View Full Version : Sunless Citadel and Beyond advice

2013-04-06, 12:53 AM
Hey all,

I need some advice. I'm prepping to start a bunch of new players (some totally new to 3.5) on the Sunless Citadel module series. I'm doing some modifications so that they all link together in a sensible way so I can take my players from 1st to 20th level.

I've noticed though that the modules seem treasure light, both in money and in items. I normally run a pretty conservative game with no magic shops and items being rare, but as I look at the later models, some of those fights are pretty hard core.

Has anyone run through them as stock and gotten to the end with defeating Asharladion? Do you think I need to make modifications on the treasure in each module?


2013-04-06, 01:50 AM
I ran all of the 3.0 modules from Sunless Citadel to Bastion of Broken Souls. It started out with a normal group of about four players but over the two years we dwindled down to just two of us due to moves, work, and family. We also had some derailments and side adventures so by the time they got back to Ashardalon, they were epic level. That obviously required some adjustment on my part.

However, I think the modules are fairly balanced for your average group without much change. Please remember that they are 3.0 so if you want to run 3.5 you will have to make some minor modifications.

There are some parts in Sunless Citadel, like the dragonpriest, that can quickly overwhelm 1st level adventurers. You may want to really make it hard or impossible to get into the dragonpriest's room without a lot of effort and the party at 2nd or 3rd level. It would also be nice if you could present the kobolds so that they at least align with them at the start so the party is not overwhelmed.

The adventures are a little short on loot but you can just monitor it as the game goes on to see how the characters are doing.

Some of the adventures were not so exciting. Particularly the Speaker in Dreams and the Standing Stone. I really liked the Forge of Fury and the Lord of the Iron Fortress. All in all it was a fun romp and made for a great campaign that we still reference all the time.

2013-04-06, 02:26 AM
Thanks! I've noticed that some of the modules are pretty lack luster and it's going to take some serious turd polishing to make them all work together.