View Full Version : the insane story of Janisreth, the partially insane

2013-04-01, 05:16 PM
my friend suggested i post some events from one of our d&d games because he just loves some of the crazy antics my characters get into, feel free to comment.
Character: Janisreth (aka Janis)
Race: Gray Elf
Gender: Male
Campaign Setting: Kingdoms of Kalamar
Religion: Devamaeriel
Class: Sorcerer lv4
feats: Keeper of forbidden lore, Cloak of the Obyrith, magical aptitude, sudden silent
flaws: noncombatant, vulnerable
current spells known:
lv0: prestidigitation, message, ghost sounds dancing lights, electric jolt, detect magic
lv1: color spray, light of Lunia, benign transposition
lv2: rainbow beam
Origin: Janisreth lived in a small gray elf community. The other gray elves looked down on him because of some unknown demon related taint in his bloodline. The only evidence of this taint was his innate knowledge of spells and other planes and his resilience, but he was still at the bottom of the social ladder so he moved away looking for something better.
house rules: unlimited cantrips/orisons (the number of lv0 spell slots is used for spells/feats/abilities that are considered to abuse this.)

lets start with the incident that caused this post before we get to the beginning
Part 1: the burning
the group was in an inn preparing to kill an army of evil frog people. there was also a magic cat that through magic exploding pumpkins and walked on walls with spider climb. after failing to knock out a group of them with color spray, Janis started killing enemy clerics before they charged their lightning bolts. when most of the clerics were dead more frogs kept showing up and some came in through the back. everyone seemed calm in spite of the desperate situation. as much as Janis hated to listen to the voices in his head, who where telling him to run except that weird retarded one, he had other things to do so he used benign transposition to switch places with his hawk familiar as part of a preplanned escape. he stopped by a house he started on fire earlier that day and through a torch at it that he lit with the prestidigitation flame coming out his finger. he did not appreciate the towns people putting it out. he then swapped places with his familiar on the roof of the in and lit another torch. Janis used ghost sound to tell his companions that they might want to get out in a language they understood but at least most frog people shouldn't. the sound came from all directions in the inn then he dropped his torch on the roof. he then swapped places with his familiar in the church and stole the most valuable looking artifact on display. then he switched places on top of a warehouse used by the pirate who owned the house he burned down and lit it on fire with another torch. the smell of burning flesh gave him an excuse for this last fire to tell the hobgoblin. Funeral pyres were common funeral rites in this area. finally ignoring the voices in his head, who stayed quit during the whole serial arson bit, he switched places with his familiar in the direction he saw at least one of his companions go. Janis would definitely have to name his familiar after tonight. the magic cat had escaped but did not follow the party. the hobgoblin let the fires slide but was less than amused.

part 2: how Janis got here
Janis was on a boat going to a festival across the lake. the boat crashed and some adventurers came to help out, or scavenge. among the people collected were a hobgoblin fighter, a duskling totemist, a tiefling (who had no clue what he was before he met Janis), a ranger, a halfling rogue, and Janis. they encountered shadow creatures on the island and investigated. in the back of a magically darkened cave they found a sword that crumbled. the magic gem that was left went into the hobgoblin's axe. they ran as the cave crumbled and a giant Mind flayer flew out of the cave and far away. the group decided it was up to them to do something. individual reasons included guilt, a sense of duty, and the prospect of treasure. Janis was reluctant to help but didn't really have anything better to do. he might find what he is looking for on this quest. As they traveled the tiefling was either trying to make friends with Janis or make him angry so he started playing harmless pranks on the tiefling. on night when they were attacked the party forgot the bring the knocked out tiefling with them. Janis used his cantrips: prestidigitation, ghost sounds, and dancing lights to make the camp look like a representation of hell. when the tiefling came back everyone acted like there was nothing wrong. another time the tiefling woke up to a landscape that looked a little like Celestia.
they arrived at a village. this village was controlled by a cult to a farplane entity. each party member started going insane in their own way. when it started to rain Janis used prestidigitation to move 1/2 lb of water into a thin hollow cone to use as an umbrella. every time he sent his familiar out he dried it of with prestidigitation. eventually the village was sucked into a demiplane attached to the farplane. at night they fought a being made of shadows. after the party killed it, Janis started a ritual to close the gate to the farplane using a book they took from the cult. the beast came back and had to fight it without Janis. thankfully it was still hurt from Janis' light spells. they subdued it and through it in the portal as the ritual finished but the beast ported back just long enought to abduct the halfling. everyone seemed sane again and the town was back to normal. Janis however for some reason was still hearing voices and each voice had its own personality, and intelligence in the case of an annoying retarded voice.

Part 3: prelude to the burning
after the events with the shadow beast Janis and the duskling look for anything valuable in the town. there was nothing. they moved on to the next town to investigate a captain mention in a diary of one of the cultists. the tiefling went to talk to someone in another town. on the way we set up camp but couldn't spark a fire. naturally the hobgoblin expected Janis to set the fire but Janis explained that he had no fire spells. the hobgoblin wouldn't let it go because of all the tricks Janis did with Prestidigitation. after playing around for a while Janis figured out he could produce a flame up to 1/2 foot long out of his finger and lit a fire. in the night after his 4 hour meditation the background noises all stopped. Janus cast Light of lunia in preparation but nothing happened. they arrived the next day. this town was experiencing a hard time because the fishing wasn't good so we investigated an island people were seen going to at night. we found strange gouges in the rock/coral and found a strange piece of jewelry. it was a wierd gold color. one of the voices told Janis to put it on someone else and another said to put it on himself. when they went back a cat started following the group. the cat had a faint transmutation aura. Janis took jewelry to a merchant. while talking to the merchant the hobgoblin and ranger went into the basement. Janis noticed and sent his hawk down to and kept the merchant busy. the voices in his head told him they were abandoning him but Janis decided it was usually best to ignore these voices, and he had learned benign transposition anyway so he could just switch places with his familiar if he sensed anything wrong. they soon left the merchant with a small amount of gold, and information. the merchant had a ring made of the same weird gold and there were gouges in the merchant's basement like the ones on the island. some of us investigated the captain's house while the others drank at the inn and watched the captain. Janis gave the ranger one of his serpentstongue arrows and told him to shoot the latch through the crack in a second floor window. the arrow broke the latch on the window and the hawk went in. Janis switched places with it and let down a rope. the attic was locked so the totemist blinked to the other side of the door and opened it. they found a bunch of the weird gold. Janis took 30 lbs of jewelry with him and they went back to the inn. the captain came back and the totemist ran back and used his blink to get up and down to lock the attic door they left open.
at the inn Janis pounded the gold into bricks so they could sell it without raising suspicions. everyone got 375 gp worth of gold. that night they went to the island on a flat makeshift raft. the totemist swam ahead. Janis hid under a blanket so the light from his spells wouldn't give them away. the cat stayed with him when they say someone approach Janus cast 2 light of lunias and a dancing lights in the form of birds to drive the cat nuts. frog people came out to meet the other people. Janis switched places with the totemist to cut a hole in the boat and sink it then switched back. after the frog people left the party killed the captain and his crew and the killed the frog people that came back up. in the fight the cat threw exploding pumpkins but blew one up in its own face. it started acting really drunk. on the way back the cat fainted.
the next day after getting a church to restore the cat to consciousness, Janis and the totemist went to get the rest of the gold but the captain was alive. the totemist followed the captain and Janis lit the house on fire with his fire finger. they followed the captain to a warehouse and called the rest of the party. when the captain came out to check out the fire alarm raised by the town Janis used color spray on the captain to knock him out. they killed him and chained him. at dusk, the captain was raised from the dead through a form of true resurrection remotely. he explained he was giving the frog people food (people.) they dragged him in the street and dropped him when an army attacked from the water.

2013-04-01, 05:19 PM
i might need this spot latter.

2013-04-01, 06:08 PM
and possibly this one