Attack forms every round:
Shout (remember recharge time on shout)
Spit Acid each round
Skin removed from extremities, both hand attacks and gut snake deal strength damage as per Muscle Mass.((Actually, I currently have this only applying to the gut attack))
Top of scalp peel back and top of skull removed, mental ability score damage aura as per Zooming brain. Remember this is dependant on
(assuming bipedal)Liver attached to forearm and palm of one arm, slam and touch attack deal poison as per slithering liver.
(assuming bipedal)Similar deal with other arm covered in fat deposits, deals Fat Glob effect depending on total body-fat weight (might go below fat-glob's minimum DCs/durations in many cases).
Grappling attack with gut snake poking out through belly.
Nasal whip to paralyze with spinal cord.
Hole through sternum grants effect of Dark Heart.(Cone? If so, must include target of a melee attack, but allow thin air to be targeted? Merged for non- taur, non-ursine, non-cobra-like-snake, non-meercat? Basically anything niot known for orienting its sternum vertically with ease...)
Inner ears worn as ear-rings.
What to do with the tonsils? Always add to bite even if another organ already linked to bite attack? Put on tongue so juggernaut can't speak (or at least a penalty to Diplomacy, Intimidate and Sense Motive, and a huge one to Perform(Oratory/Song), and paired wtih bite attack, but can also be used for a lick attack that inflicts disease vs Touch AC? Yeah, liking that last option...

2 slams (Fat, Liver) <-Require attack/full attack

Make all of these except the brain-aura as a swift action once per turn. The brain aura is continuous:
2 whips (Gut, Nasal Spine)
1 sonic cone
1 shoulder-mounted stomach, al la "Predator"
2 auras (Brain, Heart)
2 rays (Inner ears)

Give Perfect Multi-attack due to hive-mind for everything EXCEPT the claw attacks/existing natural weapons, and/or as feats (is it a feat? If not, take Multi-attack as a feat to make up for it, and write things so replacing the feat removes perfect Multi-attack)
Give it enough HD that turn-resistance isn't necessary.
Destruction releases a consistent EL worth of individual organs(relative to its own CR), but roll randomly for which ones.
DO NOT allow under Animate Dead and even Create Undead, Lesser Might be pushing it.


Progress, such as it is, towards actual template ((NOTE TO SELF: READ THROUGH ALL OF THIS CAREFULLY BEFORE "PUBLISHING"))
Anatomical Juggernaut
Anatomical juggernauts are the animated corpses of the dead, painstakingly disassembled and then reassembled in an alternate configuration. While not very bright compared to the average humanoid, they are far from mindless and serve their masters well, or slaughter the living with some degree of strategy and tactics if uncontrolled.

An anatomical juggernaut is valuable enough that it is often garbed in specially crafted armor. An anatomical juggernauts obeys without question.

Creating An Anatomical Juggernaut ((Format this line better?))

"Anatomical Juggernaut" is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal creature (other than an undead) that has at least a skeletal system (referred to hereafter as the base creature).
Size and Type ((Format this line better))

The creature’s type changes to undead. It retains any subtype except for alignment subtypes (such as good) and subtypes that indicate kind. It does not gain the augmented subtype. It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Hit Dice((Format this line))

Drop any Hit Dice gained from class levels (to a minimum of 1) then double and use either this number or the number on the following chart, whichever is greater. In any case change all Hit Dice to d12s. If the resulting anatomical juggernaut would have more than 20 Hit Dice, it can’t be made into an an anatomical juggernaut by the animate dead spell, and other means, such as Create Undead must be used.
((Note to self: See excel spreadsheet "Anatomical Juggernaut HD Notes" for this.))
Size|Minimum HD










As per base creature except as follows. If the base creature did not have a flight speed, but did have a land speed it gains a flight speed of equal to half of its land speed with good maneuverability.

Armor Class
Natural armor bonus increases by a number based on the anatomical juggernaut’s size:
Anatomical Juggernaut Size| Natural Armor Bonus Increase

Small or smaller |

Medium or Large |

Huge |

Gargantuan |

Colossal |


An anatomical juggernaut retains all the natural weapons weapon proficiencies of the base creature. However it is only proficient with its natural weapons and simple weapons. The anatomical juggernaut can strike with each of its natural attacks at its full attack bonus. An anatomical juggernaut’s base attack bonus is equal to ½ its Hit Dice.

((The following should probably be more based on size))
{table=head]Hit Dice | Challenge Rating
½ | 3?
1 | 4?
2-3 | 1
4-5 | 2
6-7 | 3
8-9 | 4
10-11 | 5
12-14 | 6
15-17 | 7
18-20 | 8

Natural and manufactured weapons deal damage normally. A claw attack deals damage depending on the skeleton’s size. (If the base creature already had claw attacks with its hands, use the skeleton claw damage only if it’s better.)
Special Attacks
An anatomical juggernaut retains none of the base creature’s special attacks, except gaze attacks.
It does, however gain many other special attacks. Apply the following operations IN ORDER:

If it has less than three natural weapons((Tweak this number down for smaller Anatomical Juggernauts)), it gains a number of claw (for creatures with hands) or slam attacks (for those without hands) sufficient to bring its total up to three, BUT never more than half its number of limbs that do not already have attack forms.
If it still does not have at least 3 natural weapons and does not have a bite attack, then it gains a bite attack.

If the creature STILL does not have at least three natural attacks, and has a tail that is not used for attacks, then it gains a tail-slam.
{table=head]Anatomical Juggernaut Size | Claw/Slam/Bite/Tail Slam Damage

Diminutive or Fine|

Tiny |

Small |

Medium |

Large |

Huge |

Gargantuan |

Colossal |
If the creature was of at least Tiny size then one natural attack of the creators choice inflicts initial and secondary constitution damage (plus drain as well if the source creature was colossal+), according to the following table. This is a poison attack. The save DC is Constitution-based, but since anatomical juggernauts have no constitution score, this is simply 10 + 1/2 HD. The creature may make touch attacks with that limb to inflict only this poison effect.
{table="head"]Size of Base Creature|Primary and Secondary Damage

Tiny |

Small |

Medium |

Large |

Huge |

Gargantuan |

Colossal |

Colossal+ |
3d6 Damage + 1d2 Drain*

* This drain does not grant the anatomical juggernaut hitpoints.
If the base creature contained between 60 pounds and 999 tons of fat, then a DIFFERENT natural attack of the creators choice gains an additional effect of inducing Fatigue. This effect may be negated with a fortitude save against a DC that is technically Constitution based, but since undead have no constitution scores, the DC is simply (10 + 1/2 anatomical juggernauts hit-dice). The anatomical juggernaut may make touch attacks with that limb to inflict ONLY this fatigue (or exhaustion) effect. In the rare cases where the base creature contained at least 1,000 tons of fat, then these attacks (standard or touch) instead inflict exhaustion on a failed save and fatigue on a successful save.
Due to the semi-independent intelligences controlling some of the constituent organs of an anatomical juggernaut once per round, as either a swift or standard action an anatomical juggernaut may make some or all of the following attacks:((List these out EXCEPT for the tables, then consolidate the tables at the end? Probably best, if I thought that enough people would use these in either case to make it worth while... then again, separate tables may actually be clearer due to the number of columns required.))

If the base creature is of at least Tiny size
Negative Energy Pulse(Sn): The anatomical juggernaut can release negative energy once per round which functions in many ways like Inflict Light Wounds, Mass. It affects the closest (emphasis: always from closest, starting with itself if it is damaged, to furthest away) living and/or not-at-full-hp-undead targets with the radius and up to the maximum number of targets listed on the following table. Its Deathwatch ability allows it to skip over constructs. A Will save is allowed for half damage.
{table="head"]Size|Radius|Damage| Max. Targets

Tiny or Small| 25 feet | 1d2 |

Medium | 30 feet | 1d4 |

Large | 35 feet | 1d8+1 |

Huge | 45 feet | 2d8+3 |

Gargantuan | 55 feet | 3d8+5 |

Colossal | 70 feet | 4d8+7 |

If the base creature is of at least Diminutive size:
Shout(Su): A pair of Floating Lungs (which is a single creature!) can create something like the effect of a Shout or Shout, Greater spell with the specifics as follows. Note that this specific attack can not be used on consecutive rounds for colossal and colossal+ anatomical juggernauts.
{table="head"]Size*|Range|Damage|Deafness Duration|Stun Duration|DC|Frequency
Diminutive or Tiny| 15 feet | 1d6/2d6 |
1d3 |
N/A| 12 |Every Round |
Small | 20 feet | 3d6/5d6 |
2d3 |
N/A| 14 |Every Round |
Medium** | 30 feet | 5d6/8d6 |
2d6 |
N/A| 16 |Every Round
Large | 40 feet | 7d6/11d6 |
2d8 |
N/A| 18 |Every Round
Huge | 60 feet | 10d6/15d6 |
4d4 |
1 | 20 |Every Round
Gargantuan | 90 feet | 13d6/20d6 |
4d6 |
1d3| 22 |Every Round
Gargantuan w/ 2 EHD | 105 feet | 15d6/22d6 |
4d8 |
1d4| 23 |Every Round |
Colossal | 125 feet | 17d6/25d6 | Permanent / 1d4 |
1d6| 24 |Every Other Round|
Colossal w/ 2 EHD | 135 feet | 18d6/26d6 | Permanent / 1d4 |
1d6| 24 |Every Other Round
Colossal w/ 4 EHD | 150 feet | 19d6/27d6 | Permanent / 1d6 |
1d6| 25 |Every Other Round|
Colossal w/ 6 EHD | 165 feet | 20d6/28d6 | Permanent / 1d6 |
1d6| 25 |Every Other Round|
Colossal+ | 180 feet | 21d6/30d6 | Permanent / 2d4 |
1d8| 26 |Every Other Round|
*Extra Hit Dice are considered for the base creature and the minimum needed to achieve that size class for that species. This is especially important in the case of true dragons.
**Also use this row for anatomical juggernauts of larger size that did not have Shout, Greater used in their creation.
Any creature within the area(a cone shaped burst) is deafened for the first number of rounds listed on a failed save, or the second number on a successful save and takes the smaller of the two listed amounts of damage sonic damage. A successful save negates the deafness (except for Colossal and Colossal+, in which case it merely means the second duration is used) and reduces the damage by half. Any exposed brittle or crystalline object or crystalline creature takes the larger of the two listed amounts of sonic damage. An affected creature is allowed a Fortitude save to reduce the damage by half, and a creature holding fragile objects can negate damage to them with a successful Reflex save.

The shout cannot penetrate a silence spell.
If the base creature is of at least Diminutive size, a touch slam attack with the intestines, which lash out though a hole near the belly-button for Tall creatures, or near the small of the back for Long creatures. This attack does not deal hitpoint damage, but instead strength damage and/or drain and, if the the base creature was of Small or larger size, allows initiating a grapple check as a free action. If the base creature is a herbivore or omnivore then the reach of this attack is longer than typical for a creature of its size and is as per the following table:
{table=head]Anatomical Juggernaut Size | Intestine Reach

Diminutive or Fine|
0 feet

Tiny |
5 feet

Small or Medium |
10 feet

Large |
20 feet

Huge |
30 feet

Gargantuan |
40 feet

Colossal |
60 feet

This attack drains strength with a touch, including upon successfully touching a creature during a Bull-Rush or Overrun. A fortitude save is allowed to negate this. The save is constitution based, but since anatomical juggernauts have no constitution score this is simply 10 + 1/2 HD. Resolve this after the touch attack, but before the opposed checks for any associated grapple.
{table="head"] Size|Strength Damage

Diminutive| 1

Tiny| 1d2

Small| 1d3+1

Medium| 1d4+2

Large| 1d6+4

Huge| 1d8+5

Gargantuan| 1d10+5

Colossal| 2d6+6

Colossal+| 2d8 damage + 7 drain

If this grapple only involves the intestines this check does not suffer the -20 penalty for only using a single limb to grapple, if the anatomical juggernaut involves the rest of its limbs then this attack instead gains a +6 bonus, and inflicts the effects of successful hits with (list of melee touch attacks it can make) on a successful grapple check.
If the base creature is of Tiny or larger size (check rules for hopping stomachs) (1 or more shoulder-mounted stomachs, al la "Predator")
(Nasal Spinal Cord Whip)
If the base creature was of Tiny or larger size (2 rays (Inner ears))

Add the following special attack:
Aura of Idiocy (Su):
This emanation damages the mental faculties of all living creatures who get too close to an anatomical juggernaut. This aura is continuous and the anatomical juggernaut may not suppress this ability, even if commanded to. Any creature within a certain radius determined by the size of creature the anatomical juggernaut was taken for the first time during a given turn* must immediately make a Fortitude or Will save (whichever they have the lower total modifier to) to avoid taking damage to each of their three mental stats. The save DC is based on the hit-dice and charisma of the creature the brain was taken from, NOT the anatomical juggernaut's own statistics. The formula is the standard 10 + 1/2 Base Creature's Racial HD (Minimum 1 after division) + Base Creature's Charisma modifier(not counting any bonuses from magic items or non-permanent spells). This ability score damage can not reduce a creature below 1 in any ability score.
*If an anatomical juggernaut acts during a surprise round, then people who took damage during the surprise round do not also take damage during the first full round of combat as long as they neither enter the aura during their turn, nor end their turn within it.

The amount of ability score damage is based on the intelligence of the base creature. Unlike most ability score damage, this only lasts a number of minutes equal to the intelligence score of the creature the brain was taken from(not counting any bonuses from magic items or non-permanent spells).
INT|Damage |X| INT |Damage
1-2|1d2-1(Minimum 0) |X|18-20|2d4
3|1 |X|21-23|2d6
4-6|1d2 |X|24-26|2d8
7-9|1d3 |X|27-29|2d10
10-11|1d4 |X|30-32|2d12
12-14|1d6 |X|33-35|4d6
15-17|1d8 |X|36+|4d8

The radius of the emanation of the brain is based on the size anatomical juggernaut (including any size changing magics that may be in effect).
Fine|20' |30'
Diminutive|30' |40'
Tiny|40' |60'
Small|50' |80'
Medium|60' |100'
Large|80' |150'
Huge|100' |200'
Gargantuan|150' |300'
Colossal|200' |350'
((This needs work))In addition to any attacks of opportunity it may otherwise be entitled to an anatomical Juggernaut may make one attack of opportunity per round with each of its melee attacks that it can make as part of its swift action attack. This functions much like Combat Reflexes, except that in no case may more than one attack with a given natural weapon be made in any round.

Special Qualities
An anatomical juggernaut loses most special qualities of the base creature. It retains any extraordinary special qualities that improve its melee or ranged attacks. A skeleton gains the following special qualities.

((Stuff about perfect visual memory and replay, noting that replay is seperate for each eye... allow option to have all eyes used to make image have depth?))

((Deathwatch if at least Tiny))

Overrun Mastery (Ex): Muscle Masses do not provoke attacks of opportunity for entering their target's square when attempting overruns.

Base save bonuses are Fort +1/3 HD, Ref +1/3 HD, and Will +½ HD + 2.

An anatomical juggernaut has no Constitution score, its Wisdom rises to 10 if it was lower, its intelligence changes to 5, its strength increases by 2, and its Charisma increases by 4.

An anatomical juggernaut has 5 ranks or the base creature's number of ranks after class levels are removed

An anatomical juggernaut retains all racial feats of the base creature and gains the following as bonus feats:
Iron Will, Multi-attack, Improved Multi-attack, Improved Bull-rush, Improved Over-run, Improved Grapple, Point Blank Shot

Any, usually same as base creature.


Challenge Rating
Variable. See specific examples below, or table for general rules.

Usually None, although savvy necromancers may equip them with mundane gear or even magic items. While they require exotic armor, this is still usually the first item they are furnished with.

Always neutral evil.

By Class. Most Anatomical Juggernauts never gain class levels.

Level Adjustment
(I won't even know if this should be a positive or negative number until I get the rest of them finished)

Note that Mr. Sanguine is NOT an Anatomical Juggernaut, since not only can he split up, but each part can talk and might even have a separate mind. I am putting this in this particular post because it is where it fits the best thematically.

I also want to see a Necromancer with an entire corpse gutted teaching children basic anatomy like on Sesame Street.
Or come up with Deathless versions. Deathless in my philosophy implies they have INT scores, although any from the same person might qualify as vaguely hive-minded in the way of an arcanist and their familiar, with the brain as the leader. Anyway, the point is that the necromancer would simply instruct the deathless gestalt in anatomy (AKA give them 1 or 2 ranks in Heal) and then send them off to "pay it forward" for being returned to the mortal plane (if not the mortal STATE), by going around teaching anatomy for a few decades...

"Good Morning Children! We are Mr Sanguine!"
*Skin peels off, slithers to the left 5 or 10 feet, then stands up, the back of the scalp visible through the eye and mouth holes"
"I'm Sloughy Sanguine, the skin! You skin does many useful things, for instance..."
*5 minutes later, the intestines fall out, then crawl 10 feet to the right*
"I'm Slithery Sanguine, the intestines! Intestines are what gets all the good stuff out of the food you eat, like water and the energy that keeps you moving! Why without us you would..."
*3 minutes later, the stomach drops out, rebounding like a rubber ball to land in its own place in the line up.*
"All true Slithery! But without me he wouldn't have gotten very far! I'm Sloppy Sanguine, the stomach! Your stomach helps you by..."
*3 minutes later, the liver wriggles out*
"Good morning boys and girls! I am Stalwart Sanguine..."
*5 minutes later the heart floats out, moving upward and to the left 5 feet*
"Step-in-Time Sanguine is my name! Pumping is my game! We hearts keep your blood moving good stuff through you! Did you know that..."
*4 minutes later the lungs move to a position up and right of the skeleton*
"Good morning children. I am Screechy Sanguine. Sorry for speaking so softly, but I have to play it safe and be very careful not to speak too loudly, because I could really hurt your ears. But enough of that... lets talk about breathing and... well, talk about talking."
*6 minutes later the eyes fall out*
"We are Stare-y and Stan Sanguine!..."
*5 minutes later a voice is heard through the eye-holes*
"Hello, sorry I can't come out to talk to you beautiful children better, but I have to stay safe inside my friend Skelly. I am known as Smarty Sanguine, Brain, Esquire. Today I would like to talk to you about..."
*5 minutes later the skeleton speaks*
"I am Skelly Sanguine, and I am glad to lend my support to these guys each and every day! So... who likes MILK! Raise your hands!..."
Kid-1: "Best. School. Lesson. Ever."
Kid-2: "Are you JOKING!? That was HORRIBLE. Remind me to make sure to do my homework EXTRA good so I NEVER have to see them again!"

2013-03-31, 10:09 PM



2013-03-31, 10:11 PM
((Gnoll Warrior))

((Gnome Commoner))

((Human Commoner))

2013-03-31, 10:12 PM

Rat Anatomical Juggernaut
Diminutive Undead [Organ Undead]
HD 1d12 (6 hp)
Speed 15 ft. (3 squares), climb 15 ft., ?swim 15 ft.?
AC X; touch X; flat-footed X
BAB +0; Grp -11
Attack Bite +4 melee (1d3-3 plus strength damage)
Swift or Standard Action: Shout and Nasal Spinal Cord Whip +4 melee touch (Paralysis)
Full-Attack Bite +4 melee (1d3-3)
Swift or Standard Action: Shout and Nasal Spinal Cord Whip +4 melee touch (Paralysis)
Space 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks Aura of Idiocy, Nasal Spinal Cord Whip, Shout
Special Qualities Undead Traits
Saves Fort +X Ref +X Will +X
Abilities Str 4, Dex 15, Con -, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 6
Environment Any
Organization Any
Challenge Rating X
Treasure None
Alignment Always Neutral Evil
Advancement -
Level Adjustment -
Shout (Su): This 15 foot cone of sonic energy deafens for 1d3 rounds and inflicts 1d6 damage to non-crystalline creatures, against any exposed brittle or crystalline object or crystalline creature it instead inflicts 2d6 damage. For a creature, a DC 12 fortitude save halves the damage and negates the deafness. A creature holding fragile objects can negate damage to them with a successful DC 12 Reflex save.

The shout cannot penetrate a silence spell.
Aura of Idiocy (Su): ((30' radius 1d2-1(minimum 0) damage, DC 7, lasts 2 minutes))



2013-03-31, 10:14 PM
This was requested, but it is both humorous (not a deal killer) and requires knowledge of an older TV show that I never watched (more problematic). I may need to get someone else to do this for me.

2013-03-31, 10:15 PM
Dark Heart
Open Spoiler below for main stat block for Fine, Diminutive, and Tiny Dark Hearts.

Dark Heart, Fine
Dark Heart, Diminutive
Dark Heart, Tiny

Size and Type
Fine Undead [Organ Undead]
Diminutive Undead [Organ Undead]
Tiny Undead [Organ Undead]

Hit Dice
2d12 (13 hp)
4d12 (26 hp)
8d12 (52 hp)

Fly 10 ft. (Perfect)
Fly 15 ft. (Perfect)
Fly 20 ft. (Good)
AC 23 (+5 Dex, +8 size); touch 23; flat-footed 1818 (+4 Dex, +4 size); touch 18; flat-footed 1415 (+3 Dex, +2 size); touch 15; flat-footed 12
1/2 ft./0 ft.
1 ft./0 ft.
2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks
Negative Energy Pulse (1d2)
Negative Energy Pulse (1d4)
Negative Energy Pulse (1d8+1)
Special Qualities
Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits
Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits
Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +6
Abilities Str 4, Dex 21, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1Str 8, Dex 19, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1Str 10, Dex 17, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Hide +21*, Move Silently +15
Hide +16*, Move Silently +14
Hide +11*, Move Silently +13
Great Fortitude(B), Endurance(B)
Great Fortitude(B), Endurance(B)
Great Fortitude(B), Endurance(B)
Challenge Rating
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
3 HD (Fine)
5-7 HD (Diminutive)
9-15 HD (Tiny)
Level Adjustment
*Hide modifiers included for clarity, despite lack of racial modifiers or ranks.
Open Spoiler below for main stat block for Small, Medium, and Large Dark Hearts.

Dark Heart, Small
Dark Heart, Medium
Dark Heart, Large

Size and Type
Small Undead [Organ Undead]
Medium Undead [Organ Undead]
Large Undead [Organ Undead]

Hit Dice
16d12 (104 hp)
32d12 (208 hp)
64d12 (408 hp)

Fly 30 ft. (Good)
Fly 40 ft. (Good)
Fly 50 ft. (Good)

14 (+2 Dex, +1 size, +1 natural); touch 13; flat-footed 12
13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural); touch 11; flat-footed 12
11 (-1 size, +2 natural); touch 9; flat-footed 11
5 ft./0 ft.
5 ft./0 ft.
10 ft/0 ft.
Special Attacks
Negative Energy Pulse (2d8+3)
Negative Energy Pulse (3d8+5)
Negative Energy Pulse (4d8+7)
Special Qualities
Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits
Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits
Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +10
Fort +12 Ref +11, Will +18
Fort +23, Ref +21, Will +34
Str 12, Dex 15, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 16, Dex 13, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
STR 24, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Hide +6*, Move Silently +12
Hide +1*, Move Silently +11
Hide -4*, Move Silently +10
Great Fortitude(B), Endurance(B)
Great Fortitude(B), Endurance(B)
Great Fortitude(B), Endurance(B)
Challenge Rating
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
17-31 HD (Small)
33-63 HD (Medium)
65+ HD (Large)
Level Adjustment
*Hide modifiers included for clarity, despite lack of racial modifiers or ranks.

A strawberry shaped piece of flesh, the color of clotted blood, hangs in the air.

Dark Hearts are the hearts of corpses reanimated through dark and sinister magic. (See "Creation" below)

Because of their utter lack of intelligence, the instructions given to a newly created Dark Heart must be very simple. They are generally end up simply moving into the center of the melee about 15 feet up (lower for the smaller ones) and blasting away with their Negative Energy Pulse as often as possible. If they are within the threatened area of an opponent they may (depending on how carefully they were instructed) take a 5 foot float (or for the ones that can do so and still release their pulse) making withdraw action directly away from it before launching their attack for that round.

Negative Energy Pulse(Sn): The Dark Heart can release negative energy once per round which functions in many ways like Inflict Light Wounds, Mass. It affects the closest (emphasis: always from closest, starting with itself if it is damaged, to furthest away) living and/or not-at-full-hp-undead targets within the radius and up to the maximum number of targets listed on the following table. Its Deathwatch ability allows it to skip over constructs. A Will save is allowed for half damage (for targets that would be damaged). Semi-obviously this heals undead (and living creatures with the Tomb-Tainted Soul feat, etc). The DC is Constitution based, and the DCs listed are for dark hearts without extra hit dice.

SizeRadiusDamage (DC)
Action Max. TargetsSize of Source Creature
Fine 25 feet 1d2 (11) Full Round Action
2 Tiny or Small
Diminutive 30 feet 1d4 (12) Full Round Action
4 Medium
Tiny 35 feet 1d8+1(14) Standard Action
6 Large
Small 45 feet 2d8+3(18) Swift Action
9 Huge
Medium 55 feet 3d8+5(26) Free Action
12 Gargantuan
Large 70 feet 4d8+7(42) Free Action
20 Colossal

Skills: A dark heart has a +10 racial bonus to move silently checks. This does not reduce the amount of sound it makes when it pulses.

Organ Undead (Subtype): For purposes of controlling or creation add the base racial turn resistance of an undead with this subtype to its hitdice in all cases rather than only for turning/rebuking/commanding/destroying. This also applies to how many hitdice worth of the Animate Dead control pool it takes up.

Undead with this subtype often require additional spells to create in the simplest way, in addition to skill (or luck) with cutting up inanimate corpses to remove the organ.

Special: Dark Hearts are often returned to the chests from which they came (tied in place with a network of string or rope in the case of skeletal undead). In such a case the larger undead becomes somewhat subject to critical hits, sneak attack, and other precision based damage provided that they are dealt in the form of piercing damage. In such a case a confirmed critical hit may be elected by the attacker to deal its NORMAL (NOT critical hit!) damage to the Dark Heart instead of dealing any damage what-so-ever to the larger undead.

Use them alone or mixed in with other mindless undead. For especially nasty effect cram the chest cavity of a skeletal undead with them, put magical Full-Plate on it (only if your GM is okay with that NOT blocking Line of Effect) so Bracers of Armor, give it a magical Tower Shield, and have it take full Defense (If it is intelligent throwing in the Dodge feat and/or 5 ranks in Tumble is just downright the cruel icing on the cake of cruelty). Put the resulting negative energy source in the middle of a group of beefy undead or just have it move up to targets and let the hearts do the work.

Creating Dark Hearts
First the hearts of one or more creatures of at least tiny size must be harvested, each requiring a Heal or Profession(Butcher) check with a DC of 15. The hearts must be reasonably undecayed and mostly whole and the creature must have had a circulatory system that included a heart. Then Inflict Minor Wounds, Mass*(Twice for Fine Dark Hearts or three times for Diminutive), OR Inflict Light Wounds, Mass (once for Dark Hearts up to Tiny Size) OR Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass (once for Dark Hearts up to Small size), OR Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass (once for Dark Hearts up to Medium Size), OR Inflict Critical Wounds, Mass (once for Dark Hearts up to Large size) must be cast over each one. Next Deathwatch, and either Fly, or Overland Flight must be cast once over each heart to be animated. Alternatively Wind Walk may substitute for Fly and may fulfill that part of the requirements for as many hearts as targets it could normally effect. Finally, either Animate Dead, Create Undead or Create Greater Undead must be cast. The material components for the spell must be be placed inside each heart to be animated via the valves. Each such casting (regardless of which spell is used) may create up to 2 HD worth of Dark Hearts per caster level (The desecrate spell doubles this limit). Animate Dead can not create a Dark Heart of over 20 HD. The size of the Dark Heart is 3 size classes smaller than the size of the creature the hearts were taken from (Minimum Fine Size). Dark Hearts have hit dice equal to the minimum listed for a Dark Heart of that size, plus extra hit dice equal to 1/2 the number of extra hit dice above the minimum that the creature it was harvested from needed to achieve its size class (up to the maximum listed HD a Dark Heart of the particular size category may be advanced to). Regardless of the spell used the creature is automatically under the control of the creator and counts against the Animate Dead control pool as if it was created with that spell.
The remaining corpse is still suitable for animation into most types of undead. Especially note that with the right skill checks, spells, etc it is possible in most cases to generate a Dark Heart, an Empty Skin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003641&postcount=8), a contribution towards a Fat Glob (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003674&postcount=11), a pair of Floating Lungs (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003697&postcount=12) (which is a single creature), a Gut Snake (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003712&postcount=13), one or more Hopping Stomachs (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003720&postcount=14), Muscle Mass (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003739&postcount=15), two Rolling Eyeballs (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003743&postcount=16), a Sinister Spinal Cord (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003762&postcount=17), a Slithering Liver (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003823&postcount=20), two Spinning-Horizon Inner Ears (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003833&postcount=21), and a Zooming Brain (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003845&postcount=22) from a single corpse.
* The reversed version of THIS (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=252498).
As is usually the case the CR's are pretty much just guesses.

Add the following sizes and hitdies of Dark Hearts to the list of things summonable with the Summon Undead line of spells.

LvlDark Heart

I --

IIstandard Fine

IIIstandard Diminutive

IVAdvanced Diminutive (6HD)

Vstandard Tiny

VI*Advanced Tiny (12 HD)

VII*standard Small

VIII*Advanced Small (24 HD)

IX*standard Medium

As always, you can use a spell from the Summon Undead series to summon 2 undead from the list for 1 spell level lower, or 4 undead from a list for 2 or more spell levels lower.

*This spell does not, to my knowledge, exist a-priori of this project. I might brew it up later, although it is going to be a bit narrow-focus unless other people jump on the homebrewing bandwagon.

Logistical notes regarding out of combat healing:
Assuming the maximum number of targets are available, for large number of undead, this causes Summon Undead to surpass Inflict X Wounds of their spell level at the following caster levels:
Spell level 2: Caster level 5 (Single Target at level 13).
Spell Level 3: Any caster level you can actually cast it at for 4 targets, hypothetically as low as CL 2. (Single target at Level 9)
Spell Level 5: Any caster level.
Spell Level 7:

vs Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass: Any Caster level below about 85 (I might bother to check this side of the curve for the others at some later date)
vs Harm: CL 1 even for a single target.

(3d8+lvl)*lvl vs (2d8+3)*lvl*9
divide by lvl and average out the d8s
13.5+lvl vs 11*9

10xlvl(max 150) vs 11xtargetsxlvl

Spell level 9(Harm, Mass): ...going by Heal, Mass, Harm, Mass would only be limited by the number of undead you could cram into a sphere 30' in diameter. With 10xCL(max 250) points healed per creature, it is a serious contender, although you might not be able to get very many creatures in that are with enough hitdice to use 250 hp of healing very easily, and pre-25th level you would need 23 targets on average. After 25th level you need even more targets.
tl;dr Summon Undead IX beats Harm, Mass for out of combat healing of undead.
10*lvl(max 25)*targets vs (3d8+5)*lvl*targets(max 12)
10*lvl(max 25)*targets vs (18.5)*lvl*targets(max 12)
(so until targets get high, the heart-summoning is winning)
10*lvl(max 25)*targets vs (18.5)*lvl*12
10*lvl(max 25)*targets vs 222*lvl
divide by level(which means assuming it is 25 or less)
10*targets vs 222

2013-03-31, 10:16 PM
Related Creatures:
Forsaken Shell from Liber Mortis, pages 100 to 101
Epidermarra (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?39122-The-Creeping-of-Flesh-Creature-MitP)
To a lesser extent, Skin Kite from Liber Mortis, pages 118 to 119
And the "natural predator" of all of these (Vermin not Undead) : Skin Spiders (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=3290102&postcount=5)

A spell that peels off your own skin to go away and do stuff from Pathfinder: Skinsend (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/skinsend)

Empty Skin (Template)

The following image is copyright Susan Felice Folmer, and is used with permission. Do not use without permission.
Spoilered for 1756x1275 size.


These creatures should usually be employed for atmosphere. This should be the cat curled up on the decadently evil noble's bed or lap (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RightHandCat), or the Unicorn pacing in a dead orchard in the courtyard of a vampire's castle, in a mockery of its purpose in life.

It appears to be a normal creature until you notice that there is only empty space behind the lids of the eyes and the lips(except for a moist tongue).

An Empty Skin is necromantic creation designed to be the perfect pet or animate decoration. At the creators option (chosen at the time of creation) it may appear to breath, be as warm as a living creature, and/or have a moist tongue and/or nose. In a sharp departure from the behavior of most undead (especially created undead) their default attitude toward most creatures is one of affection (but not cooperation per se). This can, however, be overridden by orders from someone they recognize as their owner. An Empty Skin can speak if the base creature could speak, and understands all languages it knew in life plus one language known by the creator.

A Empty Skin can be created by a spellcaster capable of casting Create Undead or Create Greater Undead, or a single one may be created using Animate Dead. In the second case it counts as double its hitdice (but always as at least 2 HD) when calculating how many HD may be controlled under that spell. The corpse must be first be expertly prepared with a Craft[Taxidermy] (Heal may be substituted at a -5 penalty) check. The DC depends on the size and if the creator wishes to include a tongue. It must then be tanned using rare reagents and oils. The DCs (for the skinning only) and costs (for the tanning only) are given in the following table:

DC*Cost (GP)

Fine 30 50

Diminutive 25 100

Tiny 20 200

Small 15 500

Medium 20 1,000

Large 20** 2,000

Huge 20** 5,000

Gargantuan20** 20,000

Colossal20** 80,000

*Tongue +3 DC

**Note that while the DC does not continue to increase above medium size the time required does.

Tanning requires 3 days regardless of size.

Next Eagle's Splendor must be cast once over each skin, and finally Create Undead or Create Greater Undead, over a group of skins (or just one) or a single one may be created using Animate Dead. In the second case it counts as double its hitdice (but always as at least 2 HD) when calculating how many HD may be controlled under that spell. must be cast. Regardless of the spell used the creature is automatically under the control of the creator and counts against the Animate Dead control pool as if it was created with that spell.

The remaining corpse can still be animated as a skeleton undead if desired and/or the intestines and/or stomach(s) can be extracted to create a gut snake (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003712&postcount=13), dark heart, pair of floating lungs, a contribution to a muscle mass (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003739&postcount=15), and/or Hopping Stomach(s).

Creating an Empty Skin
An animated skin is an acquired template that can be applied to any animal, or magical beast, or shapeshifter that died in the form of one of these. Rumors of aberrations, dragons, giants, fey, humanoids, and/or monstrous humanoids as animated skins are unconfirmed

Size and Type
The creature’s type changes to Undead and it gains the [Organ Undead] subtype. It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. The creature's size does not change, however its weight is reduced to 1/10. Some Empty skins are filled with sand, sawdust, or other such materials (usually kept from leaking out with a piece of cloth sewn just behind the eyes and mouth), these materials are not part of the creature, and having them leak out causes no damage to it. This material also does not count against the encumbrance limits of the creature (GM's discretion(sp) on trying to fill them with gold dust or the like for transport...).

Hit Dice
The base creature's racial hit dice (if any) are halved in number and become d12s. It loses any class levels it had. If class levels were the only source of hitdice it becomes a 1/2 HD creature.

No change to existing forms of moment, but gains a special slither mode that has a speed of 5 ft [1 square] and a very limited gliding ability (See Deflate).

Armor Class
No change

The base creature retains all natural weapons that deal bludgeoning damage. Other attacks may or may not be retained (see below). The animated skins base attack bonus is as the original creature. Poison is lost.

Bite attacks now do no damage unless the creature has a beak, in which case their damage is unchanged. Any other attacks that deal slashing and/or piercing now do subdual bludgeoning damage and decrease two die sizes (if this would decrease it past 1 hp damage then the attack deals no damage).

Special Attacks
The base creatures special attacks (if present in each case) are modified as follows:
- Any ability drain or damage is lost, but attack forms that do these in addition to other damage may be retained in the reduced state.
- Breath Weapon - Lost
- Constrict - Unchanged
- Energy Drain - Lost
- Fear Aura - DC halved
- Fear cone or ray - Lost
- Frightful Presence - DC halved
- Gaze - Lost
- Improved Grab - Unchanged
- Poison - Lost
- Psionics - Lost except for telepathic communication abilities which are unchanged.
- Rend - Lost
- Ray - Lost
- Sonic Attacks - Lost
- Spells - Lost
- Swallow whole - holding capacity doubles. Deals no damage and the amount of damage required to cut ones way out is reduced to one quarter (the hollowness special quality does not reduce damage dealt from piercing weapons in this case).
- Trample - Unless filled with sand or similar substance then due to greatly reduced weight dice reduced by 2 sizes and does subdual damage.
- Trip - Unchanged

Special Qualities
The base creature loses any previous special qualities and gains the following:

Destruction Resistance (Su)
An Empty skin has turn resistance equal to its original HD, but ONLY in cases where it would otherwise be destroyed. If it is not destroyed in such a case it is instead turned. This does not affect how hard it is to create or control(As per usual for Organ Undead) instead it counts as double its hitdice (but always as at least 2 HD) when calculating how many HD may be controlled under Animate Dead and as its actual hitdice for the Rebuke/Command Undead class feature of a negative energy channeling cleric, Create Undead, etc. ((Development note: This may still need some more work. I want to keep the idea that it is relatively easy to make them run away or cower, but commanding them should be hard enough to offset their intelligence, and they should be very resistant to destruction.))

Lifelike (Ex)
As long as the insides are not visible it requires a spot check of DC 20 + the amount the original Craft[Taxidermy] or Heal check was beaten by to discern that the Empty Skin is not alive. Examples of such situations include but are not limited to: being viewed from behind, curled up with head under tail or rear leg, or eyes and mouth closed, etc. An observer gets a +5 bonus on this check if the creature is not simulating breathing. The continued production of natural oils/sweat that keeps the skin in perfect condition means that DC of a Survival or Wisdom check to distinguish an Empty Skin from a living animal by the Scent Special Quality is a straight DC 20.

Hollowness (Ex)
Immune to bludgeoning damage, takes only one point of damage from any successful piercing attack, normal damage from slashing. An Empty Skin also counts as two sizes smaller for purposes of bull-rushes, overruns, and the effect winds have on it. They take only one quarter falling damage, even if they fall on something sharp. Being filled with something that adds the weight back negates all of this except the resistance to piercing and immunity to Bludgeoning.

Deflate (Ex)
They may go limp and 'deflate' at will allowing them to be packed away when not needed or for transporting (including smuggling) them. Deflating is a swift action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, re-inflating is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. When deflated then can fold themselves up, or unfold themselves (both Move actions that provoke attacks of opportunity), when unfolded they lose there normal forms of movement but can slither around (looking a little like a manta ray and functionally similar to a slug's motion works both over the ground and as a swim speed) at a speed of 5 ft [1 square] and fit through a crack of the following size provided that no horns or hooves are large enough to prevent this. If so, add the diameter of the horns or the height of the hooves, whichever is greater, to the minimum thickness of the crack.
Fine 3/64th inch
Diminutive 1/16th inch
Tiny 3/16 inch
Small 3/8 inch
Medium 3/4 inch
Large 1.5 inches
Huge 3 inches
Gargantuan 6 inches
Colossal 12 inches

While deflated they take no falling damage (which they would normally be immune to anyway due to their immunity to bludgeoning damage), and they may move sideways 5' (1 square) for each 20' they fall.

Being filled like sand or sawdust negates the deflation ability, but having taken on water or other liquid simply means that the fluid flows out as the Empty Skin deflates. If no barrier is sewn in an empty skin can cough up particulate contents at the GMs discretion.

Lesser Vulnerability to Fire (Ex)
Empty Skins take one extra point from every damage die done from a fire source.

Fast Healing 1 (Su) - The spells that maintain the Empty Skin in perfectly groomed condition despite wear and tear are so strong that they will repair it even in the midst of a battle. Some owners enjoy being able to let off emotional energy abusing their Empty Skins, who will never turn against them no matter how many times they are thrown about or even slashed and stabbed almost to destruction.

An Empty Skins Base saving throws are unchanged from the original creature. Recalculate Fortitude and Will based on statistic changes.

The base creature modifies its ability scores as follows:
Strength halved to a minimum of 1.
Dexterity is unchanged
Constitution changes to -.
Intelligence changes to 5.
Wisdom increases to 10 if lower than that, otherwise unchanged.
Charisma increases by 4 points.

The base creature does not receive any bonus skills. It loses all Intelligence based skills, and Survival. It retains all racial skill bonuses. It gains a +10 bonus to jump checks for its lightness (provided it is not filled with sand, sawdust, etc).

Feats and Spells
The base creature retains all feats except Scent, but loses all spellcasting ability. In addition, it also gains the Negotiator Feat but only with respect to its owner.

Usually True Neutral


-2 if this reduces it to zero or lower use 1/2 the original creatures CR.

Feb. 2024: I've added Eagle's Splendor to the creation requirements. What do people think?

2013-03-31, 10:18 PM
Example Empty Skins

HD 1/4d12 (Average 1 HP)
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); Slither 5 ft (1 square)
Init: +2
AC 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex), touch 14, flat-footed 12
BAB +0; Grp -13
Attack Claw +4 melee (No Damage)
Full-Attack 2 claws +4 melee (No Damage) and bite -1 melee (No Damage)
Space 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks None
Special Qualities Deflate, Destruction Resistance +1/2, Fast Healing 1, Hollowness, Lifelike, Undead Traits, Lesser Vulnerability to Fire
Saves Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +0
Abilities Str 1, Dex 15, Con -, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 11
Skills Balance +10, Climb +6, Diplomacy +0*, Hide +16*, Jump +20,
Listen +3, Move Silently +8, Sense Motive +0*, Spot +3
FeatsStealthy, Weapon Finesse(B), Negotiator(B) (But only with respect to Owner)
Environment Domestic
Organization Domestic (But see Treasure)
Challenge Rating 1/8
Treasure 10% chance of Empty Skin Mouse (either nearby or inside cat)
Alignment Usually True Neutral
Advancement -
Level Adjustment -

Large Undead
HD d12 (Average X HP)
Speed X ft. (X squares); Slither 5 ft (1 square)
Init: +X
AC ???
BAB +X; Grp +X
Attack ???
Full-Attack ???
Space X ft.; Reach X ft.
Special Attacks ???
Special Qualities Deflate, Destruction Resistance +?, Fast Healing 1, Hollowness, Lifelike, Undead Traits, Lesser Vulnerability to Fire
Saves Fort +X Ref +X Will +X
Abilities Str X, Dex X, Con -, Int 5, Wis X, Cha X
Skills Diplomacy +X*, Jump +X,
, Sense Motive +X*
Feats??? Negotiatior(B) (But only with respect to Owner)
Environment Domestic
Organization Domestic
Challenge Rating X
Treasure ???
Alignment Usually True Neutral
Advancement -
Level Adjustment -

SIZE Undead
HD d12 (Average X HP)
Speed X ft. (X squares); Slither 5 ft (1 square)
Init: +X
AC ???
BAB +X; Grp +X
Attack ???
Full-Attack ???
Space X ft.; Reach X ft.
Special Attacks ???
Special Qualities Deflate, Destruction Resistance +?, Fast Healing 1, Hollowness, Lifelike, Undead Traits, Vulnerability to Fire ???
Saves Fort +X Ref +4 Will +0
Abilities Str X, Dex X, Con -, Int 5, Wis X, Cha X
Skills Diplomacy +X*, Jump +X,
, Sense Motive +X*
Feats??? Negotiatior(B) (But only with respect to Owner)
Environment Domestic
Organization Domestic
Challenge Rating X
Treasure ???
Alignment Usually True Neutral
Advancement -
Level Adjustment -

Large Undead
HD 2d12+3 (Average 16 HP)
Speed 30 ft. in hide armor (6 squares); base speed 40 ft.; Slither 5 ft (1 square)
Init: -1
AC 16 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +5 natural, +3 hide armor), touch 8, flat-footed 16
BAB +3; Grp +7
Attack Greatclub +3 melee (2d8) or javelin +1 ranged (1d8)
Full-Attack Greatclub +3 melee (2d8) or javelin +1 ranged (1d8)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks -
Special Qualities Deflate, Destruction Resistance +4, Hollowness, Lifelike, Undead Traits, low-light vision, Fast Healing 1, Lesser Vulnerability to Fire
Saves Fort +4 Ref +0 Will +1
Abilities Str 10, Dex 8, Con -, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 11
Skills Climb +5, Listen +2, Spot +2, Diplomacy +0*, Jump +10, Sense Motive +0*
Feats Toughness, Weapon Focus (greatclub), Negotiatior(B) (But only with respect to Owner)
Environment Domestic
Organization Domestic
Challenge Rating 1
Treasure Standard or Equipment only
Alignment Usually True Neutral
Advancement -
Level Adjustment -

Small Undead
HD 1/2d12 (Average 3 HP)
Speed 10 ft. (2 squares), fly 80 ft. (average); Slither 5 ft (1 square)
Init: +2
AC 14 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 12
BAB +0; Grp -7
Attack Toes +3 melee (1d2-3 Subdual)
Full-Attack 2 Toes +3 melee (1d2-3 Subdual) and bite -2 melee (1d4-3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks -
Special Qualities Deflate, Destruction Resistance +1, Fast Healing 1, Hollowness, Lifelike, Undead Traits, Vulnerability to Fire ???
Saves Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +2
Abilities Str 5, Dex 15, Con -, Int 5, Wis 14, Cha 10
Skills Listen +4, Spot +16, Diplomacy +X*, Jump +X,
, Sense Motive +X*
FeatsAlertness, Negotiatior(B) (But only with respect to Owner), Weapon Finesse(B)
Environment Domestic
Organization Domestic
Challenge Rating 1/4
Treasure ???
Alignment Usually True Neutral
Advancement -
Level Adjustment -

Empty Skin Eagles have a +8 racial bonus on Spot checks.

Empty Skin
SIZE Undead
HD d12 (Average X HP)
Speed X ft. (X squares); Slither 5 ft (1 square)
Init: +X
AC ???
BAB +X; Grp +X
Attack ???
Full-Attack ???
Space X ft.; Reach X ft.
Special Attacks ???
Special Qualities Deflate, Destruction Resistance +?, Fast Healing 1, Hollowness, Lifelike, Undead Traits, Vulnerability to Fire ???
Saves Fort +X Ref +X Will +X
Abilities Str X, Dex X, Con -, Int 5, Wis X, Cha X
Skills Diplomacy +X*, Jump +X,
, Sense Motive +X*
Feats??? Negotiatior(B) (But only with respect to Owner)
Environment Domestic
Organization Domestic
Challenge Rating X
Treasure ???
Alignment Usually True Neutral
Advancement -
Level Adjustment -

Medium Undead
HD 1/2d12 (Average 3 HP)
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); Slither 5 ft (1 square)
Init: +0
AC 10 (Flat-Footed 10, Touch 10)
BAB +0; Grp -3
Attack Dagger -3 (1d4-3)
Full-Attack Dagger -3 (1d4-3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks -
Special Qualities Deflate, Destruction Resistance +1, Fast Healing 1, Hollowness, Lifelike, Undead Traits, Vulnerability to Fire ???
Saves Fort +0 Ref +0 Will +0
Abilities Str 5, Dex 10, Con -, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 15
Skills Diplomacy +2*, Jump +10, Profession (Farmer) +7, Sense Motive +0*
FeatsSkill Focus(Profession[Farmer]) Negotiatior(B) (But only with respect to Owner)
Environment Domestic
Organization Domestic
Challenge Rating 1/4
Treasure Farming implements, Peasants Outfit, 25% chance of Lingerie
Alignment Usually True Neutral
Advancement -
Level Adjustment -

Medium Undead
HD 3d12 (Average 19 HP)
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); Swim 20 ft. (40 squar?s); Slither 5 ft (1 square)
Init: +X
AC 17 (+3 Dex, +4 deflection), touch 17, flat-footed 14
BAB +X; Grp +X
Attack ???
Full-Attack ???
Space X ft.; Reach X ft.
Special Attacks ???
Special Qualities Deflate, Destruction Resistance +6, Fast Healing 1, Hollowness, Lifelike, Undead Traits, Vulnerability to Fire ???
Saves Fort +X Ref +X Will +X
Abilities Str X, Dex X, Con -, Int 5, Wis X, Cha X
Skills Diplomacy +X*, Jump +X,
, Sense Motive +X*
Feats??? Negotiatior(B) (But only with respect to Owner)
Environment Domestic
Organization Domestic
Challenge Rating X
Treasure 75% chance of Lingerie, 50% of Art objects (Jewelry only)
Alignment Usually True Neutral
Advancement -
Level Adjustment -

Empty Skin
SIZE Undead
HD d12 (Average X HP)
Speed X ft. (X squares); Slither 5 ft (1 square)
Init: +X
AC ???
BAB +X; Grp +X
Attack ???
Full-Attack ???
Space X ft.; Reach X ft.
Special Attacks ???
Special Qualities Deflate, Destruction Resistance +?, Fast Healing 1, Hollowness, Lifelike, Undead Traits, Lesser Vulnerability to Fire
Saves Fort +X Ref +X Will +X
Abilities Str X, Dex X, Con -, Int 5, Wis X, Cha X
Skills Diplomacy +X*, Jump +X,
, Sense Motive +X*
Feats??? Negotiatior(B) (But only with respect to Owner)
Environment Domestic
Organization Domestic
Challenge Rating X
Treasure ???
Alignment Usually True Neutral
Advancement -
Level Adjustment -

2013-03-31, 10:19 PM


((Puppy... Hey, I built Rupert, I might as well put him over here.))


((Riding Dog))

Large Undead
HD 2d12 (Average 13 HP)
Speed 60 ft. (12 squares); Slither 5 ft (1 square)
Init: +3
AC 18 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +6 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 15
BAB +4; Grp +7
Attack Blunt Horn +11 melee (1d4+3)
Full-Attack Blunt Horn +11 melee (1d4+3) and 2 hooves +3 melee (1d4)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks -
Special Qualities Deflate, Destruction Resistance +4, Fast Healing 1, Hollowness, Lifelike, Low-Light vision, Undead Traits, Vulnerability to Fire
Saves Fort +4 Ref +7 Will +6
Abilities Str 10, Dex 17, Con -, Int 5, Wis 21, Cha 28
Skills Jump +26, Listen +11, Move Silently +9, Spot +11, Survival +8**, Diplomacy +9*, Jump +X,
, Sense Motive +5*
Feats Alertness, Skill Focus (Survival), Negotiatior(B) (But only with respect to Owner)
Environment Domestic
Organization Domestic
Challenge Rating 1
Treasure None
Alignment Usually True Neutral
Advancement -
Level Adjustment -
The horn is a +3 magic weapon, though its power fades if removed from the unicorn.
**Unicorns have a +3 competence bonus on Survival checks within the boundaries of their forest.

Empty Skin
SIZE Undead
HD d12 (Average X HP)
Speed X ft. (X squares); Slither 5 ft (1 square)
Init: +X
AC ???
BAB +X; Grp +X
Attack ???
Full-Attack ???
Space X ft.; Reach X ft.
Special Attacks ???
Special Qualities Deflate, Destruction Resistance +?, Fast Healing 1, Hollowness, Lifelike, Undead Traits, Vulnerability to Fire ???
Saves Fort +X Ref +X Will +X
Abilities Str X, Dex X, Con -, Int 5, Wis X, Cha X
Skills Diplomacy +X*, Jump +X,
, Sense Motive +X*
Feats??? Negotiatior(B) (But only with respect to Owner)
Environment Domestic
Organization Domestic
Challenge Rating X
Treasure ???
Alignment Usually True Neutral
Advancement -
Level Adjustment -

2013-03-31, 10:21 PM
Fat Glob
(Open Spoiler for Stat Block for Small through Large Fat Globs)

Fat Glob, Small
Fat Glob, Medium
Fat Glob, Large

Hit Dice
4d12 (26 hp)
8d12 (52 hp)
16d12 (104 hp)

15 ft. (3 squares), swim 15 ft.
15 ft. (3 squares), swim 15 ft.
20 ft. (4 squares), swim 20 ft.


6 (-5 Dex, +1 size); touch 6; flat-footed 6
5 (-5 Dex); touch 5; flat-footed 5
4 (-5 Dex, -1 size); touch 4; flat-footed 4



Slam -1 melee (1d4-4 and Fatiguing Blow)
Slam +1 melee (1d6-3 and Fatiguing Blow)
Slam +4 melee (1d8-3 and Fatiguing Blow)

Full Attack
Slam -1 melee (1d4-4 and Fatiguing Blow)
Slam +1 melee (1d6-3 and Fatiguing Blow)
Slam +4 melee (1d8-3 and Fatiguing Blow)

5 ft./5 ft.
5 ft./5 ft.
10 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks
Constrict 1d4-4 and Fatiguing Blow and Suffocation, Engulf, Improved Grab
Constrict 1d6-3 and Fatiguing Blow and Suffocation, Engulf, Improved Grab
Constrict 1d8-3 and Fatiguing Blow and Suffocation, Engulf, Improved Grab

Special Qualities Apathy, Cold and Sonic Immunity, Dark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 5/Slashing, Easily Controlled, Fire Vulnerability, Immunity to Bludgeoning, Single Actions Only, Stability, Undead TraitsApathy, Cold and Sonic Immunity, Dark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 10/Slashing, Easily Controlled, Fire Vulnerability, Immunity to Bludgeoning, Single Actions Only, Stability, Undead TraitsApathy, Cold and Sonic Immunity, Dark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 15/Slashing, Easily Controlled, Fire Vulnerability, Immunity to Bludgeoning, Single Actions Only, Stability, Undead Traits

Fort +1, Ref -4, Will +4
Fort +2, Ref -3, Will +6
Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +10

Str 3, Dex 1, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 4, Dex 1, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 5, Dex 1, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1





Challenge Rating


Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil

5-7 HD (Small)
9-15 HD (Medium)
17-31 HD (Large)

Level Adjustment

(Open Spoiler Below for stat block for Huge through Colossal Fat Globs)

Fat Glob, Huge
Fat Glob, Gargantuan
Fat Glob, Colossal

Size and Type
Huge Undead[Organ Undead]
Gargantuan Undead[Organ Undead]
Colossal Undead[Organ Undead]

Hit Dice
32d12 (208 hp)
64d12 (416 hp)
128d12 (832 hp)

20 ft. (4 squares), swim 20 ft.
20 ft. (4 squares), swim 20 ft.
30 ft. (6 squares), swim 30 ft.


3 (-5 Dex, -2 size); touch 3; flat-footed 3
1 (-5 Dex, -4 size); touch 1; flat-footed 1
-3 (-5 Dex, -8 size); touch -3; flat-footed -3



Slam +12 melee (2d6-1 and Fatiguing Blow)
Slam +28 melee (2d8 and Fatiguing Blow)
Slam melee +57 (4d6+1 and Fatiguing Blow[Exhaustion])

Full Attack
Slam +12 melee (2d6-1 and Fatiguing Blow)
Slam +28 melee (2d8 and Fatiguing Blow)
Slam melee +57 (4d6+1 and Fatiguing Blow[Exhaustion])

15 ft./10 ft.
20 ft./15 ft.
30 ft./20 ft.

Special Attacks
Constrict 2d6-1 and Fatiguing Blow and Suffocation, Engulf, Improved Grab
Constrict 2d8 and Fatiguing Blow and Suffocation, Engulf, Improved Grab
Constrict 4d6+1 and Fatiguing Blow[Exhaustion] and Suffocation, Engulf, Improved Grab

Special QualitiesApathy, Cold and Sonic Immunity, Dark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 15/Slashing, Easily Controlled, Fire Vulnerability, Immunity to Bludgeoning, Single Actions Only, Stability, Undead TraitsApathy, Cold and Sonic Immunity, Dark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 20/Slashing, Easily Controlled, Fire Vulnerability, Immunity to Bludgeoning, Single Actions Only, Stability, Undead TraitsApathy, Cold and Sonic Immunity, Dark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 30/Slashing, Easily Controlled, Fire Vulnerability, Immunity to Bludgeoning, Single Actions Only, Stability, Undead Traits

Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +18
Fort +21, Ref +16, Will +34
Fort +42, Ref +37, Will +66

Str 8, Dex 1, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 10, Dex 1, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 12, Dex 1, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1





Challenge Rating


Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil

33-63 HD (Huge)
65-127 HD (Gargantuan)
129+ (Colossal)

Level Adjustment

The yellowish white mound smells of rot and tallow. It extrudes a trembling pseudo-pod.

Constrict (Ex): With a successful grapple check a fat-glob deals automatic slam damage, fatiguing blow effect, and the opponent can not breath that round (and thus may eventually suffocate). The opponent takes a -4 penalty on their fortitude save against the fatiguing blow.

Easily Controlled (Ex): For purposes of how many total hitdice may be created or controlled via any means, including, but not limited to the Command Undead sub-feature of the class feature of a cleric who Rebukes undead, and Animate Dead a fat glob counts as only 1/3 its actual hitdice. They still count as their full hitdice for purposes of determining the initial results of turning/rebuking attempts. This overides the usual rules for organ undead.

Engulf (Ex): Although it moves slowly, a fat glob can simply mow down creatures of equal or smaller size class as a standard action. It cannot make a slam attack during a round in which it engulfs. The fat glob merely has to move over the opponents, affecting as many as it can cover. Opponents can make opportunity attacks against the glob, but if they do so they are not entitled to a saving throw. Those who do not attempt attacks of opportunity must succeed on a Reflex save or be engulfed (see following chart for DCs for standard fat globs); on a success, they are pushed back or aside (opponent’s choice) as the glob moves forward. Engulfed creatures are subject to the glob’s fatigue and suffocation, and are considered to be grappled and trapped within its body (until and unless they fight free as per normal for a grapple). The save DC is Strength-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.


Small 94






Fatiguing Blow (Su): A creature struck by a Fat Glob of less than Colossal size must make a fortitude save or become fatigued, regardless of if the attack deals any damage. If they are already fatigued (regardless of source) they become exhausted as normal. In the case of a Colossal Fat Glob, the creature is Exhausted on a failed save and fatigued on a successful one. These conditions last for a number of minutes equal to the Fat Glob's hit-dice at which point the creature reverts to its previous status if the condition hasn't been cured before then. The DC is technically Constitution based but since undead have no constitution scores, the DC is simply (10 + 1/4* hit-dice). A table for standard fat globs follows.
*Confirmed: 1/4 NOT 1/2.








Fire Vulnerability (Ex): Fat globs take half again as much damage from fire.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a fat glob must hit with its slam attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.

Single Actions Only (Ex): Fat globs have poor reflexes and can perform only a single move action or attack action each round. A fat glob can move up to its speed and attack in the same round, but only if it attempts a charge.

Stability (Ex): A fat glob gains a +8 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground). As an ooze-like creature, tripping one is impossible (although tripping rules might be allowed to remove one from a surface it is climbing at the GM's discretion).

Apathy (Ex): A fat glob may not make attacks of opportunity.

Ooze-like (Ex): A fat-glob can not be flanked, and can squeeze through small spaces and cracks as well as a typical ooze of their size.

Creating a Fat Glob: A large amount of unprocessed animal fat (so no tallow or what-have-you) must be piled up in one or more piles. Each pile will become a single fat-glob with Hit-Dice as indicated on the following table. Piles of less than 60 pounds weight may not be animated. The fat need not be particularly fresh at all, but must be reasonably clear of meat, bone, skin etc, and any foreign materials or weight biologically transformed to another state do not count towards the weight requirements. The fat need not be a single piece, or even from the same type of creature (let alone individual). The material components must be placed near the center of each pile to be animated.
Next, for fat globs of 60 hit dice or less, either Touch of Fatigue, Ray of Exhaustion, Waves of Fatigue, or Waves of Exhaustion must be cast over the mass followed by either Animate Dead, Create Undead, OR Create Undead, Greater. Regardless of the spell used the creature is automatically under the control of the creator and counts against the Animate Dead control pool as if it was created with that spell.
For fat globs of 61 to 127 hit-dice, the requirements are the same, except that Animate Dead may not be used. For Colossal Fat Globs, this restriction still applies, and Ray of Exhaustion OR Waves of Exhaustion must be used.

Note that for purposes of creating and controlling undead fat-globs count as only 1/3 their actual hit-dice. This includes the cost of the black onyx required to animate them.

HDWeight XHD Weight XHD Weight X HDWeight X HDWeight

4 60 X36 30 tonsX68180 tonsX100620 tons X1321,220 tons

5 170 X37 33 tonsX69193 tonsX101630 tons X1331,275 tons

6 280 X38 36 tonsX70207 tonsX102645 tons X1341,330 tons

7 390 X39 40 tonsX71220 tonsX103660 tons X1351,385 tons

8 500 X40 43 tonsX72235 tonsX104670 tons X1361,440 tons

9 938 X41 47 tonsX73250 tonsX105685 tons X1371,490 tons

10 1,375 X42 50 tonsX74260 tonsX106700 tons X1381,550 tons

11 1,813 X43 53 tonsX75275 tonsX107715 tons X1391,600 tons

12 2,250 X44 57 tonsX76290 tonsX108730 tons X1401,655 tons

13 2,688 X45 60 tonsX77300 tonsX109740 tons X1411,710 tons

14 3,125 X46 64 tonsX78315 tonsX110755 tons X1421,765 tons

15 3,563 X47 67 tonsX79330 tonsX111770 tons X1431,820 tons

16 4,000 X48 70 tonsX80345 tonsX112780 tons X1441,875 tons

17 5,750 X49 74 tonsX81360 tonsX113795 tons X1451,930 tons

18 7,500 X50 77 tonsX82370 tonsX114810 tons X1461,985 tons

19 9,250 X51 80 tonsX83385 tonsX115820 tons X1472,040 tons

2011,000 X52 84 tonsX84400 tonsX116835 tons X1482,095 tons

2112,750 X53 88 tonsX85410 tonsX117850 tons X1492,150 tons

2214,500 X54 91 tonsX86425 tonsX118865 tons X1502,200 tons

2315,250 X55 94 tonsX87440 tonsX119880 tons X1512,260 tons

2418,000 X56 98 tonsX88455 tonsX120890 tons X1522,310 tons

2519,750 X57101 tonsX89470 tonsX121905 tons X1532,370 tons

2621,500 X58105 tonsX90480 tonsX122920 tons X1542,420 tons

2723,250 X59108 tonsX91495 tonsX123930 tons X1552,475 tons

2825,000 X60111 tonsX92510 tonsX124945 tons X1562,530 tons

2926,750 X61115 tonsX93520 tonsX125960 tons X1572,600 tons

3028,500 X62118 tonsX94535 tonsX126975 tons X1582,650 tons

3130,250 X63121 tonsX95550 tonsX127985 tons X1592,700 tons

3232,000 X64125 tonsX96565 tonsX1281,000 tonsX1602,750 tons

3319 tonsX65139 tonsX97575 tonsX1291,055 tonsX1612,800 tons

3423 tonsX66152 tonsX98590 tonsX1301,110 tonsX1622,850 tons

3526 tonsX67166 tonsX99600 tonsX1311,165 tonsX1632,900 tons

Add the following sizes and hitdies of Fat Glob to the list of things summonable with the Summon Undead line of spells.

Lvl Fat Glob Type

I standard Small

II standard Medium

III Advanced Medium (12 HD)

IV standard Large

V Advanced Large (20 HD)

VI* Advanced Large (28 HD)

VII*standard Huge

VIII*Advanced Huge (40 HD)

IX*Advanced Huge (56 HD)

*This spell does not, to my knowledge, exist a-priori of this project. I might brew it up later, although it is going to be a bit narrow-focus unless other people jump on the homebrewing bandwagon.

As always, you can use a spell from the Summon Undead series to summon 2 undead from the list for 1 spell level lower, or 4 undead from the list for 2 spell levels lower.

2013-03-31, 10:23 PM
Floating Lungs

Note to GMs: Depending on the flavor of horror you want in you campaign, you may want to re-name these to be "Screaming Lungs". The first is more creepying spookiness, the second more jump-scares and in-your-face attacks in its connotations.

Open Spoiler below for main stat block for Fine through Small Floating Lungs.

~Floating Lungs, FineFloating Lungs, DiminutiveFloating Lungs, TinyFloating Lungs, Small

Size and Type
Fine Undead [Organ Undead]
Diminutive Undead [Organ Undead]
Tiny Undead [Organ Undead]
Small Undead [Organ Undead]

Hit Dice
1/8d12 (1 hp)
1/4d12 (1 hp)
1/3d12 (2 hp)
1/2d12 (3 hp)

Fly 15 ft. (Good)
Fly 20 ft. (Good)
Fly 30 ft. (Good)
Fly 40 ft. (Good)


AC 22 (+4 Dex, +8 size); touch 22; flat-footed 1817 (+3 Dex, +4 size); touch 17; flat-footed 1414 (+2 Dex, +2 size); touch 14; flat-footed 1213 (+1 Dex, +1 size, +1 natural); touch 12; flat-footed 12




1/2 ft./0 ft.
1 ft./0 ft.
2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
5 ft./0 ft.

Special Attacks

Special QualitiesDamage Reduction 3/Slashing, Dark Vision 60 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Resistance 10, Turn Resistance +2, Undead TraitsDamage Reduction 5/Slashing, Dark Vision 60 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Resistance 15, Turn Resistance +4, Undead TraitsDamage Reduction 10/Slashing, Dark Vision 60 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Resistance 20, Turn Resistance +6, Undead TraitsDamage Reduction 10/Slashing, Dark Vision 60 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Resistance 20, Turn Resistance +8, Undead Traits

Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2

AbilitiesStr 1, Dex 18, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1Str 2, Dex 17, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1Str 3, Dex 16, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1Str 4, Dex 13, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1

Move Silently +14
Move Silently +13
Move Silently +12
Move Silently +11

Ability Focus(Shout)(B)
Ability Focus(Shout)(B)
Ability Focus(Shout)(B)
Ability Focus(Shout)(B)

Any Any


Challenge Rating


Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil


Level Adjustment
~ ~

Open Spoiler below for main stat block for Medium through Gargantuan Floating Lungs.

~Floating Lungs, MediumFloating Lungs, LargeFloating Lungs, HugeFloating Lungs, Gargantuan

Size and Type
Medium Undead
Large Undead
Huge Undead
Gargantuan Undead

Hit Dice
1d12 (6 hp)
2d12 (13 hp)
4d12 (26 hp)
8d12 (52 hp)

Fly 50 ft (Good)
Fly 60 ft (Average)
Fly 60 ft (Average)
Fly 70 ft (Average)


AC13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural); touch 11; flat-footed 1211 (-1 Size, +2 natural); touch 9; flat-footed 1111 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +3 natural); touch 8; flat-footed 117 (-4 size, -2 Dex, +3 natural); touch 4; flat-footed 7




5 ft./0 ft.
10 ft./0 ft.
15 ft./0 ft.
20 ft./0 ft.

Special Attacks

Special QualitiesDamage Reduction 15/Slashing, Dark Vision 60 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Resistance 30, Turn Resistance +10, Undead TraitsDamage Reduction 15/Slashing, Dark Vision 90 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Resistance 30, Turn Resistance +12, Undead TraitsDamage Reduction 20/Slashing, Dark Vision 120 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Immunity, Turn Resistance +14, Undead TraitsDamage Reduction 20/Slashing, Dark Vision 180 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Immunity, Turn Resistance +16, Undead Traits

Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6

AbilitiesStr 5, Dex 10, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1STR 7, Dex 10, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1STR 9, Dex 8, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1STR 11, Dex 6, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1

Move Silently +10
Move Silently +10
Move Silently +9
Move Silently +8

Ability Focus(Shout)(B)
Ability Focus(Shout)(B)
Ability Focus(Shout)(B)
Ability Focus(Shout)(B)



Challenge Rating


Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil

3 HD (Large)
5-7 HD (Huge)
9+ HD (Gargantuan)

Level Adjustment

A pair of yellowish, lobed bags covered in an intricate network of blood-vessels hanging from a tube shaped like an inverted "Y" float before you.

Floating Lungs (also known as Shouting Lungs) are the pairs of Lungs of corpses reanimated through dark and sinister magic. (See "Creation" below)

Because of their utter lack of intelligence, the instructions given to a newly created pair of Floating Lungs must be very simple. They are generally end up simply putting themselves at the height where there cone becomes the largest circle on the ground and getting into a position where that will include the largest possible number of enemy targets (and, if the creator thought of it, will exclude all friendly targets... or at least the ones the creator cares more about than hitting enemies). If they are within the threatened area of an opponent they may (depending on how carefully they were instructed) take a 5 foot float directly away from it before launching their attack for that round.
Hollowness(Ex): After damage reduction, apply the following further reductions: Halve bludgeoning damage and reduce piercing damage to 1 point per hit.
Shout(Su): A pair of Floating Lungs (which is a single creature!) can create something like the effect of a Shout or Shout, Greater spell with the specifics as follows. The DCs were eyeballed and do not follow a set formula. As the table covers every possible size and full hit-die number this should not be an issue. If they get HD from other sources (Homebrew Corpse-Crafter feats, spells, etc.), increase the listed DC by 1 for every 2 such added HD.

SizeRangeDamageDeafness DurationStun DurationDCFrequencySize of Source Creature

Fine 10 feet 1d3/2d3
N/A 12 Every Round Tiny

Diminutive 15 feet 1d6/2d6
N/A 14 Every Round Small

Tiny 20 feet 3d6/5d6
N/A 16 Every Round Medium

Small 30 feet 5d6/8d6
N/A 18 Every Round Large

Medium 40 feet 7d6/11d6
N/A 20 Every Round Huge

Large(2HD) 60 feet 10d6/15d6
1 22 Every Round Gargantuan

Large(3 HD) 90 feet 13d6/20d6
1d3 23 Every Round Gargantuan w/ 2 EHD

Huge(4 HD) 105 feet 16d6/22d6
1d4 24 Every Other Round Colossal

Huge(5 HD) 125 feet 17d6/25d6 Permanent / 1d4
1d6 24 Every Other Round Colossal w/ 2 EHD

Huge(6 HD) 135 feet 18d6/26d6 Permanent / 1d4
1d6 25 Every Other Round Colossal w/ 4 EHD

Huge(7 HD) 150 feet 19d6/27d6 Permanent / 1d6
1d6 25 Every Other Round Colossal w/ 6 EHD

Gargantuan(8 HD) 165 feet 20d6/28d6 Permanent / 1d6
1d6 26 Every Other Round Colossal+

Any creature within the area(a cone shaped burst) is deafened for the first number of rounds listed on a failed fortitude save, or the second number on a successful save. A non-crystalline creature takes the smaller of the two listed amounts of damage sonic damage. A crystalline creature takes the larger of the two listed amounts of damage. In either case if the save was successful reduce the damage by half. Any exposed brittle or crystalline object takes the larger of the two listed amounts of sonic damage although a creature holding fragile objects can negate damage to them with a successful Reflex save.

The shout cannot penetrate a silence spell.

Floating Lungs of Huge and larger size can not shout if they did so the previous round.

Special: Floating Lungs are occasionally returned to the rib-cages from which they came (tied in place with a network of string or rope in the case of skeletal undead). In such a case the larger undead becomes somewhat subject to critical hits, sneak attack, and other precision based damage provided that they are dealt in the form of piercing damage. In such a case a confirmed critical hit may be elected by the attacker to deal its NORMAL (NOT critical hit!) damage to the Floating Lungs instead of dealing any damage what-so-ever to the larger undead.
Skills: Floating Lungs move quietly through the air and only breath when using their shout attack, they receive a +10 racial bonus to Move Silently.
Use them alone or mixed in with other mindless undead. Generally they will be deployed behind ground troops, giving them some measure of protection until they can float upward (still out of range of even reach weapons) and start blasting away without hitting the other troops on their side.
Creating a pair of Floating Lungs
First the lungs of one or more creatures of at least Tiny size must be harvested, each pair requiring a Heal check with a DC of 20. The pair of lungs must be reasonably undecayed and mostly whole and the creature must have had a circulatory system that included a pair of lungs (even if decidedly unequally proportioned such as the lungs of a snake). Then Sound Burst (for Fine or Diminutive Floating Lungs) OR Shout (for Tiny or smaller Floating lungs), OR Shout, Greater (Floating Lungs of any size, for Large and larger ones it must be cast once per HD), and either Fly, or Overland Flight must be cast once over each Pair of Lungs to be animated. Wind Walk may ber substituted for Fly and in such a case it fulfills that requirement for as many pairs of Floating Lungs as the number of targets it could normally affect. Finally, either Animate Dead, Create Undead, or Create Greater Undead must be cast. The material components for the spell must inserted down the throat past the vocal cords to rest inside each pair of lungs to be animated. Each such casting (regardless of which spell is used) may create up to 2 HD worth of Floating Lungs per caster level (The Desecrate spell doubles this limit). Animate Dead can not create a pair of Floating Lungs of over 20 HD. Regardless of the spell used the creature is automatically under the control of the creator and counts against the Animate Dead control pool as if it was created with that spell.

The size of the Floating Lungs is two size classes smaller than the size of the creature the lungs were taken from (to a minimum Fine Size). Floating Lungs have hit dice equal to the minimum listed for a pair of Floating Lungs of that size, plus extra hit dice equal to 1/2 the number of extra hit dice above the minimum that the creature it was harvested from needed to achieve its size class (up to the maximum listed HD a Floating Lungs of the particular size category it is at may be advanced to).
((Add Resist Energy?))
The remaining corpse is still suitable for animation into most types of undead. Especially note that with the right skill checks, spells, etc it is possible to generate a Skeleton, a pair of Floating Lungs (which is a single undead), a Hopping Stomach (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3301315),an Empty Skin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=44544), a Gut Snake (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3295643&postcount=8), a Dark Heart (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/printthread.php?t=64187), and a contribution toward a Fat Glob (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=128873) from a single corpse.

As is usually the case the CR's are pretty much just guesses. ((And, EVEN AFTER THE INITIAL ADJUSTMENTS WHICH I JUST NOW MADE (Wed. Sept. 22) need another looking at now that I've made it so a Large source creature produces the effects of a minimum caster level Shout rather than a Medium source creature.))

Spellcasting: ((Redo thisdue to alteration I made to damage...))

LvlFloating Lungs

I Standard Diminutive

IIStandard Tiny?

III --?

IVStandard Small?

V --???

VI* standard Medium???

VII* --

VIII*Standard Large?????

IX*Advanced Large (3 HD)?????

As always, you can use a spell from the Summon Undead series to summon 2 undead from the list for 1 spell level lower, or 4 undead from the list for 2 spell levels lower.

*This spell does not, to my knowledge, exist a-priori of this project. I might brew it up later, although it is going to be a bit narrow-focus unless other people jump on the homebrewing bandwagon.

2013-03-31, 10:27 PM
Gut Snake
Melth, Wizard of the 7th House: "So, are you sure you have empowered yourself with the correct divine energies for this undertaking?"

Tarek, Cleric of Pelor: "I have prayed to Pelor for my the spells I usually prepare when expecting to face the undead...."

Melth, Wizard of the 7th House: "You disappoint me comrade. How could you fail to gain as much as possible of the ability to summon cleansing water to wash the filth from us?"

Tarek, Cleric of Pelor: "Err... actually those were the FIRST spells I beseeched him for in my devotions... and then again at the end, just to be sure... In truth I was sorely tempted to forgo some of my slightly more powerful spells in favor of additional usages of Create Water, but I chose against it... I trust we all are carrying sufficient soap for this endeavor?"

Melth, Wizard of the 7th House: "I checked that myself, all are so equipped... it occurs to me that the research of an improved decanter of endless water that is capable of pouring forth soapy, as well as ordinary water might prove a logical endeavor for the future."

Tarek, Cleric of Pelor: "There may be wisdom in what you say..."
((Double all the HD for these to make them more viable? If so, then change summoning accordingly.))
Stat Block Table: Tiny to Medium


Gut Snake, Tiny

Gut Snake, Small

Gut Snake, Medium

Size and Type

Tiny Undead [Organ Undead]

Small Undead [Organ Undead]

Medium Undead [Organ Undead]

Hit Dice

1/2d12 (3 hp)

1d12 (6 hp)

3d12 (19 hp)


20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.

20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.

20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.






17 (+4 Dex, +2 size, +1 natural); touch 16; flat-footed 13

16 (+3 Dex, +1 size, +2 natural); touch 14; flat-footed 13

16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural); touch 13; flat-footed 13










(Grapple attempt +6 melee touch)

(Grapple attempt +4 melee touch)

(Grapple attempt +4 melee touch)

Full Attack

(Grapple attempt +6 melee touch)

(Grapple attempt +4 melee touch)

(Grapple attempt +4 melee touch)


2 1/2 ft./0 ft.

5 ft./5 ft.

5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks

Constrict 1, Explosive Diarrhoetic Discharge, Flatulate

Constrict 1d2+3, Explosive Diarrhoetic Discharge, Flatulate

Constrict 1d3+4, Explosive Diarrhoetic Discharge, Flatulate

Special Qualities

Dark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 5/Slashing or Piercing, Undead Traits

Dark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 10/Slashing or Piercing, Undead Traits

Dark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 10/Slashing or Piercing, Undead Traits


Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2

Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2

Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +3


Str 10, Dex 19, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1

Str 14, Dex 17, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1

Str 17, Dex 17, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1






Improved Grapple(B), Improved Initiative(B), Weapon Finesse(B)

Improved Grapple(B), Improved Initiative(B), Weapon Finesse(B)

Improved Grapple(B), Improved Initiative(B)









Challenge Rating









Always Neutral Evil

Always Neutral Evil

Always Neutral Evil



2 HD (Small)

4-5 HD (Medium)

Level Adjustment




Stat Block Table: Large and Huge


Gut Snake, Large

Gut Snake, Huge

Size and Type

Large Undead [Organ Undead]

Huge Undead [Organ Undead]

Hit Dice

6d12 (39 hp)

12d12 (78 hp)


20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.

20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.




15 (+3 Dex, -1 size, +3 natural); touch 12; flat-footed 12
16 (+3 Dex, -2 size, +5 natural); touch 11; flat-footed 13








(Grapple attempt +6 melee touch)

(Grapple attempt +11 melee touch)

Full Attack

(Grapple attempt +6 melee touch)

(Grapple attempt +11 melee touch)


10 ft./5 ft.

15 ft./10 ft

Special Attacks

Constrict 1d6+6, Explosive Diarrhoetic Discharge, Flatulate

Constrict 1d8+10, Explosive Diarrhoetic Discharge, Flatulate

Special Qualities

Dark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 10/Slashing or Piercing, Undead Traits

Dark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 10/Slashing or Piercing, Undead Traits


Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +5

Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +8


Str 19, Dex 17, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1

Str 25, Dex 17, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1





Improved Grapple(B), Improved Initiative(B)

Improved Grapple(B), Improved Initiative(B)







Challenge Rating







Always Neutral Evil

Always Neutral Evil


7-11 HD (Large)

13-23 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment



Stat Block Table: Gargantuan and Colossal


Gut Snake, Gargantuan

Gut Snake, Colossal

Size and Type

Gargantuan Undead [Organ Undead]

Colossal Undead [Organ Undead]

Hit Dice

24d12 (156 hp)

48d12 (312 hp)


30 ft. (6 squares), climb 30 ft., swim 30 ft.

30 ft. (6 squares), climb 30 ft., swim 30 ft.




17 (+2 Dex, -4 size, +9 natural); touch 8; flat-footed 15
17 (+1 Dex, -8 size, +14 natural); touch 3; flat-footed 16








(Grapple attempt +19 melee touch)

(Grapple attempt +31 melee touch)

Full Attack

(Grapple attempt +19 melee touch)

(Grapple attempt +31 melee touch)


20 ft./15 ft.

30 ft./20 ft.

Special Attacks

Constrict 2d6+16, Explosive Diarrhoetic Discharge, Flatulate

Constrict 2d8+22, Explosive Diarrhoetic Discharge, Flatulate

Special Qualities

Dark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 10/Slashing or Piercing, Undead Traits

Dark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 15/Slashing or Piercing, Undead Traits


Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +14

Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +26


Str 33, Dex 15, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1

Str 41, Dex 13, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1





Improved Grapple(B), Improved Initiative(B)

Improved Grapple(B), Improved Initiative(B)







Challenge Rating







Always Neutral Evil

Always Neutral Evil


25-47 HD (Gargantuan)

49-96 HD (Colossal)

Level Adjustment



The creature is worm-like and reeks like an open sewer. Its motions are that of a writhing coiled snake. It possesses no facial features except what might be a toothless, puckered, ring-shaped mouth.

Gut snakes are the intestines of corpses reanimated through dark and sinister magic.

Because of their utter lack of intelligence, the instructions given to a newly created gut snake must be very simple. They are generally end up simply attempting to grapple whichever foe is nearest to them and crush it to death before seeking a new target.

Flatulate(Ex): As a full round action once per minute a gut snake may noisily release a cloud of reeking putrid gas centered on itself which can sicken those within it. The radius of the cloud and the Fortitude D.C. (for the unadvanced version in each size class) to avoid being sickened for as long as the victim stays in the cloud plus 1d4+1 rounds afterward are listed on the following table. The DC is constitution based and receives a +2 racial bonus. The cloud is invisible and persists for one round per hit die of the gut snake. A moderate wind (11+ mph) halves the duration of the cloud; a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the cloud in 1 round.

Tiny 12 2 1/2 feet**
Small 12 5 feet
Medium 13 7.5 feet***
Large 15 10 feet
Huge 18 15 feet
Gargantuan2420 feet
Colossal36 25 feet

* In the general case (including for calculating D.C.s for advanced gut snakes) the formula for the D.C. is 12+1/2HD
** The square it occupies in other words.
*** The square it occupies and all adjacent squares (or cubes) in other words.

Explosive Diarrhoetic Discharge(Ex): When a gut snake deals constriction damage it may immediately attempt an additional grapple check which does no damage, if it succeeds in this check it sprays the face of the grappled creature forcefully with diarrheatic excrement. So forceful is this that it can sometimes penetrate even between closed lips and eyelids, get far enough into the nasal passages to not be easily removed quickly or even, in extreme cases, individual droplets may achieve sufficient velocity to penetrate the skin slightly. The grappled creature must immediately make a fortitude save or be nauseated and blinded for 2d4 rounds or until they get cleaned. The DC is Strength based. Regardless of the result of this first save they must make another fortitude save against the same D.C. to avoid contracting Filth Fever with the usual onset time and ongoing D.C.'s for recovery and to avoid ability damage. HOWEVER if they fail 2 days of fortitude saves against the disease in a row there is a 25% chance they go blind until the disease is passed and have a -4 penalty to all tasks involving visual acuity from that point forward due to the lingering effects of eye infection. A single Remove Blindness spell will undo both these effects and prevent any further chance of blindness for the duration of the disease.


* In the general case (including for calculating D.C.s for advanced gut snakes) the formula for the D.C. is 10+1/2HD+Strength Modifier

Constrict (Ex): On a successful grapple check, a gut snake deals the listed amount of damage.

Use them alone or mixed in with other mindless undead. They are especially popular for guarding areas against physically weak, or very heavily armored attackers. Some necromancers like to replace gut snakes into the corpses (especially bipedal or winged ones) they came from, which are animated as zombies or other undead. When the larger creature makes a melee attack the gut snake will immediately attempt a grapple against the creature that the larger undead attacked. If the touch attack succeeds the gut snake will leave the belly cavity to attempt to constrict, if it misses the gut snake will return to the belly cavity. The GM may rule that spot and/or heal checks (to notice that the intestine has been severed completely from the other organs and the inter-connective tissue that keeps it coiled up is gone) to avoid being flat footed against this tactic are required. With their good resistance to bludgeoning they also are popular for dropping on foes from above since they are likely to survive the fall... There are even rumors of a few rare individuals (mostly undead) wielding them in the fashion of whips or spiked chains (they deal no damage if wielded in this fashion, but if released upon a successful hit the gut snake may start a grapple as if it had made its touch attack). The size of gut snake that could be wielded in this manner would be one size class smaller than the wielder if wielded as a spiked chain, or two size classes smaller if wielded as a whip.

Creating a gut snake
First the intestines of one or more creatures must be harvested (including severing the connective tissues that keep the intestine coiled up, so that it may be laid out straight), each requiring a Heal or Profession(Butcher) check with a DC of 13, a failure ruins the intestine. This process takes 5 minutes per intestine for creatures of up to medium size, 10 minutes for a large creature, 20 minutes for a huge creature, 40 minutes for a Gargantuan creature, and 1 hour 20 minutes for a Colossal creature. The usual rules for taking 10 apply. The intestine(s) must be reasonably undecayed and mostly whole and the creature must have been corporeal and had a digestive tract that included intestines. Undead, and constructs, regardless of anatomy are not valid sources. Then either Animate Dead, Create Undead, or Create Greater Undead must be cast. The material components for the spell must be placed inside the anus of each intestine to be animated. Each such casting may create up to 2 HD worth of gut snakes per caster level (The desecrate spell doubles this limit). For intestines harvested from the corpses of herbivores and omnivores the size of the gut snake is equal to the size of the creature the intestines were taken from. If the creature the intestine was taken from was a carnivore then the resulting gut-snake is one size class smaller. Gut snakes have hit dice equal to the minimum listed for a gut snake of that size, plus extra hit dice equal to 1/2 the number of extra hit dice above the minimum that creature needed to achieve its size class whose intestine they are made from had (up to the maximum listed HD a gut snake of the particular size category it is at may be advanced to). Gut Snakes of greater than 20 HD may not be created using Animate Dead. Regardless of the spell used the creature is automatically under the control of the creator and counts against the Animate Dead control pool as if it was created with that spell.
The remaining corpse is still suitable for animation into most types of undead. Especially note that with the right skill checks, spells, etc it is possible to generate many organ undead from the same corpse.


LvlGut Snakes

Istandard Small

IIstandard Medium

IIIAdvanced Medium (5 HD)

IVstandard Large

VAdvanced Large (10 HD)

VI* standard Huge

VII*Advanced Huge (16 HD)

VIII*Advanced Huge (20 HD)

IX*standard Gargantuan

As always, you can use a spell from the Summon Undead series to summon 2 undead from the list for 1 spell level lower, or 4 undead from the list for 2 spell levels lower.

*This spell does not, to my knowledge, exist a-priori of this project. I might brew it up later, although it is going to be a bit narrow-focus unless other people jump on the homebrewing bandwagon.

Design Notes
Summon Nature's Ally V lets you summon Giant Constrictors which are Huge. Huge Gut-Snakes are a bit better than them, because they have a Save-Or-Suck possibility attached to their constriction.

Medium Constrictors are on the SNA III list, which may imply that Medium Gut-Snakes need to be bumped up to SU III.

Large Constrictors in the MM are advanced versions of medium constrictors.

2013-03-31, 10:28 PM
Hopping Stomach

~Hopping Stomach, FineHopping Stomach, DiminutiveHopping Stomach, Tiny
Size and TypeFine Undead[Organ Undead]Diminutive Undead[Organ Undead]Tiny Undead[Organ Undead]
Hit Dice1/8d12 (1 hp)1/4d12 (1 hp)1/2d12 (3 hp)
Speed10 ft. (2 squares)15 ft. (3 squares)15 ft. (3 squares)
AC24 (+6 Dex, +8 size); touch 24; flat-footed 1819 (+5 Dex, +4 size); touch 19; flat-footed 1416 (+4 Dex, +2 size, +1 natural); touch 16; flat-footed 13
AttackSpit +15 (Point Blank shot included) ranged touch (2 acid)Spit +9 (or +10 if within 30 ft) ranged touch (1d3 Acid +1 if within 30 ft)Spit +6 (or +7 if within 30 ft) ranged touch (1d6 Acid +1 if within 30')
Full Attack(As Above)(As Above)(As Above)
Space/Reach1/2 ft./0 ft.1 ft./0 ft.2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special AttacksJumping ShotJumping ShotJumping Shot
Special QualitiesDark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 3/Slashing or Peircing, Acid Resistance 2, Undead TraitsDark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 5/Slashing or Peircing, Acid Resistance 5, Undead TraitsDark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 5/Slashing or Piercing, Acid Resistance 10, Undead Traits
SavesFort +0, Ref +6, Will +2Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +2Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2
AbilitiesStr 1, Dex 23, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1Str 1, Dex 21, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1Str 2, Dex 19, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
SkillsJump -1*Jump +1*Jump +0*
FeatsPoint Blank Shot(B)Point Blank Shot(B)Point Blank Shot(B)
Challenge Rating1/21/21
AlignmentAlways Neutral EvilAlways Neutral EvilAlways Neutral Evil

AdvancementNone1/3 HD (Diminutive)None

Level Adjustment~~~

*See "Skills" section in main text of this entry.

~[/B][/th]Hopping Stomach, SmallHopping Stomach, Medium
Size and TypeSmall Undead[Organ Undead]Medium Undead[Organ Undead]
Hit Dice1d12 (6 hp)2d12 (13 hp)
Speed20 ft. (4 squares)30 ft. (6 squares)
AC16 (+3 Dex, +1 size, +2 natural); touch 14; flat-footed 1316 (+3 Dex, +3 natural); touch 13; flat-footed 13
AttackSpit +4 (or +5 if within 30 ft) ranged touch(2d4 Acid +1 if within 30 ft, repeats next round)Spit +4 (+5 if within 30 ft) ranged touch(3d4 Acid +1 if within 30 ft, repeats next 2 rounds)
Full Attack(As Above)(As Above)
Space/Reach5 ft./0 ft.5 ft./0 ft.
Special AttacksJumping ShotJumping Shot
Special QualitiesDark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 5/Slashing or Piercing, Acid Resistance 10, Turn Resistance +1, Undead TraitsDark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 5/Slashing or Piercing, Acid Resistance 15, Turn Resistance +3, Undead Traits
SavesFort +0, Ref +3, Will +2Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +3
AbilitiesStr 6, Dex 17, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1Str 10, Dex 17, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
SkillsJump +2*Jump+8*
FeatsPoint Blank Shot(B)Point Blank Shot(B)
Challenge Rating24
AlignmentAlways Neutral EvilAlways Neutral Evil
AdvancementNone3 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment~~

*See "Skills" section in main text of this entry.

~Hopping Stomach, LargeHopping Stomach, Huge
Size and TypeLarge Undead[Organ Undead]Huge Undead[Organ Undead]
Hit Dice4d12 (26 hp)8d12 (52 hp)
Speed40 ft. (8 squares)50 ft. (10 squares)
AC15 (+3 Dex, -1 size, +3 natural); touch 12; flat-footed 1216 (+3 Dex, -2 size, +5 natural); touch 11; flat-footed 13
AttackSpit +4 (or +5 if within 30 ft) ranged touch(3d6 Acid +1 if within 30', repeats next 3 rounds)Spit +5 (or +6 if within 30 ft) ranged touch(4d6 Acid +1 if within 30 ft, repeats next 4 rounds)
Full Attack(As Above)(As Above)
Space/Reach10 ft./0 ft.15 ft./0 ft
Special AttacksJumping ShotJumping Shot
Special QualitiesDark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 10/Slashing or Piercing, Acid Resistance 20, Turn Resistance +4, Undead TraitsDark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 10/Slashing or Piercing, Acid Resistance 25, Turn Resistance +4, Undead Traits
SavesFort +1, Ref +4, Will +4Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +6
AbilitiesStr 18, Dex 17, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1Str 26, Dex 17, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
SkillsJump +13*Jump+21*
Feats]Point Blank Shot(B)Point Blank Shot(B)
Challenge Rating68
AlignmentAlways Neutral EvilAlways Neutral Evil

Advancement5-7 HD (Large)9-17 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment~~

*See "Skills" section in main text of this entry.

This yellowish bag has two tubes sticking out of it. One of the tubes lays limp, but the other turns and twists as if seeking something.

Hopping Stomachs are the stomachs of corpses reanimated through dark and sinister magic. (See "Creation" below)

Because of their utter lack of intelligence, the instructions given to a newly created Hopping Stomach must be very simple. They are generally end up simply attempting to Spit acid at whichever foe is nearest until it dies before moving on to a new target. If they are within the threatened area of an opponent they may (depending on their range and how carefully they were instructed) 5 foot hop directly away from it before launching their attack for that round.

Spit Acid(Sn): The hopping stomach spits a glob of acid which functions in many ways like Acid Arrow. It may be spat up to 5 range increments and takes the usual penalties for range. On a successful hit it from a Hopping Stomach of at least Small size the acid also deals damage on one or more following rounds as described on the following table, unless somehow neutralized.

SizeRange IncrementDamage (1)Additional DurationSize of Source Creature without Swallow Whole
Fine5 feet2 (2)NoneTiny or smaller single stomach, Small or smaller w/ multiple
Diminutive10 feet1d3NoneSmall single stomach, or Medium with multiple stomachs
Tiny30 feet1d6NoneMedium single stomach, or Large with multiple stomachs
Small100 feet2d41 roundLarge single stomach, or Huge with multiple stomachs
Medium150 feet3d42 roundsHuge single stomach, or Gargantuan with multiple stomachs
Large200 feet3d63 roundsGargantuan single stomach, or Colossal with multiple stomachs
Huge300 feet4d64 roundsColossal with single stomach, or Colossal+ with multiple stomachs

(1) If the target was within 30 feet when struck then increase this damage by 1 point for the Point Blank Shot feat (including on later rounds of damage, if any).
(2) Includes the bonus since maximum range is 25' therefor all shots will be within 30' so Point Blank Shot bonus damage always applies.

Jumping Shot(Ex): As a full round action a hopping stomach may make a vertical leap, to attempt gain line of sight over some obstacle separating it from a clear shot at a target. If it jumps high enough to clear the obstruction then it spits acid, albeit with a -2 penalty to the attack roll. This is most commonly used (by order of their instructions) to gain a clear shot over other undead screening them against attackers closing to melee with the stomach.

*Skills: Hopping Stomachs receive a +5 racial bonus to jump checks and use their dexterity instead of their strength on jump checks if this is better and always count as having a running start. They may always choose to take 10 on jump checks even if stress or distractions would otherwise prevent them.

They are often deployed alone or mixed in with other mindless undead. They will often be stationed on an elevated area, often behind other mindless undead (so they will have a clear line of fire despite their smaller size). A somewhat common tactic is to put them behind holes in the manner of arrow slits(except generally more circular rather than elongated) or murder holes. Their jumping shot ability also makes fox-holes and trenches a useful option provided the conditions under which they jump and fire are simple enough for their mindless state. "Jump continously, fire if target(s) that meet the following conditions present: ..." is one solution if the necromancer doesn't mind giving up on the silence of a motionless undead.

The medium and larger ones have also been known to be used as (un)living siege weapons due to the large (if delayed) damage and significant range. There is also a rumor that at least one evil cleric had a suit of Greater Acid Resistance Full-Plate, that could animate itself to allow him to put it on or take it off in only 1 round without any other assistance, which he attached several Fine and Diminutive Hopping Stomachs to, plus one Tiny one in the middle of the back-plate, all with orders to attack anything that came close.

Creating a Hopping Stomach
First the stomachs of one or more (non-plant? (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/tendriculos.htm)) creatures of at least tiny size must be harvested, each requiring a Heal or Profession(Butcher) check with a DC of 10 (a successful removal of the intestines of a creature to create a gut snake makes this check unnecessary, however if the check to remove the intestine failed, a separate check to remove the stomach may still be made). Note that ruminants have more than one stomach, each may be harvested and animated separately. The stomachs must be reasonably undecayed and mostly whole and the creature must have had a digestive tract that included one or more stomach. Then Resist Energy must be cast once over each stomach to be animated and Acid Arrow must be cast over each stomach a number of times equal to the hit-dice of the hopping stomach that will result (minimum once per stomach). Acid Splash may be substituted for Acid Arrow in the case of Fine and Diminutive stomachs. Finally, either Animate Dead, Create Undead or Create Greater Undead must be cast. The material components for the spell must be be placed inside each stomach to be animated. Each such casting (regardless of which spell is used) may create up to 2 HD worth of Hopping Stomachs per caster level (The desecrate spell doubles this limit). Animate Dead can not create a Hopping Stomach of over 20 HD. Regardless of the spell used the creature is automatically under the control of the creator and counts against the Animate Dead control pool as if it was created with that spell.

The size of the Hopping Stomach is 2 size classes smaller than the size of the creature the stomachs were taken from for creatures with a single stomach, but without the swallow whole ability. For creatures with more than one stomach without swallow whole, such as cows and other ruminants each stomach is 3 size classes smaller than the source creature. For creatures with Swallow Whole the GM should figure out the size of the stomach based on how many creatures of various sizes it can contain. This is simply the largest single creature it can contain, but most creatures with swallow whole don't work that way. If there is no such creature it is one size class greater than the largest creature it can contain 2 to 7 of, or(if there is no such size) two size classes greater than the largest creature it can contain at least eight of.

Hopping Stomachs from creatures without swallow whole have hit dice equal to the minimum listed for a Hopping Stomach of their size, pull extra hit dice equal to 1/2 the number of extra hit dice above the minimum that the creature it was harvested from needed to achieve its size class (up to the maximum listed HD a Hopping Stomach of the particular size category it is at may be advanced to). Hopping Stomachs from creatures with swallow whole, have this amount or the result of the following procedure, whichever is greater:

Take the number of hitpoints of damage necessary to cut a way out of the creature's stomach when it was alive.
Divide by 3.25* and round UP.
Reduce to the maximum number of HD a stomach of that size may have if greater.

*Or to put it another way, doubled, and divided by the average number of hit-points per hit-die for undead, which is 6.5.

Examples of creatures and resultant stomach numbers, sizes, and hitdice:

A horse produces a single Small hopping stomach with the usual 1 HD for stomachs of that size. This is regardless of the horse's hitdice, since Small Hopping stomachs may not be advanced. This neatly avoids the question of why heavy warhorses don't give better stomachs than light riding horses... ((I'll get back to you on the elephants vs war elephants problem later... if I feel like it.))

A cow produces 4 Tiny hopping stomachs with the usual 1/2 HD each for stomachs of that size.

A purple worm (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/purpleWorm.htm) produces a single Huge hopping stomach (since it can swallow two Large creatures) with 8 HD (25/3.25=7.6923, rounded up is 8, which also happens to be the normal number of hitdice for a Huge Hopping stomach).

A hypothetical "Child Snatcher Beast" of Gargantuan size that can not swallow anything larger than Small size, but whose stomach can contain up to 8 small creatures, and requires 50 hitpoints to cut a way out of the stomach would produce a single Large Hopping stomach of 7 HD (50/3.25=15.3846, which is greater than the 7 HD maximum for Large Hopping stomachs).

The remaining corpse is still suitable for animation into most types of undead. Especially note that with the right skill checks, spells, etc it is possible to generate a Skeleton, a Hopping Stomach, a pair of Floating Lungs (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=62115), an Empty Skin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=44544), a pair of Rolling Eyeballs (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6178899#post6178899), a Gut Snake (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3295643&postcount=8), and a contribution towards a Fat Glob (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=128873) from a single corpse. Still to come are paralyzing spinal cords, slithering livers (Poison spell based), and skulking bladders that poison food and drink.

As is usually the case the CR's are pretty much just guesses. Decided that the Small one was a little bit less of a threat than a 3rd level Specialist Wizard with a 14+ INT and 14 DEX who cast Mage Armor way before the battle started and had Acid Arrow prepared in all 3 of his 2nd level slots (and it is very unlikely it will get off more than one or two shots). Half the HP (magic missile has a 50/50 chance of splatting it), same AC, bit better to hit...

Are Point Blank Shot and Jumping Shot too much of a load to put on the GM for the flavor they provide?

I realize this suffers from being a bit of a glass cannon... but I wanted a necromancer to be able to easily create one that did damage equivalent to Acid Arrow... so, I figure you take a horse (or better yet a cow... 4 stomachs for one) and that gives you a Small Hopping Stomach, so I set that up to work like that, and then figured out the damages for the other sizes from there. The other problem I ran into trying to avoid the glass cannon problem was that I just couldn't justify giving a bag (regardless of whether full or empty) much more hit-dice than I did.... maybe I should only do so for the Large and Huge versions...

And yes... if you were to apply this to a Colossal+ creature you could end up with a Gargantuan Hopping Stomach... but I didn't think that would come up often enough to be worth squashing another column into the table... If people show an interest I could do it up as a seperate post on this thread or a Post-Script to the original post.

Vaguely considering giving Lightning Reflexes as a bonus feat (I imagine them as being pretty agile) and/or doubling their HD at each size class. Might even give Weapon Focus[Spit] to the larger ones to keep them on the curve as characters start getting access to Rings of Protection and such... and of course a Monk is going to be the bane of these things.

Advanced Hopping Stomachs
All rules for Hopping Stomachs apply to Advanced Hopping Stomachs, except as noted.
A Gargantuan Hopping Stomach must be harvested from a creature that meets at least one of the following criteria:

A creature of Colossal+ size with a single stomach, without Swallow Whole.
A Colossal++ creature with multiple stomachs without Swallow Whole
A creature able to swallow at least 2 Huge creatures whole.

A Colossal Hopping Stomach must be harvested from a creature of Colossal++ size with a single stomach or a creature able to swallow at least 2 Gargantuan creatures whole.
In either case the spell "True Strike" must also be cast over each stomach to be animated.

~Hopping Stomach, GargantuanHopping Stomach, Colossal
Size and TypeGargantuan UndeadColossal Undead
Hit Dice16d12 (104 hp)32d12 (208 hp)
Speed60 ft. (8 squares)70 ft. (10 squares)
AC15 (+2 Dex, -4 size, +7 natural); touch 8; flat-footed 1313 (+2 Dex, -8 size, +9 natural); touch 4; flat-footed 11
AttackSpit +10 (or +11 if within 30 ft) ranged touch (4d8 Acid +1 if within 30 ft, damage repeats next 5 rounds)Spit +10 (or +11 if within 30 ft) ranged touch (5d8 Acid +1 if within 30 ft, damage repeats next 6 rounds)
Full Attack(As Above)(As Above)
Space/Reach20 ft./0 ft.30 ft./0 ft
Special AttacksJumping ShotJumping Shot
Special QualitiesDark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 10/Slashing or Peircing, Acid Resistance 10, Undead TraitsDark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 15/Slashing or Peircing, Acid Resistance 15, Undead Traits
SavesFort +5, Ref +7, Will +10Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +18
AbilitiesStr 32, Dex 15, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1Str 38, Dex 15, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills*Jump +28*Jump +35
FeatsPoint Blank Shot(B), Precise Shot(B)Point Blank Shot(B), Precise Shot(B)
Challenge Rating811
AlignmentAlways Neutral EvilAlways Neutral Evil
Advancement17-31 HD (Gargantuan)33-64 HD (Colossal)
[tr]Level Adjustment~~

SizeRange IncrementDamage (1)Additional Duration
[td]Gargantuan450 feet4d85 rounds
Colossal700 feet5d86 rounds

(1) If the target was within 30 feet when struck then increase this damage by 1 point for the Point Blank Shot feat (including on later rounds of damage).

Add the following sizes and hitdies of Hopping Stomachs to the list of things summonable with the Summon Undead line of spells.


Istandard Tiny

IIstandard Small


IVstandard Medium

VAdvanced Medium (3 HD)

VI*standard Large

VII*Advanced Large (7 HD)

VIII*standard Huge

IX*Advanced Huge (14 HD)

As always, you can use a spell from the Summon Undead series to summon 2 undead from the list for 1 spell level lower, or 4 undead from the list for 2 spell levels lower.

*This spell does not, to my knowledge, exist a-priori of this project. I might brew it up later, although it is going to be a bit narrow-focus unless other people jump on the homebrewing bandwagon.

MAYBE add a Swarm of Tiny Hopping Stomachs to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead IX*... but probably not even that.

Hopping Stomach Swarms(Not at all sure on the balance of these. Help requested.)

~Hopping Stomach Swarm, FineHopping Stomach Swarm, DiminutiveHopping Stomach Swarm, Tiny
Size and TypeFine Undead(Swarm)Diminutive Undead(Swarm)Tiny Undead(Swarm)
Hit Dice32d12 (208 hp)16d12 (104 hp)8d12 (52 hp)
Speed10 ft. (2 squares)15 ft. (3 squares)15 ft. (3 squares)
AC22 (+4 Dex, +8 size); touch 22; flat-footed 1818 (+4 Dex, +4 size); touch 18; flat-footed 1416 (+4 Dex, +2 size, +1 natural); touch 16; flat-footed 13
AttackSee Massed Fire (Especially Table 1) BelowSee Massed Fire (Especially Table 2) BelowSee Massed Fire (Especially Table 3) Below
Full AttackSee Massed Fire (Especially Table 1) BelowSee Massed Fire (Especially Table 2) BelowSee Massed Fire (Especially Table 3) Below
Space/Reach10 ft./0 ft.10 ft./0 ft.10 ft./0 ft.
Special AttacksMass Jumping Shot, Distraction(DC 26)Mass Jumping Shot, Distraction(DC 18)Mass Jumping Shot, Distraction (DC14)
Special QualitiesDark Vision 60 ft., Acrid Odor, Special Turning, Immunity to weapon damage, Improved Acid Resistance 5, Undead TraitsDark Vision 60 ft., Acrid Odor, Special Turning, Immunity to weapon damage, Improved Acid Resistance 5, Undead TraitsDark Vision 60 ft., Acrid Odor, Special Turning, Half damage from Slashing and Peircing, One Sixth Damage from Bludgeoning, Improved Acid Resistance 5, Undead Traits
SavesFort +10, Ref +16, Will +18Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +10Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +6
AbilitiesStr 1, Dex 23, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1Str 1, Dex 21, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1Str 2, Dex 19, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills*Jump -1*Jump +1*Jump +0
FeatsPoint Blank ShotPoint Blank ShotPoint Blank Shot
Challenge Rating151311
AlignmentAlways Neutral EvilAlways Neutral EvilAlways Neutral Evil
Level Adjustment~~~

Massed Fire(Ex): A Hopping Stomach Swarm can attack 5 closest valid targets (according to its instructions) as an attack action, starting with targets inside it. If at any part in this process there is a tie, determine the remaining shots among the tied targets (but never more than one to each). This is the only attack form it has. It deals no standard swarm damage, although it still causes distraction to those within it from the constant jostling. Use the following tables, based on the range from the swarm, and the targets touch AC to determine the amount of acid damage inflicted. (this represents a statistical average of how many would hit and saves a lot of dice rolling).
Table 1:Acid Damage for Hopping Stomach Swarm, Fine (Design note: assumes 80 shoot per target)

Touch AC

Range (Feet)<99101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233 34+

Inside Swarm228228228228228228228228228216204192180168156 1441321201089684726048362412

1-5 15215215215215215215215215214413612812011210496888 072645648403224168

6-10152152152152152152152144136128120112104968880726 4564840322416888

11-15152152152152152144136128120112104968880726456484 032241688888

16-20152152152144136128120112104968880726456484032241 68888888

21-25152144136128120112104968872645648403224168888888 888

Table 2:Acid Damage for Hopping Stomach Swarm, Diminutive (Design note: assumes 40 shoot per target)

Touch AC

Range (Feet)<334567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829+

Inside Swarm171171171171171171171171171171162153144135126 117108999081726354453627189

1-10114114114114114114114114114114108102969084787266 6054484236302418126

11-20114114114114114114114108102969084787266605448423 6302418126666

21-30114114114114114108102969084787266605448423630241 812666666



Table 3:Acid Damage for Hopping Stomach Swarm, Tiny (Design note: assumes 20 shoot per target)

Touch AC

Range (Feet)34567891011121314151617181920212223242526+

Inside Swarm128128128128128128122115108101958881746761544 741342720147






Acrid Odor(Ex): The cumulative scent of so much acid not in totally sealed stomachs is quite noticeable, and anyone who has encountered Hopping Stomachs before is quite likely to recognize the smell if they notice it. Even through a standard dungeon door the scent is detectable on a DC 15 Wisdom check from a range of 50 feet between the smeller and the swarm. The DC increases by 5 for each additional 30 feet beyond this (generally the GM should roll only once per character unless they take time to stop and specifically sniff the air). Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus on this check, and the Alertness feat gives a +2 competence bonus. The scent quality gives a +20 on this check. Because of their ability to inflict massive damage at close ranges, Hopping Stomach Swarms are sometimes placed in airtight containers or behind air-tight doors to prevent intruders from realizing the presence of the threat and taking appropriate preparatory measures.

Special Turning(Ex): If a turning attempt is made against a Hopping Stomach Swarm and the turning check or damage is too small to turn the swarm as a whole or if the cleric choses this option (decided before turning damage is rolled) then, provided the turning check was sufficient to turn a 1 hit die undead then instead of being turned or destroyed as a whole the swarm instead takes the amount of turning damage multiplied by 6.5 and applied as hit-point damage. Since the amount of damage necessary to destroy every constituant member of the swarm is much larger than the amount necessary to disperse it, this uses up all remaining turning damage regardless of the amount of overkill that might occur. A Hopping Stomach Swarm is always Rebuked or Commanded as a single creature of its hit dice.

Improved Acid Resistance(Ex): Apply this 5 point reduction to acid damage after determining modification (if any) from any applicable saving throw but before applying the +50% bonus for area of effect attacks.

Mass Jumping Shot(Ex): As a full round action a Hopping Stomach Swarm may leap to gain line of sight over an obsticle, however only a certain percentage of the swarm will make it, calculate the damage on tables 1-3 as if the target's touch AC were 2 points higher and roll damage the base damage. Next apply the damage multiplier on the appropriate one of the following tables and finally apply the remaining amount of damage to the target (subject to resistances etc as usual).
Table 4:Mass Jumping Shot Damage multipliers for Hopping Stomach Swarms

Hieght of ObstructionFineDiminutiveTiny
0.5 foot0.85 = 17/200.95 = 19/200.90 = 9/10
1 foot0.75 = 3/4 0.85 = 17/200.70 = 7/10
1.5 feet0.65 = 13/200.75 = 3/4 0.60 = 3/5
2 feet0.55 = 11/200.65 = 13/200.50 = 1/2
3.5 feet0.45 = 9/200.55 = 11/200.40 = 2/5
3 feet0.35 = 7/200.45 = 9/200.30 = 3/10
3.5 feet0.25 = 1/4 0.35 = 7/200.20 = 1/5
4 feet0.15 = 3/200.25 = 1/4 0.10 = 1/10
4.5 feet0.05 = 1/200.15 = 3/20 0
5 feet 0 0.05 = 1/20 0
>5 feet 0 0 0

Distraction (Ex)
Any living creature that begins its turn with a Hopping Stomach swarm in its space must succeed on a Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The DCs are 26 for a swarm of Fine Hopping Stomachs, 18 for a swarm of Diminutive Hopping Stomachs, and 14 for a swarm of Tiny Hopping Stomachs. The save DC is Constitution-based. Spellcasting or concentrating on spells within the area of a swarm requires a Concentration check (DC 20 + spell level). Using skills that involve patience and concentration requires a DC 20 Concentration check.

Anywho here's one of those fancy forum table-converters. http://makaze-kanra.tumblr.com/ForumTableConverter

Anywho stomach play-test data observation: the AC/attack mods from the size itself on diminutive/fine, I think should merrit a single step up in CR (1/2 and 1/3 instead of 1/3, and 1/4) Not a big thing, but my level 2 party (with decent op but poor initial stats) would have trouble hitting some of those ACs even if they wouldn't really take any extra attacks to kill them or much noticeable damage from them.

And yes I know you don't mind the sizes I use so much, but low HP glass cannons would have more variance in the data and as such probably shouldn't be taken as keenly on face value.

2013-03-31, 10:31 PM
Laughing Uvula((Approximately as silly as Jack Nicholson's portrayal of The Joker. Also, I am considering changing the name to GIGGLING Uvula, but that reduces the ROFL reference since that is Rolling On the Floor LAUGHING, not giggling.))

Laughing Uvula, Fine
Laughing Uvula, Diminutive
Laughing Uvula, Tiny
Laughing Uvula, Small
Size and Type
Fine Undead [Organ Undead]
Diminutive Undead [Organ Undead]
Tiny Undead [Organ Undead]
Small Undead [Organ Undead]

Hit Dice
1/4d12 (1 hp)
1/3d12 (2 hp)
1/2d12 (3 hp)
1d12 (6 hp)

10 ft.*
15 ft.*
20 ft.*
20 ft.*


19 (+1 Dex, +8 size); touch 19; flat-footed 18
14 (+4 size); touch 14; flat-footed 14
11 (-1 Dex, +2 size); touch 11; flat-footed 11
9 (-2 Dex, +1 size); touch 9; flat-footed 9



Tickling Touch +9 melee touch (Hideous Laughter DC 10**)
Tickling Touch +4 melee touch (Hideous Laughter DC 11**)
Tickling Touch +1 melee touch (Hideous Laughter DC 13**)
Tickling Touch -1 melee touch (Hideous Laughter DC 19**)

1/2 ft./0 ft.
1 ft./0 ft.
2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks
Tickling Touch
Tickling Touch
Tickling Touch
Tickling Touch

Special Qualities
Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Soft, Special Turn Resistance = 2
Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Soft, Special Turn Resistance = 1
Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Soft, Special Turn Resistance = 1
Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Soft, Turn Resistance +1

Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2
Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +2
Fort +0, Ref -2, Will +2

Str 1, Dex 12, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 2, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 3, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 5, Dex 6, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1

Move Silently =-5***
Move Silently =-5***
Move Silently =-5***
Move Silently =-5***

Weapon Finesse(B)
Weapon Finesse(B)
Weapon Finesse(B)
Weapon Finesse(B)
Challenge Rating
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Level Adjustment
* If the source creature had a swim speed, replace this with an equal swim speed, then add a land speed of 5 feet.
** If the Types of the Target of the attack, the source creature the uvula was taken from, and the caster(s) of both the Animate Dead and Hideous Laughter are all the same, the target takes a -4 penalty on this saving throw.
*** Due to constantly emitting the sound of maniacal laughter, laughing uvulae do not actually roll move silently checks. Instead they are treated as having a check result of -5 after the die roll, racial modifiers, ability score ranks, etc. but BEFORE any competence modifiers, situational modifiers (such as distance from the listener or intervening obsticles), etc.

This vaguely conical bit of bloodless flesh rolls around in a spastic manner. The sound of maniacal laughter emanates from it*, despite it lacking any complex structure to serve as vocal apparatus.
*It is literally "Rolling On (the) Floor Laughing" AKA ROFLing.

Soft (Ex): Laughing Uvulae can not make unarmed strikes and do not have any natural weapons. (Note that they also have no way of wielding manufactured weapons.)

Special Turn Resistance(Su?): This works like normal turn resistance, except that it REPLACES the racial HD if it is less than it, rather than adding to it. If the racial HD is equal to or greater than it, it does not have any effect. In either case normal Turn Resistance and other sources of hit-die are applied after this. Because they have the Organ Undead subtype, this ability effects how many hitdice they count as having for purposes of creating them, control pools, etc.

Tickling Touch (Su): A creature with an intelligence score of 3 or greater touched by a laughing uvula must make a will save or fall prone, laughing maniacally, and may not take any actions for a number of rounds based on the uvula's size (see following table, which also lists DCs). The victim is NOT considered helpless during this time, and after it they may act normally. This is a [Mind-Affecting] Compulsion effect. The save DC is very unusual, and is 7+(12*Racial Hit-Die) for a normal laughing uvulae. Expanded out this is 10 plus a 2 point racial bonus, -5 for being charisma based, and plus 12 times the racial hit-dice (DO NOT include any RHD from templates!). If the Types of the Target of the attack, the source creature the uvula was taken from, and the caster(s) of both the Animate Dead and Hideous Laughter are all the same, the target takes a -4 penalty on this saving throw.

Size DC(*) DurationSource Creature Size
10(14)1 round Small, Medium, or Large
11(15)2 roundsHuge
13(17)3 roundsGargantuan
19(23)4 roundsColossal

*You can use this second DC as a mathematically equivalent substitute for the -4 penalty to the the save that occurs when the Types of the target, source creature from which the uvula was taken, and caster(s) of both Animate Dead and Hideous Laughter all match.

This effect counts as Hideous Laughter for the purposes of Spell Immunity and other such things. Its mechanics are very close, but diverge noticably regarding the rules for how it works on various types of creatures.

Organ Undead: For purposes of controlling or creation add the base racial turn resistance of an undead with this subtype to its hitdice in all cases rather than only for turning/rebuking/commanding/destroying. Note especially that this applies to how many hitdice worth of the Animate Dead control pool it takes up.

Undead with this subtype often require additional spells to create in the simplest way, in addition to skill (or luck) with cutting up inanimate corpses to remove the organ.

Skills: Due to contantly emitting the sound of maniacal laughter, laughing uvulae do not actually roll move silently checks. Instead they are treated as having a check result of -5 after the die roll, racial modifiers, ability score ranks, etc. but BEFORE any competence modifiers, situational modifiers (such as distance from the listener or intervening obsticles), etc.

Creating A Laughing Uvula:
First the uvulae of one or more upright-walking and/or centauriform creatures that breath through the same 'pipe' as they eat through must be harvested. The uvulae must be reasonably undecayed and whole. Each such harvesting requires a DC 10 Heal or DC 15 Craft(Butcher) check to avoid ruining the uvula.

Next Eagle's Splendor and Hideous Laughter must be cast once on each uvula.
Finally, either Animate Dead, Create Undead, or Create Greater Undead must be cast on the group of uvulae. The uvulae must rest on the material components for the spell. Each such casting (regardless of which spell is used) may create up to 2 HD worth of Laughing Uvulae per caster level (The Desecrate spell doubles this limit.). Regardless of the spell used the creature is automatically under the control of the creator and counts against the Animate Dead control pool as if it was created with that spell.

The remaining corpse is still suitable for animation into most types of undead. Especially note that with the right skill checks, spells, etc it is possible to generate all of the following, and probably more, a Skeleton, a Muscle Mass, a Sinister Spinal Cord, a Slithering Liver, Hopping Stomach, an Empty Skin, a Gut Snake, and a set of Floating Lungs from a single corpse.

Add the following sizes of laughing uvula to the list of things summonable with the Summon Undead line of spells.

Lvl Laughing Uvula Size

I --

II Diminutive

III Tiny or Fine

IV --

V Small

VI* --

VII* --


IX* --

((Need to specify types or say none of them count as haaving the matching to get the +/-4. Remove rows above highest level summonable? Remove Footnotes if no footnoted rows exist. The sizes being so out of order is INTENTIONAL since hitpoints matter less for a summons that can be dropped in right next to its target, wasting an attack on is a partial victory for the caster, and which can prevent its target from killing it if it succeeds with both die-rolls of its attack. Also consider breaking them out by type. Currently assuming that any reasonable type can be picked (No Large or bigger Humanoids, and maybe no Medium or smaller giants... although children ARE a thing...) in any case clarify which types can be the source! Maybe even break it out into multiple columns at each spell level based on source.))

As always, you can use a spell from the Summon Undead series to summon 2 undead from the list for 1 spell level lower, or 4 undead from the list for 2 spell levels lower.

*This spell does not, to my knowledge, exist a-priori of this project.

Muscle Mass


Muscle Mass, Fine
Muscle Mass, Diminutive
Muscle Mass, Tiny
Size and Type
Fine Undead [Organ Undead]
Diminutive Undead [Organ Undead]
Tiny Undead [Organ Undead]

Hit Dice [td]
1/2d12 (3 hp)
1d12 (6 hp)
2d12 (13 hp)

15 ft. (3 squares)*
15 ft. (3 squares)*
20 ft. (4 squares)*


21 (+3 Dex, +8 size); touch 21; flat-footed 18
16 (+2 Dex, +4 size); touch 16; flat-footed 14
13 (+1 Dex, +2 size); touch 13; flat-footed 12



Enfeeble +7 melee touch (1 str damage DC 10)
Enfeeble +4 melee touch (1d2 str damage DC 10)
Enfeeble +5 melee touch (1d3+1 str damage DC 11)

1/2 ft./0 ft.
1 ft./0 ft.
2 1/2 ft./0 ft.

Special Attacks
Enfeeble, Overrun Mastery, Sit
Enfeeble, Overrun Mastery, Sit
Enfeeble, Overrun Mastery, Sit

Special Qualities
Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Spherical
Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Spherical
Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Spherical

Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +3

Str 8, Dex 16, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 11, Dex 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 14, Dex 12, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1

Jump -10, Swim -1
Jump -8, Swim +1
Jump -2, Swim +4

Improved Bull-Rush(B), Improved Overrun(B)
Improved Bull-Rush(B), Improved Overrun(B)
Improved Bull-Rush(B), Improved Overrun(B)
Challenge Rating
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil

3 HD (Tiny) HD (Tiny)

Level Adjustment
*If at least 90% (by weight) of the meat to make a given muscle mass came from creatures with a swim speed then it has a swim speed equal to its land speed.

~ Muscle Mass, Small Muscle Mass, Medium Muscle Mass, Large
Size and Type
Small Undead [Organ Undead]
Medium Undead [Organ Undead]
Large Undead [Organ Undead]
Hit Dice
4d12 (26 hp)
8d12 (52 hp)
16d12 (104 hp)
20 ft. (4 squares)*
30 ft. (6 squares)*
40 ft. (8 squares)*
12 (+1 size, +1 natural); touch 11; flat-footed 12
14 (+4 natural); touch 10; flat-footed 14
16 (-1 size, +7 natural); touch 9; flat-footed 16
Enfeeble +6 melee touch (1d4+2 Str damage DC 12)
Enfeeble +10 melee touch (1d6+4 Str Damage DC 14)
Enfeeble +17 melee touch (1d8+5 Str Damage DC 18)
5 ft./5 ft.
5 ft./5 ft.
10 ft/5 ft.
Special Attacks
Enfeeble, Overrun Mastery, Sit
Enfeeble, Overrun Mastery, Sit
Enfeeble, Overrun Mastery, Sit
Special Qualities
Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Spherical
Dark Vision 60 ft., Turn Resistance +1, Undead Traits, Spherical
Dark Vision 60 ft., Turn Resistance +2, Undead Traits, Spherical

Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +10

Str 17, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 23, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
STR 31, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1

Jump +1, Swim +7
Jump +14, Swim +14
Jump +30, Swim +26

Improved Bull-Rush(B), Improved Overrun(B)
Improved Bull-Rush(B), Improved Overrun(B)
Improved Bull-Rush(B), Improved Overrun(B)



Challenge Rating


Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil

5-7 HD (Small)
9-15 HD (Medium)
17-31 HD (Large)

Level Adjustment

*If at least 90% (by weight) of the meat to make a given muscle mass came from creatures with a swim speed then it has a swim speed equal to its land speed.

~ Muscle Mass, Huge Muscle Mass, Gargantuan Muscle Mass, Colossal

Size and Type
Huge Undead [Organ Undead]
Gargantuan Undead [Organ Undead]
Colossal Undead [Organ Undead]

Hit Dice
32d12 (208 hp)
64d12 (416 hp)
128d12 (832 hp)

40 ft. (8 squares)*
50 ft. (10 squares)*
60 ft. (12 squares)*


19 (-2 size, +11 natural); touch 8; flat-footed 19
26 (-4 Size, +20 natural); touch 6; flat-footed 26
32 (-8 size, +30 natural); touch 2; flat-footed 32



Enfeeble +30 melee touch (1d10+5 Str damage DC 26)
Enfeeble +49 melee touch (2d6+6 Str Damage DC 42)
Enfeeble +77 melee touch (2d8 Str Damage +7 Drain DC 74)

15 ft./5 ft.
20 ft./5 ft.
30 ft/5 ft.

Special Attacks
Enfeeble, Overrun Mastery, Sit
Enfeeble, Overrun Mastery, Sit
Enfeeble, Overrun Mastery, Sit

Special Qualities
Dark Vision 60 ft., Turn Resistance +4, Undead Traits, Spherical
Dark Vision 60 ft., Turn Resistance +8, Undead Traits, Spherical
Dark Vision 60 ft., Turn Resistance +16, Undead Traits, Spherical

Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +18
Fort +21, Ref +21, Will +34
Fort +42, Ref +42, Will +66

Str 39, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 45, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
STR 53, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1

Jump +50, Swim +46
Jump +89, Swim +81
Jump + 161, Swim +149

Improved Bull-Rush(B), Improved Overrun(B)
Improved Bull-Rush(B), Improved Overrun(B)
Improved Bull-Rush(B), Improved Overrun(B)



Challenge Rating


Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil

33-63 HD (Huge)
65-127 HD (Gargantuan)
129+ HD (Colossal)

Level Adjustment

*If at least 90% (by weight) of the meat to make a given muscle mass came from creatures with a swim speed then it has a swim speed equal to its land speed.

This appears to be a sphere of expertly stitched together muscle and sinew, without feature save for the criss-crossing strands that make up the structure of the ball. While bizarre, the threat it presents, if any, is not apparent to the casual observer.

Muscle masses are muscles (AKA meat) stitched into a multi-layered sphere and reanimated through dark and sinister magic. (See "Creation" below)

Combat (Some of this stuff is mechanically critical!)
Because of their utter lack of intelligence, the instructions given to a newly created Muscle Mass must be very simple. They are actually incapable of understanding any other offensive actions than bull-rushes, over-runs, sitting on top of a prone opponent, and touch attacks (including with AoOs)*. Note that all of these have a chance of inflicting strength damage(and that this happens BEFORE any bull-rush or over-run is resolved), and that the bull-rushes and over-runs are the same thing to a muscle mass, and are merely resolved differently. Against any target two or more size classes smaller than the muscle mass it is resolved as an over-run, and against all other targets it is considered a bull-rush. Much as many a necromancer might wish otherwise, they have no limbs to impose a grapple with and are fundamentally incapable of understanding the concept of slamming into a target (animate or not) to cause hitpoint damage or break it. The closest they can come is bull-rush attacks, or rolling atop a helpless(usually due to strength loss), prone opponent and sitting on them. This tends to result in a death by slow crushing and asphyxiation, similar in some ways to a dragon's crush attack. Fortunately for the necromancers concerned "helpless and prone" describes many victims of one or more attacks from a muscle mass. Reports of the effectiveness of spiked armor in adding a damaging effect to the bull-rush, over-run and/or increasing the damage for sitting on a person are widely varied.
*Even if this limitation is overcome their complete lack of manipulative appendages would prevent many things. Awaken Undead (Spell Compendium p.21) and Magic Jar (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magicJar.htm) (to possess them) are two such ways this could be done.

Overrun Mastery (Ex): Muscle Masses do not provoke attacks of opportunity for entering their target's square when attempting overruns.

Enfeeble(Sn): The Muscle Mass applies strength damage with a touch, including upon successfully touching a creature during a Bull-Rush or Overrun, or by sitting on top of a helpless opponent. A fortitude save is allowed to negate this. The save is constitution based, but since muscle masses have no constitution score this is simply 10 + 1/2 HD. Resolve this after any touch attack, but before the opposed checks for any associated overrun or bull-rush. The damage is doubled on a critical hit.
For the damage, and, for muscle masses with standard hit-dice, strength damage are as follows:
((I should probably put in the Bull-Rush/Over-run modifiers here some time. For now, just be aware that they are the grapple modifiers +4 and might gain a bonus on a charge (realized this would be good late at night, typing this note before I go back to sleep.). Also, Overruns might normally have no touch attack, but allow the defender to simply let the attacker pass? I might be wrong on one or both of these points, but even if the defender evades the Muscle Mass should be allowed a touch attack to make it happen anyway.))

SizeStrength Damage (DC)

Fine 1 (10)

Diminutive 1d2 (10)

Tiny 1d3+1(11)

Small 1d4+2(12)

Medium 1d6+4(14)

Large 1d8+5(18)

Huge 1d10+5 (26)

Gargantuan 2d6+6 (42)

Colossal 2d8 damage + 7 drain (74)

Sit (Ex): This is what passes for a finishing blow from a muscle mass, and functions only against living opponents that breath, and are both prone and have a strength of 0 (NOT a non-ability). It simply rolls to where-ever its weight will do the most good at preventing the weakened muscles of a creature from inhaling (not sticking itself down the throat), a vague instinct for things related to muscular action guiding it to the optimal position. This deals damage as follows through a combination of crushing under the soft weight of the mass and damage to muscular tissues, and also (provided the muscle mass is no more than one size class smaller than the victim) prevents breathing for that round. This requires a full round spent atop the victim, performing no other actions. Note that this causes strength damage (or drain for the Colossal ones) automatically each round as well, although generally this will not prove relevant. Do NOT add any bonus for strength to this damage.

Fine 1d2
Diminutive 1d3
Tiny 1d4
Small 1d6
Medium 1d8
Large 2d6
Huge 2d8
Gargantuan 4d6
Colossal 4d8

Spherical (Ex): Muscle masses have no top or bottom, front or back. Thus they can not be flanked, and or knocked prone (tripping can still happen, but it only matters for such things as Setting Sun maneuvers). Semi-obviously they also lack manipulative appendages of any kind. They also do not gain a reach greater than 5 feet for being of a given size because they can not reach out, only roll or leap at their opponents.

Organ Undead: For purposes of controlling or creation add the base racial turn resistance of an undead with this subtype to its hitdice in all cases rather than only for turning/rebuking/commanding/destroying. Note especially that this applies to how many hitdice worth of the Animate Dead control pool it takes up.

Undead with this subtype often require additional spells to create in the simplest way, in addition to skill (or luck) with cutting up inanimate corpses to remove the organ.

Skills: Muscle masses gain a bonus on jump and swim checks equal to their hitdice. The jumping ability is somewhat useful in dealing with flying opponents.

Carrying and Lifting Capacity: Muscle Masses count as quadrupedal for purposes of carrying and lifting capacity (and cases where stability is an issue).

SizeLight LoadMedium LoadHeavy Load"Over Head""Off Ground"Normal Push/Drag
Fine 6.5 lb. or less 6.6-13.2 lb. 13.3-20 lb. 20 lb.40 lb 100 lb.
Diminutive 19 lb. or less 19.1-38 lb. 38.1-57.5 lb. 57.5 lb.115 lb 288 lb.
Tiny 43.5 lb. or less 44-87 lb. 88-131 lb. 131 lb.262 lb 655 lb.
Small 86 lb. or less 87-173 lb. 174-260 lb. 260 lb.520 lb.1,300 lb.
Medium 300 lb. or less 301-600 lb. 601-900 lb. 900 lb.1,800 lb.4,500 lb.
Large 1,836 lb. or less 1,837-3,672 lb. 3,673-5,520 lb. 5,520 lb. 11,040 lb.13.8 tons
Huge 5.55 tons or less 5.56-11.2 tons 11.3-16.8 tons 16.8 tons33.6 tons 84 tons
Gargantuan25.5 tons or less 25.6-51.2 tons 51.3-76.8 tons 76.8 tons153.6 tons 384 tons
Colossal 154 tons or less 155-307 tons 308-461 tons 461 tons922 tons2,305 tons

Do note that due to their tendency to roll directly in whatever direction they are going and make sharp turns, that designing and constructing saddlebags for a muscle mass that don't result in the cargo getting squashed is a non-trivial task. Draft harnesses are also difficult since the major area(s) of contact must sustain rubbing contact as the muscle mass rolls along. Simply greasing the area tends to coat the ball in grease, either rubbing it off entirely, or leading to a loss of traction. Primative roller-bearings are often employed.

Special Uses: Muscle Masses are sometimes used as thrown weapons. They count as (orcish) shot-puts for proficiency purposes, but most wielders are non-proficient.

Use them alone or mixed in with other mindless undead.

If you feel like recreating the swimming scene in "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" these can work since they can reduce the swimmer's strength until they drown. And maybe leaping out of the water to bull-rush straight down.

Creating Muscle Masses

First the skeletal muscles (so no heart, stomach, intestinal, etc muscle) must be harvested and sewn into a spherical shape. The cost of the corpses may vary wildly, and many canny necromancers prefer to simply butcher cattle they have purchased. The muscles and tendons to be used must be reasonably undecayed and mostly whole. As far as crafting times go this requires Heal checks as if they were craft checks against a DC of 17 to create an item worth 10 gp per hitdie of the completed Muscle Mass. The thread required is of negligible cost compared to the cost of the meat and black onyx. The cost of the meat can be found in the PHB (6 sp a pound, assume that the cost for having it NOT cut up any more than necessary to remove it from the bones, and to include the tendons is the same as the cost to have it butchered the normal way). Purify Food and Drink and/or Gentle Repose may be used to keep the materials fresh long enough for the process to be completed. For these purposes Gentle Repose may target up to 25 pounds worth of materials OR any amount of materials taken from a single creature.

Next Bull's Strength and Ray of Enfeeblement must be cast once for each 8 hitdice, or fraction there-of, over each mass to be animated. A single casting of Chill Touch or Bestow Curse may be substituted for Ray of Enfeeblement for a Fine Muscle Mass, or a total of three castings of Chill Touch and/or Bestow Curse for a Diminutive Muscle Mass.

If a given ball would result in a Muscle Mass with a jump check modifier of +10 or more than Jump must be cast over it.

If a given ball would result in a Muscle Mass with a speed of 40' or more than Expeditious Retreat must be cast over it. If the speed of the muscle mass would be exactly 40' then Longstrider may be substituted.

Finally, either Animate Dead, Create Undead or Create Greater Undead must be cast. The balls must rest on the material components for the spell. Each such casting (regardless of which spell is used) may create up to 2 HD worth of Muscle masses per caster level (The desecrate spell doubles this limit). Animate Dead can not create a Muscle Mass of over 20 HD. For Muscle Masses of at least 21 HD multiple Create (Greater) Undead's may be stacked together to reach the HD requirement to animate a single muscle mass. The size and hitdice of the Muscle Mass relative to the amount of materials used as described on the following chart. Regardless of the spell used the creature is automatically under the control of the creator and counts against the Animate Dead control pool as if it was created with that spell.
The remaining corpse is still suitable for animation into most types of undead. Especially note that with the right skill checks, spells, etc it is possible to generate a Skeleton, a Sinister Spinal Cord, a Slithering Liver, Hopping Stomach, an Empty Skin, a Gut Snake, and a set of Floating Lungs from a single corpse.

SizeBase Weight RequiredAdditional Weight Needed Per EHD
Fine 1/8 lb ~
Diminutive 1/4 lb ~
Tiny 6 lb. 3 lb.
Small 50 lb. 100 lb.
Medium 400 lb. 200 lb.
Large 1 ton 500 lb
Huge 8 tons 1 ton
Gargantuan 64 tons 8 tons
Colossal 500 tons 24 tons

Add the following sizes and hitdies of Muscle Mass to the list of things summonable with the Summon Undead line of spells.

Lvl Muscle Mass Type

I standard Diminutive

II standard Tiny

III standard Small

IV Advanced Small (6HD)

V standard Medium

VI* Advanced Medium (12 HD)

VII* standard Large

VIII*Advanced Large (24 HD)

IX*standard Huge

As always, you can use a spell from the Summon Undead series to summon 2 undead from the list for 1 spell level lower, or 4 undead from the list for 2 spell levels lower.

*This spell does not, to my knowledge, exist a-priori of this project. I might brew it up later, although it is going to be a bit narrow-focus unless other people jump on the homebrewing bandwagon.

Development notes

According to the second tab of THIS (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Agyi5tgUTatCdHFjS05Kb18xVGd2bTZhak5YaGQtM FE#gid=14) the strength scores are reasonable for the CRs. Not that they don't exceed the maximums for specific CRs but that they don't do that AND for every CR LESS than that except at Colossal, and then only by 1 point (see CR 16 to the Colossal muscle mass's 19). Note however that that table is for Pathfinder.
is usually the case the CR's are pretty much just guesses.

Note that according to http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_much_meat_is_there_on_an_average_cow a 1000 lb cow (which may or may not be average) has about 250 to 376.2 lbs of meat you can get out of it, NOT counting the viscera (Don't know of this includes the liver or what...). This gives us a small muscle mass with 7 HD.

2013-03-31, 10:32 PM
Plague Tonsils((Mostly done, but still a work in progress))
Open Spoiler below for main stat block for Fine through Tiny plague tonsils.

Plague Tonsils, Fine
Plague Tonsils, Diminutive
Plague Tonsils, Tiny

((Get rid of this line before "publishing"))
Small or Medium

Size and Type

Fine Undead[Organ Undead]

Diminutive Undead[Organ Undead]

Tiny Undead[Organ Undead]

Hit Dice

1/4d12 (1 hp)

1/3d12 (2 hp)

1/2d12 (3 hp)


10 ft. (2 squares)*

15 ft. (3 squares)*

15 ft. (3 squares)*






20 (+2 Dex, +8 size); touch 21; flat-footed 18

15 (+1 Dex, +4 size); touch 16; flat-footed 14

12 (+0 Dex, +2 size); touch 13; flat-footed 12



(Infectious Touch +10 Melee Touch)
(Infectious Touch +5 Melee Touch)
(Infectious Touch +4 Melee Touch)

Full Attack
(Infectious Touch +10 Melee Touch)
(Infectious Touch +5 Melee Touch)
(Infectious Touch +4 Melee Touch)

1/2 ft./0 ft.
1 ft./0 ft.
2 1/2 ft./0 ft.

Special Attacks
Infectious Touch
Infectious Touch
Infectious Touch

Special QualitiesSpherical, Dark Vision 60 ft., Turn Resistance +3/8, Undead TraitsSpherical, Dark Vision 60 ft., Turn Resistance +2/3, Undead TraitsSpherical, Dark Vision 60 ft., Turn Resistance +1 1/2, Undead Traits

Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2

Str 1, Dex 14, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 2, Dex 12, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1S
tr 4, Dex 10, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1


Ability Focus[Infectious Touch](B), Weapon Finesse(B)
Ability Focus[Infectious Touch](B), Weapon Finesse(B)
Ability Focus[Infectious Touch](B), Weapon Finesse(B)



Challenge Rating


Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil


Level Adjustment

*If made from a creature with a swim speed, a plague tonsils (sic) has a swim speed equal to the undead's base speed.
**Technically Plague Tonsils also have Disease Resistance as a bonus feat, but as they are undead this is unlikely to come up unless perhaps playing them in Tears of Blood or if Awaken Undead is used and then they acquire not only class levels, but wish to take a feat or PrC with that feat as a prerequisite. Thus this is mentioned mostly for flavor reasons.

Open Spoiler below for main stat block for Small through Large plague tonsils.

Plague Tonsils, Small
Plague Tonsils, Medium
Plague Tonsils, Large

((Remove this line before "publishing"))

Size and Type
Small Undead[Organ Undead]
Medium Undead[Organ Undead]
Large Undead[Organ Undead]

Hit Dice
1d12 (6 hp)
2d12 (13 hp)
4d12 (26 hp)

20 ft. (4 squares)*
20 ft. (4 squares)*
30 ft. (6 squares)*


11 (+1 size); touch 11; flat-footed 11
10; touch 10; flat-footed 10
10(-1 Dex, -1 size, +2 Natural); touch 8; flat-footed 10



(Infectious Touch +0 Melee Touch)
(Infectious Touch +1 Melee Touch)
(Infectious Touch +2 Melee Touch)

Full Attack
(Infectious Touch +0 Melee Touch)
(Infectious Touch +1 Melee Touch)
(Infectious Touch +2 Melee Touch)

5 ft./5 ft.
5 ft./5 ft.
10 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks
Infectious Touch
Infectious Touch
Infectious Touch

Special Qualities
Spherical, Dark Vision 60 ft., Turn Resistance +3, Undead Traits
Spherical, Dark Vision 60 ft., Turn Resistance +6, Undead Traits
Spherical, Dark Vision 60 ft., Turn Resistance +12, Undead Traits

Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3
Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +4

Str 6, Dex 10, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 8, Dex 10, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 10, Dex 8, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1


Ability Focus[Infectious Touch](B), Weapon Finesse(B)
Ability Focus[Infectious Touch](B), Weapon Finesse(B)
Ability Focus[Infectious Touch](B), Weapon Focus[Infectious Touch](B)



Challenge Rating


Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil

3 HD (Medium)
5+ HD (Large)

Level Adjustment

*If made from a creature with a swim speed, a pair of plague tonsils has a swim speed equal to the undead's base speed.
**Technically Plague Tonsils also have Disease Resistance as a bonus feat, but as they are undead this is unlikely to come up unless perhaps playing them in Tears of Blood or if Awaken Undead is used and then they acquire not only class levels, but wish to take a feat or PrC with that feat as a prerequisite. Thus this is mentioned mostly for flavor reasons.

Combat (Some of this stuff is mechanically critical!)
Because of their utter lack of intelligence, the instructions given to a newly created Plague Tonsils* must be very simple. They are actually incapable of understanding any other offensive actions than touch attacks (including with AoOs). Even if this limitation is overcome** their complete lack of manipulative appendages would prevent many things.
*sic, each one is a pair of tonsils sewn together.
**Awaken Undead (Spell Compendium p.21) and Magic Jar (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magicJar.htm) (to possess them) are two such ways this could be done.

Infectious Touch (Su): A Plague Tonsils can a single inflict disease with a melee touch attack, much like the Contagion. The initial save is 12+1/2 hit-dice after accounting for their Ability Focus feat and technically constitution based. The disease is selected for the individual plague tonsils when it is created (mixing and matching between ones created with a given spell is permissible) and onset times are as per normal for the disease in question rather than instantaneous. Acceptable diseases are the same as for Contagion and are listed below for convenience.

Ongoing DC

Blinding sickness1d3 days161d4 Str*

Cackle fever1 day161d6 Wis

Filth fever 1d3 days121d3 Dex and 1d3 Con

Mindfire 1 day121d4 Int

Red ache 1d3 days151d6 Str

Shakes 1 day131d8 Dex

Slimy doom1 day141d4 Con

*Each time a victim takes 2 or more points of Strength damage from blinding sickness, he or she must make another Fortitude save (using the disease’s save DC) or be permanently blinded.

Spherical (Ex): Plague Tonsils have no top or bottom, front or back. Thus they can not be flanked, and or knocked prone (tripping can still happen, but it only matters for such things as Setting Sun maneuvers). Semi-obviously they also lack manipulative appendages of any kind.

Creating Plague Tonsils.
The tonsils of a one or more once-living creatures must be removed. This requires only a DC 12 Heal check since the target is dead, however if the check result is not at least 17 the vocal cords are ruined, preventing the creation of a Floating Lungs or Coughing Lungs.
The tonsils from each creature must be sewn together. Each such pair (or trio or quartet for some abberations...) will become a SINGLE undead.
Next, Contagion must be cast once over each set of tonsils.
Finally Animate Dead, Create Undead, or Create Greater Undead[i] must be used. Regardless of the spell used the creature is automatically under the control of the creator and counts against the [I]Animate Dead control pool as if it was created with that spell.


Nerf DC (at least/especially of more nasty diseases) based on how few other Plague Tonsils (or even allied undead in general) they have been within 30' of withing the last 5 minutes, thus providing a mechanical reason to only encounter them at ELs that are sufficiently high enough?

Higher CR versions that can do Devil Chills, Mummy Rot, and stuff from that list of diseases that

Initial DC set by source creature's Racial HD? At creation can decide to sacrifice initial damage for normal onset time, then use this DC for all saves against that instance of the illness in that individual, and, in that individual only, it gains SR 10+Caster Level to resist magic that would cure it (other effects of such spells still benefit the target as normal)?

Disallow Blinding sickness on anything not at least CR 5 (Remove Blindness/Deafness is spell level 3 not 2)? Boost them all to be CR 3 so that at least Lesser Restoration is in play, in addition to probably higher heal checks (assume that clerics put points into heal!)? In this case, probably want to go 1 HD, 2 HD, 4 HD, 8 HD, 16 HD, even though this does put them as fairly beefy...

Give them turn resistance sufficient to raise their effective HD to that of the source creature, instead of static turn resistance? OR cap DC at casters DC OR 10+Source Creatures Fortitude save (minus items and temporary spells)?

Times per day equal to sqrt(source HD), rounded down, minimum 1. A miss does not consume a per-day use, but a successful (or unsuccessful) saving throw does???

Per Day
Initial DC
Per Day
Initial DC




6-7213 |[/td]26-27523

8214 |[/td]28-29524








Allow nastier diseases at higher levels? Mummy Rot/Devil Chills? Spell resistance? Repeats every 12 hours, and maybe requires +1 successful saves in a row to recover from?

2013-03-31, 10:36 PM

Wikipedia-like Cross-Indexing: A similar concept taken in a very different direction: I, ball (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29677).
And from Pathfinder SRD page, here is a "Deluxe" version (although perhaps not with creation rules?) Istoq (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/undead/isitoq/)

Three Quarters straight creature, and One Quarter Template, rolling eyeballs are the mindless scouts, spies, and watch-things of necromancers who take the time to do things right.

Fine Undead [Organ Undead]
HD 1/16d12 (1 hp)
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares); Swim 15 ft
Init: +5
AC 23; touch 23; flat-footed 18
(+8 size, +5 Dex)
BAB +0; Grp -21
Attack None
Full-Attack None
Space 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft
Special Attacks Residual Gaze Attack(s)/Eye Ray(s)
Special Qualities Evasion, Report Mode, Limited Undead Traits, Residual sensory qualities, One sense, Square-Cube Law, Hardy Turning
Saves Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +4
Abilities Str 1, Dex 20, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills Hide +31, Jump +9, Listen (Deaf), Move Silently +15, Spot +15, Swim +13
Feats Dodge(B), Iron Will (B)
Environment Any
Organization Any, but usually solitary (otherwise however many the master thinks are necessary to make sure one escapes to report)
Challenge Rating 1/5 + 1/5 CR of source creature if the source creature had a gaze attack or eye-rays (Development Note: this needs work, the gaze attack of a medusa should count more than that of a beholder since the beholder gets many more, but in either case the rolling eye only gets one)
Treasure None
Alignment Always Neutral Evil
Advancement 1/8 to 1/2 HD Diminutive (Giant Squid, Central Beholder, and such Eyes only)

Limited Undead Traits: Many Rolling Eyeballs lack the Darkvision of most undead, they only have this quality if the creature they came from had it, but they also retain low-light vision, "See in Darkness", and any permanent Divination spells from a racial or template source effecting vision that the creature had in effect on it such as Detect Magic, True Seeing, and Detect Evil. They are not proficient with any weapons, but are proficient with their eye-rays (if any). The traits that are not already contained in the statistic block above are as follows:

Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects.
Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), as well as to fatigue and exhaustion effects.
Cannot heal damage on its own, although it can be healed. Negative energy (such as an inflict spell) can heal undead creatures.
Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
Uses its Charisma modifier for Concentration checks.
Not at risk of death from massive damage, but when reduced to 0 hit points or less, it is immediately destroyed.
Not affected by raise dead and reincarnate spells or abilities. Resurrection and true resurrection can affect undead creatures. These spells turn undead creatures back into the living creatures they were before becoming undead.
Proficient with its eye rays, if any.
Not proficient with armor or shields.
Undead do not breathe, eat, or sleep.

Hardy Turning (Ex): For determining how many undead may be turned, rebuked, controlled(including control pools), or created count a rolling eyeball without any offensive effects (such as gaze attacks or the antimagic field of a beholder's central eye) as its actual HD (note that this includes for purposes of turning DAMAGE), HOWEVER, for determining if it is turned, rebuked, destroyed, commanded, or created in the first place (including the difference between rebuked and commanded, and the difference between turning and destroying) a rolling eyeball counts as either 1 HD or the same HD as the creature from which it was taken, whichever is greater. (See example below)

Rolling eyeballs with attacks or effects count as 1/2 the caster level of their gaze attack of the creature they were taken from(minimum 1) for all purposes related to turning, rebuking, controlling (including control pools).

Example: John, a 2nd level cleric who channels positive energy comes across 15 skeletons, each of 1 HD, and a 1/16 HD rolling eyeball that was taken from a 4 HD cow. He rolls his turning check and gets enough to affect undead of up to 3 HD. He effects some of the skeletons, but the rolling eyeball counts as having 4 HD for that purpose, and thus remains steadfastly observing the battle as it was commanded. He rolls a total of 10 for his turning damage and 10 of the skeletons flee before him. The next round he tries again, and rolls high enough on his turning check that he effects 4 HD creatures. He rolls a total of 6 for the turning damage, and destroys the remaining 5 skeletons and turns the rolling eyeball. The rolling eyeball is not destroyed because it counts as having 4 HD for determining if it is turned vs destroyed.

Evasion (Ex): A rolling eyeball can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If it makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, it instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rolling eyeball is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rolling eyeball does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Residual Gaze Attack(s)/Eye Ray(s) (Su): A rolling eyeball retains a weakened version of any gaze attack or eye-ray the creature it was taken from could use that eye to perform as a Supernatural ability unless that attack is SPECIFICALLY described as requiring more than one eye to perform. Reduce all save DCs and caster levels by 3 from the original creature's. Do NOT correct for the rolling eyeball's hit-dice, ability scores, (lack of) feats, or any such things. SPECIAL: The central anti-magic eye of a beholder still projects an anti-magic cone, but its range is reduced to a third. This cone can not be negated without destroying the eye. This means that it is not possible for it to produce the illusion that allows it to report although it can still technically be put in report mode.

One Sense (Ex): Rolling Eyeballs are totally deaf and can't smell or taste. They can read one language their creator speaks, and can be telepathically commanded by whoever controls them at a range of 5' or less. Despite the name of this ability rolling eyeballs have a normal sense of touch, as well as balance and kinesthetic sense.

Residual Sensory Qualities (Ex): Rolling Eyeballs retain, Darkvision, low-light vision, "See in Darkness", and any permanent Divination spells from a racial or template source effecting vision that the creature had in effect on it such as Detect Magic, True Seeing, and Detect Evil. Rolling Eyeballs never have All-Around Vision.

Square-Cube Law (Ex): Fine Rolling Eyeballs are immune to falling damage, diminutive ones take only 1 point of damage per die of falling damage.

Report Mode(Su): While in Report Mode, a Rolling eyeball is considered flat-footed with a a dexterity of 1 and loses all movement speeds and its Evasion special quality. It reports back via a 2-D dimensional Silent Image (DC 1) which looks the same no matter what angle it is viewed from projected above it. This image shows exactly what it saw since the last time it was in this mode. Note that when rolling along it has to see where it is going, so it can't point its pupil to the side. This means that a lot of the time the image will show the ground, the floor, or the ceiling rather than anything in front of the eyeball.
The size of the image can be varied between as small as 1 inch across, to as large as 10 feet across, however it is always limited by the visual acuity of the eye. The brightness can be controlled (although it sheds no light on other objects), allowing, for instance, a human necromancer to gain the full benefits of an eye from a creature with low-light vision. Similarly, other types of visual cues are transcribed in a way that is visible to even a human (provided the veiwer makes any necessary spot checks). It can be ordered to jump forward or backward a stated amount of time, but can not otherwise vary the speed (No "pause" or "slo-mo" functions). Note that repeated viewings allow taking 10 (with a few run-thoroughs) and 20 (with the normal time multipliers) on spot checks by viewers. When the images reach the end, the image temporarily vanishes, but the mode is not exited, and the eye may be commanded to start again from the beginning. Once report mode is ended the information in obtained prior to that point can never be accessed via it in that way short of a Limited Wish, Bend Reality or greater magic/psionics.
The controller may designate up to his caster level in individuals who can command a given rolling eyeball while it is in report mode. To add or remove an individual for a given rolling eyeball, all three of them (the eyeball the controller and the designated reviewer) must be within 5' of eachother.

Skills: A rolling eyeball uses its Dexterity modifier in place of strength for Jump and Swim Checks. They also get +10 racial bonuses to Hide, Jump, and Move Silently, and a +15 racial bonus to Spot. A rolling eyeball has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

Organ Undead: For purposes of controlling or creation add the base racial turn resistance of an undead with this subtype to its hitdice in all cases rather than only for turning/rebuking/commanding/destroying. Note especially that this applies to how many hitdice worth of the Animate Dead control pool it takes up.

Undead with this subtype often require additional spells to create in the simplest way, in addition to skill (or luck) with cutting up inanimate corpses to remove the organ.
Fine Undead [Organ Undead]
HD 1/16d12 (1 hp)
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares); Swim 15 ft
Init: +5
AC 23; touch 23; flat-footed 18
(+8 size, +5 Dex)
BAB +0; CMB ??? CMD ??? ((Might need a special rule here to make them appropriately tricky to grab... ever try to catch a cockroach with your bare hands? Just dropping the Strength Modifier from the equation would probably do the trick.))
Attack None
Full-Attack None
Space 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft
Special Attacks Residual Gaze Attack(s)/Eye Ray(s)
Special Qualities Evasion, Report Mode, Limited Undead Traits, Residual sensory qualities, One sense, Square-Cube Law, Hardy Turning
Saves Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +4(but see Hardy Turning)
Abilities Str 1, Dex 20, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills Hide +31, Athletics[Jump] ?+9?, Perception[Listen, Smell] (Autofail, although they might be able to feel vibrations in objects they are in contact with), Move Silently +15, Spot +15, Swim +13
Feats Dodge(B), Iron Will (B)
Environment Any
Organization Any, but usually solitary (otherwise however many the master thinks are necessary to make sure one escapes to report)
Challenge Rating 1/5 + 1/5 CR of source creature if the source creature had a gaze attack or eye-rays (Development Note: this needs work, the gaze attack of a medusa should count more than that of a beholder since the beholder gets many more, but in either case the rolling eye only gets one)
Treasure None
Alignment Always Neutral Evil
Advancement 1/8 to 1/2 HD Diminutive (Giant Squid, Central Beholder, and such Eyes only)

Limited Undead Traits: Many Rolling Eyeballs lack the Darkvision of most undead, they only have this quality if the creature they came from had it, but they also retain low-light vision, "See in Darkness", and any permanent Divination spells from a racial or template source effecting vision that the creature had in effect on it such as Detect Magic, True Seeing, and Detect Evil. They are not proficient with any weapons, but are proficient with their eye-rays (if any).

Hardy Turning (Ex): A Rolling Eyeball without any gaze attacks or eye-rays* subjected to Channel Energy uses the HD of the creature it was taken from (but always at a Good saving throw progression) to calculate its will saving throw. It suffers no hitpoint damage or automatic destruction on a successful save.

*Do not count any such attacks from additional templates it might have apart from those on the creature it was taken from.

Rolling eyeballs with such attacks or effects count as 1/2 the caster level of their gaze attack of the creature they were taken from(minimum 1) for all purposes related to turning, rebuking, controlling (including control pools).

Evasion (Ex): A rolling eyeball can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If it makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, it instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rolling eyeball is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rolling eyeball does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Residual Gaze Attack(s)/Eye Ray(s) (Su): A rolling eyeball retains a weakened version of any gaze attack or eye-ray the creature it was taken from could use that eye to perform as a Supernatural ability unless that attack is SPECIFICALLY described as requiring more than one eye to perform. Reduce all save DCs and caster levels by 3. SPECIAL: The central anti-magic eye of a beholder still projects an anti-magic cone, but its range is reduced to a third. This cone can not be negated without destroying the eye. This means that it is not possible for it to produce the illusion that allows it to report although it can still technically be put in report mode.

One Sense (Ex): Rolling Eyeballs are totally deaf and can't smell or taste. They can read one language their creator speaks, and can be telepathically commanded by whoever controls them at a range of 5' or less. Despite the name of this ability rolling eyeballs have a normal sense of touch, as well as balance and kinesthetic sense.

Residual Sensory Qualities (Ex): Rolling Eyeballs retain, Darkvision, low-light vision, "See in Darkness", and any permanent Divination spells from a racial or template source effecting vision that the creature had in effect on it such as Detect Magic, True Seeing, and Detect Evil. Rolling Eyeballs never have All-Around Vision.

Square-Cube Law (Ex): Rolling Eyeballs are immune to falling damage.

Report Mode(Su): While in Report Mode, a Rolling eyeball is considered flat-footed with a a dexterity of 1 and loses all movement speeds and its Evasion special quality. It reports back via a 2-D dimensional Silent Image (DC 1) which looks the same no matter what angle it is viewed from projected above it. This image shows exactly what it saw since the last time it was in this mode. Note that when rolling along it has to see where it is going, so it can't point its pupil to the side. This means that a lot of the time the image will show the ground, the floor, or the ceiling rather than anything in front of the eyeball.
The size of the image can be varied between as small as 1 inch across, to as large as 10 feet across, however it is always limited by the visual acuity of the eye. The brightness can be controlled (although it sheds no light on other objects), allowing, for instance, a human necromancer to gain the full benefits of an eye from a creature with low-light vision. Similarly, other types of visual cues are transcribed in a way that is visible to even a human (provided the veiwer makes any necessary spot checks). It can be ordered to jump forward or backward a stated amount of time, but can not otherwise vary the speed (No "pause" or "slo-mo" functions). Note that repeated viewings allow taking 10 (with a few run-thoroughs) and 20 (with the normal time multipliers) on spot checks by viewers. When the images reach the end, the image temporarily vanishes, but the mode is not exited, and the eye may be commanded to start again from the beginning. Once report mode is ended the information in obtained prior to that point can never be accessed via it in that way short of a Limited Wish, Bend Reality or greater magic/psionics.
The controller may designate up to his caster level in individuals who can command a given rolling eyeball while it is in report mode. To add or remove an individual for a given rolling eyeball, all three of them (the eyeball the controller and the designated reviewer) must be within 5' of eachother.

Skills: A rolling eyeball uses its Dexterity modifier in place of strength for Athletics[Jump] and Swim Checks. They also get +10 racial bonuses to Hide, Jump, and Move Silently, and a +15 racial bonus to Spot. A rolling eyeball has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

Organ Undead: For purposes of controlling or creation add the base racial turn resistance of an undead with this subtype to its hitdice in all cases rather than only for turning/rebuking/commanding/destroying. Note especially that this applies to how many hitdice worth of the Animate Dead control pool it takes up.

Undead with this subtype often require additional spells to create in the simplest way, in addition to skill (or luck) with cutting up inanimate corpses to remove the organ.

Creating a Rolling Eyeball
First the eyes of one or more creatures must be harvested, each requiring a Heal check with a DC of 18. The eyes must be reasonably undecayed and mostly whole and the creature must (obviously) had spherical (rather than compound eyes or simply photo-sensitive skin-patches). Then Silent Image (or a more powerful spell that can duplicate the effects of that spell) must be cast once over each eye. Finally, either Animate Dead, Create Undead, or Create Greater Undead must be cast. The material components for the spell must be ground to a powder and sprinkled over the eyes. Each such casting (regardless of which spell is used) may create up to 2 HD worth of rolling eyeballs per caster level (The desecrate spell doubles this limit). Regardless of the spell used the creature is automatically under the control of the creator and counts against the Animate Dead control pool as if it was created with that spell.
The remaining corpse is still suitable for animation into most types of undead. Especially note that with the right skill checks, spells, etc it is possible in most cases to generate a Dark Heart (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003631&postcount=7), an Empty Skin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003641&postcount=8), a contribution towards a Fat Glob (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003674&postcount=11), a pair of Floating Lungs (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003697&postcount=12) (which is a single creature), a Gut Snake (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003712&postcount=13), one or more Hopping Stomachs (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003720&postcount=14), Muscle Mass (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003739&postcount=15), two Rolling Eyeballs, a Sinister Spinal Cord (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003762&postcount=17), a Slithering Liver (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003823&postcount=20), two Spinning-Horizon Inner Ears (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003833&postcount=21), and a Zooming Brain (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003845&postcount=22) from a single corpse.

Add the following types of Rolling Eyeballs to the list of things summonable with the Summon Undead line of spells.

LvlRolling Eyeball Type

I1st level Human (2 rounds/CL*)

II1st level Elf OR Orc**(2 rounds/CL*)

IIIMouse(2 rounds/CL*)

IVFiendish/Celestial Mouse(2 rounds/CL*)

VBeholder Eyestalk Eye**(+)




IX***Beholder Central Anti-Magic Eye
As always, you can use a spell from the Summon Undead series to summon 2 undead from the list for 1 spell level lower, or 4 undead from the list for 2 spell levels lower.

*Note that this stacks with the extend spell metamagic feat to produce 4 rounds per caster level, not 3.
**Pick one at time of casting, may not be mixed within a single summoning.
***This spell does not, to my knowledge, exist a-priori of this project. I might brew it up later, although it is going to be limited to Organ Undead unless other people jump on the homebrewing bandwagon.

+ ((I should perhaps differentiate these based on the actual spell-level/utility))

Archived older format of the above table.
Add a human Rolling Eyeball to the Summon Undead I list, however the base duration of the spell is 2 rounds per caster level* if only standard rolling eyeballs are summoned with a given casting, (and multiple rolling eyeballs for later levels, including duration increase).
Add a elf and orc (pick one at time of casting, may not be mixed) Rolling Eyeball to the Summon Undead II list, however the base duration of the spell is 2 rounds per caster level* if only standard rolling eyeballs are summoned with a given casting (and multiple rolling eyeballs for later levels, including duration increase).
Add a mouse Rolling Eyeball to the Summon Undead III list, however the base duration of the spell is 2 rounds per caster level* if only standard rolling eyeballs are summoned with a given casting (and multiple rolling eyeballs for later levels, including duration increase).
Add a Beholder Eyestalk Rolling Eyeball to the Summon Undead V list (and multiple for later levels).
Add a Beholder Central Eye Rolling Eyeball to the Summon Undead IX** list (and multiple for later levels if you have such a thing in your game).
*Note that an Extended Summon Monster <Whatever> lasts 4 rounds per caster level, not 3.
**This spell does not, to my knowledge, exist a-priori of this project. I might brew it up later, although it is going to be all organ undead unless other people pitch in with good choices for zombies and skeletons.

2013-03-31, 10:37 PM
Sinister Spinal Cord
Open Spoiler below for main stat block for Fine through Tiny sinister spinal cords.


Sinister Spinal Cord, Fine

Sinister Spinal Cord, Diminutive

Sinister Spinal Cord, Tiny

Size and Type
Fine Undead[Organ Undead]
Diminutive Undead[Organ Undead]
Tiny Undead[Organ Undead]

Hit Dice
1/16d12 (1 hp)
1/8d12 (1 hp)
1/4d12 (1 hp)

15 ft. (3 squares), climb 15 ft., swim 15 ft.
15 ft. (3 squares), climb 15 ft., swim 15 ft.
15 ft. (3 squares), climb 15 ft., swim 15 ft.


24 (+6 Dex, +8 size); touch 24; flat-footed 18
19 (+5 Dex, +4 size); touch 19; flat-footed 14
16 (+4 Dex, +2 size); touch 16; flat-footed 12



(Paralysis Attempt +14 Melee Touch)
(Paralysis Attempt +9 Melee Touch)
(Paralysis Attempt +6 Melee Touch)

Full Attack
(Paralysis Attempt +14 Melee Touch)
(Paralysis Attempt +9 Melee Touch)
(Paralysis Attempt +6 Melee Touch)

1/2 ft./0 ft.
1 ft./0 ft.
2 1/2 ft./0 ft.

Special Attacks
Paralysis, Strangle
Paralysis, Strangle
Paralysis, Strangle

Special Qualities
Soft, Dark Vision 60 ft., Halt Immunity, Undead Traits
Soft, Dark Vision 60 ft., Halt Immunity, Undead Traits
Soft, Dark Vision 60 ft., Halt Immunity, Undead Traits

Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +2
Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +2
Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2

Str 1, Dex 23, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 2, Dex 21, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 4, Dex 19, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1


Improved Initiative(B), Weapon Finesse(B)
Improved Initiative(B), Weapon Finesse(B)
Improved Initiative(B), Weapon Finesse(B)



Challenge Rating


Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil

1/3 HD (Tiny)

Level Adjustment

Open Spoiler below for main stat block for Small through Large sinister spinal cords.


Sinister Spinal Cord, Small

Sinister Spinal Cord, Medium

Sinister Spinal Cord, Large

Size and Type
Small Undead[Organ Undead]
Medium Undead[Organ Undead]
Large Undead[Organ Undead]

Hit Dice
1d12 (6 hp)
2d12 (13 hp)
3d12 (19 hp)

20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.


14 (+3 Dex, +1 size); touch 14; flat-footed 11
13 (+3 Dex); touch 13; flat-footed 10
12(+3 Dex, -1 size); touch 12; flat-footed 9



(Paralysis Attempt +4 Melee Touch)
(Paralysis Attempt +4 Melee Touch)
(Paralysis Attempt +3 Melee Touch)

Full Attack
(Paralysis Attempt +4 Melee Touch)
(Paralysis Attempt +4 Melee Touch)
(Paralysis Attempt +3 Melee Touch)

5 ft./5 ft.
5 ft./5 ft.
10 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks
Paralysis, Strangle
Paralysis, Strangle
Paralysis, Strangle

Special QualitiesSoft, Dark Vision 60 ft., Halt Immunity, Undead TraitsSoft, Dark Vision 60 ft., Halt Immunity, Undead TraitsSoft, Dark Vision 60 ft., Halt Immunity, Undead Traits

Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +3
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +3


Str 6, Dex 17, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1

Str 8, Dex 17, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1

Str 10, Dex 17, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1


Improved Initiative(B), Weapon Finesse(B)
Improved Initiative(B), Weapon Finesse(B)
Improved Initiative(B), Weapon Finesse(B)



Challenge Rating


Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil

4-5 HD (Large)

Level Adjustment

Open Spoiler below for main stat block for Huge through Colossal sinister spinal cords.


Sinister Spinal Cord, Huge

Sinister Spinal Cord, Gargantuan

Sinister Spinal Cord, Colossal

Size and Type
Huge Undead[Organ Undead]
Gargantuan Undead[Organ Undead]
Colossal Undead[Organ Undead]

Hit Dice
6d12 (39 hp)
12d12 (78 hp)
24d12 (156 hp)

20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
30 ft. (6 squares), climb 30 ft., swim 30 ft.


11 (+3 Dex, -2 size); touch 11; flat-footed 8
8 (+2 Dex, -4 size); touch 8; flat-footed 8
4 (+2 Dex, -8 size); touch 4; flat-footed 4



(Paralysis Attempt +4 Melee Touch)
(Paralysis Attempt +8 Melee Touch)
(Paralysis Attempt +13 Melee Touch)

Full Attack
(Paralysis Attempt +4 Melee Touch)
(Paralysis Attempt +8 Melee Touch)
(Paralysis Attempt +13 Melee Touch)

15 ft./10 ft.
20 ft./15 ft.
30 ft./20 ft.

Special Attacks
Paralysis, Strangle
Paralysis, Strangle
Paralysis, Strangle

Special Qualities
Soft, Dark Vision 60 ft., Halt Immunity, Turn Resistance +1, Undead Traits
Soft, Dark Vision 60 ft., Halt Immunity, Turn Resistance +2, Undead Traits
Soft, Dark Vision 60 ft., Halt Immunity, Turn Resistance +3, Undead Traits

Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +5
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +8
Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +14

Str 16, Dex 17, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 22, Dex 15, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 28, Dex 15, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1


Improved Initiative(B)
Improved Initiative(B)
Improved Initiative(B)



Challenge Rating


Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil

7-11 HD (Huge)
13-23 HD (Gargantuan)
25+ HD (Colossal)

Level Adjustment
You are...

A grayish rope-like... THING is before you, tapering towards the back.

Sinister spinal cords are the spinal cords of corpses reanimated through a variant of the same necromancy that can create a skeleton or zombie. (See "Creation" below)

Because of their utter lack of intelligence, the instructions given to a newly created sinsiter spinal cord must be very simple. They generally end up simply charging enemies and then starting in with strangling once all opponents are downed (and continuing even if some of them recover).

Soft(Ex): An unarmed slithering spinal cord is utterly incapable of causing hitpoint damage per se (dropping hit-points due to lack of air are another matter entirely). It could be ordered to trigger a trap, or pick up a weapon in one end (but even then it would be non-proficient with it), but its only native attack that involves an attack roll is its paralysis touch. Armed or not, a slithering spinal cord is too clumsy with weapons to perform a coup-de-grace.

Paralysis(Sn): See table below for Durations and Will save DCs (Which are Consitution based and receive a +5 racial bonus), unlike most paralysis effects, the victim goes limp instead of stiffening up. This usually results in falling prone.

Strangle(Ex): If a sinister spinal cord grapples a helpless victim (which means they automatically succeed on the grapple check) no more than one size category larger than them the victim must save against its Paralysis, and must attempt a fortitude save to be able to breath that round. They receive a bonus (or penalty) to their save equal to there strength modifier, but a natural 20 is not an automatic success. Use the standard rules for holding the breath/drowning (in other words it will be many rounds before the victim is in any danger in most cases). The DC is unusual and is the sinister spinal cords strength SCORE + 1/2 HD + 5 Racial Bonus. A success reduces the effective count of rounds without breath by 1 (instead of increasing it by 1), while a success by 10 points or more allows a full breath or two, resetting the count to zero.

Note that while regaining the ability to move ends this effect, it does NOT end the grapple, which continues, although the victim does not count as grappled on any round they do not attempt to perform a grappling action against the sinister spinal cord still wrapped around their neck. The sinister spinal cord automatically succeeds with all touch attacks without the need for a roll against a creature it it wrapped around the neck of (saving throws against the paralysis are, of course, allowed).

Sinister spinal cords wrapped around necks count as flat footed to attacks if the following conditions are met:

Said attack are made with daggers, scalpels, scissors (which do not count as improvised weapons in this case), and similar bladed weapons and tools.
The attacker must be able to see the sinister spinal cord, which does NOT generally include the person whose neck they are wrapped around unless a mirror is used in which case a flat -1 to hit against the flat-footed sinister spinal cord is imposed.

Halt Immunity(Sn): Sinister spinal cords are immune to Halt Undead (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/haltUndead.htm) and similar spells and effects. Note that this specifically does NOT include rebuking (nor turning) nor purely physical/mechanical effects such as Web, or Tangle-foot bags.

Organ Undead: For purposes of controlling or creation add the base racial turn resistance of an undead with this subtype to its hitdice in all cases rather than only for turning/rebuking/commanding/destroying. Note especially that this applies to how many hitdice worth of the Animate Dead control pool it takes up.

Undead with this subtype often require additional spells to create in the simplest way, in addition to skill (or luck) with cutting up inanimate corpses to remove the organ.

Auxiliary Table:


Paralysis DC

Paralysis Duration

Strangle DC

Size of Source Creature


15 1 Round
6 Tiny biped*, Diminutive Other

15 1d3 Rounds
7 Small biped*, Tiny Other

15 1d4 Rounds
9 Medium Biped*, Small Other

15 1d6 Rounds
11 Large Biped*, Medium Other

16 1d8 Rounds
14 Huge Biped*, Large Other

Large(3 HD)
16 1d10 Rounds
16 Gargantuan Biped*, Huge Other

Large(4 HD)
17 1d10 Rounds
17 Gargantuan w/ 2 EHD Biped*, Huge w/ 2 EHD Other

Large(5 HD)
17 1d10 Rounds
17 Gargantuan w/ 4 EHD Biped*, Huge w/ 4 EHD Other

Huge(6 HD)
18 2d6 Rounds
24 Colossal Biped*, Gargantuan Other

Huge(7 HD)
18 2d6 Rounds
24 Colossal w/ 2 EHD Biped*, Gargantuan w/ 2 EHD Other

Huge(8 HD)
19 2d6 Rounds
25 Colossal w/ 4 EHD Biped*, Gargantuan w/ 4 EHD Other

Huge(9 HD)
19 2d6 Rounds
25 Colossal w/ 6 EHD Biped*, Gargantuan w/ 6 EHD Other

Huge(10 HD)
20 2d6 Rounds
26 Colossal w/ 8 EHD Biped*, Gargantuan w/ 8 EHD Other

Huge(11 HD)
20 2d6 Rounds
26 Colossal w/ 10 EHD Biped*, Gargantuan w/ 10 EHD Other

Gargantuan(12 HD)
21 3d6 Rounds
33 Colossal+ Biped*, Colossal Other

Gargantuan(13 HD)
21 3d6 Rounds
33 Colossal+ w/ 2 EHD Biped*, Colossal w/ 2 EHD Other

Gargantuan(14 HD)
22 3d6 Rounds
34 Colossal+ w/ 4 EHD Biped*, Colossal w/ 4 EHD Other

Gargantuan(15 HD)
22 3d6 Rounds
34 Colossal+ w/ 6 EHD Biped*, Colossal w/ 6 EHD Other

Gargantuan(16 HD)
23 3d6 Rounds
35 Colossal+ w/ 8 EHD Biped*, Colossal w/ 8 EHD Other

Gargantuan(17 HD)
23 3d6 Rounds
35 Colossal+ w/ 10 EHD Biped*, Colossal w/ 10 EHD Other

Gargantuan(18 HD)
24 3d6 Rounds
36 Colossal+ w/ 12 EHD Biped*, Colossal w/ 12 EHD Other

Gargantuan(19 HD)
24 3d6 Rounds
36 Colossal+ w/ 14 EHD Biped*, Colossal w/ 14 EHD Other

Gargantuan(20 HD)
25 3d6 Rounds
37 Colossal+ w/ 16 EHD Biped*, Colossal w/ 16 EHD Other

Gargantuan(21 HD)
25 3d6 Rounds
37 Colossal+ w/ 18 EHD Biped*, Colossal w/ 18 EHD Other

Gargantuan(22 HD)
26 3d6 Rounds
38 Colossal+ w/ 20 EHD Biped*, Colossal w/ 20 EHD Other

Gargantuan(23 HD)
26 3d6 Rounds
38 Colossal+ w/ 22 EHD Biped*, Colossal w/ 22 EHD Other

Colossal(24 HD)
27 5d6 rounds
45 Colossal+ Non-Biped or Large-Tailed Biped

*Not counting bipeds with significant tails such as Lizard-folk, Mepholk, etc.

Special: Sinsiter spinal cords are occasionally placed in the nasal passages of the creatures from which they came. In such a case the larger undead becomes somewhat subject to critical hits, sneak attack, and other precision based damage provided that they are dealt in the form of piercing damage. In such a case a confirmed critical hit may be elected by the attacker to deal its NORMAL (NOT critical hit/Sneak Attack!) damage to the sinister spinal cords instead of dealing any damage what-so-ever to the larger undead.

Usage: Best when mixed with almost anything that can coup de grace. Generally they will be deployed in front of or riding on the shoulders of ground troops.
Creating a Sinister Spinal Cord
First the spinal cords of of one or more creatures must be harvested, each one requiring a Heal check with a DC of 25. The spinal cords must be reasonably undecayed and whole and the creature must have had a spinal cord. Then Hold Person (for Large or smaller sinister spinal cords) OR Hold Monster (for Huge or smaller sinister spinal cords) must be cast once over each spinal cord of Huge or smaller size to be animated. For gargantuan and colossal sinister spinal cords Hold Monster must instead be cast once per 2 HD. Finally, either Animate Dead, Create Undead or Create Greater Undead must be cast. The spinal cords must each be wrapped around their individual material components for the spell. Each such casting (regardless of which spell is used) may create up to 2 HD worth of sinister spinal cords per caster level (The Desecrate spell doubles this limit). Animate Dead can not create a sinister spinal cord of over 20 HD. Regardless of the spell used the creature is automatically under the control of the creator and counts against the Animate Dead control pool as if it was created with that spell.
The size of the sinister spinal cord is two size classes smaller than the size of the creature for bipeds lacking tails that reach at least to their knees (or ankles in the case of digitigrade or unguiligrade species) the spinal cord was were taken from (to a minimum Fine Size), for almost all other species the sinister spinal cord is one size class smaller (again, to a minimum of fine). Sinister spinal cords have hit dice equal to the minimum listed for a pair of sinister spinal cords of that size, plus extra hit dice equal to 1/2 the number of extra hit dice above the minimum that the creature it was harvested from needed to achieve its size class (up to the maximum listed HD a sinister spinal cord of the particular size catagory it is at may be advanced to).
The remaining corpse is still suitable for animation into most types of undead. Especially note that with the right skill checks, spells, etc it is possible to generate a <WARNING: THESE LINKS HAVE NOT BEEN UPDATED AND THUS GO TO OLDER VERISIONS IN OTHER THREADS!> Skeleton (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/skeleton.htm), Slithering Liver (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=266469), Zooming Brain, a contribution to a Fat Glob, 2 Rolling Eyeball (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6178899#post6178899)s, a pair of Floating Lungs (which is a single creature), a Hopping Stomach (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3301315), a Gut Snake (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3295643&postcount=8), an Empty Skin, and a Dark Heart from a single corpse.

There are even rumors of a few rare individuals (mostly undead) wielding them in the fashion of whips or spiked chains (they deal no damage if wielded in this fashion, but if released upon a successful hit the gut snake may start a grapple as if it had made its touch attack). The size of sinister spinal cord that could be wielded in this manner would be the same size class than the wielder if wielded as a spiked chain, or one size class smaller if wielded as a whip. Even in this case the attack causes no hit-point damage.

Add the following sizes and hitdies of Sinister Spinal Cords to the list of things summonable with the Summon Undead line of spells.


I --


IIIstandard Small

IVstandard Medium or standard Large*

Vstandard Huge

VI**Advanced Huge (9 HD)

VII**standard Gargantuan

VIII**Advanced Gargantuan (16 HD)

IX**Advanced Gargantuan (20 HD)

As always, you can use a spell from the Summon Undead series to summon 2 undead from the list for 1 spell level lower, or 4 undead from the list for 2 spell levels lower.

*Caster's choice at time of casting. May not be mixed between the two.

**This spell does not, to my knowledge, exist a-priori of this project. I might brew it up later, although it is going to be a bit narrow-focus unless other people jump on the homebrewing bandwagon.

Archived older format of the above table.

Add 1 Small Sinister Spinal-Cord to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead III (and multiples for later spells).
Add 1 Sinister Spinal-Cord of either Medium or Large (caster's choice at time of casting) to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead IV (and multiples for later spells).
Add 1 Huge Sinister Spinal-Cord to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead V (and multiples for later spells).
Add 1 Gargantuan Sinister Spinal-Cord to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead VII* (and multiples for later spells).
*This spell does not, to my knowledge, exist a priori of this project. I might brew it up later, although it is going to be a bit narrow-focus unless other people jump on the homebrewing bandwagon.

Design notes:
As is usually the case the CR's are pretty much just guesses.
Combination of low attack bonus touch attack, will save, and fortitude saves means that very few characters will be weak against all the steps needed for one of these to kill on its own. This makes TPKs much less likely if they are encountered without any other sort of allied creatures. And given their nature, kills of an individual PC, with the rest of the party surviving, are even less likely.
From the beginning, the ability scores, movement rates, and hit-dice were based on Vipers (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/snake.htm#viperSnake), perhaps with a few minor changes, and, of course, extrapolated for the largest and smallest size classes.

The DC on the Colossal ones is 27, which seems too high to me for even a 9th level summon.

New Rule: Skeletons have the [Organ Undead] subtype. Normally this will make absolutely no mechanical difference.

Link to www.d20srd.org (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/skeleton.htm) listing for the Skeleton Template.

Eh, and since it IS OGL, I guess I might eventually get the formatting and tables applied to the template, so...
Skeletons are the animated bones of the dead, mindless automatons that obey the orders of their evil masters.

A skeleton is seldom garbed in anything more than the rotting remnants of any clothing or armor it was wearing when slain. A skeleton does only what it is ordered to do. It can draw no conclusions of its own and takes no initiative. Because of this limitation, its instructions must always be simple. A skeleton attacks until destroyed.
Creating A Skeleton

"Skeleton" is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal creature (other than an undead) that has a skeletal system (referred to hereafter as the base creature).
Size and Type
The creature’s type changes to undead. It retains any subtype except for alignment subtypes (such as good) and subtypes that indicate kind. It does not gain the augmented subtype. It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Hit Dice
Drop any Hit Dice gained from class levels (to a minimum of 1) and raise remaining Hit Dice to d12s. If the creature has more than 20 Hit Dice, it can’t be made into a skeleton by the animate dead spell.

Winged skeletons can’t use their wings to fly. If the base creature flew magically, so can the skeleton.

Armor Class
Natural armor bonus changes to a number based on the skeleton’s size:

Skeleton Size Natural Armor Bonus

Tiny or smaller


Medium or Large




A skeleton retains all the natural weapons, manufactured weapon attacks, and weapon proficiencies of the base creature, except for attacks that can’t work without flesh. A creature with hands gains one claw attack per hand; the skeleton can strike with each of its claw attacks at its full attack bonus. A skeleton’s base attack bonus is equal to ½ its Hit Dice.
Skeleton Size Claw Damage[/th]

Diminutive or Fine








Challenge Rating

HD Challenge Rating











Natural and manufactured weapons deal damage normally. A claw attack deals damage depending on the skeleton’s size. (If the base creature already had claw attacks with its hands, use the skeleton claw damage only if it’s better.)

Special Attacks
A skeleton retains none of the base creature’s special attacks.

Special Qualities
A skeleton loses most special qualities of the base creature. It retains any extraordinary special qualities that improve its melee or ranged attacks. A skeleton gains the following special qualities.

Immunity to Cold (Ex)
Skeletons are not affected by cold.

Damage Reduction (Ex)
A skeleton has damage deduction 5/bludgeoning. Skeletons lack flesh or internal organs.

Base save bonuses are Fort +1/3 HD, Ref +1/3 HD, and Will +½ HD + 2.

A skeleton’s Dexterity increases by +2, it has no Constitution or Intelligence score, its Wisdom changes to 10, and its Charisma changes to 1.

A skeleton has no skills.

A skeleton loses all feats of the base creature and gains Improved Initiative.

Any, usually same as base creature.


Challenge Rating
Depends on Hit Dice. See table.


Always neutral evil.

As base creature (or — if the base creature advances by character class).

Level Adjustment
Not applicable.

2013-03-31, 10:41 PM
Skulking Bladder
Open Spoiler below for main stat block for Fine through Tiny Skulking Bladder.

{table="head"]~|Skulking Bladder, Fine|Skulking Bladder, Diminutive|Skulking Bladder, Tiny
Size and Type | Fine Undead[Organ Undead] | Diminutive Undead[Organ Undead] | Tiny Undead[Organ Undead] |
Hit Dice | 1/4d12 (1 hp) | 1/2d12 (3 hp) | 1d12 (6 hp) |
Speed | 10 ft.,Swim 10 ft. |15 ft., Swim 15 ft.|30 ft., Swim 30 ft.|
Initiative | +4 | +3 | +2 | +1 |
AC |25 (+7 Dex, +8 size); touch 25; flat-footed 18|17 (+3 Dex, +4 size); touch 17; flat-footed 14|14 (+2 Dex, +2 size); touch 14; flat-footed 12|13 (+1 Dex, +1 size, +1 natural); touch 12; flat-footed 12
BAB | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
Grapple | -21 | -16 | -12 | -7 |
Attack | None | None | None | None |
Space/Reach | 1/2 ft./0 ft. | 1 ft./0 ft. | 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. | 5 ft./0 ft. |
Special Attacks| None | None | None | None |
Special Qualities|Dark Vision 120 ft., Trap Finding, Turn Resistance +12, Undead Traits|Dark Vision 120 ft., Trap Finding, Turn Resistance +10, Undead Traits|Dark Vision 120 ft., Trap Finding, Turn Resistance +8, Undead Traits
Saves | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +4 | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2 | Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2 | Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2 | Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2
Abilities|Str 2, Dex 24, Con --, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10|Str 4, Dex 22, Con --, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10|Str 6, Dex 20, Con --, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10|Str 4, Dex 13, Con --, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Skills | See Below | See Below | See Below | See Below |
Feats | Great Fortitude(B), Stealthy | Great Fortitude(B), Stealthy | Great Fortitude(B), Stealthy |
Environment | Any | Any | Any | Any
Organization | Any | Any | Any | Any
Challenge Rating| ? | ? | ? | ?
Treasure |Masterwork Thieves Tools| Masterwork Thieves Tools| Masterwork Thieves Tools|
Alignment |Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil||Always Neutral Evil
Advancement | None | None | 1/3 HD (Tiny) | None
Level Adjustment| ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ [/table]

Open Spoiler below for main stat block for Small through Huge Skulking Bladders.

{table="head"]~|Skulking Bladder, Small|Skulking Bladder, Medium|Skulking Bladder, Large |Skulking Bladder, Huge
Size and Type | Small Undead | Medium Undead | Large Undead | Huge Undead |Gargantuan Undead
Hit Dice | 2d12 (13 hp) | 4d12 (26 hp) | 8d12 (52 hp) | 16d12 (104 hp) | 32d12 (52 hp)
Speed | 40 ft., Swim 40 ft.|50 ft., Swim 50 ft.|60 ft., Swim 60 ft |70 ft., Swim 70 ft.
Initiative | +0 | +0 | -1 | -2
AC|13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural); touch 11; flat-footed 12|11 (-1 Size, +2 natural); touch 9; flat-footed 11|11 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +3 natural); touch 8; flat-footed 11|7 (-4 size, -2 Dex, +3 natural); touch 4; flat-footed 7
BAB | +0 | +1 | +2 | +4
Grapple | -3 | +3 | +11 | +20
Attack | None | None | None | None
Space/Reach | 5 ft./0 ft. | 10 ft./0 ft. | 15 ft./0 ft | 20 ft./0 ft
Special Attacks| None | None | None | None
Special Qualities|Dark Vision 120 ft., Trap Finding, Turn Resistance +6, Undead Traits|Dark Vision 120 ft., Trap Finding, Turn Resistance +4, Undead Traits|Dark Vision 120 ft., Trap Finding, Turn Resistance +2, Undead Traits|Dark Vision 180 ft., Hollowness, Sonic Immunity, Trap Finding, Turn Resistance +16, Undead Traits
Saves | Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2 | Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3 | Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4 | Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6
Abilities|Str 8, Dex 20, Con --, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10|Str 10, Dex 20, Con --, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10|STR 12, Dex 20, Con --, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10|STR 14, Dex 18, Con --, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10|STR 11, Dex 18, Con --, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Skills | See below | See below | See Below | See Below
Feats | Great Fortitude(B), Stealthy | Alertness, Great Fortitude(B), Stealthy | Alertness, Great Fortitude(B), Stealthy | Alertness, Great Fortitude(B), Magical Aptitude, Stealthy
Environment | Any | Any | Any | Any
Organization | Any | Any | Any | Any
Challenge Rating| ? | ? | ? | ?
Treasure |Masterwork Thieves Tools|Masterwork Thieves Tools| Masterwork Theives Tools| Masterwork Thieves Tools|
Alignment |Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil|Always Neutral Evil
Advancement | None | 3 HD (Large) | 5-7 HD (Huge) |9+ HD (Gargantuan)
Level Adjustment| ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ [/table]

Skills: Skulking bladders do not get skill points in the normal way, instead they have skill ranks in the following skills equal to the caster level of the spell that created them: ???
The following table gives the non-skill-rank bonuses for various sizes of Skulking Bladder
~ | Fine |Diminutive| Tiny | Small | Medium | Large | Huge
Climb | +? | +? | +? | +? | +? | +? | +?
Hide | +25 | +? | +? | +? | +? | +? | +?
Listen | +2 | +? | +? | +? | +? | +? | +?
Move Silently | +7 | +? | +? | +? | +? | +? | +?
Open Lock | +0 | +? | +? | +? | +? | +? | +?
Search | +0 | +? | +? | +? | +? | +? | +?
Spot | +2 | +? | +? | +? | +? | +? | +?
Spellcraft? | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0
Tumble | +7 | +? | +? | +? | +? | +? | +?
Use Magic Device| +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0

Spell-like Abilities: Levitate, at-will, self-only, caster-level feet above a solid surface only (allows them to hover so as to pick door-locks)
Continuous Detect Magic

Lone Assassin (Ex): Skulking bladders may never use the Aid Another action, and never respond to attempts at communication in any way beyond acknowledging if they hear and understand. They can not speak, but understand (and can read) all languages known by their creator.

Reversed order of Turn Resistance, since the smaller ones are actually usually MORE useful.

Poison neutralized within 1 round if not in at least 8 oz of other material (usually food or drink).

Poison has:
SR vs: Delay Poison, Detect Poison, Detoxify, Neutralize Poison, and similar spells and effects. Increases DC of alchemy attempts to detect by 1/2 caster level. If the caster of a curative or delaying spells is casting it themselves, rather than from a scroll, wand, potion, or etc (pearls of power don't count), the poison has been identified (from symptoms, alchemical analysis, Detect Poison, etc) then they get a +2 untyped bonus to their caster level check.

Bypasses Magic Item protection if item doesn't beat SR. Bypasses class immunity to poison on a check of applicable class levels vs same DC as SR.
Size|Spell Resistance|Doses per day
Fine|15 + Caster Level|1
Diminutive|12 + Caster Level|8
Tiny|10 + Caster Level|27
Small|8 + Caster Level|64
Medium|6 + Caster Level|125
Large|5 + Caster Level|216
Huge|4 + Caster Level|343

Cost to create based on total number of doses it can create in its lifetime? Total number of "refills" (including initial contents)?
Regardless of the spell used the creature is automatically under the control of the creator and counts against the Animate Dead control pool as if it was created with that spell.

Substitute Knock for Open Lock and/or require it for creation?

Consider Geas/Quest if just adding Enhance Poison to the creation list... or copy Enhance Poison over here to simply things! Point is you want to require 11th level, and having to click a link might lose people's interest.

Idea: Have skulking bladders disintegrate into nothingness along with all tools provided when mission complete or destroyed. Less evidence, and solves a lot of concerns about breaking the economy and scouting use.

2013-03-31, 10:46 PM
Slithering Liver
Open Spoiler below for main stat block for Fine, Diminutive, and Tiny Slithering Livers.

Slithering Liver, Fine
Slithering Liver, Diminutive
Slithering Liver, Tiny

Size and Type
Fine Undead [Organ Undead]
Diminutive Undead [Organ Undead]
Tiny Undead [Organ Undead]
Hit Dice
1/8d12 (1 hp)*
1/4d12 (1 hp)**
1/2d12 (3 hp)
10 ft
10 ft
15 ft


22 (+8 size, +4 Dex); touch 22; flat-footed 18
17 (+4 size, +3 Dex); touch 17; flat-footed 14
14 (+2 size, +2 Dex); touch 14; flat-footed 12
Toxic Touch +12 Melee Touch
Toxic Touch +7 Melee Touch
Toxic Touch +4 Melee Touch
1/2 ft./0 ft.
1 ft./0 ft.
2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks
Toxic Touch
Toxic Touch
Toxic Touch
Special QualitiesDark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Fast Healing 1/4*, Neutralize the Holy Bane, RecoveryDark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Fast Healing 1/3**, Neutralize the Holy BaneDark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Fast Healing 1/2, Neutralize the Holy Bane
Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +2
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2
Str 1, Dex 18, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 2, Dex 16, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 6, Dex 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Weapon Finesse(B), Great Fortitude(B)***
Weapon Finesse(B), Great Fortitude(B)***
Weapon Finesse(B), Great Fortitude(B)***
Challenge Rating
1/2 if APL <5 else 1/3
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
1/3 HD (Diminutive)
Level Adjustment

* Due to their "Recovery" ability, Fine Slithering Livers reduced to exactly 0 hitpoints by damage other than acid or fire are not destroyed unless further damaged, but may take no actions until they are recovered to 1 hitpoint.
** GMs are advised to give approximately seven twelfths (or 2/3rds for simplicity) of all diminutive slithering livers in a group 1 hitpoint, one third of them 2 hitpoints, and the remainder 3 hitpoints, rather than using the average for all of them. This will allow the fast healing to actually be a factor sometimes. Alternatively, consider applying the "Recovery" ability to them.
*** Technically they also get the Poison Resistance feat as a bonus feat. This is omitted from the table because unless Libris Mortis or another rules set for poisons that work against the undead are in play it will almost never come up.

Open Spoiler below for main stat block for Small, Medium, and Large Slithering Livers.

Slithering Liver, Small Slithering Liver, Medium Slithering Liver, Large
Size and Type
Small Undead [Organ Undead]
Medium Undead [Organ Undead]
Large Undead [Organ Undead]
Hit Dice
1d12 (6 hp)
2d12 (13 hp)
4d12 (26 hp)
15 ft
20 ft
20 ft
12 (+1 Dex, +1 size); touch 12; flat-footed 11
11(+1 Natural); touch 10; flat-footed 11
11 (-1 size, +2 Natural); touch 9; flat-footed 11

Toxic Touch +2 Melee Touch
Toxic Touch +2 Melee Touch
Toxic Touch +5 Melee Touch
5 ft./5 ft.
5 ft./5 ft.
10 ft/5 ft.
Special Attacks
Toxic Touch
Toxic Touch
Toxic Touch
Special QualitiesDark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Fast Healing 1, Neutralize the Holy BaneDark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Fast Healing 2, Neutralize the Holy BaneDark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Fast Healing 4, Neutralize the Holy Bane
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +2
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +3
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +4
Str 10, Dex 12, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 12, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
STR 18, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Weapon Finesse(B), Great Fortitude(B)***
Great Fortitude(B)***
Great Fortitude(B)***
Challenge Rating
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
3 HD (Medium)
5-7 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment

*** Technically they also get the Poison Resistance feat as a bonus feat. This is omitted from the table because unless Libris Mortis or another rules set for poisons that work against the undead are in play it will almost never come up.

Open Spoiler below for main stat block for Huge and Gargantuan Slithering Livers.

Slithering Liver, Huge
Slithering Liver, Gargantuan

Size and Type
Huge Undead [Organ Undead]
Gargantuan Undead [Organ Undead]

Hit Dice
8d12 (52 hp)
16d12 (104 hp)

30 ft
30 ft


12 (-2 size, +4 Natural); touch 8; flat-footed 12
14(-4 size, +8 Natural); touch 6; flat-footed 14



Toxic Touch +9 Melee Touch
Toxic Touch +14 Melee Touch
15 ft./10 ft.
20 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks
Toxic Touch
Toxic Touch
Special QualitiesDark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Fast Healing 8, Neutralize the Holy BaneDark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Fast Healing 16, Neutralize the Holy Bane
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +6
Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +10
Str 24, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 30, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1

Great Fortitude(B)***
Great Fortitude(B)***



Challenge Rating


Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil

9-15 HD (Small)
17+ HD (Medium)

Level Adjustment

*** Technically they also get the Poison Resistance feat as a bonus feat. This is omitted from the table because unless Libris Mortis or another rules set for poisons that work against the undead are in play it will almost never come up.

Toxic Touch (Su):
Slithering livers have a poisonous touch that deals initial and secondary damage to Constitution. Gargantuan Slithering Livers also deal constitution drain on a failed save(This does not grant them hitpoints). The save DC varies by the slithering liver’s size, as shown on the table below. This damage does NOT increase on a critical hit. The save DCs are Constitution-based. Since slithering livers have no constitution score, this is simply 10 + 1/2 HD.

SizePrimary and Secondary Damage (DC)Size of Source Creature

1d4 (10)

1d6 (10)

1d8 (10)

1d10 (10)

2d6 (11)

2d8 (12*)

2d10 (14*)

3d6 Damage + 1d2 Drain** (18*)

* This DC is for a slithering liver of the normal hitdice for the size. Slithering livers with additional hitdice may produce a higher DC.
** This drain does not grant the slithering liver hitpoints.

Neutralize the Holy Bane (Su):
In living creatures, the liver reacts poisons to neutralize them. What would be instantly fatal in the blood entering the brain is simple for the liver to purify as it passes through it. The corrupted nature of slithering livers turns this ability against holy water, protecting other undead at the cost of itself.
Exposed holy water within 5' of a slithering liver is strongly drawn to it. Slithering livers are technically resistant to this damage, but because not so much as a drop is wasted, they take as much damage as the holy water that is attracted would have normally inflicted upon striking an undead.
Holy water vials aimed at a slithering liver of medium or smaller size from within 1 range increment automatically hit. From further out such a slithering liver instead has a touch AC of 5 regardless of size, dexterity, or deflection/insight/profane(or technically sacred) bonuses. Bonuses from cover still apply to this AC. Miss chances for concealment do not apply.

For each size category above medium the slithering liver is automatically struck if aimed at from 1 range increment further out.

A holy water vial not aimed at a slithering liver that strikes a square (not a target that can be affected by it, but just a square) within 5 feet of a slithering liver is treated as having struck that slithering liver directly. If there are multiple slithering livers within range, pick one in the square where the vial landed select one randomly. If there is none in that square, select one within 5 feet randomly.

A holy water vial that strikes a slithering liver directly (or treated as such due to the previous paragraph) deals no damage to any other target, but deals 2d4+9 damage to the slithering liver. Note that for many of them (including average ones of small or smaller size) this is enough that the damage need not be rolled.

This means that any holy water that does not directly strike (not splash damage) a creature that is effected by it leaps through the air, striking the slithering liver directly. Slithering livers are technically resistant to this damage, but because not so much as a drop is wasted, they take full damage. This means that non-slithering liver creatures effected by holy water within 5 feet of a slithering liver never take splash effects from holy water. It also means that if a single square contains only one slithering liver (regardless of any other creatures in the square) the slithering liver has an effective AC of 5 against attacks with holy water if the square contains an surface for the vial to break against.

If more than one slithering liver might attract any "direct strike" or "splash" amount of holy water, give the damage to the closest slithering liver with any damage amounts that are equally close to two different slithering livers going to the larger one**. Any amounts still not resolved by this method should be divide as equally as possible between all eligible slithering livers, with odd points going to the ones that would otherwise take the least damage. A single vial of holy water may deal a maximum of 9 additional points of damage due to redirected splash, not 27* as a three dimensional analysis of splash damage would indicate.
*Yes, I mean 27 not 26. Consider the case of two tiny skeletons in the same square. A hit on one delivers splash damage to the other.
**Even when using this version, GMs may wish to houserule the second clause in this sentence.

Examples for medium and smaller slithering livers:
A single slithering liver is in a square in the middle of a large flat floor and no other creatures effected by holy water are within 10 feet of it. It effectively has an AC of 5 versus a thrown vial of holy water, and takes 2d4+9 points of damage from each vial that hits.

A miss from within 1 range increment deals it 2d4+4 damage if it misses in a diagonal direction, or 2d4+6 if it misses in an orthogonal direction.
Diagrams of misses with damage potentials per square:

Green numbers are the parts not redirected to the slithering liver.
Orthogonal within 1 range increment:


LIVER/1 2d4+1


Liver takes 2d4+6 damage.

Diagonal within 1 range increment:





Liver takes 2d4+4 damage.

A miss from two range increments for the same single slithering liver as described above deals it 1 point of damage if it misses in a diagonal direction, or 3 points of damage if it misses in an orthogonal direction.
Diagrams of misses with damage potentials per square:

Green numbers are the parts not redirected to the slithering liver.
Orthagonal within 2 range increments:



Liver takes 3 damage.

Diagonal within 2 range increments:




Liver takes 1 damage.

Direct hit on square between two slithering livers 10 feet apart orthogonally:

LIVER/1 2d4+1


Roll 2d4+9 and divide the damage as equally as possible, with any odd point going to the larger of the two slithering livers. If they are the same size assign any odd point randomly.

Slithering livers are attracted to and attract any amount of holy water within 5 feet, despite the fact they risk taking damage from it. Holy water vials aimed at a slithering liver of Medium or smaller size from within 1 range increment automatically hit, even if they would otherwise miss. A holy water vial not aimed at a slithering liver that strikes a square adjacent to a slithering liver is treated as having struck that slithering liver directly. If there are multiple slithering livers within range, pick one in the square where the vial landed select one randomly. If there is none in that square, select one within 5 feet randomly. Slithering livers only take half damage from holy water.

Treat strong drink as holy water for purposes of its effect on slithering livers.

Organ Undead: For purposes of controlling or creation add a slithering liver's base racial (so not from templates) turn resistance to its hitdice in all cases rather than only for turning/rebuking/commanding/destroying.

Recovery (Ex):
Fine Slithering Livers reduced to exactly 0 hitpoints by damage other than acid or fire are not destroyed unless further damaged, but may take no actions until they are recovered to 1 hitpoint.

Use them alone or mixed in with other mindless undead.

If their orders are cleverly done, or if the wielder is immune to poison it is not unknown for them to be flung like shuriken or chakrams depending on size relative to the thrower. They count as improvised weapons in such a case, but the fact that the wielder only has to make a touch attack to inflict the effect on the target makes up for that. No separate touch attack by the slithering liver is needed. Because slithering livers make touch attacks, gloves are not sufficient protection.

Alternatively, a careful user of at least medium size may load a slithering liver four size classes smaller than themself into the cup of a slingshot with tongs. This operation carries the same dangers as applying poison to a weapon although the sling itself is never contaminated. They still count as improvised weapons in such a case, and the slithering liver takes damage as if struck by a bullet from that same sling. They inflict no hitpoint damage on the creature they strike.

In ALL cases resolve any damage to a slithering liver from being throw/slung AFTER the to-hit roll, fortitude save, and/or initial ability damage is resolved. The GM should adjudicate impact damage from being thrown as he sees fit. In any case, due to this tactic negating most of the slithering liver's drawbacks (slow speed, attacks of opportunity to enter opponent's square for the smaller ones, low hitpoints, vulnerability to area attacks, and possibly the vulnerability to holy water) the slithering livers should each be counted as at least double their individual CRs when calculating encounter level.

Creating a Slithering Liver:
First the livers of one or more creatures of at least tiny size must be harvested, each requiring a Heal or Profession(Butcher) check with a DC of 10 a failed check means the liver is too damaged for reanimation. The livers must be reasonably undecayed and mostly whole.
Next Poison must be cast once over each liver for each die of ability score damage it inflicts.
The remaining corpse is still suitable for animation into most types of undead. Especially note that with the right skill checks, spells, etc it is possible to generate a Skeleton, a Slithering Liver, a Dark Heart (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3553903#post3553903), Hopping Stomach (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3301315), a contribution towards a Fat Glob (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=128873), an Empty Skin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=44544), a Gut Snake (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3295643&postcount=8), and a set of Floating Lungs (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=62115) from a single corpse.

Finally, either Animate Dead, Create Undead, or Create Greater Undead must be cast. The material components for the spell must be be placed on top of each liver to be animated. Each such casting (regardless of which spell is used) may create up to 2 HD worth of Slithering Livers per caster level (The desecrate spell doubles this limit). Animate Dead can not create a Slithering Liver of over 20 HD. The size of the Slithering Liver is 2 size classes smaller than the size of the creature the livers were taken from (Minimum Fine Size). Slithering Livers have hit dice equal to the minimum listed for a Slithering Liver of that size, plus extra hit dice equal to 1/2 the number of extra hit dice above the minimum that the creature it was harvested from needed to achieve its size class (up to the maximum listed HD a Slithering Liver of the particular size category may be advanced to). Regardless of the spell used the creature is automatically under the control of the creator and counts against the Animate Dead control pool as if it was created with that spell.

Add the following sizes and hitdies of Slithering Livers to the list of things summonable with the Summon Undead line of spells.

I --

IIstandard Tiny


IVstandard Small

Vstandard Medium

VI*Advanced Medium (3 HD)

VII*standard Large

VIII*Advanced Large (7 HD)

IX*standard Huge

As always, you can use a spell from the Summon Undead series to summon 2 undead from the list for 1 spell level lower, or 4 undead from the list for 2 spell levels lower.

*This spell does not, to my knowledge, exist a-priori of this project. I might brew it up later, although it is going to be a bit narrow-focus unless other people jump on the homebrewing bandwagon.

Archived older format of the above table.
Add 1 Tiny Slithering Liver to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead II (and multiples for later spells).
Add 1 Small Slithering Liver to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead IV (and multiples for later spells).
Add 1 Medium Slithering Liver to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead V (and multiples for later spells).
Add 1 Advanced Medium Slithering Liver (3 HD) to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead VI* (and multiples for later spells).
Add 1 Large Slithering Liver to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead VII* (and multiples for later spells).
Add 1 Advanced Large Slithering Liver (7 HD) to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead VII* (and multiples for later spells).
Add 1 Huge Slithering Liver to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead IX* (and multiples for later spells).
*This spell does not, to my knowledge, exist a priori of this project. I might brew it up later, although it is going to be a bit narrow-focus unless other people jump on the homebrewing bandwagon.

2013-03-31, 10:47 PM
Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear
Size/Type: Fine Undead [Organ Undead]
Hit Dice: 1d12 (6 hp)
Initiative: +10
Speed: Fly 30 ft (Good)
Armor Class: 28 (+8 size, +10 dex), touch 28, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: 0/-21
Attack: Disorienting Touch +3 melee touch OR Disorienting Ray +18 Ranged Touch
Full Attack: Disorienting Touch +3 melee touch OR Disorienting Ray +18 Ranged Touch
Space/Reach: ½ ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Disorientation
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60', Improved Evasion, Turn Resistance +4, Undead Traits
Saves: Fort 0, Ref +10, Will +2
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 30, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills: Balance +27, Listen +10, Tumble +20
Feats: -
Environment: Any
Organization: Any (but see Combat below)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always Neutral Evil
Advancement: 2 HD
Level Adjustment: —

Because of their utter lack of intelligence, the instructions given to a newly created spinning-horizon inner ear must be very simple. They generally simply attack each standing opponent in turn with their ray starting with the closest. The touch is almost never used except as an attack of opportunity.

Disorientation (Su): A spinning-horizon inner ear has two types of attacks, a touch and a ray with 60' range. A creature struck by either of these must make a fortitude Save DC 15 to avoid being sickened for 1d4 minutes (2d4 on a critical hit). The save is Charisma based and includes a +10 racial bonus. If the target is already sickened from this or other source they instead become nauseated. Creatures sickened by this condition must make a balance check against the same DC as a free action at the beginning of every round they are standing or fall down. The same check is required to stand up and is included in the move action required to (attempt to) stand up. The same things apply to creatures nauseated in whole or in part by the effects of this undead, except the DC of the balance check is increased by 5 (to 20 in the case of a standard spinning-horizon inner ear).

The effects of one or more instance of this ability may be dispelled by a single application of Restoration, Lesser, Restoration, Restoration, Greater, or Heal.

Improved Evasion (Ex): If it makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, it instead takes no damage. Even on a failed reflex save it only takes half damage. This can be used only if the inner-ear is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless inner ear does not gain the benefit of this ability.

Organ Undead: For purposes of controlling or creation add the base racial turn resistance of an undead with this subtype to its hitdice in all cases rather than only for turning/rebuking/commanding/destroying. Note especially that this applies to how many hitdice worth of the Animate Dead control pool it takes up.

Undead with this subtype often require additional spells to create in the simplest way, in addition to skill (or luck) with cutting up inanimate corpses to remove the organ.

Spinning-horizon inner ears have 5 free ranks each in Balance, Listen, and Tumble. In addition they gain a +10 racial bonus to balance checks, and a +5 racial bonus to Listen and Tumble checks. Semi-obviously, they may use the Tumble skill while flying.

Creating a Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear:
First the inner ears of one or more creatures of at least tiny size must be harvested, each inner ear requiring 1 hour and either a Heal check DC 30 or Craft(Butcher) DC 35 (only one may be attempted per inner ear). The inner ears must be reasonably undecayed and mostly whole and the creature must have had distinct inner ears (so, for example, frogs may not be used) which aided its sense of balance. Simple failure ruins the inner ear and failure by more than 15 points means that the skull is cracked badly enough that 5 SP worth of materials and a DC 10 Heal or Craft(Sculpture) check is required before it can be used in a skeleton for animation. Each check such repair check requires half an hour and a failure ruins 2 SP worth of materials.

Then Cat's Grace and Fly must be cast once over each inner ear to be animated.The Mass versions of these spells may be substituted for a number of inner ears equal to the number of targets said spells could normally be used on. Similarly, Wind Walk may substitute for Fly for a number of inner ears up to the amount of creatures it could effect.

Next, either Bewildering Visions (Complete Champion p.117), Displacement, Find the Path, or Know Direction must be cast once over each inner ear. Alternatively a single casting of Guards and Wards or Hallucinatory Terrain may substitute for a number of inner ears up to its caster level.

Finally, Animate Dead, Create Undead, or Create Undead, Greater must be cast, although the inner ears merely need to be in contact with the material components. Since they effectively have 5 or 6 HD each for purposes of creation and control, this comes to 125 or 150 gp worth of black onyx apiece (if Animate Dead was used, twice that otherwise). Regardless of the spell used the creature is automatically under the control of the creator and counts against the Animate Dead control pool as if it was created with that spell.

Most creatures yield 1 hd spinning-horizon inner ears, but those with exceptionally large inner ears, or individuals that had at least a +7 total bonus to EACH of balance, listen, and tumble (without any adjustments for magic items or non-permanent spells) yield 2 HD spinning-horizon inner ears.

Controlled spinning-horizon inner ears are almost always encountered with another type of creature to take advantage of downed opponents, although occasionally they are placed where their attacks might cause falls, such as near castle walls. Such creatures usually have orders to hide until intruders are in a dangerous location, although mass deployment of them before the majority of scaling ladder crews had reached a necromancers castle in a particular attack was recorded on at least one occasion.

Particularly clever necromancers have been known to wear or even sell tiny cages with spinning-horizon inner ears with orders to attack anyone other than the wearer that they SEE. The cages are just large enough, and the holes between the comparatively thick bars just small enough to provide improved cover, while not causing any to-hit, reflex save, or AC penalties for the inner ears themselves(similar to the functionality of arrow slits in a castle wall). The cages are carefully covered in very small draw-string bags before the cages are removed.

Add a standard Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear to the list for Summon Undead IV, and thus multiples for higher level spells in the series.
Add an Advanced Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear (2 HD) to the list for Summon Undead V, and thus multiples for higher level spells in the series.

2013-03-31, 10:50 PM
Zooming Brain
Open Spoiler below for main stat block for Fine, Diminutive, and Tiny Zooming Brains.

~ Zooming Brain, Fine Zooming Brain, Diminutive Zooming Brain, Tiny
Size and Type
Fine Undead[Organ Undead]
Diminutive Undead[Organ Undead]
Tiny Undead[Organ Undead]
Hit Dice
1/2d12 (3 hp)
1d12 (6 hp)
2d12 (13 hp)
Fly (See Below)*, Burrow (See Below)**
Fly (See Below)*, Burrow (See Below)**
Fly (See Below)*, Burrow (See Below)**
AC 18 (+8 size); touch 18; flat-footed 1813 (-1 Dex, +4 size); touch 13; flat-footed 1310 (-2 Dex, +2 size); touch 10; flat-footed 10
1/2 ft./0 ft.
1 ft./0 ft.
2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks
Aura of Idiocy
Aura of Idiocy
Aura of Idiocy
Special Qualities Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Turn Resistance +*** Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Turn Resistance +*** Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Turn Resistance +***
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +4
Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +4
Fort +0, Ref -2, Will +5
Str 4, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 8, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 10, Dex 6, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Iron Will(B)
Iron Will(B)
Iron Will(B)
Challenge Rating
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
3 HD (Tiny)
Level Adjustment

Open Spoiler below for main stat block for Small, Medium, and Large Zooming Brains.

~ Zooming Brain, Small Zooming Brain, Medium Zooming Brain, Large
Size and Type
Small Undead[Organ Undead]
Medium Undead[Organ Undead]
Large Undead[Organ Undead]
Hit Dice
4d12 (26 hp)
8d12 (52 hp)
16d12 (104 hp)
Fly (See Below)*, Burrow (See Below)**
Fly (See Below)*, Burrow (See Below)**
Fly (See Below)*, Burrow (See Below)**
AC 8 (-3 Dex, +1 size); touch 8; flat-footed 8 6 (-4 Dex); touch 6; flat-footed 6 4 (-5 Dex, -1 size); touch 4; flat-footed 4
5 ft./0 ft.
5 ft./0 ft.
10 ft/0 ft.
Special Attacks
Aura of Idiocy
Aura of Idiocy
Aura of Idiocy
Special Qualities Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Turn Resistance +*** Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Turn Resistance +*** Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Turn Resistance +*** [/td]
Fort +1, Ref -2, Will +6
Fort +2, Ref -2, Will +8
Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +12
Str 12, Dex 4, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Str 16, Dex 2, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
STR 24, Dex 1, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Iron Will(B)
Iron Will(B)
Iron Will(B)
Challenge Rating
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
5-7 HD (Small)
9-15 HD (Medium)
17+ HD (Large)
Level Adjustment

*The Maneuverability of a zooming brain is based on the wisdom score of the creature the brain was taken from (not counting any bonuses from magic items or non-permanent spells).


**A zooming brain taken from a creature with a burrow speed has a burrow speed equal to twice that creature's, otherwise it has no burrow speed. Its flight speed is dependent on the size of the creature it was taken from(not counting any size changing magics).

SizeFlight Speed

***CR varies with several specifics of source creature, a hard and fast formula is difficult to come up with. Eyeballing is recommended. Similarly, Turn Resistance should be added to balance them, especially when created by a PC (remember, for organ undead this increases the cost of creation, and the amount of a control pool it takes up).

Also known a "Racing Minds" these undead are not only (ironically) mindless, they drain the mental facilities of all they draw near.

Aura of Idiocy (Su):
This emanation damages the mental faculties of all living creatures who get too close to a zooming brain. This aura is continuous and the zooming brain may not suppress this ability, even if commanded to. Any creature within a certain radius determined by the size of creature the zooming brain was taken for the first time during a given turn* must immediately make a Fortitude or Will save (whichever they have the lower total modifier to) to avoid taking damage to each of their three mental ability scores. The save DC is based on the hit-dice and charisma of the creature the brain was taken from, NOT the zooming brain's own statistics. The formula is the standard 10 + 1/2 Source Creature's Racial HD (Minimum 1 after division) + Source Creature's Charisma modifier(not counting any bonuses from magic items or non-permanent spells). This ability score damage can not reduce a creature below 1 in any ability score.
*If a zooming brain acts during a surprise round, then people who took damage during the surprise round do not also take damage during the first full round of combat as long as they neither enter the aura during their turn, nor end their turn within it.

The amount of ability score damage is based on the intelligence of the creature the brain was taken from. Unlike most ability score damage, this only lasts a number of minutes equal to the intelligence score of the creature the brain was taken from(not counting any bonuses from magic items or non-permanent spells).

INTDamage X INT Damage
1-21d2-1(Minimum 0) X18-202d4
3 1 X21-232d6
4-61d2 X24-262d8
7-91d3 X27-292d10
10-111d4 X30-322d12
12-141d6 X33-354d8
15-171d8 X36+4d10

The radius of the emanation of the brain is based on the size of the creature the brain was taken from(not counting any size changing magics).

Size RadiusFlight Speed
Fine 20' 30'
Diminutive 30' 40'
Tiny 40' 60'
Small 50' 80'
Medium 60' 100'
Large 80' 150'
Huge 100' 200'
Gargantuan150' 300'
Colossal 200' 350'

Creating a zooming brain:
A Zooming Brain may be made from any living creature with both an intelligence score and a discernable brain.
Only in the some of the more bizarre aberrations does the size class of the brain exceed 3 steps smaller than the source creature. Unfortunately other than this there are few hard rules when it comes to brain size. The GM should use a zoological anatomy book, wikipedia, and/or simple common sense.
In order to extract the brain without ruining it, a DC 20 Heal check is required. If this check is failed by more than 5 points, the the skull is also ruined. Unless the skull is ruined, a DC 10 Craft(Sculpture) and 3 silver worth of materials allows the skull to be reassembled well enough that a skeleton (the monster) may be made from the skeleton (an object).
Touch of Idiocy or Feeblemind must be cast once over each brain for each die of ability score damage it inflicts. If the DC of the ability is higher than 22 then Feeblemind must be used at least once. Then both Fly and Expeditious Retreat must be cast once over each brain. Finally, Animate Dead, Create Undead, or Create Undead, Greater must be used, with the standard rules for how many creatures may be animated with a single casting and total undead controlled. Regardless of the spell used the creature is automatically under the control of the creator and counts against the Animate Dead control pool as if it was created with that spell.

REALLY unsure about this, but you might add the typical non-half-orc PHB race example to the list of things that Summon Undead III can summon (and multiple ones for later levels).
Higher level spells would probably summon brains from creatures with higher mental ability scores, not larger ones for a while, then allow two options...

2013-03-31, 10:51 PM
As an ease of use and character-count conserving method stat blocks have been trimmed down to remove null and "Any" fields. They also do not mention turn resistance, although some of them should probably have that trait at various numerical values.
Average Tiny Animal INT 1 or 2 WIS 1-16 CHR 2-3
Size/TypeFine Undead [Organ Undead]
HD 1/2 d12 (3 hp)
Speed fly 60 ft. (Clumsy);
Init: +0
AC 18 (+8 size); touch 18; flat-footed 18
BAB +0; Grp -19
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks Aura of Idiocy
Special Qualities Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits
Saves Fort +0?, Ref +0, Will +4
Abilities Str 4, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Iron Will(B)
Challenge Rating ?(less than 1)?
Alignment Always Neutral Evil

Aura of Idiocy (Su):
This emanation damages the mental faculties of all living creatures who get too close to the zooming brain. This aura is continuous and Zooming brain may not suppress this ability, even if commanded to. Any creature within 60' of the zooming brain for the first time during a given turn* must immediately make a Fortitude or Will save (whichever they have the lower total modifier to) with a DC of 6 to avoid taking 1d2-1 (MINIMUM 0) damage to each of their three mental stats (roll damage only once each round, for all ability scores, for all targets). This ability score damage can not reduce a creature below 1 in any ability score.
The amount of ability score damage is based on the intelligence of the creature the brain was taken from. Unlike most ability score damage, this only lasts a number of minutes equal to the intelligence score of the creature the brain was taken from (1 to 2 in this case).
*If a zooming brain acts during a surprise round, then people who took damage during the surprise round do not also take damage during the first full round of combat as long as they neither enter the aura during their turn, nor end their turn within it.

Average Tiny Animal INT 1 or 2 WIS 1-16 CHR 4-5
Size/TypeFine Undead [Organ Undead]
HD 1/2 d12 (3 hp)
Speed fly 60 ft. (Clumsy);
Init: +0
AC 18 (+8 size); touch 18; flat-footed 18
BAB +0; Grp -19
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks Aura of Idiocy
Special Qualities Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits
Saves Fort +0?, Ref +0, Will +4
Abilities Str 4, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Iron Will(B)
Challenge Rating ?(less than 1)?
Alignment Always Neutral Evil

Aura of Idiocy (Su):
This emanation damages the mental faculties of all living creatures who get too close to the zooming brain. This aura is continuous and Zooming brain may not suppress this ability, even if commanded to. Any creature within 60' of the zooming brain for the first time during a given turn* must immediately make a Fortitude or Will save (whichever they have the lower total modifier to) with a DC of 7 to avoid taking 1d2-1 (MINIMUM 0) damage to each of their three mental stats (roll damage only once each round, for all ability scores, for all targets). This ability score damage can not reduce a creature below 1 in any ability score.
The amount of ability score damage is based on the intelligence of the creature the brain was taken from. Unlike most ability score damage, this only lasts a number of minutes equal to the intelligence score of the creature the brain was taken from (1 to 2 in this case).
*If a zooming brain acts during a surprise round, then people who took damage during the surprise round do not also take damage during the first full round of combat as long as they neither enter the aura during their turn, nor end their turn within it.

Average Tiny Animal INT 1 or 2 WIS 1-16 CHR 6-7
Size/TypeFine Undead [Organ Undead]
HD 1/2 d12 (3 hp)
Speed fly 60 ft. (Clumsy);
Init: +0
AC 18 (+8 size); touch 18; flat-footed 18
BAB +0; Grp -19
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks Aura of Idiocy
Special Qualities Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits
Saves Fort +0?, Ref +0, Will +4
Abilities Str 4, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Iron Will(B)
Challenge Rating ?(less than 1)?
Alignment Always Neutral Evil

Aura of Idiocy (Su):
This emanation damages the mental faculties of all living creatures who get too close to the zooming brain. This aura is continuous and Zooming brain may not suppress this ability, even if commanded to. Any creature within 60' of the zooming brain for the first time during a given turn* must immediately make a Fortitude or Will save (whichever they have the lower total modifier to) with a DC of 8 to avoid taking 1d2-1 (MINIMUM 0) damage to each of their three mental stats (roll damage only once each round, for all ability scores, for all targets). This ability score damage can not reduce a creature below 1 in any ability score.
The amount of ability score damage is based on the intelligence of the creature the brain was taken from. Unlike most ability score damage, this only lasts a number of minutes equal to the intelligence score of the creature the brain was taken from (1 to 2 in this case).
*If a zooming brain acts during a surprise round, then people who took damage during the surprise round do not also take damage during the first full round of combat as long as they neither enter the aura during their turn, nor end their turn within it.

Average 1st to 3rd level member of any Medium sized race without mental ability score adjustments(including humans) INT 10-11 WIS 1-16 CHR 10-11
Size/Type Diminutive Undead [Organ Undead]
HD 1d12 (6 hp)
Speed fly 100 ft. (Clumsy);
Init: -1
AC 13 (-1 Dex, +4 size); touch 13; flat-footed 13
BAB +0; Grp -13
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks Aura of Idiocy
Special Qualities Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits
Saves Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +4
Abilities Str 8, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Iron Will(B)
Challenge Rating 2
Alignment Always Neutral Evil

Aura of Idiocy (Su):
This emanation damages the mental faculties of all living creatures who get too close to the zooming brain. This aura is continuous and Zooming brain may not suppress this ability, even if commanded to. Any creature within 60' of the zooming brain for the first time during a given turn* must immediately make a Fortitude or Will save (whichever they have the lower total modifier to) with a DC of 11 to avoid taking 1d4 damage to each of their three mental stats (roll damage only once each round, for all ability scores, for all targets). This ability score damage can not reduce a creature below 1 in any ability score.
The amount of ability score damage is based on the intelligence of the creature the brain was taken from. Unlike most ability score damage, this only lasts a number of minutes equal to the intelligence score of the creature the brain was taken from (10 or 11 in this case).
*If a zooming brain acts during a surprise round, then people who took damage during the surprise round do not also take damage during the first full round of combat as long as they neither enter the aura during their turn, nor end their turn within it.

Average 1st to 3rd level member of any small sized race without mental ability score adjustments
INT 10-11 WIS 1-16 CHR 10-11
Size/Type Fine Undead [Organ Undead]
HD 1d12 (6 hp)
Speed fly 80 ft. (Clumsy);
Init: -1
AC 13 (-1 Dex, +4 size); touch 13; flat-footed 13
BAB +0; Grp -13
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks Aura of Idiocy
Special Qualities Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits
Saves Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +4
Abilities Str 8, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Iron Will(B)
Challenge Rating 2
Alignment Always Neutral Evil

Aura of Idiocy (Su):
This emanation damages the mental faculties of all living creatures who get too close to the zooming brain. This aura is continuous and Zooming brain may not suppress this ability, even if commanded to. Any creature within 50' of the zooming brain for the first time during a given turn* must immediately make a Fortitude or Will save (whichever they have the lower total modifier to) with a DC of 11 to avoid taking 1d4 damage to each of their three mental stats (roll damage only once each round, for all ability scores, for all targets). This ability score damage can not reduce a creature below 1 in any ability score.
The amount of ability score damage is based on the intelligence of the creature the brain was taken from. Unlike most ability score damage, this only lasts a number of minutes equal to the intelligence score of the creature the brain was taken from (10 or 11 in this case).
*If a zooming brain acts during a surprise round, then people who took damage during the surprise round do not also take damage during the first full round of combat as long as they neither enter the aura during their turn, nor end their turn within it.

Average 1st to 3rd level Half-Orc INT 7-9 WIS 1-16 CHR 8-9
Size/Type Diminutive Undead [Organ Undead]
HD 1d12 (6 hp)
Speed fly 100 ft. (Clumsy);
Init: -1
AC 13 (-1 Dex, +4 size); touch 13; flat-footed 13
BAB +0; Grp -13
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks Aura of Idiocy
Special Qualities Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits
Saves Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +4
Abilities Str 8, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Iron Will(B)
Challenge Rating 1
Treasure None
Alignment Always Neutral Evil

Aura of Idiocy (Su):
This emanation damages the mental faculties of all living creatures who get too close to the zooming brain. This aura is continuous and Zooming brain may not suppress this ability, even if commanded to. Any creature within 60' of the zooming brain for the first time during a given turn* must immediately make a Fortitude or Will save (whichever they have the lower total modifier to) with a DC of 10 to avoid taking 1d3 damage to each of their three mental stats (roll damage only once each round, for all ability scores, for all targets). This ability score damage can not reduce a creature below 1 in any ability score.
The amount of ability score damage is based on the intelligence of the creature the brain was taken from. Unlike most ability score damage, this only lasts a number of minutes equal to the intelligence score of the creature the brain was taken from (7 to 9 in this case).
*If a zooming brain acts during a surprise round, then people who took damage during the surprise round do not also take damage during the first full round of combat as long as they neither enter the aura during their turn, nor end their turn within it.

((Average Grig))

Average Wyrmling Gold Dragon INT 12-14 WIS 1-16 CHR 14-15
Size/Type Diminutive Undead [Organ Undead]
HD 1d12 (6 hp)
Speed fly 100 ft. (Clumsy);
Init: -1
AC 13 (-1 Dex, +4 size); touch 13; flat-footed 13
BAB +0; Grp -13
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks Aura of Idiocy
Special Qualities Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits
Saves Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +4
Abilities Str 8, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Iron Will(B)
Challenge Rating 4
Alignment Always Neutral Evil

Aura of Idiocy (Su):
This emanation damages the mental faculties of all living creatures who get too close to the zooming brain. This aura is continuous and Zooming brain may not suppress this ability, even if commanded to. Any creature within 60' of the zooming brain for the first time during a given turn* must immediately make a Fortitude or Will save (whichever they have the lower total modifier to) with a DC of 16 to avoid taking 1d6 damage to each of their three mental stats (roll damage only once each round, for all ability scores, for all targets). This ability score damage can not reduce a creature below 1 in any ability score.
The amount of ability score damage is based on the intelligence of the creature the brain was taken from. Unlike most ability score damage, this only lasts a number of minutes equal to the intelligence score of the creature the brain was taken from (14 minutes in this case).
*If a zooming brain acts during a surprise round, then people who took damage during the surprise round do not also take damage during the first full round of combat as long as they neither enter the aura during their turn, nor end their turn within it.

Average Very Young Gold Dragon INT 15-17 WIS 17-24 CHR 16-17
Size/Type Tiny Undead [Organ Undead]
HD 2d12 (13 hp)
Speed fly 150 ft. (Poor);
Init: -2
AC 10 (-2 Dex, +2 size); touch 10; flat-footed 10
BAB +1; Grp -8
Space 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks Aura of Idiocy
Special Qualities Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits
Saves Fort +0, Ref -2, Will +5
Abilities Str 10, Dex 6, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Iron Will(B)
Challenge Rating 6
Alignment Always Neutral Evil

Aura of Idiocy (Su):
This emanation damages the mental faculties of all living creatures who get too close to the zooming brain. This aura is continuous and Zooming brain may not suppress this ability, even if commanded to. Any creature within 80' of the zooming brain for the first time during a given turn* must immediately make a Fortitude or Will save (whichever they have the lower total modifier to) with a DC of 18 to avoid taking 1d8 damage to each of their three mental stats (roll damage only once each round, for all ability scores, for all targets). This ability score damage can not reduce a creature below 1 in any ability score.
The amount of ability score damage is based on the intelligence of the creature the brain was taken from. Unlike most ability score damage, this only lasts a number of minutes equal to the intelligence score of the creature the brain was taken from (16 in this case).
*If a zooming brain acts during a surprise round, then people who took damage during the surprise round do not also take damage during the first full round of combat as long as they neither enter the aura during their turn, nor end their turn within it.

Average Mind Flayer INT 18-20 WIS 17-24 CHR 16-17

Size/Type Tiny Undead [Organ Undead]
HD 2d12 (13 hp)
Speed fly 100 ft. (Poor);
Init: -2
AC 10 (-2 Dex, +2 size); touch 10; flat-footed 10
BAB +1; Grp -8
Space 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks Aura of Idiocy
Special Qualities Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits
Saves Fort +0, Ref -2, Will +5
Abilities Str 10, Dex 6, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Iron Will(B)
Challenge Rating ??
Alignment Always Neutral Evil

Aura of Idiocy (Su):
This emanation damages the mental faculties of all living creatures who get too close to the zooming brain. This aura is continuous and Zooming brain may not suppress this ability, even if commanded to. Any creature within 60' of the zooming brain for the first time during a given turn must immediately make a Fortitude or Will save (whichever they have the lower total modifier to) with a DC of 17 to avoid taking 2d4 damage to each of their three mental stats (roll damage only once each round, for all ability scores, for all targets). This ability score damage can not reduce a creature below 1 in any ability score.
The amount of ability score damage is based on the intelligence of the creature the brain was taken from. Unlike most ability score damage, this only lasts a number of minutes equal to the intelligence score of the creature the brain was taken from (19 in this case).
*If a zooming brain acts during a surprise round, then people who took damage during the surprise round do not also take damage during the first full round of combat as long as they neither enter the aura during their turn, nor end their turn within it.

Blank Template for me to work from

Average ??? INT ??-?? WIS ??-?? CHR ??-??(Medium)
Size/Type?? Undead [Organ Undead]
HD 1d12 (6 hp)
Speed fly ??0 ft. (???);
Init: -1
AC 1? (-? Dex, +? size); touch 1?; flat-footed 1?
BAB +0; Grp -??
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks Aura of Idiocy
Special Qualities Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits
Saves Fort +0?, Ref -?, Will +4?
Abilities Str ?, Dex ?, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Iron Will(B)
Challenge Rating ??
Alignment Always Neutral Evil

Aura of Idiocy (Su):
This emanation damages the mental faculties of all living creatures who get too close to the zooming brain. This aura is continuous and Zooming brain may not suppress this ability, even if commanded to. Any creature within 60' of the zooming brain for the first time during a given turn* must immediately make a Fortitude or Will save (whichever they have the lower total modifier to) with a DC of ? to avoid taking 1d? damage to each of their three mental stats (roll damage only once each round, for all ability scores, for all targets). This ability score damage can not reduce a creature below 1 in any ability score.
The amount of ability score damage is based on the intelligence of the creature the brain was taken from. Unlike most ability score damage, this only lasts a number of minutes equal to the intelligence score of the creature the brain was taken from (?? to ?? in this case).
*If a zooming brain acts during a surprise round, then people who took damage during the surprise round do not also take damage during the first full round of combat as long as they neither enter the aura during their turn, nor end their turn within it.

Average ??? INT ??-?? WIS ??-?? CHR ??-??(Large with larger than human brain)
Size/Type Tiny Undead [Organ Undead]
HD 2d12 (13 hp)
Speed fly 150 ft. (???);
Init: -2
AC 10 (-2 Dex, +2 size); touch 10; flat-footed 10
BAB +1; Grp -8
Space 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks Aura of Idiocy
Special Qualities Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits
Saves Fort +0, Ref -2, Will +5
Abilities Str 10, Dex 6, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Iron Will(B)
Challenge Rating ??
Alignment Always Neutral Evil

Aura of Idiocy (Su):
This emanation damages the mental faculties of all living creatures who get too close to the zooming brain. This aura is continuous and Zooming brain may not suppress this ability, even if commanded to. Any creature within 80' of the zooming brain for the first time during a given turn must immediately make a Fortitude or Will save (whichever they have the lower total modifier to) with a DC of ? to avoid taking 1d? damage to each of their three mental stats (roll damage only once each round, for all ability scores, for all targets). This ability score damage can not reduce a creature below 1 in any ability score.
The amount of ability score damage is based on the intelligence of the creature the brain was taken from. Unlike most ability score damage, this only lasts a number of minutes equal to the intelligence score of the creature the brain was taken from (?? to ?? in this case).
*If a zooming brain acts during a surprise round, then people who took damage during the surprise round do not also take damage during the first full round of combat as long as they neither enter the aura during their turn, nor end their turn within it.

To do list:
More gold dragons.
Red Dragons
White Dragons

2013-03-31, 10:54 PM
Corpse Ripper
Necromancy [Evil]
Level: Clr 6, Death 6, Sor/Wiz 6, Dread Necromancer 6
Components: V, S, M, Skill
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Targets: One corpse
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell causes a corpse to levitate up, hanging with its feet in contact with the ground in a limp standing position (or not, if the creature usually crawls like a snake). It then flays itself, the skin falling to the ground and rotting away within minutes, the brain oozing out of the nose to reform unharmed on the ground.The fat collects itself together in a pile lying near to the feet of the corpse (or beside the corpse for snakes etc), followed by the muscles sloughing off and forming into a ball, the spinal cord slithering out from behind the base of the pelvis. Several of the organs of the torso depart under independent locomotion. Finally the skeleton animates.

This spell generates all possible of the following undead from the corpse (most numbers are merely general rules, which should be obvious in most cases):
A Dark Heart (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003631&postcount=7)
A single Fat Glob (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003674&postcount=11) (provided the corpse has at least 60 pounds of fat)
A pair of Floating Lungs (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003697&postcount=12), which is a single creature.
A Gut Snake (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003712&postcount=13)
One Hopping Stomach (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003720&postcount=14) for each stomach the corpse has (assume one when in doubt).
A Muscle Mass (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003739&postcount=15)
One Pair of Plague Tonsils (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003743&postcount=16)(A single creature)
One Rolling Eyeball (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003743&postcount=16) for each eye the corpse has.
A Sinister Spinal Cord (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003762&postcount=17)
A Skeleton (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/skeleton.htm)
A Slithering Liver (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003823&postcount=20)
Two Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003833&postcount=21)s (or more in the case of multi-headed creatures).
A Zooming Brain (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003845&postcount=22) (or more than one in the case of multi-headed creatures)

Note that this spell gives no options about the number and type of undead it creates and that it specifically does NOT create an Empty Skin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003641&postcount=8) or a Skulking Bladder (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003792&postcount=19).

The skeleton starts in the same space the corpse occupied, the others start within the skeleton's same space if small enough to occupy it without squeezing. The other organs must be placed at the caster's discretion adjacent to the skeleton (remember that some of them can fly). All undead created by this spell may act as soon as the spell is completed (note that this usually does NOT allow time for the caster to make a Rebuke/Command Undead check unless they can do so as an immediate action).

No skill checks or non-onyx material components (repair materials for the skull, etc) are required for this spell, nor are the additional spells that are otherwise required for the creation of certain of the undead this spell creates.

This spell uses the same rules for control and the same control pool as Animate Dead (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/animateDead.htm), suffers from a 20 HD cap on the maximum size of the undead that may be created (any undead that fall over this limit are not created, but this does not cause the overall spell to fail), unlike Animate Dead this spell may be cast at any time of day.
Dread Necromancers ignore the 20 HD cap.
Material Component
Black onyx gems worth at least 75 gp per Hit Die of the undead that this spell will create (you may NOT choose to create less undead from a given corpse than this spell is capable of creating from said corpse) these components only need be manipulated as normal for spellcasting, rather than needing to be placed into the mouth or eye socket of the corpse. The magic of the spell turns the required amount of these gems into worthless, burned-out shells with any excess remaining whole and undamaged.
Skill Component
You must have at least 14 ranks in either Heal or Profession to cast this spell.

Slaughter Ripper
Necromancy [Evil]
Level: Clr 9, Death 9, Sor/Wiz 9, Dread Necromancer 8
Range: 30 ft.
Area: 30 ft. spread centered on caster
Targets: One corpse per 3 caster levels.

This spell functions as per Corpse Ripper, except as noted above or following.

It effects corpses of at least Tiny size, starting with those closest to the caster (considered as a spread) and working outward. If corpses still remain after this process is completed, then animates those, plus the closest additional corpses of Diminutive or Fine sizes.

Skill Component
You must have at least 20 ranks in either Heal or Profession to cast this spell.

Additions to Summon Undead series of spells, including for spells that I don't know of existing. In alphabetical order by undead name without regard for size, or description of source creature.
(If I ever need to nerf this, consider requiring knowledge of all the spells required to create a given undead in order to summon it... of course, that doesn't nerf Dread Necros at all, and only limits Clerics a bit, but that might all be OK).

Summon Undead I Summon Undead II Summon Undead III
Small Fat Glob Fine Dark Heart Diminutive Dark Heart
Small Gut Snake Medium Fat Glob Advanced Medium Fat Glob (12 HD)sdf
Tiny Hopping Stomach Diminutive Floating Lungs Advanced Medium Gut Snake (5 HD)
Diminutive Muscle Mass Medium Gut Snake Small Muscle Mass
Human Rolling Eyeball* Small Hopping Stomach Mouse Rolling Eyeball*
~ Tiny Muscle Mass Small Sinister Spinal Cord
~ Orc or Elf Rolling Eyeball* 10/10/10 Zooming Brain (From Small or Medium creature)
~ Tiny Slithering Liver

*Duration is 2 rounds per caster level, rather than 1. Note that this stacks with the extend spell metamagic feat to produce [B]4 rounds per caster level, not 3.

Summon Undead IV Summon Undead V Summon Undead VI*
Advanced Diminutive Dark Heart(6 HD) Tiny Dark Heart Advanced Tiny Dark Heart (12 HD)
Large Fat Glob Advanced Large Fat Glob (20 HD) Advanced Large Fat Glob (28 HD)
Tiny Floating Lungs Advanced Large Gut Snake (10 HD) Small Floating Lungs
Large Gut SnakeAdvanced Medium Hopping Stomach (3 HD) Huge Gut Snake
Medium Hopping Stomach Medium Muscle Mass Large Hopping Stomach
Advanced Small Muscle Mass (6 HD) Beholder Eyestalk Rolling Eyeball Advanced Medium Muscle Mass (12 HD)
Medium OR Large Sinister Spinal Cord** Huge Sinister Spinal Cord Advanced Huge Sinister Spinal Cord (9 HD)
Small Slithering Liver Medium Slithering Liver Advanced Medium Slithering Liver (3 HD)
Spinning-Horizon Inner EarAdvanced Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear (2 HD)
Fiendish/Celestial Mouse Rolling Eyeball***

*This spell does not, to my knowledge, exist a priori of this project. I might brew it up later, although it is going to be a bit narrow-focus unless other people jump on the homebrewing bandwagon.
**Caster's choice at time of casting. May not be mixed between the two.
***Duration is 2 rounds per caster level, rather than 1. Note that this stacks with the extend spell metamagic feat to produce 4 rounds per caster level, not 3.

Summon Undead VII* Summon Undead VIII* Summon Undead IX*
Small Dark Heart Medium Floating Lungs Medium Dark Heart
Gargantuan Sinister Spinal Cord Huge Hopping Stomach Beholder Central Anti-magic Eye Rolling Eyeball
Large Muscle Mass Advanced Huge Fat Glob (40 HD) Huge Muscle Mass
Large Slithering Liver Advanced Huge Gut Snake(21 HD) Huge Slithering Liver
Huge Fat Glob Advanced Large Muscle Mass (24 HD) Advanced Huge Fat Glob (56 HD)
Advanced Huge Gut Snake (15 HD) Advanced Small Dark Heart (24 HD) Gargantuan Gut Snake
Advanced Large Hopping Stomach(7 HD)Advanced Gargantuan Sinister Spinal Cord(16 HD)Advanced Huge Hopping Stomach (14 HD)
Gargantuan Sinister Spinal Cord Advanced Large Slithering Liver (7HD) Advanced Gargantuan Sinister Spinal Cord(20 HD)

*This spell does not, to my knowledge, exist a priori of this project. I might brew it up later, although it is going to be a bit narrow-focus unless other people jump on the homebrewing bandwagon.
Still left to design and put into entries and tables:
Higher levels needed for Zooming Brain.
Completely Lacking (Might be for the best):

Empty Skin, although adding this to flesh out the higher levels with the most powerful examples could be good.
Skulking Bladder... well, maybe a small, rather weak one at a very high level... have to see what they look like first.

Original Summon Undead line analysis for CRs:
Summon Undead
1st Level: Skeleton, Medium; Zombie, Small;
2nd Level: Skeleton, Large; Zombie, medium;
3rd Level: Ghoul(CR 1); Skeleton, Huge(~2 to 5); Zombie, Large(~3 to 4);
4th Level: Allip(CR 3); Ghast(CR 3); Zombie,Huge(No examples that big in SRD);
5th level: Mummy(CR 5); Shadow(CR 3); Vampire Spawn(CR 4); Wight(CR 3)
((Corpse Peeler Coming MUCH Later))

Variant Turning/Rebuking table for lower levels
Many organ undead end up with fractional hitdice, and can be effective despite this. For this reason, variant rules are here provided for how many hitdice lower level clerics can turn or rebuke. This is identical to the SRD version, except in cases where that version would produce a result of 0 or less hit-dice, indicating no undead could be turned/rebuked.

Turning Check ResultMost Powerful Undead Affected (Maximum Hit Dice) by Cleric Level

vvvvvvvvvvvLvl 1Lvl 2Lvl 3Lvl 4
Lvl 5+

0 or lower
Cleric’s level -4

Cleric’s level -3

Cleric’s level -2

Cleric’s level -1

Cleric’s level

Cleric’s level +1

Cleric’s level +2

Cleric’s level +3

22 or higher
Cleric’s level +4

Move Turn Undead from Paladin 4 to Paladin 1 and introduce the idea of effective cleric levels less than 1 as described on the chart below. This might theoretically overpower Paladin 2/Sorcerer X due to Divine Metamagic, but just saying that you can't use the turning to fuel alternative abilities until Paladin 4 should fix that.

Turning Check ResultMost Powerful Undead Affected (Maximum Hit Dice) by Cleric Level

vvvvvvvvvvvLvl = -2Lvl = -1Lvl = 0

0 or lower








22 or higher

Dread Necromancers, Adaptation
Add all spells mentioned in the "creation" section of an organ undead to the Dread Necromancer's list at the lower of the spell levels that either a cleric or a wizard could cast it. Treat 0th level spells as 1st level spells for this purpose. Regardless of spell level these additional spells can ONLY be cast for the purposes of creating [Organ Undead] or when creating a magic item, which in turn can ONLY be used for creating [Organ Undead]. So, for instance, a Dread Necromancer with the Craft Wand feat can create an Eternal Wand of Expeditious Retreat but that wand could only be used as part of creating [Organ Undead], such as Muscle Masses and Zooming Brains.

If a given spell is already on the Dread Necromancer's list, then apply this addition only if the addition would be at a lower level than the Dread Necromancer's other access. The higher level version is unrestricted, and the lower one can only be used as defined above.

For your convenience a listing of the spells as they currently stand has been attempted below.
[B]1st Level:
Acid Splash
Expeditious Retreat
Know Direction
Silent Image
Touch of Fatigue

2nd Level:
Acid Arrow
(Bear's Endurance if I add it to the Dark Hearts)
Bull's Strength
Cat's Grace
(Eagle's Splendor if I add it to the Empty Skins)
Sound Burst
Touch of Idiocy

3rd Level:

4th Level:
Hallucinatory Terrain

5th Level:
Overland Flight

6th Level:
Find The Path
Guards and Wards
Wind Walk

7th Level:

8th Level:
Shout, Greater

9th Level:

Warlock, Adaptation
For the purposes of creating Organ Undead, the certain invocations may substitute for spells. Some substitutions require a minimum caster level as a warlock, and some may work for certain undead, but not others that require the same spell. If so, this will be explicitly stated in the table.

Spell(s) Substituted For Invocation Organ Undead Useful for

Acid Arrow/Acid Splash Vitriolic Blast Hopping Stomach

Animate Dead Dead Walk (Any C.L.) All

Bestow Curse Curse of Despair Muscle Mass (Fine or Diminutive only)

Bull's Strength(For Muscle Masses ONLY)Repelling BlastMuscle Mass

Bull's Strength(For Gut Snakes ONLY)*Stony Grasp (IF edited to require Bull's Strength, then Gut Snakes)

Chill Touch Enervating Shadow Muscle Mass

Create Undead Dead Walk (C.L. 11+) Any over 20 effective hitdice.

Create Greater Undead Dead Walk (C.L. 15+) Any over 20 effective hitdice.*

Displacement* Sickening Blast OR Noxious Blast Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear

Fly Fell Flight Dark Heart, Floating Lungs, Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear

Find The Path* Sickening Blast OR Noxious Blast Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear

Inflict Critical Wounds, Mass Utterdark Blast AND any Area of Effect Blast Shape Invocation (including Eldritch Chain) Dark Heart

Jump Leaps and Bounds Muscle Masses with more than a +10 jump check modifier

Know Direction Sickening Blast OR Noxious Blast Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear

Ray of Enfeeblement Enervating Shadow Muscle Mass

Resist Elements (Resistance to Acid 5 or more from a Warlock class feature) Hopping Stomach

Overland Flight Fell Flight (C.L. 9+)* Dark Heart, Floating Lungs, Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear

Silent Image Flee the Scene Rolling Eyeball

Touch of Fatigue Miasmatic Cloud Fat Globs of up to and including Gargantuan size

Wind Walk Fell Flight (C.L. 11+)* Dark Heart, Floating Lungs, Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear

*At the time of this table's creation, this provides no incremental benefit (in terms of which creatures can be created) over the lower caster level version (or in some cases not having the invocation at all), however it is included in case the creatures in question are edited at a later date.

Partial list of "Orphan" spells:

Dark Hearts: Deathwatch

Empty Skins: I had been considering requiring Eagle's Splendor here, but never got to deciding if I should.

Floating Lungs: Sound Burst, Shout, or Shout, Greater. An Endritch Essence that gives you sonic damage could do it... not sure if Baleful Utterance should count.

Muscle Mass: Expeditious Retreat

Sinister Spinal Cord: Hold Person (for large or smaller), OR Hold Monster will do for ones of any size.

Slithering Liver: Poison.

Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear: Cat's Grace

Zooming Brain: Touch of Idiocy or Feeblemind.

2013-03-31, 10:56 PM
I originally came up with these sets to try to determine the EL of the resulting additions to the encounter. I am going to need to go over all of that since I now have muscle masses and spinning-horizon inner ears in the mix. Note that these can also be used as a reference for the skill-check using methods of creating these undead.

((Note to self: See Excel spreadsheet "Anatomical Juggernaut HD Notes" for source creature size minima for various undead organs. Don't assume the HD are correct for this though, since that was a much more general thing.))

{table=head]#| Size, Type, and Miscellaneous |CR Each|Control HD Each (Total)
1| Tiny Skeleton | 1/6 |
1/2 (1/2)

1| Diminutive Sinister Spinal Cord | ~1 |
1/8 (1/8)

1| Fine Hopping Stomach | 1/3 |
1/8 (1/8)

N/A| Fat glob | N/A |

2| Rolling Eyeballs | 1/10 |
1/16 (1/8)

1|Diminutive pair of Floating Lungs| 2 |
4 1/8

N/A| Gut-Snake* | N/A |

1| Fine Dark Heart | 2 |
2 (2)

1| Fine Slithering Liver | 1/2 |
1/8 (1/8)

2| Spinning-Horizon Inner Ears | 4 |
5 (10)

1| Diminutive Muscle Mass | 1 |
1 (1)

1|Fine Zooming Brain (Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7)|

~|Fly 60' (Clumsy)| |

~|1d2-1 damage(minimum 0) DC 9 (Fort or Will, whichever is LOWER) in 40' radius, effects go away after 2 minutes | ?1/4? |
1/2 (1/2)

*I didn't make any that go down to Diminutive, since they aren't enough of a threat as grapplers.

For CR that gives us:
2 CR 4s
2 CR 2s
2 CR 1s
1 CR 1/2
1 CR 1/3
1 CR 1/4
1 CR 1/6
2 CR 1/10s
Approximately EL 8

Sum of Total Control HD for each organ:
10+2+1+2*(1/2)+4*(1/8)+4 1/8= 18 5/8
((Which might be enough to overload a necromancer trying to reload mid-fight... but then again we are just talking about a single house cat here.))


((Table format I am upgrading things to.))
{table=head]#| Size, Type, and Miscellaneous |CR Each|Control HD Each (Total)
1| Tiny Dark Heart | 5 |
8 (8)

0/1|Small Fat Glob (if at least 60 lbs fat)| ? |
? (?)

1| Small pair of Floating Lungs | 7 |
? (?)

1| Large Gut-Snake | 4 |

4| Tiny Hopping Stomachs | 1 |
1/2 (2)

2| Rolling Eyeballs | 1/10 |
1/16 (1/8)

1| Large Skeleton | 1 |
3 (3)

1| Medium Sinister Spinal Cord | 1 |
2 (2)

1| Small Slithering Liver | ? |

2| Spinning-Horizon Inner Ears | 4 |
5 (10)

1| Small Muscle Mass | 3 |

1|??? Zooming Brain (Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6)|

~|Fly 150' (Clumsy)| |

~|1d2-1 damage(minimum 0) DC 9 (Fort or Will, whichever is LOWER) in 80' radius, effects go away after 2 minutes | 1/4? |
? (?)

1 Large Skeleton (use THESE (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=277912) statistics to base this on)
1 Medium Sinister Spinal Cord (CR ~1)
4 Tiny Hopping Stomachs (CR 1 each)
1 Diminutive Zooming Brain (Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6) (Call this CR 1/4)
Fly 150' (Clumsy)
1d2-1 damage(minimum 0) DC 9 (Fort or Will, whichever is LOWER) in 80' radius, effects go away after 2 minutes
0/1 Small Fat glob (eh... if it is a FAT cow then 60 lbs of fat sounds ok) (CR 1)
2 Rolling Eyeballs (CR 1/10 each... taken from bats)
1 Small pair of Floating Lungs (CR 7... what was I THINKING putting the damage that high? Then again, it is only 2 CRs higher than the heart, which may be close enough)
1 Large Gut-Snake (CR 4)
1 Tiny Dark Heart (CR 5)
1 Small Slithering Liver (CR 1)
1 Small Muscle Mass 7 HD (CR3)

If we omit the stuff I haven't created yet that gives us:
1 CR 7
1 CR 5
1 CR 4
1 CR 3
7/8 CR 1's
1 CR 1/4's
2 CR 1/10's
Calling it 8 CR 1's to balance out not counting the brain and eyes
EL 10? 11?
...Which argues this ought to be at least a 7th level spell, although the CR 1s traditionally wouldn't be enough to count. Of course, since they are glass cannons, they might remain relevant even if all they do is draw an AoE, rather than a single-target save-or-die.

Sum of Total Control HD for each organ:
A*a+B*b+C*c+D*d = X Y/Z


Riding Dog

1 Medium Skeleton (CR 1)
1 Small Sinister Spinal Cord (CR ~1)
1 Tiny Hopping Stomach (CR 1)
1 Fine Zooming Brain (Based on Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6) (Call this CR 1/4)
Fly 150' (Clumsy)
1d2-1 damage(minimum 0) DC 9 (Fort or Will, whichever is LOWER) in 80' radius, effects go away after 2 minutes
NO Fat glob (Would have to be a LARDO of epic proportions to be carrying 60 lbs of fat) (CR N/A)
2 Rolling Eyeballs (CR 1/10 each... taken from bats)
1 Tiny pair of Floating Lungs (CR 4)
1 Small Gut-Snake (CR 1)
1 Diminutive Dark Heart (CR 3)
1 Tiny Slithering Liver (CR 1/2)
1 ??? Muscle Mass (CR 3 or less)

If we omit the stuff I haven't created yet that gives us:
1 CR 4
1 CR 3
4 CR 1's
1 CR 1/2
1 CR 1/4
2 CR 1/10's
EL 7

Human Commoner

1 Medium Skeleton (CR 1)
1 Tiny Sinister Spinal Cord (CR ~1)
1 Tiny Hopping Stomach (CR 1)
1 Diminutive Zooming Brain (Based on Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10) (Call this CR 2)
Fly 150' (Clumsy)
1d4 damage DC 11? (Fort or Will, whichever is LOWER) in 80' radius, effects go away after 10 minutes
NO Fat glob in most cases
2 Rolling Eyeballs (CR 1/10 each... taken from bats)
1 Tiny pair of Floating Lungs (CR 4)
1 Medium Gut-Snake (CR 1)

((Blank Template))

{table=head]#| Size, Type, and Miscellaneous |CR Each|Control HD Each (Total)
1| ????? Dark Heart | ? |
? (?)

0/1| ????? Fat glob | ? |
? (?)

1| ??? pair of Floating Lungs | ? |
? (?)

0/1| ????? Gut-Snake* | ? |

1+| ???? Hopping Stomach(s) | ? |
? (?)

1| ???? Muscle Mass | ? |

2| Rolling Eyeballs | 1/10 |
1/16 (1/8)

1| ??? pair of Floating Lungs | ? |
? (?)

1| ???? Sinister Spinal Cord | ? |
? (?)

1| ????? Skeleton | ? |
? (?)

1| ??? Slithering Liver | ? |

2| Spinning-Horizon Inner Ears | 4 |
5 (10)

1|??? Zooming Brain (Int ??, Wis ??, Cha ??)|

~|Fly ??0' (???)| |

~|1d? damage DC ?? (Fort or Will, whichever is LOWER) in ??' radius, effects go away after ? minutes | ? ? ? |
? (?)

*I didn't make any that go down to Diminutive, since they aren't enough of a threat as grapplers.

For CR that gives us:
# CR #s
# CR #s
2 CR 4s
# CR #s
# CR #s
# CR #s
2 CR 1/10s
EL ?

Sum of Total Control HD for each organ:
A*a+B*b+C*c+D*d = X Y/Z

2013-03-31, 10:57 PM
((This is a placeholder))

2013-03-31, 10:59 PM

By LOTRfan (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14981737&postcount=2)
Domestic Cow
Large Animal
Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (15 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 11 (-1 size, +2 natural), touch 9, flatfooted 11
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+10
Attack: Gore +0 melee (1d8+2)
Full Attack: Gore +0 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Stampede
Special Qualities: Lowlight vision, Scent
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 10, Cha 7
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +5
Feats: Alertness, Endurance
Environment: Temperate Plains
Organization: Herd (6-29)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always Neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: -----

These domesticated herd animals are more or less completely harmless, unless they are startled. Cows come in a variety of breeds, but are usually used as a food source or as beasts of burden. Cows can weigh anything between 1200-1800 pounds, and are usually longer than 8 feet in length.

Cows are not bright and very easily started, and are more likely to run than actually fight. Cows are not proficient with their natural weapons, taking both a -5 penalty to attack rolls and only adding 1/2 their strength modifier to their damage rolls.

Stampede (Ex): A frightened herd of cows flees as a group in a random direction (but always away from the perceived source of danger). They literally run over anything or Large size or smaller that gets in their way, dealing 1d10 points of damage for each five cows in the herd (DC 15 Reflex save for half damage). The save DC is Strength base.

Domestic Pig

Morph Barks idea for pigs from: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=170098
Note, for the basic pig, use boar stats, substituting gore for a 1d6 slam attack, and lowering HD by 1.
(I also dropped the Constitution and natural armor to that of the cow, dropped the strength 2 points, added 2 points of dexterity and removed ferocity.)
Medium Animal
Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 13 (+2 natural, +1 Dex), touch 11, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+2
Attack: Slam +2 melee (1d6+1)
Full Attack: Slam +2 melee (1d6+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 4
Skills: Listen +6, Spot +4
Feats: Alertness
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Domesticated/Any
Challenge Rating: 1/2
Advancement: 3 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: —

2013-03-31, 11:02 PM
((Never hurts to have a little extra room when making a megathread.))

2013-03-31, 11:03 PM
DEstruction Retribution (Corpse Crafter sequel) from Libris Mortis p.26 might be a bit more broken with Rolling Eyeballs and other extremely low HD undead than with Rat Skeletons? For one thing you can cram even more of them into a square. Same principle as Explosive Runes abuse. Worth patching?

To consider: Pulsating Pancreas (Get help from person I know with diabetes?)

May also need to provide revision to Undead Thralls 6th level Necromancy specialist (wizard) ability PHB p.119. Namely if the creature can't deal damage to non-helpless targets, then the damage bonus INSTEAD gets halved(?) and applied to their DCs and/or To-Hits.

It would be a kludge, but I could say that organs from larger creatures wither to smaller size to suit the caster.

General Monster Template
(Size, Type, Subtypes, and Alignment)
Armor Class [Source if armor &/or shield, NO Size Modifier, so pick Dex carefully instead]
Hit Points (d+) [DIE SIZE BASED ON SIZE CLASS SEE MM p.7: Fine ?d2?, Dim ?d3?, T d4, S d6, M d8, L d10, H d12, G d20, C ???d30 OR d12x3???]




Saving Throws
[List Proficient ones only]
Damage Vulnerabilities
Damage Resistances
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Senses passive Perception #


Organ Undead Specific Template
(Size) Undead (Organ Undead), Neutral Evil
Armor Class [NO Size Modifier, so pick Dex carefully instead]
Hit Points (d+)[DIE SIZE BASED ON SIZE CLASS SEE MM p.7: Fine ?d2?, Dim ?d3?, T d4, S d6, M d8, L d10, H d12, G d20, C ???d30 OR d12x3???]


[Skeleton 15, Zombie 16, Golems 18 to 20](+-)
3 to 6 (-)
[Skeleton 8, Zombie 6, Golems 8 to 11]
5 (-3)

[List Proficient ones only]
Saving Throws
[List Proficient ones only]
Damage Vulnerabilities
Damage Resistances
Damage Immunities
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception #
Languages Understands one language its creator knows, but can’t speak
Challenge ???1/4???


Spells to Create

Animate Dead

Size of Source Creature and Skill Check to Extract
Medicine or ??? DC


Anatomical Juggernaut (leave until all component undead finished of course)

Coughing Lungs
Tiny Undead (Organ Undead), Neutral Evil
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 5 (3d4-3)
Speed Fly 20 feet


3 (-4)
16 (+3)
8 (-1)
6 (-2)
4 (-3)
5 (-3)

Skills Stealth +3 (Disadvantage on sound based checks, even when not moving)
Saving Throws Wisdom +0*
*It is very hard to get a Coughing Lungs to keep its distance. It gains advantage on saves against any turning check that wouldn't destroy them if they fail.
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire, Radiant, Slashing
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning from Non-Magical Non-Silver Weapons, Necrotic, Piercing (EVEN from magical weapons and spells!)
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 7
Languages Understands the languages the creature it is from spoke in life, PLUS one additional language picked by their creator from among the languages said creator speaks. Can not speak.
Challenge 1

Cough. The coughing lungs cough out infectious droplets in a 10-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 11* Constitution saving throw. On a failure they contract the disease specific to the particular coughing lungs, but show no symptoms (and thus suffer no penalties) for 2d6 days.
Any humanoid creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of an infected creature that does not have its mouth covered must succeed on a DC 11* Constitution saving throw or also become infected with the disease. A successful save does NOT grant immunity to the disease!

At the end of each long rest, an infected creature can make a DC 11* Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, the DC for this save drops by 1d6. When the saving throw DC drops to 0, the creature recovers from the disease. A creature that fails three of these saving throws has its constitution permanently reduced by 1d4 points upon each failed save past the second. Any spell that can cure more normal diseases can cure this disease PROVIDED it is cast from at least a 5th level spell slot. Restoration, Greater Restoration, or Heal cast on the victim after the disease is cured restores all lost constitution points.
As for the penalties for an active case of the diseases that can be contracted they are as follows:
Mindfire. The creature’s mind becomes feverish. The creature has disadvantage on Intelligence checks and Intelligence saving throws, and the creature behaves as if under the effects of the confusion spell during combat.
Severe coughing spasms (mechanically identical to the seizures the Contagion spell can cause). The creature has disadvantage on Dexterity checks, Dexterity saving throws, and attack rolls that use Dexterity.
*This uses the ABSOLUTE VALUE of the Constitution modifier of the coughing lungs.

Size of Source Creature and Skill Check to Extract
{Medium or Small Humanoid for the source creature. ((Since 5e only goes down to Tiny, it technically doesn't make a difference.))} Medicine or ??? DC

Spells to Create
Contagion Cast from at least a 4th level slot (1/each) ((Actually Contagion is 5th level to begin with in 5e I think.))
Fly OR Wind Walk ((Same number of targets as usual, including for using higher slots))
Animate Dead

Fine Dark Heart
Tiny[Fine] Undead (Organ Undead), Neutral Evil
Armor Class 19 (Natural)
Hit Points 15(3d1+12)
Speed Fly 10 ft.



Skills Stealth +7, but for sound this is instead -5 on any round when it uses its Necrotic Pulse.
Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +0
Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
Languages understands one language its creator knows, but can’t speak
Challenge 1/8?
Necrotic Pulse Multitargeting Ranged Spell: The Dark Heart must expend its movement as well as its action to use this ability, meaning it can not move on the same turn it uses it. Within 20' it targets the closest two creatures that meet either of the following criterion:
1.) Non-Construct, Non-Undead, and of at least normal Tiny size (so not Tiny[Diminutive], or Tiny[Fine]
2.) Undead and not at full hit-points
This does not require the heart to be aware of its targets, nor does it give it any knowledge of them. It makes no distinction between friend and foe.
Non-Undead must save Constitution DC 8 or take 1 point of necrotic damage. Undead must make a DC 10 Constitution save ((DC = 10 - (Heart's Proficiency bonus + Heart's Wis. Mod.) )), if they succeed they regain 1 hitpoint, if they fail there is no effect. The Dark Heart automatically succeeds its save to regain this hitpoint if it targets itself.

NO PHYSICAL ATTACKS! And thus, can't make Opportunity Attacks.

Spells to Create
Inflict Wounds (Cast from at least a 2nd level slot for Tiny[Fine] version, higher slots required for bigger ones), Deathwatch (Doesn't exist in 5e SRD, so just call it a 1st level slot)
Animate Dead

Size of Source Creature and Skill Check to Extract
Medicine or Proficient with Butcher's tools to use Intelligence or Dexterity. DC 13 in any case. 20 minutes if no other dissection has occurred, 10 minutes if belly skin/muscles, intestines, liver, lungs, and kidneys freely cut in the process without care, thus ruining them for animation. ((In the final version I will be adding a lot more boiler-plate to this, but with me present to cover it that won't be necessary for our game.))

Empty Skin (Int Score limitations are covered in fluff for zombies and skeletons, rather than them being <3 Int, and Skeletons are actually 6. Enhance Ability exists.)

Small Fat Glob
Small Undead (Organ Undead), Neutral Evil
Armor Class 5
Hit Points 52 (8d6+24) ((12d6-8??? would allow dropping Constitution to a much more thematic 8. ALSO number of hit-dice should perhaps be constant across sizes, or maybe increase more slowly, since in 5e HD vary based on Size, rather than Type))
Speed 15 ft., IF at least 90% by weight comes from creatures with a swim speed, then also gets Swim 15 ft.



Saving Throws Wis -2
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire
Damage Resistances Piercing
Damage Immunities Bludgeoning
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned, prone
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 6
Languages can't speak, but understands one language its creator knows
Challenge 3 (Lower in very slow-paced adventures) ((Lowered from 4 when I dropped it to no fatigue levels on a successful save and only one on a failure.))

Amorphous: The glob can move through a space as narrow as 2 inches wide without squeezing.

Apathy: Fat Globs may never make Reactions.

Psuedopod Melee Weapon Attack: -2 to-hit 1(1d4-4) damage. Creature struck must make a DC 13 Constitution save. If they fail they gain 1 level of exhaustion, otherwise there is no effect. This can not increase level of exhaustion past 3.

Engulf The glob moves up to its speed. While doing so, it can enter Small or smaller creatures’ spaces. Whenever the glob enters a creature’s space, the creature must make a DC 8 Dexterity saving throw. On a successful save, the creature can choose to be pushed 5 feet back or to the side of the glob. A creature that chooses not to be pushed suffers the consequences of a failed saving throw. On a failed save, the glob enters the creature’s space, and the creature takes 1 (1d4-4) bludgeoning damage and is engulfed. The engulfed creature can’t breathe, is restrained, and at the start of each of the glob's turns takes 1 (1d4-4) bludgeoning damage AND must make DC 13 Constitution save. If they fail they gain 1 level of exhaustion, otherwise there is no effect. This can not increase level of exhaustion past 3.

When the glob moves, the engulfed creature moves with it. An engulfed creature can try to escape by taking an action to make a DC 12 Strength check. On a success, the creature escapes and enters a space of its choice within 5 feet of the glob.

Amount Required and Spells to Create
60 lbs of fat from one or more creatures.
(A first level arcane spell slot, used to generate the exhaustion effect, don't know if an appropriate spell exists in 5e, but in 3.x it would have been the Touch of Fatigue cantrip)
Animate Dead

Skill Check to Extract
Medicine or Proficient with Butcher's Tools (Still Wisdom in either case, just two different ways that adding the proficiency bonus can be allowed), DC 3. Note that the fat does NOT have to all come from the same creature. Also more fat may be piled on top of an existing fat-glob and the animation spells repeated to enlarge it (but currently this is irrelevant since only one exact size of Fat Glob can be animated by Animate Dead). ((In the final version I will be adding a lot more boiler-plate to this, but with me present to cover it that won't be necessary for our game.))

Exhaustion Effects
Level Effect
1 Disadvantage on Ability Checks
2 Speed halved
3 Disadvantage on Attack rolls and saving throws
4 Hit point maximum halved
5 Speed reduced to 0
6 Death
Haven't found any spells that cause such yet, but lots of looking left to do, Zombies don't have partial actions rule, just low speed and Dex.

((Idea that might apply to 3.x as well would be to allow these to speak if they are taken from a creature that could speak the language it understands by virtue of the creator picking that language from the one THEY understand. Thunderwave probably with the damage, Area nerfed? (3 adjacent squares next to it?). Knock back nerfed to 5'? ))
Gave these +2 Con compared to COUGHING Lungs since they aren't made from diseased lungs, and pretty good mental ability scores because they aren't supposed to be a joke about the poor judgement of those who refuse to wear masks in public. More importantly , with an AoE attack, they should have some justification for being able to avoid "friendly fire" incidents.
Advantage on sound based stealth checks is from the 3.5 version and is supposed to represent how they drift silently through the air.
Lack of Proficiency bonus to any saving throw matches with the skeleton and helps balance out the fact I hedged the ability scores towards the good side, roughly comparable to that of the skeleton, which also has no proficient saves.


Larger ones would emulate Thunderwave, perhaps with lower damage and/or only 5' knockback, depending on the power levels I am aiming for. Bigger ones would, of course, do more damage as per upcast, and perhaps even more knock-back distance for above a certain side.

Floating Lungs, Tiny
Tiny Undead (Organ Undead), Neutral Evil
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 11 (3d4+3)
Speed Fly 20 feet


3 (-4)
16 (+3)
12 (+1)
6 (-2)
8 (-1)
5 (-3)

Skills Stealth +3 (Advantage on sound based checks, although, obviously, the Shout is going to be pretty hard to miss!)
Damage Vulnerabilities Slashing
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning from Non-Magical Non-Silver Weapons, Necrotic, Piercing (EVEN from magical weapons and spells!), Thunder
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages Understands one language its creator knows. If this language is one it spoke in life then it can also speak it.
Challenge 1/4?

Shout Each creature in 1 "square" (actually a cube) within 5 feet of you, plus all other squares adjacent to that one EXCEPT the one you yourself occupy* must make a Constitution saving throw DC 11 (Constitution based). On a failed save, a creature takes 1d6 thunder damage. On a successful save there is no effect.
*Basically a very small, but broad cone in the mathematical sense, rather than the more narrow way that the game defines a cone.

Size of Source Creature and Skill Check to Extract
{Medium or Small air-breather source creature. ((Since 5e only goes down to Tiny, it technically doesn't make a difference.))} Medicine DC 16

Spells to Create
Thunderwave OR Thunderclap

Fly OR Wind Walk ((Same number of targets as usual, including for using higher slots))
Animate Dead

Large Gut Snake
Large Undead (Organ Undead), Neutral Evil ((Reduce this to medium and nerf area of Flatuate to that of Thunderwave to make this more consistent with CR 1/4?))
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 16 (3d8+3)
Speed 30 ft, if from a creature with a swim speed then it also has Swim 30 ft.



Saving Throws Wis +0
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
Languages Understands one language its creator knows, but can’t speak
Challenge 1/4?

Constrict Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one creature. Hit: 6(1d8+2) Bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled (DC 12). Until this grapple ends the creature (meaning the gut snake? I copied this from the Constrictor in the MM) is restrained, and the gut snake can't constrict another target. Whenever it deals constriction damage (even if the target is immune to the damage) the target must immediately make another save/check against the grapple. If the target fails the gut snake sprays the face of the grappled creature forcefully with diarrheatic excrement. So forceful is this that it can sometimes penetrate even between closed lips and eyelids, get far enough into the nasal passages to not be easily removed quickly or even, in extreme cases, individual droplets may achieve sufficient velocity to penetrate the skin slightly. The grappled creature must immediately make two Constitution saves DC 12 (strength based DC). If the first of these two constitution saves is failed they are nauseated (Poisoned, although this condition might need to be nerfed to something less) and blinded for 2d4 rounds or until they get cleaned. Regardless of the result of this first save if the second one is failed they contract a disease of the eye. Treat this as Sewer plague with the usual onset time and ongoing D.C.'s for recovery and to avoid exhaustion. HOWEVER if they fail any given day's save against disease AND failed the previous day's save (starting from the onset of the disease, not the gut snake's attack) there is a 25% chance they go blind until the disease is past and have a -2 penalty on all checks involving visual acuity (including most attack rolls when not blinded) from that point forward due to the lingering effects of eye infection. A single Remove Blindness/Deafness spell will undo both these effects on the eyes and prevent any further chance of blindness for the duration of the disease, however exhaustion levels are unaffected by this treatment.

Flatulate Area Attack: As its action plus movement once per minute a gut snake may noisily release a cloud of reeking putrid gas centered on itself which can sicken (poisoned, although this may need toning down) those within it. For a large gut snake the radius of the cloud is 10' and the Constitution Save D.C. (for the unadvanced version in each size class) to avoid being sickened for as long as the victim stays in the cloud plus 1d4+1 rounds afterward is 11. The DC is constitution based. The cloud is invisible and persists for one round per hit die of the gut snake ((Note to self: this may require some tweaking for different sizes, but for now, for this size, it works fine)).

-A moderate wind (at least 10 miles per hour) makes each round that passes count as two for the purposes of the duration of the cloud. A strong wind (at least 20 miles per hour) disperses it after 1 round.

Each creature that is completely within the cloud at the start of its turn must make a Constitution saving throw against poison. On a failed save, the creature spends its action that turn retching and reeling. Creatures that don’t need to breathe or are immune to poison automatically succeed on this saving throw.

Spells to Create
Arcane Hand(NOT Mage Hand), Arms of Hadar, ?Enhance Ability, ?Grasping Vine?, OR Black Tentacles
Animate Dead
Stinking Cloud OR Cloudkill

Size of Source Creature and Skill Check to Extract
Medicine or Proficiency with Butcher's Tools (Still wisdom based, just a different way of being allowed to add your proficiency bonus) DC 11. ((In the final version I will be adding a lot more boiler-plate to this, but with me present to cover it that won't be necessary for our game.))

Tiny Hopping Stomach
Tiny Undead (Organ Undead), Neutral Evil
Armor Class 14 (Natural)
Hit Points 5 (2d4+0)
Speed 15 ft.


4 (-3)

Skills Athletics[Jump, Dex. Based as a racial bonus] +5 (can always take 10), IF it has a swim speed: Athletics [Swim] -3 ((check MM on rules for creatures with swim speeds))
Saving Throws Wis +1
Damage Resistances Acid, Bludgeoning
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages Understands one language its creator knows, but can’t speak
Challenge 1/4?
Jumping Shot ((roll this into the Spit acid action ?))

3.5 version of this abilityJumping Shot(Ex): As a full round action a hopping stomach may make a vertical leap, to attempt gain line of sight over some obstacle separating it from a clear shot at a target. If it jumps high enough to clear the obstruction then it spits acid, albeit with a -2 penalty to the attack roll. This is most commonly used (by order of their instructions) to gain a clear shot over other undead screening them against attackers closing to melee with the stomach.

*Skills: Hopping Stomachs receive a +5 racial bonus to jump checks and use their dexterity instead of their strength on jump checks if this is better and always count as having a running start. They may always choose to take 10 on jump checks even if stress or distractions would otherwise prevent them.

Spit Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit(when not jumping) [SIZE=2](fudged by ignoring proficiency bonus), one target, range 30/120 Hit: 3 (1d6+0) acid damage. If there is an obstacle in the way (such as an allied skeleton screening the stomach from melee attack) then it can roll an Athletics[Jump] check as a bonus action to reach the height of the obstacle. If it fails the Athletics check then it wastes the both the bonus action and the action that would have been used to make the attack. Note that it can pick its target in the middle of its jump, so hiding them in foxholes and ordering them to attack (or having them triggered by a trap or alarm) is possible. If it succeeds it rolls the attack with a -2 penalty (+1 to hit total).

Sample DCs ((Turn this into a table, and corrilate it to the chances for the 3.5 version to make a 5' and 3' jump for the two creature rows for each size class of 5e stomach)):
Shoot over a medium biped* or large quadruped**: 25
Shoot over a small biped* or medium quadruped**: 17
Foxhole appropriately sized for full concealment between jumps: Auto-success with taking 10, but technically DC 9.
* Or other "tall" creature
** Or other "long" creature

NO MELEE ATTACKS! And thus, can't make Opportunity Attacks.

Spells to Create
Acid Splash OR Acid Arrow
Animate Dead

Size of Source Creature and Skill Check to Extract
Medium single-stomached, or Large creature with multiple stomachs.

Medicine or Proficiency with Butchers tools (Wisdom) DC 10.

((In the final version I will be adding a lot more boiler-plate to this, but with me present to cover it that won't be necessary for our game.))

Laughing Uvula

Organ Undead Specific Template
Muscle Mass
Tiny Undead (Organ Undead), Neutral Evil
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 16 (3d4+9)
Speed 25 feet (Always), Swim 25 feet (if made made mostly from creatures with a Swim speed)


?13 (+1) (( 14? ))
12 (+1)
?16 (+3)
3 (-4)
6 (-2)
8 (-1)

Skills Athletics +3 ((Design note: This includes jumping, so acrobatics is not needed.))
Saving Throws Str +3, Cha +1 ((Design note: Exchange Cha back for Con? Remove so only proficient in Strength?))
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poisoned, prone, Disadvantage and other penalties to anything related to Strength EXCEPT attack rolls.
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
Languages Understands one language its creator knows, but can’t speak
Challenge 1/4?

Enfeebling Ram Melee Weapon AND Magic Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: NO damage, but the target must make two saving throws.

The first is a DC 9* Constitution save. If this is failed then the target deals only half damage with weapon attacks that use Strength for 1 minute. At the end of each of the target’s turns, it can make another Constitution saving throw against the effect. On a success, the effect ends. ((Change this to a damage penalty equal to [Proficiency Bonus perhaps -1] ? ))
*DC is Charisma Based.

Secondly, if the target is Small or smaller, said target must make a DC 11* strength save. On a failed save, the muscle mass pushes the target 10 feet away from it (the muscle mass does NOT have an option in the matter).
*DC is Strength based.

Spells to Create
Animate Dead
Enhance Ability
Ray of Enfeeblement

Size of Source Creature and Skill Check to Extract
Medicine DC 12

General Note: Anything that can cast probably isn't worried about its OWN weapon damage enough to bother casting these on a Muscle Mass, but they could do so to protect an ally. I guess some Demons might lack offensive spells (or at least ones that they can casually center on themselves if they get surrounded) and be relying on weapon attacks to deal damage.
Bane 1st level, 3 targets (+1/slot-up)... might actually get used
Banishment 4th level, 1 target (+1/slot-up)... probably overkill
Divine Word Any number of creatures within 30'. HP <=20 Killed instantly. 20<HP<40 (Likely for a necromantic specialist) Blind, Deaf, and Stunned for 1 hour.
((DID check Guards and Wards sub-effects.))
Force Cage Applies only to using teleportation or interdimensional travel to leave, thus almost totally irrelevant. Except perhaps if getting summoned counts and I (or someone else) makes Summon Undead.
Hallow The caster would have CHOOSEN to allow undead into the area when casting it. Even then the only relevant effect that is SPECIFICALLY LISTED would appear to be Energy Vulnerability, but the GM can allow additional effects.
Magic Circle Charisma save only applies against teleportation and extra-dimensional movement, neither which a Muscle Mass is likely to us, except perhaps if getting summoned counts and I (or someone else) makes Summon Undead.

(( I have checked up to and including Magic Circle everything after that needs to be checked...))

Gargantuan version should have Strength 30 (the max 5e goes up to).
Fitting between the two that gives us these (approximate?) values.
Tiny 13 (14?)
Small 16 (17?)
Med. 19 (20?)
Large 23
Huge 27
Garg. 30

Plague Tonsils (Ray of Sickness is relevant for lower level? PROBABLY NOT)

Rolling Eyeball
Tiny[Fine] Undead (Organ Undead), Neutral Evil
Armor Class 19[Natural(Size)]
Hit Points 1 (1d2-2)
Speed 20, Swim 15


6 (-2)
6 (-2)
5 (-3)

Skills Athletics +5(Dexterity Based) Stealth +9, Perception +4 (Bonus is to Sight ONLY, and it has no sense of hearing, smell, or taste)
Saving Throws Wis +2
Damage Immunities Bludgeoning damage from falling
Condition Immunities blinded, exhaustion, poisoned
Senses Low-Light/Darkvision As per source creature, passive Perception (Sight) 14/(Touch and Motion) 10, NO Sense of hearing, smell, or taste.
Languages Can read controller's mind for commands if within 5 feet.
Challenge 1/10

Evasion When it is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails.

Hardy Turning Counts as the source creature's CR for purposes of Destroy Undead.

Numerous Minion Up to 16 Rolling Eyeballs may count as a single creature for creating them, and also for (re-)establishing control over them.

Report Mode:
Rolls to point pupil up. While in this state:
Will not move except to maintain upward-pointing orientation.
Dexterity becomes 1 (-5), dropping AC to 9.
Loses Evasion.
Reports back via a 2-D dimensional visual Minor Illusion (DC 0) which looks the same no matter what angle it is viewed from projected above it. This image shows exactly what it saw since the last time it was in this mode. Note that when rolling along it has to see where it is going, so it can't point its pupil to the side. This means that a lot of the time the image will show the ground/floor, the ceiling, or behind the eyeball rather than anything in front of the eyeball.
The size of the image can be varied between as small as 1 inch across, to as large as 10 feet across, however it is always limited by the visual acuity of the eye. The brightness can be controlled (although it sheds no light on other objects), allowing, for instance, a human necromancer to gain the full benefits of an eye from a creature with low-light vision. Similarly, other types of visual cues are transcribed in a way that is visible to even a human (provided the veiwer makes any necessary spot checks). It can be ordered to jump forward or backward a stated amount of time, but can not otherwise vary the speed (No "pause" or "slo-mo" functions). Note that repeated viewings may allow advantage or other bonuses on checks (such as Perception, Investigation, and Insight) by viewers. When the images reach the end, the image temporarily vanishes, but the mode is not exited, and the eye may be commanded to start again from the beginning.

The controller may designate up to his caster level in individuals who can command a given rolling eyeball while it is in report mode. To add or remove an individual for a given rolling eyeball, all three of them (the eyeball the controller and the designated reviewer) must be within 5' of eachother.

Once report mode is ended the information in obtained prior to that point can never be accessed via it in that way short of a Limited Wish, Bend Reality or greater magic/psionics.

Spells to Create
Minor Illusion (1 per eye)
Animate Dead (1 per 16 eyes or less)

Size of Source Creature and Skill Check to Extract
Medicine or Dissection Tools DC 15 (Getting the eyeball out off the orbit is easy enough... getting the muscles and optic nerve shaved off well enough for it to be spherical enough to roll well enough that the animation spell will take is not.)

Sinister Spinal Cord

Slithering Liver (Ray of Sickness is relevant, at least for lower level)

Spinning Horizon Inner-Ear

Zooming Brain

EUREKA! Can just use the spell slot levels for spells with no 5e equivalents.

More spells Kyseth recommends for 3.x
Kylseth: Heatstroke (SpC)
Hypothermia (SC)
Ice Blast (OA)
Karmic Aura (CM)
Kelgore's grave mist (PHB II)
Melf's Slumber arrow (CM)
Kylseth: Nightmare (PHB)
Power word fatigue (RotD)
Ray of Exhaustion (PhB)
Sap Strength (BoVD)
Starvation (SC)
Sunstroke (Sand)
Kylseth: Touch of fatigue (PHB)
Unearthly heat (Sand)
Waves of Exhaustion (PhB)
Waves of Fatigue (PhB)
Winter chill (SC)
Winter's embrace (SC)

Give up domain slots in exchange for ability to cast all spells necessary to make organ deathless, but ONLY for creating them.
Human (for skill points)
Or maybe swap Wis and Cha.

Deathless (Ebberon, p.105)
Granted Power: Once per day, you can perform a greater rebuking against deathless creatures in place of one of your turn undead attempts. The greater rebuking is like a normal rebuking except that the deathless creatures that would be rebuked are commanded instead.

Either Animal OR Sun... Probably Animal

Knowledge (Religion) (Maybe just 5 ranks)
Knowledge (Nature) (If Animal Domain)

Extra Turning?
Spell Focus(Necromancy)?
Skill Focus(Heal)

Nerf hearts by saying their pulses only heal deathless.

Stick to animals and volunteers (which are only going to happen by GM fiat basically).

Consider Eripmav template, especially with wife/cohort if I take leadership. Don't be afraid to deal Con damage, as long as I heal it afterwards.

...get help making the actual build.

Stuff on some Organ Undead from DnD Wiki IRC chat.

<AuraHorse >isn't there a prestige class in 3.5 that uses skins as a source of power? wonder if synergy applications are there
<Draco_Dei >Acolyte of the Skin maybe?
<AuraHorse >yeah
<Draco_Dei >I think that replaces your skin with a demon, but... There might have been something else for wearing the skins of people you killed.
<DanielDraco >There's a Tome class that does that
<Draco_Dei >Acolyte of the skin could MAYBE animate his old skin, but there wouldn't be much connection since... well, the template isn't very combative, and acolyte of the skin IS very combative. So... want to start with the Empty Skins?
<Draco_Dei >Seen a homebrewed monster that was a flying swarm of shredded skin...
<AuraHorse >undead skin monster thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=212345
looks like homebrew
sure, I'll look at the empty skins
Skin Kite from Libris Mortis maybe
is that the monster?

<Draco_Dei >http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=44544

<AuraHorse >ha, same forum

<DanielDraco >Yeah, I think the image in my head was a combination of that concept and the Raiment image

<AuraHorse >different thread

<HockeyCid >Forsaken Shell is definitely the one you are looking for. cast off skin, etc.

<AuraHorse >DanielDraco: could the skin of a tattooed monk be used and could it retain those class abilities?

<Draco_Dei >AuraHorse: As it stands, no. But if I knew Tattooed Monk I might write up the rules for it, and I think a good GM could figure them out if he had the rules for both in front of him.
<AuraHorse >and: if you can't use a tattooed monk's skin, could you apply the Spellstitched Template?
<HockeyCid >I found a photo of the Forsaken Shell. It's not pretty
<Draco_Dei >You could, of course, apply the spell-stitched Template. Might be hard on a furry creature's pelt since the fast healing means you would have to keep re-shaving it to get at the skin itself to tattoo it, but...
<DanielDraco >And yes, Forsaken Shell is /exactly/ what I was thinking of, thank you. Though I was still confusing its pose with the Raiment's
<HockeyCid >cool
<AuraHorse >I would not regenerate hair: hair is not alive in the first place. neither is hair undead
<Draco_Dei >Of course, as a GM I might say you could do the tattooing before the killing, or maybe between the killing and the tanning. Err... no, this thing definitely regrows hair as part of its fast healing. Otherwise it would loose half the "always in perfect condition/appearance" point.
<AuraHorse >that's weird lol. Would make a great toupee for an evil person. Like Lex Luthor
<Draco_Dei >Well, you have to taxidermy the WHOLE creature, so... he would literally be wearing a small animal on his head.
<AuraHorse >that's hot
<Draco_Dei >Deflated, and maybe with the head and limbs folded under, but still the whole thing.
<AuraHorse >yeah, but that furry animal looks pretty damn good. always perfect appearance
<Draco_Dei >Well, "perfect" means slightly different things for a small animal than for a toupee.
<AuraHorse >my mistake
<Draco_Dei >I mean you could totally do that with a villain who is weird, or really anal about his bald-spot (as in any minion that mentions it even obliquely gets quietly hauled off to be tortured to death).

2013-03-31, 11:07 PM
Ok, you can start posting now! The Muscle Mass and Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear have never (officially) been posted before, so I want to hear what people think of them. I'm worried there may be some sort of way to abuse the massive strength scores of the Muscle Masses, but it really does add to the theme.

Minor Artifact I am working on

Staves are Spell Trigger items

Spell trigger activation is similar to spell completion, but it’s even simpler. No gestures or spell finishing is needed, just a special knowledge of spellcasting that an appropriate character would know, and a single word that must be spoken. Anyone with a spell on his or her spell list knows how to use a spell trigger item that stores that spell. (This is the case even for a character who can’t actually cast spells, such as a 3rd-level paladin.) The user must still determine what spell is stored in the item before she can activate it. Activating a spell trigger item is a standard action and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Organ Staff
Price: Minor Artifact ((I can figure out a market price actually... well, probably, but it is going to be very high))
Caster Level: 21st
Aura: Overwhelming Mixed
Activation: ??
Weight: 5 lb

((Regenerates 1 charge per day. Maximum of 25 charges.))
((Sort the following into number of charges required, and thin it down to remove redundancies.))
((A character may use spells not on his/her classes spell list(s), but if they do so, the number of charges used is increased by 1, and they take a point of ability burn to an ability of their choice.))
Animate Dead(still requires material components),
Desecrate (still requires material components)
Gentle Repose
1 Charge:
Acid Splash
Expeditious Retreat
Know Direction
Silent Image
Touch of Fatigue

Acid Arrow
(Bear's Endurance if I add it to the Dark Hearts)
Bull's Strength
Cat's Grace
Eagle's Splendor
Sound Burst
Touch of Idiocy

2 charges: Displacement, Fly, Hallucinatory Terrain, Shout

3 charges: Animate Dead(Still requires material components), Feeblemind, Find The Path, Guards and Wards, Mass Inflict Moderate Wounds, Overland Flight, Wind Walk((Keep this one since it is good for doing large groups.))

4 charges: Greater Desecrate*, Mass Inflict Critical Wounds, Greater Shout

*Just made this up... basically counts any area not sanctified to a Good Diety as being on containing a permanent fixture to an evil deity of the wielder's. Duration 1 round/level, no material components.

Hey, I looked over your homebrew monster and I have a question. Where do you want it to fit in level wise? Like what level do you expect parties to be at when they run into it?
Well... I listed it as a CR 1 I think, so... starting from level 1?
I may have EASILY gotten that wrong, or even be misremembering what I put.
cr doesn't really mean certain level parties should be facing it, just a number for difficulty calculations
I was just wondering where you imagined it coming into play
The disease is really nasty, but it does take a bit to kick in, giving time to get to appropriate healers either mundane, or even magical (although it takes some pretty strong magic if I remember what I did with it).
I don't have my web-browser open at the moment.
Oh... and I've been assuming you mean the 5e version.
There is significant divergence between the two versions.
Well, ideally, it would be applicable from level 1 to... whenever popping a 5th level slot for Remove Disease on each member of the party during down-time becomes trivial.
You just ramp up the number of them encountered.
In practice I can't promise it would work against a level 1 party.
They certainly should be able to defeat it, since it litterally has no way of actually surviving a fight if the PCs don't run.
They can throw rocks at it if they have to.
And that is assuming they run out of ammo, or don't have ranged weapons, are out of slotted spells (or not willing to use them), no Reach weapons, and maybe a few other options I am forgetting.
The question is how many saves does the party need to make, and which members.
Again, all of this is referring to the 5e version.
I'm actually a bit of a newbie to 5e, especially the DMing side of things.
So I don't know how to decide something like that other than by assuming CR= Intended party level against a single one.
What level range would you suggest?
I'm having a hard time figuring out where I would put it in. The effects could be devastating for a low level (1-3) party or completely drain their resources trying to remove them. Even with resistances it is really easy to kill for any level party. You would have to have the monster sneak up on the party or be part of a larger encounter where there appears to be more threatening foes. Both of which could feel a bit unfair when they realize how bad the diseases they contract are. For a higher level party that could cure diseases the monster is a non-issue.
Let me double check (I have it open on my tablet now)...
Yeah, you need a 5th level slot to clear it, so it should be at least a minimal threat up to 10th level, since they would need to go outside the party to get it cured.
As for sneaking up... I intentionally made that more difficult for them by giving them disadvantage on sound-based stealth rolls due to constant coughing.
As for not knowing about how nasty the diseases are...
A Religion check, and possibly a Medicine check after that succeeds should tell them.
The short term effects (Mindfire or Severe Coughing Spasms) are straight out of Contagion
As I said, larger numbers are a good way to go.
I actually have some monsters that pair up with them very well thematically, but only a few.
And I don't think I was very good at pointing those out.
They are a bit hidden in a 3.x focused thread for more general organ undead.
I think if you change them a little bit it could be good. Such that the lungs have a little more hp however the first attack causes them to inflate very large (maybe lower movespeed) and the second pops them which also infects nearby creatures. It allows for a bit more problem solving rather than surprise.
You mean the first and second attack ON them, or are you proposing they should be a bit like Final Fantasy Bombs and that you mean the first and second attack BY them?
And would this replace their current attack?
Thematically I'm pretty adverse to giving them more hitpoints, but maybe you could talk me into the mechanical necessity of it?
first and second attack on them. Not replace their current attack but an additional mechanic. With the inflation after the first attack the players can see something bad may happen and lowered movespeed lets them position for the pop better.
the increased hp would only be so that they could survive the first hit more easily
The thematics I am going for is "Pretty delicate organ... and from someone whose function of that organ was impaired". Not even really "it is logical/makes sense" (although that applies to an extent), but just the... poetry of it.
Hmmm... maybe if you got them from a giant instead of a medium humanoid... or whatever 5e calls things.
Of course, this would require giving them a higher CR.
I'll also point out that they are resistant to bludgeoning and piercing.
Not really. The ability to lower movespeed offsets the danger. If the players no longer have to dash to get away it counts for a lot
You make an interesting point...
While I ponder that in the back of my brain, would you like to/would you do me the favor of looking at what I have for the other 5e organ undead?
Yeah sure I can
https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=15003922&postcount=29 First spoiler.
View Single Post: (Creature) (Spell) Organ Undead, Nightmares of An...
The Giant in the Playground message boards, where fans of the Order of the Stick webcomic congregate to discuss gaming and such.
Actually, for the coughing lungs, how would just flat out dropping the speed to 20' grab you?
Note: The organ undead I created also go well with skeletons.
Thematically and logistically go well with them I mean. No idea about the tactical impacts.
That would make them more usable imo. That way you could have a group sitting in trees around a path and give the players a round to position before the Lungs converge
If it is just needing a round...
IIRC it just means that one of them has to have a higher or equal passive perception number than the lowest of all the dice (2 per monster) that the group of lungs roll.
its more that the lungs have a 10ft range with a 30ft movespeed. Melee characters can't attack and move away without a chance at getting diseased
Well, I'm not a believer in "melee characters" or "ranged characters" being super-distinct in 5e.
In other words, if you don't have a back-up weapon for the one of those that you AREN'T focused on, then you deserve what you get.
But since I want this to have a wider appeal/utility since it is meant to provide encouragement and there isn't any particular thematic reason NOT to lower the speed, I suppose I probably will.
different styles of playin the game I guess. I mostly choose by character flavor rather than optimal combat build. Like my barb uses a big ass sword bows are for cowards sort of thing
Snerk yeah, either he or that attitude might not last very long in a game that I or at least one other GM I remember a comment from were running.
So, I'll probably drop the speed, but I need to think about it.
Just to be sure.
I just don't see DnD as that good of a choice for a wargame... game. There are other systems with better combat rules and less RP focused stuff
Err... we disagree then.
I think the mechanics to facilitate RP in D&D are pretty bad in any edition I'm familiar with.
At best they leave things undefined enough to get out of the way and let RP happen.
Actually, I guess I would say (EDIT: and by "say" I mean "clarify") that the way I would recommend the barbarian modify his thinking after, say, running into a flock of harpies with bows would be: "Ranged combat is for cowards... AND for killing cowards who try to enforce it."
But seriously... what about those other organs?
Heart I would knock down to 1/8th cr. It has such a low damage/healing output that it really won't do much at all
In a BIG swarm they might be scary for low levels but with any reasonable number or mixing in with other monsters I they will mostly just cause slight annoyance.
The hp is weird on them though... 3d1+12? Fancy way of saying 15 lol
Yes, yes it is.
There is another undead in that series which... pretty much requires d1's for its hitpoints for thematic reasons.
I haven't typed in the stat-block, or possibly even mentioned it exists in 5e, but it is something with literally no attacks.
No way of directly causing harm.
Eyeball that can re-play what it sees via Silent Image type projection.
With a DC of 0.
So, basically a scout.
I'm reading through fat glob right now
Fat glob needs a much higher CR
Exhaustion is very dangerous as it can only be removed by long rests which can take from 8 hours to 1 week depending on the variant rules you use. The speed is low but the hp is high and it can tank enough to get onto characters in some encounters. The saves/damage are also low but if it exhausts anyone thats putting a halt on their fun for the rest of the session/dungeon
Let me guess: I underestimated how debilitating fatigue, even capped at 3 levels is in 5e?

Level 1 isn't too bad for straight combat but beyond will **** you up big time
Yeah, I can probably scale that back to 1 level on a failed save and nothing on a successful one.
If I do that, would you still recommend increasing the CR?
Yes, anything that can give you exhaustion is going to have to be a high CR. I would recommend too making it a little bit squishier or give it some sort of vulnerability
AC 5, fire vulnerability. That not enough?
You don't have fire vuln listed
Yeah I do. Right below saves, where it is supposed to be listed.
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire
fug im blind
Depends on the CR you end up with though.
Low speed and inability to make reactions (note especially: Opportunity Attacks) should also create some tactical possibilities.
What depends on the CR? Or did you have a typo?
if they need to be squishier or not. It depends on what CR you give them
Outside of very specific special enemies from premade adventures* I can't think of any that give you levels of exhaustion off the top of my head.
had a bit of brain fart there
Yeah, these are all about the thematics.
These are "the necromantic embodiment of sloth".
Thus low speed, Str 3 -> terrible attack bonus and hitpoint damage, no reactions, Dex 1 -> AC5.
So the fatigue isn't going away. That is too core to the concept.
But yeah, I can up the CR.
Err... what spell does it take to clear fatigue... let me check...
Only one I can think of is greater restoration
Probably a rare magic item to do it too
but greater restoration is 5th level and only removes one level of exhaustion
So... CR 2? or will 1 do it?
4+ cr
That presents two issues.
The first being that for the right feel I might bump up the hitpoints even further since they are supposed to have that "massive" feel to them.
The second is that I just want to double-check that a PC with Animate Dead using one or more of those as his minions in place of a skeleton or zombie wouldn't be imbalanced.
Like I said nothing else gives exhaustion. Think black pudding for comparison, another cr 4 creature. 20ft ms, 85 hp, it has a big negative effect where it can eat away at weapons. It does have higher damage output but CR is for use as a guideline by DMs. You really don't want a DM thinking this is a lower CR monster and then have an unexpected TPK when everyone dies from failing their saves due to exhaustion.
Gaining exhaustion levels is far worse than losing a non-magical weapon.
I'm not saying that a CR of 4 or higher isn't what needs to happen.
I'm just saying that it has a ripple effect and might indicate I have an issue with the minion use (but probably not, since by the time it manages to HIT 3 times, let alone ONE monster failing 2 or 3 saves, the battle will probably be in its end stages.)
(Or you got ambushed by a bunch of very low CR creatures, and debuffing ONE of them greatly doesn't solve much.)
How annoying to remember would it be if I put in a note that a SHORT rest clears one of the levels of exhaustion from this specific type of creature?
Try not to change any standard rules for effects
Nods Further brainstorming: Another thing I could do would be to go even further with the "lazy" theme and drop the proficiency bonus to 0, making it -4 to-hit and DC 11.
Incidentally, ALL of these are meant to be additional options for Animate Dead... actually 16 rolling eyeballs are supposed to only count as a single minion as far as how many you can animate or control with a given casting for a given level of Animate Dead.
But, again, I somehow neglected to even list those as needing statting out.
You do, however, need to make Medicine (or Butcher's Tools) checks, and expend additional spell slots (sometimes requiring specific spells) to MAKE them in the first place.
Organ undead in general I mean.
Did you have any further comments on the Organ Undead?
I'm thinking of removing the "5th level slot" requirement for removing the diseases. It fits with the amount of RL resources required for (some?) cases of COVID-19, but these are designed to be a stress relief more than an object lesson and many games happen at the lower range of levels.
They don't function very good as a stress relief. They are all very tanky or have annoying effects they put on you. I would put them in the frustrating category
They are the types of undead that you really want the party to hate the creator of. Like the boss of a dungeon makes em
Clarification: Only the Coughing Lungs are meant to be stress relieving.
But that is an interesting insight never-the-less!
I assume you are looking at the 5e versions BTW?
Yes, 5e is the only dnd version I have played recently
Since that is the case, would you say that the Hopping Stomachs are the exception to the rule of "tanky, or annoying effects"?
Yes though its special of jumping above allied enemy units for line of sight is something all games I've played in ignore other than giving the chance to hit the ally on crit fail. IE you can shoot through an allies space with little danger
I'd just assign disadvantage for shooting through an ally's space, but I can see that. Some of it is I haven't fully completed the process of importing them from 3.x/PF into 5e. For instance I only just now reduced the DCs on the Gut Snakes to bring them into line with 5e. Speaking of those, do you know if "Flatulate" should be "Area Attack" or "Area Weapon Attack" or are you not sure?
I'm not sure what you mean
Flatulate Area ?Weapon? Attack: As its action plus movement once per minute a gut snake may noisily release a cloud of reeking putrid gas centered on itself which can sicken (poisoned, although this may need toning down) those within it. For a large gut snake the radius of the cloud is 10' and the Constitution Save D.C. (for the unadvanced version in each size class) to avoid being sickened for as long as the victim stays in the cloud plus 1d4+1 rounds afterward is 11. The DC is constitution based. The cloud is invisible and persists for one round per hit die of the gut snake ((Note to self: this may require some tweaking for different sizes, but for now, for this size, it works fine)). A moderate wind (11+ mph) halves the duration of the cloud; a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the cloud in 1 round.
I know the attack you are saying but not what you mean by area attack or area weapon attack. Most attacks like that just give area of effect in terms of a radius
I put question marks around the (key)word "Weapon" because I wasn't sure how it would be counted in 5e. It certainly isn't a SPELL in my intentions (which would mean you could counter-spell it, Magic Resistance would apply, and it wouldn't work in an Anti-Magic Field).
Its not really an attack, just an effect the creature makes in the area
So it would have no keywords at all?
At least in the "leader" (for lack of a better word) like I had it?
I would just look at other similar official dnd monster stat blocks for reference
I guess I just couldn't find an appropriate monster to reference in my hurry to make progress when I was statting them up...
Or rather, converting them.
BTW, a monster that does Thunder damage in a cone and can fly isn't going to be too terribly nasty, minus what you mentioned about some people preferring to remain fairly locked into ranged/melee being more distinct for non-magical attacks?
Depends on stats
Coughing Lungs, 2 or 4 more constitution points, MAYBE 1 or 2 fewer hit-dice, and the Cough replaced with a Shout.
Result: Shouting Lungs.
Which in 3.x/PF were what I modified to make the Coughing Lungs, then created the 5e Cough-ers from those since APPARENTLY I never typed in from paper/created in the first place the 5e Shouting Lungs.
And, I should have said "are the annoying" rather than "are they nasty" I think.
You said that a lot of the Organ Undead were frustrating enough that killing their creator would be an extra-satisfying climax to an adventure.
After looking through my PHB, I think that since Thunderwave is the 5e spell that best fits to be required to create them, I might add the push-back effect... maybe even make it a burst rather than a cone. How do you think that each of those two power-ups would effect the frustration level? What about their effects on the thematics?
Pushback is fine but its all on the DM for how frustrating it is. I had a game where we had a battle on a ship where one of the enemies had thunderwave, the NPC used thunderwave with all of its spell slots repeatedly trying to push us off the ship which was only 20ft wide. That was very frustrating
Sounds like an appropriately intelligent NPC. In other words to me the decision was the GM picking that spell for the NPC, more than the NPC spamming it. Although if he was up-casting it, that blurs things a bit, since perhaps there would have been other, equally mechanically effective, but more fun-for-the-players options said NPC could have used.
I guess what made it annoying was that he kept bringing the npc back. We put em to sleep with the sleep spell and he had them wake up, I killed them and he rolled death saves for them (normally doesn't do that) and they came back up, we put them down again and he had another npc come and heal them up again. So there was like no way to get rid of them. A group of your lungs could have the same effect
Don't know if this matters, but I'd probably increase the Int and Wis for the Floating Lungs (Sorry... NOT shouting... although maybe I should change that to enhance clarity, since they both "float".
("They all float down here..." ?paraphrase? of Pennywise the Clown from Steven King's "It")
Well, it is much harder (impossible?) to heal an undead.
But other than that, I take your point.
And actually, it IS possible to heal an organ undead.
Because if you are using them then you have no particular reason NOT to include the Dark Heart.
The lack of healing for undead in 5e was why I kept the effect for those down to a single hitpoint, and required a saving throw for other undead to actually gain it. Figured it balanced things out for the rarity of the effect.
You got any ideas for what mechanical penalties related to mental abilities, preferably ones that could be stacked, that could justify the players pulling from The Three Stooges for their characters' actions? To be clear, if it could be stacked, then acting on that level is only necessary if it is stacked. I'm thinking just flat penalties to ability score modifiers would be the most straight forward, but I'd like to hear your ideas too.
I'm running my game right now
Hey, when you get a chance, could you look up Death Dogs and say what you think of them in light of what you said about the Coughing Lungs? I'd link you, but apparently they aren't in the SRD, because they are in the BACK of the Monster Manual.
The disease is worse in the short term (appears to me to be instant onset and complete debilitation), and the hitpoints are much higher even after accounting for resistances. It also deals hitpoint damage, but that is a minor point.
On the flip side of the coin the Lungs can attack from outside the reach of most melee weapons, the disease is harder to cure with magic and can spread, and they have a 1 point higher AC.
Also, it is an AoE for the Lungs.
But the Death Dog is only listed as CR 1.
The lungs can fly is the biggest difference I see
So, basically, you feel like flying monsters with ranged attacks are a significant challenge? Because of what you said about roleplay reasons why some characters might not carry ranged weapons (for spellcasters: even if they don't have a ranged cantrip)?
For the lungs vs dogs the flying takes away a lot of player agency in who the lungs can target. With dogs the high con players or disease resistant ones can block for the others. Lungs with their aoe and flying does not allow that.
Ah! A valid point!
BTW, can I quote this on Giant in the Playground? I can't think WHY anyone would care about being quoted by user-name for this sort of thing, but I figured I'd ask anyway.
You can just say it, you don't need to quote me lol
It is easier to copy paste than to copy paste, then remove your name...
its whatever m8
DracoDeiToday at 3:40 AM
I have a few more 5e organ undead (Got off my butt about them since I am in a game where I can play-test them now.)
Still have many more to do, but I have actual stats for the Rolling Eyeball, Muscle Mass, and FLOATING Lungs.
View Single Post: (Creature) (Spell) Organ Undead, Nightmares of An...
The Giant in the Playground message boards, where fans of the Order of the Stick webcomic congregate to discuss gaming and such.
Feedback desired if you can.
I think the Muscle Mass may be pretty "swingy" since it emulates the effect of a 2nd level spell (albeit at touch range) so I tried to balance that by needing BOTH a to-hit roll AND a failed save with a low DC.
So powerful effect that rarely actually happens.

2013-04-01, 04:31 AM
The theme is great and corpse ripper allows a necromancer to have armies that do mor ethan just stumble around stuttering BRAINS. The organs seem a great way to use tactics and special effects to be able to defeat higher CR monsters.

I like the idea of spinning horizon inner ear and the disorientation would be great to pit against a cleric. I'm not quite so sure about the muscle mass, one reason being one could grapple the wizard and neutralise him for the encounter or grab the fighter and jump off a cliff, but the idea seems solid.

Just one question what size organs do I get when I cast corpse ripper. I may have just missed this but it doesnt seem well explained. Are they of the same size as the corpse or one or two sizes smaller?

Either way they will be great enemies against my group. The cleric won't know what hit him

2013-04-01, 01:16 PM
The theme is great and corpse ripper allows a necromancer to have armies that do mor ethan just stumble around stuttering BRAINS. The organs seem a great way to use tactics and special effects to be able to defeat higher CR monsters.
Actually, Corpse Ripper isn't where the versatility comes from. The versatility comes from the individual undead. Corpse Ripper is just a quick and dirty way of creating them. Much more efficient to actually cut up some corpses with a scalpel and cast the right combination of spells as shown in the individual entries.

I like the idea of spinning horizon inner ear and the disorientation would be great to pit against a cleric.
Why a cleric particularly?

I'm not quite so sure about the muscle mass, one reason being one could grapple the wizard and neutralize him for the encounter or grab the fighter and jump off a cliff, but the idea seems solid.
Oh dear...
I think I mentioned that the Muscle Masses were a bit unfinished?
Let me lay a few things out quick and dirty:
They can't grapple. They are spheres and have nothing to grip with.
They can bull-rush or overrun (determined by the relative size of them and their opponent), both combined with a touch attack that deals strength damage. Or just make a touch attack for strength damage.

Just one question what size organs do I get when I cast corpse ripper. I may have just missed this but it doesnt seem well explained. Are they of the same size as the corpse or one or two sizes smaller?
See the "Creating a _______" (or in some cases "Making a _______"?) section of the individual undead. It varies from organ to organ.

For instance, the Gut Snakes are the same size as the source creature for an omnivore or herbivore (what they lack in volume and mass they more than make up for in length). OTOH the Rolling Eyeballs are almost always Fine size, and the size relationship between the cadaver and the resulting slithering spinal cord depends on if the creature has a large tail.

I may be adding a reference table to Corpse Ripper summarizing that information.

Either way they will be great enemies against my group. The cleric won't know what hit him
I very much look forward to hearing your feedback from the session(s) in question. Playtest data is a rare and precious resource to me.

2013-04-02, 09:52 AM
Hi there, just subscribed and thought that you might like the idea of using a lesser version of animate undead to create the smaller versions of the creatures. So this way they can make them a few levels eariler as long as them pass the needed skill checks

Animate Dead, Lesser
School: necromancy [evil];
Level: cleric 1, sorcerer/wizard 2
Target: one corpse
Duration: instantaneous

This spell functions as animate dead, except you can only create a single Small or Medium skeleton or zombie. You cannot create variant skeletons or zombies with this spell.

2013-04-02, 10:11 AM
Hi there, just subscribed and thought that you might like the idea of using a lesser version of animate undead to create the smaller versions of the creatures. So this way they can make them a few levels eariler as long as them pass the needed skill checks

Animate Dead, Lesser
School: necromancy [evil];
Level: cleric 1, sorcerer/wizard 2
Target: one corpse
Duration: instantaneous

This spell functions as animate dead, except you can only create a single Small or Medium skeleton or zombie. You cannot create variant skeletons or zombies with this spell.

Well, if you really think it would fly with the GM?

I would at least make it Cleric 2, Sorc/Wiz 3.

EDIT: But what do you think of the undead themselves?

2013-04-02, 11:07 AM
Simply put... Perfect; you found a way to create several unqiuqe kinds of undead, a new subtype which overall they seem balanced. I think if we found a Gm that doesn't mind minions that he would love it. Once I have time i will go over each one and post my opinion.

2013-04-02, 11:52 AM
Simply put... Perfect; you found a way to create several unqiuqe kinds of undead, a new subtype which overall they seem balanced. I think if we found a Gm that doesn't mind minions that he would love it. Once I have time i will go over each one and post my opinion.
Thank you. Many people express affection for this series, but those who leave feedback beyond that (especially on later entries than the one they expressed approval of) are much fewer.

2013-04-02, 12:34 PM
Alrighty then I will now give a overview of each one, note though I will not spend alot of time on those I think that already been peached to perfection, in the case you stillwant me to give a more in depth review just say so and I will:smalltongue:.

Dark Heart:
Already pretty balanced, only thing I would worry about is someone going spam happy with the smaller one, only question then just to check balance is if the these blast can stack instead of just having a bunch of brusts. For example If i get three Tiny dark herts in the same square and have them all release their Negative Energy Pulse can we have it that they are then treated as a larger heart for both Damage and DC. Or have it that you can stitch the hearts together to make a larger heart that acts as the larger size. Imagine a group of adventures walk into a room where a minor necromancer has been slowly gathering the townsfolks hearts and have been sticthing them together to create a huge one that would wipe out the town with its negitive energy and create a new home for the undead.

Just an idea for an adventure I'm designing:smallwink:

Empty Skin:
Fine except I wish it was avalabile for the lower levels for crafting. The only time it would make sense that players would see these at higher levels and by then they are experianced enough to easily kill them. If you could asy have a way through either ritual or different crafting, say needing to have craft wondourus item and the animate spell, this would lead to a whole new set of "common undead that isn't undead" they have to be watchful for. Being more like constructs these can be similar to the problem of the Bone golem that the cleric keeps trying to turn.

Beyond that it is a fun template to use and for rp value can lead to some awsome twists. I think it just needs to be eaiser to make, but require more skill checks.

Fat Glob:
A rather nasty bugger i will tell you; I had play tested one of thesein another game in RL and I will tell you these can wreck so many things:smalltongue:. Since they are Easily controlled I had a few groups of 4 medium Fat globs teamed up with units of skellies with decent armor sword and shield. The battle happened on a ship and were acting under the orders of a Pirate Warlock (think Captain Blackbread from the Last Pirates of the Carribean) Attack a ship and ordered to throw the people over borad. Once in the water all the Globs were doing is making sure all were fatigued. Two would stay under the water while the other two stuck close to the surface to engulf them. The few that did not drown were captured. Part of the crew made it onto land and it was so much fun telling how blobs of pail yellow ooze was slowly coming out of the water. Once on land on of the fellows actually got a torch lit and started swinging cause one of the damaged ones to die. The look on there faces they got when they found out fire could hurt them was hilarousy Since they had some much hp they thought the things had a DR:smalltongue:.

Moving a long I think a DR would actully be fitting but only agianst Bludging and Piercing damage. From the way I look at it they are slow bouncy pieces of fat that you have to either put afire or cut out chucks of. Arrows would only get stuck in it or pass through. Clubs would bounce off it as would some cannonballs for the larger ones (Just thought what a huge one would look like floating it the sea with cannonballs bouncing off it:smallbiggrin:; oh the horror).

Floating Lungs:
have yet to use these but I love the idea. I think though you might want to raise the CR because of how hard they can be to damage and the ability to act as little sound bombs can be very dangourus. Next thing can you define if it is a burst effect or target based. I read over it and couldn't find which. Is it like the spell used to make it or...? In either case furhter along there is the Freqeuncy which I think should be more like (1d4) rounds for the smaller ones and increase as they get bigger. Though admittedly they do have vey little hp even when Huge so your call on that.

Well post more latter; Is this the sort of peaching you wanted or ..?

2013-04-02, 02:45 PM
I didn't sleep at all last night... I THINK the following is coherent, but no promises.

Alrighty then I will now give a overview of each one, note though I will not spend alot of time on those I think that already been peached to perfection, in the case you stillwant me to give a more in depth review just say so and I will:smalltongue:.
Well, I might change one or two things on average based on PEACHing, and not usually very complicated things.

I guess that is all it takes? Or I just got things right?

Dark Heart:
Already pretty balanced, only thing I would worry about is someone going spam happy with the smaller one, only question then just to check balance is if the these blast can stack instead of just having a bunch of brusts. For example If i get three Tiny dark herts in the same square and have them all release their Negative Energy Pulse can we have it that they are then treated as a larger heart for both Damage and DC. Or have it that you can stitch the hearts together to make a larger heart that acts as the larger size. Imagine a group of adventures walk into a room where a minor necromancer has been slowly gathering the townsfolks hearts and have been sticthing them together to create a huge one that would wipe out the town with its negitive energy and create a new home for the undead.

Just an idea for an adventure I'm designing:smallwink:
Well, it is pretty short range and vulnerable to AoEs if you stack them rather than making a bigger one in the first place.

As for your adventure idea, that sounds creative.

Empty Skin:
Fine except I wish it was avalabile for the lower levels for crafting. The only time it would make sense that players would see these at higher levels and by then they are experianced enough to easily kill them. If you could asy have a way through either ritual or different crafting, say needing to have craft wondourus item and the animate spell, this would lead to a whole new set of "common undead that isn't undead" they have to be watchful for. Being more like constructs these can be similar to the problem of the Bone golem that the cleric keeps trying to turn.

Beyond that it is a fun template to use and for rp value can lead to some awsome twists. I think it just needs to be eaiser to make, but require more skill checks.
So... I need to give the taxidermy process a GP value and have it work like normal craft checks, but with a lower DC? Probably not what you meant.

Or are you just saying I need to drop the CL 15 requirement for Animate Dead. If so, thank you for reminding me. I meant to change that, since they were one of the first ones I ever made, and back then I was worried about power creep from giving intelligent minions, however useless in combat, and even if only Int 5, at a much earlier character level.

I will at least be scaling it back to CL 10 or something, if not removing the limitation entirely.

Fat Glob:
A rather nasty bugger i will tell you; I had play tested one of thesein another game in RL and I will tell you these can wreck so many things:smalltongue:. Since they are Easily controlled I had a few groups of 4 medium Fat globs teamed up with units of skellies with decent armor sword and shield. The battle happened on a ship and were acting under the orders of a Pirate Warlock (think Captain Blackbread from the Last Pirates of the Carribean) Attack a ship and ordered to throw the people over borad. Once in the water all the Globs were doing is making sure all were fatigued. Two would stay under the water while the other two stuck close to the surface to engulf them. The few that did not drown were captured. Part of the crew made it onto land and it was so much fun telling how blobs of pail yellow ooze was slowly coming out of the water. Once on land on of the fellows actually got a torch lit and started swinging cause one of the damaged ones to die. The look on there faces they got when they found out fire could hurt them was hilarousy Since they had some much hp they thought the things had a DR:smalltongue:.

Moving a long I think a DR would actully be fitting but only agianst Bludging and Piercing damage. From the way I look at it they are slow bouncy pieces of fat that you have to either put afire or cut out chucks of. Arrows would only get stuck in it or pass through. Clubs would bounce off it as would some cannonballs for the larger ones (Just thought what a huge one would look like floating it the sea with cannonballs bouncing off it:smallbiggrin:; oh the horror).
You will note that the chart for HD goes up to 2,900 TONS. This is intentional and in the range of the displacement of a fair-sized ship. Whaling is a good source of fat, and I need to remember to include rules for adding fat to a pre-existing fat-glob. Ghost ships are cool and all, but I think the idea of a vessel that is very much solid, yet can't be sunk by just poking a few holes in it to let water in has its own merits. And the fact that one hero per round has to save against DC 91 just to be fatigued rather than exhausted if they get too close... and yet a sustained bombardment of flaming oil from ship-mounted catapults can destroy it. Definite lich-admiral command-ship potential.

Even with all that, it never occurred to me that they would be good at drowning people. Do the Koa-Toa have many necromancers among them?

Floating Lungs:
[SPOILER]have yet to use these but I love the idea. I think though you might want to raise the CR because of how hard they can be to damage and the ability to act as little sound bombs can be very dangourus. Next thing can you define if it is a burst effect or target based. I read over it and couldn't find which. Is it like the spell used to make it or...?
It is a cone, same as Shout, regardless of what spell you use to make it.

In either case furhter along there is the Freqeuncy which I think should be more like (1d4) rounds for the smaller ones and increase as they get bigger. Though admittedly they do have vey little hp even when Huge so your call on that.
The little ones can go every round without a problem I think. Why are you thinking 1d4 rounds for their only attack for say... the tiny ones?

Ugh... If the cone thing wasn't clear, then I also need to define what the two different damages mean. I think the higher one is for crystalline/ceramic objects or something...

And, yeah, they are a bit scary for the fighter types. They eat arrows for breakfast in the larger sizes, and there aren't many slashing ranged weapons. You can eat the damage once, and try to kill it before it can breath in for another blast probably... or you want flaming arrows (even mundane ones), or some good old evocation.... or whatever it is that Batman wizards do about undead. Hide from Undead (plus flight) and a surprise round could also let you slice it up before it gets an attack off on you. Of course, Protection from Energy cast for sonic on a slashy guy(plus flight) when you sight the thing can also turn it into a joke.

Well post more latter; Is this the sort of peaching you wanted or ..?
This is excellent.

Think of ways (other than grappling) to break the Muscle Masses please... I'm sure there are some.

Other than that, the newest one is the Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear.

Do you have any particular ideas about what formations these guys would be commanded into relative to a BBEG or evil adventuring party? I admit I don't actually know that much about such things...

2013-04-02, 03:21 PM
I didn't sleep at all last night... I THINK the following is coherent, but no promises.

Well, I might change one or two things on average based on PEACHing, and not usually very complicated things.

I guess that is all it takes? Or I just got things right?

If I leave it alone without saying something I just havn't got to it yet (surprised not more people have and interest to peach this:smallconfused:, it is realy good:smallsmile:) What you say inhere does make sense and I might not have been clear as I wanted to be. Most of this t my mind is right, I just like giving things a little more of a twist (rp and mechanical wise) so their will always be a surprise. Thats why I like making things a little easier to make since I want people to rp more than role dice.

Dark Heart

Well, it is pretty short range and vulnerable to AoEs if you stack them rather than making a bigger one in the first place.

As for your adventure idea, that sounds creative.

Thank you, might actuallyincorate that into my campaign for latter, Also wondering if I did post my adventure for PbP if you wouldn't mind helping me get the mechanics striaght and be apart of it? If so I will go over it a little more and give you an Idea of where it is going.

On to the heart, good point of the AoE, but what I'm met to say is have it so you can put hearts together to make a bigger one. Also just thought it would make more sense that the negitve energy they released to gether would combine and mimic a strongers heart effect. I mean how often will a necromancer get acess to a Giants heart just to make a lager one. Humans are lazy by nature so they will go for what is easiest and try to use what they have instead of how to get a bigger one.

Empty Skin

So... I need to give the taxidermy process a GP value and have it work like normal craft checks, but with a lower DC? Probably not what you meant.

Or are you just saying I need to drop the CL 15 requirement for Animate Dead. If so, thank you for reminding me. I meant to change that, since they were one of the first ones I ever made, and back then I was worried about power creep from giving intelligent minions, however useless in combat, and even if only Int 5, at a much earlier character level.

I will at least be scaling it back to CL 10 or something, if not removing the limitation entirely.

Frist question, yes give a craft check lower dc, but have it that they have to make more than one check. This way frist they have to deskin it (1st check), perpare it (2nd check), and finally enchant it (thrid check if you think it needs one more). This way there is still risk in making it but still avalible to the lower levels. I mean why would a 15th level character make one of these besides for some show. Lower levels these would actual be used as tools and weapons since this would be one of thier most powerful creations (at that level; think around 5).

Fat Glob

You will note that the chart for HD goes up to 2,900 TONS. This is intentional and in the range of the displacement of a fair-sized ship. Whaling is a good source of fat, and I need to remember to include rules for adding fat to a pre-existing fat-glob. Ghost ships are cool and all, but I think the idea of a vessel that is very much solid, yet can't be sunk by just poking a few holes in it to let water in has its own merits. And the fact that one hero per round has to save against DC 91 just to be fatigued rather than exhausted if they get too close... and yet a sustained bombardment of flaming oil from ship-mounted catapults can destroy it. Definite lich-admiral command-ship potential.

Even with all that, it never occurred to me that they would be good at drowning people. Do the Koa-Toa have many necromancers among them?

Yes Koa-toa can and have. As to they drowning it works wonders in moats (especailly engulf) since its hard to lite something one fire if it is under water. Thanks and I like the idea for a Lich Admiral:smalltongue:, riding aboard his ship of Fat, being patrolled with his skeletal minions. I wonder how transparent the fat would be? What would suck though is that the Lich could not use regular cannons, the sparks would set his boot on fire:smalltongue:.

Floating Lungs

It is a cone, same as Shout, regardless of what spell you use to make it.

The little ones can go every round without a problem I think. Why are you thinking 1d4 rounds for their only attack for say... the tiny ones?

Ugh... If the cone thing wasn't clear, then I also need to define what the two different damages mean. I think the higher one is for crystalline/ceramic objects or something...

And, yeah, they are a bit scary for the fighter types. They eat arrows for breakfast in the larger sizes, and there aren't many slashing ranged weapons. You can eat the damage once, and try to kill it before it can breath in for another blast probably... or you want flaming arrows (even mundane ones), or some good old evocation.... or whatever it is that Batman wizards do about undead. Hide from Undead (plus flight) and a surprise round could also let you slice it up before it gets an attack off on you. Of course, Protection from Energy cast for sonic on a slashy guy(plus flight) when you sight the thing can also turn it into a joke.

This one just needs its abilies defined a bit more becides that it is balanced for as you said it can be dangourus to the unperpared. But so can anything else so we are good here. This would be a fun one to have hiding around a catherdral's rafters and swooping down. Just think a cabal is having its celebrations when the heros come a knocking but they keep singing thier prayers. So just when the players attack they are blasted a way from the floating lungs. Reason being they were ordered to "silance any who don't speak in the touge of the infernal while in the unhallowed halls":smalltongue:.

This is excellent.

Think of ways (other than grappling) to break the Muscle Masses please... I'm sure there are some.

Other than that, the newest one is the Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear.
Thanks, glad I am able to help. I will read over both of those next and see what I can think of.

Do you have any particular ideas about what formations these guys would be commanded into relative to a BBEG or evil adventuring party? I admit I don't actually know that much about such things...

Do you mean those I have commented on or the Muscle Masses andSpinning-Horizon Inner Ear? Or both.

2013-04-02, 06:31 PM
Muscle Mass
Frist thing redo description, had to go to creation to understand what it was gong to look like, much less what it was. Second define if they fly or actaully roll on the ground; could be seen as both from how you describe it in combat. Thrid can you expain what you mean by

"Do note that due to their tendency to roll directly in whatever direction they are going and make sharp turns, that designing and constructing saddlebags for a muscle mass that don't result in the cargo getting squashed is a non-trivial task. Draft harnesses are also difficult since the major area(s) of contact must sustain rubbing contact as the muscle mass rolls along. Simply greasing the area tends to coat the ball in grease, either rubbing it off entirely, or leading to a loss of traction. Crude roller-bearings are often employed."

Other than that a good concept. I realy like the idea of using them as throwing weapons. Expesional in put in the hands of ghouls who are intellignet enough to use them. Also would be a good idea to hide the smaller ones in crevices with a trap that turns off the lights, then these thing will just pop the people who are now flat footed. Another thing would be use the larger ones like the Indian jones boulder, but this one can fallow you and won't get tierd of running.

Give an Reflfex save to aviod the touch, or allow and escape artist check; all that I can think of for now

Suggestions for new body parts of undead
-Nose (beware the snoot of doom; negitivly enhanced and nauseating; maybe add a contact disease that causes a player to consatnly sneeze till there nose falls off and turns into a Snoot Canoon. Think of it as a range Debuffer that spawns if given enough time.)

2013-04-02, 09:55 PM
Muscle Mass
Frist thing redo description, had to go to creation to understand what it was gong to look like, much less what it was.

Second define if they fly or actaully roll on the ground; could be seen as both from how you describe it in combat.
They roll, but they also have really good jump checks.

Thrid can you expain what you mean by

"Do note that due to their tendency to roll directly in whatever direction they are going and make sharp turns, that designing and constructing saddlebags for a muscle mass that don't result in the cargo getting squashed is a non-trivial task. Draft harnesses are also difficult since the major area(s) of contact must sustain rubbing contact as the muscle mass rolls along. Simply greasing the area tends to coat the ball in grease, either rubbing it off entirely, or leading to a loss of traction. Crude roller-bearings are often employed."
I... COULD explain the physical effects better, but I would need some pretty good pictures, or a LOT of words.

Comes down to, pack-saddles and draft-harnesses for them are complicated and expensive. Meaning that that massive strength score isn't quite so easy to use for relocating smallish pyramids to locations with better feng shui(sp?). You can DO it, but you better have someone on hand with ranks in Knowledge(Architecture and Engineering) and skilled craftsmen to keep the equipment working.

Other than that a good concept. I realy like the idea of using them as throwing weapons. Expesional in put in the hands of ghouls who are intellignet enough to use them. Also would be a good idea to hide the smaller ones in crevices with a trap that turns off the lights, then these thing will just pop the people who are now flat footed.
All their attacks are touch attacks anyway. They aren't going to have too much of a hard time hitting, especially the larger ones. Still, every little bit helps, and they DO have poor BAB, like almost all undead.

Another thing would be use the larger ones like the Indian jones boulder, but this one can follow you and won't get tierd of running.
This is both horrific and hilarious. I fully approve. EDIT 2022: Reminds me of an early scene in "UHF" starring 'Wierd' Al Yankovic.

Give an Reflfex save to aviod the touch, or allow and escape artist check; all that I can think of for now

Touch attacks don't really need to be rewritten in my opinion. And you can always oppose grapple checks with escape artist... except if you are at Str 0 and litterally can't move. The sitting on people to crush the breath out of them is just how they actually can kill people in an unmixed group when there aren't any cliffs handy to bull-rush foes off of.

Suggestions for new body parts of undead
-Nose (beware the snoot of doom; negitivly enhanced and nauseating; maybe add a contact disease that causes a player to consatnly sneeze till there nose falls off and turns into a Snoot Canoon. Think of it as a range Debuffer that spawns if given enough time.)
I would be the sinuses, since the "nose" is technically part of the skin. Not sure about snot-attacks. The Gut Snakes are horrifying if played right... that would just be silly, and I am trying to cut back on that aspects. The card game "Munchkin" had a floating nose in there somewhere, so the silly is strong with this idea. Then again the idea of Grease via mucus has a certain appeal to it. Not to mention scent tracking.

Tough call...

2013-04-06, 06:11 PM
I have clarified the fat-globs in terms of the Engulf (I THINK that is RAI for how oozes with Engulf work, but I am not sure), and the muscle-mass(in terms of how the attacks work in the first place, including how they actually kill their victims).

Modified section for Fat-Globs, with modifications in red.
Engulf (Ex): Although it moves slowly, a fat glob can simply mow down creatures of equal or smaller size class as a standard action. It cannot make a slam attack during a round in which it engulfs. The fat glob merely has to move over the opponents, affecting as many as it can cover. Opponents can make opportunity attacks against the glob, but if they do so they are not entitled to a saving throw. Those who do not attempt attacks of opportunity must succeed on a Reflex save or be engulfed (see following chart for DCs for standard fat globs); on a success, they are pushed back or aside (opponent’s choice) as the glob moves forward. Engulfed creatures are subject to the glob’s fatigue and suffocation, and are considered to be grappled and trapped within its body (until and unless they fight free as per normal for a grapple). The save DC is Strength-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.
Small| 9|4

Here is the added sections (other than listing "Sit" on the tables) for the Muscle Masses. I also deleted some stuff in the combat section that was left over from the dark-heart copy-pasta.
Sit(Ex): This is what passes for a finishing blow from a muscle mass, and functions only against living opponents that breath, and are both prone and have a strength of 0 (NOT a non-ability). It simply rolls to where-ever its weight will do the most good at preventing the weakened muscles of a creature from inhaling (not sticking itself down the throat), a vague instinctive for things related to muscular action guiding it to the optimal position. This deals damage as follows through a combination of crushing under the soft weight of the mass and damage to muscular tissues, and also (provided the muscle mass is no more than one size class smaller than the victim) prevents breathing for that round. This requires a full round spent atop the victim, performing no other actions. Note that this causes strength damage (or drain for the Colossal ones) automatically each round as well, although generally this will not prove relevant.
{table="head"]Size|Damage (DC)
Fine | 1d2
Diminutive| 1d3
Tiny | 1d4
Small | 1d6
Medium | 1d8
Large | 2d6
Huge | 2d8
Gargantuan| 4d6
Colossal | 4d8

2013-04-06, 07:10 PM
Those look much better, I will post more tomarrow after I finish some homework and the 32 levels to my 50th level character:smalleek:

2013-04-06, 07:32 PM
Oh, incidentally, I removed the caster-level minimum from the Empty Skins (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003641&postcount=8), and started the process of tweaking how much they count for for control pools. Note that they weren't really supposed to be useful in combat, just smart, obedient, and attractive... they are for creating atmosphere first, trickery second, and combat a distant third.

My play-test character (who I will link to at a later time) has exactly one of these... a puppy, which he keeps in a scroll case whenever there is the least danger to his precious childhood pet. Noting that I am swapping all of these to Deathless and Neutral Good for the purposes of said play-test, since I am most comfortable playing Good characters... although even Evil characters can love their pets.

I am also curious to know what people think of the text formatting of the names of the creatures above their individual spoilers. It adds atmosphere, and maybe even "scrolling through quickly" recognition in some cases, but readability takes a bit of a hit. I know from Vorpal Tribble's old contests that some creative formatting can be good, but even back then I would push the envelop on that sort of thing in some of his contests (the Gut Snake and the Fractal Bear).

EDIT: While going through and adding/expanding sections for the Summon Undead series of spells, I was struck by inspiration:

Slaughter Ripper
Necromancy [Evil]
Level: Clr 9, Death 9, Sor/Wiz 9, Dread Necromancer 8
Range: 30 ft.
Area: 30 ft. spread
Targets: One corpse per 3 caster levels.

This spell functions as per Corpse Ripper, except as noted above or following.

Slaughter Ripper effects corpses of at least Tiny size, starting with those closest to the caster (considered as a spread) and working outward. If corpses still remain after this process is completed, then animates those, plus the closest additional corpses of Diminutive or Fine sizes.

The material components merely need to be held.

Corpse Ripper is repeated below for your convenience.
Corpse Ripper
Necromancy [Evil]
Level: Clr 6, Death 6, Sor/Wiz 6, Dread Necromancer 6
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Targets: One corpse
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell causes a corpse to levitate up, hanging with its feet in contact with the ground in a limp standing position (or not, if the creature usually crawls like a snake). It then flays itself, the skin falling to the ground and rotting away within minutes, the brain oozing out of the nose to reform unharmed on the ground.The fat collects itself together in a pile lying near to the feet of the corpse (or beside the corpse for snakes etc), followed by the muscles sloughing off to rot with the skin and the spinal cord slithering out from behind the base of the pelvis. Several of the organs of the torso depart under independent locomotion. Finally the skeleton animates.

This spell generates all possible of the following undead from the corpse (most numbers are merely general rules, which should be obvious in most cases):
A Dark Heart (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003631&postcount=7)
A single Fat Glob (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003674&postcount=11) (provided the corpse has at least 60 pounds of fat)
A pair of Floating Lungs (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003697&postcount=12), which is a single creature.
A Gut Snake (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003712&postcount=13)
One Hopping Stomach (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003720&postcount=14) for each stomach the corpse has (assume one when in doubt).
A Muscle Mass (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003739&postcount=15)
One Rolling Eyeball (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003743&postcount=16) for each eye the corpse has.
A Sinister Spinal Cord (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003762&postcount=17)
A Skeleton (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/skeleton.htm)
Slithering Liver (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003823&postcount=20)
Two Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003833&postcount=21)s (or more in the case of multi-headed creatures).
A Zooming Brain (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003845&postcount=22) (or more than one in the case of multi-headed creatures)

Note that this spell gives no options about the number and type of undead it creates and that it specifically does NOT create an Empty Skin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003641&postcount=8) or a Skulking Bladder (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15003792&postcount=19).

The skeleton starts in the same space the corpse occupied, the others start within the skeleton's same space if small enough to occupy it without squeezing. The other organs must be placed at the caster's discretion adjacent to the skeleton (remember that some of them can fly). All undead created by this spell may act as soon as the spell is completed (note that this usually does NOT allow time for the caster to make a Rebuke/Command Undead check unless they can do so as an immediate action).

No skill checks or non-onyx material components (repair materials for the skull, etc) are required for this spell, nor are the additional spells that are otherwise required for the creation of certain of the undead this spell creates.

This spell uses the same rules for control and the same control pool as Animate Dead (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/animateDead.htm), suffers from a 20 HD cap on the maximum size of the undead that may be created (any undead that fall over this limit are not created, but this does not cause the overall spell to fail), unlike [I]Animate Dead this spell may be cast at any time of day.
Dread Necromancers ignore the 20 HD cap.
Material Component
Black onyx gems worth at least 50 gp per Hit Die of the undead that this spell will create (you may NOT choose to create less undead from a given corpse than this spell is capable of creating from said corpse) these components only need be manipulated as normal for spellcasting, rather than needing to be placed into the mouth or eye socket of the corpse. The magic of the spell turns these gems into worthless, burned-out shells.

2013-04-07, 12:18 AM
Wait! How can you create a spinal cord AND a skeleton from the same corpse? Wouldn't the skelely need a spine?

2013-04-07, 01:34 AM
Wait! How can you create a spinal cord AND a skeleton from the same corpse? Wouldn't the skelely need a spine?
Reasonable question.

Vertibrae are part of the skeleton. The actual spinal cord (a bundle of nerves) is not. You cut the spinal column open at one or more of the disks get the spinal cord out, and then throw the vertibrae on the heap before you animate the skeleton. You don't even patch anything back together like you do with the skull after removing the brain to make a Zooming Brain.

What did you think of them other than that?

Sidenote: Besides Human Common/Warrior 1s, what do people want to see as Empty Skin examples, Zooming Brain Examples, and/or listed out for Corpse Ripper?

2013-04-11, 01:10 AM
I have been working on the Summon Undead interface, and have added the following clarification to the rolling eyeballs.
The size of the image can be varied between as small as 1 inch across, to as large as 10 feet across, however it is always limited by the visual acuity of the eye. The brightness can be controlled (although it sheds no light on other objects), allowing, for instance, a human necromancer to gain the full benefits of an eye from a creature with low-light vision. Similarly, other types of visual cues are transcribed in a way that is visible to even a human (provided the viewer makes any necessary spot checks).

2013-04-12, 10:02 PM
Which of the following formats do people prefer for how these interact with the Summon Undead line?


Add the following sizes and hitdies of Dark Hearts to the list of things summonable with the Summon Undead line of spells.

I| --

II|standard Fine

III|standard Diminutive

IV|Advanced Diminutive (6HD)

V|standard Tiny

VI*|Advanced Tiny (12 HD)

VII*|standard Small

VIII*|Advanced Small (24 HD)

IX*|standard Medium
As always, you can use a spell from the Summon Undead series to summon 2 undead from the list for 1 spell level lower, or 4 undead from the list for 2 spell levels lower.

*This spell does not, to my knowledge, exist a-priori of this project. I might brew it up later, although it is going to be a bit narrow-focus unless other people jump on the homebrewing bandwagon.


Add 1 standard Fine Dark-Heart to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead II.
Add 1 standard Diminutive Dark-Heart to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead III.
Add 1 Advanced Diminutive Dark-Heart (6 HD) to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead IV.
Add 1 standard Tiny Dark-Heart to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead V.
Add 1 Advanced Tiny Dark-Heart (12 HD) to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead VI.
Add 1 standard Small Dark-Heart to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead VII*.
Add 1 Advanced Small Dark-Heart (24HD) to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead VIII*.
Add 1 standard Medium Dark-Heart to the list of things that may be summoned with Summon Undead IX*.

As always, you can use a spell from the Summon Undead series to summon 2 undead from the list for 1 spell level lower, or 4 undead from the list for 2 spell levels lower.

*This spell does not, to my knowledge, exist a-priori of this project. I might brew it up later, although it is going to be a bit narrow-focus unless other people jump on the homebrewing bandwagon.

2013-04-12, 10:09 PM
Personaly the frist one, will post more on the creatures tomarrow sorry for taking so long to respond:smalleek:

2013-04-12, 10:39 PM
Personaly the frist one, will post more on the creatures tomarrow sorry for taking so long to respond:smalleek:
Not a problem. I have been finding lots of stuff to work on in this project.

One or two things I failed to respond to:

On the idea that ganging together smaller Dark Hearts should produce the effect of a larger one, so you don't have to go hunt down a Giant:

Half of the balance and interest of these is that they require additional roleplay. I don't want to encourage laziness.
Think less "Giant" and more "Elephant", "Orca", and "Blue Whale". While harder to find (depending on campaign), and less Eeeeevil, they are a lot lower CR, and nobody is going to care to much if you go hunting odd game (or perfectly normal game in some cases if your campaign has a whaling industry). You are just an eccentric guy who is good at killing stuff and wants a change of pace in game in between serious challenges. Ok, so you might get a druid on your case, but probably not even that if you are discrete.

Fat Globs DO have DR (it is overcome by slashing damage), and are outright immune to bludgeoning.

In other news, I may be adding some turn resistance to some of these, such as the Muscle Masses. Also might change "Easily Controlled" on the Fat Globs from 1/4 HD to 1/3 HD. Both changes are because of the GM for one of my campaigns pointing out that one of my minions was higher CR than I was (or would be if it wasn't a Gestalt game).

2013-04-12, 10:45 PM
I have to ask, with weird necromancer surgeons and evil clerics, could a living being have some of these organ undead grafted to it? (with some nasty side effects of course?), like someone who has had fat globs shoved into its body, or has a dark heart instead of a normal one?

2013-04-13, 12:51 AM
I have to ask, with weird necromancer surgeons and evil clerics, could a living being have some of these organ undead grafted to it? (with some nasty side effects of course?), like someone who has had fat globs shoved into its body, or has a dark heart instead of a normal one?

I don't know... are there rules for undead grafts beyond that one PrC with the undead arm?

If so, you probably COULD do it maybe, but... what would be the point?

The heart beats once every 6 seconds canonically, so even if you had Tomb Tainted Soul, it wouldn't be any good for moving blood around if you stuck to that.

I guess you could stab your giant beer-belly and have have a psuedo-pod reach out to cause fatigue... as extra attacks go, a DC 9 Touch of Fatigue isn't so great.

I guess I am saying that there might be some potential, but I would have to see some rules for undead grafts (maybe from "How to Attach Everything to Everything, Grafts that Don't Make Me Cry Myself to Sleep at Night"... don't know if that covers undead), and even then it wouldn't be an entirely straight-forward process. They would need to be powered up a bit probably, and/or give some biologically related function. That second one is problematic because many of these things have REVERSED functionality, with the brains causing brainlessness, the hearts killing, and the muscles causing weakness.

2013-04-13, 01:00 AM
Libris Mortis has rules for grafts, but it's rather luckluster, though I believe Lords of Madness also has some grafts (not sure if there are any undead ones though). I would suggest to look at the symbiotes in the Eberron books, if you have them, if you do plan to make options to use them as grafts.

What about grafts that are bad for you, like cursed items being the inverse to magic items? Can you imagine someone being forcibly implanted, especially a PC, and then requiring a quest to remove it?

I would give a proper peach on the organs, but I think they are really cool how they are and don't have much more input than that.

2013-04-13, 02:33 AM
Eh, long story short. Harmful grafts aren't likely to be something I would do unless it were something that could be used for either leverage, or maybe a really torturous revenge. But the second would be hard to make work without making the character useless for adventuring.

Others should feel free. I don't really go in for Bond-Villian-esque overly-complicated kills.

I suppose I might do something like a magical band that can be implanted around the heart of a living being. Which can be triggered (either by the creature it is implanted in or via a command word spoken to the creature) that would convert their lifeforce into a single super-powerful Dark Heart-like pulse. Maybe it deals the creature's hitpoints, save for half. Would have to be hard to make though, or you get PC necromancers abusing it with draft horses.

Similarly, the possibility for Corpse Ripper... even triggering on death from other causes... could be a good deterrent, especially for VIPs with NPC levels.

2013-04-13, 02:49 AM
just...to ask a stupid question...could you make acidic, poisonous, disease spreading, or at least nauseating sweat glands...just...asking...sorry its 12:49 AM right here and my brain gets weird...XD

2013-04-13, 03:18 AM
just...to ask a stupid question...could you make acidic, poisonous, disease spreading, or at least nauseating sweat glands...just...asking...sorry its 12:49 AM right here and my brain gets weird...XD
Eeeeh... maybe a variant empty skin (since the skin contains the sweat glands). But yeah, probably not.

2013-06-17, 10:50 PM
I got a PM, so I am going to exercise my "I started a Homebrew thread, so I am allowed to bump it." privileges and copy it over here to reply to it.

Reading through the undeads again as the campaign mentioned before died young, and I've just recently revived it.
Please tell me how it goes after using them? The pre-play ideas are very useful, but post-play is even better.

Loving the flavor on these, and it's pretty awesome that the added versatility of more undeads is balanced out by flavorful skill checks, or the necessity of devoting slots to other spells.
Thank you.

Mostly because of this I'm afraid I've turned to disfavor the spells that allow them to be easily made, <SNIP>
Well, they require twice as expensive of a material component, and a much higher level spell slot, aren't as effective about the Muscle Masses and Fat Globs (since 4 4 HD undead aren't as useful as one 16 HD undead of the same type) and you don't get to pick what animates, so you can easily end up with useless (to the situation you are in) or uncontrolled undead. Note that it is touch range, so those uncontrolled undead are probably going to be right next to you.

Do you think I should further increase the inefficiency of the material component?

Or maybe they are fine for most games, but you should house-rule them away?

What does everyone think?

Dark heart: might want to give it hide to go with it's move silently as I fear the smaller ones might not survive long otherwise. Still there are some fun ways to cover this as needed like having it close to a victim, though I'd still consider hide skill for completeness.
I can list their hide checks, which should be decent enough just based on the size bonuses, and the larger ones shouldn't be that stealthy anyway (although skill-ranks may alter that, in which case I may end up making the number of ranks constant, rather than HD based.

Empty Skin: I'm gonna suggest a HD cap equal to the caster's CL as it seems a bit tougher then your normal animate dead. This is mostly due to hollowness and fast healing though lifelike can make them stronger in another way. Still well balanced though.

Rolling eyeball: might consider climb, or the ability to roll up surfaces just because as it is it can roll down but not up. (First one I plan to use, dropped discretely by some zombie ravens.)
Climb? Probably not. No manipulative appendages and I don't want to make them Spider-Climb like... maybe as an "Improved" version. Now JUMP, that I might do.

Will probably drop a floating lungs in too for fun. Also more pointing out then complaining, but no CR on brains. I would be tempted to say ability score damage-> somewhere 3+, though considering that the low HP potentially brings this down you could probably do it similarly to the liver, but with a boost of one or two for it being an aura.
Ummm... I don't think you quite understand the problem, or maybe you just omitted a key phrase. The problem is that a zooming brain made from an elephant is slightly different from one made from a Small animal with identical mental ability scores to said elephant. And both of those are very different from one made from a human with 10's in all mental ability scores, and all of those are very different from one made from an exceptional human with Int 18, Wis 16, and Cha 16.[/QUOTE]
Thus my listing of specific examples, which COULD maybe be given CRs.

So WHICH version of a zooming brain would be CR 3 in your opinion?

Anywho hope this helps :smallbiggrin:
Yes, yes it does.

2013-06-18, 05:42 PM
Yup I was looking at the individual threads, so hopefully I didn't miss any important changes. :smallbiggrin:

Pre-play/post-play: I know, though I figured since I told you I'd be running it before this thread was up, I may as well toss an update. :smallbiggrin:

Double material components: Hmm, I think it'd be nifty if there were spells that expedite the crafting, and require the caster to at least have ready any required spells, and still make the required skill checks. The reacl core of the issue isn't the idea, but how players will probably use it. I play many epic and higher power level games, and the occasional level 1 game. In games where I would expect hoards of these, players are vary likely to either have the epic ignore material components feat, or be using some fishy method to obtain large sums of wealth, then using that wealth to bypass other requirements for the undeads. I know I personally make these virtually impossible, but I find most players still expect them to be viable. Overall material components aren't going to signify a grater investment as well as skills, or spell slots. That's what I was considering that made me reconsider some of my previous comments in the other thread about the corpse ripper spell. The undeads above have a wide range of abilities and uses that aren't all found in the books offering more versatility, it seems only reasonable for there to be some character investment for that. :smalltongue: In any case it's not as much a problem in my game as NPCs are using them anyways, and I freely houserule things so no worries there, just thought I'd bring the concern to your attention. All the same just clarify, I don't think it's a bad call on summon undead as that's slightly different.

Hide checks for dark hearts: Ah, point. I had forgotten about size.

Climb/jump: I was working along the lines of rolling, and how sometimes things can for instance roll along walls. Overall though it' just the concern of a second undead being necessary to elevate them whenever they're used... :smallconfused:

Zooming: Hmm... so speed is based on size, damage by int, manuverablity by wis, and aura range by size... I'm starting to see a vary convoluted CR formula coming... :smalltongue: Hmm. Well my first thought is that were aura range based off cha (more charismatic thoughts influencing more people), and flight peed something like the sum of all mental ability modifiers times 5', then you could probably do a simple formula where you use the sum of all mental multiplirs to do CR allowing maneuverability, aura effect, and aura range to be favored by the caster, as the three really play in together to decide how hard it is to beat... Though that would just be me scribbling all over your homebrew, so no need... :smallbiggrin:

2013-06-18, 11:44 PM
Yup I was looking at the individual threads, so hopefully I didn't miss any important changes. :smallbiggrin:

Pre-play/post-play: I know, though I figured since I told you I'd be running it before this thread was up, I may as well toss an update. :smallbiggrin:
Thank for doing so!

Double material components: Hmm, I think it'd be nifty if there were spells that expedite the crafting, and require the caster to at least have ready any required spells, and still make the required skill checks. The reacl core of the issue isn't the idea, but how players will probably use it. I play many epic and higher power level games, and the occasional level 1 game. In games where I would expect hoards of these, players are vary likely to either have the epic ignore material components feat,
Spending an Epic Feat on it is not a trivial thing, although that feat is a solid investment for clerics seeking to make Death's Revolving Door a well greased one.

or be using some fishy method to obtain large sums of wealth, then using that wealth to bypass other requirements for the undeads. I know I personally make these virtually impossible, but I find most players still expect them to be viable. Overall material components aren't going to signify a grater investment as well as skills, or spell slots.
I thought about the spells slots, but rejected it as too complicated. You have actually inspired me to consider adding skill-rank requirements to casting the spell. Perhaps 14 ranks in either Heal or Craft[Butcher] (The character can have either, I'm not going to pick one). That would be the maximum ranks you can have in a skill at level 11, which is when you get access to this spell. I would say that you have to roll to create them, but unless I made it all or nothing, then you could cheese that by intentionally failing the rolls for the undead you don't want that would otherwise go uncontrolled and attack you.

Also, I should specify that you can grab 1,000+ GP worth of black onyx and cast the spell, and it will only use up the amount actually needed.

One thing you may not realize is that that spell is the ONLY way a single-classed character can easily create all of these by themselves, since the spells to create them come from varied spell lists.

Another point is that the spell is the same level as Create Undead, and most necromancers are going to be a lot more concerned about getting the RIGHT mix of special abilities (and thus, at the least, using this spell during down time and killing off the unwanted organs) or focusing on Ghouls and other intelligent undead granted by (Greater) Create Undead.

Yet another point is that if you look at my listings, you MAY see (I haven't rigorously looked into this myself) that your average humanoid will be a BIG reload, and thus a necromancer would have to have had a significant number of HD of undead wiped out to use this as a during/between encounters in a day.

That's what I was considering that made me reconsider some of my previous comments in the other thread about the corpse ripper spell. The undeads above have a wide range of abilities and uses that aren't all found in the books offering more versatility, it seems only reasonable for there to be some character investment for that.
Oh, indeed. That is why the skill checks and extra spells were a big deal in the first place, I just thought that at higher levels there ought to be a way to get around that... plus the image of a single corpse bursting apart into about 10* different undead can be a real "Oh, #@@#$!" moment or at least visceral (with authentic viscera!) moment.

*2 eyes, two inner ears, brain, skeleton, liver, heart, lungs, muscles, and maybe fat)

:smalltongue: In any case it's not as much a problem in my game as NPCs are using them anyways, and I freely houserule things so no worries there, just thought I'd bring the concern to your attention. All the same just clarify, I don't think it's a bad call on summon undead as that's slightly different.
You mean I made the right call on adding them to the lists?

Hide checks for dark hearts: Ah, point. I had forgotten about size.

Climb/jump: I was working along the lines of rolling, and how sometimes things can for instance roll along walls. Overall though it' just the concern of a second undead being necessary to elevate them whenever they're used... :smallconfused:
They can patrol on a given floor, or roll under a door and back to get information. Once I add the jumping stuff, they should be able to hop up staircases one step at a time well enough. They aren't supposed to be GOOD scouts as far as their ability to GET places, but more CHEAP ones, and very very accurate ones (since you can "review the tape" as many times as you like until you redeploy them).

Zooming: Hmm... so speed is based on size, damage by int, manuverablity by wis, and aura range by size... I'm starting to see a vary convoluted CR formula coming... :smalltongue: Hmm. Well my first thought is that were aura range based off cha (more charismatic thoughts influencing more people),
Ah, but the charisma sets the DC!

and flight peed something like the sum of all mental ability modifiers times 5', then you could probably do a simple formula where you use the sum of all mental multiplirs to do CR allowing maneuverability, aura effect, and aura range to be favored by the caster, as the three really play in together to decide how hard it is to beat... Though that would just be me scribbling all over your homebrew, so no need... :smallbiggrin:
Yeah, I'd prefer to just set some CRs for the individual examples to start with (and I think I may have been doing so as I went).

2013-06-19, 12:01 AM
I cant wait to see the juggernaut thing :D

2013-06-19, 12:58 AM
I cant wait to see the juggernaut thing :D
...you want the template first or a single example that might not PRECISELY match the eventual template?

Going to be a non-trivial task in either case, and I have other stuff on my plate... not a lot of stuff, it is just that I have a very small "plate" for the last few years (working on fixing that).

2013-06-19, 01:32 AM
i wanna see the template

2013-06-19, 07:52 AM
Epic feat investment: more that they'd be getting it more for other spells like resurrection. At the end of the day undead creation is pretty cheep until you start creating millions of HD. Also don't forget the classic wealth breaking tricks that less GMs disallow then I'd like. Hire untrained assistants and have them aid another for your craft check, cast wall of salt and sell lots of pricy salt, any of the true creation tricks, get an Su or spell-like wish and wish for 25k gold of components.

Spell requirements: You may have a point. Guess you could do multiple skills, or pick something from the cleric and sorcerer/wizard list for each. Most necromancers end up drawing from thee lists in some form at the end of the day. Perhaps some off the dread necromancer list especially. :smallconfused: I admit a little tricky :smalltongue:

Single corpse, lots of HD: I tend to see this as more of an advantage to the necromancer then a disadvantage. Ones it doesn't like are sent to the fore-ground, and at the end of the day there's just more HD for less corpse gathering. Though you may have a point with them having higher turn resistance. Still many of them are only for the check, not HD commanded.

Summon undead: I think so. I haven't really looked at their power level compared with the stuff there, but it certainly makes it more interesting. :smallbiggrin:

rolling eyes: I suppose.

"Yeah, I'd prefer to just set some CRs for the individual examples to start with (and I think I may have been doing so as I went)." Yup, I usually do it the other way around. :smallbiggrin: (possibly why it's a pain for me)

Zooming brain: Ah, I was mostly suggesting that were it all based on mental mods it might be simpler to not do the examples by size, but by sum of mental mods. :smallbiggrin: In any case I'll trust you have your own ideas.

2013-06-19, 07:04 PM
Epic feat investment: more that they'd be getting it more for other spells like resurrection. At the end of the day undead creation is pretty cheep until you start creating millions of HD. Also don't forget the classic wealth breaking tricks that less GMs disallow then I'd like. Hire untrained assistants and have them aid another for your craft check, cast wall of salt and sell lots of pricy salt, any of the true creation tricks, get an Su or spell-like wish and wish for 25k gold of components.
I hear different things about the costs of undead being important/unimportant.

Spell requirements: You may have a point. Guess you could do multiple skills, or pick something from the cleric and sorcerer/wizard list for each. Most necromancers end up drawing from thee lists in some form at the end of the day. Perhaps some off the dread necromancer list especially. :smallconfused: I admit a little tricky :smalltongue:
I don't know what is on the Dread Necromancer list, however, I intend to make it so Dread Necromancers get all the required spells added to their lists, but ONLY for the purposes of creating these undead. They ARE supposed to be the masters of undeath after all... seems unfair not to allow them to create these things well.

Single corpse, lots of HD: I tend to see this as more of an advantage to the necromancer then a disadvantage. Ones it doesn't like are sent to the fore-ground, and at the end of the day there's just more HD for less corpse gathering.
Out of combat that may usually apply (but it is GP inefficient) in most cases.

In-combat, you end up getting attacked by whatever you can't control. If you can control everything, great. You just send what you don't like to the front lines and if it survives the fight you kill it yourself if you want to.

Though you may have a point with them having higher turn resistance. Still many of them are only for the check, not HD commanded.
Actually, for most of them it IS for HD commanded, since that is how the [Organ Undead] sub-type causes them to work. I added that trait to them* for that very reason.
*I think I got all of them at least in the Type/Subtype line, if not in the text below. I just added it to the Fat Globs, but that is an unusual case, since the sub-type is overridden by "Easily Controlled".

Summon undead: I think so. I haven't really looked at their power level compared with the stuff there, but it certainly makes it more interesting. :smallbiggrin:
Glad to have that verified, at least a little.

rolling eyes: I suppose.

"Yeah, I'd prefer to just set some CRs for the individual examples to start with (and I think I may have been doing so as I went)." Yup, I usually do it the other way around. :smallbiggrin: (possibly why it's a pain for me)
You mean setting the CR adjustment for the template before that of the individual examples? Yeah, so do I, but as noted, this is a complex mess for flavor/roleplay reasons. It rewards hunting down superior specimens, if only by selecting things other than the common varieties of humanoid.

Zooming brain: Ah, I was mostly suggesting that were it all based on mental mods it might be simpler to not do the examples by size, but by sum of mental mods. :smallbiggrin: In any case I'll trust you have your own ideas.
See above.

EDIT: I have added the [Organ Undead] type to the Size/Type lines in several cases (probably ones that don't have turn resistance, and thus it wasn't as important to edit it in), and otherwise improved the tables a bit. I have two ways of formatting the explanation of the Organ Undead type that I have in some of the individual monster types. One is a direct copy of how I explain it initially (outside any monster entry) and the other is striped down to it mechanical effect. Not sure which version I will use. What do people think?

Option 1:

Organ Undead: For purposes of controlling or creation add the turn resistance of an undead with this subtype to its hitdice in all cases rather than only for turning/rebuking/commanding/destroying. Note especially that this applies to how many hitdice worth of the Animate Dead control pool it takes up.

Undead with this subtype often require additional spells to create in the simplest way, in addition to skill (or luck) with cutting up inanimate corpses to remove the organ.

Option 2:
Organ Undead: For purposes of controlling or creation add a <Name of Monster>'s turn resistance to its hitdice in all cases rather than only for turning/rebuking/commanding/destroying.

2013-06-19, 10:56 PM
"I hear different things about the costs of undead being important/unimportant."
Yeah, that's because in the end it's dependent on two things. First f the GM allows the above stated methods/if the player uses them, and if not, then on how the player plays necromancers. Take for instance a necromancer I'm currently playing. It' level 15, and the game is low optimization, therefore I am going for an army of ~7000 undeads of relatively low HD. This is rather easy to destroy and expensive to make. Alternatively I could command a thousand ~60HD undeads. (Same price, harder to kill, so I'll probably be going with the former to keep in line with the overall power level.) Alternatively I could make an army of ~18 undeads who together have a greater combat potential to either army, but with a significantly lower investment. This is done by using the versatility of having more undeads in the books then just skeletons and zombies, and using them with a few spells that work nicely with undeads. The GM decided to allow spells to replace material components, so the whole horde is dirt cheep anyways, but the point remains that those were the three options I was considering. So yeah, if you just want an army that looks big and evil like it's expensive, though mostly for show. :smalltongue:

"I don't know what is on the Dread Necromancer list, however, I intend to make it so Dread Necromancers get all the required spells added to their lists, but ONLY for the purposes of creating these undead. They ARE supposed to be the masters of undeath after all... seems unfair not to allow them to create these things well." Nice. :smallamused:

"Out of combat that may usually apply (but it is GP inefficient) in most cases." Should I gauge out the eyes first and cut a few organs before I cast it so that the corpse doesn't have them to begin with? :smalltongue:

"In-combat, you end up getting attacked by whatever you can't control. If you can control everything, great. You just send what you don't like to the front lines and if it survives the fight you kill it yourself if you want to."
Perhaps, though while few notice this, necromancers are intentionally about as good at killing undeads as their holy counterparts. Undeads are (often) the least of their worries. That and I'd be mildly surprised if someone cast this without many open HD. Combine that with that they can pick and choose which ones they keep, they can keep the better half easily able to destroy the lesser. Still I'll admit it is more the out of combat situation that troubles me...

"Actually, for most of them it IS for HD commanded, since that is how the [Organ Undead] sub-type causes them to work. I added that trait to them* for that very reason.
*I think I got all of them at least in the Type/Subtype line, if not in the text below. I just added it to the Fat Globs, but that is an unusual case, since the sub-type is overridden by "Easily Controlled"." I'll admt I've looked less closely at many of the organs. :smalltongue:

"You mean setting the CR adjustment for the template before that of the individual examples? Yeah, so do I, but as noted, this is a complex mess for flavor/roleplay reasons. It rewards hunting down superior specimens, if only by selecting things other than the common varieties of humanoid." fare enough. :smallbiggrin:

"Organ Undead type" subtype right?

Option 1&2: Hmm, both look rather adequate to be honest :smallbiggrin: 1 does offer more fluff, though that's likely to show up elsewhere in the class too.

2013-06-20, 01:02 AM
"Out of combat that may usually apply (but it is GP inefficient) in most cases." Should I gauge out the eyes first and cut a few organs before I cast it so that the corpse doesn't have them to begin with? :smalltongue:
Very good point. I could say this doesn't work, but since it brings craft checks back into the picture, I think I like it. Might even replace the skill-rank minima instead of being in addition to them... but probably not.

"In-combat, you end up getting attacked by whatever you can't control. If you can control everything, great. You just send what you don't like to the front lines and if it survives the fight you kill it yourself if you want to."
Perhaps, though while few notice this, necromancers are intentionally about as good at killing undeads as their holy counterparts. Undeads are (often) the least of their worries. That and I'd be mildly surprised if someone cast this without many open HD. Combine that with that they can pick and choose which ones they keep, they can keep the better half easily able to destroy the lesser. Still I'll admit it is more the out of combat situation that troubles me...
Killing uncontrolled undead you just created is very poor action economy in combat, especially on top of a full-round action casting time.

This does answer a nagging worry I had about the logistics of using this spell out of combat.

"Actually, for most of them it IS for HD commanded, since that is how the [Organ Undead] sub-type causes them to work. I added that trait to them* for that very reason.
*I think I got all of them at least in the Type/Subtype line, if not in the text below. I just added it to the Fat Globs, but that is an unusual case, since the sub-type is overridden by "Easily Controlled"." I'll admt I've looked less closely at many of the organs. :smalltongue:
Well, that explains that...:smallwink:

"Organ Undead type" subtype right?
Yes, it is a subtype

Option 1&2: Hmm, both look rather adequate to be honest :smallbiggrin: 1 does offer more fluff, though that's likely to show up elsewhere in the class too.
Also true.

2013-06-20, 01:28 AM
Bold :smallbiggrin:
Very good point. I could say this doesn't work, but since it brings craft checks back into the picture, I think I like it. Might even replace the skill-rank minima instead of being in addition to them... but probably not. Hmm, could be intreting though it's still a single skill check and a single spell for quite a few undeads. Also the non-organs don't have organ subtype, so I could just gut it if this works...

Killing uncontrolled undead you just created is very poor action economy in combat, especially on top of a full-round action casting time. I was referring to taking the half that you can control kill the others by picking the more useful half. Not as much action economy as material component wasting, though again that may or may not matter... :smalltongue:

This does answer a nagging worry I had about the logistics of using this spell out of combat. Especially then they have the time and resources to ditch any that they don't like, and make the ones they do with only the one spell...

2013-06-20, 04:21 PM
"Non organs"? Note that the only pre-existing monster the spell generates is a Skeleton, and that I specify gains the [Organ Undead] type.

I was thinking one skill check for each organ to be removed, although probably at a greatly reduced DC. I will probably say it doesn't work on corpses missing any of the organs but does require the rank minimum.

2013-06-20, 05:26 PM
"Non organs"? Note that the only pre-existing monster the spell generates is a Skeleton, and that I specify gains the [Organ Undead] type.

I was thinking one skill check for each organ to be removed, although probably at a greatly reduced DC. I will probably say it doesn't work on corpses missing any of the organs but does require the rank minimum.

potentially because I had read through the old versions a while ago. In any case I am thinking of the whole undead organ versus hardy turning thing. The latter is much easier to control, and less of a drawback. :smallbiggrin:

Hmm, I suppose. A large part of it being that I hadn't seen many of the undead organ subtypes. :smallbiggrin:

Lix Lorn
2013-06-22, 08:37 PM
I love this project I love it I love it eeeh. <3
Undead are cute and cuddly, right? This is entirely a fitting response.

2013-06-22, 08:38 PM
Undead are cute and cuddly, right? This is entirely a fitting response.
You know they are. :smallbiggrin:

2013-06-22, 09:01 PM
You know, I should probably put in a disclaimer in the first post about how the Tiny and smaller (or maybe just Diminutive and Fine?) versions of these are glass cannons and rogue-wreckers, and thus should be used with great care.

And here we have it (suggestions for improvements welcome):
GMs should use the Diminutive and Fine versions of these things with great care, since they can easily wreck a party at low levels. They don't do much, but their ACs are very high, and the most mundane solution is running away(something many PCs are loathe to do), followed by burning oil (or more commonly for PCs alchemist's fire). Past that they fall easily to turning (1/2 HD or less means if they either are unaffected on a bad roll, or are destroyed on a decent one), magic missile, Burning Hands, etc. They are very dangerous as ambushers, for instance attacking a rogue who is looking for traps.

I love this project I love it I love it eeeh. <3
Undead are cute and cuddly, right? This is entirely a fitting response.
Always nice to know I have fans.

So, any thoughts on the muscle masses and/or spinning horizon inner ears?

Or, if you want a challenge, any tiny first steps towards what CRs should be for the Zooming Brains? Either individual examples or thoughts such as "Well, the DC is much more important than the damage for keeping them feeling like a threat to PCs, because dinking a full-caster's casting stat even a little tends to get them nervous, but if they only get that damage on a natural 1 they are going to tend to dismiss it as a threat."

Empty skin's can be quite "cute and cuddly". Kittens, Puppies...

Lix Lorn
2013-06-22, 10:43 PM
Excellent. :3

Couple of things I noticed...

Add a standard Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear to the list for Summon Undead IV, and thus multiples for higher level spells in the series.
Add an Advanced Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear (2 HD) to the list for Summon Undead IV, and thus multiples for higher level spells in the series.
One of these should be three or five, presumably?

I think the fat glob's Engulf DC table is broken.
Colossal is Str 10, so should just be one higher (from the racial bonue) than the fatiguing blow, which is 10+1/2 HD. Instead it's two higher?
As far as I can tell, Small through huge are correct, but gargantuan and colossal are one too high.

The table for a large muscle mass says STR instead of Str. Really minor. Same for Colossal.

2013-06-22, 10:54 PM
Excellent. :3

Couple of things I noticed...

One of these should be three or five, presumably?

I think the fat glob's Engulf DC table is broken.
Colossal is Str 10, so should just be one higher (from the racial bonue) than the fatiguing blow, which is 10+1/2 HD. Instead it's two higher?
As far as I can tell, Small through huge are correct, but gargantuan and colossal are one too high.

The table for a large muscle mass says STR instead of Str. Really minor. Same for Colossal.
Thanks, that is helpful!
Will edit "soonish".

Lix Lorn
2013-06-23, 12:38 AM
Glad to help. I might look through the old ones later. xD

2013-06-23, 01:34 AM
Glad to help. I might look through the old ones later. xD
I will hope, but not expect.

Lix Lorn
2013-06-23, 04:44 PM
Okay... Dark Hearts are still awesome. They have oddly high Strength and masses of hitdice. I presume the latter making them hard to control is intentional, or..?

Empty Skins are creepy, Fat Globs are weeird... oh!

For purposes of how many total hitdice may be created or controlled via any means, including, but not limited to the Command Undead sub-feature of the class feature of a cleric who Rebukes undead, and Animate Dead a fat glob counts as only 1/3 its actual hitdice.

Creating a Fat Glob: Note that for purposes of creating and controlling undead fat-globs count as only 1/4 there actual hit-dice.
(Also that should be 'their'. Sorry.)

Looking at Floating Lungs, I'm thinking it might be good to type out the 'with the right checks, you can make X, Y, Z and Q from a single corpse' once and just copy paste it to all of them.

The stomach's attack bonuses bug me a little. It feels wrong that they should go /down/... Not entirely sure how to fix it though, and the damage goes REALLY high at the end, so that might make up for it.
Easiest thing would just be a racial feature called 'Accuracy' giving them a scaling bonus...
I dunno.

Also... the stomach swarm is a really cool idea, but the mechanics make my head spin. Having to look at two variables on a table is... survivable, but having a third table with a non-round decimal multiplier is... confusing. DXD

The Evasion entry in Rolling Eyeball refers to it as she.
I also wonder why there's not a divination/necromancy spell to access old reports. Were I a necromancer*, that failing would bother me very much.

Skulking Bladder... ah, is marked as unfinished. Okays.

Only one size of ear? To be fair, they wouldn't get stronger or more useful as they went up, so I can understand that.

I'm also curious as to what the mystery organ is! And my brains would have gone in the other direction...

*Which I, obviously, am not. >_>

2013-06-23, 05:54 PM
Okay... Dark Hearts are still awesome. They have oddly high Strength and masses of hitdice. I presume the latter making them hard to control is intentional, or..?
High strength and masses of hitdice relative to their size are both in keeping with the "Heart" theme. The strength score hardly matters since they can't slam or grapple(they can certainly escape grapples well enough), although I guess they could be halfway effective at tripping or bullrushing between the strength and the hitdice.

I could be talked into giving them negative turn resistance or something if people thought it would balance the creature better somehow. Then again, as bottomless out of combat healing batteries I think the high hitdice are worth it... shoot, at mid-levels even summoning them can compete with Inflict X Wounds/ Mass, except I can't remember if most of the comparisons really ARE for the Mass version or not.

Empty Skins are creepy,

Fat Globs are weeird
How so?

... oh!


Used to be 1/4, changed it to 1/3 based on a comment from my GM after I actually built a character that controlled a 32 HD Huge one.


(Also that should be 'their'. Sorry.)

Looking at Floating Lungs, I'm thinking it might be good to type out the 'with the right checks, you can make X, Y, Z and Q from a single corpse' once and just copy paste it to all of them.
Ideally with appropriate variations to eliminate the organ the entry is for as being a link. If that is what you mean, where did I omit that?

The stomach's attack bonuses bug me a little. It feels wrong that they should go /down/... Not entirely sure how to fix it though, and the damage goes REALLY high at the end, so that might make up for it.
Easiest thing would just be a racial feature called 'Accuracy' giving them a scaling bonus...
I dunno.
Eh, it is a problem with the system, at least when it comes to dexterity-based attacks. We are still talking about touch AC, which is pretty easy to make in many cases, and the really large ones are both hard to acquire, and have a place as siege engines against wooden gates, doors, and palisades since acid does full damage to objects and you can get the damage stacking pretty high with the 4 round linger-time.

Still, I suppose I could give them full BAB or make them immune to negative to-hit modifiers for their size or something... or maybe just have the dexterities bottom out at 16 instead of 10.

Interesting that you would single them out when the same applies to the spinal cords, livers, and intestines. Then again, those are melee touches, even if some/all of them get weapon finesse at the smaller sizes.

Also... the stomach swarm is a really cool idea, but the mechanics make my head spin. Having to look at two variables on a table is... survivable, but having a third table with a non-round decimal multiplier is... confusing. DXD
Eh, my inner math geek... hey, at least you don't have to roll any dice! And the second table is only needed in fairly specific circumstances.

Really those, those swarms may have just been something someone suggested, and then I did math to it and it turned out to be a very very bad idea based on anything like a reasonable assumption about how many fire at a given target.

The Evasion entry in Rolling Eyeball refers to it as she.

I also wonder why there's not a divination/necromancy spell to access old reports. Were I a necromancer*, that failing would bother me very much.
You can control 16 of them for a single hitdie out of your Animate Dead or Turn/Rebuke pools. Keeping ones that witness important events around in a little wooden "egg carton" seems like no great loss to me.

That said, I suppose that such a spell COULD be created.

Skulking Bladder... ah, is marked as unfinished. Okays.

Only one size of ear? To be fair, they wouldn't get stronger or more useful as they went up, so I can understand that.
I may have failed a "Knowledge(Nature/Heal)" check, but I don't THINK inner ears get much bigger, same as for eyes. Maybe for whales and such that can hear extremely low frequencies?

And they would only get better due to more hitpoints, saves, and higher DCs, all of which wouldn't scale very high I don't think.

I'm also curious as to what the mystery organ is!
Well, promise not to laugh, since it was requested?
Crawling Spleen, from the TV show "Angry Beavers".

And my brains would have gone in the other direction...
You mean you would have made them smart? I felt that "brain in a jar" had been done enough. Didn't feel like recreating anything very close to it.

Or did you just mean "Not so silly" with better maneuverability and maybe IFF?

Lix Lorn
2013-06-23, 06:50 PM
High strength and masses of hitdice relative to their size are both in keeping with the "Heart" theme. The strength score hardly matters since they can't slam or grapple(they can certainly escape grapples well enough), although I guess they could be halfway effective at tripping or bullrushing between the strength and the hitdice.

I could be talked into giving them negative turn resistance or something if people thought it would balance the creature better somehow. Then again, as bottomless out of combat healing batteries I think the high hitdice are worth it... shoot, at mid-levels even summoning them can compete with Inflict X Wounds/ Mass, except I can't remember if most of the comparisons really ARE for the Mass version or not.
Like I said, it's not necessarily a bad thing, I just wanted to check it was deliberate.
And the high Str makes sense to me!

How so?
...It's a glob of fat. :smalltongue:
Weird as in weird, not as in mechanically or so. xD

Ideally with appropriate variations to eliminate the organ the entry is for as being a link. If that is what you mean, where did I omit that?
Most of the old ones seem to miss the newer ones, I think...
Empty Skin doesn't feature Eyes or Ears, or a Spinal Cord... so, that's at least one case of me being right. I was briefly scared I hadn't paid enough attention whoops.

Eh, it is a problem with the system, at least when it comes to dexterity-based attacks. We are still talking about touch AC, which is pretty easy to make in many cases, and the really large ones are both hard to acquire, and have a place as siege engines against wooden gates, doors, and palisades since acid does full damage to objects and you can get the damage stacking pretty high with the 4 round linger-time.

Still, I suppose I could give them full BAB or make them immune to negative to-hit modifiers for their size or something... or maybe just have the dexterities bottom out at 16 instead of 10.
This is true...
I just dislike it going /down/. Given the siege potential, and high damage, I wouldn't be bothered by them staying equal.
Does it stack? If a Huge one hits someone two times in a row, do they then take 8d6 for the next three rounds, and then 4d6 on the fourth?

Interesting that you would single them out when the same applies to the spinal cords, livers, and intestines. Then again, those are melee touches, even if some/all of them get weapon finesse at the smaller sizes.
I probably didn't notice on them...

Eh, my inner math geek... hey, at least you don't have to roll any dice! And the second table is only needed in fairly specific circumstances.

Really those, those swarms may have just been something someone suggested, and then I did math to it and it turned out to be a very very bad idea based on anything like a reasonable assumption about how many fire at a given target.
Maths is evil and dangerous. :smallwink:

You can control 16 of them for a single hitdie out of your Animate Dead or Turn/Rebuke pools. Keeping ones that witness important events around in a little wooden "egg carton" seems like no great loss to me.

That said, I suppose that such a spell COULD be created.
Ha. That's a fair point.
...I'd still make the spell if I owned them. >>

I may have failed a "Knowledge(Nature/Heal)" check, but I don't THINK inner ears get much bigger, same as for eyes. Maybe for whales and such that can hear extremely low frequencies?

And they would only get better due to more hitpoints, saves, and higher DCs, all of which wouldn't scale very high I don't think.
Oooh, inner ears. That makes more sense.

And yeah, there wouldn't be much need for it.

Well, promise not to laugh, since it was requested?
Crawling Spleen, from the TV show "Angry Beavers".
Why'd I laugh?
Spleens were a running joke in one game I was in...

You mean you would have made them smart? I felt that "brain in a jar" had been done enough. Didn't feel like recreating anything very close to it.

Or did you just mean "Not so silly" with better maneuverability and maybe IFF?
Yeah, I woulda gone with smart. You're right though; way overdone.

2013-06-23, 06:57 PM
"I could be talked into giving them negative turn resistance or something if people thought it would balance the creature better somehow. Then again, as bottomless out of combat healing batteries I think the high hitdice are worth it... shoot, at mid-levels even summoning them can compete with Inflict X Wounds/ Mass, except I can't remember if most of the comparisons really ARE for the Mass version or not."

I took the HD padding to be intentional as it heals stuff big time later. I'd keep it, mostly because hearts heal multiple creatures at once.

Eh, my inner math geek... hey, at least you don't have to roll any dice! And the second table is only needed in fairly specific circumstances.

Really those, those swarms may have just been something someone suggested, and then I did math to it and it turned out to be a very very bad idea based on anything like a reasonable assumption about how many fire at a given target.
My inner math geek grins.

Admittedly I was thinking many of the more organ-like things would work well in swarms. :smallbiggrin: (Though I don't think was the one to suggest it... unless I mentioned it and it was taken as a suggestion)

2013-06-23, 08:47 PM
...It's a glob of fat. :smalltongue:
Weird as in weird, not as in mechanically or so. xD
Never thought you meant mechanically.

Most of the old ones seem to miss the newer ones, I think...
Empty Skin doesn't feature Eyes or Ears, or a Spinal Cord... so, that's at least one case of me being right. I was briefly scared I hadn't paid enough attention whoops.
Ooo... yeah, that makes sense... and yes, I need to put that on my "to fix" list.

This is true...
I just dislike it going /down/. Given the siege potential, and high damage, I wouldn't be bothered by them staying equal.
Does it stack? If a Huge one hits someone two times in a row, do they then take 8d6 for the next three rounds, and then 4d6 on the fourth?

Err... well, yes, it very much stacks, but if I remember how they modified energy resistance (it use to be per-round, now it works like DR in that it effects each hit) it isn't ever technically 8d6. It is two instances of 4d6 on those rounds, which means that it gets nerfed harder by hardness and energy resistance.

Maths is evil and dangerous. :smallwink:

Ha. That's a fair point.
...I'd still make the spell if I owned them. >>
I could probably whip something up pretty quick, except that I'm not sure on level... should also maybe have an expensive material component and a duration of "10 minutes/level" or something.

Oooh, inner ears. That makes more sense.

And yeah, there wouldn't be much need for it.
Ah, so that was the issue.

Why'd I laugh?
Spleens were a running joke in one game I was in...
Good to know. A lot of people find organ undead in general more funny than horrifying. This still means that they are enjoying my work, but at the same time there is a small voice that cries out in my head "This person just doesn't understand my art!", no matter how ridiculous that is.

I went with it for the brains though, which I have come to regret, even though, perversely, I don't remember anyone commenting on their humor value.

Yeah, I woulda gone with smart. You're right though; way overdone.
Of course, if someone wanted to point out decent-or-better homebrew along those lines or even make one for the purpose, well, I would be willing to link or maybe even include in the same post with attribution if the author liked...

"I could be talked into giving them negative turn resistance or something if people thought it would balance the creature better somehow. Then again, as bottomless out of combat healing batteries I think the high hitdice are worth it... shoot, at mid-levels even summoning them can compete with Inflict X Wounds/ Mass, except I can't remember if most of the comparisons really ARE for the Mass version or not."

I took the HD padding to be intentional as it heals stuff big time later. I'd keep it, mostly because hearts heal multiple creatures at once.

Yeah, I didn't see any need to change it, but if someone had pointed something out I was willing to fix it.

Eh, my inner math geek... hey, at least you don't have to roll any dice! And the second table is only needed in fairly specific circumstances.

Really those, those swarms may have just been something someone suggested, and then I did math to it and it turned out to be a very very bad idea based on anything like a reasonable assumption about how many fire at a given target.
My inner math geek grins.
And yet they are super-lethal even at CR level if they actually swarm you, unless you have at least Protection from Energy[Acid] up and preferably Immunity to Energy[Acid]... which is part of the reason I gave them the trait about the recognizable smell.

Admittedly I was thinking many of the more organ-like things would work well in swarms. :smallbiggrin: (Though I don't think was the one to suggest it... unless I mentioned it and it was taken as a suggestion)
I'll look up the mob template someone else made that is saved in my extended sig and see what it looks like when you run the spinal cords or inner ears through it...
Any specific requests?

Lix Lorn
2013-06-23, 10:38 PM
Never thought you meant mechanically.
Well, if you can't understand what makes them weird otherwise, you may need to talk to an official. :smalltongue:

Err... well, yes, it very much stacks, but if I remember how they modified energy resistance (it use to be per-round, now it works like DR in that it effects each hit) it isn't ever technically 8d6. It is two instances of 4d6 on those rounds, which means that it gets nerfed harder by hardness and energy resistance
Oh, yes, I was just shortening it for ease :)

I could probably whip something up pretty quick, except that I'm not sure on level... should also maybe have an expensive material component and a duration of "10 minutes/level" or something.
Cools, but don't feel you have to. :smallsmile:

Ah, so that was the issue.
Yeah, I'm a derp. xD

Good to know. A lot of people find organ undead in general more funny than horrifying. This still means that they are enjoying my work, but at the same time there is a small voice that cries out in my head "This person just doesn't understand my art!", no matter how ridiculous that is.
They are funny; from the perspective of a player. If one of them flew at me, though? I would use so much fire.

I went with it for the brains though, which I have come to regret, even though, perversely, I don't remember anyone commenting on their humor value.

Of course, if someone wanted to point out decent-or-better homebrew along those lines or even make one for the purpose, well, I would be willing to link or maybe even include in the same post with attribution if the author liked...
I'm tempted, but lazy. Plus, as you say, it's reeeeaaally overdone. xD

2013-06-23, 11:04 PM
I'll look up the mob template someone else made that is saved in my extended sig and see what it looks like when you run the spinal cords or inner ears through it...
Any specific requests?
Just gonna say this once. Way too much in the "everything else" box to sift through without already knowing where everything is. (That coming from the guy currently pulling up all the undead/undeath/necro-anything from Gitp homebrew archives for a 12 player game they're running) :smalltongue:
Admittedly it might not be were I doing less at once though :smalltongue:

Anywho you're asking little old me for requests? Well, if you insist. :smalltongue: Assuming you mean along the lines of this thread:

Wings (preferably jar-able for easy storage, and with some fun arial combat stuff) Perhaps a fin counterpart?
An antenna/feeler version of eye
Something fun could probably be done with nail clippings, or a stray jaw cut from a skull
Wad of goop (crafted from excessive stores of snot gathered from many dead, or the corpse of an ooze)
I also think it would be interesting to animate soles capable of disguising tracks and making new tracks.
Also I see body parts, but I see no blood. Perhaps a fluid form? *starts thinking of the fun stuff waterveiled assassins can do as a springboard*

*continues thinking and decides ideas come to easily to drack*

Anywho those all look fun so feel free to be choosy. :smalltongue:

Lix Lorn
2013-06-23, 11:23 PM
I second the blood and soles suggestions, and also suggest teeth. A phantom jaw with real teeth would be fun.

2013-06-23, 11:39 PM
I was thinking teeth, but I ran into one scanning all undeathy things in the homebrew section and wanted to see if it was decent first. That and jaw just seemed to fit the whole organ theme better then tooth. :smalltongue:

2013-06-23, 11:40 PM
Anywho you're asking little old me for requests? Well, if you insist. :smalltongue: Assuming you mean along the lines of this thread:
Actually, I specifically meant "Which organs would you most like to see swarms of?", but this is good too.

Wings (preferably jar-able for easy storage, and with some fun arial combat stuff) Perhaps a fin counterpart?
Those would go with the skins as long as I am following my rule of "must be able to get everything from one corpse with good enough rolls".

An antenna/feeler version of eye
The play-back for that would be... weird. It would replay smells I should think... actually, that makes me think, I wonder if I should do an alternate/improved version of the ear that is a "bug".

Something fun could probably be done with nail clippings, or a stray jaw cut from a skull
Nail clippings aren't quite inspiring anything in me... maybe a swarm that does slash/peircing damage... need to make sure they have to come from dead things (so no just collecting shed stuff or trimming nails) with claw attacks.

Of course, those really should stay part of the skeleton for stuff with claw attacks if I continue to follow my rule (which I suspect many people wish I wouldn't).

Wad of goop (crafted from excessive stores of snot gathered from many dead, or the corpse of an ooze)
Too silly, and not technically a body-part per se. Someone suggested sinuses, built around Scent, which I might do (silly implications though for anyone who has played "Munchkin").

I also think it would be interesting to animate soles capable of disguising tracks and making new tracks.
Soles are part of the Empty Skin, and I'm really not trying to go down the grafts/animate magic item route that far.

Also I see body parts, but I see no blood. Perhaps a fluid form? *starts thinking of the fun stuff waterveiled assassins can do as a springboard*
I've seen/heard of at least two versions of animated blood. I should probably link at least one.

*continues thinking and decides ideas come to easily to drack*

They are interesting, just not necessarily all my style.

I second the blood and soles suggestions, and also suggest teeth. A phantom jaw with real teeth would be fun.
Eh... teeth are "Kinda sorta" part of the skeleton. I could see it either way anatomically, but the fact that skeletons don't get nerfed bite attacks argues that they should be part of the skeleton... Hmmm.... at the very least I would have to include rules for bite attacks from teeth that aren't from a creature with a bite attack, and, more importantly, how removing the teeth nerfs a skeleton/zombie's bite attack. Probably drop the die size by two or three steps, and change it from Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing to just Bludgeoning.

2013-06-24, 07:19 AM
Bold :smallcool:

Actually, I specifically meant "Which organs would you most like to see swarms of?", but this is good too.
To be honest, many of them I was thinking of swarmng in the sense of using a small group. I don't end up using the templates much, though the grapple might help... was it intestines?
Those would go with the skins as long as I am following my rule of "must be able to get everything from one corpse with good enough rolls".
They could, but it could be a cool new one. To be honest I was thinking mechanically more like lungs, but perhaps more specialized against opponents n their own environment. :smalltongue:
The play-back for that would be... weird. It would replay smells I should think... actually, that makes me think, I wonder if I should do an alternate/improved version of the ear that is a "bug".
Mayhaps, I'll admit I was thinking it would be a nice lair decoration. This would probably be best being a swarm from the get-go though...
Nail clippings aren't quite inspiring anything in me... maybe a swarm that does slash/peircing damage... need to make sure they have to come from dead things (so no just collecting shed stuff or trimming nails) with claw attacks.

Of course, those really should stay part of the skeleton for stuff with claw attacks if I continue to follow my rule (which I suspect many people wish I wouldn't).
Nails aren't bone, claws are. :smallconfused: (Well actually both claws and teeth are slightly different, but few people care beyond specialists like dentists.) Perhaps a jumpy swarm thing that can only do... forget what they're called... when you attack and aim for a specific body part. Perhaps let them gauge them out rather then destroying them for later reanimation.
Too silly, and not technically a body-part per se. Someone suggested sinuses, built around Scent, which I might do (silly implications though for anyone who has played "Munchkin").
That's actualy a good one... anywho I admit, I was half thinking just because I can only think of one undead template applicable to oozes that is not pathetically misplaced (as for instance mummified oozes are.) Nothing really out there just for them...
Soles are part of the Empty Skin, and I'm really not trying to go down the grafts/animate magic item route that far.
To be honest I was expecting that one. More just an intrestng idea to throw out there.
I've seen/heard of at least two versions of animated blood. I should probably link at least one.
Dry and liquid one? I'll admit I was thinking mayhapss something that can synergize with the heart. Mayhaps be able to link multiple creatures across a long distance (being visible as a stream of blood passing between them, and attacked as such), and having actions to draw health from "wiling" negative energy creatures, or giving its own to others.
They are interesting, just not necessarily all my style.
I know. For the most part I just took a minute or two and tossed you whatever popped into my mind along the line of thought of body parts. :smalltongue:
Eh... teeth are "Kinda sorta" part of the skeleton. I could see it either way anatomically, but the fact that skeletons don't get nerfed bite attacks argues that they should be part of the skeleton... Hmmm.... at the very least I would have to include rules for bite attacks from teeth that aren't from a creature with a bite attack, and, more importantly, how removing the teeth nerfs a skeleton/zombie's bite attack. Probably drop the die size by two or three steps, and change it from Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing to just Bludgeoning.
Yup, wizards makes the classic mistake and calls it all bone. :smalltongue:

2013-06-24, 01:15 PM
To be honest, many of them I was thinking of swarmng in the sense of using a small group. I don't end up using the templates much, though the grapple might help... was it intestines?
Ah, so just using 4 to 10 organs of a given size, rather than a single one of 2 to 3 sizes larger?

Nails aren't bone, claws are. (Well actually both claws and teeth are slightly different, but few people care beyond specialists like dentists.)
When I said "the skeleton" I meant the monster!skeleton, not the anatomical!skeleton.

Perhaps a jumpy swarm thing that can only do... forget what they're called... when you attack and aim for a specific body part. Perhaps let them gauge them out rather then destroying them for later reanimation.
Called shots? D&D usually tries to avoid those, although there are exceptions (Vorpal weapons for one), and I could see what you are saying.

Too silly, and not technically a body-part per se. Someone suggested sinuses, built around Scent, which I might do (silly implications though for anyone who has played "Munchkin")That's actualy a good one... anywho I admit, I was half thinking just because I can only think of one undead template applicable to oozes that is not pathetically misplaced (as for instance mummified oozes are.) Nothing really out there just for them....

've seen/heard of at least two versions of animated blood. I should probably link at least one.
Dry and liquid one?
Pretty sure both were liquid. One is by Vorpal Tribble, and the other was something I think I heard about as a published monster.

I'll admit I was thinking mayhapss something that can synergize with the heart. Mayhaps be able to link multiple creatures across a long distance (being visible as a stream of blood passing between them, and attacked as such), and having actions to draw health from "willing" negative energy creatures, or giving its own to others.
...Hmmm... interesting idea! I could see myself doing that.

2013-06-24, 01:30 PM
4-10: well I as thinking more 10-20, but yeah. :smalltongue:

the skeleton: Yeah, yeah, I know... :smallsigh:

Called shots: yup. :smallbiggrin:

...Hmmm... interesting idea! I could see myself doing that: Mwa-ha-ha, and now the seed is planted!

no comment on silly ooze undeads (the classsic goop to my wall, dribble to my cave, the squish to my gore)? :smalltongue:

2013-06-24, 03:17 PM
Actually, I have an Ooze that has been on my "drawing board" that might work best as an undead.

It deals little or no damage, but drains XPs. Not negative levels/level drain, XPs. To create a lower level version of negative levels.

Wouldn't belong in this thread though...

2013-06-24, 03:38 PM
I suppose, you did ask for requests/suggestions though. :smalltongue:

2013-06-24, 03:44 PM
I suppose, you did ask for requests/suggestions though. :smalltongue:
That I did. (Well... technically I did and... it is complicated but it has all worked out for the best).

2013-06-24, 03:47 PM
Guess I get to fade into the background again and wait for some unsuspecting player to comment in your thread. :xykon::xykon::xykon:

In any case though, the wings could be interesting. Slight air magic SLA, knock-back attacks, some good maneuverability, and multiple using it all at once to keep enemies pinned/bobbing about in the air out of range. :smalltongue:

2013-07-01, 11:49 AM
I bumped up the cost of the two spells from 50 GP/HD to 75 GP/HD, and added the skill-rank requirements as Components. 14 for Corpse Ripper, 20 for Slaughter Ripper.

EDIT: Also figured out the HD minima for the various sizes of Anatomical Juggernaut. Goes from 1 for the Fine and Diminutive ones to over 219 for the Colossal ones.


I haven't lots of time, so I just looked over all of it quickly. Though gotta say, I read through the Dark Heart, and that is really cool, especially the idea of having one still within an undead body. A heartbeat is such a wonderfully visceral thing.

2013-07-06, 05:36 PM
Three things:
Firstly, the idea of reducing the skill DCs to do the dissections and requiring more is something I have considered and decided doesn't fit my goals for this project. It lowers the level where you don't even need to roll, reduces the rewards of investing in masterwork tools, skill focus, etc, and might make failure at lower levels even more likely. Part of the idea here is to make it so less exotic corpses are a viable option for mindless undead. Animals instead of (monsterous) humanoids and magical beasts.

The nice thing about farm animals is that they are cheap, and even if you mess up your skill check you still have a perfectly edible corpse most of the time. So you can afford to buy a lot of them and keep rolling until you make it. This keeps the pace of adventuring down. While the "5-minute work day" is a bad thing, I also favor the idea that going up a level should require an in-game year for most campaigns.

Secondly, I have added the following to the spell's section and strongly recommend its use in any low level game that involves this:
Alternate Turning/Rebuking table for lower levels
Many organ undead end up with fractional hitdice, and can be effective despite this. For this reason, alternate rules are here provided for how many hitdice lower level clerics can turn or rebuke. This is identical to the SRD version, except in cases where that version would produce a result of 0 or less hit-dice, indicating no undead could be turned/rebuked.

{table=head]{colsp=1}Turning CheckResult||{colsp=5}Most Powerful Undead Affected[br](Maximum Hit Dice) by Cleric Level

vvvvvvvvvvv||Lvl 1|Lvl 2|Lvl 3|Lvl 4|
Lvl 5+

0 or lower||
Cleric’s level -4

1 |
Cleric’s level -3

1 |
2 |
Cleric’s level -2

1 |
2 |
3 |
Cleric’s level -1

1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Cleric’s level

2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Cleric’s level +1

3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Cleric’s level +2

4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Cleric’s level +3

22 or higher||
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Cleric’s level +4


[B]What do people think of the above?
Is the added complexity worth it in a campaign that features organ undead? What about EL 6 campaigns? Campaigns that are both?

Lastly, I have been putting in a few hours on the Anatomical Juggernaut template. I know most or all of what I want it to do, but it is a LOT of Copy->Paste->Edit, and I am not sure that the end creature will be very viable. I am giving it a variant of Pounce for a lot of its attacks, simply to narrow the distance between its attack and its full-attack since it gets so many attacks. I'm really wondering if anyone would use something so complicated, since complexity is one of the things that people generally consider a weakness of my work in general.

2013-07-06, 06:25 PM
In the order I ended up reading them :smalltongue:

Secondly: Sounds fine so long as you recall that destroying/commanding doesn't change with the result of your turning check and is strictly based on your cleric level. The +/- usually isn't a change to an effective character level (relevant for both destroying/commanding, and turning/rebuking), but a numerical result that effects turning and rebuking. :smallwink: I'd probably drop the cleric level thing to avoid confusion, unless this in intentional in which case I'd be shocked and skeptical enough to ant to see it in action first. :smallsmile:

Firstly: gotta agree here.

Lastly: Well I haven't looked at it, but I tend not to mind complexity, and enjoy the creative mechanics that often match creative fluff when people put that much time into it. This is one of my greatest two weaknesses in my own homebrew, but as a GM such homebrew generally draws me in more fully to help me focus when I'm pouring through 200+ requests for an epic gestalt game with 40+ players applying. :smalltongue: (sadly many such people are ill accustomed to homebrewing on the forums so wording and formatting ends up a problem. :smallsigh: Glad you're not one of them(/us?).

My two biggest weaknesses:

1) I homebrewed more before joining the forum, so I only have two classes up at the moment. :smalltongue:

2) I make them how I want them. This means that the fluff is often limiting (which I view more as a problem that you work out with your GM then that I change), and that I don't like stealing all the mechanics and just saying "Monk with smite instead of slow fall", I end up instead making up whole new systems of mechanics, so not many people consider themselves "qualified" to say anything about em.

2013-07-06, 07:09 PM
In the order I ended up reading them :smalltongue:

Secondly: Sounds fine so long as you recall that destroying/commanding doesn't change with the result of your turning check and is strictly based on your cleric level. The +/- usually isn't a change to an effective character level (relevant for both destroying/commanding, and turning/rebuking), but a numerical result that effects turning and rebuking. :smallwink: I'd probably drop the cleric level thing to avoid confusion, unless this in intentional in which case I'd be shocked and skeptical enough to ant to see it in action first. :smallsmile:
I think we are in agreement, it just controls IF you effect them not HOW you effect them if you do. To put in another way, it isn't relevant to the difference between turning and destroying or commanding vs rebuking.

But to clarify, what do you mean by "cleric level thing"?

Firstly: gotta agree here.

Yeah, it was Scholar23 who suggested reducing the DCs. I'd be interested to see what he thinks of my arguments.

Lastly: Well I haven't looked at it, but I tend not to mind complexity, and enjoy the creative mechanics that often match creative fluff when people put that much time into it. This is one of my greatest two weaknesses in my own homebrew, but as a GM such homebrew generally draws me in more fully to help me focus when I'm pouring through 200+ requests for an epic gestalt game with 40+ players applying.
I assume that 200+ requests for epic gesalt games, and 40+ players applying for each game that you actually run?

:smalltongue: (sadly many such people are ill accustomed to homebrewing on the forums so wording and formatting ends up a problem. :smallsigh: Glad you're not one of them(/us?).
I frequently have problems with wording, but that is more about how to phrase specific ideas that don't fit the normal mold, or the fact that I tend to write very long sentences and/or paragraphs.

My two biggest weaknesses:
1) I homebrewed more before joining the forum, so I only have two classes up at the moment. :smalltongue:
Can you/are you going to transfer your stuff from other websites (files on you own computer?) eventually?
I know how that can get, with trying to transfer my fanfics between sites.

2) I make them how I want them. This means that the fluff is often limiting (which I view more as a problem that you work out with your GM then that I change), and that I don't like stealing all the mechanics and just saying "Monk with smite instead of slow fall", I end up instead making up whole new systems of mechanics, so not many people consider themselves "qualified" to say anything about em.

A person after my own heart, since a lot of my stuff has similarly rich fluff... of course, just as often I am often mechanics driven, so a lot of my stuff has next to NO fluff, such as the PrC for Tome of Battle material that focuses on stances to the exclusion of maneuvers. Someone could make up fluff for it about the philosophies that lead to that type of training, and if they hang out together or just happen randomly within the pool of Martial Initiators, but I have no motivation to do such.

2013-07-06, 07:35 PM
Well lets start with turning. As per the raw of the ability your turning check doesn't effect the results of you destroying undeads, just turning them. Similarly it affects rebuking and not commanding. Thus where you have it as +cleric levels instead of cleric level+X, by raw would effect both turning and destroying. Is that an intended change? :smalltongue:

Scholar23: k

40+playes: only once or twice, but yes I did then run the game. (two recruitments same game, lasted 3-4 years so far)

Problems with wording: nah, I mean like this class http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=249394 Lots of interesting stuff, but some of the mechanics are shaky, and some wordings leave way too much to interpretation. :smalltongue:

My other homebrew: Nah, it's all in a composition book. Not sure t;s really worth it either though since half of it was a homebrewed world which I ended up using for a game. :smalltongue:

A person after my own heart: Heh. Well the fluffs can be pretty fun at times, but I'll admit I've never been that into maneuvers as a rule. Mayhaps after I eventually get to trying out a swordsage. :smalltongue:
Anywho if you wanna toss me some thoughts, my two on the forums are the Medicine Man (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=243456) and the much less fine tuned Bloodspilt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=204981)

2013-07-06, 08:31 PM
Well lets start with turning. As per the raw of the ability your turning check doesn't effect the results of you destroying undeads, just turning them. Similarly it affects rebuking and not commanding. Thus where you have it as +cleric levels instead of cleric level+X, by raw would effect both turning and destroying. Is that an intended change? :smalltongue:
Ok, I've looked at the table several times and I just simply can't see what you are talking about. Could you quote the table and then highlight the part of the table you are talking about? Or is it not in the table? The resulting "undead effected" stuff is either expressed as a static number, or copied straight out of the SRD.

Anywho if you wanna toss me some thoughts, my two on the forums are the Medicine Man (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=243456) and the much less fine tuned Bloodspilt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=204981)
I assume these aren't fresh enough for me to post in?
In either case I might give them a look-over...

I've been trying to do the thing about adding spells to the Dread Necromancers list that can ONLY be used for creating these things, and along the way I tweaked some of the creation sections (noticing that the DCs are mostly pretty low really... very little above DC 15 which should be quite doable even as a level one character, let alone a level 5).

The question then becomes "Where should I put this stuff about adding spells?". I'm thinking in the post about spellcasting, but I'm not sure.

2013-07-06, 08:37 PM
Yup pretty old threads. :smalltongue: I could refresh them if you'd like though

First thing to note is that on the table it's cleric level +/-#, not +/-# cleric level. This means it effects the result of the check, not the effective level of the cleric. Destroying undead says "If you have twice as many levels (or more) as the undead have Hit Dice, you destroy any that you would normally turn. " Levels, not check result. By changing the order of the modifier and the wording on your table you make the check effect destroying and commanding (which mostly just says as destroying but commanded instead). Is this intended? :smalltongue:

To give an example a level 3 cleric who rolls a 20 cannot command a 2HD undead as regardless of the check result the cleric's effective turning level is not twice 2 (4), it's three. :smallwink:

Edit: in spellcasting should work so long as you link that section from each of the creation sections for the individual undeads effected.

2013-07-06, 09:05 PM
Yup pretty old threads. :smalltongue: I could refresh them if you'd like though

First thing to note is that on the table it's cleric level +/-#, not +/-# cleric level. This means it effects the result of the check, not the effective level of the cleric. Destroying undead says "If you have twice as many levels (or more) as the undead have Hit Dice, you destroy any that you would normally turn. " Levels, not check result. By changing the order of the modifier and the wording on your table you make the check effect destroying and commanding (which mostly just says as destroying but commanded instead). Is this intended? :smalltongue:
But as far as I can tell I DIDN'T change the order of those things. I copied that column DIRECTLY from them SRD and changed NOTHING about it. Now the headers across the top... those are just for the specific class levels of 1 through 4 and 5+ (AKA "5 or greater")

To give an example a level 3 cleric who rolls a 20 cannot command a 2HD undead as regardless of the check result the cleric's effective turning level is not twice 2 (4), it's three. :smallwink:
I know that and it was not my intention to change that.

Could you PLEASE PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP quote the NEW table and highlight the part you think I changed when I should have left it alone?

Edit: in spellcasting should work so long as you link that section from each of the creation sections for the individual undeads effected.
Linking is going to be a separate step, and I actually will want to avoid linking per se. Instead I will just add a note about expending equivalent level spells per day.

2013-07-07, 05:24 AM
Yup, looking back I think I was a bit distracted when I wrote the last line on tat one.
In the order I ended up reading them :smalltongue:

Secondly: Sounds fine so long as you recall that destroying/commanding doesn't change with the result of your turning check and is strictly based on your cleric level. The +/- usually isn't a change to an effective character level (relevant for both destroying/commanding, and turning/rebuking), but a numerical result that effects turning and rebuking. :smallwink: I'd probably drop the cleric level thing to avoid confusion, unless this in intentional in which case I'd be shocked and skeptical enough to ant to see it in action first. :smallsmile:

Originally I had meant it more as a reminder to make sure then criticism. :smalltongue: Anywho looking again with a slightly clearer head, the linear versus exponential scaling means that at lower levels a low result may fail to turn something that is destroyed anyways, you might want to add a clause if you intend to change this. I mean admittedly it can happen anyway but thought I'd point it out. I'd also probably change "alternate" to "Variant".

Anywho thanks for the comments. :smallsmile:

2013-07-07, 06:18 AM
the linear versus exponential scaling means that at lower levels a low result may fail to turn something that is destroyed anyways,

I don't think your head is quite clear yet?

If you have twice as many levels (or more) as the undead have Hit Dice, you destroy any that you would normally turn.

I'd also probably change "alternate" to "Variant".
I can do that.

Anywho thanks for the comments. :smallsmile:
Sorry if I was/am a bit grumpy... going through some stuff IRL.

2013-07-07, 06:32 AM
I don't think your head is quite clear yet?
Well to be honest it isn't. :smallbiggrin:

Sorry if I was/am a bit grumpy... going through some stuff IRL.
It's cool.

2013-07-07, 07:36 PM
Upon further re-reading, it seems that the objection about the crafting DCs was mostly or entirely for the Empty Skins. Those do, indeed have the highest DCs associated with them, but I think I like it that way. Gives more of a feeling of accomplishment when you actually make a good one... not that they aren't supposed to be much good except as simple servants.

2013-07-10, 09:29 AM
It seems to me that the gut snake should cause disease. Covering its victims in excrement is just gross!

I can't help but think all this needs is a special carving knife. The Ronko Fillet Monster Knife that slices and dices your creature while leaving every organ intact. :-)


2013-07-10, 11:48 AM
Always good to see "my loyal nemesis"*. And here not being very much of a nemesis, which indicates I may have I have a lot of my i's dotted and t's crossed.

*A term of genuine affection, in case anyone couldn't tell.

It seems to me that the gut snake should cause disease. Covering its victims in excrement is just gross!
It actually causes filth fever with a rather nasty extra effect. Of course, in some parallel universe, I could have created them to cause disease by touch rather than grappling, and thus requiring two successful grapple checks before the fortitude save, but...
Here is the relevant ability by which this version causes disease. Underlining added for you convenience.

Explosive Diarrhoetic Discharge(Ex): When a gut snake deals constriction damage it may immediately attempt an additional grapple check which does no damage, if it succeeds in this check it sprays the face of the grappled creature forcefully with diarrheatic excrement. So forceful is this that it can sometimes penetrate even between closed lips and eyelids, get far enough into the nasal passages to not be easily removed quickly or even, in extreme cases, individual droplets may achieve sufficient velocity to penetrate the skin slightly. The grappled creature must immediately make a fortitude save (same DC as for the gas from Flatulate) or be nauseated and blinded for 2d4 rounds or until they get cleaned. Regardless of the result of this first save they must make another fortitude save against the same D.C. to avoid contracting Filth Fever with the usual onset time and ongoing D.C.'s for recovery and to avoid ability damage. HOWEVER if they fail 2 days of fortitude saves against the disease in a row there is a 25% chance they go blind until the disease is past and have a -4 penalty to all tasks involving visual acuity from that point forward due to the lingering effects of eye infection. A single Remove Blindness spell will undo both these effects and prevent any further chance of blindness for the duration of the disease. The D.C.'s are the same as for Flatulate.
* In the general case (including for calculating D.C.s for advanced gut snakes) the formula for the D.C. is 10+1/2HD+Strength Modifier

Actually, now that I think of it...
THANK YOU! you have inspired me to create the Plague Tonsil(s)... I think I will give it a relatively high DC, but have it fall into dust after a single successful infection, and maybe have a cool-down on even trying.
Of course, inserting it in proper alphabetical order might be a bit of a pain... but such is life and homebrewing.

I can't help but think all this needs is a special carving knife. The Ronko Fillet Monster Knife that slices and dices your creature while leaving every organ intact. :-)

Sounds like a magic item with 1/week Corpse Ripper or Gut (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29539) on it.
For a more limited version, there is the Cat Skinning Blade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=166119).
In the first two cases, do you think it should be a weapon too? IE a +1 dagger with a special power? Or should it JUST be the special power?
EDIT: Actually, I need to add both of those as wikipedia like links at the start, with warnings that they really ruin the flavor and maybe even balance of this series.

2013-07-10, 05:47 PM
Draco, I'm even meaner than you are since I think anyone adjacent to to the gut snake should be covered in poo too! However, the mechanics are dense, so splitting it into two abilities makes it a bit more manageable.

I'm not convinced that the second grapple check is warranted. You have constrict listed as the gut snakes abilities but don't have the ability spelled out. I think you should rename the special abilities as so:

Constrict (Ex): After making a successful grapple check, a gut snake may constrict an opponent for the amount of damage listed in its statistic block. Alternatively, it may release a stream of explosive diarrhea (see below) instead of causing damage.

Explosive Diarrhea (Ex): Whenever a gut snake constricts a target, it may release a stream of excrement in a 5-foot line. Anyone who is being constricted automatically becomes covered in the excrement (no save), though anyone adjacent must succeed on a Reflex save (DC is 10 + 1/2 HD + Str modifier) to avoid the excrement. Anyone coated in the fecal miasma must also make a Fortitude save (DC is 10 + 1/2 HD + Str modifier) or becomes nauseated and blinded for 2d4 rounds or until cleaned.

Disease (Ex): Anyone who became coated in the explosive diarrhea must also make a Fortitude save (DC 12) save to avoid contracting filth fever.[See filth fever disease for details]. Moreover, anyone who contracts filth fever takes a -4 penalty to Spot checks thereafter and has a 25% chance to go blind from lingering eye infections. A single remove blindness spell removes the penalty as well as any blindness.

Flatulence (Ex): Once per minute as a full-round action, a gut snake may noisily release a cloud of reeking putrid gas centered on itself which can sicken those within it. See table for the radius of the cloud and the Fortitude D.C. made to avoid being sickened. The sickened condition lasts for as long as the victim stays in the cloud plus 1d4+1 rounds afterward. The DC is strength based. The cloud is invisible and persists for one round per hit die of the gut snake. A moderate wind (11+ mph) halves the duration of the cloud; a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the cloud in 1 round.

I like plague tonsils too and look forward to seeing them.


2013-07-10, 06:50 PM
Reasonable thoughts Debihuman!

I'd need to run some experiments with an extremely high pressure water stream and some plastic wrap to be 100% sure, but I strongly suspect that air resistance really does a number on the "skin penetrating" aspect over anything like 5 feet. And that aspect is necessary to explain why it is a fortitude save for both instead of a reflex save for closing the eyes.

As for blinding, that is only because it the equivalent of a called shot... which don't normally exist in D&D. Thus the need for 2 grapple checks before the fortitude saves even get involved.

I could see your point about it getting on more than one person, at least just to nauseate, but they already have Flatuate for that.

That, and I want to keep the CR down.

I should probably look at seeing if there is anything in your version I could use to simplify... eh, maybe I will just copy paste what you have and tag it as "simpler, and more dangerous version".

2013-07-10, 06:58 PM
I made a few modifications. Let me know what you think. Having to make 2 successful grapple checks just makes these more impotent than they need be. I changed the wording to make it less of a "will" and more of a "may." This way the DM has a little more control.

I'd need to run some experiments with an extremely high pressure water stream and some plastic wrap to be 100% sure, but I strongly suspect that air resistance really does a number on the "skin penetrating" aspect over anything like 5 feet

It's a gut not a hose! I doubt the pressure would be that high. Seriously, that's a bit of extreme verisimilitude. Moreover, it's not just water (there are loose solids in it). Seriously, it's POO. I don't think it needs to be exact.


2013-07-10, 06:58 PM
IAs for blinding, that is only because it the equivalent of a called shot... which don't normally exist in D&D. Thus the need for 2 grapple checks before the fortitude saves even get involved.

Well... It exists in pathfinder, and in the 3.5 DMG page 27 there is a "damage to specific areas" variant. Overall called shots do exist, they're just rather dispersed, being constantly mentioned in various books wherever they come up, but never gathered and cemented in one book. :smallsmile:

2013-07-10, 07:03 PM
It's poo! It's not like there is a way to AIM it!

Debby (who is laughing out loud now).

2013-07-10, 07:09 PM
It's poo! It's not like there is a way to AIM it!

Debby (who is laughing out loud now).
Well you're welcome for that. :smalltongue: In earnest I was more pointing out that the rules exist then suggesting that the poo be properly aimed.

Though now you're going to have him thinking of a cloud of diarrhea that acts as poisonous gas stinging the eyes and nose (especially the nose). :smalleek:

2013-07-10, 07:24 PM
It is actually a stream of poo (i.e. a line not a radius) as the flatulence is a cloud. I wanted them to have different mechanics.

Debby (still giggling)

2013-07-10, 07:30 PM
Well a line actually is an area effect. :smalltongue:

Anywho the called shot rules in other books cover things like beheading as well.

2013-07-10, 07:51 PM
Though now you're going to have him thinking of a cloud of diarrhea that acts as poisonous gas stinging the eyes and nose (especially the nose). :smalleek:
I'll leave that to someone else I think. I'm doing Organs*, not "body substances". Thus, I might do a nose, but no "snot ooze". I think blood happens to qualify as an organ, so I COULD do that within the scope of this project, but it has been done before well enough I don't feel the need to recreate it.

*Or sometimes pairs or trios of closely related of organs, such as the small and large intestines(I think those are separate organs technically), the two lungs and the voice-box going into the floating lungs, my plans that you need to sew two tonsils together to make the undead, and the bladder+two kidneys for the skulking bladders (if I ever get up the energy to do those).

2013-07-10, 07:54 PM
I meant it mostly as a joke and in reference as an attack. :smalltongue: Blood could be cool, but if you do it, to make it fit you might want to think of doing it as veins that stretch between things. Les of an arcane blood magic, and more of an undeadey feel. :smallwink:

2013-07-11, 01:45 AM
I'll leave that to someone else I think. I'm doing Organs*, not "body substances". Thus, I might do a nose, but no "snot ooze". For that I am profoundly grateful! There are some things that should do not need to be made.

I think blood happens to qualify as an organ, so I COULD do that within the scope of this project, but it has been done before well enough I don't feel the need to recreate it. Possibly. There's already a blood elemental.

*Or sometimes pairs or trios of closely related of organs, such as the small and large intestines(I think those are separate organs technically), the two lungs and the voice-box going into the floating lungs, my plans that you need to sew two tonsils together to make the undead, and the bladder+two kidneys for the skulking bladders (if I ever get up the energy to do those).

This has been a lot of work. I commend you on your tenacity. Plus, I'll try to look at more of these.

2013-07-11, 01:40 PM
For that I am profoundly grateful! There are some things that should do not need to be made.
Very much agreed.
Skulking bladders are as far down that road as I think I will ever go... and those are assassins.
This way lies madness:
Let's just say that "Snot Ooze" and even the "Poop Cloud" are fine and dandy ideas compared to one of the ideas that line of discussion brought to my brain.

This has been a lot of work. I commend you on your tenacity.
Yeah, well, anatomy is a minor interest of mine (Note: That doesn't mean I know much about it.)

That, and people kept praising the series strongly... despite the VERY low amount of detailed critique up until recently.

Plus, I'll try to look at more of these.
Thank you!
I look forward to it.

2013-07-11, 06:17 PM
Well, it was a bit of a kludge, but I spliced in what I have so far for the Plague Tonsils. I mostly mention this because I combined the Sinister Spinal Cords with the Skeletons in a single post and shifted the Rolling Eyeballs down one, and thus may have thrown off some of your old links.

I think I correctly updated my extended signature and the index in the first post though.

2013-07-12, 03:16 PM
Just noticed you had an odd stat block. Normally BAB/Grapple go on the same line. Also, you have no full attack line. Most stat blocks have that even if the text is the same as normal attack line.


2013-07-12, 08:03 PM
Just noticed you had an odd stat block. Normally BAB/Grapple go on the same line.
Probably an artifact from someone whose stat-block format I grabbed. Might be based on Vorpal Tribble's old monster creation contests.
I may change that, but it isn't exactly going to be my top priority.

Also, you have no full attack line. Most stat blocks have that even if the text is the same as normal attack line.

Now THAT is odd, and may be something that got lost due to a missing carriage return or something.

2013-08-18, 11:04 PM
Fiendish/Celestial Mouse Rolling Eyeballs added as a level IV summons option... wondering if I shouldn't just make that the level III summon rather than a separate upgrade.

Currently the progression stands at:
Summon Undead I: Human
Summon Undead II: Elf or Orc (in other words you get low-light OR 60' Darkvision)
Summon Undead III: Mouse (useful for getting under decently well-made doors, low-light vision)
Summon Undead IV: Celestial/Fiendish Mouse (all of the above)

2013-08-27, 10:46 PM
First combat in the campaign I am playtesting these in starts on these two pages:
OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=279798&page=9)
IC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=279800&page=10)

Copy over of two post-combat posts(Heavily edited to remove stuff not relevant to this thread, note that the character in question is a modified cleric who gets ALL the spells necessary to make ALL Deathless, but anything not on the cleric list he can ONLY cast for the purposes of making Deathless):
Just for the record, I have a permanent small hopping stomach (and a slithering spinal cord of some size or another) as one of my lesser minions... I totally forgot about it... we will say that I left its 6 hp, 25 GP ?? SP self outside the room when Alton was punching the floor, since I didn't want to risk it when I could conjure disposable counterparts to it.

So... what did people think of my Deathless?

My own analysis:
Big Bertha was the star here, with the close range of the fight letting her get her engulf on two targets. Definitely a credible advancing wall of doom in many scenarios given that I was never really worried about her hitpoints in this one.

BBoJ was one successful saving throw from doing something really useful. If any of them had opened the door and tried to run for it, it would be the one stopping them probably. 60' movement rate was very helpful for navigating around stuff, even if, by RAW it didn't need all that because it could have moved through Martin and the hopping stomachs.

The stomachs were... a good summon I think, given the nature of the mission (capture) we MIGHT have been better off with 6 medium gut snakes, or a single Large one. Less damage, but no spellcaster likes being grappled, and even the medium ones would have been in the ballpark of these guy's grapple checks, due to Improved Grapple. Of course, they probably would have been shredded by the AoOs for falling into the room (edit: Nah, 19 hitpoints means they survive most of the time even if they get hit, and they have the DR to ignore the falling damage). If these cultists were multiclassed, instead of gestalt (not sure which they were), then they might not have had the 3rd level spell slots to auto-clear the filth fever if one had gotten off "Explosive Diarrhoetic Discharge"... which would have been an interesting little "gotcha". They almost certainly had 2nd level spells, which would have handled the visual impairment, and their fort saves were high enough that the disease wouldn't have been a big deal.

Bone Bear (my control group, although I doubt that most PCs consider grizzly bears prime necromancy material) was a glass cannon. It probably could have taken a single hit (meaning a maneuver, not a mere AoO) and stayed standing, two hits and it would have gone down... and it would have needed to risk that first hit to get off its full attack.

The eyes... well, I don't have any opinion on them, since I already knew everything I had proposed I think. But we did go into some detail IC about them, including the misunderstanding about what exactly "roll under the door, then look around" meant. For this reason, I suspect that others may have an opinion on them.

Homebrew Thoughts:

Organ Undead: What I'm seeing regarding Organ Undead, so far, is not a matter of the creatures themselves. They look like they do their job fine, and I don't think I've seen anything to indicate their CR's are off (although my knowledge is fairly cursory). What might be troublesome in a game with more normal power levels is the acquisition method; skeletons and zombies have generally high HD, low CR, and no versatility to speak of, and that varies much more widely with Organ Undead. In other words, I wouldn't so far say Organ Undead are overpowered, but Animate Dead might become overpowered with Organ Undead in the campaign.

2013-11-03, 10:44 PM
I've given the hopping stomachs some turn resistance to balance out there effectiveness compared to an NPC conjuration specialist using Acid Arrow. I might scale it back to a straight +1 or something.

Not sure if that was necessary or not.

Might want to tweak the summoning table too.

Basically, I'm getting the vibe that these things may be balanced as encounters, but as minions they out-rate skeletons and zombies enough to be over-powered.

2014-03-11, 09:02 PM
I want to bump this for two reasons (the first of which very few of you will particularly care about):

First, I've been trying to get this used in some campaign in the PbP area, so I want to bump this so that people from those threads can comment.

Second, I've added Warlock support, repeated below:
Warlock, Adaptation
For the purposes of creating Organ Undead, the certain invocations may substitute for spells. Some substitutions require a minimum caster level as a warlock, and some may work for certain undead, but not others that require the same spell. If so, this will be explicitly stated in the table.
{table=head]Spell(s) Substituted For| Invocation | Organ Undead Useful for

Acid Arrow/Acid Arrow | Vitriolic Blast | Hopping Stomach

Animate Dead | Dead Walk (Any C.L.) | All

Bestow Curse | Curse of Despair | Muscle Mass (Fine or Diminutive only)

Bull's Strength(For Muscle Masses ONLY)|Repelling Blast|Muscle Mass

Bull's Strength(For Gut Snakes ONLY)*|Stony Grasp| (IF edited to require Bull's Strength, then Gut Snakes)

Chill Touch | Enervating Shadow | Muscle Mass

Create Undead| Dead Walk (C.L. 11+)| Any over 20 effective hitdice.

Create Greater Undead | Dead Walk (C.L. 15+) | Any over 20 effective hitdice.*

Displacement* | Sickening Blast OR Noxious Blast | Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear

Fly | Fell Flight | Dark Heart, Floating Lungs, Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear

Find The Path* | Sickening Blast OR Noxious Blast | Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear

Inflict Critical Wounds, Mass | Utterdark Blast AND any Area of Effect Blast Shape Invocation (including Eldritch Chain)| Dark Heart

Jump | Leaps and Bounds | Muscle Masses with more than a +10 jump check modifier

Know Direction | Sickening Blast OR Noxious Blast | Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear

Ray of Enfeeblement | Enervating Shadow | Muscle Mass

Resist Elements | (Resistance to Acid 5 or more from a Warlock class feature) | Hopping Stomach

Overland Flight | Fell Flight (C.L. 9+)*| Dark Heart, Floating Lungs, Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear

Silent Image | Flee the Scene | Rolling Eyeball

Touch of Fatigue | Miasmatic Cloud | Fat Globs of up to and including Gargantuan size

Wind Walk | Fell Flight (C.L. 11+)* | Dark Heart, Floating Lungs, Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear
*At the time of this table's creation, this provides no incremental benefit (in terms of which creatures can be created) over the lower caster level version (or in some cases not having the invocation at all), however it is included in case the creatures in question are edited at a later date.

Partial list of "Orphan" spells:

Dark Hearts: Deathwatch

Empty Skins: I had been considering requiring Eagle's Splendor here, but never got to deciding if I should.

Floating Lungs: Sound Burst, Shout, or Shout, Greater. An Endritch Essence that gives you sonic damage could do it... not sure if Baleful Utterance should count.

Sinister Spinal Cord: Hold Person (for large or smaller), OR Hold Monster will do for ones of any size.

Slithering Liver: Poison.
Spinning-Horizon Inner Ear: Cat's Grace

Zooming Brain: Touch of Idiocy or Feeblemind.

Lix Lorn
2014-03-11, 09:06 PM
Now I want a warlock who spams acid eldritch blasts as digestive juice rays.

That's not disguisting at all. :smalltongue:

2014-03-11, 09:17 PM
Now I want a warlock who spams acid eldritch blasts as digestive juice rays.

That's not disguisting at all. :smalltongue:

You mean just as a flavor* thing? The actual hopping stomachs don't use rays.

*Pun not intended but welcome since it showed up.

Lix Lorn
2014-03-11, 09:24 PM
Yes. Dammit. xD

2014-03-11, 09:44 PM
Yes. Dammit. xD
Shoot, go for broke and make his use of Vitrolic Blast include his head spinning around 360 degrees before projectile vomiting at his target al la "The Exorcist".

2014-03-12, 09:23 AM
So will a lot of the WiP stuff be finished? I'm really excited to see the final products

2014-03-12, 12:02 PM
So will a lot of the WiP stuff be finished? I'm really excited to see the final products
In all honesty? Maybe.

The lists of example creatures, and the fine details of the Anatomical Juggernaut are feeling a bit like drudgery at this point, and the Skulking Bladder is something I'm still very nervous about my ability to create... actually, maybe consulting with some of the people who might be using the stuff could be good on that last one.

Other than those, what were you hoping to see?

I DO intend to use the results of the play-test to get the balance refined even further, both for GM and PC use.

I might find some more play-test data from others motivational towards finishing the Juggernauts, Bladders, and pumping out example creatures (or people could actually provide some of those examples if they are going to use some of the more template-y organs in their own campaigns).

EDIT: And some discussion from another thread about the Warlock angle.

Floating Spells:
Skins- IF you add Eagles Splendor perhaps Beguiling Influence.
Floating Lungs: I don't think you can do sonic damage with EB normally.
Spinal Cord: Bestow Curse can imobilize you 50% of the time, so perhaps that [Curse of Despair]... Not too convincing though.
Liver: I curse you to be affected by a poison [Curse of Despair].
Inner Ear: Leaps and Bounds.
Zooming Brain: Incarnum Blast [Does Wis Damage or Incarnum Drain].

Actually, Curse of Despair could cover most low level de-buffs given all you can do with curses.

I'd go for Entropic Warding/Flee the Scene/Enervating Shadow for Displacement... Perhaps Warlocks Call for find the path instead... But I think I'd just skip that.
Edit: Other ideas include Eldritch Spear.
Some of these are good, but I'd prefer to introduce homebrew invocations rather than stretch points, or just have Warlocks not be able to make all of them without hiring a little spellcasting. Neither Clerics nor Sorcerers/Wizards can make ALL of the organ undead (short of using the Corpse Ripper line of spells), and I'm fine with that.

2014-05-21, 08:45 PM
I'm coming off of a very exhausting cold, but Drack sent me a PM asking me to fix the tables for the Fat Globs and the Gut Snakes. Because I'm so tired, I'm afraid I'm missing something that I screwed up, so I'm going to be doing them as separate posts.

Fat Glob
(Open Spoiler for Stat Block for Small through Large Fat Globs)

Fat Glob, Small
Fat Glob, Medium
Fat Glob, Large

Hit Dice
4d12 (26 hp)
8d12 (52 hp)
16d12 (104 hp)

15 ft. (3 squares), swim 15 ft.
15 ft. (3 squares), swim 15 ft.
20 ft. (4 squares), swim 20 ft.

-5 -5

AC 6 (-5 Dex, +1 size); touch 6; flat-footed 65 (-5 Dex); touch 5; flat-footed 54 (-5 Dex, -1 size); touch 4; flat-footed 4



Attack Slam -1 melee (1d4-4 and Fatiguing Blow)Slam +1 melee (1d6-3 and Fatiguing Blow)Slam +4 melee (1d8-3 and Fatiguing Blow)

Full AttackSlam -1 melee (1d4-4 and Fatiguing Blow)Slam +1 melee (1d6-3 and Fatiguing Blow)Slam +4 melee (1d8-3 and Fatiguing Blow)

5 ft./5 ft.
5 ft./5 ft.
10 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks
Constrict 1d4-4 and Fatiguing Blow and Suffocation, Engulf, Improved Grab
Constrict 1d6-3 and Fatiguing Blow and Suffocation, Engulf, Improved Grab
Constrict 1d8-3 and Fatiguing Blow and Suffocation, Engulf, Improved Grab

Special Qualities Apathy, Cold and Sonic Immunity, Dark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 5/Slashing, Easily Controlled, Fire Vulnerability, Immunity to Bludgeoning, Single Actions Only, Stability, Undead TraitsApathy, Cold and Sonic Immunity, Dark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 10/Slashing, Easily Controlled, Fire Vulnerability, Immunity to Bludgeoning, Single Actions Only, Stability, Undead TraitsApathy, Cold and Sonic Immunity, Dark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 15/Slashing, Easily Controlled, Fire Vulnerability, Immunity to Bludgeoning, Single Actions Only, Stability, Undead Traits

Fort +1, Ref -4, Will +4
Fort +2, Ref -3, Will +6
Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +10

AbilitiesStr 3, Dex 1, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1Str 4, Dex 1, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1Str 5, Dex 1, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1





Challenge Rating


Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil

5-7 HD (Small)
9-15 HD (Medium)
17-31 HD (Large)

Level Adjustment

(Open Spoiler Below for stat block for Huge through Colossal Fat Globs)

Fat Glob, Huge
Fat Glob, Gargantuan
Fat Glob, Colossal

Size and Type
Huge Undead[Organ Undead]
Gargantuan Undead[Organ Undead]
Colossal Undead[Organ Undead]

Hit Dice
32d12 (208 hp)
64d12 (416 hp)
128d12 (832 hp)

20 ft. (4 squares), swim 20 ft.
20 ft. (4 squares), swim 20 ft.
30 ft. (6 squares), swim 30 ft.


AC 3 (-5 Dex, -2 size); touch 3; flat-footed 31 (-5 Dex, -4 size); touch 1; flat-footed 1-3 (-5 Dex, -8 size); touch -3; flat-footed -3



Attack Slam +12 melee (2d6-2 and Fatiguing Blow)Slam +28 melee (2d8 and Fatiguing Blow)Slam melee +57 (4d6+1 and Exhaustion)

Full AttackSlam +12 melee (2d6-2 and Fatiguing Blow)Slam +28 melee (2d8 and Fatiguing Blow)Slam melee +57 (4d6+1 and Exhaustion)

15 ft./10 ft.
20 ft./15 ft.
30 ft./20 ft.

Special AttacksConstrict 2d6-2 and Fatiguing Blow and Suffocation, Engulf, Improved GrabConstrict 2d8 and Fatiguing Blow and Suffocation, Engulf, Improved GrabConstrict 4d6+1 and Fatiguing Blow and Suffocation, Engulf, Improved Grab

Special QualitiesApathy, Cold and Sonic Immunity, Dark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 15/Slashing, Easily Controlled, Fire Vulnerability, Immunity to Bludgeoning, Single Actions Only, Stability, Undead TraitsApathy, Cold and Sonic Immunity, Dark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 20/Slashing, Easily Controlled, Fire Vulnerability, Immunity to Bludgeoning, Single Actions Only, Stability, Undead TraitsApathy, Cold and Sonic Immunity, Dark Vision 60 ft., D.R. 30/Slashing, Easily Controlled, Fire Vulnerability, Immunity to Bludgeoning, Single Actions Only, Stability, Undead Traits

Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +18
Fort +21, Ref +16, Will +34
Fort +42, Ref +37, Will +66

AbilitiesStr 8, Dex 1, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1Str 10, Dex 1, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1Str 12, Dex 1, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1





Challenge Rating


Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil

33-63 HD (Huge)
65-127 HD (Gargantuan)
129+ (Colossal)

Level Adjustment

The yellowish white mound smells of rot and tallow. It extrudes a trembling pseudo-pod.

Constrict (Ex): With a successful grapple check a fat-glob deals automatic slam damage, fatiguing blow effect, and the opponent can not breath that round (and thus may eventually suffocate). The opponent takes a -4 penalty on their fortitude save against the fatiguing blow.

Easily Controlled (Ex {Su?}): For purposes of how many total hitdice may be created or controlled via any means, including, but not limited to the Command Undead sub-feature of the class feature of a cleric who Rebukes undead, and Animate Dead a fat glob counts as only 1/3 its actual hitdice. They still count as their full hitdice for purposes of determining the initial results of turning/rebuking attempts. This overides the usual rules for organ undead.

Engulf (Ex): Although it moves slowly, a fat glob can simply mow down creatures of equal or smaller size class as a standard action. It cannot make a slam attack during a round in which it engulfs. The fat glob merely has to move over the opponents, affecting as many as it can cover. Opponents can make opportunity attacks against the glob, but if they do so they are not entitled to a saving throw. Those who do not attempt attacks of opportunity must succeed on a Reflex save or be engulfed (see following chart for DCs for standard fat globs); on a success, they are pushed back or aside (opponent’s choice) as the glob moves forward. Engulfed creatures are subject to the glob’s fatigue and suffocation, and are considered to be grappled and trapped within its body (until and unless they fight free as per normal for a grapple). The save DC is Strength-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.


Small 94






Fatiguing Blow (Su): A creature struck by a Fat Glob of less than Colossal size must make a fortitude save or become fatigued, regardless of if the attack deals any damage. If they are already fatigued (regardless of source) they become exhausted as normal. In the case of a Colossal Fat Glob, the creature is Exhausted on a failed save and fatigued on a successful one. These conditions last for a number of minutes equal to the Fat Glob's hit-dice at which point the creature reverts to its previous status if the condition hasn't been cured before then. The DC is technically Constitution based but since undead have no constitution scores, the DC is simply (10 + 1/4* hit-dice). A table for standard fat globs follows.
*Confirmed: 1/4 NOT 1/2.








Fire Vulnerability (Ex): Fat globs take half again as much damage from fire.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a fat glob must hit with its slam attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.

Single Actions Only (Ex): Fat globs have poor reflexes and can perform only a single move action or attack action each round. A fat glob can move up to its speed and attack in the same round, but only if it attempts a charge.

Stability (Ex): A fat glob gains a +8 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground). As an ooze-like creature, tripping one is impossible (although tripping rules might be allowed to remove one from a surface it is climbing at the GM's discretion).

Apathy (Ex): A fat glob may not make attacks of opportunity.

Ooze-like (Ex): A fat-glob can not be flanked, and can squeeze through small spaces and cracks as well as a typical ooze of their size.

Creating a Fat Glob: A large amount of unprocessed animal fat (so no tallow or what-have-you) must be piled up in one or more piles. Each pile will become a single fat-glob with Hit-Dice as indicated on the following table. Piles of less than 60 pounds weight may not be animated. The fat need not be particularly fresh at all, but must be reasonably clear of meat, bone, skin etc, and any foreign materials or weight biologically transformed to another state do not count towards the weight requirements. The fat need not be a single piece, or even from the same type of creature (let alone individual). The material components must be placed near the center of each pile to be animated. Next, for fat globs of 60 hit dice or less, either Touch of Fatigue, Ray of Exhaustion, Waves of Fatigue, or Waves of Exhaustion must be cast over the mass followed by either Animate Dead, Create Undead, OR Create Undead, Greater. For fat globs of 60 to 63 hit-dice, the requirements are the same, except that Animate Dead may not be used. For Colossal Fat Globs, this restriction still applies, and Ray of Exhaustion OR Waves of Exhaustion must be used.

Note that for purposes of creating and controlling undead fat-globs count as only 1/3 their actual hit-dice.

HDWeight XHD Weight XHD Weight X HDWeight X HDWeight

4 60 X36 30 tonsX68180 tonsX100620 tons X1321,220 tons

5 170 X37 33 tonsX69193 tonsX101630 tons X1331,275 tons

6 280 X38 36 tonsX70207 tonsX102645 tons X1341,330 tons

7 390 X39 40 tonsX71220 tonsX103660 tons X1351,385 tons

8 500 X40 43 tonsX72235 tonsX104670 tons X1361,440 tons

9 938 X41 47 tonsX73250 tonsX105685 tons X1371,490 tons

10 1,375 X42 50 tonsX74260 tonsX106700 tons X1381,550 tons

11 1,813 X43 53 tonsX75275 tonsX107715 tons X1391,600 tons

12 2,250 X44 57 tonsX76290 tonsX108730 tons X1401,655 tons

13 2,688 X45 60 tonsX77300 tonsX109740 tons X1411,710 tons

14 3,125 X46 64 tonsX78315 tonsX110755 tons X1421,765 tons

15 3,563 X47 67 tonsX79330 tonsX111770 tons X1431,820 tons

16 4,000 X48 70 tonsX80345 tonsX112780 tons X1441,875 tons

17 5,750 X49 74 tonsX81360 tonsX113795 tons X1451,930 tons

18 7,500 X50 77 tonsX82370 tonsX114810 tons X1461,985 tons

19 9,250 X51 80 tonsX83385 tonsX115820 tons X1472,040 tons

2011,000 X52 84 tonsX84400 tonsX116835 tons X1482,095 tons

2112,750 X53 88 tonsX85410 tonsX117850 tons X1492,150 tons

2214,500 X54 91 tonsX86425 tonsX118865 tons X1502,200 tons

2315,250 X55 94 tonsX87440 tonsX119880 tons X1512,260 tons

2418,000 X56 98 tonsX88455 tonsX120890 tons X1522,310 tons

2519,750 X57101 tonsX89470 tonsX121905 tons X1532,370 tons

2621,500 X58105 tonsX90480 tonsX122920 tons X1542,420 tons

2723,250 X59108 tonsX91495 tonsX123930 tons X1552,475 tons

2825,000 X60111 tonsX92510 tonsX124945 tons X1562,530 tons

2926,750 X61115 tonsX93520 tonsX125960 tons X1572,600 tons

3028,500 X62118 tonsX94535 tonsX126975 tons X1582,650 tons

3130,250 X63121 tonsX95550 tonsX127985 tons X1592,700 tons

3232,000 X64125 tonsX96565 tonsX1281,000 tonsX1602,750 tons

3319 tonsX65139 tonsX97575 tonsX1291,055 tonsX1612,800 tons

3423 tonsX66152 tonsX98590 tonsX1301,110 tonsX1622,850 tons

3526 tonsX67166 tonsX99600 tonsX1311,165 tonsX1632,900 tons

Add the following sizes and hitdies of Fat Glob to the list of things summonable with the Summon Undead line of spells.

Lvl Fat Glob Type

I standard Small

II standard Medium

III Advanced Medium (12 HD)

IV standard Large

V Advanced Large (20 HD)

VI* Advanced Large (28 HD)

VII*standard Huge

VIII*Advanced Huge (40 HD)

IX*Advanced Huge (56 HD)

*This spell does not, to my knowledge, exist a-priori of this project. I might brew it up later, although it is going to be a bit narrow-focus unless other people jump on the homebrewing bandwagon.

As always, you can use a spell from the Summon Undead series to summon 2 undead from the list for 1 spell level lower, or 4 undead from the list for 2 spell levels lower.

EDIT: A useful LINK (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?350262-The-Wonderful-exploits-of-Fillangus-Doddlehop-amp-co-IC-II) or TWO (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?344397-The-Wonderful-exploits-of-Fillangus-Doddlehop-amp-co-OOC-III/page23).

2020-05-12, 05:41 PM
Rejoice ye anatomy fans, for I come bearing uvulae (the little things that hang down in the back of the throat of an upright-walking species, and reasonably also centaurs, wemics, et al)!

I figured they would go well with an alternate animation for lungs (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?609816-(Pathfinder-also-given-a-nod)-Let-us-laugh-at-our-fears!-Monster-(P-E-A-C-H-)) I created to raise morale during the COVID-19 crisis (5e version (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?610507-Let-us-laugh-together-at-our-fears!-Monster-(P-E-A-C-H-))). For this reason I rushed both out a bit, so constructive criticism is especially welcome. There are two highly novel mechanics in the uvulae, both of which I might like to propagate to other organ undead. Obviously these could use an even closer eye than the rest of the two monsters. Both of these result from factional hit-dice.

The first novel mechanic is simply to have a variant Turn Resistance that replaces the RHD, rather than adds to it. This would likely only ever be used for undead with fractional hit-die. It is useful in saving math involving fractions for the GM, and my having on less thing to remember if I ever feel the need to tweak hit-dice in the years to come (or even in the course of working on organs I haven't completed yet).

The second is to give some scaling to the DCs despite them maxing out at 1 HD. I simply replaced the usual division by 2 of the hit-dice with a multiplication by 12, and then (hopefully) added enough boiler-plate to make sure that various ways of increasing the hit-dice wouldn't result in an obscene increase in DC.

A last, minor, note is if it would improve clarity much (or at all) if I split it into two tables, each displaying only 2 sizes of uvulae.

And for your convenience (to comment on Coughing Lungs, go to their specific thread(s) ) :

Laughing Uvula((Approximately as silly as Jack Nicholson's portrayal of The Joker.))

Laughing Uvula, Fine
Laughing Uvula, Diminutive
Laughing Uvula, Tiny
Laughing Uvula, Small
Size and Type
Fine Undead [Organ Undead]
Diminutive Undead [Organ Undead]
Tiny Undead [Organ Undead]
Small Undead [Organ Undead]

Hit Dice
1/4d12 (1 hp)
1/3d12 (2 hp)
1/2d12 (3 hp)
1d12 (6 hp)

10 ft.*
15 ft.*
20 ft.*
20 ft.*


19 (+1 Dex, +8 size); touch 19; flat-footed 18
14 (+4 size); touch 14; flat-footed 1411 (-1 Dex, +2 size); touch 11; flat-footed 119 (-2 Dex, +1 size); touch 9; flat-footed 9



Tickling Touch +9 melee touch (Hideous Laughter DC 10**)
Tickling Touch +4 melee touch (Hideous Laughter DC 11**)
Tickling Touch +1 melee touch (Hideous Laughter DC 13**)
Tickling Touch -1 melee touch (Hideous Laughter DC 19**)

1/2 ft./0 ft.
1 ft./0 ft.
2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks
Tickling Touch
Tickling Touch
Tickling Touch
Tickling Touch

Special Qualities
Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Soft, Special Turn Resistance = 2
Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Soft, Special Turn Resistance = 1
Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Soft, Special Turn Resistance = 1
Dark Vision 60 ft., Undead Traits, Soft, Turn Resistance +1

Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2
Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +2
Fort +0, Ref -2, Will +2

Abilities Str 1, Dex 12, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1Str 2, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1Str 3, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1Str 5, Dex 6, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1

Move Silently =-5***
Move Silently =-5***
Move Silently =-5***
Move Silently =-5***

Weapon Finesse(B)
Weapon Finesse(B)
Weapon Finesse(B)
Weapon Finesse(B)
Challenge Rating
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Always Neutral Evil
Level Adjustment
* If the source creature had a swim speed, replace this with an equal swim speed, then add a land speed of 5 feet.
** If the Types of the Target of the attack, the source creature the uvula was taken from, and the caster(s) of both the Animate Dead and Hideous Laughter are all the same, the target takes a -4 penalty on this saving throw.
*** Due to constantly emitting the sound of maniacal laughter, laughing uvulae do not actually roll move silently checks. Instead they are treated as having a check result of -5 after the die roll, racial modifiers, ability score ranks, etc. but BEFORE any competence modifiers, situational modifiers (such as distance from the listener or intervening obsticles), etc.

This vaguely conical bit of bloodless flesh rolls around in a spastic manner. The sound of maniacal laughter emanates from it*, despite it lacking any complex structure to serve as vocal apparatus.
*It is literally "Rolling On (the) Floor Laughing" AKA ROFLing.

Soft (Ex): Laughing Uvulae can not make unarmed strikes and do not have any natural weapons. (Note that they also have no way of wielding manufactured weapons.)

Special Turn Resistance(Su?): This works like normal turn resistance, except that it REPLACES the racial HD if it is less than it, rather than adding to it. If the racial HD is equal to or greater than it, it does not have any effect. In either case normal Turn Resistance and other sources of hit-die are applied after this.

Tickling Touch (Su): A creature with an intelligence score of 3 or greater touched by a laughing uvulae must make a will save or fall prone, laughing maniacally, and may not take any actions for a number of rounds based on the uvula's size (see following table, which also lists DCs). The victim is NOT considered helpless during this time, and after it they may act normally. This is a [Mind-Affecting] Compulsion effect. The save DC is very unusual, and is 7+(12*Racial Hit-Die) for a normal laughing uvulae. Expanded out this is 10 plus a 2 point racial bonus, -5 for being charisma based, and plus 12 times the racial hit-dice (DO NOT include any RHD from templates!). If the Types of the Target of the attack, the source creature the uvula was taken from, and the caster(s) of both the Animate Dead and Hideous Laughter are all the same, the target takes a -4 penalty on this saving throw.

Size DC(*) DurationSource Creature Size
10(14)1 round Small, Medium, or Large
11(15)2 roundsHuge
13(17)3 roundsGargantuan
19(23)4 roundsColossal

*You can use this second DC as a mathmatically equivalent substitute for the -4 penalty to the the save that occurs when the Types of the target, source creature from which the uvula was taken, and caster of both Animate Dead and Hideous Laughter all match.

This effect counts as Hideous Laughter for the purposes of Spell Immunity and other such things. Its mechanics are very close, but diverge noticably regarding the rules for how it works on various types of creatures.

Skills: Due to contantly emitting the sound of maniacal laughter, laughing uvulae do not actually roll move silently checks. Instead they are treated as having a check result of -5 after the die roll, racial modifiers, ability score ranks, etc. but BEFORE any competence modifiers, situational modifiers (such as distance from the listener or intervening obsticles), etc.

Creating A Laughing Uvula:
First the uvulae of one or more upright-walking and/or centauriform creatures that breath through the same throat as they eat through must be harvested. The uvulae must be reasonably undecayed and whole. Each such harvesting requires a DC 10 Heal or DC 15 Craft(Butcher) check to avoid ruining the uvula.

Next Eagle's Splendor and Hideous Laughter must be cast once on each uvula.

Finally, either Animate Dead or Create Undead, Lesser must be cast on the group of uvulae. The uvulae must rest on the material components for the spell. Each such casting (regardless of which spell is used) may create up to 2 HD worth of Laughing Uvulae per caster level (The Desecrate spell doubles this limit.)

The remaining corpse is still suitable for animation into most types of undead. Especially note that with the right skill checks, spells, etc it is possible to generate all of the following, and probably more, a Skeleton, a Muscle Mass, a Sinister Spinal Cord, a Slithering Liver, Hopping Stomach, an Empty Skin, a Gut Snake, and a set of Floating Lungs from a single corpse.

Add the following sizes of laughing uvula to the list of things summonable with the Summon Undead line of spells.

Lvl Laughing Uvula Type

I --

II Diminutive

III Tiny or Fine

IV --

V Small

VI* --

VII* --


IX* --

((Need to specify types or say none of them count as haaving the matching to get the +/-4. Remove rows above highest level summonable? Remove Footnotes if no footnoted rows exist. The sizes being so out of order is INTENTIONAL since hitpoints matter less for a summons that can be dropped in right next to its target, wasting an attack on is a partial victory for the caster, and which can prevent its target from killing it if it succeeds with both die-rolls of its attack. Also consider breaking them out by type. Currently assuming that any reasonable type can be picked (No Large or bigger Humanoids, and maybe no Medium or smaller giants... although children ARE a thing...) in any case clarify which types can be the source! Maybe even break it out into multiple columns at each spell level based on source.))

As always, you can use a spell from the Summon Undead series to summon 2 undead from the list for 1 spell level lower, or 4 undead from the list for 2 spell levels lower.

*This spell does not, to my knowledge, exist a-priori of this project.