View Full Version : [PF] Special Materials and Masterwork costs

2013-04-04, 11:04 AM
For an upcoming game, I want my character to have a Masterwork Crystalline Longsword, but I don't know how much it would cost. See, the special material Crystalline says it costs 50x as much to make a Crystalline (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/special-materials#TOC-Crystalline) item.

Does this multiplier apply before the Masterwork component, or after? This is important because the cost difference is huge.

Bonus question: does the multiplier apply to the cost of magical enhancement?\

EDIT: Would we consider the Masterwork Cold Iron Longsword (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/specific-magic-weapons/longsword-cold-iron-masterwork) weapon as precedent for applying it before Masterwork? The description of Cold Iron multiplies by 2x, and this weapon appears to have been priced as though the multiplier applies only to the base weapon.

2013-04-04, 11:08 AM
Seeing as how masterwork padded armor gets the same treatment as masterwork full plate, I'd say apply before.

Edit: Misread.

2013-04-04, 11:24 AM
It's poorly worded, but the pricing just says "cost x50", so I'd guess that means the cost of the normal item, whatever that would be, times 50. So that would mean that the masterwork component is included. Unfortunately it's 3rd-party, so there's no general rule or FAQ to fall back on.

Running the numbers:

Masterwork longsword: 315 gp
Masterwork crystalline longsword: 15,750 gp
+1 crystalline longsword: 115,750 gp

The numbers seem pretty whacked-out, and honestly, I have no idea how you'd price a item that ignores half of a target's armour bonus anyway, since I don't think there's any PF effect that does anything remotely similar to compare it to. It's also a headache-inducing amount of extra maths (ignore half the armour bonus, rounding up, but not the enhancement bonus, and only if your enhancement bonus is at least equal to the target's armour enhancement bonus . . . yeah, that sounds fun to do on every single attack roll you ever make.)

Ask your DM. If I was DM I'd just say that you couldn't have it on grounds that there's no way I'm recalculating the AC of every monster in the campaign, but maybe your DM finds mental arithmetic more fun than I do. :smalltongue:

2013-04-04, 11:26 AM
Unfortunately it's 3rd-party, so there's no general rule or FAQ to fall back on.

That explains why it's so OP. I was just sort of skimming through the webpage and missed the "3rd party" bit.

EDIT: Extra Question: Does this mean an Obsidian (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/special-materials#TOC-Obsidian) weapon would have halved costs for magic enhancement?

2013-04-04, 03:02 PM
EDIT: Would we consider the Masterwork Cold Iron Longsword (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/specific-magic-weapons/longsword-cold-iron-masterwork) weapon as precedent for applying it before Masterwork? The description of Cold Iron multiplies by 2x, and this weapon appears to have been priced as though the multiplier applies only to the base weapon.

That is exactly what I'd do here.

2013-04-04, 03:16 PM
EDIT: Extra Question: Does this mean an Obsidian (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/special-materials#TOC-Obsidian) weapon would have halved costs for magic enhancement?

No. There's a base item cost and then the enhancement cost. Unless otherwise noted, the enhancement cost is not part of the weapon cost.