View Full Version : Saving throws Charts?

2013-04-06, 10:01 PM
So this is a simple, and possibly obvious question, but my google-fu is failing me. Does anyone have charts over what Poor, Moderate, and Good saving throws and BAB progression would look like over 20 levels? No fractionals or anything just a simple:

Poor Moderate Good
lvl 1 0 1 2
lvl2 0 1 3

etc. just with you know, the actual, correct numbers. :)

2013-04-06, 10:07 PM
So this is a simple, and possibly obvious question, but my google-fu is failing me. Does anyone have charts over what Poor, Moderate, and Good saving throws and BAB progression would look like over 20 levels?

I don't think there's actually one for moderate saves, you'd have to make it on your own. For a quick and dirty cheat, the poor save is always 1/3 of your HD, while the Good save is 1/2 of your HD + 2.

2013-04-06, 10:07 PM
Fort is good. Others are bad. BAB is full: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/barbarian.htm
3/4 BAB: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/monk.htm
1/2 BAB: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/sorcererWizard.htm#sorcerer

Hope it helps.

2013-04-06, 10:40 PM
I think I read something about moderate saves in relation to products put out by Malhavoc Press, but I'm not certain what they are.Whoops, they're in d20 Star Wars. The Fringer class table (http://force.wikidot.com/fringer-class) at the bottom features a good fortitude save, a moderate reflex save and a poor will save.

Base saving throws are a function of your levels in the class(es) you get them from. When you have just one class, a poor saving throw is 1/3rd of your class level, while a good saving throw is 1/2 your class level and then you add 2 to it (I have seen the plus 2 referred to as the "first level bump"). When you have additional classes is when you have to do more complicated math (and in combination w/ the first level bump, makes multiclassing a way to boost your saves).

There is, of course, a moderate base attack bonus progression. Good BAB gives you +1 every level of the class. Bad BAB gives you +1 every 2nd level of the class (it's a 1/2 progression). Moderate BAB gives you +1 for the latter 3 out of every set of 4 levels of a class (it's a 3/4 progression).

Combining these two things, if you plan to "dip" into a class, levels 2, 4 or 6 can be good exit points from the point of view of BAB and saving throw increases, but there are often class features which people value more when deciding upon when to exit.

2013-04-06, 11:10 PM
Actually, I'm planning on modifying a class to move it over from 3.5 to Pathfinder, I just realized that I don't have a good, solid grasp on what the saves and BAB progressions looks like. But I think you guys sorted it out for me. So thanks. :)

2013-04-06, 11:20 PM
Ah, best of luck then. I wish I had a better grasp of what's going on with that moderate saving throw... all I can tell is it alternates between taking 2 levels to increase and taking 3 levels to increase, with a +1 for a first level bump. Star Wars is the only WotC material I think I've ever seen that in.

Just remembered, Pathfinder's prestige classes have different base saving throws than the 3.5 versions. Looks like they alter the good save progression by removing the +2 first level bump and then skewing it one level so it starts at a +1 at 1st level. The increases then happen on odd levels rather than even ones, but it's still a 1/2 progression. The poor saves also look a little different... they're just shifted by one level.