View Full Version : Fire Emblem: Whispers of Flame

2013-04-05, 12:01 AM
It all started with a murder.*

As the division marched in a long, stretched out line towards the Cordisu border. The muddied and torn flag of Tolerind seemed to be the cleanest part of this army, whose members were ragged, beaten and torn. They glanced warily about them, jumping at the smallest of shadows and trying to follow the path of the soldier in front of them. That was the only way to be sure the ground wouldn't fall from under you, drawing you down to suffocate in the mud. Occasionally, a man or woman would cry out and everyone drew weapons or looked for a place to run. Often it was just someone who's nerves had snapped, or who had been bitten by an insect somewhere new. Very, very rarely it was someone being bitten by something worse, and since the healers, or at least the ones would could help, were laying dead in a field two weeks behind, there was nothing anyone could do except watch their companions die or put them out of their misery first.

And wherever the army went, the crows followed. They had already glutted themselves off of the flesh of the cavalry and their riders, now they stayed around to consume those that fell behind or those who didn't wake up. Sometimes, the carrion birds didn't wait for their food to die.

These were what Timet was looking at when Captain Rossel barked to him. "Timet, what are you doing with your head in the clouds? You're leading this army my boy, keep your eyes on the road." The young Cordisu scout turned his exhausted eyes back to the path. He had brought them safely through the swamp so far... or as safely as could be managed after that disastrous full-scale retreat. After a month of wandering through this acursed swamp they had finally encountered the enemy. Only, the Cordisu hadn't actually come out to fight them. Oh, a small force had stood their ground and distracted his army, but all of his carefully laid out plans had fallen to pieces the instant the healers came under attack by men within his own ranks.

After that, it had been a rout. His soldiers began listening to the incompetent sergeants and lieutenants that Rossel had been assigned, and they stopped listening to him. The last of his cavalry had died in the third hour, and all but five of his pegasus riders had been shot down before the Cordisu had finally been hurt enough to be forced to fall back. While reports varied on the enemy's numbers, Rossel suspected that they has less than an eighth of his force. He had half of his legion still standing, and would probably have had less if those Historians had not interrupted the fighting among his own men! Fools. Apparently, they had become paranoid after what had happened with the healers, and the lieutenants had decided to eliminate other competition on the field of battle. Over all, nearly half of his legion had been wiped out in that one skirmish. And they hadn't even found a single village or temple on the way in... He sort of had to admire how well the Cordisu handled invaders, at least with the dysfunctional army he had been given.

Fortunately, a guide had been given to them by the Historians. An apprentice to the old man that had come through... named Asheron or Atos or some such ridiculous name. Timet was a good lad, bright, helpful, courteous, a native to this death trap and being forced to work with him. Over all, a good combination, and more than he could apparently ask for from his soldiers.

This had to have been the worst assault in centuries, only salvageable by virtue of him not having lost every last one of his troops in this butchers field. But you know, the more he thought about it, the more it seemed like Rossel had been set up to fail. In fact...

"Bad omens sire."

"Hmm?" Captain Rossel grunted, drawn out of his thoughts of plots and intrigue. "Speak up boy, what did you say?"

"Sire, 's the birds sire. They're bad omens." Timet explained, stepping around a log instead of over it. The company followed after.

"It's sir boy." the captain explained for the fiftieth time. These Cordisu had just the oddest way of speaking about them, it made them damn near impossible to listen to sometimes, let alone understand. "Keep your superstition to yourself too." He mumbled, "Men's moral is bad enough as is. Don't need them thinking that some kind of nightmare is going to come at them because of some blasted birds. See?" Timet nodded, and the captain pushed his concerns to the side.

A loud crash to his right drew the captain's attention. His blade and those of hes personal guard were drawn in in instant, as another crash came from behind them. Men looked about in desperation before finally the source of the noise was revealed. A pegasus rider crashed down through the trees, black arrows piercing her body and that of her flying stead, enough to make it look like an army of ants saw ripping away at their bodies. Rossel cursed as behind him a roar that could be recognized as combat began. But something lay under that roar, something... inhuman. The first demon walked out of the forest, war axe imbedding itself in the dying pegasus's neck before it was joined by twelve others. Timet and Rossel's guards looked to their captain nervously. He looked back, projecting more confidence than he actually felt.

"Cut your way out men! We must be close to the edge if they are attacking us here! Forward, for God and Glory!"



In a much more boring area of town, an army of mostly Roenel troops was mucking about in a temporary base, hiring mercenaries, recruiting young glory seekers and otherwise just having a jolly old time. Wenches and beer rand freely among this peaceful community. And Lieutenant Briggs sighed. He needed something for these men to do while they wated to be deployed to deal with one of the rebellions. But what? He had heard of some bandits a bit to the north...

"Simon, my lad, can you come over here please?" He called, hoping that the other man would both be close enough to hear and actually sober. That would be a miracle among these greenhorns... "Simon! I have a job for you and those friends of yours. Bring the glowing one with you!" The commanding officer barked, "What's his face... Uriel!"

*It all started with a pun. :smalltongue:

Also, sorry about not having any pictures... I still can't sprite at all. :smallfrown:

2013-04-05, 12:13 AM

Simon was weary the dreams had been afflicting for weeks straight, until the word for his superior. Once heard he snapped to attention.

Yes, Lieutenant? He queried.

2013-04-05, 10:11 AM
"Stay right there, I have a job for you." Briggs told him, walking out into the courtyard. "Uriel! Get your glowing holy behind over here!" He called out, and some of the soldiers began relaying the message that the Lt wanted to talk to the angel. (That should give you some time while I give you guys the first quest)

With a satisfied nod, Briggs returned to his base of operations and sat down heavily. For a man that led an archer division and purported to be the best shot this side of the Vorrel forest, the Lt was shockingly heavy-set and likely could stand to lose a chin or two. The armor that he wore seemed to bulge slightly and his chair creaked as Briggs leaned back and looked over to to Simon. Though he was gruff, the officer had a reputation for leading his company to areas that were wealthy in food, wine and women. He grumbled about it all the time too, though most of his men joked that it was because soldiers other than Briggs himself were reaping the rewards of his brilliant, leisurely planning. "First thing's first, how do you feel about doing some good, honest work for your pay?" Of course, Briggs also had to at least put up a front to the other officers that he was doing real work, and that meant throwing random subordinates at hopefully easy tasks.

2013-04-05, 03:05 PM

Simon stood rigid as he spoke.

What did you have in mind, sir?

Bad Situation
2013-04-05, 06:11 PM
Uriel blinks open a bleary eye at the sound of his name, eventually pulling the entirety of his head from the crook of his arm. Lazily, the angel pulls himself up from the restful shade and lazily marches his 'blowing behind' toward Briggs, only barely remembering to pluck his lance from its spot against the wall. The tip of the magnificently crafted spear shamefully drags against the ground as Uriel slowly ambles his way to where he knows the Lieutenant is located. On the way, the finely armored 'young' man flashes smiles and confident nods to the various soldiers passing by, until he finally settles on the office proper.

He enters with a long, drawn out "Yeeeess..." Stifling a yawn, he puts up a vague mockery of a salute and wipes his breath coated hand on his trousers. "You called for me...sir?"

2013-04-05, 06:39 PM
Alendor watched as the young angel was relaxing. He was getting even more lazy, if that was possible. He always kept one eye on Uriel, even in this relatively safe place. An enemy can strike at any time, he knew that from experience. He heard the mercenaries saying Uriel's name, something was happening. He saw Uriel getting up and heading for the Briggs's office, dragging his lance across the floor. He followed him, keeping his distance, as always, but making sure he was close enough. Before Uriel got to the door he passed him, and without a word opened the door. He let Uriel pass and stood there, waiting for further instructions.

2013-04-05, 10:45 PM

Jaben wandered about till he heard simon called over by the Lieutenant and wandered if the would finalley be heading out. Walking closer to Alendor he began to tap his foot as he waited for Briggs to respond to Lord Simon.

2013-04-06, 05:53 PM

Simon stood rigid as he spoke.

What did you have in mind, sir?

Uriel blinks open a bleary eye at the sound of his name, eventually pulling the entirety of his head from the crook of his arm. Lazily, the angel pulls himself up from the restful shade and lazily marches his 'blowing behind' toward Briggs, only barely remembering to pluck his lance from its spot against the wall. The tip of the magnificently crafted spear shamefully drags against the ground as Uriel slowly ambles his way to where he knows the Lieutenant is located. On the way, the finely armored 'young' man flashes smiles and confident nods to the various soldiers passing by, until he finally settles on the office proper.

He enters with a long, drawn out "Yeeeess..." Stifling a yawn, he puts up a vague mockery of a salute and wipes his breath coated hand on his trousers. "You called for me...sir?"

"Ah, Uriel, good. You finally made it. As I was about to tell Simon here, there are some reports of a small bandit camp attacking a village to the north or some such nonsense." He added a little snort of derision to the end of that. "Probably just some local rumor that has been going on for the last three or so generations. After all, there are always bandits running about, but no one can remember actually seeing them. But" Brigg sighed, "I suppose that we should investigate anyway. So I'm sending you two with four men out to a village about three days march from here. You'll get food and some over time pay for your trouble, but be sure to stay a day or two to keep up appearances and send me back some 'reports' on the situation once you arrive, alright?" Obviously, the Lt didn't think that anything would actually be found.

Alendor watched as the young angel was relaxing. He was getting even more lazy, if that was possible. He always kept one eye on Uriel, even in this relatively safe place. An enemy can strike at any time, he knew that from experience. He heard the mercenaries saying Uriel's name, something was happening. He saw Uriel getting up and heading for the Briggs's office, dragging his lance across the floor. He followed him, keeping his distance, as always, but making sure he was close enough. Before Uriel got to the door he passed him, and without a word opened the door. He let Uriel pass and stood there, waiting for further instructions.

"Hey, Alendor!" A female voice called out from a small group of soldiers. "We're going to
go out for a walk and get in some training, want to come with?"


Jaben wandered about till he heard simon called over by the Lieutenant and wandered if the would finalley be heading out. Walking closer to Alendor he began to tap his foot as he waited for Briggs to respond to Lord Simon.

No one bothers you, and no one really cares that you are standing there listening. It seems like everyone else has something better to do than listen in on another one of the Lt's smug ramblings, followed by another assignment.

2013-04-06, 06:07 PM

Simon sighed slightly. Unless one were watching him, they wouldn't of noticed the small slump in his shoulders, his drop of attention.

Another waste of time. He really should be trying to sleep, at least that would be productive.

Do you have anyone in mind, sir?

Bad Situation
2013-04-06, 06:36 PM
Uriel blanches at the orders but eventually sighs and shrugs his shoulders resignedly. It had been some time since he'd last been sent for. If anything, going to troubleshoot would keep Briggs off his back for a few weeks. Where he slept and lazed about made no difference, after all. The angel half-turns and looks at the door impatiently. "Is that at all? Well, send your soldiers to bother me when it is time to leave. It matters not who is in my entourage. Are we dismissed?"

2013-04-06, 06:56 PM

Simon sighed slightly. Unless one were watching him, they wouldn't of noticed the small slump in his shoulders, his drop of attention.

Another waste of time. He really should be trying to sleep, at least that would be productive.

Do you have anyone in mind, sir?

"Besides you two, Uriels guard, the summoner standing in the door and two volunteers from dinner tonight." So apparently Briggs was more observant than he let on. "I want you all ready, so I'm going to have you go out in the morning."

Uriel blanches at the orders but eventually sighs and shrugs his shoulders resignedly. It had been some time since he'd last been sent for. If anything, going to troubleshoot would keep Briggs off his back for a few weeks. Where he slept and lazed about made no difference, after all. The angel half-turns and looks at the door impatiently. "Is that at all? Well, send your soldiers to bother me when it is time to leave. It matters not who is in my entourage. Are we dismissed?"

Briggs actually stood up at this point and attempted to stretch. "Not just yet. Boys, I don't want either of you to feel like I'm just tying to send you off for no reason besides me needing to cover my ass with the higher ups. While I don't think it's likely that there are bandits, the report I received told me that the attack happened five days ago, and named specific people, merchants that were known locally that should have been here yesterday." He looked at the two soldiers in his room and nodded to them. "Watch yourselves out there. This might actually wind up not being a waste of all of our time, and that could be dangerous for you. Understand?"

2013-04-06, 07:36 PM

Understood, sir.

Simon saluted, then started walking away. Perhaps this night he'd finally get some decent sleep.

2013-04-09, 01:05 PM

"Aye Lieutenant, anything else you can tell us." Jaben asked as he shifted about in his robes.

2013-04-09, 02:08 PM

Understood, sir.

Simon saluted, then started walking away. Perhaps this night he'd finally get some decent sleep.

"That would be all. Dismissed." The Lieutenant informed him, waving his hand dismissively.


"Aye Lieutenant, anything else you can tell us." Jaben asked as he shifted about in his robes.

He reviewed a report as he responded, "Just bring along your sword... or in your case, your magic tome. And stay close to your team, you caster types usually aren't the most durable..." He trailed off, waving his hand again to dismiss you.

2013-04-09, 02:45 PM
"You would be surprised to see how durable some of us can be Lieutenant" Alendor said, with slight resentment in his tone.
Without waiting for his response, Alendor turned towards Lord Uriel and said:
"Lord Uriel, I believe that female knight would like to share your company. Do you have time for her? I would't mind a little stroll, we need to relax before we depart."

2013-04-12, 10:02 AM
"You would be surprised to see how durable some of us can be Lieutenant" Alendor said, with slight resentment in his tone.
Without waiting for his response, Alendor turned towards Lord Uriel and said:
"Lord Uriel, I believe that female knight would like to share your company. Do you have time for her? I would't mind a little stroll, we need to relax before we depart."

The "female soldier" in question here had walked over by now. Alendor can recognize her, since she seemed to talk to him a bit despite being one of the more recent sell-swords. Her name is Claire. "Well, I guess we can bring along the angle as well, if he wants to come." She said with a shrug. "What do you say, lord angel? Come spar with me and a few of my friends?"