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2013-04-04, 06:08 PM
Though the city thrives, not all is well...
Things are changing, for better or for worse...
Others have finally taken interest in you...
The balance changes... In who's favor?

For several weeks, things have been changing, rumors of monsters roaming the area, people watching you you just see out of the corner of your eye, vanishing when you turn to look. Today the rumors have been given a name. Sar Thok Gath. A traveler came stumbling into town, all that was left of the expected caravan. He claimed the caravan was attacked, by a warrior astride a great winged beast, a warrior by the name of Sar Thok Gath. People are uneasy, and turn to the founders of this city for guidance, and protection. The sole survivor of the raid waits outside as the leaders and founders [the PCs, and if chosen by the PC in question, cohorts] are meeting.

Links to other Threads:
Recruitment (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=271588)
Out of Character (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=278613)

{table=head]Player Name|Character(s)|Done/Approved?|Color of Speech
rweird [DM]|Will have many|Never/I hope you approve of it|Many [Bold]
Derjuin|Sharaad Wador (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=535325)|Yes/Yes|Arial Black DarkRed
Dunkoro|Sorin Markov (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ao-T3AAincqCdDZseXZUampmWGtPazV5bno5bUoxN3c#gid=0), Kil'Anthar [Cohort] (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=527475), and Tingle [Psicrystal] (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=522222)|Yes/Yes|DarkOrange/Palatino Linotype/Comic Sans MS
Ravanan|DK179 (Lorical) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=531380) and Helecka Barasom (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=541526)|Yes/Yes|DarkSlateGray/Green
ginger ninja|Taisiya Zali (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=525437)|Yes/Yes|Navy
NekoIncardine|Martera Espral (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=521746) and Loraonna Starseeker [Cohort] (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=523032)|Maybe will get more items/Yes|DarkOrchid/Purple
AmberVael|Sthena (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=535345)|Yes/Yes|Red
Cogidubnus|Aoife o'Floinn (http://coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=13844)|Yes/Yes|Orange Trebuchet MS
Gem_Knight|Brighid (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=521371) and Elroy [Cohort] (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=522418)|Yes/Yes|Cyan/DeepSkyBlue
Togo|Narlgrim (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=522961) and Miranda Vine [Cohort, no sheet link]|Need cohort sheet & cohort speech color/Yes|DarkRed/[unknown][/table]

2013-04-04, 08:57 PM

The behemoth of metal towers over most of those present, and even as he bows deeply to those assembled, he still is looking down upon most present.

"My mistress sends her deepest apologies that she could not attend."

In reality, the truth was far from his words. When he had approached her for this meeting, she had in fact thrown a pillow at him, muttered something about philistine swine not appreciating a good clock, and went back to sleep.

If anyone REALLY wants to call that bluff

"Nonetheless, we move on. I'm sure we have all by this point already heard many of the cogent points of the survivor's testimony?"

ginger ninja
2013-04-04, 09:28 PM

"We've got a name. That's more than we had this morning." Taisiya says, pacing back and forth. "It's a place to start."

2013-04-05, 12:14 AM

"A warrior astride a great winged beast," said the woman in a nun's robe.

Martera Espral sighed. She'd joined DK179 on this particular trip down - and unfortunately, that meant not looking like a demon who had spent over a century serving a goddess who most demons wanted destroyed.

While she knew at lest one person here knew better, she'd made sure she left looking like a normal person - a priestess of Mystra (http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1660528) - and made sure, as usual, to make sure her allies with the temple would be careful to not reveal her nature. She trusted them, and her own abilities, greatly by now, but she also knew that they had to be careful. A few wrong words to a sufficiently powerful person, and she could have paladins, blackguards, angels, 'traitor'-hunting demons, or all of the above gunning for her - an idea she very much did not like.

"The real problem is, someone like that has a long range they can roam. We'll need quite a bit more information if we're going to find them out," she said, looking more than a little frustrated. "And that part, we don't even have rumors on."

2013-04-05, 03:32 AM
Did the survivor bring any element that belonged to the so called Sar Thok Gath? Even a single feather or a piece of cloth would suffice to grant me much more information about him that we currently have.

2013-04-05, 07:36 AM
A tired looking man enters. He has the dusty attire of a traveler, and bears many scrapes and scratches. He appears to be around 18.

He seems nervous, and doesn't know how to begin. "Lords, Ladies, Gentlemen-Estimed protectors..." He pauses, seeing his greeting failed, and he plunges right in. "I am William Daggertheft, the sole survivor of Sar Thok Gath's attack. What is it you would like to know? I am sorry but I have no element of his..." he trails off "Though some may be around the place of the attack." He finishes quickly, waiting to see how you received his words.

2013-04-05, 08:39 AM
Sharaad Wador

"We would like to know as much as you can give us. But first, come and sit; you've been through a terrible ordeal." A richly garbed human woman (http://browse.deviantart.com/art/Empress-252708159) pointed to a nearby chair, and though she speaks with authority, she tries to conceal her normally booming voice, not wanting to frighten the young man away.

"Tell us what you can, then we will see about searching the scene of the attack."

Sharaad stood patiently, her human guise seemingly confident in her and her allies' abilities to solve their predicament with this 'Sar Thok Gath' individual. Behind the mask of the human, however, the countenance of the dragon furrowed with concern. Who was this to attack the caravans of such a powerful city? Is he alone, or working with a group? Was he connected to one of the other leaders, or perhaps herself, and trying to lure them out? Such questions were far beyond their witness, and so she kept them to herself.

I used veil (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/veil.htm) to assume a human disguise for 22 hours; the will save to see through the glamer should someone interact with it is 31. The disguise is one she normally uses when interacting with the populace, named "Lady Shar".

2013-04-05, 10:10 AM
He sits, exhausted. "It was just after dark. I was walking to see my dad to ask when we'd be making camp, when suddenly there was a massive flash of light and the wagon I was next to was blasted apart! I instinctively took cover behind it, and and survived, miraculously unharmed. The same was not so for the others, I looked around and saw dead strewn around the burning caravan, wagons reduced to splinters, and above me- above me... above me... I saw-" he pauses now to take a breath, after a few seconds he speaks quickly. "I saw a great winged beast with a figure astride it, blasting fire down at the survivors, the beast swooped down and smashed one of the few surviving wagons with a single blow. The survivors - those farther away from the wagons that weren't caught in the initial blast - drew weapons and made to attack, but a howling came around us and drove us into panic, fleeing ever which way, to be hunted by the massive hounds. Oh the hounds, the where horrible, larger than horses with emerald eyes and vicious teeth, and the warrior on the bird evoked a great wall of fire, driving us into it, or we stay to be slain by his bird. I tried to sneak away, knowing battle was useless against such a powerful foe, when a bolt of fire struck in front of me, and the warrior shouted 'Halt and turn now or I shall slay you before you can take another step!' I halted, and turned. He laughed and said 'This one has skill, he survived my initial attack. You! Go to the city to which you are headed, and see the leaders, tell them of what happened. Tell them Sar Thok Gath is here, and he is waiting.' With another bolt of fire at my feet, he flew away on his bird laughing, and the hounds left too, leaving me alone completely alone. I hurried to the city all through the night, and that is that." He sighs, and looks to be on the verge of collapsing.

2013-04-05, 10:55 AM
Could you please show on this map here where exactly the attack happened?

Note 1: I assumed we do have a map of vicinity in our conference room.
Note 2a: When he does point me to the location, I use Soul Crystal of Clairvoyant Sense to view that location.
Note 3: I have to make a list of Soul Crystals I prepare each night...
Note 2b: When (if it works) I establish Clairvoyant Sense link to the attack's location, I use Soul Crystal of Retrieve (augumented to 23 PP, for up to 130 lbs.) to get an object I could use Object Reading on; a Feather if possible.
Note 2c: I use Soul Crystal of Object Reading on it, if I got anything that could be connected to the attackers.
Note 4: I use Soul Crystal of Remote Viewing (paying 20XP) to try and see Sar Thok Gath's mount. He gets a +5 on Will Save (I've only heard of him), possibly a -10 if I have a Feather of his. (DC 32).

(OOC: I love how Psionic users can divine almost anything without moving out of their chair.)

2013-04-05, 11:26 AM
"I'm afraid I can't, it'd be between here and here." He says indicating an area between your city and 10 miles away on the road, "I'd guess about 7 miles away."

Map: Approved.

Soul Crystals: Unless you previously had that list, don't use it. No Schrödinger's wizard.

Also, Clairvoyant Sense says "but the locale must be known—a place familiar to you or an obvious one." I doubt that, seeing as you have teleportation, a random point on the road would be either obvious or familiar to you.

Continue this out of character.

2013-04-05, 11:32 AM
While Martera and Sharaad used disguises to fit in, Sthena eschewed such measures. Her inhuman features were clearly visible, from her serpentine lower body to the draconic wings at her shoulders. Her snake-headed hair writhed behind her as she considered the lone survivor and the words of the other influential figures. For now she kept quiet and to the back, letting the others speak and attract attention.

In her mind she sought out her intuitions, searching through what she knew of the city and comparing it to what she had learned of this attack. There had to be a reason or purpose behind this man's actions- and if they knew, perhaps they would be better prepared.

Sthena will manifest Hypercognition. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/hypercognition.htm) She's looking for a motive or reason for the attack, some hint of the who and the why behind this attacker.

2013-04-05, 11:43 AM
Your mind races, you think of things.

Threatening the survivor, but letting him go to tell you.

Destroyed Caravan, didn't seem to loot it.

All of this was done in seconds.

You believe that Sar Thok Gath wanted to get your attention, and thusly allowed the messenger to go. You believe the whole attack is for that purpose, and he is a powerful spellcaster. He may be part of a larger organization that is responsible for the unease and coming of monsters, he very well is the leader.

2013-04-05, 12:39 PM
You appear on the road. Nothing seems amiss. After about half a mile of travel closer to the city, you come to the place of the battle. Little but ash remains. A wagon is in splinters some 100 ft off the road. You find no feathers, though see charred bodies.

Roll to overcome Power Resistance/Spell Resistance with your scrying thing.

Will save (will add in modifiers afterwards): [roll0]

2013-04-05, 01:15 PM
Martera paused. "... Great bird. Hound minions. And a large number of dead... I wonder if it's possible to recover any of them? I don't think we'd get more information, but if we can, I'd rather not leave them dead, particularly if they were just trying to get to us..."

She knew, however, that resurrecting the dead was not cheap by any measure. If only there were a way to defy that somehow...

No. For now, she'd have to contact the temple and see what could be managed. First, however, was figuring out what they knew of this threat.

2013-04-05, 02:12 PM
I think we're done here. Everybody do what you can to earn some information, and we meet here again in 8 hours. I'll also manifest Mindlink, so that we all might communicate with the others were it needed. I'll go to the place where the battle happened and see what I can find there.

1. Take out Portable Hole out of Handy Haversack.
2. Take out Soul Crystal of Teleport, Psionic Greater.
3. Manifest the Teleport, Psionic Greater to teleport to approximate location of the ambush.
4. If needed, fly a little until I find the corect place.
5. Search the area for anything I could use Object Reading on to learn something about the attackers (feather seems most likely).
6. Use Soul Crystal of Object Reading on the found object.
7. Use Soul Crystal of Remote Viewing on Sar Thok Gath's mount, and on Sar Thok Gath himself. (2x20 XP cost)
EDIT: Save DC is 10+4+18=32 (+5 mod for me only having heard of them, possible up to -10 mod for having some of their belongings)

2013-04-05, 02:54 PM
You find the cart that was hurled by the bird, though nothing you know to be Sar Thok Gath's. The bird leaves no feathers, and apparently shed no blood.

Object Reading for the Cart:
Race: Roc
Gender: Male
Age: 69
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Gained object through picking it up in claw, taking from caravan, lost by throwing it at fleeing merchants, to where it now rests.

Previous owner:
Race: Human.
Age: 39
Alignment: LN
Gain: Bought it, lost from the Roc taking it.

I assume you don't want to go further.

You see the bird, though your attempt to find Sar Thok Gath fails.

The bird is in a cavern, where exactly you cannot tell. Four large hounds circle it. The cavern is non-descript and illuminated by glowing stones.

Make a ML check for your remote viewing (not to overcome SR/PR, just a straight ML check).

Also, what is your hide check to stay hidden?

2013-04-05, 03:21 PM
Martera nodded to a voice only she could hear. Telepathically, she responded to Sorin: Understood. I'll join you once you find the location.

1. Allow the Mindlink to activate if/when Sorin casts it.
2. Once Sorin's found the site, teleport over there via her spell-like ability.
3. Since this would subject her to potentially needing to stay hidden: Hide check - [roll0]
4. Search for victim's bodies, trying to count the dead.
5. Search the caravan for saleable goods - not to take herself, but to fund raising as many of the dead as possible without dipping into her own funds.
6. If nothing has interrupted her yet, she'll teleport to the Temple to get some people around to get to raising the victims.
7. If she's still good, she'll start going around town, beginning to hunt for rumors about - based on Sorin's findings - a Roc and its master. Gather Information: [roll0]

2013-04-05, 03:31 PM
It's +37 normal modifier and additional +40 if the Roc can't detect me using special senses.
If there is anything that could belong to Sar Thok Gath in sight (I don't know, a Barding or Saddle? I guess Sar Thok Gath would be 1st owner and the Roc the 2nd) I manifest Retrieve (aww! 2nd UPPD today!) on it. Save DC: 34, Will if the object's attended.

2013-04-05, 04:12 PM
Okay, there is barding, though it weights to much to be taken, and a saddle also weight to much (cost *2 PP to use powers via remove sensing, so you only could get around 20 lbs).

The Roc doesn't seem to notice you.

Are you just waiting now?

Dead seems like around 100, many of which are incinerated beyond recognition (requires something that doesn't require a body). Pretty much nothing of worth, everything was incinerated for the most part. There is one cart that has spices of sorts spilled out. You think it would be worth around 5,000 GP at most.

Gather Information: Pretty much the attacks, wild rumors are flying around, distorted from what you were told. They know little of him though, your information that it is a Roc is actually giving more information.

Sorry, gather information only can tell you things people know, here you are some of the best informed.

For the temple: Raise dead is a 5th level spell, I think you are the only capable of actually raising the dead, the temple is just of your followers and you.

2013-04-05, 06:11 PM
It's 10 lb/level + 10 lb/Augumented PP, not 10+10/augumented PP =] And I think this barding might fit within 220 lbs. With Sorin's supreme strength he could easily hold about 220 lbs. in one hand.

2013-04-05, 06:22 PM
As she more or less thought of it as her Temple to Mystra, she generally assumed people knew she wasn't evil, or figured it out pretty quick. A such, she did little more than minor makeup to her face. Her eyes still betrayed her undead nature, but she wasn't interested in seeking out petty baubles to cover her eyes, and if she really needed, she could always get a pair of those sundark goggles Drow and Kobolds use, but as it was her home, she never felt the need. She passed by the small room Elroy tended to stay in, it wasn't a bedroom, but he didn't sleep, he just stared out the window as the temple drifted.

"Elroy," she broke his concentration and he turned to look at her, then followed her into the room with the man who was just explaining his tragic tale.

"Large Hounds, Large Bird, you can't recall any particular details about them that might narrow it down? We have large libraries, any one of which might have pictures to help you identify the beasts?"

2013-04-05, 06:28 PM
Okay, will save: [roll0]

If it fails, it goes into your hand, then you vanish due to the remote viewing vanishing, if it fails, you just vanish (unless you have some way to take it with you).

2013-04-05, 06:30 PM
(OOC: Wow, that save was very close to suceeding.)
Sorin vanishes from the cave.
When he returns his senses to his body, he uses Soul Crystal of Object Reading again, this time on the barding, to get to know the owners before the Roc itself.

2013-04-05, 06:36 PM
Why do you still still have the saddle? Your form just vanished once you grabbed it. I don't think that you'd still have it (unless something explicitly says you keep it).

2013-04-05, 06:38 PM
Retrieve teleports the item directly to my hand. My hand is where my body is. What's wrong with the thinking there? When I project with Remote Viewing, only my senses are projected, my body is left where it was.
Retrieving an object seen through Divination is a common tactics or so I've heard.

2013-04-05, 06:52 PM
Well, it projects your form as an Ectoplasmic Form (sionic/powers/ectoplasmicForm.htm), I suppose it'll appear in your real hand then.

When you get up, you see a winged man standing in front of you holding your handy haversack. He starts quickly when you awake and the saddle appears, and tenses.

Initiative: [roll0]

2013-04-05, 06:56 PM
Isn't Martera somewhere nearby?
Wow, who would've guessed, I've won initiative. I take it I can act now?

2013-04-05, 07:02 PM
Yes, you can act now.

Martera isn't here anymore, you spent like 10 minutes for your first object reading, she searched around and left to go see if anyone in the town knows anything.

2013-04-05, 07:10 PM
Sure thing. I'd like to identify the creature. Which Knowledge should I roll?
Regardless, I manifest Overchanneled for 2 ([roll0]) Quickened Twinned Empowered Maximized Stun Ray
Then I manifest Overchanneled for 3 ([roll3]) Dominate, Psionic augumented with all type and duration augumentations and 1 additional target augumentation.
Save DC is 10+4+7+18=39

2013-04-05, 07:30 PM
Both rays seem to bounce off some invisible barrier (deflection bonus to AC).

The dominate has no effect (unless you can pierce immunity to mind-effecting).

The man smiles at your attacks ineffectiveness, and, chanting a spell, you burst into flame [casting Twinned, Searing, Maximized, Empowered Combust].
Touch ranged attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Searing [immunity is half damage] fire damage

EDIT: Also, two DC 15 reflex saves or catch on fire taking 1d6 searing fire damage/round.

Knowledge: You automatically identify him as a human, though he has wings for some reason... odd.

2013-04-05, 07:40 PM
Sorin Cries through Mindlink:
Guys, it seems I might need some help, would anybody be as kind as to come to the place where ambush on the caravan happened and help me?

(OOC: Aww, why all of my Soul Crystals were left in the Haversack? have to fix that oversight on closest occasion)
I Manifest Extended Timeless Body.
My Shismed Mind (forgot about him!) manifests Forcecage (overpaying 2 to ignore materials, windowless cell variant) on the winged human, after what I manifest Quickened Antimagic Field while flying closer to him.
(OOC: Dammit, 7 UPPD already)

2013-04-05, 07:51 PM
You aren't immune to AMF, right? If so, are you going close enough to negate the forcecage you made? I'll need the answer for the rest of his action.

Your Timeless Body is counterspelled with ease by the winged guy, without him even uttering a counterspell.

OoC: What ever made you think leaving your body in the middle of a road at a place that previously was attacked ever was a good idea?

2013-04-05, 07:57 PM
There is no such thing as counterspelling psionics.
Force Effects (wall of force, forcecage) are unaffected by AMF.
And yes, now that I think about it it is a terrible idea. Anyway, cancel that manifestation of Timeless Body, it's gonna go puff with my AMF working.

2013-04-05, 08:00 PM
Martera, looking rather that she can't do much for the people here - too many charred beyond recognition, and too little funding even if she were to work on it herself - makes an audible noise of surprise at Sorin's call.

On my way!, she announces, before returning to the site of the attack - teleporting to whatever she remembers that might serve as cover. As she arrives, she ducks.

What's here?, she asks of Sorin (again via the mindlink), as she reached for her guitar...

I presume I need to roll initiative?

2013-04-05, 08:06 PM
When I was stupidly using divination in the middle of nowhere, some strange guy appeared in a matter of seconds and started to grab my things. He's pretty powerful and hard to hit, so I'm trying to neutralize him with a combination of an Antimagic Field and Forcecage.

2013-04-05, 08:14 PM
I see no-where that Forcecage is immune to AMF, just dispels, as per wall of force, not AMF, and if it was immune, he wouldn't be in the AMF himself.

According to the SRD, "All spells that dispel magic have equal effect against powers of the same level using the same mechanics, and vice versa." Any source saying otherwise with transparency? This is a dispel magic-ish thing, not dispel psionics.

NekoIncardine hasn't arrived yet, I'll tell you when she has.

Yes, you do, I'll tell you when you arrive, something is delaying it.

2013-04-05, 09:10 PM
Sharaad Wador

Having little ability with divinations, Lady Shar begins retreating to a safe, quiet place to ponder their predicament. Upon hearing the mental distress of her allies, however, she immediately readies herself for leaving.

Shar is on her way. she replies via Mind link, then casts a spell. "Geth-" she disappears, the beginning of her incantation echoing in her previous location; "-risj!" her incantation finishes, and she surveys the battlefield below.

Casting Greater Teleport and appearing approximately 200 feet in the air above Sorin at the site of the attack.

Initiative: [roll0]

2013-04-05, 09:15 PM
Derjuin & Dunkoro:
Sharaad Wador doesn't arrive yet, oddly, much like Martera hasn't. I'll tell you when you do.

2013-04-06, 01:51 AM

When most people see a metal colossus such as the misguided celestial DK179, they would assume he was slow. Thankfully, most of the staff of the great temple have actually learned that this is not the case.

Obviously in a rush due to the mental summons of his companion, DK179 is a virtual blur of a metal wall as he runs through the halls to Brighid's quarters. Had the golem-like figure not been careful, or had the staff been careless in walking through the hallways, he likely would have trampled them, but by now he is used to going efficiently and carefully.

Bursting into her quarters, the golem drops his usual formality. "Our companion has requested aid, and unfortunately I am unable to cast the needed magicks to get there. Sharaad and Martera seem to have already departed, so might I travel with you?"

Continuing into the Mind Link, What is the current status? Grasping the hilt of Aoi, he prepares to charge at the first enemy he sees, and adopts an odd stance to attune himself to his surroundings.

In game mechanical terms, he readies an action to charge against the first enemy he sees, and adopts the Hearing the Air stance.
If/when he teleports, Initiative:

2013-04-06, 02:49 AM
I assumed Forcecage is immune to AMF, since it has the line:
Solid walls of force form its six sides.

As for counterspelling psionics:
Read the last paragraph here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20060613a)

2013-04-06, 07:34 AM
All the rays are either dodged or deflected by the winged man. Your bolts of cold strike him, though he seems to resist all damage through sheer grit and determination.

Seeing as you cast Timeless Body, he does not make to attack you, looking annoyed. He launches himself skywards and rummages in your handy haversack. He speaks into your mind. <Why are you attacking me anyhow? Whats so important about a haversack for one as powerful as Sorin Markov?>. He smiles, waiting to see your reaction.

Dunkoro & Ravanan:
DK179 doesn't arrive yet, oddly, much like Martera hasn't. I'll tell you when you do.

2013-04-06, 07:46 AM
It seems you know my name, but I don't believe I know yours. And who is that calls me 'powerful' while seemingly being invunerable to all of my attacks.

He has epic hero's Epic Constitution (only way I know of having Fortitude Evasion) and a caster level of 29? And a touch AC of about sixty? I don't think I Actually Can do anything to this guy.

2013-04-06, 07:51 AM
<Sar Thok Gath, Sorin, my name is Sar Thok Gath. You are power, few can do what I have done, and for a time, you are invulnerable to all my attacks.>

OoC: There are other ways to gain the mettle ability (both fortitude and will evasion), he boosts his CL or his buffs (he has a few under 29), and he has a really high touch AC.

What are your actions?

ginger ninja
2013-04-06, 09:50 AM
After hearing Sorin's call Taisiya attempts to teleport to the fray.

Activating Claws, Tentacles, and Shroud. Turning incorporeal.
Casting Superior Darkness on myself.
Using Greater Teleport to attempt to appear 510 feet above the fight.
I know I wont need it for a bit, but Initiative [roll0]
Also, hide check if he has blindsight that works on incorporeal opponents. Taisiya already has total concealment from pretty much everything else. [roll1]

2013-04-06, 11:38 AM
It didn't take long for someone to run into trouble, apparently. Sthena had not gotten far when the call came, and had not gotten much further when she heard a flurry of responses to that call. She contemplated the situation, recalled the site of the accident in her mind, then focused herself, calling on several of her powers.

Sthena will first manifest Temporal Acceleration. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/temporalAcceleration.htm)
She augments it by 8 power points, gaining three full rounds in which to act. (18 power points).

On her first round she manifests Defensive Precognition with max augmentation and +6 Wildsurge. All augmentation goes into increasing insight bonus, giving a +10 insight bonus (21 power points).
In addition, she will manifest a quickened Synchronicity (6 power points), and immediately use that readied action to manifest Clairvoyant Sense (free via Epic Psionics), targeting an area a decent ways above the attack site so as to get a bird's eye view and get a good idea of what is going on. She'll continue to examine the area during the remaining rounds of her temporal acceleration while she manifests her other powers.

On her second round she manifests Vigor with max augmentation and +6 Wildsurge for 140 temporary HP (21 power points).

On her third round she will manifest an Extended Schism (8 power points).

The remainder of her actions will be reserved until she has a better idea of what is going on.

2013-04-06, 11:53 AM
ginger ninja:
You appear, and immediately start falling. How do you know where to go in the first place though?

Also, how do you have full concealment from all that stuff?

Once these questions are answered, your action.

2013-04-06, 12:33 PM
You still haven't responded to my question; what is it that you want with us? And could you please return my belongings if we are to talk like civilized men?
(OOC: Could you tell me how much time in rounds our talk is taking?)

Additional news through Mindlink:
Guys, I tried to find Sar Thok Gath, but it looks like he has found me. I'd rather you wait with intervening until I have a little talk with him, it's not like we want him to escape without explaining anything.

2013-04-06, 12:38 PM
<While I am powerful, I cannot respond to questions that you have one has asked. You asked my name, I gave it. You also have something of mine...>

I assume you are letting the round pass by without acting then.

2013-04-06, 12:54 PM
(OOC: Yeah, no acting. My Ultradefense runs out at the beginning of my next turn, right?)
And what could it be, that I'd have what's belonging to you?

2013-04-06, 12:55 PM
<Your holding it in your hand, what do you think?> He replies looking at you as if your really stupid.

Your still holding the saddle, right?

2013-04-06, 12:57 PM
Well, since I'm not going to learn anything more about you from Object Reading it I could easily give it away. I thought you had something else on your mind, since you came to me before I stole it.
I have a question though. Why Roc? You can fly on your own just fine.
(Note: I'm renewing my Extended Timeless Body as soon as the previous one runs out)

2013-04-06, 01:10 PM
<Everyone has interests, I like to care for my steed. The thing is, I don't really want the saddle either, and you for some reason really want the sack, so I see no real reason to give it to you. Why do you want this sack so badly... Also, don't try to manifest any more powers, it won't end well for you.>

2013-04-06, 01:16 PM
Well, it has no really important things to me, just some generally useful ones I could buy anew within a few days. But It'd require an effort on my side, and I don't like being distracted from my studies hunting for marginal magical items...
I hope you DO realize though that I can hurt you? There are some ways to damage you where no defenses will be a help for you.
And I could always call for backup if confrontation is what you really want. But I'd rather we simply give each other's posessions back and be done with it...
(I think it is time, so I manifest Extended Timeless Body again)
Sorin also flies closer (about 15 ft.) and moves his hand holding the saddle in the winged man's direction.

2013-04-06, 01:29 PM
<You already have called for backup, three of your allies are due to arrive now, Sharaad Wador, DK179, and Martera by the looks of them. If you manifest another power, you and all them shall suffer for it. You may be able to hurt me, and I invite you to try, remember, the same goes to you.>

Next round, unless ginger ninja intervenes, Timeless Body runs out, and your allies arrive.

Derjuin, ginger ninja, Ravanan, Dunkoro and NekoIncardine:
You [excluding Dunkoro and ginger ninja] appear at the place of the battle, a winged man stands some 60 ft in the air holding Sorin's Handy Haversack, Sorin on the ground, Derjuin appears some 50 ft off the road the left from your city, 20 ft closer to the city than the winged man, Ravanan appears 30 ft behind Derjuin, NekoIncardine appears 20 ft to the right from your city from Ravanan.

Ginger Ninja:
You still can act in this round if you desire, or you could have cloaked in shadows before you teleported and arrived in new round completely hidden.

2013-04-06, 01:36 PM
(OOC: In the last spoiler I post-edited that I'm flying closer to him with my arm with the saddle streched in his direction, so I'm no longer standing on the ground.)
How do you know all that? It doesn't really matter though, does it?
Also, you're asking me to trust you not to hurt me when I allow my Timeless Body to expire? Fat chance... And don't you think you're being a little overconfident here? Of course, my previous tries to hurt you were in vein , but I'd think combined powers of the four of us should prove a much bigger problem to you than I alone have or have not been.

2013-04-06, 01:40 PM
Derjuin, ginger ninja, Ravanan, Dunkoro and NekoIncardine:
Dunkoro actually is closer the the winged man now, he's flying.

<That is why you should stand down and cast no more spells or manifest any more powers, if you attempt to cast as much as a cantrip I will blast you all off this plane. I may die from your allies, but if you do anything that even would appear to be hostile, I will take it as hostile and fight, maybe destroy your precious haversack too.>

2013-04-06, 01:42 PM
How can I know you simply won't use my lack of safety precautions to do just that, but easier? And it's not that easy to kill me, you know.

2013-04-06, 01:47 PM
<Oh, I know, either way, I will stop you from casting, and you and your allies may be in danger, with one, if you trust me, and your faith is no misplaced, it won't, though, if you cast, I most certainly will, and almost certainly hit one of your allies here.>

2013-04-06, 01:50 PM
I'd feel much more confident trusting you if you were to return me my belongings.

2013-04-06, 01:53 PM
<Sorry, no can do, I'm outnumbered 4 to 1, and you can call the others to be here soon, I'll keep all the leverage I can get.>

Time to choose, this is more than 6 seconds worth of talk, what are your actions?

2013-04-06, 02:05 PM
I will trust you... for now. But who exactly do you think you are; threatening and demanding. You seem to know us all, and really well too. But none of us has ever heard of you.

2013-04-06, 02:10 PM
<You rule a city, being unknown is hard for you. I don't rule a city and can easily remain unknown. I wish to make sure you will not interfere with my plans to destroy Sigil, and quite possibly, the rest of this plane.>

2013-04-06, 02:14 PM
I'd never let you destroy this whole plane... I've not made this city come to life only for someone like you could undo the work of my life.
Additionally, Boccob might be just a little upset by the destruction of his precious library. Did you think of that? As much as you could MAYBE defeat us, I don't think you're powerful enough to face wrath of one of the most powerful deities.

2013-04-06, 03:16 PM
<Think that I may never succeed if you wish. Will you actually try to stop me, or was that just saying you don't like what I'm doing, and think someone else will?>

2013-04-06, 08:16 PM
As Martera arrives, she looks up towards the killer, looking angry...

However, she hears Sorin's request, and for the moment, she'll honor it. Keep me in the loop.

2013-04-06, 08:24 PM
The killer looks downwards towards you, a bit worried. "Long and short, I'll kill you all if you make any hostile action, I won't return Sorin's possessions, and I'm on a mission to destroy Sigil, and the rest of the outlands too if need be. I want to eliminate you if you will get in my way while I attempt this. Questions?"

2013-04-06, 08:51 PM
"One. If you're so sure you can kill us all, why do you look so cautious?"

Martera looked, more than anything, angry. This man had, after all, murdered a mass of innocent people.

Over the mindlink, she signals to her allies: ... He thinks he can kill us even if he dies in the process somehow. Question is if that confidence is misplaced or not.

2013-04-06, 08:59 PM
<I'm not a fool miss. A battle is never a safe place, the sooner you learn that, the better. Now, I want to know if you will oppose me in destroying Sigil.>

ginger ninja
2013-04-07, 08:29 AM
<Does it matter? I don't particularly care about Sigil, but we live in the Outlands. If he's going to be destroying the whole of it then we can't exactly sit idly by.> Taisiya projects to her allies over the mindlink.

2013-04-07, 10:20 AM
"Elroy stay with our nice guest for a bit and show him around the library in case he gets lucky while I go with DK179 to check on Sorin"

Elroy nods, "Stay safe."

Then to DK179, "Shall I extend a couple buffs for the both of us or should we just go now?"

How did I not notice your characters name before Dunkoro... you couldn't have changed just one letter xD or hell, merged two readily known names like I dunno- make him Sorin Beleren or Vess instead xD

2013-04-07, 01:53 PM
"It is certainly up to you Lady Brighid. Sorin is quite competent, and if this opponent is giving him this much trouble, we will want to be prepared. At his last communication, he seemed to be talking with our opponent, so we likely have a bit of time."

Yeah so, when I hear that name, I immediately think of Sorin Otomo from Sengoku Basara. XAVI-SAMA!!!

2013-04-07, 01:59 PM
Throught Mindlink: It seems we are in consensus we shoud oppose him. I suggest everyone already here prepare your Soul Crystals of Extended Timeless Body I gave you, they might come in handy.
Also, do you think he has immunity to negative energy? If not, I might be able to drop him before he has time to react. Otherwise we might have a lot more trouble dealing with him. He's almost invunerable in practically every area in which he could be.

2013-04-07, 03:05 PM
My actions for this turn:
Schismed Mind: Overchanneled for 3 Extended Timeless Body.
Swift Action: Overchanneled for 3 Quickened Twinned Stygian Conflagration
If none of the Conflagrations got through his SR, or any did and he GOT the negative levels:

Standard Action: Overchanneled for 3 Twinned Maximized Augumented once Stygian Conflagration.
Gain a bonus Standard action with Time Bender's ability
If any of the Conflagration was confirmed to give negative level, or still none got through SR
Standard Action: Overchanneled for 3 Twinned Maximized Augumented once Stygian Conflagration
If I got through SR at the 2nd try, but it did nothing.
Standard Action: Overchanneled for 3 Twinned Maximized Empowered Swarm of Crystals Augumented 14 times.
[roll7] (90)
[roll8] (88)


Standard Action: Overchanneled for 3 Twinned Maximized Empowered Swarm of Crystals Augumented 14 times.
[roll9] (87)
[roll10] (88)
Time Bender's Ability to gain a bonus Standard Action:
Standard Action: Overchanneled for 3 Twinned Maximized Empowered Swarm of Crystals Augumented 14 times.
[roll11] (87)
[roll12] (93)

2013-04-07, 03:46 PM
As Sorin makes to manifest Timeless Body, Sar Thok Gath is ready, and blasts the group with a blinding blast of unholy fire and flies back away from Sorin. "I warned you not to do that." He says.

Everyone in the battle (including Ginger Ninja):
The spell is Searing, Energy substitution [fire], energy admixture [fire], maximized, alternative spell source, empowered, twinned firestorm.

Each of you takes the following amount of damage (reflex DC 36 for half):
[roll0], have damage is searing fire (ignores fire resistance, immunity only reduces damage by half, the other half is unholy damage that cannot be reduced by any means).

[roll1], have damage is searing fire (ignores fire resistance, immunity only reduces damage by half, the other half is unholy damage that cannot be reduced by any means).

He also moves 10 ft further away from Sorin.

Also, Sorin needs to make a DC 10+damage dealt concentration check or loose timeless body.

2013-04-07, 03:55 PM
When Sorin sees his cast the Firestorm (he propably can notice this) he manifests Celerity: Overchanneled for 3 Twinned Greater Arcane Fusion: (Greater Dispel Magic[Countespell]+Arcane Fusion(Wall of Force between the biggest cluster of our people and Sar Thak Gol+Ray of Enfeeblement)

Why did the worst rolls have to come right now?
And I've done a mistake, Wall of Force is a 5th level spell.

2013-04-07, 03:59 PM

2013-04-07, 04:09 PM
Sar Thok Gath Responds by disrupting your celerity with another fire storm like before. "I said, don't try that."

Everyone in the battle (including Ginger Ninja):
Each of you takes the following amount of damage (reflex DC 36 for half):
[roll0], have damage is searing fire (ignores fire resistance, immunity only reduces damage by half, the other half is unholy damage that cannot be reduced by any means).

[roll1], have damage is searing fire (ignores fire resistance, immunity only reduces damage by half, the other half is unholy damage that cannot be reduced by any means).

He also moves 10 ft further away from Sorin.

Also, Sorin needs to make a DC 10+damage dealt concentration check or loose Greater Celerity.

2013-04-07, 06:00 PM
As the wave of fire strikes, Martera is caught too off-guard to react in the slightest, torched to death before she can even cry out.


Elsewhere, Martera's assistant, Loraonna, feels something odd, as her Profane Gift fades on Martera's death. Immediately, she moves to her lab, to begin moving to get Martera revived as quickly as possible...

(Now to look up appropriate spells...)

2013-04-07, 06:21 PM
Sthena watched the blurs of action, trying to discern what exactly was going on. What little she could see looked... exceptionally dangerous. The others probably would need her help- and even if she was overestimating what was occurring, it would be better to err on the safe side.

In a flicker of light, Sthena vanished.

Sthena manifests Greater Teleport, attempting to appear on the battlefield. Specifically, she wants to appear 180ft away from what appears to be the epicenter of it.

2013-04-08, 06:18 AM

Aoife joins the others as they rush to the scene of the attack.

"It's not like I *live* here, but I really can't let you be killing all these people, lad."

As soon as the battle begins, Aoife springs into action. She moves faster than the eye can follow, blades spinning through the air. As her longswords return to her, she catches them in their sheaths, pulling the banner from her back and holding it above her head, before shooting up and out of sight.

Initiative: [roll0]
It kinda matters to me whether I get to act first here, not least because that fire blast will straight-up kill me if I fail one save. I don't know exactly how we're treating flat-footednes here, I guess if our enemy has already been fighting Dunkoro then he isn't, but still.
Aoife is always in the Stance of Alacrity. She uses one of her daily full-attacks as a standard action. The first roll is made with a +32 Mastery bonus and a -25 penalty from the Knock-Off Centre gambit, which allows me to treat the target as flat-footed for this round, +1 round for each 5 points I beat his AC. I get +2 to the attack roll +[roll1] damage for if the target is: denied Dex to AC, prone, hasn't attacked an ally and if I am adjacent to no allies (I'm not). These stack. Finally, each time I miss subsequent attacks this round gain a +4 bonus.
Once the attack is resolved I use my Woodland Archer feat to move 60ft straight up and Hide as one move action. I also use Quick Draw class feature to sheath my weapons and draw the Banner of the Storm's Eye as free actions.

Touch Attacks (top is Gortaigharbour, bottom is Tapaclaiomh):
[roll2] for [roll3] damage, +[roll4] acid and [roll5] from Magebane. A hit causes a Trip attempt, [roll6]
[roll7] for [roll8] damage, +[roll9] acid and [roll10] from Magebane. A hit causes a Trip attempt, [roll11]
[roll12] for [roll13] damage, +[roll14] acid and [roll15] from Magebane. A hit causes a Trip attempt, [roll16]
[roll17] for [roll18] damage, +[roll19] acid and [roll20] from Magebane. A hit causes a Trip attempt, [roll21]

[roll22] for [roll23] damage, +[roll24] acid and [roll25] from Magebane. A hit causes a Trip attempt, [roll26]
[roll27] for [roll28] damage, +[roll29] acid and [roll30] from Magebane. A hit causes a Trip attempt, [roll31]
[roll32] for [roll33] damage, +[roll34] acid and [roll35] from Magebane. A hit causes a Trip attempt, [roll36]
[roll37] for [roll38] damage, +[roll39] acid and [roll40] from Magebane. A hit causes a Trip attempt, [roll41]

Reflex saves (with Evasion): [roll42] and [roll43]

Hide check (with Hide in Plain Sight, Darkstalker and Mind Blank): [roll44]

2013-04-08, 12:54 PM
As Sorin's barrier flashed against the flames, Martera quickly calculated several things. First, that the flames were potentially capable of burning past her resistance to fire - not good, as that meant he had an extra power source. Second, that she had the choice of fleeing, or making sure that this fight ended in victory quickly - before he got a chance to throw that fire out again.

That meant one most logical conclusion: It was time to try her bardic abilities.

Beginning to play her guitar, Martera focused her power, bringing the power of courage into its purest form to guide those on her side to a swift victory. As she played, she started to take to the skies, hoping to move above the path of the foe's flames.

Swift Action: Casting Inspirational Boost.
Standard Action: Begin playing Inspire Courage. +5 to attacks, weapon damage, and saves versus charm and fear effects for all allies within 100 feet of her - more if the environment echoes, since it's based on being able to hear her. She can cast freely while playing using Melodic Casting.
Move Action: Get into the air, though staying a good ways from the Roc as best she can.

2013-04-08, 01:42 PM
"It certainly would be better to be prepared than not, and I'm sure he can at least defend himself for a moment or two," Brighid casts as a Supernatural Spell, Aura of Evasion, then casts as a normal spell, Overland Flight, then Greater Teleport (This will put us there halfway through the third round I'm guessing? Two actions then the third is the the teleport)

Aura of Evasion duration: 21 minutes for both Brighid and DK
Overland Flight Duration: 21 hours; Brighid only

PS, if DK can do any buffs in those two rounds (or three if you cast before I teleport, it would probably be a good idea...)

2013-04-08, 07:36 PM
Sharaad Wador

Excellent. She states through the mind link. "Shall we begin?" she growls.

Shar utters several complex arcane incantations, and the world around her seems to slow down almost to a stop. Suddenly, a loud WOOSH of air indicates that many things have happened, including the appearance of elemental allies and the disappearance of Shar.

Swift Action: Casting Celerity.

Standard action granted by Celerity: Casting Time Stop. 5 pseudo-rounds to myself.

Round 1: Stunned
Round 2: Maximized Summon Monster 5 (5 Medium air elementals appear around Sar, one below and one north/south/east/west), no move
Round 3: Greater Invisibility, no move
Round 4: Maximized Shivering Touch (holding the charge, takes full round (spontaneous application as sorcerer))
Round 5: Arcane Fusion (True Strike + True Casting), no move

Standard action: Flyby attack: Move close enough (20 feet away) to Bite him. He's flat-footed vs. me (unless he can see through Greater Invisibility without use of True Seeing (I have mind blank)) and is flanked by the elementals [roll0] (+5 from Martera's song)(+2 if he is flanked) hit, [roll1] (+5 from Martera's song) damage. Maximized Shivering Touch deals 18 Dex damage for 22 rounds if I hit, no save; [roll2] overcome SR if he has it. Assuming he is a normal sized human, I attempt to grapple him via Snatch:

[roll3] Grapple roll

2013-04-09, 01:21 AM
The already massive being grows even larger, and sprouts an additional pair of arms as his companion is casting her spells. He draws both of his enormous swords, each a good 36 feet in length, in preparation for the battle to come and grasps each with two of his hands. Re-considering his stance, he shifts himself into the Child of Shadow stance.

"You may wish to teleport us some distance away, perhaps 200 feet from the epicenter where Sorin contacted us from? This would put you at a safer distance while still allowing me to charge."

With this, he readies an action to charge with a Pouncing Strike the moment he sees his target.

In case it's not obvious, Giant's Size and Girallon's Blessing are now up.

2013-04-09, 05:54 PM
Brighid nods at the now larger creature beside her and reaches up a hand, "Agreed, in 3, 2..."

Once DK takes her hand she counts down, but instead of bothering to say one it's at that point in the count she finishes her Greater Teleport, taking then 200ft from Sorin's Location and hopefully a comparable distance from their quarry.

2013-04-13, 02:08 PM
Sar Thok Gath chants a spell, and extends an outstretched hand towards Sorin, and rips away the magic affecting him, and it arcs to the elementals, sending them back to the plane of air and to Sharaad, ripping spells from him as well.

He casts Chained Dispel, he has a 40 (has that feat that lets him take 10 on CL checks) against all the spells you two have in effect as per targeted dispel.

Sorin takes: [roll0] more searing fire damage (you so far haven't recorded any damage you took in this battle on your sheet).

Next round (So Brigid will arrive in 1 round, AmberVael will in two more).

2013-04-13, 02:27 PM
Sorin tries to finally hurt Sar Thok Gath.

All damage I've taken was from the Searing Rays at the beginning, looks like I recorded only half of them, weird. And I have to note damage from Overchannels made so far, give me a minute or two to correct my hp then. I've also recovered some with my FH 8.

Also, I don't see how could he have 40 result on Dispel Check, even with Chain Dispel: 25+10 is 35, not 40. (that still dispells me from everything, but you know...)

My actions for this turn:
Schismed Mind: Overchanneled for 3 Extended Timeless Body.
[roll0] Yeah, right... Good try... I'll manifest Timeless Body as the first my standard actions then.
Swift Action: Overchanneled for 3 Quickened Twinned Stygian Conflagration
If none of the Conflagrations got through his SR, or any did and he GOT the negative levels:
Standard Action: Overchanneled for 3 Twinned Maximized Augumented once Stygian Conflagration.
If any of the Conflagration was confirmed to give negative level, or still none got through SR
Standard Action: Overchanneled for 3 Twinned Maximized Augumented once Stygian Conflagration
Gain a bonus Standard action with Time Bender's ability

If I got through SR at the 2nd try, but it did nothing.
Standard Action: Overchanneled for 3 Twinned Maximized Empowered Swarm of Crystals Augumented 14 times.

Standard Action: Overchanneled for 3 Twinned Maximized Empowered Swarm of Crystals Augumented 14 times.
Time Bender's Ability to gain a bonus Standard Action:
Standard Action: Overchanneled for 3 Twinned Maximized Empowered Swarm of Crystals Augumented 14 times.

2013-04-14, 12:06 PM
As Sorin went on the move, Martera closed her eyes, activating her Badge of Valor. Slipping in towards Sorin, keeping him between her and her foe and keeping some distance, she adds words to her song for a short minute.

"The power of Mystra is held behind barriers, not of faith, but of will. Call that power to yourself, and it shall respond!"

Swift: Bardic Music bonuses all increase to +6.
Move: Scoot towards Sorin, ideally positioning herself within 60' of the boss, so that as many of the team as possible are in range of a 60'-centered-on-her burst.
Standard: Recitation. Allies within 60' of Martera gain +3 luck to attack rolls and saving throws. Worshippers of Mystra instead gain +4 luck to attack rolls and saving throws. Given they're more or less equivalent, subject to DM's ruling, Boccob might count for that.
FURTHER, if this roll beats Sar Thok Gath's spell resistance ([roll0]) then he takes -2 to attack rolls and saving throws.
Both effects last 17 rounds.

2013-04-15, 05:48 PM
Shar boils with anger at their foe's audacity, but keeps her cool on the outside. "Pfheh. Your magic cannot strip me of my might," she bellows, and begins casting again. A complicated string of draconic echos from her maw, and those that can see through her invisibility can see her jaws growing impossibly wide-open for a moment as a cloud of roiling dark energy manifests on Sar Thok.

Bluffing his dispel, since (iirc) none of them really have visible manifestations except their magical auras. [roll0] Bluff check

Casting Assay Spell Resistance, gaining +10 to overcome his SR for 22 rounds.

Casting Maw of Chaos on his position, using Mastery of Shaping to create holes in the cloud for my allies if they are within 15 feet of him. Roll to overcome SR: [roll1]

Deals 20d6 damage each round ([roll2] for this round), no save; forces Will save (DC 34) or be dazed for 1 round.

What is this hax? I've never been this lucky with dice before :smallconfused::smallbiggrin::smallconfused:

2013-04-18, 04:27 PM
Gath shrugs off the roiling mass of magic, vanishes, and appears some 200 ft above you, blasting hellfire again.

Each of you takes the following amounts of damage (reflex DC 36 for half), same spell as before:
[roll0], have damage is searing fire (ignores fire resistance, immunity only reduces damage by half, the other half is unholy damage that cannot be reduced by any means).

[roll1], have damage is searing fire (ignores fire resistance, immunity only reduces damage by half, the other half is unholy damage that cannot be reduced by any means).

Sorin is immune from Timeless Body.

I'm pretty sure someone can interrupt this and his Fire Storm won't actually hit.

I believe that the others arrive this round (excepts for Vael who arrives next round). You guys aren't hit by the Fire Storm.

2013-04-19, 12:17 PM
Sorin takes yet another turn.

1. Swift Action: Quickened Twinned Arcane Fusion, Greater (Greater Teleport [10 feet from Gath]+ Arcane Fusion(Magic Missile+Ray of Stupidity))
Piercing SR [roll0] (forgot how it works... just add 36 to each roll)
If you consider Synchronicity not being blocked by Timeless Body (since it's only preparing an action)
2. Free Action: Quickdraw Synchronicity Linked to Synchronicity Soul Crystal from Effecient Quiver.
3. Standard Action: Manifest Synchronicity linked to Synchronicity from the Soul Crystal. (Both Synchronicities Augumented)
If you consider Synchronicity is blocked by Timeless Body
2. Standard Action: Overchanneled for 3 Maximized, Empowered, Twinned Swarm of Crystals augumented 15 times:
Damage 1: 1/2*[roll7]=93
Damage 2: 1/2*[roll8]=95

Seems like Timeless Body is not awesome as I thought it is...

2013-04-20, 07:35 AM
1. Move Action: Fly up 50 ft. in the direction of Gath.
2. Swift Action: Overchanneled for 3 Quickened Soul Crystal of Twinned Enlarged Forcecage Linked to Synchronicity(38 PP stored)
3. Standard Action: Prepare an action to manifest Twinned Enlarged Forcecage Linked to augumented Synchronicity targeted at Gath as a response of him casting a spell.

2013-04-20, 08:52 PM

Suddenly, a towering 25 foot tall man of metal appears. He quickly ascertains the position of his opponents and splays his weapons to either side. In a blur of metal, the colossus charges the winged man.

Well, let's hope this does something. Pouncing Strike + Raging Mongoose. I'm using 0 power attack until I get a better gauge of his AC. I presume though that I pass within 100+ feet of our bard.

Akai is in the primary hand, Aoi is in offhand; These are all against touch AC. The first attack that hits does +20 damage; if that attack is a crit, it deals +60 damage instead. All damage reduction and regeneratio is ignored.

Attack Bonus Breakdown:
+26 Str
+19 BAB
+6 Morale (inspire courage)
+5 enhancement
+5 Utter Diamond Clarity while using a full attack
+2 charge
+2 Weapon Focus
+1 Haste
+1 Epic
-2 size
-4 TWF (not sure if this would even apply given Girallon's Blessing)

Battle Ardor from warblade adds Int as an untyped bonus to Crit Confirmation rolls.

Akai, Raging Mongoose attack 1, Spending 1 inspiration on +Int competence bonus to attack (+12)
[roll0] Threat on 17-20
[roll1] Damage
- [roll2] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

Target gains a negative level for one hour, no save
[roll3] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll4] If first roll was an 8
[roll5] Extra Damage

Akai, Raging Mongoose attack 2
[roll6] Threat on 17-20
[roll7] Damage
- [roll8] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

Target gains a negative level for one hour, no save
[roll9] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll10] If first roll was an 8
[roll11] Extra Damage

Akai, Haste
[roll12] Threat on 17-20
[roll13] Damage
- [roll14] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

Target gains a negative level for one hour, no save
[roll15] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll16] If first roll was an 8
[roll17] Extra Damage

Akai, 1st Iterative
[roll18] Threat on 17-20
[roll19] Damage
- [roll20] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

Target gains a negative level for one hour, no save
[roll21] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll22] If first roll was an 8
[roll23] Extra Damage

Akai, 2nd Iterative
[roll24] Threat on 17-20
[roll25] Damage
- [roll26] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

Target gains a negative level for one hour, no save
[roll27] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll28] If first roll was an 8
[roll29] Extra Damage

Akai, 3rd Iterative
[roll30] Threat on 17-20
[roll31] Damage
- [roll32] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

Target gains a negative level for one hour, no save
[roll33] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll34] If first roll was an 8
[roll35] Extra Damage

Akai, 4th Iterative
[roll36] Threat on 17-20
[roll37] Damage
- [roll38] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

Target gains a negative level for one hour, no save
[roll39] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll40] If first roll was an 8
[roll41] Extra Damage

Aoi, Raging Mongoose attack 1
[roll42] Threat on 17-20
[roll43] Damage
- [roll44] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

[roll45] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll46] If first roll was an 8
[roll47] Extra Damage

Aoi, Raging Mongoose attack 2
[roll48] Threat on 17-20
[roll49] Damage
- [roll50] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

[roll51] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll52] If first roll was an 8
[roll53] Extra Damage

Aoi, 1st Iterative
[roll54] Threat on 17-20
[roll55] Damage
- [roll56] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

[roll57] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll58] If first roll was an 8
[roll59] Extra Damage

Aoi, 2nd Iterative
[roll60] Threat on 17-20
[roll61] Damage
- [roll62] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

[roll63] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll64] If first roll was an 8
[roll65] Extra Damage

If Aoi crits, I gain 1/2 the damage dealt by that attack back as temporary hit points that don't stack with other temporary hit points.

2013-04-21, 07:17 PM
Brighid shows appears from her teleport a ways off as desired, then smiles.

Standard Action: Casting time stop- assuming he doesn't have a response for that 200 feet away >.>

Time Stop Actions
Round 1: Divine Power (SLA); move 40ft;
Round 2: Greater Mirror Image; Move 40ft; Instant Metamagic: Quicken: True Strike

Movement Action: move 40ft (should now be 80ft away; True Strike Pending)

2013-04-29, 01:15 AM
As the fire washes over Martera, she winces, but focuses on herself...

Non-Action: Maintain song.
Swift: Saved for possible Immediates...
Move: Get back to within 60', but out of melee with Gath.
Standard: Cast Heal on herself. From 12 HP, gain 150 + 24 from Healer's Blessing, bringing her to 186 HP.

2013-05-01, 05:56 AM
Gath chants to rip away the magic DK possesses, yet Sorin was ready, evoking a wall between the two. Gath seems relieved by the barrier between him and the 20 ft man, and takes the moment to heal himself, summing up the battle, just as Sthena arrives.

Next round.

2013-05-01, 06:20 AM
Sorin, not affected by Timeless Body takes his time to do as much damage as he possibly can.

I wonder how well do you fight with your magic turned off!

1. Quickened Twinned Greater Arcane Fusion (Greater Teleport [into the Forcecage]+Arcane Fusion(Orb of Electricity+Magic Missile))
2. Greater Arcane Fusion (Arcane Fusion(Orb of Electricity+Magic Missile)+Antimagic Field)
3. Gain a bonus Standard Action: Initiate Grapple

EDIT:As always; wonderful rolls only there, where it doesn't matter...

2013-05-01, 03:55 PM
Gath seemed to have the right idea - or, really, the wrong one, if killing everyone was his goal.

Still, killing wasn't her job. Deciding to focus on herself for a second longer, she continued her spiritual chants...

No Action: Maintain Song.
Standard Action: Heal herself to get back up to full.
Move Action: Stay near the forcecage to keep her buff effects up on everyone.

2013-05-04, 10:23 PM
Brighid Sighs at her True Strike becoming a waste. She shrugs and casts Surge of Fortune then moves ten feet so she's now 30 feet from their forcecaged opponent.

2013-05-11, 09:07 AM
Gath begins to chant, calling a monster of sorts, though like many summoning spells, it takes time to finish.

Next round, sorry for the delay.

Spellcraft DC 29, I presume autopass for anyone who is trained:
He's casting Summon Elemental Monolith

2013-05-11, 09:15 AM
Sorin still is within the nonexistent time and space, so feel free to skip him :smalltongue:

2013-05-13, 04:34 PM
Planning to catch Gath while he's still mid-spell Brighid acts. Using Instant Metamagic to Quicken a Disintegrate she targets Sorin's Forcecage. She then rushes at Gath and casts Otto's as a Supernatural, expending her Surge of Fortune as she reaches for him.

Dunno if I need to roll for hitting the non-moving Forcecage, but just in case:

[roll0] (Might have more bonuses, but not sure at this point >.<)

Turn in Action form:
Quickened Action: Quickened Disintegrate at the ForceCage
(If Gath does something, list of actions may end here, but I'm assuming he's too busy mid-spell to react)
Move Action: Close in the last 30 feet at Gath
(As above, action chain may be broken if Gath reacts)
Standard Action: Supernatural Cast Otto's Irresistible Dance, expending Surge of Fortune for a Natural Twenty on the To-Hit Touch Attack (Su ignores SR, Nat. Twenty ignores anything but a Miss Chance)

*(Yes It's a gamble, if it pays off he'll be even more helpless than merely behind an impenetrable wall)

2013-05-17, 12:26 AM
If the flurry of metal that attacked the villain before was a blur, most languages contain no words that could adequately describe the flashes of metal that cut through the man now.

Full Attack 1

Aoi, Haste
[roll0] Threat on 17-20
[roll1] Damage
- [roll2] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

[roll3] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll4] If first roll was an 8
[roll5] Extra Damage

Akai, 1st Iterative
[roll6] Threat on 17-20
[roll7] Damage
- [roll8] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

Target gains a negative level for one hour, no save
[roll9] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll10] If first roll was an 8
[roll11] Extra Damage

Akai, 2nd Iterative
[roll12] Threat on 17-20
[roll13] Damage
- [roll14] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

Target gains a negative level for one hour, no save
[roll15] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll16] If first roll was an 8
[roll17] Extra Damage

Aoi, 1st Iterative
[roll18] Threat on 17-20
[roll19] Damage
- [roll20] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

[roll21] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll22] If first roll was an 8
[roll23] Extra Damage

Aoi, 2nd Iterative
[roll24] Threat on 17-20
[roll25] Damage
- [roll26] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

[roll27] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll28] If first roll was an 8
[roll29] Extra Damage

Aoi, 3rd Iterative
[roll30] Threat on 17-20
[roll31] Damage
- [roll32] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

Target gains a negative level for one hour, no save
[roll33] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll34] If first roll was an 8
[roll35] Extra Damage

Aoi, 4th Iterative, Inspiration
[roll36] Threat on 17-20
[roll37] Damage
- [roll38] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

Target gains a negative level for one hour, no save
[roll39] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll40] If first roll was an 8
[roll41] Extra Damage

Full Attack 2
Aoi, Haste
[roll42] Threat on 17-20
[roll43] Damage
- [roll44] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

[roll45] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll46] If first roll was an 8
[roll47] Extra Damage

Akai, 1st Iterative
[roll48] Threat on 17-20
[roll49] Damage
- [roll50] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

Target gains a negative level for one hour, no save
[roll51] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll52] If first roll was an 8
[roll53] Extra Damage

Akai, 2nd Iterative
[roll54] Threat on 17-20
[roll55] Damage
- [roll56] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

Target gains a negative level for one hour, no save
[roll57] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll58] If first roll was an 8
[roll59] Extra Damage

Aoi, 1st Iterative
[roll60] Threat on 17-20
[roll61] Damage
- [roll62] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

[roll63] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll64] If first roll was an 8
[roll65] Extra Damage

Aoi, 2nd Iterative
[roll66] Threat on 17-20
[roll67] Damage
- [roll68] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

[roll69] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll70] If first roll was an 8
[roll71] Extra Damage

Aoi, 3rd Iterative
[roll72] Threat on 17-20
[roll73] Damage
- [roll74] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

Target gains a negative level for one hour, no save
[roll75] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll76] If first roll was an 8
[roll77] Extra Damage

Aoi, 4th Iterative, Inspiration
[roll78] Threat on 17-20
[roll79] Damage
- [roll80] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

Target gains a negative level for one hour, no save
[roll81] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll82] If first roll was an 8
[roll83] Extra Damage


If Aoi crits, I gain 1/2 the damage dealt by that attack back as temporary hit points that don't stack with other temporary hit points.

Also, after the TSS, I swift action to recover all of my expended maneuvers. I'm not capable of failing the Concentration check for this.

And sorry, I just felt the Fuurinkazan was appropriate for this barrage.

I also believe it is a fairly safe bet that he has lost his spell.

2013-05-22, 04:29 PM
Gath is struck several times and a grunt of pain interrupts his chant. He quickly steps back, launching a horribly twisted spell as DK179, making him burn with vile unholy fire.

5 ft step back, Twinned, Searing, Corrupt, Violated, Empowered, Maximized Combust on DK179.

Ranged Touch 1 [roll0]

If it hits, DK179 takes [roll1] damage, half Vile Searing Fire, half Vile Unholy.

Ranged Touch 2 [roll2]
If it hits, DK179 takes [roll3] damage, half Vile Searing Fire, half Vile Unholy.

For each hit, make a reflex save (DC 15) or you catch on fire.

Vile Damage can only be healed by magic cast within the area of a consecrate or hallow spell.

Searing Fire overcomes all resistances to fire, and immunity only reduces damage by half.

2013-05-22, 05:00 PM
Sorin phases in about 10 feet from Gath, surprised that so much has happened while he was teleporting, when it struck him that Gath has been using Anticipate Teleportation all along.

1. Free action: manifest the linked Synchronicity from ages ago.
2. Standard action from Synchronicity: Manifest Overchanneled for 3 Twinned Empowered Maximized Swarm of Crystals augumented 15 times.
3. Swift Action: Synchronicity.
4. Standard Action from Synchronicity: Twinned Arcane Fusion (Greater) [Arcane Fusion {Magic Missile + Orb of Fire} + Antimagic Field]
5. Standard Action: Initiate Grapple (idk if this is a good idea, but I'm going to try nonetheless)


((OOC: As always, all the good rolls are the meaningless ones :smallfurious:))

2013-05-22, 05:27 PM
The crystals wound him, though the other attacks miss, his Shield blocks the magic missiles.

2013-05-22, 08:42 PM
Martera is becoming increasingly glad she isn't the primary target, focusing this time on DK179... Only to stop. The kind of energy he'd just used... Damn it. She was going to need to do some work to fix him up, and couldn't do it now. Time to try locking the idiot down!

No Action: Maintain Song.
Move Action: Generally move to try and stay safe.
Standard Action: Cast Mass Hold Monster on Gath and his mount.
[roll0] to beat SR, Will save DC 34 negates.

2013-05-30, 05:06 PM
Gath arrises shaking, quickly steps out of the AMF, and teleports into the sky, some 500 ft up.

Next round starts. Move action to get up, standard to leave AMF, swift to teleport.

2013-06-01, 02:24 PM
As the man moves away. DK179 does not relent and charges him once more.

Aoi, Raging Mongoose attack 1,
[roll0] Threat on 17-20
[roll1] Damage
- [roll2] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

[roll3] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll4] If first roll was an 8
[roll5] Extra Damage

Aoi, Raging Mongoose attack 2
[roll6] Threat on 17-20
[roll7] Damage
- [roll8] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

[roll9] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll10] If first roll was an 8
[roll11] Extra Damage

Aoi, Haste
[roll12] Threat on 17-20
[roll13] Damage
- [roll14] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

[roll15] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll16] If first roll was an 8
[roll17] Extra Damage

Aoi, 1st Iterative
[roll18] Threat on 17-20
[roll19] Damage
- [roll20] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

[roll21] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll22] If first roll was an 8
[roll23] Extra Damage

Aoi, 2nd Iterative
[roll24] Threat on 17-20
[roll25] Damage
- [roll26] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

[roll27] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll28] If first roll was an 8
[roll29] Extra Damage

Akai, Raging Mongoose attack 1
[roll30] Threat on 17-20
[roll31] Damage
- [roll32] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

Target gains a negative level for one hour, no save
[roll33] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll34] If first roll was an 8
[roll35] Extra Damage

Akai, Raging Mongoose attack 2
[roll36] Threat on 17-20
[roll37] Damage
- [roll38] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

Target gains a negative level for one hour, no save
[roll39] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll40] If first roll was an 8
[roll41] Extra Damage

Akai, 1st Iterative
[roll42] Threat on 17-20
[roll43] Damage
- [roll44] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

Target gains a negative level for one hour, no save
[roll45] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll46] If first roll was an 8
[roll47] Extra Damage

Akai, 2nd Iterative
[roll48] Threat on 17-20
[roll49] Damage
- [roll50] to confirm
If crit; prismatic spray effect applies even if target is immune to crits:

Target gains a negative level for one hour, no save
[roll51] Prismatic Spray DC20
- [roll52] If first roll was an 8
[roll53] Extra Damage

If Aoi crits, I gain 1/2 the damage dealt by that attack back as temporary hit points that don't stack with other temporary hit points.

2013-06-01, 02:55 PM
Gath is slain by the first strike, foul energies spewing forth, destroying his body, and blasting outwards, striking DK, though everyone else is to far away. When the explosion dies, nothing remains.

DK: [roll0] force damage from the explosion, no save, immediate actions to dodge or whatever viable, it is a 60 ft burst centered of Gath.

Spellcraft DC 25:
He had Widened, Empowered Death Throes active for the explosion.

Each of you gains 4950 EXP, save Sorin, who gains 6000 for only being level 20. Due to him being made the way he was, I increased the EXP reward some.

2013-06-01, 03:34 PM
Sorin, noticing the items disappearance, immediately uses Quickened Greater Arcane Fusion to Teleport near the site of Gath's explosion, and then manifest Soul Crystal of Trace Teleport. He'd then manifest Trace Teleport out of Soul Crystal, unless you still want to keep turn order.

Well, it's finally over. Now though, did you see that these items were teleported away before he exploded? I think I can trace them, give me a moment.

2013-06-01, 04:16 PM
You detect the teleportations of the battle, though the disappearance of the items is strangely undetected, as if it wasn't a teleportation effect.

2013-06-02, 05:03 AM
This is definitely at least strange... They disappeared without teleporting... And it couldn't have been Gath who got them out, since he'd rather get himself out of here I think... What's going on here?

2013-06-02, 09:51 PM
Something bad, Martera says with some certainty. We've almost assuredly got more work to do.

2013-06-24, 12:52 PM
We do indeed. What do we do now though? I have no idea how to trace these things of his. And if they disappeared, it has to mean something...
It might mean that he was in an employ of someone more powerful, who simply put a safety precaution on items borrowed, but that does not explain why would my Haversack disappear.
I have no idea what to make of this really...

2013-06-25, 05:39 PM
"Given most of us I presume have some contingent or another in place, it's no surprise that he would as well honestly, most likely the 'self destruction' was a ruse, either pure smoke and fluff, or followed quickly by a revivification or Resurrection of some sort on the other side of the teleport... Your gear was simply within the range of stuff included 'on his person' or whatever means the spell used to dictate what to take with."

2013-06-27, 05:39 AM
It was definitely NOT a teleport, I would have noticed that...
It's pretty hard to resurrect a destroyed body, you pretty much need two Wishes for that and I doubt he would be ready for that.
I don't really think there is anything else for us to do here, unless any of you have any idea how to trace instant movement that is not a teleportation effect.

2013-06-27, 06:36 PM
"Suffice to say there are always exceptions, but you are probably right that we should get back, the others will likely be worried. When we get back I can check my library and see for myself if I can unearth any information about our enemy rather than rely on our first witness at least."

Brighid turns towards DK, "When you're ready we can return, does anyone else need my assistance to return?"

2013-06-28, 03:16 PM
Assuming it suffices for an answer, Sorin materializes a Soul Crystal in his hand and uses it to Greater Teleport to his home, where he hopes he will be able to find answers to troubling them questions.

2013-06-29, 01:49 PM
This is being spoilered because you don't know of each other. Please do the same from now-on.

New Joiners:
You all find yourselves in a square, probably each for your own reasons, but you all are there none the less. People go about there business, though are often distracted by the dragons, centaurs, nymph, and all. Above you floats the Magically Mobile Temple to Mystra.

2013-06-29, 02:04 PM
Sorin takes his time recharging his Power Points, along with replenishing his Persistent Powers and his supply of Soul Crystals in his Quiver. New list of Persistent Powers and Soul Crystals within Quiver will be supplied in OOC soon.

2013-06-29, 03:39 PM
Irin wanders the market disguised as a human pig farmer (via Shapechange into a Zern>Alter self Su, DC 49 taking 10) She plays the part of the ignorant villager, awestruck by the floating temple and gawking at the strange creatures.

2013-06-29, 07:30 PM
Kir'Hai walks down the street, a centaur with scales and dragon wings in full plate wielding massive 30 foot spear in one hand, followed by a glowing warforged, a trio of huge demonic insectoids, and a beautiful woman. A top one of the great demons, rides a tiny impish demon, only see by those who van pierce invisibility. The woman also holds a demonic secret, in that she is a succubus.

Feeling grouchy, Kir'Hai ignores the crowd and searches for a bar. Ever since he slaughtered the dragons who murdered his people and failed to find closure, Kir'Hai has been angry to some extent. Grouchy was usually his best mood other than merrily drunk.

Silk. The angry dragon said, when he spotted a tavern. Guard our huge friends, be sure no one complains. Aurora will go inside and find out more about this ... caravan murderer. And she will not kiss anyone.

With a glare that threatened punishment he would not shrink from delivering, Kir'Hai went into the tavern, leaving his weapon in the clumsy claws of one of the retrievers.

With a grunt he approached the bar and demanded a strong, cheap drink, then set to watching Aurora.

Changed up the colors. Silk speaks in purple, Kir'Hai in orange.

Gather Info
[roll0] by the succubus.

2013-06-29, 07:58 PM
New Joiners:

Psalacantha wasn't a great fan of crowds. They went against something buried deep in her soul, something that spoke of small populations living in harmony with pristine natural habitats. About as far as you'd ever get from a packed crowd in a city centre...

She had learned to keep those feeling to herself. 15 centuries on and off the roads had taught her many things, chief among those being that not every being she'd ever encounter was a Nymph, or would be happy living *like* a Nymph. And she could definitely sympathize. She *was* a Nymph, and she'd found sitting around in a forest glade grinning at the flowers and the leaves to ultimately be a touch unfulfilling.

A faint rustling escaped from behind her, and she concentrated on stilling her wings. Folded up under her travelling cloak wasn't terribly comfortable, but they would keep. A Nymph in these surroundings was unusual, yes, but a winged Nymph...

...Though while she was thinking this, it became apparent that keeping a low profile was a more or less wasted effort today. It was impossible to miss Kir'Hai and his retinue's progress through the square. One would think that after all the time he spend waging a guerilla war in the mountains, he would have learned to act with a little restraint.... but no, her nephew seemed a little less subtle every time she encountered him.

She supposed she should go say hello. Family that never found peace and ended up tramping around the countryside with Demons was... in many ways not that different from *her*. Plus, still family.

Although, on her way towards the tavern, two things gave her pause. The first was a sight of a familiar face in the crowd... possibly. True Seeing meant that she could spot Irin even through her Shapechange + Alter Self combo... but it did nothing to stop the crowd turning it into a fleeting glance at distance. On most other days she'd have investigated - running into old colleagues on the street was generally a happy occasion - but she had something more pressing on her mind.

It was at the entrance to the tavern she stopped, and faced the small group of demons.

"What exactly would you do to me if I did complain?" she called up to the little imp-ish demon. She didn't know for sure, but... honestly, she doubted 'Silk' would be the warforged...

2013-06-29, 08:34 PM
New Blood
Silk shifted his weight, then sighed. We would ask you to not be afraid, and inform you that these demons have been captured and mentally enthralled to Commander Kir'Hai, and pose no threat to you. If you insisted on complaining, I'd ask you what exactly you plan to do about over a ton of angry ugly demons, who are eager to rip you apart and only held back by my word. And finally, if that didn't work, I'd say, Sheesh, Psal, don't you trust your nephew? I can understand you not recognizing me, though, I look much different. I have a different belt these days. Then again, we were never introduced and I was just a lowly footman when I saw you last. But I worked with your nephew during the war against the dragons. I'll formally introduce myself, I am X'jar Halstrumm, but most people call me Silk, on account I have a much better way with words than most of my kind. They say that perhaps, I am cut from a different cloth. The name is apparently hilarious to drunk dwarves, and Kir'Hai has made it stick because he likes to frustrate me.

The quasit looked at the Nymph and hissed lightly, then jumped over to a retriever further away.

Oh, good. Looks like Qip likes you. Well, he likes you as far as his little arms could throw you. With a hollow, but somehow still merry laugh, Silk reaches over and pats the tiny creature. Not that he could even lift you. Don't mind him. Or pay him any attention. He's a brat. I'm sure Kir'Hai would be annoyed to see you, why don't you go inside and say hello?

2013-06-29, 09:58 PM
"We don't know much, just this morning a man named Willian Daggertheft came to town, the sole survivor of the attack on the caravan. The attack was performed by an individual who calls himself 'Sar Thok Gath', the rulers of this city went out to investigate. That is all we know. The attack was on a road to the city, some four to ten miles away."

Thanks for including the Warband, understood.

2013-06-29, 11:39 PM
The filthy pig farmer wanders over to Psalacantha with a finger industriously searching his bulbous nose. A vigorous scratch of the front of his pants is followed by a blank stare at the nymph "Ay, don't I know ya!?" a loud voice offers.

2013-06-30, 04:51 AM
((OOC: I'm assuming nothing happened within the two hours of Sorin's preparations))

Sorin uses his various contacts and friends within the city to search for information about various things concerning their latest fight (can I take 20s here?):
Sar Thog Gath himself [roll0]
His way of teleportation at the end of their fight [roll1]
Of any way he could have fulfilled his threat of destroying the Sigil [roll2]
Of anyone who might have gained from the destruction of the Sigil, or someone who might want to destroy it out of revenge [roll3]

Additionally he tries to sell:
Boots of Temporal Acceleration (orig. price 43000)
Gloves of Touchsight of Dexertity +6 (orig. price 96000)
Hathran Mask of True Seeing (orig. price 75000)
Skin of Proteus (orig. price 84000)

Sorin's Buylist:
Monk's Belt (13000)
Headband of Conscious Effort of Intellect +6, Wisdom +6 and Charisma +6 (119000)
Torc of Power Preservation (36000)
Ring of Psionic Might (20000)
Ring of Spell-Battle (12000)
Effecient Quiver (1800)
Orange Ioun Stone (30000)

How do we handle bargaining with a person that's trading in magical items?
Just to speed things up if any of these would be useful for bargaining:

Sorin would be willing to trade the items on his selllist for the items on his buylist. He'd lose 36200 gp of effective value in the process.

2013-06-30, 06:35 AM
New Joiners:

"I'm sorry, X'jar, but I don't think I've ever seen you outside of a Scrying sensor before. Still, could be worse. If he'd instructed you to call me 'Aunt Sally' this would have quickly degenerated into a fight..."

At the Pig Farmer's greeting, Psalacantha quietly sighs to herself. So many hopeless suitors... you'd think the mortal races had never produced pretty women of their own, the way everyone tried latching on to her.

...But as she turned to deliver a more-or-less pleasant let-down, she saw that familiar face for a second time.

"I wondered if that was you... You seem to be keeping well, but that accent *really* doesn't suit you."

Psalacantha hadn't noticed that Irin was 'in disguise', thanks to her active True Seeing. Possibly if her nephew's appearance hadn't distracted her, she'd have combined her True Seeing with her Greater Arcane Sight and worked out that the Irin she was seeing wasn't the same as the Irin everyone else was seeing.

"Come on, might as well introduce you to Kir'Hai, my once-half-centaur nephew. No jokes about my sister's tastes, please. I had to put up with centuries of those when she was still *alive*. Mostly from the other Centaurs..."

Turning back to the warforged, Psalacantha said "I'm glad we got the chance to finally meet, X'jar, but I should go greet my nephew. I know he'll be irritated to see me, but then he'd be irritated to *not* see me as well, so I'd hardly be making the situation any worse..."

Flashing the construct a quick smile, Psalacantha headed into the tavern to look for Kir'Hai.

2013-06-30, 12:57 PM
Among the menagerie that was the town square was a couple, walking and looking around like your ordinary human adventurers. Except they weren't so ordinary, nor were they human.

"Damn. Why the hell did I get talked into this? Look! Centaurs and nymphs and whathaveyous are walking about, and no one cares! I should've just came as is. I don't like this form. I feel so, so small! And frail! I can't understand why you like being so small, when you should be proud of what we are," came the irate voice of the female adventurer.

Looking at her closer, she didn't exactly look human. She had pinkish skin, and on her forehead sprouted a few small, black horns. Rather, she looked more like a tiefling than a human. But her round eyes, sharp nose, full lips, long black hair that seemed to dance in the wind, and a killer figure, coupled with a revealing outfit of tight leather, were more than enough for men to disregard those previous qualities and just stare.

"Now, now, my dear Daskaine," replied her male companion. Compared to her, the man looked more human, with fair skin, and normal human features. He was quite a looker himself, with long, black hair tied back into a pony tail, sharp nose, thin lips, and prominent jaws. Together, they looked like your ideal couple.

"The people here may be, suprisingly, accepting towards our kind, but the fact that you are still a twenty-foot, two-and-a- ooff!" The man's words were cut off courtesy of a stiff jab to the side accompanied by a death stare from his female companion.

"Wow, really, you're not weaker in that form, let me tell you that," he said as he grabbed his side and smirked. "Anyway, the point is you're still a rather huge gal, so it won't be easy walking around."

"Besides," he paused and turned towards Daskaine, "I think deep inside, you still are somehow attached to your original form. See, even if you can't remember who you were, when you changed into that form, you came up with exactly how you looked back in the days when we were both human."

"Yes, exactly the same," he said matter-of-factly nod as he gave Daskaine's butt a squeeze. The woman reacted with another swing aimed at the face, but the man was able to dodge the blow this time.

"And I would imagine you were as vulgar as you were back then," Daskaine replied with an annoyed look.

"I am not this Daskaine you keep on calling me. I am Dusk! And I was never a human!"

"Fine, fine. But I am the boss, so I get to call you whatever I want," he replied, then burst into laughter. The woman sighed in defeat and snapped her head away with a 'hmmpff' and pouted her lips.

"Right, on to business. Let's see, oh wow!"

"What?" Daskaine asked, turning to find her partner looking at someone, and following his gaze, seemed to be the very attractive nymph talking to a warforged.

"Oh, shouldn't have asked."

"What? No, no no no! Well, she is a looker, maybe even a tad bit hotter than you. Don't worry, though, you still have my vote," he said before laughing again.

"Wait, that's not the point. What I'm trying to say is she is special."

Daskaine then rolled her eyes.

"Would you let me finish? You're making me sound like a pervert."

"Really now, Merceron? Did you really need my help on that?" she replied, then giggled.

"Damn you, woman. And I told you to call me Belerian when I'm in this form," he said with an annoyed face, which then melted into a smile. "Anyway, what I meant to say was she is very intelligent. Almost as good as me. That could only mean one thing..."

"She's strong," Daskaine finished. Then, she smiled and walked towards the direction of the nymph.

"Hey, hey, what do you think you're doing?" Belerian grabbed her by her wrist.

"What? I'm just gonna say hi."

"As much as I'm tempted to see the two of you in a cat fight, no. That is not what we are here for. Come on, we have work to do," he said, dragging her with him.

"Tssh. Kill joy," Daskaine murmured.

Belerian walked around a while before deciding to approach a random passerby. Spotting an elderly man, he beamed a smile then began to speak.

"Good day to you, sir. We are travelers, and we just arrived. Well, we are sort of adventurers. Do you know of any news of possibly anything that might require our services? Or anyone we could ask for such information?"

2013-06-30, 02:09 PM
New BloodX'Jar? Haha, nobody has called me by my real name for over a hundred years. It feels foreign. But no matter. Good day to you, obviously-altered man. Silk nodded to the farmer who was somehow not terrified or even interested in the huge demons before him. In a world of magic, that usually meant the person was powerful or equally as hideous underneath their disguise.

You really remember the Commander quite well to day he'd be irate either way. He seems to be in a constant state of moodiness. At her departure, Silk scanned the crowed briefly and then looked back to the farmer.

Follow her in if you want, I'm not guarding the door, just the demons. Try not to upset the massive bulk of already angry dragon flesh in there, alright? With that, Silk dismissed the farmer from his mind. The man obviously did not want the attention, or he wouldn't be hiding who he was. The crowd was much more interesting.

2013-06-30, 02:58 PM
New Blood:
GuyFawkes: "Our leaders are investigating an attack on a caravan. It probably has been resolved by now, though several..." he shifts, looking towards the retrievers "...Monsters are here with unknown intentions." the elderly man says as he tries to move away as quickly as possible.

2013-06-30, 06:43 PM
The farmer casually follows the nymph into the bar.

2013-06-30, 07:08 PM
New Blood:

Once inside the tavern, locating Kir'Hai was easy enough. It wasn't like he blended in, even when he left his demons (well, most of them) outside.

Psalacantha thought about it for a moment, and concluded that the direct route was the one least likely to result in a temper-tantrum on the part of her ever-irritable kin.

"Hello, Kir'Hai. What brings you in to town? It's probably too much to hope that we're both here chasing the same missing caravan... but rumor has it that whatever you are chasing after is likely to be worth hearing about regardless..."

By which she means rumors about Kir'Hai's targets in general, not that she's heard any recent rumors about his immediate activities. If she had, she probably would have expected to meet him...

2013-06-30, 09:30 PM
New People
Padfoot goes through his morning retinue of persisted spells and then walks towards the nearest pub in his continuing search for a nice drink. Ignoring the various stares from onlookers he walks up to the tavern keeper and says "Hey, Barkeep, Give me the strongest drink you have." as he waits he observes the local crowd to try and get a feel for the community.
Padfoot out of curiosity while waiting on his drink, he uses his Detect Evil ability to determine the alignment of the tavern's patron.

2013-06-30, 09:38 PM
In the bar:
The barkeep pours something into a glass. "5 SP." he says, giving it to the centaur.

A beautiful woman radiates a strong evil aura, three patrons in the corner have faint ones. Another faint evil aura surrounds a young man who is playing dice with two other men.

2013-06-30, 10:16 PM
New Blood
Kir'Hai grunts at the barkeeper and he swallows the entire mug in one go. Here. Five gold. If the mug isn't in my hand, it's empty. I doubt I'll drink all 10 beers. But if my mug is empty for too long, I'll be a mite upset. Keep the law flowing though, and I'll spend more coin here.

When he aunt approaches him he sighs heavily. Oh great. What do you want? And as It happens, I heard the caravan was hit hard by something strong. Something strong that preys on innocents is something that needs to be ripped in half. Or asked politely to stop in your case. Kir'Hai slams his fist on the bar. Who the hell is he?! Kir'Hai demands of his aunt. Why have I never heard of this... Gah, this guy? And where is my ale?!

2013-06-30, 10:55 PM
In the Bar:

"Actually, it sounds as though you are better informed than I am. I had only just heard the caravan didn't arrive. My plan to start hunting for information was derailed when I spotted your Heavy Squad outside the tavern.

So we are 'working the same case', once more. It's certainly been long enough... " Quietly, she laughs to herself. "Don't worry, I won't lecture you if you do tear the culprit in half. While I'm not likely to be personally relying on armed combat anytime soon, I am aware of its utility.

Anyway, while you're still fuelling up, I'd like to take the opportunity to introduce you to a former colleague of mine. Just ran into her outside, strange stroke of luck, really. I think you'll like her, though. She's of the 'polymorph into a massive monster and rip the enemy apart in your jaws' school of problem-solving." Psalacantha offers two gestures, the first to point out Irin to Kir'Hai (It still hasn't occured to her that Irin looks like a farmer to people not using True Seeing), and the second to wave the Sorceress over to join them.

True, she didn't know why Irin was here yet. But she suspected that Irin would drop whatever business she had had if there was the prospect of a really good fight (with decent loot)... and this was sounding like the prelude to a really challenging fight...

2013-06-30, 11:22 PM
La Cantina
Kir'Hai raised an eyebrow then laughed. That sounds like my kind of person!

With a nod, he ordered his succubus minion to go wait outside. I really hope nobody whines about my small army out there. I don't feel like wading through red tape. And I won't let them too far from me, lest they get any ideas.

2013-07-01, 12:13 AM
"I see...thank you, sir!" Belerian said his thanks before the man walked away. Turning to Daskaine, he shrugged.

"Not as accepting after all. See, how much more if they saw a dragon walking around here?"

"They'd be trembling in fear like they should be!"

Belerian shook his head and waved his hand at his retainer. "Right, if I remember correctly, let's see...The leaders the man was referring to are a group of quite shady, but quite strong individuals. A succubus, a lich, a vampire, and an artificer and her automaton retainer."

"Oh, quite shady indeed."

"I know right? It's like a necropolis or something. Anyway, such a strong group. I doubt they'd be needing our services, but I'd like to meet them anyway."

"So, where are they located?"

"Where else?" he pointed upwards. Daskaine followed with her eyes and looked up at the impressive sight of the floating temple.

"Hoooo. Shady and flashy. But they got style."

"I know right? Well, come on. Let's pay them a visit."

With little effort, Belerian pushed off the ground and took to the air, Daskaine following suit. Belerian tried to grab his retainer's hand, with the latter brushing off his attempts until she got too annoyed and suddenly reverted back to her orginal form. Belerian grabbed on to her back and in a matter of minutes they reached the temple.

OOC: I'm assuming there are no barriers or wards that would otherwise impede their entry. If so, disregard what follows.

Landing at a wide portion of clearing, the duo waited for any attendants of the temple and then introduced themselves.

"Good day, followers of Mystra," Bel began with a low bow. "We are but humble travellers who stumbled upon your magnificent city. My name is Belerian, and this is my trusted companion, Dusk. We have heard about the legendary rulers of this city, and we would very much be honored if they should grace us with our presence."

2013-07-01, 01:09 AM
The farmer wanders over. "Irin is the name. I go where my feet take me these days, looks like something exciting is going on here so here I am looking to occupy myself and see if there is any profit in it."

2013-07-01, 03:34 AM
Kir'Hai curls his upper lip, then drinks another full mug of ale just as it is poured, slamming the empty mug back down. Irin? And who, exactly are you? Some kind of... no, you're not some farmer. Well, perhaps you're the interesting shapeshifter? What a hideous form to hide under. I suppose it serves you well enough, though. Makes people want to ignore you.

2013-07-01, 09:07 AM
The farmer girl also has a moderate evil aura.

Gem_Knight, NekoIncardine, Ravanan:
A shadow dragon and a Kelvezu fly towards your temple from the city below. If you are there attendants will report this to you. Do you take any precautions?

The barkeep keeps the centaur's mug filled.

Someone comes and tells you that several demonic creatures are standing in a town square with a winged nymph, two centaurs just walked into a bar, both armed, and a human turned into a dragon who flew towards the temple to Mystra accompanied by a demonic and draconic biped. People seem rather flustered by all this.

2013-07-01, 09:41 AM
Demonic creatures and a winged nymph? Dragon flying towards the temple? Why is anyone concerned by such things? If I recall correctly, this city was built so that such creatures won't be shunned at. Only the centaurs being armed raise my suspicion, but that's what city's guard is for! I have more important matters at hand than that...
To the messenger he says:
Inform the guard of these centaurs, make them remind them that carrying weapons around the city is off limits for these without a permit. I don't think there is a need to concern ourselves with them.

2013-07-01, 06:41 PM
Brighid is still waiting for DK to accept her offer to teleport her back to the Temple, Elroy would receive the report and despite probably not being able being able to reach Brighid personally, he will excuse himself from the villager in the library and attempt to act the proper proxy Host and step out to meet our rather large and presumably exceptional visitors.

2013-07-01, 07:05 PM
GuyFawkes & Gem_Knight:
GuyFawkes is coming to the temple, there are no defenses, Gem_Knight's character is here, so you will interact, seeing as Elroy receives you.

"We'll try, though I do not know how they'll take it. So many powerful creatures appearing at the same time is something we see as reason for suspicion, especially seeing as they all are armed, and many seem to not like each other all that much."

OoC: What is the process of getting a permit? I think that someone would ask at some point.

2013-07-02, 03:05 AM
The creatures fluing towards the temple can be dealt with by the powerful being that are there, so I'm not concerned.
I'd send city guard to these in the tavern and I could go myself to these demonic creatures and the nymph, if people are really that concerned.

After these words he manifests an Arcane Fusion, Greater to Greater Teleport to the town square.

{{OOC: It is simply a process of veryfiyng one's reliability; checking his/her character (which would not even be possible normally, but you know, D&D), questioning him/her for his motives of staying within the city and/or why would he/she want to carry weaponry around while it's city guard's job to protect the citizens, if he/she wants to stay in permamently, etc.
I'd say it's not overly beurocratic, would take an hour, two tops}}

2013-07-02, 08:36 AM
You see three retriever demons standing in the square, and several people leaving the tavern. As the door opens and a succubus (in humanoid form, though True Seeing shows what she really is) walks out, you see a the tavern for a moment, a centaur with an axe at the bar, and part of another centaur can be seen through the doorway. Resting against the tavern is a massive, 30 ft spear.

2013-07-02, 11:15 AM
What's your business here? I've heard you make people uneasy. It's not that I'm planning to deny you the right to be in this city, but rather I'd like to hear what's your purpose here, so that I can calm mtwelfth and any panicking citizens down.

2013-07-02, 01:45 PM
Actually, Kir'Hai left his spear outside with one of the retrievers. It's a called weapon, but too big for the doorway.

Hello, sir. Silk says, with a surprisingly fluid bow. My name is Silk, a member of the Kir'Hai raiders. I've been asked to soothe any distressed citizens of this city who come to complain about the demons here. Not to worry, these demons are mentally enslaved by our leader, and forced to do acts of good. They are still conscious, and aware but completely obedient. Luckily the bigger ones are too dumb to have ambition.

Anyways, Kir'Hai is here to investigate a missing caravan, as he has heard some powerful entity or entities have assaulted innocents. I believe the current plan is to find out as much as we can about them. However, having just arrived over a great distance, Kir'Hai is in the tavern drinking for the moment. Despite this, I assume you, the demons are still fully under his command, and, by delegation, under my command. No harm will come to you from them, or myself. Please, have a good day.

2013-07-02, 03:36 PM
Town Square
I guess I should introduce myself first, so uncorterous of me. I'm Sorin Markow, one of the founders of the city. It just happens that I've am part of the team that quite recently fought the so called Sar Thok Gath, who is the individual responsible for the attack. Do you have any information concerning the event? Even if not, we should cooperate if we are to solve this mystery. The Temple of Mystra you can clearly see floating over there is our meeting place, so you should head there. You do have some means of flying or teleporting into that place, right?

2013-07-02, 04:00 PM
Outside the Tavern
Silk looked a little surprised, then nodded. I guess I shouldn't be so surprised they sent someone with dignified and powerful to greet the small army of demons milling about outside a tavern. I know nothing of what he have learned here. Aurora here does. Aurora, tell me what you've learned about our enemy.

The demon glared at the mechanical man, then growled out a short sentence. Even less than this one has just said, Master Silk.

Silk laughed dryly. Always with the attitude this one. I think it is because she has no sway over my kind. I am the only one I know she is so hostile to. Anyways, let me call my master, and we can meet you at your temple. I have a carpet of flying, and my master has his wings.

Opening the door, Silk calls into the room: Commander, some one to see you.

Inside the Tavern
Kir'Hai jerks his head to listen to Silk. Coming. He replies with a growl. Staning up he waves at his aunt. I'll be back in a minute. Probably the city guard bitching up a storm about my fiends. And with that, Kir'Hai finishes his 6th ale, and walks outside.

Outside the Tavern
What? Kir'Hai barks, to which Silk replies with a flourish to Sorin.

His name is Sorin Markow, and he is also seeking the target you are after. He wishes to speak with you.

2013-07-02, 04:37 PM
Outside the tavern
Welcome commander... Kir'Hai I suppose? If you think you are in an appropriate state to discuss such important matters, meet with me within the Temple of Mystra, preferably without all these subjects of yours, which you Here he points at Silk should take care of and take it off the city's square, because it makes people uneasy. There we'll be able to discuss the matter at hand without any eavesdroppers and with presence of others which would propably be happy to see someone else interested in this case.

Then he manifests Greater Arcane Fusion to Greater Teleport to the Temple.

The Temple of Mystra
After teleporting to the temple Sorin informs Brighid and DK179 of the matter at hand ((OOC: just read mine and darklink_shadow's conversation)) and then retreats to wait in the conference room, where he continues recharging of Power Points.

2013-07-02, 04:48 PM
Kir'Hai grunts. When the man disappears, he turns back to the tavern. Self important bossy little man. Silk, figure out a way to hide our fiends. Or don't. A little fear never hurt anyone. Poking his head inside he yelled at his aunt. Hey. Some guy wants to talk about the caravan raider up at the Temple of Whatsitcalled. I'm going there now. Some.. Sorin guy.

With more than enough pleasantries than Kir'Hai preferred, he took wing and headed to the temple, calling his weapon to him as he flew.

With an exasperated sigh, Silk looked at his charges. Where am I supposed to hide you guys? With a little herding, he urged them down an alley way, then stood at the entrance to the alley and refused entry to anyone attempting to go through. Demons sleeping back here, leave them alone. He said to anyone trying to get past. Sorin's orders. He added to the end. It was the best he could come up with.

2013-07-02, 06:43 PM
The farmer walks outside and looks up at the temple. He then walks into an alley and seems to melt into a gargantuan puddle of water the puddle then flies up towards the temple in a bizzare, undulating stream that pools itself on any exposed landing platform

(Free action to change form from a zern into a Elder Spawn of Juiblex(MMVp163) with the fly speed of an Illuren(MMVp90). This is an imaginary form and not a Spawn of Juiblex, it just shares the mechanics.)

2013-07-02, 06:46 PM
Those at the temple:
A winged centaur and a glob of goo are flying up to the temple too.

Several minutes later, a winged nymph follows behind.

2013-07-02, 07:03 PM
Inside the Tavern:

"...Guess we'll be heading up to the Temple then."

It hadn't escaped her notice that the people she was conversing with had all rushed outside. Displaying none of the urgency that Irin and Kir'Hai had done, Psalacantha takes a few moments to remove her travelling cloak, fold it, and place it within her backpack. What she was wearing underneath was a backless, sleeveless short grey tunic - less a fashion choice and more a concession to the placement of her wings.

Ripping your clothing apart in battle was occasionally good for a distraction, but had a high chance of backfiring and distracting the wrong side...

Ignoring whatever effect her changing had had on the remaining patrons of the Tavern, Psalacantha headed outside.

Outside the Tavern:

"And of course none of them waited for me."

Once she was in the clear air, Psalacantha unfurled her wings and started the ascent. She was already behind the other two, no point in dawdling further when whatever answers were to be found here were ahead...

2013-07-03, 04:58 PM
Inside the Tavern
Padfoot, mildly suprised at what happens, pays for his drink says to the Barkeep "Don't worry, stuff like this happens all the time, don't report this to the city guard please and keep things calm here won't you, I'd rather have a peaceful drink when I come back"
Diplomacy [roll0]
He then secretly attempts to follow Psalacantha
Move Silently [roll1] should i roll anything else?

2013-07-03, 05:33 PM
Back at the battle site:

((Pardon at the moment I'm just assuming Rav's cooperation when s/he finally gets back...? and Merta can come too if she needs it which I doubt.))

Receiving the update from Sorin, Brighid Teleports (Greater) back with those who need her assistance.

At the Temple:

Elroy stands outside the main entrance to the temple proper, running possible speeches through his head and trying to figure a balance between diplomatic and friendly. As he's about to take a step forward he feels a hand on his shoulder. He looks back to see Brighid behind him, she smiles and nods him forward and falls into step behind him.

"Mystra's Magically Mobile Temple welcome all to her steps," Elroy begins. "My Mistress bids you welcome on behalf of herself and in blessings of Mystra."

2013-07-03, 07:03 PM
The other centaur tries to stealthily follow you.

The barkeep nods as you exit.

You could make a hide check, though Psalacantha has +25 on listen and spot, meaning that if you roll 20s and Psalacantha gets 1s, she'd still notice you.

2013-07-03, 07:57 PM
At the Temple

When Kir'Hai lands, he is greeted by the same annoying greeters who welcome you to the bazaars of some cities, or especially large or fancy shops. He would have utterly ignored the person, but he actually didn't know where he was going. You two, where is Sorin? He demanded I meet with him, but did not bother to tell me where I could find him. He doesn't bother to mask his hostility or aggression.

2013-07-03, 11:52 PM
Temple, Temple
"Good day, sir, madame," Belerian bowed again as he saw Elroy and Brighid, motioning for Dusk to do the same.

"It is our honor to be your guests here."

When the centaur arrived, Belerian simply smiled his way, then chose to ignore him as he displayed his temper, looking back at Brighid and Elroy and continuing.

"I have heard about an attack against a caravan meant for this city. Was it something troublesome? I would imagine the attackers knew of this city's leaders. For them to be bold as to go against you, I would assume they were either very foolish, or quite capable, yes?"

2013-07-04, 01:57 AM
Outside the Tavern:

Psalacantha only ascended as far as the rooftops. Perching herself just over the tavern's door, she tossed off a quick invisibility and settled down to watch what the trailing Centaur would do now that he'd 'lost' her...

2013-07-04, 07:18 AM
Smasher0404 & whoiam:
Resolve this between yourselves, I don't think I'd be the most reliable for this. I trust you not to metagame.

2013-07-04, 04:47 PM
Outside the Tavern

Having apparently lost his target, Padfoot shows an expression of mild surprise, He turns 360 degrees to see if he can see her. He then casts Detect Thoughts from his domain slots to obtain any information he can.

2013-07-04, 04:57 PM

Will Save (incase Padfoot thinks to look up while he's got his emanation going):

Psalacantha's willing to wait up to a minute before taking action. Let me know what Padfoot does with his minute...

2013-07-04, 05:09 PM
Outside of the Tavern
Unable to detect Psalacantha, Padfoot goes forward ascending at a 45 degree angle and continues his search pattern of making 360 degree turns. If he does so for 5 rounds without finding anything he will attempt to return to the tavern and grab a drink.

2013-07-04, 05:09 PM
whoiam & smasher0404:
If Padfoot looks up, I think he'd detect the presence of thoughts, and then when he probes deeper he'd be stunned for 1 round due to him being Int 17 and you 44.

Psalacantha wouldn't need to make that save (which she would pass anyways).

2013-07-04, 05:13 PM
Except Padfoot doesn't think to look up, thinking that Psalacantha would have already gone ahead to her chosen destination and is banking on her flying there instead of teleporting.

2013-07-04, 05:22 PM
Our House Temple, in the middle of our street the air:

Elroy rankles at the obvious hostility, but before he can say anything, Brighid sets her hand on his shoulder and steps in front of him.

"I'm Brighid, this is my temple, and this is my friend Elroy," she begins, then offering her hand, "I can bring you to Sorin if he is expecting you.

Telepathic Bond to Sorin:

There are some people here who say they know you, there manners need work, but assuming they're not lying where can I meet you with them.

2013-07-04, 05:25 PM
At the Temple:
After a while, Martera, having spent time focusing on what had happened, walked out of her quarters in the Temple, returning to the main floor with her practiced, confident walk. She smiled lightly as she saw two newcomers come into view.

"Hello, and welcome," she said, choosing to ignore the harsher voice for the more subtle one. "The attacker was, as far as I could tell, both capable AND foolish. So far, he's been dealt with, but I am not certain he'll stay that way."

2013-07-04, 05:28 PM
Outside of the Tavern:

Actually, Psalacantha's sitting on the tavern roof using an invisibility spell while she watches you.

Whether your hop into the air gets you high enough to catch 'sight' of her, I'll leave up to you.

2013-07-04, 05:31 PM
Irin follows the centaur, Kir'Hai, into the temple while maintaining the form of a large puddle.

2013-07-04, 09:13 PM
Outside of Tavern
Actually Padfoot can fly through a persisted stormrage(at least i think(i persisted all my normal spells right?). Having detected Psalacantha, Padfoot is stunned for one round

2013-07-04, 11:16 PM
"Oh, good day to you madame," Bel bowed to Martera as she came into view. When she spoke about the incident, he nodded.

"Mhmm, that is quite a troublesome combination indeed. Wait, by attacker you mean there was only a single attacker? Did you by any chance get to know who this attacker was?"

2013-07-05, 03:31 AM
His draconic eyes sliding to the terrified one, he growled, annoyed that another coward took his aggression as a threat, You have no reason to fear me, you are not the target of my wrath. Now, where is this Sorin? The scoundrel pounced on my men out of nowhere, demanded many things of us, including an audience, and then didn't even have the decency to tell me where I was supposed to meet him before vanishing.

Kir'Hai eyed the proffered hand for a moment then sighed. Are we teleporting to him then? We need to wait a moment, a Nymph should be making her way here as well. Whatever Sorin has to tell me, he can say to her as well. She is another independent agent allied with me working on this case.

Turning his head to apparently looser tongued Martera, he wheeled his body to face her as well. As far as you can tell? What can you tell? What do you have on the bastard? In what way is he dealt with? Is he dead, quartered and burned? Harsh warning? How is he foolish? More importantly, where is he, and how best can I ensure he will become or remain dead? A clawed hand balled into a tight fist, and Kir'Hai felt his rage beginning to boil. He had been unpleasant so far, but he had been far from rude yet.

2013-07-05, 04:02 AM
Telepatically to everyone of you in the Temple
It seems there is more of us than we could have anticipated. We should meet in the same place our group met before facing Sar Thok Gath. Brighid and Matera will be able to show the way for the rest of you. DK179 should attend as well. There we will be able to properly discuss what we know, what we don't and what we can get to know, as well as introduce each other without any prying ears.

2013-07-05, 05:11 AM
Outside of Tavern


So, with her greater arcane sight, what can Psalacantha see active on Padfoot?

"You're not very subtle, are you? Sneaking in the middle of a crowd...

Must admit, I still wasn't sure if you were trailing me. Not until you started looking for me the moment you lost my trail. Hovering above the square flashing magic around isn't very covert.

What happens next is up to you. I'm a professional Wizard. An old and powerful one. And your little detect thoughts spell has just given you a pointed demonstration of just how strong my mind is. I'm also pretty reasonable. If you can give me an explanation of who you are and what you were doing that doesn't leave me having to defend my life, or those of my friends and family, then this won't turn violent.

Otherwise... Well, let's just say Wizards don't reach my level of experience by being soft..."


2013-07-05, 03:48 PM
Outside the Tavern

"Well I mean it isn't every day that you see a flying nymph now is it. I was bored and I just figured that wherever you were heading must be pretty interesting. Now is that so bad? This is just one big misunderstanding, how about we head back into the bar, and I treat you to a couple of drinks. It could be worse, I could be some mugger, or other unsavory types. I'm just a traveler who enjoys a good drink, and a sense of curiosity, I mean I meant no offense, but when someone disappears right before your eyes, well, that's kind of not your everyday occurrence. So how about? Join me for a drink? If you are really as powerful as you say you are, you have nothing to lose by joining me for a mug or two. Who knows? It might be quite enjoyable for you."

Spells on Padfoot
Detect Thoughts obviouslly
Shield of Faith
Divine Power
Righteous Might
Greater Visage of the Deity
Ring of Blades

2013-07-05, 04:02 PM
He's talking about that automaton, so other than the two here, that must be the vampire, Sorin.

"Hey Dusk, you remember anything about this Sar Thok Gath he's talking about?" Bel inquired through his own telepathic channel.

"Sounds familiar. Isn't that the name of that bandit?"

"Yes. If I am not mistaken, he's that bandit who is in cahoots with that Iron King, or something like that. Pretty troublesome bunch indeed if that's the one who just attacked that caravan. And to think he went out on his own and it wasn't necessarily a robbery. Must be some personal matter, or worse."

"Meh. We'll see who's troublesome."

"Tsk tsk. Overconfident as usual. You're sounding like that guy over there."

"Don't compare me to that half-breed!"

"Ouch! What did I tell you about shouting in the mind link?"

"Hmph. Your fault."

"Fine, fine."

"Ah, well then. If you would please lead the way," Belerian said to Martera's group with a smile.

2013-07-05, 05:24 PM
Outside the Tavern

"Nor is it every day you run into a Centaur using a half-dozen buff spells... and for that matter, I'm still not *entirely* convinced you're not an unsavoury type.

But I believe you. I think you might have left a few details out, such as who and what you are, but I believe you when you said you intended no harm."

Since she judges it to no longer be necessary, Psalacantha drops her invisibilty spell while she's talking. She's seated on the edge of the tavern roof, wings still spread behind her.

"That said, stalking, misunderstanding or no, is high on the list of things that wouldn't make me inclined to 'share a drink' with you, especially as the business I should be attending to now is rather more important than idle curiosity, mine or yours. Good luck finding your entertainment..."

One beat of the wings is enough to lift her from seated to fully standing. She glances up at the temple quickly.


And Psalacantha restarts her ascent with a curious half-teleportation, half-flight motion.

(75' of Greater Dimension Door with her move actions, 30' flight with her standard actions, straight up until she reaches the temple.)

2013-07-05, 05:30 PM
Temple & Whoiam:
The winged nymph arrives through a series of short-range teleports and flight.

2013-07-05, 05:48 PM
Irin casts greater teleport to arrive at the telepathically suggested meeting place. Upon arrival she flows down low to the ground and disguises herself as a large puddle of water.
Disguise: [roll0]
Hide [roll1]
Spot [roll2]

2013-07-05, 06:45 PM
Outside the Tavern (Am I the only one still there? :smalltongue:)
"Well that sucks" Padfoot mutters to himself as he lands and heads back into the tavern.

Inside the Tavern
Padfoot as he sits down at the counter again"Hey Barkeep, Can you tell me what's up and about in town right now? Anything particularly interesting happen? Also another Ale please, still need to quench some thirst."

Gather Information [roll0]

2013-07-05, 06:56 PM
When aunt arrive, Kir'Hai stalked over to her. You're late. Come, this man has agreed to escort us to the meeting place. Returning to the promised escorter, he extended his left hand, his right fist firmly holding his weapon.

2013-07-05, 07:29 PM
smasher0404 (yes, yes you are):
"A caravan got attacked last night and everyone is a bit worried about that, then you, the winged nymph, the demons, the other centaur, and that dragon came today... Not much besides that."

2013-07-05, 07:54 PM
In The Tavern

"Any idea where they went?"

2013-07-05, 08:02 PM
"Flew into the sky, though the demons still are standing outside scaring away my patrons. Probably went towards the temple." (you would have seen that much though).

2013-07-05, 08:05 PM
"Flew into the sky, though the demons still are standing outside scaring away my patrons. Probably went towards the temple." (you would have seen that much though).

The demons are in a back ally behind the tavern!

2013-07-05, 08:28 PM

"Excuse me, this might seem like a random question but how thick are the walls in this tavern?"

2013-07-05, 08:31 PM
"Dunno, maybe half a foot." The barman says looking at you quizzically.

2013-07-05, 08:35 PM
Padfoot, thinking quickly uses Detect Evil through the walls to see if the demons are still outside.

2013-07-05, 08:36 PM
They are.

2013-07-05, 08:57 PM
"Very well. Down it is. I can't bring anyone with me, though... Do you all have ways to teleport on your own?"

Martera spends a bit describes the location for anyone still there, before using her Greater Teleport to head down there.

"So. Now what?"

2013-07-05, 09:03 PM
Tavern Area

Padfoot walks outside, and uses Detect Evil again two determine the location of the demons, upon finding the demons he says "Funny to find some extraplanar interlopers around here. Would be quite a shame if the city guard came after you, Would you mind telling me what you are doing here?"

Intimidate 1d20+7

2013-07-05, 09:04 PM
Tavern Area

"Or, would you rather be destroyed?"
Intimidate [roll0]

2013-07-05, 09:19 PM

Silk laughs heartily. Calm yourself lad, the city guard have already been by. We've done as they asked and moved out from in front of the tavern. Sizing the angry centaur up, Silk gestures at the demons briefly. These demons have been captured and conscripted to join the Kir'Hai raiders, a small army of powerful men looking to rid the world of evil. I'm sure you're familiar with the mighty Warlord Kir'Hai, champion of centauri vengeance? Someone of your obvious talent would be a welcome recruit. Kir'Hai is busy learning of the threat to this city, the caravan raider, but he'll be back soon enough.

Kir'Hai shook his head. Mages and their magic. I cannot just whoosh off all willy nilly. I've had better thing to do then study magic my whole life.

Know: Planes, right? Silk would also just tell him what they were if he asked. :P

2013-07-05, 09:19 PM
Alley outside the Tavern & darklink_shadow:
Darklink: Read the two previous posts, it is said to your demons.

Smasher0404: Any ranks in knowledge skills or anything to ID the demons?

2013-07-05, 09:26 PM
Tavern Area/rweird
"Quick question, how are you so sure, that they are so willing to serve in you army, and that they aren't looking for an opportunity to betray you? What sort of leverage do you have on these demons?"Knowledge Religion [roll0]
Knowledge The Planes [roll1]

2013-07-05, 09:41 PM
3 retrievers (unintelligent constructs employed by demons), and a succubus.

2013-07-05, 09:49 PM
Silk patted one of the massive demons gently. They are not willing servants. They are ensalved by the power of Commander Kir'Hai's rage and will. They have had many chances to betray us, and many opportunities to slay us without consequence, but they cannot disobey the will of their new master. Besides, these brutes aren't smart enough to do anything but what they are told. Handsome little nasties, but not blessed with the spark of sentience as I am. If I were a threat to these people, why would I walk in plain sight as this? Sure now we are hidden, but only at the command of the one they call Sorin. If you don't trust them, you can keep an eye on them with me, if you like. Kir'Hai can talk with you when he return. The demons and I are staying put until Kir'Hai return. If you like, I will ask him to find you inside, or you can wait here. It doesn't matter to me. If you stay, we can chat, though.

2013-07-05, 09:54 PM
"Sounds interesting enough, hold on I'll get us some drinks to wait until this Kir'Hai figure shows up."Padfoot then heads back into the Tavern orders the drinks walks out with them and back into the alleyway, and sits down.

2013-07-05, 10:25 PM
Ah, a reasonable man after all. Silk thinks as the man returns. So, tell me, brave centaur, What brings you to this fair city? Adventure? Honor? Glory and riches?

2013-07-06, 10:19 PM

"Nothing much honestly, I just kind of ended up here after barhopping for awhile and trying to spread the word of Skerrit. Still trying to find a strong enough drink. Any reason why you and your Kir'Hai Raiders decided to visit this particular city?"

2013-07-06, 10:53 PM
Kir'Hai is my commander, and he ordered us to investigate the attack on the caravan. I suggested we head to this city for information and away we went. Just a moment ago a man came by and took Kir'Hai to discuss something about the attack, so it looks like my plan was good. I'm not sure why you fleshy people enjoy dumbing yourselves down to drink bitter liquids, but you all seem to do it. Anyways. Tell me of Skerrit. Is that a centaur God? I have never heard of him. I am already devout in my following of Heironeous, but I am curious.

2013-07-07, 09:25 PM

"...Hi!" Psalacantha told the space where Martera *had* been. What was it with her and being left behind today?

Okay, so she probably should have written... at some point... in the last couple of centuries... but still, that was just rude. Especially for such a short walk.

"Hey, magic has its uses. I'll concede that skipping a minutes' walking isn't the best of them, though. Shall we follow?"

She said it like a question, but didn't didn't wait for an answer. The lure of getting to reacquaint herself with an old friend pulled her forward. The thought of said reunion being ruined by her grouchy nephew just made her more determined to stop him keeping the lead...

Meeting Place:

Psalacantha pauses at the entrance, having chosen to follow Martera's instructions using a non-teleporty method of locomotion. Partly she's taking stock of the people present... but mostly she's looking for Brighid and Martera.

Best to get the awkward reunion out of the way quickly so they could concentrate on the business at hand...

2013-07-07, 11:12 PM
So does blacksmithing, but I don't have time to learn that either. Kir'Hai said, then followed his aunt in silence the rest of the way. He had nothing to add, nothing to say, until he saw Sorin again.

2013-07-08, 06:02 AM
"Why, hello!" Belerian replied in a jesting manner, not really loud enough for the nymph to hear. He then shot a glance at the shadow dragon behind him.

"Heh, seems like I still got my charms," he started in his telepathic link. "She even followed me here. You know, you ought to be honest with your feelings for me, Dusk. You'll never know when a super hot nymph goddess might come and sweep me off my feet," he finished with a smile. Dusk, not knowing how to react, simply snorted.

"What? No reaction? Boo! Anyway, told you you shouldn't go changing back just yet. Now you can't be with us at the meeting. Try to keep close where I can still reach you with my link. And don't try to wreck anything. OR anyone."

"Yeah, yeah. Go ahead. Your nymph goddess is waiting for you," Dusk replied without much enthusiasm.

"Hoooo, so there's a reaction after a-whoa!" Bel's mental words were cut off by a sudden strong blast of wind, pushing him forward, but he stopped himself midair before getting himself hurt. Floating down, he simply looked at the dragon meaningfully before scurrying off after the others.

2013-07-12, 06:36 PM
Meeting Place:

No sign of Martera... but Brighid, Irin, and someone she didn't recognise were before her.

Though Irin appeared to be lying down in a pool of water for some reason.

Anyway, no point questioning the sorceress she knew didn't have the answers. And the longer she put off speaking with Brighid, the worse things would look.

Psalacantha cast a cursory glance back to check if Kir'Hai had followed her... and he had. Good. Nothing helped make an awkward reunion worse than having family along to heckle you.

Where had they picked up the... dragon? Had he been with them at the entrance to the temple? She hadn't been paying that much attention, but..

OOC: Since she's got a True Seeing active, she'd see him as a Dragon primaily.

Bad mind! Stop stalling. If you want to get out of here, you've got to get it done with...

Putting aside their mysterious new comrade, Psalacantha turned back to Brighid. Slowly she crossed the floor to reach Brighid's side, and offered her a smile that, for all the beauty of the face, was more worried than inviting.

"Hi... So, is this the Temple you wanted to build? It looks impressive, and putting together the magic that keeps it in the air must have been really interesting..."

Brighid, Irin, Kir'Hai:

Your characters should all know that Psalacantha's got really good social skills (up to +43 on Bluff and Intimidate), and for whatever reason, she's choosing not to use them on Brighid.

2013-07-12, 08:54 PM
The Meeting @Psalacantha:

"It was, Extensive work," she smiles. "But it was worth it. The Blessings of Mystra flow through it, and it's impressiveness draws her new worship, which intensifies her blessing."

2013-07-13, 07:32 AM
The Meeting:

The tone of her reception brought a much more genuine smile to the Nymph's face. The worry was, fairly clearly, gone.

"Held aloft by a feedback loop caused by the inherent awesomeness of a flying temple?" There's a short moment of laughter at the thought, and Psalacantha would (at least attempt to) embrace Brighid. "I don't know which of you thought of it, but you should be proud of yourselves just for the idea alone."

Still grinning, Psalacantha turns back to gesture at the others in the meeting place. Raising her voice so it's clear she's speaking to all present, instead of just Brighid... "So, introductions.

The angry Centaur-Fey-Dragon-Thing I left in the doorway is my nephew, Kir'Hai. A skilled and rather dangerous warlord who enjoys leading small but powerful units into combat and killing evil things, the stronger and eviller the better.

The lady lying in the puddle is Irin, a sorceress I've worked with in the past who specializes in shapeshifting with a side specialization in mauling things while shapeshifted.

I've no idea who the Dragon standing next to Kir'Hai is, though he'll doubtless fill us in once I stop to take a breath.

Now if you'd care to introduce yourself and your friend, " with a gesture at Sorin, "we can move on to the topic that brought us all here, namely the fate of your missing caravan..."

2013-07-13, 07:50 AM
The Meeting
I'm pleased to meet you. I'm Sorin Markov, one of founders and leaders of the city below this very temple.

2013-07-13, 11:10 AM
Meeting place
"It is a pleasure to meet all of you. This is a fine city you have, and this temple is its crowning jewel. Though I was under the impression this was made for creatures who are different to be welcome. Perhaps they are not too open to centaurs or demons - albeit they were carrying around weapons - much less dragons," he said with a smile.

"As for myself, I am called by different names in different places, but you may call me Belerian," he introduced himself with a slight bow.

"Now, to jump in to the topic. This, Sar Thok Gath. Can I be enlightened with the details?"

2013-07-13, 11:46 PM
The Meeting
You! Kir'Hai shouted, and pointed at Sorin. What's your deal? You just show up, demand my men hide like scourage in this "so-called" haven, then futher your demands by commanding me to go to some unknown location without so much as a vague idea where we are supposed meet and then vanish? I'm got a pack of mindless demons with more courtesy. Luckily these other people had the decency to point me in the right direction. I'll save the city for them.

Snorting smoke, Kir'Hai glared at his aunt. You know these people? Without waiting for a response, he growled as he rubbed his palm against his head as if he had a headache. I guess if you trust them, then they can't be half bad. Even this Sorin guy might be ok, since he is apparently rolling with them. Shifting his glare to the Sorin. Very well, I plan on working with my aunt to destroy this threat. If she works with you, then I will too. I won't get too much more mad at you if you disrespect me again, but respect my men, and respect her. He gestured with his massive spear.

2013-07-14, 07:40 AM
(I think we're all in the same place and can stop spoilering)

The puddle that is Irin bubbles up a greeting "Irin Irthos, you may have heard of me? I was just passing through town but it looks like coincidence has brought me just as things are starting to get interspersing in your little hamlet"

2013-07-14, 07:48 AM
I'm sorry if my I appeared disrespectful during our previous meeting. I was merely in a hurry while simultaniously thinking about what we already know. And to introduce you on what happened:
Our group got news of the attack on the caravan and decided to search for clues, everyone in their own way. I myself went to the field of slaughter and started divining anything about this whole Sar Thok Gath. While I was stealing his mount's saddle, he appeared behind me stealing my items. Then we started fighting, but I was unable to hurt him even in the slightest. I've decided I want to extract some information from him and it turned out his goal was to destroy the Sigil and he wanted us not to intervene. Of course, we couldn't have let that happen, and we started fighting him. Through combined effort of all of us, with me primarily focusing on negating his actions and DK179, who is currently unavilable dealing the most damage to him. When it seemed Sar Thok Gath was finally bested, his body exploded, but not before everything he was carrying being transported away from the place, without use of teleportation. That's all we know, but if Brighid here would like to add anything I might have deemed unimportant, feel free to.

2013-07-14, 08:32 AM
OOC: Smasher0404's Greenleaf Padfoot hasn't caught up with us yet. I don't think DK179 is here either.

Meeting Place:

Psalacantha was quite pleased how this was turning out. She honestly hadn't expected Kir'Hai to display such trust in her judgment...

"Well, there are other planes that allow similar movement to teleportation, though generally not as fast as the classic slingshot-through-the-astral-plane. The plane of Shadow was always a popular alternative for sneaky types. As contingencies go, large explosion + dark spot in centre of explosion + shadow walk in dark spot isn't exactly impossible for a skilled enough mage to set up.

What else do you know about him? How did he fight? You mentioned a saddle, what was he riding? Have you heard about him before? Anyone he might be associated with? Besides destroying the caravan, what did he do? Did he take anything from it or was he just trying to deny you supplies?"

2013-07-14, 08:37 AM
{{OOC: I did take the saddle with me in the end, right?}}

Meeting Place:
He fought using extremely metamagicked spells, to deal a lot of hard to dodge damage to all of us at once. As for the saddle, he was riding a griffin, althought why is still unclear, as he was capable of flight himself. It was the first time any of us have heard of him. He was skimming through my bag in order to see if there's anything he could use against us I think, but he could also have been looking for something. I don't really know.

2013-07-14, 10:20 AM
"Odd. Griffin, you say? Maybe you meant a giant avian of some sort. A gigantic eagle perhaps, or maybe a roc? No?" Bel mused.

2013-07-14, 10:23 AM
Meeting Place:
Oh, I'm terribly sorry, it was in fact a Roc. I don't know how that slipped my mind...

2013-07-14, 11:00 AM
"Oh, no need for apologies," Bel smiled as he waved his hand in front of him. "I was merely trying to establish some connection between this fellow you met and did battle with and the Sar Thok Gath of the rumors I have heard of."

"Well, that confirms one similarity between them. Though there are other details that seem to be rather contradictory. For instance, the Sar Thok Gath that I have heard of is a notorious bandit. Based on your recollections though, the man you fought did not seem to care for the goods of the caravan."

"If they are indeed one and the same, then there could be deeper reasons for the assault. Based on the factors, among the most relevant would be personal reasons. But then again, none of you knows him. Hmm," he human rubbed his chin as he pondered on the matter.

"Are any of you familiar with the one who is called the Iron King?"

2013-07-14, 12:38 PM
I believe I haven't heard of an individual being called the Iron King. Who is he?

2013-07-14, 06:28 PM
Kir'Hai listened to the exchanges, then shook his head at the mention of the name the Iron King. Relatively calm due to receiving an apology, and getting the information he wanted, Kir'Hai fell out of his rage that often clouded his mind. What Sigil?

Kir'Hai rubbed his chin, grated his teeth. And what sort of meta-magic'd magic did he use? It sounds like a dimensional lock on him will prevent him from fleeing. But perhaps something more powerful will be needed.

2013-07-14, 07:28 PM

"I would like to add that he seemed to have researched each of us, had specific defense in place specific to us. For example, he took Sorin's bag not because he wanted to steal the contents, he seemed to have advanced knowledge that Sorin often used crystals from within it and wanted to deny him of them. Unfortunately I found myself delayed by a standard 'Anticipate Teleporation', however as Sorin has mentioned his tendency to metamagic things, this was a much wider field then one would normally expect, as such it caught me along with DK who I brought with. If there is a next time, I'll know to teleport further back and buff my flight speed. One would expect an Anticipate Teleportation, but one would usually expect it to reach out, 100 feet, maybe 180. His actual casting did not imply he was much stronger than us, he was simply better researched and more prepared. Though in the end it did not avail him," Brighid added that last part with a smirk on her preserved flesh.

2013-07-14, 07:37 PM
Kir'Hai grinned at Brighid, showing his teeth. Researched into you, and used that information against you only to lose? Sounds like one of those overly prepared types. The easiest way to beat them is to come at them before they know you want to gut them, and not bother with having a plan. But I guess we don't know where to look for him now. Tightening his grip on his weapon, Kir'Hair felt his anger begin to boil again. Do you have any idea where to look for him at?

2013-07-14, 07:55 PM

"Certainly I've never managed to hit a radius of much more than a hundred feet on an Anticipate Teleportation. Though it's possible to make it seem greater with the use of a decoy - it doesn't have to be self-targeted, after all. How far back did you appear?

Didn't you say he took your bag with you when he left, Sorin? So have you tried any divinations to locate your former belongings? I could do a Discern Location with the saddle, but anyone strong enough to challenge Brighid probably has access to Mind Blank, and anyone who'd just lost a battle to her has a really good reason to be using it.

....But if one of you could cast the Discern Location, and target something from Sorin's Bag, Mind Blank wouldn't stop us getting a location..."

2013-07-14, 07:59 PM
"If you still have the saddle we could scry upon it, although he most likely has a defense against it it is surely worth a try?" Irin says as the puddle of water she is formed into shrinks slightly.

turning into a water weird

2013-07-14, 11:24 PM
"Might I add that he lost against what, four or five very powerful beings? Granted he did preparations and all. Certainly overconfident, but you have to consider where that confidence came from. He lost, looked like he died, but there are many ways to circumvent the boundaries between life and death, so I wouldn't be surprised he is somewhere plotting yet another attack, and now better informed with your abilities."

"Anyway, I mentioned the Iron King because he is known to be working with Sar Thok Gath. He is known to be a bandit lord, reported to be having a base somewhere in the Astral Plane, striking anywhere they wanted and gone before anyone was the wiser. I considered someone may know him and may have had some sour past with him. But now that's out of the window, that means they are really just out to take out potential opposition for their conquest of Sigil."

"This association though might be another explanation how the body disappeared without a trace of teleportation. Who knows if they have some spell or ability to traverse planes that could not be traced as teleportation? I hardly know anything of the sort, but I have long forgotten the word 'impossible'."

Bel paused to let his words sink in as he dug into the recesses of his memory for any more relevant information on the topic at hand.

"There is another thing I have heard of this Sar Thok Gath. Something relevant, yet I only possess so little knowledge about it. I have heard he has these patrons who are providing him with information and other help, and they are the ones responsible for his rise to power. Perhaps these are the ones who provided him with information about you. No, most likely it is from them. In exchange for these, Sar Thok Gath is sent on various missions for their own purposes. Perhaps they are the ones who are initiating this attack on Sigil."

"Lastly, if they are using a powerful being such as Sar Thok Gath, it would follow that they are much more powerful. Yet another possible explanation on the disappearing items not being traceable as teleportation. Of who these entities are, or what their true intentions are, I know not. Nor do I know how much of these is accurate."

2013-07-17, 05:36 AM

"I'd still say that tracing Sorin's stolen possessions has a better chance of success than going directly for Sar Thok Gath. If for no other reasons, then a) Sar's person is likely to be better warded than Sar's loot, and b)Sar is more likely to detect a scrying attempt aimed directly at him.

In general, you should try not to make unsupported assumptions about your opponent. We don't know if he came there for the fight or the caravan, and we don't know how he rated his chances in that fight - or indeed why he took part in it.

There's no guarantee that Sar's allies or employers are stronger than he is. How many times have you accepted a contract from someone you would have bested in a duel? In my case, I haven't worked for someone out-and-out more individually powerful than I was in the better part of half a thousand years. It's not so much that there's noone out there that would qualify, but they're very, very few...

In truth, one of the few things we can conclusively say is that Sar was *not* overconfident. He, or his backers, had considered the possibility that he'd lose against you or against the caravan and prepared accordingly. Contingent escape plans are the ultimate proof that you *have* considered the possibility of your own loss.

How reliable do you consider the information that he wants to destroy Sigil, Sorin? How did you get it, telepathy, interrogation, memory theft?...Honestly, there are ways to fool all of them if you're prepared, and he certainly seemed to be prepared...

If the rest of you have no objections, there's something I'd like to do while the rest of you are scrying. I've got a spell for looking into the past. I'd like to go to the battlefield and take a look at what Sar was doing before you got there. Between us we're coming up with far too many questions and I would love to start getting some solid answers..."

2013-07-17, 01:11 PM
"Oh ho, this one's feisty. Quite like you, Dusk, though much more substance in her words than yours," Belerian said over his telepathic link to his retainer. He then smiled at the nymph and replied.

"Perhaps, but my remarks were far from unsupported assumptions. One, if he did go for the caravan, he would not torch it like they said he did. No, no, miss. As I have said, they are bandits, and bandits do not scorch their prized loot to oblivion. If they were not bandits are were only after the caravan itself, to destroy it or whatnot, why tarry long after the deed was done? Clearly they were up to something else. Whether to lure someone, or upset the trade of this city for some other reason, perhaps for the same reason as the first. Assumptions these are, yes, but clearly not unsupported."

"Two, being powerful does not necessarily mean one's own personal prowess. I imagine most of your employees would terribly overmatched by you, my lady, but I would bet they could find a million ways to take you on should they wish to. Magic and physical might is not all that there is to power. Resources. Information. Contacts. The list goes on. And did I say they were responsible for his rise to power? If they were able to make him into what he is, or was, then surely that would need considerable amount of "power", and ideally more than enough to secure their investments and not have Sar Thok Gath just up and leave them, or worse, turn against them."

"And three, as in keeping with the rule (of threes), Sar Thok Gath was indeed overconfident, or shall we say arrogant. Who else, after knowing their odds, would want to keep around more than is needed? I am saying here that they expected the event of losing, but considered it very unlikely to happen, and thus the result. I may be wrong on this one though, but nevertheless, the point has been made that these are not just baseless conclusions, but rather a set of possibilities derived from what is known."

"And as I have rambled on with such trivialities, let me offer my company, miss. I am capable of some similar magic, and two is better than one as they say. And best be sure not to have a repeat of what has happened to Lord Sorin."

2013-07-17, 03:23 PM

Psalacantha offered Belerian a smile in return, but she wasn't even trying to hide the fact there was no mirth in it. When she spoke again, she was deadly serious.
"You do realize the difference between the arguments 'My interpretation fits the facts, it must be correct' and 'My interpretation fits the facts, it might be correct', yes? One is the definition of speculation. The other is a depressingly common logical fallacy.

On only one point did I definitively state any of my possibilities to be true - that they were not, as you thought, overconfident. Overconfidence would only apply were they to rate his chances against his likely opponents as better than they were - and going by the only evidence available to us, this is not the case. We know he thought he might lose, which going by the description of the fight is an entirely accurate assessment of his chances. We also know that, for some reason, he considered that battle worth fighting. But we do not know why, and therefore cannot draw conclusions about how realistic his goals were.

As for the caravan, let me give you a scenario. If I had a great Plan, and it required something. An Artifact, perhaps. Or a particular book. Or even a very special person. I need this thing for my Plan, but to let others know I have taken it would destroy much of the secrecy upon which my plan depends. How would I get it? Theft is no good. People will know it was taken. So what will I do?

One solution is assault. Attack the entire region, burn the entire place to the ground. Whatever survivors I may have let escape won't know I took something from the rubble even as I torched it. And whoever investigates the scene afterwards will see no evidence that I was there for any reason beyond destruction.

That's why I want that look into the past. I don't know what game he's playing and we don't have nearly enough evidence to do anything more than guess. Maybe he was after this city's defenders. Maybe he wanted something from the caravan and considers the rest of the caravan collateral damage. Maybe he just finds burning caravans as erotic as I do naked, oiled mortals, then got carried away with his 'alone time' and attacked Sorin rashly upon being discovered." For a brief moment, the smile seemed to be genuine. Whether at the joke or at happy yet inappropriate memories would be hard to tell. "We do not know.

What I do know is this: If there is any way I could possibly avoid it, then I would not want my first meeting with Sar Thok Gath to be in the time, place or manner of his choosing. Which makes me very wary about basing my plans on the pieces of his behavior that he knew were being observed."

There's a moment's thoughtful pause, before she adds: "And I would be happy to have your company while examining the battlefield."

2013-07-17, 07:05 PM
If someone has something, a scrap of cloth, a drop of blood, anything from the battle I would like to at least attempt to scry upon it. The saddle that was mentioned perhaps? Irin says.

Using the (Su) of the water weird to replicate Vision at CL 18 as a free action:
"Where is Sorins bag" [roll0]

2013-07-17, 07:20 PM
Before it gets out of hand, that ability is ridiculously overpowered, and will be changed to (Sp) if overused.

Answer: Where he saw the Roc.

2013-07-17, 08:00 PM

Kir'Hai is now visible irritated, and shifts his weight with a snort. Psalacantha, let's go to the battlefield, or wherever. Let's do something. Standing around and talking is not getting us any closer. Jabbering on about what he do not know is not giving us more information. And I agree that looking into the past would be most useful. If you can do that, we should do that now. We can discuss what he actually know once we actually know something worth discussing.

2013-07-17, 08:11 PM
"Sorin, I've determined where your bag is. My magic tells me it is where you saw the Roc. Should we head there and see if we can find it?" Irin says as she coalesces out of the puddle into a bestial black furred humanoid.

noted, I'll try and reserve it for when we get stuck.
(Turning into a Zern with the racial save bonus of a Thrym Hound

2013-07-17, 10:07 PM
"And I assume, which is the only thing I am assuming as fact here, you do know so as well, and is clear of what the word possibilities mean. I am stating probable causes, perhaps once that stand out more than others, and not stating absolute facts, if that is still not clear to you. And ones that are based on what has been known. I do not assume, I guess, plan for such possiblities, then look at others. It is foolish to disregard what can be seen and throw it all away because we do not know the definite."

"But we could philosophize about such concepts in another time and place. How do you propose we move to our destination? By magic?"

2013-07-20, 10:02 AM
I could easily use a Greater Teleport to move all of us stright there. I would rather recommend though, that we prepare ourselves. As it has been said, it was a matter of preparation, that he was able to even pose a threat to our group. We don't want to face him and all the more his superiors without a plan for possible battle. We should get to know each others abilities I think.

2013-07-20, 10:19 AM
Bah. Kir'Hai snorted. My abilities are straight forward. I jump onto people and hit them with my spear until they die. This water creature obvious shapeshifts, and the rest of you lot use fancy magiks. I need to gather my shock team. I'm not leaving them in the city with just Silk to guard them. Your timid common folk don't much seem to care for them, anyways.

2013-07-24, 02:12 PM
A Desolate Battlefield (those who Sorin took)
You appear in the midst of the destroyed caravan, most of the wagons are reduced to ash, about 50 ft off the road, a wagon is overturned, goods spilling out. If you can see magic auras, a number of them hang in the air. No living creatures are to be seen.

2013-07-24, 02:30 PM
A Desolate Battlefield
So, the big question is: What exactly do we do now?

2013-07-25, 01:12 AM
A Desolate Battlefield
"Were here to find your bag arn't we?
Lets also search for any remains of the villain, blood or hair, maybe a feather from his mount. Something we might use to scry upon him or his beast."
Irin begins to search the area.

2013-07-25, 01:56 AM
A Desolate Battlefield
Ohh, you'd like something to scry upon? Give me a minute.

Sorin then Greater Arcane Fusion>Greater Teleports to his house, grabs the roc's barding and then Greater Arcane Fusion>Greater Teleports back.

I just now realized I never used Object Reading on it, since there was no time, but that was the plan all along with stealing it.
But I guess you'll get a greater milleage out of it than I would.

2013-07-25, 01:57 PM
A Desolated Battlefield
"And at the same time, we try to look into the past. Mademoiselle," Bel addressed Psalacantha, "if I may, I could do the spell for you. I could probably do it a little bit faster than normal, unless of course you could do better, then by all means, go ahead. Though if you want to cover all bases, I could look into the details of the past few days, and you might want to look further, just in case we pick up something of interest."

2013-07-25, 05:28 PM
A Desolate Battlefield

"I think the 20-odd days it normally shows me will probably be enough. I can do it in an hour, if you're faster than that you go right ahead."

Saves me a diamond, anyway. I might want those later.

2013-07-25, 09:29 PM
A Desolate Battlefield
Bel smiled and looked at the others.

"Very well, I shall begin. I put my life in your hands then, ladies and gentlemen. Dusk, you know the drill."

As he said that, the shadow dragon nodded wordlessly and walked carefully to where her human master was standing. Bel then hopped up effortlessly up onto her back, sat down and closed his eyes, diving into the recesses of his mind, trying to reach out through time for the answers he sought.

Cast Hindsight, SLA. 3/4 uses for the day left. Casting time reduced to 36 minutes by Talent for Sight Tome Dragon ability.

2013-07-26, 09:38 AM
GuyFawkes [The Post you can Read]:
You see travelers walking by in different directions for 24 days (all but today), 17 and 8 days ago a caravan passed by (not giving detail due to it not being relevant).

Last night, just after dark, a caravan comes into sight, and in a flash unholy flames consumes the caravan. People run. A wagon flies across your field of view, landing at the place it is now. Another surviving wagon is crushed by an unseen force, and a wall of fire appears behind them cutting off there retreat, as a unearthly howling is heard. People panic and try to flee, but fire rains down from a point in the sky with nothing apparent, slaying all but one who is hiding in a ditch, running away. A young man. A bolt of fire explodes behind him, and the person, as if obeying a command, exits the ditch. The man waits, looking terrified, but listening. A bolt of fire explodes at his feet and he runs. Morning comes and you do not see anyone around, though at some point, and explosion of frost, and electrical rays flying through the air.

Later you see Sorin and a man in a tunic fall to the ground, the man gets up, moves some 10 ft away, and vanishes, Sorin vanishes shortly thereafter.

2013-07-26, 12:31 PM
A Desolate Battlefield
As the visions begin to slow down and fade into nothingness, Belerian opened his eyes and hopped down from atop Dusk. He then proceeded to recount all details of what he saw as completely as he could.

"So, what do you gather from these information?" he asked the others for their opinions.

OOC: Feel free to read the spoilered text IC and OOC intended for me.

2013-07-26, 12:57 PM
A Desolate BattlefieldI don't think we got to know anything we didn't know already.

2013-07-26, 09:17 PM

I think that's where I went, right?

Now I know "fire." You didn't mention so much fire before. But other than that, nothing useful. Kir'Hai said sourly, ultimately just bored by the magic intel gathering, and waiting for a chance to actually deal with the problems.

2013-07-28, 09:56 PM
Kir'Hai is my commander, and he ordered us to investigate the attack on the caravan. I suggested we head to this city for information and away we went. Just a moment ago a man came by and took Kir'Hai to discuss something about the attack, so it looks like my plan was good. I'm not sure why you fleshy people enjoy dumbing yourselves down to drink bitter liquids, but you all seem to do it. Anyways. Tell me of Skerrit. Is that a centaur God? I have never heard of him. I am already devout in my following of Heironeous, but I am curious.

"Skerrit is the patron god of centaurs who helps defend the Seelie Court. He helps protect nature and maintains a Celestial glade."

Knowledge Religion Check for further info plus to verify what was said [roll0]
sorry for being so late in posting