View Full Version : [PF] Good dips for gunslinger: Bard, Psychic warrior or something else...

Averis Vol
2013-04-03, 01:47 PM
Hey everyone, Currently I am in a two man campaign in a Pathfinder game and have scored a pair of levels from a recent encounter ending us in the shadow plane. Looking at gunslinger, I have noticed that at level 5, I really have all I want from the class, and am thinking of taking some dips now to cover some bases that neither me nor my partner (Rogue/Alchemist) really have any of.

So the basics:

Fetchling gunslinger 5 (Mysterious stranger/Musket master)

Stats (15 PB)

Str: 10
Dex: 17 (14 base, 2 racial, 1 level)
Con: 14
wis: 8
Int: 10
Cha: 16

+1 musket
+1 studded leather long coat
Beneficial bandoleer

Rapid reload (Musket)
precise shot
point blank shot
ricochet shot
Deadly aim

Now, I've got two levels to play with, and I was thinking of going bard or psychic warrior. Bard offers spells, which we lack as a group completely, and the dervish dance archetype is ambiguous enough in its wording that I can make use of its bonuses with my musket, It also grants a boost to my skills and a jump to my will save that I desperately needed.

On the other hand, If I move into psychic warrior (Assassin Path) for three levels I get a static +2 to damage while psionically focused, a handful of PP and powers, and I can then move into elocator for two levels to get me some much needed mobility (was thrown into melee once, nearly died. with 51 HP thats saying something, mostly something sad on my part.)

so my question to the playground is....can you think of any better path for me to take? Or are either of these a solid option? The game has no foreseeable end, but I'd prefer advice for a build that kicks in before level 12-13.

Thanks in advance!

2013-04-03, 02:46 PM
Mysterious Stranger?
anything Cha focused.
>Sorcerer dip.
>You mentioned Bard.
>2 levels in Paladin.

If you're going wisdom-heavy, then...
>Monk, unarmored AC.
>Cleric, for spells, Artifice Domain to fix things, or other domain that fits, to get you Channel Energy, then take Channel Smite and Guided Hand; you now use Wis for Grit, AC, and To Hit.

2013-04-03, 03:00 PM
With Wis 8, I would stick to CHA-based classes.

Dervish bard definitely applies. However, you can't stack musket master and mysterious stranger, as both replace gun training, unless you DM gave you special permission to pick one option or the other.

Best option I see is a couple levels of oath of vengeance paladin to get CHA to saves and a fair number of smites. Could run with Dread if you wanted manifesting instead of bard casting.

2013-04-03, 03:31 PM
If you don't want to flip your Cha to Wis I recommend Ninja. Keep Mysterious Stranger for Cha to damage and Grit points. You get poison use (surprisingly useful on a Gunslinger), Ninja tricks (invisibility, smoke bombs, a few others), you gain a ki pool at 2nd level (which can be used for several different abilities, such as getting a extra attack), and Sneak Attack dice. A 3 level dip can net you rather a lot.
If you want to flip your Cha to Wis and take those Cleric levels, I would totally recommend that. Hands down.

If you take Cleric or Paladin, I fully recommend the Conductive enchant on your ammo. Why? For two uses of Lay on Hands or Channel, even Domain powers, you can deliver those with your ammo. I believe it is a Swift action, and you decide when the ammo hits and on which attacks. Great way to get use of those Lay on Hands or Channel VS something nasty and evil and undead or somesuch, without having to give up your range advantage.
Also, to prevent things from getting to you too quickly after you shoot them in the face, I completely recommend the Phase Locking enchant. You basically Dimentionally Anchor anyone you shoot, no save, no SR.
Limning is good or bad, depends on how good you are about getting around concealment. If concealment is a problem for you or your allies, get Limning.

Averis Vol
2013-04-03, 05:05 PM
okay, thanks for the responses so far, let me go down the line and address them.

A note, this character is already in play, so I'm stuck with the mysterious stranger:

Mysterious Stranger?
anything Cha focused.
>Sorcerer dip.
>You mentioned Bard.
>2 levels in Paladin.

If you're going wisdom-heavy, then...
>Monk, unarmored AC.
>Cleric, for spells, Artifice Domain to fix things, or other domain that fits, to get you Channel Energy, then take Channel Smite and Guided Hand; you now use Wis for Grit, AC, and To Hit.

Sorcerer could work, as I don't lose out on much and I' pretty sure theres a shadow bloodline somewhere that would sync well with Fetchling.

Unfortunately.....I cannot do paladin. I am firmly in the T/N alignment, and may even be slipping down into the nether regions in this next session (Ended the last session with the barrel of my gun down the red mantis' throat...)

With Wis 8, I would stick to CHA-based classes.

Dervish bard definitely applies. However, you can't stack musket master and mysterious stranger, as both replace gun training, unless you DM gave you special permission to pick one option or the other.

Best option I see is a couple levels of oath of vengeance paladin to get CHA to saves and a fair number of smites. Could run with Dread if you wanted manifesting instead of bard casting.

I had planned on Dervish. kinda screws the assassin on the bonuses but I can't share his mutagens so he can deal :P

for the bolded part: We play by a rule that basically lets us cherry pick what abilities we want at what level, so I won't be taking the MS level 5 ability.

If you don't want to flip your Cha to Wis I recommend Ninja. Keep Mysterious Stranger for Cha to damage and Grit points. You get poison use (surprisingly useful on a Gunslinger), Ninja tricks (invisibility, smoke bombs, a few others), you gain a ki pool at 2nd level (which can be used for several different abilities, such as getting a extra attack), and Sneak Attack dice. A 3 level dip can net you rather a lot.
If you want to flip your Cha to Wis and take those Cleric levels, I would totally recommend that. Hands down.

If you take Cleric or Paladin, I fully recommend the Conductive enchant on your ammo. Why? For two uses of Lay on Hands or Channel, even Domain powers, you can deliver those with your ammo. I believe it is a Swift action, and you decide when the ammo hits and on which attacks. Great way to get use of those Lay on Hands or Channel VS something nasty and evil and undead or somesuch, without having to give up your range advantage.
Also, to prevent things from getting to you too quickly after you shoot them in the face, I completely recommend the Phase Locking enchant. You basically Dimentionally Anchor anyone you shoot, no save, no SR.
Limning is good or bad, depends on how good you are about getting around concealment. If concealment is a problem for you or your allies, get Limning.

I hadn't thought about ninja, as we may have a new guy coming in, but those abilities sound almost too good to give up.

2013-04-03, 05:59 PM
First off:
DIPPING GUIDE (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=230500)!

Fetchling gunslinger 5 (Mysterious stranger/Musket master)

Secondly: Those 2 archetypes are not compatible, as they both trade away Gun-Training.
DM allowed?
Or nobody noticed?

Averis Vol
2013-04-03, 07:38 PM
Secondly: Those 2 archetypes are not compatible, as they both trade away Gun-Training.
DM allowed?
Or nobody noticed?

noticed by all in the group, DM stated if you have two archetypes that at one point no longer work together, you can choose 1 ability to be modified. This being because we started at two where there was no overlapping.

2013-04-04, 10:17 AM
I hadn't thought about ninja, as we may have a new guy coming in, but those abilities sound almost too good to give up.I'm currently playing a Gunslinger 3/Ninja 5 and I'm having an awesome time. I'm also a Gnome with Bewildering Koan. Astonishing how useful that ability is at low level, just having regular access to a means of taking advantage of your Swift action every round. And it is a pretty reliable lockdown ability.
For Gunslinger I went with Mysterious Stranger and Experimental Gunsmith. I'm using a pepperbox pistol. I would totally recommend the Rake Archetype Rogue in place of Ninja levels, as free Intimidate on every Sneak Attack is quite strong at low level, but otherwise stay Ninja.