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2013-04-01, 03:14 AM

The world of Illorel was created eons ago through a union between Bahamut and Tiamat. They shared the goal of protecting dragons of all types and desired to create a realm in which their children could prosper. The world they created was rugged, and beautiful with lush green forests covering miles of plains and climbing the sides of mountains that leapt far into the sky. Small, fast flowing streams fell from tall cliffs forming pools and lakes, eventually leading to slow, wide, meandering rivers that rolled down through swampy deltas into vast oceans. The world teemed with life, herds of animals roamed vast grasslands, huge fish swam in the deep waters and the skies were filled with dragons ruling over all. It was paradise but it was not to last.

The First War - Chromatic and Metallic

In the nirvana created for them the dragons thrived. Without threat and with plenty of food their numbers grew. Ages passed and the mountain tops, deep forests and wide swamps were filled with the nests of huge families of dragons. Slowly the numbers and the appetites of the children of Bahamut and Tiamat grew to exceed the rate at which their sources of food could be replenished. Thus was the seed of possessiveness sown into dragons of all kind. Families of dragons started to covet feeding grounds and looked to defend their territories from other families. Dragon fought dragon and blood was spilled. Familial bonds grew and seperated dragon species into chromatic and metallic. Hatred developed. Bahamut and Tiamat stepped in to restore peace. Recognising the need for husbandry of resources they created the races of dragonkind to serve their children.

The Second War - The Ancient Empires

While the territorial nature of dragons caused the rise in their numbers to slow the resources that were carefully husbanded by the races of dragonkind served their masters well and for millenia relative peace was maintained. Yet the desire for possession grew not only in the dragons heart but in the hearts of those created from dragons. From the races of dragonkind grew tribes, and cultures and eventually empires. Lizardmen, Kobolds, Yuan-ti and Troglodytes each formed civilizations of their own dedicated to serving their masters but none of these matched the great civilizations developed by the two greatest races of dragonkind, the Dragonborn and the Draconians. Their empires pushed the lesser cultures deep into the swamps, mountains, deserts and caves. The Dragonborn and the Draconians built towering cities, monuments to both Bahamut and Tiamat, and they advanced their civilizations to the ends of the earth. When there was no more room they pursued the only path left available to them. They fought each other. Cities were razed, temples pulled down and monuments destroyed. The magics released during the war caused a massive rift to break the land into the two continents Namzeru and Hazzeru between which flowed Ningal, the inner sea. The splitting of the continents brought an end to the conflict with the majority of the Dragonborn isolated on Namzeru and the remains of the Draconian empire stuck on Hazzeru.

The Third War - Rebellion

Thousands of years passed as the twin empires recovered from the disastrous war that split the world in two. Cities were rebuilt, or abandoned and relocated, forgotten lore rediscovered and old lessons forgotten. The Dragonborn and Draconian empires rediscovered the pride that caused their fall in the first place. With no one else to challenge this time the targets of their wrath were the very creatures they were created to serve. The response was immediate. Bahamut and Tiamat interceded on behalf of their beloved children. In the west, on Namzeru, Bahamut took a course of peace and reconciliation. Sending most of the metallic dragons to a yet undiscovered third continent he negotiated with other Gods that exist in the great beyond and established kingdoms for his Dragonborn in other realms and worlds. In return Bahamut ceded lands within Namzeru to the worshippers of the other Gods and thus humans, dwarves, elves, halflings, orcs and their kin entered the world of Illorel. In the east, in Hazzeru, Tiamat and the chromatic dragons ruthlessly put down the rebellion of the Draconians, killing more than half and enslaving the rest. The Draconians have remained in bondage ever since serving their chromatic masters. These days the days of rebellion are barely remembered and the evil Draconians delight in causing pain and suffering almost as much as their dragon leaders.

The Fourth War - The Destruction of Tiamat

After the dust of rebellion settled disagreement arose between Bahamut and Tiamat over the means by which the two Gods dealt with the uprising. Tiamat's anger at the intrusion of other races into her perfect world of dragons could not be contained. Neither could the ire of Bahamut at the contempt Tiamat and her chromatic followers showed towards their own kin and the heavy handed approach taken to quell the Draconian rebellion. Tensions rose on both sides, ignited by the differences in philosophy of their Gods and fueled by the distrust and hatred that had arisen over time between metallic and chromatic dragon and between Dragonborn and Draconian. The world of Illmorel spiralled once more towards war and bloodshed. Only a few hundred years after the time of rebellion Tiamat led her throng of chromatic dragons and armies of Draconians against the Dragonborn and their allies in an attempt to restore the world to the purity she felt was needed. The Dragonborn fought furiously to defend their homeland but the might of the Tiamat proved to be greater than imagined. The lack of numbers of metallic dragons after the migration of most during the time of rebellion was telling and the chromatic dragons of Tiamat threatened to overwhelm the remaining Dragonborn. In his most desperate hour Bahamut appealed to the newly established races of humans, elves and dwarves for aid. They agreed in exchange for the promise of more freedoms and the tide of battle slowly turned. Taking the fight to Tiamat the combined forces of Bahamut drove her back to the continent of Hazzeru and eventually back to the temple of Tiamat in Wavemeet. Here Erekal, Bahamut's champion, faced Tiamat with the strength of his God behind him and banished her to the void.

Current Times

The battle was won, but at great cost. The Dragonborn people have been bought low, their numbers so seriously diminished that even now some tens of years later they are still outnumbered in the world by humankind and maybe even by elves and dwarves. What was left of the chromatic dragons and their Draconian armies have withdrawn far to the east side of Hazzeru where they established a small realm dedicated to finding a way to bring back their Goddess. In the void created by these losses the other races, humans especially, have flourished. New cities have been founded, replacing old abandoned ruins from coast to coast. Small city states rise and fall as order asserts itself. Bahamut is still greatly revered by dragonkind and other races but human, elven and dwarven Gods are also worshipped. The world moves on. As for Tiamat, her prophets announce that she is soon to return and take her revenge on all but there is little evidence to suggest they are speaking truth and many have stopped looking. It is into this world that adventure is born for should Tiamat return a Fifth War is surely to follow....

2013-04-04, 11:46 AM
Solantus Background:
Manifesting is such a messy business, thought Solantus with regret.

The conclave must have its reasons for shrouding the memories of past lives before sending Deva back to the mortal realm, but Solantus never remembered those reasons once he was among the living. It was nearly 10 years ago that he manifested in a blinding flash on the steps of the Temple of Light.

From what little he could remember, Solantus was sent back with an important mission. To warn....who? Of what? To aid....who? Against what? The Peloran Brotherhood had accepted him with open arms. Pelor - that was what they called his Lord here. It seemed strange to him, but he could not even remember his own master's true name. It started with an A, he thought. Or was it an L?

For years, he'd been serving as the Temple's Archivist as an excuse to spend days at a time burying himself in the scrolls within their library. Ancient histories and unlikely prophecies bled together with his fragmented memories to create a whole that increasingly worried Solantus. This world, oft-plagued by war, was familiar to him. He'd been here before. Seen things. Taken part.

There were no signs of immanent war. Nothing to warrant a warning. But there was a feeling. A constant nagging of purpose. Whatever it was he was sent here to do, he needed to start doing. Putting away a stack of scrolls and books, Solantus made up his mind. I will leave in the morning, and follow the Light of my Lord.

Solantus Story Background:
The thoughts, feelings and half imagined images that had been pulling at the edges of Solantus' mind over the ten years since his manifestation have recently taken a deeper, more direct intrusion in his mind. An image had coalesced from all the broken, partial flashes he had witnessed over the years. A man, middle aged of average height but thin as a rake. His beard turning slowly from the brown of youth to the gray of age and wisdom but his eyes still sparkled with vigor. His raiments were that of the priesthood and upon his chest was proudly displayed the symbol of Bahamut.

This was a mild surprise to Solantus. His research had revealed that the world in which he manifested was directly linked to the God but to receive the call from Pelor to aid one of the Platinum Dragon's followers was unexpected. No matter, it was a call from Pelor and it must be answered.

The vision drifted, the point of view expanding outwards. Now Solantus could see a small village, nestled on a rocky shore far above the waves below and close by an ancient ruin steeped in dark magic and once home to evil. To his heightened senses within the dream he saw the ribbons of power and faith move, evil again lurked nearby. Solantus knew this was the calling his Lord was making, he knew his purpose and he knew the location. Waking from his dream he packed his few belongings and headed for Monk's Bottom.

Markul Greensleeves Background:
Markul was born in a small village on the edge of a vast forest. It was known in the village that a druid of some renown had a grove within the boughs nearby, protecting the forest, and indirectly the village. Bored with his chores, one day, Markul snuck into the nearby woods to try and find this local legend.

As he wandered through the woods, the day began to wane, and the sky began to darken. Defeated, Markul turned to make his way back to the village, only to realize that he was lost. For what seemed like days he wandered through the underbrush only to collapse eventually from hunger. It was then that what Markul sought, appeared. The druid nursed the child back to health, and led him back to his village.

As the young Markul turned to wave goodbye to the druid who saved his life, the druid vanished into a cloud of insects. Intrigued by the power of this stranger, Markul spent his youth meditating in the forest, never again to see the druid that saved his life.

As he grew older, knowing that nothing was left for him in the village he was raised in, Markul left to find a greater understanding of the natural world, and to learn more of himself. He now finds himself in Monk's Bottom, buying supplies for his next adventure.

Markul Story Background:
Markul Greensleeves walked slowly into Monk's Bottom. He'd been in the area for several months now. Long enough in fact for the local children to have given him the name "the bee man" thanks mainly to his infrequent visits to the village to exchange honey for needed items, and the friends that often accompanied him on these visits. The area had been quiet, a small agricultural village nestled on the rugged eastern shore of Ningal, the inner sea. Perched high above the sea and without easy access the people of Monk's Bottom subsisted on the food bought in from their minimal farming and keeping of sheep and goats. The wild lands surrounding the village also bought root crops, herbs and plentiful game. The area appealed to Markul and he had settled in nicely.

Now however his mind was burdened with heavy thoughts. Having taken on the self appointed role as a local guardian of the wild and protector of the simple way of life of the folk of Monk's Bottom he often wandered the surrounding forests and hills looking for signs of danger or change. Two days ago he came across a recent campsite. The tracks of many kobolds of different types as well as those of Baaz and Ferak draconians.

Knowing such tracks have not been seen in this area for many years and wondering about their significance in relation to the old ruin Markul has returned to Monk's Bottom to seek the advice of Kieran, the local priest of Bahamut.

Shiv Background:
Shiv was born into a struggling half-orc family who had many debts to pay, mainly to the Thieves Guild. To help repay these debts he was sold to the guild, where he was raised as an orphan and trained in the ways of stealth, thievery, and other unsavory arts in which guilds such as these participate.

As he grew older and more skilled, he began to work as the muscle for many questionable operations. One such operation was to rough up a complacent noble who had much to repay the guild for his quick rise to wealth and privilege. Carrying his task out with joy, he went a bit too far and the noble unexpectedly ended up dead at the end of Shiv’s dagger. Hearing the shrill cry of a child who just lost his father and seeing his companions begin to loot the house, Shiv couldn’t do anything but stare at his weapon as it dripped the noble’s life blood and think of how he may have orphaned this child, ruining its life the same as his had been many years ago. Seeing himself, his line of work, and his guild in this new light Shiv blindly fled the scene of his crime, hot tears streaming down his face.

Since this event he has decided to try to make amends for his actions through the use of his rather unique skill set. Knowing that he will never be able to fully atone for his sins, he has decided to carry out the rest of his sorry existence ridding the world of those like him. He will either rid the world of all evil, or he will die trying.

Shiv has found himself in Monk’s Bottom following rumors of a cultist group that fits the description of evil perfectly.

Shiv Story Background:
Monk's Bottom is a long way from the civilization that Shiv once knew. The city of Aldmarble was a cosmopolitan, energetic den of political and social intrigue. The village of Monk's Bottom is slow, easy paced and lacking of anything resembling excitement. To Shiv it seemed the perfect place to run to in order to escape the guilt that pursued him relentlessly.

But even here there are children and left Shiv with nowhere left to run except to the bottom of a jar of Onohan's best ale at the Jolly Friar, the only tavern in Monk's Bottom. Shunned by the village folk, who viewed this troubled half-orc suspiciously, Shiv scraped by thanks to odd jobs Onohan, the innkeep, or Kieran, the local priest of Bahamut, would pass him out of kindness or sympathy.

With much free time on his hands Shiv took to exploring the local area. Visiting the ruins of the monastery he would search for lost coins or valuables to supplement his income. There was little reward for his efforts but it was quiet and gave him time to think.

Then one day he turned over an artifact he recognized. An emblem of a cult of Tiamat that had been active in Aldmarble. Shiv realized that the ruins were not the ruins of a simple temple to Tiamat that had been destroyed in the war but had been a site of cultist activity of a cult that did nothing without a reason, and that reason involved promoting the evil of Tiamat. Concerned that there might be more to the ruins than meet the eye, and wondering if this were his road to redemption, Shiv took his story to the one person in the village he felt he could approach, Kieran the priest. On hearing his story Kieran agreed and sent word to the closest town of Hammerdown for assistance from his order.

Finch Background:
Finch spent the vast majority of his life as a farmer in the same backwater farming village which, contrary to what most adventure games would tell you, was not the target of bandits or death cults or bandits who were also members of a death cult. Rather, it was a mainly human settlement that, like many farming towns, only consisted of a handful of houses and a modest temple dedicated to Pelor. It was mostly human, and those who weren't were of no lineage to have participated in the last great war and now had only long-deceased relatives who had. For the most part it was a quiet, inconsequential little town in the middle of what could reasonably called "nowhere." Being but a simple farmer, too poor and inconsequential to even warrant a surname, Finch's life was nondescript; his days were spent tending to his fields and occasionally appearing in church for service. Everything was normal, or at least as normal as it could be in a world like this one where strange things could happen at any moment.

Case in point: Recently, Finch was visited by a divine force. A spiritual emissary of Pelor visited him one night and told him of his fate. They told him he was destined to take up arms and to travel "in the direction of the rising sun, there to silence the beat of dark, maleficent wings." Being, himself, an already devout follower of Pelor, he grabbed up what meager supplies he could, including the scythe that had seen him through many a tiresome harvest, and began his journey.

And so it was that he came to Monk's Bottom as a simple pilgrim, on his aimless quest to "follow the rising sun." As an adventurer, he is unskilled and unrefined, but he makes up for it with incredible zeal and the blessings of the god of summer and agriculture, and he uses his trusty farming tool to bring light wherever darkness reigns.

Finch Story Background:
"Monk's Bottom could be Estermarch," Finch mused as he looked around the small village. Much like his home village Monk's Bottom exuded backwater farming village. The single tavern, outside of which Finch stood, was located centrally in the village. Opposite it across the small open space that served as the village green stood a place of worship, dedicated to dragon God Bahamut as opposed to the human deity Pelor in Estermarch. Off to one side stood a couple of larger buildings, probably home to older families whose interest lay more in trading and providing tools and implements to the farming families than in farming themselves. Finally there were the scattered dwellings of farmsteads, surrounded by animal pens and small plots of crops and vegetables. Just like Estermarch except for two things.

First the muted roar of the ocean, the tang of saltwater on the senses and the raucous sounds of sea birds reminded Finch that they were on the coast. Perched too high above a wild coastline Monk's Bottom could not rely on the bounty of the sea, but that didn't prevent the presence of the ocean making itself felt.

Secondly the towering hill a mile or so to the north of the village dominated the landscape. Close observation could make out its flattened hilltop and the signs of one time habitation. Though nature was trying to reclaim its territory the monastery that used to reside on the hill was putting up a fight.

Taking his eyes off the hill, though in his heart Finch knew this was where his fate led him, he looked around the village and wondered where to start. His eyes rested on the house of worship. It seemed as good a place as any...

Torinn Background:
In this land, dragonborn are an unusual sight after being nearly wiped out by followers of Tiamat in a long, bloody, cold war a few generations ago. Torinn's father was killed by such cultists, and he was hidden away and raised by dwarves by his mother who then departed for parts unknown. Growing up, he felt a strong calling to join the small church of Bahamut in his town, and his draconic countenance and passion for justice, duty, and protection of the meek quickly made him a leading member. In true dwarven fashion, Torinn learned that evil must be opposed, and that opposing it with hammer and shield was more effective than with words and books. He earned a reputation of slaying evil (especially evil associated with Tiamat) and serving as the incredibly strong and stalwart protector of his town.

Torinn couldn't help but feel it wasn't enough, however, and a few months ago he left his community to offer "Bahamut's protection" to any of the "little ones" (read: anyone not a dragonborn or goliath themselves) of the world. He hopes that his "wandering the earth" ways help bring better respect to the dragonborn and to Bahamut, and that it also gives him a chance to do good and to find his scattered people and extinguish Tiamat's influence. Word of a new and powerful cult worshipping the evil dragon queen has most recently got his attention...

Torinn Story Background:
The town of Hammerdown was a typical dwarven trading town. Situated on the main travelling route between the cities of Aldmarble to the north and Linesse to the south the town was established after the Fourth War when dwarves discovered precious metals and gems in the lowland hills in the southern part of the continent of Hazzeru. The town was built on top of the ruins of an old draconian outpost at the point where the trail from the mines established in the hills met the north/south trading route between the cities. This is where Torinn was raised after being adandoned by his mother and to him would always be home.

But now it was time to leave. To take up arms for his God. Word had reached the temple from a priest by the name of Kieran, who served a small community called Monk's Bottom which was located a few days to the west of Hammerdown. The community was an agricultural community nestled on the rough coastline of Hazzeru and created little trade with the town. The only significance to the whole place were the ruins of an old place of worship to Tiamat, destroyed during the Fourth War, that sat on top of a large hill a short distance north of the village.

The word Kieran has passed along was regarding these ruins. Apparently a local treasure hunter had found an emblem of an ancient cult of Tiamat while searching the ruins for odd coins. The cult represented by the emblem was still active throughout the continent and sought to return Tiamat to the world after her banishment by Erekal. The fact that this ruin had some connection to the cult and was not a simple place of worship as had been assumed led Torrin's superiors to instruct him to head to Monk's Bottom and aid Kieran in a careful search of the ruins..

2013-04-04, 12:13 PM
For one of the few times during the year the village green rang with activity. Harvest was over, winter would soon be approaching and Evered had returned from Hammerdown with the proceeds of trading the villages surplus.

Twice a year the trader would travel the few days it took to get to the dwarven trading town to refresh his own supplies and at the same time sell any surplus the villagers had accumulated over the seasons, whether through their harvest, hunting or animal husbandry. He would return with a wagon full of necessities and luxuries bought from the markets in Hammerdown, as well as the villagers profits. Generally they would then proceed to use their new found wealth to purchase the goods Evered presented or to spend over the winter on Onohan's brews at the inn. It is a time of joy and celebration before the winter set in.

None of this meant much to the few who had accompanied Evered on his return trip from Hammerdown. All of them had received odd glances from the villagers and they were given a wide berth as young and old gathered in a throng around the wagon. Instead the Half Elf, Dragonborn and especially the out of place Deva were left to observe their surroundings in peace, they had all been instructed to travel to Monk's Bottom but for what purpose they weren't entirely sure.

Over by the inn the Half Orc watched proceedings with anticipation. Kieran had sent word to Hammerdown with Evered regarding the emblem found in the ruins. The reponse was expected on the return journey and for the first time in a long time Shiv experienced a tremble of anticipation.

In the small temple of Bahamut the noise from outside was muted and the celebrations were largely ignored by the two in conversation. Kieran, a middle aged priest of Bahamut, his beard turning slowly from brown to gray, sat listening intently as the druid Markul explained to him his discovery.

OOCI think it's obvious where each person's character starts. Finch, Solantus and Torinn have spent a couple of days together and are acquainted so no need of introductions to each other. However feel free to post some character introduction. The aim here is to come together with the preist Kieran. Either move it to that in your posts or I'll move the game to that next post.

Infernally: Rafe is here so feel free to post, but I don't see the character on iPlay4e. Did you get the file I emailed? If so can you upload it and provide some sort of background? I'll edit the background posts to get him involved.

2013-04-04, 01:17 PM
From the steps of the Inn Shiv watched the procession enter the town, hoping that this would mean he could actually do something that may have some worth. Emptying his mug of ale, he called back to Onahan with a toothy snarl, "I'm thinking I'll have a payday coming up. Maybe I can cover some of my tab"

Shiv hurried to the temple, where he knew Kieran would be, and burst in on him and 'the bee man' as they talked. Eyeing the half-elf suspiciously, but thinking his news was more important that whatever they were discussing, he said to the priest, "Father Kieran, not to bother you, but your friends from Hammerfast are here."

2013-04-04, 02:24 PM
If ever he needed more proof of Pelor's influence, he needed look no farther than his traveling companions. Tagging along with the caravan, he made the acquaintance of two more men of divine stature (or, at least, what he thought were two men. Truth be told, this trip marked the first time he had seen anything so exotic as a Dragonborn or whatever Solantus professed to be.). Of course, Finch could not help but feel out of place among his fellow pilgrims. The Dragonborn, for one, was a creature of such noble bearing, clad in his fine armors. To make matters even more intimidating the one called Solantus was clearly a man of such staggering intellect that Finch found that conversation would be pointless even if he could get over the man's unnatural, almost-human appearance and the deathly stillness which, he figured, Solantus' people must be known for.

And so Finch, dressed as he was in the same ragged tunic and breeches he first left home in, carrying his worn-out scythe slung to his back, kept particularly silent, partly out of fear of his own divine origins ultimately being compared to his fellow pilgrims. With no other place to go, he sought out the local temple, with only a vague muttered explanation to anyone who would be listening: "Another safe passage east. I believe thanks are in order, to mine and the people's god."

2013-04-04, 02:34 PM
Torinn offered his best smile to the villagers as the entered the town, offering a greeting and a "Bahamut watch over you" to anyone who maintained eye contact. As they arrived at the town center, Torinn turned to his companions: the half-elf, who seemed like a man Torinn could make fast friends with, and the Deva, who was so staggeringly intelligent it hurt Torinn's head a bit to discuss theology with him. Still, to have emissaries of the Gods here all at once was an auspicious sign...

"Well, comrades, shall we go to meet with Brother Kiernan now? We have daylight yet to get work done here."

Torinn then made his way to the temple.

2013-04-04, 02:52 PM
Markul was a bit suprised at the sudden flux of people within the temple. Looking at those entering, he was even more confused as to why exactly they were here. Markul thought he heard the one called Shiv say something about a procession, which could only mean the long awaited Evered was back, but why did he bring all these people?

Brushing his hair back Markul greeted everyone cautiously, "Hello travelers."

2013-04-04, 11:49 PM
Solantus (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiC0v0HDA)

For much of the journey from Hammerdown, Solantus felt uneasy. If the others noticed, perhaps that was why they kept their distance from him. Just as well, for he had much to think about. Looking at his companions, each looked familiar in some way. Did mortals Return, too? He couldn't remember.

As he entered Monk's Bottom, omens swam in his mind, dancing in ever tighter circles. All of this has happened before. If I have seen this all before, I was part of it somehow. I am part of it somehow. Is my presence itself an ill omen, or a ray of hope? After all, if I have returned, so too has... He couldn't remember.

At Markuul's greeting, the Red-Orange skinned Deva lowers his cowl and bows deeply. A motion that seems at once fluid and not a motion at all, as if he was standing still, then bowing rigidly, and then once again standing motionless with his hands clasped in front of him. In a voice which seems to come from all directions at once, he speaks.

Kieran, I presume? I have Seen you, Brother. The Lord of the Light sends his regards to his Platinum-Scaled brother, and sends me to your aid. Darkness stirs. How great, I do not know, but I fear the worst. As it has always been, the Light will fight alongside Bahamut, whatever comes.

2013-04-05, 11:56 AM
Torinn nods respectfully to Markul and Kiernan. "Greetings, Brother Kiernan. I am Torinn, a servant of Bahamut from Hammerdown. I received word from you...what have you discovered here?

2013-04-05, 10:34 PM
Hailing from thd city, Shiv had seen stranger groups of cratures, but only rarely. Knowing that the question asked was directly related to him though, he spoke up.

"Not too long ago I found an artifact at a local ruins. I recognized that it was from a cult of Tiamat and brought it back to Father Kieran for him to look at. I think someone should investigate it."

As he said this he flourished a dagger in his hand, hoping to impress the already impressive company.

2013-04-06, 09:15 AM
Unsure of who these travelers were, Markul sensed that what he had found earlier may tie into the artifact.

I'm afraid you may not be the only one near Monk's Bottom who may know about this artifact. Just a couple days ago, I was collecting components for some herbal remedies for the local villagers, and I came across kobold and draconian tracks. I made haste back here to tell Brother Kieran, I fear for the locals.

2013-04-07, 12:04 AM
Kieran blinks, recovering from the shock. One moment he was listening to Markul express his concern over a number of kobold and draconian tracks he'd seen recently in the area, the next his small house of worship was being overrun by strangers, both in familiarity and appearance.

First it had been the Half Orc, Shiv, who had come in to announce the arrival of Evered from Hammerdown and potential arrival of the aid Kieran had requested in response to Shiv's discovery. Before Kieran was able to react to this news several other figures entered the temple.

First was a Dragonborn, obviously a paladin in the service of Bahamut and and his words soon confirmed sent by the temple superiors in Hammerdown to respond to Kieran's plea.

He was quickly followed by two other figures whom Kieran did not recognize, nor could he ascertain why they would be traveling either together or with the Dragonborn. Kieran was just rising to greet the newcomers and ask their names when the planar removed his hood and spoke. At this point Kieran's mind went blank and it was all he could do to hold on to his bodily functions. The figure spoke of things in a vague manner but Kieran was barely cognisant of anything that was said, noticing only that the being spoke of a light and Bahamut.

For a couple of minutes, as Kieran gathered his wits about him, the others openly discussed the reasons that had bought them to this point. Then Kieran remembered his manners and introduced himself. Motioning them all to sit Kieran ask each newcomer their name and their reason for coming to Monk's Bottom.

As the conversation evolved it became obvious to each person in the room that Fate had bought them all together at this point, or maybe a greater power, and that they were all meant to meet like this. Shiv's discovery asked questions that were yet to be answered, like "What was the true purpose of the monastery?" and "Are others still concerned with the ruins?". Markul's discovery hinted that the answer to the second question was that there was still interest but that was still yet to be proven.

Torinn's aid was expected, but the arrival of Solantus and Finch was a surprise and was therefore a concern. If, as they claimed, they were commanded to come here by a greater power then the potential ramifications of the purpose of the monastery may be large indeed and that concerned Kieran.

He sighed as the conversation lulled. "Well, one thing appears obvious," he said. "We need more information about the true purpose of the monastery and we need to track down the location of the kobolds and draconians to see if the two things are connected. It seems the Gods have bought you together for a purpose and so I request you to head to the ruins in the morning and try to answer the questions that arose during our conversation. I suggest you take the last few hours of the day to become acquainted and then head to the ruins in the morning. Report back what you find and I will see what I can do to reward you for your time."

Kieran takes a moment to answer any questions but then bids the players good evening and takes his leave..

2013-04-07, 07:56 AM
Finch remained silent for most of the conversation. After all, he had little to add to the proceedings, and anything he could add could no doubt be said better by the actual ordained clergy in the room. Finding an artifact to Tiamat was not a good thing anywhere, and it was pretty obvious what the priest's opinion was on the matter. This matter needed solving, and it just so happened that Finch was looking for a cue just like this one.

Pelor certainly did not beat around the bush, it seemed.

Finch took a moment to offer up a quick prayer of thanks to his god before speaking to the group. "Right. My name is Finch, to those I have not been introduced. I had thought my destiny lie further west, but it seems as though my skills are needed here for the present. If you would have me, my skills are yours, such as they are."

2013-04-07, 12:17 PM
Markul sat with the others, listening intently to Kieran. He felt somewhat out of place among such strange outsiders. Most of them were clad in strange attire, Markul's own hide armor he wore was far simpler, but served the same purpose. His brown eyes stared at the people sitting with him. Were they trustworthy?

The group seemed a bit odd, but if they were to turn on him, he would be a tough prey to take down. The village folk and the surrounding area needed his help.

Markul cleared his throat, "My name is Markul, I am a wanderer, but I have been in Monk's Bottom for a bit now. I will go with you all to solve this problem. I owe the townspeople that much. I will give what aid I can."

2013-04-07, 03:53 PM
"Like I told Brother Kiernan, I am Torinn. I grew up in Hammerdown to the west, but lately I've had this feeling that it was time to offer the strength and shield of Bahamut to more than my little home town. The timing here is not an accident. If you'll have me, I want to protect you, and Monk's Bottom, from the scaly monsters.

I have some questions though. Brother Kiernan and Shiv, who else have you told about these findings? And Markul, could you tell how many kobolds and draconians we might be seeing?

2013-04-07, 05:41 PM
Screwing his face into an odd position, Shiv thought for a moment and then responded to Torinn by saying, "No one other than Father Kiernan, and now you...maybe Onohan...but definitely no one else...I don't think... As he finished speaking his voice trailed off and he stared blankly into space as if waiting for an answer to materialize out of thin air.

After a moment of this awkward pondering, he addressed the rest of the group. "I'm Shiv, and I am hoping to kill something that needs killing when we investigate this. I hope they have some good loot too, I gotta pay Onohan or he won't give me any more ale. He may even make me do some actual work. I can't have that happening, I'm much better with a dagger...wouldn't want to break anything of his again... His trailed off again as he realized that he had stopped talking to anyone in particular and was just talking. Looking a bit sheepish, and feeling out of place among such company as these, he began to stare at his shuffling feet and wished he could make himself invisible.

2013-04-08, 01:45 AM
Solantus (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiC0v0HDA)

These children are so curious, thought Solantus. No, not children. Mortals. Foolish but endearing creatures. Was I ever one of them? He could not remember.

With these thoughts Solantus felt a rush of emotions and fragmented memories, and was filled to the brim with paternal instincts. These were not his children - they belonged to the Light and to Bahamut - but he would protect them as best he could. Perhaps this what what he was sent for? He could not remember.

As the golden rays of sunset filled the room, Solantus realized that he had been silent in his own thoughts for too long. Everyone else seemed to be introducing themselves. An odd ritual, but then, he was rather unique. He did not doubt for a moment that the others would discuss his presence at length as soon as he retired, but such trivialities do not matter. And there was no need to be rude.

Do not fear me, children of Light and Scale. I am Solantusalucienadomzahar, fifth ward to the Archon of the Conclave of Light. I was sent here for a dire purpose. I...remember no more than that. My search has led me here, it seems, to you. I will do what I can to keep each of you alive until the Lord of Light welcomes us all into his halls.

Walking towards the door to the guest corridors, Solantus notes the half-orc scratching his head and trying to mouth his name.

Solantus will suffice. Now if you'll excuse me, as the Sun sets, I shall retire, for I rise with the Dawn.

2013-04-08, 05:43 PM
Markul watches the strange being leave the church.

I'm not a child, thought Markul, although, who knows how old that one is.

Markul gives Torinn a lazy shrug and says,"I can't tell exactly how many, although it was a camp full of kobold at least. There were also some larger tracks, I believe they belonged to Baaz or Ferak draconians. I never have tracked them before, but they looked like what I have been told to look for."

It might be might be more than we can handle, Markul's eyebrows dropped in thought.

2013-04-09, 12:30 AM
"That sounds...interesting. I am sure we will all be rewarded in a way we enjoy for helping these folks, friend Shiv." Torinn seems slightly off-put by talk of dagger-work and loot but remains quiet on the matter.

"Bahamut and the light willing, I think we are a strong enough group to drive off one camp of little kobolds, even with help from some Draconians. Worry not, Markul. I will protect you." Torinn tried his best to smile, and offered a friendly bow to Solantus as he left.

"One last question. Is there a town watch? We know there's something out there now...perhaps we should help patrol? I volunteer for first watch, if it is needed."

2013-04-09, 01:43 AM
Kieran indicates to Torinn that he too had divulged the information to none other than those in the room. Upon hearing the general consensus of support for the hastily conceived search of the monastery ruins Kieran blesses the gathering in the name of Bahamut and bids everyone a good day.

Late afternoon turns into early evening and the revelry that follows the return of the harvest trade to Hammerdown begins. It seems that most of the village is gathered in the inn. A couple of local boys are singing a well known folk song passably well, accompanied by the innkeepers daughter on flute. The rest of the gathering joins in on the choruses and as the pace of the song lifts up and the dancing begins. Wine, beer and food flow out into the gathering at an equal pace as the villagers celebrate a successful year before hunkering down for the coming winter months.

At the peak of the party, several hours after nightfall, there is suddenly a large booming sound and the ground shifts violently under everyone's feet. Flagons and plates slide to the floor with a resounding crash and the mood of the celebration changes in an instant. Rumbling aftershocks cause panic as the villagers surge swiftly for the exit, celebration forgotten as fear sets in. Screams of terror replace cries of joy, but almost as quickly as it started it is over. The ground shakes stop and though minor damage has occurred the inn seems to still be in one piece.

2013-04-09, 02:46 PM
Shiv had been enjoying the night's frivolities, eating and drinking to his heart's content (but mostly drinking). He had found that once the beer and wine had filled his belly he had been able to forget some of the past and enjoy the present. He was enjoying himself so much that he almost didn't notice that the earth was shifting and the noise had changed from that of merriment to chaos as the villagers scattered.

He quickly found himself on the floor of the Inn with an empty mug in his hand, staring up at the ceiling and thinking that he really should be more mindful of his P's and Q's. Standing up, he gazed sadly into the empty mug in his hand before placing it nicely on a nearby table still standing. He looked around trying to figure out what had happened and, not too sure about what to do next, he picked his way to the back of the Inn where Onohan had been prior to the strange event to see if he needed any help.

2013-04-09, 05:19 PM
Markul was trying his best to sit away from everyone within the inn, but that was almost impossible as it seemed everyone from the village was crammed. He usually didn't participate in such revelries, but decided this was special occasion enough. At this point in the evening, he was feeling quite dizzy, his mug in his hand. As he lifted it up to his mouth, the floor started shaking, and he spilled most of his drink on his hide armor. Jumping up on the table, totem drawn, Markul exclaimed, "Who pushed the table!?", as his face took on a feral look. As the table continued shaking, and the people around him were screaming, he soon realized he was mistaken.

Markul looks quickly around at the common folk, looking for some source of disturbance.

Perception check: [roll0]

2013-04-09, 06:43 PM
Finch did not care for festivities. Well, that was not true. He cared for festivities about as well as the next person, and if this were any other time, in any other place, Finch would be all for it. However, he was on a mission. At any time, the dark wings he had been warned of could darken the sky. Well, darken it more than it already was because... well, it was dark. That was beside the point, however. The point was, Finch found himself outside, enjoying the crisp night air while muttering a fortifying prayer to Pelor to ward against encroaching evil.

Of course, no sooner did he attempt to ward against evil than the ground began to shake beneath him.

This is me intentionally failing a Nature check.

Finch had never experienced an earthquake before in his life, and needless to say the concept of the very ground on which he walks shaking and bucking like something inordinately heavy had just come crashing down onto it was so foreign that the only real conclusion he could draw was that just that had happened. With that in mind, he ran off to the entrance of town just as fast as his unsteady feet could take him, scanning the horizon for anything that even seems like it could be inordinately heavy and could drop down to the ground.

For reals this time, a Perception check on the area around the old ruins:1d20+8 [roll0]

2013-04-09, 09:55 PM
Solantus (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiC0v0HDA)

In his room at the inn, Solantus sat, reading and rereading excerpts from Torvald's Prophetias de Lumine et Dracones, cross-referencing Mazzeo's Namzeru, Hazzeru, and Illorel; Bahamut, Tiamat, and Io: Histories and Metaphors. He'd been looking for an intact copy of Mazzeo's works for a decade. It could not be mere chance that the Temple of Bahamut here in Monk's Bottom, of all places, had had one within their tiny archives.

He heard the revelry below, but was too preoccupied to be disturbed by it. It never occurred to him to join in. He never enjoyed drinking, and it seemed that others never enjoyed drinking around him, as if he were a reminder of their Gods' watchful eyes upon them. So far as he could remember, such mundane trivialities were far below notice of the Conclave, but the mortals had odd ideas about what it took to provoke a diety.

Suddenly, as Solantus was inking a pen to begin writing an urgent note to Sunmaster Keevin regarding his suspicions, the night exploded into chaos. First, there was a loud booming noise, and then the whole room shook violently, toppling ink all over Solantus' pile of scrolls and books. Once the quaking stopped, he mopped up what he could with his robe. Torvald might be salvageable, but it seemed another copy of Mazzeo was ruined. The Conclave had nothing in particular against cursing, either.

After an incident a mortal might consider embarrassing - involving a robeless Deva and a screaming barmaid in the hallway - Solantus quickly donned his armor, grabbed his staff, and ran down the stairs to see what Darkness was afoot this night.

2013-04-10, 12:47 AM
Torinn availed himself of a drink and some food, making small-talk with anyone who approached him, but retired earlier than most to pray and sharpen his blade. He was in his room when the building began to shake. Sheathing his sword, he made his way unsteadily downstairs.

"What happened? An attack? Are the villagers safe? Torinn makes sure that those left in the in are still reasonably in one piece before stepping out to look around the village for anyone hurt or in need of help.

2013-04-10, 11:46 AM
As the tremors subside the desperate cries of villagers calling for loved ones continues. Those that find each other often dissolving into loud fits of weeping, relief evident of their face. For those that don't you hear the desperation in their voices increase.

FinchThe effects of the earthquake are apparent. For the inn, being a better built structure than most in the village, the damage appears to be relatively minor. Some dislodged tiles from the roof and minor cracking in the walls. Other structures were not so lucky. You note at least two houses partially collapsed, as well as numerous animal pens. The escaped cows, goats and chickens adding to the ongoing confusion.

As you run to the edge of the village and look towards the old ruins it seems that maybe your suspicions are correct. On top of the hill, amongst the ruins, your keen eyes detect a strange flickering blue light.

Markul and ShivYou pick yourselves up from the floor of the inn with Markul feeling the large lump on his head and deciding that jumping onto the table in the middle of an earthquake was not the wisest course of action. All around you frightened and fearful villagers call for loved ones and fight to get outside creating a blockage in the doorway. Onohan calls for everyone to stay calm and when Shiv approaches asks for help in getting the villagers to exit in an orderly fashion.

Solantus and TorinnTorinn exits his room in time to catch the naked backside of the Deva disappearing back into his own room and a scared and rather shocked barmaid making her way downstairs. Torinn follows her down into the packed tavern room where he is soon followed by the more approriately attired Solantus. The main building exit is blocked by a crowd of crying and screaming villagers trying to get out. The innkeep, Onohan, calls out for everyone to calm down and you see the Half Orc, Shiv exchange a few words with the innkeep. Markul appears to be rubbing his head in the middle of the floor where he apparently fell from a table during the tremor.

2013-04-10, 06:26 PM
Markul rubs the bump on his head as he hears the sobs of the villagers. Nothing sobered Markul up more than pain, especially from his own stupidity. He looked around holding back the fear so the villagers could not see his concern.

What could cause such a sudden quake as that?, Markul though to himself.

"Shiv, the villagers will be fine, we need to get outside and see if whatever caused that tremor is still around," yelled Markul.

Markul knew few other druids, and none of them possessed such power as to make an entire village shake. Although, in truth, Markul didn't know very many experienced druids, and there were plenty of people who claimed to be druids, but could barely make a daisy twitch. He began to become concerned that he may be in over his head. Kobold he could handle, maybe even a couple draconians.

Markul shook his head, focus, he thought. If the earth wants to take me, then it will take me. Until then, I will grow stronger.

He strode out the door, pushing a few villagers gently aside to get out. He glanced quickly at his surroundings to see if anything was out of place.

Nature check: [roll0]

2013-04-10, 07:58 PM
"There!" Finch did not know who he was yelling to. Himself, probably. Something blue and flickering on the horizon came to him. He had no earthly idea what it was, but something told him that it had something to do with that large thing landing somewhere, even if he still could not see anything that would have caused such an impact.

There was little time to warn the others, wherever they were. For all Finch knew, that light might very well disappear at any moment. He yelled at the inn The hill! The ruins on the hill!" Yeah. That would be enough, probably. He drew his scythe from the sling on his back and ran as fast as his legs could carry him in the direction of the hill. He needed to know what he was looking at, before it was too late.

2013-04-10, 11:20 PM
Solantus (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiC0v0HDA)

Rushing (so much as it can be said Deva ever rush) across the room towards Markul to tend his wounds, Solantus is surprised (so much as it can be said Deva are ever surprised) to find himself chasing the half-elf out the door into the streets.

Outside, he hears Finch cry from the distance, something about the ruins. Light! The fool is going to get himself killed!

Markul, Torinn, Shiv - Our task cannot wait until morning. These people are in good hands. We have an avenger to catch, before the Darkness does.

2013-04-10, 11:42 PM

Hearing both Solantus and Markup treasure him and urge him to leave the people to their own devices, Shiv decided that they were probably right.

Shiv will follow after the rest of the group in search of this new "darkness," as Solantus put it, attempting to stay in shadows and remain hidden until he needs to reveal himself.

I'm not really sure if I need this, but I figure a stealth check couldn't hurt at this point. Stealth Check!


2013-04-11, 11:24 AM
Torinn attempts to calm the crowd, briefly: "Folks, felt like an earthquake. Nothing to be alarmed about, everyone is safe. Let's all move calmly back to our houses and get some rest.

I'd be better off with Intimidate but that feels a bit out of character, so here's a Diplomacy roll:
Diplomacy Check: [roll0].

Regardless of the outcome, Torinn will gently move out the door and follow his comrades as fast as his heavily-armored frame will move.

2013-04-12, 09:09 AM
Torinn's calming words bring a small semblance of order back to the taproom of the inn, giving Solantus, Markul, Shiv and Torinn just enough time to hear Finch's cry.

Looking around quickly Torinn realizes that his words in the inn did the situation an injustice. The scene outside is considerably worse than inside the inn. A number of buildings, mainly animal pens but including some houses, are in a state of collapse. Animals and fearful villagers mill around on the green calling to each other, sobbing tears of fright or relief.

Markul fills his lungs with fresh air, inhaling deeply, and let's his senses attune to the natural world. From what he has been taught and from his experience this area should not be prone to earth tremors, the reaction of the villagers support that theory, and he gets no sense that this is a natural occurence.

As the four of you set off in the direction that Finch took you hear a cry from behind you. A young woman is screaming and running towards a collapsed house a little way to your left crying, "My babies! my children! No, no, no, no! Help! Someone help me! Find my babies!" She collapses to the ground sobbing uncontrollably in front of the house.

Finch, a little way ahead of the rest, faintly hears the crying behind him but can't determine the exact nature. His focus is on the hill about a mile to the North and the flickering blue light that has now disappeared.

2013-04-12, 10:43 AM
"Miss, your children were in that house? Don't worry, I'll help. You three, go along to the ruins if you wish and make sure Finch is safe...I will be along." Torinn throws down his shield and makes his way to the collapsed house, straining his senses to detect life as he gently clears debris. "Children? Where are you!"

I figure I need a Perception check to try to figure out if anyone is in here, and then a strength check to try and move stuff.

Perception: [roll0]
Strength: [roll1]

-2 if a straight strength check also sucks up my armor penalty

2013-04-12, 10:55 AM

Feeling torn by his desire to find those responsible for this mess and the need to save the children, like he had been unable to do so many years ago, Shiv stood for a moment motionless. Torinn's quick words and actions brought him out of his momentary inner turmoil and he sprung into action, helping Torinn search the ruins for the children.

I'm not really sure what would go here, but I guess I'll aid Torinn's perception, and add my own strength and I guess Athletics checks to it.

Aid Torinn's Perception: (1d20)[16]
Strength to move objects from the house: (1d20+4)[17]
Athletics for the same as Strength: (1d20+9)[22]

*Edit: I botched my rolls here, so they're rolled again in the OOC and I copy/pasted the results here.

2013-04-12, 12:29 PM
More shouting from behind him. Not that Finch was paying much attention; he was not even aware that people were pursuing after him. He had entered into that dangerous trance that characterized zealots of his ilk; the kind of tunnel vision determination that forced him on one point to the exclusion of all others, and that point...

...had just disappeared. "No!" His face snarled into an almost inhuman mass of rage. There was something on that hill, something that was somehow responsible for all of this, and every ounce of divine power in his body was threatening to lash out against himself if he even considered the possibility of letting that something get away.

He redoubled his efforts, running full tilt for the exact point where the light was last. His eyes darted about like mad, searching the horizon for something, anything, that might possibly have caused the light, his lips muttering out a string of prayers to Pelor for guidance.

Perception Check on the same point as Finch closes the distance to the ruins: 1d20+8

2013-04-13, 10:02 AM
Markul looked up to the ruins in the distance, but he couldn't see anything going on. Looking back at the ruins of some of the houses, he saw Shiv and Torinn helping clear debris to find the lost children. He couldn't see Finch any longer.

I hope Finch knows what he is doing., Markul thought.

Torinn, I will wait with you, I think it is unwise to split us up further. Finch is capable, otherwise he wouldn't have gone on ahead. If he is in trouble, we will help him as a group.

Markul began helping to clear the debris.

2013-04-13, 12:40 PM
Solantus (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiC0v0HDA)

Hearing the woman cry out, Solantus stands motionless for a moment before nodding and turning to aid. May the Light watch over you and protect you, Finch. We will come when we can.

Until the rubble is moved, there doesn't seem to be much Solantus can do to help, so he lights a Sunrod, holds it before him, and keeps an eye out for any movement among the ruined house.

2013-04-16, 12:43 PM
At the despairing cries of the woman the four of you following Finch break off and head to the ruins of the collapsed house to provide what aid you can.

Too far ahead to clearly hear the cries for aid Finch raises a cry of his own as the flickering blue light fades away and he focuses intently on the uneven terrrain in front of him as he heads towards the monastery at a slight run.

Reaching the collapsed house Torinn and Shiv cast about looking for signs of the children. Quickly they focus on a pile of rubble situated around what looks like it use to be a chimney stack. A large beam sticks prominently out of the pile. As they call out a small scared voice, tired and pained, responds weakly, "Help! I'm stuck! My chest hurts and Johnny won't help. He's asleep."

Throwing themselves into finding the source of the voice Shiv and Torinn start pulling rubble from the pile carefully; wary that they might cause further collapse. Markul helps where able as Sol lights the scene with a sunrod.

The glow attracts the attention of the other villagers and Sol sees them moving to help.

OOC:While not a skill challenge per se this is a timed encounter. The small girl under the rubble is alive but fading quickly and her brother is in an unknown state. You have a limited time to save them by whatever means you come up with. Basic pulling of rubble requires an Athletics check vs DC13. Shiv can either take 10 and gain an automatic success or attempt to work twice as fast and make 2 Athletics checks (must be rolled) at +4 per roll. Each turn represents about 2 minutes of work. Currently you have 2 successes, I'll keep the total number you need and the time limit to myself to promote a little tension :)

2013-04-16, 01:15 PM
"If I can get close to them, Bahamut's grace can heal their wounds, but we must work quickly. Bahamut, give me strength to save these children, and give these children the strength to endure." Torinn clutches his holy symbol for a moment before throwing his strength into carefully but powerfully clearing the debris.

I'm using Divine Strength for a +4 on Athletics check, then taking 10 for a success on the "challenge."

2013-04-16, 07:20 PM

Shiv worked furiously beside Torinn, trying to be as careful as possible, knowing that the children's lives hung in the balance

Shiv will attempt the two athletics checks to remove as much rubble as possible.

First try: [roll0]
Second try: [Roll]1d20+4[Roll]14

*edited because I suck at the roller. I made the roll in the ooc. I'll be better next time.

Realizing too late that he was working a bit too rapidly, he slowed down and concentrated for a second go around.

2013-04-16, 09:16 PM

Markul looks down at those digging frantically. Knowing he does not possess the raw strength of the others, he begins moving the rubble further back from the others as they push it behind them, in an effort to speed the process.

Markul yells, "Stay strong little ones, we are coming for you!"

2013-04-17, 06:56 PM
Sol looks on in contemplation of his next move while Markul starts to move rubble out of the way, making life easier for Torinn who seemed to be performing sterling work.

Spurred into action by the thought of the two young children clinging to life under the rubble Shiv rushes to pull away boulder after boulder, until the pile shifts slightly and a shrill scream sends a chill through Shiv like a knife. "My leg, my leg. I can't feel my leg," the small girl whimpers her voice wavering in strength as she does so. Shiv curses and takes more care as he moves the next rock.

As the four of you take in the scene another villager arrives and attempts to aid Shiv in the same way Markul is helping Torinn.

OOC:Torinn gets +2 to his next attempt from the Aid Another by Markul. That should be enough to give him an automatic success. The villager attempts to Aid Another with Shiv. If he succeeds (rolls 10 or more) then Shiv can add +2 to one of two rolls or take the one auto success. If he fails Shiv can choose to either accept -1 on one of two rolls or take the auto success

Outside the village Finch continues his assault on the monastery. About a quarter mile gone and one and a quarter to go.

2013-04-17, 06:57 PM
Villager Aid Another:

2013-04-17, 07:12 PM
Solantus (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiC0v0HDA)

Sorry for the delay! Long day at work after a migraine yesterday!

Solantus shoots three balls of light high into the sky while shouting for help, trying to get the villager's attention on the situation.

There's children trapped! By the Light, anyone who can, come help them before it collapses any further!

Not waiting for a response, he moves closer to the rubble to see if he can see the unconscious boy.

Using Hand of Radiance as a signal flare.
I'd like to heal the boy, if I can get line of sight to him.

2013-04-17, 08:23 PM

Seeing a villager clumsily attempt to help him move more of the rubble from the children he bellows "Carefully, there's kids down there!" Realizing the wisdom in his own words he cautiously lifts more of the rubble out of the way. These stinkin' kids better still be alive...

After being interrupted by the villager, Shiv will take the auto success to ensure not caving this in on the kids even more.

2013-04-17, 08:42 PM
Torinn winces as the young girl cries out. "I know you are scared, little one, but you need to be brave now. Be brave and hold still, for your brother and for yourself. We are coming. We're almost there." Torinn steadies himself, and working with Markul carefully clears some debris.

"Solantus? Pick out a few stronger villagers to help, and keep the rest clear. We can't afford too many people in here or we could collapse things further. "

I wish I could speed things up since I'm scared now, but I'm playing it safe and taking the auto-success due to the aid action

2013-04-18, 08:46 PM
Markul stops digging, trying to ascertain whether they are close to the children or not, and which direction they might have to dig in.

perception roll [roll0]

2013-04-19, 12:25 PM
Shiv and Torinn continue to carefully excavate the loose rubble from the collapsed house. Making sure not to disturb the pile and risk further injury to the trapped children.

A few other villagers have arrived on the scene and are being organized by Sol as he looks for more robust helpers. A couple of the older village women come up and gather the young woman, consoling her and crying with her as they lead her away from the scene. Sol instructs a couple of husky young men to carefully move rocks and provide what aid they can to Shiv and Torinn.

Aid Another (Shiv)
Aid Another (Torinn)

Shiv once again has the choice to accept the -1 penalty and roll twice (+3 first roll, +4 second roll) or to ignore the bumbling idiot that's getting in his way and take the automatic success. The aid given Torinn should once again allow for an automatic success.

Pausing momentarily Markul peers into the remains of the collapsed house. He's not certain but it appears that in the shadow of the ruin of the fireplace two small, still forms lay under a broken section of the main house beam. He realises too that it has all gone quiet.

Finch, the fire in his heart burning brightly and oblivious to the happenings in the village continues on his way.

2013-04-20, 02:31 PM

Markul looks deeply into the house, into the fireplace. His hopes seem dashed as he thinks he sees two small figures laying under the beam of the house.

Quick towards the fireplace!, he screams in desperation.

2013-04-20, 08:55 PM

Hearing the desperation in Markul's voice, Shiv flung himself into his work with a reckless abandon he had not shown as of yet.

Shiv will make two checks now
Check 1: [roll0]
Check 2: [roll1]

2013-04-20, 10:17 PM
"Bahamut, please let them be safe"...Torinn, painfully aware of the bulk and clumsiness of his armor, worked carefully and deliberately with the villager's aid to clear more debris and get to the children.

Still taking the auto-success

2013-04-22, 10:02 AM
With a superhuman effort Shiv and Torinn clear the last of the debris from around the bodies of the children and step back to allow Markul and Sol to rush to their aid.

The small girl is unconcious, probably from the pain, and has suffered a broken bone in her leg from the beam under which she was trapped. She doesn't appear to have any other serious injuries and under Markul's careful ministrations her pale features visibly relax.

Her little brother is obviously in a far worse state. The side of his face is an ugly blue, black color and blood wells up from a cut on his forehead, pooling on the ground next to him. Obviously he was close to death but under Sol's care the blood ceases to flow and his pulse slows to a normal level.

With the children still unconcious, but now safe, the four of you breath a collective sigh of relief. The villagers start to gather round, patting you on the back and congratulating you as they lay blankets over the two small forms to provide them with warmth while sending one of their number to fetch Kieran, the priest. The young woman runs up to each of you in turn, still sobbing but now tears of joy and relief, and throws her arms around you thanking you.

You disengage yourselves slowly, accepting the thanks and congratulations, and look to the north. Out there in the darkness Finch continues his advance on the monastery.

OOC:Congratulations, you saved both the children. Currently Shiv, Torinn, Markul and Sol are about 8-10 minutes behind Finch, or about half a mile distance wise. Let me know what the plans are for the four of you. I plan on pushing the timeline quickly forward to Finch's approach to the monastery so that gives you about 20 minutes.

2013-04-22, 04:48 PM
Solantus (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiC0v0HDA)

Looking over the scene, Solantus winces, so much as a Deva ever winces. That was too close by far, but the children are safe, for now. How many more in other buildings that we couldn't help? May the Light watch over them and bring them safely to morning.

I fear we must venture into the darkness, friends. The farmer must have seen something out there or he would not have sprinted off like that - I sensed no cowardice in him. It appears that before Dawn I will have to wield the Light.

2013-04-29, 08:42 AM

Seeing that the children were indeed safe, or as safe as possible given the situation, and noticing the gathering villagers attempting to offer gratitude (many of whom hadn't been the most...friendly to him in the recent past), Shiv speaks in a gruff voice "See to the kids, but save your praise for someone deserving..." With this being said, he quickly vacates the premise to make his way to the distant hill.

Hearing Solantus speak of darkness and light, Shiv flashes him an evil grin. "I've lived in the darkness for a time, and there are some perks to it. A dagger in someone's deserving back feels better than drowning in ale."

As for plans, Shiv would make his way as quickly as possible to catch up with Finch, even leaving slower companions behind him. Upon arrival, he would make attempts to sneakily move into an advantageous position for both scouting purposes and the possible ensuing combat. Although this would be his preferred course of action, he could be easily persuaded to do something else, and will follow someone else's lead if a better plan is brought forth.

I'll go ahead and make a stealth check for that course of action if we decide that that is the best way to proceed. I'll also make a perception check for when Shiv makes it to the temple to see what is going on there.
Stealth to find a good hiding place and move to it: [roll0]
Perception to see what's going on: [roll1]

2013-04-29, 04:52 PM

Distanced from most people as a druid, Markul flinches slightly as the young woman hugs him. Surprised at this sudden embrace, he stammers, "You're welcome."

Unnerved once again by hearing the deva speak, Markul decides to follow quickly behind Shiv towards the mountain. Totem, drawn, Markul runs closely to Shiv, eyes looking for any disturbance in the nearby brush.

I hope I will see whatever is out there. This isn't simple prey...

Perception Roll:

Nature Roll (to see if anything is out of place while they are running, tracks, etc.)

2013-04-29, 08:30 PM
"Thanks be to Bahamut, I am glad to see you little ones alive" Torinn offers a toothy grin as he helps them back to their mother, who he gives a polite ""you are most welcome, Miss." before picking up his shield, drawing his blade, and following his companions after Finch.

2013-05-07, 10:54 AM
Markul, Shiv, Solantus and Torinn push on into the darkness, aware that their efforts in rescuing the children from the collapsed building have put them several minutes behind Finch. With Solantus' sunrod dispelling the darkness you make easy going of the travel though doubt you make up much time on the half-elf who has little need of the light to find his way.

Up ahead Finch continues to climb the hill towards the monastery, switching his gaze between the path he follows, the path he has already climbed and the point at which he last saw the lightning he sees the light of the sunrod and the shapes of his companions break away from the village and head towards the hill about 3 furlongs behind him.

Slowly the monastery looms in his sight and across the still night air Finch catches the excited sound of a yapping bark, much like a small dog, coming from among the ruins. The sounds emanate from close to the crest of the hill a short ahead of you and you perceive an urgency to them. You guess they've seen the light approaching from the village.

OOC:Sorry forgot about the sunrod. With the light you make good progress up the hill and are about 10 minutes behind Finch.

Finch is about 600ft (2 minutes at walking pace) from the crest of the hill and the monastery when he starts to hear the yapping. The noises come from just over the crest and seem to be coming from a number of creatures that are moving about. You are welcome to change your actions based on the edited post

2013-05-07, 12:33 PM
Finch's heart was pounding. The trip had probably been the farthest he had ever tried to run in one sitting, and it put a bit of a damper on his zeal. However, what was important was that he was here. And so, apparently, was something else.

Finch slowed down and made his final approach carefully, looking for something to hide behind. His lips moved of their own volition, a silent prayer rattling off faster than even he could probably register, as he asked Pelor for guidance.

Stealth Check to approach quietly: [roll0]
Religion Check to see if that yapping matches any sort of lore Finch might recognize: [roll1]

2013-05-08, 09:21 AM

As he continues in his pursuit of Finch and those who may have caused the calamity in the town, Shiv's excitement grows as he feels the blood flow through his veins, propelling him onward.

Shiv will attempt to stay ahead of Solantus and Torinn and the light that is emanating from the sunrod that Solantus is holding in an attempt to remain somewhat hidden in the darkness, but will not stray too far ahead of them.

2013-05-08, 08:49 PM
Torinn keeps his blade ready, keeping in stride with Solantus as best he can and again cursing his heavy armor. "Perhaps I should consider letting my scales alone protect me...", he says under his breath as he strains to move quickly.

2013-05-08, 09:09 PM

Markul continues to run towards the monastary, his half-elven eyes looking keenly at his surroundings. His heart races, but he maintains his calm, focusing on reaching his newly founded companion.

Markul attunes his senses to his natural surroundings, making sure not to miss anything. Seeing Shiv in front of him, Markul lets him take the lead, "he seems sneaky enough".

Nature check for any tracks or wierd sounds!

2013-05-09, 01:50 PM
Finch:Finch creeps up to the peer carefully over the crest of the hill. On the top a flat plain extends out from his vantage point before precipitously falling away down to the ocean that can be heard crashing into the cliffs far below. On that plain stand the silent columns of the remains of the runied monastery, ghostly towers of a former glory. Amongst those towers small humanoids Finch recognises as kobolds scamper back and forth. Away to his left Finch notices two kobolds peering down at the light carried by Solantus as his companions approach up the hill. Two other kobolds are leading a larger group of kobolds away from the remains of what appears to be the central building of the monastery, probably a chapel of some sort, towards the hilltop.

OOC:You are hunkered down behind an outcropping of rock. Not a great hiding place you realize but they do not appear to have noticed you so far. The two kobolds to your left are probably about within move and charge range at about 50ft, the others are over 100ft away but closing and it wouldn't take them long to arrive

2013-05-10, 01:36 AM
Solantus (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiC0v0HDA)

Walking through the woods in the middle of the night was certainly not Solantus' favorite plan, but it appeared to be the only course of action. The Lord of Light had sent him to this place for a reason, to these people, on this day, and though he did not yet fully understand the reason, he trusts to the Light.

He prays loudly while marching into the darkness, sunrod proudly raised towards the heavens.

Lord of Light, look down upon us.
Lord of Light, defend us.
Lord of Light, protect us in the darkness.
Lord of Light, shine your face upon us.
Light your flame among us.
Show us the truth from falseness.
Strike down the guilty, and give strength to the swords of truth.
Lord of Light, give us wisdom.
Shine with the Light of your radiance
on a people who live in the shadow of death.
Let the dawn from on high break upon us.

2013-05-12, 08:39 PM
So, this was it. These creatures, no doubt, were somehow responsible for the blue light he saw. Of course, none of them looked heavy enough to have caused the tremors he felt, but no matter. They merely stood between him and whatever true monster he sought, and so it fell on him to deal with them. Slowly, he moved himself from cover and towards the two kobolds, intoning a silent prayer as he did so.

"Yea, for the sun hath power untold. Bringer of life, patron of the warm summer days and bountiful harvest." His pace picked up as he moved, his prayer getting ever so much louder; from under his breath, to over, and as he broke into a full blown charge, to practically a shout. "Slasher of the veil of night, and deliverer of the creatures therein to the blinding radiance of justice!" He leaped, coming down on one of the beasts with his mightiest overhead chop.

Charge attack on one of the kobolds overlooking the cliff (possibly with combat advantage for coming out of successful Stealth?) ATK [roll0] DMG [roll1]

Remove 2 from the attack roll if combat advantage is not so.

2013-05-12, 09:17 PM

Continuing to run through the woods with the others, Markul begins to hear a loud prayer behind him. The strange creature was chanting a large prayer behind him. Knowing that this could give them away, he turns his head towards Solantus.

"Solantus, they could hear you," Markul whispers angrily.

Not wanting to halt the groups pace, he does not speak of it further as the race towards the ruins.

He may want to meet his maker, but I certainly do not.

2013-05-17, 12:41 AM
Solantus (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiC0v0HDA)

Finishing his prayer, Solantus turns to look blankly at the bee-man and speaks in a slightly quieter tone.

The Light does not cower or hide from his enemies; he incinerates them. In the presence of Light, Darkness is vanquished without thought, without intent, without even ill-will. It simply cannot be, and so ceases to exist. Their only hope, only goal is to extinguish His overwhelming radiance. My Light is but a fragment of a fragment of my Father's, but so too is the Darkness afoot here lesser. Like the Light before me, I shall not cower or hide, for to do so removes my power, concedes the battle. I shall fight or be extinguished. He stops suddenly and frowns, as much as a Deva can be said to frown.

Is that fighting I hear ahead? The fool! Light protect you, little brother. We are coming.

2013-05-17, 11:30 AM
"Solantus is right. The, er, "light" and Bahamut shall protect us from whatever vile creatures are ahead, whether we surprise them or not. Let them prepare themselves for honorable battle."

"Besides, if that is battle ahead, we best start running and it'd be better to not be tripping over our own feet because of the darkness."

2013-05-17, 11:44 AM

In the still of the night there comes a shout in the distance followed by the sounds of battle. Shiv stops for a split second to weigh his options, then takes off at a pace as fast as possible given the terrain and light. Hearing the voice of Solantus behind, Shiv spurs himself on to greater speed, knowing that there is help behind.

Alright, here's the start of Shiv's sprint.

Athletics for sprinting: [roll0]
Endurance for whatever: [roll1]

Let me know what else

2013-05-17, 03:37 PM
As Shiv starts moving, Torinn sighes, sheathes his shield and sword, and takes off behind him, his rattling and clanging armor further sabotaging any chance at surprise.

Athletics: [roll0]
Endurance: [roll1]

2013-05-18, 11:33 AM

Markul takes off running with the others, not confident that the light will save them from whatever they will face, but confident in the groups skills.

Hopefully we will arrive in time to help more than a corpse.

