View Full Version : [3.5] Help challenge my Party

The Random NPC
2013-04-04, 03:54 PM
My DM is requesting help making an antagonist that will frustrate our party, you know, an enemy that we can love to hate.
We're playing D&D 3.5, most every first party book is allowed, but no Dragon Magizine. LA buyoff has been allowed. We are all ECL 5.
Our party makeup is a Kobold Mailman Sorcerer, Halfling Necropolition Dread Necromancer, Drow Barbarian 1/Druid 2, a Elven Batman Wizard (Collegete Mage feat with Generalist Elven Wizard), and a Draconic Human Warblade (me). The warblade normally has Moment of Perfect Mind, Steel Wind, Wall of Blades, and Emerald Razor readied, but also has Douse the Flames and Mountain Hammer, with the stances Tactics of the Wolf, and Punishing Stance. I will eventually be abusing the Stormguard Warrior feat with Karmic Strike and Robliar's Gambit, but that doesn't come online until 12 level. The DM's account is ArosFarron and I won't be checking the thread after this, but he will be.
Thanks Playgrounders!
EDIT: If you want any more info from me or the other players, send me a PM.

2013-04-04, 03:57 PM
This is the DM of TheRandomNPC's game and I will be following this as he said. I also stopped in to say thanks for your help. I really do appreciate this.

2013-04-04, 07:52 PM
I would suggest a foil party. A party of a god wizard, possibly also dedicated in counterspelling. A blaster as well. Possibly a DMM Persist Cleric with an antimagic field centered on him and using that feat so it doesn't affect him. Maybe a BBEG who is the real master of the foil party who also sends minions. Also something I love to send at players is
Lion Totem Barbarian 1 (for pounce)/X Class (Possibly Battle Sorc focusing on buffs)/X Warshaper/X Soul Eater
Grow a bunch of natural weapons and start hitting the party with negative levels. That'll make them cry especially if you include several of these guys in addition to a dedicated controller.

2013-04-04, 08:08 PM
Depending on if the party is good, neutral, or evil I like going 3 ways:

1. Good: minionmancer dread necro, that always has a new dread warrior for them to play with, but leaves before they get a chance to go after him. You'll need to be creative with reasons they can't get to him before he leaves as they beat the tar out of his new dread warrior (along with many lower level minions of course).

2. Neutral: this splits along lines of lawful and chaotic. A lawful party would be harassed by the king of thieves or a rebel leader. I like using a spellthief for this (along with some other things thrown in the mix) The chaotic party would be more interested in taking down tyranny. A good one for this is actually a knight. The way to make him more formidable would be to make sure he has a city's worth of magical items on him and send some backup.

3. Evil: Send a cleric or paladin as the head of an opposing party, whether it be an adventuring party or a party sent specifically after them.

2013-04-04, 08:46 PM
always remember it can be hard to emulate the int of an npc wizard. feel free not to actually prepare spells and choose them on the fly if the wizard knows how the party functions and the party is good at being unpredictable. this tends to make for enemies that are more hated by the party.

2013-04-04, 08:57 PM
7 HD Summoning Ooze would be cool, using web throwing spiders and Wolfs to pin down the party. It stays hidden, and when it looks like its summons are going to be defeated it retreats into the shadows.

Using Summon Monster II is can even summon fair sized groups of Summon Monster I critters, so you could have a wave of Hawks to harry the party from above while they are being tripped and entangled.

2013-04-04, 09:11 PM
Kepp the Merciless
Spawned from a hag in a putrid swamp, Kepp grew up in a harsh environment among harsher caretakers. He was taken from his home at a young age by adventurers and turned over to the church to be educated. What he learned was justification for turning his own malicious nature upon others, and in the years that followed he became quite good at it.

Half-Fey (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040213a) Strongheart Water Halfling (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/elementalRacialVariants.htm#racesOfWater), start with one level of the template (+1 LA), at his third class level buy it off, on gaining his next level (ECL 4) gain the second level of the template (+1 LA), at his sixth class level (three higher than his level adjustment) buy that one off as well.

Kepp is small, even for a halfling. He has a pair of small black antennae sprouting from his forehead, and dark angular wings like those of a wasp. His segmented eyes give him a very inhuman appearance, so he covers them with dark goggles (Sundark Goggles, RotD).

Cloistered Cleric 1/ Paladin of Tyranny (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#paladinVariantsFreedom SlaughterAndTyranny) 5, all future levels should be in Paladin of Tyranny.
Inquisition domain, Law Devotion, and Knowledge Devotion from Cleric.
Divine Counterspell ACF (CM) and Underdark Knight ACF (CC) from Paladin of Tyranny.
Harmonious Knight (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060327a) 1 substitution level, trade Inspire Courage for Inspire Awe from Dragon Magic.
Spellcraft 4, Kn: Arcana 4, and at least one rank in each Kn: Dungeoneering, Local, Nature, Religion, and Planes at Cloistered Cleric 1. Need to have Kn: Arcana 5 ranks.
Feats: Practiced Spellcaster: Paladin (was designated Cleric, retrained), Magic in the Blood (PGtF, all 1/day spell-like abilities become 3/day), Divine Defiance (FC2), Haunting Melody (ECS).
Signature items: +1 Sudden Stunning (DMG2) Scythe, multiple 1st level Pearls of Power, later on he'll have an Eternal Wand (MIC) of Hound of Doom (CW).

Note: He can spend a rebuke undead use via Cleric to activate Divine Defiance, which allows him to attempt a counterspell as an immediate action. He can use Divine Counterspell to make this attempt, which is a Dispel check at 1d20+3+Paladin level. (Paladin -3 for turn undead level, +4 inquisition domain, +2 for Kn: Arcana 5 ranks.)

Methods: Kepp usually opens up with Glitterdust and moves into a position to perform a dive attack. Note that per recently published books (RotW, RotD) a dive attack can be performed with any piercing weapon, and automatically deals double damage. His 1st level Paladin spells will be used for Rhino's Rush, which also doubles charging damage, which makes the attack do x3 damage. Note that a critical hit at x4 will increase this to x6 total.

Another note: Divine Defiance + Divine Counterspell takes an immediate action, which consumes his next swift action. Rhino's Rush has a swift action casting time. Sudden Stunning requires a swift action to activate. So he has to be a bit picky with his actions, though he'll usually counterspell any arcane spell he notices (don't need Spellcraft to see a spell component pouch instead of a divine focus/holy symbol).

He should travel with at least two supporting inquisitors, I'd probably give him four or five, 3rd-4th level in various classes (Cleric and Beguiler for sure, probably Fighter and/or Crusader).

2013-04-05, 07:00 AM
The joker bard or some variant thereof might suit your needs.
I dug up the link:

2013-04-05, 07:33 AM
Seems like the party is a little light on the trap-finding side of things. I would go with a Trap-making BBEG, someone who specializes in setting up a certain area to be fought in, then having traps (either magical or mundane) scattered throughout it. I also like the idea of summons via magical traps to provide quick and varied threats.
At sixth level this can easily be acheived with Artificer 5/Trapsmith 1. Thematics could include him being a kobold, perhaps an treasure hunter who had his loot stolen from under his nose. This also has the advantage of being able to give the party non-standard loot, or basically justify any magical item as a possible drop.
He could also reasonably get ahead of you in a race for a given treasure, either resetting traps or setting new ones, while snaking a large haul or artifact ahead of the party. This could easily extend a possible quest by turning it into a hunt for a sold artifact.

2013-04-05, 09:38 AM
going off the previous post: The easiest recurring villains are the ones that don't fight the party. The party meets a kobold once who has been captured. They free him, but don't return his equipment to him that they found later in the dungeon. He takes this personally.

From then on, he starts taking on their dungeons on his own, avoiding encounters and stealing the wealth or setting up traps for them. This lets you include traps in any setting, and can hit them everywhere. He'll be hitting them in the WBL, so he shouldn't be too successful for too long. He can be cherry picking the parts they actually need.

Thieves are great recurring villains, but having them steal directly from the party is generally bad. The party feels like you are taking away their abilities that they rely on. Stealing things they were about to get is good. Similarly stealing things and framing the party is great. If someone steals a piece of art from a dragon and drops it off where the party picks it up so soon that the dragon thinks they stole it when he uses locate object, they now have a dragon after them.

Traps in the strangest places and calling cards can let the players know that someone is really after them.

2013-04-06, 08:08 PM
Thank all of you for your suggestions. I'll use the thief idea to have them be frustrated.