View Full Version : I need to be a fiend.

Qc Storm
2013-04-02, 08:37 PM
How can I become a fiend?

I need to make Fiendish Grafts. I am a level 5 factotum/4 Chameleon human with a floating feat.

I have a willing, evil barbarian to experiment on. Unfortunately these grafts require the maker to be a fiend. I happen to not be a fiend.

Can I make this work?

Toy Killer
2013-04-02, 09:32 PM
The Prestige class Fleshwarper (from Lords of Madness), I believe can get around that stipulation; I don't think its automatic so you may need to gain a few levels. Otherwise, Talk to your DM about learning from a fiend. A quick side quest and gathering of appropriate materials should be enough to start your... Apprenticeship...

otherwise, there is always polymorph and the ritual from Savage Species to the rescue.

2013-04-02, 09:37 PM
otherwise, there is always polymorph and the ritual from Savage Species to the rescue.
Oh, Polymorph Any Object, are there any problems that you can't solve?

Though, actually, Polymorph/PoA can't turn you into a fiend unless you're already an outsider, so it won't do much for this particular character.

2013-04-02, 09:39 PM
Oh, Polymorph Any Object, are there any problems that you can't solve?

Though, actually, Polymorph/PoA can't turn you into a fiend unless you're already an outsider, so it won't do much for this particular character.

Can't it? I recall one example of turning a pebble into a manticore. It's just that the duration would certainly be short.

2013-04-02, 09:42 PM
If you're willing to use relatively high-OP methods, UMDing a scroll of Greater Planar Binding can get you a Sibriex, who can apply grafts for free. A fiend with Fiend of Corruption levels is a similar options.

Unfortunately there isn't a good definition of fiend, so we can't answer your primary question without more information about how your DM is ruling things.

2013-04-02, 09:42 PM
Can't it? I recall one example of turning a pebble into a manticore. It's just that the duration would certainly be short.
Polymorph any Object is based on Polymorph, and while you can now turn objects into creatures, and vice versa, with PoA, it inherits Polymorph's limitations on the creature types that it can change the target into (because of the line "This spell functions like polymorph, except..."). This means that you're limited to creature's of target's type, and aberrations, animals, dragons, fey, giants, humanoids, magical beasts, monstrous humanoids, oozes, plants, and vermin.

The notable absences from that list are constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead, and since fiends are generally (if informally) agreed to be evil outsiders, you can't normally PoA into one.

Qc Storm
2013-04-02, 11:28 PM
Argh. None of them fitting for the game I'm in.

Oh well, not my loss. It's a shame though. That barb's pretty much Satan's avatar. He would've liked the makeover.

Mando Knight
2013-04-02, 11:33 PM
Tiefling for Outsider and bonus points to PAO. Then PAO into your favored 15 HD-or-less Outsider.

2013-04-02, 11:48 PM
Aren't grafts magical items until they're successfully applied? If so, a UMD check to simulate race should get you there.

2013-04-02, 11:51 PM
Aren't grafts magical items until they're successfully applied? If so, a UMD check to simulate race should get you there.

You still need the feat to craft the thing, and the feat's prerequisite is race-based. UMD doesn't let you skip prerequisites for feats.

2013-04-03, 03:31 AM
There's the Half-Fiend template, though it kinda sucks.

If you manage to roll a 100 on a Reincarnation, the DM is free to make you whatever the hell (s)he wants.

2013-04-03, 07:54 AM
Planar Binding. Although you can't do it yourself, you could Planar Bind a fiend that can. You'll have to UMD a scroll of it to do it, but that should be well within your ability since UMD should be maxed and optimized for you. Alternately, Lesser Planar Ally should become available when you hit Chameleon 5, since it's only a 4th level spell for clerics.

2013-04-03, 08:21 AM
I don't believe "fiend" was ever officially defined, but it's usually taken to mean "evil outsider."

Savage Species has a couple of Rituals for that - Alignment (can give you the Evil subtype) and Vitality (can change you into a different creature, such as a Planetouched or other low-ECL outsider) would probably be easiest.

2013-04-03, 12:56 PM
I don't believe "fiend" was ever officially defined, but it's usually taken to mean "evil outsider."

Savage Species has a couple of Rituals for that - Alignment (can give you the Evil subtype) and Vitality (can change you into a different creature, such as a Planetouched or other low-ECL outsider) would probably be easiest.

The Savage Species rituals are expensive and cheesy and have permanent consequences for the character, though. If the OP was ok with expensive and cheesy and the risk of permanent consequences he would have been ok with UMDing a Scroll of Greater Planar Binding to call up a Sibriex.

If you can get some access to persistomancy, Lesser Infernal Transformation makes you an Outsider(Evil) for rounds/level. But again, that's dependent on that counting you as a fiend.

2013-04-03, 01:35 PM
The requirement in the Graft Flesh item creation feat that states you must be a fiend in order to take make fiendish grafts does prevent a non-fiend from making such grafts. However, FF p209 states that characters can perform "rituals in order to gain the benefits of a fiendish graft. Such a ritual requires 10 rounds and deals 1d4 points of damage to the character per round."

You may want to discuss this with your DM. I would assume the ritual involves calling upon the power of a fiend who creates the graft for you.

2013-04-03, 04:34 PM
The requirement in the Graft Flesh item creation feat that states you must be a fiend in order to take make fiendish grafts does prevent a non-fiend from making such grafts. However, FF p209 states that characters can perform "rituals in order to gain the benefits of a fiendish graft. Such a ritual requires 10 rounds and deals 1d4 points of damage to the character per round."

You may want to discuss this with your DM. I would assume the ritual involves calling upon the power of a fiend who creates the graft for you.

The ritual, as stated in the BoVD, involves a particular fiendish machine which it would be rather tricky to obtain.

2013-04-03, 08:01 PM
Get your DM to waive the requirement because it's absurd?

2013-04-03, 08:51 PM
Get your DM to waive the requirement because it's absurd?

It's not absurd, though. Fiendish Grafts offer several abilities at much cheaper prices than normal magic items, and they're Ex too. Putting some restrictions on acquiring them makes sense.

Averis Vol
2013-04-03, 08:54 PM
whats your alignment, cus if it isnt evil, Pazuzu may be able to help you. At this time, thats about all I can add to the discussion.

Qc Storm
2013-04-03, 09:24 PM
whats your alignment, cus if it isnt evil, Pazuzu may be able to help you. At this time, thats about all I can add to the discussion.

I'm Good. Is grafting a willing subject with Fiendish Grafts an evil act? I'm doing it for science.

Averis Vol
2013-04-03, 09:34 PM
I'm Good. Is grafting a willing subject with Fiendish Grafts an evil act? I'm doing it for science.

not necessarily, but the act of calling him drops you first down from lawful to chaotic, then good to evil. If you're C/E and call him he attacks you.

EDIT: It kinda depends, I don't think its necessarily evil personally, but it depends if you know his intent or not really. If he wants to go around slaughtering people, and thats what he needed to do it then, yea I think it is, but if its to aid in a goodly deed, probably not.

2013-04-03, 09:39 PM
I'm Good. Is grafting a willing subject with Fiendish Grafts an evil act? I'm doing it for science.

It's... arguable either way. You could say that you aren't tapping the Evil power, just bestowing it. You could also argue that using the Barbarian's new strength to augment your team's performance is considered tapping it. YMMV.

BoVD 77.

"Tapping into evil power is an evil act in and of itself, no matter what the effects or the reason for using the power might be."

If you use a Fiend for it, it is undeniably evil. It is Evil to consort with Fiends, as it is to sell one's soul to them, summon them, help them, or allow them to exist (BoVD pg. 8).

Bear in mind that context doesn't matter, because "In the D&D universe... an Evil act is an Evil act no matter what good result it may acheive" (BoED pg 9). It seems like the idea behind this rule is to prevent system abuse from rules-lawyering alignments (i.e. a Paladin cannot slaughter innocent children, then claim it was for the greater good and retain his powers).

2013-04-03, 09:45 PM
I don't have my books handy, but don't fiendish grafts make you (well, try to make you) commit evil acts? Because giving someone a compulsion to commit evil deeds would be stretching a Good alignment, even if they wanted it.

2013-04-03, 09:48 PM
I don't have my books handy, but don't fiendish grafts make you (well, try to make you) commit evil acts? Because giving someone a compulsion to commit evil deeds would be stretching a Good alignment, even if they wanted it.

"Tempting others to do wrong" is also an Evil act (BoVD pg 9). So check out the graft description first. I think fiendish grafts only force Will saves on Neutral people, so it should be fine on the Barbarian.

2013-04-03, 09:52 PM
"Tempting others to do wrong" is also an Evil act (BoVD pg 9). So check out the graft description first. I think fiendish grafts only force Will saves on Neutral people, so it should be fine on the Barbarian.
Some quick searching around leads me to believe that all non-evil characters need to make a save against committing an evil act, and that Good characters additionally have to save against Wisdom damage.

Qc Storm
2013-04-04, 12:01 AM
Some quick searching around leads me to believe that all non-evil characters need to make a save against committing an evil act, and that Good characters additionally have to save against Wisdom damage.

Yes, there are no drawbacks if you are evil. The barbarian happens to be so.

Another question, would it be too farfetched to have the "be a fiend' requirement be filled by having a fiend assist me during the operation? We happen to be on good terms with a Quasit. Maybe the guy knows a good demon limb provider.

2013-04-04, 01:12 AM
"Wish it. Wish it good. Wish it real good."

I'm sure it's perfectly within the spell's functions to permanently turn you into a tiefling, and from there on you are one Polymorph Any Object away from being whatever fiend you choose (assuming you don't already count as a fiend for being a tiefling).

Miracle can also work, if you appeal to the right deity/philosophical concept.