View Full Version : Rise of the Pirate King!

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2013-04-01, 07:13 AM
And so it began! The race to see who's the more daredevil and powerful pirate!
Only one can be king: the one who get the greatest treasure at the end of the year.

Lyra is the pirate kingdom: it was a prison-island where all teh scum of the land ended up after being captured and threw here for a lifetime of exile. But that was before the First Pirate King appeared and created a great prisonbreak killing all the guards and freeing single raper, thief and even those imprisoned here unfairly.

After ten years ruling this kingdom, the King got killed under suspicious circunstances bringing down chaos and disorder in the entire place. His crew fought each other to see who would be the new king, since he had no child and the fact taht they need a strong leader, not a heir. The conflict only ended when one of his crew had this idea: Only the strong are worth to be king in this land of chaos, so let's see who's the strongest, the one who can get in the Realms and return with the greatest treasure till the end of the year is the more apt to be our king and will reign.

Settled that way, the Second King won over their crew and reign supreme as the king of pirates! But his reign lasted for almost 10 years before ending r his ship: The Devourer was swalloed whole by the great and legendary Leviathan, the King of the Seas (an epic sea serpent monster).

With the second King dead his brother anounced that he should be the king and then he became the Third King. But his reign was built over abuse and terror, and after his first year as king one handsome pirate came to court and brought him a ship full of gold and jewels and displayed it to the Third King.
Amazed, the Third King asked: "What is this? A gift for your king, young capitan?", and that was answered by "This is the best way I know to show I'll be the king" and killed the king and his guard.

This Fourth King ruled for nine years and then announced to the four winds: "Spread these words: the Rise of the Pirate King is near! Wheer wants to claim my throne: go sack the Realms and bring their treasures. Whoever wants to be King will need to proof he's worthy it! Cause I won't have a single son or brother to take over my throne, cause it is for the strongest pirate! I was born a son of a baker and a whore and became King! Being a king shouldn't be something you are born with the right to be, but something you have to fight for!".

And then Lyra once more began to swarm with captains and wannabe pirates.
Will the king give his throne away? Who's going to be the next pirate king?

The Twilight Shadow Crew:
Captain role:
BladeHunter (Fighter Dervish) Garrik Soza (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=540548)

Right Arm:
Mido (Fighter) Jacob Grimmer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=537975)

Main Caster:
THEChanger (Storm Singer) Arne Unruh (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=540111)

MR. Adventurer (Warmage) Sargon Jones (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=543378)

Andrezitos (Ninja) Mohamed Ninjutsu (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=540753)

REdzimmer (Assassin) La Don Xi (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=68717)

(I'll post later the beginning of the campaign, got to work for now)

2013-04-01, 07:39 PM
La Don Xi

This ship looks promising, Xi think to himself. He shoulders his gear and his woefully light purse and seeks out the vessel's captain.

2013-04-02, 03:15 PM
(Sorry for taking some time to post)

It was a rainy rainy night aboard the Twilight's Shadow when Captain Soza and his crews heard a loud CRASH! Thankfully the ship wasn't very far from the shore and managed to get in the harbor city of Eban Gardens, a small town full of pirates and farmers.

"Captain, sir! We've got some problems... There where reefs or something like that and the Twilight is pretty damaged... The storm also did some damage and we won't be able to travel safely in these conditions. We need some shipwrighter and raw amterials to fix it", says one of the old sailors that followed Soza after the captain of the former Twilight's Whisper.

The ship was a bit old and was needing some repairs for some time, but the cost to fi it was kinda high... Without the ship running ok you won't be able to even dream in being a King.

"Maybe there are someone in this city that can help, capt'n!"

You're all aboard the ship and it will cost no less than 3.000 gold pieces if you want to repair it. The city isn't pretty big, but here you can buy food and ration for the voyage ahead (that was the reason you all come this way after all). There are several brothels, taverns and some cassinos around. It has been rainning for almost a week and there was no sign of change in the skies.

What shall you do?

2013-04-02, 03:46 PM
La Don Xi

La Don Xi approaches the captain in private. This man Soza seems the sort to recognize a mutually-beneficially opportunity.

"I am a very capable cook, but I also have considerable skill in the field of person removal," Xi tells Captain Soza in a heavily-accented Common.

"I am in need of quick transportation and an employer who is equally skilled in looking the other way."

He continues.

"I bring to you the skills I have, and the promise that no contract will be fulfilled on yourself or any of your crew as long as I draw breath."

2013-04-02, 04:07 PM
"You'd better be thinking of relaxing your tone." Soza growled at the sailor who reported the damage. "Lets see what they have in ways of repair for the ship and move from there. If nothing else, we'll be stuck here until either better weather or repaired ship. Alright boys, I've got a little business ahead of me and for the very least, you've got a few days to have some fun at this town. Grimmer, Unruh and Jones, you three are with me for a few hours. No complaints? Good." Soza grabs La Don Xi by the shoulder and starts walking off the boat. "Alright cook, you're job is to stay close but out of sight, I might need to convince some people to lend us a hand and your talents could prove useful."

2013-04-02, 05:19 PM
La Don Xi

Xi follows the captain at a discreet distance, taking his measure of the town as he does.

Spot (if anyone is up to anything nearabouts)


Sense Motive (for anyone who catches my eye in the spot check-if any)


2013-04-02, 05:49 PM
Mohamed Ninjutsu approuchs the captain with siwftness. It's a kind of strange thing such enormous person be so discreet. He explains that he needs maps of neraby lands to make our next voyage. Also, he comments that would be good to keep an eye in the buisness of the smallfolf of the port. Sometimes one of those people are the perfect hub of info, especially in places like small ports.

- Until the weather changes would be great if could arrange some inland contracts to pay our exes. Speaks Mohamed in the deepest voice you ever heard.

2013-04-02, 06:30 PM
"Oh, and what do you suggest Mr. Mohamed? I expect you'd have an idea or two if you intend to give suggestions." Soza straightens before Mohamed. "Such a suggestion better come with more, otherwise it sounds more like an insult."

2013-04-02, 07:40 PM
Grimmer nodded at the order and followed suit.

The rain somewhat bothered him. He preferred much sunnier and windier fair.

As he scowled at the weather for it's lack of cooperation, he tried to recall as much about his rudimentary knowledge of ships and building them. He figured he could recall anything glaring in the way of items they could be searching for in this town regarding their current predicament.

2013-04-02, 07:47 PM
"We'll move onto the town soon, get all the gear you need for the day and don't be surprised if we get in a fight. Oh and who want's to stay with the ship?"

2013-04-02, 07:48 PM
Craft (shipwright) heck to try and discern if we could be looking for anything in particular in the way of items to speed up repair of the ship.


2013-04-02, 08:05 PM
Looking down to the captain Mahamed calmly replies:
-Hmmm, I'm an advisor not a captain. If you could not pierce throught my words and find out what sort of advice I'm impling perhaps you aren't the fittest person aboard to the task to drive us to victory.

The ruthless manerism of the captain Sosa aren't new to Mohamed. He is wise where the captain is charismatic and Mohamed knows he couldn't drag a crew throught this quest with only his wits.

- I can remain here and keep our belongs safe and away from ill-intend attension.

2013-04-02, 08:22 PM
"I have no interest in wasting time listening to advise I've already considered, theres at least two good ways to get others to pay for our needs and I'm not the cleverest man alive. Give me advice I can act on, a crew can be a good rig, assuming we don't trip over each other doing the same things. I pierced through your words, but that is not the point is it?"

2013-04-02, 08:53 PM
Mido took some time looking around to see how bad the ship was and just confirmed that it would take at least 3000 gp (and some days working on it), but that cost could be reduced to 2500 or so (thanks to the natural 20) if they got some hard working. Mido had to spent some hours in the ship, so he won't go out and play :smallfrown:

Xi also point out that a great deal of food was spoiled by the water that rushed inside the food storage. Since Eban Gardens is full of farms it would be easy to find cheap and good food for the tripulation (4pp per day per sailor, you're a total of 11 sailors, so: 4.4gp per day of Voyage ahead - but the food will resist for one month only before getting rotten). The city also offers a famous Apple Wine (12 gp the bottle) and average beers and rum.

Two of the five sailors decided to stay cause it was too wet outside, but the rain didnt' stoped the sexual hunger of the other three, who went straight on the Golden Whore Brothel for some 18+ entertrainment. The youngest invited Jones and Anreh to go with them (they try to stay out of the captain's bad mood and the grim Mohamed).

Mohamed and Mido will stay on the ship with two sailors and the other three sailors are out in the whorehouse. Where will the rest go?

2013-04-02, 09:15 PM
Arne looked on, bemused, at the bickering between the captain and his navigator. Shaking his head, Arne packed up his drums, and followed behind his captain. A soft whistle on his breath, Arne's gaze drifted hither and thither, allowing the city to be absorbed by his eyes. Hopping a bit closer to Garrik, Arne cleared his throat. "Permission to strike out on my own, Cap'n Soza, to see if I can drum up some extra funds, so to speak?" Arne wiggled his eyebrows, obviously proud of the pun he came up with. Heavens only know why.

2013-04-02, 09:23 PM
If I may interject captain. Jacob cut in with as much a respectful tone as he could stepping in between the two.

I believe it was merely a helpful gesture on Mohamed's part with naught any hidden meaning. The last thing we need is for us to be at each other's throats when there are plenty of throats out there to have at.

An inspiration surged in Jacob's mind as he chuckled at his futile attempt at humor.

Captain, if it would be alright, I would like to stay with the ship as well to give it some work. I believe I can get it to better condition and substantially expedite repairs.

2013-04-03, 06:22 AM
"Alright Mr. Unruh, you go fiddle with yer drums, but if you hear me shout, drop what yer doing and come to my side. I was hoping you'd offer to stay Jacob, I'd prefer to have you with the ship since our cook seems so excited to join me. So long as one of you three joins me, I don't much care which."

2013-04-03, 06:45 AM
(I'll consider Jones stayed in the boat too, until he post)

Xi and the captain goes out to look for good food and drink to fill the storage and also looking for the repair stuff needed. It took two hours for Xi to find all he wanted and with the best price (food and drink for 30 days will cost 132 gp or 4.4gp per day, and that was the best negotion he will happen to get).

The city has lots of docks and shipwrighters who might want to help you (for a price), some with more ranks and others with less. You can hire some to do the repairs and buy the stuff needed to the repairs (2500 gp plus 50 gp per any extra shipwrighter - to reduce time).

When you were looking for shipwrighters...

Xi: [roll0]
Soza: [roll1]

Xi notice a group of pirates talking to each other and going toward you.
"Well well, if that isn't Soza. We heard the Twilight was in town and was hoping to find old man Clevon and claim his debts, but it seems he's dead now... Too bad for you since you'll have to pay us up. 600 gp if you don't want to get in trouble with Mr. Bruce".


Meanwhile, while the captain is out of sight, anyone in the ship want to do something?

2013-04-03, 07:08 AM
Mohamed has a taste for poisons too so he is intrested in produce some amount via Xi familiar (I think it was him who mentioned something about that some posts ago).

2013-04-03, 07:37 AM
"The Whisper sank a long time ago and it debts, IF any, with it. Now you can go tell Mr. Bruce that the Twilight's Whisper is not in port and that its captain is not here. At least, I'd suggest that if you have any interest in living more than the few seconds it would take me to rip out your throat." Soza places his hands on his scimitars, ready to draw at a moments notice.

How many of them and how well armed are they. Either way, my intimidate skill needs to be tested. [roll0]

2013-04-03, 08:12 AM
Jacob began work as soon as Xi and Soza were off the ship. He salvaged what seemed like still operational parts of the ship and meandered around looking for anything else that could still be repaired.

Getting back on deck at one time, he caught their burly navigator trying to extract some poison from Xi's pet. He was glad that the situation earlier did not... escalate any further than it did. Keeping "civility" among a crew is a volatile thing, more so with pirates.

Now that man could keep a ship in line. He thought to himself as a longing twinged in him of the days he had with Captain Horace of the good ship Gallant. It's not that he thought Soza was an inappropriate captain, he's still just gaining his bearings. Horace had decades to be as good as he was and he used the experience well.

He carried on with his repairs, taking note of anything in the horizon as much as he could and towards the town if anything out of place were to happen.

[roll0] Spot check for anything suspicious beyond the ship as I move around during my repairs.

2013-04-03, 09:41 AM
The pirates take a step back, affraid of the intimidating tone, but then recover their cockiness and say: "We are four man aggainst one and half of you", he says mocking on Xi, "Also, Mr. Bruce owns this city, if you try anything you'll end up dead in the canals. Pay up or we'llhave to use violence and Vincent here really enjoys using violence", he says making a nod to the brutest one of them (a towering half-orc).

(All of them, except the half-orc failed aggainst the Intimidate and are shaken).

2013-04-03, 10:08 AM
"Well, I'd bet that Vinny here is the best fighter of you lot, and even though he is big, he is hardly threatening." Soza drew both Scimitars in one fluid motion, "Now you can get out of my way, or I can chop Vinny into little pieces and then kill you and the idiot on your right, and take the other home to play surgeon with, I thing he would look wonderful without hands."

2013-04-03, 10:35 AM
"Let's see who's going to need help after I'm finished with you", says Vince.

Thug: [roll0]
Vincent: [roll1]
Xi: [roll2]
Soza: [roll3]

Initiative Order:
You act first!
Then the enemies.

2013-04-03, 02:37 PM
"Heh, I guess I get to dance after all." Soza steps next to the annoying thug and slashes at Vincent twice with his right scimitar before giving a jab to the annoying thug with his left, continuing the attack.

I'll take my 5-foot step into a full attack action, no reason to dance if they don't prove threatening. Now for the attacks
Step to F10, attack the half-orc for [roll0] dmg[roll1]
attack the half-orc for [roll2] dmg [roll3]
Attack the smug thug for [roll4] dmg [roll5]

2013-04-03, 02:38 PM
La Don Xi

Feigning fear of the outnumbering, Xi backs off.

AWESOME! A critical fail on my first roll. All 20s from here!

Moves to square 9h and climbs the wall with slippers of spider climb going max 20 allowed in the round.

He pulls out a shuriken and chooses a likely target.

2013-04-03, 03:17 PM
The half-orc dodge both attacks and smiles as he see the halfling fleeing, "I guess it's isn't even one man and half aggainst us". The thug wasn't so lucky and almost got his throat ripped off in a single slash.

The thugs ignore the halfling and move to flank Captain Soza and attack with their short swords:

[roll0] dmg: [roll1]
[roll2] dmg: [roll3] plus sneak attack [roll4]
[roll5] dmg: [roll6] plus sneak attack [roll7]

Then Vincent give him a powerful axe attack:
[roll8] dmg: [roll9]

"You should had pay'd with your money, dead man".

(Your turn! The thugs are all flanking Soza)

2013-04-03, 03:23 PM
"I never said he was going to fight you." And Soza gives two slashes at the half-orc, one with each Scimitar before giving the annoying thug another good prod with his scimitar.

Sigh, almost enough to go into dance, but not quite,
Half-orc: [roll0] dmg [roll1]
Half-orc: [roll2] dmg [roll3]
Thug: [roll4] dmg [roll5]
Not the best day for rolls is it?

Mr Adventurer
2013-04-03, 03:57 PM
Sargon was a man who could generously be described as 'volatile'. He'd come from the ship with the captain when ordered, but had been distracted by a shopfront a a street back - staring lustfully at a particular golden trinket. Looking away from the window, he sees the rest of the group have moved on, down an alley, and he rushes to catch up just in time to see the bloody violence break out between his crew, and the chancers serving the blaggard Bruce.

I assume I'll come in on a later round.

Initiative [roll0]

His dark eyes take in the melee quickly and he lets out a howl like a daemon. "Kriyaaagh! Come at us, then, would ye, scurvy dogs?! Here's for yer Mister Bruce!" Fire flickers around his fingers and the air is lit by the actinic glow of evocation as he flicks his fingers at the bulky half-orc, sending darts of magic ploughing into him to rupture the skin and burn the muscle beneath in a series of tiny explosions.

Magic Missile at the half-orc.

Damage [roll1]

2013-04-03, 05:14 PM
La Don Xi

The success of his bluff makes Xi alter his tactics.

He hops down from his perch and attempts to flank the most likely (and in a position to flank) opponent for Stunning Blow and sneak attack.

roll attack [roll0]+2 if flanked so 15
roll damage [roll1]
roll sneak attack if successful [roll2]
Critical confirm if needed [roll3]

2013-04-03, 05:45 PM
The half-orc's chainshirt prevented an almost mutilating attack at his arm, "Oh, so you were serious about taking off my hands, huh?" but when he began to open his mouth to say some intimidating phrase his head got hit by three magic missiles, "WTF!?".

La Don Xi was flanking the damaged thug (I'll consider he was flatfooted), but his punch was enough to kill it (or let him unconscious? You decide).

The thugs flank La Don Xi and try to stab the small threat while Vincent try to defeat the captain one-on-one:

vs. Xi [roll0] dmg: [roll1] (already with SA)
vs. Xi [roll2] dmg: [roll3] (already with SA)
vs. Soza [roll4] dmg: [roll5]

You all can act.

Meanwhile at the Twilight's ship...
Mohammed, Mido and the sailors were doing their stuff (playing cards for the sailors) when a small group led by an half-elf approaches: "Welcome to Eban Garden's Harbor, I'm Neville Silvermoon the man in charge here. We have here a fee of 30 gp... You know, for security", he then smiles and open his hand as if waiting for one of you to pay it.

Meanwhile at some tavern or brothel in Eban Gardens...
Unrah was performing and talking with the people around, but so far didn't got any gold or even silver. The people here seems happy and cheerful, but there are some pirates sitting in a table in the corner with :smallmad:-like faces.
There's a few gentlemen playing cards and dices while talking about this year's crop. Whore/dancers are entertainning people around and a blond one come closer to the bard and offer some "services".

What you do?

Mr Adventurer
2013-04-03, 06:02 PM
"Fools! Dogs! Ye should have gone before I made ash of ye!" Sargon yells, stepping around the melee until he sees his perfect angle, and with economical gesture hurls a bolt of lightning through two of their assailants - and the wall of the building nearby - in a great white flash and rolling rumble of thunder.

Manouevre to put two of the attackers in a line (since there is flanking going on I assume I can't get all 3) and blast them with Lightning Bolt.

Reflex save DC 18 for half:
Damage [roll0]

2013-04-03, 06:08 PM
Jones' lightning hit the half-orc and one of the thugs:
Thug: [roll0] (has Evasion)
Vincent: [roll1]

The thug escaped the attack, but Vincent took it full power and is barely standing on his feet.

Mr Adventurer
2013-04-03, 06:13 PM
Sargon eyes the thug who'd skittered out of the way of the blast. He raises a bony finger to point at him. "Ye'll regret the day you crossed me, ye blasted pondscum! Never fear - I've plenty more where that came from, and more like it besides!"

2013-04-03, 06:30 PM
Jacob had just come up from below deck when the half-elf made his introduction. Strange, he felt, that a porter would take this long to ask for a docking fee, much less one for "protection".

Well met Silvermoon, but if it's protection, I don't think it is something we need to concern ourselves. Jacob says matter-of-factly giving a slight nodding gesture towards Mohammed.

[roll0] Sense Motive check to try and catch any hint of dishonesty on the half-elf during our conversation.

[roll1] Diplomacy check to persuade the Neville to waive the fee for "protection".

2013-04-03, 06:32 PM
La Don Xi

Xi strikes out with a flurry of blow to the attacker facing him.

damage [roll2]/[roll3]
If crit [roll4]/[roll5]

Leave the downed man unconscious. I may wish to torture him later.

2013-04-03, 06:34 PM
"Well Vinny, looks like I get to do what I want after all, doesn't it?" Soza Focus' all his attacks on Vincent, aiming to take as many pieces out of him as possible. "And I suggest you three put down your weapons NOW." Soza commanded of the thugs, after his attacks on Vincent.

[roll2] dmg [roll3]
[roll4] dmg 1d8+5
[roll5] for the second round of Intimidate, if I might.

2013-04-03, 06:42 PM
The thug manage to dodge the first punch, but the second hit him in the belly (but didint had much effect due to his leather armor).

Captain Soza's turn. (posted together)

Soza fullfill his promise and dismember the half-orc, who drop dead in the streets. The two surviving rogues get pretty initmidated from Soza's growling tone and one drop his weapons, but the other run for his life.

Grimmer feel a hint of cold menace in his tone and the elf try to explain:
"You see, all these docks are property of the overlord here, Mr. Bruce. We have the best vegetables in the nearest isles and theyc ome with a price. Even though I can see your ship is well manned, you won't want to meet soem troublemakers, right? But let me see, you can pay me...", he begins to scracth his silver beard (obviously dyed)...

Diplomacy [roll0]

"50 gold pieces, for, you know... all the trouble you caused me by ahve to explain how things work. let me introduce my friends here: I call them troublemaker #1, #2 and #3, because they are three and cause to make trouble"., his smile get malicious and his draw his rapier, "You would be wise and pay some protection".

2013-04-03, 06:57 PM
La Don Xi

Xi is unimpressed with the bigfolks and their need of outer shells. He does nothing.

Unless he is the one killed by the lightning? Then I attack whomever is close.
If crit [roll2]

2013-04-03, 07:20 PM
Jacob gives an audible sigh at the half-elf's "gesture".

Of course, pirate. Not much use for diplomacy in this line of work. He thought.

I was hoping we could avoid this.He explained with a deadpan voice.

A wise man once told me, you do not draw your weapon to threaten anyone. When you do, it's because you are ready to end them. Well... have at thee then.

He charges the half-elf, drawing his scythe as he did, aiming to trip him up and slice him to ribbons.

[roll0]+14 Trip Touch Attack
If successful, [roll1]+8 Trip Strength Check
If still successful, [roll2]+14 For regular attack after trip (Improved Trip), [roll3]+14 crit check if applicable
Damage roll if hit [roll4]

2013-04-03, 07:40 PM
The elegant elf was caught flatffoted and had no hope in avoiding being tripped and smacked by Grimmer. Seeing their boss being attacked the troublemakers react, and so does Mohamed (but not the sailors, who begin to bet who will win this fight - but if things get bad they'll come to help).

Mohamed [roll0]
Grimmer [roll1]
Troublemaker [roll2]
Nevile [roll3]
Sailors [roll4]

2013-04-03, 07:51 PM
The troublemakers draw their weapons (short swords) and flank Grimmer and triple sneak atatck him:

[roll0] dmg: [roll1]
[roll2] dmg: [roll3]
[roll4] dmg: [roll5]

Nevile stand up, drawing an attack of oportunity (aoo) from Grimmer and make a quick stab at his belly, saying some magic words as he attack:

[roll6]* dmg: [roll7] plus Shocking Grasp [roll8] eletricity damage (not subject to DR from armor).

crit (18-20): [roll9]* extra dmg: [roll10]
*Add +3 on his attack if you're wearing metallic armor.

Grimmer and Mohamed may act.

2013-04-03, 08:14 PM
As Neville rose from his prone position, Jacob took advantage and truck him down, aiming to keep him off balance and off his feet.

Attack of Opportunity
[roll0] Trip Touch Attack
[roll1] Trip Strength Check
[roll2] Improved Trip Bonus Attack
[roll3] Damage Roll

He had anticipated that he would get swarmed would had he made the first move and accepted the calculated gamble. They were just in position for his special attack. He focused, letting all the strikes to flow rather than it be fueled by thought and he fluidly slashed all around, aiming to make every one of them pay for drawing close, to get them off their feet and put them in a less advantageous position.

Whirlwind Attack Time baby! (lots of rolls... sorry ^^; )
on Neville
[roll4] Trip Touch Attack
[roll5] Trip Strength Check
[roll6] Improved Trip Bonus Attack
[roll7] Damage Roll
on Troublemaker 1
[roll8] Trip Touch Attack
[roll9] Trip Strength Check
[roll10] Improved Trip Bonus Attack
[roll11] Damage Roll
on Troublemaker 2
[roll12] Trip Touch Attack
[roll13] Trip Strength Check
[roll14] Improved Trip Bonus Attack
[roll15] Damage Roll
on Troublemaker 3
[roll16] Trip Touch Attack
[roll17] Trip Strength Check
[roll18] Improved Trip Bonus Attack
[roll19] Damage Roll

2013-04-03, 08:58 PM
The troublemakers #1 and #2 managed to dodge Grimmer's Whirlwind Trip Attack, but the other two couldn't avoid it:

Neville: [roll0] vs. DC 16
Troublemaker#3: [roll1] vs. DC 14

Mohamed's turn.

Still waiting on @THEChanger

Still wating what the captain group will do.

2013-04-03, 09:05 PM
In one swift motion, Soza dodges past Vincent's falling body and charges at the fleeing thug. He brings his right scimitar to bear and plunges it towards the small of the thug's back.

[roll0] dmg [roll1] it gets some nice bonuses from both not making attacks with both weapons and from the charge, but yes I get -2 to ac next turn.

2013-04-03, 09:20 PM
Soza cut the fleeing thug in half. The people around who were watching begin to get out of the scene. The surviving thug went pale and you can smell something funny.

"Mr. Bruce will surely hang you for that", he says in a voice that sound more like a squeak.

2013-04-03, 09:26 PM
"Well, its a good thing you live to let him know, go tell him what happened here and how you managed to not only be defeated by two men and a halfling, but also that you soiled yourself, twice. You go tell him what happened, and tell him I'll come to him for a little chat." Soza brought the scimitar up next to the thug's face. "Well, GO." He shouted, kicking the thug in the left arm.

As soon as the thug leaves, Soza unarms the unconscious thug and picks him up. "Lets get back to the ship before anything else happens."

2013-04-03, 09:57 PM
The coming back from the ship was ok.
You didn't buy food (after all, the storeroom is damaged and the food would get spoiled), but spent one hour or more looking for the best place to buy it. So for now you can rest and will have to wait while I solve the paralels parts.

Soza, Jones and Xi each gains 900 Experience points for this battle.
Also you got the following loot:
2 shortswords, 1 masterwork greataxe, 2 leather armor, 1 chainshirt, a masterwork thieves' kit, 465 gold pieces and the half-orc's golden teeth.

NOTE ON LOOT: unless you can cast Detect Magic I won't tell magic items (unless it irradiates an aura or something); also, jewels and art works need to be appraised to know how valluable it is.

SELLING LOOT: non-magical items sell for 1/5 or 1/4 of the price (depending on the city and merchant), magic items sell for 1/3 or 1/2 (also depending on the city/merchant) and jewels and artworks sell for the apraised value (a good apraiser may even sell it for a higher price than it really is (but some merchants will have Apraise as well and try to push the price down).

Anhru is in a brothel, so waiting for @THEChanger

The battle at the harbor is still going on (it was like half hour after the captain left).

Mohamed's turn. @Andrezitos.

2013-04-04, 12:01 AM
Arne smiled at the woman who offered herself to him. "I am flattered, my dear, but I'm afraid I don't mix work and pleasure, and I am currently on the job." Arne then hopped up onto his drum, and opened his arms to the tavern. "Ladies! Gentlemen! Surely there is a few coin that can be spared for a poor musician! Or perhaps there are some among you who would pay for a certain song? I know any tune you care to name. Just say the word!"

2013-04-04, 08:16 AM
"First, we bring this loot to the ship, THEN, we talk about splitting it, I'll not have the crew get excitable about non-existent shares. Let us make haste, if they decided to attack us in this alley, they probably sent some men to the ship to corner us there as well and it would be unfortunate if a member of our crew is injured when we get there."

Mr Adventurer
2013-04-04, 09:16 AM
Sargon snaps his fingers and fire shrouds the fallen, stripped corpses. He growls and nods in agreement with the Captain, and slinks after him.

Use Fiery Burst on the corpses, just because.

2013-04-04, 10:19 AM
"Play that one about the First Pirate King! I'll pay you beer!", yelled one drunk dwarf.

"The one of the noble who married a whore!", cried one of the gentlemen playing poker.

"Or the one with about the mermaid and the the gay elf! HAHA!", yelled the dwarven barman.

You can make three Perform checks. Depending on the result you'll get some money and also some friendly atitude on the people here (to get some bonus for Gather Info, Diplomacy and other charisma related skills).

Anyway, after playing the three songs and getting paid, the two :smallmad: guys got closer of the bard and said: "Nice songs, man. We're Bruce's man and are responsible for collecting some bar-related fees. We're having 25% of that money".

Maybe by destiny, just after they say that the two three sailors who were out fornicating appears in the stairs with wide smiles in theirs faces, "Hey Arne, everything ok?"

2013-04-04, 01:53 PM
(wooww I stay away from de keyborads for a second a BAN! a towsand posts. I will try my best to keep things fast but dont yell at me if I get late for the party).

- Wise words laddd...(#Sshh) No more than a whisper its all that people had from Mohamed-san before he completly desapear. A blink of eye later and a balst of air falls upon the Q17 troublemaker:

[roll0][roll1] (o, hein, que lixo)

the impact oblitarates the head of the tb. His body crumble to the ground lifless. No sigm of mohamed can be noted.
(5/7 ki counter)

2013-04-04, 02:02 PM
La Don Xi

Xi inspects his wounds and puts the pain behind him. He assesses the condition of the unconscious thug being carried by Captain Soza.

"Shall we put him to a question, Captain?" he asks. "I am not skilled in the way of words, but I can perform well in the making of screams."

He makes a mental shopping list of what he would need.

"Do you thing they would sell live lampreys any whereabouts?"

And more toxins. So many things to get...

2013-04-04, 02:27 PM
"We will do what is necessary when we get back to the ship." Soza said quietly, picking up the pace by a few steps.

2013-04-04, 02:53 PM
Mohammed strike the troublemaker and kill it wtih a swift and silent strike, standing at P17.

The tripped troublemaker get up (Grimmer can make an aoo) and attack Grimmer flanking him, then the other attack (also flanking).

[roll0] dmg: [roll1]
[roll2] dmg: [roll3]

At last, Nevile get up again (Grimmer can aoo) and make another quick stab at Grimmer:
[roll4] dmg: [roll5] + shocking grasp [roll6]

Your turn.
(If Grimmer doesn't have Combat Reflexes he will have to choose a single enemy to aoo).

2013-04-04, 05:14 PM
Ah, knew he'd wake up sooner or later. He thought wryly at mohammed's welcome aid.

Taking note of the half-elf's movements, he took advantage again when he again tried to gain his footing.

AoO on Neville
[roll0]Normal melee attack (added +4 since target is prone)
[roll1] Scythe Damage Roll

Jacob had put a good amount of time into perfecting his attack that would offer him a distinct tactical advantage, yet it seems it is still incomplete. He made a quick mental note of the next maneuver he would have to hone.

It was time to stop playing tricks, he decided to try and finish it, going to strike them all down in one fell swoop.

Whirlwind Attack (Normal Attacks)
Troublemaker 1
Troublemaker 3

2013-04-04, 08:17 PM
Arne bowed as the three requests were shouted out. "In the order they were asked for, then! Let there be merriment for all in this house!" Pulling the songs requested from his memory, Arne sat behind his drum, and began to play. He beat upon the drum furiously, keeping time to the his deep bass voice. The joy on his face was evident, and in between verses his booming laugh would occasionally fly out.

After the third song, and collecting the donations from his patrons, Arne turned, confronted by two rather rough-looking fellows, asking for a fourth of his earnings. "Well now my good gentlemen. I thank you for your compliments, but I confess I am rather confused. I was not aware that a man by the name of Bruce owned this establishment." Then, three of Arne's crew members popped their heads around the corner, and Arne's face lit up. "Ah, friends! Everything is fine, but perhaps you could settle a dispute between myself and these two fellows. Do any of you know a man named Bruce, and if he happens to own this establishment? These two are money-collectors for him, and are asking for a fourth of my earnings tonight. Seems somewhat steep to my thinking." As Arne speaks, he backs away slowly, trying to get closer to his allies and farther from the ruffians, without the ruffians noticing.

2013-04-05, 01:36 AM
La Don Xi

"Be any crew we know off-ship?" Xi asks the captain. "If we must 'close the rank' as you bigfolk say, is good to get all ranks for closing, yes?"

As he strides to keep up, he applied a dose of greenblood oil to one of his shuriken. He did not like to be caught unprepared. He then does his best to appear unarmed.

Sleight of hand with shuriken

[roll0] EDIT: I forgot to add the +4 for a shuriken's small stature so 19

2013-04-05, 07:53 AM
"Something along those lines, I'd prefer is if I knew the enemies numbers and location, but since we do not know either, we must assume that Mr. Bruce sent men to meet us at the ship and that they were just as friendly as our welcoming party. How fast can you run, same as someone my size, faster, or slower?" Soza picks up his pace once again, now hustling towards the ship.

Mr Adventurer
2013-04-05, 10:02 AM
Easily keeping stride with the Captain, Sargon adds, "As long as I can see the blaggards, I'll be able to melt the flesh off their bones - I don't need to be close, ye can rest assured!"

2013-04-05, 10:12 AM
"Run ahead. Xi, you stay with me. Don't worry, I just can't run as fast as I would like with this idiot on my back. Here, take my raven, once you get to the ship, decide whether I am needed immediately. If the ship or my crew is in serious trouble, send it to me, if both are fine, stay at the ship and wait for me, I will not be far behind." Soza hands over a small steel figurine of a raven. "Don't waste your energy if not necessary, we will probably need all our strength later today."

Mr Adventurer
2013-04-05, 11:40 AM
Sargon nods, a savage gleam in his eye. "Aye aye, Captain!" He takes the magic totem and sprints off, back toward the ship.

2013-04-05, 12:20 PM
La Don Xi

With his body honed by years of his cruel tutelage with his monastic masters, Xi has no problem keeping apace with the taller crew.

"I shall endure captain," Xi replies. "I expect they know who we are, so if I may, I will make me no longer me."

Using his enchanted hat of disguise, Xi takes on the appearance of a dark-skinned female human child. He runs ahead of his captain.

"I shall be within shouting distance."

He looks about for an opportunity to hop the rooftops with the slippers of spider climb.

2013-04-05, 02:17 PM
"You must be new here, Mr. Burce don't own the Golden Whore Brothel.. He owns this entire city. So,unless you... Hey, where's the bard? Oh, here you are. We changed our minds, we'll take all this gold for ourselves. Hand it over!", the confused ruffians said, but they didn't waited for Arne to do any other thing, as they draw their flails and prepared to charge.

Arne [roll0]
Sailors [roll1]
Rufians [roll2]

The group won the initiative! Arne and the Sailors may act (they're all archers, but they have long swords if needed in the melee).

Pirate King's Song: 16 gp,
Nobleman's Folly: 15 gp,
Mermaid's Sorrow: 11 gp.

For a total of 42gp.

2013-04-05, 02:32 PM
The sailors draw their Longbows at the sight of their weapons and wait for Arne's actions (in case they receive a boost or something) and then shoot at the same ruffian at point blank shot:

[roll0] dmg: [roll1]
[roll2] dmg: [roll3]
[roll4] dmg: [roll5]

(Add any attack bonus or weapon damage, depending on Arne's action).

The archers are one 5ft step away from each other forming a line, with Arne between them and the two ruffians. Tables and customers are blocking the path (making some dificult terrain-like penalty to movement, if you're trying to flee).

Arne's trun @THEChanger.

After sometime on the run the captain's group get in the ship and (even with Soza being delayed a few minutes) nothing bad happens till the captain get back. No ambush nor enemies in the meanwhile.


The crew was alive and the enemies are dead (a single thug won't be able to escape nor do any serious harm, so I'll consider the battle ended with a sudden strike from the still invisible Mohammed-san).

Grimmer gets 1350 xp while Mohammed get 1625 xp.
They had some loot:
MW Dagger, MW Rapier, MW Darkwood Buckler, Chainshirt, 3 Leather armors, 3 Shortswords, 283 gp and two pearls: a black pearl and a silver pearl.

One of the crew sailorsis the ship's doctor and he can cast some spells if you need some healing: 1 Cure Light Wounds spells (for 1d8+1 healing)

2013-04-05, 02:56 PM
La Don Xi

Keeping in mind he's still with Soza, just not bunched together where an area attack could get them both.

Xi remains close to Soza, again on the lookout for trouble as they continues towards the docks.


2013-04-05, 03:03 PM
No sign of pursuers nor danger.
Got safely at the docks and meet with everyone else, except Anre an the sailors at the brothel.

2013-04-05, 04:52 PM
MW Dagger, MW Rapier, MW Darkwood Buckler, Chainshirt, 3 Leather armors, 3 Shortswords, 283 gp and two pearls: a black pearl and a silver pearl.

I think should sell this stuff and fold the money over ship maintenance found, or better still equip our crew with MW equipment. At least for now I don't have any critical demand.

2013-04-05, 04:59 PM
La Don Xi

"I see we have all had visiting from the Bruce," Xi says. "Are we all accounted for? Other crew of us may also be accosted."

2013-04-05, 05:00 PM
Upon reaching the ship, Soza drops the man he was carrying onto the deck and walks towards the mess on the docks. "Looks nice boys, someone tie this man up." Soza gathers the crew currently there. "Alright, a man named Bruce is under the impression the Twilight's Shadow owes him money, we are going to inform him that he is wrong. Xi, would you mind collecting Mr Unruh, I'd prefer waiting until he is here before making my move. I believe he said something about playing those drums of his."

2013-04-05, 05:17 PM
La Don Xi

Xi snaps a quick bow and bounds off the find the stormsinger.
He alters his appearance to a fair-skinned gnome once he has a moment where no one is watching.

2013-04-05, 05:19 PM
Well met there Mohammed. You have quite the knack for ending conflicts. He said with a wry smirk on his face as he sheathed his scythe.

He rummaged through the troublemakers' and the half-elf's belongings to see whether there was anything they could sell. They were in need of coin and it was generous that some just happened to walk towards the ship.

Just standard weaponry on these guys, but you, masterwork weapons and two pearls?

He started to search Neville's person for any identifying marks. Other than he answers to this "Mr. Bruce", he hardly knows anything about him. Perhaps there could be more to this man since he seemed well equipped and has some pretty interesting loot.

[roll0] Search Neville's body for any identifying marks and check whether he was still alive as well.

A sudden pang of pain irked him out of his concerted search. He had taken some hits in the last encounter and it was well noted.

You, sailor! He exclaimed. You're the ship's healer right? See if you can do anything about my injuries.

I would like to take the cure light wounds for some healing and if the sailor has the heal skill, I'd like him to try and keep the half-elf alive with a heal check, or maybe a cure minor wounds. Oh and if mohammed has a higher use rope skill, could he keep the half-elf bound and muffled? If not, here's my use rope roll.

[roll1] bind and gag he the half-elf if he is still alive and healed.

2013-04-06, 02:32 AM
XI depart to the brothels looking for the bard (but since it took some time he wouldn't be able to get in the battle of the brothel) and may or may not found him (depending on how the battle ends).

You didn't sell the loot yet because of the troubles etc.
Captain Soza will keep track of the loot.
(Anyone got Apraise skill?)

The medic will heal Xi or Grimmer (however is more damaged).
Also, he did managed to keep Nevile alive to be interrogated later.
Both Nevile and the thug are well binded (best take 20 in Use Rope skill).

It will take some time till Xi and Anru meet each other, so we're now waiting for THEChanger to finish his battle.

WHile they're out you can torture and try to gather information in the docks, or just sit and wait.

2013-04-06, 05:34 AM
As he watched Mohammed bind their prisoner for later conversations, he saw the captain, Xi and Sargon arrive. Xi seemed to have sustained some injuries as well. He thought better of the healing and opted for Xi to receive it. He was not a stranger to injury, he felt he could endure it for now.

As soon as the captain was done explaining the situation and administering orders and was alone, he approached.

So, this Bruce has it in for our crew.He pondered as the captain explained the situation.

Captain, it seems it is an all out attack on us. He whispered matter-of-factly, voicing his concerns.

I do not mean to be presumptuous but, if you have a plan, we should enact it right away, or at least parts of it, and I hope the ship is possibly at the top of the list. This place is too open and hard to defend, there are just too many angles where they can attack from and from what I hear from our bound friend back there, this Bruce fellow is the "overlord" of this part of the isles. He must have eyes and ears everywhere.

2013-04-06, 08:39 AM
"First of all, did they say what they wanted before the fight, I imagine your fight started the same as mine, with someone demanding something you had little interest in giving. Yes, we should leave the ship, leave someone close enough to see Xi, Unruh and Bruce's men coming, but far enough to be able to run if outnumbered. My raven will stay with them so they can contact Xi and Unruh when they arrive to keep them away from the ship. The rest of us need to move to a defendable position so we can attack Bruce as he sends his men to the Shadow. Jim, you can be the one to stay behind, Join up when Xi and Unruh are with you." Soza bind the hand and feet of the two men before putting a gag in each of their mouthes. "Lets bring these men inland, Mohammed, you get one, Grimmer, you get the other."

If taking 20 takes more than a minute, just going with the roll [roll]1d20+5[roll]

2013-04-06, 09:00 AM
Just a typical strongarm deal. We were to pay a fee for protection in their port is how he put it... With rapier at the ready, so I just had to oblige. He explained, giving the unconscious half-elf a bit of a nudge as he did.

2013-04-06, 09:11 AM
"I'm glad you gave him what he deserved, any man foolish enough to believe you two needed to buy protection requires a lesson."

Mr Adventurer
2013-04-07, 09:00 AM
Sargon snarls. "This Mister Bruce has pushed the wrong pirates. Captain, we should burn everything he sends to us and not stop until we have his head! Think, the treasury of this place would be a good start to the quest..."

2013-04-07, 09:46 AM
"That is an effective idea assuming gather the people that could help repair the ship first so they do not die first."

Mr Adventurer
2013-04-07, 11:04 AM
"Our crew can do the work - and without Bruce to stand in the way, the materials will be ours for the taking."

2013-04-07, 11:50 AM
La Don Xi

By the Wheel, how many brothels do these bigfolk need in one town?

Xi presses on, searching through various houses of repute most questionable.

2013-04-07, 12:00 PM
"It is certainly an idea, but we cannot simply move without information. Let us take position in some kind of structure and ask our friends here some information."

Speaking of which, what does the island look like, are there any caves, are there any buildings other than the town, farmhouses would be a good example.

Mr Adventurer
2013-04-07, 12:13 PM
"If this elf is the dockmaster, we could use his office as a hiding spot," Sargon suggests. "They may not expect attack from there."

2013-04-07, 02:56 PM
"That will have to do for now, if nothing else, it will get us away from here."

2013-04-07, 04:06 PM
This island is composed of plaisn and some hills and forests and tehre are four cities in this island: Eban Garden, Eban Woods, Eban Mount and the Eban Lake City. The island is known as the Eban Isle. There is a great lake at the north part of the isle and some rivers. There isn't much cave complex in this island, but there may have a few at the northwestern part (near Eban Mount).

The Eban Garden village have the sea at one side and a great farm maze to the other side. They have orchards, cornfields, stables, farms, windmills and waterwhells as well.

The ruler of the island is the ruler of Eban Lake City, an former pirate who was a crew member of the Fourth King. You can't recall his name (unless you have knowledge local).

There are lots of buildings, store houses, markets, cassinos, docks and brothels in this place (lot's of brothels, being the Golden Whore the most famous one). Every month or so there is the a great fair around Eban Garden: The Farmer's Fair, where they come to town to sell fresh frutis and vegetables for lower prices. The city is also famous for their apple wine.

The Yin and Yang cult is ok (no need to mocking nor anything, you can maybe also update your background and put some info of that there, or maybe later reveal Xi was persecuted by the Yang cult for worshipping Yi, but not necessary, just thought about that).

Mr Adventurer
2013-04-07, 06:10 PM
"That will have to do for now, if nothing else, it will get us away from here."

Sargon grins wickedly and turns to the rest of the crew. "You heard the Captain, ye scurvy buccaneers! Let's get these worthless bilge-scum into the dockmaster's office!" He leads the way, prowling forward with a dark expression.

2013-04-07, 07:16 PM
That may actually work. We may have to handle a few guards but it would be a good place to stay out of sight and keep as close an eye towards the ship until this dockmaster is found to have been captured.

He made a quick trip to his quarters to gather his enchanted haversack and provisions. If this was to be war, as the overeager mage was excited for it to be, he'd like to be as best equipped as he could.

He returns, hefts the bound half-elf over his shoulders and follows the captain.

2013-04-07, 07:16 PM
When the Twilight's Pirates were getting on the mvoe toward the dockmaster's office a great group of thugs and guards appeared coming from all sides. One of them was carrying a parrot.

"You should'nt act so reckless, pirate boys. Your captain owns me money and killing my guards won't hel pthe ammount goes down. You should just come and talk to me. If you do come on nicely I won't kill your friends here, but if you insist in warring aggainst me, I'll leave every single one of you hanged in the harbor to show example. What you say, captain Soza?", says the Parrot.

Also, initiative:
Soza: [roll0]
Sailors: [roll1]
Jones: [roll2]
Mohammed: [roll3]
Grimmer: [roll4]
Thugs: [roll5]
Guards: [roll6]


2013-04-07, 09:18 PM
"Depends, am I talking to the parrot, or Bruce? If only I did owe you money, then at least I could say I was refusing to pay you back."

2013-04-07, 10:53 PM
Arne looked about, smiled for a moment, and then a shrill note left his lips. His voice was piercing, filling the tavern with sound, and his allies felt the song enrich their muscles and their minds. Arne himself could feel his music guiding his feet, his hands, his eye, as his crossbow moved from back to hands, in preperation for violence.

Swift Action: Cast Inspirational Boost. +1 to all effects of IC. Move action to move away from crazy people, and drawing my crossbow as well(I can do that as part of a move action, right?). Standard action to activate Inspire Courage. The men and I get +2 to hit, damage, and saves against charm and fear. So, yes. Sorry that took so long.

2013-04-07, 11:13 PM
La Don Xi

Xi leaves the third brothel, growing more and more frustrated.

The next person who asks me where my mommy is gets a ruptured spleen.

2013-04-08, 07:00 AM
The Golden Whore Brothel:
Arne moved away from the enemies and boosted his allies arrows, who did some damage (13) and retreated, but not enough to avoid one of the ruffians charge: [roll0] dmg: [roll1]

The other ruffian charged aggainst the archer who did more damage:
[roll2] dmg: [roll3], killing him!

"You're talking to Mr. Bruce's parrot. Your captain is owing us money from the food and from the cassino, lasttime he came by. 600 gp, also youkilledsome of our friends so we're charging you with 50 gp per comrade killed, what makes your debt a thousand gold pieces. But anyway, Bruce will want you to go with us to pay it and say sorry personally".

In the third brothel Xi was searching he heard something that make him stop for a while. He overheard someone saying something interesting:

"It seems that some pirates are up to no good and killing Bruce's lackeys".
"Yeah, they got what they deserved! Bunch of scum!".
"Shhhh, someone might hear you, idiot!".
"Nah, don't bother, there's just that little boy over there".
"It's not a kid, it's a gnome".

Then they stop talking and after a few seconds of silence they begin to talk about the next harvest fair, weather and stuff.

2013-04-08, 07:03 AM
Still at the brothel, the archers react to their friends death (with a 5ft step before shooting, of course)
[roll0] damage [roll1]
[roll2] damage [roll3]

Anre's turn.

2013-04-08, 08:26 AM
Sadi laughed. "I guess someone changed their mind, It was 300 before and you want fifty a head from worthless thugs, I could have hired better with 20." He then said quietly, "Lets take them in groups, first the ones in the alley." Soza dashes towards the guard to his right, drawing one of his scimitars as he does. He wields it in both hands and swings it at the guards chest, trying to cut the man in half.

[roll0] dmg [roll1]

2013-04-08, 08:38 AM
"So be it! Attack!".

The guards then enters in rage and attack:
attack vs. Soza [roll0] dmg: [roll1]
charge vs. Grimmer [roll2] dmg: [roll3]
charge vs. Crew Expert [roll4] dmg: [roll5] (Expert is unconscious and may die)
attack vs. Crew Medic [roll6] dmg: [roll7] (Medic is unconscious and may die)

Positions: Q13, R13, V10 and Q9.

Jones and Grimmer may act!

2013-04-08, 09:05 AM
Jones, if you can, get behind me! Mohammed, handle the ones south of us. I'll take these guys up north! Move!!!The orders slipped out of his mouth unintentionally. He knew full well that it was the captain's place to make them, but the urgency of combat overwhelmed him.

These bastards are interminable. Looks like I got my work cut out for me.

He made more priority to defending himself, using every part of his weapon to parry and block his opponents' attacks. They were ridiculously outnumbered and he would need to stay in the fight longer so that their spellcaster could make something happen. He then focused a slew of slashes towards the eager guard.

Combat Expertise +5 to AC, -5 to attack rolls up to next turn.

Full Attack on guard.
[roll0]Trip Touch Attack
[roll1]Trip Strength Check
[roll2]Improved Trip bonus attack if trip is successful.
[roll3]Scythe Damage Roll

Will post second attack based on results of this attack to avoid confusion.

Mr Adventurer
2013-04-08, 09:53 AM
"Aye Captain!" Sargon bears his teeth as his curved blade appears in his hand in an instant. He steps toward the alley, raises his other hand which describes an arcane rune - and fire spews out from his palm to wash over the group in the alleyway.

Move to T11 and cast Burning Hands. I can get the guard there and all the thugs while avoiding the Captain.

Burning Hands, Reflex save DC 16 half, fire damage [roll0]

2013-04-08, 02:12 PM
La Don Xi

Two thoughts crossed Xi's mind, first that he was becoming careless is his enchanted disguises, second that it would do the captain well to know this Bruce person was not well-liked in this town.

Onward he pressed, crossing one more temple of negotiable virtue off his mental list of places to search.

2013-04-08, 06:46 PM
Reflexes vs. Burning Hands (DC 16)

(Fail mean death for thugs, save means zero damage)

2013-04-08, 07:03 PM
Two thugs in alley burned to crisps, while one evaded.
The guard near Soza is badly hurt, but still kicking.

The thugs from the south attack with by showering knives on the flatfooted characters (aka Mohamed), but first they move to get in point blank shot:

[roll0] dmg [roll1] plus sneak attack [roll2]
[roll3] dmg [roll4] plus sneak attack [roll5]
[roll6] dmg [roll7] plus sneak attack [roll8]
[roll9] dmg [roll10] plus sneak attack [roll11]

The surviving thug near Soza flank him and stab with daggers:
[roll12] dmg: [roll13] plus SA [roll14]

The thugs at the north part throw their daggers at Jones and then move and draw short swords:
[roll15] dmg [roll16]
[roll17] dmg [roll18]
[roll19] dmg [roll20]

The thug with the parrot flee to the east dissapearing behind the building, but the parrot fly up 6sqm high and cast Slow at Jones, Mohammed and Grimmer.
Will DC 18 to avoid it.

Mohamed may act.

2013-04-08, 09:03 PM

Here's the map

2013-04-08, 09:26 PM
Mohamed moves to P10 and attacks the blue dot:

HP 45/16
ki power 7/5

2013-04-09, 01:42 AM
As Arne saw his friend topple over, dead, his piercing battlesong became a dirge of sorrow. Crossbow in hand, Arne flicked a bolt into the chamber, and launched into his oldest song-the Greyhound (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQFHSJQHbNM). "Curse the Reaper, bend your back, and cheat your sorry grave." Inspired by his own verse, Arne let loose the bolt towards the coward who had struck down his friend.

Without a map, it's hard to tell, but if Arne is not threatened by one of the ruffians he'll load up the crossbow and plink them while maintaining the Inspire Courage.

To Hit-[roll0]

If he is, he 5-foot steps, and loads.

2013-04-09, 06:30 AM
Soza will continue to fight one handed, slashing at the guards throat before turning and jabbing at the thug behind him. "Jones focus on the thugs furthest away. Grimmer, back up Mohamed."

[roll0] dmg [roll1]
[roll2] dmg [roll3]

Mr Adventurer
2013-04-09, 02:28 PM
Sargon grits his teeth against the terrible drag of the parrot's magic and the spell shatters around him - just in time for him to raise his arms to try and block the shower of daggers from the nearby thugs. He's lucky: only one of the knives strikes him squarely, and the force of that is absorbed by his mithral chain.

2013-04-09, 06:46 PM
Actual situation (Docks):
Guard fighting Soza: -36
Thug fighting Soza: Dead.
Guard fighting Mohamed and Grimmer: tripped and -39

The rest is unharmed so far.

There are 3 thugs at the upper side and four thugs and 2 guards at the lower side. The parrot is still flying and casting spells :smallbiggrin:

Actual Situation (Brothel):
The ruffian is dead.
There are two pirate crew members alive and just one ruffian alive (full hp)

2013-04-09, 06:55 PM
Guard's round:
attack vs. Soza [roll0] dmg: [roll1]
attack vs. Jones [roll2] dmg: [roll3]
charge vs. Moahamed [roll4] dmg: [roll5]

The tripped one try to get up (provoking aoo from Grimmer and Mohamed), then attacking Mohamed (if he'1s still alive after the aoos) enjoying flank:
attack vs. Mohamed [roll6] dmg: [roll7]

Errata: they're using two handed axes.

Grimmer and Jones may act.

The brothel:
The surviving ruffian attacks Arne:
[roll8] dmg: [roll9]

Sailors shot the rufian:
[roll10] dmg: [roll11]
[roll12] dmg: [roll13]

Arne may act.

2013-04-09, 07:22 PM
Grimmer felt something envelope him, an enchantment of sorts. He tried to resist it but it was too much. It hampered his movement, making him move at a lagging pace.

Thrice damned, I hate mages. Twice in one day.

He may have been hampered, but he was still mobile. His most powerful combat maneuvers had been diffused, but he could still attack, if only limited.

The guard he tripped up earlier attempted to bring himself back to an upright position, as was expected. He was not about to let some of the only advantages he had in this fight to slip away.

Keeping combat expertise bonuses +5 AC, -5 attack roll
Also, only added my attack bonus to attack roll, combat advantages (such as AC penalty for charging or being prone) still unaccounted for.

He then focused on the opponents behind them, who seem to have grown a fondness to attacking the crew's navigator.

If the guard up north is dead, gonna use this attack on one guard flanking Mohammed down south. If not, gonna use it on heavilly injured north guard.
[roll2] Trip Touch Attack
[roll3] Trip Strength Check
[roll4] Resist
[roll5] Improved Trip Bonus Attack
[roll6] Damage Roll

As soon as I get freed up, I'll give that bird something to think about.

2013-04-09, 07:39 PM
The enemy w3ho get up died before attacking Mohamed, the charging foe took some damage for Grimmer's slow-mo attack (who tripped him btw).

Also, you spend your aoo for the turn (but since your turn started now again, you get it back).

2013-04-09, 10:08 PM
La Don Xi

Xi was certain he recognized three crew members walking in this direction. Now to find out which brothels were situated along this street

Mr Adventurer
2013-04-10, 03:28 PM
Sargon reels away from the raging axeman. "To Hell with yer pestilent balls, mange-lover!" He stares the guard in the face, contemptuously flicking a raging ball of flame at the thugs arrayed behind him. It streaks onto the dock and explodes with a dull whoosh, bursting over them and even licking forward to catch the guard frenziedly swinging an axe at Mohammed.

Take a 5' step to T 11.

Cast Fireball at the group of four thugs to the south. If I place the origin of the 20' blast at the intersection of P15,Q15,P16,Q16 then the northernmost edge also catches the guard engaged with Mohammed.

Fire damage, Reflex save DC 18 for half [roll0] Mohammed's guard takes an extra 5 damage from Warmage edge.

2013-04-10, 05:45 PM
Reflexes vs. Fireball (DC 18)
Guard [roll0]
Rogue [roll1]
Rogue [roll2]
Rogue [roll3]
Rogue [roll4]

2013-04-10, 05:53 PM
The fireball blast wasn't affect by the raging storm and was able to throw two thugs at the sea where they became food for fishes while two amnaged to evade it unnafected. The guard didn't died from the blast, but was close to it.

After the big blast, the thugs look aware of the mage's power:
"We better take care of him before they take care of us".

Then the two from the south to R11 and T11 (to flank him), but offering an aoo for Jones if he threaten any area.
[roll0] dmg: [roll1]
[roll2] dmg: [roll3]

The northern thugs move to P10, R10 and S10 (fllanking Grimmer and Jones):
vs. Grimmer [roll4] dmg: [roll5]
vs. Grimmer [roll6] dmg: [roll7]
vs. Jones [roll8] dmg: [roll9]

Mohammed and Soza may act.

2013-04-10, 06:11 PM
La Don Xi

It occurs to Xi that other followers of this Mr. Bruce may be converging on the Twilight's position. He takes a moment to assess the throng for anyone heading to dockside with any earnestness.


Sense Motive

2013-04-10, 07:37 PM
"Why do they always wish to die?" Soza mutters as he slashes at the guard twice more. "You children better hope my men kill you before I get to your sorry asses." Soza roared, turning from the guard without inspecting his work.

[roll0] dmg [roll1]
[roll2] dmg [roll3]

Mr Adventurer
2013-04-11, 12:44 AM
"Ha ha ha ha!" Sargon weaves in between the ineffective attacks of the mob suddenly surrounding him, and even takes the opportunity to slash at a thug trying to get advantage.

Attack of opportunity hit AC [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2013-04-11, 10:54 AM
Attack agaist the guard that is facing me:

2013-04-14, 08:30 PM
Guard's turn.
The guard attacked by Mohamed died.
Seeing the battle turning, the guards move to try to defet the captain and try to demoralize the crew: the guard move toward the captain to flank and both attack enraged:
[roll0] dmg: [roll1]
[roll2] dmg: [roll3]

The parrot casts three magic missiles at Jones:

Grimmer and Jones may act.

2013-04-14, 10:45 PM
Arne, continuing his verse, took a step back, loading his crossbow. Several thoughts went through his mind, such as "This escalated awfully quickly." "Bruce seems to be rather worrisome person." "Wait, that woman was a prostitute!" "I wonder if Bruce knows the captain?"

"The captain."

Arne's eyes widenned in sudden realization. If Bruce ran the city, then the captain and crew were all potential targets. With the ship damaged, a gang of wealthy criminals entering the city, anyone with an interest in the economy of the city would be keeping track of them. And if all of Bruce's men were this violent...

Twang. The crossbow fired its bolt at the other man. Arne's movement still followed the ceaseless beat of the song, making it that much harder for the thug to hit him. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately depending on whose side you're on, the same did not hold true in reverse.

5 foot step backwards, reload crossbow. Launch.

To Hit-[roll0]

2013-04-14, 10:56 PM
The ruffian got tired of being used as a moving target, so he charge at one of the archers and try to kill him:
[roll0] dmg: [roll1] MISS!

The archers move and attack:
[roll2] dmg: [roll3]
[roll4] dmg: [roll5] (if he died forget this attack)

Arne may act. @THEChanger.

2013-04-15, 03:21 AM
Jacob kept a close eye on everything in the battlefield, every opponent and the status of every crew member. He had hoped they could finish this farce so that he could tend to their fallen crew mates but for now, getting the captain out of harm's way had suddenly become top priority after seeing him get flanked and savagely struck twice.

He stepped into the battle behind him, putting himself within striking distance of Mohammed and the guard he was currently fighting with.

"Get to the captain!" He told Mohammed as he readied to brandish his scythe. "Help him out, I'll handle this guy! Jones, if you've still got some tricks, take down those bastards harassing the captain!"

"I'm going to destroy all of you blaggarts!"

Gonna keep the Combat Expertise bonus to AC +5, -5 to attack rolls.
Taking a 5-foot step to Q11
Also, gonna declare my dodge bonus on the guard I'm about to melee.

[roll0] Trip Touch Attack
[roll1] Trip Strength Check
[roll2] Resist
[roll3] Improved Trip bonus attack
[roll4] Damage Roll

Lastly, attempting to draw attention so that the remaining enemies attack me instead of anyone else. Not sure which skill that is so I'm just gonna go with a Charisma check for now.


Mr Adventurer
2013-04-16, 06:15 PM
Sargon's eyes narrow as he quietly steps behind the axe-wielding maniac frothing at the Captain. He clenches his fist, and when it's open again, it is full of lightning, and he lashes his palm at the axeman with all the fury of a thunderstroke. His fistful of lightning arcs out to the man in a fat spark of white-blue sizzling power, striking him squarely between the shoulder blades.

"Ha ha! Take that, ye whore-son!"

I'll take a risk.

5' step to S 12, into flanking on the guard with the Captain. Then try to cast Shocking Grasp on the guard. +3 for attacking a target with metal armour and +2 for flanking, vs touch AC.

Concentration vs DC 16 [roll0]
Touch Attack [roll1]
Electricity damage [roll2]

2013-04-18, 03:38 PM
La Don Xi

Taking a long view in regards to his search for the bard, Xi at least takes solace knowing he is not actively sought by the local constabulary.

2013-04-19, 02:28 PM
Tough week, sorry guys. @twilight

Sorry for keeping you waiting. Also, I'll see if I take a look at the poison list you sent me (also, something about poison i read somewhere: If you have a way to get the poison from a creature etc, you reduce the cost of crafting it to 1/6, but if you don't have you have to pay 3/4 of the price.
I'll houserule the following: milking a animal companion or familair for poison will cost some gold (1/6 the price) and will let the familair or companion poisonless for a day or more (depending on how much poison you draw from him) @redzimmer

2013-04-19, 02:40 PM
Thugs round:
One of them (R7) charge at Grimmer;
[roll0] dmg: [roll1]

Other charge (S7) charge at Jones;
[roll2] dmg: [roll3]

Other moves (T7) to T9 and attacks the captain;
[roll4] dmg: [roll5]

Other charges (R16) Jones (enjoyng flank);
[roll6] dmg: [roll7]

And the last (N16) charge at Mohamed;
[roll8] dmg: [roll9]

Soza and Mohamed may act.
Note that the guard there is pretty damaged, but still fighting (but not for long).

2013-04-19, 02:41 PM
Critical vs. Grimmer:
[roll0] dmg: [roll1]

Edit: Damn.... I'll roll on my desk:
Attack roll: 20 dmg: 2 (total)

Mr Adventurer
2013-04-19, 03:01 PM
Sargon is buffeted by the charges from both sides, but the surpassing stoutness of his elvish chain - long ago stolen from a passing merchant from the elven High Realms - kept his flesh safe from the thug's blades. He snarls, "If ye'll finish this axe-dog, Captain, I'll make me next move!"

Combination of DR and AC save Jones from all damage.

2013-04-19, 03:20 PM
Soza swung his scimitar with all his might at the guard, aiming to take his head off. Using the momentum of the first swing, he adjusted his stance and jabbed, aiming for the heart. "Is a pittance of gold to a crime lord worth all of your deaths?" He hollered at the thugs.

Attack 1 [roll0] dmg [roll1]
attack 2 [roll2] dmg [roll3]
Intimidate because he has a loud voice [roll4] guess it is...

2013-04-19, 04:50 PM
The still slowed arabian ninja giant tries to obliterate the opossing thug with his massive bonehammer:

HP 45/16
ki power 7/5

2013-04-20, 12:44 PM
Mohamed smashed the thug's head while Soza almost killed the barbarian guard.
The guard them decided it's time for the warmage to die: "Nice trick" he says before attacking him:

[roll0] dmg: [roll1]

The flying parrot flies up 3 sqm more (getting out of pointblank shot range) and casts another Magic Missiles spell, but this time at Soza: [roll2] damage.

Grimmer and Jones may act.

2013-04-20, 12:48 PM
Meanwhile at the brothel...

Arne's arrow didn't kill the rufian, but damaged him.
He then try to kill the archers before diying: "You'll pay for this, you don't know what trouble you got your scurvy heads into!"

[roll0] dmg: [roll1]

The archers then attack:
[roll]1d20+8[roll] dmg: [roll2] (may not attack if died)
[roll]1d20+8[roll] dmg: [roll3]

(Rolls didn't went, so I'll go for rollls on my desktop: 14 and 17.
So, both hit and did enough damage to kill the rufian.

The tavern is silent and some people began to get out of there. The prostitute saw the dead men and fled in horror.

"You really did a mess, man. Not saying these guys deserved anything other than diying in a bar fight. Anyway, you better leave town before Mr. Bruce hear about it. I would like to help you but... F*** that, please, take these drinks with you (handed two Cure Serious Potions). Mr. Bruce has been haunting this place for some long time, exploring us farmers and citizens with his brutes. It is good to see someone fighting them, but it would be selfish for us to ask you to do something about it. Good luck in your run away, kid".

Then, a gnome kid enters the bar @redzimmer

Loot and experience:
900 xp for the surviving sailors and 600 xp for Arne.
Two masterwork heavy flail
Two masterwork chainshirt
278 gp
1 onix
1 Potion of Cure Light Wounds

2013-04-20, 03:19 PM
La Don Xi

At last, Xi sighs. He walks up to the Stormsinger.

"Arne, is Xi," he says to the bard in Elven. "We go to ship. Captain is attacked."

Not waiting for a response, he checks on the vital of the fallen ship's archer.

Heal untrained. Can I determine if he's -10 hp?

Having done what he can, he leaves the brothel, certain his shipmates will follow, uncaring if they do not as he has fulfilled his orders.

Mr Adventurer
2013-04-20, 05:33 PM
The guard them decided it's time for the warmage to die: "Nice trick" he says before attacking him:

Sargon growls in pain and frustration as the axe hews at him. "Ah, ye liked me trick did ye? Try this one on fer size, motherless son of a whore!" He raises his hands and bright fire coalesces around them; he brings his arms down as he slams his foot into the ground, sending a torrent of fire spreading out in all directions, washing over his three assailants.

cast Fireburst, then 5' step to T 13.

Both thugs and the guard are affected, Reflex save DC 17 for half damage.

[roll0] plus 5 damage on the Guard; Ref DC 17 for half.

2013-04-20, 06:17 PM
Jacob let loose a guttural shout after getting hit squarely by the charging thug.

Enough of this farce!

He brandished his scythe, aiming not to just take down his current opponent but to rend him in half.

Losing bonuses to AC, attack roll and AC back to normal (well, slowed normal)
Declaring dodge on my current thug opponent
[roll0] Attack Roll
[roll1] Damage Roll

2013-04-20, 10:55 PM
Arne huffed and puffed heavily as the song-and the last ruffian-came to an end. Nodding in thanks to the bartender, he took both potions, and tossed one to one of the archers. "Good thing you two were here, eh? Otherwise it'd probably be me on the ground." Turning to the fallen, he kicked one of the men who assaulted them. "Strip them. Anything of use, well, that's loot. Leave them naked and without anything but their faces to identify them. As for our man, if we can take him, we do. We need to get back to the ship as soon as possible." Then, a gnome Arne recognized walked into the bar. "Yeah. We got hit too. You go on ahead. We'll follow soon as we can." Arne began to help the archers lift their fallen comrade. Whoever this Mr. Bruce was, he was gonna pay.

2013-04-22, 06:46 AM
The fallen sailor is currently at -7 and is stabilized by Xi. If you can heal him it would be good, otherwise the ther sailors will carry him (but will slow the group speed). As Xi and Arne were leaving, one of the gentlemen who was playing poker talk to him: "I know you're troublemakers, but could I ask you a favor? If you could kill Mr. Bruce and free us from his rule I would be relly apreciated. We're a farmer bunch of people and he use his 'protection' to steal us from our gains. I'm sure if you could do that the frmers would pay you some sum of gold. I'm Lance Appleskin the owner of the Apple Winery in the town. Could you help us?".

Meanwhile at the docks...
The captain is hit by the parrot spell and lay unconscious on the ground.
Grimmer's attack missed the thug (even though he charged) and Jones' spell burned down a thug and the guard, leaving only burnt pieces of flesh but a single thug evaded the explosion.

Thug Reflexes [roll0]
Thug Reflexes [roll1]
Guard Reflexes Thug Reflexes [roll2]

The thugs then move to attack:

2013-04-22, 06:55 AM
Thug's attack:
vs. Mohamed: [roll0] dmg [roll1]
vs. Grimmer (flanked): [roll2] dmg [roll3]
vs. Jones: [roll4] dmg [roll5]

Mohamed may act!
Soza took 1 damage!
(If 10 he stabilize alone [roll6])

2013-04-22, 10:27 AM
The slow spell is crapping my stile, Mohamed thinks to himself. Time for some more head smashing:

2013-04-22, 12:56 PM
La Don Xi

Xi looks at Arne and then the potions he was gifted.

"He still lives. If give potion he can walk."

In fact, save a small accent, he spoke flawless Common, but Xi always felt poor diction made it easier to be underestimated. He hoped the Stormsinger would pick up on his sudden drop in vocabulary and play along.

"Am just lowly gnome, Honored Sir," Xi tells the man Appleskin. "Will talk captain and see if he interested."

2013-04-29, 05:28 AM
The parrot look at the Jones and say: "You'll be the next!".
The ability to speak perfect Common and the fact he's casting spells make Jones think this parrot is no more than a mage's familiar.

(New Familiar: instead of crow you can have a talking parrot! Hurrah!)

He then send three magic missiles his way:

Grimmer and Jones may act.
Map is still the same.

Mr Adventurer
2013-04-29, 12:36 PM
The parrot look at the Jones and say: "You'll be the next!".
The ability to speak perfect Common and the fact he's casting spells make Jones think this parrot is no more than a mage's familiar.

He then send three magic missiles his way

The magical bolts of force slap into Sargon and he staggers back, blood spattering onto the dock. He glares up at the parrot with hate burning in his eyes.

"Arr! Ye want to trade magic, do ye? Why don't ye try THIS on for size, ye blasted rot-beak?" He weaves a complex gesture, fast, and then flings out his hand. Magic sizzles the air between him and the parrot as he return the favour of a magic missile. "Don't worry, ye feathery bastard, I've got plenty more where that came from!"

5' step to T 13
Magic Missile at the parrot: [roll0]

2013-04-29, 03:30 PM
La Don Xi

Xi takes a reading of the general situation here in the brothel.

Anything unusual, person leaving abruptly, person listening too intently...


2013-04-30, 05:38 AM
Jacob cursed under his breath for his weakness. This fight could've been fought better had he kept his head cool, or had he possessed the will to shrug off this blasted enchantment. The enemies had been thinned to their paltry number but his captain was down. Most of his crew were injured, as was he, but he was not about to fall.

He cleared his mind and focused on what he could alter. His current state considered, he concentrated on the enemies that he could take down, leaving the spell-slinging avian to his team's mage.

Taking a 5-foot step into R11 and attacking the enemy in S11

[roll0]Normal Attack Roll

2013-04-30, 08:26 AM
The thug attack by Grimmer attacks is dead!
The last two thugs see their fate is coming as well and seems to becvome a little shaky.

Each one move a 5ft step to southeast, the first attacking Mohamed and the other attacked the flanked Grimmer.

vs. Mohamed [roll0] dmg [roll1]
vs. Grimmer [roll2] dmg [roll3]

Mohamed may act. After is the parrot.


2013-04-30, 08:06 PM
Arne nodded, and gently poured the potion he kept on his own person into the mouth of the injured archer. Then, Arne nodded to the man who introduced himself. "Arne Unruh, ship's songwright and windsinger. We report back to the captain right now. Little time you see. Don't try to contact us, we'll contact you." With that said, Arne set off at a full sprint towards the ship.

Rolling for the Potion of Cure Serious Wounds.


Arne takes Run actions to get back to the ship.

2013-05-01, 01:40 AM
La Don Xi

Satisfied that the archer can move on his own volition, Xi follows after Arne, motioning the crewmen to follow.

2013-05-01, 05:51 PM
Xi took a look around and could see people fleeing the scene, some scared some amused. It's seem some people don't want to be caught in the middle of trouble and others enjoyed the show.

Xi, Arne and the sailors run at top speed towards the harbor, but as they passes in front of a cassino place they see a small multide who kind of block their path, they all looking at some violent scene: an old halfling getting kicked and beated by three huge men. A fourth is olding a halfling girl that is crying and trying desperately to get off his grip and save the old man.

"This man is owning money to Mr. Bruce and failed to pay it! The storm ruined his crop he say? Whatever! Since you can't pay up we'll take his life and his girl as our slave", said one of the great ones after kicking him the uncosncious halfling again.

"You'll gonna be a little pretty slave... Hey Ron, it's isn't pedophilie if she isn't human, right?", said the one holding her.

"Sure thing, and isn't rape if she's dead! HA HA HA!".

As the group was about to do anything, they hear a woman crying from the cassino door: "Do it quick, Ron! Mr. Bruce is waiting us inside". The voice comes from a female drow with a silver rapier. As she say it she get back into the Unlucky Star Cassino.

2013-05-01, 06:17 PM
La Don Xi

Not normally an empathetic person, Xi nevertheless was honor-bound to assail anyone who named him enemy. Mr. Bruce's men were such.

Also, it was unwise to [halfling word untranslatable in common, closest word would be antagonize] with a little halfling girl in his sight.

He swiftly casts Critical Strike (http://dndtools.eu/spells/complete-adventurer--54/critical-strike--370/), hoping he is not overheard. he then moves around to flank the man holding the child, confident his bardic companion will rise to the challenge of their enemy as well.

Move silently?

Xi prepares for combat. He puts aside his rage and embrace the cold bliss of Yin.

2013-05-01, 09:48 PM
MAhadamed attack:

13 hp

2013-05-02, 09:21 AM
Mohamed attack killed the thug.
The parrot look at the situation: only one ally of its own aggainst three of you...
Almost no life left...
"You'll pay for this", and then cast invisibility and dissapear from sight!

The last thug look to you and to the spot the parrot was and his face get white:
"Oh cra*! I surrender! Please don't kill me!" and drop his weapon.

Experience award:
Grimmer, Soza, Jones: 1550 EXP
Mohamed: 1750 EXP
Sailors: 2200 EXP (Level up for them).

2013-05-02, 10:21 AM
This insult willl not stand.

"I know you can still hear me mage!" Jacob exclaimed with wrath in every word. "You just made the biggest mistake of your life!"

He gave a glaring glance towards the parrot's last known location.

"Tell Mr. Bruce we're coming for him!"

With those parting words, he hustled to take a potion out of his pack, nearing his captain's fallen body, and quickly removed the stopper and poured the contents into Soza's mouth, hoping the healing would be potent enough to get him on his feet.

[roll0] Cure Light Wounds potion for Captain Soza

2013-05-02, 12:04 PM
"Probably should have taken time to heal after the first fight, but we should worry about the half-dead men on the ground first." Soza slowly stood and looked over at the bleeding sailors. "Save your potions, lets just see if we can keep them alive for now. Who knows a little about anatomy and how to stabilize a person without causing more damage?"
Basically, who has the heal skill?

2013-05-02, 12:17 PM
(Btw, the Slow spell effect ended).

Mr Adventurer
2013-05-02, 04:08 PM
Sargon is spitting with rage when the parrot disappears. He stares furiously after it for a second...
Spot check to notice a living, moving, invisible creature is DC 20.

[roll0]...and then screams in frustration.

"GAAAH! I'LL HAVE YER MANGY, FEATHERED, ROTTEN HIDE, YE BLASTED, FOUL-EYED FILTH-DOG!" With a howl of wrath, Sargon balls his fist and fire expodes in the air near where the parrot had been - knocking a chimney off a nearby building and scorching the tar-soaked thatch.

The last remaining thug stutters out his surrender, and Sargon whirls on him. "You! Ye pestilent fungus! Ye maggoty worm! Take this message, and when ye see yer Mister Bruce in whatever Godsforsaken afterlife ye end up in, tell him to feck off!" He stamps his foot and the thug is wreathed in an explosion of fire until there is nothing left but an ash-blackened skeleton.

Use Fiery Burst to execute the last thug

Breathing heavily, Sargon looks about at his allies. A bright hellfire burns deep in his eyes, and any who know him also know that that light foretells a dire and burning vengeance.

"Captain," he starts, "Get me to the night-hearted wretch who claims to run this place, and I'll bring him a world of terror and pain the likes he has never known."

2013-05-02, 04:43 PM
"My dear Sargon, you do realize that I am well versed in torture? When we do drag him out of his hole kicking and screaming, I will pick the parts of his body with the most nerve clusters and slowly insert knives into them. Sargon, sometimes it is best to slowly kill them rather than just incinerate them." He kicked the charred corpse next to him and looked back at Sargon. "Let us slowly skin the man alive, and place his damned gold directly on the muscle that remains, after heating in fire for a few minutes."

2013-05-02, 09:09 PM
Thugs loot:
10 daggers, 10 short swords, 9 leather armors, 1 charred and inutile leather armor;

Guard's loot:
4 masterwork greataxes, 4 chainshirts;

(No gold nor gems nor arts nor magic items).

Question: are someone keeping note of the loot? @bladehunter
Question2: can you level up the medic and the expert and tell me when they're done? @bladehunter

2013-05-03, 01:17 AM
Arne glared at the man holding the child. If it had been anything else...if it had been murder, if it had been robbery, if it had been assault, he might have passed it by. The captain was in danger, and who knew how many men might be in the cassino.

But a child? Talking, joking about raping a child? Arne's eyes glowed the white of lightning, and his hand lifted. A bolt of magical energy lashed towards the man holding the child, paralyzing electricity surging outward. Regardless of whether or not his spell would take hold, Arne retrieved his crossbow, and slide a bolt into it, readying himself for his second bout of combat of the day.

Ummm...yeah. For future reference, that is a not-good topic as far as I'm concerned. Referencing it in this manner is tricky at best. I would vastly prefer if it didn't come up again.

At any rate, casting Hold Person on the brute who is holding the child. 2 level 2 spells left for today. Will DC is 16. Loading crossbow.

2013-05-03, 10:35 AM
Will save vs. Hold Person DC 16
[roll0] (he had a +2 bonus that i forgot, anyway he got paralized)
Edit: The man got paralized by Anreh's magic.

The mulitide got scared after the lightning struck the man and begin to run to avoidgetting killed.

The three man that were beating the old halfling were surprised and just exclamed an "WHAT!?".

Arne [roll1]
Xi [roll2]
Guy grabbing [roll3]
Bullies [roll4]

What you meant by: Ummm...yeah. For future reference, that is a not-good topic as far as I'm concerned. Referencing it in this manner is tricky at best. I would vastly prefer if it didn't come up again. ?@THEChanger

Will post map soon.

Xi can act along with Anreh (since the man is paralized)
In the man turn he tries to break the enchantment:
and rolled a19 - on desk because norolls in edit - breaking free of the enchantment. Xi will have him paralized if eh attack him - just wanted to quicken things.
Any way he let the hold of the halfling girl who run toward cover.

2013-05-03, 11:18 AM

The gray dots are the commoner's (crowd)
the red ones are the bullies
the purplke one is the man who was holding the halfling
the pink one is the halfling
the dark green is Xi
the orange is Anreh

(the old halfling was forgotten :smallredface:)

2013-05-03, 12:28 PM
La Don Xi

For future reference, can an assassin do his death attack (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/prestigeClasses/assassin.htm#deathAttack) instead of a coupe de grace if his target is incapacitated?

Xi moves 7 squares (two up, two diagonal right, one up) to come between the halfling and the man who had her in his grasp.

"Fly, little one! I shall save your father!" he says in halfling to the girl. He was uncertain if a rescue was prudent, but it was better to get the child out of harm's way first.

As he draws into striking range, he lashes out with a palm strike.

Stunning Fist attack (DC 17 to save vs. stun 2/5 used today)

2013-05-03, 12:30 PM
La Don Xi

Xi feels the contact of his blow, and he hopes the vitals he aimed for will never recover.

Damage roll if hit

2013-05-03, 12:51 PM
Fortitude vs.Stunnig: (DC 17)

If he fail he couldn't spend his full round to break the enchantment.

Also, we can houserule that @redzimmer

2013-05-03, 02:58 PM
Awesome on all checks.


2013-05-04, 08:12 AM
Jacob was relieved that the captain was still on top of things, more so that his paltry healing item was enough to actually get him on his feet. The thugs were well commanded or at the very least had good insight to take down the captain first once they had the chance.

This Mr. Bruce may be a tough opponent.

He turned his attention back to their half-elf captive and hefted him again over his shoulder. He then neared Soza and Jones'.

"Captain", he cut in edgewise between the two. "Orders?"

2013-05-04, 08:37 AM
"First we get out of here, move to somewhere we can fight without being surrounded so easily. I'll send a message to our missing crew and we will assault Mr. Bruce the moment we are ready. He has lost a reasonable amount of thugs already and this island isn't large enough for him to have a full army." Soza walked slowly to Jacob and looked past him. "Lets stay close, one of these buildings, call it a gut feeling."

2013-05-04, 08:59 AM
"Lead on, captain." He replied with a nod. "And maybe we can finally have a conversation with our friend here about the current state of things."

He knew he was already substantially damaged. Be that as it may, he was prepared to take down however many this Mr. Bruce was going to send their way. It would not surprise him though if the man did have an army with him. These first few skirmishes just felt like cursory attacks, scouting as it were.

He had grown accustomed to it, but he felt relieved that the parrot's drudging enchantment had finally abated. He relished moving at a normal pace, feeling every muscle move at their optimal rate. If he were to come across the troublesome avian again, he would have no qualms in dealing with it as his top priority.

Mr Adventurer
2013-05-04, 12:50 PM
"Lead us to vengeance, Captain."

2013-05-04, 01:22 PM
Soza starts towards town, stopping before the building on the docks closest to town and with the best view of the road. "This will have to do until we go kill our good Mister Bruce." Soza pulled out a small silver raven and wrote a note. "I hope they are at least a little clever." He muttered while activating the magic in the statue.

Following is the note attached to an animal messenger, it will fly to town searching for Arne, when finding him, it will land before him and after dropping the note, return to statue form.
Trouble at Shadow. Return Immediately, no more fighting, there is little time. Bring the bird.

Mr Adventurer
2013-05-04, 09:38 PM
"You want to base us in this building, Captain?" Sargon asks. His face is suddenly illuminated from beneath by the fire he has conjured in his hand. "Do ye wish me to clear it out?"

2013-05-05, 12:24 AM
Arne simply brought his crossbow to bear, and launched the bolt towards the man who had threatened the girl. He was in no mood for heroics. No mood for anything except causing that bastard pain.

Attacking the one I paralyzed.
To Hit-[roll0]

And the bit I was refering to was rape. The man threatened to rape and murder the child. I really don't feel rape has any place in a game like this, especially not mentioned so casually. I understand it is an easy way to characterize a person as villainous and evil, but for many people, myself included, it brings to mind real life experiences that I know I would rather not think about while I'm trying to enjoy myself.

2013-05-05, 07:28 AM
"If there is anyone inside of it, you can remove them." Soza said without looking back at him. He found a door to the building and knocked three times.

2013-05-05, 02:06 PM
Soza and his flying monkeys:
After getting in the building (it was empty and unused for some time) and having Jones burns some regular mice in the building, you finnaly had a time to sit down and think.

The building have two floors and a well located window tot he front of the road and another to the harbor. There are ruinied furniture and some rotten leftover food. There is a table and some chairs in "ok" state.

After bringying the healer back to consciousness, he began making first aid stuff around, making sure the expert or any player would get any problem in future. He can cast a Cure Light Wound to someone.

"Captain, permission to leave", suddenly says Mohamed, "I think I could gather some information around and know more about Mr. Bruce and his underlings".

The half-elf can be brought back to consciousness with some Cure Minor Wounds from the crew medic, or by a two hours or so resting.

Is there anything you would like to do in the meantime?

Arneh and La Don Xi:
First some note about rape:
My idea isn't bringing back any bad stuff to any one of you, but the main idea of this game scenario is the following: an island kingdom that was a former prison from all the scourge of scum and trash of the world's society. A place filled with corrupts, thieves, assassins, bullies, evildoers, overthrown princes, knights who were falsely accused of stuff, prostitutes, clerics of forbiden deities, wizards who researched forbidden rituals, slavers, pedophiles, canibalists, criminals, violent brutes, poisoners, thugs, drugdealers AND rapers.

Even though my idea isn't spoiling the fun for any one of you, this scenario is for mature audiences only and the use of rape won't be used here as a way to show off how evil my villains are, but is common stuff.

This palce is the worst place for anyone to be, even more for helpless women or even helpless men. The balance opffered by the Pirate Kings aren't enough to bring these brutes and criminals back to a normal and lawful behavior. It only tries and allow the people to live their lives and have a minimum law around.

But the fact that sometimes people like Mr. Bruce uses the force to do whatever he wants (and sometimes he have the law behind him) isn't uncommon.

I hope you understand what you got yourself into and if (any one of) you don't feel confortable to play the game I intend to dm feel free to pm me and leave the game. I would hope you don't but I won't make a villanous city of evil and chaos without the evil and chaos things people do.

The bolt struck the man true!
The man who were beating the old man look to you and move toward you: "WTF Men!?", one goes toward Xi and attack with punch in the face, while the other two comes toward Arnerh's and delivers some flying kicks.

vs. Xi [roll0] dmg: [roll1]
vs. Arneh [roll2] dmg: [roll3]
vs. Arneh [roll4] dmg: [roll5]

After they get close to Arneh, the crew members get off the crowd and swarm over one of the bullies (while one of them grab the halfling girl and dissapear in the crowd):
[roll6] dmg: [roll7]
[roll8] dmg: [roll9]

The crowd stop their run and began to watch the fight, but they don't try to hinder Glen's movement (the sailor who took the girl away).

Xi's turn, followed by the boss one and then Arneh.


NOTE: these brutes are using no armor and no weapon.

2013-05-06, 09:34 AM
"Mohammed, if you think you can find something out about Mr. Bruce, that is excellent, but you are not going alone, you are not in too much better shape than I am and if Mr. Bruce's way of fighting holds true, he will send as many people as he can spare to kill you. Whatever that parrot is, it saw your face, so we have to assume that Mr. Bruce or one of his underlings saw it too and the rest of them will be watching out for you."

2013-05-06, 12:20 PM
La Don Xi

Almost instinctively Xi blocked the unarmed attack and struck with three quick blows of his own.

Combat expertise + unarmed attacked with Improved Unarmed Strike unless I am wrong then just skip all of this.


The halfling sees the girl being taken and quickly assesses his options.

Waiting on AoO result before choosing next action.

2013-05-06, 12:25 PM
La Don Xi

Damage roll for AoO, I doubt that'll drop him, so one more for this fellow.


"You shall all die if I am not allowed free passage to the girl. Decide now if this is worth it." Xi does not try to intimidate the thugs, he merely states a fact.

He lashes out a double jump kick to the man's groin.

Flurry of blows
Lethal damage attack btw

2013-05-06, 05:20 PM
The boss tries to refocus his mind and break the enchantment:
DC 16

Arneh begin playing his song of courage boosted by an inspirational boost: +2 attack and damages for you.

The sailors attack the brawlers who charged the bard last turn again:

[roll1] dmg: [roll] 1d8+3 miss
dmg: [roll] 1d8+3 damage 11 (rolled on desk)

The brawlers attack the sailors trying to stun them with their punches:
[roll3] dmg: [roll4] plus Stun DC 14 miss
[roll5] dmg: [roll6] plus Stun DC 14 miss

Stun resist:

(NOTE that the first attacker may have died due to the sailors attacks)

The brawler near Xi try to stun him with a kick in the forehead:
[roll9] dmg: [roll10] plus Stun DC 14 if hit.

Xi may act (but first explain me your double actions and your target).

Map remain the same

2013-05-06, 05:25 PM
"Don't worry: I'm a master is disguise, but if you feel it's better I will go with anyone willing to join me", says Mohamed.

"I can get a little more action: waiting isn't for me, whatch'u say cap'tain?", says Jones.

2013-05-06, 05:58 PM
"Alright jones, but don't pick a fight, just defend yourself, we are going to want as much power as we have so we don't end up half-assing it later. If you pass the others, explain our troubles. Do not go after Bruce, he will be well guarded, cowards like him like to hold onto most of their forces. Take as much of the loot as you need to try and buy some healing items, whatever the town has."

2013-05-06, 06:15 PM
La Don Xi

If they have Stunning Fist safe bet they have Improved Unarmed Strike, so I will strike the three Attack of Opportunity shots that were posted first from the record

Xi takes a short step to the right (one square) and attacks again.

"So death then. No matter."

Attack (adjusted for bard song)


Damage if hit


2013-05-07, 10:54 AM
Jacob set their captive half-elf in a seated position on one of the chairs.

"Captain, he's all yours."

He left their prisoner at the care of Soza as he kept his eyes on watch peering outside the window.

2013-05-07, 02:01 PM
"Yes, of course, in all this excitement, I almost forgot. Lets see if we can make a gag." Soza tore a piece of the man's shirt off and stuffed it into his mouth. "How does that feel then? I would prefer if you didn't scream too loudly while I torture you, it would be inconvenient." Soza spoke softly, as though to a child. "Jacob have you a knife, I'm afraid that I do not wish to kill him yet and the scimitar would do that much to easily." Soza drew one of his scimitars and rested it on the prisoner's hand.

2013-05-07, 07:18 PM
Jacob tossed his dagger to his captain, while keeping his attention outside. He would not let them be surprised any more than they have been today.

2013-05-07, 09:41 PM
"Excellent, let us see how terrified this one can become." Soza took the knife and made a small cut on the man's cheek. He then rested the blade against the same hand as before, selecting the small finger this time. "Now usually, people will hurt you and consistently ask questions until getting an answer. I like to do things differently, you see, I'm not going to ask you a single question for a little while." Soza chopped off the finger and tore more off the shirt, stuffing it against the stub.

Intimidate check. [roll0]

2013-05-08, 09:12 AM
The "boss" took 18 damage so far.
He got hit by Xi's small fists and, after recvering from the spell effect he try to grab the little assassin: "You won't beat me with these baby's punches, you f**cker!".

Standart Unarmed Strike: [roll0] dmg: [roll1]
If hits, free grapple attempt (no aoo): [roll2]
Xi's grapple check [roll3]

The bard and the sailors attack!
The sailor next to the crowd attacke the flanked brawler:
[roll4] dmg: [roll5] Edit: Dead!

The sailor further to the crowd take a step away, draw his long bow and shot the same brawler (unless he died):
[roll6] dmg: [roll7]

Anreh keep singinging, move away to E11 (drawing Aoos) and shoot a bolt through the same brawler:
[roll8] dmg: [roll9] Edit: Killed the brawler!
Aoo 1: [roll10] dmg: [roll11] (if dead ignore this)
Aoo 2: [roll12] dmg: [roll13]

Both enemies near the sailors are nowdead, leaving only the boss and the one near Xi.

Surviving brawler turn:
(since on edit I'll make his rolls in my desk)
Move towards Xi to flank and a single punch:
Roll: 5 + 7 = 12 (not counting any bonus or penal from being grappled)
If hit: Stun DC 14

Now Xi may act.

2013-05-08, 09:19 AM
Meanwhile, in an abandoned house near the docks:
"...(silenced screams)..."

[roll0] (I'll keep his bonus a secret)

2013-05-08, 10:46 AM
Jacob's brow furrowed a bit at the half-elf's stifled screams. He was already jaded to a lot of things that this cruel world had to offer, but he found it distasteful to harm anyone who had no means to defend themselves. Still it was not his station to question his captain's methods in interrogation, much more that he had no knowledge as to how one goes about interrogating at all.

He kept his focus to the goings-on of the outside, taking note of anything suspicious beyond their temporary safe haven.

2013-05-08, 12:39 PM
La Don Xi

"Very well, you have me," says Xi, "I suppose you shall be raping me then?"

Xi awaits for opportunity to present itself.

To act, I mean.

2013-05-08, 01:15 PM
"I'm sorry, that must've hurt, just don't remove the bandage and you'll be fine." Soza continues the interrogation for ten minutes before removing the gag. "So, would you like to tell me anything about your employer, or shall I make ten minutes of play into an hour?"

2013-05-08, 04:44 PM
(You can still make some stuff when grappled @redzimmer.
Some of your options can be: trying opposed graplle to escape;
Try to use escape artist and escape artistically;
Use a small or natural weapon or unnarmed strike to attack with -2 penal;

For more options take a look at the grapple maneuver in the PHB.

"Mr. Bruce owns this town. He's cousin or brother or whatever to the Lord in Eban Mount, Mr. Wayne. He rule the farmers here and explore them for our profit. He also runs a cassino in the town, the Unlucky Star, but it's well guarded by more brutes.

Mr. Bruce has some powerful enforcers as well: the Gray Lady, a magic bird, Ronald Bonecrusher, a stupid half-orc and myself.

Each enforcer has some armies with them, but mine got wiped out.

If you do a great mess around he'll eventually find you and kill you, or at least try real hard.

Along with the other rulers in Eban Island they manage to keep the island for themselves. So you better do your best to leave the island before Wayne or the Giant get you".

2013-05-08, 05:20 PM
La Don Xi

Oh, I know, the -4 makes me at a bit of a disadvantage, I just was on a brief break and was not near an srd or PHB to check my options.

Also depending on things currently, I was musing whether to just surrender so the crew has a man on the inside. I'll see what the rolls determine.

With nowhere to go and his foe grappling him, Xi smiles, pulls his head back and smashes his forehead into the bridge of the bully-boy's nose.

Unarmed attack

damage if hit [roll1]
confirm crit if applicable [roll2]

"Please. Have mercy on little me," he adds drily.

2013-05-08, 06:21 PM
"You broke my nose! Your idiot!", he then tries to pin Xi down:
[roll0] vs. [roll1]

The surviving brawler charges against the archer:
[roll2] dmg: [roll3]

Anreh doesn't like having his friend pinned, so he cast another Hold Person spell against him, breaking his chanting (5 turns of Inspire Courage left).
DC 16: rolled on desk, result 20 - spell failed.

The sailors attack the brawler (the one with the sword take a step back and draw his bow as well):
[roll4] dmg: [roll5]
[roll6] dmg: [roll7]

Xi may act.

2013-05-08, 07:14 PM
La Don Xi

"I do not suppose you wish to surrender? I cannot promise mercy, but I would at least say a good word for you."

Might as well give this a try.

Escape artist [roll0]

He then wriggles ineffectively.

2013-05-09, 08:19 AM
The man then try to pin Xi down. punch him in the face while grappling
[roll0] vs. [roll1]
Edit: but Xi keep moving agitately and he fails to immobilize him.

From the cassino door comes out the dropw woman: "Can't you just rape her later... Oh! We got company, Wrack!", and then Arneh feels a great pain in his chest....

Fort DC 18

... but the spell failed!

"Drop your weapons and stop fighting and I'll make sure you won't die already", she then says with a cold voice.

2013-05-09, 08:26 AM
Arneh, saying the new enemy try his best to make Xi escape:
"Hold person!" DC 16
[roll0] PARALIZED!

The sailors shoot the brawler:
[roll1] dmg: [roll2]
[roll3] dmg: [roll4] DEAD!

If hte brawler survive he tries to smash the hurt sailkors head:
[roll5] dmg: [roll6]

Xi may act (not still grappled anymore).

2013-05-09, 09:40 AM
"Mr. Bruce owns this town. He's cousin or brother or whatever to the Lord in Eban Mount, Mr. Wayne. He rule the farmers here and explore them for our profit. He also runs a cassino in the town, the Unlucky Star, but it's well guarded by more brutes.

Mr. Bruce has some powerful enforcers as well: the Gray Lady, a magic bird, Ronald Bonecrusher, a stupid half-orc and myself.

Each enforcer has some armies with them, but mine got wiped out.

If you do a great mess around he'll eventually find you and kill you, or at least try real hard.

Along with the other rulers in Eban Island they manage to keep the island for themselves. So you better do your best to leave the island before Wayne or the Giant get you".

Now was that so hard? The bird, was that its army or is there more pesky thugs for us to kill before it is happy? When you say more brutes, how many, a dozen? Also, how is his hold on this town, I doubt people sing praise to him, but how much do they hate him? The giant, as in large man or an actual giant? Soza circled the man as he talked, resting the dagger on his shoulder and slowly tracing the man's muscles.

2013-05-09, 02:32 PM
La Don Xi

Xi wriggles out the man's grasp and takes a deep breath.

"I have no time to make you suffer," he says apologetically.

Xi delivers a hard blow just below the helpless man's sternum.

Full round coupe de grace + sneak attack damage

[roll0] x2
sa [roll1]

He turn his attention to the female elf.

"I offer you the same chance to surrender," he says in Elven.

2013-05-09, 03:02 PM
"The bird have its army as well, but I don't know whcih army yo'ure talking about.

The city hate Mr. Burce's abuse but they're a bunch of farmers who fear from their own shadows. Even though they hate him they won't be capable of helping anyone.

Can't say for sure how much men he have left. I had three on my watch, but me and the half-orc Vincent were the ones with less man power around.

The Giant is the ruler of Eban Woods. Never saw him, but I think he's a real giant".

2013-05-09, 03:09 PM
Meanwhile, in the dock district...

"Well... How do we get any info, Mohamed? If we just begin asking around we'll probably end up in trouble. DO you have any idea?", asks Jones to Mohamed.

The docks district is almost empty, but there are some fishers, shipwrighters, carpenters, whores.

"Let me show them true pain, Lolth", she say in a whisper and then cast another spell on the bard.

Fort DC 18
[roll0] But Arneh resist the spell again!

"You better surrender yourself if you want to live. I have no interest in killing you.. yet.".

Edit: the sailors, the bard and Xi may act.
(They will do whatever Xi find it's better - fight, run, talk, do the harlem shake, etc)

2013-05-09, 04:04 PM
"Right, well, was there anything else we needed to know? We've Bruce's location, we've an army, we know the strength of their forces, we know we have to move quickly and the towns folk don't like bruce." He turned towards Jacob. "Either way, I'll give you some motivation just in case I think of anything." Soza stuffed the gag back into the man's mouth and walked over to jacob.

2013-05-10, 02:55 AM
"If we could get Mr. Bruce's exact location as of the moment, it would help us greatly."

He scowled a bit, thinking he saw movement across the street, but it turned out to just be shadows playing tricks on him.

"That way, we could take the fight to him and put him on the defensive. So far all we know is that he has a lot of friends in high places around these parts. I think we should focus on him first, worry about the mysterious Mr. Wayne and all his other associates later."

2013-05-10, 08:28 AM
"Mr. Bruce is the type to stay in his well-defended casino. If he is somewhere else he wouldn't tell a lacky." Soza shrugged and glanced back at his captive. "Am I right? Is Bruce going to be at the casino?"

2013-05-10, 10:58 AM
"...(silenced voice)...", he tries to speak, but the gag make it impossible. He thens just nod his head in an affirmative way.

2013-05-10, 12:59 PM
La Don Xi

Xi does a brief search to see if his grappling opponent is quite dead, then turns his focus to the drow female.

2013-05-10, 01:09 PM
The enemiesare dead.
There is only this drow lady in the cassino door.
The multitude continues around looking.

2013-05-10, 02:46 PM
La Don Xi

"I will exchange the corpses of these employees of yours for the lives of the halflings."

Xi knew this was a futile course of conversation, but he wished to keep the woman talking as long as possible to allow the bard and the ship's crew to formulate a plan.

bluff. What the hell.
I'm gifted in other ways.

2013-05-13, 04:08 AM
"Then it seems we have our target." He remarked as he retrieved a chair and placed it beside the window. "As always, I am ready whenever you are captain."

He held his scythe and rested it on his shoulder and sat watching the window peering outside as he took stock of his current state. He was still functional in combat, but he had sustained some injuries from the few skirmishes for the day. He had a potion of healing left on his person but it was of minimal use as best, for an emergency like earlier. If they were going to attack, he hoped it would be after they had regrouped and recuperated.

2013-05-13, 08:18 AM
As Mido was watching the window he finally saw some movement on the streets, but was relieved to see it was a familiar face: Mohamed and Jones.

After going in the docks district they got some few answers from a drunken man in a bar:

People hate Mr. Bruce but are too afraid, but not afraid of Bruce, but from the man that pull the strings: Mr. Wayne.

The Eban Island was given to Mr. Wayne (former sailor from the current Pirate's King crew) and he split it in four rulers: himself (Eban Lake City - Errata: i've posted in a previous wrong saying that wayne was in Eban Mount, but that was wrong), Bruce (Eban Garden), the Giant (Eban Mount) and the Witch (Eban Woods).

He couldn't say if the Giant was a giant or if the Witch was a witch.

After that he resumed his drinking and said to stop bothering him

They also bought some healing equipment (the city have few magic items to offer, butyou can get a Cure Light Wounds Wand or a Cure Moderate Wounds Wand, also potions from Cure Light to Cure Serious).
How much gold Soza lended to them?

2013-05-13, 11:37 AM
"Excellent, someone more excited to kill you than I am." Soza smiled back at his prisoner.

5 masterwork greataxes, MW Dagger, MW Rapier, MW Darkwood Buckler all to sell, put all of that towards the wand, and if that isn't enough, 750gp.

2013-05-13, 01:08 PM
La Don Xi

"Very well," Xi amends. "Shall we begin the killing of each other then?"

Did Xi see where the halfing was taken? Or have I been reading wrong?

2013-05-13, 02:36 PM
The halfling girl was taken by one of your pirate sailor while the rest fought.
You can't see them because they dissapeared through the crowd.

"You can do whatever you want to these bastards but I guess the old halfling there is dead already... Flamesrike!", says the drow as a great beam of dark flames falls on the sailors and Arneh. She then took a step out of the cassino and four armed guards get out of the cassino, "You should surrender before I kill you too".

(Arneh and the two sailors are dead!)

After the explosion the crowd begin to run chaotically and things get a little too confuse, which could probably allow Xi to use as a distraction to run from the place between the crowd.

What now? @redzimmer

2013-05-13, 03:28 PM
La Don Xi

Aha. I thought it was one of Bruce's goons what took the lass. Else I'd have already left.

Seeing he is currently outmatched, Xi beats a discreet retreat back towards the docks.

He keeps his eye out for Captain Soza's trademark silver raven in case it make seek Arne or himself.

roll spot

2013-05-13, 09:15 PM
Thanks to his Hat of Disguise and the multitude running, Xi managed to escape and flee the cassino's area.

There was some rush around and guards all around the cassino and guards running around (but not far from the Unlucky Star). After walking around the docks for a moment Xi finnaly get the message from Soza and regroup with the rest.

The night falls and the unending storm keep raging turning the night pitch balck with sudden flashes of lighting.

Jones, Mohamed, Soza, Grimmer and Xi are gathered together (and the crew's medic and crew's expert). The halfling girl and the last archer sailor is nowhere to be seen.

The half-elf duskblade unconscious (or not) and pretty immobile.

Xi: You've got 1150 Experience points.

2013-05-14, 12:09 AM
La Don Xi

Xi recounts as best he can the logistics of Bruce's casino. It weighs on him heavily his momentary lapse of compassion, since it cost him lives that were not his to give.

"It is through my action that Arne is dead, Captain," he says. "Honor demands you punish my recklessness."

2013-05-14, 10:27 AM
"Who did you attack and why?" Soza asked quietly, watching Xi closely. He started to rub his head, a bit of a headache forming from all the commotion.

2013-05-14, 06:36 PM
"Hmmm, capt'n... we.. hmm... We don't want to bother you.. but we need to level up...".

(You'll have time now for a break and discussion, so go ahead!)

2013-05-14, 06:47 PM
[roll0], [roll1], Done.

2013-05-14, 06:49 PM
(They got maxed life as do you)

2013-05-15, 12:14 PM
La Don Xi

Xi explains his momentary lapse in judgement which lead to the death of Arne and other crew members.

He then explains the bounty offered on Mr. Bruce and those who placed it.

"If you would permit me to accelerate this Mr. Bruce's death prior to your killing me, I would appreciate it."

2013-05-15, 06:43 PM
"Considering that I was not going to kill you, that is easily done. I need all the able bodies I can get my hands on." Soza walks over to his prisoner, kicking him in the shin. "You have two choices, help us or we test one of my chef's poisons on you to see how long someone your size can live."

2013-05-15, 06:53 PM
La Don Xi

"Does the crew have a taboo about cannibalism, Captain?' Xi asks. "He is only half-human, technically."

2013-05-16, 09:30 AM
"The meat of carnivores and omnivores is a little tougher than I like. Most humanoids fall into the Omnivore category so I have little interest in it, but you are free to eat that which you desire."

2013-05-16, 09:59 AM
La Don Xi

Xi nods.

"I will have to exercise discretion with the rest of the crew in case their particular religions have dietary restrictions."

Xi was neither trying to threaten to prisoner nor shock the crew. He was just being pragmatic.

"I will have to keep him alive for now as we haven't restored our food storage yet."

2013-05-16, 03:17 PM
The storm keep for all night... and after you woke up!
"If this storm ne'er end we'll become frogs! Damn it!", says Jones as he woke up, "It get harder to burn people if it doesn't stop rainning".

The sailors are feeling better from the little rest they had (I'll consider they're full hp). Each one of you healed twice your character level (not ECL @Andrezitos) from the rest and recovered any spell, etc.

It's a bleak morning with a few lightning crossing the skies.
The city seems empty, with every house shut down. Even the shops and taverns seems closed.

You can see from the window that some of groups of people are patrolling the streets from time to time, in gangs of four or five.

The sailors and the crew are ready.

"What's next, captain?", ask the crew's expert.

2013-05-22, 01:10 PM
"Take them down one at a time, no reason to risk our necks if the aren't going to find us anyway. Xi, sneak around and make some distractions, I don't care what you do, just make it loud enough or flashy enough to get them away from us. We'll work our way towards the casino and see about destroying the whole damn thing, I'm certain we could steal some rum."

2013-05-22, 03:10 PM
La Don Xi

Xi nods his understanding, using his hat of disguise to take on the features of any nondescript human child.

He heads out to the tavern he encountered Arne the previous day to look for game targets associated with the "Mr. Bruce."

search? gather information?

2013-05-22, 11:11 PM
As Xi makes his way past the city streets he notice that every shop, inn, pub, etc are closed shut. No people around other than a few patrols are walking the streets.

It seems Mr. Bruce is taking you guys seriously.

The are a group of about twenty guards around the cassino and some patrols get there and some go, but the number around is always around twenty.

The groups are from four to five guards.

(Xi got past the aptrols unnoticed thanks to the bad visibility of the rainy day).

2013-05-23, 12:39 AM
La Don Xi

Hide & Move Silently


Skulking about, Xi searches for any small or weakened patrols to raise a little hell upon. He makes a point of reconnoitering the average ability of a typical group of toughs to report back upon.

2013-05-24, 07:02 PM
(Hey guys, sorry for the long time away. Had to make some changes in my ninja. Now he walks along people carring a big-as-hell katana (just a greatsword) in the back.)

Mohamed nods in agreement with the captain strategy. He can pray on the weak guards too and he has a touch for invisibility (enduring ki), so he can come and go as he see fit.

2013-05-27, 09:52 PM
The rain always kept Jacob ill-at-ease. It was raining when Horace was relieved of his captain status, it was raining when the late captain was murdered and it was raining when he was convicted of his crimes. His mind would not let him sleep as he sat beside the door of the building, his scythe resting on his shoulder. His body though had different plans as it took it's initiative in recovery from both fatigue and injuries and put him to rest.

He was jolted awake by a sudden thundering. He could barely tell if it was morning but he felt loose enough after a somewhat satisfying respite to their ordeal. It was a passing phase though as he listened to their captain's orders for the day.

Destroy the casino. Sounds much like his style. Hopefully it doesn't have to come to that though. What did the building ever do to us.

He hefts up his pack, and his weapon over his shoulder.

"Aye captain." He nods in agreement to the order as he stood beside Mohammed.

"Just point me where there needs to be dead men."

2013-05-28, 10:56 AM
Soza waits, watching for any sign that Xi successfully created a distraction large enough to tear away at least some of the guards. After a few minutes, he looks back outside, watching for an opening for the crew to sneak away from the docks.

2013-05-28, 06:36 PM
Ive been under a bad week and having some internet problems.

Xi found out the following:
the groups depart and take a few minutes around the place and then get back to the contingent;

The groups are of 4-5 humanoids (humans, elves, dwarves, half-elfs, half-orcs);

The next group go taking patrols only after the group get back.

The main contingent have about 20 plus a patrol of 5.

The drow woman is in the contingent and don't leave the place.

What is your plan?

2013-05-28, 06:41 PM
"Lets give Xi an hour, then storm the ever loving hell out of them. Hopefully Xi can give us the support we need. We cannot wait for him forever. Jacob, what is the best range on the largest spell you've got?"

2013-05-28, 07:06 PM
La Don Xi

As best he can, Xi decides he will attempt to ambush the next patrol that comes out of the compound and draw them back to the crew's base of operations.

He returns to the base and informs the captain of all the information he's gathered and offers his plan.

2013-05-29, 02:15 PM
"The name is Jones, cap'n", says the war mage, "And my spell with greatest area and reach is my Fireball... Can make a major hole in dat cassino and turn some bastards in crisps".

Xi got back and the group is reunited.
What will be the action plan?

2013-05-30, 11:05 AM
"Drop one one the next group that passes, we'll move away from here and hopefully either slip past them or get close enough to have them confused. As soon as we hear the screams, we run." Soza makes his way to the prisoner and shoves a scimitar in his throat. "Lets get to ground level, next to the door on the side of the building they cannot see, cast the fireball on my mark."

I have a habbit of posting on days that i have not slept. so i mix up names.

2013-06-01, 07:46 PM
The party await for a new group to get out of the concentration and, after a few minutes, Jones cast a Fireball spell in the middle of the encampment, making them all surprised.

"Blast it Capt'n! I wont wait anymore! Let'em burn", he says before sending his fireball in the middle of them.

DC 17

Thugs (have Evasion)
1: [roll1]
2: [roll2]
3: [roll3]
4: [roll4]
5: [roll5]
6: [roll6]
7: [roll7]
8: [roll8]

1: [roll9]
2: [roll10]
3: [roll11]
4: [roll12]
5: [roll13]
6: [roll14]

Brawlers (have evasion)
1: [roll15]
2 [roll16]
3 [roll17]

1: [roll18]
2: [roll19]

Drow woman (has SR)
vs. SR: [roll21]

Thugs: [roll22]
Guards: [roll1d20+1
Drow [roll24]
Brawlers: [roll1d20+2
Soza: [roll25]
Xi: [roll26]
Grimmer: [roll27]
Mohamed: [roll28]

The enemies are three blocks away, so you have some time to prepare or hide or run, etc. Will post map after see who survives the Fireball.

2013-06-01, 07:55 PM
Fireball result:
Two thugs died in the explsion, but the other six remains undamaged;
All guards seems in bad shape, with exception of two who are damaged;
One brawler seems inact, but the rest are barely standing;
The two captain guys (hey look more pwoerful than the rest and seems to have some autority) are damaged, but began shouting orders around and donest' seem affraid/scared, like they were waiting something like that;
the drow woman is engulfed in flames and scream in sudden pain, but them look towards you and say something you can't hear.

Jones have an insane grin in his face:
"YOU TOOK OUR BARD FROM US, SO I'LL TOOK EVERYTHING THAT BRINGS JOY TO YOU!". He doesn't seems like he'll obey rules or commands anymore.

Also, forgot the sailors initiative, so they'll act in the same initiative of Soza.
Soza can control them for this battle.

Initiative order:
24 Xi, Soza and Sailors;
19 Captains;
16 Grimmer an Mohamed;
14 Drow, Brawlers, Guards and Thugs.


(Red is Soza; light purple is Mohamed; light blue is sailors; pink is Jones; green is Grimmer; Xi is hidden somewhere, his choice)

(dark purple is drow woman, yellow are captains - two scimitars wielding pirates-, gray is thugs, dark green are brawlers and dark blue are guards).

Xi, Soza and Sailors can act!

2013-06-01, 08:13 PM
"Drop another as soon as they figure out what happened, RUN!" Soza hollers, making a bolt for the border himself. He grips both scimitars tightly, looking for the best place to escape the docks.

Sailors should listen, unless they are complete clot-heads.

2013-06-01, 09:00 PM
La Don Xi

Xi looks down from the roof of the casino where his slippers of spider climb took him.

He doses five of his shuriken with greenblood and uses his flurry of blows to toss as many as his training allows.

Two tosses
damage 1 each + 1 CON/1d2 CON-Greenblood Oil DC 13 injury

2013-06-01, 09:01 PM
Who are the targets?

2013-06-01, 09:19 PM
As many as humanly possible.

2013-06-01, 09:24 PM
Xi aims at those who look closest to death. Less targets in the way.

2013-06-01, 09:26 PM
The shurikens hit the two brawlers who were pretty damaged:

Fort save: [roll0] Unconscious
Fort save: [roll1] 26 damage, but still living (and probably kicking)

2013-06-01, 09:34 PM
The captains shout orders for attacking the mage and the little halfling.

The captain nearest to the group charge Jones with his scimitar:
[roll0] dmg: [roll1]
crit: [roll2] dmg: [roll3]

The other captain cast Jump and land in the ceiling near Xi.
[roll4] jump DC 24.
[roll5] balance DC 10

Mohamed and Grimmer may act.

2013-06-03, 08:32 PM
Mohamed instantly disapears (ghost step, -2ki) and takes 5ft to the side of Jones. His attack is deadly: (not accounting for bonuses related to invisibility and dex deneid defense, or just Raw attack)

[roll0][roll1]+[roll2] (raw attack)

The sound of the slash of the sword is gruesome. A spray of blood springs from the captain chest.

Ki pool 7/9

2013-06-03, 10:47 PM
The captain chest is open in a gruesome way and he drops his weapons and die from the attack of the invisible ninja.

2013-06-05, 10:13 PM
(hey, i have a proposition: why we don't define a time limite for posting? I mean, like three days afther dm last post. The penaltty for who doesn't reply onn time could be the lost of the turn, for instance.)

the yellow captain's dead body crumbles to the ground like a pile of rock. Bits of guts starts to come out from the torned chest.

2013-06-05, 10:43 PM
I'll give till tomoroow night for posting, if he don't Ill just skip his turn.

2013-06-11, 08:55 AM
Well, it seems this little incursion has gone horribly wrong.

He took out his scythe, stepped in front of his burly comrade and readied himself. It was strangely out of place, a smaller combatant shielding a more imposing figure, but he knew that Mohammed's style was to stick to stealthy attacks.

If he had called this right, they well attack the captain as soon as they can. He would not let that happen. His captain would never let it show, but Soza was reeling, not out of weakness but from wounding. Subterfuge was not his usual style and that he chose this approach shows caution on his end.

"Xi! Get down here, quick!"

Moving in front of Mohammed to the north. Ready trip attack on anyone that would move/charge towards our direction. I'll leave the rolls to you.