View Full Version : Melee vs Swarm

2013-04-04, 10:25 AM
Obviously you have flasks, scrolls, elemental weapon enhancements, and in the derpiest of cases you whack the swarms with a torch. Are there any better ways to hit a swarm as a melee character? Because it feels really silly to have this expensive magical weapon holstered up, and then as soon as a swarm that has diminutive creatures comes around my character jumps on a chair, pulls out a torch or flask, and hopes that the little spiders don't bite him. Then at level 20, when your chacter is a veteran of wars and grand battles versus dragons, he still sucks against a suped up swarm of creatures. There has to be a better way than keeping stocked up on hundreds of flasks and powerful scrolls that are to be saved only for swarms.

Kyuu Himura
2013-04-04, 10:30 AM
Desert Wind

Morbis Meh
2013-04-04, 10:36 AM
I personally detest swarms and never use them in any game I run, they cripple melee characters (especially at low levels) and they are the ones who are already at a massive disadvantage already. It's like kicking a 3 legged puppy that is missing an ear and blind in one eye. If you want to use swarms then simply have them reduce melee damage by some percentage. If your DM insists on using them then my only suggestion is talk to them about it. If they reply 'you should just be more prepared' then cover them in a swarm of spiders :smallwink:

2013-04-04, 11:07 AM
Desert Wind

And once again the answer to the age old question is ToB. :smallcool:

2013-04-04, 11:12 AM
use a spatula

2013-04-04, 11:45 AM
I'm not sure how RAW this is but my old DM had a rule that if you have a torch (or other fire stick thing) that caused fire damage you may spend a move action to "sweep" the your space to keep the swarms out.

Worked out nicely, screws your full attack but you get a defense against them.

Kyuu Himura
2013-04-04, 11:49 AM
You could also put a mouthful of oil or some other flamable liquid and then spit it through a torch. Bam! Circus act and breath weapon, all in one.

2013-04-04, 11:51 AM
You could also put a mouthful of oil or some other flamable liquid and then spit it through a torch. Bam! Circus act and breath weapon, all in one.

That would taste nasty.

But it would be AWESOME.

Hm.... THis seems like the sort of thing that Fighters should be able to do in a fix.

2013-04-04, 12:05 PM
That would taste nasty.

But it would be AWESOME.

Hm.... THis seems like the sort of thing that Fighters should be able to do in a fix.

I think there is a potion or elixer for that...

Dragon Fire Adept also has the same look, I played a "monk" dragon fire adept that was a drunken master.... :)

2013-04-04, 12:08 PM
Swarmfighting enchantment. +1 I believe.

2013-04-04, 12:42 PM
Swarmbane Clasp (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/c-d/clasp-swarmbane) should do the trick.

2013-04-04, 02:10 PM
Elixer of Firebreathing. Never enter a crypt (especially one with an Egyptian theme) without it.

2013-04-04, 02:14 PM
Magic weapon properties work against swarms, even though the base damage doesn't. At level 20 you should have no trouble wiping the floor with them.

At low levels before magic weapons there are alchemical items, oil and torches as you mentioned. But another thing to consider is that swarms tend to be slow and do low damage. Walking away briskly is another option that is often overlooked that works even when you're caught unprepared. That's also why normally horrible weapons like lighting 1 sp oil are actually effective against them: they can't hurt you much either.

Mainly they're a bit overrated because people say "Omg weapons can't hurt them your'e screwed if you use a weapon" when really they're incredibly weak and not much to worry about.

Flame of Anor
2013-04-04, 02:57 PM
That would taste nasty.

Well, I suppose if it were paraffin or petroleum or something. But you could use food-grade oil just as well.

2013-04-04, 04:26 PM
Standard weapon energy enchantments should work fine and have the benefit of being useful in many other situations.

2013-04-04, 04:57 PM
I personally detest swarms and never use them in any game I run, they cripple melee characters (especially at low levels) and they are the ones who are already at a massive disadvantage already. It's like kicking a 3 legged puppy that is missing an ear and blind in one eye. If you want to use swarms then simply have them reduce melee damage by some percentage. If your DM insists on using them then my only suggestion is talk to them about it. If they reply 'you should just be more prepared' then cover them in a swarm of spiders :smallwink:

This. All swarms do is make noncasters feel even more worthless. My least favorite monster type in the game, by far.

John Campbell
2013-04-04, 05:02 PM
My preferred solution is using fire. On the DM.

2013-04-04, 09:02 PM
This. All swarms do is make noncasters feel even more worthless. My least favorite monster type in the game, by far.

And if the PCs summoned the swarm, only to have it turn on them ?

Swarms are a valid challenge, you just shouldn't use them all of the time — besides a well equipped mundane character should be able to handle a swarm without too much problem.

2013-04-04, 09:25 PM
at low cr swarms arnt a big deal becuase they have low hp so a flask of acid or a torch is a viable option the biggest problem is at high cr becuase mundane anti swarm options don't scale well fights can easily become tedious or cause a situation where the fighters action is irrelevant. if the wizard is lobbing 15d6 fire balls (due to swarm area of effect vulnerability) The fighters d4 torch swing is not helpful and he might as well not bother. even worse many high cr swarms start getting elemental resistances. Its the worst of d&d casters get bonuses against them and melee isn't allowed to hurt them

I remember one game where my scout encountered a devilish swarm it had like a hundred hit points and resistance or immunity to every element i could throw at it or could have easily acquired. If i recall correctly I read a book while a called angel fought it.