View Full Version : What if... (For all those small questions)

Sgt. Cookie
2013-04-02, 08:31 AM
I have questions, small changes that could have far reaching consequences, but they aren't big enough for their own thread, or they aren't particularly RAW. I'm certain that other people are the same, so I decided to create this thread, where small questions can be asked by the Playground and answered by the Playground.

1. This is a place for short and simple "What if" questions. This is not a place to ask about RAW, but rather, small changes to.

2. Be sure to thank the person(s)* that answered your question.

3. We're shamelessly stealing borrowing the RAW thread method of Q and A. QX for questions, AX for answers and CX for comments.

*"Persons" is a legitimate plural of Person, by the way.

Here is my question:

Q1: Would there by any significant change if the partial casters (Paladin, Ranger and Hexblade) recovered, and could change, spells every hour, rather than every day?

2013-04-02, 12:12 PM
Sword of the Arcane Order exists, so definitely yes.

2013-04-02, 04:25 PM
Sword of the Arcane Order exists, so definitely yes.

Also, if you allow the Prestige Paladin, Ranger, and Bard, this could cause power issues.

2013-04-02, 07:42 PM
Guys, ya did it wrong. You're supposed to say
A1- Changing the casting mechanic would grant the aforementioned classes more versatility without drastically increasing their power. The Prestige Paladin and Ranger should be exempt from this change.

Q2- What if Item Creation feats didn't exist? What if all that was needed to craft magic items was the corresponding Craft skill? (ie Magic Swords=Weapon Smithing, Potions=Alchemy, Magic Cloaks= Sewing or Leatherworking...)

2013-04-02, 08:37 PM
C#: additionally, you are supposed to bold the XY part so that it is clear where the stuff begins.

C2: would they still need to be able to cast the magic spell? could someone else cast the spell?(or make the mundane item?) what about wondrous items, what craft skill would you use? (for instance, an amulet of natural armor? what is that? craft(wooden jewelry)?

Humble Master
2013-04-02, 08:48 PM
C2 I think it would just force you to put way too many skill points in craft. Really powerfull magic items would take weeks to build even with a good craft score.
Q3 What if there were more counter divination/ counter teleportation spells?

2013-04-02, 08:55 PM

They'd be just as situational and mostly useless as they are now.

2013-04-02, 09:06 PM
C3 Well, unless there was something better suited to dealing with wish teleportation; highly, highly situational, but also quite useful.

2013-04-02, 09:08 PM
C2: the issue is that completely mundane 0th level peasants could make magic by just working long enough.

C3: I think it would lead to a massive armsrace for clerics, wizards etc, leading to a "spelltax" for obligatory spells that everyone hates and doesn't want to deal with.