View Full Version : Best extra spell choices for a Fiend-blooded?

2013-04-04, 11:15 PM
At Fiend-blooded levels 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 (though none take the 10th level, as it doesn't advance casting with its 10th level), which would be character levels 7, 9, 11, and 13 (at the earliest), the fiend-blooded gains an extra spell known of any level they can cast, and the spell must either have the [Fire] descriptor, or be from the schools of enchantment, illusion, or necromancy.

I'm looking at detailing a few fiend-blooded houses for my game that are composed of Beguilers, Dread Necromancers, and Warmages. They will each use the bonus spells known from Fiend-blooded to expand into schools of magic they wouldn't normally have access to. As such, I need some help identifying the best [Fire], Enchantment, Illusion, and Necromancy spells.

Note that the spells added to your list specifically DO NOT have to normally be on your class list. The example includes adding Speak with Dead (cleric 3) to a sorcerer, even though it is normally a divine spell.

A few good options that stuck out at me were Greater Mirror Image (Sor/Wiz 4) and Consumptive Field (Clr 4) and its Greater cousin (Clr 7).

What else would be a good game-changer from these schools?

2013-04-04, 11:28 PM
Shadow _____s from Illusion of course. One spell to rule quite a lot of effects. :smallwink:

I'd also look for effects like Major Image, Hallucinatory Terrain, etc. They've always proved to be useful to me.

2013-04-04, 11:41 PM
Well, a Beguiler could pick those up with his normal advanced learning abilities.
And a Warmage wouldn't get a whole lot of utility out of them, as he would have many of the possible evocation and conjuration spells they could duplicate on his spell list already. (Edit: Shadow Conjurations actually would have a lot of utility for a Warmage).
But not a bad plan for a Dread Necromancer.

Here's one NASTY necromancy spell the others could pick up...
Mantle of Pure Spite, Spite Domain 8, from Heroes or Horror.

2013-04-05, 02:59 AM
I looked at this for a Beguiler character a while back, two I liked:

Orb of Fire: Because getting reliable, metamagicable, SR:No damage from the Beguiler list is actually quite tricky. Beats out Shadow Conjuration emulation of it due to potential for metamagic, in my opinion.

Firestride Exhalation: From Dragon Magic, a very unusual Conjuration/Evocation [Teleportation, Fire] spell. Awesome to use Sculpt Spell with.