View Full Version : Giovanni Chronicles thread II

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Dark Seeker
2013-04-05, 04:56 PM
Original thread


One by one, the fledglings rise the next night, unsure of what to expect. The trepidation does not last long. The party has little time to get their bearings before a knock on their door reveals a servant.

"The Earl wishes to speak with you in the common room."

Earl Giovanni seems in high spirits, greeting you all personally as you enter the large room. He goes so far as to kiss Alenka's hand, if she offers it. If pressed on his business, the Earl chuckles lightly and asks you to wait until the rest arrive.

It quickly becomes apparent that Giovanni intends to speak to all of the kindred, rather than just the Children of Isaac.

One by one the surviving members of the Conspiracy arrive. Jadviga offers a dignified nod to Luca. Valdemar seems barely to notice Alenka, but fixes her with astern glare, as if to encourage her to remember her mission. Dimitra approaches Benghi, bringing him closer to her, affectionate as always. Al-Nasir approaches Andrei, making small talk. Amisa beckons Seth towards her. "My concerns have been resolved." she says simply. Gabrin ruffles Luca's hair, his good mood apparently not abated by last evening's events.

The kindred chat politely amongst themselves for a few minutes, before Earl Giovanni rises to his feet.

"Friends, how nice that you have accepted my invitation in such a timely matter. I won't keep you long. I believe we are all here... oh, I do not see Marchettus."

"Hardly surprising. He's probably already getting drunk off his vessels," Jadviga sniffs.

Claudius turned to his ever present steward. "Lothar, would you be so kind as to fetch our esteemed companion? This news will be of interest to him as well."

"Of course, your Excellency." Lothar scampers off. Any of the party who look at Gabrin see that he has an enigmatic half smile on his face.

"Do not keep us in suspense Claudius. What is it that is so important you had to interrupt my research?" Barks Mieczyslav. "It was reaching a critical juncture. Even with my skills, the specimen may not survive until I return."

"Very well. Wenceslas and his childe were attacked in their quarters last evening. Wenceslas met the final death."

Few of the Conspiracy seem shocked, most of them seeming to already have known. Theophana starts to giggle.

"It begins."

Expertly ignoring the interruption, Giovanni continues. "What you may be unaware of is that the assailant was found. It was none other than Matron Violetta. "

This does indeed surprise the crowd. There is whispered muttering.
"You will notice she is not standing before us this evening. The newest member of our order discovered her plot and put an end to her, for which we should all be grateful."

"And you believed him?" Unsurprisingly, the voice belongs to Lord Casmir. "I have a healthy amount of skepticism to this tale. Very odd that Violetta decided to wait until the fledglings returned to slay Wenceslas."

"Lord Casmir, please. I am no fool. I conducted an extensive interrogation. One of Violetta's ghouls witnessed the entire confrontation. She confirmed to me that Lord Eribert noticed a stake in her possession that matched the ones that were used in the attack on Solland and Wenceslas. When he confronted her about that she grew claws and attacked him. Apparently she underestimated the fledgling, because he was able to bring her down. We should all be grateful for him ending this threat to our order."

Karl knows the Earl's words were all lies. He wasn't even aware of Wenceslas's murder when he was with Violetta. And if Diana had been questioned so extensively, the Earl would have discovered she was not in the room at the time of the attack. For whatever reason, he was lying to his allies. For what it's worth, they seem to buy it. Even Casmir drops his objections, though he doesn't look happy about it.

Lothar returns at this moment, looking hesitant. Claudius sees that Marchettus is not following him and seems rather annoyed.

"Perhaps I was unclear. Marchettus was to return with you. Where is he?"

Lothar gulps, shuffling his feet. "A thousand pardons your Excellency, but Marchettus was not in his room. A quick questioning of his ghouls revealed that none of them have seen him or his favored ghoul since last evening. I found this on his desk. It is addressed to your Lordship." He holds out a scroll of some sort. Claudius grasps it and reads it quickly, his eyes goinh wide as he does so. By the end of the letter, he is shaking in barely controlled fury. He looks up at the kindred, his polite demeanor shattered.

"Marchettus is a traitor. He has returned to his masters in the Founders."

2013-04-05, 08:25 PM

The elderly Egyptian man's mouth dropped open at the news. He actually was somewhat in shock, despite knowing some kind of ruse would be coming, its actual form, and apparent effectiveness, surprised him.

He shut his mouth in an attempt to regain his composure, and glanced to his sire.

2013-04-05, 10:10 PM
Alenka sat there quietly, observing all that she could and in silence.

Looking at Jagvida, then back at Valdemar - that pig - she pursed her lips as she remembered several things Luca had proposed to her. Mentally deciding on a course of action, the countess didn't say a word as she watched the drama unfold before her.

2013-04-06, 04:57 AM

The gangrel seems a little surprised by the affectations of his sire - in the company of others, at least - but has no problems with them. He smiles at her and puts an arm by her.

Innerly, he is somewhat confused. With all what's been happening around, he is surprised by Dimitra's affectionate side. Maybe it's just him. Maybe. It's good to see her like this, he thinks as he looks up, down, and back up again. He expected to see a lot more dirt on her. Did she go to the river to clean herself?

When the Giovanni begins talking, he looks in that direction to not draw undue attention to himself, but the snake's voice makes his skin crawl, as usual. He suppresses a snort when Marchetus is mentioned, and looks at Karl with surprise and no small amount of respect when his deeds are mentioned. He wonders how much is true - definitely not all, from what he knows of Solland's intentions. Does the Earl really believe that? Maybe, he thinks as he feels Dimitra's light scratching at his hand. Maybe she's bored, or just wants his attention mostly on her.

Either way, his eyes are on her when Lothar returns,but they turn towards the servant when he stammers his apology. Benghi notes with some satisfaction the man's unease, but he becomes quite serious when the man mentions Marchetus' absence. But a letter?

Benghi's glance moves to Dimitra, then the Giovanni as he makes his proclamation. That was really something to shake this group.

"Son of a bitch," he says with mostly genuine shock. That Ravnos is really something, he thinks as struggles inwardly to not look at Gabrin.

Dark Seeker
2013-04-06, 04:32 PM
Giovanni's words spark off an immediate cacophany of noise. Demands for answers and clarification ring out. It is Lady Jadviga who first manages to speak over the collected voices.

"Marchettus was the child of that Brujah rabble rouser Adana. Perhaps there was indeed a mole in our midst this entire time. Him. No wonder the Founders knew when to assault your manse Claudius!"

"But why would he defect now?" Valdemar wondered, for once not managing to sound overtly hostile towards his hated rival. "Surely it would have been more effective for him to betray us during our meeting with Japheth?"

"Events likely forced his hand Leopold," Jadviga sounded as though she was lecturing a child. "Lord Eribert was another defector from the Founders. Marchettus must have feared that his status as a mole was jeopardized by this new arrival. He panicked and fled, but not without his usual bluster."

""Are we quite sure the note is form Marchettus? For all we know it could be forged."

"Do not take me for a fool Lord Casmir. This is Marchettus's handwriting. Regardless of his reasons, our mission has been compromised."

The chattering begins again. Many of the Conspiracy seem to want to flee.

"Enough!" Claudius's voice drips with absolute authority. "You think the Founders would rescind your death sentences because you abandoned our plot? They would see us all dead! No, we must persevere.

"The Founders think we plan to attack Japheth in five days. I doubt they will attempt an attack on our fortifications before then. So we use their knowledge against them.

"We will attack Japheth Cappadocius tomorrow evening. The Founders won't expect it, nor will my brother. By the time they can react, I will command the full authorities of the Cappadocian clan, and our mission will be successful."

None object. Most of the Conspiracy seem to prefer a faster attack rather than allowing the Founders to get the jump on them.

"Fellow members of the Conspiracy, old and new. Make your final arrangements tonight. Tomorrow, we shall strike at the heart of clan Cappadocian!" He retreats into the back rooms of the inn, Lothar in tow. One by one, the Conspiracy head off their separate ways, their childer forgotten for the moment.

From what Benghi can tell, Dimitra has grown excited at the prospect of Japheth's death being so soon. Surely the destruction of such a powerful foe appeals to her hunting instincts. She heads outside, seemingly uncaring if he follows. The Gangrel was rather hot and cold.

2013-04-06, 05:28 PM

Lies could be pleasant things. The Nosferatu had had an unusually hard time of rising that evening, yet when he had finally gotten up, he had risen with a profoundly puzzling, if immensely enjoyable sense of calm; where many of his actions and words of the previous night had largely been functions of stress and confusion, owed, after a certain point, yet in no small part, to both the intoxication of Amaranth and his various - real or perceived - close calls regarding the Beast, all of what he would do throughout this one would be done to further and serve his particular duties and interests. What reason was there for one who had sampled the bounties of righteousness to let himself get confined by doubt, by regret, or by other such self-imposed boundaries? What need for any other code or oath than that basic and primary mission statement, to further and serve?

Karl-Eribert had changed, and long been at it, yet while some may have wagered that he had taken a turn for the worse, he himself could not help feeling liberated. Even nigh-lost in thought as he was, however, he still paid attention, and the fact that the Gangrel, whom he had noticed avoiding him throughout the small of the morning yesternights - Rightfully so, perhaps! - looked at him with a mixture of - were Karl to guess - surprise and admiration when the Earl began to speak of his accomplishments was therefore far from lost on him. He had considered apologising to the Italian for his uncouth behavior near the end, and would surely do so at some later point, but for right now, the proceedings filled him with smug satisfaction, and subtly awarding Benghi a throwaway nod of acknowledgment before leaning back - just a little bit! - to luxuriate in the sensation - just a little longer! - it was back to pondering for Karl.

His plan had worked, after all, and of course it would, having been his plan, yet while it would take a long time to quite get used to the notion, there was no real point in messing with a plan that worked simply because the means by which it could work were a little dishonest, or was there? Precisely. All it took was a little self-control. All it took was a little self-denial. This would be harder to do than he'd reckoned.

The hangman stayed around, watching His Earlship and several of the others leave, and before long, found himself at something of a loss as to where to start; somehow, he would have to inform the founders of this worrying change of plans. Then again, he also had the matter of Diana to sort out. Similarly, both Golescu and Pascale had reminded him to keep his sights set on improving his standing with the coterie, if indeed it still was a coterie by this point. And even after that speech of his, there was no telling what, exactly, Giovanni knew of the true circumstances, with the prospect of a con within a con (within a con within a con within a con and then so forth, and then so on) naggingly lurking just behind the proverbial horizon...

First things first, Karl resolved at last, and with the beginnings of a rather daring ploy already forming in his head, he set about approaching any of the other neonates not currently engaged in conversation.

2013-04-06, 08:22 PM

Seth watches as the Conspirators leave. Once they've left, he attempted to catch Andrei's gaze.

(if Andrei looks his way):
Seth mouthed silently, slowly, so Andrei could read his lips: "I need to speak with you, alone."
The old man inclined his head towards one of the exits from the room.

2013-04-07, 05:16 AM

The sailor nods at his fellow conspirators, and when passing by Solland, he mouths "Can you draw that fast?" with a wink before leaving after Dimitra. "You seem quite pleased," he notes, walking with his hands in his pockets.

2013-04-07, 05:46 PM

Andrei struggled to keep his face impassive. While he had anticipated some response, he hadn't expected that his time to act would be cut by more than half. Less than a day to set up Al-Nasir. This on top of the ferocious hunger that slowly pulled him from his deep sleep and only accelerated when he hurriedly healed himself before the servant could see him. Andrei did not know how he could manage. But I'll have to try. . .

His hunger and panic quelled momentarily with the sheer surprise of seeing the old man subtly gesturing for his attention. He looked at the words; his brow furrowed momentarily before he remembered where he was. What does he want?, he thought irritably. In truth, the gall of the old man had not entirely subsided from the night before. Andrei considered ignoring the old man's request; his time was limited, he suspected that tomorrow night was the first he could move with what remained of the plan that Marchettus had shattered, and much remained to do in the interim. But something inside stopped him. Blessed are the peacemakers, he sighed to himself, and it would do no good to have one more enemy. Waiting for the others to leave, he waved the Setite on and followed behind.

2013-04-07, 06:13 PM

Once they were out of sight, Seth begins leading Andrei by the arm and cloaks both of them, to prevent onlookers.

He will lead them up stairs, to an outside balcony, and swiftly close the door behind them to prevent followers.

Once there, he will motion for Andrei to pass him the chalk and slate, and begin writing.

"I must apologize for my behavior last night," he wrote, "I put all of us in needless jeopardy."

He passed the slate back to Andrei.

Dark Seeker
2013-04-07, 07:26 PM

Dimita looks at her childe, seemingly pleased that he followed. "Why wouldn't I be? That cretin Japheth shall meet his end tomorrow, and my business in this stifling environment shall be concluded. I can get back to my true passion. With the support of Giovanni, I can take the fight to the Founders and their dogs!" Her eyes shine like a zealot.

"Will you be there with me childe? Together, we can howl at the moon as we rip the Founders flesh from their entrails! " She strokes Benghi's hair and laughs lightly, as if she had just heard an amusing anecdote.

The pair continue deeper into the forest.

2013-04-07, 09:40 PM

Andrei's first thought as he read the slate was almost absurd given the circumstances: I'm sure glad whoever lifted all the gear I left in the inn common room left my slate. It was something he had worried about first when he was summoned, and then when he'd seen it absent. Of course, the concerns over his materials paled by comparison to the fact that in his entire life, no one had ever really thought him worth enough to apologize to. Even Gavril had tended to be oblivious to the little slights he sometimes paid to his little brother. This was new territory.

But I am still the same man.

Taking up the slate, he wrote a reply.

It was not so much the risk that caused offense as the theft. You cannot respect me greatly if you feel it okay to take what I have won without my consent. But you also must respect me to offer me a sincere apology. As such, I accept. Consider the matter between us forgiven.

2013-04-07, 10:44 PM

He tried not to roll his eyes. They'd done their job too well at the insistence of their oh-so wise leader. Hopefully, Jadviga and the "rabble rouser" would remove that thorn from his side. Once Claudius was done speaking, Luca gestured for Lady Vasa's attention. The timetable for their plan had accelerated. He also glanced in Karl's direction. Given the urgency of their situation, perhaps another hand could lighten their burden. Besides, the German had style. One couldn't help but like him.

2013-04-08, 02:06 AM

Seth rubbed the slate clean and began writing anew.

"Apologizing is simply the right thing to do," he wrote, then handed the slate back to Andrei.

2013-04-08, 02:24 AM
Alenka watched the event unfold and paid as little attention to Valdemar as she could. When she ha dno choice, she deferred to his belief with a curt, polite smile and nod.

Once she was able, the countess congregated with Luca, muttering to him softly some idle chatter.

2013-04-08, 06:25 AM

Goddamn it, Benghi thinks, that woman would ally with the devil himself if it meant getting at the founders. He truly hopes he's wrong, as he flashes a wicked smile at Dimitra "You seem to find romance in the strangest things... Well, let's live through this part and then we'll see. You do make it sound alluring," he says, looking her up and down. Part of him is willing to do anything for her company and touch. A part of him - a growing part - is disgusted. And a small part still hopes the to mediate between the two.

"I still can't bring myself to feel anything but venom for that Venetian, though. Hope he meets his end of the bargain when the time comes. Why do you trust him to help you after he's done and not sell everyone out and make a deal?" he adds, stroking his chin. How does the Giovanni expect to act before the agreed meeting date? Probably not by storming the monastery, although if the Cappadocian won't fight they can probably overwhelm Japheth - especially if Augustus is there. But would they risk angering the Ancient? Maybe the Earl is getting desperate, he thinks. But how to use it?

He fingers the spear he carries. It had been a while since his last meal, and the events of yesterday evening were hard for him. It might be a good evening for hunting, and he wants to practice his aim.

Dark Seeker
2013-04-08, 01:50 PM

"Oh, I find the Earl to be tiresome company. He would not last a night without his civilized protections, and I feel all but certain he thinks he can renege on our agreement. But he is useful, and he must survive. If his coup is successful, we shall have another clan fully opposed to the Founders attempts to control us. They will never accept Claudius's diablerie of his clan superior. They will call a blood hunt on him and not cease until they can destroy him. That will force his hand, and I shall gain a useful ally in my struggle."

She looks at her childe, her eyes imploring. "This is a momentous struggle. We are not sheep, and yet the Founders desire for us to hide away our true nature and innate superiority from the kine! What other predator acts in such a way? It is a falsehood, and would lead to betraying what we truly are. I cannot accept it, childe. Even if I must ally with one such as the Earl to oppose them. Anything is better than the chains they would force upon us!"

"You understand this, don't you?" Her voice is soft, and she strokes Benghi's hair almost gently.

2013-04-08, 02:59 PM

surmised that while the others seemed otherwise occupied, a glance was as good an invitation to initiate conversation as anything, and although the Countess Vasa had already moved in on the Lord Golescu, chances were that what he heard from her was but the idle chatter he took it for, meaning that the opportunity to join in was present. "This... is a sudden turn of events, is it not? Mooost interesting," the German began, having moved over to the two of them without a visible care in the world and now trying to sound more excited than troubled in case of hostile listeners - he was, himself, rather good at this Obfuscate business, after all.

2013-04-08, 06:17 PM

Andrei took the slate and looked at it. Okay. . . He didn't really grasp what the old man wanted. He looked at the slate for a long, awkward moment, before he decided to change the subject.

I haven't seen the harlot since yesterday, and she was not at the meeting with Giovanni. Has she been sent somewhere?

2013-04-08, 07:04 PM

"Isabella?" Seth wrote, "she was executed by Marchettus, for accusing her sire of betrayal in front of the entire Conspiracy."

"All the better," he added at the bottom, and showed the slate to Andrei.

Seth pondered for a moment after Andrei had read it.

He rubbed the slate clean.

"You knocked me down, again," he wrote, "this time with a blow. I try to be a rightious man, but how many times should I turn the other cheek?"

2013-04-09, 02:31 PM

Andrei had only a moment to process the information before Seth took the slate back and began writing again. Isabella did . . . what? Andrei had no great love for the Venetian; loathing might be more appropriate for someone who would seduce a man of the cloth for no good reason. But she was nevertheless one of them, and she had the closest connection with Jadviga. Andrei didn't think of her as being of great use, certainly, but now she was no use at all, at the worst possible time.

And then Seth handed back the slate again. His brow darkened into a thunderhead. He took the slate and wrote again.

A righteous man turns the other cheek whenever he is wronged. Which you most certainly were not this time, to say nothing of failing to forgive the last time.

You attempted to steal what is mine from me. The penalty for theft is a hand where I'm from. So if you count your hands, you would see that you have absolutely no cause to think yourself anything but ahead in the bargain. As for me, I will do what the righteous man does and pretend that you never asked me to beg forgiveness when I did no wrong.

He turned the slate in his hands, letting the Setite read it before jerking his slate back. At that, Andrei turned on his heel and began to walk to the common room. Time is short.

2013-04-09, 03:43 PM

Benghi looks at his sire with a degree of uncertainty. Whatever else she has been, gentle was not it. He was instinctively wary of taking a side in a struggle he knew so little, though."I ain't gonna wear no chains if I can help it, sire. If that comes to that, I'll fight. But they can only chain you if they can get to you. Laws don't matter where lawmen don't come.

Besides, laws change all the time by the whims of those with the power. Don't tell me that's the first time you've been on the bad side of someone powerful?" he says, sounding quite convinced of her skill.

This looks bad, he thinks on the inside. She's set in her course, and there's little time to arrange a roundabout plan. He'll have to try one thing, then another... and they still have bigger fish to fry. Or foil, at any rate.

"Still, better to keep ourselves focused. I'm not sure what the Earl is planning. He doesn't have time to arrange a meeting and all that chaff, so are we to go uninvited?"

2013-04-10, 06:00 PM

"Wait," Seth called as Andrei made to leave, but of course, his words went unheeded. Then, he was alone on the balcony. He stayed there for a few minutes, before a familiar purring sound alerted him to his first companion on this dark journey.

"Hello, Osiris," Seth said, allowing the cat to leap up into his arms.

The old man sighed.

"What should I do now?" He muttered, absently stroking Osiris' jet black fur.

Dark Seeker
2013-04-10, 07:49 PM

"Spoken like a true Gangrel." Dimitra nods approvingly. "Keep that attitude in the dark times to come childe. Many even amongst our own clan are craven. They would willingly sacrifice our superiority for hollow promises of 'safety'.

"Be that as it may, Milov and many of his fellows have completely surrendered to the Founders. Those that still keep to the old ways are being hunted down and destroyed. For the protection of all kindred, they claim. More likely that they wish for us all to bow down to them as our new masters. I have never bowed to anyone, and don't intend to start now!"

At Benghi's praise of her skill, she seems quite pleased. She seems to be reliving some past experience. "Of course I have. Several times I have fought with other kindred. Some wanted to challenge me for supremacy of the land I claimed, others took offense to my actions and sought a duel to settle the matter. The difference with Milov is that he is not content to settle the matter solely between us. He reaches outside the clan, allies with a group that is opposed to Gangrel and even the kindred way of life, and then he seeks to force his way upon the rest of us. I am mighty childe, but even I cannot resist such a coalition.
"And so that is why I allied with Claudius. He is the only one powerful enough to stand against the Founders and their agenda. "

"As for storming the monastery, from all I have heard , Japheth Cappadocius is a craven who has sworn off violence. The fool is not fit to call himself kindred. I do not believe he will oppose Claudius, and if he does, that's what I am here for." She looks pleased. " I would welcome the challenge such an ancient could present to me if he were to decide to resist."

She stops walking and stares at Benghi. This close she looks every part the feral beast, but there was something compelling about her.

"But you and I won't have to worry about the politics very soon. Once Claudius has diablorised his brother and defeated the Founders ,I shall take you away from here. Together we shall rule the land, hunting and feasting on all those who trespass on it. Never again shall another dictate our fate!" She speaks with fierce passion, and perhaps Benghi could understand why Milov still had mixed feelings about her, despite being her enemy.


Osiris rubs softly against his chosen's side. Unexpectedly, he bergins to speak. He had only spoken to Seth when they first met, but apparently he was still able to communicate with the old man.

You are cold, dead thing. But I have not forgotten that you saved my life. Regardless of what path you take, I have chosen to remain besides you.

The snake woman. What are your intentions towards her?

Everyone else

I assume you're all planning to meet up and plan, but if any of you have any other plans or want a scene with a specific Conspirator, let me know and I'll set it up.

2013-04-10, 09:09 PM
Forgot to subscribe to the new thread.

Solland was unsure of what to do. He had no strong love of the Founders, but they had been more fair than the Conspirators... at least most of them. He had wanted more time to spend with the servants that Wenceslas had taken. He had little time, and so did what was most important to him first.

He looked for Megan's father, the owner of the inn.

Dark Seeker
2013-04-11, 12:28 AM

After asking around, Solland finds Alban's room. He answers the door, looking tired, as though he had not slept a wink.

"My Lord, what can I do for you?" Solland detects slight disdain in Alban's voice, though he hides it well. Still, he does not appear to be thrilled to see the Toreador.

2013-04-11, 12:46 AM
Solland lets himself in without asking permission. When he's well inside he turns around. "Why did you not protect Megan from Sire Wenceslas? Was it fear for her life, or your own?"

2013-04-11, 02:09 AM

The Egyptian drew a knife and sliced his fingertip, letting Osiris lap a few drops while he thought.

I don't know. She did try to kill me, but after that, she has been acting like an ally. I think I need to watch her more. he said, the meaning of the thoughts translated into purrs and meows.

His mind made up, Seth left the balcony, beckoning Osiris to walk with him. He sought to find his sire, and learn what her thoughts were, given the current developments.

2013-04-11, 04:21 AM

Benghi is unable to deny his sire's passion, and the dark charisma she exudes when she speaks of her goals and intentions. Were things different, he would probably be swept in by her passions - though he much prefers the bustle and din of cities as his own playing ground. But things are what they are - he has made it in his soul his mission to avenge himself, and to a lesser point all others who fell in that manor, on the Giovanni; to kill the damnable fiend if the can or foil his precious plan as best he could if he cannot. His hatred gives him purpose and motivation to contemplate measures he would otherwise shirk from.

That Dimitra offends many of his sensibilities he is prepared to accept. That she chooses to stand with the Earl - no. If she won't move out of the way, he decides, it would be best if she be moved - by him or another. "We'll see, sire - I've known many a man who renounced violence until it came unto them. I doubt a hoary old "kindred" is any more saintly, or that's the first time he's had someone come after him." He doubts that would move her from her purpose, but might as well.

First thing first, though. He is somewhat drained from yesterday. "I fancy testing my aim on some game, sire. How's the game in these parts?"

Dark Seeker
2013-04-11, 03:47 PM

Alban's eyes narrow. When he speaks, it is with anger in his voice.

"Your kind have ruined my family. This was a prosperous inn until the Earl and his guests arrived. They killed my wife. They've ruined my father and made him unable to do anything without being given an order. I was not going to allow them to destroy my daughter as well. The doctor already wanted to use her, and I heard him musing about the effects of various experiments on her small form.

"Sire Wenceslas took an interest in her. I am aware exactly what sort of interest it was. In recent times she seems to have become entranced by him. But there were no better options. He treated her... he did not excessively harm her. All the others would have I have seen how they treat their servants.

"You think I was happy to condemn her to that fate? I did it because there were no other options. Escape is impossible from here. Those few that have fled always find their way back, and are punished shortly thereafter." He gestures to his leg. "You see this? I have a permanent limp. That foul noblewoman uses me for her own sick desires. There is hardly a day that goes by that I don't wake up screaming."

He stares at Solland, sizing him up. "Now, Wenceslas is dead. Part of me is glad the bastard has found his way to hell. But the rest of me fears for the fate of my daughter. He was the only one protecting her. I fear for her." He begins to sob. "I fear for us all."


Osiris greedily laps the drops up, almost as if it was warm milk.
She is an enemy to feline kind. I would gladly see her destroyed. But if you think she can assist you, I shall not press the point.

Be cautious around her, dead one. She is a zealot. So long as her god's aims are being furthered, she cares little about what will be done.

Seth finds Amisa in her chambers. The pleasure servant Chavi is there with her. Seth recalls that Chavi was the one who helped put him in the tomb. Currently she is rubbing her master's exposed back with a sweet smelling oil.
Amisa looks up at her childe and smiles. She is naked, save for undergarments.

"Good. You have returned. I have spoken with the Earl. Claudius admitted to his deception, but he has managed to retain my confidence in his scheme. He seeks to diablorise both Japheth and Cappadocius. Using powerful magic, he shall capture their souls in a container of sorts. He refused to tell me what this retainer is, but the ritual seems potent indeed. Cappadocius is just as much of a craven deceiver as his son. I do not believe they will lift a finger as the Giovanni destroy him."

"Things go better than I could imagine childe. Not only will Claudius be brought closer to enlightenment, but his own father will as well. If we can lead them to serve Set's glory, an entire clan shall be freed from their shackles and able to combat the deceptions of the false gods!"

Osiris lets out a soft meow.


"I find myself hoping that he does resist. I shall ensure he is given an honorable death." Dimitra seems supremely confident in her ability to destroy the Antediluvian.

Her eyes light up at the hunt. "Ah, the thrill of hunting. Yes indeed, Gangrel's blood does haunt your veins!"

"The game is adequate. There are enough animals here to keep one of our kind sated for weeks. I prefer more challenging game, of course. The kine provide me with that.

"We could hunt in the nearby hamlet. Few haunt the outskirts of it at this time of night. They believe a witch steals those that are not inside by the dusk away. But there are always a few fools who wish to prove how very brave they are."She leans in close, her unnecessary breath blowing onto Benghi's neck. "You and I could show the town why it is good to remain indoors."

2013-04-11, 04:10 PM

Good to know, Benghi thinks. "I'll start with the forest beasts. So far, I've yet to taste them, and am still a stranger to those woods. I want to know them and what lives in them... and test my quickness and strength against what lives in it. If you want, we can meet later near the village?"

He actually means it, too. Sure, humans could prove more of a challenge, but to him, the idea of being able to outstalk a deer or outrun a hare is still almost incredible. Plus, he wouldn't mind getting some time to himself, and a good hunt would probably clear his mind of all that has been troubling it.

2013-04-11, 07:06 PM

Seth paused to take in the scene. It was the stuff of dreams, dreams that he no longer had, unfortunately.

"Forgive me my Lady, but does Augustus know of this plan?" he asked, "after all, he is at Cappadocious' side even ask we speak. Why would he let his son keep all the spoils for himself? If we were in their place, would you? I would expect not, and rightfully."

Old habits died hard, and he struggled to maintain eye contact. If Amisa truly believed in breaking chains and all that, she probably would not mind.

She put you in a bloody coffin.
But she also dug you up.
She planned to kill me. She did kill me.
But she also gave me immortality, something kings and princes have spent their lives and treasure searching for.
Then again, she gave it unwillingly, and now I'm cursed for all eternity with this thrice dammed thirst.

What a mess...

Dark Seeker
2013-04-12, 02:54 PM

"The beasts do not provide much challenge or nourishment besides. I fear you shall find them disappointingly easy to catch. But best to start with them. Discover just how far you have evolved in your new state."

She nods at his plan. "That sounds agreeable. Good hunting, childe." She offers him a brief peck before taking off, running fast across the forest. Dimitra was a graceful being, few could dispute that.

Benghi can now hunt whatever he likes. So deer or hare would be game. Just make a perception survival roll. Even one success counts as a victory here, given his sharper senses.


"Forgive me if I was unclear childe. Yes, Augustus is well aware of the plan. After some questioning, I determined that he will be the one seeking to devour Cappadocius, while his son will take Japheth. The earl has kept quiet about this, for fear that some of the less committed members of the conspiracy would flee at the notion of taking on an Antedulvian. I however, see the inherent gain to be had from such an endeavor. Cappadocius and his kin preach the message of the deceivers. Eliminating them now while they are under their self imposed weakness of pacifism will be a large victory in our fight against the Demiurge and his servants."

She crosses her legs, seeming to understand the effect she had on her childe.

2013-04-12, 06:15 PM

The Gangrel nods at his sire. "Easy, hard, won't know till I've tried it. Probably going to run better, at least. Good bye for now, sire"

He readies his spear and heads in a different direction, taking his time to check the different lairs and holes for possible prey. It isn't easy, what with it being night - and him not quite used to this land - but perseveres. He also keeps one eye on any traces his sire may be following him - and of any of the messengers he employed last night. He did bring their fee, after all.

2013-04-12, 08:25 PM

The old man nodded.

"Every night, I learn more," he said, "and for every answer, it seems there is another question."

He paused and caught his gaze wandering again.

"I thought the act of diablerie was the consumption and destruction of a soul," he continued, "how then could they diablerize Cappadocious and Japheth and at the same time, imprison their souls?"

Dark Seeker
2013-04-13, 02:10 PM
Contrary to Dimitra's assurances, It's surprisingly difficult to hunt. Perhaps it is inexperience or the fact that he's constantly looking over his shoulder to ensure that his sire has not followed him. He sees no trace of her, at least.

Benghi manages to eventually stumble across a boar of some size. Sneaking up on the simple thing, it's an easy matter to spear it in the side and put it down. Claiming his prize, Benghi drinks the warm blood. It's rather disappointing, lacking the sweeter flavoring that the kine possess. It will do in a pinch, but it seems clear that kine taste better. In addition, though he feels himself sated somewhat the amount of blood he drank should have solved his hunger woes altogether. Apparently animals blood is not as filling as the kines either.

Benghi gains 2 blood.

The Gangrel's feeding is interrupted by a familiar cawing. The raven he sent out has returned. It does not even wait for him to finish feeding before perching on his shoulder, apparently undisturbed by the sight.

I found the man, dead thing. He seems weak, but he will live. His mate was tending to him when I arrived, feeding him tasty soup and bread. I stole a bit of the bread. It was a bit soggy, but it tasted good.
The raven seems to wait expectantly for something. My, these birds were greedy creatures.


"Our existence does confuse many young kindred. Sadly, the deceptions of the other clans ensure most kindred go from neonates to elders fully enshrouded in myths and lies. Be glad you are a Setite Seth. We tell no lies to our childer."

"You tend to be right. Most souls are destroyed by diablerie. That is why so many kindred elders fear it. They make it out to be the blackest sin, for purely self serving reasons.

"Yet The Giovanni seem to have discovered a way to commit diablerie and ensure the soul survives. I know little of how they discovered this, but the necromancers seem confident that whatever ritual they are planning will allow them to capture Cappadocius's soul for their own ends. Normally I would be skeptical, but if any of our kind could have discovered a way to capture the soul, it would be the Giovanni."

Abruptly, she changes topic. "As a kine, you were a servant, am I correct? My meal was supposed to be a young boy. Instead, you showed up. You've proven more interesting than he would have been.

Tell me, what are your thoughts on the family you served?"

2013-04-13, 05:54 PM

The thrill of the hunt is exciting enough, the Genoese thinks, but the result is somewhat of a letdown. He'd expect a strong, tough animal like a boar or bear would have strong, filling blood - even if it would taste like ****. Well, he only got that last bit right.

He keeps an eye out for the possible trace of his sire checking up on him, which sort of ruins his hunt. Still, any blood is good, no matter how poorly it tastes and how little filling it is. He rises from his meal, turning towards the sight of the cawing, looking around to see if there are any onlookers.

"Good. Which house is he in, exactly?" he says, giving some bread to the crow, but keeping the wine yet. It hadn't done all its work, the way he sees it.

After the bird is done, he nods. Good. Want to get something more?

2013-04-13, 08:10 PM

Careful now... is she looking for leverage?

Seth paused in contemplation.

"It is an interesting thing, the station of one's birth," he said, "the boy had seen only thirteen winters, but he would eventually rise in power, simply by virtue of who his father was. One day, he would be the one giving the orders to me, despite my decades of experience over his."

Don't forget to answer the question.

"They took care of my needs, and provided me with employment, employment that was easy enough for me, which put enough coin in my pocket to allow me to enjoy the simple pleasures of life," he said, "what more could you ask of an employer?"

Dark Seeker
2013-04-14, 07:23 PM

To the best of Benghi's knowledge, no one else is around.

The house with the red leaking roof. Easy to spot, caw!

Yes, give me more, more! What do you want me to do? The bird eyes the wine greedily.


"And do you think that is right? One as educated as you being deferent to a mere boy that's hardly been weaned off his mother's milk?"

"Do not be deceived childe. They may have given you comfort, but it was comfort that could have been taken away at any moment. Throughout your life you walked on eggshells, always aware, either consciously or not, that your status in life was only provided to you at the hands of another. You were chained, my childe. And now, you are free. But to fully become free you must understand your past self's oppression, and repudiate it.

"You should feel no gratitude to the family that you served. Instead, feel hatred. A gilded cage is still a cage, is it not? To truly become Setite, you must renounce all of your kine self's connections. This will involve destroying the family that controlled you. Disregard all their 'care' and 'kindness'. The plain truth is that they always saw you as little more than a slave."

"Can you do this, my childe?" Amisa waits expectantly for an answer.

2013-04-14, 08:14 PM

Andrei had the chair in his hand and cocked to throw before he realized that it really hadn't done anything to deserve it. He had been coming out of the hallway into the common room when he had stumbled over a chair. In retrospect, he wouldn't have stumbled had he not been distracted and hungry and pissed and moving very fast. Instead of blaming his own clumsiness, however, Andrei had come a hair's breadth of shattering it against the nearest wall. Slowly, with exaggerated calmness, he set the chair down, sat down on it, and slid it into the table.

It wasn't the chair that was truly responsible for this rage. It was the old man. Well, that and this infernal hunger. Andrei had hoped to find Golescu and the Lady Vasa to discuss his plans, such as they were, so that they could take down a few more Conspirators before tomorrow. One of whom figured more prominently in Andrei's plans than any of the others. But this much rage and hunger simply would not do; Vasa and Golescu were not worth anything to him if he killed them or vice versa. No, he shook his head. He would need to hunt. Now. And to do that, he would do best to find the goods that had disappeared while he slept.

Sighing, he stood and carefully put the chair back under the table where no one else would stumble over it. With that, he headed for Octavia's quarters. If anyone knew where his stuff was, it was her.


Andrei heads for Octavia's quarters and knocks on the door.

2013-04-14, 08:53 PM
The countess smiled curtly at Karls words. "Quite." she answered. "Much has happened, there is much to do."

Watching the others disperse, Alenka positioned the three of them so that they were converged into a small triangle.

"You have a life-line to Jagviga - in what ways can she assist?" she whispered softly to Luca, several plans forming inside her head.

2013-04-14, 09:01 PM

"I am not one to stay in one place if I am not satisfied, else I would not have ended up here, so far from our homeland," he said.

"I could destroy them, quite easily, I think," Seth replied, "but why would I? They are several days' distant, and travel overland is not as simple as it once was. It seems a great deal of effort for little gain, unless..."

He furrowed his brow.

"The Earl intends to move tomorrow night, are you sending me away?" He asked.

2013-04-14, 09:56 PM
Solland paused. He wasn't entirely sure how to respond. He was right, but still something felt wrong, something Solland couldn't put his finger on.

"I..." Solland thought for another moment, thinking of what he actually wanted to say. "The Conspiracy will be leaving this place tomorrow evening. I wish that guarantees your safety but I do not know." Hardestadt knew of this place, the tyrant could destroy the inn. One or more of the conspirators could come back after their deed was done. They may set torch to the place as they left. Each possibility was worse than the last. In the coming weeks and months he'd have to find another purpose, but for now the girl's life was his goal, his penitence.

"Keep your daughter near you, and send for me if any of the others attempt anything. I will... try to see it does not come to that."

Dark Seeker
2013-04-15, 08:02 PM
Octavia answers at
Andrei's third knock. Andrei notices she is carrying a long knife when she opens the door. Apparently last night's experience has made her more cautious.

As soon as she sees it is Andrei, she quickly places the knife down and all but tugs him into the room. Before Andrei can even ask her where his missing possessions are, she gestures to a side table. There lay Andrei's slate and everything else he is missing. Octavia goes over and scrolls a brief message on it.

A servant brought them to me earlier tonight. I did not recognize him. But he seemed to know that we knew each other and that you would come here.

She placed her arms around the hunter and hugs him tightly, seemingly glad he was there.

"Oh no, my childe, do not misunderstand me! Tomorrow shall bring with it a historic occasion. I would not deny you that for something so petty. But after Cappadocius has been dealt with, we shall turn our attention to your former masters. You shall cast away your last kine ties, and be reborn into the glory of Set!"Amisa seems most excited at this prospect.

"Now, do you suspect any of your companions may be traitors? Cappadocius is master deceiver. I fear he may have manipulated some of you fledglings into taking up arms for him. If you suspect any of your brethren of having sympathies towards him, you must inform me at once. We have come to far to allow our plan to be foiled now!"


Alban seems skeptical, but slowly nods.

"I do not know if I can trust you, but if these monsters are planning to leave tomorrow, that is encouraging. But they always come back. I fear they would again.

"I no longer feel safe here. Wenceslas ensured Megan was ignored by the rest of the demons, and he kept me alive for his own reasons. Without his protection, I fear both my daughter and I are in danger. Please, if you are truly as noble as you seem, help Megan and I to flee. You can fake our deaths, or lie and say you sent us away on some errand. I have family near Craiova. If we could get to there, I believe we might be able to slip from the Earl's grasp.

"Please, assist us. If not for me, for our daughter. She's all I have left, and I've no wish for her to grow up in this hell." Alban looks at Solland imploringly.

2013-04-15, 09:35 PM

Luca swallowed hard. "She did not specify. Those in her position often do not, but she will not turn against you if you- if we act against your sire. Now, where the devil is Andrei?"

2013-04-16, 12:27 AM

"I do not trust Karl, the newcomer," Seth replied without hesitation, "true, he came with vital information, but he also claims to have already betrayed Hardestadt, and one can never trust a traitor."

"How many of our number have been slain or mysteriously turned to the other side since he arrived?" He asked, "Three, out of how many?"

Seth looked down at the floor in thought.

"Then again, I have seen no direct evidence, and the Earl seems to trust him," he mused.

He looked up at his sire again.

"Who among us has the ability to see the past of an object, my Lady?" He asked, "and can the ability be fooled? I ask because I learned of this ability only recently, after my companion was staked and his sire burned; I searched for the weapon after the fact, but to no avail. Violetta was killed by Karl by his own admission, so there is nothing to find there, but Marchettus' departure, there is that scrap of paper..."

2013-04-16, 06:39 AM

The genoese looks around, shiftily, trying to spot any onlookers. If he's satisfied, he caws quietly. "Fly to the castle far in this direction. You will find one dead like me, but younger, with sharper features. ((he describes Milov)) Tell him his enemies move the next night, and ask him how he could dig out one who sleeps in the ground during the day. Can you do this and fly back before the day breaks?" He says, eyeing the raven.

2013-04-16, 09:07 AM
Thinking briefly, Alenka speaks softly to Luca, ensuring no one else is within ear-shot to detect it.

"I am not sure: let us find him. I still have matters with his sire."

With that, Alenka sets off to find Andrei - going in the direction she saw him last.

Dark Seeker
2013-04-16, 03:38 PM

" A valid point. I sometimes think the Earl to trusting." She reflects on Seth's information.

"As we have seen, the Earl likes to withhold information from the rest of us when he finds it convenient. Any doubts he may have about Karl, he would likely not voice to us, lest it make him look insecure in his position."

"You suspect the letter was a forgery? I suppose it could be. It must be a very good forgery if it was able to fool the Earl. Still, a few of our kind have the ability to discern the past of an object. Lady Theophana is supposed to excel at it, but good luck getting anything that makes sense from her. She's more likely to drive you as mad as she is. Perhaps Lord Casmir could help, though he seems to distrust you all. However, offering to aid him in exposing treachery may win him over. Lastly, I have heard that Lord Mieczyslav has some degree of skill with the power of Auspex. He tends to use it for his 'surgeries' but he could perhaps help you here."

"I do not know if Auspex can be fooled. I've little knowledge of it myself. But one of those three should be able to get to the bottom of things."


I'll speak with this dead thing and give him your message. It is a tiring route though. I'm not sure I can fly from there to back here by dawn. But I'll try. For a whole loaf of bread, caw!

If there's nothing else, the bird takes off, heading to the Founders.

Alenka and Luca

Using reasoning, the pair decide to check on Octavia, thinking that Andrei may be with her. They approach her door and knock on it.

There is a sudden knock at the door. Octavia looks startled and pulls away. Once again, she goes for her knife, looking cautious.

2013-04-16, 05:09 PM

Andrei had meant to pull away from the embrace quickly, but something about Octavia still alive, still unhurt and so warm set his mind at ease. He held her in his arms a little longer than he'd anticipated. . .

And then she pulled away and went for a knife. Andrei was utterly flummoxed until he followed her eyes. Gesturing for her to stand behind him, he reached for the door and opened.

2013-04-16, 08:42 PM

"I see, thank you, my Lady," he said.

"I have something I wished to ask of you, before we march off to battle, as it were," he said.

"You offered to teach me in the discipline of our clan, that it would bring us closer to almighty Set," he said, "I think I am ready to learn what I can, in case I have need of it when we face Hardestadt or Cappadocious."

2013-04-17, 03:11 AM
When Andrei pulled open the door he revealed the image if Lady Alenka. She was standing there as if she were timing how long it took the servant to open the portal, and when her eyes rested upon the Bingaman her lips arched into a smirk.

"Bit slow with the door ol' boy,any longer and I might have died again of thirst." she teases playfully.

Her blue eyes moved to gaze over Andreis shoulder, spotting Octavia. They had both been alone together.

"Oh...heh heh," she giggled softly, almost childlike.

"May we enter? I have things to discuss."

Dark Seeker
2013-04-17, 02:47 PM

"Yes, I believe you have shown adequate faith to learn the first layer of our clan's secrets. I shall teach you a simple power, a mere taste of the gifts of mighty Set."

She rises to her feet, standing in front of Seth. "Look directly into my eyes. I am going to attempt to immobile you, freeze you into place. Try to resist if you like. It makes little difference."

As Seth looks directly into his sire's eyes, they gradually become a golden color, with black irises. They swirl around and around, drawing him in.

[roll0] diff 9 no successes

But at the last moment, Seth regain control. He prevents himself from falling into the abyss.

Once Amisa sees her childe has resisted the effort, her eyes return to normal. She seems impressed.

"Well done, my childe. Against kine the effect is near guaranteed. They are reduced to an immobile state, at least until our gaze is off of them. Against kindred, it is a good deal more difficult. You have proven strong, well done."

She motions to her childe. "Now, you try it. Focus on your inner self. Attempt to hypnotize me."

Seth can try the power. to work agianst Amisa he needs to score one success, diff9, in a willpower roll.

2013-04-17, 06:17 PM

Andrei saw the look in Lady Vasa's eyes and his cheek twitched involuntarily. He didn't like that insinuation. He untucked his slate from his back and wrote a quick message on it before holding it up to the other two vampires.

We'll need somewhere else. She's still frightened by last night's events, and I do not wish anyone else to have a reason to harm her.

He held it up to Golescu and Lady Vasa for ten long seconds before he pulled the slate back and erased it with the edge of his hand. He wrote another quick message to Octavia.

I'll be back soon. I may have something to ask of you.

With that, he erased the slate and tucked it back behind his back. Picking up the ebony-and-ivory carrying case for his bow, he unstrung the one on his shoulder and carefully put it away before picking up the plainer shortbow on the table and walked out, closing the door behind him.

2013-04-17, 06:34 PM
Alenka watched as Andrei pulled out his bow and moved off, leaving herself and Luca standing there.

"Okay..." she said slowly as she gazed at the huntsmans back.

It was back to doing nothing then...

2013-04-17, 06:39 PM

Seth looked into Amisa's eyes, but his mind was not fully on his task. Already his thoughts whirled with the possibilities of the uses of this new ability, and as such, he was not focused. Try as he miight, he had no idea how to make his eyes change into that magnificent golden color.

"I am sorry, my Lady," he said, after several seconds passed with no effect, "I suspect I will need to practice a bit."

2013-04-17, 06:50 PM

Andrei stood for an uncomfortable moment in the hallway next to Alenka and Luca. Then he gestured down the hallway, a quizzical expression playing on his face. We know Marchettus' room is now unoccupied. Maybe that would work.

2013-04-17, 07:27 PM
Perking up, Alenka followed along with Andrei, deciding that Marchettus room would be a better place to ask him her question.

"Lead on, hunter of animals!"

2013-04-18, 04:58 AM

Benghi nodded at the bird, and added. "Remember - near the village, near the big fallen tree and only approach if I'm alone." He gives it a little more bread - it would be a long journey and the last thing he wants is it to be tired.

"Now go."

The Genoese looks at the heavens, trying to get a feeling how long he'd need to get to the inn, and then to the village. Well, he should have some time. He's quite sure Dimitra can keep herself occupied for a while, and he'd rather check in on how his peers are doing. They may need to improvise. Benghi nods to himself and heads to the inn at a brisk pace.

2013-04-18, 02:07 PM

Andrei went down the hallway, uncomfortably aware of the two people in tow and the fact that, when it came right down to it, he didn't actually know where anyone other than Al-Nasir was. He moved hesitantly along a few doors before he decided it might be better to just start from a place he did know and work from there. Andrei headed for the kitchens.

Once there, Andrei gestures a man over, wrote a short message on his slate, and handed it to Alenka.

Please ask him if he knows where Marchettus' room was, and if not, whether he knows someone who does and where they are.

Dark Seeker
2013-04-18, 11:31 PM

Amisa's expression briefly turns smug, before becoming more sympathetic.

"Do not be alarmed childe. Very few Setites can master the power on their first attempt, especially against another kindred. You have already proven you have the blessing of the Almighty by resisting my hypnosis. Continue to practice on the kine, and you shall learn it in time.

"And this is only the beginnings of what you can learn. It is a basic power, best used for defensive purposes. Some of Set's other gifts to us are of a more offensive nature." Judging by her attitude, it is easy to tell that she prefers them.

Andrei, Luca, Alenka

Assuming Alenka relays the message, the servant directs you to Marchettus's room, which you easily find. The room is spacious and contains various weapons and armor, all of fine quality. Marchettus was apparently something of a collector.

However, the fledglings are not alone. The remaining four ghouls of Marchettus have gathered in their master's chambers, talking amongst themselves.

"Lord Marchettus would never have betrayed the Conspiracy..."

"What will happen to us? We will be seen as traitors..."

The ghouls turn at the sight of the new arrivals, seeming surprised. They do not seem hostile or even seem to recognize Andrei. So far as the hunter can tell, they have no idea who he is.


The bird lets out an appreciate sound before taking off.

As far as he can tell, Benghi probably has some time before Dimitra grows suspicious. A quick detour back to the inn would probably be of low risk.

2013-04-19, 08:25 PM

The Gangrel makes a quick detour to the inn, nodding absentmindedly at the innkeeper, then heads for the common room to look for his fellow neonates. Not seeing anyone there, he knocks on Rodrigo's door to ask if he knows where the rest of his company went.

Dark Seeker
2013-04-19, 08:52 PM
Benghi, Andrei, Luca, Alenka

As Benghi heads towards Roderigo's room, he runs into Andrei and the others heading towards Marchettus's room. The group is reunited and head off towards Marchetttus's room together.

Figure this would simplify things. Feel free to rp your meeting out .:smallsmile:

2013-04-19, 08:57 PM
"What'll happen indeed?" Alenka said, moving into the room, her eyes alive with intent.

"Without Marchettus around, who will supply the pups with their ambrosia?"

The Countess moved slowly over to one of the weapon racks where she reached out and slowly ran a long finger across the hilt of a fine broadsword. Her thumb joined the caress before she gripped the hilt gently in a position that indicated she had experience wielding the weapon.

"I rememeber when I was young...little, and I wandered a little too far from the estate near the twilight of a day. The footmen couldn't find me, winter sat patient upon the horizon, and divine wrath was darkening the clouds...I had no where to go; no keep for safety or elders for guidance and the forests teemed with grinning teeth eager to sample the rare fruit of unprotected youth...I had to find shelter somewhere, beneath some wing, lest the tempest take me..."

2013-04-20, 03:00 PM

Andrei returned to the common room, still somewhat awkwardly leading the other two, when in walked the sailor. Much even more awkward gesticulating ensued. Eventually, Andrei was able to make it to the mercenary's old room, only to find four men inside.

Andrei sighed, took a slate out, and wrote down a message. He set it on the table nearest them and slid it to the cluster.

My apologies, but we need this room for twenty minutes. You may return after we are finished.


. . .I got nothing on how to write this, so I just got the necessary exposition out there. Now we can get on with this.

Dark Seeker
2013-04-20, 05:03 PM
Marchettus's room

The group of ghouls are a rough looking lot. None of them seem to hold much respect for women. Still, the men understand that their position is precarious.

"You would provide us with blood?" One asks, getting straight to the point.

Another of the ghouls reads Andrei's note and frowns. "Hey, this is Sir Marchetus's room. You can't just take it over. He'll be back soon."

Another casts him a fearful gaze. "They say he's a traitor, Michal. We need to plead for mercy and find a new master quickly!"

The 4th one speaks up. "Bah, you may be willing to betray Sir Marchetus, but I won't. I shall remain loyal to him until the end!"

The door opens again, and Lothar walks in. He looks surprised, then annoyed to find the fledglings.

"What are you lot doing here? This is no place for any of you."

"Now now Lothar. Can't you see that the fledglings have already learned how to conduct themselves in kindred society?" Claudius appears in the doorway, looking smug. "They see that Marchetus is a traitor, and have decided to carve up his resources before the rest of us get a chance to. An admirable attitude. Unfortunately, I have already promised these ghouls to another."

Mieczyslav is the last to enter the room. The so called surgeon casts a discerning eye to the ghouls. "Ah yes, these four will do nicely. Specimens have been running low recently. I thank you for the gift Earl Giovanni."

"Oh, think nothing of it my friend." Claudius smiles at the ghouls. "Your master is a traitor, and I simply can't have any of his possessions running around the inn. So I've given you all to Lord Mieczyslav. He will find a use for you."

"Indeed I will," Mieczyslav adds. "I am working on a new experiment. I wish to see how long kine can live with their innards stretched all over their outsides. My last specimen lasted almost ten minutes, but fine men such as yourself should surpass that record." He looks positively gleeful at the thought of his surgery.

The ghouls look fearful, but also entirely helpless. Lothar draws his rapier and begins to herd them like cattle out of the room. One of the ghouls is shaking badly and sends a fearful look at the party.

2013-04-20, 06:57 PM

The gangrel looks around, seemingly unconcerned. Generally speaking, he did not like those people. Still, considering what was in store for them, he thinks they can be put to a better use. He looks at some of the noblemen - perhaps they could convince the Giovanni that they deserve to get some of those people too.

2013-04-20, 06:57 PM
Alenka watched as Claudius barged in and threw a spanner in her temporary hopes. To promise them to that...thing with his crude experiments, instead of having them serve a more useful purpose? It was almost insulting.

"Hmm, seems like a waste...you could be putting them to far more productive ends..." Alenka spoke up where Claudius could hear her.

2013-04-20, 08:09 PM

"Yes," Seth replied with a smile, "I should very much like to learn of these abilities, if you would be willing to teach me. I will work hard to perfect the hyptnotic eyes. Thank you, my Lady."

Seth bowed stiffly and, so long as Amisa does not stop him, took his leave, being careful to close the door quietly behind him. He glanced left and right, before making his way to the common room.

"Come, Osiris," he said.

2013-04-20, 10:35 PM
Solland nodded to the man. "Be prepared to leave tomorrow evening then, with me. They considered Megan a property to Sire Wenceslas, and that has passed onto me. Who are you beholden to, to ask for you servitude? The only thing the Conspiracy seems to hold respect for is what they consider each other's property, the only way I can protect you is to have you at my side."

2013-04-21, 05:15 PM

The instant Andrei read Mieczyslav's lips, any doubt as to whom his next target was died. Whether he lasted long, short, painlessly or in agony, the bastard was dead. Just as soon as Andrei could find a way. He took note of the four ghouls, marking them for later.

He waited until everyone else left before picking up the slate again.

I intend to put a permanent end to Mieczyslav and Al-Nasir, but I'll need help. In exchange, I should be able to pin the blame on the Conspirator of your choice.

Dark Seeker
2013-04-29, 04:41 PM
Marchettus's room

"My dear, they are tainted with treachery. For all I know they may still be spies for Marchettus. Better to deal with them now than offer them a chance to betray us later." The Earl seems a bit less jovial than usual. The betrayal of the Brujah seems to have annoyed him.

Mieczyslav frowns at Alenka's words. "Madam, I fear you possess a short sighted mind. These men Will be aiding in the enlightenment of our society. Even as kindred, there remains so much we do not know about the capabilities of the kine. These experiments are not gratuitous cruelty for cruelty's sake. They will teach us more about the kine, and hopefully ourselves as well. Depending on how well these ghouls serve me, the research may not even be all that painful." He smiles at one of the men. "Or they may be greatly painful."

Earl Giovanni seems interested. "Most fascinating! Lord Mieczyslav, I should very much like to hear of the conclusions your research reaches. After this unpleasant business with my brother is at an end, perhaps you and I can collaborate. As you are well aware, my clan and family have a certain understanding of the dead."

Mieczyslav nods enthusiastically. "It would be my honor, your Lordship. So nice to find another man of science in these unenlightened times!"

The two kindred leave the room, chatting merrily. Lothar escorts the ghouls out, and throws Alenka a final glare before closing the door.

The Fledglings are now alone.


"I've no doubt you will learn childe. You show great promise. Truly, it was Seth's divine hand that arranged for your embrace. You shall be a great asset to our clan, I can already tell."

The cat follows its human, seeming entirely unconcerned by the lion's den it finds itself in.

On the way to the common room, Seth spies the Earl and Mieczyslav leaving Marchettus's room with some kine in tow. They don't seem to notice him.


Alban breaks down again, though this time he seems much happier.

"T...Thank you My Lord! Perhaps you are different from Wenceslas after all."

At the question as whom he's beholden to, he pales, seeming to realize he is not free yet.

"Lady Jadviga. She is a horrific woman. For whatever reason, she has not yet fed me her blood me, for which I am grateful. Her thralls seem to suffer worse tortures. Though I am not entirely free of them." He points to his damaged leg.

"I know not if she'll free me. I am worthless to her. but she delights in making me believe... believe terrible things. That harm has come to Megan, or that I harmed her. these nightmares, they seem so vivid! I truly believe for what feels like an eternity that I've hurt my daughter." He begins to shake. "B...But she does something and the veil lifts, leaving me in utter confusion and torment as she laughs over me. Then there is the feeding... It always comes after the torment."

"So long as Wenceslas was alive, she could not touch Megan. But now that he is dead, I fear she may try to harm her. Or make me harm her. She's threatened it on occasion, when I have displeased her.

"Please, go to her and try to win my freedom, but should that fail, take my daughter and go far far away. It is not safe for her here any longer."

2013-04-29, 09:33 PM

The old man's steps slowed as he gave way. He was tempted to address the Earl right here, but thought better of it. He needed to find Casmir. The trio passed and continued down the hall, and Seth slowed further, almost to a stop.

Why do you even care? It's not like you have anything to gain, and there's plenty to lose. What are you going to do about Amisa... She wants to have you slay them all.

An idea formed in his mind, and he quickened his pace, cloaking both himself and Osiris, but now moving with purpose.

2013-04-29, 11:58 PM
If she were still alive, Alenka's cheeks would have reddened ever so slightly while her eyelids drew closer together. She was not used to being told no.

"Ahem, a proposition, gentlemen?" Alenka spoke up right before Claudius and his entourage closed the door.

Moving up closer, she leaned forward so that she could whisper in a muffled, polite tone that would've been difficult to intercept at a range greater than a swords-length.

"This group, they have uses. Though their master was clearly a traitor, they have remained. Soldiers such as these do not possess the theatrical skills necessary to deceive ones such as yourselves, so I believe them when they say they had no idea of Marchettus' fiendish treachery.

As such, I'll propose that they be discharged in a different capacity. Miecyslav requires subjects for his experiments, but if my readings of learned, ecclesiastical men have taught me anything, it is that an experiment, if it is to be applied to the greater population, requires a sample from that population: a collection of the average. The fortitude and stamina of these soldiers will be far and away beyond that of peasants - they are far too robust! As such, it would compromise the authenticity of Miecyslav's enlightened efforts by virtue of its subjects.

Additionally, these soldiers are veteran warriors: trained by Marchettus himself. The man may be a rat, but his prowess is still undeniable, and these are his pupils. They are the creme de la creme of his crop.

So, I propose a different scenario:

The good Earl here has already made honourable on his word by delivering these ghouls to you, Miecyslav. Ghouls who have no idea of their sires treachery, and for whom base loyalty has compelled them to remain here rather than fle. We have a clan to assault tomorrow - every sword-wielding arm will be welcome.

So, allow me to take them and mold them; they will be part of the shock troops against the monastary. To compensate Lord Miecyslav, numerous monks could be acquired from the temple instead. Monks whom would be a far better crop of test subjects to help ascertain Miecyslav's instruments when used upon the populated average."

Dark Seeker
2013-04-30, 01:14 AM

Mieczyslav frowns as Alenka begins to speak, but his expressions quickly shifts in a more thoughtful direction as she continues to explain. He strokes his chin, seeming to weigh his options.

"You have a point. If I am indeed attempting to understand the anatomy of the kine, I should focus on those who are the most average of the species. These men have a high pain threshold, and they could be quite effective. But I fear any enlightenment I get from them would be limited in its applications.

"Very well. I discharge the men into your care. Do with them as you see fit. A monastery full of monks is far more appealing. Well done. You are Valdemar's childe, correct? Aye, he chose well. A bright student. You will go far in our world, young one."

He waves Lothar away, before turning to his 'specimens.'

"The Countess is your new master now. Obey her, lest she decide to change her mind. No doubt I could still find uses for you if she grows displeased with you." Without another word, he stalks out, leaving the astonished ghouls behind.

"Thank you my Lady! You saved our lives! We will serve you in any capability!"

The others nod in approval, joining in with affirmations of their own.

Alenka gains some retainers and 2 xp, for managing to convince an elder to see things her way.

Andrei, feel free to change your post if you like, but I feel like we can keep it and just assume Andrei tells the party his plan after everyone leaves.

2013-04-30, 01:50 AM
Alenka watched in silence as Miecyslav departed before she turned to face Lothar. The ghoulling was still mewing about after his two lords had long left, and Alenka was starting to grow tired of looking at him.

"Is there any reason you're still here?" she asked softly, as if addressing a child.

She waved a dismissive hand at him towards the direction of the door, "Run along."

...you little creep, Alenka finsihed silently in her mind.

Turning on her heel to face her newest acquisition, Alenka drew upon years of practice to project an image of stern, but fair authority. Her voice changed to match. As she did this, she drew one arm up and started to peel back the sleeve of her shirt. Grasping her forearm, the countess started to drive a sharp thumb-nail into the flesh. A thin, red petal seeped up from within the dead flesh to gather at this wound, as Alenka drew away her stained thumb while she spoke.

"As I am generous and considerate, so do I expect fealty, loyalty and obedience..."

With that, she presented her arm up before the four ghouls, the limb drawn forward at a 45 degree angle from her body. Though ostensibly strange, the position meant that each ghoul would have to kneel to receive its new masters gift of vitae.

Giving each one a blood point and ghouling them!

2013-04-30, 04:47 AM
Solland nods in agreement, and makes his way to try to find Lady Jadviga, the one whom Hardestadt wanted dead the most. He knew not her full powers other than she most likely could bend wills, he would avoid eye contact.

He considered what he would do if she refused, but he had no answer.

Dark Seeker
2013-04-30, 05:16 PM
Marchettus's room

Lothar's eyes narrow, and he glares at Alenka, fists clenched. Still, he knows his place.

"Yes, my Lady." He scurries away after his master.

The ghouls look hesitant to accept Alenka's blood. One of them speaks up.
"My Lady, we cannot! We are already bound to Marchettus!"

"Bah, blood is blood, mate!" One of them steps up, though even he looks a bit guilty at the thought of betraying his master. The bond was broken with Marchettus's death, but the ghouls had been under it for so long they probably still believed in it all the same.
The man takes his first sip from Alenka. He drinks greedily, and the Lasaombra must pry him off. He looks up at his new master, devotion already beginning to show in his face. This one at least knew who buttered his bread.

Seeing that their companion had not been struck down or otherwise injured, the other three ghouls step forward, each drinking their fill in turn.
The first one speaks up for them all. "We all swear allegiance to you over any other. Is there anything you would have us do now, fair Lady?"


Jadviga's chambers are found quickly, and Solland knocks on the door.

"Yes, come in." comes a disinterested reply.
The artist enters the noble's lavish chambers. They are tastefully decorated, and far less gaudy than Wenceslas's chambers had been. There are no statues of a naked Jadviga within the room either.

Lady Almanov is reading a book, a small smile on her face. Upon seeing Solland she lays it down on her desk, allowing Solland a glimpse at the cover, which featured a man being burned with a torch. Rather unpleasant.

"Why Wenceslas's childe! Sir Solland, is it? Please have a seat. Can I get you anything? I've various sweets and wines, if you are still able to enjoy the feeding habits of the kine. Failing that, I've a few servants I could permit you to feed off of."

"Let me extend my condolences as to the death of your sire. Wenceslas and I had our differences, but he was certainly a passionate individual, even if that passion was wasted on his petty distractions. Before his death, he told me that he felt you would make a splendid childe. A shame he never was able to see you realize your potential."

"But enough talk. Was there something you required?"

2013-04-30, 06:30 PM

The Gangrel looks on with a blank expression as those two speak, but says nothing until they leave, and for a bit afterwards. He just looks on at the men kneeling before Alenka, and the edges of his mouth twist upward in a sardonic smile. "Impressive, madam. They could not have hoped for a more capable mistress. May I have a moment of your time shortly afterwards?"

2013-05-01, 09:46 PM

Luca grinned. "Nicely done, Countess." He turned away from the ghouls. They would be better off in her control rather than someone like him. "Now... about the rest of the night's festivities." Luca chuckled lightly.

2013-05-01, 10:12 PM
"I don't believe a possess the talent, my Lady." In truth, he hadn't needed to tell himself to avoid Jadviga's eyes. A lifetime growing up as a commoner was still ingrained in him, and he spoke to her deferentially, looking at the ground at her feet instinctively. "Perhaps a little blood would do me well, enough to replenish what I lost during the day." He wanted to be polite.

Solland searched for words, not exactly knowing what to say. "My Lady, I came here to offer a trade. You see, I have spoken to the child Megan who now belongs to me, and I know that her father Alban belongs to you." Speaking of human beings belonging to others tasted bitter in his mouth. He knew of slavery and serfdom, and had never thought much of it. However, now that he knew monsters of the night treated men like cattle, he found himself morally opposed to the idea of such ownership. "I believe the girl would do better with her father near her. I was hoping perhaps in exchange for Alban, I could make a portrait in your image, I know you have seen my work of Wenceslas." He managed to take a brief glance at Lady Jadviga, before his amber eyes went downcast again.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-02, 03:27 PM

"Of course. A servant shall be along shortly."

"Ah, Alban. The man provides me with such amusement. But I can see why you want him. He's slavishly devoted to his child, even without the use of the blood bond. He'd likely do anything you asked, so long as the girl was protected.

"Now that Wenceslas is dead, I was planning to ghoul him. I wonder if his love for his daughter could withstand his loyalty to me?" A cruel smile flickers across Jadviga's lips. "But if you want Alban, consider him yours. As a sign of good faith, and a token of my regret as to your sire's passing."

"As far as the portrait goes, that would be most interesting. Why, I've not had a portrait commissioned since my kine days, I believe. My kine father frequently commissioned Almanov family portraits. When I matured, he had one painted of me. I was the eldest daughter after all. One of the few things I remember about him was his commitment to the arts." She sounds almost wistful. Perhaps even slightly sad, but only for a moment.

"I shall offer you Alban now, but if you would work on a portrait of me, I would be most grateful. Perhaps after this business with the Cappadocians and the Founders is resolved."

There is another knock on the door, and a servant meekly enters. He is a young man dressed in a torn servant's clothes. Like Solland, his eyes are respectfully downcast as he approaches the two kindred. Solland can see that he has several scars on his arms, as if he had been cut with a sharp object.

"Dolden, Lord Solland requires blood from you. " Jadviga's voice is thick with authority.

Meekly, the young man offers his wrist for Solland, looking drained of most of his will.

Solland can take up to 3 blood from Dolden safely. Anymore and he risks damaging him, which might annoy Jadviga.

2013-05-02, 06:30 PM
"Yes," Alenka answered one of her minions. "Tomorrow nights affairs will be exhausitve and dangerous, as such I will need you all rested and sharp. Remain in your quarters here and come to my room at dusk. We will be facing a difficult night together."

Once the ghouls set about their business, Alenka turned to receive Benghi's and Luca's compliments which she took with a gracious smile and nod.

"You two are too kind. We will need to see Jagvida soon."

Writing on Andrei's slate, Alenka held up a message to the mute before she turned to address the other two.

I desire an audience with Al-Nasir this evening, and would greatly appreciate your ability to help arrange this.

"What did you want to talk about?" Alenka asked Bhengi discretely, when able.

2013-05-03, 05:03 AM

Benghi waits patiently, content to see how the rest of their group sees the matter. "I will probably be with my sire most of tonight, so I wanted to know what you and everyone else here had planned and if I would be needed for something. Dimitra seeks to have her hunt near the village to the south ((was it?)), and I was planning to be away for a while." He shrugs, then very quietly mouths. "A messenger was sent with the news. I may find a way to have my sire not be there tomorrow. If my initial plan doesn't work out, could I borrow one of your men?"

2013-05-03, 06:28 PM

Andrei watched the Lady Vasa take the four soldiers from Mieczyslav, first in admiration, then in utter revulsion as she performed the twisted rite of sacrement. He turned away in disgust, closing his eyes and focusing on the faces of Mieczyslav and Al-Nasir. I can't stop them without her. He focused on his breathing, trying to will away the boiling coil of loathing that twisted his innards.

It was only when he turned back that he saw the sailor speaking and the Lady's fine calligraphy drawn across his slate. His innards twisted again. His initial reaction was one of glee; this woman was second only to the recently deceased harlot in her taking not simply to this unholy state, but to the infernal trappings of their society. She desired the power of Al-Nasir, and he had already told her that the Mussulman was a fanatic. Asking him directly for the secret of his power was signing up to be his evening entree. Let one foe take another.

And why behold thou the mote that is in thine brother's eye, but consider not the beam that is in thine own?

Andrei, for a moment, had no clue as to why that passage entered his mind. And then the glee from the night before returned. The same glee he felt now, he felt then as he saw Marchettus' silent scream of agony. And with it, he felt ashamed of himself. I can pull her back. I must try to pull her back. And in so doing, pull myself as well. Bending over, he plucked up the slate, erased her message, and etched his own with the chalk in his tight, neat script.

I will speak with you later on the matter. For now, please tell the sailor that barring any later talks tonight, that I will need him as close to sundown as possible at the clearing with the single birch an hour north of here. We passed it coming back from Hardestadt (but don't say his name aloud).


I'm making up a clearing that I'm assuming a) is on the road between Hardestadt's castle and Giovanni's inn, and b) is readily identifiable as something we would all know the rough location of having passed by it several times.

2013-05-04, 04:42 AM
Solland will drink two blood points.

"Thank you Lady Jadviga, you are most kind." He bowed his head gratefully. He paused for a moment. "Lady Jadviga... I find I want to understand what I've become. Tell me, do you know why each Clan seems to have their own unique curse? I feel there is some deeper meaning, but I cannot seem to grasp it."

Dark Seeker
2013-05-04, 04:10 PM
Marchettus's room

The ghouls to be leave the party in peace, pledging to get plenty of rest for whatever plans their new mistress has for them.


The servant wobbles out, apparently used to being dismissed after he's been fed on.

"That is something kindred scholars have debates for centuries. Some feel it is a punishment inflicted upon our race by God or Caine. Others think them mutations that developed over time as kindred split into different clans. Lord Mieczyslav is a proponent of this theory. You may do well in speaking with him, if such a thing interests you.

"I'd not go so far as to call them curses fledgling. Rather, I see them as further proof of our status in undeath. Each member of my clan can only feed off kine with a specific trait. This might seem like a curse, but does it not also serve as further evidence that the Ventrue are the nobility of the kindred race? The Brujah have a short temper, and why shouldn't they? They are a clan of rabble rousers and idealists. The Nosferatu are hideous and must hide amongst rats, further testament to their role as spies and infiltrators.

"As for your clan, I have heard that the Toreador fall prey to beautiful art. As you already know, your clan is made up of artists. Does this so called 'curse' not serve to compliment your clan's nature? Be it from God or not, it strikes me that each clan's curse suits its purpose."

2013-05-06, 06:01 PM

((Presuming someone told Benghi what the words meant))

The Genoese looks up, one brow raised in a thoughtful expression as he seems to count something on the ceiling. "That one might be hard. My sire wants me to meet her near the village for a hunt, and I want to arrange something afterwards before the night is done. So... first thing after sunset?"

2013-05-07, 03:17 AM
It was Sire Wenceslas's end, and may perhaps be my own.

Solland nodded. He considered asking what type of blood the Ventrue drank. If they could only feed on nobles her words were maybe true, if they could but drink for beggars and thieves quite another.

"I will be honest my Lady, I do not think I understand my place. I was a but a common entertainer but a short time ago. You speak to me with a respect usually reserved for me of higher station than me. Has my embrace given me that distinction? I'm unsure how to live up to it."

Dark Seeker
2013-05-08, 12:47 AM

"Why fledgling, you are of the high clans. It is quite an honor. The Toreador do not have quite the responsibilities and burdens that my own clan has, but they still are seen as respectable members of kindred society.

"As far as living up to your blood, one's sire would usually educate their childe on the proper decorum. Wenceslas's death so soon after your embrace is quite unfortunate. Perhaps when our mission is concluded I can put you in touch with some Toreador I know who owe me a favor. They at least can instruct you on the basics of your new position."

"Is there anything else you needed from me?"

2013-05-09, 08:25 PM
Alenka watched the final events of the room before sshe turned to Andrei and accepted his writing. Reading it all, she smiled slightly before looking back up at him. her blue eyes too the man in for a moment, her mind silent within her head as she went over several details in mental privacy. Finally, she responded.

She wrote back:

'I shall. I still require an audience with your creator when you are able: I'm affraid that time is of the essence and ambitions require acceleration.'

Once Andrei had been dealt with, Alenka addressed Benghi and relayed to him the mutes desires. After he returned his sentiment, Alenka wrote his words down and handed it back to Andrei..

"He has a prior engagement that cannotbe broken: he wonders if he could meet you there first thing after sunset instead?"

2013-05-11, 07:12 PM

Andrei read the message and frowned. He was pretty sure this was exactly what he asked. Still, so long as he was getting what he wanted, why be a stickler about it? He took the chalk, erased the message, and wrote a brief message on the tablet:

That will be acceptable, again barring any later discussions tonight.

The matter complete so far as he was concerned for the nonce, he sat back and allowed the others to converse in peace. In the meantime, Andrei focused on stilling the gnawing hunger twisting in his bowels.

Yeah, that's actually what I was asking for, but I accidentally left out a word when I was transcribing. Probably shouldn't do it hungry.

2013-05-11, 10:55 PM
"Thank you my Lady." Solland left the room. He felt honored by the respect she had given him, but it didn't settle right. Did she not treat her servants like beasts of burden? Was she not also cruel and vicious? Should he think of her in regards to how she treated him, or how she treated the common man, which he was no longer a part of. There was one clan that had his interest over all the others. The Ventrue who could only drink of a certain blood, his own clan mesmerized by art, and the others he knew of seemed quaint, even trivial. Not so much the Malkavians though, and so Solland sought out Lady Theophana.

2013-05-12, 05:52 PM
For when Alenka and Andrei are alone:

Left alone within the room that had seen a shifting turn of events occur within its dimensions, Alenka stood, hands together, regarding the mute.

Her face was soft, but gave the gesture that she was waiting to know what he wanted.

2013-05-13, 04:48 PM

The Gangrel looked around briefly, then shrugged. He looked towards Alenka again. "So... should any help become necessary, can I count on you and your retainers? I will try to avoid it. I'll probably not be around to find out what that tricky thing the Earl had might be - at least, not tonight."

Whatever her answer, he nods and (unless anyone else wants him for some reason) leaves quickly. He looks instead for Solland, trying to have a word (or three, or thirty-three) with the Toreador. The words being "So... any chance you might have that scene from yesterday" - accompanied with a nod to where the crosses stood "ready soon? I reckon it might be quite the challenge, but I'm told you're good at this stuff. If it's good enough I reckon it might make a big difference how things play out"

He didn't stay there long, he thinks, there should still be some time. As he travels towards the village, he keeps an eye on the trees for any signs of his messengers - like the one he had keep an eye on what that crazy monk mightbe up to.

2013-05-13, 04:50 PM

Andrei waited for the room to clear before he turned his attention to the Lady Vasa. His face he kept neutral, and though he knew he should have fed before this, he would by hook or by crook keep control of himself. His future depended on it. When the room was clear, and the woman turned to him, he took his slate up with calm deliberation and wrote.

Before we go to Al-Nasir, I felt it best that you try your proposal with me. Al-Nasir is insane, and I would rather not have you kill yourself with an indiscrete word.

But before that, we must have words regarding last night. I owe you thanks for your attempt to save me and for your assistance in taking down that monster, and you surely have it. Yet that debt has limits. The sailor and I did the lion's share of the work, and I deferred to the sailor's claim on the kill. You, however, did not. What's more, you made as if to hand over my prize to one whom took no part. If I would trust you and work with you, I would have you explain your actions, that I may understand them.

He turned the slate around and pushed it to the edge of the table opposite him for the noblewoman to read.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-13, 09:31 PM

Theophana's chambers are open when Solland stumbles across them. Soft humming can be heard from within.

Entering, Solland finds a disturbing sight. The young woman of about sixteen is fussing over some flowers. The flowers however are clearly dead, and have been for some time. Theophana seems as though she does not realize this. Solland can spot an arraignment of wilted flowers in her waist length blonde hair. Her dress to is torn and dirty, a bitter parody of the beautiful gown it once might have been. Indeed, her entire chamber seems filled with objects and artifacts that are decaying.

Her eyes rise to greet Solland, and she smiles pleasantly.

"Hello there, Rose friend! Have you come to help me tend to the flowers?"


Benghi finds no sign of any of his messenger birds. The one he had sent to the Founders would probably not be back for a few more hours.

He locates Dimitra near the end of the forest. Or rather, she finds him, appearing in a flash before him.

"Ah, there you are! I was beginning to worry that you were having difficulties even hunting animals! Have you fed well?" She tilts her head. "You surely understand that the watery blood of a deer or hare is nothing compared to the taste of the kine. Luckily we are near their village. Few of them come out at night, but those who are left are isolated and easily whisked away. We can hunt one with ease,a s awarm up for tomorrow." Her eyes gleam.


Casmir's chambers are illuminated by torchlight, casting the room in a low glow. As Seth enters them, he finds the Warlock pouring over a book. The magus seems to have a huge selection of occult texts and alchemy tools. Perhaps he had even found a way to turn iron into gold!

Casmir strokes his long white beard, speaking without looking up from the text.

"You have acquired the finger bone? Leave it on the desk there, I shall get to it in time."

He glances up, perhaps wondering why his servant is not moving, only to discover Seth. He looks alarmed. And then, suspicious.

"You're one of the fledglings! What are you doing here? The others may be foolish enough to listen to your honeyed words, but I shall not!"

2013-05-13, 10:05 PM
Solland was not as quick as the average person who may have played along with Lady Theophana. "Lady Theophana... the flowers are all dead? Perhaps you should get some new ones?"

Dark Seeker
2013-05-13, 10:41 PM

"Dead? Silly Toreador! These flowers are vibrant and alive! I water them every day. Would you like one to pin to your chest?" She offers a dead rose to Solland, droopy and largely petal less.

"Wenceslas is dead. Perhaps we should bury his ashes and place flowers on his grave. And we mustn't forget Marchettus. No, mustn't forget him. They say he's missing, you know. But he too has met the final death, as will we all. I have seen it. The Maelstrom is coming." She speaks of this as one would the weather.

Solland is so lovable.:smallbiggrin:

2013-05-13, 10:49 PM

"It is actually your words I wish to speak about, my lord," Seth replied.

"To my ears, when the Earl read the letter, yours was the lone voice of reason," he said.

Other than that, he took no action, preferring to wait for Casmir's response. If the the servant returns with the finger before Casmir responds, Seth will excuse himself.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-13, 11:18 PM

Casmir seems to enjoy the compliment. He strokes his beard again.

"Yes. .. so glad at least one of you has sense. Marchettus defecting now is absurd, even for one of his hot headed clan. Yet I am the only one who sees it!" He looks at Seth, his eyes yet distrustful. "So why do you bring this to my attention? I suspect your lot of trickery. Tell me what you think happened. Or know happened. If you have proof of the others treachery I can guarantee your protection, as well as see to it you are rewarded." The notion of being proved right seems to excite Lord Casmir.

2013-05-13, 11:34 PM
Heh, to most people. I think the other fledglings wished he'd be more of a team player. Maybe next chapter.:smalltongue:

Solland took the flower hesitantly, not wanting to be rude. Marchettus was dead. He had not been privileged to what the others had. He wasn't there when they fought him, and left him for the sun. He could only guess the others were responsible though.

"I... um... I'm sorry to hear about Marchettus. He was good at... smashing things." He winced at what Marchettus had done to Isabella, and Paul before that. "You said Maelstrom? I thought maelstroms only happened at sea."

2013-05-14, 03:01 AM

"I know very little of the Conspiracy's varied loyalties and history. I only meant that we have no way of knowing if the letter was forged," Seth said, holding the palms of his hands forward, "I have heard some have the ability to sense the history of an object's past, and I was curious why the Earl would not at least explore this avenue, if only to eliminate doubt."

"I suppose if this ability could be fooled, then it would prove nothing, however..." he said.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-14, 03:56 PM

"And Violetta as well. consumed by her own passion!' Theophana giggles. "They're all dead. We're all dead. But we'll all be truly dead soon."

"The Maelstrom will come and the dead will rise. Our sires and grandsons will emerge from out of the darkest hells, ready to consume us all. Kindred and kine alike will be torn apart. We will all be dead, but there will be no death. The merchants seek to profit from it, but they've no inkling of what the maelstrom will truly cause. The others hate the merchants. They will show them how grateful they are when the veil drops!

"It shall be an end to our existence, the voices say." She plucks the remaining petals off of the flower. "Are you prepared for the storm of the dead? For our oblivion?"


"Yes... yes. Very sensible. Yet Claudius dismisses my concerns, as he has this whole time." Casmir sniffs indignantly.

"You are correct fledgling. I do possess the power to learn of the past of an object, including who handled it. If you could retrieve the letter for me to examine, I should be able to determine if Marchettus is truly responsible for it, or if it was the work of an impostor, or a ruse on the Earl's part. Claudius is probably keeping it in his chambers, unless he has already destroyed it.

"You understand of course that I cannot assist you if you are caught attempting to retrieve the letter. But retrieve it for me tonight and I shall gladly look over it. And if I... we, are correct, I shall see to it you are rewarded for your efforts. Mark my words Setite, I am a great patron to have !"

2013-05-14, 04:35 PM

Benghi nodded to his sire, smiling nonchalantly. "Sorry I'm a bit late, sire - I took my fun. The blood was rather ... eh, lacking, but the hunt had its thrills. So. How do we go about this - jump someone just walking around or what? My kind of places are a bit more populated."

Truth be told, he was hungry, but he'd rather avoid getting some poor schmuck's life on his hands. Chances are, Dimitra didn't share his sensibilities.

2013-05-14, 08:22 PM
Solland stepped forward. "You speak..." She knew things. This was not madness, this was something else. She knew things that she should not know and not fro many keen wisdom or perception. Was this divine? Was it the Devil?

"Theophana, can this Maelstrom be stopped? Is there a way to prevent its coming? To make it smaller?"

2013-05-14, 08:40 PM

"My lord," Seth replied, "it would be simpler to ask the Earl, in private, for the letter, so I should ask why we immediately discard that possibility?"

The old man took a step closer to Casmir, lowering his voice as he did so.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-14, 11:00 PM

Dimitra wraps her arms around her childe, laying her head at his side.

"If you think hunting a deer was thrilling, wait until you hunt the kine. Nothing compares to it."

She withdraws her grip. "In fact, I observed a few men going hunting in the woods west of here. The fools probably are expecting easy prey they can brag about over the tavern fire. Why don't we demonstrate to them why we are the superior predator?"

She kisses Benghi's neck. "Of course, if that is not to your liking, we can invade the town and spirit a family away. The Earl's forbidden us from interfering with the town, but tomorrow night we will have left the area. There will be no time for reprisal.

"So, what shall it be? The hunting of the hunters? Or the creation of a new tale of terror for the kine to fear?"


"Why would we want to stop it? Our kind will be destroyed. The Earl's attempt to see his family become unto God shall end with the destruction of us all. It is appropriate that our own hubris is what destroys us, don't you think? I shall serve the Earl to the end, rejoicing in my own destruction, when it comes. It shall be enlightenment and death on a large scale! Why do you think I serve him in the first place?"

"Silly fledgling.you cannot stop the Maelstrom! Cappadocius is prepared to sacrifice himself to his own kin to see it through. Only the cloths of the divided mother will offer you any protection. Wear them during the confrontation and perhaps you will be spared. But why would you want to be?"


"Because you simpleton, the Earl may be misleading us all!" Casmir begins to pace, irritated.

"Have you not grown suspicious of his actions? I do not trust him, and neither should you! He's either a useful idiot or a cunning plotter manipulating us all for his own benefit. The House of Goratrix requires his aid, but I suspect he has not been fully honest with us.

"Regardless, asking him for the letter either tips him off if he is treacherous or will cause him to take offense. Neither option is healthy for us. So will you assist me in retrieving the letter or not?"

2013-05-15, 12:24 AM
"Salvation." The reply came easy to Solland. "For myself, and those still under my care. I murdered a woman, and though I may not have been in my right mind, it was still my own two hands that committed the deed, my hunger which snuffed out her life. I do not wish to meet our maker before I atone, I would not drag all men to suffer for the hubris of we Cainites."

2013-05-15, 01:42 AM

Seth leaned back and nodded.

"We shall not speak of it again unless I find something," he said, before bowing and taking his leave.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-15, 03:27 PM

Theophana begins to laugh.

"Our salvation can only be brought about by our destruction. We will all be saved once those that we have slain return and drag us to hell!"

"Would you like me to show you true wisdom, budding rose? I can show you all of the wisdom I have witnessed." Her eyes gleam with something that might be malice. It is a frightening look on someone so young.


"Hmm. Yes. Fledgling, return to me when you have the letter, and I shall see to it that you are rewarded. Perhaps if you serve me well I will even allow you to learn the basics of blood magic. Non Tremere are very rarely allowed to learn it, so it is quite an honor I am bestowing upon you."

Seth exits the room. Will he go after the letter, or attempt something else?

2013-05-15, 07:52 PM

The Genoese feels slightly uncomfortable with this combination of intimacy and ruthlessness, but manages to snort his derision at the mention of the Earl "Ah, he has forbidden. He sure likes giving his orders, doesn't he?" he says with a bit of venom in his words, shaking his head. "Well, I'd rather try my luck with someone who fancies having a shot in the dark than harassing some mewling babes anyway, but it's nice to see he's so keen on ordering others around."

2013-05-15, 08:20 PM
"Show me this wisdom that lets you accept Hell so readily, I will see if I feel the same as you." Solland opened his arms to welcome whatever wisdom she had.

SOMEONE doesn't know enough about Malkavians.
That someone is Solland.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-15, 09:27 PM

"Indeed. It shall be good to be free of his boot." Dimitra seems annoyed by the Earl as well. Benghi gets the sense that she cannot stand Giovanni, but feels as though she has no other options. "Were things different, I would enjoy gutting him like a fish. As it stands, he is useful. " she goes quiet, seemingly lost in thought.

"I was surprised to hear of Marchettus's defection. The man was a thug, and he seemed to love playing the role of Claudius's lapdog."

"But enough of this. Shall we go hunting?" She offers Benghi her hand and begins to leads him in the direction of the hunting party.


Theophana seems a bit shocked, but also genuinely happy.

"Oh, I am so glad you wish to learn! So few do, you know. It proves hard to convince them, and they scream, and beg, even as I offer them enlightenment. Yet you desire it willingly."

She continues to smile as she stares deeply into Solland's eyes.


Something feels wrong. The smile morphs into a parody of one. The walls begin to bleed. The dead rose flutters slightly in Theophana's hand. It begins to whisper things. Blasphemous things that Solland could scarcely withstand.
Shutting his ears doesn't help at all, because the voices are now inside his head. Thousands of them, taunting him, crying, screaming.

The anxiety is far too much! He needs to escape! But the door is so far away. He was trapped. He needed it to stop!

Okay, so Theophana used Demention 5 on Solland. He now is suffering from
multiple personalities, Hysteria, and Obsessive Compulsive disorder. The good news is that it's only for one turn. The bad news is that he is risking frenzy from all the stress. Could I have a roll to try and resist him giving into the beast?

Also, have 3 xp for willingly daring Theophana to mess you up. Well done!

2013-05-15, 10:55 PM
Self control [roll0]

Oh. So that's why other people scream and beg.

This is what madness was? Was it truth, was it Hell, was it something else entirely? Solland has no idea, his mind lost in the moment.

2013-05-15, 11:59 PM

Seth was upset and relieved at the same time. He'd almost tipped his hand, but luckily, he was but a fledgling, unversed in Kindred politics. Sometimes, ignorance could be a blessing in disguise.

Now though, now he made his way to the Earl's chambers, knocking twice if the door is closed.

2013-05-16, 02:47 AM

Benghi snorts at the mention of the Brujah, and for a seconds thinks that it is safer to play it safe and let it go, but then his anger at the Giovanni urges him to push it further. "More the fool he - but I'm not sure that's all there is to it. Maybe he just "outlived his usefulness". The Giovanni is nearly done with his plan, after all, so maybe he decided he doesn't need everyone. Even the living Giovanni are known as backstabbing ****s, for all their sweet words." There isn't really that much time to feed her paranoia, but maybe it will be enough. If it isn't... well, there is the other plan.

"Yeah, let's go," he says, taking her hand and for a moment squeezing affectionately. I'd really rather not have to do this, he thinks. But why'd she have to be such a beast, and so stubborn in her support for that Venetian?

2013-05-16, 06:14 AM

Solland raised his hands apologetically. "Sorry friend, I've had no time for art since my sire was killed." He looked questioningly at Benghi. "My portraits are many things, but how can it change events to come? I'm to see Lady Theophana, but after I may have some time... is painting all you'd have me do?"

Dark Seeker
2013-05-16, 03:51 PM

No need to make any more rolls. Since the madness only lasted a turn, I'll say you rolled well enough to remain in control.

And just like that, it ended. The voices ceased the anxiety fled. Lady Theophana remained grinning, though now Solland could detect a hint of sadness.

"Do you understand now why we seek the Maelstrom? The voices never stop, they scream and plead and you can't shut them out, no matter what you do. They tell us so many things, like how to keep the roses fresh and happy. When The Maelstrom is unleashed the entire world shall join me in enlightenment!"

She grabs Solland's arm, looking passionate. "But you don't have to wait until then, rose prince. You've been granted a taste of true wisdom. Would you like the rest of it I can show you so many wonderful things, things that will make you tear your eyes out and peel out your tongue so as to avoid repeating them! You want it, I can see it in your eyes! You want the gifts I have to offer!"

This might be a good time for Solland to start backing up very, VERY slowly.


The Earl's door is closed. No one answers his knock. Seth tries the door, only to find it locked. But if he could find a way in, this might prove to be a golden opportunity for him.

If Seth wishes to get inside, he should make a Dexteirty+Legerdemain roll, diff 7. Alternately, he could make a Strength roll at the same difficulty, though this would be very noticeable.


Dimitri stops suddenly, the hunt forgotten. She frowns at her childe's words.

"The thought had crossed my mind. Wenceslas, Violetta and now Marchettus? How odd that the Conspiracy is crumpling so soon to the end of the plan. Perhaps Claudius does want to get out of paying his debts.

"I joined with the Earl because I needed allies against the Founders. I still need allies, but it is becoming increasingly clear that the Giovanni may not be the correct ones. I relish the thought of Cappadocius being destroyed, but something isn't right. The Earl is a rat, and I am tiring of him.

She looks at Benghi with a smile. "I truly was right to embrace you childe. You have shown me how hypocritical I have been this past year. I wish to fight against oppression, yet the Earl clearly desires to rule over us just as much as Hardestadt or Milov. Well no longer!"

She grabs Benghi, her grip constricting. It was a good thing he did not need to breath. "Let's leave the Earl to his scheming. The two of us need no others! I was wrong to look outside of my clan to begin with there remain those Gangrel who keep to the old ways. We can gather them and ensure neither the Founders or the Giovanni will never hold sway over the true predators of the night!

"Let's leave now childe! We needn't spend another night, another moment, serving the fop. I have dirtied myself enough for him."

I thought about making you roll for it, but Dimtra's not a fool, even if she is stubborn. She's starting to realize the Earl's number one priority is himself. So congrats, Benghi has saved his sire. Of course, that might lead to an even bigger problem down the line...

2013-05-16, 07:56 PM

Seth stood outside the door for a moment, weighing his options. He looked around for Osiris, but the cat was nowhere to be found. He cloaked himself and attempted to find a way to get the door open stealthily.

dex: [roll0] + 1 will for auto success.

Once inside, he shut the door quickly and attempted to find the letter, looking to the most obvious place first, the desk, then any waste basket that might be nearby.

wits + investigation: [roll1] + 1 will (if possible)

2013-05-16, 08:10 PM
And Solland totally made out with Theophana being the pimp that he is.

Solland took a step back. "That was... that was you clan's curse?" Perhaps Jadviga spoke true. If her only curse was a refined taste for blood, while Theophana dealt with an endless nightmare... "You offered me a choice. I would not force such a truth on others without asking, without letting them know what it is." Another step back.

"I'll consider what you've said. You've given me much to think about."

Dark Seeker
2013-05-17, 03:37 PM

"But you are so close," Theophana protests. "Enlightenment can be yours before the rest of our kind. How could you hesitate in accepting such a gift?"

For a long moment it looks as though she will force her will upon Solland again, but she finally relents.

"Very well. Leave me to tend to my flowers. Should you decide to receive wisdom, return to me before tomorrow evening. There is so much to show you, and so little time to show it!"

And then she turns her back on Solland, resuming her gardening. The quiet humming is back.


Seth easily unlocks the door, gently opening it.

The Earl's chambers are large and tastefully decorated. All the furniture looks to be imported directly from Italy. Behind the Earl's desk, there is a large portrait of him. Its eyes and enigmatic smile seem to follow Seth all throughout the room.

Seth does not have to look hard to find the letter. It's right out in the open, on the Earl's desk. "Marchettus" had apparently used quite colorful language in addressing Claudius. One of the milder insults refers to Giovanni as a "liver spotted coward who would hide behind his nursemaid in any martial conflict." Gabrin must have greatly enjoyed forging this letter, however he had done so.

Seth has what he came for. He could leave immediately and sprit it back to Casmir. Once it was out of his hands, he couldn't really be blamed for it should the Earl take offense to being stolen from. Or he could try to press his luck and look around some more. An opportunity like this rarely came up, and maybe something useful would turn up. If he was caught however, the consequences could prove dire.

2013-05-17, 05:27 PM

Benghi gasps, out of habit than necessity. He thought that he owed it to himself to try to snap Dimitra out of this, and now it seems to have worked he was as surprised as anyone. He grins, then the grin fades as he starts to think what this means. Deep down inside, he thinks, maybe he wanted her to die, so he can focus all his anger for his death at the Earl.

Yes, he thinks, sucks about not having to betray another's trust, even if she sort of betrayed his.

Well, not yet. Her not being at Giovanni's side is a victory, and him actually making her do it was quite the feat, he tells himself. I won, didn't I? I got what I want ... now I have to live with it. And I will.

Dimitra snapped from one thing to another, as was apparently her wont. He realizes he still wants to hurt the Earl more than anything else... so he can't leave him just yet. He looked straight in her eyes and the corners of his mouth curled into a smile. "I won't do that yet, sire. Some of the others I came with helped me back in the manor, and I don't want to leave my debts unpaid. They helped me, I help them. I will see how this goes before it's done... and if the Earl does seek to screw us all... well, I owe it to them, you and myself to make sure things don't go quite as planned for him."

2013-05-17, 07:53 PM

Having secured what he came for, Seth placed the letter in an inside pocket, and listened at the door very briefly before stepping back out into the hallway to make his way back to Casmir's chambers.

Seth will still be under cover of Obfuscate. Will he be able to lock the door behind him? If not, I don't think he will care that much.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-17, 11:34 PM

Dimitra's grip tightens, and the Gangrel looks a bit offended.

"You would reject me for the other fledglings? Now is our time to escape! The Conspiracy, the Founders, let them destroy one another! You and I can keep to the old ways of the Gangrel, and let the so called 'high clans' scheme and backstab!"

She sighs, already knowing she is defeated. "Your loyalty is commendable, if foolish. I fear you will end up like me, caught in the power plays of greedy kindred. But if that is your choice, I won't stop you. I cannot join you though. You have proven the Earl deceived me, deceived us all. At the very least it appears as though his plot to destroy Cappadocius involves his entire family. I believe he sees the rest of us as tools at best, expendable at worst. And yet for all his grandstanding, Claudius still serves a purpose. No, I will not support him, but I won't oppose him either, not after I pledged my aid. Such treachery is the domain of the other clans.

"I will leave and try to rally allies amongst the Gangrel for the coming war. I wish you would join with me, but if you really must finish things here first, so be it." She released Benghi, but hesitates.

"I am glad that you did not die that night childe. Even as a kine, you were my equal. It has been some time since a kine was able to beat me in a chase!" She looked amused at the memory.

"Before I go, let us prove our commitment to one another. Drink my blood, and I shall drink yours. We shall remember our bond, even if we must be apart."
She holds out her wrist, offering Benghi a drink.


Sneaking out is as simple as sneaking in proved to be. Seth relocks the door, finding a clear escape.

As Seth returns to Casmir's chambers, the warlock's voice can be heard all the way down the hall.
"...Is a disgrace. I give you one simple task, and you are unable to properly fulfill it. Honestly, be glad that ghouls are in limited supply here. I should drain you and harvest you for parts!"

"Forgive me master..."

"Bah, bleet like a sheep! All that you are good for. Tremere are held to a higher standard...

His voice trails off as Seth enters the room.

"Ah, look here Benito! Even a Setite proves more competent than you. Leave us, and you are not to partake in food or drink until I decide you may." The servant shuffles out, head downcast.

"Ghouls, fledgling! Proof that the blood alone does not make one competent. Bah!"

"You have the letter? Well give it here, give it here! Yes. I shall get to the bottom of this little mystery." Casmir holds out his hand impatiently.

2013-05-18, 01:01 AM
Seth withdrew the letter from his cloak and placed it in Casmir's outstretched hand, then took a step back to watch the warlock work his art.

2013-05-18, 01:04 AM
Alenka read the written note, her face remaining passive with only her blue eyes scanning back and forth as she drunk in the message. Once she was done, she picked up a quil and started to scribe her resposne, her hand drifting up and down in etch her elegant scripture upon the paper.

'If you wish, dear Andrei.

I will not write the length of my proposal here, but I will instead inform you of my intention. I seek to acquire some of the venom that your clan is capable of creating. I have heard tales of its lethality, even when employed against our undead vessels, and I wish to acquire some as a precautionary measure.

Unfortunately, it seemed as if Seth called my ruse, in the matter of Marchettus. his style seemed to be that of the tempter and in my experience the best way to foul a tempters assertions is to offer some in return and allow their hesitation to vindicate your suspicion. Unfortunately, Seth seemed convinced of the wisdom in his porposition. Fortunately, you were on hand to intervene.'

When Andrei looked up from reading, his eyes met Alenka's as she was standing there silently with a polite and patient smile on her face.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-18, 01:32 AM

Casmir all but snatches the letter out of Seth's hand. he concentrates on it, and seems to enter into some sort of trance.

Five minutes go by. And then just as abruptly as it began, the trance ends. Casmir's head shoots up, and he looks odd. A mix between furious and jubilant.

"I knew it! I was right! Marchettus did not write this at all! Oh, it was his handwriting, but that Ravnos trickster tampered with it! Gabron! He used his trickery to change the words written on this. Take a look!" Casmir thrust the letter at Seth. It is now a somewhat dull account of the man's inventory.

"Ha ha! Ho ho ho! When the Earl sees this he will be in my debt. Imagine, the great and mighty Claudius Giovanni, failing prey to a Ravnos's tricks! Oh fledgling, you have proven yourself most useful. Perhaps there is hope for you yet, despite your clan. I am a man of my word. Once we deal with Gabron I will teach you the basics of blood magic.."

"Come, I think it time we pay Gabron a visit. Let us see his reaction When. I confront him with this. Do be careful, he is a wily one. But I shall deal with him and deliver his torporred body to Claudius. As proof of my loyalty to our great and noble cause, of course. I don't know what game the Ravnos was playing, but he will come to regret his treachery!"

Casmir appears ready to confront Gabrin, and it looks like it will be difficult to convince him to stay his hand. If Seth even wants him to.

Of course, if Seth tries to attack Casmir while he's in a trance, let me know and I'll rewrite. But I assume he wants the warlock to finish.

2013-05-18, 03:22 AM

"Gabron, are you certain, my Lord?" Seth asked, "I had suspected the traitor, Karl."

"This is... he is one of the Conspirators... this is far more dangerous than I had anticipated," he said, "Given, ah... given the circumstances, would not a surprise attack be more prudent? After all, if we confront him, he may find a way to escape."

2013-05-18, 01:43 PM

Andrei sucked at the inside of his cheek, eyes downcast, thinking how best to respond. He took the slate, wiped it clean, and wrote again.

I know nothing about how to deal with a tempter, so I will assume you are correct. The problem is that your "temptation" was not yours. It was mine. By using my kill as if you owned it, you disrespected me, and I have had that happen enough in my life that I am not prepared to look past it now. If you would have my help, I must command your respect in return. And my help you certainly need, because your request as is will almost certainly be rebuffed, possibly fatally, whereas with my help, I can get you something even more useful.

He turned the slate and slid it to the noblewoman.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-18, 04:51 PM

"Do you think me daft fledgling? Of course I'm certain! I was able to see the scene from Gabron's eyes. I saw him change the note. A rather impressive trick, though of course it falls apart under any true scrutiny. We can assume it was he who is responsible for Marchettus's disappearance.

He waves off Seth's concerns. "Bah! Gabron relies on trickery to destroy his foes. When confronted with the evidence I now have, he shall panic, allowing me to easily subdue him. Perhaps he will even come clean and surrender. If not, it shall be a simple task to restrain him. And the Earl shall credit me with capturing a traitor. And you." he adds as an afterthought.

"Now, accompany me to the Ravnos's chambers. Oh ho, the look that shall cross his face when he realizes I have outwitted him!"

He marches out of his quarters, expecting Seth to follow.

2013-05-18, 05:26 PM

"Sire, those other fledgelings stood by me when I needed it. I don't know much about the Gangrel way yet and what it says about that, but in my way, debts are paid. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, both ways," the Genoese says, looking his sire in the eyes, and his voice appears somewhat incensed at Dimitra's demand and disrespect. "And I'm willing to risk a lot to make that Venetian snake choke on his bile."

"It may be that they have their plans, and if I find out they intend to use me and throw me to the dogs, I'd leave them to sup what they've cooked for themselves. But for now, I haven't seen that... except from the whore, but she got what was coming to her," Benghi adds, shrugging. He was never particularly close to Isabella, or cared too much about her either way. With Marchetus' death, he considers her firmly in the past. Would she be happy or sad with that, he wonders for a moment, now she's rotting in hell? It didn't matter "I ain't dying just yet - if we both make it, we'll probably meet sooner or later. I don't know that much for that war you want to have, and I'd be lying if I said I was eager to dive right in, but you do what you gotta do."

He eyes his sire warily when she speaks of a bond. "Dimitra, what I've heard, this stuff goes to your head hard. Hey, maybe you don't trust me quite so well. Does that have to do with me wanting to do right by the people who've helped me survive so far? I'd think this made me more trustworthy, not less." He says, looking at her with what has at least as much disappointment and distaste as it has caution.

2013-05-18, 07:08 PM
Rising an eyebrow, Alenka started to write a response. She wasn't used to being second-guessed, especially by a peasant, but such formalities were something she was slowly learning to let go of in this new society.

'You have coloured me intrigued.' she responded, her smile still up.

2013-05-18, 08:38 PM

"My lord," Seth said, "would it not be more prudent to keep our relationship unknown to the others?"

"I do not wish to give my sire cause for jealousy, and I feel I would be more useful as a source of information if the connection is unknown."

He followed Casmir to the exit of the chamber.

"I am sure he will say or do whatever he can to try and sow doubt or destroy the letter, so we should be prepared," he said quietly, "I am with you every step, but hidden, a contingency, if you will."

He covered himself with obfuscate and followed Casmir.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-18, 11:09 PM

"Perhaps. You've never sworn loyalty to the Earl, not like I have. If you wish to strike at him I am not opposed."

"Childe, do not be so cavalier about our struggle. Make no mistake, a conflict is brewing between those who wish to enslave all kindred, and those who will fight to the death if necessary for our freedom. There can be no compromise in this battle. I hope that you will remain true to your blood and be on the correct side of that battle. If not, I will show you no quarter." She fixes Benghi with a stern expression.

"As for the bond, it would be mutual. It is not an attempt to enslave you. Rather, it is a testament of our loyalty towards one another. If you would prefer, I could drink from you first, to prove this is not some trick. Of course, if you'd rather not form such a bond at all, that is your right." Though Dimitra does not sound exactly happy about Benghi's rejection, she seems willing to accept it.


"You care so much about that fanatic of a woman? Mark my words fledgling, I can offer you much more than she ever could, if I chose to do so. You would be well advised to serve me over her. Still, perhaps you have a point. Very well. Cloak yourself in shadows for now. I should not need your help, but should Gabron prove troublesome, perhaps you can assist me in subduing him."

The pair make their way to Gabron's quarters, Casmir marching with a purposeful stride. When he gets there, the warlock does not even knock. He pushes the door open, storming in. Gabron is feeding off of one of his servants, but he quickly pushes the kine away at the unexpected intrusion.

"Why, look dove! It would appear the kindred of the ivory tower have blessed us with a representative. Tell me Lord Casmir, what brings you out of your ivory tower and down to earth to interact with us lowly peons?"

Casmir's eyes flash. "Dismiss your servant Gabron. We must speak in private." The Ravnos shrugs and shoots a lazy smile at the kine.

"Time for you to leave, little dove. Seems like I've a wee bit of business to take care of."

The servant scurries out, Casmir not stopping him. Gabrin observes the Tremere with a wide grin, eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Now, how can I help you?"

"Do not play games with me Ravnos! I know all about your little stunt with Marchettus."

"Hmm?" Gabron begins flipping his knife into the air.

"Yes, I recovered the letter and saw that you had tampered with it. An effective strategy, but it fell apart quickly under scrutiny. I'm sure the Earl would be very interested in learning of your forgery."

"I'm sure he would be. You intend to tell him then?"

"I'm offering you one chance to surrender yourself and accompany me to him. Resist and I will use force. Your tricks are worthless against me."

"Fine, fine." Gabrin rises to his feet, the grin smaller now. "I know when I'm beaten. Excellent job Casmir. You've certainly proven the reputation of the Tremere is not undeserved."

With a flick of his wrist, he throws the knife directly at Casmir.

Gabrin's throw [roll0]
Casmir's dodge [roll1]
Stamina [roll2]

The blade cuts into Casmir's arm, and he lets out a muffled cry. The damage however appears mostly superficial.

Gabrin draws another knife, grinning widely. "Let me teach you about keeping your nose out of other's affairs, peacock!"

Dark Seeker
2013-05-18, 11:28 PM

"I shall kill you for that!" Casmir vows.

"You're welcome to try." Gabrin approaches Casmir, knife in hand. He appears willing to get in close and carve the Tremere up.

Insufferable fool though he may be, Casmir is still wily. He lets Gabron get close to him, before reaching out and touching the Ravnos's arm. It's just a slight brush, but it is enough of one to activate the power. Gabrin seems to be under some terrible pain. His grin turns into a grimace.

Casmir though seems to expect more damage to be done, and so is not prepared for Gabrin's counterattack. The Ravnos's blade digs deep into Casmir's chest, shredding the magus's robe.

Gravely injured, Casmir takes a step back, looking quite annoyed.

If Seth wishes to join in, now would be the time.

2013-05-19, 03:21 PM

Andrei looked at the grinning noblewoman, utterly flummoxed at her response. How do I make this clear? He took the slate, erased it, and wrote again:

You seem not to take my meaning fully. I said that I would help, if I can trust you. But when you take what is mine and use it without even seeming to realize that is wrong, I find it hard to trust you because it is self-evident that you do not respect me. So how do you propose that we resolve this matter?

2013-05-19, 05:47 PM
Reading Andrei's words, Alenka's normally sunny and friendly disposition darkened rather swiftly. The softness she showed her friends seemed to wash away as the shadows thickened around her hardening face, sculpting her features into something that would've caused people of lesser bravery to turn away.

The balls on this guy. If one of her low-born subjects had accused her of deception and disrespect then demanded of her a remedy to his imagined offenses in ages past...her baton would have been well-used that day.

'Andrei,' her return note started. She wrote with much more precision than before: deliberate and measured.

'We are siblings in this new society, as we are all borne from the same catalyst, and through the days and nights leading up to this point we have all learned the very valuable lesson of cooperation to ensure mutual survival and camaraderie in a hostile environment. One of our number did not take this lesson to heart and she is now a foot shorter.

So with this in context: I don't have respect you? I put my unlife in jeopardy for your sake, and in return, you accuse me of deception and disrespect and then demand further effort of me?

How dare you insult myself and my lineage in such a manner. I don't know who you think you are or what part of the world in which you acquired your etiquette, but the only thing that is sparing you from the rod for this grave affront is that we are siblings in this new existence.'

For a brief moment, Alenka spared a thought as to what her brother, Aldric, would have done if he had been present to witness this. The man-mountain was reserved and polite, but had a vicious temper once aroused.

'So how do I propose we resolve this matter? I propose that either you can accept my explanation and the purity of its intentions, or you can find yourself with one less ally in future centuries. One of these options is profitable.'

2013-05-19, 07:51 PM

Knowing that the meeting would almost certainly come to blows, Seth began pooling blood in his limbs, making him faster, stronger. It was still an odd sensation, but it was the furthest thing from his mind. If his heart still beat, it would have been pounding in his chest.

While Casmir started talking, Seth moved himself behind Gabrin and quietly drew his sword. As the two exchanged attacks, the old man moved in closer, and brought the blade down with all his strength.

dex: [roll0] +1 willpower
Str: (4 for the weapon, 6 for strength) [roll1]

Dark Seeker
2013-05-19, 09:06 PM

The grin on Gabrin's his face widens as it becomes apparent that he is clearly besting Casmir. It seems apparent that the old mage vampire cannot withstand another blow from Gabrin's dagger.

"Shame it has to end this way peacock! But looks like I'll be returning your withered old soul to the natural cycle a bit earlier than planned."

Seth takes advantage of the confusion to sneak behind Casmir. Raising his sword, his invisibility ensures Gabrin never sees the blow coming. The blade plunges into the Ravnos's chest, coming clean out the other side of him. Gabrin looks down in shock, the smile completely vanishing from his face. And then he topples over, the blade falling out of his hand.

"Well done fledgling. You are proving yourself most useful." Casmir stands up, looking only moderately annoyed by his injuries. His wounds begin to close as he speaks.

"He's not in torpor yet. We should rectify that."

Casmir grabs Gabrin's knife and plunges it into the man's neck. This seems to have the desired effect. Gabrin seems to lose what little energy he still he had, and he now appears well and truly dead.

"Ah yes, something truly poetic about all this, ho ho! Now that that unpleasantness has been taken care of, we can bring him to the Earl. But before we do, I believe this would be the perfect opportunity to offer you a lesson in blood magic, if you are committed to learning it. Yes, it would be a fine reward for your assistance in dealing with this ruffian. What do you say?"

2013-05-19, 09:41 PM

"Forgive me my lord," Seth said, "but what I would prefer at this moment is blood itself."

He tore his gaze away from the blood spattering the floor.

"If you will allow it, I would drink from Gabrin, though I shall be careful not to drink him dry," he said, "then, perhaps we could discuss blood magic."

Seth is currently at 5bp.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-19, 09:52 PM

"Bah! fine, fine. I grant you permission to drink from him." Do not drain him dry however! He may yet prove useful."

Gabrin has 18 blood in his system. How much does Seth take?

2013-05-19, 10:49 PM

"Thank you, my lord," Seth said. He drank from Gabrin's lifeless body until his thirst was slaked, at least for now.

Once finished, he stood up again.

"I know the blood magic is much prized, and I am grateful you feel you can place enough trust in me to share this knowledge," he said.

Seth will go to full, leaving 3.

Before he leaves the room, he will clean his sword as best he can on Gabrin's clothes. Also before they leave the room, Seth will ask: "What use is a torpid elder, sir?" Seth asked.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-19, 11:29 PM

"Of course. But I cannot stress to you enough that you must practice discretion with what I am about to teach you! If the Tremere found out I was teaching outside of my clan, especially to a Settite, they would kill me. And then they would kill you, your sire, and anyone else you had contact with. My clan is very strict on keeping our knowledge within our ranks." Casmir says this with pride.

"Now then, let us begin. Merely taste a drop of what remains of Gabrin's blood. Now concentrate! Focus on the blood and Gabrin, but not in a way of sustenance. Let it become the center of the world. You should begin to learn more about the Ravnos, and unlock the secrets of the blood."

Seth can consider himself to have the first level Thaumaturgy power A Taste for Blood. No doubt he will have to practice it a bit before he can fully utilize it, but he is now able to begin to develop blood magic.

Also, if Seth wants to try the power, spend a bloodpoint and make a willpower roll, diff 4.

When asked what purpose Gabrin serves, Casmir seems annoyed.
"Is it not obvious, fledgling? The Earl can pronounce judgment on him. Claudius will likely appreciate being able to deal with the situation on his own. The man craves authority over everything. No doubt the Earl will leave Gabrin for the dawn. His destruction 'tis but a formality. Still, such things hold importance in kindred society. You had best grow accustomed to them.."

2013-05-20, 12:12 AM

Seth nodded.

The old man attempted to copy Casmir's movements, but to no effect.

"It would seem this old dog cannot, in fact, learn new tricks," he said, frowning, "perhaps it is just as well, if the risks are as great as you say."

Seth took Casmir's insults in stride.

"Yes my lord, understand," Seth replied, "I thought perhaps there was another purpose you were alluding to, one beyond my fledgling understanding."

don't have the xp to learn a new discipline

"Something gnaws at me, though," he said, "the first attack, the killer was unseen, and so we assumed he was a master of obfuscate to fool the Toreador. But to my knowledge, Gabrin does not possess this ability."

Seth sheathed his sword.

"I still feel it is dangerous, my lord," he said, "would it be to your liking to present Gabrin's body and the letter to the Earl without my presence? I wish to investigate a bit further, on my own, so as not to waste your time with something that may prove fruitless."

"I will come straight to you with any findings, because as of this moment, I feel I can trust no other," he said.

2013-05-20, 12:23 AM

Andrei read the note carefully, twice. He wanted to be absolutely sure about this matter. He sighed heavily through his nose, erased the slate, and wrote one last message in his tight, neat script.

My lady,

You speak of saving my life. For your effort, I will be forever grateful. You helped me protect one whom I have sworn to protect, and I will not forget that. Yet you also speak of being my sibling, my comrade, my ally. In this, you err. If a man pulled you from the fire with one hand and with the other took your jewels to use as he saw fit, would you think him ally? What you took and used for your own ends was no less valuable to me than your jewels are to you. That was the greatest kill I have made in a lifetime of hunting. An ally would have respected my claim, just as I respected the sailor.

I do not insult you or your lineage. I insult your pride, precisely because you value it more than your "sibling". You invoke the rod. For what, I ask? For asking you to mend a wrong by crying pardon and striving to do better? None save Christ were without fault in this world, yet you cannot admit it even as you admit that I had the right to strike the old man. I ask only that you act justly and beg pardon when you fall short, and in that I ask the same of myself, as you well know. If you call me sibling, then heed my words and know that true siblings compel their brothers and sisters to remember the face of their fathers when he is forgotten, as Nathaniel did to David in the Good Book.

If this does not compel you to mend your ways, then I was never truly your brother, and I would only be fooling myself to count on your filial love going forward. Nonetheless, I hold you in no enmity, nor desire to interfere with your plans so long as you do not interfere in mine. If you insist on fighting to the death for this supposed insult, we may do so here and now, but I would prefer we abstain. There are greater monsters than either of us here, and we would both profit more by their destruction than each other's.

Make your call and be true.

Andrei turned the slate around one last time. He tensed, watching the room and his compatriot for signs that she or her unnerving shadows were moving. His hands remained flat and non-threatening on the table, but he coiled in preparation for a strike.

2013-05-20, 03:53 PM

Benghi found himself nervous. He had never thought himself particularly canny, except for that one time where he got even for that jail, but then he had time to plan and everything had gone swimmingly. Now, he was trying - so far successfully - to manipulate someone much older, cannier and nastier than him without even arousing too much suspicions. Was it a trap, he thinks - only a fake choice to see if he takes the bait?

For a snap second, he thought whether it would have been easier... but no, likely it's for the best. At the end of the day, he'd much rather know who's who before he was forced to take sides in that particular conflict.

The Genoese thinks for a few moments, then shakes his head. To hell with it. He might not be that good of a liar, but if he's learned anything about it, it's that sometimes the best lie is to give the part of the truth they want to see. "If I have the right to choose, Dimitra, I refuse. I'm still new to this, and I want to see with my own eyes, hear with my own ears, think with my own mind, and feel with my own heart, unbound. I didn't have much choice when you drank my life back in the manor. I didn't have much choice when I, alongside the others, fled back to the inn. If I did this..." he looked to the side, then up, before looking back at the elder gangrel's glinting eyes. "it would mean never fully being really, fully free to make my choice. This thought - it scares me," he adds quietly, unwilling to say it even to himself, much less to anyone else. He grimaces, and looks back at her, as if daring her to call him a coward. "I want to find my own way, how I see fit. Here and now - that's my answer. And if I'm making a mistake - it's my mistake."

Dark Seeker
2013-05-20, 04:23 PM

"How disappointing, yet expected. The lower clans are unable to control the blood to the degree that we are. Keep a tit however. Surely you shall learn to control it in time. Or perhaps not. I've certain texts that you should read. Perhaps they could assist you in mastering the fundamentals. Serve me well, and I'll grant you access to them."

He listens carefully as Seth explains his doubts. "Hmm. A valid point fledgling. Violetta was believed responsible for the death of Wenceslas. Certainly she had motive. That unpleasant woman despised everyone. You think there is more to it? A conspiracy inside the conspiracy?" he chuckles at his wit.

"Very well fledgling, investigate the matter, though keep me informed. I would advise you put scrutiny under your other fledglings. I don't trust any of them. I do doubt any of them have the power to defeat an elder in combat, but certainly they may be working for some of the other elders who are attempting to remove their rivals.

"I shall not mention you to Claudius for now. Let him think I was single handily responsible for exposing Gabrin. It shall be for your safety, of course. We'd not want to expose you to further risk." Seth gets the impression Casmir is all to happy to take full credit for exposing treachery.

"I shall go and find the Earl and explain things to him. Do be careful. And yes, let us keep this our secret. Trust not even Amisa."

Casmir picks up the body of HGabrin rather easily. Perhaps he had used the blood to augment his strength, or maybe he really was stronger than he appeared. He leaves the room, expecting Seth to follow. The pair than go their separate ways.


Dimitra's expression is carefully blank. Slowly, she withdraws her arm. Then she gives her childe a sad smile.

"Perhaps you are a true Gangrel after all. I can respect your decision. Unlike the others I've no wish to enslave you and make you my thrall. You should decide on your own what path you will take. I could have taught you so many things, but perhaps it is better you learn them on your own."

"Goodbye Benghi. "

She pounces on him, kissing him passionately and with an intensity he has rarely seen from his sire. When she finally lets go of him, she whispers in his ear.

"Stay alive."

And then she begins to transform, into a large wolf of all things. She seems more graceful and regal in this shape than her human one. Giving her childe one last nussle, she turns and gallops into the distant woods. Within seconds she is just a speck on the edge of Benghi's vision, and then, not even that.

Benghi is alone. The woods and nearby village seem strangely quiet. He had spared his sire's life, yet declined her offer for them to run away together. Had he made the right choice?

2013-05-20, 05:24 PM

The Italian waits his sire's reply, trying to keep his face impassive. Would it work, he wondered.

It did. He is taken off-guard - again - by Dimitra's passion, this time her capacity for zest and love. He lets himself be carried away for a moment, but feels something, like a pang, a dislike. He tries to bury it in the pleasures of her kisses and caresses - it wouldn't be the first time he sought an escape in pleasure.

This time, it doesn't work. He wants it to, but something deep inside is cold. "You taught me many things already, Dimitra," he says in a husky voice as his arms squeeze her.

"I will," he answers her good wish, and says without thinking "you too. Wherever you may roam."

A thought occurs in him, just as she sees to part, and he thinks for a moment before asking. "Dimitra, one last thing - have you seen the Earl have something strange around him? I'm thinking he probably has some ace up his sleeve just in case... want to make sure we're not caught off guard in his tricks."

Whatever her answer, he looks at her run with a strange, wistful look in his eyes, as the pang he's been feeling for days bubbles to the surface. He lusts after her, but he also hates her - for deceiving him and killing him in that manor - and fears her... and respects her.

The feeling inside him comes to the fore. I am the deceiver, the thought comes unbidden. She trusted me. She is too honorable and upright, in her way, to bond me to her. The things I said... she believes them. She believes me. She respects me, my zeal, my frankness.

And I've been deceiving her with nigh every word I said. I still can't stop. She deceived me, and I've deceived her back. But am I also lying to myself? She killed me and cursed me... and I'm letting her go. Why? It is not forgiveness. All the things I believe tell me that I need to repay something like that. Am I lying to myself? Is that also her doing? But how? She couldn't even tell how I was lying to her?

The sailor sits down on the ground, cross-legged after the Turkish custom, and holds his head in his hands for a few moments. In the end... in the end, who cares? He was still himself. If she died, that would be God's will - and if she lived, he always had a chance to settle things... if he wanted. He doesn't want to choose just yet. He wanted this, and he did it. He wore out her resolve and her dedication, and in the end, she listened to him. He won.

Well, Benghi, he thought to himself. This charade will all end very soon. Just hold on, and keep your wit and your steel sharp. God willing, you might get a chance to wreak vengeance on the one who really set this in motion. Some of his most dangerous allies are gone or dead, and he's rushing his plans. Just a bit more...

But first, he thinks, it might be good to hunt a bit more.

2013-05-20, 07:43 PM

"As you wish, my lord," Seth replied, with a slight bow "please use caution with the Earl; I suspect there is more to his plans than we are aware."

Seth will obfuscate himself and wander the inn, looking for Osiris. Once he has found the cat, he will return to Casmir's chambers and wait nearby for the elder to return (or for something else to interrupt him).

He will note if Casmir looks at him upon his return.

depending on how long it is before Casmir arrives, Seth will have something different to say. If more than an hour passes, he will seek Casmir out, instructing Osiris to wait by the door and find/notify him if Casmir returns.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-20, 09:06 PM

"The only warning I can give you is to be on your guard. The Earl seems confident despite losing a significant number of his conspirators recently. I have not seen anything unusual, but I would not be surprised if he had some further help he has not told us about.

"To slay a methuselah is no easy task. Yet Claudius has never seemed that nervous about the prospect. It makes me think he knows something that we don't, though I'm at a loss as to what that may be. Be wary of the necromancer. He is not the strongest of us, but his knowledge of the dark arts makes him a formidable foe."

If Benghi wants to hunt, make a perception+survival roll and indicate what prey Benghi's hunting. The results will determine what he gets, and how favorable the circumstances are to him. We can automate the process if he's hunting deer, but if he's going after the hunters, I'd like to play that out a little.


Osiris is easy to find. No sooner does Seth turn a corner then he finds the cat, faithful as always. It's a bit disconcerting that it always knows where he is, or seems to. Is Osiris a normal cat at all?

As he approaches Casmir's chambers, Seth notices that they are locked up tight. Given the mystic knowledge the Tremere seems to hoard, he was probably attempting to keep intruders out of the room. Seth could probably easily pick the lock if he made an effort for it, but Casmir might have other defenses as well. In the end though, it was up to him.

If Seth wants to try to get into the room, Dexterity+ Legerdemain. Diff 7

Regardless of what Seth does, it is over an hour later when he hears yelling. It's hard to make out the words from this distance, but they appear to be coming from Gabrin's chambers, which are nestled close by.

2013-05-20, 09:17 PM

The old man crept closer to the disturbance, attempting to make out the nature of the yelling.

Casmir had taken Gabrin's body to the Earl... Perhaps one of the servants had come upon the bloody mess left behind.

He kept his eyes open for Casmir, to find the elder once again.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-20, 10:14 PM

The Setite's hypothesis is correct. Two of Gabrin's servants are in the chambers. They seem to be in a panic.

"Blood! And Gabrin's gone! What could have happened!"

"What is the meaning of this interruption? Must I instruct someone on the finer points of etiquette?" Lady Jadviga emerges from her chambers down the hall, looking annoyed. Seth notices that she carries a whip. She storms into Gabrin's room, eyes widening at the sight.

"Not another one!" Without another word, she hurries off in the direction of Earl Giovanni.

2013-05-20, 10:38 PM

Everything had its time and its place. Now was not the time to let curiosity get the better of him... But given Jadviga's current temperment, he suspected he might be able to listen in from nearby. Perhaps he could find out what was keeping Casmir.

Quietly, casually, he trailed the Ventrue towards Giovanni's chambers.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-20, 11:51 PM

Jadviga heads directly to the Earl's chambers. She does not even knock before opening the door, entering the room.

"Claudius! We've a problem. Gabrin has disappeared!"

A light chuckle. "My dear Lady, we know exactly where he is." The Earl gestures to the floor. Gabrin's prone body lays there.

"I do not understand.'

Casmir's high pitch whine cuts in. "The Ravnos was a traitor to the cause! I discovered proof that he manipulated the evidence to make it appear that Marchettus betrayed the Earl. It would seem that it was he that was responsible for the disappearance of Marchettus."

"Gabrin? Marchettus was a mighty warrior. I fail to see how Gabrin of all of us could have destroyed him."

"Regardless, it seems to be where the evidence is pointing. Lord Casmir showed me the Brujah's letter. It had indeed been tampered with, and he swears that the Ravnos did it. I've no evidence to suggest otherwise."

A pause. "This is most serious Claudius. First Violetta, now Gabrin? How many of your allies can we truly trust?"

"The matter is well in hand. Whatever game Gabrin was playing, it has been dealt with. In a night it won't matter. You know this."

"And once we tell the others of Gabrin's treachery.."

"We aren't going to tell the others."

"What?" Casmir demands.

"We'll just say the Ravnos ran off. His cl;an are not known for their reliability. Better for them to think he got cold feet then that he was plotting against us the entire time. At this critical juncture, we need to keep the others moral up. Another traitor being revealed could jeopardize that."

Casmir tuts in response.

"Very well. But what will you do with Gabrin? Certainly you don't intend to keep him here."

"I'll have Lothar smuggle him out into the woods later tonight to meet the sun. Something will have to be done about his ghouls, and his childe."

"I can deal with the childe. The ghouls can be gifted to Lord Mieczyslav. I would take them, but the taint of their master may have rubbed off on them."

"Sounds agreeable. If there is nothing else, I have business to attend to."

"I shall take my leave. I trust my loyalty shall be remembered?"

"Of course Lord Casmir. You and Lady Jadviga are the only two I allowed in my confidence on this."

"Yes. Good. Then I shall continue my investigation. If I hear anything else, you shall learn of it. Farewell."

With that, Casmir walks out of the room and looks to be heading towards his chambers. Jadviga remains inside. Seth could continue to eavesdrop, or pursue Casmir.

2013-05-21, 01:04 AM

Not caring about Javidga and Claudius' continued discussion, Seth follows Casmir.

Once Casmir reaches his chambers, Seth will speak quietly.

"My lord, I have something," he said, glancing up and down the hallway.

If it appears Casmir is not headed to his chambers, Seth will speak at that point.

If Casmir does not usher Seth into his chambers, the old man will suggest it to the elder, all the while continuing to glance around the hallway as if to ensure they are not seen together.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-21, 01:18 AM

Following the mage back to his chambers, Seth drops Obfuscate and reveals himself.

"Bah! Must you sneak up on me like that? Very well, come in, come in."
Casmir opens the door and allows Seth to enter. To Seth's knowledge, no one sees them together.

"Claudius won't tell the others, but Gabrin will be dealt with in short order. Still, you are to keep his treachery to yourself. The Earl does not want others to know of it.

"Now, what do you have fledgling? What did you discover?"

He strokes his beard in anticipation.

I've a feeling horror music should begin playing at this moment. Everyone's yelling at Casmir to not go down tot he basement, but the old fool is.

2013-05-21, 02:09 AM

"Of course, my lord," he said, "

Seth enters the chamber, quickly closing the door behind him, and locking it.

"Animals have keener senses. They can find things we cannot, even after a day has passed," he said, "there is blood on the grounds, outside the inn."

He withdrew a bundle from his pack, and carefully unfolded it.

"I picked this up there," he said, "I.. am not confident of being able to identify whose blood it is, but if it is Marchettus', then this could give us a clue as to what happened to him."

Seth finished unfurling the cloth and held up a blood stained arrow, its fletchings torn, but the head and shaft more or less intact.

2013-05-21, 01:34 PM
Reading Andrei's note, Alenka's demeanor did not soften. The shadows that seemed to lick around her silhouette remained, their oily appearance smearing her outline and blending her into the dim murk of the room.

It required considerable willpower on behalf of the Countess to stop herself from becoming violent. Though not usually a vindictive or mean-spirited person, being told by a peasant that she was a thief, deceptive, disrespectful and owed him for some imagined slight after she had already risked his life for him...the honour of her position and her House demanded some sort of punishment for such insolence.

'And now you liken me to a thief?

I attempted a ruse that backfired. You speak of my own pride, yet refuse to let this imagined slight against you pass until you have received some sort of compensation - after I had already risked my well-being for your sake and asked of nothing in return yet you still feel entitled to something from me.

You value the words of the Good Book? Well here's a quote for you:

Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom.

I would have imagined that a man with your background would understand the value of ally's within hostile environments, but if my assistance is such an arduous burden upon your feelings then I shall help you one more time by relieving you of its poisonous effect - goodbye.'

Alenka did not wait for Andrei to respond or finished reading. She couldn't. If she had to stand there as he continued to ungratefully insult her she might very well have picked up one of the blunt weapons from the racks and given him a sound thrashing.

Marching out of the room wearing a venomous expression, she mentally scrapped her plans to meet with Al-Nasir and instead fell back onto Plan B. Heeding Luca's prior suggestions, she made her way to the quarters of Lady Jagvida.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-21, 04:07 PM

"Hmm, Yes, yes this does seem most interesting. Well done fledgling." Casmir examines the arrow, and is quiet for a moment. His analytical mind attempting to piece things together.

"I shall perform the same ritual I did with the letter to determine who last touched this arrow and just how exactly it got blood upon it. Give me but a moment."

He goes quiet, and seems to enter into a trance.

I suspect Seth plans to interrupt his use of Auspex, but if not, let me know and I'll roll results.


You're a little behind Seth, probably when he was still stealing the letter.

Alenka heads to the chambers of the esteemed noble. However, to her displeasure, the door is locked. The Countess can hear voices from inside. It sounds like Claudius is with Jadviga.

Further it sounds as though they are being intimate. Jadviga appears to be making him beg for her to whip him. The Earl seems to be doing so gladly.

This may not be the best time to intrude upon them.

2013-05-21, 06:46 PM

Seth feeds blood into his limbs, this time strengthening them, even as he vanished and quietly drew his sword and stepped behind Casmir.

If Casmir notices, Seth turns towards the door and says, "someone comes."

If not, he once again brings the sword down with all his blood-fueled strength.

Dex: [roll0]
8 bp into str for a temporary total of 9 + 4 weapon = [roll1] +1 willpower.

2013-05-21, 06:53 PM

Benghi spends a few minutes sitting on a bent stump, his feet dangling and face seemingly careless as if he were a child. It's only near the eyes where one can spy his thinking - his brow is furrowed, and there is an odd glint to his eyes as they seem to focus somewhere far in the distance.

So, there was a secret. The Earl had lost quite a few conspirators, and he instead chose to hasten his plans. Well, they had to keep an open eye... and probably have some blood ready. Marianna was the obvious source, if she could be approached. By messenger, probably... but that would require the help of some of the literate folks. Lord Golescu, most likely.He had a rapport with her.

Benghi jumped off the log, his heart strangely light despite it all. Well, he had some free time, might make use of it. He turned in the direction he expected the hunters to be, interested if he could try his own skill against a worthier game.

Will try to find the hunters and tail them, also practicing his obfuscate.

Per+Survival: [roll0]

Dark Seeker
2013-05-21, 10:46 PM

Casmir does not notice Seth's movements. He seems dead to the world, preoccupied with attempting to solve the mystery.

Seth's hit is unexpected, and it is an excellent one. Casmir immediately snaps out of his trance, but the damage is done. Seth's sword meets his flesh, cutting it open like butter. His entrails hangout of his open stomach, and the wizard looks shocked, angry, and panicked. His voice comes out in shallow, painful breaths.

"Stay your swo...rd fledgling. I can offer... you more than the others. Forbi...dden knowledge. Mas...tery of the occult. To destr...oy me is folly. Cla...udius would kill you all!"


Benghi hears the hunters before he sees them. Namely one of them, who appears to be moaning.

Coming closer, the Gangrel can see one of the hunting party has hurt his leg. A few specks of blood surround it, causing Benghi's beast to stir.

"Bloody hell... I didn't even see that rock. off, I can't move at all."

One of the other two men examine the leg. "I knew we shouldn't have stayed out so late. It was imposable to see where we were going. Now Alin has hurt his leg.

The other man speaks up. "We'll need to go back to the village. Neither of us can treat it."

"Leave me here? You... you can't! What if the witches get me?"

"There are no witches in these woods, Alin."

"What about that inn? The bodies that were crucified in front of it. Alban never comes into town anymore!"

"Quit acting like a newborn babe! We'll be back in less than an hour." The pair leave, ignoring the injured man's protests.

"But what if wolves are around? I am helpless! Come back!"

His voice gradually fades as he realizes his companions have departed. He seems anxious, his head jolting from one side to another.

2013-05-21, 10:57 PM

Seth had been mentally prepared for the elder to not succumb in the first blow, and he quickly coiled for a second strike. Casmir's pleas fell on deaf ears. Seth was too deep now to back out. The sword fell a second time, and then Seth shrouded them both with obfuscate and listened for signs anyone had heard.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-21, 11:11 PM

Normally I'd make you roll, but you only need one success, so I'll waive that.

Seth strikes the bargaining Tremere down. Casmir falls to the floor, looking every bit like the corpse he now is. No one appears to have heard anything.

Osiris approaches the corpse and licks up a few drops of the excess blood.

2013-05-21, 11:22 PM

Seth wiped his blade on Casmir's clothes and sheathed it, then locked the door.

He knelt down, being careful not to soil his clothing, and began to feed on Casmir. He needed to be quick, draw out the soul like the others had declined to with Marchettus. The vitae was every bit as potent as Gabrin's had been, and this time, there would be no restraint...

Dark Seeker
2013-05-22, 12:26 AM

Seth drinks greedily. The blood is of an exceptional vintage, perhaps even more so than Gabrin's. But Seth is already aware that he's after more than the blood.

He drinks the Tremere dry, and then feels himself beginning to drink the man's very soul. It comes out in low slurps. The soul clings to its unlife, but Seth is stronger still. Eventually it surrenders to him, and he consumes it all. It is an indescribable feeling. Sex, love, wine, song... none of it can begin to compare. For however briefly, Seth feels divine.

Something in his mind clicks. He feels enlightened. A part of Casmir's knowledge of blood magic has passed onto him. He may actually be able to learn of that art now.

But despite the positive surge of energy, a part of Seth feels like it has been lost. It's hard to place exactly what vanished, but he feels a gasping hole for a brief moment, as if he had suffered a terrible loss. And then it is gone, and he can't remember anything ever having felt different.

The pleasure subsidies to a mere tingle, and Seth finds himself once again in the chambers of the dead Tremere. Osiris stares at him, unblinking.

Casmir had 15 blood. Seth is now 6th gen and can hold 30. He loses two humanity and one dot of conscience. Plus a little surprise that's not apparent yet...

2013-05-22, 03:18 AM

Seth’s head spun. He found himself sitting on the ground. In front of him were Casmir’s effects, interspersed with a pile of ash and bones. Even now, the bones were crumbling to dust.

Ashes to ashes…

It was exhausting and exhilarating all at the same time. The knowledge of forbidden blood magic and rituals filled his mind and yet seemed just out of reach. He looked up and found the green eyes of Osiris staring back at him, unblinking. They were slightly blurred, his poor eyesight had returned.

Capadocious the fickle; he withdrew his gifts even in the act of destroying a monster to help him….The plan, remember the plan!

Seth stood up quickly, limbs still infused with the strength and suppleness he’d called upon to defeat the Tremere. The old man snatched the arrow from the table, and replaced it, along with the wrappings, back into his pack, not so tidily this time.

Now, to destroy the evidence, just as the killer of the Toreador did…

His gaze fell upon the torch which illuminated the room; the books kept by the old warlock would serve as excellent fuel. As he steeled himself to retrieve the flame, however, his mind was seized by an excruciating keening.


Seth fell to his knees again, covering his ears, but nothing could stop the horrible noise.


Oh, they were wrong, they were so very, very wrong. Casmir’s soul hadn’t been destroyed at all; the elder warlock had taken up lodging in Seth’s body.


Instinctively, Seth knew what would come next. Casmir would cause his own blood to boil, like he had done to Gabrin, but there was nothing he could do against that horrible noise to even begin to think about what to do. But then, a sense of surprise overtook him, and he had a moment’s respite from the terrible keening.

His soul is in MY body. I alone control my body.

With strength born of desperation, Seth pushed back against the warlock’s onslaught and the keening subsided to a low buzzing. He stood up slowly, testing his mental fortitude. Much as he had intended to put the room to the torch, Casmir was right: The forbidden knowledge of centuries lay in the books. He couldn’t take them all though. He reached for a book by instinct, letting his subconscious guide him to which was the most valuable.

He had intended only to take one, but his body seemed to move of its own accord, reaching for another. It wasn’t until there were [roll0] books in his pack that he snapped back to reality again.

The plan!

He slammed his pack shut, leaving the majority of the books on the shelves, then cloaked both himself and Osiris with obfuscate, and exited into the hallway, locking the door behind him. If he is unnoticed, he will make his way to the cellar.

On the way, or even in Casmir’s room, Seth will look to pick up another pack.

2013-05-22, 05:01 AM

The Genoese barely suppressed a chuckle. Luck was on his side, apparently. He waited for a while to make sure the other were out of earshot - just in case - He inched closer to the man, trusting his own skill at subterfuge as much as the powers of his blood, before lunging for the man's throat, putting his hand before the other's mouth to stifle any sound that might come out.

Take 5 BPs

Benghi didn't drink too deep, but by the weakening stirrings of the man he imagined his victim would be fairly hurt. Hey, still a lot better than if Dimitra had chanced upon him, he thinks, the sod will most likely live. He licks up the wound to close it, then takes up the body and takes him some 40 feet in the direction the others were going, letting it fall on the ground near an exposed root. The hunter tried to rejoin his friends, but fell in the dark and lost consciousness.

He disappears in the dark woods, the fresh blood feeling much more filling than the dull vitae of the animal. Still, he thinks, both can serve well. There should be several hours until near daybreak, when he should be waiting for an answer to his message to Milov - not really necessary now, but there you go - and he's heading towards the tavern. The little birdie he sent to give him news of the priest was supposed to be nearby if it saw anything.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-22, 09:01 PM

The cellar is on the far end of the inn. If nothing else, the walk is appreciated by Seth because Casmir's yelling gradually falls to a whisper, and then to nothing at all. The Tremere is still there, Seth can feel him, but it would seem that he is unable to interfere further. For now.

The cellar itself is dark and dank. It seems largely filled with wines, a rare testament of when the inn had been exactly that and not a den of evil as it is now. In the far corner stands a door, which appears to lead into caverns under the inn. For now anyway, Seth has privacy, both from others and his own rogue thoughts.

Seth finds no spare pack,at least for the moment. His pack is heavy, and it might due to get rid of the evidence as to Casmir's demise. Luckily it seems that few have recently ventured into the cellar. Perhaps he could hide some of his belongings in here.


The man notices something is wrong, but never gets a chance to raise the alarm before Benghi's fangs are in his neck. He relaxes quickly, almost seeming willing to surrender his life. As Benghi pulls himself away, he notes that the man has a very faint heartbeat. He's no healer, but the man probably has a coin flip chance of surviving if he does not get immediate help. Still, his friend should be back soon, so he'll probably survive.

After setting his body down, the Gangral starts to head back to the inn. The excessive chirping of a bird delays him. Flying down to greet him is the one he sent to observe Clement.

"Hoot! Hoot! The holy man met up with several dangerous looking men. They are near the monastery the most powerful dead thing resides in! The monk is talking about 'righteous fire' and an 'almighty cleansing. ' I would have stayed to observe longer, but the monk seemed uneasy and spoke of killing me in case I was a demon!

"Now give me more bread, hoot!"

2013-05-22, 09:41 PM
Alenka rose an eyebrow as the licentious sounds drifted beneath the door-frame. Though hardly a prude herself, she had something of a...naughty sense of humor that no one else had ever tested as of yet.

And then it came...abrupt and swift.

Alenka's lips pursed together tightly as her cheeks reddened as she tried desparaetly to keep her mouth closed and supress the smirk, as a stiffled laughter crawled up her throat and hit the back of her lips.

Quickly slapping her hand over her mouth, the countess swiftly stumbled away and frantically plunged herself into an empty, adjacent room - hurriedly closing the door behind her and, upon doing so, doubled over with her hands upon her belly.

"Ba-ha ha ha ha ha!"

The countess keeled over, her hands lashing out to grip anything to keep her upon her feet as she cackled uncontrollably. Despite her dead anatomy, her cheeks flushed a bright red, before she was unable to contain her mirth and fell over upon the ground, where she gripped her stomach and laughed heartily.

"Ahh, praise the Lord for the gift of laughter!" she uttered, grinning ear to ear as she came down from her lofty peaks of comedy.

"Heh heh heh heh..." she giggled, getting to her feet.

Adjusting herself properly, she inhaled out of reflex and dusted herself off. Settling down into a place of solitude, Alenka kept herself listening to the door to Jagdvia's quarters to be alerted to when it's occupants left.

2013-05-22, 10:19 PM

"Out of the way, but perhaps a little too out of the way," he thought as he closed the door. He saw the exit at the end of the cellar though, and pondered through the possibilities.

Seth made up his mind and moved quickly, withdrawing a spare set of clothing from his pack and changing. He pulled the armor and tunic off as one, and arranged his effects at the bottom of the stairs as they would appear when worn. Using his fangs, he bit his wrist, dribbling blood on the front of the tunic and on the ground before licking the wound to seal it. Then he withdrew a container from his pack, and opened it carefully. Inside were ashes. He spread them around and in the clothing, being careful to avoid getting any on himself.

If there is any kind of container in the cellar (its hard to imagine a cellar without sacks or bags), Seth will transfer the books and leave the pack itself at the base of the stairs as well. Otherwise he will simply bring his pack with him. He will also keep the sword and the arrow, and the container which held the ashes, but leave everything else.

When complete, he crept back up the steps and listened at the door. He especially wanted to avoid any of those Amisa had mentioned knew the power of Auspex. He opened the cellar door and stepped into the hallway again. If it was clear, he bit his wrist again, and left a small but noticable trail of blood on the floor near the cellar door.

Then, cloaked with obfuscate, he left the inn for the stables, snapping the arrowhead off and tossing the wooden shaft into a fire on the way. Once outside, he lifted the hood of his cloak. A shovel and some rope would make his next task easier, but he could do without. Burying an arrowhead was easy..., but digging a hole for a body was another thing.

Whoever came upon the blood near the cellar would investigate only to find a pile of ash, blood, interspersed with Seth's clothing and effects. Amisa would be told, and she would relay that Seth had gone to seek out the aid of one who knew Auspex. They would find Casmir's body soon enough. With any luck, Lothar would use the confusion to slip out of the inn and make for the woods with Gabrin's body.

...And Seth would be waiting.

Let me know how many bp it took to make the spatters look convincing

Dark Seeker
2013-05-22, 11:24 PM

The Earl leaves fifteen minutes or so later, looking rather satisfied. Jadviga does not follow him out. If Alenka still wants to speak with the Ventrue, now would be the time.

Sorry for the short post. If Alenka does not meet with Jadviga, she'll leave the room nearly an hour later, demanding to know what all the racket is about. Her chambers will then be empty and unlocked.


Seth is able to set up the grisly scene of his apparent demise, and transfer Casmir's books into a spare barrel.

Making his way outside proves uncomplicated. The inn seems almost peaceful at the moment.

And so Seth waits for an hour, but Lothar never comes, nor does anyone else. There is around an hour and a half before sunrise. Lothar could still appear. But for whatever reason Giovanni's ghoul appeared delayed. Seth could continue to wait, or do something else with the fleeting remainder of night.

I'd say around 2 bp to make it look convincing. Normally it would be more, but no kindred killer would leave that much spare blood around.

2013-05-22, 11:59 PM

The old man grew fidgity. He didn't like the silence of the woods, for the buzzing in his head had begun to grow louder. After about 40 minutes, he began digging a ditch, stopping every few seconds to look and listen for someone coming from the inn.

was Seth able to acquire a shovel and rope from the stable?

2013-05-23, 01:34 AM
Confident that she could now attend to "Lady" Jagvida, Alenka came out of hiding and approached the womans door.

Reaching it, she knocked on it. When asked, she announced herself.

2013-05-23, 03:34 PM

Andrei held his position until the Lady Vasa left. He barely bothered to glance at the note, since her actions had told her all he needed to know. He breathed in once, and then exhaled through the nose. He sat back and streaked his hands through his hair. Losing her, or more specifically, her unnerving ability to command shadows, made his job much harder. On the other hand . . .

Pearls before swine, he dismissed the idea mentally. There was no help to be had from that quarter, none that he could count on anyway. His stomach twisted again, reminding him that he had to hurry. He stood and, walking briskly, returned to Octavia's room. He knocked on the door.

2013-05-23, 05:43 PM

The Gangrel's eyes flash with a surprise, then a short laughter. "That crazy monk! He doesn't have the balls to strike at Giovanni during the daytime, and yet talks his talk near there!" he says, then thinks for a moment."Huh, actually, that might be interesting. Did the strange holy man say when they would act?" he adds in the owl's tongue and brings out some bread as he pets it. He doesn't have to bring all these crumbs and morsels when he can order, he knows, but one should take care of his aids. Speaking of which... This little owl was proving useful. Maybe useful enough.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-23, 08:55 PM

Seth has peace and quiet as he digs a deep ditch. Lothar is nowhere to be found. Perhaps they would just have the ghoul toss his body out into the sunlight in the middle of the day. Or perhaps the discovery of more dead kindred had changed the Earl's priorities.


"Please, enter."

Jadviga sits behind her desk, apparently writing a letter. There are no signs of anything amiss. She smiles serenely at Alenka as she enters.

"My, I am quite popular with the fledglings lately. Though I must confess I never thought Leopold's childe would have come to see me.

"Please, have a seat. What can I do for you, my dear?"

Octavia lets Andrei in, this time with less worry for her own safety. He notices she still keeps the knife nearby though.

Gesturing for his slate, she writes a quick note.

You seem troubled. Is there anything I can do?


"All I know is that he plans to do it soon. He seems convinced that the powerful dead thing is sending him visions, and he wants them to stop."

The owl chomps on its treat, satisfied.

2013-05-23, 09:53 PM

Andrei looked at the slate, considered, and with a brief shrug, wrote a brief message and showed it to Octavia:

I requested Lady Vasa, the blonde noblewoman, for an apology for taking Marchettus. She did not take the request well. I believe I have permanently alienated her.

He shrugged again as he drew the slate back, wiped it clean with his rag, and wrote another message.

That is not what concerns me at the moment. What concerns me is that tomorrow Giovanni will leave this place, and there are still fiends that must be destroyed lest they do to others what they have done here. Two in particular concern me: Mieczyslav and Al-Nasir. They would both murder a human and think nothing of it, and they must be stopped. I have a plan, but I require your help. What I asked last night I ask you to attempt again tonight. Find a servant of Mieczyslav who is most terrified of him and bring him to me when I return from my hunt.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-23, 10:50 PM

I am sorry to hear of your trouble. The nobility are hard to please., even as mortals. With powers behind them they think themselves gods.

Octavia gives a grim nod.

Mieczyslav's servants fear him. Few of them last very long. I may be able to find one who is willing to take a risk on trusting you. I will make what inquiries I can.

2013-05-23, 11:30 PM
I am Leopolds victim, not his offspring, Alenka thought bitterly as she placed herself down into the seat provided. She folded one knee over the other and her hands in her lap: posture correct and chin at proper height -practiced formalities that had been ingratiated into her since she was little.

Although...she had to stop herself from snickering at the idea that, indeed, Jagvida was a popular woman tonight.

"Yes, circumstances often delivery situations - my condolences on your own childe."

Dark Seeker
2013-05-23, 11:47 PM

"Ah, so good to see one with a proper upbringing! So very few of my fellows have been raised with any manners. Always a delight.

At the mention of Isabel, rage flickers across Jadviga's face. but only for a second. It's gone before Alenka can even fully comprehend it, replaced once again by a pleasant smile.

"My childe was a fool. It was a mistake on my part to give the blood to a common whore. I suppose I should have expected the betrayal. Though it makes it no easier to bear, when one's own childe turns against them." A mournful look crosses her face, though Alenka suspects its exaggerated for her benefit.

"But enough of that unpleasantness. I trust Leopold is treating you well? How is your sire?" Alenka gets the feeling Jadviga is asking about more than his health.

2013-05-23, 11:59 PM
"Oh? I'll be sure to give him your regards - I'm sure he'll be thrilled." Alenka said, her smile playfully deliberate - making it clear she knew of the animosity between the two, but was willing to indulge in a little sarcastic humor.

"Despite being members of the same movement I am quite surprised that we have never partaken the opportunity to acquaint ourselves," Alenka started, keeping her voice measured and cordial.

"Friends of mine have spoken of your hospitality and rerceptibility to new acquaintance."

Dark Seeker
2013-05-24, 12:25 AM

"Have they now? I am glad I make such a favorable impression. I know your new state must be difficult. I can at least attempt to help guide you along and offer advice during this trying time.

Do you need anything in particular that I can help you with? Perhaps advice on...dealing with your sire?"

2013-05-24, 12:09 PM

Andrei scrubbed the slate clean and wrote another message for Octavia, his brow knitted together.

Be careful, Octavia. I suspect that Lady Vasa will not strike at you to get to me; that is not her way. But some of these vampires can pull thoughts out of the heads of mortals, or so I've heard, and that makes what you know about Marchettus incredibly dangerous. They're on edge and nervous after his disappearance, and I won't be here tonight to protect you.

I don't want to lose you. Act normal and keep a song in your head, but stay away from the places they frequent. Meet me back here in, say, three hours. Bring a servant if you can, a name and a description if you couldn't convince him to come of his own volition.

When she was done reading, he gently leaned over and kissed her brow, and then stood and made for the door.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-24, 09:00 PM

I will do what I can. Of all the monsters here, Mieczyslav is one of the worst. But dawn will approach within three hours. Perhaps we should meet back here within two, so you do not have to worry about running out of time?

She allows Andrei to kiss her and relaxes into it, her eyes closed.

2013-05-24, 09:25 PM
Alenka was silent for a couple of moments after Jagvida asked her question....the countess was a little stunned at how open and lacking subtlety she was.

The noblewoman shrugged deftly, "Leopold is a competent member of this enclave. He earns particularly well, has impressive holdings across the Mediterranean and is a stalwartly loyal agent of the Earl.

I think he is a splendid fellow, and as a loyal servant of his, I care for both himself and his function within this organisation. The recent slayings of prominent members have me worried: what if it, God forbid, were to happen to Leopold? I dread to entertain such a scenario in my mind, not only for Valdemar's sake but that of the representation of Clan Lasombra in this enterprise.

So, I have come to another who would know what I am speaking of: if something were to happen to Leopold, who would be required to step up to fill the considerable talent vacuum in the wake of his absence?"

Alenka hoped that her hint was clear: help me kill Leopold and I can give you some of his holdings while keeping the lions share for myself.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-24, 11:39 PM

"Indeed. That would be most misfortunate. Should Leopold tragically meet his demise tomorrow evening, I am sure most of his assets would fall to you as his childe. Of course, there are many ambitious Lasombra who would use the tragedy to try and take what they could for themselves. You would be seen as weak and an easy target. You would need powerful allies. Perhaps if the unthinkable were to occur, I could assist you in claiming what was yours by right.

Jadviga offers an enigma of a smile. "Something to keep in mind, at any rate, should the unthinkable occur. If you find yourself in need of assistance, I am willing to help. I merely ask you keep my assistance in mind should an opportunity arise to repay my kindness in turn."

2013-05-25, 12:42 AM
Alenka returned the polite and diplomatic smile.

"Nothing would be further from my thoughts." she assured.

Dark Seeker
2013-05-25, 03:44 PM

"Of course, you needn't worry. Lord Valdemar is a powerful elder. Only a fellow elder would have a chance to defeat him. I imagine the best way would be to ambush him, speaking hypothetically."

A pause, and then a risk. "I could assist you in dealing with your sire, if you ever desired it. Leopold is hard to conduct business with, given his baseless hated of me. I believe you would be far more willing to make deals that benefit the both of us. And speaking bluntly, you are of noble blood. Leopold is a merchant. He possesses great wealth, but lacks an understanding of what it means to be a ruler. I do believe you would be different in that regard.

"However, in exchange for my assistance I would require two favors. I know you are working for Hardestadt. Vile man. He resents that a woman should possess more authority than him. He seeks to foil my plans at every turn, and I am sick of it!"

She collects herself, and smiles once again. "All I ask of you is that you inform him and the rest of the Founders of my support. He would label me a traitor and see me burnt. I would appreciate some words on what an asset I have been. To protect myself."

"As for the second favor, to be blunt, I need to know if I can trust you. I would request that you drink of my blood once. It shall form a bond to me, though it will be a minor one. It won't make you feel anymore favorable to me than it does to your sire, and as we have seen, that bond can easily be overcome. But it helps to ensure that this is not a plot to see me dead. Understand, I must be cautious."

"So, have we reached an agreement?" She waits patiently for an answer.

2013-05-25, 05:38 PM

The gangrel considers the words of the owl for a moment. That was... tricky. He wasn't sure how much the monk knew, but it seemed more than was safe for anyone. On the other hand, him planning to move on the monastery might be a factor no one in their big plans had accounted for. Maybe even enough to jar some of the Cappadocians into not going to their death quite so meekly - that Japheth didn't seem so happy about how things were going.

He waits for a while near the village, wanting to make sure that he's there if the bird comes particularly fast, but he will leave some time before dawn - ideally enough to make it to the tavern with at least half an hour to spare. There, he will need to find the others, especially Solland and Luca.

2013-05-29, 11:26 AM
Alenka rose a slender, blonde eyebrow at Jagvida's request. The noblewomans face remained mostly impassive, but with a hint of curiosity.

"By the same token, I am leaving myself openly vulnerable." she started.

"I do not see your request to be a sufficient insulation against betrayal, despite my having planned none. You are right in your suspicion, as I would be if I were in your position, but so to must I be careful...there are a host of reasons why you would cooperate against me.

However, if drinking once of your blood has no adhering affects of my disposition towards you then that seems like a poor buffer against treachery, don't you think?

However, if you believe this to be a vigorous enough enforcement of trust, then I will agree to it on condition: we drink each others blood.

I to must be careful, I'm sure a lady of your experience and expertise would know understand that."

Dark Seeker
2013-05-30, 02:11 PM

The bird won't arrive until an hour or so before dawn. Luca's currently off on his own adventure. If Benghi wants to wait for the bird he can, or he can head back to the inn or look for shelter out in the wilderness.


"And likewise, you could be a significant threat to me. You are the childe of a man who has proven himself to be quite the nuisance. How can I be sure this is not a trap of his? You partaking of my blood provides me with a small amount of security, but I am still putting myself at a great risk. "

She considers Alenka's counteroffer, and is silent for a time.

"You are quite the brass childe, to ask such a thing of an elder. But I suppose it is understandable. You are of noble blood, used to having your way. I may have been the same at your age, naively believing my position in life would offer me the same authority in death. It did not, of course. I had to work very hard to maintain the level of authority I have this evening. And I must work harder still."

"Still, I am not unreasonable. I accept your offer. Provided you drink first."

She holds out her arm.

2013-06-01, 06:35 PM

Andrei offered Octavia a look of momentary befuddlement, checking with his internal clock to be sure. Seeing that she was right, he nodded grimly and pointed to the floor of the room and then holding up one finger. He then tapped his chest where the collarbones met and then pointed at her where the pendant lay and left.

Heading outside, he moved swiftly into the wilderness, his senses shifting to hunt and track prey. He had held onto his hunger long enough. Now he had to feed.

Roll to find a prey and take it in an hour. I'm guessing Wits + Survival. Specialty applies.


Dark Seeker
2013-06-02, 04:13 PM

Andrei either has exceptional luck or exceptional skill. He finds and drains a deer within twenty minutes.

gain 4 bp. Andrei has enough time that he can go after another Bambi, or head back to Octavia's room early and see if she found anything.

2013-06-02, 05:19 PM

The Genoese waits for a while, before muttering something about not everything working his way and heading towards the inn. Every now and then, he looks at the sky warily, narrow eyes following the movement of the stars across the horizon. He is starting to get used to them here, but he's still operating on instinct for time rather than conscious astronomy.

Once at the inn, he is somewhat withdrawn, just nodding at the kine and kindred, except to ask if they've seen Solland. He would find the Toreador and ask him if he has the sketch completed. If not, he'll urge him to hurry... there is no much time.

2013-06-03, 08:31 AM

Something was wrong, it had taken too much time. They must have found Casmir by now... perhaps Claudius had changed plans when he discovered two more ash piles. Blast, he couldn't risk returning to the inn to see what had happened.

He bit his finger and held it out for Osiris to lap a few drops.

"My faithful companion," he purred quietly, "time is short, and I must be in two places at once."

"It is impossible, but if you were to deliver a message, we might still be able to do some good before leaving these demons behind," he said, "I would ask it of you, but I will not demand it, for it means you will walk into a lair of many dead things, though not the lair of the most powerful."

Seth is asking Osiris if he's willing to journey alone to Hardestadt's, during the day. If Osiris does not want to make the trip, Seth will not force him.

Ho ho! Things not working out according to plan?

Seth concentrated and shoved the alien thoughts from his mind. This time it was more of an annoyance, but he had a sinking feeling Casmir would intrude at an inopportune time soon enough.

Dark Seeker
2013-06-03, 03:13 PM

The feline enjoys its unholy meal, purring softly. It considers his words and nods.

I will do as you ask. I owe you a boon for sparing me back when you first met that snake woman. Speak to me your message, and I shall see it delivered.

There will be little danger to me from this, dead thing. I know quite well how to deal with your type.

The cat licks one of its legs, looking very regal.

2013-06-03, 06:11 PM

Andrei looked down at the dead deer, a mixture of pity and sadness. To kill an animal that you could not bring back and make full use of cut against all his instincts, but time did not allow him to clean the animal and carry it back. His hunger was sated for the moment, but he had fed enough to know that he was far from full. Not only would he need fuel for tomorrow, but he also needed a margin within which to operate without being a lethal hazard to everyone around him, Octavia especially. With a final touch of mournfulness, he knelt by the animal and offered a silent prayer that his prey be found worthy in whatever small way by the Lord and that he be forgiven the sin of leaving such worthy prey for the beasts of the forest.

Andrei stood and plunged again into the forest, looking for more prey to sate his hunger.

I'll spend as much time as I can hunting and feeding before I go spend whatever time I need going back.

Wits + Survival (specialty applies): [roll0]

2013-06-03, 07:24 PM

"Very well," Seth replied, somewhat surprised at the cat's self-confidence, "I had intended to write a note for you to carry, but perhaps you shall move faster and attract less notice without it."

At first, he struggled to find words that would make sense.

"My master fears for his life, so he sends me ahead. Several have been slain, but they march tonight, to where the most powerful dead-thing lairs. Make ready preparations to meet them there."

He made Osiris recite the message back to him, to ensure he'd gotten it, then nodded.

"Farewell, my friend, we shall meet again, tomorrow night," he said.

He stroked the cat lovingly. Since the night in the coffin, he'd grown quite attached to the feline, and oddly enough, did not wish to be parted from him. Some things had to be done, however, for the greater good. From the village, they parted ways with Osiris heading to Hardestadt's and Seth, along with his shovel, moving with all speed to the monastery.

Seth will move as quickly as he can overland, hoping he can find shelter during the day, but using the shovel if he cannot. He will bury himself well off the road and as out of the way as he can, so as not to be disturbed.

2013-06-04, 02:09 AM
Alenka raised a slender, yellow eyebrow at Jagvida's request that she drink first. She accompanied it with a diplomatic, smirk.

"Where is your sense of symbolism and romanticism?" she asked, keeping her words playful.

Alenka raised her own arm and drew back her sleeve to reveal the trim forearm within. It was an amazing thing, the blood of Cain. Though it appear more fragile, there was more physical power in this arm than in those of any of her male comrades.

"We shall drink together, simultaneously. We both share risk, we both share suspicion, we both share the potential consquences...but so to do we both share the rewards."

Alenka positioned herself, arm out, so that she could drink from Jagivda's while Jagvia would drink from hers at the same time.

She lay poised.

Dark Seeker
2013-06-04, 04:28 PM

Andrei's skills are still exceptional, but it takes him a bit longer to find and bring down a deer this time. It's a messier kill as well, so he gets a less nourishing meal.

Gain 3 bp.

Bu the time he finishes feeding and getting back to the inn, the Assamite realizes that the night is almost over. Not even a half hour remains to it. Still, perhaps Octavia was available for a short meeting.

He knocks on the door and is let in, finding that his friend is not alone. A nervous looking bird like man paces the room, his eyes darting from side to side. His clothes mark him as higher than a commoner but lower than a noble.

The man speaks up. "You're the one she was telling me about, yeah? The one who wants to kill Mieczyslav?"

He darts forward, grasping Andrei by his clothes. "He's insane. He toys with us. But the fate is always the same. We all die, if we're lucky. If not, he does other things to us. Molds our bodies into these monstrosities! I've only served him a few weeks, but I can tell he's planning to do something to me!

He lets Andrei go, pacing again. "The girl told me you want to kill him. He's a very powerful sort, you'd not have a chance usually. But I've heard other servants remark that their monsters rise earlier than Mieczyslav does. It seems like he rises very late in the evening, when compared to them.

"Arrive at his chambers tomorrow night, as soon as your rise. I'll leave the door unlocked. Maybe you'd have a shot while he's asleep, eh?"

"I really have to go now. Are you going to help me or not?"

Octavia rolls her eyes, clearly put off by the servant's brashness.


A note would normally be preferable, but the Founders are aware of me. They will head my warnings. A pause. You are not the only one who holds a grudge against the Giovanni. For all the unpleasantness of that snake woman, she is merely a pawn of forces she cannot begin to understand.

Osiris lets out a soft purr as he is stroked. Although it was becoming readily apparent he was more than just a cat, he does seem to enjoy many typical feline activities. Seth had caught him captivated by a thread of yarn the other evening.

Osiris departs, moving as rapidly as his legs will allow. Seth meanwhile heads off on his own, knowing that time is of the essence. However, it becomes apparent rather quickly that he won't be able to make it there tonight.

Make a perception+survival roll to try and find shelter.


Jadviga allows a small smile.

"Romantiticism? Perhaps you would have been better off in clan Toreador? Though Wenceslas would have wasted your talents on his petty pursuits."

"Very well."

She offers Alenka her arm, while taking a delicate sip from the Lasombra. She never breaks composure. the initial bite is sharp, but Jadviga drinks the blood as if she is a formal dinner. It was impressive, in its own way.

Assuming Alenka does the same, she looks up at Jadviga, examining the Venture. She was truly a dignified sort. Her particular hobbies aside, she was proof that there was a place for nobility in kindred society.

"There now, no harm done. Your blood was most exquisite. A little tart, and I usually prefer to work up an appetite before I dine, but there's no need for that with a fellow high born."

"I cannot act tonight. But tomorrow, You have my assurances Valdemar will meet the final death. If need be, I can pull some strings with Claudius to allow it. So long as it cannot be traced back to the earl, he will give me a free hand with him.'

"I believe this to be acceptable? If there is nothing else..."

2013-06-04, 06:42 PM

Andrei breathed in, and then out, slowly. This would not be easy, and would require a forcefulness from him that he had never before given. He calmly walked to the table, pulled out two pieces of parchment and a quill, and set them down without looking at the man. Then, he gently set his slate on top of it, pulled out his dwindling stick of chalk, and wrote a careful, neat message:

You will do what I tell you to do, no more and no less, or I will make sure Mieczyslav knows about this visit rather than risk even the appearance of crossing him.

He looked at the message for a moment, his conscience tearing at him for employing such a terrible threat. But he steeled his heart and his face and, turning the slate, pushed it slowly towards the man. I have to ensure that he follows the plan, and this is the only way to make certain he does not back out.

Dark Seeker
2013-06-04, 08:35 PM

The man's eyes go wide, as if he is starting to think this while idea was a mistake.

"No need for that! I'll do whatever you want. Long as you can free me from him, I don't mind serving you. I'm useful, I assure you. ha ha..." Sweat trickles down his face.

"What do you need me to do?"


Seth makes good time, but not having to rest undoubtedly helps. He'll have maybe a little more than an hour left until he reaches Cappadocius. For tonight though, the night is ending, and he is out in the middle of nowhere. No settlements seem to be around. This could be problematical.

Seth however keeps calm, and he spends a few minutes searching for shelter nearby from the sun. Off the road a little ways he finds a freshly downed oak, a hole at the foot of it. Testing it, Seth has enough room to crawl in and adopt a small measure of comfort. Using the cloth madwoman Banes gave him, the Setite is able to block the opening rays. Not a single shred of light should interrupt him in the morning. It is pitch black, and seems secure.

The day sleep claims Seth suddenly, but there comes no burning with it.

Give yourself a hoorah for being the first player to finish the night. Have 3 xp. :smallsmile:

2013-06-04, 08:53 PM

Andrei's face doesn't change, but his heart softened somewhat. He took the slate, erased it with his rag, and wrote again.

Good, because you while you may not like it, it is the most efficient way to deal with him. I will lay the trap, and you are the bait. When he falls asleep today, you will do two things. One, you will scoop up all the dirt around his coffin, as well as all his spare dirt, and you will dump it out. Two, you will leave this house after writing a note that you can no longer stand it and are fleeing up the north road. Roughly an hour on a carriage, maybe three or four on foot, you will find a clearing with a single birch tree. You will wait for me there, and help Octavia when she arrives. My life will be in your hands, but if I die, you will die as well.

Dark Seeker
2013-06-05, 03:12 PM

The servant looks less than pleased.

"But what if he wakes up and sees me doing that? He'd kill me. He'd make me wish he'd kill me!"

Seeing Andrei's unrelenting face, he sighs.

"Fine. I'll... do it. But you had better be fast. Mieczyslav loves that dirt. If he comes after me, I'm not sure I could outrun him. But I don't suppose I have any choice. I accept your offer." He looks rather bitter.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go back to his chambers and wait. Maybe get a drink first. Ugh, this will be a long day."
He proceeds to leave.

When Andrei looks at Octavia, he notices a frown on her features. She seems disapproving of the Assamite's actions.

Somehow, that hurt more than Marchettus slamming into him.

Octavia used guilt, which is one of the most powerful disciplines known to man. She seems to be an expert in it, as well. Andrei had best be cautious.

2013-06-05, 04:52 PM

The Genoese looks for his companions, but it seems all are busy. Finding no one else, for the moment, he heads towards Rodrigo's quarters with a half-full bottle of wine, knocking lightly. "Are you still up, man? I could use a bit of company"

2013-06-05, 08:24 PM

Andrei sighed and slumped his shoulders. His elbows set on the table, he ground his palms into his eyes, shook his head, and took the slate, this time almost pained.

I won't say I had no choice. But the choice was whether I trust his fear or . . . or nothing. I had nothing to offer him but a terrible risk, but if he took that risk, I could save many lives over the coming centuries. I didn't like doing it any more than you liked watching it.

You'd best get started. Once the sun comes up, I'll need you to wrap me up and take me out to a cart and take me on the north road to the clearing with the birch. Bring a shovel, because I'll need to be buried or I'll burn.

If you have no questions, I have to clear this with Al-Nasir. I'll be back in a few with further instructions.

He passed the slate to Octavia, his shoulders still slumped under the weight of the world.


If she's got no objections or anything big to say, I'll just skip straight to going and knocking on Al-Nasir's door.

2013-06-05, 10:22 PM
Alenka rolled her sleeve down, shaking her head tersely.

"Not that I'm aware of - unless there's anything you think is remiss?"

Chances are things would be fine...for now.

Departing Jagviga's room, she cuts and pastes inside her head her original course of action. Believing enough time has passed that Andrei would no longer be a detriment to her request, Alenka headed in the direction of Al'Nasir's quarters.

Upon arrival she gently knocked on the door and announced her presence when asked.

Dark Seeker
2013-06-06, 12:13 AM

Roderigo answers the door quickly, his smile growing wider as he sees the wine.

"Bringing gifts, eh lad? Well, I shall not complain!"

He invites Benghi into his modest chambers, offering him a seat(though claiming the wine.)

"A big night for us all tomorrow. I believe you have done great things. My Lord and the others should be able to foil Claudius's plot. As for myself, I'll be glad to done with the cloak and dagger scheming. I have worked for Claudius for about a year, but my Lord has suspected him of treachery for quite some time." He pours a glass of wine, draining it quickly.

"It will be nice to return to my ordinary job as a coachman. What of you, lad? My Lord shall reward you well for your bravery. What will you do with yourself? Carve out a small bit of territory for yourself, ruling it with the blessing of the Founders? Or perhaps you shall learn from Lord Milov the ways of your clan. So many opportunities!"

He awaits Benghi's answer, looking quite curious.


Octavia writes quickly.

I understand. but be careful. These monsters take great pleasure in threatening their servants I have seen the power you command. It is great, perhaps greater than any mortal. Do not give into the temptation to use it to intimidate others or you may find yourself making a habit of it. Please do not. For both our sakes. She gives him a reassuring peck, showing that she is more concerned than angry.

Andrei sets off, heading to his wicked sire. As he gets closer, he hears multiple voices from inside. He is not alone.


"I think you've the matter well in hand my dear. Have a pleasant evening. I shall speak with you tomorrow to confirm our plans."

Alenka arrives at Al-Nasir's door. and knocks. A soft voice emerges from the room.


Al-Nasir smiles at the sight of the Lasombra. The tall, bearded Arab is dressed in fine Turkish robes. He seems to have been performing stretching exercises before Alenka walked in. In one fluid motion, he rises to his feet, regarding her with curious eyes and a not unpleasant expression.

"Ah, Leopold Valdemar's childe, the lovely Countess Alenka Vasa." He gently kisses her hand, provided she offers it. "Ah. A most exquisite taste. your sire choice was a wise one."

"What brings you to my humble dwelling? I have not interacted with your sire much, or indeed many Lasombra at all. Your clan thinks themselves nobles, leaders of kindred society. Many Lasombra perceive my clan as little more than swords for hire." If he holds bitterness over this, he does not show it.

"Can I offer you some blood. From my... personal stock? An esteemed guest deserves most honorable treatment."

2013-06-06, 01:11 AM
Al-Nasir's "taste" of her skin made the countess's nerves crawl...but she did not allow it to creep across her features. Instead she offered an amused smile, as if partaking in some dark humor with the muslim.

"Were I not under the duress of a schedule then I would take you up on your offer," Alenka started, "but your hospitality is noted."

"It is fortuitous that you mention the clans perception of your kind, as little more than mercenaries."

As Alenka spoke, she moved a little deeper into his room, towawrds the back where the man kept his alchemical equipment. The Lasombra made sure to retain her perceptions of the shadows around her and to note any movement that was not her own - she wouldn't let him creep up on her.

"I have heard different tales. Ones of a much more scholarly, scientific pursuit. Science is the engine of civilisation, I have seen to its importance in the province that I oversee and the rewards have been great. In this regard, your clan is gifted."

To accentuate her words, she draped a finger across what seemed to be the most commonly disturbed item - the one that had the least amount of dust upon it. In this way she gained familiarity, but ensured that she did not touch any of his personal, highly guarded items.

"That is, actually, the reason of my visit. I must confess my visit is business in nature, rather than that of camaraderie - but I hope that in the solidification of the former we can generate the warm cordiality of the latter.

The happenings of this night have concerned me, as I do not wish my existence to end tomorrow upon the blade of one of the Founders. As such, I am seeking a means of..leveling the playing field, so to speak, and I have heard through the grape-vine that the products of your clan, when seeped across a weapon, can give me a chance of repelling one, permanently, should he see me as an easy target."

2013-06-06, 06:06 PM

Benghi sits down and looks at the mug wistfully. "Gotta try if I can still stomach a bit," he mutters, then replies. "To be honest, I'm still not sure - so far I've tried to survive all this and see if I can make sure I don't have to run from my own shadow or live with a leash around my throat. I'm looking forward to getting out of this damn vale."

He picks up a mug and taps it lightly, thinking. How open can he be with the ghoul? Well, he has been smart enough to avoid notice, and from what he can tell seems to be fairly loyal to the Founders, by blood and - maybe - cause. "I hope you're right about tomorrow... but I'm not so sure. It all appears rushed, don't you think? I'm not sure if the Earl is planning to force his way through... But he seems all too certain. Maybe he's got some weird magic or somesuch... Have you noticed something odd?"

He thinks for a moment, and adds. "One more thing, Rodrigo - can you read or write?"

Dark Seeker
2013-06-06, 08:22 PM

"You are most perceptive, Countess Vasa. My clan has many talents. Even I may not know all of them!" He chuckles good naturally, but turns serious when she mentions business.

"I see. That is quite a request. I can perhaps provide you with some poison, though I will require something in return. I cannot give my services away, even to one as beautiful as you, Countess."

"So what can you possibly offer me, for the added protection I shall provide you with?" He awaits an answer.


Roderigo grins. "Survival is as worthy a goal as any. So many of your kind plan for the long term while forgetting the most important goal. Perhaps that is part of the curse of immortality."

"As for things being rushed, I do believe that is due to you and your companions! Half the servants here now find themselves without a master. I suspect the Earl would have faced a revolt had he not moved things up. My Lord seems to think when push comes to shove, Japheth will not resist the Earl. I cannot imagine why. He is a truly vile man. But many of your kind's ways are a mystery to me. I've not noticed anything odd, but I've been kept under a tight leash. Lothar still distrusts me, and I think it best to remain as out of the way as possible, you understand."

He beams proudly. "I can do both, lad. It's one of the reasons I'm so effective at what I do. Why do you ask?"

2013-06-06, 08:32 PM
Benghi listens for a moment for any possible noises that might indicate someone coming. When he continues, his voice is fairly quiet, but calm. "I've been thinking... I think the Earl must have a trump up his sleeve, just in case things go wrong. Sure, he has his allies, but he seems way too calm... and, well, I've heard something about him planning some witchcraft that he needs something for. Sadly, I don't know what that something is - just something he'd want to keep around him at all times. Thought you might have noticed something," he shrugs. "I want to know where the rocks are before I crash on them"

"I was asking because I want to send a message in the monastery... to that woman who survived from the mansion, the one the Earl got. That Japheth seemed to value her, maybe she can talk sense into him and warn him what's happening tomorrow," pause. "he didn't seem to like the Earl much."

Dark Seeker
2013-06-06, 10:07 PM

"The Giovanni do know a form of sorcery. I know little about it, but whispers amongst the servants indicated that those who displeased the Earl the most would have their very souls ripped out of their flesh, and their spirits bound to his family's service for all time." Roderigo suppresses a shudder. "It could just be a rumor, but I have learned that very few rumors are entirely untrue. I'd advise you to be on your guard all the same."

"As for sending a message to the monastery, it may be too late. The night is short, and the Earl plans to move tomorrow. Most of the servants are being kept under close scrutiny given the recent deaths, myself included. Perhaps you can try and talk sense into her tomorrow evening. I doubt she'd want to see the Earl triumph anymore than any of you would."

"Sorry I cannot be of more help, lad. These are dark times for us all. I don't know if you're a religious man, but I'd say a prayer all the same. We will need any divine favor we can get."

2013-06-06, 10:08 PM
Alenka rose a yellow eyebrow, smirking as she did so.

"My good sir, if I knew you that well, I'd have what I need already and you'd be thanking me for the privilege." she joked.

Dark Seeker
2013-06-06, 11:11 PM

Another polite smile.

"I'm afraid you are mistaken, dear countess. Such kine habits no longer hold my interest. The price I am expecting is something that holds more value. Money. Influence, perhaps an acceptable boon..."

Al- Nasir becomes a blur. One second, he is standing casually in front of Alenka, a safe distance away from the Countess. The next, his face is close to hers, a dagger pressing into her throat. He continues speaking as if nothing has changed.

"...But my absolute favorite form of payment is in the blood. Maybe I should try yours. You would be delectable, I do believe!"For a second he appears ready to drive the blade deep into her neck, but he relaxes his grip at the last second and pulls away.

"But no. Your vitae is not potent enough. I'm afraid you would offer nothing to me." He takes a few steps back.

"Do you know what Claudius has offered me? The blood of Lady Adana, only five steps removed from Khayyin. I have never had a Brujah before. But I have heard tales of how their blood tastes. They supposedly possess a powerful kick to them. Almost as if their vitae refuses to go down without a fight! By comparison, Lasombra have a darker, richer flavor. I suppose that above all else proves you are from a clan of nobles,Countess Vasa. .

"So I shall ask you a final time. What do you offer me in return for my poison? I shall weight your offer and decide if it is acceptable. Or if we need to... renegotiate."

His eyes go to her neck once again.

2013-06-06, 11:46 PM
For a second Alenka was a little taken back...did he just imply that he had inferred that she as offering him something...intimate...with a turk?

The Lasombra had to steel herself against the ripple of disgust that flowed down her skin at the very idea; each pore of her pallored flesh almost clogged up with the dirt that she felt envelope her figure that this man would even suggest such an idea. How wretched....

Then a darker mood over-came the Assamite as he lept at her, a knife at her throat. Such a thing might have frightened her in the past...but she was no amongst the unliving...a knife to her jugular meant nothing, if not a symbolic gesture of the Assamites skills at murder.

Standing up from where she had been pushed, Alenka straightened her clothes out while composing herself with that haughty air. His posturing was insulting...he would pay for his impudence.

"Well, in the chaos of tomorrow, I do not see why one of these equisite flavors could not somehow find its way to your person in exchange for services warranted."

Still invigorated from danger encountered earlier in the night, Alenka readied herself in case the Assamite was too dim to pick up on her offer.

Readying action in case the crazy mofo flips out.

Dark Seeker
2013-06-07, 12:12 AM

"Ah, now we are getting somewhere, yes!"

"But fledgling, I am already due Lady Adana. My fangs shall sing into her skin tomorrow and I will consume her utterly. Her very being shall enter into an unholy union with me. It shall be most invigorating." The Assamite's eyes flash again. God, he truly was insane!

And just like that, he returned to a jovial expression.

"So as you can see, I have already been promised great blood for this task. You'll need to offer me something else in return." An enigma smile spread across his face.

"Perhaps your sire. He may not offer me anything, but he has rich blood all the same. Promise to deliver him unto me, and I will give you what you seek."

2013-06-07, 05:57 AM

So, nothing he did not already know, but it was somewhat of a long shot anyway. "I will have it in mind, Rodrigo. Have you seen him have anything particularly odd about him?"

A prayer, hmm... yes, considering what was at stake and just what was being planned, he couldn't imagine the Lord being pleased by it. Not that his own soul was worth much at any point, much less now, but what does he have to lose? Benghi nods, thoughtful.

"And yes, we don't have much time. I was hoping to find one of my mates around, but they're engaged. I'd like it if you could write a letter, if not now, then during the day when the others sleep. I will need to look for Dimitra anyway, so there should be some time. Do you think you will be able to do that?"

2013-06-07, 04:12 PM

Andrei reached the door and knocked politely but firmly. He stood back and waited for Al-Nasir to open the door, steeling himself mentally to do what must be done.

2013-06-07, 07:26 PM
Alenka appeared to consider Al-Nasir's offer. She didn't come to a conclusion quickly, which might indicate treachery in her mind, nor did she take too longer to ponder the proposal lest he get the idea that she could not perform it.

"Very well." she finally answered.

Dark Seeker
2013-06-07, 08:17 PM

Roderigo's eyes twinkle in thought.

"Not that I can recall. I'm sorry. I'll make some inquiries, if you like, but am not sure I'll find anything useful. The Earl tends to hold his cards close to his chest.

"As for the letter, I could write it, but I'm not sure anyone will be around to deliver it. My absence would likely be noticed, and the servants are on edge I will see what can be done though. I've enough trinkets to hopefully bribe someone into delivering it. You lads are risking your life every nigh.t Best I start as well, eh?"

He pours another glass of wine, Benghi notices his hands shaking slightly.


Andrei's knock goes unanswered. Perhaps Al-Nasir had told him to come in. Or perhaps he wanted his privacy. Would Andrei chance opening the door and finding out?

In the end, he does not need to make a choice. The door opens and Al-Nasir smiles warmly at his childe. "Ah, childe! I was just finishing up a transaction. Come in, come in." He gestures for him to enter.

Andrei's eyes catch sight of Lady Alenka. Apparently she had decided to go off on her own and meet with his sire after all.


"Ah, so glad you were able to see reason. Your sire is a slippery one! Do be careful he does not uncover your treachery, or he will destroy you in an instant. And that would be a pity. You could go far amongst your clan. ."

"Now, do you have a dagger or anything of the sort? I can provide you with a bit of the venom right here and now to coat on it. It should hold for a few nights, provided you keep it safe until you intend to use it."

Before Alenka can reply however, a knock is heard at the door. Al-Nasir seems amused.

"I am quite the popular kindred! Excuse me for just a moment..."

The Assamite opens the door, and Alenka sees Andre standing there.

"Ah, childe! I was just finishing up a transaction. Come in, come in."

Curses! That do gooder Andrei must have followed her. What did he intend to do?

2013-06-07, 08:48 PM
"In this shall do." Alenka uttered, picking up an unused bottle from amongst many standing idle upon a counter. It was enough for 5 or so blood points worth.

She handed the bottle over to Al-Asanir before he opened the door.

Seeing Andrei there, Alenka's visage remained passive while she wondered what the arrogant man was doing here. Maybe he was here to get Al-Nasir to thank him for his presence, or something, Alenka thought bitterly.

2013-06-08, 12:12 PM

Benghi shakes his head. "Leave the delivery to me. I just need a letter... two, actually. One to that Japheth, telling him what his kinsman has done and what he plans to do to the monastery, and urging him not to stand idly by while his kin and soul fall into the Earl's hands." and pray that he listens to it more than to whatever his sire tells him, he thought.

He stops, licking his lips. If Rodrigo balks or gets caught, this was it for them all, but it was a risk he will take. "The other to the girl, asking her to show the first letter to the elder and only to him, and to try to convince him to act upon him. It should also have one more thing - that the blood of a Giovanni is the only thing that can foil whatever enchantment the Earl plans, by tainting the vessel he wants to use for the eldest's soul." She would probably get the idea, but if not... well, they could try to rush the earl himself and soil the thing with his own blood. It would just be that much harder.

Benghi taps the table with his fingers nervously before looking the ghoul in the eyes. "Rodrigo... just one thing. Don't get caught with that letter. If you can't find the time and place to write it in secret, better not write it at all - and let fate happen as the Lord decreed it."

2013-06-08, 04:48 PM

Andrei's impassive expression slipped for a moment as he saw the Lady Vasa. You arrogant fool! He had warned her to stay away from this viper, and yet she had not listened. A second thought followed close on the heels of the first: I am betrayed. He offered the idea a moment's reflection, then dismissed it. If she were mad enough to kill, she would have attempted it herself. What's more, if she understood Al-Nasir she never would have come, and one could no more bargain with someone one does not understand than one can hunt. He looked from Alenka to Al-Nasir, nodded, and stepped in.

He pulled his slate from where he had tucked it into the back of his leather leggings. he moved with an easy grace to where Alenka couldn't see his writing. Drawing his remaining chalk from a pouch, he wrote a message on the slate and handed it to Al-Nasir.

You will be happy to note that I have secured Mieczyslav tomorrow. None will know it was me. I will need a letter to authorize Octavia to take a wagon. If you wish to see the deed done, there is a clearing on the road north an hour from here with a single birch tree that I should have lured him towards. Do not follow Mieczyslav too closely; the kill is mine.

He kept his face even. He would know shortly whether he had bearded the lion in his den, or whether Alenka had thrown a spanner in the gears.

Dark Seeker
2013-06-08, 06:56 PM

Roderigo listens carefully, seeming to take all of the information in.

"I'll do what I can. This is a critical time. I will write these letters, if you can see them delivered. If you like, I can even write them for you now."

He searches around for parchment, and gets to work. He writes with the practice of a scribe. Clearly, he is used to transmitting messages. After about ten minutes, he hands two scrolls to Benghi.

"There you go lad. The first one is for Lord Japheth. The second is for the girl. I hope they will prove of use to you. I pray someone will stop the Earl's madness!

Benghi can tell he sun will rise soon, perhaps in a quarter of an hour. Whatever else he has planned, he would need to hurry.

Andrei and Alenka

The Assamite elder looks proud of his childe. He claps him firmly on the shoulder.

"Well done childe! I shall pull a few strings and ensure your ghoul has what she needs. A most interesting choice, I must say. You are following in the footsteps of the Tremere.

"I will not be able to follow you. I have my own plans to see to tomorrow. Prepare well. Mieczyslav will not allow you a second chance. And knowing him, the rest of eternity would be very unpleasant for you. "

Al-Nasir turns his attention back to Alenka. "Now, where were we? Ah yes. This will do nicely."

For a moment he is silent. And then he unleashes a truly vile substance into the bottle. It looks and smells disgusting. Alenka can identify it is a sort of blood, but it is nothing she would ever want to drink.

Al-Nasir hands her the bottle, placing the lid on tight.

"There you go. Just slather that onto your blade, and any whom it touches will find themselves growing weaker. Be conservative with it. As you use the blade, less and less of the poison will remain on it. But it should be enough to assist you in vanquishing any foe."

Al-Nasir has given Alenka three points of his blood. Each times she attacks with it, the poison loses one vitae. So she'll be able to make three attacks with it before it runs out.

2013-06-08, 07:14 PM
Alenka held the vial up and peered at it, captivated by her fascination.

"Big things come from small beginnings..." she muttered, seemingly to herself.

Pocketing the vial, she turned her attention back to Al-Nasir, “Allahaısmarladık” she said in farewell.

In passing, she gave a polite nod to Andrei, "Andrei." she bid him. He might have turned out to be a self-entitled man, but she'd be damned if she'd let him twist her manners.

2013-06-09, 04:35 PM

Andrei did his best to hold his shock and frustration in check and off his face. It simply hadn't occurred to him that this wouldn't be the best possible bait. He gripped the table, slightly, to steady himself. Andrei was . . . at a loss. Alenka was lost to him.

He reached for the slate and wrote a short message:

Where will you be?

Dark Seeker
2013-06-09, 05:12 PM
Alenka and Andrei

Al-Nasir looks pleasantly surprised.

"Fare well, my lady. Should you have need of anything else, do not hesitate to return. I am sure we can work something out that is favorable to us both."

Once she leaves, he turns to Andrei.

"Quite a kindred, that Countess is. If her blood was only a bit more potent... he trails off, looking absentmindedly at Andrei's message.

"Why, I'll be with Claudius the entire evening, of course. Tomorrow we meet with Japheth , and he hired me to ensure his mission would be successful. I'm to protect him from any resistance on his brother's part. And if the Founders show up, I'm to deal with them as well." he smiles fondly at the thought.

"Really childe, there is no need for this cloak and dagger intrigue. Claudius has little need for Mieczyslav. Should he meet with his end after Japheth's demise, the Earl will be untroubled.

"Though your plan to hunt him is most interesting. You are already thinking like a true Assamite!" He looks proud.

2013-06-09, 05:28 PM

Andrei breathed once again once he read Al-Nasir's lips. This . . . complicated his plans, but they did not necessarily destroy them. Most of all, though, the open and honest response showed he hadn't lost the Mussulman's trust.

Erasing the slate, he wrote again:

When is Giovanni going to move. I had hoped to spring the trap on Mieczyslav as early in the night as possible. That is why I'm leaving today. Perhaps I can still meet up with you at the appointed hour.


OOC, what is the point cost for Willpower increases? My original copy of DA says current x2, whereas my .pdf copy of V:TM says current x1. What does the V:20 version say?

2013-06-09, 06:06 PM

((Presuming the Animalism 2 power doesn't work over a very long period))

Shortly before the sunrise, the gangrel was some distance away from the inn, looking around furtively. He cawed a few times like a raven, trying to call the birds of the earth to him, ready and willing to hear his call.

Beckoning: Charisma + survival, lower difficulty for inoffensive merit if applicable: [roll0]

To any bird that arrives, he hands a small pouch. "I have a task for you," he caws. "Take this and take it to the human building in that direction (he points to the monastery) where the robed humans and the dead ones rest. Give it only to the pale dead female with dark brown plumage (he describes Marianna) who does not give a sound. Look for her and do not let the dangerous fat one (he describes Augustus) see you."

Feral whispers: man + animal ken, lower difficulty for inoffensive and others, [rollv]5d10[rollv] +1 WP

Dark Seeker
2013-06-09, 06:14 PM

"As soon as we all awaken, I imagine. The Earl does not wish to delay a moment longer. In addition Mieczyslav is the last of us to awaken. He is closer to his beast than most, which should not be much of a surprise. Your trap will have to be sprung later in the night than you intended.

"The more I think of it, the less viable your plan seems. Unless you can arrange for Mieczyslav to awaken early, his disappearance will be noticed by everyone else in the inn. It may be better to delay his destruction until after our mission is done.

"Should you continue to persist, I will be unable to help you. I have sworn to serve Claudius until our contract is at an end. This also means I am unable to act against his other servants. I am a man of honor. You, of course, are under no such obligation. Do as you will."

Willpower is current rating. So if you're at 6, 6 xp to increase to 7, and so forth.


A raven answers Benghi's call. It seems to follow his instructions, and once Benghi ties the message to his leg, it flies away, without even asking for bread. Apparently not all birds were so greedy.

Just as Benghi prepares to retire for the night, he is interrupted by a loud bird, cawing incessantly. After a moment's observation, it seems to be the bird he sent off to Milov. He flops down on his solder and speaks.

Dead thing suggests you get a living thing to disturb the one who sleeps in the earth's rest during the day.
As for the others, dead thing thanks you for the information, and promises he will be at the house of the most powerful dead thing tomorrow evening!

It finishes its message, and seems to expect bread.

I'll let you keep the willpower for now. The bird understands and will seek out Marianna.

2013-06-10, 02:32 AM

The gangrel looks in his bag for some crumbs, and gives them to the bird. Useful information, though a bit late. Ah well, it's what it is. "There may be more after two-three days. Do not stay nearby tomorrow night. It will be dangerous."

2013-06-10, 07:09 PM

Andrei made to play it cool, and offered an indifferent shrug. His explicit words were that I had to kill before Giovanni came for Japheth, but he seems to be more interested in the spirit of the order. Best to just play along. He bent to the slate, wrote his message, and passed it back to Al-Nasir.

The beauty of the right bait is that once you have it, it doesn't greatly matter where you lay it. If that's all, I have a few things to wrap up and only minutes before sunrise and must take your leave.

Dark Seeker
2013-06-10, 08:46 PM

I will fly to safer pastures, caw! If you have need for me, I will return here in a few nights. Bring more bread though. I do not work for free.

The raven flies off. The sky is beginning to lighten.


"You are on the right track childe. I expect you will have your feast soon enough. Tomorrow evening, both of us shall become stronger still!" He seems most merry.

"Yes, you may leave. I shall meet with you tomorrow. Should you prove yourself worthy."

Without another word, he all but shoves Andrei out of his chambers.

If it's alright with you, I'd like to skim over the orders to Octavia. Just post what you'd like to tell her here or in the OOC, and I'll resolve that off screen.
Well done.

2013-06-10, 09:10 PM
Alenka returned to her quarters where she acquisitioned some f Valdemars servents so that she could feast.

Then, beneath the watchful eye of her new bodyguards, the Countess went to sleep, bathed in the shadows of her rebirth.

2013-06-11, 03:17 PM

The Genoese waits for a few tense moments as his eyes follow the bird's path, before he heeds his instincts and briskly heads towards the inn. He quickly prepares for sleep in the room with his fellows and tries to calm himself as best he can. He must be at his best for the next night.

Dark Seeker
2013-06-12, 01:31 PM
The party retires for the evening. Luca, Karl, and Andrei are nowhere to be found. But the rest barely have time to consider the implications before they slip into the day sleep. Tomorrow evening would be an important one, and they had best be ready for it.

Oddly, it is the sound of frantic yelling that snaps them to attention. Groggily opening their eyes, Alenka and Benghi open their eyes to see a panicked Solland.

"I smell smoke. The inn... I think it is on fire! The door is locked!"

Attached to the door is a note. Alenka finds that one was placed on her body as well.

Alenka is barely able to resist the pull of sleep, but the Countess does so.. Benghi and Solland resist it to a greater effect.

Okay, here's how I think we're going to do this. V20 calls for a humanity roll diff 8 to stay active during the day. with five successes needed. Since this is a pretty important scene, it's safe to say you don't want to fail it. :)
So I'm going to roll your humanity now, and see how many successes you get. Every success gets you a turn up. If you get to five, you can stay up indefinitely. If you achieve less than that, you may roll again when you run out of actions.

Should you fail or botch a roll, a willpower point will be required for every action you wish to take afterwards, until you hit what would be considered five successes. So if you roll three successes than fail the next roll, you would need to spend two willpower to fight off the desire for sleep. Note that you don't necessarily need 5 actions. If you make it to safety before then, or can rely on one of the others to drag you along, it might be better to conserve the willpower.
That being said, let's roll!

Alenka [roll0] 1 total success
Andrei [roll1] 0 total successes
Benghi [roll2] 2 total successes
Solland [roll3] 2 total successes

2013-06-12, 04:52 PM

1d10=2, 1d10=2, 1d10=4, 1d10=7, 1d10=4, 1d10=2, 1d10=4 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4086007/)
Nothing. Christ I ****ing hate this rule.
Spending a willpower point. **** you VtR writers. Why don't you *******s just replace it with "Ha ha, did we get your hopes up? You're boned!" Pricks.

Groggily stirring herself from slumber, the countess gritted her jaw together as she resisted the panic that her instincts tried to drive her towards.

Gathering what few little things she needed from her room, she read the note attached to her physical form as she looked at the crack beneath her door. If there was no heat or smoke coming from within it (or heat upon the door-knob), then she, in a most unladylike fashion, drew a foot up and unceremoniously kicked her door down.

Dark Seeker
2013-06-12, 08:12 PM

Andrei awakens to a frantic shaking in an unfamiliar environment. His beast roars angered by the interruption. The hunter quickly realizes it is Octavia though, and he calms down greatly.

Once Octavia sees that she has found some success, she writes quickly.

They attacked during the day. I heard screaming from some of the servants. I hid you and I under my bed. We escaped their notice, but then I heard Lothar say he was going to set the inn on fire!

We need to leave, now. Lay still, and I will try to cover you with a heavy garment to protect you from the sun's rays. I believe there may be a few spare carriages we can use for shelter.

She looks at Andrei for conformation. If he gives it, Octavia gently envelops him in a heavy quilt. Under it, it is completely dark, but that's a blessing. No light can get in either. The Assamite feels himself being picked up and half dragged, half carried outside. Octavia moves slowly, making the trip all the more agonizing. But after what feels like eternity, she lays him down with a thud, and pulls the quilt down. He appears to be in one of the carriages the Conspiracy uses for traveling. The window shutter are down, letting in no light.

We made it. I don't know about your friends, or any of the others. I had to take us out one of the servant entrances. We need to leave as soon as possible, before they find us. But where to? Do you know anywhere safe?

She awaits an answer, looking at him anxiously. Andrei meanwhile feels sleep calling for him, but resists it, only just.

Andrei needs to roll humanity again. He needs four more successes to stay awake.

Alenka and Benghi

I'm assuming Alenka spends no willpower.

The note is short and to the point.

I could not stay Claudius's hand, but I've no wish to see such a promising young kindred go up in flames, even of your clan.
Should you awaken, there is a cellar in the far east of the inn. Underneath it lay some caverns that should allow you a haven until the evening.

The note is unsigned.

Meanwhile, the door holds firm.

A Strength roll diff 7 will be required to open it. Only one success is needed to force it.

2013-06-12, 08:51 PM

[roll0] Difficulty 6:

Andrei reaches up and touches Octavia gently on one cheek, trying his best to calm her gently. While the pull of sleep was strong and he couldn't feel his slate, he was able to gently mouth the words "Thank you" to his saviour.

2013-06-13, 08:32 AM
Smirking as she reads the note, Alenka tucked it away into a piece of her garment.

"Well, you've certainly earned you keep."

Forcing the door down, Alenka moves through, looking around to stay away from the fire. Following her directions, she heads towards the cellar in the east of the inn.

2013-06-13, 10:05 AM


Andrei surged back to wakefulness, at least for the moment. Octavia was in trouble and needed his help. He had to stay awake! Angrily he slapped himself in the face, focusing on the pain to make himself lucid. His eyes focused on Octavia's face, the fear in her eyes anchoring him to consciousness for the moment.

He gripped her firmly yet tenderly, looked in her eyes, and in exaggerated fashion breathed in and out, in and out. I need her calm. His hand then went to the sheaf of notes clutched in her hand. He gently smoothed the long note on one of the sheets of parchment, tapped it, and pointed first at his eyes and then the paper. While she scanned it, he took his slate, and sketched a crude map for the young girl, taking only half a minute. When he was finished, he looked at the equipment with him. The backpack had been left back in his room; she hadn't had time to retrieve it. But she had brought the box with the recurved shortbow, and he still had his trusty bearskin cloak and leather armor on, as well as his longknife and arrows. All he really needed.

He looked at her again, and wrote a small sentence at the bottom of the map: Can you save any more servants? I must remain here, but if you can save them, please do so.

2013-06-13, 06:39 PM

Benghi's slumber is light enough that he manages to wake up somewhat easily. He senses a strong, unnatural drowsiness inside himself, but manages to get up with a grunt, which then turns to a (probably unnecessary) gasp. He takes control of himself and assesses the surroundings.

A part of him appreciates the easy brutality of it all. A much greater part snarls in unconcealed rage that has been simmering for quite a while, and is now fanned all the more. "The goddamned, ****-eating, corpse-buggering son of a venetian sow! May god or the devil give that I take his unctuous face and feed him his own stinking treasonous offal, guts and ancestors!" he curses in his native Genoese dialect.

He punches the wall next to him in empty rage. Well, at least the drowsiness is weakened for a short while. He looks around, seeing the note on the door, the countess, and whatever else is in the room. First, find a way out, then take what mates you need. Help them, then they help you.

((If we have any PCs that haven't gotten up B will try to drag them now the lady has kicked the door out.))

The young artist seems mostly okay, the noblewoman... not quite so, but hopefully well enough. Benghi puts a hand on her shoulder, speaking with a tinge in concern behind his words.
"We need to get out, ma'am... or find a place the fire can't reach until night breaks. Does that note mention a way?" he says, calming himself down somewhat. His voice is intense, but mostly calm. His eyes, however, glisten in a dark crimson in the night, like a window to a simmering pyre just waiting to blaze.

Dark Seeker
2013-06-13, 08:03 PM
Benghi and Alenka

The note on the door is short and to the point.

A thousand pardons. You fledglings have proven most useful in removing a few unnecessary factors. But your use to me has run out. Should you awaken to the flames, take some solace in the fact that you have assisted me immeasurably. Your unlives had meaning, short as they were.

Earl Claudius Giovanni

Alenka meanwhile forces the door down, allowing the trio to flee out of their quarters.

Outside, it is chaos. The bodies of less favored servants and ghouls plague the corridors. The smell of smoke is strong out here, but the flames have not yet reached this part of the inn. It would only be a matter of moments though.

A pathetic groaning comes from nearby. Benghi catches glimpse of it first.
Roderigo, loyal Roderigo... his top half jets out from the wall, but his bottom half seems to have merged with it. He squirms around, but cannot seem to free himself. When he sees the fledglings, he looks most anxious.
"Please! Don't let the flames get me! I don't wish to burn alive!"


Octavia grows calmer as Andrei seems to reassure her. She steels herself, examining his note carefully.

I can get us there, hopefully by nightfall. The sins these monsters have committed are immeasurable, but this one numbers among the worst. They must be stopped. Would that I had the strength to do it.

At Andrei's question, she shakes her head no. She seems unwilling to leave his side, but Andrei recognizes fear in her eyes as well. She has no desire to go back into a burning building filled with homicidal ghouls.

She pats his hands and give the Assamite a gentle kiss, and then Andrei feels the pull of sleep again. This time, he does not resist.

2013-06-14, 06:39 PM

The Gangrel's eyes reflect the glitter of the flames as he shivers involuntarily. Yet he pulls himself together and approaches the ghoul briskly. He looks at how he appears stuck and tries to pull him out.

blood buff: +1 str, +1 stamina, 14/20 BP remaining.

2013-06-15, 05:55 AM
Alenkas eyes widened at the situation Roderigo was in, and immediately went over to assist Benghi, even knocking down parts of the wall with her fist if she has to.

"Did you see what becameof my troupe?" she asks as she strains against the wooden might of the wall.


Str roll:
4d10=28 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4089157/); 3 successes.

Dark Seeker
2013-06-15, 12:50 PM
Benghi and Alenka

Benghi is a strong kindred, but he is unable to pull Roderigo out. Indeed, the man lets out an agonizing scream as the Gangrel tries. It would appear he is truly merged within the wall. Alenka's attempts to break down the wall are met with even worse gasps of pain.

Perhaps there might be a way to repair Roderigo's form, but such a thing would take time. And none of them had much left.

Roderigo is still lucid, and answers Alenka's question in a pained voice. "I don't know. I heard screaming. Lothar was killing the servants. Your men are probably dead, though they may have managed to escape during the carnage. I tried to warn you but... they found me first.

"They knew who we were working for all along lads! Or at least, the Earl did. Lothar bragged about as much. They brought me to the doctor. Somehow he had stayed awake during the day, though it seemed to have taken much out of him. But he did something to me, and I found myself like this.

He begins to shake, but continues to speak. "I don't think I'll be able to escape. I think I was put here to distract any of you in case you awoke. Leave me. None of you should die if you don't have to." "Tell Lord Hardestadt I was loyal, please. And stop the Earl."

His eyes implore for the group to run.

2013-06-15, 01:01 PM
Pursing her lips, looking at Roderigo's form, Alenka exhales sharply - a deliberate effort considering she was dead.

"No no, you have risked much for us." Alenka insisted.

The countess disappeared briefly into one of the rooms, before re-emerging carrying an axe. During her move she had gone to the other side of the wall that contained roderigo, to see if his lower half was protruding from the other side.

Then, measuring a blow to a about a foot away from where Roderigo was melded, the countess belief that it would be free of any nerves. Hefting the axe back, she looked at Roderigo:

"Are you ready? It's a better chance than burning to death here."


Alenka is aiming about a foot away from the immediate area surrounding Roderigo's body, believing that he's only melded into the immediate surroundings, and that 1 foot should be enough to either hit something that registers very litle, or bearable pain, or none at all.