View Full Version : [PF] Jade Regent (IC)

2013-04-01, 08:46 PM
Sandpoint is a quiet, sleepy village along Varisia's Coast. But you know this, already, seeing as this town has been your home for some time. Although the village was in an uproar a few years back - the result of a nasty string of goblin, then giant attacks - it has since quieted considerably.

Until recently, that is. Goblins have been launching attacks on caravans along the coast, and the city of Magnimar has been loath to involve themselves in what they see as a Lost Coaster's problem. It's for this reason you've been gathered together outside the Rusty Dragon; town Sheriff Belor Hemlock has rounded you up as the last potential Goblin Slayers in all of Sandpoint.

"Listen up, 'cause I won't say this twice - Goblins. They're makin' trouble." he spits in the dirt off the road, adding, "Again."

"There've been a few attacks, as I'm sure you heard. Lettin' off fireworks, scaring the caravans. Nuisances, mostly, except now people have been getting hurt. You lot have to head off into the Brinestump, clear the little blighters off. It's for the good of the community, civic duties, all of that."

He paused, "Don't expect you to do it for free, of course. I'll pay out ten gold for any fresh goblin ear you bring in. And trust me, I know a goblin ear when I see one, so don't go getting greedy."

"And I suppose fair warning - you saw the fireworks over the wall? That's the work of them goblins, too. So they've got some light shows, is that going to be a problem."

"No? Good. Questions?", he stops, glaring meaningfully at the motley collection of men and women arraigned before him.

Kon Lesh
2013-04-01, 11:07 PM
"Goblins, nothing but a pain; but we will get rid of them and stop those fireworks." The young woman slowly pets the mane of her steed. He shakes his head before turning to Alinys to nuzzle her hand. "Hehe, alright. You can have some food." She pulls out some food from a bag and feeds him by hand. A person taking heed of her will notice that her arms are quite muscular underneath of her traveling cape and a tint of shining will give away the scale armor as well.

Once the sheriff has finished, she ask "Do you have any idea of how many there are? Or just take care of any that we see."

2013-04-02, 12:46 AM
Laura listens to all of this, adjusting her scarf and looking up at the sky. Bright! Bright. No, not time for her goggles. She leaves those set on her head as she leans on her axe. She had just gotten back from a long hiatus, but already, she was hired muscle. And muscle she is - easily towering above everyone, she looks every part the big brutish fighter. But her face is kind, and unworried - reflecting her mother's beauty, perhaps. She doesn't mean to be intimidating, but when you're strong, and fast, and you carry a big double-sided axe, things happen. But that's okay, too - if someone's afraid, she'll just say hello anyway.

She considers everything said, wondering how awesome it would be to get some fireworks of her own. Party! Party at the tavern, yeah! It makes her grin just thinking about it, showing off her full set of teeth. Those are gnawing teeth. But the horse might be scared. Ah, no problem...she's good with animals. The tribe would often raise them for food.

But goblins. Eugh. Nasty little critters. She raises her hand enthusiastically, when he mentions questions. Her accent creeps in while she speaks, but otherwise, she speaks relatively good Common. "Does this mean we get twenty gold for each goblin? I mean, they do have two ears and all. Oh, but what if they have huuuuge ears? I've seen those too! Do those go for fifteen gold each?" She's excited at the prospect of getting paid to do something enjoyable. Executing goblins? Yeeeeeeeee~!! Awesome stuff.

2013-04-02, 01:12 AM
Belor shrugs, disinterested now that he's said his piece, "Who counts Goblins?"

Directing his next answer at the half-orc, he contnued, "Ten gold, flat rate. I'm not haggling on size or shape or color of the ear. An ears a bloody ear. But to make up for it, I'll tell you what - I'll offer a one time prize if you bring in the head of their leader. You'll know him when you see him - ugly little brute called Gutwad. Satisfied?"

2013-04-02, 01:40 AM
"Gutwad, ugly..." She thinks it over. But they were all ugly. "...sure thing, Mister Hemlock!" Well, she's disappointed at the fact that big ears won't fetch more, but at twenty gold per goblin, how can she say no? Heehehee. Those goblins wouldn't know what de-eared them! She snaps off a salute, turning to the others. So, who was she working with, here?

2013-04-02, 04:25 AM
Marcus listens to Belor's pitch, and thinks it over while a few of his soon to be conpanions, asks some questions. He thens inquirers While I, and I'm sure the rest of us, appreciate being chosen to remove this threat to sandpoint, I have to ask. Where's Shalelu? Normally something like this would be her job. We, however, dont have experience goblin slaying, so maybe a extra incentive could be in order?

Diplomacy roll for more loot! [roll0]

2013-04-02, 07:31 AM
Eponine hopped down from the low wall she'd been perched on. The red-haired girl walked over to join the group, hips swaying. "Shalelu? That's the elf girl, right? She's kind of awesome, a little shy, though." She looked at the tall half-orc with a grin "So what do you say sis, the pay is good, the cause is good, are you ready to play whack-a-goblin?" all of a suden, her brow scrunched up, and she appeared to be deep in thought for a moment "Oooh, I've an idea. Do you guys think they guard their explosives thightly?"

2013-04-02, 08:15 AM
An immaculately dressed Young elf stands off to the side and lets the excitable girls talk before simply saying "Lets go" and turning to head off into the swamp.

2013-04-02, 08:37 AM
Commenting on the impatient elf, Marcus says "With how long you live, I though elves were suppose to be patient? Its not like they will attack the town if we dawdle for 10 minutes more. Speaking of which, I doubt they leave fireworks in the middle of a swamp. You'd need a dry place to store them to stop the powder getting damp, so it probably guarded.

2013-04-02, 08:42 AM
Angelique listens quietly throughout Sheriff Hemlocks's speech, idly running her hands through the soft, downy fur on her companion white tiger's head. She sizes up the people going with her: An excitable half orc, a respectable, if somewhat pompous knight, a red haired girl, and an impatient elf. I suppose it couldn't have been much worse. She brushes the hair out of her eyes, feeling a twig that must be left over from when she spent last night in a tree. She still had a knot in her back from that. "I'll do it" she said, trying to catch the eye of Ameiko, to read her expression. They had been good friends for ages, and Angelique could usually tell what Ameiko was thinking with just a glance.

Sense motive involved? Modifiers for being best friends? Either way, I can roll or let you: Sense motive is +4

2013-04-02, 09:45 AM
"Nothing is gained by standing here talking, if you wish to discuss these things we can do it on the way" Fiathel says calmly "While we are patient we elves are also understand efficiency"

2013-04-02, 10:08 AM
"And not receive the wise wisdom of the esteemed Sheriff here?Marcus says, gesturing at Belor "No,I think your just being impatient and spouting some bull about efficient to save your pretty elven face. I've done it enough, I know when someone else is.". He looks at Fiathel " Your not even good at it. I've seen you in your little hut every so often, what is it you do?

2013-04-02, 10:20 AM
"Sounds good, if everyone..." Well. They were already arguing. Balls to that.

Intimidate: [roll0]

She clears her throat. And speaks above the others. "HEY!! Fight goblins, not each other!!" She points out. "We were just told we get ten gold for each goblin ear, and a bonus for Nutball's head. Er...Bumrot? No..." Uh. "...Gutwad, right, right!" Eheheh. "Now, I don't know about you guys, but we're working together on this, which means we need tactics. I elect the nice girl with the horse. She probably has the most military out of all of us."

She hefts her double-axe over her shoulder. "And so help me if I hear anything else about race." She wraps an arm around Eponine, and hugs her tight. Epppiiiieeeeeeeee~!! <3

2013-04-02, 11:24 AM
Angelique smiles slightly as voices are raised- it was entertaining to see people get so upset about so little. But we do need to get going if we are going to stop these goblins from ransacking the wild. "Laura is right," She said, picking up the name from the conversation around her, "We must focus our energy on the goblin threat, but it does no good," She said, turning to the elf, "to rush off without learning all we can first" She tried to avoid using a chastising tone, but seeing as she was chastising him, it may have not turned out well. Turning to the Sheriff: "Is there anything else we need to know, Belor? Anything you can tell us about the threat?"

2013-04-02, 11:44 AM
Eponine hugs Laura back vigoriously. "Oh, it's so good to have you back here! We should celebrate! If only we had some fireworks..." She adressed the sheriff "You wouldn't happen to know where they hide their fireworks and/or their bombs? Sir?" she added as an afterthought. He looked kind of important.

Kon Lesh
2013-04-02, 03:41 PM
WHAT!!?? I...I have no military training at all. I and Attican both worked on a farm. I had to chase off some goblins before but I know nothing of tactics or that sort." Alinys takes a step back surprised (but not insulted) at the belief that someone would believe that she is a soldier.

I wouldn't be a soldier, I'm just here to help people. That is all. Besides, I don't think some of the others would listen to my orders. Alinys stands thinking for a moment. It isn't until she is nudged by Attican that she comes back to her sense.

"And besides, they are only just goblins. We are equipped to deal with them. And it isn't like we won't be expecting them. Like the others are saying the bombs should be the biggest threat." Alinys turns to the sheriff to hear if he has any answers on the bomb subject.

2013-04-02, 03:56 PM
Laura looks genuinely surprised, but...eh. Well. Yeah, just goblins, but nasty goblins. It's smart to have plans. She considers electing Eppie, but...nah. "Sorry...I mean, I've been out for a couple years, so I'm not familiar with who's who." She could probably lead, since she'd learned all that the tribe had to teach her. But she wasn't going to volunteer for it, either.

Ah well. She listens to what's to be said on the explosives.

2013-04-02, 04:08 PM
"Well, if my friend on the horse, who's name escapes me at this moment, doesn't want to take up the mantle, I will gladly. Marcus Spellweaver, Sorcerer, for those who don't know me already. And if you look up, you'll see my erstwhile companion Beaky." Marcus points up into the sky, where a small roc can be seen flying around. "I suggest we listen to what the sheriff has to say on the fireworks, while we introduce ourselves and our talents, to prevent any mixups like just occured.

2013-04-02, 04:27 PM
Belor watches the exchange with a mildly confuse look on his face. He's dealt with adventurers before, he knows what they're like... why does this always surprise him?

"Okay, okay!" he shouts over them, "Enough."

He takes a deep, steadying breath, "Shalelu isn't around. She'll be back by in a day or so, and I'd rather not end up with a few dead caravaners while we wait. Would you?"

"Now. Do I look like a goblin? You think I'm some kind of ranger, I sneak about the marsh keeping tabs on them? No, I don't know where they keep their explosives. I don't know how many there are. I don't even know what hole they're hunkered down in. They're goblins. If the watch had any bodies to spare I'd go route the lot myself, but I've got trouble enough inside the walls."

"The fact you lot have got blades is cause enough for me to send you."

As an afterthought, he adds, "And I expect to see what's left of the fireworks returned to me as well. They're stolen property, and I'll not have a bunch of wet behind the ears adventurers wandering the country side with stolen goods."

2013-04-02, 04:34 PM
"Thank you, Belor, for those enlightening words. If no one has anything else of relevance to ask, should we get a move on?" After that, Marcus starts walking slowly to the edge of town, shouting "Come on!" If the rest of the group dawdle.

Lets get started shall we?

2013-04-02, 05:16 PM
Laura listens, kinda drooping. Aw, crap. Well, she follows Marcus anyway. Kinda objecting, as they walk. "But you're...well, scrawny. Hardly look like you've seen a day of battle in your life. And, not that I don't trust casters..." Because she does. "...but I'd rather follow someone who's on the frontlines, and knows what they're doing." Which leaves...the lady with the animal by her, Eppie, or...no, not the monk. He looked too passive. She walks with her double-axe over her shoulder, thinking. Eppie was a good planner, but she was also more the one to sneak about.

"What if I try leading this one? I'm rather used to killing goblins by now. They infest the mountains like a plague." Bah, stepping forward. Um. "And, uh...Laura Taggrultuk'r. I guess I'm brawn, but I'm a pretty good climber, too!" And she's got a big honking two-sided axe. If she doesn't scream meatshield just by appearances alone...

2013-04-02, 05:31 PM
Marcus inwardly sighs, the thought of the half-orc leading the group in his mind. He then counters Laura's comments.While i do not doubt your prowess in battle, Laura, a leader must be capable of standing back seeing events from a distance, to direct from the backline. While I'm sure you will excel at killing goblins, leading others to kill goblins requires a different skill set. I may not be strong, but thats because I have the skills to avoid direct battles instead.

2013-04-02, 05:36 PM
Fiathel follows the others silently.

Kon Lesh
2013-04-02, 09:34 PM
Alinys mounts Attican and follows the rest of the group out of the city. "I am Alinys Loyalar and this here is Attican." Attican gives a soft neigh. "As I have said we were both farm workers, but it wasn't working out. So I bought him and now we are trying something else. We have had problems with goblins before and this job seems like it might work well for us. I don't care who 'leads' as long as the person isn't a fool. You seem good enough so go ahead."

2013-04-02, 11:29 PM
Angelique smiles bemusedly at the argument. "I don't think it particularly matters who we name the so called leader of our disheveled band of goblin hunters;it's not as if any of us know what we're doing in terms of unit tactics anyway. Better to just go as a collection of individuals with assorted skills." She smiles and pets her tiger again while saying this: So I think we should stop bickering and go. And, unless anyone knows anything about these woods, perhaps it's best if I go first." She says, walking off with the rest, her juvenile tiger close to her side.

2013-04-03, 01:22 AM
No fireworks? Damn. Of course, the man wouldn't know how much of it had been set off by the goblins. Hmm. She disliked the pompous caster. His expression reminded her a tad too much of something she'd seen on the faces of the shadier elements in town She'd known growing up. She tried not to let it show on her face, putting on a smile. "Yes! Onwards to goblins!" She walked off after Angelique "So, how did you find that cub? She's really pretty!"

2013-04-03, 02:07 AM
Secretly, Laura's opinion of Marcus was similar to Eppie's. He wasn't the guy you wanted watching your back, it seemed - and, yes, a charmer, but more likely prone to look out for himself than others. Ah well. "If you say so." She'll just see what happens. And if she had to bail his arse out? Well...who knows? She walks beside Eppie, looking over at the tiger. D'awwww so cute! She keeps in a girlish squeal.

Still, how does she say she's been working with a tribe of orcs for two years? And they were always smart enough not to fight alone. So she'd fought in groups, and even led a few excursions. But she also knew when there was someone bigger and stronger, you either challenged them, or backed down. Marcus was neither, but she was backing down anyway. Her, lead? Only if necessary.

In any case, there's a beautiful kitty walking with that woman - likely a nature-dweller. The woman hadn't introduced herself, either, but the way she was built...a real powerhouse. And Laura could respect that. Likely, she was someone to be on the frontlines with them. The Elf looked strong, and...calm. Not one to talk. He was likely someone close. There was the woman with the horse, who looked so much like a knight...and Eppie, who was definitely one to get up close with her chain, though also one to sneak about for a better vantage point.

Leaving Marcus. The...well, really, he was noodly, compared to the rest of them. And who says you couldn't lead from the front? All good leaders lead from the front, and earn their scars! Still, it was just a battle with goblins. How bad could it be?

She puts her goggles on, blocking out some of the sunlight. Trusting Eppie to be her eyes, for now. Ah...wonderful shadiness, everywhere.

2013-04-03, 08:28 AM
Angelique smiles at the bouncy young redhead striding along next to her: "I found her as a cub in these forests, a little over a year ago. She was alone and abandoned, and so I took her back to the Rusty Dragon to care for her. We've had the closest bond ever since." While talking about her companion, Angelique's eyes light up with deep love and affection, "Her name is Prudence; she keeps track of me" Angelique said with a small laugh. "Oh, and my name is Angelique"

Angelique sized up the people who had decided to deal with the goblins:
There was the quiet elf, who seemed to prefer action to words. That was understandable. The farm-girl warrior; I wonder how long she would last. Angelique would have to keep an eye on her--it would reflect badly on them if not all of them made it back. There was the bouncy girl walking next to her, cooing at Prudence, and her orc friend, walking along with odd looking shaded goggles. Probably to shield her orc eyes from the sun, she mused. And then there was this last guy, he introduced himself as Marcus Spellweaver. Probably a fake last name, but it can be inferred he is some form of spellcaster. And there was his bird in the sky, she thought, looking up to try and see it. Any animal friend must not be too bad... If we must have a leader, he is probably best. It looks like he may have gotten some schooling too, judging by the way he carries himself. College spellcasters always seem to carry themselves with a certain air. I don't think it's their fault, they spend so much time in those dark, musty halls that some of it must go to their head.

2013-04-03, 02:52 PM
Eponine smiled at the other woman. "I'm Eponine, and this is my sister, Laura." she motioned to the half-orc girl. "She's real nice. When you get to know her" she added, poking her tongue out at her sister as she did so. "You both have nice names. And you're a real beauty, aren't you." The praise was clearly adressed to Prudence. She reached out and petted the little tiger, cooing softly.

2013-04-03, 03:21 PM
As you make for the village gate, you are greeted by a familiar figure - Koya, the oldest woman in all of Sandpoint. Dressed in Varisian silks and scarves, the elderly cleric is still surprisingly spry for her age - and equally as energetic.

"Off to fight the goblins, I suppose?", she inquired, wiping her hands on a apron outside her door, "So you'll be wanting to know where to find them, I suppose. Try Brinestump marsh, just a bit to the south. That's where those explosions were yesterday eve."

She went on, "Best you be out to find Walthus. There aren't any maps of the marsh, but if anyone knows the lay of the land, it's him. Walthus Proudstump. Little halfling, styles himself warden of the swamp. Keep an eye out for his hut."

Finished cleaning her hands, she opens the door and goes inside, apparently done with advice for the day.

2013-04-03, 03:33 PM
"Thank you" Fiathel says to Koya with a deep bow before continuing along the road to Brinestump marsh.

2013-04-03, 03:41 PM
With Koya leaving as soon as her advice was dispensed, Marcus tells the group "With those wise words of advice, I suggest we make our way to the marsh, and try to find this halfing. Anyone got any objections? While waiting for the rest of the group, Marcus deliberates on the rest of the motley band of goblin-slayers.

The Half-orc, Laura, seemed to be a simple fighter, although the oddy joyous personality threw him off a bit. She and the explosives obsessed women Eponine claimed relation, although most of probably they had just adopted each other. She looked to be one of the more observant members of the group, and one who was a bit more outspoken as well. The impatient Elf seemed to be as reclusive as elves always were, but he looked like he would handle himself in a fight, if he had any weapons at least. The half-elf on the horse, Alinys, seemed an odd addition their band, claiming to be a simple farm worker. Hopefully she could handle a lance, but Marcus wasn't sure how useful a horse would be in a bog. Finally, the woman with the Tiger, Angeligue, seemed to know the wilderness, which would be useful if they skill to make sure they all didn't drown in the bog. She also seemed a bit more cynical than the rest of them, and was built surprising well for a woman. Still, Marcus guessed, the tiger couldn't protect her all the time, and a lone woman in the woods...

Kon Lesh
2013-04-03, 04:44 PM
When Koya appears, Alinys smiles and listens intently at Koya's words. When she finishes, Alinys begins to say something but stops when Koya leaves. Words of advice...and nothing else. I'm am a disappointment. Alinys pulls here hood over her head and follows the rest of the group silently.

2013-04-03, 08:01 PM
Angelique smiled as Prudence purred slightly at Eponine touch; anyone who her tiger liked was as good as a friend in her book. "She likes when you rub the soft part of her head like..." She started making a gesture towards her tiger, but stopped talking abruptly as the wise woman was standing in front of her house, in her creepy way. Angelique had never liked the old woman, and did her best to avoid her when she could. She stood politely by while the old woman spoke, and while the others spoke. "Finding him is a good idea, I've seen him once or twice before; no one knows that part of the wild better". She walks out of town with the others, Prudence close behind.

2013-04-03, 09:49 PM
Laura listens, taking her goggles off and watching the elf head off. Well, he was all about business, huh? The caster was still as charming as ever - and a front, perhaps, if she ever saw it. She didn't know much, but she knew enough not to trust a mage. Or, at least, only trust them as far as you could throw them. She moves up to walk beside the cavalier. Never underestimate a farmhand, either - using pitchforks, hauling buckets...they could be good fighters if they had to, and there's no doubt that the girl has a bond with her horse.

She pulls her goggles off, speaking up to Alinys. Since she's mounted. "Hey, don't be like that. A good warrior is never afraid to show their face in battle - it means that they respect the opponent, and treat them as equals." After a moment, Laura pulls off her goggles, offering them. "If you like, though, you can borrow these. Much better for hiding from disapproval."

(Smoked Goggles: 10gp, -4 to Visual Perception, +8 to Visual-based Saves.
Looking like a badass in D&D-style shades: Priceless.
For everything else, there's axe(TO THE MAX!!).)

Kon Lesh
2013-04-04, 12:09 AM
Alinys looks at the gift offering from the half-orc and then cracks a smile. "No thank you. It isn't goblins that I'm afraid of. And I'm sure that both I and Attican will do fine in battle. Just..."

Alinys gives a moment to thinking of the best way to say it.Should I tell her? Laura seems well enough and straightforward enough to not try to order me around. It is nice to have someone like that.

"Nothing much to say. Koya had a bit of an expectation and I went into something else. Nothing to worry about." Alinys says with a smile. She seems a lot more relaxed.

2013-04-04, 01:25 AM
She puts the goggles back on her head. "Expectations...yeah, Koya always seemed kinda...witch...y...to me. But I think it's always best to follow the path that you set for you, and not someone else." Freedom of choice. Not that she didn't respect the law - just didn't feel compelled to follow it. She looks over the horse idly as she talks, but does spare a grin in return for Alin. "And see? You look prettier already, with that smile. My grandmother used to say that you never go into battle with a frown - that means you have regrets, and you can't fight well when you're carrying baggage."

Laura rubs her head. "There's a lot of things she said. I kinda wish I could've met her. She must've been one hell of an orc." Musing. "Still, I suppose carrying on in her name is the best I can do." She looks back at Alin. "And if you've got someone you're fighting for, it's a strength."

She looks back to the horse, still smiling. "Now, I haven't dealt much with horses, but Attican here looks pretty prime."

Kon Lesh
2013-04-04, 03:51 PM
Attican turns his head towards Laura and then back in front with a nicker.

"Attican! Be nice to her. She will be our companion for a while and you should be kind." Alinys flicks Attican's ear as she says this, causing Attican to listen to Alinys.

Then turns back towards Laura, "Sorry about that. I think he might be nervous because of the tiger, but that doesn't mean that he should be rude. If you want I have some feed in my bag. He always enjoys a snack like that." Alinys shows Laura where the feed is and if she wants, she can feed some to Attican.

2013-04-05, 10:36 AM
Eponine whistles loudly as they go along, although slightly out of tune. She can't quite place the melody in her mind, but she thinks it was something she heard at an inn once. Had she been able to whistle it perfectly, it no doubt would have been quite enchanting. As it is, it grates a little in your ears.
Eponine has a far-off look to her eyes.

2013-04-06, 06:28 PM
It is near noon by the time you reach the swamp, though it isn't so very far from the village gates. A dense, tangled wetland full of hanging vines and fantastically overgrown brush, it is a dangerous, tiring terrain to traverse. Almost two miles long at it's widest, it is bordered to the south by a high cliff, rising from the wetlands to the moors above.

Though you have seen the swamp many times, traveling the Lost Coast road or from the city walls, it has never seemed quite so oppressive as now. The sounds of the swamp, though seemingly innocuous, take on a menacing tone. The chirp of insects seems to herald disaster as you approach the fog-fringed cyprus trees that mark the edges of the marsh.

Perception checks, please

@Eponine, Fiathel, Angelique

As you approach the fetid edge of the marshland, you spot strange, three-toed tracks leading off into the brush. A path may lay beyond, but then, it may not. You do not yet know just what may have left the tracks, after all.

2013-04-07, 08:05 PM
"Look there" Angelique says, "there are strange tracks on the ground." She points to where they are on the ground, "I don't think I've seen anything that looks like that before. What do you guys think?"

2013-04-07, 11:47 PM
Laura's not even paying attention. After conversing with Angelique for the short bit, and kinda hanging back to look around, they arrive at the swamp. She takes in the scenery, noting the cliff wall. Hmm. Dreadful place to hide out, and...

A sudden thought crosses her mind, and she hears the comment on tracks, but something more pressing comes up. "...Eppie, you were skinny the last time I saw you! You have curves now!" Um. She holds an arm out. "And a chest!" Not that Laura herself hadn't matured, but...holycrap her sister! O.e

(Low Perc = completely distracted? Perhaps! .3.)

2013-04-08, 01:07 AM
Eponine decided to check it out. It might be goblins. Or fireworks, she hoped they'd found the fireworks. When Laura started pointing out her assets, she replied distractedly, as if she didn't quite hear her, looking at the tracks. "Yes, they are nice, right? Listen I'll go see if there's goblins at the end of those tracks" Eponine pointed. "I'll scream if I need you all to come, ok?" With those words, she snoke off, crouching low to the ground.

perception in advance:[roll1]

2013-04-08, 08:02 AM
Fiathel pauses along with the others, raising his eyebrow at Laura's latest remark though refraining from comment then saying "Very well shall wait here" to Eponine as she stealths off.

2013-04-08, 08:47 AM
Smirking at the oblivious half-orc, Marcus nods at Eponine's plan, but comments "Hopefully they didn't hear Laura's exclamation there, otherwise they will be on the lookout. If they are there, of course"

Kon Lesh
2013-04-08, 10:34 AM
Alinys listens to the others and nods in agreement with Eponine's plan. She will then move to the most open path forward in case she needs to make a charge to help.

2013-04-11, 04:02 AM
Beyond the edge of the brush you find... nothing. Nothing but more scrub, anyway. The tracks vanish a few feet in, as the ground grows muddy and damp.

2013-04-11, 08:54 AM
Eponine was disappointed. No fireworks, then. She stopped for a spell to feel the sun on her face. It was nice, although the floor was a little marshy for her tastes. She dropped low, sneaking around the others so she'd come out behind them, doing her best not to be noticed. She jumped out of the bushes with a high-pitched wail.


2013-04-11, 01:32 PM
At Eponine's scream, Marcus spins round, whiping out his crossbow as he does so. As he sees Eponine how, a smile passes Marcus's face, and he lowers his crossbow. "From this dramatic entrance, I guess you found nothing of note down the path? Nothing of note at any rate. I propose we move on to finding this so-called "Warden of the Swamp"?

2013-04-11, 05:20 PM
Angelique does not blink as the young redhead comes bursting out of the foliage; she had noticed her a little before she jumped out. Regardless, she smiles at the young girls' enthusiasm. "Shall we move on then?" She poses it more like a statement than a question.

2013-04-11, 06:39 PM
After whirling round to face her Fiathel gives a very slight sigh before speaking "Would you please not do that again, i find it unnerving" he asks her gently.

2013-04-11, 07:20 PM
Laura whirls, axe about to lead, before she realizes who it is. There's a brief consideration to just do it anyway, but...no, she's not like that. She works to save face a bit, thumping her chest. "Going to get me worked up early, Eppie?" And she really didn't like it. Her sneaky sister would do that a lot, before she left. Not much has changed, really...

...except Laura now habitually cuts first and asks questions later, when something does that. Goblins are sneaky bastards.

2013-04-11, 11:03 PM
Deep in the swamp, you hear a loud bang, followed by a bright shower of lights. Wadding birds erupt from the trees, shrieking in fear and panic. The goblins are, perhaps, getting rowdy now that night draws nearer. Perhaps they had planned another raid tonight? You do not know.

What you know for sure is in which direction the goblins lie - due West, toward the heart of the swamp.

Kon Lesh
2013-04-12, 12:30 AM
Attican turns quickly at the sound of Eponine's scream but Alinys stops him from charging when she notices that it is Eponine. "If I was a bit slower Attican would have run you over." At which point Alinys grabs the reins and ducks as the sound of the explosion rips through the swamp.

After a few seconds of calming Attican down, Alinys continues with "That was terrifying. But at least we know where to go now. And hopefully stop them before any more of those explosions."

2013-04-12, 06:33 AM
Jumping at the sound of the explosion Marcus turn to Attican"I guess so" he said "But I'm not keen on leave this relatively dry path to go wading through a unknown swamp of unknown depth straight into the goblins camp. Theres got tp be a other way - a path the goblins use to leave the swamp. Hopefully this "warden" can tell us where it is, to make our lives easier."

2013-04-12, 12:50 PM
She turns her head at the explosion, mulling it over. "...but they would be watching a road. Maybe a couple of us can wade through anyway, and ambush them once we get a signal?" Two teams. flanking them down? That was usually how she did stuff like this.

2013-04-12, 12:57 PM
Considering Laura's words, Marcus replies"That might work, but we have no way to signal through this murky swamp" His eyes glanced briefly skywards "Although with Beaky, maybe. I could send Beaky up in the sky as the signal, when you would her you would attack. Still would be a pain to coordinate thought." While musing through Laura's words, Marcuses keeps walking along the path to the warden.

2013-04-12, 05:12 PM
Fiathel tilts his head to the side for a moment as he thinks "I do not think splitting up is a good idea, we are all fairly inexperienced so even a pair of goblins could prove too much for some of us to face without help from everyone"

2013-04-12, 08:26 PM
Angelique mused over the prospect of splitting up. It didn't seem like a good idea. Only a few of the group looked like they could take care of themselves, excluding herself, and among those the monk did not seem like the type to be comfortable in a swamp. Still, with two groups, she and the Orc could be split into each of them, and that would offer some protection...

But then again, Angelique doubted anyone else would be particularly comfortable finding their way around in a goblin-free swamp, nevermind actually taking care of themselves if they did get ambushed... Besides, the group still did not actually know where the goblins were, so splitting up on a whim seemed like a bad idea. And they hadn't found the person the old lady had told them to yet either. "Let's find our warden first, goblins second", she said, with an unintentional tone of slight condescension.