View Full Version : The Burden of Fire [IC] [3.5]

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-01, 12:55 AM
Underneath the glittering, refracted light of the Armanthia Ring, the sky was adorned with innumerable streaks of purple light. The smallest crystals of the ring burnt up as they fell through the atmosphere, and their dying trails lit up the dusky sky.

And beneath that sky, the light falls on a dusty red desert. Rocky outcrops dot the otherwise empty plain that stretched on to the horizon, and the broken, embedded shards of crystal reflected the swansong of their brethren. Sand whirled across the barren landscape, the whistle of the wind rushing through the stones the only sound.

Throughout these stones, there is a pathway; long, lonely and hidden it leads those (un)lucky few who leave the Great Holds to a secret place. The concealed village of Dôr is a place of temporary safety, bathed in the fading flashes of radioactive light.

For it is temporary. Outside the safety of the Great Holds, protected by magically-treated shielding, it is all but impossible to avoid being affected by the cruel side-effects of Armanthian radiation. But for many, that risk must be accepted; it is better to die out here in the desert than it is to live a life of pain in the Holds.

Descending town into the hidden town, currently experiencing the most unlikely of downpours, we find ourselves drawn to a Tavern, where an Elf stands alone with Crystalline Blade in hand, fearfully preparing to fight against an invisible enemy...

Or, perhaps, not so alone; pushing down the stairwell that leads up to the rooms of the Tavern's patrons, an unlikely trio rushing to the Elf's rescue. A Human Man with a single eye, razor sharp blades in hand, with thoughts of heroism on his mind. A Gnome, with a hint of Chaos in his eye and brow, hefts a Crossbow at whatever would threaten them, despite the exasperation clear on his face. A Hobgoblin, arcane energies beginning to crackle around him, clutching at the Carving Knife dangling from his belt.

The four of them escaped Slavery together, and they all bear scars from it. But it would take more than just an invisible foe and unseasonable cold to make them back down from coming to one another's aid.

Only Elia is privy to the figure that threatens her, a being of Smoke and Sputtering Flame. She sees it crouched low, fuming fangs bared at her allies. It looks back at her, considering... and then lets out a piercing wail, causing great pain to everyone in the building.

In an instant, the creature is gone, leaving only the pungent smell of smoke in its wake.

...The diverse, disparate people of the tavern start filing out of their bedrooms, and the common area, coming to investigate the strange events that had occurred around the four strangers.

And so our Adventure begins anew!

As you can see, I've taken a few liberties with the setting of our Game, in an attempt to make things a little more unique and colourful. I'll be providing some more in-depth explanation for all the things I've talked about in this post in the yonder OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15004402)

2013-04-01, 02:06 AM
Bastion arrives to an empty scene, too late to play hero. Or maybe he was a deterrent after all. His head is still reeling from sour gin. He sheaths his blades.

I uh...
Everything alright Mooneyes? What was that very awful and loud thing?

He cleans his ears out with a grubby pinky finger. Turning to the curious spectators he decides he can play hero after all - in a limited sense.

Okay folks! Show's over. Back to bed.
- God man! you wear that to bed? Button the front buddy; put that away!
Okay okay shoo shoo. Go to bed people it's all over now. Just a couple of coyotes making sweet animal love. Nothing to see here.

Diplomacy? [roll0]

He thinks he did a pretty impressive job of crowd control. He showed Elia he cares and that he can handle things. He decides to press his luck

Whatever that thing was, it's dangerous. None of us should sleep alone tonight. I'll take watch in Elia's room. Claudius and Charrok can keep each other company. Yeah... We need to watch each other's back here.

Bluff (+0) or Slight o Hand (+3) to avoid getting caught checking out Elia's butt. [roll1]

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-01, 04:13 AM
The crowd that had gathered around the four started muttering and whispering to each other (and one man was hushed by a green-skinned woman when he began to retort after Bastion's commentary). Slowly, the crowd nervously tapered off, returning to the common room or their own beds.

But from the looks the four of them received, it was clear that Bastion's clumsy attempts at cajoling the crowd had earned them some ire.

2013-04-01, 08:55 AM
Charrok sighs.
What my companion was trying to say, he says as he adresses the crowd, is that whatever was here, is gone, we shall see what we can do if it returns, but do not be afraid, or linger overlong, as it may return and we wish no casualties, for who knows who it may target?
He glances at the party. Perhaps Elia herself, if we room together, should decide which of us to share her room with, be it the man, the gnome, or I.

2013-04-01, 11:44 AM
Claudius groans, his ears still ringing and his head still throbbing, and sets down his crossbow. The cacophony had only helped to intensify his hangover. The little man sneers. No way in hell am I sharing a room with that shaggy mongrel. He snores almost as bad as he stinks. I don't see why we can't just stay down 'ere and talk it out. It's a lovely morning, and I doubt I'll be getting much sleep anyway. 'Sides, he smirks at Bastion. We need to keep an eye on you, that is, so's to make sure you keep your eyes off her.

2013-04-01, 12:04 PM
Bastion sheepishly avoids eye contact. Was he so obvious?
I uh
that is uhh

Fine. Whatever.
thanks a lot boys
way to help a friend out

If that's how it is, then I say we might as well go see that filthy ginger. Maybe he has a giant monster for us to kill.

Yeah! That would be good. Bastion had always wanted to slay a dire bear. If he got paid, all the better. It went like this. Adventure leads to money. Money leads to booze and women. Good plan Bastion, he thought to himself. Good plan.

2013-04-01, 12:41 PM
I do not know. Claudius, would you like to be eaten? Somehow, it has not been a life goal of mine so far. Not that we should not consider it, but I don't have too much of a liking for our aforementioned host. However, whatever course we take, I deem it wiser to discuss it privately.

2013-04-01, 01:49 PM
Claudius scoffs, shrugging off his headache in favour of egotism. He suddenly erupts in his characteristic verbosity. Please, the very indication that I'd let myself be eaten is downright insulting! My particular talents allow me to remain quite illusive. Violet eyes suddenly full of excitement, the gnome hops into a barstool, stroking his white beard. He looks to Bastion. Come, my friend! Let's 'ave some nice hot beverages and a game o' chance 'fore we seek out that ginger prique. Perhaps another round of that weird elven game? Perhaps something more humble and rustic? He glances toward the elf with a hint of sarcasm.

2013-04-01, 01:55 PM
Always up for a game of chance, Bastion has to ask (in spite of his better judgment) Whacha have in mind?

2013-04-01, 05:40 PM
Claudius rubs his hands together, then removes from his pack a large wooden top with notches and numbers to indicate sixteen different segments, and a metal cask.Y'ever played Wobbletop? I used to play it with my cousins before...everything. It's an old gnomish game, presumably from before gnomes knew about dice.

First, both players flip a coin or roll dice to see who goes first. Then, that person spins the top. Whatever number the top leans to, that's the number o' coins both players have to put in the cask. The spinner gets to decide what sort of coin to put in, then both players plunk their coins in and the next person spins. If you choose a type of coin and the other person doesn't like it, he can instead call a null, but then 'e has to put one coin in of that type, and the spinner doesn't put anything in.

If the top hits a sixteen before each player has already spun once, the spinner spins again and then both players put in double that. If it hits sixteen after everyone's already had a go, the spinner wins and takes the pot.

It's usually only played with two people, but you can have as many as you like, really. Interested?

So you just do 1d16 to determine where the top lands, obviously.

2013-04-01, 06:23 PM
Didn't you try to cheat me with your illusions last night? Bastion smirks. He looks in his coin purse to see if he can actually afford to play. Is platinum involved? I'm not sure I have enough to play this game. Especially if I'm playing with you. I'll tell you what. We should go earn some coin first. Then you can cheat me out of it. Right now I need breakfast and a drink to make this headache go away.

He heads downstairs where he orders scrambled eggs and gin.

2013-04-01, 06:43 PM
Didn't you try to cheat me with your illusions last night? Bastion smirks. He looks in his coin purse to see if he can actually afford to play. Is platinum involved? I'm not sure I have enough to play this game. Especially if I'm playing with you. I'll tell you what. We should go earn some coin first. Then you can cheat me out of it. Right now I need breakfast and a drink to make this headache go away.

He heads downstairs where he orders scrambled eggs and gin.

Claudius places his hands on his chest, looking taken aback. I'm wounded! My honour is impeccable, I assure you.

But you have a point. The silly games can wait, let's find Mervin or whatever the hell his name was and get ourselves some coin to gamble with.

Oh, and I grew up on a farm. D'you really think we were throwing around platinum?

2013-04-01, 06:55 PM
Claudius places his hands on his chest, looking taken aback. I'm wounded! My honour is impeccable, I assure you.

But you have a point. The silly games can wait, let's find Mervin or whatever the hell his name was and get ourselves some coin to gamble with.

Oh, and I grew up on a farm. D'you really think we were throwing around platinum?

I think his name was Malak...

2013-04-01, 07:42 PM
I think his name was Malak...

Eh, Mervin, Malak, Marcus, Milificent, Martino, Mzazi, pick your pick. Either way, now that we're all sufficiently full, I think it's time we got ourselves some fresh air. The gnome hops off his stool, and approaches the barkeep. Do you know where we can find some steeds? Horses, ponies, perhaps a donkey or mule for my human companion? I'd prefer if they weren't...warped, but I doubt we've got that kind of coin.

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-02, 03:52 AM
Eyeing the two of you as you banter, the Barman sets about getting your order. He's a tall man, with closely cropped hair that is starting to show some grey around the temples, and a loose green shirt covering his wiry frame. A speckled ridge runs across the left side of his face.

"I'll get ya your Eggs, boy" the Barman replied to Bastion's request, his drawling voice making it difficult to decipher his words at times "but after se'ing ya last night, I don't think ma conscience could stand givin' ya more Gin"

He is quite for a brief time, as he sets to preparing breakfast for you; none of the other patrons have come down to breakfast this early, so you have his undivided attention.

"Well, I s'pose ya could pick up some nags from Padrig" He informs you, "He might be able to spare ya the last dregs that Malak didn't take from 'im. And if ya expecting to find unwarp'd stock out here, ya living in a dream world"

Soon enough, he finishes cooking up your breakfast, and returns with a plate of scrambled eggs for each of you, along with a steaming pot of dark brown liquid. He offers his hand, waiting for the few coppers from each of you.

2013-04-02, 09:06 AM
What? The fact that I over paid you last night doesn't even earn me a smile? (Or morning gin for that matter)

So... this is an incongruence. We used to have money in the old game, but now suddenly we don't. I think we forgot about that. We certainly can't afford a horse anymore! Do you think you could give us a small allowance? The game up to this point wouldn't make sense otherwise. You know... the gambling and the wild night of boozing.

2013-04-02, 09:40 AM
Bastion, Charrok mutters, the stuff is on the house. Do not go about spending your money on trivial things that are already covered when we are under Malak's protection.
He politely request a large plate of bacon, with a glass of milk milk.

2013-04-02, 09:46 AM
Claudius chuckles, and sips the morning drink. Too true. Forgive me, happens I was hold-raised. Any steeds will do, really. I just need a way to keep up with my taller friends. Where exactly can we find this Patrick?

Oh, and thanks for holding the gin. Nothin' worse than an angry drunk, eh?.

2013-04-02, 09:56 AM
Bastion, Charrok mutters, the stuff is on the house. Do not go about spending your money on trivial things that are already covered when we are under Malak's protection.
He politely request a large plate of bacon, with a glass of milk milk.

Right! I knew that.
He did know that. Why didn't he ask for some ham to go with his eggs then?!? Curses!

And Claudius... I am NOT an angry drunk! Got it? Hair of the dog bucko.

(I don't think there's a horse in the world that will help you keep up with me) Rolls his eyes. Finishes his eggs.
Mmmm Tastes like... well not chicken, but it's good.
He shuddered to think of what the bird that laid these things looked like. A man's gotta eat though.

2013-04-02, 11:00 AM
Right... Say that again. I find that so believable I almost believe it, eh Claudius? Repeat after me, "I am not an angry drunk."
Charrok almost falls off his chair laughing.

2013-04-02, 12:41 PM
I AM NOT AN ANGRY DRUNK Bastion says through gritted teeth and bated breath.

What the hell is Elia?!?
I want to get going and see that ginger freak for a job. I have the sudden urge to kill something.

2013-04-02, 01:07 PM
I AM NOT AN ANGRY DRUNK Bastion says through gritted teeth and bated breath.

What the hell is Elia?!?
I want to get going and see that ginger freak for a job. I have the sudden urge to kill something.

Claudius covers his mouth, but the little gnome can't help himself, and bursts into great gouts of laughter. I, heh, I bet you do. Alright, grumpy, let's go get some horses. Gingerly getting down onto the floor, he pulls his hood up and leaves the inn.

Given our conflicting posting schedules, it seems a bit silly to wait for the bartender to reply before getting our horses.

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-02, 06:32 PM
The barman nods when he bears that you are still under Malak's protection, and returns to his duties. The Red-Haired Man seems to have some clout amongst the townspeople of Dôr.

Claudius' exit goes without comment from the barman, or the few patrons of the nameless tavern who had started to file into the common room; a halfling girl whose hair had obviously begun falling out, an older man whose ears had deformed into reptilian bumps, a ...person, with skin black as pitch that obscured any features you might discern at a glance.

The town itself is just as lively; the sun is only just beginning to rise, and the only "active" members of the hidden town's population are yourselves and the Sentries perched on rooftops or hanging from the edges of the bluff that shield Dôr from the elements and prying eyes.

Dôr is small, and mostly empty. Very few are desperate enough to stay here full time, and those that do are mostly under the "protection" of the Red-Haired Man. You remember the half-formed words of the woman who had freed your four from slavery, only to be struck down on handing you over to the group that brought you here; "Don't trust him. Once he gets his hooks in..."

Most of the buildings have been carved into the rocks, with only a few scant constructions surrounding the stream that flows down the middle of the natural canyon. Looking for the livery stables, as they were, doesn't take long; they are the largest of the buildings outside the cliffs, and you can here the whinnies of the creatures that reside there.

Looking I to the building from afar, it seems that this "padrig" the barman had told you to talk to is not in. The only creatures you notice are six beasts that, if you squinted a little, could be called equines.

World-building (kinda)!!!

So, not much interaction so far, but a little bit of description of what's going on; and a little bit of backstory too.

2013-04-02, 09:11 PM
Claudius looks around. Well, they're ugly as hell, but I say we take 'em. Whad'you think, fellas?

2013-04-02, 11:15 PM
Claudius looks around. Well, they're ugly as hell, but I say we take 'em. Whad'you think, fellas?

Yeah. We can pay whoever runs this freak show later.

Bastion takes out a pickled carrot he swiped from the bar and approaches the equine-like beasts. Easy boy... er girl. Thing. he says in his best horse whisper.

Handle Animal [roll0]
Oh dear. This can't be good.

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-03, 04:09 AM
The closest beast looks back at you, both inner and outer eyelids of its segmented eyes opening at once. The beast is perhaps the most warped of the lot, and its hide is marked with alternating, dark purple lines. It has a pair of vestigial limbs between its fore and back legs, and its hoofs are much more pronounced and claw-like.

And Bastion's Horse Whispering leaves much to be desired.

The beast snaps at the Carrot, pulling it out from the Ranger's fingers and stalks away from Bastion sullenly.

"So, you met Bella. Don't worry, she's like that with everyone"

Looking up, you notice a gaunt, bearded man sitting up in the Rafters. He was wearing a dirty singlet and steel-capped boots; despite stirring a wooden spoon around a black, metal pot which was clearly (visually) spluttering, he hadn't made a single sound until he had talked.

2013-04-03, 07:40 AM
Claudius cries up to the apparent stablehand. Quite beautiful beasts, these. We'll take 'em off yer hands, and pay...generously. We're on official business from Malak himself, you see.

How does ten gold perrrr...horse, sound?

2013-04-03, 08:14 AM
Or does Malak provide once again?

2013-04-03, 08:22 AM
Claudius gives Charrok a punch on the side for his rudeness.

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-03, 09:08 AM
The man drops down from his perch in the rafters, and makes no sound when he strikes the ground.

"If you're working for Malak, make that twenty gold. I'm not much fond of him, 'specially after he cleaned me out to outfit some fool raid. Didn't even get any of my Horses back afterwards" He says matter-of-factly, breaking the unnatural silence that surrounded him. Calmly, he goes to a small chest of drawers and starts pulling out tack for the disparate beasts.

He looks back at the four of you, and spits a glob of phlegm onto the ground beside him. Again, dead silence when he isn't speaking.

"If you don't mind me asking, what business you on for Malak? I keep my ear to the ground; I tend to know when something is going on" He explains, gesturing for each of you to follow him as he walks over to the penned up creatures, "I've heard nothing about 'official business'"

The man looks meaningfully at each of you, but doesn't press the matter any further. One by one, he leads you to the... "Horse" you are purchasing.

"I don't have anything in your size, Master Gnome, so you'll have to be takin' Toast" He says, pointing to a short Mare with a pair of ivory tusks, "she's a good 'un. Docile, obedient. Don't feed her with your hands"

Addressing Charrok now, he shows the Hobgoblin a creature that had gone the other way to Bella; rather than acquiring vestigial limbs, it seemed to have misplaced one of its forelegs "Hen'fog. Be careful with him, but as long as you don't need to gallop he'll keep his balance"

For Elia, the most normal looking of the lot (although that is hardly an achievement); it was simply hairless (and upon closer inspection, seemed to lack eyes) "Bonnet. Keep him close to the others and he'll hold onto their tails, but he's a right bastard. Don't get behind him if you can help it"

Finally, he gets to Bastion, and grins "You can probably guess who you're getting, One-Eye"

He hands Bastion the gear of the irritable Bella, and smirks. He points to a jar next to the door, and then jumps up and catches the rafters easily. Pulling himself up, he balances easily and walks back to his cooking breakfast "Put your money in that, and don't let me catch you trying to cheat me. That's a mistake most don't have the chance to make twice"

He goes back to stirring the pot of gruel; "And I'd think about staying, doing what Malak brought you here to do. Will probably hurt less in the long run. But don't let me stop you if you want to strike out on your own"

He's a talkative one, is Patrick the Livery Stableman.

By all means, feel free to ignore the advice of any or all characters; they aren't the DM mouthpiece here, or at least they aren't right now. That's just what they're saying, because that's what they think.

I'm happy for the game to go wherever.

2013-04-03, 09:14 AM
The closest beast looks back at you, both inner and outer eyelids of its segmented eyes opening at once. The beast is perhaps the most warped of the lot, and its hide is marked with alternating, dark purple lines. It has a pair of vestigial limbs between its fore and back legs, and its hoofs are much more pronounced and claw-like.

And Bastion's Horse Whispering leaves much to be desired.

The beast snaps at the Carrot, pulling it out from the Ranger's fingers and stalks away from Bastion sullenly.

"So, you met Bella. Don't worry, she's like that with everyone"

Looking up, you notice a gaunt, bearded man sitting up in the Rafters. He was wearing a dirty singlet and steel-capped boots; despite stirring a wooden spoon around a black, metal pot which was clearly (visually) spluttering, he hadn't made a single sound until he had talked.

Bastion waves to the bearded man in the rafters, but keeps an eye on this strange creature named "Bella". It was freakin' him out.
Uh Lovely animals (animals?) you have here.

Charrok and Claudius have their back and forth.

Can a person even ride these things?

He was beginning to think fondly of slavery. He certainly didn't want to change like these poor creatures. Or were they born this way? This town was getting too weird for his tastes.

EDiT: We were writing at the same time. hee hee

Bastion drops the 80 gold for the four of them in the jar.

Any pointers on handling her? It is a "her", right?

He felt that his money was oh so well spent at this point.

2013-04-03, 09:44 AM
Claudius grins despite himself. He couldn't have hoped for a better steed. A bit pointy, aye, but a beaut nonetheless. As to what business? We're not entirely sure ourselves. G'day sir.

Gingerly approaching the mare, the gnome gently strokes her mane, Easy, girl. Shrugging, he climbs onto the mutant equine's back.

Handle Animal Check: [roll0]
Ride Check: [roll1]
EDIT: It's only five to stay in a saddle, so good for Claudius!

'Neath the Moon
2013-04-03, 10:07 AM
Elia, rounding a corner, comes into view of the stables. This city, the elf says, I don't understand it. I spent at least three hours trying to map it out in my head, but the layout is all wrong. Half of the streets are inside the mountain, and they're all so... linear. Do the people here have no respect for curves?

She turns to her mount, Is this one with me then? and gently strokes its neck.

Sorry for not posting. I kind of forgot to during the transition. Figured "getting to know the city" would be the best way to explain it.

2013-04-03, 10:18 AM
Claudius slaps Bastion on the back from his tusked mount. I know one person here who's got quite a bit of respect for curves, eh, Bastion?

2013-04-03, 11:16 AM
Sir, you misunderstand. We do not work for Malak, and I know that I am not fond of him, it is simply that he is offering us protection at least until we refuse it. We shall see if we shall work for him or not.
He mounts a beautiful little thing with vestigial wings, fangs, and claws instead of hooves.
Also, thank you for the steeds.
Ride Check

2013-04-03, 11:17 AM
Ride Check

2013-04-03, 11:32 AM
Bastion has another go at approaching his noble steed.

Handle Animal [roll0]
Ride [roll1]

This time just to mount it. I assume we have to spend more time together before I can try and make a friend.

2013-04-03, 11:42 AM
Oh. Handle Animal, then.
Charrok winces at the gash on his leg.

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-04, 04:46 AM
"Ride 'em? That's a good question, 'specially since I've got all of zero tips for ya" Padrig replies from his spot in the rafters, "Tell me when you figure it out"

Assisted by those words of Sage Advice, the four of you are able to mount your steeds without incident; for Claudius, Toast is just as docile as Padrig suggested, Charrok has few problems with the three-legged Hen'fog (besides accidentally scratching his leg on the beast's shoulder-scales) and Elia has no issue with her mount despite the warnings Padrig gave.

For Bastion, there is certainly a struggle as he attempts to mount Bella, but the beast is subdued soon enough. Despite making it clear that she does not want him riding her, Bella consents to carry Bastion. For now, at least.

Padrig nods at you, and begins to start on his breakfast.

And where shall you go from here, bold adventurers?

2013-04-04, 08:26 AM
To the Ginger Jerk! Ya!
Bastion trots off to see Martok. (Martin? Damn his name was easy to forget)
He hoped that this beast would pay for itself eventually, but doubted it very much.

2013-04-04, 09:11 AM
Claudius follows suit.

2013-04-04, 12:50 PM
As does Charrok.

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-05, 01:56 AM
Riding their noble steeds into the distance (but in actuality, only to the nearby building where they had first met Malak), the group left the livery stables behind and went to seek their destiny.

Tying up their newly acquired steeds at a wooden post outside the building, the group strides into the plain, two story building that had been carved into the rock, and strode into the office of the Red-Haired revolutionary.

Just as before, you find him sitting at his paper strewn desk, writing furiously with his left hand. He raises an eyebrow when you enter.

"So..." He begins, "have you reconsidered my offer?"

2013-04-05, 08:51 AM
Well, sir, Charrok begins, we wanted to know any... specifics about this job possible. For example, would said job involve spell-casting dire bears? Or patrol duty? What would we be letting ourselves in for?

2013-04-05, 09:07 AM
And money chimes in Bastion We like money.

He mumbles into Charrok's ear Let's not hang around this toxic creep hole any longer than we have to. We should get our hands on some cash and buy our way out of Hell.

2013-04-05, 09:11 AM
Claudius bows, giving Malak a quizzical, almost challenging look. Furthermore, I think we will all be in need of some manner of payment. Despite your claims of aiding in our escape, I find I feel little indebted to you.

Ninja'd. :smalleek:

'Neath the Moon
2013-04-05, 11:51 PM
To summarize: the shadows take your offer, until you tell us more, says Elia, You claim to have orchestrated our liberation. Reveal unto us whereby and for what purpose this was done, and the manner of task you would have us perform, else we will simply depart.

The long-winded and needlessly unwieldy speech is due to sarcasm, in this case, as much as to her natural proclivity for long-winded and needlessly unwieldy speech. See what I did herein?

2013-04-06, 12:09 AM
To summarize: the shadows take your offer, until you tell us more, says Elia, You claim to have orchestrated our liberation. Reveal unto us whereby and for what purpose this was done, and the manner of task you would have us perform, else we will simply depart.

The long-winded and needlessly unwieldy speech is due to sarcasm, in this case, as much as to her natural proclivity for long-winded and needlessly unwieldy speech. See what I did herein?


Wait... What?
No, no, no, no... Mooneyes, look, that's not how business is done. Maybe you elfy types work that way cus you haven't got anything better than leaves n' twigs to trade, but I don't work that way.
To the ginger creep now
You say you saved us? I say so what? I don't care, and I don't owe you a thing. Ya see...
and here's where Bastion gets real condescending. He had a point though...
The way I do business is I agree to the terms first. So if ya did save us from slavery, if you did orchestrate our escape, and if you did this a great expense to yerself...
He leans in close for dramatic effect
Thanks for the gift.
He pauses.
Gold friends. He's going to offer us gold for our services. Or we walk. :smallamused:

2013-04-06, 09:30 AM
For the first time, Claudius is actually impressed by one of Bastion's speeches. Right, as I said. Look, Murdock, I'm sure you're a nice enough fella, but we're hardly gonna sit around this radioactive pish-hole you call a town without significant compensation. Perhaps for your men it is a safe haven, and while it is decidedly preferable to slavery, I'm sure we could slip into a hold safely enough, without the risk of mutation.

Claudius leans in, eyeing the redhead with obvious accusation. Oh, and speaking of...How the hell have you remained clean when every one of your people've been warped?

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-06, 09:44 AM
"A gift?" Malak asks, before breaking into laughter. The revolutionary slaps his hand against his desk, tittering at Bastion's comment. Suddenly, his laughter stops and the Red-Haired Man looks a lot more serious.

"You think you can blackmail me by denying me your services? You overestimate your bargaining capitol" He tells you, icily. He taps his right hand, obscured by the sleeve of his dark-grey shirt, against his desk; the sound is unusual, but you can't place it.

"If you wish to leave without aiding my cause, I will not stop you; I have no need. You were brought here blindfolded, through routes known only to me and mine. You will not make it back to a Hold without my help; the desert will eat you up and spit you out" He growls, standing up and easily eclipsing the 5'11'' Bastion in height.

"If you wish for coin, then you may have it if you succeed at the tasks I set you to" He continues, prodding Bastion in the chest with his left hand. He then looks away from the human, and focuses on the other three. All traces of the anger he just expressed vanish, and he smiles glibly "I cannot tell you what task I have for you until you agree to it; if you were to learn, and then refuse, I would find myself a tad disadvantaged."

He grins, his maw filled with yellow teeth all sharpened to points, and seems not to acknowledge Claudius's question.

2013-04-06, 10:02 AM
The gnome does his best to remain calm. You make a fair point- several, in fact. Forgive the fool human, he really cares for little more than wine, women, and coin with which to buy 'em, but he can be oddly persuasive. Me, I remember slavery- I remember the hell we were put through every damn day. I remember that I had it damn easy, compared to the others....

And I remembered our liberation. Look, I know we've gotten off to a rough start, and yes, while we haven't any sufficient proof that you were behind our rescue, there is no doubt you've treated us well. Better'n we've been treated in some time. Better'n we deserve, frankly.

And if you are indeed responsible for our collective freedom, I cannot thank you enough. An' really, what kinda spoiled brats are we? Sure, you're a bit ugly and wholly unpleasant company, but damn, why haven't we shown any respect, any gratitude?!

So I don't know about the rest, but me? I want to take the fight back to those bastards we were forced to serve, even if it's difficult. Yeah, I'll take yer job, and I'll take it without payment, if'n you please.

Has Claudius had a genuine change of heart, or is he just trying to get on Big Red's good side? We may never know- he's quite the enigma, is our beguiler.

Diplomacy check: [roll0]

2013-04-06, 11:02 AM
I shall join your side if you can prove it was you who rescued us. Charrok looks him full in the face. But if not, or if any one of us is lost, you shall be answerable.

2013-04-06, 12:41 PM
Bastion takes a step back. The stablehand had warned him about Mickey.

Really you guys? Are you really buying this crap? I vote no. My pappy had a saying. He said, "Men that offer you the choice between a death and work, are really offering a choice between death and work followed by death."

Pappy's sayings were never all that catchy.
I don't like you Mortimer. You won't say what the job is and you won't say what you're paying us. You know who else offered us work or death? Our old slave masters. I was a slave. Once. :smallmad:

Bastion rests his hands on his weapons.

But never again.
You're going to tell us how much you're willing to pay us, Milton, and what you're paying us for. That's not blackmail. It's called negotiation. Its what free men do before they work. Learn yer gad damn vocabulary.
Spits on the floor.

Intimidate or Diplomacy [roll0] to make Martin tell.
Rem: Bastion isn't a fool. He has "folk wisdom". Anyway, I'm not out to ruin the DM's hook. You can just vote against him and he'll go along with it cus we're friends. Later he can say "I told you so" when Matthew betrays us.

2013-04-06, 01:06 PM
Claudius sighs softly, grumbling through his teeth. Damn it, Bastion, y'ever heard of subtlety?

He isn't demanding that we work, he is requesting it; no one ever said we have to do work, it is simply common courtesy. We are not slaves here, we are free men, and like as not, it is most likely this man who was ultimately the reason for that. And in the world we live in, free men work, and sometimes they are not compensated monetarily.

Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't want to be a slave again. Here, we have food, drink, and shelter. We have an opportunity to strike back at those who have wronged us.

Perhaps we should all remind ourselves of exactly who our enemies are.

The gnome sighs again, more dramatically this time. But I digress. I would be honoured to do work for you, sir, but at the very least we should have some faint idea of what it is we'll be doing.

What check would it be to get the message across to the others that I'm totally faking it?

EDIT: I kind of wrote this over a long period of time, a couple sentences at a time. I understand it is poorly written and has terrible continuity, but I'm far too lazy to edit it.

2013-04-06, 01:44 PM
Subtlety? Of course I have! What does that have to do with anything?
Bastion blurts out after Claudius whispers.
Anyway I've made my position clear. But if I'm the odd man out, I can take a hint and go with popular opinion. We could put it to a vote.
Shocked that Claudius isn't seeing through this Jag-off causes him concern. He continues his patronizing of their patron.
That's called "DEM-O-CRA-CY".

2013-04-06, 06:35 PM
Possibly. First, before I decide, there must be proof.

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-07, 12:20 AM
"Honoured, eh? I like you, Gnome. You know how to flatter a man" The Revolutionary laughs, but the sound is without humour, "I cannot tell you what it is you will be doing, but I do not intend to send you to your deaths. You will be able to survive this task of mine"

Suddenly, Malak jumps up onto his desk and crouches, balancing on the tips of his toes. He looks at you with wild eyes, and focuses in on Charrok. Before any of you even have the chance to properly react, the Red-Haired Man and the Hobgoblin are face-to-face.

"...your Saviour is dead, yes? The Woman I sent to to collect you four? Dead as a doornail, and her body claimed by the sands. What proof can I give you? Anything I say could be refuted, simplest of all by the suggestion that after she had saved you, I had her killed so that my associates could bring you to me" He exposits, body not moving an inch.

"If you wish to believe that I did not engineer your freedom, than you are free to do so; nothing I say can prove to you one way or the other"

Next, Malak turns back to Bastion once more, and looks at him quizzically, before smiling once again "Your Pappy seems to have been a clever fellow, Free Man. But I do not offer you death; I offer you sanctuary here. I offer my protection"

"But if you insist upon asking after this, I have the capacity to reward those who serve me well...handsomely"

This guy is a weirdo :smalltongue:

2013-04-07, 01:55 AM
How much, Murdock?

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-07, 02:15 AM
"A Tidy sum is that important to you, is it?" He asks, stepping off his desk and walking towards Bastion, towering over him.

"Perhaps five hundred pieces of gold to each of you? Perhaps five thousand? I will pay you on your merits, and on your success. Till then, you have my favour and my Protection" He tells you, looking down and not breaking eye-contact.

He seems to be daring you to continue arguing.

2013-04-07, 08:55 AM
It appears to me that this might be the best course of action after all. Elia, what is your opinion on the matter. The others have already reached the zenith of their arguments, what now shall you say?

'Neath the Moon
2013-04-07, 12:31 PM
I had sanctuary once. I had family once too. When the slavers came, the Crystal Temple was shattered, the desert poured in, and my family were taken or slain. They robbed me of my home and my family. If I can find either again here, I will remain, and be content.

2013-04-07, 12:38 PM
"A Tidy sum is that important to you, is it?"

The others knew it was. He didn't talk about it often, but more than anything else in the whole world, Bastion wanted to hunt the legendary Blue Wyrm of Carn. It was a story mothers told their children to make them behave. But some, like Bastion, believed it was true.

Bastion always had a penchant for hunting large animals, but this was the Moby of all beasties. It was the wyrm that ate his father. His father was obsessed with finding the lost city of Carn, a legendary secret civilization. Carn was in a jungle, teeming with life, or so the legend told. The waters were said to be clean and the earth said to be fertile. It was free of the poison of Armanthia that plagued most places, but also free and democratic. The people of Carn were reputed to be the most hospitable and cultured in the world. Alas, legend also says that the whole of Carn was eaten by a great Blue Wyrm who coveted its riches.

One day his father, the famous hunter Abraham Rends, claimed he had found the lost city of Carn. He hired a team of warriors, bought weeks worth of supplies and headed to a land far south of Dôr, across the great desert. He never returned.

Years later, as a young man and a slave, Bastion met one of those warriors that was in his father's employee. He told Bastion that they had indeed crossed the great desert and reached the lost City of Carn. The tales were true! A great and uninhabited city! It was his father's dream that free men might settle there again and gain a foothold in an otherwise harsh and unforgiving land. Unfortunately, the tales of the Great Wyrm were also true. The whole of the expedition was eaten by the wyrm, including Basion's father. They fought bravely, and Abraham even manages to scar the beast with his sword, but in the end all but one were killed and devoured. The warrior that told Bastion this later died in captivity, but he imparted to Bastion a fragment of a shiny blue scale, which he said was from the blow his father struck. Bastion wore this token around his neck for good luck.

His friends had heard this story many many times in confidence. Although most would assume the warrior to be lying, (perhaps they slew their employer and took off with his valuables - making the whole story up. It seemed more likely) Bastion believed it to be true with every fiber of his being. If it was the last thing he would ever do, he would cross the desert, find the lost city, and slay the Dragon. And to do that, he would need lots of gold to hire a caravan. So yes. A tidy sum was that important to him. But he had learned to avoid ridicule and keep this to himself.

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-08, 04:40 AM
Looking at the pensive Bastion for a few moments, the Revolutionary shrugs and turns to the group as a whole.

"So, are we agreed, then?" Malak asks, grinnin widely.

2013-04-08, 08:54 AM
Looking at the pensive Bastion for a few moments, the Revolutionary shrugs and turns to the group as a whole.

"So, are we agreed, then?" Malak asks, grinnin widely.

I want a pledge you'll pay a minimum 500 gold pieces and a promise that you'll have you or one of your lackies lead us out of this place and point us towards the hold of our choice. That'll buy you a week of our service at best. You just admitted to us that you had your last employee, our liberator, killed. If you can't even keep a straight face while you promise us a set amount of coin, then I think we might actually be better off in the desert than working for you.

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-08, 09:27 AM
"Hahaha," The man chortles, pushing Bastion lightly on the chest, "I admitted nothing of the sort; but feel free to believe it, if you must"

He vaults over his desk, using his left hand, and starts poking around the back wall of his office. Whatever he is doing is blocked by the table and his own body, but you can easily hear the sound of floorboards being displaced, and the jingle of coin.

Over his shoulder, the Red-Haired Man tosses four small coin purses over his shoulder, which land in a neat row on his desk.

"Inside each is a mixture of Gold and Platinum worth 250gp"

"That will be half your Payment, Free Man, as you have so passionately requested" Malak continues, replacing whatever he had removed before turning back to you.

With another toothy grin, he looks at each of you, inviting any more questions or demands "My patience is not infinite; I require an answer, one way or another"

2013-04-08, 09:37 AM
Ooops! I guess he didn't say that at all. Oh well. My bad.
Bastion is going to want 20 gp from each of you for your crap "horses".

Bastion eyes the gold and platinum greedily. It was double what he paid for those garbage animals they had tied up outside, and only half of what they would be paid when the job was done. Suddenly Bastion warmed up to the weird ginger. This is how business was done.

What can we do for you? :smallbiggrin:

2013-04-08, 04:59 PM
Claudius grins widely, running his fingers through the contents of the pouch; he is overjoyed to see that Malak didn't seem to care that he had offered to work for free. Ha! Never had half as much coin in my life. Seems you rival myself in the arts of persuasion. What task've you got for us, sir?

EDIT: Left this mid-post before I left this morning, then finished it when I got back. Boldfont, you are the first ninja I've seen to steal a post eight hours before it's posted.

2013-04-08, 08:15 PM
Charrok hesitates, glancing at Elia.

I suppose I am in. Are there bonuses for greater successes at these tasks than planned?

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-09, 02:07 AM
"There may be, little Mageling, if you impress me" The Red-Haired Man replies, before conspiratorally gesturing for you all to gather in.

"The task I have for you four is... objectively rather simple," He explains, quietly, "and all that I require is that you retrieve a certain object. This is not the only town hidden in the Wastes; the object you shall retrieve is housed in such a place, but it is devilishly well-defended and guarded by a being I have no desire to reaquaint myself with"

His yellow-toothed grin becomes ever wider as he continues, "This object is particularly important to me. It is a small, floating, red stone pyramid. You could fit it in your hand... I wouldn't though, since I value both of my hands"

He then stands, leaning away from you and yawning. With a deft sweep of his arm, he snatches the coin purses he'd left on the table away from you all, depositing them behind his back.

"Of course, if you refuse, then I am always in need of helpers. I could put you to work in a similiar position to your sadly deceased savior; I do enjoy raiding the Holds"

2013-04-09, 08:34 AM
That's it? Pft! I'll get your floating red pyramid thingy. Just point the way!

2013-04-09, 03:34 PM
Claudius laughs. This was exactly his line of work. A heist, eh? Sounds like fun- what're the details?

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-10, 07:22 AM
"I can't give you much more than I already have; I don't know the details. Its been years since I've been able to make the trip there myself" Malak tells you, a self-deprecating grin plastered on his face.

"As far as Directions, I can easily point you the way"

He holds up his left hand, swivels his body slightly, and then points south-west. He looks intently at each of you, then back at his arm, and then puts his arm down. He yawns, covering his mouth with the over-long sleeve that hides his right hand from view.

"I tire of this conversation," He informs you, tossing you each one of the coin-filled pouches, "do what you will; fulfil your side of our arrangement, and I shall mine"

He then sits back down in his chair, places his feet on his desk and closes his eyes. He starts to affect a fake snore.

2013-04-10, 09:19 AM
Bastion takes his friends by linking arms and hurries them out of Malo's "office".
Aye Aye We'll figure it out from here. Don't look back What a weirdo... When the were outside, Bastion bit into one of the platinum coins. It was real. Boys! (and Mooneyes) Let's mount up and head in that direction. If we can't find the place, or if it looks ridiculously dangerous, then maybe let's keep riding. Either way, I'm looking to line our pockets, eh Elia? he slapped her on the bum impulsively, momentarily forgetting that he could lose his hand that way.
uh... Let's go.

2013-04-10, 03:47 PM
Claudius rapidly tosses his pouch from one hand to the next from atop his toast, chuckling softly. I tell you, that Mikael fellow may be madder'n me grandpa after smoking crystals, but I'm beginning to like the man more every minute. It'll be one hell of a wobbletop game, my friend- I hope yer not afraid of parting with all that coin. Ha!

Upon noticing Bastion's slap, the gnome looks startled, but not truly surprised. Oho! Watch it there, human, or you'll find there'll be more missing than your eye. :smallwink:

'Neath the Moon
2013-04-10, 10:02 PM
Elia looks through the coin purse, frowning slightly at the metallic glimmerings within. Her vows permit the keeping of only sufficient wealth for basic upkeep and reasonable comfort. Once her cloak was clean and repaired and her rations restocked, she would find a suitable way to donate it. Until then, though; she closes the pouch and places it in an inner pocket of her cloak.

Her thoughts brought rudely back to things at hand, the elf priestess says nothing, but increases her pace. Arriving at the horses, Elia recalls the stablemaster's warning. She calmly walks her mount directly in front of Bastion, and "accidentally" treads on its front foot.

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-11, 01:56 AM
Elia stamps down on the "horse's" hoof, it opens its mouth (revealing a collection of needle sharp teeth) and lets out a high-pitched whine, before biting down hard on Bastion.

The beast's vicious fangs easily find purchase, digging deep into the one-eyed man's chest and shaking itself vigourously.

Just as quickly as it attacked, the creature disengages and lets the ranger drop to the ground; bloody, wounded and in pain, but alive.

Bonnet the "Horse" then begins to paw at the ground angrily, its breathing heavy and ragged.

Bold, Bastion just took 14 Damage :smalleek:

2013-04-11, 08:56 AM
Bastion lies wide eyed and bloodied on the ground. He can't believe Elia did this to him! He pushes himself away with his feet, shuffling in the dirt, away from the toothy monster horse and the cold hearted elf witch that did this to him while holding his wound to suppress the bleeding.
HOLY CORELLON ON A STICK ELIA!!! It was just a love tap lady! You didn't haffta KILL me!!!
In poor Bastion's defence, he was not used to being around a woman of Elia's good breeding and character, and like a little boy pulling a girl's hair because he liked her, he was a piss poor flirt. Likely, it would be a while before he called her "Mooneyes" again. Or ever stepped in her shadow for that matter. :smallfrown:

2013-04-11, 03:57 PM
Claudius watches the show with wide eyes, giddy at first, but then turning obviously furious. What the hell, you madwoman? Your monster damn near killed him! What gives you that bloody right?!
Leaping off his own "horse," the little man stands beside his human friend.

Yelling shrilly in a garbled tongue, the gnome's eyes turn from their usual violet hue to a brilliant miasma of colours. He jabs his hand forward towards Elia...

Relax, people, it's no big whoop! I'm just casting Shatter on her saddle, to make her hopefully fall off her horse and maybe piss it off a bit.

2013-04-11, 04:13 PM
Relax, people, it's no big whoop! I'm just casting Shatter on her saddle, to make her hopefully fall off her horse and maybe piss it off a bit.

:smalleek: We are going to kill each other before we even have a chance to fight a baddie. Yikes!

2013-04-11, 06:34 PM
:smalleek: We are going to kill each other before we even have a chance to fight a baddie. Yikes!

Heh, seems to me that it's the horse that's going to kill us all. :smallamused:

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-13, 03:24 AM
Bonnet the "Horse" cries out in fear as its saddle explodes into a cloud of shredded leather, and if it weren't for the beast's blindness and Elia's grip on its reins, it surely would've bolted.

Terrified, Bonnet begins to whimper and shiver slightly.

Elia isn't riding her steed, as far as I'm aware. If she is, I'd be rather confused as to how she stamped on its foot.

Sorry I don't post yesterday :smallfrown:

2013-04-13, 11:23 AM
Oh, my, I am very stupid. That...you are very good at making people regret their wrongdoings, madame.

Erm...here's the thing. I wouldn't have actually shattered the saddle unless she were riding bonnet. Instead, I probably would have just used Vertigo on Elia or something. Really, anything that would have resulted in her falling over.

2013-04-13, 01:36 PM
Bastion stumbles to his feet and brushes a chunk of saddle off of his shoulder.
STAWP! Fer the LOVE of BEER please STOP! IDIOTS My ever loving word PEOPLE, what is wrong with you two?!?! I'm fine! He wasn't. Elia, my ladyshipness, it was just a little love tap. I meant nothing by it. He meant something alright! It was impulsive. Carefully planned. I am truly sorry if I have offended you m'lady. He so wasn't sorry.
And Claudius, my friend more of a business acquaintance that he was wary of while I appreciate the you want to stand up for me No appreciation whatsoever and I understand how an exploding saddle could be very funny Not funny at all Elia now has nothing to ride with sympathies were low and we need to get on with our mission Actually, Bastion had serious considered taking the coin paid in advance and taking off with it.
Can we please just STOP the madness, forgive, and forget. He would get her back later...

2013-04-13, 07:48 PM
Charrok sighs. He had been looking forward to the danger of trying to procure the pyramid , but the danger was supposed to come from outside the party.
Stop! We shall destroy our... relationships at this point. If we continue at this rate, one of us might be wounded to the point of deathm and that is a situation I would like to avoid. Casting Prestidigitation, he siphons the blood of of Bastion's wounds, tears a strip off of the ranger's shirt, and uses it to try to bind the wound.
If the tension in this group comes to blows once more, I shall exert my arcane power to the utmost to protect and reprimand. Please desist from antagonizing Elia, Bastion, as she is the only one of us who has the power to quickly heal wounds, and she seems to hold a few righteous grievances against you.

Heal Check: [roll0]

2013-04-13, 08:13 PM
Me? What did I do? The strip of his shirt floats over his wound, wrapping around his shoulder. Hey- What the? Heeeyyyy... Not bad Charrok! Not bad at all. This looks pretty sexy, this half a shirt look here. Got my nip pokin' out a bit there. That's nice. Thanks man. Bastion crosses warily to his own mount, careful to avoid "Bonnet" the biter. He saddles up and give Bella a soft and friendly pat... on the bum while looking at Elia. There, we're all friends. Let's go make some money.
And like a SIR he rides in the general direction Morbis the ginger creep pointed them.

2013-04-13, 10:05 PM
Charrok grimaces and casts Mending on Bastion's shirt.
I do not really see that as a look I wish to have to put up with.

2013-04-14, 09:04 PM
Claudius snorts. So I caused 'er a minor inconvenience. I hardly see how that's comparable to mauling someone. 'Haps a sore crotch will teach her some bloody manners! Evidently oblivious to the irony of his statement, the gnome clambers back onto his dear Toast, grumbling all the way. Well, fine. Forgive n' forget, whatnot. Just don't do anything like that again, or you'll suffer far worse'n blistered chaps.

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-15, 12:21 AM
Off into the distance the group goes, past disagreements behind them (for now) and a bright (as a result of the harsh desert sunlight) future ahead of them!

Except that going the direction that Malak pointed leads them through a windy, cramped and confusing fissures through the rocky outcrop that hides the town of Dôr from prying eyes. Even with your mounts, which are surprisingly surefooted, it seems hopeless; each turn seems to lead to a dead end. Is there no way out?

After slogging through the fissures for over an hour, mercifully shielded from the morning sun, Bastion manages to pick up a trail; a boot print leading down a small tunnel, left in a small clump of sand that had been protected from the wind by an indent in the rock. A lucky find, and a fresh one; even in the indent, it wouldn't last very long.

But something seems a bit off...

Nah, probably just your imagination. This is the only route with any traffic, besides your own; its got to lead somewhere, and there's a good chance that it leads out of this bloody tunnels.

2013-04-15, 01:01 AM
Bastion wished he had some kind of signal or secret code for moments like this. Instead he settled for mumbling under his breath to Claudius. Don't look now, but we've got company... see what you can do for us. And then the show began. He dismounts and announces I think someone recently went through this small tunnel. That means our best chance of finding anything worth finding is through here. He pauses to take a drink out of his canteen, giving Claudius the eye. Hopefully the little brat could do more than con Bastion out of his money with those illusions of his.

(After successful Sense Motive)
I don't know what checks this would involve, but Bastion wants to communicate that they ought to reverse this ambush somehow.

'Neath the Moon
2013-04-15, 01:02 PM
Sorry for not posting these last few days. I was visiting relatives over the weekend. Is a retroactive healing alright? While we were riding, Elia swapped a second-level spell for a cure moderate wounds and healed Bastion [roll0] HP. Also, she apologized. My apologies. The man said Bonnet was dangerous, but I didn't realize he meant it to quite that extent.

Back to the present:

Elia's elven ears evidently encountered some strange sound, something similar to someone stumbling, sending several small stones sailing. I heard something down there, the cleric whispers, I think they're still there.

I guess I made a successful listen check. Hopefully the alliteration won't be contagious.

2013-04-15, 05:23 PM
Claudius nods curtly, and closes his eyes for a moment, muttering softly to himself, as four glowing orbs of light begin to gyrate around him. Right, that should sort out any sneaky types that could be hiding, including invisible folks.

Now, do you want me to sneak in and take a peak around, or should we blunder in as a group?

Dancing lights and see invisibility.

2013-04-15, 05:28 PM
I would defer to you short stuff. But I think we're being followed as well as trouble up ahead.

2013-04-15, 06:00 PM
Claudius curses. I'm not sure what to tell you. I've not got any spells particularly useful for findin' people, 'sides invisible ones and ones lurking in the dark.

...Although, if you wanted us to avoid them altogether, I think I have just enough power left to make us all invisible and totally silent. 'Course, that'd probably mean a hell of a lotta bumping into each other, and I couldn't hide the horses, though they wouldn't make any noise either.....

2013-04-15, 07:07 PM
Right. Why don't we go together then. Bastion draws his weapons and prepares to enter a trap.

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-15, 11:35 PM
Claudius' Dancing Lights spell cast light into the scant shadows down the fissure, but they do not reveal whatever it is that Bastion had seen. Perhaps the Ranger was mistaken?

Cautiously, Bastion begins to move through the Fissure, waiting for something to happen. For now at least, nothing does.

2013-04-17, 02:28 PM
Charrok pulls out his crossbow and loads it, looking around warily.

2013-04-17, 02:45 PM
Could've sworn I saw something. Any trip wires? Falling rocks? No fireballs? Charrok? Claudius? Anything?
Huh... maybe we got too much sun Mooneyes. Touch my forehead, does it feel hot to you?

2013-04-17, 06:56 PM
Claudius pulls out his crossbow and loads it, looking around warily.

My spell's not registerin' anything, so it's safe to say there's no one invisible around here, or if there is they're not within sight.

2013-04-17, 07:37 PM
Bastion clicks his tongue disapprovingly at the situation. I don't like it. He knows he's not delusional. Elia saw something too! What's to stop this tunnel from collapsing and crushing us to death? Cus that would really ruin my day. He runs his hand over the smooth surface of the rock face. He didn't know anything about tunnels, and neither did his companions. He gathered his friends in close. The tunnel carried noise and he had to use his best inside voice to keep things private. I wanna double back. Quietly. Maybe take the hard way over the rocks instead of under. I know we're being followed. Maybe if we do the unexpected we can turn the tables. You'd have to turn off the light show though. Good plan?

2013-04-17, 09:03 PM
Shrugging, Claudius calls the glowing orbs into his hands, and smothers them. Fair enough. Bastion, you go first- the frail ones can stay in the middle and I'll cover our flank.

2013-04-17, 10:16 PM
Bastion doesn't wait for the other two to answer. Now that the lights are out, pushing forward is not a safe option. Instead he sheaths his murder tools and doubles back as discussed. He leaves them with a message I'll drop the rope for you if I need you to come up. In that case, you need to be quiet. A stone means go on through to the other side. Silently and smoothly as he can he returns to the tunnel entrance. If he can spot nothing along the way, and nothing at the mouth of the tunnel, he will wait a short time and then begin scaling the rock face.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Move Silently [roll2]
Hide [roll3]
Climb [roll4]

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-18, 05:27 AM
Bastion leads the group away from the tunnel mouth, looking for a suitable spot to climb up out of the rocks. It doesn't take long for the four of you to discover a cliff face with plentiful footholds to climb, but it is clear that you won't be able to bring the Horses; dextrous though they may be, they will not be able to scale the side of the cliff.

Leaving the others to begin their ascent, Bastion stealthily (kinda) creeps back towards the tunnel. Peering down the pass, he looks it over from top to bottom.


The Ranger waits for a few moments, but there is no change. The cliff face beckons...

To climb up out of the rocks will take five consecutive DC15 Climb Checks at the spot with plentiful footholds. Anywhere else (such as the mouth of the path that Bastion is staring down) will take five consecutive DC20 Climb Checks. If Bastion gets up and drops his Rope, that'll provide a circumstance bonus of +2.

Claudius; as a Chaos Gnome with a speed of only 20, he'll need to make eight checks. Yikes.

I'd recommend using the Aid Another action :smalleek:

2013-04-18, 08:19 AM
Hmmm... this looks like a harder climb than I remember, but I think I can do it. I'm just going to scout he whispers. He looks at the gnome's pathetic stubby little arms. Wait for my stone's throw. I'll see you on the other side. We paid good money for those animals.
He takes one more drink from his canteen before beginning the ascent.

Using my previous roll of 19. Didn't roll last thread for my health... :smallwink:
Why am I so bad at rolling? I am seriously suspicious of this forum roller. sigh! Five rolls! What was I thinking?
Unless... Can I take 10?

He doesn't get too far up when a fly lands on the back of his neck and begins crawling down his back. Instinctively, he reaches back to swat this little bugger, but in doing so, releases his grip on the rocks.

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-18, 09:02 AM
The Forum Dice Roller is an evil, dark being of Fell Power.

Feel free to Take 10 :smallwink:

2013-04-18, 09:24 AM
The Forum Dice Roller is an evil, dark being of Fell Power.

Feel free to Take 10 :smallwink:

Yes. Yes it surely is.
Taking 10 all the way up.

FORTUNATELY the fall was all of five feet. He stood up, brushed himself off, and with an embarrassed smile he tried to explain that it was a horsefly or something. He only succeeded in coming off as some kind of loon and this didn't instill confidence in his climbing abilities. Resolved to make it up these rocks so he can at least say he accomplished something in his life, Bastion made a second more conservative attempt to scale the canyon.

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-18, 10:28 AM
Carefully choosing his hand- and footholds, Bastion still manages to rapidly scale the cliff face and reach the top of the rocky outcrop.

The change in temperature is immense; the cracks and crevices they had been using beforehand had been shielded from the brunt of the Sun's heat by the shadow's of the rocks themselves. Leaving that protection leaves Bastion exposed to the cruel might of the Sun.

Scrambling up onto the top of the bluff (lingering at the top would likely result in his fingers catching fire on the heated stone), Bastion scans the top of the cliff, looking for... whatever it is that's been keeping him on edge these past few minutes.

2013-04-18, 10:47 AM
Bastion looks left, looks right, sees nothing and then curses silently. He wipes the sweat from his brow and his grizzled chin and tosses a stone down to signal that the other others should pass through the tunnel. He attempts to make an estimation of whether or not crossing the bluff and meeting the gang on the other side is really worth it. If he can handle the cross, perhaps by using the rest of his canteen water (the one actually full of water - not the other one) to soak his scarf and wrap it over his head, then he will brave it. If it would harm him significantly, then he will climb back down and catch up with the rest of them through the tunnel.

This being a knowledge type roll I presume he can not take ten. You either know something or you don't.
Although a 15 is often the going rate of success, this means I rolled a five. I recently rolled 5 ones in a row in another game. Friends Off Forum Dice!

2013-04-18, 05:35 PM
Claudius slaps his knee and hoots. See, this, this is why all sane folk just use magic, right, mates? He laughs aloud, gesturing to Elia and Charrok. Turning about , the white-bearded gnome holds his hands before him, slowly flexing his fingers while muttering his garbled tongue. Grinning, he gets down on all fours, and rapidly clambers up the cave wall, onto the ceiling, and up the steep rocky incline that gave Bastion so much trouble. Looking up at the human, Claudius smiles saucily.

Spider Climb. :smalltongue:

2013-04-18, 05:53 PM
Bastion's eyes widen when the gnome shows up beside him after his arduous climb. That little stinker! Show off... he grumbles. But the joke is on you. Nothing up here but hot, so you just wasted your magic powers. He shades his eyes and looks over the smoldering bluff. Not that I'm willing to admit I was wrong yet, but I don't see anything worth getting sun stroke over. He was secretly glad for the company. Maybe it was a waste of energy, but Bastion wanted badly to make the passage over rather than under. He had to satisfy himself that he hadn't hallucinated. After a moment, stubbornness set in and he changed his mind. I'm gonna cross it. Coming?

2013-04-18, 07:05 PM
Claudius shrugs, pulling his hood down over his eyes. Sure, why not? Oy! He scuttles to the end of the cave and yells back to the other two. Loverbirds! Quit standing around and get up here, 'less you'd rather die in that hole!

Leaping back onto his feet, the gnome follows Bastion over the rocks.

2013-04-18, 07:18 PM
Bastion ties a few knots in his rope and then secures it around his waist. He positions himself to be well anchored against Charrok's and Elia's weight. Fortunately they were both light.
One at a time please! he calls out for all to hear. Now that Claudius the oh so sneaky beguiler has alerted the whole canyon to their presence he might as well.

Rules for climbing and ropes from PHB pg 69. I think it's ridiculous too, so I'm open to an element of risk. If you do rule that way, would you be a dear and NOT use the forum dice this time?

5 A rope with a wall to brace against, or a knotted rope, or a
rope affected by the rope trick spell.
10 A surface with ledges to hold on to and stand on, such as a
very rough wall or a ship’s rigging.
15 Any surface with adequate handholds and footholds
(natural or artificial), such as a very rough natural rock
surface or a tree, or an unknotted rope, or pulling yourself
up when dangling by your hands.
20 An uneven surface with some narrow

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-18, 10:05 PM
Its not hard to assist the others up the knotted rope, and it takes a bit more than a minute to ferry them and their possessions up to the top of the rocky outcrop. The horses, unsure of what was going on, pawed at the ground and let out a low whine.

Now that you are above the crevasses and winding pathways through the rock, the route out of this maze is clearly visible; only a few hundred metres across the top of the bluff, the few crevasses between here and there easily bypassed.

But that is not all you can see. For the first time since you were brought out here to the desert by Malak's men, your view isn't obstructed. You can look out at the endless distances in every direction, the Red Dunes stretching out to the horizon, only broken by the occasional spur of rock.

It occurs to you that you don't actually know where you're going.

With the Rope knotted and a wall to brace against, its a mere DC5 Check to climb up (and I'd say that holding the rope steady qualifies for the Aid Another action, so there's a +2 to Elia and Charrok). I don't know who decided that climbing ropes was that easy though. I'm pretty sure I have at least a neutral strength modifier, and I don't tend to wear armor, yet I wouldn't like my chances climbing a rope, knotted or no :smalleek:

Surviving the heat is certainly possible, but you don't want to be out here for too long. Cooling your head with water will mitigate some of the effects of the heat, but it won't protect you completely.

Charrok isn't feeling it as much as the others (Hobgoblins being natives to Warm Climates), but he knows that being out here for too long won't end particularly well

2013-04-18, 10:18 PM
Holy crap! We're gonna die out here! :smalleek:
And I paid good money for those hors- er... those things. You guys still haven't paid me back by the way.
Endless desert in every direction. No pyramid thingy. No water. Strange sightings of followers. What is going on here? Bastion just could not shake that feeling that something was up.
What were we thinking? Has anyone else figured out what the trap is yet?

This is a snipe hunt! And we're lost!

2013-04-18, 11:15 PM
Claudius slaps his forehead. Gods damn it, man! You're the bloody tracker! Shouldn't you have been paying attention to what direction we're going?

2013-04-19, 11:11 AM
Charrok casts Prestidigitation, and proceeds to chill everybody's clothes and some sand, handing it to everyone else. Having completed this, he stands up and looks around.
So..... why are we up here?

2013-04-19, 11:50 AM
"Why are we out here?" is more like it. Look around! You know what a snipe hunt is don't you? It's a fool's errand. A goose chase. That crazy Mika character has sent us out here to get lost and die. We need better directions if we're going to seriously attempt to find this thing, if there is a thing to find, which I doubt.
He spits.
We should head back, rest up, find out more about what we're getting into. If we keep going I can't guarantee that I can find our way back.
Truthfully, Bastion wondered if that ship hadn't already sailed. He had a bad feeling that they were paid a pittance and basically told to piss off and die. He suddenly regretted being so rude to Mr. Michelin.
Of course, it's up to the group. Let's vote. I say head back and find out more.

2013-04-20, 01:30 AM
He looks around a bit more and then sees Dùr a few clicks away. Oh! Forget I said all that. There's Dùr over yonder. Looks like I've been leading you in circles.
Sorry about that. Anyways, the direction Milf pointed us in is thataway. Let's get down off this bluff and get going. I'll start climbing up top periodically to check and see if we're lost every now and again. Yeah. That ought to do it.


Okay! Down we go.

And as if he hadn't just spent hours running his friends around in circles and completely destroying whatever shred of confidence they actually had in his outdoorsman skills, and if he hadn't just been heightening anxiety by saying they've been followed, he motions for them to go down first so he can collect the rope after. Bastion you magnificent failure you!

'Neath the Moon
2013-04-20, 07:03 PM
At the bottom of the sandstone gorge once more, Elia draws her sword. The enchanted glass on the gilded sheath make a ringing hum, like a wet finger drawn about the rim of a crystal wine glass. We should still be on our guard; we don't know what's further on.

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-20, 07:47 PM
Almost as soon as Elia utters her warning, all of you hear a strangled scream and a dull thump.

Determining the direction of the sound is simple; the crevasse where you had found the footprint

I hope that's clear :smallconfused:

Looking over it, it seems a bit confusing, but I can't think of a better way to phrase it

2013-04-20, 08:19 PM
Son of an Owlbear! I bet that fool horse of hers bit someone. Come on!

Quickly yet cautiously Bastion rappels down the rope into the canyon with Elia. It wasn't the devil horse. It was something else. He jumps on Bella and sounds a commanding YA! He rides towards the sound, all thoughts of a trap have abandoned him. He is a sucker for the chance to play hero.

2013-04-21, 01:06 AM
Shaking his head and groaning melodramatically, Claudius climbs atop his faithful Toast, directing her to follow Bella and her fool of a rider.

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-21, 08:11 PM
Your furious charge into the crevasse atop your noble steeds reveals much; that Bella seems to be rather accustomed (or at least well suited) to being ridden into battle, if her eagerness is anything to judge by.

Bastion is also finally vindicated; there had been unseen watchers of their progress within the Crevasse. On the ground, breathing heavily, was a small humanoid figure (with the rather obvious exception of its canine head), whose fingers tapered to sharp points. Its hands were ripped and torn, purple fluid (blood?) staining its sallow yellow skin.

Raising your head, its impossible to not notice a similar creature hanging desperately from the edge of the crevasse.

"King will be Mad..." the one hanging from the top of the crevasse sighs, and pulls itself back over the cliff face. The other one just moans in pain.

2013-04-22, 04:56 PM
Bastion was very disappointed to discover that the scream in question did not emanate from a beautiful woman, but instead from this... thing. But, vindication that they were in fact followed was a good second place prize.

How you doin' there stranger? he asks.

He looks over his shoulder, waiting for the others to arrive. In the meantime, he tries to size up his new friend.

Sense Motive [roll0]
K: Nature (assuming it is a thing of nature) [roll1]

Golden Ladybug
2013-04-30, 04:14 AM
The creature, whatever it is, grunts in pain. It clearly took a lot of damage from the fall, and its leg probably shouldn't be sticking out at that angle.

Considering that you can see bone poking out, its clear that this creature can handle pain quite well.

2013-04-30, 08:58 AM
He felt a little ill looking at the protruding bone. Eeegh... my friend might be able to help with that. (gross)

'Neath the Moon
2013-05-01, 09:30 AM
Elia arrives, angry at Bastion's call, but becomes all business on seeing the wounded creature. Star and shadow. Bastion, Claudius, you'll need to hold him down. I need to set his leg before I can heal him, she turns to the being, This will hurt quite a lot, I'm afraid. Please stay as still as you can.

Heal check: [roll0], +2 if Bastion or Claudius count as using "aid another" and happen to roll a 10 or more on their heal checks. I'm also giving up protection from evil to cast cure light wounds: [roll1]

2013-05-01, 03:42 PM
Claudius hobbles over, and musters all of his pitiful strength to hold the hideous creature down.

Heal check: [roll0]

2013-05-01, 03:52 PM
Bastion never was good at healing and his bedside manner was garbage, but he dutifully followed Elia's instructions as best he could. He hoped this would lead to some answers. Perhaps this freak could would show them the way in return for their kindness...

Golden Ladybug
2013-05-01, 10:41 PM
The creature flinches when Elia places her hands on its broken leg, screwing its eyes shut. When Bastion and Claudius take their positions on either side of it, holding down its arms, it begins to whimper softly.

It doesn't resist when Elia moves to set the bone.


With a single, practised twist, Elia manages to return the bone to its rightful orientation. The application of magical healing afterwards begins the recovery process, knitting together skin and encouraging the bones to heal.

It takes a few moments to realise that the creature had fainted from the pain.

2013-05-01, 10:59 PM
Well that about solves the mystery of who was following us. He doesn't look to dangerous. Heh! Is it alright to put the little guy on Bella's backside, Elia? When he comes to he can explain why he was spying and help us out. Cus, ya know, if we're lost then that means he's lost too. So we can expect some cooperation with gentle encouragement.

2013-05-02, 10:25 PM
Charrok arrives on the scene.
Does anything remain for which you require my help?

2013-05-03, 11:20 PM
Claudius shrugs. Eh, not really. Right now, it's really a matter of waiting. He'll wake in due time, but until then, I suggest we press on.

2013-05-03, 11:56 PM
Bastion waves his hand in front of Elia's face.
Not talking to me again, eh? For the last time I didn't steal yer panties! Ah fine! Be that way.
He hoists the little weirdo onto the back on Bella and saddles up.
As Claudius suggested, they press on. Bastion leads them in whatever direction he thinks their crazy ginger employer pointed. If he doesn't want to supply good directions then he'll just have to wait to get his prize. It will do all of us good to sleep under the stars again thinks Bastion. He whistles a cheery tune as he rides.

2013-05-04, 08:29 AM
Claudius pulls out his lute and begins strumming softly, while heartily singing (rather dirty) songs in gnomish.

Golden Ladybug
2013-05-05, 12:43 AM
With the strange creature securely fastened to Bella's back with the twin forces of Hope and Balancing, the group set off down the passageway they had found the footprint in, now assured of its safety, and passed through it without incident.

The path seemed to be the way out of the rocky maze, and soon enough the four of them had found their way into the open desert.

With Bastion at the lead, and a seemingly endless library of Dirty Gnomish Limericks serving as an unwelcome soundtrack, the group began their travel across the burning red sands.

The already hot and oppressive environment they had suffered within the Rocks was nothing compared to the heat now that they had left the protection of the shade. The Mid-Morning Sun beat down on all of them; Bastion's soaked scarf did him good; he was uncomfortable, his leather armor feeling heavier than ever before and soaking with sweat, but for the moment he staved off the worst effects of the heat. Charrok, a native to warm climates and wearing lose robes, was also able to move relatively comfortably... but even the Hobgoblin's thick hide wasn't enough to protect him completely.

Claudius and Elia, lacking any natural protection, had it the worst. The Gnome had to struggle to maintain his jovial songs, and both felt the links of their respective chain shirts begin to heat up to dangerous heats.

That was the first hour.

Trudging on through the sands, their Desert-Bred Horses sure-footed as they crossed the loose red sand. Any other sign of life was absent, the Desert long since eradicating any visible signs of plant life, and the Desert's fauna seemed likewise absent. The group travelled alone, with only the crunch of their steed's hooves on the sand and flagging song of Claudius to break the silence. Charrok was beginning to feel the heat, and Bastion's scarf was beginning to dry out. Elia and Claudius were experiencing the worst of it; if they didn't find shelter soon, who knows what would happen...

But Shelter would be hard to find; besides the rocks, two hours back the way they'd came, there didn't seem to be anything but sand.

DM Conundrum here; Schrodinger's Elia.

While you guys have been travelling (ever since you left the rocks, in facT), you guys have been exposed to the Severe Heat of the Day. This means I've been rolling Fortitude Saves against Non-Lethal damage based on how long you've been outside and how well-suited to the environment you are.

Elia, to put it simply, isn't suited to travelling through the heat of a Desert day, and she would fall unconscious from heat stroke after the two hour mark. Buuuuut, she has Endure Elements prepared. Casting that on herself completely obviates any danger that heat poses to her. I think its pretty safe to say she would cast it on herself before she falls unconscious, so I didn't mention her falling unconscious in the narrative for that reason.

2013-05-05, 01:14 AM
Bastion hates the feel of a soupy sweat in leather armour. He also notices his singing companion's growing sunburn.
I suggest we stop and set up our tents. We might find our going slow from here on out. Let me think about this...

Survival [roll0]
Specifically: Source of water? Is it better to travel at night? What are the chances of a sand storm coming?
And most importantly, how do we keep ourselves from frying in the sun?

'Neath the Moon
2013-05-05, 10:19 AM
Sorry, yes, she would have cast endure elements as soon as she couldn't stand the heat much longer. With the spell's 24 hour duration, delaying casting until it was most needed would give her as much of the next day as possible as well. Elia also has two castings of create water prepared, which gives us 16 gallons of water in total. The issue is where to put all that water.

Elia says, One-Eye, you're the only one who brought a tent. And if you want water, I suggest you dig a hole and line it with that tent's oiled fabric. It doesn't need to be a big hole. I'm only going to cast my spell once, since we're still in the morning. We should have prepared better for this excursion. Not one of us even has a waterskin. Curse my lack of foresight! I should have thought beyond which spells we would need. I should have thought of.... She trails off upon realizing that she's still speaking aloud. The first hour or so in the bright sunlight is still wearing on her.

2013-05-05, 02:39 PM
Oh now you're talking to me! And I should dig the hole! Well m'lady I'll get right on that... He says with a mocking bow. He doesn't have a shovel. Why doesn't he have a shovel? Shouldn't every good ranger have a shovel? He digs with his hands instead. When he has finished setting up he flourishes his hands in the direction of the tent.
Your palace awaits Lady Elia, Princess of prudishness!
He mocks her, but he was all to willing to labour away while she watched. Nor would he have allowed her to help.

2013-05-05, 04:23 PM
The red-skinned gnome, made crankier from the pain of his sunburn, sprints in the direction of the tent. (expletive) that! That (fouler expletive) elf only brought a...whassitcalled, a heat-enduring spell for her own arse! Well, sir, I'll be yer bloody princess for tonight. I don' care who else takes it, but there'll be room enough for a man of my size either way. However, I think the lady ought to lay outside, seein' as she's been all hunky-dory for the entirety of our endeavour!

2013-05-05, 08:20 PM
Charrok turns.
My spell is still active, so here you go.
Casting Prestidigitation, cooling clothes off for an hour, recasting when needed.

'Neath the Moon
2013-05-06, 03:54 PM
Charrok, can you use your cantrip to line that pit with a waxy coating? We don't want any of the water leaking out.
I'm just going to assume he does, since it seems silly to have had so long a dialogue already over preparing a hole to hold water. We don't need three posts when one would do.
Nen nuin ithil, anna en hithril! Elia holds out her hands, palms down, and a light mist forms around her. Shining brilliantly, it condenses in the depression in the ground, forming about eight gallons of water. After cupping her hands and slaking her thirst, Elia turns to her companions, Bastion, I'm sorry. I've just grown tired of long treks through the desert. And as for you, gnome, says Elia, turning to Claudius, I had no intention of resting in the tent. The desert breeze feels quite nice at the moment.

Elia fills the vials she carries with water, pulls her hood up, and sits down for a small luncheon, eating some of the dries berries and waybread she carries as rations.

BTW: that incantation is legit (Tolkien) elven. I'm sure I got the grammar and conjugation wrong, and it's probably bastardized Sindarin and Quenya since I just used the appendix to my copy of the Silmarillion, but it translates roughly to, "Water under moonlight, gift of the mistshine."

2013-05-06, 04:24 PM
Bastion takes a good long drink from the pool, soaks his scarf again and fills his canteen. He brings the canteen to the little freak's lips. ("Little freak" will be what Bastion calls him until we learn a real name. Possibly afterwards too.)
Drink up ya little freak.

After that he takes a rest in the tent and changes out of his armour. He curses at himself for not preparing for what was obviously a much longer and more dangerous trip than he was led to believe. A yawn and a general south western wave of the hand doesn't quite describe it.

I suggest we press on just before the sun sets. At night it will be cold and all the little desert critters will come out to play, but I'd rather bundle up and face them while I'm awake than risk getting sun stroke and having out throats slit. Maybe eight hours even? Enough time for Elia to prepare spells for the rest of us. All in favour?

Why did people trust him with the outdoorsy stuff. He was a terrible ranger! Fortunately not many people knew that. Secretly he hoped for the chance to fight something large and dangerous. At heart he was a thrill seeker.

2013-05-06, 04:49 PM
Claudius drinks deep from the little well, and tops off his own waterskin. Heh, sounds like a plan. I'd rather face danger in my element than safely swelter. The gnome casts off his chain shirt, and strips down to his under-shorts before retreating to the cool shade of the tent.

2013-05-06, 11:47 PM
The thought of sharing the tent with a half naked gnome was not appealing, but he needed the shade. Bastion also retreats to the tent. He pulls out his bedroll and spreads it out. A nap will hit the spot. Then to figure out how to stay warm.

Golden Ladybug
2013-05-07, 07:07 AM
With the four of you watered, as well as forcing the newly dubbed Little Freak to drink, you get ready to shelter from the sun. Elia, now protected from the elements by her spell, is able to see across the sands and watch for danger without inconveniencing herself. The others, lacking that mystical protection, take cover in the tent.

Its not particularly pleasant in there; it is still sweltering inside, but for the moment you're not at risk of heatstroke.

The hours pass, and the desert stays empty. The sun lazily crosses the sky as the ground burns, and heat-hazes flicker across the landscapes. Besides the other members of your group, you seem utterly alone out here.

Approximately four hours after you set up your tents, the Little Freak begins to stir. Its eyes open slowly, before it stiffens, clearly startled by the surroundings it has woken up in.

2013-05-07, 09:02 AM
Welcome to the land of the living, Freak. Jerky? Bastion offers, holding out some of the dried yak meat he is currently chewing on.

Golden Ladybug
2013-05-07, 09:54 AM
Hesitantly, Little Freak looks at the trio within the tent, then focuses in on the stick of Jerky Bastion was holding out to him. Freak shuffles himself up into a sitting position, twinging whenever its broken leg moved.

"...No thank you," Little Freak replies in a quiet, gravelly voice, "I am in a different place"

You can't quite tell if Little Freak is asking a question, or making a statement. Its speech seems to lack any sort of inflection, which is rather disconcerting.

2013-05-07, 01:35 PM
The hobgoblin walks over to the side of Elia, gazing out over the desert.
What is the reasoning behind allowing the human to talk to our guest?

2013-05-07, 02:03 PM
Suit yourself. He reclines onto his bedroll chewing jerky and contemplating his navel.

You talk to him. I got nothing.

2013-05-07, 03:59 PM
Claudius slips on his robe and approaches the Little Freak, sitting down next to him so as to see eye to eye. Please excuse the human, my friend, he really is something of a brute- would you care for some water? Wine? Ale? Blood? Well, at any rate, I'm sure my comrades will provide for you. Now, I think we're all simply dying to know, were you and your friend following us? If so, why, and who sent you? He hold out his finger before the thing can respond. Wait, not yet. Oy, Elia! Be a doll and get yerself over here. Assuming she does, he leans in and whispers into her ear. You have a truth spell, correct? Best use it. Without another word, he gestures toward the Little Freak to explain itself.

'Neath the Moon
2013-05-08, 10:45 PM
Elia takes her sweet time to answer Claudius' call. She first replies in an undertone to Charrok, I suspect, my friend, that after Bastion and Claudius' particular brand of greeting, my sympathies will be far better received than they might have, had I been his first visitor. I suppose I had best see what the Little Freak is yelling at me about, though.

Elia does not cast zone of truth just yet. She tries the diplomatic approach first. Hello, how has your leg healed? Does it still pain you? Elia goes about her checkup for a few minutes before proceeding to the questioning. Now, I am Elia. What's your name?

Diplomacy check: [roll0], and sense motive: [roll1]. If one of us thinks he's lying, I will cast Z.O.T.
EDIT: Looks like I've got no clue whether or not he's lying, but I did pretty well on the diplomacy.

Golden Ladybug
2013-05-09, 03:43 AM
Little Freak looks back at you with a neutral expression on its face, before sighing softly.

"King will be mad..."

Little Freak then attempts to move its leg, cringing slightly "My leg is broken, but it feels like it has partly healed. How long have I been asleep"

Little Freak doesn't seem to acknowledge you asking for its name.

2013-05-09, 09:18 AM
Bastion pops another strip of yak jerky in his mouth. He tries to remember when the last time he got his willy wet was. There wasn't a lot of opportunity in captivity as a slave. Maybe a little under a year ago? For a man like Bastion this was far too long. Her name was Natalie. She was a silver skinned half elven babe. Gawd she had a mouth on her! I stole the overseer's whip. Punish me like I'm in finishing school again. a goofy grin crossed his face, but then broke when he heard "king will be mad". He hated those words. "King" and "master". People should be allowed to do whatever the hell they wanted. Make love to who ever they felt like. Leave when they wanted to leave. They sure as hell didn't deserve to die when they got caught sneaking out of their bunk at night...

They needed this gold. He needed to get laid and far away from here.

2013-05-09, 09:39 AM
Claudius puts his hand on the Little Freak's shoulder. It's been hours. Know, however, that so long as yer here, you are under our protection, and no "king" will lay his hand on you. Now, I think it's time you answered our questions.

Diplomacy Check: [roll0]

'Neath the Moon
2013-05-09, 09:40 AM
Elia walks away from the creature, and says to Claudius, My spell doesn't force them to talk, just to tell the truth. I was under the impression that magical coercion was your speciality. Once I've woven my web of verity you can do something about our guest's disinclination to converse.

Iluvequenya esgal-diriel! intones Elia, holding forth her star-orb holy symbol.

Everyone within 20 feet of Little Freak (the mutant, not Claudius) must make a DC 16 will save or tell only the truth.
Oh look, two people posted in the time it took me to compose this pitiful little post. Well, it seems to still work well enough.

2013-05-09, 10:09 AM
Claudius glowers at the celestial elf, grumbling. Did it occur to you that maybe I didn't want to force him to talk? That maybe that's immoral? Hmm? We need his information, but I will not use my magicks to force him to relinquish it, unless absolutely necessary. I s'pose I just thought, I dunno, after slavery, you might have gained a new respect for the rights of living creatures. If I am to get words out of this creature, I will do so with my natural charms, and by showing him some bloody kindness.

The gnome then grins cheekily.

Besides, it was high time you did something useful around 'ere.

Before Elia can respond to Claudius' blatant hypocrisy, he returns to the Little Freak's side, awaiting his answer.

2013-05-09, 11:15 AM
Charrok walks over. Claudius, you can be annoying. Wait a minute. You aren't always. You're rather nice, a lot of the time... Oh just forget about what I just said. Please? It is quite embarrassing. Oh, dash it. He lapses into silence.


Golden Ladybug
2013-05-09, 08:53 PM
"King is strong. If King is mad, King can hurt me if King wants. I don't think you could stop him" Little Freak tells you, its hyena-like face not betraying any emotion (or, it might be. You're still not quite sure what Little Freak is).

"You are not Kind" Little Freak says quietly, addressing Claudius, "'Elia' was kind. She asked me if I was hurt. You interrogate me, say hurtful things about your companions. Not kind"

I'm enjoying Little Freak :smallcool:

Also, I'm prettying up my NPC's speech colours. I mean, why not?

2013-05-09, 09:48 PM
Claudius scowls, and immediately breaks his vow to Elia by invoking a charm spell.

Casting Charm Person, Will DC 18 (assuming he's a (monstrous) humanoid)

How very mercurial, our dear gnome.

Now, what was that you were saying?

Golden Ladybug
2013-05-09, 10:29 PM
Little Freak gets a glazed look in its eyes for a moment, but then it shudders and shakes its head. It then looks at Claudius and tilts its head sideways.

"I was saying that you are not Kind" Little Freak replies, and if its voice weren't so damn emotionless you would be sure it was confused.

2013-05-09, 10:31 PM
Upon realizing that his spell failed, the gnome rises from his spot, sighs, turns to the side, grips his forehead in concentration, and, with a flourish, lashes his arm out at the creature, his hand impacting with the air a few inches from the hyena-thing's face. He then turns toward the (hopefully stunned) creature, and weaves his fingers around hypnotically, as he drones out another incantation.

Casting Daze Monster (Will DC 19) and then Hypnotism (Will DC 18). I'll cast the second one whether or not the first succeeds, I just think he'll be likely to object if I just suddenly hypnotize him, and the spell has a 1-round casting time.

Now, tell me, why were you following us?!

Golden Ladybug
2013-05-09, 10:52 PM
Before Little Freak can say or do anything in protest of Claudius' bizarre actions, the Hyena-faced creature stiffens in place. It is unable to bring any resistance to bear as Claudius enspells it with his Hypnotic magics, and when Little Freak's daze expires, it breaks into a wide grin.

Well, you think its a grin. Little Freak has a Hyena for a face, its expressions all seem to look a bit weird.

"King told us to follow you. King wanted us to watch you, not help. But you didn't know how to leave, so we showed you the footprint" Little Freak answers you, eyes staring blindly off into the distance.

2013-05-09, 10:55 PM
The little man smirks, seeming to calm down. Good; this is good. Tell me, who is this king of yours? Where can he be found?

2013-05-09, 11:14 PM
Bastion sits up with sudden interest. Wait. What? Claudius are you hypnotizing him? You can do that?

He ponders this for a moment.

You've never hypnotized me have ya? Is that why I woke up with that half orc she cow back in the Uskar slave camp?

Doubtless Claudius will rightly tell him to shut up, but I couldn't resist.

Golden Ladybug
2013-05-09, 11:18 PM
Little Freak begins to answer your question, but then stops. You can see Indecision warring on Little Freak's animalistic face. Little Freak looks away from you, grin starting to fade.

"Don't want to tell" Little Freak mutters.

You know that your Hypnotism still remains in effect, but it seems that your magic can only go so far against Little Freak's loyalty to this "King". But its clear that you could push him to tell you, with the right encouragement.

2013-05-09, 11:39 PM
(Shut up Bastion); I understand. The King's privacy is very important to you. We don't mean him any harm- far from it, in fact. We want to warn him about something, something very important. But we have to see him in person, and I can promise you, if we do, we will vouch for your safety. We will tell the king just how loyal you were to him, how you wouldn't tell us a thing until you knew that the King was in danger- because he is in danger, all of us are, and we need your help to save him.

Oh, I've forgotten, how rude of me! What is your name, my friend?

Claudius is just lying all over the place here.
EDIT: Claudius can't make any promises regarding that half orc. :smalltongue:

2013-05-10, 12:18 AM
Bastion knows that he needs to keep quiet so as not to interfere with Claudius' interrogation. So naturally he wants to get in real close and whisper in Claudius' ear so only he can hear him and all the important questions he has.
Do you think your hypno tricks would work on women? How long does it last?

Golden Ladybug
2013-05-10, 12:37 AM
Little Freak perks up after hearing this, its 'grin' returning to its face.

"King took us when last 'Tact died. King tells us what to do, now" Little Freak explains, albeit obliquely. "King is in the town, where you came from. Don't know where"

Little Freak looks at you, hesitating at your last question, but answers nonetheless.

"My name is Ikram. Why am I telling you that?"

2013-05-10, 01:09 AM
Claudius elbows Bastion in the gut. Ikram...an interesting name; I am Claudius Derkin, the Human is Bastion Rends, the hobgoblin is Charrok and the elf is Elia Ice(bleep). I thank you for agreeing to this- you are a good friend. I don't have any other questions for you at the moment; are you hungry or thirsty? You were out for some time.

2013-05-10, 01:12 AM
Unarmed Strike against Bastion:


2013-05-10, 01:13 AM
Bah, messed that up.


Golden Ladybug
2013-05-11, 12:33 AM
"I don't understand why I told you it" Little Freak Ikram replies, confused, "But I am not hungry, nor do I thirst"

It looks around, seeming very confused all of a sudden. Its seems that your spell has worn off.

"...I don't understand what is happening?" Ikram mumbles

2013-05-11, 12:38 AM
Oof! Neither do I. Does your King got red hair? Cus that would really cheese me off.

Golden Ladybug
2013-05-11, 07:53 AM
"...I shouldn't have told you about King" Ikram whispers, and if it weren't for the utter lack of emotional inflection in its words, you would be certain it was afraid, "King doesn't like it when they talk about him"

"I...I don't think I should talk to you anymore..." Ikram says, turning its head away from you.

The sun still remains obnoxiously high in the sky, and the heat is still blistering. Sunset is still almost three hours away...

2013-05-13, 10:18 AM
Bastion smiles at the little freak. He felt guilty about coercing answers out of the poor soul, even if it was actually Claudius' doing and the creature was caught spying.
I think we should let him go if he wants. But listen freak, you must promise not to spy on us from afar. If you are to keep an eye on us, then travel with us and maybe give us some directions. We cannot abide by spying. Besides, you'll have a more accurate report of our activities if you take notes from up close. We have no secrets. So, go your separate way or come with us and let your intentions be known, but you must not skulk. I shoot things that I see skulking with my bow, understand?

'Neath the Moon
2013-05-13, 03:41 PM
In terms of conversation, Elia has nothing to add. While the others are going about their interrogation, she sits cross-legged on the edge of the campsite and pulls her hood up over her head, the light diffusing through the ragged gossamer fabric lends a ruddy cast to her features and helps keep the direct sunlight out of her eyes. She enters into her trance-state, enveloped in her billowing crimson cloak, as the sun grows ever nearer to the horizon.

Since we set up camp in mid-morning, it seems like we've spent enough time resting that, after this sleep trance, I'll be able to prepare my spells. While Elia previously (in the old thread, with Hartwig as DM) prepared her spells at dawn, I think that with her star-theme, shortly after sunset might be more appropriate. And since I've never actually prepared spells in this thread yet, I think it is still open for interpretation herein.

Golden Ladybug
2013-05-14, 08:16 AM
"...I will stay" Ikram utters, after a long pause.

After that, it is seemingly impossible to get anything more out of the strange creature, and it clamps its Hyena-Like Jaws shut. You can tell that, until you set out again, getting more out of the Little Freak will be difficult.

Time passes, and the sun begins to trail down towards the horizon. Two Hours later, with those of you inside the tent finding some way of passing the time, the Trancing Elf hears the sound of sand being displaced. Soon after, those inside the tent hear it too.

Those of you who exit the Tent, or open their eyes as the case may be, gaze upon something that their lives in the Holds had not prepared them for.

Striding titanic above the sands, antennae bent and twisted, was an Ant... a very, very big one. The Creature is gigantic, bigger than any insect has any right to be.

The Ant is travelling Parallel to your impromptu camp for now, but its movements seem erratic and uncontrolled.

Suddenly, Ants!

2013-05-14, 09:33 AM
That is a very big ant! Bastion says, jaw agape and staring in wonderment. If Elia is done meditatin' then we ought to strike camp before the ant strikes it for us.

He gathers whatever supplies he can, and packs the tent, careful not to disturb the elf in her trance. He will give her as long as he can before they have no choice but to abandon camp.

Golden Ladybug
2013-05-16, 05:40 AM
Bastion's haste to clear the camp ground and prepare to move on is not unwarranted, as the Ant's veering and unpredictable path threatens to have it trample over them at any moment. For now, it remains off in the distance - but the distance is a lot closer than is comfortable*.

The horses look exceptionally skittish at the moment, but have yet to try and bolt. Bella, psychopathic murder beast that she is, does not seem cowed by the Ant's presence and is doing her damnedest to growl at it.

Not having the right type of mouth or vocal equipment to pull off a growl is totally irrelevant to her efforts.

Ikram looks out of the tent, and clicks its tongue against the roof of its mouth. That display of... something aside, the little freak doesn't make have any other noticeable response to the oncoming Ant Monster.

*Currently, the Ant is coasting approximately 300ft away from you, and has yet to notice any Humans, Gnomes, Hobgoblins, Elves, Horses or whatever-the-hell-Ikram-is-es.

2013-05-16, 12:06 PM
Claudius, still laying down in his bedroll with his arms crossed behind his head, whistles. My, oh my. That is an impressive creature, there. Suddenly, the gnome gets an idea.

Hey, Bastion, yer good with stuff like this. What d'you reckon something like that eats?

2013-05-16, 02:16 PM
After they strike camp, Bastion and Claudius take a moment to admire the giant ant. Bastion is mesmerized by its size and gait.

Claudius, still laying down in his bedroll with his arms crossed behind his head, whistles. My, oh my. That is an impressive creature, there. Suddenly, the gnome gets an idea.

Hey, Bastion, yer good with stuff like this. What d'you reckon something like that eats?

Absentmindedly he replies, Oh I dunno... whatever it can get its mandibles on I expect. Crops. Trees. Carrion. People too most likely... His eyes widen with fear at what he suspects the devious gnome to be suggesting. Oh no! No way! I am not going to be the bait for a giant ant!

Just how big is the ant? Titanic?

2013-05-16, 03:35 PM
Claudius glares at Bastion for a few moments, before his face cracks into a grin and he begins hooting hysterically. I...heh...I...that wasn't what I had intended, lad, I was just gonna go with an illusion, but if yer volunteering (which it sounds like you are), be my guest, sir, right away.

2013-05-16, 05:05 PM
Bastion considers this for a moment. He's always had a thing for battling big creature (though this is pretty darn big and scary).

Did you notice it is wearing a saddle?

He gives Bella the last of his jerky and then gives his murder horse and loving pat before mounting her.

An illusion isn't a bad idea. We're you thinking we should lead it away from us? Cus if you'll distract it... I wanna ride it!

2013-05-16, 05:34 PM
Charrok walks over.
A diversion of some sort might come in handy, if either of you are up to the task. If we need to reach safety quickly, I can help with that, but hopefully that is not a circumstance that we shall have to worry about.

2013-05-16, 07:43 PM
Claudius tries to hide his surprise. You want to...well, of course I'll distract it! This, I'd like to see. Putting some trousers on but forgetting the shirt, Claudius mounts his dear, reliable old toast, and rides out towards the bizzare creature. When he is within 200 feet or so of it, he weaves his illusion some fifty feet from the ant- a chunk of meat, bounding down the desert sand like a tumbleweed. Hopefully, it's dumb enough to fall for this!

Casting a minor image.

2013-05-16, 08:56 PM
I think I'll definitely take you up on that offer, my hobgoblin friend. Wish me luck!
He snaps Bella's reigns.

Bastion's first task will be to ride up behind it, and then prepare to jump from his galloping steed and climb up whatever part of the ant is climbable. Then, all he has to do is figure out how to handle the thing. Oh yeah, this was a great idea.

I don't have me character sheet handy right now. Would you be the bestest DM and roll for me?

2013-05-16, 09:41 PM
Charrok makes sure everything is packed up and close at hand, and pulls a length of rope out of his pack.

'Neath the Moon
2013-05-17, 06:40 AM
Elia, still half in her trance, remains seated and says, semi-lucidly, It won't work, she says to the hobgoblin, who is presumably not engaged in the foolhardy antics, an ant can smell its food, so a low-level illusion won't fool it. Charry, why don't you enchant Bonnet to smell like a happy-happy-birthday-cake? The bug'll be sure to follow. she trails off into an Elven birthday song, sung to Bonnet. Such is the way of an elf half-awake.

Could you clarify, please, how much time has passed? I couldn't tell whether "Time passes, and the sun begins to trail down towards the horizon. Two Hours later..." meant two hours after sunset, or two hours after we stopped the interrogation and Elia went to sleep? Since the first would be 5 hours after she started trancing, it would mean new spells for me, so it would help to know.

2013-05-17, 09:01 AM
Charrok runs over about fifty feet to the side, enchants two cubic feet of sand to smell and taste like meat, and runs back.
Ikram, do you know what that is?
Still Prestidigitation.

Golden Ladybug
2013-05-17, 08:26 PM
Claudius' cunning illusory meat is created with deftness and skill, but it does not seem to draw the Gargantuan Ant's attention. It is seemingly uncontrolled and unconcerned with food, or at the very least, not the tumblemeat the Gnome's illusion provided.

Charrok too attempts to draw the beast's attention with the promise of food, creating the sizzling smell of meat upon the grains of red, desert sand. Perhaps this would've been more tantalising for the Ant, but even after being informed by Elia that the beast would likely track its prey by smell, it would be all but impossible to detect the scents of Meat from almost 250ft away.

This leaves Bastion and Bella, two daredevils and risk-takers, riding up towards the Ant with a mission in mind.

The two brave beings gallop up behind the Ant, avoiding its swinging eyes and head. Even without the distraction of loafing Meat products or tasty smelling sand, coming up behind the creature is enough to avoid its swinging mandibles, for now at least.

Bastion makes a mighty leap, clutching for the retreating leg of the gigantic Ant. For a moment, it looks like he would fall to to the ground (potentially being crushed by the Ant's other legs, which would've really sucked), but that was for a lesser man than he. He clutched onto the Ant's leg, leaving Bella to peel off from the giant Insect.

Bastion stands atop the bottom of the Ant's limb, with a steep and constantly moving climb ahead of him. Getting to the top would be hard.

Meanwhile, the others watch as Bastion's noble steed begans to retreat across the empty red sand as the Ranger starts his perilous ascent to the Ant's back, and the loosely hanging saddle thereafter.

"It is an Ant" Ikram answers, after a few moments of Contemplation.

Bastion, getting to the top will require lots of DC20-5 Climb checks; it is 50ft tall, and you move at 7.5ft per successful Climb Check, each of which takes a move action. Somewhere between 7 Normal Checks and 3.5 Accelerated Checks. You successfully jumped on, but what to do now is another question entirely.

Could you clarify, please, how much time has passed? I couldn't tell whether "Time passes, and the sun begins to trail down towards the horizon. Two Hours later..." meant two hours after sunset, or two hours after we stopped the interrogation and Elia went to sleep? Since the first would be 5 hours after she started trancing, it would mean new spells for me, so it would help to know.

Sorry, only been two hours; the Sunset is part of the two hours passing. You've still got another two hours worth of Trancing before you get your spells back :smallfrown:

2013-05-17, 09:07 PM
Seeing Bella make her hasty retreat, Claudius rears Toast into a gallop after her. If he manages to breach the 200-or so feet separating the two steeds, he invokes a blinding flash of swirling colours, hoping to distract the horse.

Casting Color Spray, Will DC 18

2013-05-18, 11:21 AM
Looking up at the incredible climb he has before him, Bastion loses that iron courage that brought him here.

What the hell was I thinking!??

He catches a glimpse of Claudius trying to distract or annoy his girl Bella with flashy magic lights or something when the ant's leg reaches its crescendo.

What the?... Claudius, you moron! Don't- grrr... he can't hear me from here. Bloody fool! She's going to kick his *** As safely as he can he leaps from the giant ant leg, trying his best to avoid being trampled. If he survives, he brushes the sand out of his hair and whistles for Bella.

He's going to ride over to Claudius and get him to cast spider climb on him and then try again. He'll also tell Claudius that maybe casting flashy lights on his murder pony wasn't the smartest move.

'Neath the Moon
2013-05-24, 02:14 AM
Elia returns to her trance. She dreams (or whatever) of Elven birthdays long-past. Then, with a subtle shift in dream-perceptions, she is back to that day.

The Crystal Temple was shattered. The thousands of glass panes, made from a special type of sky-crystal, no longer stood as a barrier against the poison of the desert. The sand-slavers had come.
The horde of twisted beings, writhing in the crimson light of dusk, flooded the temple. The holy place was fouled as the blood of those who fought back spilled darkling on the shimmering floors. The creatures invading the sanctuary had no mercy. They had no pity. Their skin was ashen, or waxy, or pale and transparent- webbed with thin purple veins. They had beaks, or tusks, or maws with countless razor-like teeth. Some had open wounds, some had no eyes, or no ears, or horns or frills. All had scars, and all had chains.
In the inner sanctum, Elia huddled against the wall. Her father stood by her, holding the crystal sword of his ancestors. He was the high priest, Elmir. Elia, take the star-orb. It will protect you from the desert, once these walls are breached, he said, handing her the little glass globe she now uses as her magical focus.
Then the glass door shattered inwards, and the slavers poured in and surrounded the two elves. Elmir held Elia tight, and whispered, They won't take me alive; I've caused them too much trouble in the past. I love you, my daughter. The aged elf then whirled away, as the mutant slavers chained Elia's hands behind her back. His sword flashed, and within a blink three of the creatures were dead. Two more soon followed, and then a tall shadow stepped through the crystal wreckage....