View Full Version : Inherited Templates for E6

2013-04-03, 04:50 PM
So im looking for some inherited templates that players in a e6 game could add on. Basically the idea is that once the game has gone on for awhile and they peak out at level 6 they can no longer get any stronger due to the limits of their humanity, however I'm looking for a few templates that could potentially push them to a new level of strength while still keeping them at only 6 hit die.

I've already got a base line with a modified lycanthrope template, and the saint template, but I want the templates to fit well with the characters theme. Like lycantrhope= ranger, barbarian naturey types, while the saint would be clerical types, however these leaves open a few rolls to be met such as rogues or arcane users etc or even bad clerics. Arcane magic was basiclly created by the first dragons long ago so perhaps something along the lines of a half-dragon or dragonborn or something. The elder dragons and the gods the mortals acknowledge are basically the same age and were both created at the same time by a greater being or beings (haven't decided yet) most people have no knowledge of this greater being(s)

Essentially a great elder wyrm dragon would be equivalent in power to one of the lesser gods.

I'd like to keep them all roughly the same power wise, the saint will almost undoubtably be the strongest but I also plan on making it the hardest to acquire.

2013-04-03, 05:39 PM
I think you mean acquired templates, as inherited templates are those they're born with.

This is probably what you're looking for (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/arch/sp) in any case.

Zero grim
2013-04-03, 06:36 PM
While intended to be for NPC's you could give your character the chance to earn some of the NPC unique abilities from DMG 2, none of them really break what I understand E6 stands for, though I've never played E6 myself so i can only give minor suggestions.

for those who don't know unique NPC abilites are very simple templates you can apply to NPC's to give them more flare and power, they come with cr and level adjustments, the level adjustments are very high for what they do on most of them.

the one I really like is prodigy, it grants you a +2 bonus to a stat and a +4 bonus on all ability and skill checks with that stat (for a total +5), you could have your players do extreme challenges and ordeals to push themselves to the highest peak of their race and reward them with the Prodigy ability or something like it.

2013-04-03, 07:03 PM
Yes I meant acquired thanks lol, but even an inherited template could be changed so that it fits as an aquired one. and thanks for the suggestion about the npcs abilities will have to check them out.