View Full Version : Help with some customized loot

2013-04-01, 03:36 PM
I'm currently DMing a campaign of four, regular power.
The party consists of:
A human Knight
A human Warmage
An elvish Rogue
And a gnomish Wizard

The Rogue has a lot of D&D experience, the Knight has a fair amount, and the Warmage and Wizard are both brand new to the game.

The entire party is level 2 right now, we've only played one session and I've been going pretty easy on them. In the current dungeon, I plan on making it so they can be a little powerful so I can actually have fun throwing things at them.

I plan on giving each person a specialized weapon for their character and style of play.

So far, I've already given the Wizard a Wand of Magic Missile, to help make him more useful in the early levels. (He'll end up being a blaster wizard. Go easy on him, it's his first time.)

I plan on giving the rogue a Retractable Blade, which is just a +1 dagger that is a free action to draw.

I'm stuck on what to give the Warmage or the Knight. There are quite a few options, but I need something that fits close to that power level as to not favor anyone, and I don't know much about Warmages to begin with.

The Knight is a Dedicated tank, and so far the Warmage has just been using a long spear to poke from the knights protection. (Again, he's new. It will come with time).

So, ideas?

2013-04-01, 03:44 PM
I like to hand out items that advance with characters. Although D&D has Weapons of Legacy, I mostly handwave this aspect.

In general, I think it is more interesting to have a special magic item with a history to it, instead of contributing to the "golf bag syndrome".

So make the wizard's staff a runestaff (see the magic item compendium), which carries a couple of useful spells, which the character will be able to access only when he has spell slots of that particular level.

Unlocking powers after gaining levels helps making a magic item stay relevant, and greatly enhances the connection a character (and the player) forms with the item.

2013-04-01, 03:48 PM
Give the knight a spiked shield or defensive item with some kind of spell effect usable x/day. (use the charts for magic item creation to figure out what spell and how many charges)
I don't know what a warmage is, but something with a hollow pommel for storing potions/scrolls or a weapon with a slot for storing a wand would be handy, I'd guess.