View Full Version : 5HD Humanoid-appearance Outsiders?

2013-04-01, 07:30 PM
I'm in a Forgotten Realms campaign at the moment, and I am a Neraph Wu Jen 3/Sorcerer 5. I have taken Extended Alter Self as my spell secret. I am limited to 5HD outsiders for my shape, so I was wondering if there are any outsiders who could pass as human or elf, possibly half-orc, etc, to help with diplomacy/bluff, as I am the party's catch-all utility caster, with decent charisma and social skills.

For the purposes of sneaking into places, I need to look like I should at least belong there, at least at a distance; so perhaps in a city known to have Elven Guards, I can take the form of an Aasimar, and then rely on my bluff to let me enter to blag it.

So, I'm wondering what vaguely humanoid appearance outsiders are there; ones which pass as being human, elf, dwarf etc?

2013-04-01, 07:49 PM
Well, Dwarf Ancestors are basically giant dwarves, and they grant a huge bonus to natural armour, but you'd need to explain away being large sized.

Besides those and Mephits it looks like Aasimar or maybe ShadowSwyft is your best bet.

You could always take 10 on a disguise check after casting alter self, so you won't need to bluff.

2013-04-01, 08:00 PM
a tiefling could be good depending on the physical traits selected. the pointed ears might make you pass as a half-elf. not sure what you could use it for but there is the shadowswyft from the planar handbook. if you bluff good enough you could pass as an elf subspecies maybe.
the genasi from forgotten realms could be useful.

5 hd is pretty limiting for outsiders.

2013-04-01, 08:04 PM
Check out the Planetouched Handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=6992.0). There are planetouched races for just about every race, so you can go just about anywhere.

2013-04-01, 08:10 PM
It's fine looking like an Aasimar in an Aasimar appearing city. However, if I need to look like an Elf, or a Human, how would I go about it? I don't want to walk into a town that has a hatred of planetouched, while looking like a planetouched individual.

Sorry, I don't think I made that clear; the bluff check is there to reinforce the idea of me being there, using Forgery, Diplomacy, Charm, and eventually Dominate spells to get what and/or where I need, before shedding off the disguise from Alter Self.

And Dwarf Ancestors are a well known source of good AC-ness, however, they're limited in that they look like Stone, and are twice the size of a dwarf. As an Outsider, Reduce Person doesn't work.

2013-04-01, 08:13 PM
I wonder if you can maybe shove Reserves of Strength in here somehow… unfortunately, a whole feat to enable this, even a good feat, is kinda pricey.

2013-04-01, 08:27 PM
No, I can't. Sadly, that's determined to be Dragonlance. Sticking with Core+Forgotten Realms. Eberron in a pinch.

I had struggled whether to try something similar with Elan and have fun Tsochar'ing everything in sight, but decided against it.