View Full Version : skiprock champion

2013-04-05, 03:20 AM
hey guys,

looking for some help on the homebrew class "skiprock champion" class. description located here (http://www.angelfire.com/ri2/riplox_g/images/SkiprockChampion.htm)

it is a pretty cool class that i think would be a lot of fun to play. i wanted to pair it with master thrower for the palm throw ability that lets you throw 2 small thrown weapons with each attack and weak point which lets you target creatures touch AC which should be helpful when dealing with the cumulative -2 to hit for each skip of a skip rock.

i would like to take all 5 levels of master thrower and all 10 levels of skiprock champion (if that is a good idea, seems like one).

other than that though i am at a loss. I need a way to deal damage, some sort of out of combat utility, a method of survival (though with the small size of halflings and a high AC this should be pretty sufficient), a base class, feat selection (though a decent amount is locked up in prerequisites).

please help me make this character.

looking forward to hearing from you

2013-04-05, 03:55 AM
Just to comment, the class was made originally by the Giant, you can find it here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=172910) (you gotta go down a few pages, but it's there)

Since that is only 5 levels long, you can fit some Rogue for sneak attack and maybe bard for dragonfire Inspiration. There you have your bonus damage

Fouredged Sword
2013-04-05, 06:46 AM
The issue is that the skips are likely a volley attack, and thus you get SA only once. And you need BAB like mad to get into the classes at a relevant point.

I am actually going to suggest Swashbuckler. You get OK skills and full bab to get into thrower as soon as possible. Alternately swashbuckler 3 / fighter 2 for extra feats. The build is feat heavy.

TO halfling rockskipper
Half ogre, Half Minotaur halfling Fighter 6 / Rockskipper 5 / Warhulk 9

Your skips bypass the lack of BAB for iteratives. Your massive strength allows you to kill anything you hit.

Psi War 20 // Fighter 4 / Ranger 1 / Master Thrower 1 / Rockskipper 5 / Master Thrower 9

This is a psionic character who focuses on the called weapon ACF for the psiwar to generate enchanted skipping stones at will. The Full BAB side focuses on thrrowing lots of enchanted stones with +dX damage applied to them.

Very effective VS undead due to the ability to apply disruption to the stones and fire off vollies of save VS death for undead.

2013-04-05, 03:26 PM
thank you for pointing that out. the 5 level class is more oficial i assume? or is it like the beta? precision damage only applies on the first enemy hit so i want to avoid that and try and get damage elsewhere. dragonfire inspiration sounds like it would work well.

@fouredged sword
warhulk is a good idea if i wanted to go with the strength route. I like the idea of using powers too. that would give me some good utility and solve the damage porblem. though i have at least 10 levels that aren't advancing my powers.

thanks for the responses

Fouredged Sword
2013-04-05, 06:16 PM
Warmind seems a good choice. 10 levels of self contained powers. The abilities aren't that great, but 5th level psiwar powers over 10 levels of full bab isn't bad at all. You can qualify at 5th level so go Psiwar 5 / Warmind 3 / Rockskipper 5 / Warmind 7.

Actualy I had another cool idea.

Feat Rogue 4 / Fighter 1 / Trapsmith 1 / Swiftblade 1 / Rockskipper 5 / Swiftblade 8

Not sure you can get the feats in time though. You may have to be a strongheart halfling with flaws.

Yes, it's using a sledgehammer to hit a nail, but the capstone of two full attack equivalents is fairly cool for a low op game. The trapsmith spells are very useful and you get much higher caster level than normal for a trapsmith. Good skillpoints. You haste all the time, so coolness there. The Trapsmith traps are fairly cool and you can abuse the system to make them fairly powerful (buff your craft check and they almost always hit, and a sizing crossbow can be colossal dealing 6d8 or so damage)

2013-04-05, 09:37 PM
I definitely want to take all 5 levels of master thrower. so unfortunately neither of those builds will work. good ideas though.

thanks for the response

2013-04-05, 11:41 PM
I've been toying for a while with some kind of evil halfling slingmaster, if only because I wanted to make a monster with the halfling warsling and Disciple of Dispater and Skiprock Champion. I think...ah, the rules, the rules...they love me. They hurt me.

I think I could jack up the crits for a +1 metalline halfling warsling to 15-20/x4 if I can swing 8 levels of Disciple of Dispater.

Lol, great mechanic...terrible character concept. Ick. I love Disciple of Dispater's unhinged critical thing, but evil is so...meh. Not my thing.

Anyway, to the OP, sling can help Skiprock Champ, but not Master Champ. At least not by default.

Check out the halfling rogue 1st racial substitution level from Races of the Wild. One level gives you +2d6 sneak attack with thrown weapons.

Dipping halfling monk 1st racial substitution, on the other hand, gives you skirmish +1d6, which might be nice, since you will have a lot of move actions after/before your standard action attacks. Monk will also net you access to sparring dummy of the master, an item from Arms and Equipment Guide that gives a monk a 10' step instead of the normal 5' step. This allows you to qualify for skirmish with just a free action.

Doing both options will pretty much necessitate a full BAB class, though, in order to make up for +0 BAB levels in time to get Master Thrower in a timely fashion.

If I were you, I'd use the version of the class described on the forum. It seems more close to the original intent, and a 5 level class is nice for trying to pack in the most punch for every level.