View Full Version : Best Art in 3.X?

2013-04-04, 07:42 PM
Let's start the flipside of the coin. We've got a "worst art" thread. What is your absolute favorite art in 3.X books?

I'll start off with a few of my favorites:

Races of the Wild has some solid art.

Stormtalon (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/row_gallery/86644.jpg), with probably the coolest art of any PrC ever. Too bad the PrC kinda sucks.
Halfling sub levels (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/row_gallery/86655.jpg)
Raptoran Sub levels (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/row_gallery/86656.jpg)

Spell Compendium got some good stuff too:
Acid Breath (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/spellcomp_gallery/92180.jpg)
Divine Interdiction (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/spellcomp_gallery/92210.jpg)

2013-04-04, 07:46 PM
I did enjoy the Catfolk pic

2013-04-04, 07:49 PM
My favorite is the cover of Complete Scoundrel


2013-04-04, 08:06 PM
I always kinda liked the Anointed Knight PrC image myself.


2013-04-04, 08:13 PM
Also the Nymph in the MM1 is well done.

2013-04-04, 08:17 PM
There's always Krusk flying through the air with his ghoul-faced plate mail (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/dx0501ex_97105.jpg), that always intrigued me.

I was always a fan of Badass Halfling Monk (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/boed_gallery/75026.jpg) and his Reformed Mindflayer friend. (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/boed_gallery/75028.jpg)

The mundane City Guardsman (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/cosw_gallery/90412.jpg) is quite nice.

By far, my favorite has to be Demon romancing the evil Drow Priestess. (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/cor_gallery/89558.jpg)

2013-04-04, 08:28 PM
By far, my favorite has to be Demon romancing the evil Drow Priestess. (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/cor_gallery/89558.jpg)

That is a damn awesome picture.

2013-04-04, 08:42 PM


2013-04-04, 08:51 PM
I love this spell, and the art for it.

Also, this

2013-04-04, 11:51 PM
Mine are both from Pathfinder.

First, is the "midboss" of The Haunting of Harrowstone adventure in the Carrion Crown Adventure Path: The Lopper


And the second, my nominee for "Best Artwork in Ultimate Combat" and "Best Artwork for an Archetype" is the Spellslinger.


2013-04-05, 12:25 AM
I always kinda liked the Anointed Knight PrC image myself.


Because its a female character who isn't in a chain-mail bikini?

Seriously, I think she just might be the most sensibly armored woman I've ever seen depicted.

Even the bit of bare leg she has is clearly a result of her posture, she's got plates over the hip, and a chain shirt long enough to cover her upper legs.

2013-04-05, 01:00 AM
That's one reason (Decent armor/appearance rather than fetish fuel). The design also reminds me of the Holy Knights from Final Fantasy Tactics, which was a fun game. Not only that, the image makes sense in the context of the class it's representing, which is an oddly refreshing thing. It's a knight. Who uses Alchemical mixtures on themselves/their weapon. All in all? Just rates as a great piece to me.

2013-04-05, 01:10 AM
I always liked Air Gensai picture from Races of Faerun http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081025060632/forgottenrealms/images/8/80/Air_genasi.jpg

2013-04-05, 01:17 AM
i'm a fan of the big picture of the elemental genasi in the Monsters of Faerun book

2013-04-05, 02:33 AM
On a general level, the whole Eberron book got really, really cool art. The Warforged in particular are really awesome.

One of my favourite arts, however, coms from Pathfinder :
Ameilko (http://paizo.com/image/content/JadeRegent/PZO9049_Ameiko.jpg)

2013-04-05, 03:48 AM
Because its a female character who isn't in a chain-mail bikini?

Seriously, I think she just might be the most sensibly armored woman I've ever seen depicted.

Even the bit of bare leg she has is clearly a result of her posture, she's got plates over the hip, and a chain shirt long enough to cover her upper legs.

Of course anyone may disagree with me, but I don't mind a bit of eye candy myself. We're talking fantasy here, and fantasy goes from killing dragons all the way to meeting (or being!) scantily clad girls in what appears to be barely, if at all, functional armour. Of course, that is no excuse for tasteless pictures, but I've seen my share of very beautifully done artworks that show a little bit more skin than would be sensible in a more realistic setting. I must confess that it is pretty much a hit or miss thing, though, and the failure rate is astonishing. There are plenty of tasteless pieces out there. I also am quite disconcerted by some people's treatment of the subject: they embrace the "bikini chain mail" concept readily, but are somehow taken aback by pictures of bare chested male heroes, maybe one of the most ubiquitous tropes in the fantasy genre, going from Conan the Barbarian all the way to Achilles and other Greek heroes. Some people also do the opposite, embracing scantily clad males but shunning their female counterparts. To this I say: equality among sexes! If one makes sense in your world, it would stand to reason that the other should too, even if not specially acceptable in an in-game society. Regardless, I do respect people's sensibilities, and can understand the choice of a more realistic setting in which such a manner of armour would not make sense. In fact, that Anointed Knight picture is a long time favourite of mine because of the exact same reason as it is for your guys: the artist went through the trouble of featuring a functional yet pleasing armour for the lady, all the while making a very beautiful piece overall. I think that is my bar, actually: if it is a beautiful piece of art, I'll like it regardless, even though I do understand that not every art will be for every situation, and certainly not for every game.

Anyways, these are two pieces I quite like myself. The first one is a long time favourite, the other one was brought to my attention in the "Worst Art" thread. Both are eye candies, but quite tasteful, in my opinion.

- The first one is a James Ryman's piece that can be found on Dragon Magazine 336's cover (DragMags' covers are an overall good place too look for nice art, actually). It depicts a quite good-looking mummy lady, something we don't exactly expect:


I picture her as being a quite vain and very powerful queen that wanted to live forever, something like Cleopatra in a fantastic setting. She probably has several items of continual gentle repose amongst all that jewellery, and is probably just escaping bondage in the picture itself. Anyways, just an overall nice piece.

- The second one is a picture of Sif, from Deities and Demigods, a goddess from Norse mythology with hair of gold, normally associated with earth and the wife of Thor:


The whole composition is beautiful to me. The play with the background which is actually wrapped by Sif's hair and ignored by her arm and sword hilt, the attention paid to the clothing and accessories, the cheerful colouring, the careful placing of lights and shadows... Some may argue, like Zaq did in the other thread, that this is one of the most gratuitous panty shots in D&D history. I heartily disagree. First, because that simply is not true, I've seen far more gratuitous panty shots in D&D over the years. Second, because it is a panty shot, there is no way around that, but it works in the composition, and is anything but gratuitous to me. But to each their own, I guess. To whom it may concern, at least she isn't wearing some kind if ludicrous armour. :smallwink:

2013-04-05, 04:01 AM
Well, I never quite liked the Sif one, and it took me a while to figure out why. It's not necessarily the Hair Wrap thing, or the Bikini as mentioned in the bad art topic. It's her skirt. If you look at how her skirt is drawn, it suggests something that my mind unconsciously picked up on before I fully realized it.

... Sif IS the background. Her body is represented by a two dimensional rectangular plane. It's not an actual "body" such as we think of. Only the hair actually has three dimensions. Which... I dunno, just throws me off. Otherwise it's a good piece but it's always had that "Something isn't right..." quality when I looked at it. And I just today figured out what that was.

Actually I have no problem with the lack of clothing/abundance of clothing issue. Though I will make fun of the typical thing where people who live in arctic conditions (like Conan coming from frozen areas of Hyboria), run around in just a loin cloth. And how they steadily wear more (and thicker) clothing the closer they get to tropical climates. To the point where you see things like Jungle Cultist Priests who are wearing 5 layers of heavy robes in the heart of a jungle.

2013-04-05, 04:08 AM
Well, I never quite liked the Sif one, and it took me a while to figure out why. It's not necessarily the Hair Wrap thing, or the Bikini as mentioned in the bad art topic. It's her skirt. If you look at how her skirt is drawn, it suggests something that my mind unconsciously picked up on before I fully realized it.

... Sif IS the background. Her body is represented by a two dimensional rectangular plane. It's not an actual "body" such as we think of. Only the hair actually has three dimensions. Which... I dunno, just throws me off. Otherwise it's a good piece but it's always had that "Something isn't right..." quality when I looked at it. And I just today figured out what that was.

Actually I have no problem with the lack of clothing/abundance of clothing issue. Though I will make fun of the typical thing where people who live in arctic conditions (like Conan coming from frozen areas of Hyboria), run around in just a loin cloth. And how they steadily wear more (and thicker) clothing the closer they get to tropical climates. To the point where you see things like Jungle Cultist Priests who are wearing 5 layers of heavy robes in the heart of a jungle.

In Sif's defense, once you've hit divinity, you are pretty much allowed to wear whatever the hell you want. Your own awesome nature is going to outshine anything as mundane as clothes/armor.

2013-04-05, 04:11 AM
Well, I didn't mean the clothing necessarily. It's just that the skirt points out to me (And the sword I suppose), that Sif is a two-dimensional being. Other than the hair. Her body is entirely flat and without depth. Which is a weird thing to thing think about.

2013-04-05, 04:19 AM
Hmm, there are a lot of good art hidden randomly in the pathfinder books, particularly the NPCs drawn for the adventure paths. But I think my favorite was the three-part panorama piece they did for the Dungeoneer's Handbook.


2013-04-05, 04:21 AM
Also the Nymph in the MM1 is well done.

Perv :smallamused:

2013-04-05, 04:51 AM
Hmm, there are a lot of good art hidden randomly in the pathfinder books, particularly the NPCs drawn for the adventure paths. But I think my favorite was the three-part panorama piece they did for the Dungeoneer's Handbook.


I love this piece because it sums D&D/PF up in one picture so damn well.

Anyway, you guys know me - gotta show some love for psionics :smallsmile: Most of the psionic art is... well, not terrible, but pretty bland overall. There are some pieces I do like however.

1) Metamind is a terrible PrC, but I love the art:


2) The Dromite Elocater iconic is really going places (literally):


3) Your head's about to explode, courtesy of Ialdabode:


4) This female psywar knows how to balance practical protection with taste:


5) The Quori Mindhunter has "mental discipline" written all over him:


I also dislike most of the art in MoI. But their Dwarf Totemist is pretty awesome.

1) Spiritual Side:


2) "Come at me, bro!"


2013-04-05, 05:18 AM
Good idea for a thread!
I rather like the art for the mystic theurge:


Of older stuff, there's the Song and Silence front:


2013-04-05, 05:39 AM
(Almost) All 3rd Edition Art Galleries (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/arch/ag)


Interesting, a lot of the pictures posted here are among those I would personally put in the "rather bad" category.

But I highly support the Vinod Rams love shown here. I think he has many of the best pictures.
































And I love these ones:
http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/cov_gallery/92345.jpg http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/cd_gallery/82287.jpg
http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/csq_gallery/44460.jpg http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/csq_gallery/44461.jpg

Yes, I do love the old-school style.

And these two are originally from the magazines, but so what...

Link (http://njoo.deviantart.com/art/Demogorgon-57613910?q=favby%3Ayora23%2F39687670&qo=164)

2013-04-05, 05:45 AM
Because its a female character who isn't in a chain-mail bikini?

Seriously, I think she just might be the most sensibly armored woman I've ever seen depicted.

How about the Pathfinder pregenerated paladin
link (http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/tags/iconics/seelah)

2013-04-05, 05:48 AM
One that walks the fine line between good and bad is "Taking it Easy", found on Paizo's blog:


Overall, the composition is fairly good. I like the colors, I like the light and shadows, I like the effect of dripping water, I like the stylistic choices made for the bodies and I specially like the Orc with a blade dripping in blood in the shadows on the left. However, take some time to look at Merisiel, the white-haired elven rogue at the right. If you're having trouble finding what I am talking about (you perv! :smallbiggrin: ), look at her legs, specifically her left leg. Now, either the artist completely forgot any semblance of proportion (and her knee is too low) or he drew her leg in a very wrong angle (where the femur should be attached further to the front of her pelvis. Anyways, that leg is totally off. Now, I quite like it, but knowing its flaws, I'm not about to qualify it as good. I'm not ready, however, to say it is bad either, since it does have its qualities, and is overall fun! You decide on which side of the line this art falls on. :smallbiggrin:

2013-04-05, 05:49 AM
@ Hikarizu: I think between the automatic trip-self devices under the knees, and the arm greave ornaments for getting caught on combatants and scenery, and the shoulder ornament for making swinging a weapon or bending a bow impractical or impossible...
Sensible isn't the word I'd use. :smallsmile:

@ Larza: Definitely a nice piece overall, because it's telling us something other than merely 'this is what this things looks like', and it is also technically good. I don't find the knee or leg you indicate particularly wrong, it's hard to tell with the shade and the water and the movement. The ears, on the other hand! No wonder she's indoors, any breeze and she'd get blown to Oz.

2013-04-05, 05:56 AM
I have a think for pencil drawings. Those in the 3.5 PhB are still amongst my all-time favourites.

2013-04-05, 06:17 AM
Despite having prostrated before the greatness that is the Realm, I prefer Eberron's artwork over the Realms any day, excluding the cover to PftF and the Netherese Arcanist


Forgotten Realm

2013-04-05, 07:18 AM
Lessee, some of my favourite character portraits:
Desert Elf, Unearthed Arcana, Steve Prescott.

Aasimar corsair, Races of Destiny, Edward Cox.

Planetouched (tiefling and aasimar), Monster Manual, Someone.

Magelord, Lost Empires of Faerūn, Brian Despain. (Shame about the entry requirements.)

Calimport ninja, Lost Empires of Faerūn, Matt Cavotta.

Scablands half-orc, Sandstorm, Ed Cox.

Wastes ranger, Sandstorm, William O'Connor. (One of my favourite artists.)

An obvious villain (note the cat petting), Dungeon Master's Guide II, Ginger Kubic.

Student and master, Dungeon Master's Guide II, Vinod Rams.

The astronomer, Dungeon Master's Guide II, William O'Connor.

Master illusionist, Complete Mage, Eva Widermann.

There shall be more, later. Rebecca Guay and Wayne Reynolds will follow.

2013-04-05, 07:59 AM
Perv :smallamused:

See I knew I was gonna get that and while true I still find it to be a well drawn piece. The coloring the symmetry and pose all appeal to me.

2013-04-05, 08:16 AM
Hmm, there are a lot of good art hidden randomly in the pathfinder books, particularly the NPCs drawn for the adventure paths. But I think my favorite was the three-part panorama piece they did for the Dungeoneer's Handbook.


That Knight fighting the skeletons is awesome. Would love to see a closeup of that...

One of my favourites is this one from Tome of Magic: Morden making a pact with Andras. It's just so amazingly atmospheric and shows everything I love about Binders. :smallbiggrin:


2013-04-05, 08:32 AM
She's the sample image for Paladin I just have to say.
But agreed
Also would love a close up on our favorite lazy gold bathing rogue

2013-04-05, 08:37 AM
Student and master, Dungeon Master's Guide II, Vinod Rams.

I love that picture. The master is all like "Haha, discovery!" and the student just looks so sick of it all.

2013-04-05, 08:47 AM
How about the Pathfinder pregenerated paladin
link (http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/tags/iconics/seelah)
The armor itself is indeed pretty good-looking, and decorated without being too impractical at least, and though that artist (I keep forgetting his name) clearly has some talent he has a tendency to draw a huge amount of pockets and trinkets on pretty much every character. I mean, it adds interesting detail, and gives a distinct "over-prepared adventurer" feel that fits D&D rather well, but can get old after a while. Too much detail makes a picture look cluttered and hard to really focus on.

2013-04-05, 09:45 AM
How about the Pathfinder pregenerated paladin
link (http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/tags/iconics/seelah)It's still somewhat problematic (http://martwhim.tumblr.com/post/40061546009/why-do-you-hate-the-shape-of-breasts-in-plate-armor-so) (not to mention the decorations getting in the way).
Armour is supposed to let weapon blows slip off the armour harmlessly, instead of directing it right against the centre of the ribcage. Shaped breasts on a breastplate do more of the later than the former.

2013-04-05, 10:04 AM
My all-time favorite art comes from the Ravenloft series of books, published by Sword and Sorcery (a.k.a. White Wolf). In their Gazeteer and Van Richten's lines of sourcebooks, the prestige classes are just amazing BW line drawings, as are the framed pictures of the Dark Lords in the last sections. I'm not sure if they're by Quinton Hoover or not, but they could be because they're just like his style.

Also, Quinton Hoover did some MM work, and I like anything by him.

2013-04-05, 12:54 PM
I'm not sure where it's from anymore, but I absolutely love this pic:


2013-04-05, 02:05 PM
I'm not sure where it's from anymore, but I absolutely love this pic:


It's from A Dragon Magazine cover. The number of the issue escapes me but I actually own a physical copy of the issue in question. It includes an interesting article on how to tackle opponents with superior mobility, if I recall correctly.

Either way, great art.

2013-04-05, 02:12 PM
The armor itself is indeed pretty good-looking, and decorated without being too impractical at least, and though that artist (I keep forgetting his name) clearly has some talent he has a tendency to draw a huge amount of pockets and trinkets on pretty much every character. I mean, it adds interesting detail, and gives a distinct "over-prepared adventurer" feel that fits D&D rather well, but can get old after a while. Too much detail makes a picture look cluttered and hard to really focus on.

while I do enjoy that artist's use of color and the big-eyed anime style he does the faces in, one thing that hinders my full enjoyment of his work is that he'll always have characters' wrists and ankles obscured in giant cardboard tubes to avoid drawing them. that kind of bugs me because (practicality of armor aside) it's a very obvious shortcut

2013-04-05, 02:19 PM
Most of his characters are unbelievably, horribly clustered with weirdest details, from keys and other trash hanging here and there from whatever reason, to literally 7 layers of weird vambraces/armor/cloth/string knotted on limbs...

I dunno if this is desired effect, escape from drawing joints etc. or whatever, but it looks pretty horrible.

Which is too bad, because without this, those would be really cool drawings.

2013-04-05, 02:23 PM
One that walks the fine line between good and bad is "Taking it Easy", found on Paizo's blog:


I've seen that before and one thing bugged me. I can name Ezren, Valeros and Merisiel but who is the other woman? She doesn't look like any of the other iconic women. Is she one of the prestige class iconics or maybe just an NPC?

2013-04-05, 02:38 PM
Most of his characters are unbelievably, horribly clustered with weirdest details, from keys and other trash hanging here and there from whatever reason, to literally 7 layers of weird vambraces/armor/cloth/string knotted on limbs...

I dunno if this is desired effect, escape from drawing joints etc. or whatever, but it looks pretty horrible.

Which is too bad, because without this, those would be really cool drawings.Cloth under armour reduces chaffing, and, more importantly, acts as padding against the impact from attacks.

About the keys and such, why else would it take a move action to get to that wand/potion you need every fight? You have to search for it amongst all your trinkets!

2013-04-05, 02:58 PM
Cloth under armour reduces chaffing, and, more importantly, acts as padding against the impact from attacks.

Well, cloth under armor, yes, not some randomly twisted and bundled rags, strings, ribbons, and generally stuff that makes everything so bulky that somehow important act of bending in joints would be impossible...

If speaking of female armor, I always liked this one:


Most of art in Guide to Faerun is rather wonky, but this is very nice.

Right here there's actually nothing to nitpick about, all of this is very elaborate, but since it's supposed to be super powerful, rich and influential Mystra's chosen, it makes sense.

All looks very well devised and elegant, believable yet fantastic.

Boobs are obviously traditionally enormous, but since she quite apparently wears superbly tailored mail, they're bound to visible.:smallwink:

2013-04-05, 02:59 PM
RE PAthfinder Paladin: I can understand the beef with the trinkets and such on that guys art, but I really like it. (and the armor impracticality isn't high enough to trigger eye-rolls for me)

That pathfinder bath scene actually bothers me, but its more teh look on the rogue iconic's race--she seems really upset. Not playfully mad upset, but shamed/embarrassed at having been exposed buy laughing guy upset. :smallmad:

Makes the whole scene be rather creepy to me
(not to try to derail the thread on some sort of sexism debate or anything :smallsigh:)

2013-04-05, 03:39 PM
I've seen that before and one thing bugged me. I can name Ezren, Valeros and Merisiel but who is the other woman? She doesn't look like any of the other iconic women. Is she one of the prestige class iconics or maybe just an NPC?

If I had to guess, I'd say that it's most probably the iconic Cleric, Kyra. It's hard to be sure, as she's always with her head dress on otherwise, but the reaction pictured in the piece matches what I know of her personality from the comic, and the skin tone is right.

@Spyrit: That actually reminds me of a favorite of mine directly from DMG: the Elven Chain! It is such a beautiful piece! Thanks for the unintended reminder. :smallwink:


EDIT: It's Lockwood's. Figures! :smallbiggrin:

2013-04-05, 04:06 PM
If I had to guess, I'd say that it's most probably the iconic Cleric, Kyra. It's hard to be sure, as she's always with her head dress on otherwise, but the reaction pictured in the piece matches what I know of her personality from the comic, and the skin tone is right.

Maybe it's just my monitor but the skin tone doesn't look close on my end. That's at the very least a deep tan, if not light brown. If that is her in the bath, then it looks to me like they forgot to make her face and hands darker where the sun would hit them. Also her face tattoos are missing. It seems like the most likely conclusion but I remain skeptical. :smallconfused:

Still a great piece overall.

2013-04-06, 08:50 AM
Most of his characters are unbelievably, horribly clustered with weirdest details, from keys and other trash hanging here and there from whatever reason, to literally 7 layers of weird vambraces/armor/cloth/string knotted on limbs...I guess it's because they're D&D (or PF) characters, who tend to carry lots of random stuff with them. His historical drawings (http://www.waynereynolds.com/Historical%20Art%20Gallery/Gallery_Historical.html) aren't nearly as cluttered.

2013-04-06, 09:56 AM
That pathfinder bath scene actually bothers me, but its more teh look on the rogue iconic's race--she seems really upset. Not playfully mad upset, but shamed/embarrassed at having been exposed buy laughing guy upset. :smallmad:

That thing in the shadows with the bloody sword is more worrisome to me. :smalleek:

2013-04-06, 10:19 AM
I've seen that before and one thing bugged me. I can name Ezren, Valeros and Merisiel but who is the other woman? She doesn't look like any of the other iconic women. Is she one of the prestige class iconics or maybe just an NPC?

Merisiel's name is the only one I know for sure, but I'm pretty sure that's the Wizard (Ezren?) in the background and the Fighter (Valeros?), Paladin (I wanna say Seoni...), and of course Merisiel in the bath. In the shadows, naturally, is the DM giving the players what they deserve for letting their guard down. :smallcool:

I guess it's because they're D&D (or PF) characters, who tend to carry lots of random stuff with them. His historical drawings (http://www.waynereynolds.com/Historical%20Art%20Gallery/Gallery_Historical.html) aren't nearly as cluttered.

Congratulations, you've managed to completely change my opinion of Wayne Reynolds. I still don't like much of his Pathfinder stuff, but his historical drawings and even his 3.5 stuff seems to lack the excessive detail he put on PF's iconics. I still don't much like the way he draws blades, but other than that I'm starting to like his style.

Anyway, one of my favourite pictures from Pathfinder, which I can't seem to find online, has to be the cover for chapter 5 of Ultimate Combat. Basically, it's a dwarf kicking a red dragon that has to be at least gargantuan right in the face and putting a crossbow bolt in it's eye in midair. Apparently there was a catapault involved. :smallamused:

2013-04-06, 11:07 AM
I have always liked this one myself. It captured a sense of adventure that I enjoy about the game.

Of older stuff, there's the Song and Silence front:


2013-04-06, 12:06 PM
Mark Smylie's pieces.

Faiths and Pantheons:




Gnome Pantheon

Complete Warrior:


Purple Dragon Knight

"Designing Feats"

Armor of the Unending Hunt

Comparatively understated and quite realistic (particularly the armor), his art stands out in a good way.

2013-04-06, 12:32 PM
Basically, it's a dwarf kicking a red dragon that has to be at least gargantuan right in the face and putting a crossbow bolt in it's eye in midair. Apparently there was a catapault involved. :smallamused:If I remember correctly, in one of the Baldur's Gate PC games, there was a magical throwing axe with a descriptive text explaining that it was a "dwarven thrower", and should not be confused with a "dwarf thrower", since the later was an elven catapult.

Or something like that.

2013-04-06, 02:44 PM
Frenzied Berserker - A lot of detal include blood splashes and really captures the theme well with her leaping right into a bed of raised spears with uncaring murderous intent.

I always liked the look of the Warlock iconic.

Radiant Servant's pic makes healing look more badass than it has any right to be.

Random pic of Vadania and friends from C.Divine

Gnome Alone
2013-04-06, 03:10 PM
I always wondered what Joanna Newsom looked like.

2013-04-06, 03:19 PM
Random pic of Vadania and friends from C.Divine

I think I remember other pics by that artist. Never liked them. Everything seems so extremely glossy. As if someone had cust Summon Oil VI on the entire world.

2013-04-06, 03:32 PM
It funny when the same piece turns up in both the Best art in 3.X?:
Frenzied Berserker - A lot of detal include blood splashes and really captures the theme well with her leaping right into a bed of raised spears with uncaring murderous intent.

and Worst art in 3.X?:

Here's a good one
It looks cool and all, until you realize she's going to die before she lands. The arrows might have missed, but she's going to impale herself on those spears.

And did she do with that sword? Kill a sparrow in midair?

Bare thighs, so her femoral will get cut easy. Bare ass, with a pose that accentuates the fact that her ass is bare, without showing that she's wearing an armor thong. She's gonna poke herself in the ear everytime she raises her arms with those spiky shoulders, and running will cause the fangs on the hips of her armor to cut into her. I mean, talk about armor bite.
You know, I never noticed before, but look at her arms. Not only does it look like one is longer than the other, but what the heck kind of swing is she gearing up for? I mean, granted, I have no training in swordsmanship, but even trying to recreate the upper half of that pose in pantomime, I can't figure out how it leads into any movement that puts the ouchy end of the sword into those spear carriers. (If she weren't doing a reverse grip with one hand, it would make a heck of a lot more sense.)

2013-04-06, 03:32 PM
I simply do not understand how anyone can find Ron Spencer's art compelling. It's all awkward limbs and ridiculous poses.

The best art in 3.5 is anything by Lucio Parillo, William O'Connor, or Jason A. Engle.

2013-04-06, 04:14 PM
It funny when the same piece turns up in both the Best art in 3.X?:
and Worst art in 3.X?:

Heh, I didn't read the other thread yet, but I figured FB was in there. People hate every aspect of FB, why wouldn't art be included? :smalltongue:

I picture her landing on that shield and cracking someone's head open. I also picture her no caring if she gets impaled because she won't die. *shrug*

I don't think the right arm is noticeably larger, I think it's just the way each arm is rotated and the viewing angle, though it is probably a little bit larger.

2013-04-06, 04:22 PM
Lucio Parillo seems to enjoy his misty cloudy art. Good stuff though.





T.G. Oskar
2013-04-06, 04:22 PM
The best art in 3.5 is anything by Lucio Parillo, Wayne O'Connor, or Jason A. Engle.

Agree with you 100% on this artist, but it dismays the complete lack of consideration for Eva Widermann (http://www.eva-widermann.de/). I know that another poster showed some of her work, but that's not giving her enough justice. Plus, she does some of the nicest gnomes.

Did I mention Ms. Widermann is just insanely hot? Because...wow...

2013-04-06, 04:36 PM
The best art in 3.5 is anything by Lucio Parillo, Wayne O'Connor, or Jason A. Engle.Wayne O'Connor? Do you mean William O'Connor (awesome), Wayne Reynolds (cool), or Wayne England (suck)?

2013-04-06, 04:45 PM
Agree with you 100% on this artist, but it dismays the complete lack of consideration for Eva Widermann (http://www.eva-widermann.de/). I know that another poster showed some of her work, but that's not giving her enough justice. Plus, she does some of the nicest gnomes.

You're right. An absolute oversight. Her art is fantastic.

Wayne O'Connor? Do you mean William O'Connor (awesome), Wayne Reynolds (cool), or Wayne England (suck)?

I meant William O'Connor. Definitely in the top tier. I like Wayne Reynolds all right, but he is a bit... let's put pouches and bandoliers on everything at times. Wayne England... not so much.

2013-04-06, 05:24 PM
It funny when the same piece turns up in both the Best art in 3.X?:
and Worst art in 3.X?:

I vote worst. And while the RSoP overall visual is strong, the facial expression looks heavily constipated. (Not to mention the creepy spider fingers... I'll keep my wounds, thanks.)

2013-04-06, 06:01 PM
I meant William O'Connor. Definitely in the top tier.

Wow, yeah, he is. Checking out his stuff, saving quite a bit of it. Fantastic.

Big Fau
2013-04-06, 06:34 PM
(Not to mention the creepy spider fingers... I'll keep my wounds, thanks.)

That's the creepiest part? How about the fact that it's a Cleric of Pelor, the Burning Hate, casting a spell on a dead/dying person? While it won't result in an undead, who knows what will happen.

2013-04-06, 06:37 PM
i always loved the image of tordek fighting a dragon trying to swallow him. can't remember where it is...

2013-04-06, 06:50 PM
That's the creepiest part? How about the fact that it's a Cleric of Pelor, the Burning Hate, casting a spell on a dead/dying person? While it won't result in an undead, who knows what will happen.

I love the whole "Pelor the Burning Hate" theory. I may have to base a campaign around it at some point. :smallbiggrin:

2013-04-06, 07:53 PM
gotta shoutout the Mark Smylie love. His art is fan-FREAKIN-Tastic. :smallbiggrin:
also, looking at Evas art, damn, is that good too!

2013-04-06, 08:28 PM
That Elven Chain one posted earlier in the thread is beautiful.

One of my favorite pieces was in Fiendish Codex I, the one with Graz'zt and Iggwilv together.

2013-04-06, 09:17 PM
Not quite sure how to post pictures but here goes...


Ya-ha, got it. Sorry for the small size, but I've always liked that picture, even though the gith looks a little ghoulish.

2013-04-06, 09:35 PM
Agree with you 100% on this artist, but it dismays the complete lack of consideration for Eva Widermann (http://www.eva-widermann.de/). I know that another poster showed some of her work, but that's not giving her enough justice. Plus, she does some of the nicest gnomes.
Zounds.:smalleek: I wasn't previously familiar with her work. She's fantastic.

2013-04-07, 06:55 AM
I really like this picture of a changing changeling: http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/pgte_gallery/95020.jpg
Mostly, because there are few pictures of changelings (well, few of changelings in their true shape), and the others look either badly drawn or very, very ugly: Badly drawn, or "You want to finish that face?":

Ugly, or "Wait, changelings are frog-people?":

2013-04-07, 06:58 AM
I don't think those are ugly or poorly drawn. That's what changelings are supposed to look like in their natural state. Very little in the way of distinguishing facial features, waxy white skin, bulbous eyes. Take a look at the Doppelganger in the Monster Manual. Now distill it into a somewhat more human-like appearance. Hence, changelings - half-doppelgangers.

2013-04-07, 07:06 AM
Well, I didn't mean that the frog changeling one was badly drawn, that's just an ugly character/race (though it's the only picture making changelings look like frogs), nothing wrong with that. But that unfinished face one? It just looks as if the artist stopped drawing. It's not only the face (which I could explain away with thinking that she's mid-change), the boots look weird, too. Especially when compared to the torso, which looks just fine.

2013-04-07, 07:13 AM
I don't think those are ugly or poorly drawn. That's what changelings are supposed to look like in their natural state. Very little in the way of distinguishing facial features, waxy white skin, bulbous eyes. Take a look at the Doppelganger in the Monster Manual. Now distill it into a somewhat more human-like appearance. Hence, changelings - half-doppelgangers.

On a side note, imagine the kind of havoc a changling could cause in a lower-magic campaign. He'd be able to kill virtually at will, with no real threat of being caught. Impersonating important people would be a cinch; even if they didn't get the personality quite right, who actually thinks "I'm pretty sure my boss has been replaced by a shapeshifter" instead of "You seem a little different today, is something stressing you?" Disguise self may only be a first level spell, but within the rules of society it's more like wish.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-04-07, 09:47 AM
On a side note, imagine the kind of havoc a changling could cause in a lower-magic campaign. He'd be able to kill virtually at will, with no real threat of being caught. Impersonating important people would be a cinch; even if they didn't get the personality quite right, who actually thinks "I'm pretty sure my boss has been replaced by a shapeshifter" instead of "You seem a little different today, is something stressing you?" Disguise self may only be a first level spell, but within the rules of society it's more like wish.

:cough:Assume Quirk skill trick :cough:

More on topic, I want to say that Player's Guide to Eberron has some of the best art I've seen in a D&D book with a few exceptions (the shifter's image is mind-numbingly horrible :smalleek:)

The Viscount
2013-04-16, 12:32 AM
I like the art for ogre. http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/MM35_gallery/MM35_PG199.jpg
What makes me love this picture is the context. In the Monster Manual, ogre directly follows nymph. It so happens that ogre and nymph are actually on opposite pages. One day it hit me. That face. That clutched fist. He's leering at the nymph.

Gnome Alone
2013-04-16, 01:18 AM
I like how, at the time of this post anyway, the "Worst Art" thread is five times longer than this "Best Art" thread and has about seven times as many views. Behold human nature!

2013-04-16, 01:20 AM

one of the few images, that will show how a player character actually looks like.

2013-04-16, 01:27 AM
I also dislike most of the art in MoI. But their Dwarf Totemist is pretty awesome.

1) Spiritual Side:


2) "Come at me, bro!"



2013-04-16, 03:40 AM
It's not the best here by any means. But I still quite like the Bladesinger:http://wizards.com/dnd/images/dnd_prc_20070403_bladsngr.jpg

The Taking It Easy scene from before reminded me a lot of Slayers. And Elven Chain is always nice.

I've also quite liked Demeter for some reason:http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/dd_gallery/dd2/Demeter_p113.jpg

2013-04-16, 12:08 PM
I like how, at the time of this post anyway, the "Worst Art" thread is five times longer than this "Best Art" thread and has about seven times as many views. Behold human nature!

It could also be because of Sturgeon's law. Or perhaps some combination of the two.

Anyways, I think almost all of the art in Tome of Magic is amazing but one picture that I think stands out is Savnoks (page 46). While the other pictures are great, I think Savnoks has this alien quality that really makes it stand out. It looks like something from another reality.

2013-04-16, 12:27 PM
I love this spell, and the art for it.

Also, this

Where is that second one from?

Because its a female character who isn't in a chain-mail bikini?

Seriously, I think she just might be the most sensibly armored woman I've ever seen depicted.

Even the bit of bare leg she has is clearly a result of her posture, she's got plates over the hip, and a chain shirt long enough to cover her upper legs.

IMHO that prize goes to the crusader, which, btw, I think is a very cool piece of art(just not executed so well)

2013-04-16, 02:31 PM
Where is that second one from?

Spell Compendium. I forget the spell name, but it does exactly what the picture shows...

2013-04-16, 03:18 PM
Spell Compendium. I forget the spell name, but it does exactly what the picture shows...

submerge ship. yeah, pretty much

2013-04-16, 03:43 PM
I like the rat mage on the cover of CM. Her and Morthos probably have the most effect on my mage design.

Morthos is awesome, by the way. Who names their kid that? Did they know he was a warlock? Was he born with the goatee and his parents go "Yeah, looks like a Morthos"? Does he talk in all caps like Dr. Orpheus when he speaks his name?


2013-04-16, 05:29 PM
It may not be the "best" artwork ever, but I've always liked this one http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/UnA_Gallery/79186.jpg

Something about the dirty Beholder makes me laugh every time!

Also, the Dervish http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/cw_ag/75405.jpg

2013-04-16, 07:06 PM
From one of the Dragon mags, #320 I think.


I like everything about this piece. It's super rare to see art of dragons that takes into account the fact that they totally have thumbs. The part that really sells this piece is the scowl the barmaid is giving him. I like to think that he's been in that tavern conversing with(and/or harassing) all of the patrons, the barkeep and any barmaid he can flag down for 16 hours straight and he hasn't tipped her so much as a copper yet for her time (because dragons are greedy.)

2013-04-17, 02:31 AM
From one of the Dragon mags, #320 I think.


I like everything about this piece. It's super rare to see art of dragons that takes into account the fact that they totally have thumbs. The part that really sells this piece is the scowl the barmaid is giving him. I like to think that he's been in that tavern conversing with(and/or harassing) all of the patrons, the barkeep and any barmaid he can flag down for 16 hours straight and he hasn't tipped her so much as a copper yet for her time (because dragons are greedy.)

Nice Brass Dragon.

Funny thing, a Brass that size would have a hoarding instinct, but some of the other Greater Dragons wouldn't. Draconomicon actually pins down that little personality quirk as part of their growth.

Harassing the patrons is probably right on the money too, if memory serves you can't get a Brass to shut up on a bet.

John Campbell
2013-04-17, 04:05 AM
It's still somewhat problematic (http://martwhim.tumblr.com/post/40061546009/why-do-you-hate-the-shape-of-breasts-in-plate-armor-so) (not to mention the decorations getting in the way).
Armour is supposed to let weapon blows slip off the armour harmlessly, instead of directing it right against the centre of the ribcage. Shaped breasts on a breastplate do more of the later than the former.
SCA armor standards actually explicitly forbid armor with breast cups, because they're a really good way to get seriously injured by your own armor.

Besides the possibility of getting your sternum driven into your heart, there's also the fact that the human torso is not rigid and inflexible. A steel breastplate, on the other hand, is. Imagine that, in the course of a fight, you twist your torso such that your shoulders are turned at about 60 degrees to your hips. Imagine that you did this rapidly and with considerable force, because you were throwing a sword blow, and this is how the power to do that is generated. Now, imagine that the breastplate you're wearing, being unable to flex and bend the way your body does, splits the difference between where your hips are and where your shoulders are, and twists about 30 degrees. Now imagine that this inflexible steel plate that's just turned about 30 degrees less than your upper torso - rapidly and with considerable force - has your breasts encased tightly in inflexible steel cups...

2013-04-17, 04:35 AM
At this point, arguing against "breastplates" in fantasy art is like arguing against fluoridated drinking water. Except that you're actually, technically correct and even less likely to win.

2013-04-17, 04:50 AM
Tony DiTerlizzi is my favorite artist, but I don't know if he has done anything for 3.0+ D&D.
His 2nd ed stuff was amazing, though.

But yeah, super talented artist.

2013-04-17, 06:08 AM
I, personally, like the art of the Pathfinder gods and goddesses.

Like Cayden. He looks like he's ready to get drunk and take bets. I remember a quote I saw...

"...taking the Test of the Starshine would be cool! Then we could finally figure out how Cayden did it." "I'm sure he'd like to find out too!"


Shelyn, who...well, her stomach always kinda bothered me. But she's a voluptuous goddess who most of the other deities want to bed with.


And, finally, of Iomedae. At how legitimate of a goddess she is, since she pretty much straight-forward took on the test honorably. And won. This is of her ascending - note the amount of bowing soldiers...


...and would be better if, as it's been pointed out, her boobs didn't have modeled plate cups! >.>. It only looks like a slight indent in her actual goddess picture, but still there nonetheless.


2013-04-17, 03:56 PM
Nice Brass Dragon.

Funny thing, a Brass that size would have a hoarding instinct, but some of the other Greater Dragons wouldn't. Draconomicon actually pins down that little personality quirk as part of their growth.

Harassing the patrons is probably right on the money too, if memory serves you can't get a Brass to shut up on a bet.

If you try to walk away without talking to a Brass, they might use their sleep gas on you and then hold you down until they're bored of talking to you. I'd say 'harass' is about right. :smallwink:

2013-04-17, 05:52 PM
Yeah, I see what you mean about that Shelyn. Neat looking, but the stomach makes me think she's about 4 months pregnant. Fertility Goddess perhaps?

2013-04-17, 06:41 PM
I love this image.
This half orc is one of the most refined looking characters we've seen in 3.X.
I get the impression he is quite the aesthete (and has a thing for curvy ladies).
It is a pity playing that type of character: a visibly refined, intellectually minded half orc is very tough with their really bad racial ability score mods.

2013-04-17, 07:05 PM
Yeah, I see what you mean about that Shelyn. Neat looking, but the stomach makes me think she's about 4 months pregnant. Fertility Goddess perhaps?

Goddess of Love and Art, but probably Fertility managed to work its way in there. I always kinda liked Shelyn because her tenants say that love comes in all forms. So lady squires would be encouraged to talk to their lordesses... :smallwink:

This half orc is one of the most refined looking characters we've seen in 3.X.
I get the impression he is quite the aesthete (and has a thing for curvy ladies).
It is a pity playing that type of character: a visibly refined, intellectually minded half orc is very tough with their really bad racial ability score mods.

Hey, I've played intelligent half-orcs. And ones with good charisma, too. Why the hell do you think I'm called Theprettiestorc? XP

2013-04-17, 07:11 PM
I like those Orcs myself. Mostly because the way the art and fluff portrays half-orcs in DnD standard is "Comic dumbasses". I mean all throughout the Player's Handbook, etc, I don't see a "serious" looking Orc in the bunch. All got this comic bent to the art like you're just waiting for them to get hit with a Banana Cream Pie, or take a fall.

2013-04-17, 07:47 PM
Hey, I've played intelligent half-orcs. And ones with good charisma, too. Why the hell do you think I'm called Theprettiestorc? XP

Wait, I thought your name was "the pretties' torc"! :smalltongue:

2013-04-17, 07:55 PM
Wait, I thought your name was "the pretties' torc"! :smalltongue:

Don't be silly, my precious.

2013-04-17, 07:57 PM
Don't be silly, my precious.



*steals the Tuggyne of Power for herself*

2013-05-04, 02:51 AM
This thread must not die!

I think both Fiendish Codexes (though I've mostly looked into the second one) have rather consistently nice art, which is rare for a book with so many different artists. Unfortunately, I seem to be incapable of finding any properly sized examples online, only a few really small pictures from the WotC site...

The Assassin Devil (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/dx20061206_assassin.jpg), simplistic yet still cool and deadly looking.
Glasya (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/dx20061204_glasya.jpg), the ruler of Malbolge.
Even the cover (http://dc237.4shared.com/doc/mVdKjk5f/preview001.png) is cool.

Kudos to anyone who finds better quality pictures.

2013-05-04, 01:19 PM
Not in 3.5, but I still like Di'Terlizzi more.

2013-05-04, 01:29 PM
Di'Terlizzi was good and had an unique cartoonish style, although his drawings of female characters always had them with thin sticks for arms that looked weirdly contorted, and with almost Rob Liebfeld-proportions.

The cartoonish style was fitting for Planescape, which was all about you going around meeting tanar'ri and baatezu who try to recruit you Uncle Sam-style, or going around doing stuff for crazy people who tried to influence the whole multiverse with their philosophy and deeds, and you met goofy planar creatures like modrons and slaads or elemental horses and tiny cute holyfants and meanie big maelefants and other weird stuff, and everybody was cartoonish.

The Viscount
2013-05-04, 02:20 PM
I like the art for tempest, though I know some would disagree with mehttp://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/cx_gallery/86367.jpg
You can just tell she's gonna **** someone up.

I also like the art for Thayan Knight, though again it's a personal taste.http://www.oscurossecretos.com.ar/e/uploads/75426.jpgLook at her rocking that Skrillex hair. Also, again we have the rare appearance of an actually armored woman. The fantasy spikes are mounted on non-moving parts of her shoulders, so she can move about without skewering herself while still being partially protected.

Chained Birds
2013-05-04, 08:09 PM
I always enjoyed the Pathfinder Catfolk.
I just love the eyes and flexible nature of her pose.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-05-04, 08:31 PM
I agree that it is a very nice piece of work; but I have to mention that if she was any other race, people (including me) would be posting in the other thread, due the pose.

2013-05-04, 08:45 PM
I always enjoyed the Pathfinder Catfolk.
I just love the eyes and flexible nature of her pose....Ok, if Pathfinder had Eberron-Changelings and Beguilers, then this pic would be enough to convince me to play it.

I agree that it is a very nice piece of work; but I have to mention that if she was any other race, people (including me) would be posting in the other thread, due the pose.Luckily, spines are optional for cats and feline humanoids.

2013-05-04, 08:57 PM
The Deadgrim:


Yeah, it's a pretty lady, which is kind of taking the easy route to "good art," but I find that there is an amazing, undefinable softness to her face, in spite of the harsh expression and theme of the piece.

It's good enough to make me suspect that it was a Photoshop job on an existing photograph, but I really hope it isn't.

2013-05-04, 09:03 PM
The Deadgrim:You know? When I first saw them, I read that as Deadgrin. I double-checked it, still read it as that, and figured that was the reason they made a close-up of her smile. Then I ignored it until I saw you writing it as "-grim".

I was just about to correct you when I had a third look and saw you were right >.<

2013-05-04, 09:04 PM
I like the First Picture of Lidda, the Halfling Rogue. I liked it for many reasons. Firstly, she broke my stereotypes of Halfings. Before seeing her, I always had an inmage of Frodo and Blibo from those 70's cartoons in my head. To me thats what halflings looked like. When I saw her, she looked pretty bad-ass. Which is the second reason I liked that picture. She just stood out to me.

The second one is the Elven Chain Mail Elf. Again, It was one of the first times I actually looked at an Elf, and thought. They might be pretty bad-ass.

Both of which, also, I liked on a more fundamental level. It was sorta the first time I seen women in fantasy culture, dressed in actual function armor.

Sidenote, am I the only one that feels like The elf was still suppose to be putting on pieces to that armor? I always felt that it was suppose to be more plate-y.

2013-05-04, 09:14 PM
Sidenote, am I the only one that feels like The elf was still suppose to be putting on pieces to that armor? I always felt that it was suppose to be more plate-y.

That would make it half-plate instead of chainmail I think.

Chained Birds
2013-05-04, 10:00 PM
I agree that it is a very nice piece of work; but I have to mention that if she was any other race, people (including me) would be posting in the other thread, due the pose.

Hence why I like it.

Not too many races could pull off that pose without it looking unrealistic and woefully horrendous. But as a Catfolk, she is immune to the awkward looking female spine twisting. Or at the very least, she makes it look good. :smallcool:

2013-05-04, 11:51 PM
I like the illustration of Vecna. Not as much as I like the liches in previous editions, but it's still pretty sweet.


This one puts me in mind of the older artwork, and I like that.


This guy's got fantasy armour that could actually work, which is nice.


The illustrations for Cyric and Mask are cool.


All the group pictures of deities in this style are pretty good, but I appreciate that the Red Knight is wearing completely reasonable armour here.


In this one, I like the person on the right, but the person on the left's armour (and the way she looks like she might fall over) bugs me a bit.


I like this one because his pose is reasonable and it's well-drawn and painted.


I also like the entry pages in most of the books, with the pencil drawings and notations and all, and many of the dragon images in the Draconomicon -- particularly the species description ones.

2013-05-05, 12:15 AM
...Ok, if Pathfinder had Eberron-Changelings and Beguilers, then this pic would be enough to convince me to play it.I don't that would sway me. I like a good catgirl as any other person, but the 3.5 picture seems much more appropriate for the setting.

Luckily, spines are optional for cats and feline humanoids.
Felines are mammals which are vertebrates. Which means they have spines. :smallannoyed:

2013-05-05, 12:41 AM
I don't that would sway me. I like a good catgirl as any other person, but the 3.5 picture seems much more appropriate for the setting.

Felines are mammals which are vertebrates. Which means they have spines. :smallannoyed:

I think you forgot to turn on your internet joke detector this morning :smalltongue:.

2013-05-05, 01:54 AM
I think you forgot to turn on your internet joke detector this morning :smalltongue:.

What is this "joke" of which you speak?

2013-05-05, 03:44 AM
I always enjoyed the Pathfinder Catfolk.
I just love the eyes and flexible nature of her pose.

I love the picture, and I think these catfolk look way better than the ones from Races of the Wild, but I gotta say the angle of her hip/leg in that pose goes way past flexible. Its creepin' me out :P

2013-05-05, 06:59 AM
Luckily, spines are optional for cats and feline humanoids.

Not spines. Hips.

2013-05-05, 08:20 AM
I don't that would sway me. I like a good catgirl as any other person, but the 3.5 picture seems much more appropriate for the setting.Problem (for me) is that 3.5-Catfolk are all tribal, nature-y and stuff.
I prefer urban settings. My current char is convinced forests only exist because druids planted to many trees in one place.

Felines are mammals which are vertebrates. Which means they have spines. :smallannoyed:https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/4111603968/hBD901A4D/http://kittywampus.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/spine.jpgAlso, yes, I'm joking.
Not spines. Hips.Or both, see above.

What is this "joke" of which you speak?I heard it had something to do with irony, so it's probably something made of iron?

2013-05-05, 09:55 AM
I heard it had something to do with irony, so it's probably something made of iron?
Funny, I never knew Iron Heart Surge had anything to do with jokes. You learn something every day.

OT: I really like the Cadaver Collector art; a cold, emotionless construct just doing what it was made to do, with no regard for the good or evil acts it might do.

Pazuzu is also pretty cool, and looks like the badass he's made out to be. Also looks like his speech deserves that demonic auto-tune used in all those B-grade horror movies.

2013-05-05, 10:05 AM
demonic auto-tune

So... normal auto-tune then? :smalltongue:

2013-05-05, 10:12 AM
I heard it had something to do with irony, so it's probably something made of iron?

Caboose? Is that you? Can you hear me?!

2013-05-05, 03:35 PM

I feel that this is also extremely relevant to our discussion:


Indeed, that pose only makes sense for a race called catfolk, but boy does it make sense for them!

Amidus Drexel
2013-05-05, 03:54 PM
I like a lot of art from Complete Champion, but the best two are probably the Holt Warden and the Sanctified One.

Holt Warden

Sanctified One

I've also noticed a trend that the best-drawn female armor tends to be chain mail of some sort.

2013-05-05, 03:54 PM
I'm a fan of the artwork for PF's Redeemer Paladin archetype.
I mean, yeah, a Paladin who focuses on NOT smiting seems pretty lame, but he still looks cool.

2013-05-05, 09:17 PM
I like the art for tempest, though I know some would disagree with mehttp://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/cx_gallery/86367.jpg
You can just tell she's gonna **** someone up.

That's a "she?":smalleek:

I've also noticed a trend that the best-drawn female armor tends to be chain mail of some sort.

Probably because chain mail offers the best compromise between "form-fitting" and "actually makes it harder to kill you."

2013-05-05, 09:20 PM
I love this image.
This half orc is one of the most refined looking characters we've seen in 3.X.
I get the impression he is quite the aesthete (and has a thing for curvy ladies).
It is a pity playing that type of character: a visibly refined, intellectually minded half orc is very tough with their really bad racial ability score mods.
Fascinating. . . .

2013-05-05, 09:30 PM
Problem (for me) is that 3.5-Catfolk are all tribal, nature-y and stuff.
I prefer urban settings. My current char is convinced forests only exist because druids planted to many trees in one place. I generally assume medieval times with my settings. I really don't spend time in urban environments in regular play, anyway.

Also, yes, I'm joking.Or both, see above.I kind of was, too. I wouldn't use the word 'vertebrate' if I was being totally serious.

That's a "she?":smalleek:
Dwarves, dude. They are born with a beard on their face and an axe in each hand. :smallcool:

Probably because chain mail offers the best compromise between "form-fitting" and "actually makes it harder to kill you."
I concur. That why there are chainmail bikinis.

2013-05-05, 09:51 PM
While I don't have the image on hand right now, the art for the Witch Hunter in Tome of Magic is pretty awesome. I'm attributing the entirety of its awesomeness to the hat though.

The Viscount
2013-05-05, 11:22 PM
ToM's Witch Slayer is indeed pretty cool in his art.http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/ToMagic_Gallery/96024.jpgHe reminds me of Joe Mantegna.

@Sith Happens: Of course tempest is female. She's beardless. Here's Gimli on the subject. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip5T89jfJoA)

2013-05-06, 12:21 PM
I generally assume medieval times with my settings. I really don't spend time in urban environments in regular play, anyway. I do mean "medieval towns" (well, as the Cityscape supplement, not the "Medieval as seen during the renascence")

2013-05-06, 07:43 PM
Luckily, spines are optional for cats and feline humanoids.

I can verify that feline spines are indeed this flexible. :smallwink:

2013-05-06, 08:21 PM
I can verify that feline spines are indeed this flexible. :smallwink:

:smalleek: :smallconfused: :smallannoyed: :smallamused:
My response to this and can we get off the cat spines

2013-05-06, 08:43 PM
:smalleek: :smallconfused: :smallannoyed: :smallamused:
My response to this and can we get off the cat spines

Pretty sure Geordnet was the only one on them.:smallwink::smalleek:

2013-05-06, 11:19 PM
Pretty sure Geordnet was the only one on them.:smallwink::smalleek:

And his thoughts were this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR4ZdyP0vW8)

And to get everybody back on subject... My vote goes to this: http://a4.l3-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/1/f1e930c9332946ca9d41a8b4db3d6a5a/l.jpg

It's dark, the woman makes me think of the Alien franchise - I believe her name was Ripley - and the lighting's great.

2013-05-07, 12:16 AM
And to get everybody back on subject... My vote goes to this: http://a4.l3-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/1/f1e930c9332946ca9d41a8b4db3d6a5a/l.jpg

I'm confused, how'd Darth Marr (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Marr) get in D&D?

2013-05-07, 06:34 AM
I'm confused, how'd Darth Marr (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Marr) get in D&D?

Two things:
1.) Of course the Sith would notice!
2.) Yay! Now I've got another reason to think this is a great picture!