View Full Version : 3.5 - Warforged Dragon Shaman Questions

2013-04-05, 02:11 AM
Hello, I've got another question for you fine folks.
As the title of this post suggests, I've got some questions on warforged dragon shaman.

Breath Weapons: Warforged aren't able to breath, so how would these work? Would they cast them using their hands or something?
Scales: Since they aren't fleshy, how would these work? Would they just get little metal/stone/wood scale-like things on them?
Wings: Would they even gain these and what would they be made of?

Mr Adventurer
2013-04-05, 02:24 AM
You don't need to be able to breathe to use a breath weapon. You expel or from your mouth. www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#breathWeapon

You get dragon scales like those of your totem dragon.

You get dragon's wings like those of your totem. They'd be made of flesh.

2013-04-05, 03:54 AM
You don't need to be able to breathe to use a breath weapon. You expel or from your mouth. www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#breathWeapon

You get dragon scales like those of your totem dragon.

You get dragon's wings like those of your totem. They'd be made of flesh.

I don't understand how they'd have scales or fleshy wings though. They themselves aren't flesh.

2013-04-05, 05:19 AM
Refluff it. Or assume that the composite plating was made of Dragonskin, or cooled in Dragonblood causing unknown magical properties to awaken.

And really, for the purposes of wings, they are attained at such a late level it is not a problem.

2013-04-05, 05:19 AM
It's magic. You don't have to understand it. It just does.

Mr Adventurer
2013-04-05, 05:37 AM
Yeah. Warforged already include wooden and nonspecific organic parts to their golemic construction.

EDIT: I mean, I dunno how, say, a human would suddenly grow scales or wings either - we aren't reptiles or dinosaurs or dragons. The answer is "magic".

2013-04-05, 06:16 AM
Since you are using Warforged from Eberron setting you can go on with that.
You can give your Pc a body similar to the one granted by the "Psyforged" feats, with crystals all around, but instead of regular diamonds and other precious stones you can use Dragonshards.

-A big shard on the face could be the "focus" from you can fire your breath weapon, or maybe small shards alla around your "mouth" resembling dragon jaws.
-While you gain more and more power, dragonshards could literally grow out from your body, making your natural armor
-Wings could be made either of giant-size dragon shards either of two small but very bright shards whose light shapes in the form of dragong wings.

You can use various type of shards or only one, depending on the alignment of your Pc. I suggest Eberron shards if good or having a good dragon-totem, Khyber if evil, Syberis if neutral.

2013-04-05, 06:37 AM
You can use various type of shards or only one, depending on the alignment of your Pc. I suggest Eberron shards if good or having a good dragon-totem, Khyber if evil, Syberis if neutral.Siberys is the good one, Eberron is neutral.

2013-04-05, 07:14 AM
Siberys is the good one, Eberron is neutral.

I think that manuals are not perfectly clear on this point. Khyber is evil, but the alignment of the other two is not perfectly defined.

According to Dragons of Eberron "Daanvi, Fernia, and Irian bear the prevailing mark of Siberys". Of this planes, the first is a legal plane, the second is evil and the third has positive energy. So i would say that Siberys is Legal neutral (legal for the first plane, neutral for the balance between the other two).

Also, Eberron is defined as "The gentle one" and is said that she "refused to fight Khyber with claw and tooth. Instead, Eberron embraced her". It's also said that "Eberron called on the powers of life" to create the world.

Power of life, non-violent approach, self sacrifice. I would say that Eberron is the good one.

Yet it's true that being the ancestral enemy of an entity of pure evil like Khyber might make of Syberis a good guy, but from his behaviour ad his definition as the "source of all magic" (pure magic is always neutral) i should say he's not.

(All the quotes are from "Dragons of Eberron" p.8, and sorry for going a bit off topic, but I think that this might be useful for choosing the type of Dragonshard that suits better to the Pc.)