View Full Version : Scion: Hero - 1st time DM help!

2013-04-04, 07:40 PM
So, I'm supposed to be DMing/Storytelling a Scion game for the first time for a bunch of first time players as well (basically saw the book, looked fun, picked it up). Well, screw me sideways, because the players got bored throughout the week and decided to read the entire book. All of it. Including the pre-made campaign.

And then they went ahead and made characters. No, trust me, this gets better.

So our game time is tomorrow at 1 PM EST (So, I have about a day)... And they're all excited and stoked and ready to go. And I, as a DM, have now got nothing, because I was just going to run the pre-gens on the default campaign to get the hang of things.

Are there any other good first-time already set up modules I could run out there on the net? Between work and the need to sleep at some point, I just don't have time to finish pulling all this together from scratch... If I push the game back again (I've had to several times for work and life related reasons), I'm going to have a damn riot on my hands.

@_@ I've tried googling everywhere, but all I can find are modules for DnD that happen to have the word Scion in it, or some hip-hop group.

2013-04-04, 09:41 PM
Free ones? Not that I know of. I know White Wolf published a couple of premade adventures, and some of the other books (like the Ragnarok book and the Yazata supplement) feature premade campaigns or adventures as well. But fan-made content is mostly aimed at new pantheons, Knacks and Boons, and so on.

If you can't get your hands on anything else, maybe try re-working some of the default campaign? Add in a twist or two, change things around so that they fit your players' characters instead of the pre-gens, possibly make some other cosmetic changes. I've never tried to run Scion and don't know the premade campaign, so I don't know how feasible that is, but it's got to be easier than coming up with a whole adventure from scratch in < 24 hours. Your players might recognize it anyway, but if you go out of your way to read pre-made adventures you can't complain about that.

Plague of Hats
2013-04-05, 01:24 AM
There are a few SAS's up on DTRPG: Wolfsheim (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/61547?affiliate_id=13&src=WWWiki) and Seeds of Tomorrow (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/60153?affiliate_id=13&src=WWWiki). There's also Liberty Road, but it appears to only be available as part of a purchase of the Scion Companion (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/60466/Scion-Companion).

I have no idea how well-written or newcomer-friendly these are.

2013-04-08, 11:50 PM
There's literally a short campaign included in the Scion book. You could either run it straight, or tweak it enough to make it feel like your own.

2013-04-09, 12:32 AM
Well, screw me sideways, because the players got bored throughout the week and decided to read the entire book. All of it. Including the pre-made campaign.

Emphasis mine.

I know there's a couple of freebies floating around the internet, but my honest recommendation is to second Snark, and rework the default campaign to give you something to work with for the first few sessions so you can build something out of it and lay some plot hooks.

Scion is one of those systems that doesn't have a lot of campaigns pre-built for it, simply because it's so character-driven.

2013-04-09, 09:09 AM
So, I'm supposed to be DMing/Storytelling a Scion game for the first time for a bunch of first time players as well (basically saw the book, looked fun, picked it up). Well, screw me sideways, because the players got bored throughout the week and decided to read the entire book. All of it. Including the pre-made campaign.

And then they went ahead and made characters. No, trust me, this gets better.

So our game time is tomorrow at 1 PM EST (So, I have about a day)... And they're all excited and stoked and ready to go. And I, as a DM, have now got nothing, because I was just going to run the pre-gens on the default campaign to get the hang of things.

Are there any other good first-time already set up modules I could run out there on the net? Between work and the need to sleep at some point, I just don't have time to finish pulling all this together from scratch... If I push the game back again (I've had to several times for work and life related reasons), I'm going to have a damn riot on my hands.

@_@ I've tried googling everywhere, but all I can find are modules for DnD that happen to have the word Scion in it, or some hip-hop group.

If it makes you feel any better, the Hero portion of the pre-made campaign is pretty dire. It uses the worst sort of "you just know" railroading along with a host of "Suddenly, monsters!" and culminates in a battle that the players aren't allowed to resolve in any way other than "fight some zombies and then Loki steals the MacGuffin".

So, let's see. I can probably adapt the first Scion game I ran for another group, it was pretty generic. The idea was that the players were dispatched to a small town in the rural U.S. in search of an older hero who had vanished, and discovered that a gang of fire giants were planning to steal Odin's missing eye, which was stored in an old gate to the Underworld. The players recovered the eye to stop the giants and seal the gate, which accidentally unleashed an ancient behemoth, stopping which became the plot of the next several stories.

Who are your players? Which pantheons are taking part in this little adventure?