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2013-05-21, 02:25 PM

"No, nothing comes to mind, other than the usual: holy water and the like."

2013-05-21, 02:37 PM
Gilgar Nordum

"Alrighty then. On your que then Alikard."

2013-05-21, 03:09 PM

If we are all ready hit me with the spell Meilin.

2013-05-22, 05:52 PM
Shan Meilin

Shan leans forward on her tippey-toes towards Alikard, whispers something in Draconic an inch from him, and pecks him lightly on the cheek. A moment later an icy sensation washes over Alikard's face followed by a creeping blue energy, moving out from the spot of the kiss.

A moment later Alikard is all light blue and crackling and a second after that he is gone.

With a smirk Shan motions to the doorway into the room in question "Go get em Tiger."

2013-05-22, 06:01 PM

There a smile curling on Johna face as she ponder a way to get Shan to cast a spell on him.

2013-05-22, 08:05 PM

Alikard smiles. Gone.

Alikard moves stealthily to the creature.

Perception (to see more enemies) [roll0]
Stealth [roll1]

2013-05-24, 11:26 AM
AlikardAs you move towards the creature, it doesn't seem to notice you. As for the presence of more creatures, there are none.

The ghoul takes another bite out of it's arm, and you manage to figure out that the arm is from the man floating in the water. The water certainly looks foul, but, you're not sure if that's because of the black sludge, or the fact it has a corpse in it.

It takes a long, clawed finger and flips through the book again, though your not sure if it actually can read, or if it just likes the pictures. The book seems to be, of all things, made of human flesh on it's large bindings. The paper is just regular ivory, though, the book is easily 5 inches in thickness.

2013-05-24, 06:26 PM
Shan Meilin

Shan elbows Gilgar softly as she whispers "I think you're on."

2013-05-24, 06:29 PM

Alikard prepares himself to grab the book when the creature is distracted.

2013-05-24, 08:26 PM
Gilgar Nordum

Gilgar nods and strides into the room, purposely making his footsteps load. He has his bow knocked, saying, "Here Ghoulie, Ghoulie, Ghoulie! I got something special for ye! A delicious dwarf if you can take me you undead abomination!" He prepares himself for the assault, looking around for anything that might try and jump him.

Perception Roll: [roll0]

2013-05-25, 05:44 AM
Shan Meilin

From the safety of outside the room Shan tries to 'help' with a little Ghost Sound. She points towards the dwarf and suddenly a booming voice erupts form above him

"COME ONE! COME ALL! A Delicious Dwarf for the discerning mandible and or tooth based digestive system! He's chewy, he's seasoned, he's tenderized from years of meditation!

ALSO, fat free AND for the all time low low price of FREE! Never will you encounter a more delicious and reasonably priced low fat Dwarf snack!

Seriously eat the guy already . . ."

Finished Shan Meilin dusts her hands off each other, a job well done, with a smile that says 'Yay. I'm helping.'

2013-05-25, 03:11 PM
As Gilgar walked out of the stairwell, the ghoul almost immediately took notice, but, when the use of ghost sound came through, it took a bit more than notice. Slinking back up onto the pillar, it looked around the room for the other noise, but, to no avail.

Without warning, the creature immediately charged gilgar, throwing the book near the water as it sprinted. The creature was viciously quick, ignoring what little rough terrain between him and gilgar there was.

DM Rolls (Feel free to look to confirm abnormalities and damage)
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Gilgar Fortitude ?? [roll2]
Gilgar Fortitude ?? [roll3]

The creature quickly runs, and all at once, lunges at Gilgar, finding the mark in his neck and sinking it's teeth in.

Gilgar Paralyzed. 2 rounds.

Everyone Now would be a good time to roll initiative

2013-05-25, 04:02 PM

Alikard throws the dagger in his hand at the creature then grabs the book.

Attack Dagger Throw [roll0] not sure range.
Base Damage [roll1]
Sneak Attack Damage [roll2]

2013-05-25, 04:58 PM
Shan Meilin

Shan leaps out from cover and swings forward with her wand hand, like a pistol, and a barely perceptible thread of red light traces through the air from the tip of her wand to behind the creature. A moment later there is an explosion large enough to encompass the creature but which stops just before Gilgar.


Initiative: [roll0]

Fireball Damage: [roll1]; DC 19 Reflex save to half damage.

2013-05-25, 07:16 PM

The pious man follows and as he nears his companions he blesses them, "May Erastil courage protect us all."

[roll0] init
casting bless
+1 to hit and damage moral bonus.

2013-05-25, 10:41 PM
Gilgar Nordum

Gilgar just struggles and fails against ghoul's paralyzingly touch.

Initiative 6
Nothing else for me to do, right?

2013-05-25, 11:48 PM
As the ghoul sinks it's teeth into gilgar and backs off, it grimmaces in pain and looks back to see Alikard forming from nowhere as the invisibility breaks as a result of attacking. Looking at him, he turns, eyes lighting at the sight of a fireball flying past, just enough to catch him in a blaze.

Taken aback, in cinders, it looks around, curious as to what it could do, though not certain, it stays to fight, glaring at Alikard ominously as it realizes that the Dwarf can't move.

2013-05-26, 07:25 AM
Shan Meilin

Meilin flicks her wand three times in the direction of the creature and barks over at him as three Magic Missiles shoot from her wand to shoot unerringly towards her target "GET THE HELLS AWAY FROM THAT DWARF! Do you have any idea how hard a Dwarf Monk is to find these days! They're a delicacy! Okay . . . wrong choice of words . . . Anyway, he's our ONLY non-human! He's fulfilling our quota! Leave him ALONE!"

I'm assuming everything went nuts in the surprise round and so people are waiting on me so . . .

Magic Missile damage: [roll0] + [roll1] + [roll2] = 14 Damage

If not I can delete this and repost it later. :smallsmile:

2013-05-26, 08:11 AM

Alikard charges the creature drawing fresh daggers as he moves and roaring.

This will literally not be a charge attack unless it has to be due to range. If it must be a charge then the first attack would be +4 due to no -2 for two handed attack and charge and the second attack would obviously not happen.

Attack roll [roll0] magic dagger
Damage roll [roll1]

Attack roll 2 [roll2] masterwork dagger
Damage roll 2 [roll3]

2013-05-27, 07:47 PM

Looking at the vulnerable dwarf the cleric decides to summon a celestial ally. A golden dog appears near Gilgar and appears to be trying to protect him as it lashes out.

Summon a celestial dog.
smite evil
[roll0] attack
[roll1] damage

2013-05-29, 04:57 PM
As the ghoul begins to take another bite out of the dwarf, his eyes widen as 3 bursts of magical power find their mark on him, tearing at his flesh and exploding accordingly. Alikard's attack then finds air as his knife passes harmlessly past the ghoul as a result of his movements.

The dog manages to sink its teeth into him, but, it doesn't seem to do any damage whatsoever to the chosen area.

Losing interest in the dwarf and actually realizing his life is at stake, he thunders after the only thing that's managed to harm him thus far; the wizard.

Attack of Opportunity from Alikard and Dog; the following is under the assumption he isn't hit by the dog, or at the least, isn't tripped. While the ghoul does go past Johna, he doesn't provoke AoO due to charge. Correct me if I'm wrong.

He runs with unnerving junts and swathes, but is fast all the same; even in the application of a single, jagged claw towards Meilin.

Dm Rolls
Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage Roll [roll1]
Meilin Fort Save if Hit Paralysis [roll2]
Meilin Fort Save if Hit Disease [roll3]

Miraculously, and surprisingly, the ghoul in it's attempt to avoid attacks actually make it falter, causing it to fall prone at Meilin's feat.

2013-05-29, 05:13 PM

Alikard attacks the ghoul as it launches itself at Meilin.

Attack [roll0]

Damage [roll1]

2013-05-29, 05:23 PM
Shan Meilin

Meilin takes a step back, falling into a martial arts like stance, claps her palms and makes motions with her arms reminiscent of her Tian ancestry (http://nick-intl.mtvnimages.com/uri/mgid:file:gsp:scenic:/international/nickelodeon.com.au/images/videos/lk_firebending.jpeg?height=304&width=540&matte=true&quality=0.91) before swinging forward with a spiral of flames "No touchy mr. horrific ghoul thing. On the short list of sapiens I'm okay with grabbing me you are neither my former Evocation Professor nor famed Pathfinder Maria Arsinoff, or anyone between them, SO HANDS OFF!"

Five foot step back away from the ghoul, then spell.

Burning Hands; Damage: [roll0]

DC 17 Reflex Save to halve damage.

2013-05-29, 07:40 PM
As the ghoul looks up into the air, it's eyes are filled only with a cute smirk, and glorious streams of fire as it fails to move out of the way at all, still surprised at it's recent fall.

Full Damage. Oh, and Gilgar you're not paralyzed anymore and can actually act this round.

I'm not sure what we're waiting on here, did I miss something? It took full damage. It's not dead. Was that not clear?

2013-06-02, 02:09 PM

Alikard throws two daggers at the beast. ****ing maggot!

5 foot step towards the beast and full attack using two weapon fighting.

Attack 1 [roll0]
Damage 1 [roll1]

Attack 2 [roll2]
Damage 2 [roll3]

2013-06-03, 12:46 AM

When the creature fell he no longer had a an easy shot. As the daggers fly in the air Johna commands the dog to protect Meilen and has it run to place itself between the ghoul and her.

For his part he fires a pair of arrows at the creature.

If the creature is prone it has a +4 ac to range attacks...
[roll0] to hit +1 if < 30'
[roll1] damage
[roll2] to hit +1 if < 30'
[roll3] damage

2013-06-03, 07:49 PM
As the creature reels from the effects of close range magic missiles, the sound of clinking bits of metal feel it's long-dead ears. This wasn't how it had expected it to go, obviously, and it apparently wasn't going to approve.

The arrows and daggers, even the biting of the dog, through a fortunate mix of being on the ground and being rather wiry and agile at the same time, met it with very little damage. The ghoul, apparently cutting it's losses, stands up from it's prone position and makes a rather auspicious bolt for a cave in the northeast section.

AoO for Alikard, and the Dog, he'll be 40 foot away from Alikard.

Gilgar, you won't be paralyzed at the start of your next round, but, you get no AoO, however, he'll be within 10 feet of you on your turn. He'll be chargeable by Alikard and the dog, and well-within range.

He's fleeing.

2013-06-03, 08:52 PM

As the creature runs Alikard misses a chance to attack it as he has no weapons. Quickly he draws his sword and charges the beast with his long sword in two hands.

No AoO as he had no weapons in hand at that point.

Attack roll [roll0]

Damage [roll1]

2013-06-06, 10:24 AM
Celestial Dog

Barking at the retreating ghoul the dog snaps at it trying to trip it.

[roll0] trip

2013-06-06, 10:45 AM
As the ghoul attempts to flee, a sword manages to pierce it's back. While it isn't totally dead, it is very obviously wounded beyond the point of safety. The dog that had attempted to trip it caught nothing but air.

As the ghoul attempts to flee, Gilgar feels his body loosen, and his patience for it may or may not go without a trophy, as as his fists clench, the ghoul is no farther than 10 feet away.

Gilgar you're free to go.

2013-06-12, 09:07 PM
As the paralysis shakes off, the Dwarfs eyes, which followed the ghoul for every step, locked onto it's back, at the base of it's neck. The rest of his body following his will, proceeded to spin on a heel, readying an arrow that had been drawn for quite some time, and ironically would be the same arrow to put the creature down.

Expending a point of Ki, the Dwarf readies 2 shots at once, releasing them in quick succession, hell-bent on putting the transgressing evil thing down, and as he wished, it did.

The ghoul, full sprint, fell into the murky sludge that housed another body as it's unliving conscience faded. He said no words as this happened, but seemed rather pleased with himself.

Recap! Now in baby barf green.

Anyways, let's describe the most immediate things, yes? Starting with the most important. First thing's first: Ghoul's dead, obviously, and it only took a week! I do apologize for not DMpcing him earlier. Hopefully he comes back when he sees the thing come back to life.

Anyways, on the pedestal lay the book, as well as the half eaten corpse still with it's robes on, if a little tattered and dyed in bodily fluids. Another body is floating around in the black water/sludge along with the newly deceased ghoul, which actually sank a bit into it. It's feat are still on the shore, however. It's not deep, or anything, really. A mere foot and a half. Still murky, though.

2013-06-12, 10:05 PM

Well that was fun. Everyone okay? Alikard looks towards Meilin.

2013-06-13, 07:49 PM

Meilin brushes herself off with a smile at Alikard "Well I burnt a decent portion of my allocation of awesome for today in an effort to be useful, but otherwise I think I'm relatively okay.

Pretty sure we should maybe search the hell out of this place before we move on though. You okay Alikard?"

She draws her mother's wand and begins to scan the place for any magical items and or anything supernatural of note.

Going to start doing a sweep of the place with Detect Magic ala CSI: Carrion Hill.

2013-06-13, 08:04 PM

No worse for wear, awesomeness still intact. Alikard grins as he retrieves his daggers.

Gilgar. Johna?

All the while he stays alert for danger.

Perception [roll0]

2013-06-14, 01:50 PM

"Peachy," he says with a smile. Holding his breath and breathing through his mouth when necessary he begins to drag the body out. Then begins to look for any clues (or loot).

"I haven't used any of my awesomeness yet..."

2013-06-15, 03:40 PM
The scanning of the room reveals quite a few things. Let's start with layout.

The Pillars: At the southern end of the room, previously a long hallway of sorts, has 12 rather tall pillars that climb all the way to the roof and are the only non-natural stonework in the room, save for the archway farther beneath it. Nothing is really here, save for a long line of sludge that travels off into a heap of rubble beneath said crumbled archway.

The Pool: Not far from the fight that had taken place, and ironically, the place that the ghoul had his last fear-filled thoughts, is a large blackish pool. At the bottom of it is a faint glimmer of light. Testing the water reveals nothing particularly vile about it, save for the fact that some of the sludge had seeped into it. The glimmer is actually a Scimitar, possibly owned by the other man that had been floating in it. This same body, also pulled out by the monk, proves to have gear of it's own; a rather tattered cloak covered in the black crust from earlier.

The Fallen Pillar: The pillar that had fallen over, which now has the book the ghoul was so interested in on it still, as the prior plan didn't go anywhere near as expected, is a rather interesting thing. Damp and foul-smelling, it still seems to be in good condition. It's locked, however, and seems to have a strange stone encased in it's thick front cover. The bindings on the book actually have 2 locks on it, both seemingly masterwork.
Directly next to the pillar, missing an arm, is yet another corpse. I'd like to take a moment to explain that both corpses, not the ghoul's, are both cloaked in red robes, if a little damp and foul at this point. This corpse near the pillar has a pair of bracers on his forearms, a ring, and a wand lies not far away from it.

The Dead Ghoul: The ghoul seems to have came from the northeast, barely capable of fitting through the bars with it's wiry frame. On it's person, the only valueble it has, save for it's filthy, foul smelling clothes, is a ring on it's right hand.

The Camp: East of the pillars in another cave is a room with a single table in it, as well as 5 chairs. The table is rather large, and a tower of books lies on top of it, and it seems more than anything to be a gathering place. There are makeshift beds at all sides of the room, and it leads to nowhere else.

Round 1: There are magical items present.
Round 2: There are 6 magical items present, and the most potent comes from a ring on the ghoul. All auras are faint, save for the one coming from that ring, which is moderate.
Round 3: Please apply 6 spellcraft checks to the following: Ghoul's ring, Corpse's ring, Scimitar in the water, Cloak, Bracers, and the Wand.

2013-06-15, 05:23 PM

Meilin smirks as she continues her forensic search of the chamber "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everyone mock the wizard's limited magical resources. I'll think of this the next time one of you want to fly or go invisible."

Ghoul's ring; [roll0]
Corpse's ring; [roll1]
Scimitar in the water; [roll2]
Cloak; [roll3]
Bracers; [roll4]
The Wand; [roll5]

2013-06-15, 05:34 PM

Mock? Never. Smirk. I have always been in awe of magic users.

Seems the book is locked, let me check that.

Alikard checks the book for traps.

Perception (trapfinding)[roll0]
disable device to disble trap (trapfinding)[roll1] if there are traps
disable device to pick lock 1[roll2]
disable device to pick lock 2[roll3]

2013-06-17, 10:03 AM

"I wasn't mocking the arcane arts or your mastery over them, just your over zealous nature to expound its most powerful display. I have a more conservative view on things, as he looks over the items.

Aid Meilin in her spellcraft check
[roll0]Ghoul's ring
[roll1]Corpse's ring
[roll2]Scimitar in the water
[roll5]The Wand

"You can borrow these if you like," he says handing her 3 of his four pearls. "They won't let you cast your most awesome powers but it might help you."

2013-06-19, 10:53 PM
The perusal of the gear, as it carries on and the energies dance invisibly throughout the air, goes rather smoothly. Johna, surprisingly enough, learns more than Meilin does about the items, but this fact is unbeknownst to either of them till they start to mention what it is they know.

Alikard, however, notably only manages to flip a single lock on the book, and the other proves rather difficult.

MeilinThe ring on the ghoul is alien to you, though it's made of gold and made quite handily. The ring on the corpse, however, is a Ring of swimming. The Scimitar has nothing special about it, save for being a +1 Scimitar that glows faintly. The Cloak's magic is unknown, but it certainly is magical. The bracers are Bracers of Armor +1, while the wand's magic eludes you.

Johna The ring on the ghoul is a Ring of Protection +2, whilst the ring on the dead body is a ring of swimming. The Scimitar is a faintly glowing +1 Scimitar, and the cloak, while filthy, is a Cloak of Resistance +1. The Bracers are Bracers of Armor +1, and the wand is a wand of Chill Touch with 15 charges remaining.

2013-06-19, 11:20 PM

The young preacher begins to point at the various objects, "That ring will make hitting you difficult, other ring will make you swim well, I think the sword is as enchanted as my bow, the cloak will keep you safe, these bracers act like armor, and the wand holds 15 charges of chill touch." He looks at the arcane caster and asks, "So how did I do?"

2013-06-22, 04:26 AM

Meilin smirks "Good, very good.

Very, very good, but don't get a big head. That's my job.

I'll grab the ring, the protect-ey-ish one, and the wand, if no one else wants them more?

Any luck over there Alikard?"

2013-06-22, 07:47 AM

There are two locks. Got one. If you want I can take my time and try again.

2013-06-22, 09:59 AM

"Why don't you take the bracers instead and give the ring to Alikard? He seems like he'll be using it much more often," he says offering his practical view. "I think I'll take the cloak if there are no other objections."

2013-06-22, 10:53 AM

Alikard asks "What ring?"

2013-06-24, 06:46 AM

Meilin grabs the wand and clips off her bracers and replaces them with the newly discovered ones "Fine by me."

Meilin picks up the ring and heads over the Alikard, slipping it on his finger with a grin "This one!"

She takes her old bracers and clips them onto Alikard's wrists "And I made these ones myself . . . I hope you like them! At least until you find better ones and give 'em back . . . so try not get blown up before then!"

She glances at the book "Try again, but leave it for later. We probably shouldn't be just hanging around her for long. Are you guys ready to continue on or should we head back already?"

With that dealt with Meilin picks up the second ring.

So Alikard was just given a Bracer of Armor +1 & Ring of Protection +2.

Meilin replaced her Bracer of Armor +1, with a Bracer of Armor +1 :smalltongue: and acquired a Wand of Chill Touch and a Ring of Swimming

Johna acquired the Cloak of Resistance +1.

So the Scimitar +1 will just be sold off at some point? :smalltongue:

2013-06-24, 06:43 PM

Alikard bows his head towards Meilin with an expression that seems like amazement. Thank you.

I am good to keep going.

2013-06-25, 07:00 PM

Yeah, let's go. he says nocking another arrow.

2013-06-26, 03:08 AM

Deboris: Any chance of a re-up of the map so far, so we have an idea of exactly which suicidal path we're taking? :smalltongue:

2013-06-26, 05:32 PM
The map is, fortunately the last map of this area. It goes no further, even if the bars to the northwest are totally broken and capable of being entered. The module, unfortunately, and in rather bad taste I might add, doesn't cover what goes beyond that. I have filler, however, but time is pressing rather harshly, so I believe I know what I'll do.

As the group lurches about and enjoys their new-found gear, something rather foreboding happens. Just about 12 seconds after the first lock of the book is undone, whether by coincedince or not, the area shakes rather harshly.

The sound somehow carries for quite some time from the stairs, trapped in the tunnels. A rather loud, though extremely distant rumbling noise shouts out of the stairwell you all recently traveled down, shortly before the roof of the cave chitters on it's weak supports. Boulders from the ceiling break off, full of stalactites, falling and completely crumbling the cave-filled portion of the chamber, and it still seems as though it could fall apart any moment.

The sound and shaking pass just as soon as they happen, however, and the party remains, for the most part, unscathed. A giant rock falls shortly infront of Meilin, though hardly close enough to even remotely harm her. It does, however, land in the pool of black goop and water, effectively sprinkling/splashing the people who happened to have been close to it: Namely Alikard, and only Alikard.

2013-06-26, 06:49 PM

Worried what that goo might be scans Alikard for any hint of magic.

2013-06-26, 09:19 PM

Alikard makes a sour face. Great. Meilin?

2013-06-27, 11:31 PM

Meilin glanced from her wand to roof to Alikard, and considered spending time scanning the goo like Johna, then she realized the place was pretty much collapsing all around them . . .

Meilin grabs Alikard by the collar and starts to run out of the tomb, trying to pull Alikard along behind herself "RUN! EVERYBODY BLOODY RUN! JOHNA! GILGAR! GRAB YOUR ASS IF YOU WANT TO KEEP IT!"

If any magical items have been left unattended she will of course grab them on her way out, despite the fear of imminent fatal compression. She IS an adventure after all.

She then flees the tomb with all the grace and dignity of a troupe of ogre dramatic players.

2013-06-28, 07:41 AM

Alikard runs with Meilin, ready to catch her if she trips.

2013-06-28, 10:18 AM

The holy man runs with the others. "What's the danger?" he asks.

2013-06-28, 01:06 PM

Alikard points up. The roof falling on our heads?

2013-06-29, 09:51 PM
The falling of the roof is enough to shoo off any would-be adventurers into the 3 barred-up caves that may have wished to invade them and look into them for various nefarious things. Or just sweet loot.

For those of you that may be familiar with this module, while there *are* 3 cave entrances down there, they are not in the module and are ill-explained, and I don't think you guys are okay with me spending a week making up some shoddy ghoul-paralysis-filled deathtrap. So yeah, I had to send you guys back up the stairs after you collected everything of importance. :U)-(

With that, the caves stop collapsing after everyone is nicely jam-packed into the rather narrow staircase. While the noise stops, the grunts and roars of whatever is terrorizing the town up above spring up once more.

2013-06-30, 10:32 AM

Alikard moves up the stairs quickly to see what threat they face from above.

perception [roll0]

2013-06-30, 02:17 PM

Shan Meilin follows closely behind Alikard, knowing at this point not to take the lead when she can avoid it.

2013-07-04, 12:51 AM
The group finds themselves in the safety of the previous rooms that contained the dark folk. Nothing seems to have changed any at all while here, but, scaling the rather lengthy stairs has resulted in the sounds of siege ending before you could all investigate it. No doubt something ugly happened up the next stairs.

2013-07-04, 07:04 AM

Alikard holds his hand of for the group to wait and sneaks up the next stairs.

stealth [roll0]

2013-07-04, 05:48 PM

The priest and monk bring up the rear. Looking at Alikard, he pauses for him to scout a head.

2013-07-06, 02:49 PM

Meilin follows Alikard.

Well, because that what she tends to do.

Alikard scouts ahead.

Alikard finds something violent.

Meilin does the magic on it.

Johna, Alikard and Gilgar get stabbity.

Thing-ey dies.

Loot the bodies like action-hobos.

Rinse and repeat.

Good times.


2013-07-10, 10:57 AM
As the 3 cautiously go up the stairs, the noise is entirely absent. What previously was a structure is now completely destroyed, yet the exit is fortunately safe and passable. The rubble surrounding the structure is rather high, but the building that once surrounded the entrance to the underground has been toppled, seemingly pushed away, along with 3 other structures. People fill the streets and discord seems to be running high.

The crows, the guards, are all busy trying to stop the panic from spreading. The infamous rain seems colder as it falls heavily on the remains. Multiple people have been killed and their bodies lie hideously contorted on the ground, 8 in all. The black sludge from underground and previously can be seen trickling away, as the beast no doubt attacked again just as swiftly as it fled.

It looks grim.

2013-07-10, 06:19 PM

"This looks grim."

She's nothing if not perceptive.

Meilin points one of her new wands, the silent image one, towards the sky "Priority one, assist any of the injured. Priority two, control and contain this panic. Priority three, minimize resource expenditure.

Johna if you have magical healing left you know what to do. We can rest and store up our spells but some of these people might not survive without help if they're badly injured.

Alikard and Gilgar, contain and alleviate the panic."

It may seem oddly like Meilin is taking command, but that would be entirely nuts . . .

"Me? I'm going to do what I always do. Something big."

A giant neon red pointer appears over the crowd pointing at the center of a clear, safe area with the following floating above the arrow in as large a font as the spell will allow.


Please collect orderly in this safe area so the crows can protect you. Failure to comply could lead to death, painful dismemberment or a stern talking to from a member of law enforcement. Pathfinder agents are currently investigating the situation and will have the creature contained and eliminated soon.

Comply or Die.

~ With Love

2013-07-11, 08:44 PM

Alikard looks around for any signs of danger and if there are any people trapped under rubble.

perception [roll0]

2013-07-15, 11:46 PM
As the crowd heeds the warning in sparsity, nothing really changes. The select few that do show up are quiet, and 1 in particular is practically hosed in blood. The other people are quiet, and weren't really freaking out to begin with.

As for those that aren't, however, the sign is hardly noticed.

Alikard If anyone's trapped under rubble, they're certainly not vocal about it. That said, they're dead. Numerous bodies are straddled out in the opening and the crows are already tending to the dead.

While direly unfortunate, the structure you're all in has been completely scattered across the area, and a nearby one has been destroyed.

2013-07-16, 10:38 PM

The young priest gathers the injured together and forms a tight circle with them and then begins to pray; ask his god for the power of healing.

How may are injured? I assume I'm going to have to use up a channel. Should I roll for it?

2013-07-17, 04:23 PM
Most definitely. As it is, about 8 showed up to the place that Mei designated.

2013-07-17, 05:40 PM

His healing energies flow through him.

[roll0] channel energy: Disease variant
+2 ability point recovery

he'll do it twice
[roll1] channel energy: Disease variant
+2 ability point recovery

okay three times if they really need it.
[roll2] channel energy: Disease variant
+2 ability point recovery

2013-07-18, 05:27 PM

Barely pausing to keep track of the others Meilin rushes to the nearest law enforcement member "Please tell me you have some idea where what ever did this went?"

2013-07-19, 06:10 PM

Alikard follows Meilin.

2013-07-22, 06:00 PM
The guards black visage turns towards Meilin with a look of surprise, but just before he starts to shout he sees the previous sign and her robes and gets the picture. He adjusts himself as he sends the guard beside him to go calm the slowly-calming situation. It seems like it's going to take a bit of time.

The sound of Rain beats in everyone's ears, and winds pick up, causing loose articles to become mischevious. So much so, that the guard has to grab his hat as he yells through the rain and chaos.

"No Ma'am! The creature's invisible! Listen, Heggery is looking for you guys! Or atleast, I think it's you guys! If you're those adventurers, get the hell to the mayor again! He's in sweats about what you've learned! We'll take care here!"

2013-07-22, 07:11 PM

Then lets go!

With that Alikard leads the group towards the Mayor.

2013-07-23, 05:57 PM

Meilin follows Alikard and the guards.

2013-07-23, 06:19 PM

Once he is satisfied that the injured are taken care of he follows is new friends.

2013-07-26, 11:03 PM
I keep letting this go for 3 days at a time, mostly because of the fact I'm still taking summer classes. I blame my own procastination getting in the way of my fun.

As the group approaches the same building they had first came to on the hill, the rain is just as oppressive as always... ... and it happens to be showing absolutely null signs of stopping. The guards don't bother moving this time as the lot of you approach, and as you walk in it's apparent that Heggery seems to have aged an entire year in your absense.

As soon as a foot sets on the rug, he practically falls out of his chair in excitement and desparation. He approaches Alikard, with heavy breathing and a mop sweat induced from worry and splutters out the words; "What have you found! Please, tell me you found something down there!?"

It is around this moment that Gilgar is no longer anywhere to be seen, and seems to have taken a wrong turn in the winding city and gotten lost. That, or he's merely helping the Crows.

2013-07-27, 09:45 AM

He darted his eye between the others. He really didn't want to tell him what little they found.

2013-07-30, 05:19 PM

"Um . . ." Meilin twiddled her fingers awkwardly as she waiting for the others to speak.

And waited . . . and waited . . .

"They're were creatures living down there . . . and uh . . . we found a book."

She takes the book and hands it to the mayor "It might explain where the creatures are coming from . . ."

Meilin squeezes Alikard's hand without thinking, trying not to feel horrible that their actions have barely helped at all but she's still endangered the group's lives by getting them involved.

2013-07-31, 04:18 PM
Heggery snatches the book out of Meilin's hands like lightning, looking over it rather feverishly. When he goes to open it, and only one side comes undone, he looks back at the group. "Why is this not opened!?" followed by him throwing it across the room, almost into a fireplace.

He raises his hands and scrunches his hair in frustration. "Dammit people, you were our last hopes! I'VE learned more than you in this amount of time!.. There aren't multiple creatures, there's just ONE, and it's Invisible! Dammit!"

He didn't spend much time looking at the book, and seems rather beside himself.

2013-07-31, 05:22 PM

"Well to be fair, we just got out of a collapsing building and didn't have time to read the book. While we were down there we were busy killing off the creature that owned that book in the first place," he says in a calm manner and takes the book back and begins to read it.

2013-07-31, 06:52 PM

Alikard nods. We were attacked, snagged the book at no small risk only to have the place collapse and rush to the surface to the scene of an attack and orders to come here.

2013-08-01, 06:15 PM

Almost as soon as the Mayor begins his outburst Meilin has her wand in hand. She has gone through enough in the last few hours that she is tired of trying to be warm and fuzzy. Throughout the following she has a wand pointed at the Mayor's throat

"Let's make a few things clear.

I **** more fire before breakfast than you've seen in your tiny little life so if you make another outburst like that towards my friends again I will personally show your what your internal organs look like.


I'm here on order of the Pathfinder Society but the others are here out of the kindness of the hearts, so all those creatures they killed while your men were dying like glorified lemmings were FAVORS. We WILL fix this, unless of course some old man who doesn't know how to direct his frustration at his own incompetence convinces us to leave. We will find this thing, seeing as we found the only clue that weren't corpses of the people it was your responsibility to protect, and then we kill it. We will send it to Hell, and we will do it with a ****ing smile and a list of cooking suggestions for Asmodeus himself.

And we will kill it, because are GOOD at killing things. Alikard doesn't carry around that bow because he's a concert violinist."

Meilin suddenly swaps back to her sweet as sugar demeanor "Have I made myself clear, Mr. Mayor?"

Alikard and Jonah may get the impression that the failure to save so many more people may have begun to slightly unnerve Meilin.

2013-08-02, 10:41 AM
Heggery takes a few steps back as the wizard points the wand, knowing full well what she'd signed on for. He smirks, a little unamused, but agreeable. "Fine, but it doesn't change the fact that you've not found anything of use to do so!" he says angrily, sighing a short moment after and composing himself.

"The only thing I've learned is that the creature is always invincible, and is skulking throughout the caverns, collapsing them as it passes..." he says, looking to Johna as he fiddles with the Lock on the book trying to open the last one.

As the Heggery continues his speech, Alikard makes good on his vow and unlocks the other one for Johna as Meilin and Heggery continue.

"We've still no idea how it got here, and I can't point any fingers is the worst part! This abomination just happened out of the blue." he says, waving a hand around in frustration. He'd developed a mop sweat at this point.

Johna The book seems to be In Aklo, and seems to be absolute gibberish. Well over 800 pages, as well. If there is a code, you can't make sense of it, atleast, not at a glance.

To fully understand the book, someone would have to study it for atleast 6 hours.

There is a tiny snippet, however, written in common rather painstakingly complicated. "We are the Keepers of the Oldest" at the bottom of the first page.

2013-08-04, 10:44 PM

Angrily Meilin points to the book "We found that and once we get it open and study it will lead us to whatever the Hells is going on. We also killed the creatures who had it, who were no doubt involved, so we killed some of the people trying to harm your people, you and yours crows did not."

Meilin glances over at the others with the book "Can you understand it Johna?"

2013-08-05, 07:18 AM

Heggery why don't you **** the **** up and rather than insulting us try to let us do our job. You summoned us here rather than let us examine the book all so you can bitch at us.

So just shut up.

2013-08-05, 10:33 AM

"It'll take me sometime to decipher it," he says to Meilin. "Have you heard of 'Keepers of the Oldest'," he asks.

whatever knowledge skill about Keepers of the Oldest
[roll0] +6 for arcana or planes, +7 for religion

2013-08-06, 03:10 AM

Well does Meilin know anything about 'The Keepers of The Oldest' Duboris? :smallsmile: :smalltongue:

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): [roll1]
Knowledge (Engineering): [roll2]
Knowledge (Geography): [roll3]
Knowledge (History): [roll4]
Knowledge (Local): [roll5]
Knowledge (Nature): [roll6]
Knowledge (Nobility): [roll7]
Knowledge (Planes): [roll8]
Knowledge (Religion): [roll9]

2013-08-09, 11:28 PM
Heggery noticeably smirked at Alikard's suggestion, seeming rather disgusted by it. Fool! This isn't something as simple as me getting upset with your work! This is me worrying for an entire town of people who could be dead by tomorrow morning! he said, walking up pasty faced.

Pointing a finger into Alikard's chest, "I hired you people because you were the only ones with the moxxie to show up! Not so you could get any renown for being smug." he took a step back, heading for his chair with a hand on his forehead. With the same tone, "Pardon ME if I'm a little upset that this monstrosity has claimed over 70 people who once lived here, as well as some people who happened to BE MY FRIENDS."

Breathing heavily he sat in his chair, nearly collapsing as he pinched his nose in thought.

"Keepers of the oldest... Isn't that some nearby cult?"

MeilinWhen you were contracted onto the job, you were told of some local rumors concering strange people. For those pertaining to the keepers of the oldest, you merely know them as cultists. Cultists of the Dark Tapestry. Remembering the sign on the wall of the now-ruined building, a sign closely related to the Dark Tapestry, it wouldn't be too hard to believe that they were related, though plenty of things are still unanswered. The exact names of the Keepers of the Oldest are unknown, but they could very well be in the book.

2013-08-14, 02:09 AM

Meilin nods "It is indeed. A nearby cult. One the existed prior to this event."

This implication that the cult's continued existence was somehow the Mayor's fault hung in the air but seeing as the Mayor seemed condescending and reactive Meilin didn't go beyond an implication.

"It is a cult of the Dark Tapestry, whether it worships the Tapestry as a whole or a single entity is unclear, but that is not currently important. The book could possibly hold information on the identities of this cult's members. Johna and I will endeavor to decipher it. If, as Mayor, you have means of effective defense measures then do so, isolate or warn the citizens throughout the town. We only need you to buy us enough time to decipher the information we need.


Meilin smiles, clearly a fake one, and nods to Alikard "And if you're considering the next words out of your mouth being anything other than 'We will do our best, thank you Miss Shan' or similar, then remember this very handsome man has told you to shut up."

2013-08-14, 08:38 PM

Alikard nods towards Meilin without a smile.

2013-08-14, 08:44 PM

"You may consider to evacuate sections of the town," Johna suggest to the mayor, "I suspect things will get worse before it gets better."

As they walk he says, "Its going to be a while before we get through this all. Do you want to set a time limit or work through it until we decipher all of it?"

2013-08-17, 08:46 PM
The mayor nods in recognition. "Merely try to finish at your earliest convenience... and... I'm sorry, as well. While you decipher the book, I shall use my own resources to look into anything that comes up." he says, gesturing to a guard to come to him. "Marco! I request you go with these people. If anything of importance reveals itself, you come to me immediately."

Marco happens to roll his eyes, but follows you as you exit, staying silent on the way.

2013-08-18, 06:23 PM

As the group is escorted out "So Inn or Library while Johna tries to decrypt that tome?"

2013-08-18, 10:50 PM

"Library, there might be a book I could use. I assume you were going to help me Meilin..."

2013-08-19, 07:30 PM

Meilin seems a bit flummoxed "OH! Yeah. Of course. Library it is then. Alikard I presume you're going to come keep us company? Make sure nothing breaks into the Library and tries to gobble us up while we figure this out?"

2013-08-19, 09:08 PM

Of course my dear. I will be with you.
I don't know what is going on and I do not assume any place is safe.

2013-08-19, 09:25 PM

Meilin raised a humored eyebrow at Alikard "My dear? Either you think I'm your pet fawn or murdering subterranean cultists now counts as a first date."

Meilin seems genuinely annoyed for a moment and then bursts out laughing offering her arm to Alikard to take arm in arm, mockingly emphasizing the formality of the gesture. When she speaks again her tone becomes oddly Cheliaxian* in origin, with feigned nobility "To the Library then, Dear."

*Cheliaxian Accent = Posh British Accent

2013-08-19, 09:27 PM

Customs differ I suppose. Alikard grins.

2013-08-27, 09:22 AM
The trek to the local library is probably one of the more pleasant trips of the venture. The rain seems to die down a bit, and the insistent cawing of the crows stops for a few minutes.

As for the actual guards, however, they seem as busy and as crestfallen as ever as you approach the library, a partially ruined structure beside a not-so-partially ruined building. Truly, the entirety of the nearby courthouse has recently been completely obliterated, signaled by the fact that there is the same old sludge everywhere.

The guards seem occupied with putting away rouble and carting off injured civilians as you approach the Library, insisting on help in some cases. The guard that had been assigned to you seems rather disconcerted about helping them, but sticks to your side none the less.

Entering the building is met with nothing but the eeriest of silences as cobwebs are dusted away from faces in surprise. The building is not without merit, however, even if there is a massive hole in the ceiling and an entire bookshelf has been ruined with water damage.

Looking around, the lot of you find the books you need, and none of the handier ones have been damaged in the slightest.

Let's see some knowledge checks, ladies. Sorry for the absense, my college just recently started again.

2013-08-27, 10:48 PM

Alkard mostly watches the others do research.

Knowledge (Dungeoneering) [roll0]
Knowledge (Local) [roll1]

2013-08-27, 11:25 PM

Languages weren't his forte but he did know something about sacred texts and the like. He did his best to cross reference what he could make out with other things that he did know.

[roll0] arcana
[roll1] religion
[roll2] planes
I should have dropped a point in linguistics...

2013-08-28, 04:56 PM

Meilin did her best to find the information they needed.

Linguistics: [roll0]
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll1]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): [roll2]
Knowledge (Engineering): [roll3]
Knowledge (Geography): [roll4]
Knowledge (History): [roll5]
Knowledge (Local): [roll6]
Knowledge (Nature): [roll7]
Knowledge (Nobility): [roll8]
Knowledge (Planes): [roll9]
Knowledge (Religion): [roll10]

2013-09-01, 04:57 PM
-This post to be changed on Monday after Labor day celebration. Expect DM reply monday, mid-day, preferably after death-inflicting studio homework is done-

-Apologies for late reply-

2013-09-03, 10:32 PM
Six hours. It takes six hours to skim the entirety of this tome, after it's been unlocked. Looking through the tome, the majority of you can't make heads of tails of what you're reading. Discussions are lengthy and cryptic, as Meilin is the only one who understands it even relatively.

The book is most definitely a text related to the Dark Tapestry, written entirely, almost, in Aklo. Double-meaning words, strange symbols, and constant explanation of the Cthulu Mythos. Yogg Sotthoth, Myarlothep, and many more things.

In the first few pages, found via notes, are 5 names. Otherwise known as the Keepers, but the names are unwieldy, at the least. The lot of them have been completely blurred out for the most part, but one in particular is still eligible and that's "Keeper Crowe." The guard with you claims that it sounds familiar, and actually happens to be the current warden of the local Asylum far away on the other end of the town.

The book itself speaks of conjuration, namely, and most importantly, the ability to call over a spawn of yog sotthoth from the tapestry itself. It speaks of requiring life energy to bind such a demon. The 2 men that died back in the sunlit grove likely died as a result of the binding, and with every successful kill that the creature gets among the keepers it will likely become stronger, perhaps. That means that there are 3 men still unaccounted for...

2013-09-03, 10:48 PM

"Well our only lead now is at the Asylum. I say let's go there now," he says oblivious of the time of day.

Speak of which, what time is it?

2013-09-06, 08:29 AM

Alikard nods. "If that is what we must do."

2013-09-07, 03:53 AM

Meilin nods to agree as well "Yeah we should head there next but first we should rest and prepare spells, or well I should. No need to run in unarmed so to speak."

2013-09-08, 09:13 AM

I agree with that as well. Unprepared in this case is likely to lead to dead. And we would not want that.

2013-09-09, 10:23 AM

Meilin nods "So? Inn?"

I presume we can just time-skip heading to the Inn, getting a room, sleeping, preparing spells and leaving, and just cut to us heading for the Asylum? :smallsmile:

2013-09-10, 09:38 PM

The Inn sounds good.